LANOABTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCER THURSDAY AUGUST 14, 1884. sl iiv- I.OLUMIUA NEWS. rltUDI OUlt lUIUI.AItC01lllKHl'OMtl.NT Int-TAilIng Ilium Ireni Mm Hirer town I'emumil Points llase Hull litlels In the I'lea-ure Wet Id The soheol bii;ril will held its regular meiitlily IniHltirMtt meeting in the council chamber this evening. 'I'lie It. C It It. cein!iuiy, Is having mi nitesl.iti wull dux at the round heiiSt) In Columbia, te Inote.iso lliulr water facilities. About tlie begliiulug of next week, (Iiu (.'eluttibln cinp'oye nl tlm It, & U. U It will be imlil oil' ler Inly services. Miss Amelia Muuher hat n curiosity In tlm shape of ii snail llg troe, which uttlie jiro.ietit tinie, bears tlnoe rlpe it ml n ileneu or meru tinrlpe llgs. Ilur father, Mr, Fred, lluoher alie hui n uurluun article, it la u large potato, and ellugiu.; te Iiu Nldeit urn tun trip-is. Tlm whole wellm 'J J pounds. "Old iliml Times" out uew lie seen duly tuition towards IiIh Iiciiiie en Tew Hill unregistered dogs, whieh Iiu tiiti caught riiimtiiK leusu en our streets. It Ik nbiiiit tlme that this inove Is taken, but probably the Hiipublle.iu chief burgess believes It in ''hettur late than never," I'ernuiiHl. Oweii Shakinpere, of Spring Oily, in In town. Alburt Hammer, el I'ltlubnr, in sp lad ing u fiw day with his uuelt', David Man amir, of thin borough. Mlsstn l.lli.itid M ir.le I'o.irei tuft this morning 'or Ojeau (Jiovo. Kiilihrr'. A ttatnp en Sunday outeroil the lioue of .Mr. .Jeseph I iiim. of Irenville, while the latter uiul family wero absent, anil uTicr going threitt-h the outlre home utid helping Itim-elf te all thu edibles en hand, walked oil with Mr. D.iutu'ii stiver witeh and chain, line r at, mid i'i.'i'i iu cash. line nli lirl-ils. On Saturday the Ce'iitubla club ite'i-i te MaiilitMiu te play thu Keystone. This Ih the tlrst tilp our e!ub has tnade slnoe IIh iuerg;ru.: meii. lint it b ) mirei'ssful Thu Krti iIu'ih pi iy in Meuutvillt) en rUtuiduy. Tt e Liwren !. M'tei't boys dufoated thu Frent street l.) -. utter n oleiuly anntosted game yesterday by thu Monre of 11) te IS lutlin rieniiire World, A pleas m t pMule wax held yesterday by inoiubeiH of tlm Trinity ltuformed church, nt Wi'd t'.it Palls. The I'elmnbiaiM who rtttouded yester day's pxourMen te Mount Uretna, were delihtud witli thi'ir trip The I. 11. It is no iv Rolling exautsli n tickets t) .Mi'Mlf', te allow p-nens a chance t attend the Stovcrdale camp nipetin. Th( aru koeiI iiu til Anoint 'i'i Fifteen shows ire already booked for thu Columbia opera huu-iu, and are all of llrnt-1'l.ifi c'limpaiui'H. 1'iti uji: lit ICixi-i. Slim r iilrMf I fi nl llm I. mill Mini Tiny Vr Ktlllril, .1. Fird. Wi'iuiur, e.i 1'iiinplniut of hia wifu, was ni'CHted fur ilrunkpii and dis orderly cniKliiut and uial.rieilH mUcliii'l" He wan Li id te bail for ah'.iiilien Fiiday owning ut 7 o'clock. Adam cimaii, for aneuu't and battery, will have a healing bolore the tame a'dcrmati at 7 o'clock, Saturday uvi'iiinn. Jehn Urban, who writ mturncd te court onTue.'day for wife btutiuK wae rolenxed from cust'iily jchtcrday alu-rnoen. MrH. I rbau wan uidrcid te withdraw the com cem plaiut, ai.d friendn of I'lb.ui paid all the CClKtH Of tllU Htllt. Thetnajiir d'Hpencd of two c.iscm thin meriilui;. Abraham Ilubble, urrcnted liy Ulllcer ll.unliulil ler dunking mero taiilu feet than he could en ry, was dineharrd en the payment of centH. MiryFarrull, a peddler, had a larj;u ateck of .ehkIh te dn-pote et and pietnitsiiik' te lo.ive thu city at oeco who .iHilihcharLil from cuctiHly. Adam Hilll) and lux f.vtlier-lii 1 iw, Daniel llellinaii, had a tlillleulty en Mid dle htri'c, en Wednesday evening, audit icHulted in Hitlle siiin llelmau for ustuult in I battery mid Mircty of thu peace. Hei mini tavu bail for a hearing boleru Aldir nian A. F. Dennelly. AMitiiltru hii (llilctr. Jehn Stene, a Htraner. whilu nt the l.uerard hetul en Weduitdiy aftuiujuti. acted in a very diHenletly inanner ai.d niMiltcd several of the Kiie.itH of the hotel. Olhcer llnhen,; k.i . .smi. for, and oil bin a.rnal.he t i .k h .Id of S'one and wai 'alltlii; him te the Mation bouse, when Sioiie tinned en and assulled thu eflicer. Tne of the bysinudera went te BiibIieu'h AHsitane and Stoue was ledged iu the htatteu home. Alderman Feidney heard the eharues nainst Stone drunk uuncts and disorderly conduct mid assault Iiir an ellicer this morning, for thu Ilrst iiiimid olleuie he was ceiumittud t thu ueuuty piiHen for ten days, and the ellicer, beheving thai lie was Millleleutly pun Ishcd, withdrew the ether eharij') mid Stoue pud thu cettts. UtiHreil with I'crjurjr Alderman Spurrier has brought hull iiRftiust Charles F. E;c!iuiau, diarm; him Willi purjury. The oise nfWrt ",lt ' t:tiineuy t;ivcnhy Kiclmianat the liparniK e' Alderiiimi Spurrier before Alduiman Fjidmy en Wednenday. OlIITUAKV. The UeHtli ul .In till Krliinin, Member!) of the Hrolherhood of the Uti'uii Mitiest in te atate that Jehn Uds- mii'i, who win struelc by a locemotivu and killed Tucml.iy tilght. Was uet iu the parade of the Brotherhood en Tuesday afternoon, nor in the company of its members Tuesday eveum,, Mr. S. 1. Daily, u laohtnaker with whom Jehn Krlainan learned his trade and )ourneymau till the time of Ins death, (-ivus the yeuuc mnti n hipli character for IndiiHtry and tlllolcr.ey as u workman. funeral of l.ilwnril llubb, The fuucral of the l.ttu Edward llubb, took place this afieiuoen at 'J o'elock and wan attended tiy the empleyes of J-tlKerluy & Ce., the '.Oraud Army of the ltojiubde mul represeutatives of the several ecuncHs of the Amorieiu Mcohnnles. The interment was mad j at Woodward Hill ccmotery. UKTUKNKI) TO COUKT. Ttie C'sics Aentntt Spunlf r 01; nl. t' llecelve duelilnl llecliluu. At 1 o'e'ook en Tuesday