j M - Sk ltmic&tei w iAIAVjv I lAv A c W r- Veliiiiif XX Ne 288. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1884. Price Twe Cm If. .'(vrewwfiiUiiUAicrar!, , ci h VL4J r mm k v flSSTSS IIHV UUUIIH, J tMIM M (II VI, 1511 A OI for Choice Wilten Cm pule. IUIIN b. (It VI. Kit A CO., Ker Kine Velvet Uui pets. .IOIINS.UIVLKIIACO., Fer Kxtm (juiillty Mequut Carpel. JUIINS. (IIVLKIIAOO., Km- lit hL Makes lltxly llrusseh) Cm pill, .IOI1NH. (IIVLKIIACO., Fer HeslTiipeattV ItrilMsels (.'ill pet. 1 OIIN H. tllVI.KIC & 0., Fer Dattmsk Hull and btulr (.urput. JOHN H. (II VI, Kit. t CO., Ker Lew-pil-ed Venetian Hall and Htalr. JOHN H. (UVLKIt .ICO,, Ker Home-mudo Itug Carpet. JOHN H. 01 VI, Kit A CO., KorCecoii, Napier and Canten Muttlngii. JOHNS. (11VI.KUA0 ), Fer Choice Linoleum. JOHN H. Ol VI. Kit. I CO., JOHN H. 01 VLKIl A CO , Ker Medium Tapestry Carpet. Fer Hint Fleer Oil Cleths. JOHNS. 01 VI. Kit. t CO., JOHN 8. U1VLKIIACO., Fer Lew priced Tapestry Carpel, Fer Hugs mill Mats. JOHN S. UIVI.KIt .ICO , JOHN 8. (II V I.Kit ft CO., Fer Heat All wool 3 ply Curpitt. Kei tliu Genuine An nun Cur put Sweeper. JOHN H. (II V I.Kit ft CO., 0N OlVI.KIt X CO., Fer Kxliu Hupur All-wool Cm put. lukeCurput Kiiga In Kxcliuiiguter Utuput. JOHN -t. (ilVl.hlt ,V CO., JOHN 8. (II V I.Kit .t CO., Fei DUiaC. O. Oil pet. l'llcus Marked In rlitln Klguiea. JOHN S. HIV I.Kit ft CO . .JOHN H. OlVI.KIt ft CO., Ker nil klmlsel lugiulu Carpels, uiiii I'llceaud tlutl the Lewest. JOHN 8. (IIVLKIIAOO., ' JUllN8.(UVI.KIt A CO., ! KllHl Mug Street. Till) Hunt Assel tllicnt III Lancaster. .1 HKVIIHIKHATUHH. KH'KTIM OK.I.KKIIAI Kl IIKmiUKltATOIlH, OltKAT IlKDUCTION IN 1'IIICKS OF J E WELTS REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS -ANII- Phlliulelphlii I. awn Mowero, FILTERS. Hnmmoeka, Perry Ss Oe.'a Hydrant Hose, OH Stevos. a-Veartelletliig thce goods ul Kxcoedlngly Lew 1'ilcca te Koduce Our Stock. Nes. 26 jut-liml Gee. M, Steinman & Ce., & 28 West King Street, Lancaster. VAUI'Ittii, ,Ctt S... itK-.s e.iitri.r iiAi.i.. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! bikiuvai. II IINTH IIKMKIIV, HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. Never Known te Fail. IT Id A SPECIFIC Kldney nnd LIver TreublOH, liladder. Urinary nnd I.Iver Diseases, Drop sy. Gravel innl Din. IttltOH. IT IS RELIABLE llrliflit'M Disease, I'liliig In tliti Ibiek. I.eIiih or Sldus, lliitiintliiii or N e ii . Ileloiitleu or Urlni). EIOHLY RECOMMENDED. 11 cures llllleusniss. Headache, Jaundice, Heur Stomach, DvHpcpaln, Constipation uml I'lliw. IT WORKS PROMPTLY uml ctiri'H InloiiipcriiiH'e, Nurveim Olouuiiea, Oenuial Dulilllly, Kxue.-NfH mul Fuiinilu VVi'iikniH). USB IT AT ON OB. It rmtiufi tlie KIDNKVS. KlVKIt uml IIOWKI.8, te u Inuiltliy u.-llmi, nnd CUKKH wlicn ullotlier meilluliKM I. ill. HiinilrnitM luive Im'iiii hiivimI he Inivu In en Klvun up te illu by IrlunilH uml pliylclniii. 1'rli.u l.'Ji. hunil ler lllmtnituil I'miiplilut HUNT'S REMEDY CO., I'lOVlllUIICC, It. I. bOI.I) II Y AM. DltUOOISTri. NTii,TliAHftw A UltKAT HUOCr.8!). HOP PLASTER. TIiIh piireni pliutcr In ImneiH ler Hh enlck mill Hi'iirty notion In curing i.uiiin Hack, Itliou Itlieu iniktUtn, SvlntlCH, Click In Oie llaek, Miluuml Hip, NmirulKln. 8tlir JelntH mul Mlitcli'H, Seie Clii'sl, Klilncy Trenlilu-t uml nil pnlim or iu-Iiih eltlitir local or iImivhi'hIiI. It xoetliix, 8tri)ii)(tlii)ii8 anil HtlniuliiteM tlie pnrtn. Tlie virtues et liep coinltlneil witli i:iiiiii-clmi uml rcinly le upply. Hiiwiler te llnlinuniH, lollent uml hiiIvch. I'rlcu, 'JS rtnila or B ler fl.U). Helil hy iIiiikuUIh uml count ry Dime. Malliil en receipt el prices. J'liiUcr Com pany, 1'roprteteis, lloiten, Jlim. A GREAT SUCCESS. -Tlii) bimt liunllv illl 8leinacli uml I. Her I'llis. iietlen uml easy le lake. nevaMyriftw EUCOLIO "WISDOM. Mtll.tH Of I'H I1- HOI I, AH4KMIU.K, iimilti-llawleyt. -iv. l'leiis.inl In (1) vi.uritiNd. -AT- SHIRK'S CABPET HALL. Hellint; OIT te t'lose Itusiiiess. Evt'rylliini; Must I'osilively lie Sold. A Full l.lnoef IIOOV IHHttSKI.S.TAl'KSTItV. unit All OrailtH of INUItAIN UAItl'KTS, llUUa, II1.ANKKT8. COVKlll.KTd ami Oil. CLOTH. tSTJLL ATA 3ACItIFWK.