' w p n faM V & r vllVV )V3 LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 0, 1884. Velnmn XX-Ne 280. Price Twe Cents. jjmit UOUDH. TIIIIN H. UIVI.HIl.VUO., Fer Uholce Wilten Carpets. JOIINH. UIVLKHACO,, Ker Kine Vulvet Corpels. JOIINH.OIVLK'tACO., Ker Kxtin Ouallty MoipiulCurpei. JOIINH. UIVLKRACO., Ker Ileal Makes llndy llritn-elH CarpeL JOHNS. (UVLKRACO., Ker Hest Tapestry ltrussel Carret. .IOIINH. OIVLKR A CO, Ker Medium Tapuslry Carpet. JOIINH. (II VI. Kit A CO., Ker Lew priced Tapestry Curput. JOIINH. OIVLKR A CO,, Ker Itt'Ht All-wool ;l pi v Cnrpnt. JOHN 8. OlVI.KIt.t CO, Ker Kxtra huper All-wool Carpet. lOIIN B. (I1VI.KKA- DO,, Ker Damask Hall and Blair Cnrpet, JOllNH. U1V1.KIIA.CO,, Ker Lew-priced Venetian Hull and Htalr. JOIINH. UIVLKRACO., Ker llome-maile Unit Curput. JOHN H.UIVLKR A CO., KorCecon, Napier and Canten Mattings. JOIINH. OIVLKR illl ), Ker Ctinlcn I.liioleniii. JOIINH. UIVLKRACO, Ker Hest Kleer Oil Cleths. JOIINH. UlVLKIl A UO Ker Uiikh nml Mats, JOHNS. UIVLKRACO., Ker lliu Ucnuliie Atireia Carpet H weeper. JOHNS. (JIVI.KU A CO., Ker Kxtra C. 0. Cm put. JOIINH. (II V I.Kit A CO., Ker all kind (it i.ixraln Careds. JOHN H.UIVLKR A CO., 25 Katl KIiik Htruet, JOIINH. (11 VI, KU A CO.. Iitku Curput Rugs In KxcliniiKofer Carpet. JOHN H. UIVLKRACO., l rices Marked In rlaln Figures. JOIINH. OlVl.Klt A 00., Oim l'rlcu mid Unit tliu Lewest. JOHN H.UIVLKR A CO., Till) Hunt Asseittncnllu Lancaster. .1 ltrritiar.it.tTeitH. Ktt'KTl'M OF.I.KItK.VVKII KKFKIOr.KA TH ll-s. GIIKAT RKUUOTION IN 1'ltlCKH OK JEWETT'S REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS -AND- Phlliidelphln Lawn Mewers, FILTERS. Hammocks, Perry & Oe.'a Hydrant Hoee, Oil Stevos. i We are ett'ittntf these koeiN at KxrcedltiKly Lew Prices te llodtice Our Bleck. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce., Nes. 26 & 28 West King Street, j.'t-iiiH Lancaster. VAUVKltl, ,tt). DHIUH M (MIU'K.T IIAl.l. BARGAINS! BARGAINS -AT- SHIRK'S OABPET HALL. Selllni; Off te (.'lesu Nnniness. EverythiiiK Must 1'ositiireiy he Sold. A Full l.tnnet ItOOY Mills KI.9. TAl'KSTRY, and All Urades of INUItAIN UAItl'KTS, RUUH. 1ILANKKTH, COVFRLKT3 and (111. CLOTH. VW ALL AT A SAC!lll'IUK.-T&A - I'rempt altiintleii Klrnn te llie Manufiiclnrii et llw Carpets te erdur. AT- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, LANCASTER, PA OOR. W. KINO AND WATBIl BTi1.. ll!l'l'illlltUW ME DIVA t E'-keaut and kffiuiknt, reit luiiilmKO. sciatica mid pains In Din linuk. uunseirs capcinu rernus hips am 1'laMera HlllUH URQ 75 COIItD. pUTlUUICA UKIUKDIICM, CUTICUR A ! BABY HUMORS. See What Cuticura Dees for Me.' XNFAN'HLKand lllrlli Humors, Milk Criiht, Hcalled head, Kcxemas, uiiil uvury form of Itching, Hcnly, Pimply. Hcrnruleus and In herited DDcaxesnt ttiu llloeil.Hklu and Scalp, wlthlojser llalr, Hern Infuncy te Aire, cured liy tllO CUTICUIIA HltjOI.VKNT. till) new bleed purifier. Internally, mid cuticuiu and ctm. cuha Hoai. llie itrcit skin cures, uxt.irnally. Abaelutelu mire unit safe, unit mnu be mat front the moment of birth. " OUR LITTLE BOY." Mr. and Mr. KvorctlHlu'jhliis.llelchcrtown, Mann, wrltn : " Our llltle boy win terilbiyut terilbiyut lllcted with Hcrntuln, Hall Hhmnn and Kryalp Kryalp ehm uvnr kImcii be win horn, mid netlilni; we could clvu 111 tn iR'Ipud blin until we trli-d Cu Cu tieira itRMKhtKH, wlilcli Kruiliiallv rutcd llllll, until new liu li us lair as any child." ' WORKS TO A OHA.RM." J. H. Wi'tk, cm , Town Tieat'irvr, 81. At ImnH, Vt.,ayN lu ii luttcr diitfd Muy.N: "it works te a rlmim en tny buuy' lam and head. Ciirud Hi" hi'iid entlruly, nnd Imi neatlv clunni'd tliu lacoet snrci. l huvort'ceinmuinliil II te itnvuriil, mid Or Plant has erdunul It ler thorn." ' A TERRIBLE OASE I Charles Kayre lllnklu, Jersoy City lliillilc, N. J., wrltts : " My eon, u lad el twclve yviim, wiiHCOtnplt'tuly cured et alcriililii eihi et Kr KCiua by llie Cltkuha IIcmkiiik.. Frem llie topet lili heiil tot he folcsef Ida lict win eim inan et Hcabf." Kvcry etlu-r riuniily and phlilclans hud been tin.nl In vuln. FOR PALE, LANGUID, Kmarltilcit chlldrun, with pimply, sallow