iifternoen Al dertnnu Spurrier, Olllesr Kioheltz and ex ex ex l'olieenian l.em.iu, v. 1th their oettuaol and the counsel for the oamtnen wealth ru-aflsumblcd ut Alderman Ferd ney'a olllee, as agreed upon whan the cube was adjourued nt neon. The oetnon weallh'u efllccrs said they bad no additional ovldeuco te elfer ami oeuusel for tlie accused said, for prudential reasons they had ue testimony te eiler, aa they did net think a prima facie ease had been tnade out. Couueel for the commonwealth elaimed that u clear case of fnlae pretensa had been inade out, and they asked that the eases be returned te court. The alderman reserved his dsslslen until this morning at 11 e clock, whuu he announeod that he would return the eases te court and require ouch of tlm defendants te enter bail iu the sum of $1100 for trial at the August term or court, lrl stimuli Attscuecl by Ira in in, Last oveulng a freight train steppod nt Mill Creek te take water, and Israel Mauuell, the flagman, went back. 'VYben the train Htarted the uonduater found that Mauuell was net ou beard. The train was steppod nnd search made for him. He was found In an uueouseious condition lying ou th track, soma dhtance back. He was takea oaie of and wa. boeh able te speak, Ue said tint a party of tramps made an nttnek upnii hlni, bentleK him nnvorely. Nothing was stelcu from him, ami bosldes a few bruiHefl he wns net Rnvcruly injured A iiiihc Weiimii'ft Dfliilh lijf t'lilMin. Slim ICnln Hlspiibewur illfil very nutl nutl deuly en Monday niiiht Iu Heading. The coroner thlnklnK nil wan net right sum tiiencd a Jury ntid tnade im Inrostii'ivtleu. After taking the testimony of thu family tlm coroner preccwled te snveral ilrug stores 'Mid n-certahud Hint Miss lil-on-hewer IiiiiI piirelniMMl urscnle. Thu jury feunilji. veiille', of siilolde. Miss l.tneii tiuwer illed Iu thu most Intcime uKeny. hui" ul I Iv htut h II F. Howe, atiutlrlicer, sold for Dutilnp , llre.. yimtcrday, nt. the hetul of Samuel 1'ett.H, L'tnnnster twt., .1.1 liead of cows at nu nvoniKuef $11, sumo fresh and spring ers. Twelve yeunx hulls i)t nu nvorai(e of $110 ; ii number el them only jearllnus. six yeuiiK beilers nt mi average of $28. Twelve sunll pljjs nt $2, S.") a head. I'lKiiro.riiriiiiieiii rr r:iiirMlK The statu iiiitherltins have received word of a new case of pluuto.pmuimeuln near Kplirntn, liinenstur county. Hrerftnry Edge, el thu beard of agriculture, states that some treuhlu may be had en aoeount of tlm sale an 1 shipment of the oattle Iu n hetd near .Marietta, iu whieh the dlseasu exlfltfd. rrniikllli nnil itiHrcli! Auiliiny, Kiimklln hiiiI Mimlnll HCJiileiny will open Iti full Il'Iiii uiiNeptuniliur 4 'I lie IiiiIIiIIiik li:ii liei'ii llieidiiulily ieiulruil mul put In excel lent order te ttlvi nmple iicciiituiio.latleiis for tlu Iiiikii iiumlier el stinliiiils that tire ux peeteil. Tlie nutnr, llev. Ueermi K, Mull, A. M .iiiineiinces that n con-iilciieiii place will lie idven te the common KrIU'i briiticliiH te tlieeml that Hliiilents may learn te spunk unci wilin their own Iiuikuhke correctly. The neiiilriiiy l ilerlKiiuil te xiilnciveii twotelil ptirpiiMU. It nirms excellent niUanlium for Uiohe iteili Iiik te ileMru theninulvi's ler a cob li'Kliitu caner, mul II ul kIvih tlmiu itn ev perlirilty wlioilrelru le reiunl elt their cum. iiieii selii el eeurii) with an uciuletnle educa tion. The liinlltii'lini Ini" iiWe nil the Ativan. tiiljcn iicciuiii te mm iieaei'itiy eleely ullleil te an nlil unit fitiueUH college 'I he preipcct et a l.irKu iilteniliiticu at thu epuuliii; lei in are eiy fiiu'llj Iiik. lluenil (lrtinCiiipiiittlli f xeilf liliill. V. M c. A. nl l.anca.ter Hpneliil clieap ox ex ox cnrslen ever Hie llenml llroek tetile te long llr.mcli unci Ociin Uieve, en Tliurtiiliiy, Auk. Jl. Ileiiuil ulp tickets, geed for tliiuu iliijs, nr jeu can rutin ti mine day. Train Ii lives (Jinirryvtllu at l.'n u. m, j lure, ll.ei. t.eave tiiiiQ"Ster (KIdk uncut) ul f.IV (Jeliiinhlii, S.l.V II upklnn 07 l.andNvlllu. 70). lick out ler situ ut ull tlullcini. al.e liy I), f. ll.itnlc un.l I) C llaveritiek. ull,IO,IH,'.ci Aiiiuteiiirnt " The iliimll! Klni." Die nmiiteiiinnt sua sua seu will liecipi'iiu I in ilil.illyen neit Monday uvuiiIiik. nlu'ii .In 1 1 him II. Uulllck's company wl.l pri'HCiit thu herder play of the ' lUmlll Klntf," In hlch .le'ne.J.uiic"' herjcn are Intre-iliiced. HI'tWIAJ. U1IUI... Aliinlittcly the he-l I'oieiih I'lutlcr ever Hindu, 'the Jlui fVcMerU coinpe'iid et Kreih lliiin, IliiUinim unci (luiiii Wnak Itick, hlde Acliu. ieiu l.liiMt, mid all pilim uruHpecillly cured liy I'h ciM". Apply one. Only S cents, at any dnnr ttere. Ilrlnl .ilmilliin. "1 have usiil llttnleck Jllwxl llittir- with Mreit tic ii lit Im InttlKCitlen uiul ceii'tlputt'iii e the luiKel. ' ;. I,. hitiKin, ll.iiulltnii. lint Knr Hitlii : II. II. Cochran, iiriiKlsi, 117 and U'J .North win en clriet Feil clil Ii, lever, iik'ni'. and weakiiu's, (tul dun s l.lijuld lluul Tonic. UeMcn'i ; tnke no ether. Ol dltlKKWH. null lwdeeilAw Mil It I KTM. Ileadnel eiirml liy e. luvi-r. ehlllrt. iiularli, dvipepilii Wulli' Health llenewei." II. W Hit w Witiit. (lle lloim'eimtli till pellvlH, All'ipnth tilt plllH : hilt ler i limiiiiiitUni, ler iiches, for pinna mid Hplalim. 7ienifii' Kclrctr(c Oil In Inelljlily Kiipeiler teulther. It hui be n ell led in many people at It lint hud pnruinvis All dririrNt mi'II II. Knr Mile liy II II (.'