-&l - Prompt ultoiillen kH" te tlie Manufiicttiroel Ke Carpula te eritur. SUM'S CAUPET HALL, (JOH, W. KING AND leli'iJ illliluw WATEU STS LANOAS7BR, PA J. II. It.AKTIN JJ )(. lOlirt 11. HAUSMAN. EIHE TAILOR, Ne. 121 North Queen St.. I.A.NCAH'll'.K. l'A. I Iiumi liiMt rerelveil u lull linn of very IlKlit wuUlit goeilt ler inliNiiiiiiiier we ii. In KiikIImIi ami Anii'ilc.ui Weihih, Mlxeil uii.I Plain Colem. SeerinrKcTH ami l.lneiitf, wlilcli 1 am Hiilllm; very reaHonalile. Sty lh uml I.M 8er;(H. lull In Hk Dvii, lieat anytliliiL,' In tlm city, 'llie coleianio l'uru In illKO Dye anil will net lade. 4-Callamloxuiiiliie bulore ptircluialiiK. JehnR Bailsman, Ne. 131 North Quoeu Ht., Lnnoaster uiaya-lyitTu.Tlifta Carpet and Wall Paper Department. Our Hiile el WAI.I. l'Al'KUS Htlll continues, anil anyenu In neeil el WAI.I. TATKUS mil piiruliaiii) tlieiu lower mm tliiin later. WALL PAPERS. Kleiuil I'atlerns and l'eriVct (Joels, Ouaranteeil Full Mo.isure. PR10E3 PROM 12 1-2 OENTS UP. Ne Extra Charge for Hanging, Scraping or Sizing, Ne miicIi otter Ii ut evor liueii initie bnleni, ami only Htumls goeit till AUUI'HT 1. Muke your contract!) i w. Paper pntcliaanit new will ue Iiuiik any tluiu ilurlni; AUutlal', It cuHteiuurs '' 'our I'h per lliiiieiHiue tlm host In tlie city, l'lcatecul at Htore, ua whiIe net de anveaii viimlnit. uml any ihiiheii chiivahsIiik, unlnis our miuiu. Is an linpoUer. Tlie work will lioileim juit iu cuelul anil porfect al Hiode low tutus, iw wlien rujiilur prlcua aie clmrireil. Immense Stock of New Carpets for Fall. J B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King and Prince Streets. Lancaster, Pa. TIN W AUK, XV, (i"'r JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 24 Seuth Queen Street, -FOIt TIIK- CHEAPEST and BEST REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers,- GARDEN I10KS AND OIL 0L0T1I. MS P. SCIAOI, VAJtl'JSTa. Kf ,'MTAIII.IHIIKU 1H0U. CARPETS iiriir.N yeutai.u Aittiitf IT Bargains in Clothing' -AND- GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS we want you te bear In mint! tliat tbe rtateat buiKaliia ever Klven aie llioie wlilcli HIRSH & BROTHER, Cur. North (Jueeii St. niid Ccitlre Siiiitrr, AUK NOW U1V1NU. llie cain-e el our HtilllnireurKOOiUnt auch low prlccri, la tliul wu ueiiil all tlie room, ami limit! than tliev occupy, in lihue tlm larue Hlecl. of NKW KAI.I. AND UiNTKltU.OTH- I.NO NOW MANUrACTUIllNt. uj en call goon you can obtain an bleu el llie burcatiia woare sulllii. Obscrte a low or the Bargains in Light - Colored Suits. A koeiI All-wool Suit ler !(..t, werlh HMm. A butler All-wool Mult ler J7.WI. werlli liJJKI, A linn All-wool Suit ler ftU weilli I1J.M All uxtra-lluu All-wool Suit, $lu.(X), werlli IH.eil. Our low prlcvil l.lulil-Celnruil Suits we are sulllnijat 11.10. Il.sn, .te, 75 ami i M. ODD GOATS, VESTS. PANTS ATVOUItOWN I'llICK. SUM M Kit U.NHKIIWKAR alineil given away, Uuii7.il Hlilruua low tia 16 cent. Jean Drawers aa low as '.II cente ; etlici KuinlaliliiK Uoeila faultily an low. Tula aalu la only te iraln loom. Hirsh& Brether, -AT- Philip Selium, Sen & Ge's 150 SOUTH WATEU BTItEKT, LANOASTKIt.l'A. umily el 11 AU AND KILL. We only Uie tlie beat el Carpet, 24 Seuth luliZMVd Queen Streot, LANCABTEU, 1'A. yiureitiA Cern Remover. The nuHt ullucttve tirenaratleii ler tlie re meval el Cema, llinileua, Warm, ote., ever placed boleiu tliu public. Warnuiteil te eiaillcate completely 'nut wltliln a abort tlinti tliu meat outturate coma. Iiuril (ii enlt. 'vltlieut pain. IT IB A V011TIVU UUHK. HOLD AT BdOHIOLD'a DRUQ BTORH, Ne. 401 WKSTOllANOKHTUKKT, cerner el CUarlotle. ill-lyU Oer. of North Queen Streot and Oontre Sqimre, Twunty-llve CO ATM AKKKS wiuiteil at encu. Wuliavea lull buiv 1NU CAlll'KTS varus. 