skin, the CirrictTitA. UKMumxM will preve a pcrti'Ct blesMni.', cli'Utinliur tliu bleed mid Mliln el In InirltiHi impurities mid expt llluir the (,'i'innef rcielula, rhuiiiniitl.iii ciiiniimpt.iumiii.euti) nkln ul'i'aiiH. bold Lverywliuiii. l'rlcu : ttrriturA. te ceiib. ; Uk.selkt, II; tejp, ',':. l'eTTKR DkI'e and CiikmiuaL Ce., Ilosleu. Max Send ler ''Hew te c ite nkln i1si'iles." D A "D"V Ul UullPiirw hehp. an iiXiiulnttelv rtr It J. perluuied Kklii ;itrtitlilfr, and Toilet, II illl anil NurHciy Han itlve. rriii: niiTiuuK. A at C I II. MMITIN fil Oil. Carpet and Wall Paper Department. Our mile et WA1.I, PAl'KllH Htlll ceiitlniieH, and anyetui In nee.l et WAI.I. I'Al'KllH cun purchiimi them lower new ihun later. WALL PAPERS. Klcgnnt rntterus ami Perfect, (!oe:l, Ouuranteeil Fall Moasure. PRI0E3 FROM 12 1-2 CENTS UP. Ne Extra Charge for Hanging, Scraping or Sizing, Ne hiicIi otter has ever been mide belnre. and only tand.s goeil till AUUOHT 1. Make jenr centracU new. Paper pnrehajteil new will be tiling any tlinii ilurliiu AUUlaT, II cuatninern pri lur. our 1'aper llunmnn urn thu hujtln tliu city. I'leuueul at store, as wmle net de any can van.liiK, uud any ioibeii cmvai-iliii;, uslui: our name. Is an linpeuur. Tliu work will h j tlone Jimt uh caielnl mid pi-rfeclat Hiuhe low latus, iu when rejnlar prices are cliargeil. Immense Stock of New Carpets for Fall. J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King atitl Vrliice StrretH. Lanwiflter, Pa. NUKEMBURGVSMAKKET. (IKHMAN KAHMKKH AND M AH K f.l'l'.ltl. TIMWAUK, JtV. VAJCl'XTr. 'ill T JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 'M Seuth (Jihh'u Street, -KOIl THE- CHEAPEST and BEST REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers, GAltDKN IIOKH AND OIL UL0T1I. ' JOHS P. SCIA1JI K ,'aTAIIMHllKU 18S0, CARPETS -AT- Kr.Mr.UIICH l'()K HAI.K Cerhrau'rt Hrinr hlore. 137 mid i:"J North Uueeu alreut, l.u neuter, l'a. SANFOHD'S AADIPAli CURE FOU CATARRH, COMPI.KTKTllKATMKNT WITH INIIA1.KII KOIl ON K DOLLAR. TheOreat llalHiuulc Distillation et Witch Hazel, Aluei lean l'lne, C'linudii t Ir, Marluelil, Clever HlesjOliiH, ete., called hANKOUD's HAD1CAL CUKK. ter the luiuieillitn teller mid pertnaneiit emu et every leitn et Catarrh, trout a Hlmplu Celd In thu head te Levs et Mnell, Tante and Ilrailnj,', Ceuuli unit Ca tarrhal coustiinptlen. Compleie treatiueiit, eenslstliiK et one bottle lladlcul ( lire, one box Catairhal Helveut ami oue luipreveil In haler, In oue pacK.iKu, may new be hud el all ilniL'Klsbi ter II.IW. Ask ler sASKOltD'S RADICAL CI' UK. " i he only abolute xpcclllc we knew et " Mtil Timet. "The beit we have teiinil III u HletluioetHiillerlUK." A'cw. Dr. Wiuyin, lloi llei lloi ten " Alter a Iiuik Hti'UKUle with Catarrh the Radical Cuhk has cnniiuered "licv N. II'. Menree, l.tultbwuh. J'ti, "I have net leunil a ca.se that llillil net lelleve al enee." -Anitrcir Lee, Manchester, Mutt l'OTTXIt DllUO ANll CIIKMIUAL Ce . HlMlOIl. SAND I'd HITS ItADIUAI.UUllf. KIMCHAI.K at Cochran's Druir Htere, Ne U7 anil W Neith Queen street. Luncaster. l'a. COLI.lNb' VOLTAIC KLKCTUIC 1'LAaTKUi. New l.llu ter Shattered Nerves), l'alnlul Mus elesaud Weakened Organs. Cellliib' Voltaic Klectrlc Plaster Instantly allects the nerveiiH nystein and banishes pain, neivnusuess and ilublllty. A perfect Kleclile l.Mvaulc Ilallery combined with a hluhly tueilli'lniil Plaster lop ile All diiii;i;lts aui'l-lvdW Aw IIIKAT INDIAN MKDIOIMi . KA-TON-KA, THE GREAT INDIAN MBDIOINB. -FOU Til K Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. It Is tmiibi by the Indiana, UmmI by the IihIIuih, fold by the luillaiiH, It Is I'uiely Veftntable. 11 surely cures all dlse.ues et the htemaeh. Liver, llewelsand llloeil It Isalmeslu sneclllc for all tonus et Rheumatlsui. It will erne dlsea-e when all ether lemedles luuii f.illml. DlroelleiM are plainly pi luted en every hot het All tribes el luillaiiH have their ineillclni e, hut Ka-Ten-Ka Is u rumedy of tliu l'actlle Const, mid U used by all. It U cmnpiMuil et toots, herbs and barks Kathereil and prupared by the Warm Spring Indians of Oregon, And Is favorably known and med In all ,iaris et thu world. 