-1 i.'U' - w , t i J"i" ., ! l1-. 3 Ima$ti ,v vllVV a -??SietviMtK&, ,.- ,t,t.r VeIiimi.' XX- .Ne 280. LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1884. I'riceTwoCenti. ''li ! r 89Hlfe, .. iii. $$ J,mwsa:sriwt - rw kmFmJMm&r iiihi r r i i .i.?u!ieivr-Y;r(rit'. vtv r m . f y.m. u. . , n. SSSSS?aKgg!r vwyTTYl ItltV HOODM. JOHN H UiVl.KIt A' Utl Kill" tllelct) WlllOII (.'UlptltS. .MIIIN H HlVLKIt AOO., Ker Kine I'lvnt 'HI pole. .lOHNS.OIVLrMACO., Kill' Kxtlil (Jii.illly Meiiirt Cm pet. JOHNS, lit V I.Kit A 00., Kill' Ileal Millies lleily llliis-idla Cittl'iiL .IOIINH HlVLK.lt A CO., Kur Hest Tiipi'strv llriwsi'ls Oil pet. IOIIN 8. HtVI.K.IlACO., I'er Medium 'I upusli v Carpel. JOHNS, til VI. lilt A CO, Fer I nw prli oil Tupnitiy Curpel. .IOIINH. OIV1.K.IIAOO, Kill Ural All wool .1 pi- Carpel. IOIIN ,m. (MVI.HIt A CO., I'm' hsllil fen pur All-wool Cm put, .IOIINH. OIVLr.U AUO.. Ker llitin C, (;. Curpel. JOHN H. IIIVl.KU A CO, fur nil kinds el I n nil n Cm pels. IOIINH. I ill I.IHl A CO., 'ii KlIMl Kln SIlieL IIOKi.s 1 I '.. Illlll.tl i Fine French Clocks and Bronzes, MUSIC ISOXKS, 01 li IMIXTIXUH, OPEKA (JLAvSSKS AND FANCY At Reduced Prices. Te inivke room for Kail K'tnelc new belnir ttnluotetl by Mr Rlietuta In the Europeiiii iiiiirkate. visit will repuy ptiroliuMer.- H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4, I.ANC'Atil'hlt, July I.IHM ItKI'ISlU ,J 'W MI'I Chi. KllllA It'll ICKKltlllr.KATIIIlS. lillrAT KhDUCTION J EWE'LTS REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS -A NO FILTERS. Mitliulelplitu L.UWU Mowera, Hydrant Hose, nnmrueaks, Perry te Oe.'a Oil Stoveu. BeH c in i.it.uiiu; tlii-F.1' ;'. eIm a K.ccedlngly Lew 1'ilie.s te Koduce our Stock. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce. Nes. 20 & 28 West King Jiil-liu t e.t lira OHIKK'S U.iltl'KT H.M.I.. BAEG AINS ! -AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. SttlliHs; Oir te Clesu ItiiAiiuviH. KviTyllilng Musi I'osilively ha Sold. A Kull l.liiiinl IIOOV IIUUSHKI.H, TAl'KHTItV. mul All Oniilea of 1NUIIAIN CAUl'KTH. IttJllH, III, A.NMl't'rt.COVKlil.K'1'd llllll Oil. Cl.OI'll. IS" ALL ATA SAVMWGE.-TS& tt' I'ninipl ikiHoitien Klvuu te the MiuiutuL'turti el llm: Curputd te eritur, AT SUM'S CARPET HALL, OOll. W. KINO AND WATBH ST3.. - LANCASTER, PA Ii'bil'Juulaw J. II. niAllTIN CO. Carpet and Wall Paper Department. Our Hiin et WAI.I. I'AI'ICItH wllll centliiuui), iiiiil unyeiii) In noeilol WAI.I. rATKICJ vim puichtisu llmin lewur new thuii lutur. V7ALL PAPERS. Hli'Kiiut I'nUeriiS mul rorfeet UoeiIh, Giiarantceil Full Measure. PRICES PROM 12 1-2 GENTS UP. Ne Extra Charge for Hanging, Scraping or Sizing, Ne Hiirhnlliu- him n vur lieim nitiloliiileru, mul only utiui'b coeil (III AU.HTHT l. Mnke your L'entniL'U new. l'lipm-liiiiclu'sml new will tiu huiiif unylliiie ilmliiu AUeUar, II ctiHleiutiru pit liir. Our I'uper HmiKDiaiiru tlm IidhIIii the city, rioitsueill :it toie, tin wuile nnliln iinvcnu viuttluKi "oil miy puiheu cmvii-siliuf, mini; our nmnu, la mi Impeilur Thu work will liu Ueuu J nit iih c.u ulul mul pmieut ul lliusu low rntud, tut wluiu lujulur prict'8 uru clmrcua, Immense Stock of New Carpets for Fall. J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner West Kins anil Prlnce Streets, Lancaster, Pa. WIN KM S. CLAY Wines, BraiidiBS, Cins,0ia Rye Wliiskies, &c, Ne. 33 PENN SQUAlllJ, LAJJCASTEIt, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED gA SPBOIALTY. J H. MIVl.KIt JU Ut Ker Duliiiuik Hull mill Plulr Cm pet. JOHN H. UIVLKIl A CO, Ker I. (iw. pili ul Vinclliin Hull mill Stulr. JOHN H. UIVLKIl ACO., Km' lloiiie-timile Hug Cm pet. JOHN S. UIVLKIl A CO., KorCnceii, Napier uud Clinten MnltliigH. JOHNS. (II VI. hit AH ', Kur Choice l.liiiiluuiii. .IOIINH. 01 VI. Ml A CO, Kur Ileal KloerOII CIeIIih. JOHN H. IIIVI.KIIACO, Ker Hugs HiHl Mule. .IOIINH. OIVI.KIIACO., Ker tlinOi'iiiiliiii AiimntCuipi't Hwicm r. JOHN H. UIVLI.IIAOO., TiiktiCmpet Itugs In Kchuiu;ii tm Cm pets. JOHN H. (J I VI, Kit A CO., I'ilci'1 Marked In rluln Klguica. JOHN S. OlVLK.lt ACO., Onn l'i li'ii mul Hint IImi I.ewimi. JOHN JMItVI.Klt A CO., 'I Iki Pest Aasorluieiil in Luiiciisler. ; AUT. GOODS, West King Street. tiuiyl'.Mjd t.tt.lTUHH. IN 1'ltlCKS OK - J Street, Lancaster. in, ,f(;. BARGAINS ! ANJ J.IQUUItN. MILLER. n r.nin.t,,, 1,1'KINT AINU KfrlUIKM'. rim J IiiiiiImike, NCliitlcit mill iiuIiih III tint liuak, III li1 mill nlili'H iihii IIiiiiheii'i) Cnprliiu I'oieui riiitiirn, VAcunlH, 0 1UTIOUHA Id-iMKIIlAH, CUTICURA ! BABY HUMORS. 