(K Illllll, 'lnnwljl. IMiiind I..I Noun tl mull ntii'Ot. Ml I II llltritiirH. "MlHTUfi- III Ut lllMi t." " Hwuynt' Ovilmcnt" eiirm Tetter. Suit Itheiini. l.liitfwnini. seriw. I'linplei, h(zema, lilt IlciivUin Ktu ill Inti b. no mullet hew ctutt mite arlent ttanilini. ul-.M.W.l'.Vwlv iiii, niM'i. ok 'i nr. N.M'niN. Children, slew In ilevidepiuunt, puny, nriuviiv and delldte, imu " Weils' Health lie newer." siuuinr ' .iiuiithrm I niiitiierm Are you dutiirlied ut ni-lit and broken el your rest by u tick child HiitTertnu and erylni? will, the UTcriicliitlm? piln or cutting tititli T II no, xe ut once and kcU lioltleot MRS. WIN SI.liWMHUOTlll.NU HYUUl. It will rolluve the peer little nnilerer tiniiiu'lliitely .lupund iiKin tt ; tliere U no nilalu-ie about It. There lt net a mother en umtli who has ever ued II, who will net tell you ut once that tt will rt'ioiliUe the bewelii, and Klvu ri'st te thu mother, and relief un.l health te thu child, op ep erutliiK llliu mai'lc. It U perfectly sIu te Unu Iu all aisi's, ami phuuialit te the taite, and Is the ptuHcrlptlonefoiiu of thu eldest unci nerd femulu phystchiiu In thu United Status. Held overywheru. Sfl cunts s, bettle. inuai-lilM.W.s.w Hie Slrtii 1VI10 Tlks miicll.- - We want tesava word le you who iiiuku a IIvIiik with our teiiKiiu. Yeu curtulnly must havu ucle'ir. Hlieii'4 veire te encuiru your Its tuners. Dr. Theman' Kcltctrte Oil ter sole threat, colds, mid hoarseness is unexcelled. I'shhii.I a inuru Ker salu by II. II. Ceclusn, dluuHlst, 137 and 1JJ Neilh Uuceil street. The 1'eeplu's Kemudy ler Illllniisneus, Con Cen Con stlpntlen, Piles, Mck llindichn, .fuundlcu, A.C., Is Allun's llllleus l'Uyslu, a )uruly vututible Ihiuld remedy ; lare bettlu, '. 'Cuuti. At nil DruilMs. null lwdM.WAKAw Tlie Docter's iCnitersciuent. Dr. W. I). WilKlit. Cincinnati. O, sends the subjoined pmfossleniil endor(.einent : "I havu prescitbed lilt. WM. IIAI.IH II A MAM KOR THK l.U.NtlH Ina irrual number et cases, mul alwa)s with success. One case In particular was ittvcu up by suvnial phvslctans rrhn had been railed In for consultation with myself Thu patient had all the symptoms et co n H fined Consiimpilen cold nlht sweats, hectic IcVcr, liiereitsltiK cniiKhs, etc. ilu reiumuncii I linuiu dl'itely te Kut better mid was seen restored te his usual health I fnunil 1)11. WM. HAl.I.'H nAl.SAM KOIITIIK l.U.NUS thu most valua blu expectorant for breaking up dtstres.slnj,' coughs anil colds. iir.BCur.ii trmiiTi or; at 11 The follewlni-statement of William J. CeiiKh In, et houiervllle, Mass., Is se rutnarkable that we liei; teaslc for It the attention et our read ors. He says : "In tin. tall et 18701 was taken with a violent bluudluv el the Iuuks, followed by a suvuru cough. I seen began te leso my apputlte mul flush. I was se weak at ene time that I could net Icavu my bed. In the Bum mer 011877 1 wasadiuttted te thu City Hospital. While theru thu doctors Biild I hud 11 liole In my lull limit ns big as 11 half-dollar. I expend ed ever u hundred dollars In doctors and med tellies. 1 was se fur geno at ene tline n, report went around that I was dead. I up liope but a lrlend told me et 1)11. WM. 11A1.IS IIAI.BAM l'OK THK l.U.NUS. I laughe at my friends, thinking my casu Incunible, but 1 gotiibrttle tesuttaty tliuui, when te tny Bur prison"' it gratification, I cnminunccil te feel butter My liope, encu, began te revive, unit te lay 1 tool In better spirits than I have the pest three years. " 1 wrltethts hoping you will publish It, be that every 0110 mulcted with Diseased Lungs will be Induced te take IJIt. WM. IIAMS 11A1.SAM ireitTHK l.U.NUH.auilbocenvlncoil that CONHUMl'IlUN CAN UK CUUKD. 1 havu tukun two bettlux mul can positively say that it has done iue mere geed than all the ether moillcliies 1 have taken Btncu my sick. num. My cough lias utmost entirely disap peared and I snail seen be able te go te work,' old liv II. II. Ceeliran, J J7 .North Uueuu slreul Cur en axy tin's WeiiUn-M. Fre ji Lvunsvlllu, mil., tlie home el our cor respondent, Mr. .1 no. It. I'utterseu comes thu tiillewliifj ! "iVamertfan .Verflne cured wy wlloet ucnu or lumalu weukuess " It's an extract trem Mr. Patterson's letter. II, eO. uu5-lwtlced.w NcumlRU nuil Mck M-mOnntm. In Aurera, 111,, liven Mis. Wm. tlonseu. hlin snyst "iVcinmrMcm iVrriun cuied me of lieu iftlHla, vortlne ml nietr tiuaibinhu," nul2lwilcel.w IIOUUII iN IIKNTIMV "Teeth I'uwrter. Hinoetli, ltelriHhlnit, lliirmle-s. Kleit tit, CIcansliiM', l'rimurviitlvu and Kiuirant, l.te DniKKlits. Usic Itmlnut of iiiiwholiMOine iesiiimIIci (ll"nii'flHulilHir He ip, which purines thu skin "Hill's IHIr Itju," blaelc or blown, nily cults lUilldwdoeclAw Malaiin peiltlvely cured with Kmery s HliiiiUanl Cure Pills, a never IiiIIIiir remedy i purely veKutiihle, cniitiilii no iinliitnu, siiKar siiKar ceated, cunls. null lv.dM,WArAw I'llMl I lie I I'llrm Hum euro for llllml, llleudltiKniul Itchlm? riles. One box Inn cured thu worst rase of '3) yums slaudliiK. Ne one neml suirer tlvu tolu telu utes iillerusliKr Wllllaiu's liullun 1'llu Olnl. luent HulirierlH tumors, nllms llchlni, hcIj Hi pedltlce, Klves liiBlunt relief. I'repaiud only ler Piles, llehlnit et thu prlvnte pnrts netliliiKul'O, Held hv ilriuulils mul mulled en receipt of palcu, II. Held hy II. It. Coch Cech iiiii. UriiKKlxUl 17 utiii l.r.i .North tjueen street. I rnliilrnl CampnlKii llaimers, KIhrm, Hulls Cnpes. Ciiih, Helmets. Hhlrls, Torches i evervlhliiK In Oiiinpilc'iiniitrlls. Hend ler lllil stratcd clrru lur te CiimpulKii Mt'ijCe,, 10 llarclay street, New Yerk. ul-lmeed liriiwn's itiiiisfiiiuiii I'nten. Is thu iiiest elleetlvu 1'iilu Duxtreynr In the world. Will limit -urely (iilcken thu bleed whether taken Internally or nppllel exter imlly, utid thereby mere certatnly KKI.IKVK I'AIN. whether chronic or ueute, tlinn sny ethnt pain ullevliUer, anil II !s wivrrunti'd ileti. hlu thu NtiuuKlh el any elintlar pruparatleti. It cures pain In the Hide, Hack or Hevel. Sore Tlueat, KliuiiiriatUin, ToeUiuclie, and Al.l, AC IIKH, and Ii lh Urt'Ht Kellevrr el Pain. " IIIIOWN'D IIOtHKIIUIjl) I'ANACKA " lieuld be In uvery lamlly. A tenspoeuiul et the I'amicea In a tumbler el