'Iho sick or alllnn should net delay Its use. II will prevent as well its euro iiiHimdn. lis ntlcu Is one dollar our bottle, or his bottles lr five dellais, Ask ler 11 and eeu thai ou KullL It Is ter sain by all DiukkIsIs, and by th'i ORKUON INDIAN MKD1C1NK COM I' A N, curry, l'a. Medoc Indian Oil Philip Selium, Sen & Ge's ICO BOUTH WATER BTKEET, LANCASTER, I'A. We have a full supply el RAO AND KILL- We only me the best r sorvlceablo carpet. Si4 Seuth nil.) i vi ) Queen Btroet, i.ANCAHTKU. I'A. V UTHItlA Cern Remover. The most etructlvu prepamtleii ter tliu n mnval or Cerns, ituninni, WarU, ote., ever placed bolore thu publlu. Warruuletl te urailluulu cempletuly and within n short tlme the most ebduratu corns, hunt e uett, without pain. tTlBXrOJITIVKUDKU. HOLD AT B 'OHTOLD'H DRUQ STORE), Nu in, iVKSTOUANUKSTRKKT, corner et Charlette, dl-lyd 1NO (JARl'KTH. varus, if you want a uoed. pleasu ceme and examine our stock bufnru purchasInK elsewhere, as we will soil as cheap as the cheapest. Come and seu loryeursulf and be convinced, us wealways have the reputa tion el making Urst-elass Carpeta. CUSTOM RAG OARl'KIH ABI'KCIALTV (JOVKRLKTH. COUNTKRl'ANKH, ULAN- IlKTH, UARl'KT CHAIN, HTOCK. iiiu i Ann, no. DyeltiK Dene in all Its branches at short no. tlce. COAL I COAL I 01 the beat quality, expressly ter family mr. TRY ABAM1M.KT0N. RKMKMI1KRT1IK OLD BTAND. PHILIP 8C1IUM, SON Si CO'H. NO. 1MJH0UTII WATKR 8TIIK KT, IMind LANUAHTKR, I'A. TIIK OKKATKST l'AIN MKOIOINK ON KARTH. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN OIL Is cettatn te euro Toelh.iclio In one inluute, Headache In live minutes. Karauhu In tun minutes, heiu Threat In euu ntKlit, Neuralnlalii llireu te live inln uts. . .... MODOU INDIAN (ill. is uaeii inieruaiiy as well as externally. Kvery family should luivu n bettlu within reach. II Is a recter In the liniiBO. Ker sale by ml DrtiKRlsts. l'rlcu C5c. per bottle. Largu hlzu bottles, Wle. iniiian notion HYRUP U ii lireinni apecltlc ter Ceutrhs, Colds and I.uiik dlseuies. Me. pur bettlu. Ka-ten ku, Modoe Indian Oil and Indian Cetiuh Hyrtip ler sale (wholesale and retail) al Cochran's OniK Motu, Ne. 1,17 mid 1.1) Mirth Queen stieet, Lancaster, I'ii. mJ-lyilWASAw T.rAVKUFOIIU tOLI.KOK, LX irem rniiaiiui piiie, en I'A,, U MII.K3 thu I'll. R. R Tueuab Ciiasb. LL. il.. ITCs't. Undureurit el becl-uv el Friends Classical and bcleutltle cour-es. Application toradmUslen may new bomtiie. ForcutalOKueudilroi I'ver, ibAAO Hil AiU'l.KSH, Dean, llivvorfer I i.'eiiiue p. e.. l'H. JI7TuTliA83tfl KAV'H Ml'KUiriu mi'ijMiii.-m.. uiA J Uruat KtiKllsli Rsmi).ly. An uumillns euro ter ImneUincy, and all DUeases that fellow less el Memery, Universal Lessl. tude. i'aln In thu luck, Dimness et Vision, l'roinatnre Old Ae, mid many ether ilbieftses that lead te insanity or Con Cen Con Bumptlen and a l're.iiuiurutiruvu. Full par. Uculara In our pumplci, which wu tloMlreto one. iiiu npuciur Medlclnels sold by all druri;lsUiut tl pur pack. ae. or six package I terV ei will be sent true by mall en the reculnt m thu money, by ml dresslnK the agent, A. II. COCHRAN, UniKKlst, Nes. 137 and m North Queuu street, Lunca.s- ter, l'a. On account et counterfeits, wohave aitop: aitep: aitop: ea the yellow jWnipjwrithuonlyKenulne. C UllAI MKIJ1U1IHKUU., TIIK yaw uuiiale, N. t, AJmiriiey llj Kail ThreUKli the flfclns.it tni KAttiorUnil-Heenrs In Old NiueiutMirj; (Jualat Hlht Oliicrvftil. Kxtracts Irem l'rlvate CerriMpiinl n-e, Mimicu.Jtity SO, 1891. We left OoIeriio for Uenn ou Wodnesd.iy iiflorneon b mil, (llstance about 20 miUfl, in enlur te take llie niernltiK beat up thu Hlilne te M.iycucc, an it 1h at thin point where tlia (ltie nuonery commenccB. Thcre Is nothing of i-pcclal iutercst at Uenn oxecpt Its uuivismlty, ami I Bpcnt the nftorneoti In writing it eiler the coellug Miaile of the hersu chestnuts iu tlin park of the Uratul Hetel Hoyal en the bank of the tiver, vvhore heatH are constantly tiasslu; tip nnd down. In front, ou the cast bank, is stretched out a lovely plain, with n Icumlng population; woman