'b'ce What Guticura Dees for Me.'' XNKANI ll.K nml lllrlli lliimerH, Milk Crust, Met'lu'l liniiil, Kc7.iiiiinM, mill nvury Im in of IicIiIiik, Heuly, rimply. .icniliilniM mul lu linrltiiil IH't'UHi'Net tun llleuil.Hkln mul Sculp, Willi lim or llulr, limn liiNiucy le Ak.i. ciiic.l liy Hid CirntiuiiA ltKiOi.vrtNT. tliti imw IiiihhI liiiillltir, liiliiitmlly, mul cimimiiA mul crn tuiiA riiiAi, tin' ieK.il Hklu fin nit, i-xi.irtiiiliy. Abtelnlilu jiure mul tuv, unit hhij te utett rem the moment of btrlh. " OUR LITTLE BOY." Mr.unil Mrn. Kviti-UHIii'iIiIih Itililmrlewii, Miwh. wrltii: "Our llitle liey wiw ti-nlliiy ut ut llluteil Willi Hcrelulii, Hull Itlii'iiiii mul hiy-lp-ehm eviir hI iice liu wiit lieru, mul iieililiii( we roil III Klvn IiIiii IicImiiI lit hi until we tllnl l.ll- TICU'tA IlKMKIIIKH, lllcll K I til I II 111 I V llll.'ll llllll, until new liu It iih lulr iu miy cliliil.'' " WORKS TO A OHARM." J. H. Wi'fki, i'Mi,'rewn Tmit'irur, hi Al lui!:, VI., h:im In it iiiiter iliilt-il Jluy S: "11 werkt te u rliai in en my liuliy ' lucn mul Iumi.I. C'uriiil tlm lii.uil fiilliuly, mul Mih niu.lv L'liimn-il tlm lutn nl leri-n I liuviiri teuiiiiiiiiili .1 it teiii'vuiul, mul l)r I'liiiit lut.1 enlurixt II ter tlieiu," li A TERRIBLE CASE Cliuilfit Kitym lllnkln. Ji.Hiy City llnlulitr, N. J., wilttn: " My i. i luil nl IhkIvu yi'iirn. Wllltl'lllllplulllly I'tlll'll III II llT! llllll CUMMlt hf rtllll.l liy till) CUTU'lMlA liKWKIUKt. Klllllltlll) topet lilt lif ill le liuiholt'Hel Ills Nut win olio niiif) el m-uln.' Kviuy ellii'i- lemttly ui. pliyHlclmnt liuil biDii triuil In viitu. FOR PALE, LANGUID, Kiiiiicliitml f lillilnui, with pimply, "iillew skin. till) CUTtUL'IIA lUMKlllKl will pl'llVll II pl'l lift lili'hitni;, uU'Uiilu tlm liloeil mul skin 0M11 luirllftt iinpiirnif.iuiiili.xptllliiK tlm Kut nit el rcrelulu, HiDiitnutUtii ceuDiiiiiptlunuiiiluvuii) Skill illlL'USCI'. Helil I'Vi-rj'wIu r i 1'ilf: Ct'iicuiiA. r,0 rriitH ; I(khelvkt, l; unp, '.'e. I'irrriiii Ultl'll AND ClIKMIDALCtl., Iloiten. MlWM biiml ler Hew teu.iinnkln iIIsi-umw." "R A RV "'", '"':"' H"i, mi i Tiiil.illi'lv U'ta.i-' J- peiliiiuuil .skin :ilfHiiililtr, mul 'lelliit, Until mul Numuiy Hnuatlve. M'MK. OIITICDKA Ur.iMKOIICH I'l 1 III Cecliliiu'rt III 'iir Meri). 1.17 ett m.ii.i: mul l.l'J North Oiifim Hlrwt, l.itut'iMler, l'u. SANKOKD'S KADlt'AL ilVMV. FOH OATARRU, COMri.hTKTUKATMKNT WITH INHAl.KIt KOUONK DOI.l.Alt. TtiDtlrtiit lliilHiiinle DUtlllntleu et Wlluli llnfl, Auiuilcuii rim), CmiHilu r lr, Mitllxelil, Olevi-r It ltt--.niiM, ,.tc, UklH'il sANKOUO'S KADIilAI, CIJIIK, ler tlm IiiiimimII itn n:llul unit pt'iuiuiii'iil en i it et imir) let in elUuiurili, tlOIII Ik HllllllU Colit tn till) lll"lll te I.ii-h el hiiidII, 'limtu mul lli'iiilnr, C'eimIi mi't Cu turrlml CoiiriMiiip'leu. Cniiipli'lii tri'iitiuuut, feiiHlitliiK et out) lioltle Kmlli'ikl Cum, oue box Cuturi lull bel fill unit nun linpiewul I ft liuli r, tn enn put-Kuu, limy uetv lm tuul el nil llUkCUUtH ter fl.uu. AbIc ler bA.I KOKD'fl UAD1. Al. Cl'KK. " I lie only nliteluti) HiHiclllenu linowel " Jil. Time: " Ttii) litiit we Imvii tniimi In u llli'tliimiit siilli'iliii,'. JCtv Dr. Wttfutn, Hom Hem Hom ten " AlloruleiiK HtruuKlt) with Culutrli tlm llADtfAI. CUHB llllt fOlllUIUI)ll "Jitv. .V. II', Menree, tetvUbuigh. I'd. "I luivti net luiinil it en!) thill tt illil net mlluve ill oiii.'e." Andrew Lee, Mtmctiettir, Man. t'UTTKll IIIIL'U AM) ClIKMIOAL Ce.. HlHtOll, SANDl'OHD'H ItADIUAt.UlJKKFOKtAI.K ill Cecliriin'd DrilK 'teiii. Ne 137 mul IS) Ninth (jiicuii Hi nml, I,'incasti:r. l'u. 0OI.1.1NS' VOLTAIC KI.KCTUIC n.ASrKUS. New I.I In ler Hhiitten it Nirvti-, I'ulnfiil Muh I'lKstikhil ti"tk ui'il Oruuiis. Celltim' oltiile r.luutilu I'liuiti-r Instuiilly ulli'fiH lliu nurveun pyntrtn uiul IiuiiIkIiui nklu, urn veiisiirxs mill iluhlilly, A put it ft Kli'dtli; liixivmilu Iluttery feiiililiiuil with ii highly ini'illuliiul I'lii.itur ler Jje. All (lniu't;liH. miKl-lvilVV .h Aw G" BAT INDIAN MKII1U1MI. KA-TON-KA, Tnt3 ORB AT INDIAN MEDI01NB. -KOllTIIK- Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. II Ik mikilii liv thu lnillmiu, Uscil liy thu liullniiH, celli by thu liulliiiiri, II la l'uiuly Vt'ijutuble, It Hiiinly uuiuaull illsuWDi el the .itemucli, l.lvur, lltiw flu mul Itloeil llUtkliueslu hiivcIIIu for nil limn et Itluiiiiiiutliin. It will cum iltiuiilii whim till ntht'f itiuitnlltid liiiviiliilluil. Hlioiilein utu ululnly pilutuil en uvuiy liet- tlt). All tlllK'S Ot IlllllllllH llUVtt t lit' If lhClllClllLH, hut Ka-Ten-Ka lan iimifilyef the 1'iicllle CeiiHt, mul la iibuiI liy all, 11 H coinpeaoil et iheIh, huiha unit burka Kittliuruil iml piupiiiuil by ihu Warm Spring Indians el' Oregon, Ami la liivntulily known mul n-tetl In nil pur I a et thoueihl. 1 1) Hlelf or ullliiK al'iiulil net ilfluy 11a ion). It will pri'vuul ua wull uacimi illeiiiisu. IIh pi lie la enu dollar imr boltlu.er nix beltliH fur llve ilelhkia, Aax ler It mul hi.'e Unit mi Ket II. 11 la ler Mill) by nil I'iiiu'hIhIh, mul by thu OIlhOON INDIAN MKOlClNK COM r A NY, Ceny, l'iu Medoc Indian Oil TIIK U 11 EAT K.ST I'AIN hAUTH. MICDIUINK ON IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN Oil. la curtain te turn Toetluif hu In oue liiluule, lluuiliichi) In llve inliiuU'S, Kurutihu In tun inlnuttM, buie Tlueut tn euu nllit, NuvirulKliiln lluuu te llve inln titi'a. MODOC INDIANOll. la tifiil Inlnriiiilly in wull iih uxleriiully. I'.vui y family aheulil hitve it hntllu within lunch. 11 la u t euter In thu home. Ker Biiln by nil DrucKHta. I'rlcu 25c. pur hetlln. l.uriie hl.e lieHlua, vie. INDIAN COIK11I HMtUl' la u prompt Hpuulllu ter Ceuyhs, Celila unit I.uiik iIIsiiuhd-i. &ue. )itir bntlln. Kik'ten ku, Moiteo inillmi Oil mul lnillim CeukIi Hyitip leraiilu (wheli'aulii unil luttill) nl Cechiikii'a DriiK Mem, Ne, 1J7 mul JW Ninth tjucL'ii altiel, I.iincualur, l'u. mlyitWABAw CllAX'h iu'KUUiu mr.utuirtL,, .! X (J rout SuKllah llouieily. An unfallltiK euro ter 1 in potency, mul till DlafuAua llial tallow Ions et ilumeiy, UnlvuraiU I.aral. luile, l'uln In the J luck, Dlmneaa nl Vision, l'romuture out A no, mul many ether illaeaaus Unit luml te limiuiity nr Con sumption mul n l'riiiniitiue Uruvu. Kull pur llcnlura lu our tminplul, which wu ilniln'te Bend Ircuby mutltouvery one. The Bpi'dllc iloillcliieli aiilitbyiillitrugiilaUiia 41 pur puck. OKt), ervlx p'ickuKui terf. or will be mint ire by mall en the recflpi el the meuuy.by ml. Oreselntf the uku11'i U. 1I.C0CIIIIAN, imiiMlst, Nes. 137 ftndWJ North g.iLun hvjdei, J.unciu ter, l'a. On accennt of oeumorfullii, tvoliuvuoilopt tveliuvuoilopt tvoliuvueilopt Oil the Yellow kWrnptier ( thDoniyKimtilne. THK UliAi ME1UC1.SK CO., yiUw liu Hull), li. If T IlltS VKUOlUT Oill.U HI'AMM II I AT the best no. Clirur In thu city la at UAlU'MA.Vd KI.I.UW rilONT cHIAll siuun, IN OiiUMANY. no air. netks or i.duei'k.an tiiavki.. Mr. lleutklUreMnatulleriiutiiy hiiiI Oetvilbm the UeuuttU Punned iiiriuiKti, the 1)1 1 lea Vltltnit nml fleVrlnlRhtit Kiicuiinlereil. Kxtrucla Mem l'rlviitoCericapoiiiliiiiuf, lleNN, Ol'.llMANY, July, 17, 1881, We lelt L'jiuleu en Monday inernliij; nl 7:ll0 for UniHHelH via. Dever and O.iteml Tlie ueutitry between Lutiden mul Dever lu rleh in nKrltiultiir.il irodticlletm ; inore he tlian uny part of England we linve mjcii, Thure in n larK" iiiaiitlty of fruit rnlacd in this H' otlen for tlie Louden tnarkut. We lines through the town nf HeulieHter, 'M inllen from Londen ; U.ids IIIII, eulubrntud for FnlHtaU'H encounter with the men in liuekrntn is threo tnllen from Itoehcxtur, and waa the rcHldunce of DiekuiiH Wu alne piiHii through (Jatiturbury, encu the Htrotijheltl of the "KutiUHliiiien," nutl new the metropolitan noe of the wliole laud. The cathedral hm iinite n history, diited back te thu 1 lth : inhiry. We reach Devor lit l)J e'cluuk, diatauce Irem L'jihlt'ii 77 iiiiluii. I'lieru ia little of Interim hcie; llm ancient caa'le ulanla hiKh nbevu the ehalk nliffa mid in iu w ilia, it la h ml, may be Keen remain of Keina-j nml B.ixeu work. IJiilek i-hm iKn Uvw Niiiiiutli Sfiia. We tall e i,iaai;eln ene of the ltelian Hoyal in ill Htoauiern for Oateuil, diatuiioe (!8 mi lea, and