het water (sweet unml, II preferred, -tukmi ut Ix'dtl iiu, will llltKAK Ul A COI.II AeuulHS bottle. rirr 1 1 tut Out " TliN tsnrutniiieii riimurk when lem-hi anil rewiljs lliiull pillule ileueney liy their tin-Hi;i-mlvinH Dv-eepsln H a horrid bore. Klie It out with lliinluck lllwid llitteri. Yeu run de It. Pursuit! by 11. II. Cochran, ilniKi-UL, 1J7 and l.f) North Uueuu street Dr. fiszlcr's Hunt Hitters. Knir.ler's Heet llltleri ure net n drum shop bevcruue, but ar strictly medicinal In every sense, '1 buy act stienj-ly upon tlm l.tvcranil Kidney", keep thu bowels e en and reulur, cleanse I hu bleed mid xjnU'iii et every Impu rity. Held by ilruifKNts, II. Held by II II. Cochrun, druitlsl, 117 ui'd l.f.) North Queen flticel. '. ' ItOltlill O.N IMIN." Cures celte, cnimps. dlurrhnvi ; externally fernclifs, pains, spralii'i, headache, ueiirilKlu, rheumatism. Fer mun or heast. .0 mid I M Helm Cciinleit. Kvery ene llke-i te tuku solid nnnlnrt mid It may buenlejed by uvery emi who keeps Kid. nuy Wert Iu thu heimu and laLes u luw de-es at thu Hist syinpteiiis el mi attack nt Malaria, Ithuutmitlsm, lllltmne s, .11111111110) or any ulluctlen et thu l.tver. Kidneys or llewels. It Is a purely vcj-ulablu compound el mets, leaves and herrlci kiie"ti te have special value In kidney tieubles. Added te these siu remedies uctliiK dlicutly oil thu l.tver and llewels. It removes the cnueeI dlseasu mid tertllli s tl.e system aualiist new HlUck. tour"' DMruenu oslve. Thu best Halve lu thu world for cuts,brules urea, ulcers, salt rheum, tutter, chapped hiimli, chilblains, corns and all kinds nt skin urupUone, freckles and plmplui Thu naive Is Kuuruntued te Rive purled sallifuctleu In uvui-y eu-uer uieuuy lufiindnd. lie sure you Kut IlKsnv's Caiuiolie Halvk, as ull ethers are but Imitations mid counterfoils. Price !i cents. Sold In l.iiuuiitur at Cochran's linifr -ion.. 1.17 N01II1 Oiienii ulri'.it uivi-l 1IIW Kl HOLIlril IlKHllll, trseiiis strutum Unit iinv one will miller lieui the nmn ileiHiieinenu br. 'i;l)l en b) uii llllpu'e roiullllen el tin OIcmhI, when ,CO- ll.l.'r)AUSAI'AltII.I.A A.NIISTIM.INU1A, or III.OOI) AND I.IVKK HVItlll will restore pet i 1 1 health te the phyulcalorKuiitatlen. It I luilied nsiri'iiKtliunliut syrup, pleawiut te take, a ul bus prevuu llselt te bu thu lsst III.OOI) I'l'lltKlKU ever dlhceverml, utleet uully eiirlni: scrofula, hyphlltfc disorders, Weakness et the Kidneys, l.ryslpelus, Mnla rla; ull neiveiiH dlseiders and duhtltty, bll. Ions complaints mid all dttunaes IndlcalluK an Impute condition et thu llloed, l.tver, Mil nu)-, .Stomach, 3kln, etc. tt corrects Indl K'crillen. A stiiaUi bottle will pieve te you Its uiuiltsusa heultli runewcr, ter 11 ACT.-- L.1KK A C!l A KM, especially when the cuiiiphilnlls et an exhuuntlvu nature, huvlm;a tuiulency te Iiwm'Ii the natural vliter et the brain and tier veus systum. dt Kll'S I'AIN I'ANACKA cuius a pain 111 man and lieuat, Fer ue uxteinally and Inter nally. ltKUHOllHK rUWIiKlib euro all dlrfeases fliorse, cittlu, sheep, hoi.-'-, peultty .nut ull l,lehtiH'k A I'OSlTlVKcl'lit. inuyil-a for iile ul II. II. C'echrm'j dru, -tire 137 Nnith uiuviiii niie.ii DEiTHtt llouise, In this city, ou the l.tli Hist., .lehl) D. noting. In UieTllh uuret his age. '1 lie relatives unci It lends ul thu family aiu rtspccllully Invited teiitluml the funeral Ireni Ills lain rusidencu, .Ne. 110 .North (Jiiluu etnet, 011 Ki May afternoon, August Uth, ut3 o'uleck luterinuntul Luiiuasturcuuiu'.cry. Nolleuuis llKnsuuv. At ltohrurstewn, en the llih lust, uttur a llngurlng Illness, aylvaul.i V. llerslu-y, aged '& years. 1 The relatives and Irlunds et thu family me respecttully Invited te attend thu fuiiural, Ireni thu'iusldonce of liur lather, .lacub II. Hurshey, ou Monday mm nlug, Aug is, ul 1C o'clock, at llohruislewii, i'a Interment ul Sliver biulngs cuuiutery. ull 31 Deuiucrstle Milleinil TIcKei. I'resldunl-UUUVKIt CI.KVi:i,ANI). Vice l'resldunt-TUUMA'i A. IIK.N'Dl.lCKH. Deiiiucrstle HliiteTlcKet. KLECTOIU) AT LA IIU B. IlICll.VUD VAUX, 11 J. MeGUASN, all. It. I'l.UMKIt KLEOTOaS. . Dlst. I. .Inlin frlevln. Dlst. IV UoergnS. I'urdy, 3. .1 l'.J.nuunumluiter iu. 1. II. ACKIUy, 17. .Inliti 1'. l.uvan. 18. Kzru D. Parker. I'.i, K. W. Mil in ma. JO. A. II. 1)111. 21. K. I', lams, .i .1. K. 1'. Duir. it, JehhHmi. :i. a. It. Wlnturnltz. 5. .loll 11 II. Hill. M. Wm. A. runnier. .7. A.J.Ureunnuhl. 3, Jehn W, 4. 11. J. Ilnrun. .1 it, I.. Wright. )'..). It. llilnien. 7. Wm. Htahlur. B.C. K lluutschlur. St. 11. M. North. It), 11. U. Stilus. 11. A. U. llieadhenil. 1J. l V. lloekatellow. 13. Ulclmrd Italin. 14, ueurgell. Irwin. Ileiuuorstle County Ticket (Jongressiiiun-at-l.nrge, W. W. II. DAVIS. C'ungruss.-1'AltlH UaI.DKMaN. Judge.-D. U. fcHHI.KM AN. Hunater(xiu J-JUIIN MARTIN: Asssumbly l'.).-ClIltlSTIAN KUX. ' IA.MKSH. I'ATTKI.'iON. ' (31.-B.H. DKTWII.KIl. " IAMK8 IHJKKY. " -I. II. KAUrlfMAN. Hherllt.-U. M.AUr-KI.:. l'lotnenoUry.-IIKNJ. WOItiCMA.N. Keglsier.-K C. D1M.KU. County rreasuier.JNU. a MANN. Clerk ety S.-H. H. UUTYKll. Clerk of U. !.-HAM'l. K. IIOSTKTTKIl. County Commissioner II. K. 11AKTMAN l'rlsen Koepur.-UKU. W. HTVKIt. l'rlsen InsiKjcterg. If. II. I1UCH. W. WlllTAKKlt. Peer Directers,-UUU. D a. -II, SNYDKll. Corener.-DAVIS KITCII. Auditor.-UKU. W. SlillltUKDKlt kkw Air knth. I ObT.- ON 1UKHOAY I.VI.MIM1, IIK j tween 107 West King struet and 31 North Mulberry, via West King, a poclcnlbeolc con Uitulng u laign sum ei money ami vuluahle luculpts. Thu tliulur will be rewarded by ie turning It te tlie owner. 1U7 WEST KINU STltEET. IIASK HAUL AT .-ncOHANNM I'AttK. Lancnster vs. riiiludelphlu. (NATIONAI. LKAOUK.) SA.TURDA.Y, AUGUST 16, 1884. -StraAlIK CALLED AT 8.30. all-it NKtt AOrSKTIHKMJtTITH. Ij'I.INN A HltKnKIWaW. FACTS AND TUB 1'IiACK lasen Eruit Jars l FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. C3T TIN Fll I '1 T ( 'ANN, 0 Ull O WX MA KH.