1( yen want a Ketxl, sorvlceablo plueau ceiuu aim oxuiulne our stock buleiu puicliualUK ulBuwliuru, ax we will Hell ua cheap as tliu cheapest. Come amlsee loryeiuself anil bocenvlncuil, ua we always liave tliu reputu reputu lleu el umkliiB flratKsleaa CarpuLa. CUSTOM KAQ OAltrBTfl ASI'KCIAI.TY COVKlll.KTH. COUNTKItl'ANKS, ULAN. UKT8, UAltl'KT OIIAIN, UTl)CK. inu i Ann, au. Dyeing Done in all IU branches at abort no tice. COAL I COAL I Ot the beat quality, osprceaiy ter family ue. TUYABAMl'LKTON. UKMKMIJK11TUK OLD bTAND. PHILIP SCIIUM, SON & CO'S. Ne. 1S0HOUT1I WATER 8TRKKT, rWma LAN0A8TKR, l'A. HVI1.IHSU 31 AT Kill AL. I )r.Jl(JV'AI.. I1.VV1NU KBMOVKUMY PLANING MILL -re- Nes.Mll te 117 N. Mulberry St, Ami IncroeBoil my facllltlua ler work, 1 am new prepared te tin all klmlaul weik In my llie ataneriuai neucu. M9m.t mrmi Wehlsen. XTAVKIllfOItU COI.I.K11K, l'A., II Mll.KM li iiiiiu iiiiiiiiieiiniia, en inu ra. U. K Tueuab Ciiabb, LU ll l'lua'L Umlur fnrn el Society el rlemta Cliuslcal ami Nnlunlltlu ceurtux. Application ler luluiUilnu may new boiuatle. torcataleKuuuililroja I'ue. 18AAC HIlAlll M.C0O, ucau, i re, llttvorferil l'oiiuke. i e J17a'uTlia830t CtllAY's HfKUiriu ncuiuinn. turf J Unuit KiiKltab ltuimxly. An unfailing cure ler Impelunuy, uml all Disease that fellow leaa et Memery, Unlvernal Laaal. tuile, l'aln In the liack, Diinnrna et Vision, I'rotnature Old Ak, and many ether ilLseasea that lead te Insanity or Cen- inttenaiiua rrumaiurti tintve. run par- Ucufara In our pamplut, wlilcli no ileslrete sumptien ami a rrumaiurti tinivu. send Ireeby mutitouvery one, Tlie Hpucine MwllclnuU Beld byallilriiKKlstaat tl porpaott perpaott porpaett oko, orlxpackttKUler5, or will be aeni tree by mall en tlie receipt et tliu money, by a.1 a.1 dreaaluit tliu aK(mt " fl.ll.COCIIKAN, DriiBKlst, Nea. 137 and WJ North queun Btioel, Laucaa. Ur, I'e. On account of counterfoils, wolutve adopt adept od Uie Yellow jWranper i tboenlygunutno. niii uu&i nicuityinc cu, yaw Kopeit en tlie Oeiiillllini el the Urupi A Me,, lur tlm lllril hiu h llruml.lile UlrectrO AKHlnat liieiu. The l.tnoanter County Ai-rleiUiir.il he. olety held n ntntcd timetiui; In tliulr room in Olty hall en Mendny ntturnoen. The following named membcfB wcre prcfient : MeBars. J. 0. Lliivllln, (lap Jekcph F. Wltmer, 1'araJlae ; unlvlu Coeprr, lilrd lii.IIaud ; Canper Uiller, UotieHtoa ; Dan iul Bmeyeh, elty ; .lumen Weed. Jjlttle Mritnln ; Frank It. I)iireii(l(irirr, elty ; B I. Eby, elty ; Dr. J. l WlokerHhani, elty; II. M. Kngle, Marietta ; (J, I. Hiiur oker, Matiheim township.; The prcsident beiiiK abtent Vice l'ri'Hi l'ri'Hi deut II. M. Etigle took the chair and culled the nicotine te otder. Oee. II. Wllieen, of Wheatland, waH propeHod for inetnbcrxhlp and oleotcd. Jehn C. Llnvllle, from tlie oemmittoo en oern culture, reported that there hud been tlirce entrlcH for tlie prctniiiiiH efleicil by llie hoeloty for the best eighth of an aere of oer.i, te be jilnuteil, cultivated and Kut tiered by boys net ever llftcuu yeatH of ie. Tlie nameH of the beyB ure Frauk lluckwalter, Owen Uuckwaltcr and Frank Horhhey. J eh. F. Wltmer, from the cemmittee nppointed te vinlt. the at a te iiriciillnral colleo, reported that he li.id net bceu able te attend. Calvin Coepor, from the cemmittee en F.trmutH' ItiBtitute, reperted that he would eall the oeiumlttno toelhoB and malce a full report at next niuetiiip;. Dr. Wlekersbatn reported that all bills iticurred by the iimtitute had been paid. Ue presented the Heciety a receipted bill for printing and poatai;e aineutitiiiK te $;!). Dr. Wickeraliatti reported uIhe that the Btati agricultural Heciety had set apart sixty paen of tliulr next atitmal u u pert for the printing of tbu preceeditiiB of the Farmtra' luB'itute Lttely held in thin elty. On motion of Mr Cooper Dr. Wiokor Wiekor Wioker sliaiii waH utiatiltneuMly eleeted a llfe liiumber of the Heciety, ami en motion of F. It. Diirunderll'cr the tli.tnks of the iociety wero tendured Dr. WioUerBham