m.ilte thu immhul;u in about four heura, ever n eileiaiid hiiioeIIi mu.i, although in atermy weather it ul Urn takua from elht te tui hunts. Hern ayuln I did net experlem:.' any el th.it ne.i nicli uckh of which I havu he, ml m i.mcli, and inn bi'(;lniiiii(,' te think I am a putty keh! Bailer. Upen airlv liifjat Oatitid our ba'KAe ia all tiktu into a loom aid exam utd. Ne dyiiamltj or etli r tliah deuli mitter daiiKoreui te Ue'i;iiiiu rejatty bein 'dla. covered, we pa h en te Urunela, the I'ariH of the North. A Marvel et Uultlvutluu. The appoarauce et the oeuutry iu new dillureiit Irem anything we havu bucu. It la .ilmeat a dejd level ; thoreuro i e feucen, except here aud theiu a huile a!eu(j the lailread. I uover uaw anythiui: he rieh iu aKrieultiiral productions, aud every aero under oultivatieu ; net iu larK" llelda, but iu hinall patchea. The laud ia low, but is drained by ditehea ; the productions ate ll.ix, rye, wheat, eata, puutee -, turnips, Niii;ar beet, aud all kiudaef pardon veu veu t.ililes ; their farming ia all ileuu without the aid ul machinery. Tliere ate no l.irne llama ; the nr.un aud hay buiii; ataektd Wotiee hiiadreda of women iu thu tielda ; the heiisea or cetlaiea ate all enu atery with red tile roefti. Tliore ia very littlu timber. HKeept thu deuble rewn of troea whiuh linn all tip) pub'iu reida, a iipioiea of pujilar. Many of the" r nda aru pived with Uel);iau IiIelUh We kum tlueUli lliugi-H nml Utient, both laii;u tewna; tlie latter ia 11 miles from Oiteinl. It baa an old cathedral: ene of it eburubes (MV.tu Dame) has a ttplru 11'- feet lni;h. Thu belfry of HrttccH ia ll'O fuut hih and baa a cbimu of 43 beIN, nietin' thu beat iu Kurepff, and tliey play evuiy ipurter nT in. hour. (Jhi'lit, tee, has iln eillir.idral, ita old e! urobe', belfry, &., el winch v. uee and luar te much iu this e .uctiy In llruaiflr. We reach llruaaela at (i:J0 p m , ami t.ike iimrterH at thu Grand lleiul liii tutiupae, which ia an uluiutly kept house, whutu the wan tn of i;ueati art) looked alter iu a manner that Ia refreshing after lrav inn Knglaud, wheru our u.xpuiiunee in Mm regard docs net nive in the m )at ex iltn I opinion of Ki)liab hetela, or tit le.tar i i the way they are kept, llitiflbelu ia certainly a line uit,aiul I am sorry we could net upeud moie tiuie in it. The buildings appear te be pnueipillv briek, plaatered outaide aud paiutul white. Tlie I'alace of Juatiuu, ji-.t about bidn completed, is one of thu lluett buildiua iu Kurope. Thu Uiu,;'ti pata-ju and Harden are cleve te our hotel a lai'Ki park with feuutuiim, Kpleiidul, l.ui;u abadv elma, whete frce oeioerta are kiveii eveiy evening. But one of thu llneat tliiua l havu neon Is thu lovely M,mluv.ul " Waturleu," wlneli iuuh t lireiiti the eity. It ia lined with Ht.Uely liudeua, with a roadway for herschacl: ndeM, and line promeuadea ler predeatrianK, 'I'he pejiula tionef the eity in '100,000. We take the train litue en Tuea lay inerniiiK for Aix-la.Ch.ip.dli), diataut 105 inilua, passlut; threueh a mere ieIIiiil' country after leaving Bru.vwla, and win re thure appear te be large mumi famines of iron. We go through thu uiticaef Levaiuu, Luige, lluovetto aud Vvrviem Having creHsed into Uurmauy ourbaggage ia :igaiu tobeoxamlncd. ISutauuutem lteuau ellluial puts bia head tnte thu cars aud merely uakH iu Oeruniu : " llave you anything te hell'.'" te whleh wu roapeud, " Nuiu," aud he patsBOH ou. At Luige wocresrtcd the Meiise. a cenaid erablu atruam ou a very llnu bridge ; Una eity htm a population of ever 100,000. Thu ride from Vorviera te Alx-l.i (Jhapulle, ia through a district rumatkable ler pic pic pic turoeiitie sconery. We lie ever at AU la la Chapelle Hevcrnl heura and visit the Cathedral and Hathhau or hotel de villa. This place wan ouce a Reman ulatieu ; it wan the birthplace aud tavorlte residence of (Jhtirlomagne, aud here, for many centu ries after his death, all thu Uarmau mil mil mil porern were crowned. Little new reinaitin of its former ntagulllceiicu, except ita Cathedral and Hatbhaua, wlueli aiu of great interest te tourists. Ot thu former only the nave wan built by Charlemagne, A. 1)., 700-804 j It in an octagon nor mounted by a cupola ; It Huffureil nuvnruly nt the