-Z NK AJU'f-ltririKiniiNlft WAN I Km. a housework. Ditkustit'ut. III III. Apply "lilt OINMtAI. at Ne. I If) North ll AArAtllCKNI'llAll M. H. JIAKMNII II H I'tan 11 the exelnslvil silo of tile Uee, II. miles' Kine WuukuiiohastHliees ter the cltv nl Lancaster. Every plr wariunted. JySdind JAI'ANKnK rISIIINO I'lil.fM. A I.AHUjK stock te select from, at low prices, at IIUIII.fclY'd DtlUU H1UKK. a5.r,md '.I West King street WAMIrTTl A -.KOIIftD COlUt A.NI i dlnliiK-roeni girl I wages seceml conk, flJ pur meiitli ; dliiing-reinn utrl, lin pur month. AUtlrus.s. . A. MuOMIIKIt, i.l.d l'lillliisliurg, Centre Ce , I'n. il'lii' H.Aielr.'H seu ir.nx and nan X 1 OKKKKS, ami you will he pleased, 'tle ami .lava, inlxetl, Uu pur pound. llestUnui uluU'ilHugar, 7ke t l.fKtitextnc Siigur Iu 1,-in-lasler. Ul.AttKK'S TKA HlOltsi, Ne. 38 West King stieet. SI'H)TAUI,l'M,-NO ttMh HUI" A I'HV.-I. clan understanding thueyu lan iirepurly flt you with suitable Ulusxus. I keep 011 hum! a full line et buperler Hpucbtclis mm Kye UIiismw. AllillseasUMel Kjeaiul har treatud. Dlt C. If. IlltOW.N.Ne. UO W,stOriingu street. Lancaster, I'a. Ju.t-lydTIi I juiii.iu Hai.r; Of home. lVJ Thu iiuderslgurd will eiler ut Public Hale at Mlchnul's hotel. North (Juuuii street, lur. I'a.. en KUIDAY. AUUUsl' ."), 1H-JI, thu botidet MartaiimiUlbbens and larelluu (lb buns te Dr. .leseph Clbbens, ler hlx '1 heusmiil Dollars, dated 187.1. mid payable twenty euin uttur dale, without Interest. Sale ut '2 p.m. . MAK1ANNA UIISIIiliN.S, Ailtnlnlstrutrlr el Kstutu et Dr. .fesephUlb- beus, tlcceasud. all'.wil 1K3UCKATIO UUUMV UOAlait IT hl. Theie will bua meeting el thu Democratic county committee ut thu lIeadiiiarters,en the third fleer et Kcptet's I'ostellleo building, .North Queen street, Lancaster, 011 MONDAY, AUU. IS, at 'J 30 A. M., UHAIll'. A lull uttutitlaniu In re'iiesteil. W. U. 1IEN9KL, al.iliwtd Chaliuiau. E' .M'lTllI.lAI. UaMUKU AIAY a itltr. u.-. any mrtet tin-, euluueeus sui lace, and tt lias Jiun euserveti en xunse poriieusiii inn. cutis membrunti which appieach most nuurly te tun skin In tuxturu.suuhas the lining ilium bratiu el llm lips, mouth and fauces, unci In tegument n! tlm tongue, the eyelids, and ethei portions et the body el thusumu nuturu. All earner oeies uud miners cured without palu or using thu kulle, by II. D. LONUAKKIt, M. D. Milieu II Paid Walnut stl eel, Lancaster. I'a. Consultation freu uuM.IUI&w 0 ItlKSlKK UllliN'l'l I1UUSK. ATLANTIC ClTl'.N.J. At the feel of New Yerk; avenue, within a tew liundrud feel et thu sua. Attractive, comfortable unci homelike. NOW el'KN. lunu'-.-iid .1. Mil.M & hO.N.S. IA-il'ATI. Ol' I'.HAMIl.l. K. llKMIrt.1I, li lutu et Kiiht ileitipltehl twp., deceased, l.eiteis testuiuuntury en said esuitu having been gmnti il te thu uuiterslgliu'l, all petbeus ludebli tl tbeiete aliiieiiiiesU'd te make Im medlHtu pityinunt, mid Uiede having claim or itemmi'ts ugulnst thu p.une. will present them without delay ter settlement te thu iinilerslgiii'il. lesldlng lu I.midlsvlllc, Luiicus tui county, 1,'a. JACOI1 It. Ml.N.NICH, J W. II. IIaI'-ma.v. hxeciiler. Attorney augll .11 I'll A J. w toil ltKSiiltTa. SKASONUK lvs. SPRING LAKE BEA.CI1, MONMOUTH AND CAIILKTON HM'JSKP. aDA. QIP.T, N. J., IIKACH IIOUSK. UeiibCsOpun I tinu i'i. NBWHOrKL LAFAYETTE (AMKItlCAN AND KUKOI'KAN l'LAN8.) I'llll.ADrJLl'HlA. Appllcilleiu ter looms can bu made al any et thuabevu houses. iii8l.-iHTii.Tli4a L. U. MALTUY. IIULTON Ol'KltA IIOUSK. Monday, AugtiBt 10, 1834. Tlllllli YKAIl OK UNA1IATED BUCCI-SS Jas. H. Wallick, AND HIS FAMOUS AC'llNU HORSES, Bay Raider AMD AMD Rean Charger, -IN THK- "lew Bandit King," KKVIHKD AND ItKWltlTTlSN. NKW KKFECldA.ND A I'OWEUKUL CAST ADMISSION ULsKllVED SEATS. ..TJ.fOinul 7.UKNT8 75 CENTS jjiT-New en salu at thu Opera limine Mlllce. alt lid llllXf DOOit TO J I1KUOUIIT lllllfiK. EAIIESTOCK'S ! 500 WHITE aUILTS. 500 WHITE aDILTS, 500 WHITE QUILTS. WITH AND WITHOUT KllINOE. DIltECT FUOil THE MA.NUrACTUUE. 110UOIIT AT A SACRIFICE FOR 1'llO.Ml'T CASH. AND TO HE MOLii AT A COU RESI'ONDINULY LOW l'tllCK. THOSE IN WAN I' Hiieui.ti UAULV. HhE THKM E. E. Ealinesteck. Next Doer (e the Court Heuse. 1.AN0A8TKII, I'A. LOW PRICES TO JIUY Wholesale or Retail A V tl IT AD rKHTJHHDlKNTtt MI.Nfir OtUAItS DltUJi OOcts. I'UII IIUN I dreil up, al IIAItTMAN'H YKLI.OW KltONTClUAK KTMIIK. (JUIIOOI. TAX reit 1MKI.-1HK DI'I'Ll" ifj OATK Is 111 thu hands el thu treasurer- tiucu pur ceuu nu n puiii ey August I. W. O. MAIlSHALL.Treas. .,.., . Ne. Ii Centre Hcittme. Mlllce hours, from ue. in. te 4 p. in. tld flliKAK HAVANA fll.l.KIt 1)11) A ltS Kllll V. i enntg, fllllinitllfi.,,! In In. fil.tnt Illln-u .. ,... . .....;.... r:... ... -" ' ....-j., i Urtl.lJlA'3 ir.lil,lllV rUUNT ClUAlt BTOIIK. Kr.iiuurieN irttiUHTe-ci-hiAiii'. uletiiI lug, In order te close out the Imlunce et my Bprlng and Summer Woolen. 1 win ulvu u discount of 9) pur cunt, en uieli garment for the next two months. A Mil line ut elegant Hergu Hulls, iiiailu up In uluxaut style, for $10, less a) per font. Having lu my employ a practical cutter, n perfect fit can be ruflcd II 1)011. A. II. KOSKNBTKIN, Kine Tailoring, 37 North Onoeii street, oppeslto tlie .rostel.lcc. m'21-tiintllt -1I.OHINU IIUTi Vj All kinds el Hummer UeikIs without re gard te cost, ul BECHTOLD'S Te make room for Kail Uoeds, Ladles' ami Uenls' KiirnMilng Ueisls mul Notions utu specialties, l'leiisn call mul examine buleru jeu buy. 