washintr, and FprcaditiK the clothes te dry en the Rrcen sword ou the river bank; while looking up thu stream the tall clHTef the DraohenfulH, uith its rttlned castle, looms up ever a thousand feet. TJionext inernliiK we tike I'm lie.it from Cologne, which steps te take en pas sengers from Ueun. The passenger lit islargely made up of Americans; the day is an exceptionally line one, and we ttiike a rccul.ir picnic of It. The only incident te mar the pleasures of the day was a severe thunder Bterm iu the alternejii, which drove all hands bn'ew, but the suti seen Rheno out again and all wre hippy At (lrst sight the Hlilne dm n m luiptchi ene like the IltiiNen ; it is nut felan;r, and thou it hai a muddy npp irancj The nconery is as line along the llttds'iu, but It is of a dilTerent character. Thore are mere elegant residences alung the hitter than the Hliinr, and the pn of living Ins made it classic. Hut the Rhine is uf a durcrent type. It is the history of u thousand yearc, of which peets and Ids tunatiH of nil nations have wt ittcn, tiinl the ruins of the old castles standing kcu kcu thiels en her tall chiXi, each lias ban its legetid. Kiiiiimi Ifeinalii. The sites of many of its towns wcre known te and ecuiipicd by the Remans, and much of their wet h remain". Theu the quaiutiicss of these towns, thuir old and historic churehes, high g.iblci and red tile reefed dwellings ; the immense foiti feiti llcatiiius at UebleuiK at.d Klirehbrettsteiii ; the vitu clad hills, terraced 1:1 many pl.ices te the top, the earth can n d up by paB.ititn in baskets en their lucks and ita.ids all theFB g i te m.ike up a ptct'ire rarely nipt witli in any country, and I .vik myself the question : " What pictnre wilt the lTttd lTttd heii ptcsent a thoiisand.years her.ee V' Fair ltii.K.n . It is evening when we reach " Fair llingen en the Rhine," madu fiitnetts by Mrs. Notion's beautiful p.iem. ileie the scenery changes ; the lulls no longer rise in such stately grandeur, but gradually ttcedn from the rlver, and the goutleulopo Is coveted witli beautifully laid out gar dens and tasteful dwellings. liiugen is a pretty place, situated ou u goutle slepe at the continence of the Nahe with thu Rhine. .lust opposite, ou thu a Jilt horn isiiut of the Nc.durwatd. htands the heroic staltie of " Germany Ivoeping Watch en the Hhine," recently erceted by the wipe, nal gevuruuient as a monument of thu ene thousand years existence of the Herman uriipiie We i each Maytnse at 11 o'clock p.m., and take quirteis at the Hetel de Helland. An Old (ienium cltj. We take u carii.iyje iu the morning an 1 diive te all the jilaces of interest. It is an old Herman city in lIese of about 00,000 inhabitants, situated at the coulluuiie) of the Main with the Rhine. It is famous for its immense formicatiens ; the feuud.i t.ien of the oily dates IS (J. l-l. when Druttus built uxtutisive fortiliuatieus hoi e, the remains of which are at: 1 here, and also uf a Iteinau afiijcduat. It has a dihedral and soveral old churches, witli monuments te bchiller and Uuteube-g ; the latter u.is bem ai.d is hurkd Inte ; I &aw the house he was born in an 1 the shop where he set up his tirst printtug press. We start for Nuiumburg, distant a 1 hours journey by rail, and reach it al 7 p. in , passing through a variety of nceueiy. towns level and highly cultivated, hug" distticta et which are devoted te the culii vatieu of hops. Uermmi Carmine The sconery along thelianks of the Mam is highly picturesque, with its prcii meadews, irrigated as they are still in some parts el our county from the little streams whteli meander thteugli them ; with mountains towering i n either side i with a thick growth of gituti piun : nml, I when thu lulls grew smaller, covered with I gtnpu vines; a public toad, smooth :ix n I tl or, nibs for miles cIdmi te ami p.ir.illxl , with the raiue.ul, skiitid ou i itber sule I witli apple trees, luclen with (nut, eanv ; of them already preppd. We pass through a uiiuibtr uf towns, , the largest of which is Wuitzburg, mi tint I slope of the hill en which the I'ahtie el Mariauburg stands ; nml en ih .v