hands of the Normans in thu ninth century, but was repaired by Othe HI, at the cIuhe of the tenth eeutury. The tomb of Charlemagne in iu this part of the church, bear ing the inscription " Carle Migno." It wan openod by Ollie at the time of tlie ro re paira, nml the dead emperor wan found Heated liihtate pn a marble throne. This thrown wan afterwards used for orewnlug the (turmaii emperors, and it in bhewn te vibitern, Tlie pulpit, in of ailver, and ailerneil with caivutl ivety ami jtwela, wan presented by Henry II. Sume nilk tapehtry with (scriptural hceneii woven iu the doth, although many hundred earn old, in in a geed state of preservation The Ilctlia. Tliore are n number of aacieil reliua, which are only bhewn encu iu every huveii yearr, "We wero nhewn a tnarble aarco aarce phaguu, which wan breiu'ht from Heme, In whlen Auguntus, the llrat Uemau em peror wna burled. It iH a llue work of art, having rained carved flgurcn ou the nidus. When the remains of Charlonngne were found in the tomb an above dceoiibeJ, they wero plnced In thin Baroephagua, but what yet remnins of tuem nan uceu placed among thu naeicd rellcs, The UathhatiH wnn built In the 11 Lh century, nutl in ehlelly meuierablu for the International ceugriW that havu Icen held in it, aud for being the place whoretho German ctnporem wero feimerly orewnod. Anumboref historical paiutinga, nutl the pertraitn of Uermau omperms, klngn ami Htatosmen adorn the walls, many of them high works of ait, We reaeh the Ilhine nt Cologne en Tueeday evenlng. The cathedral In thu chief point of interest bere. It In n oheatu work of art. The nty le in Gothic, and next te that nt Milan In rrgaidcd an ene of thu llneat lu thu world. It was commenced lu IS 18, mid alter passing through many vicissitudes has beau nearly completed. It ban been denerlbed by nble point, ami I shall net attempt it, only te aay from the gnlde books, that it In " 113 feet long and ll'J bread or 210 through tliu traiiseptijl and the choir is 1 10 feet lilttb ; the magni ficent south portal ;ii feet high ; coat ever half a million dollars." The ntulned glam in the windows in very beautlful. Tlie fruit nud vegetable marketu worn objeetn of internal, te me, no Iehh than the tleg milk carta. It in a novel sight te nee tiiefte tlegn driven by women who hctve milk through the eity. They are nil mils mils zled, and when the cart steps they lie down te rent. Thore are a number of old churches bere which we tle net viilt, nn we are mix Ions te go en te Ileuu iu thometniug. Fiem thin point wu will take a steamer ami ascend thu Ithiue te Mayuncr. G. W. II. Hew l.eiii; It Wi.ulil Tlir. Krmn thu Demen it Monthly. Tlie project for tilling the Duaurt nl H.i li.ira with waUir, h creating a gieat ilea' of dlhuiihaiuu ame'jg foreigner):, especially French journalists. Naturally the iiues iiues tieu liaa ariauti, hew long would it taku te lill thu whole basin of Sahara, aud some ntiirtling ligtiit'H are given In coutiectie'i tbeiuwith Five theutaud yearn, it ia claimed, would be required te lill up that vast aca el aaud wem thu water te Hew through a patsage 100 feet wide and 2") feet deep, with tlie vu loeity of four milen an hour. Under the same conditions it would take -1 000 yeara for tlie waters of the Mediterranean te lill thu valley of thu Jerdan, With a channel 100 times gieater capacity it would de the work iu lertv years. At thu sune late it would take 100,000 yearn te lill tlie Can. piau aeii te thu level of thu Mediterranean. Fortunately, It is only a portion of Sahara which can be made iiile a l.ike or inland hca, and doubtless there are middle agid men te day who will live te see thin feat accomplished. A I'uupla Wliu tiHiiuiii Malce I Irr. r mm thu Popular juluncu Monthly, The I'apuana of thu Maelay oeast of New Guinea uud iu tlie meat primitive stage. They are wholly uu.icituaiut'Ml with mi'lala, atie m.ilte their weapons of Hteue, benen and wiuhI. Tliuy de net knew hew te at irt, a lire, though llm ia in use among them. When the trnviler asked tlim bow they undo a lire, they could net understand his ipieatieu, but they regarded it as very amusing, and answered that when a person's ilru went out he get Heme from a neighbor, and, if nil tbe