for tils donation te the society aud for bin untirini; labors in making the Iato Far mers' Institute a hiioecch. (.rep Ktpurtn, Calvin Cooper reported llie c'tep of wheat cipial te that el last jeir both in volume aud quality ; the e.Um enii is the best crown in tlie county ter huvui.i! yearn ; corn it) net he premiaiut; as it was thin time last year ; potatei-H fair ; tobacco Kiewini: lincly ; apples leek well ; peaelius cry peer ; Irem a trip threuuli Chester county ami the upper end of Delaware lie thought that tlie corn wan better tbeie than hcie. The grits also he thought wtiH better. Dr. Wickerhhutn theuglit tlie corn of CI. ester cctiuty w.va better tb tu eiu'h but that the wheat aud gniMi weie net be HOOll. Casper Hillur naiil the corn iu the uoighbeihuod of Conestoga was geed, but it had in many plaeen been greatly damaged by the washing ruins and also by tin) corn Initie. The apple crop is hotter than it bait been for home yeaiH ; the pi.irh ciep in almost a failure. the east cud of lua eiL'hard has no peauhes, the Hiiuth only a few while the neith and went paitB bear pietty well. Jehn C. Liuviile siiil the corn wan slieit and latu in bin ueighbiirhoed, owing te cold tnghtri ;that which was ilanteil early ia the best. Tlie ether crops, including wheat . ud eats, are the best llic-te has been for llfteeu yearn past. Thete i a geed hay crop, but net many peaches. .James Weed reported the corn an geed aa last year ; will tuake a full oiep ; ue peauhes ; hay crop uet very large but very geed ; eatrt short iu btr.iw but well headed; tobacco growing finely Ilegavu it as his opinion that early plowing for wheat, even when tlie ground Ih very dry, ib better than lale plowing. Jeb. F. Witiner reported the wheat crop the heaviest harvented for nniiy years Bonie of it yiehllng W tmslieli pcracie; the oern is uneven, but the cam tue net low, and with lavetable weather will make a full crop ; grapes will make a full crop ; plums uud peats a falrutep ; le baceu giowatluely ; peachun very t-oarce. Dr. Wtckersham gave i'. an his opinion thnt the Hupetierity of tlie Chester e'Jiinly corn waB owing te moiethorotigli cultiva tion uud the platitiug el the hillt liitllier apait than in the praotieo iu Ltucaal-i county. Calvin Coepor m tile refeieuce te a veiy peer farm en Mine Hill, net fai liem Georgetown, Hart township, wlilcli within ilve or nix yearn had been made te yield very line crops of corn and ether ceieuln, by a jmllcieuH tiae el ground bone, for corn the farmer used 'MO pounds of bone per aere, and for eats -UO petiudH, the bone costing i-M per ten. Te lllustrate what may result from liberal aud judicious farming Dr. Wteker sham called attention te the line farm of S. S. Bpenccr.ncar this city, aud suggested that the soaiety could uet de a better thing than pay Mr. Sponeer a visit. Ue would guarantee thorn a warm woleomo, Mr. Engle said that the crop reports made by ethor niombetn of the nojiety would answer for Denegal and vicinity except that tun coin in that neighborhood is hotter than the average reports 1 1 en. ethor seotiens; tliu wheat it as geed an iu ethor Boetloim of the county, the heiry beiug plump and heavy aud the straw eleanj geed ntraw and geed wheat gener ally go together. The -aeli crop is a failure, neirlynll the fruit having dropped oil'. B. 1'. Eby, esii , toad the following paper : A blep Iu llie lllKlit Direction. Otie eaiiBO of the failure of our fiultcrep ih the itioreaso of noxious iiiHeutn. Aud the multiplication of Insecta is ewiiik in a great mcauure of the destruotieu aud (hiv ing away of the birds that live en thorn. Aa our timber in beiug oleared aud the laud taken under cultivation, the feathered iuhabitanta of the weeds, most of wlilcli are iuscotlverous, also leave for such parts where ferests still exist. Sotne few aie willing te remain with its, build their nests and bring up their young in our orchards nnd the trees aud bhrubbery about our buildings. Among