inliutg opposite, aie the vineyards tli.it liir.uli the i wines for whicli Wurt.lmig is lam iih, I Tlie people generally live in villages, allot whicli present the same appi'.ir.uiC'', of steep roefod and red tiled cetugi-H and out buildings. They farm the liud aiiunil tlieee villages, going out vury early in tliu morning and wetking until 7 .unl s o'clock . In the ovening. I Tlielr farming opsratiens are cDiidtietcd ' in the most primlUve style, the plowing, , grain hauling, &a.', bing dene byeivs, uud occasionally oxen, winch are hitclic 1 , up single and double They have u wooden I etitved pin witli n pad which is fastened around the head, below the horns ; te , this ate attached rope tr.ue.s, by winch j the lead is pulled ; a cluiu around llie neek of the animal serves th pi t w et our breast ehalns. It la new the midst of huv.st, linih is principally out with the sickles and n ou. trlvanoe wltlui short sevthf, usid with oie hand, while witli thn ether thu gram in grasped. We rce Init.ilredi of worn n iu the Holds using thu sickl.i a d bin ling and pitchlug grain, many witheir, any liead cnveriiur, and ethors with ted keichiefs tied loesoly en thelr heads, their arms ami faoes burued as brown as then leaves of blown bread. Thure are mi (uncus, but the laud Is farmud generally in small patches, and tltey pe(;ieis very slowly with their work. In mirniiiburit'.. .llaikrt'. We ntrlve at Nureinbcrg, ene of .the nldefct tmtl quaintest tjwus in Oermany, and steji at the " Kitties Kess" Hed Herso. It Is new 7 p. m. Tne imt morn inc it is minim;. We hear a wonderful olaiterlug cf wiigeiis, nud looking out of the window co wauen after wagon, urawii Drlnelnallv bv cows, tided up with hamp ers, baskets and tubs, driven and followed by men and women with woedousolcd shoes, trudging through the rain te the market "plaU," te which I seen fellow te witness the Htrange bcoiie, having al i eady observed n similar ene at Cologne Lettuce, carrots, celeiaha, ciiulillower, turnips and potatoes, are the principal vegetables. I saw bushels of the most elegant cherrlep sold by the pound at tit; cents. The butter is put up iu email rellB, half moon shape ; net having ice it In soft and light colored ; they ovidently de nor understand the coloring process as out farmers' wives de. It is still raining. Standing ou the stepi of au auolent looking arcade, full of small shops, where all kinds of morehati dise are oxpescd for sale, I take in the scene. First, I nollce that many cf the customs of attondingmarkethavobcon car ried te our own country, and are practiced In a medillcd form by our Pennsylvania German population. Women nre sitting by their marketing, taking thelr oeffco nnd eating thelr bun, en their laps n basket of butter, in front of thorn ene of eggs, ethers bargaining for vegetables, &3. with their customers; the old woman, who sells herse radish and by the way the driest I ever saw : the man and bis wlfe with their table ou whleh is piled Imtnonse weed, en soled shoes, which they aroeudoavorlug te arrange In pairs, but all of which leek alike; the baker with his heavy dark look ing leavos of blaek bread and curiously shaped buns, eakes, &e; fathers and sons busily ougaged In unloading hampers from their strauge looking, low-wheeled wa gons; wemeu tumbling the eddest shaped whoelbarrows, pilot! up full of baskets, bags, cee ; otheis with huge baskets, with three feet, which they strop ou their backs, and carry heavy leads iu ; then the fquealing of plgp, the cackling of gecee, the quacking of ducks and the continual gabbling of the German by men, women and childreu even te the cry intr of babies iu the sanie language te one who don't understands word of it, it is enough te make him daft. Theu the surroundings go U com cem pletn the picture Thcre nre old heuses with high gables facing the street ; with the oddest shaped bay windows, and little funny looking dormer windows, peeping out of the red rnels, hundreds et years old. Many of thorn built iu the 1 lth century. Right across the way stands an old church with its Heaven pointed spires; it has withstood