'I liinktul or pint favors. HKNKY IIKCIITOLD, Ne. 6. North Queen ntreet. I'.ls -Houses, Steius, llulldlug Lets anil Sand for s lie I'M yd u tlllllUJIl OK OOO UAMfAIKKTIMi AT LAND1SV1LLK. SUlNDAY.Aru3!T,,: -THE- Eeading & Cblnmbia Will run the following trains from Lancaster (King Street) : Leave King Street Depot at 8 n. in.; 10.15 a. ut. ; 1 n p. in. ; 5 p tn. l.uive L'inillsvlllu for Lancaster al I p. m. : 5 J) p. m. ; 7 top in. WKArtE KOIl ItOUND Tllll', ONLY !5e. uiiKV.ll 15,10 IHHIMI AND HTATHtNKltt I1LAKR llOOKrt AND MTA 1 lUPtf.U V. JOM BAER'S SOUS 16 nnd 17 North Queen St , Blank Beeks & Statieuery WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, W 11ITINU KLU1D9 AND INKS, AT TUB- SIGN OF THE BOOK. I'AHXU HA.KUiTlUH, At. e no i' iir,.inner,ii with Flies, Bugs, Mosquitoes, etc., HUT SEND US YOUR OltDEIlS rOll -AND- DOOR SCREENS. We havu ull sizes of Kiuiihs reudy and all width et Wlre ami Landscape, te till orders promptly anil give you oneot the best Screens In the market. NEW 1'ATTERNbOF Wall Paper & Dade Shades JUST OPENED, PHARES W: FRY, 57 NOItTll (iUEEN ST., LANCASTER. I'A. -Store closes at 0 p. tn . except Suluuluy. MtUUATlOX AL. II AVhlirOHU UOI.I.I.OK, I'A., tl MIL, I'.I thu I'a. R. It. XL tieui riillatlulphla, en Themas CUA6K. I.I.. e rtus'u Under care el Society et friends t Clus-lcul uiul HcluutlUe ceiK'HS. Application ler admission may new he made. 1-or cataloKue address 1'iiuy. IriAAC hllAHfl.K.Ha, Dean, lliivciferd Celluuu. 1'. O., I'd. Jl7-Tu'lli&SJ0t s El.WYN 1IAI.I., RKAD1NU, I'A, A I'ruparatery Scheel ler Heys, ceudiictud en thu Military plan. Thorough prtiparatlen ler all thu higher liistllutleus el luaruliitr. Ker cliculars adtlrcss the Head in lib tcr, Jy-MSt LOT CLARKE I1IB1101'. IIATHI'SOO 1 NISI ITU IK. IKIItlcth UesHlen) Elllcett City, Mil. MIH.S HARAIl N. RANDOLPH, I'm NCI r A L Hltuatlen unsurpasslnKly beautiful unit ell. inute noted lur Us salubrity. With Its able corps et teachers ; Its ureal advantages ler Bccurlni; n liberal education, anil the huppy tusulls lieui Its methods et limtructleu uud discipline, no ether school can bu found nuur 11 n grualur advuutUKes ler thu triilnliiK et yeuiiK ladles and children than this well known lnslltulleu offers. Apply te Principal ler clicular.'.iueed T '11 I.N IT Y HALL, Herei'Iy, New Jerfiey. EiiKltsh and Krenelt Hetnu Hrhcel tei Yeuiitf Ladles. Varied advantai'es or thu hthusi ertlur. Mpeclul tlioreuuhuu-s In Music, Art, l.uiiKuanes and thuCiaselcs. Hovuntcentii year beKlns Hoptember Ibth. Ker circular uddluts tee priuu.pai, Miss Bacholle Oibbena Hunt. ull.tslD (KOKuETOlV.N UOM.i'.OK, II. U. vji reusnsn ubj. ACADEMIC DEl'AVtl'MKNT SCHOOLS open Hunt. II, issl. Terms, I KM pur milium. Apply te I'llKSlDKNT uv UEORUEIOWN COL- LKliK.D. C. MEDICAL. DEPARTMENT, lectures open Bept, 'it. 1894. Tenus. fleOptirunniini. Apply te.l. W. II. I.OVEJOY.M. U Duan, Btreet, N, W WushliiKten, D. C. LAW DKl'Alt'lMKNT, lectures open October 1, IMI. 'terms, iiO per annum. Apply te h. M. YEATMAN, Cerner 0th uud If smuts, N. W WaslllUKtrm, D. C, JAMES A. D00NAN, 8. J.. i iy2S-2Cta l'reaiaeut. SECOND ED FT ION. TQUnSDAY HVENINO, AUQ. 14, 1054. AVUY HENRY WAS SHOT. LIKUr. OHKI.I..'f) OFKICIAI. lll'.t'OKTi 11a Buys Ite Was Kxerutsu After Itnpentctl Thi-IW unit Only When All L'atleuoe Wm Kntirely lExtmtiiteil. Wasiiinoten, I). (J., Aiik, 11 Lien tomtit Oreely's olllelal report te tlie nil jut tut geueral of the army, rolattve te the exoetitlou of Private Henry, was tnade publte today. The lieutenant reports that llenry was shot ou .luue 0, at U.imp (J I ay, nearUapn Sabine, for continued thieving ; that hu had tlmas been found guilty of Hteallui; previsions, and upon oaeh oeoaaluu thore was a clamor for his llfe, which was repressed by Orcely. On .March 'il, while tneu ueArly pet Ichcd with iisphyxia and eirerts wcre being made for their restoration, llenty Rtole nlieut two peundrt of b.iuii). ills ktomaeh bclnx overloadoil, he threw tip the uudlKcstcd bacon Anether tlme he was found Intoxicated, having stelen the liquor en hand for general Issue ills hfe was asalu dumauded, but the lloutetiaut i-patcd him. On June eth and June Oh Henry again stele previsions and tun men huviuj illed of starvation and two ethers lying at the point of death, the lieutenant issued a written erdur that he be shot, whieh was done by thrcu of the must rollnblemuu. Te avoid scandal the lieutenant orderud that uoue of the tneu should speal: of the matter until an olllelal repert wan in at' oef the I acts. In conclusion, L'uiUcnant Uroely cxprussca the uoiiucIeusuckh that hu would have failed in hlu duty te the rest of the party had he net acted promptly and summarily. Iiu asks that, a court of iu ipiiry be oidcred should thu Nonretary of war deem it advisable. lULIllCIA.N AND 1'OLITtCS. Ulinlrinnii llsruiiiu's 1'rupeity Stelen Ireni Ills ituiuii lu tlie l'liner Meiiar, unlcaiu, CniCAde, Aug. 1 1. During the Demo cratic national eiuvoiitieu the room of lien. W. V. Uarnutn, at the Palmer huuse, was entered uud rebbi'd of it num ber of rallreid pieses, diameuds uud ether jewelry. A bell boy at the huuse was arrested last ovenlng for the theft aud a portion of the missing prepurty recovered. Niiinlniiteit alier Vuurteeu Itsllut. St. Leus, Aug. tt. The Domecratlo stute cutivuutien, nt Julferseu Ulty, yestcr day, nominated Jude F. Ulack for Justlce of the supreme court after taking fourteen ballets. The ArKntun Ki-putillc u Mtste llehet. Litti.i: Heck, Ark., Au The Hipub Hipub Hipub HoanataTe central oemmitto his ronemiu ated their full state ticket, with Themas IJales for goveruor, l'aul Graham forsee rotary of statu, and S. A. Duke for treas ttrur. Tlie iicailliiek in maiylauil. Ualiimeui , Aug 11 The Domeorutia oeuvetitiuti et the ti -oeud uoiigrcsMlenal district, which took 1,35:1 ballets without cheice and thou adjourued te this city, met at neon, liy two o'clock 21 addi tional ballets had been taken with pre cisely the same vote as at Elkteu. WAK VhTKHANS. raeetluK ut tun Uuulnty el I uniit'r-ee. ttie Army el Et. I'a i L, Minn., Aup;. 