thorn are the king bird, night hawk, powee, oriole, vuicej, woel.peol.ot8 aud robins, The owueib of the orchards and gardcim are begluning te apiiroelato the value of thelr Borvieoover and above the utnall tell they levy of the fruit ll ey protect. The greatest enemy these birds nave new in the idle boy ntrelliug through the coun try with a gun. Nothing in H.ife from this most uumiticated nuisance They iron p.iHS ever Held and farm without leave or ilconse, and kill nnd frighteu oil the birds fiem the orehardn, and oveu lawns and shade trees oleso te the buildings. Thore Ih a law te proteot meat of the birds we have named, but the trespassers are oltlier bold and iiupiident, making it unpleasant for persons te order them oil', or they de it slyly and hide their game, be that we hear many complaints but few liuuale,'k, T, ' or no nrrctts, and still fower punishuieuts, Last week for the first tltne nlnoe the net has been paused was there within this county complaint nnd conviction for the killing of nu insectivorous bird. A boy was actually caught, complained against, convicted and lined by a magistrate. We hepe thin geed oxample may be fol lowed by ethers, and the evll checked, and our birds protected. The exottse or palliation that is Heme times made, ni well as In this case, that the robin cats fruit and the king bird eats been as well as ethor Insects, is no oxeuho at all why the law should uet be enforced In favor of theso birds. The few bees and the Uttle fruit these birds appropriate te thelr own use la small pay for the valuable forvices they render. Without birds the insects would Inoreaco te nueh an cxteut that we would have no fruit whatover. II. M. Kngle said he liked birds, theo retically, but he oeuld net make his theory snuare within practice He tried te bo be bo llevo that lusoetlvoroiiB birds wero a great blessing, but when the robins and the blackbirds carne upon his prcmlsss and ate up his Btrawberrics and his cherries, and his pears and !i!b gropes, appropriating all the finest fruit te thonmelves ; and wheti he saw, notwithstanding the bluster aud uoise made by the birds that the curcullesand codling moths, aud oabbage worms, and rese bugs aud ethor Insects woie just as Humorous as ever and ate up what the birds had net already devoured, hlslaith in the baneflt of the birds was a geed deal shaken. Calvin Coepor agreed with Mr. Engle, that the robin and blaekblrds wero pests that should net be protected by law. The robins onpcelally cat up all the cheice fruit ; the only way in wliieh he naves any of his cherries was te steal them from the reblus bofero thry wero rlpe. Ue was tired of the bird law aud tired of the birds, nnd he would sheet thorn lav or no law. In answer te a ipioatien as te hew many robins and blaekblrds thore weie en his farm Mr. Cooper naid thore wero whole Heeks of them, and he made it a point te destroy their ncstu whenever he found them. The bird ipn-stien was further disctused at noine length, Mr. Hbv being the only Hpeaker te put iu a word In favor of the robin, ' thu nightiiigale of the morning, " whofle musie alone was worth in ure than all the fruit he cats. Co-eperiilloii. Calvin Cooper called attention te the advantages that would rcbtilt te farmers by an ergaul.ed nvntem of ue operation iu the puicbase of their fertilizers, lie said tlieie wan n society iu IJatt township, eruaul.eil for this purpose, and by bu Iiilt Beeth Carolina reek in bulk, the members had saved $!) per ten iu the cent of it. Ue i UL'gi'fcti'il that the Lancaster county agricultural society miglitsave itsmumbeis an rfiiial amount by properly nrijanized aud purchasing fertinzHM and ethor sup plies iu bulk, ami distributing the pur clrahCH among members in nuch quantity as they icspectively required. Dr. Wiekertiham said the faimetn of Huntingdon county had formed fciich an orani.'itien. Kaeli farmer uave iu the amount and kind of fertilizer he requited, ami then tlie noeioty's