the storms of con. turies ; its walls the teeth of time has partly ititeu away ; and its saints adorning niches, have lest much of their former rxprchsleu by the less of limbs, neecs, etc Hllil About tliu limn The hotel we ate stepping at is ever 300 years old and in a very geed state of preservation, but it presents the most striking contrast with modern built hotels possible te imagine. We diive nreuud the city and through the gatn of the old city wall, near where the castle, new lilted with suldiets, looms high aliove the eity, out te St. Jehn's cemetery, where we nre shown the graves of Albrecbt Durer, the poet painter, who died in 1.j23, uud Hans Sachs, who died iu 158."). Beth of these men had much te de iu preparing the way fur the Hoferniatlon. It was I.ougfellow who King te Nurcni burg : Vel thy Kaisers nor thv councils Wen ler i lieu thu world's ruirard. Hut thy painter, Albrecnt Durer And Hans Sachs, thy cobbler bard. Thcre are soveral old churches which data back te the 13th and 14th cenluriOB. We lcave Nuremburg at 4:30 p. m. and arrive at thta, ene et the largest and llnest of German cities, tliu capital of U.itavia at 9:30 p m. 0. W. II. MMIUUAIj, A OIIKAT .HUOUKH!!. HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is famous for Its quick and hearty action In ciirlniri.atneltaclc, Rheu matism, Sciatica, Crick In llie Hack, Bide ami JIlp, NnuralKla, HtlfT Joints nnd Muscles, Sore Chest, Kidney Troubles and all pains or acties either local or ilnep-scatuil. It seethes, Strengthens and Stlinulales the parts. The virtues et hops combined with nums clenn and ready te apply. Superior te liniments, lotions and salves, l'rlcu, 25 cents or 5 ter $1.00. Held by driiRKlAla and country stores. Mailed en receipt et prices. Hep Vtailer tM priniy, Proprietors, Ilosten, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. rnade llawley's Wc. rieruant In (1) -The best family pill Stomach and Liver f'llls. ' action and easy te take. nevaMydAw ut.uvniNU, VXTIIKN YOU TALK. AllOUT Bargains in Clothing -AND- GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS wu want you te tear In uilnd that the greatest bargains ever given are these which HIRSH & BROTHER, Cor. .North Queen St. nnd Centre Square, ARK NOW U1V1NO. Mho eause et our selling our goods at such low prices, is that we need all the room, and mine than lliev occupy, te place thn large stock or NKW FALL AND Wl.NTKR CLOTH. 1N( NOW MANUFACTURINO If you rail seen you ran elilalu an Idea of thn bargains we are sulllng. Ohserve a tuw of the Bargains in Light - Colored Suits. A poed All.woel Suit for lfi.00, worth 110.00. A butler All-wool Mult ter ti.ue. worth lii.ee. A tlnu Albwoel Hull for 43.7.1, worth tl3.60. An extra-line All-wool suit, $lo.ne, worth IKOO. Our low priced LlKliUCnlnrcd Suits we nre Bulling ntf 1.10. tl.50,r.t0,.v;5iind M. ODD COATS, VESTS. PANTS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. SU.UMK1! UNDKRWKAR almost glven away, Oauze Shirts as ,'ev us 15 cent?, Jean Drawers as low as se cents j ether Furnishing Uoeds equally as low. 'I his sale Is only te gain room Hirshei Brether, Oer. of North Queen Stroer, nnd Contre Squo.re Twenty tlve COATM AUtUlS wanted at onto. VT.UTIltHlt. A rKASTO BARGAINS Neckties and Half Hese At ERISMAN'S. Ne. 17 Weat King Street. Gauze Undershirts, In Sixes from 31 te M Inchea. AT- EEISMAN'S. VKIW HATUrOM. M Thin Clothing. In Kxcollent Assortment, ter this sortel wcather, for MKN'S, ROY'S nnd CIIIL DRBN'H WEAR, In all the PLAIN AND MOST FA3H10NAIILE FAMltlCS. In looking around ler Summer rcqulsllun. remember that tlie Ixut nssertmant In OLOTIIINO Is always te be scen horn, and that prices aru sulllclently varied te meet with inver among all cla-sses et liuyers, ns wnll as theso whom lottune his less favored. We Invite calls, thai we mar le aflenled a chance te show lust what we liave. The make, style nnd quality of our OLOTIIINO Is telly up te the blithest standard, anil Is marked at figures that eften make buyers of theso he only ceme te see. 9- Cotnpart'en courted, trade sollclted. MYERS & MTBFON, LBADINO LAN0A8TKR