lircn in tlm vill.igi) hhetild ire out, they would get is from the next vill ige. Sume of thu nativen repipnunted that tlieir father and irr.itiil fall mm bad told them they ltmetr- liered a time, or bad heaul from their ancestors that tliore w.ii a tlme, whe'i 11: e was net known, nud everything wan eaten raw. I'm: leiiseu u hy iINu lei's el the bliulilermul iirlmuy eig'ini aiu se il.llleullte cum Is that thu liiiii"iitly havu no pioneuuteil tymp- teni-t Hi'Nr'a Kliliify mul l.lv.rj Hkumiy la pceiill illy uilupttiil te Hid iiihi et these com pliilnts, mul g's's ul ouce te thu scut el thu tieuhlf giving tullet lit mice. yJt Iwih'eilAw AilvtrtlrliiK Olienn I I I " It Inn becoine se common le begin mi ar- tle'e lu un elegutit, liiteieatlni; slylu. "Then run It Inte aotne tulvertlsemenl Hint mii uvelil nil aueli. Ami simply e.ill utlf nlleu te the merlla et II i lllilers lu na phttu, honest terms us pos sible, ' l'u luiluee people " Te nlve thorn oue frdil, which ae pievea t In. ir value Unit they will never use uny thing flsu" " Tiik IIumkiiv se tnveiubly IIOllCCll 111 nil the pupuis, Iti'llpliMi-i mul sri'iil.iv, U " Having u I irgu sale, nml ts siippluullug nil ether lueillclnua, " Theiu U no ileulng Ihu vlilues ft Ihu llnp pliint, mul thu piepi tutors or Hep Hitters li ku nhewn kiiiiI nhiDWilnti-is uml uhlllly " In eouipeumllng n iiieilleluu wIiihii vlituea iiroae pilpblu toevoiy one'a observation." DM t)le 1)11"? Ne! "Mho Uuguieil ami miltuteil along, plulug iinuy II the t linn ler yours," " 1 hu iloclera ilelug her no goeil ;" ' Ami ul lust wiw cuiml by UiU Hup lllttera Hid papeis any se meili tibiml." " lmleeiti tmleeil t" Hew ih.iuktul wu aheulil bu ler that uicill uicill elne." A llmiKliter'a Mlsury. ' l.luveii yours our iluugliler aiitrureil en a beil et misery, "Kieiii u eoiiipllc.itlenol klilney, llver.rliou llver.rlieu malic trouble mul Nmveua ileblllty, Diuler the emu el the beat physicians, " Who gave bur ilWciue vnileua nanus, ' llm no lellet, "Ami new alie Is resteruil te ua lu goeil health by u simple iireiuu.ly us Hep Itllleia, Ihutwi) lull shiiuueil ler years buloie nalng It." 'Ill B rAIIKNrri. Vrttntr It tittilug Well. " My ilnii jlitttiH any . Hew iiiueh bellei lather la alncu hu unit Hep llllters." ' Hu Is Kittling well ulier Ills long sullntli'g lieni a iiUeiisu iieelmeil Ineurulile." ' Ami e inn se ijliiil Hint he uaeil your Hit ters "A I.aiiv el Utlcii, N. V. Oa- NiiniH'.eliulne without u bunt h et gieen Heps en the while luhel. Shun nil tlm vile, potneiioiia Btull Willi ' Hep" or " Heps" 111 their leiuiu. Jyl.i-liiulT.'I JuvsAw llUDkluu'flAruiua ti-lve. Tlie Ileal Hnlvu Hi thu-wernt ter Cuts, ItrulS'M. Merua, Ulcura, milt lChitum, Kovei Merel, Teller, Clmppntl lliillila, Chllbliilua, Cerns, uml uli akin uruptletia, mul positively curus l'lle9, or no puy nuiiii'uii. It 11 guur unti'Oil tegivu peril el wilMuctleu or meiiuy rtitiiuilKil. I'llee, J rniila per box. Keranlu tiv II. II. Cecln-aii. ilriiL'UUt, U7uuil !".! North IJuoeiiHticel, I.nneinlur. i'TIim lltutil Llllt). " Many eiil HOhtters lemember "Ihuiluuil line" ul Aiuleiaenvllle. II wiisu uilnlily iluugeiima iii-lifliliuihoeil. DVbiiiiiiblu. bllleuauesa. mul liver mul khlney, illseitkus me lull et perils ter Ihnali'k, lull ilurttuck Jlleud Hitters men reitulti luuiiHly. ftehl eveiy whuru. ferriilii by II. II. Cei'hrnu, ilrugglat, 137 unit UJ North Outiiui at i tint. North l'ili Itxprilitiuiip, I'tle llithta, lolterles, walking nmtclim, uml balloon intensiens uiu iisuiilly IiuuiIiiihs et Ihu worst seu Dr. 7'iiimut' h'clcctrte Oil la net a humbug H Is a ipilck euie leruehea UllllSllllllllH. llllll la lUSt lllKOIHl ler u luuieui'NH. Kei'siile bv II. II. Ceehran.ilfuggUl, U7 uml i.l'l North liiii'im street. A btHttllui; DlBcevurj. Mr. Wm. Jehnsen, et Huren, Dak. writes tleit lilt wife huil been lieubleit with uciile IlienchllU ter muiiy years, nml Ihul till reuu illes HIdiI gnu no peiiuuiii'iil nillut, until hu precuieil u bottle el Dr. Klny' New Dlact.v nry mr Coiisuiuptlen,CouitHuuil Colds, which linn u miiKtcm euuui, mm iiieiiuei'ii u piuiiui mint cine. It la guuiuuleuil te niruuil tils iiikaea el Threat, I.uugii, or ilreuuhlul Tubes. Trial liettli's t leu in cechruu'a linn: Mute, Net. 1'17 mul :vj North tjiieun nliuut, l.uueus ter, l'u. l.iirmiHUii! no. 11 V tllmittiiiKO in Weriu. When wu wiy wn hellove, wu huve evMence te prove Hint Hhlleli's cengiimplltiu euro U detldtnlly llm best Lunij Medlcluu mmle, In its iiiueh its It will tine a common or ciueuic Ceitrdl luoue-htlll the tlumuml relieve A-tli-ma, liiiitichltls, i hoeping Cough, Cimip, mul at. w nun ii ecu's el Consumption i ur'-i ilutii uliethei's. 11 will eiiiewiiete they lull, II h-pl.