aetit puichasi d tlie whole amount aud saved te thu members tliDililluronce between the retail aud whole sain prii'e. .Mr. Kngle endorsed the feasibility of thu project, but suggested that instead of ptirehasiui; tlie prepircd fertilizer, the ehemical iugiedientn be bought, without the mud, ashes and earth with which the fertilizers aie mixed. With proper formu las furnished for mixing them the freight en the naiid, ashes, &e , would be saved. He suggests that announcement be made that the society would noeept orders for such purchases as members might re quire. James Weed naw sotne dlllleultics iu the way. If all the members lived iu oue vicinity it might de very well te buy Iu bulk and have the goods delivered at sotne convenient place ; but soma et the mom mem hern lived in one oxtiemo of the cetiuty aud noine in the ethor, and if the goods wero delivered at a central jielut, say in I.auea.sti r, thu transportation thence weu'd perhaps cost mere than was saved by buying in bulk. After further (IIscumrsIeii by several members tliu matter was for the pruseut dropped without action. New 1'ubliOHtliiiia. Mr. Kngle presented te membera a number of iignaultural pamphlets which had been sent te the society by the state beaiii of agriculture. rrniti r xulblteit. Calvin Coepor proseutod te the noeloly seveial plates of pears, including the fel lowing varieties: Manning's Kl'.abeth, Oaberu'n Bummer, Early Catharine, liuerie (lifieid, aud Clapp'n Favorite. Daniel Smejcli preseuted the l'etite Marguerite, uml .Manning's Elizabeth peats, aud a plate of line seedling peaches grown from a need of the Sener peach. Adjourned. Ailverthlng Ulirst I I I " It lias liiicnuie be common te begin an ur tlelii In an eli'Kunt, Interesting style. "Then run It Inte beiuu advertisement tliat wu avoid nil Biicli. " And simply call attention le tlie merits el Mop Hitters In as plain, honest terms as pev Bible, MTalnilucopeo'.la " Te lve Ilium em trUtt, wlilcli se proves their value that they will uuver use anything olse." "Tiim ItKMKiiv be lavembly noticed lii'all tlie papers, KcIIkIeiis and secular, la " HavliiK a larKu aalu, and la supplanting all ether medicines. "Tliuru Is no dcnvlng tlie virtues et tlie Hep plant, and the proptletors or Hep Hitters have shown great shrewdness and ability " In eompeiinillng a medicine whose vlitucs are se palpable le every ene'a obsurvalleu." Did Who Die? "Ne! "Hbu lingered and suiruied along, pining away U tbu I line ler years," " '1 he doctors doing Imr no gee 1 ;" " And at last was cured by this Hep Hitlers tlie papers say se much ubeut." "Indeed I Indeed!" Hew lliunkful wu should be ter that medi cine." A llniiRliter' .tllsnry. " Kieven years our daughter suirured en a bed el misery, "Krem a complication el Itldney, llvur.rliou llvur.rlieu llvur.rliou uiatle trouble and Nervous debility, " Under tlie care et tlie best physicians, " Who gave her ulauasu vurleus names, ' Hut no rullul. "And new alie la restored te us In geed licaltli by us siinpleu i emuily ns Hep lllttera, that we had shunned ter yuars bofero tiBlng It." THIS 1'AnBNTS. Father ll Uitllng Well. " My iluugliterHfluy : "Hew niucli buttur lailierlaslnee bu uied Hep lllltera." , , . " He l Kuttlng wull utter Ills long BUlterlng Iteni a ill-eiu-e declared Incniable." " And wu inn se glad thai Im med your lilt- tela" A LaiiV el Utlca, N. Y. ea- Noiiiicuiiiilne without a bunch of green Heps en the white libel. Hliiiu all the vile, nolseuoiis Blull Willi "Hen" or " liens" In thulr name. vr.uTiiine, "Hep" or " llepa" ll Jyia-lmdT.ThASAw ilAUUlAlUCh, V. MtV. UAItKlAUK UUll.UbltO. K THE STANDARD Carriage "Werk OK I.ANCA-Vl'KIl COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET ST ABET, A ITKAHTOIT BARGAINS. Neckties and Half Hese At ERI8JIANU Ne. 17 Weflt King Streot. Gauze Undershirts, In Btxca Irem 31 te SO Inches. -AT EBISMAN'S- TVfl YKUH m UATUrOK. Thin Clothing. In Kxcullent Aasorlment, ler this snrtel wcatlier, for