CL0T1IIKR3, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET. LANUASTKR, I'A. M EttUIIANT TAIL.U31INII. T MIK TAII.OIl'H llUll.ll IIiieKlen'd, Arnica antra. The Rest Salve In the "world ler C'uta. Rrulsei. sores, U'ci-rs, 'alt Rhuiini. Fever Horea, Tetter, ihiipput llunds. Chilblains, Cerns, and all iklii eruptions, and positively cures J'lles, or no pay requlri'il. III. iruar auteud tnKlve iKirlict h itl-l.ietlen or mom y relumleil Price, ! niuti jii.r Imix H'orsiile byll.lt i ecliriin. iliuu'ist, i;!7ainl l.'M North Oueeii street, Lancaster l.f t Trutli rrttall. Le1 the hicts be known. Let in uii'lurstand tint a bull, or mi ulcer, or a carbuncle, or any ei upturn or blemish et the sl.ln Is Mire te wenr away uud dlsippeur when Ituriteck llloeil U ters nre empleye. I. This wniiderlul uiedlcliiu acts dliecuv upon thu ciiculatluu mid thu icasnus ter lis use me theiefere obvious Fer salebv II. II. UerliiMii, ilriiKtlHt, U7 and l.'l'.l Neilb (jiie.uiHlruel. A ureat Dlirovery. Ml. Wm. Ihemas, et Newton, In, says '.My wile has been seriously nlleeteil with a eolith ler twenty rtvu yeai-s. mid this spring uiote tuverely than ever hcfeiu. Hh.i had used many lemedles without relief, mid beluir ur -eil te try Dr. Kind's New lilsceery, did se, with mesl Liatlfylnn ii suits The llrst bottle lelleiud her very much, mid the M-cend bottle has abielub-ly eured her Mm bus n t hail he i-iie,! health fei tlility ynirs " 'trial bullies fiee at eeliran's drux Heie, Nes 117 uud l-l'.' eitli Oueeu stitet, LiiueiisU-r. l'a l.m i;u site, f lie. (D) tin Kipml Vt te llnsr rrmii, Tint innveiiientH et mule's hind lus me vn rv viiiliilileiuiil uiicertitln. hut Dr. 'thorn ii' ICelcctrie OU takes but one eeui'nu-ll heals and cute', ltse-iiial ler aillima, illphllierla, calatili cold umi sire tlneit has never jet be, ii neb I, 1-or sale by 11, II, Cochran, dim;. Klst, Ml and la'J Neith gueen slieeL IV e OhaiiDliKu tilt) M'erlil. iVheti wu say we belluve, we bavu uviileneu toiueve that llilluh's Leiiiiiiuintli.n Cure t ilnelileilly the best Lillur Meitttlue made, In as much eh It will cure a common or Clnenle Clinch tueiie-hiill the time ami tellevu Asth ma, llreneldlls, Wheiiptui; Ceuub, Cteup, nnd slmw muni raws dl t'ltilHUIliptluu euie.l tlimi alleilieiH. It will cm ii v, ln-i'ii they tall, II Is Oie.iHant te bike, harmless te the yeunneH i btl.l and we Kiiaitinlee what wu say 1'rlee, be. one and tl.nu. II your Liiiiks me ere, Oh is I or llai-k la ne. me Hhlluh's Pereus l'la let. -elil liy II, II. (.echrati, di iikkIsI, Nils, 1.7 V I V Nnltli IJueeM streel Im'i7-I'hI 1 "NOVA JIKNE UXVHA." I2.0U0 YARDS OF WKST OF KNULAND AT OUR DISl'OiAL UNTIL AIJO.10. When they will be withdrawn Irem the market ewiiik te thu Inte arilval et these Koeds thocenslirneo lmn cancelled thu order, with Instructions irem the manufacturer iu otter al Forced Hale for THIRTY DAYS te illnpii-i- ut the Ktltlru Let. TI1F.SK OOODS ARK OF PURE CHEVIOT WOOL, Twenty i-r. te the jur-l, all lengspun yarn, solid Indigo color, mid wnrniutud tliu busi material ler service In thu market. l'ei sons wlshlni: te save money can de se by piaelnn their erdeis al once Wu have alu-ady taken enleis ferl'S Hulls, mid aru Irvlhft te te cure as many as possible ter our friends mid custemen. They me weith 15 a suit We lire Kullli'n tln'in i.t l.'.'i, liiuile niwl trimmed in the beat st) le, mid a put led tl' iruaranleed Rcspeciiully Yours, J. K. SIALIM. -l)ver Lncher A Heiih' llanklnn Heme, Centre Square mid West King Street, many iyv.s UAHUlAUJStt, I V. c AI'.UIAdi: MMtll I(l.N J. MAN At IIKO. GREAT REDUCTION -IN- Nertak & liley Would i i-Hp.