14. The soeloty of thu Aimy of Teutiesspe mut here lust evening. Addrcssea of wolcemu wero made by Qovuruer lltibb.uil nnd Ounerul Sourbeer, which wnru ruspoudce te ou behalf of the Hucicty by (Jen. Slieimau, who said : "Mvelllcuis te simply nay, ' tbauk you.' We need no words te is sure us that we wcru weloemo te Minne sota ; all are geed Union ineu here ; no rebels have crept up hore, I thank our comrades this statu for all they have done for us, ami assute tin in of our ap preciation." Speeches wero also made by ox-Oevornor Davis, of Minnesota, aud ethors, The meeting will be continued te. day. (Jeu Sherman will be re elected president. M.W Oltl.l.AlNH I'A tit Nukht mul llntum Machinery t) 119 Op-r atctl Tncrr. Ni.w Ori.i.vns, Aug. 11 The Headitig iron works have engaged 8,000 feet of space iu the World's opposition and will display a sug ir mill aud a full line of acces sories. Arrangements are buiiif per. footed through the sugar plauters te show the proeesit of sugar makiui;, from the grinding of the caue, te the birrelling et thu sugar. A large cotton oemprosi will be operated in the oxpeuitlou. uuiivlctnl ul Murder In HiiceimI Decree, l'lrrHiiiUd, I'a, Aug. It. A.M. Hew ser, whom trial has been iu progress for several days for killiug Uhadiah Haymaker, during tlie Murruysvile -as works riots, was te day convieted of murder iu the second dugroe and ru niaudrd te jail for Keutuucu. The trials of the ether dufendcuM woie continued until the September term. The penalty for murder iu the second ilugr-u is twelve yuan. It is prebable that Dewner will apply for a uew trial. Me (Juaranilne Atfisliiit Untile shipment. Ciuc.uie, Aug 11. Oovemor Uamdtnn will nut issuu a proclamation of quarantine ngiinst KunteH, lie havini- been aestired by Governer G iek, of that utate, that metsurcs had beuti taken te prevent the Bhlpmcut through the state of Texas or Southern oattle, from wli eh the infection could i-prend. ltumers Ueucerutui; tne Wull rtreet limit. Nuw Yerk, Aug. 11. It is reported this morning that a warrant has been ibsued by tlie United States district nt toruey for the ariest of Casper Dick Dick ineon, of the Wall street bank. Humors arc alleat te the effeet that Dickinsen did net give preper bends nnd that tonie of the direoters of tlie hank withdrew their deposits just hofero the public nnnottuce meet of the failure Uleilui; Mesaltiu et rurlluuieut. Londen, Aug. 11 I'arlianient was ptoregtit'd te-day with the usual ocremo nics. The quean in her speech, dosing the pessieu, said that she viewed with satisfaction the investigation aud diminu tion of agrarian crime iu Ireland, and the substantial Improvement in the condition ifthopeoplo. Was Net Murdered, 1'iiii.Aiir.M'iiiA, Aug. M. The cere uer's luvostiiMtlen te day lu the case of Mrs. Hose keichline, whose body was found in n let a few days age nnd whose death was beheved te have been occasion ed by violence, showed that she had died of congestion et the brain from causes tin known, iue tive man wue wer in nor oerapmy when last seen u'lve, and who wero nrretted yesterday, wero dlsobargetl from custody. The Nstteuul Leseue, Ilosre.v, Aug. 11. The gallerlcs were well filled with spectators aud the dole dele Kates wero nil in attendance when the Irish National League was called te erder. At neon te day great uuthusiastn was tnaniicsieii upon ma announce ment by chairman of the several additional contributions te the parliamentary fuud bIiice yesterday. Among ilu contributions was ene from the Irish National I.eaguo,ef Mllwaukoe, for $1,000. l'ewiter AUU Kxpludes, St. PETEKSHime, Aug. 11. A pew-icr mill nt Kasuti oxpledoil yesterday, Ten erseus were killed nud live buildlegs turned. WBATIIHK IMDIUATIONfl. Washington, Autr 14. Fer tbe Middle Atlantis itates, slightly warmer went her, varlable winds, neuernlly from nerthna. nnd brisk along tlie coast, eipoelalljr In tb outhernportlon. Article Hlj-nnl feri. Head Itsee, Husten, Aug. 14. Artlolea have bM signed fur a threomlle slngle lenll race botweeu Albert Ilamm and Jehn McKay, en Aug, 28, en n courue jet te be agreed upon, n Colored 1'hilsnthrepUt'a Will. Ker the first tlme In the history of Maryland nnd ns far ns known in the history of the United Btatcs, a colored man becomes the feunder of nn In stitution of charity for the benefit of mombeni of hla race. The philanthropist I.s Holetuon MoCabe, of Ilaltlmore, who died a few days age. Ue was for many years a barber Iu the bisoment of the .Mansion hottse, nud by Industry nnd thrift accumulated a furtuue of about 470,000. By his will, prebated te-day, he leaves his rcsldotice! te the trustoes of Ilothel nud Trinity African Methodist L'pi-oepal churches te be used as n home for aged colored people, Ue also gives n generous endowment te the home, nnd at the (loath of his two married daughters all his prep erty te go te this object. A Yimiiic OHllaul'a lllicutiilltur-). Kiuiii thu Indianapolis News. A young man, meaning te ba Tery gal lant, presented a lady with arose, naying : " Madame, allow me te prosent you le ene of your sisters " Judgaef his ehagrln when n bug crawled out and sat down iu tlie miiltlle of thoreso. BtAUHKlH, t'lilllniplil alKraei. I'MiLMiiLVHi Aun. 4. riem Nuw winters dull i chtilcu spt'iiu- w hunts tlrm, tnlrtteinanil : MiiMirnnuHlitu, 2 Wfjlj Extra Hupurnuu Mnle M ei)l rn j l-i. ramlly, II uerti 50t winter eleie, tl7Mt5'2.';ilntriihl',,uu- Minn, extra, cleii'. II W)rfl 75) stratKht, II ttMt ft nit Wisconsin clear, tl.VHtimj t stralithts, II 'WS : winter pjtenta l Mas a t spring (te. HWt.BiV Ryu Heur dull at H.venn). Wheat market quiet Out flrmerf Ne. 