ln&StpntJ0MtlvnK4iamkitV't'i, " ! J ftf Mt,fct . -,- &.'' mj&kLUwsfr viJL, j: a 11 i; r I r , 'y i rev- i riU Ft" t.?6 n r W ; ' r lrY. 4T u-s j e. .': M IH i r B i r -I '(JL - jBSSS Encatrt tntclUflcnrer. WIIOAT KVENINO, AUGUST I IUO 1. Organs Out or Tunc. The ItepUbllcan national cemmitter) Is r trouble ercr tlie tlcniHtid of tlie Laber Union that it ahull boycott tliu New Yerk Tribune because It refuses te pay Its compealtora what lliey have do de mended. Then there Is another demand that Calvin Wells, proprietor of the Philadelphia Press, shall be put off the electoral ticket because he refuses te comply with the union's demands. Evidently organs have their dlsadvan takes. Newspapers which an) published as business ventures are out of place in political harness. They cannot nerve Ged and Mammen. They cannot keep en the right slde of public questions when their main Intent Is te make money ; at least without extraordinarily careful and nervous steering. There will nrlae questions en which te go aright they must go ngainst the popular current; and ether questions such as the ene In which the i'rw.i and the 7'n'",i. are arrayed against tiic labei unions, in I which their business Interests will ciasu with the popular demand. If candidal! s must have organs it Is eridently trecen" eary that hi presidential cainp.ilgns they must be temered and tuned, ami in duced for the nonce te tilt down the business ends of their concerns Unit the political side may be tipumled. Mr. Maine, it is said, has undertaken te temper the Tribune te a proper sense of the needs of the situation, and certainly as the only Hl.iiiiu organ in the great metropolis, it should bring itself Inte harmony with its candidate's loud dt claratien of devotion te the interest of labor. If for this occasion only, the Tribune should pay union wages, and send in a bill for the extra cost te the national committee. The I'ran, as the number two Hlnine organ, et the country, In its second city, should de the same. After the election Is ever, prices can be nllewed te drop again, and the proprietors of the organs my once mere enjoy the luxury of publishing them en what they deem business princi ples, and witli a sole view te tilling their treasury. If they don't cheese te de this and won't sacrifice dollars for votes, they should cease te be organs. Mr. Blaine should repudiate the conduct that is obnoxious te his lalmr supporters, and Mr. Wells should be kicked out. It won't de for Mr. Illalne, premising te bloom as the candidate of the Irtish ard the labor unions and women suffragi-ts te be blighted by organs Unit won't play ids tunes and practice ills music right straight along until election day. 1'ciiiisjlvanla Agriculture. The state agricultural fair will be held In Philadelphia this jear, and the present presjiect Is that it will be a suc cess. It lias been deemed an objection te tills location that it was net sulll. clently central, geographically, for a representative exposition of Peiirisyhn. n'a's fanning interests ; but when it is considered that se ni'iny of the almost exclusively agricultural counties of the state He about Philadelphia, and that the sclence of farming lias in them reached its highest development, the fitness of the location is easily demon strated. Then there are facilities of travel, transportation and organisatien te be secured in Philadelphia winch can not be had elsewhere. It will at least be well weilh the ex pertinent te held a series of exhibitions in Philadelphia, and the piounse el hearty cooperation with the state nuclei) en the part of the State IIertfeutLur.il association, tlie Pennsylvania Horticul tural society, tlie State Poultry society, the Philadelphia Kennel club and the Women's Silk Culture association, strengthens tlie iftsurunce that the affair will be worthy of Pennsylvania's place in the agricultural resources and develop ment of tlie country. Preeminent as Pennsylvania is as a manufacturing and mining atnte, it is net te be fei gotten or overlooked that her original development was largely due te and much of Ik i present strength lies in the wealth of her soil and the advanced state of its tillage. Nearly one fourth of her peeple are en gaged in agricultural operations : only Illinois, Missouri, New Ver It and Ohie surpass this Htate in their number of farms ; and llllueli -the greatest farm lug Htate has only three-llfths mere acres under cultivation, while tlie total value of the farm lauds in Peunsylvanl.i was in lhSO within a trllte of thoMief Illinois. Our agriculture is in every aspect, relative or absolute, an important inter est which can be stimulated and aided In no better way than by well directed and unsellislily managed exposition!'