-usunt le lulte, hutmleni le the yiunui'sl child nml wugiiaraiitoe what wu any 1 Ire, p.i. reu uml ll.ue. If your Lungs utu sine, l t.i tl ei Hack laii.e, urn Hhlleli's Pereus I'lus lur. Mild by 11, II. cechrun, druggist, Nib. 137 and 130 North Uucuu mreuL feb7-ted 1 MKMVAJL, 11 UM"!l KKMKUY, HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. Never Known te Fail. IT 13 ASPEOIPIO IT IS RtlLIAULB Kldney nnd Llver TrouelOH, llhiililer, Uilimry mul I. Iter DlHiiaiuis, Drnp . tiiuvel mul l)lu be lea. lli'luht'a DlauiiHe. I'iiIiih In tlie lluek, l.elna or lOi's, Kutiintleii or N e n Retention of Ul Inn. KIQUL.Y ltBCOMMENDED. It ciiiim llllleuiii'S'i, Ilea lucid', .litiimllcu. Heur Hlennieli, l)jHpcisl.i, Ceuallpatluu uud I'lles. I WORKS PROMPTLY nun eniiH liitctiipermicf, Nervnun Dlaeaaea, tiuuetul Dublllty, Kxeessta unit Kuliiiile Wi'ikkues-t. 08B IT AT ONOE. It uiiteiea llm K1DNKYH. I, lVK.lt mul IIOWKI.S, te :i heiilthv iiclluu, mul CUIIKU when nil iilliur u eillclius lull, llunilreils havu Ikiiii -uveil who linve biuu given up le illu by lili'iul-i mul phyHii'luiM. I'llti) Hi: eiul ler lllujtruluil l'lilnphlet HUNT'S HEM ED Y CO, I'lOVlilUIICO, It. I. MJI.D 11 Y A LI, DKUOO iters. Ijsru.TliASAw L AAll'. I (will It HOP PLASTER. l'lili poieut plaster Is iibseliitely the bet ever luiule, ttuiH'luliiK the virtues el hops lib uutns. balanitis uml extruela. Ita pewur Is Aiinileiful In uililnu' iltseisus wheiu ether I'luslfis aluiiilv relieve. Crlek In thu l.uck ami Neck, l'mu In thu Hldi or Limbs, Still .liiliil- nml 31 useit'a, Kinney ireiiiiirs, iiuuu uiutlsm, NeiuiilKlu, bere Cecal. AUeetlena of the lleiiiluiul Liver, uml nil piilns or uelies tn uny I iirleureil Instiinlly by the Hep Plaster. -T'rylt.. l'rlutt, 33 cdiiIh, or llve ler tl.iO. Mulled en receipt of price. Helil liy nil tlrilg ulslsinul country ateies. iej 1'lastcr t'om t'em piiuj. l'ropttuleis, lloslen, Mass. LAME BACK. e-V"ei' cnnstlpnttnu, less et nppctlle uml illseueea et the bowels take lluwley'a Stomach uml Liver Tills. Z'i centa. il-lViIAw(3) I )AllKl.ifr) TONIO. Swept Inte the Stream. One Tlteuannd AcroaefLnnd nnd "Illsht Smart of Benra," On the ileck el a lilg MlstisalppI -iteiimbetit stiieil mi ugi'it Southern plunlur. Imllcutlng by iiHMcep el hlsiirm Ihu w liters thu bout was p.isilmr ever, hu sulil le a p'lsaoiiKer trem the N in Hi "When I wits twtilvu yuurs elil 1 killed my llrst beiiren ii new plantation my hither mis Hum cuttlngef aler.st ihulgrew Olrectly ever thu witters out nt this liuntl. That was n mighty goeil Dhintiitleu unit thuiu was light siuuilel beura theie, tee llllt that one thous theus uml ticiea el limit weul Inte thu .Mississippi liver yunrauire " It Is pulling no strain upon the ilguru te say that irrat teri'sta et jeuthlul hope, weuitiuly biuiiiy mul nuiiily strenuth aru swtpt lu the simu way every year line the Ktent, turblil let rent of illseiwu unit ill-nib. Yelllahuiihl net buae. That It Is 80 is iiiliaitiucii us well us a less, 1'eeplu nru hu Kuly tee can less or loe sluplil te ilefcnil their own lnluietta-lhu mesl precious et which Is heilth. ThiitKene, nil Is genu. DH ti.isu Isslniplii, tint le reeklessnusH or lgnor lgner miei) the simplest things uiIkIU its well bu com plexus u piope-llloii In Conic Sections. n the liime wustntii llvi-ra, which soelten lloeil the cities along their shores, uilse lu a tow meiiiitiilu apiliiits, se nil our ailments can liu tiuceil teluipiiiii htoetltiml a auiiill group et ill-imleri il erKtins. Tin- iiioittlleelUeiiml liicltinlvii ioniely for llaeiL"els I'allKKIt'S'lONIU, 1 tirees te thu neuiei s el pain uml ueikiiesa. Iu respeuae le llaiietlen, I ih liver, klilnuya, steiiiucli mul hem t beulii their work ulreali mul illsensu la ill I veil out. The Tonle