'i Western ni. KHQSUa - Ne 3 tle. te I Ne. 1 1' 'jlX'j7u: Ne. -Delaware tle, 9Ie. Cern 11 rm under lUlit supply for local siipplhs; s'eainur, ()l?JB7c i Ball yelfew, C5QU70 ilu inUeil, I1IU07O t Ne. 3 mixed, (Ue. OutH ipilut unit Irregular j no. I White. nU. Hct Ne.i Whlte,e'.il.4it0 nuw, 40a : Ne J de. old, :n I nuw, :lV4tJiil4c j rujeatetl, 3Z(t37e: Nti. V! mixed, ;Wiliic. Ryu iiuuilnui at WJOlc. Seuds Cleviirsuutl steady at OJJti1.! Tlmethv tlrm ulll U; riaxseutlitull ut(l 10, spot, II IU te urrlvu winter llran dull at IIS Inr choice Previsions II tin with aettvu tlcmantl -Muss l'erk, 118 0 litis M ; Ittv I Hams. taiiM t India Mess llcur, fill 50JW ( City de, IUO 11 50. llucen, lie i Btneked Hheuldcrs, 7VJ7Ct salt no 7U7Uu Mlnoked Hums, UKaiSa ; pleklea de UaUHc. Lattl flrtn; cliy reflned, nt 8'.0'J loeso Uutt:lierH,7He : prime strain 17 fU07 W. Iliitterltrm ami active, wlthiifalrineveincntt I'unu'u Creamery tmnis,.l..c; Western fCtle ; II. C. A N. Y. extras, le i Ue llrsts, KiTlUei Western dairy Hxtrns, ll?PI5at Wot Wet urn koeiI te choice, ilOl'Jc ; packing butter, 78e Rolls at StCl'.e ; pictdnitliutter, 7lSe. Et(KS ii.llulanil slfiely j I'a. uxtrHs, I7J17KI ciiueait Uliu with uulet deumii'l ; New Yerk lull ci earns, lOXe; Ohie Klats, title, H'-ie: Western fair te prime, Hf.-e : L'uuii'a part skims, .KUW: de lull, lfl'i-c. Petroleum stuvly ; Itetlned, H. Wblstcv dull : Western ut tl 15. Mew KerK, BlarKeu. Nw Yerk, Auk. II. Kleur State and West ern dull uud tlroeplm-: Hiiiiertlnu Hlate, iiiiO .f! 10 ; de Extra. UtC I 50 ; (Jlielcu, M ft-QJ 75 ; Kunoj'Ue, 5 87f(d; Round Heep Ohie, H 10(04 ; cheice, flOJfiti; riupurtlne Westeui, ! (10 tj 3 10; common te keimI extra de, t-IueflSMs tle. (5 CJf.U mil choice White Wheat de, 15 7JfiU(Hi: aoiithern quiet ami eaiy : coinuieii te fair, extra, US 4JQ150 geed te cheice de. H 55'CO IU. Wheat epinuil slienK and ViOHe hlfther t iittiirwnrits ruled easier and lull back iitlKia 1 ill ly active .peculullve business : Ne 1 Wlilte neiiilniil; Ne. '.' Red, HepU, UlS'JJe t Oct, JUtfU'-We ! Nev , 0.UO97O i Dec, 7?;GMJ.e ; jun., tuviH!He 'I' ' em m. Cem iWie lower uiu' dull I Mixed Wostern sjiet. .Mtjt) He I de I utu re, ti7awie. Outs without lineertiintelisiiKO. Ne 2 Aug. 3'ii,ADie; htalo,4iiai7ei We tern,37tfltfc.2j l.lve hioen marker. Ciiioaeo. Hogs Reeelpts, 11,000 head i shlp muiiis, 3,100; liiarkui unchanged i best 11 rm itniKli niicklnir, $5 45Q575; packing anil ship plllir. 15 75BB 'M ', llKht, 15 40J0 23.! Skips, (150 t5 411. Caltle Receipts, s,500 head ; shipments, 1,000 head ; market weaic, except en best : expert Kl-udes, HI fiOitU 05 ; oed le cheice shlppltiK. 15 'J t(1U5 ; common te medium, tl te ftj ill, ratiKU cuttle l'le lower; halt breeds, 41 25 ; kdihs Tuxuns nt f.l 73ft I 35 ; wintered Tuxaus IIQ4 40; Americans, It liSfji. Uheup-Riiculpts, 1,500 head ; slupnienls 900 ; tnurlii't slew untl weak ; Interior te lair, 12 25(v 3 V Rf welKht; inuillum te ceed, $'(1 50; choice te extra' i:t'iH, l: lambs, V head, 1150 Ul; Texas sheep, I. 5US3 75. Kaht I.iiibrtv Cattlu llrmer; extra, MMO C75; koeiI biitchurs, 5 75t0 35; common, l fs) 5'.5; receipts, 1,10i head; shipments, 03J heatl. Hel'h tlrm ; Philadelphia, 15 'JOBeiW ; York ers. Hi UUUU 10 ; Kniseurs, 45 4U5 M i rueulptd, 1,4m) heal; shipments, son heuu. .Sheep tluil ; prime, 1101 sil; fair In, l.'l 'J5i( 1 75 ; (; lii'nbi), II filttl 75, lucelpts, .l,.0Jheatl; shlpuiuuts, li.yuuhcud. istuns marKeu. quolatlens by Reel, McGrann A Ue, llanu ors, Liiiucastur, ra. 11 A. X l.i. 7i )U7 ta .r.ii, .... 6 u.v2 18VI ll'-U 12i4 1H 111 tux 103 1 31li 00 4 IK C3 tli C.C.AI.C Mlchlijan control.. New .erir Central ..... ...,.. 70 NewJursey Central. te onto central Del. Lack. & Wostern.... 1UK 1IIIJ 12 '1 1V ia CIS 8sk 1IJ2 4 I5 B714 S5JJ Denver It Rie (Jiaiule..,. li Krle Mi Uansas A Texas l'JX Lake Shere (').'. ChlcaueA N. W., coin.... let N. NOnt,A Western.... l'-J. ht, Paul A Omaha 3lVi 1'aclneMall &V, Rochester A l'lttsburgh.. Vi, 1st. 1 IlUl... ........ .......... HO H, Texas l'ucinc M!i, Union l'ucltlc 47 Wabash Common UV. Wabash I'referretl 15-; Wesl'rn Union Tele-ranli iV Louisville 4 NashvlUe... 35i N. Y Chi. A 8t L LehlKh Valley 1.0IUKI1 rsuviKutien. Pennsylvania Read I n if M it i-u 11 U 13111 IT. 1. tl 11U1IU1II Northern I'uclfle Cem... Northern Pacific t'ret... llestonvllle Philadelphia A Erie Northern Central Underground Canada Southern en.............. ,......... l'uonle'al'aa.souutu; 53' S" " l-lilltxieipuii. (juoiatlensDy AssoclateU i'tan Blocks steady. I'hllitlelphla A KrleR. It., iteiitllnK Ratlreail Hvi Pennsylvania Railroad , KK LuhlKli Valley Ratlretul CI U tilled Companion et New Jersey ...105 Northern l'aclrle, 11 Northern Paclrle l'reforrel. , 53 , Northern Central Railroad Lenluh Navltfatten Company -l-tJS Norrlstewn Railroad 1S ContrulTransiMirtatlen Company 31 lltlltule, N y.. und Philadelphia 4 LUUe ScnuvUtlll lUtlreaU O) new verc. (.notations by Associated l'ress, blocks llrm. Mouey, ltf.c Nuw Yerk Central 1CM Krle Railroad 1Y, Adams Kxpresj 12) Mlchlun Central Rail med en MlclUkttii Heuthern lUtlreaU S4 i Illinois Cent nd Railroad 1.3 Cleveland A 1'lttsbtirKh llallreiut 13s ChlciiHO A Reck Island Railroad I14,' l'lttsburKh A fort Wayne Railroad Weateni Union Telegraph Company.,... 61' i Teledo A Wabash , M New .Jersey Central St New Yerk Ontario WHtrn. li Lecal stocks ana Menai Uopertod by J, 11. Leng. TUI. Lancaster City a per.cent 1885... l low... 100 H ISM... tee Sporct-lnlerJOyuars.. lop 4 per ct. Scheel Lean..,, lew i 4 " In ler at) years.. 100 ii 4 in 5or20yeara..lw ii i " In 10 or 90 years. 100 Manbelm beniujeri Jean IW u". -necmn. first National bank Iipe rinoeW National Rank M ulteu National Rank... ...... ...... IW LaucttsterCouutyNaUenaHJanlfc, M I.Blt sale. IW 115 1JJ 1M-SI IW 1UI no 10J m t'ilO iiii't 151 tt utae .1 " . r 'svt m i t T-Jt !. v' fi'i t t- X 1. t ' Vl V 4?i m c?& W ? "V : i& 'i C rA i I 31 1 t , .4 v rl . i f. ". v -1 'rV. i