-et tnlly eall the attention et the public te the Immense stock of CARRIAGE WORK ON HAND AT PRF.SF.NT, Consisting et 30 BOGGIES of all STYLES. JUMI'HKATOARRIAOKS. K.T. TOP nVO.8F.AT I'H.Kl'ONH. PON Y or LA Dl lis' I'll CVONH, iauiiaSprlliKS. I'.KIIIT HKCOND-HAND IHKIUIKS, 1IRKW HI'l'.R AND UNO HI'RINUU, A se a Hue Second. Hand J and u Fll'il-Chlss 1.ADIKS H. CARRIAOK I'll lll'ON. All ihusu ebs will he sold ala veiy leilueid llguie In order te iiuil.e lunin, IIKINO Competent .ludires te KXAMINK OUR OOODS, and be convinced that we nre net Ii Itllm; with thu public. DON'T PAY FANCY PRICKS when ou can buy Justus geed mi article for ONK-T1IIRD LKaH. Don't listen te our lellew couiHitlters In re Kurd te uuallly el iniUe., as our sales hoteto heteto hotete loio reuviniud our ctiHleinurs thnT"eur work sustains enr word." All wontter bow we can sull ee cheap, but that is our secret, and as leuir us we can stand these Lew 1'rlces, we aieat thu s.iiuu llmu pleasing our custo mers, as uverr purchaser at present leeks te n savlnir. A dollar saved 1. a dollar made, l'atumlzii these who bunellt thu public, KeimiriiiK Promptly Dene. I0RBEGK k MILEY, We am new heUIiik Pauls at 75c, ,ui, $1 60 tilO, it.V), I llie, 1 5) anil tl.ne. Men's Hulls at U'l il no, ft.V), ts.ee, til.im, I7.li), H (Ni flu, IP.', $11 unl fill. Heys Hulls at II il, fl7.1,fJiO,fJMl, fjdu, f I OC f e, fl (hi, f 7 ( mid (Him. (Justem Department. (Inn Is tn the Piece, which we muku In erdur at pi Ices le duty competition. Pants at ta.sn, ftu), fise, ,ai, ft.ne, up te t'J.u . Hulls al iinmi, f 12 0, lll.ix), tioe), fia.flOand upwards. We me always leady mid glad te see enr Irbinils nml palieiiH, whetlierthey wish le buy or net. We cordially In vile the public te call and intpect our Summer dethliiK, new belnit cluiri'd out (uverv Ksrmenl a bargKlii) te make room for our New Fall Stock. L.Gansniaii&Bre. The FASIUONAIW.K MKR0HANTTAIL0R3 AND CI.OTH1URS, Ne. 86-68 NORTH QUKEN STREET, Right en thu Meullniest Ceiner or Oiange. I AM.Ahl KU i tVOlitill KVKRY KVKNINU until 8J o'clock, saturdiiy until iu o'clock. Spi'ciul i'er Lndics. 1 have )nst received a line of tlie FINEST IMl'ORTKD PONOKKSIn the market, which will be sold per ploce, containing twenty yards, at f 10; llie same quality et iroeds are selling in I'lillndulphla nl f 12 and f 13. Special for Gentlemen. Jusl recidvcd, A Hl'LKNIUD ASSORT MKNTOF WOOLKN OOODS, suitable ter thu het weather, which will be made up at sur prlslnuly low tlKuresanil superior workman ship, with trlmmliifr tn correspond with thn Koeitsbothlniiuiilliv and shine l'KRFKCT FIT OU A RAN riCKD OR NO HAI.K. Olie me atrial and be convinced. D. R. WINTERS, NO. 21 N. (JUEEN STREET, LANCASTKR, I'A. A KAIIK OUAMOE. Great Reduction -IN- FINE CLOTHES -AT- E GERHART'S, Ne. 6 a East King Street. In erdur te reduce a heavy sleck I will make up loenli-r, ter the niiialndernl thn season, all I.KIHMVKIUHT WOOLKNSut a Redaction of 20 te 2S per cent. This bbr reduction ts FOR OASH ONLY, nnd will enable thu buyer te gui a tine suit et Clethes, made up In thu best e-tj'le, almost as le- us a r. inly, uifiloidiep Hutu H. GERHART. f1 iK IIAHVrsr IS WKLL. I)VK, Oorner DuAe and Vine Btroeta, LAN0A8XEK, l'A 'el3-tM SOttOOL TAX FOU lHHl.-rilK DUl'I.I. UATK Is In thu hands el the troasurcr treasurcr Tliriuper cunt, oil If paid by AukusH. 1 W.O. MARSH ALL. Truus. Ne, 12 Centre Hiiuare. Oihce hours, from U a. in. te 4 p. m. ltd Cu.ehimi our I All kinds et Bummer Uoeds without re gard te cost, ut BECHTOLD'S Te make room ler Full Uoeds, Ladles' and Oents' FtiruMituit Oueds and Notions are pecbilttns. l'li'itn'i call nud examine bolore you buy, Thimklulerpast I avers. ' 1IKNRY IIKCHTOLD, Ne. bi North Uueen btruuL F.a.-Heuses, Bterm, Hulldlntt Lets mid Sand for sale. lMy HUT THOSK WHO WOULD RKAP 1IARGAIN8, SHOULD CALL AT ONCK -AT- Burger & Sutten's Popular OlethiDE; Heuse, Ne. 24 Centre Square, WHLRK UOODS ARK SOLD AT A. HACRN F1CK.TO MARK ROOM FOR TUB FALL TIIADK. A Few Odds and Ends Still en Hani, AND rOR BALK PAR BELOW COST. Burger &Sutten Merchant Tallew and Clothiers, 24 OENTRB SQUARE. LANOA8T1CR. VA. dyd TTllAfIS IIIITISU-l.tlKI( HKKK AU It Kicelsler BirateKU Water en DrriiiBht. liunry Kahter, proprluierot tne Uriiw Heul, wiind Jt North llueen street, ban remedelwJ thu barroom, ereclwl rlntelaM Helrlortera and lm new ou draught Charles (lijj; eel eel SbreUKl I'tilladelplua I.AUKU UKKR. for whtctihoUseinajiiinilnililscUy, Alte.BAR. ATOUA WATKR from the tameus KxcoUter Sprlnirs, HaralOKV N. Y. A tell assortment et the niinwt Wlm and l.toueni en tl. 1 ' mJ7-Jmil v5i1