MKN'S, DOY'3 and OIIIL. DIIKN'8 WKAR, in all the PLAIN AND MOST ITASIIIONAI1LK FAURIC8. In looking around ler Summer requisite, remember that l he beat assortment In CL0TII1NU la always te be neon here, and that prices aiu Biilllcluntly varied te meet with laver among all clasaoset buyers, as well as theso whom toitune has less lavored. We Invite cutis, that we may be nflenlnd a chance te show lust what we have. The make, style and quality of our CLOTHING Is fully up te the highest standard, and is marked at figures that olteu make buyers of theso who only cotne te see. ' 4 Comparison courted, trade solicited. MYERS & RATHFON, LKAD1N0 LAN0A8TK.lt CL0THIKU8, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET; LANCA8TKU. l'A. IN IlKAHOrUKNritAI. M MlllBT UOUSKb I.ANCASTKK, l'A. rt'e iiiatie every style Muggy and Cai larKO ileslied. All work (lulslieil III the meat com- let tuble uml niugiiiii style, we ue'iniy me best selected material, and employ only the Imj-jI inechaiilcs op quality or work our pilcea am tlie clieaMist In the state. We buy ler cash and sell en tliotiiiHlieie-oiiablu tonus, Ulve us u eall. All work warranted. ItKI'AlltlNU l'KOMVTI.Y ATTKNDKDTO. Oue set of workmen eapuclally utuployeil for Dial mil oeao. n'Jil-ttil.tw c tAKltlAOi; IVOlllt, TVTEHUIIANT TAII.OKINO. Spcclttl for Ludies. 1 have lust rerelveil n line of the FINK8T IMI'OIITKD I'ONOKKH 111 tlie market, which will bu sold per piece, containing twenty yards, at $10; thu came quality el goods aru Bulling In fhlliidelphla al U uml f 13. Sijeciiil l'er Gontlenien. Just reculveil. A HPLKNDID A8SOUT MhNT III' WOOL K.N (KlilDS, sultablu ler tlie het weather, whluh will bu made up atsur prlHlugly low tlgurusuud superior workman ship, with trimming te correspond with the goods both Iu qnalllv uml hIihiIe. 1'KltKKCT KIT (ill A It AN I KKO Oil NO 8ALK. Ulve tue a trial and bu ceuvlucetl. D. R. WINTERS, NO. 23 K. qUEM STREET, LANOASTKIt. l'A. lerbeck & liley Would ii'speetlully call the attention et (he public te the Immense sleck of CARRIAGE WORK ON HAND AT 1'ltKbKNT, Censtating el 30 BUGGIES of all STYLES. JUMl'bKATUAIlllIAUKS. KT. TOI TWO-SKAT l'H.Kl'ONS. I'ONVorLADlKS'l'il.KreNS.JaniiaSprlnga. Kllillf HKCOND-HAND HUtiillKS, IllthW ai'KUAN'DKND SlMtlNUS. Alse a Kine Heeend-Iluml J. H. CAItltlAUE ami a Klist-Claas 1.AD1KV 1'll.Kl'ON. Alt tliu.su )ebs will be sold at a very reduced llguie In order te make room. II1C1NO Competent Judges te KXAMINK OUIt OOODH, ami be convinced that wu are net Hilling with tlie public. DON'T l'AY KANCY ruiiihH wliun you win buy Juataa geed an aitlcle for O.NK-T1UUD I.KbS. Iieu'l lisiun loeur leuew i-uiupuiiuirs in ro re guril te quality et uiilau., as our sulea hoiule- loie convinced our ciifteinera that "our weik sustains our word." All wonder hew we cm sell se cheap, but that Is our secret, and aa long as wucau stand these Lew t'llcca, we am at the a tine lime pleasing our custo mers, ua uvurr puichusiirul piuscut leeks te a fiivlug. A dollar saved la a dollar made. l'alienl.e these who bunelll thu public. Kenuiriii? Promptly Done. A KAHK UUAH01S. Great Reduction -IN- FINE CLOTHES -AT- '1 have been ilieadlully troubled with illa illa illa oiseol the kidneys and liver during the past alt months. Hunt's I Kidney nu I l.lvei I Uk muht baa imiile me a new man." Isaac W. Kalrbiether, I'lovldence, It. 1. mil IwdT.TIlAHAw lfuaKIm',Ariiic Malve, The best Halve In tlie "world for Cuts, 111 litres. .Seres, Ulcers, halt Khuum, Kever Seres, Teller, Chapixid Hands, Chilblains, Cerns. and all akin eruptions, and positively uuiua I'llei, or no pay required, ll Is guar uiUcttd togive perteel satlalaclleu or money relundiul. I'lien, 'if emits per box. Koraule by 11. II Ceehiau, druggist, IU7 and lU'J Nettb (Jueeii all out, l.uiieuatur. "llin llenil l.lnn," Many old aeldluia remember "theilead line" nt Amleiaenvlllu. It wasa mighty itauguieus nelghborlieoil. Dynpepat.i, bllleiinm ra, and llyer and kidney. iliHeiiHia