Is mil, howevof, an liilexlcar.t, but ciiicsi! ilealru loratrengilliuk. II ive you dyspepsia, iheuiunllsiii, or lieubles which linve leluseil te yield te oilier agents? Hutu Is your help. iil-lmdSAw 1AKIU'.ll'.i ll.llil II.M.sAn AMI IM nit er's 'l'niile tursiileut Coeliriiii'aDriiKHteru. Me. 1.17 unit l.i'J Ninth tlueetl aU. Liitieiksler. I'll- li' KAIJUUAIlTKllS nH TUB INDIAN MEDICINES, KA-TONIIA AND MODOU INDIAN OIL -AT- LOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO. ) KA3T U1NU 8TKKK.I', LANCAaTHK.l'A. llllt intuitu. Cl'KUlAl. IIAllOAINsj. PATT, U k CO., NOS. 8 A; 10 E.VST K1NMJ ST. Hl'KCIAL II A UU AIM. UUMMKIl HII.K9, Me. We uud 7.'c COI.OIIKD DlthSrt bll.KH, Oue, 75e, I.(KI. lilnch NUN'S VKIL1NUB ail Colers.ti0u.ayU. AnlmineiiHu vatluty et OIIAMtlltAY HUITINUS. .Ki'HYIlUlNtillAMH. HATlbTK AND UAMlilllC, In l'epular Colorings lit Lewest Prices, OUllNKW LINK or Parasols and Sunshades Have been made te our sptnlal order by Ihu laigi'St miiuuhu turiis, whluh Insures US lllkVlUK Hu lulesl at) lux ulul Lewest 1' rices. COAOHINU I'AltASOI.H. I.ACKTIUMMK.D I'AllASOLS, TW1L1.KD SILK l'AUASOI.3, LADIKS' AND HKNTLKMKN'.H BILK UM HKKLL.Vi. JERSEY WAISTS. WD0Z.ALL.W001..1K11SKY8,: ll.ue etich. luitily Held ut tl.&t). ELEOANT WOIISTKD J K11SKY&, $l.75encli. lately sold at 11 50. KINK lMl'OUTKD J KllSK.YH. Latest .Styles, l.'.Wnml :).(t, NEW YORK STORE. piliaiK UAMAUV BKUD, 10C.AQUAUT,at HU11LKY'3 UUUU STOUB, 05-Cnut Ne, 2i West King St. VIMTtttmt, A IFKAHTOF BARGAINS. NecktieB and Half Heee At EIU8MANU Ne, 17 Weat KInsr Btreet.l Gauze Undershirts, In Blxea irem 31 te 60 Incho. -AT- EKISMAN'S. M yriui iMTuruR, Thin Clothing, lu Kxvullent Assiirttneut, ler this sortet wiiikllier, fur MKN'S, HOY'3 nml OHM DUKN'S WKAIt, III nil the 1'LAIN ANO MOST KAHOlONAIII.K KAIIItlCH. In looking nretinil ter 8ummer rcqulsUes, rumember that I he beat naaertmunt In CI.OTIUNU la nlwnyn te be scen here, nml Hint prices uru aulllcluntly vikrleit le meet with Inver iimeng all cloaseset buyers, na well as these whom tuitunu has lean luvoreil. Wu Invite culls, that we may be aflordeit a chance te show lust what we have. Thu uiiike, slylu mul iniallty of our CLOTHING la lully up te thu hlghcat aUnilanl, and la markeil ntllKtirea that often jnuke buyers of th(isi) wlioenly coine te uee. i- Coiiiparljeii ceurtctl, trailu aollclted. , LKAD1NU LANCAaTKU CLOTU1K113, NO. 13 HAST KING STREET. LANUASTEIl. l'A. M KUUHANT 1AII.OIUNU. Special l'er Ladies. I linve lust rnrtilvetl it line of thu KINKaT IMl'OltTKO 1'ONUK.KSln the tniuket, which will bu void per piece, containing .twenty yiinls, ultlU; thu trnine iimlltyet goods aiu auUliig Hi I'hlluilelphla ul ll'J una 1'J. iSneciiil i'er Gcntlemen. .lust received, A Hl'LKNDU) A880HT HhNTOIf WOOLKN (.OOI1S, aultable ler the het weather, which will bu miile up ntaur prlslnuly low llures mul superior workmtiii werkmtiii slilp, with Irluiinlng te corruspend with tlm goods both In iiinlllv nml ahiuii). 1'KIIKKCT KIT OU All AN I'KKI) Oil NO 3AI.K. Ulve DIO a trial uud bu convinced. D. R. WINTERS, NO. J3 K. ilVEEN STKEET, l.ANCASTKIt, VA. A ICAKK CI1A1MOI". Great Reduction -IN- FINE CLOTHES -AT- E &EEIAET'S, Ne. 6 East King Street, In outer te reduce a heavy stock; I will uiake up te order, ler the renmliiileret the Bensen, all LttillT-WKlUIlT WOOIiKNSllt U Midi of 20 te 25 per cent. This blir reduction Is I"OU OASU ONLY, anil will uuubiu thu buyer tn gut a llnu suit et Clethes, imule up lu the bust style, almost us low us a ready uifdUbliepBult., H. GERHART. A I.1TT1.M' Price List: The follewlmr 1110 souie 01 the CLOTHINU llAUUAlNb new (iolngeti at I, GANSMAN tt BRO.'S. MENS' ALL WOOL SUIT.- AT W.B0. LAllOK HOYS' ALL WOOL BUIT'AT L50. SMALL HOYS' ALL-WOOL 8UIX3 AT f3.W. Ami various ether gnulea;in each range et alzes. "" BARGAINS :in GOODS IN THE PIECE. WK MAKE TO OUDEIt A Serge Suit at $10.00. UN K OASS. 18U1T1N03 AT IU.O0, 11500, il8.W AND r3J.uu. Theso ttieiu. are Teal llargalna mul don't nitsa L.&ansman&Bre. The rASIIIONAnitK MKUOIIAMTTAILORS Ne. 6fc'-68 NORTH QUEEN STRBIT, Ulght en thu Southwest Ceiner et .Orwure, LANOASTBU, l'A. Net connected wlUi any otter, CIeUUbc Uouse lu the cltv.: IYEBS I RATHFON i- M Vi i n s, VI fj M s-3 I A. M M