am lull et X'ills ler the sick, but Jlitnteck Jlleinl ItiUm am a eeitaln leiuedy held i verywliuie. rornile by II. II. Uncliiun, druggist, 137 uml 13U North (Jueeii strisit. Nertli I'ulu Kxiiiilitleiii, l'il.e ll-jhts, letturlus, walking matches, and tnlloeu ascuusleiia am usually liuiiibims et llie weial soil Dr. 7iemiu' Kcltctrle Oil Is net a humbug 11 la a quick eiue ler aches amlHpialiis.Miid Is Just as geed ter it lamiiuuss, rersalubv II. II. Cochran, ill ugglat, U7 uml in Mil in (jiifimsMeui. A tireut Dl.cevcry, Mr. Win. Themas, el Newton, la,, says ' .My wlln litis been seriously alluded with a comb ler twenty Ilvo yu.ua. and tills spilng iiieiiibuvumiy mail ever ouiiue. seu nun usuii many iiimudlea without lellut, and buluu urged le tiy Dr. King's New Discovery, did ae, with meat gralllyliig leaulta. The Ural beltlu lelleved her very niucli, and the second bottle has absolutely uuied her. Shu bus net had se geed health (or thlitv years." Tllal bottles due at Ceelirau'a drug store, Nes. 1.17 uud l.l'J North Quceu alieut, l.aueasler. l'a. Large aUe, f 1 00. (U) We Oliiiiinnge tlie World. When we say we belluve, we have evidence topievu that bhlleh'a coiiaumntlen euro U ilecldedly the beat Lung Jledlclne made, In us much aa It will euro a common or Chronic Cough In en e-hult thu tlme ami lelleve Asth ma, ilieiiehltlri, Whooping Cough, Cieuii, aud allow mere eases el Couaumntieu ciirid than ull ether i. 11 will ciiiuwhoie tliey lull, 11 la ple.i.s.iiil te take, linniiless te thu yiuiiigei-t elillil and wugiiarautoe what we say. l'tlev, l"e.,.'HKj ami fi.nu. ii your i.uiiks ure seie, Cheat or Hack lame, usu hhlleh's i'nreua riai--ler. Held by 11. II. Cochran, ilrug,flsL Nes. 1.7 ui U l.W North Uuoen Bliuut. lif7-Kt 1 IQBBECK k IILEY H. &EE,HAET'S, Ne. 6 gEast King Street." In eritur le reduce a heavy stock I will males up te order, ter tlm remainder et the season, all LlUllT-WKIUUT WOOLENS ul u BeQactien or 20 te 25 per cent. This blk' icducltnn is I'OK CASH ONLY, ana will enable thu buyer te get a line suit el Clethes, uiuile up Iu the bust style, utmost 88 low us u ready invite shop Suit., H. GERHAB.T. Cerner Duke and Vine Stroetn, LANOASTKIt, l'A. Pd-Mlil UI.AHH ANl VUtiKXtHiAlt TTHUI .V BIAllTlN. FRUIT JARS ! Hff JARS 1 T UK UAllVKSr IS WKLL, OVBr, uux T1I03K WHO WOULD KKAl' IJAKUAINSi SHOULD CALL AT ONCK -AT- Burger & Sutten's AT CHINA HALL. MASON FRUIT JARS IN TINTS, QUAIITS and H-UALLON. The Lightning Fruit Jars, IN TIN I'S, QUAIITS and H-0 AI.I.ON. The most conveulent aud curtain Jar In tint market. Try it. lign & Martin, 15 EAST KING STREET, LANOASTKIt. l'A. Ne. Popular Olethine: Heuse, 24 Centre Square, WIIKIIK GOODS AKK SOLI) AT A BAUltl JT10KTO MAKKUOOMrOlt TIIK FALL TtiAUK. A Few Odds and Ends Still en Hani, AND lOlt BALK FAR BELOW COST. Burger &Sutten Merchant Tallew ami Clothiers, 34 CENTRE SQUARE, i Ulllllll. TA I'OK IHKI. 1'IIK lllll'l.l. O L'TK la In the bauds el thu treuaurur 'I'liice inn cent, nil It nald by Auuiial 1. W.O. MAIlSHALL.Tleus. Ne. ii Lcntiu Square. 0 lice hours, Irem 0 u, m, te I p, m. ltd CU.OttlMII OUT! All kinds el Summer lioetls without re gunl te coat, at BEGHTOLD'S Te make room for Kail Uoeda, Ladles' and Uent.s' Km nulling doeds ami Notions aie apeulalttua. Pleas.) call unit examine bulore vmi buv. 'I'll iiiUlul or iiilmI liivnrrt. 1IKNUV IIKCIITOLD. Ne, 61 North (Jueen Htreut. I'.S.-lleiuus, Steies, llulldtug Lets atnl Baud for sale. ' iMyil LANOASTKIt. IM. fl-lyd GIlAfb IIOIM tUB,ll 1HKS AMi Kicelsler SArateKU Water en Dniiigbl. Hunry llftlitur, proprlulerol ttie Uraiw Heul, 3Janil3l North 0.uwin street, luw rumoduletl tti i barroom, eroelisl tlratcuias KBtrlgorttleni undhaa new ou draught Olmrlus llijJ cel. ubrutiHt I'hlladelpbiu I.AUKIt HKKtt ler which tie la boIe agouti n this city. Alse.HAK. ATOUA WATKll irem the lameus KxcUier BprlnKa. Sarulega, N. V, A lull asierttucul el tue puieH Wines uud Uquers ou wjj M' ' $ ' ftl VZl m (U 4 1 i. I . v