. We expect here In Lancaster county te make the local exhibition worthy of the place our community lias long held at the very head of the list of all the counties in tlie country ; but there are seme features of fanning in which ether counties of tlie atate still go ahead of Lancaster, and In which our tllleisef the soil have many things te learn fieut them ; and they can study them te prellt at a state fair. Tlie Sun's Position. The Philadelphia Tiuua thinks that the New Yerk Sun has It in hand te beatlllaine with Cleveland, Cleveland with Ilutler, liuller with St. Jehn, and St. Jehn with seme ether fellow. That is laughing at the Sun; but the Sun seems te ua te have the laugh en Its own side. It can enjoy the luxury of perfect independence among the candidate striking mid helping wliore it pleases with none te say it nay. Of course It Is la bad condition te earn tlie rewards or an ergau. Uul Uiose are net its gaum. It U gunning for Independent Inlluunce'; and if It exercises geed Judgment ami discretion It will get it. In this cam nalsrn its efforts in Unit iliiwiiim .......i werk te the benefit of thoDemecratlc side; aad we can afford te regard its eccen tric labors, out of harness, with compla cency Tha un Is never disposed te be e&tfrelj eatiified with political candi dc It thought that Hancock was a g&i can, weighing 240 pounds. It tfc&fcs that Cleveland is a geed man in l&pJKc; as sheriff, for instance. Mr, Dann Inclines te put loe much value en Intellectual brilliancy and tee little en sturdy qualities of character. He would never have approved of (Jeerge Wash Ington as the man of men for president. Washington would net have inadu much show in these da)?, unless accident hail thrust lilm forward Inte a position of responsibility, as Cleveland ha lieen. Then he would have luen equal te it Hut he wai net of a character te push himself forward or te attract tlie atten tlen of the world te him In Ills obscurity by the brilliancy of his genius. He was net aglow-worm as many of the men are who nowadays attract public notice- and amount te nothing when when they are tried. Ner is Governer Cleveland a moth like this. Fmv of the summer Intel proprietors aie happy tins yeir, and seme aie ruest un happy. Can it be that the e.iiupugu biecra phlcH are all wrong and tint Mr. Blame's initial, J. (i., staud for .lay Could ' Tin Irih oie Is tlie putitie.il will-e' the wisp that is no leading the lieptibli can party into the swamp, whence return will be impossible. Mikimi: Iti iron sa)s that the r.iniid Duke Leuis of IIe-mj will abdicate In.' thretiu in favor of his run Cincst, uuder advice i f the Emperor William, ami il tit all nil account of Madttue Kelamine. 1 1 is always interesting te hear rep resonlative literary muii discuss their work, as tt tends te explain Urn peculiar f.iftuiuatieti which they exercise oer tbeir fellow men. .'.imp.- l'.i)ii. tlm i iliituiueux uovelist, drcl.ire.s llint few meu imii rite n taree u!iiuie nevi-l worth realms uedei nuie nieuiliH. Tin. dhtgiacuful tight for the curies rtlen.il uoiuiu.itieiiH in tlie Kne district utill continues. One hundred and tblrt) tblrt) tblrt) one ballets have b.-en ukun'with neivsult, .mil the met dam img charges of cer rtlptieu arc beiui; tuade. A new br mm id the shape of a Democrat in the couKrc ceuKrc couKrc sietial seat from tbu Tuenty teventh di. trict would sweep clean that uifes'ed suc tion. LIKJD MftSMIKI.- l'eriM-. Hi - ' imer, ili'ul lile.i'ii-iii iv trc ill 1 In nr i In kiii). ii i j'-'inliiif i rK 's T i in I llli'l-i lur Iiki truii-iiiit, niu-i n i, 'In iumtitr Willi Ulnliki'., or 141m rin'- Oti! nm tm-y seeuk te Ii r wltnll t lt- urt 1 li.it jilly ! mis iiiuer cli -iir, wail M.' Ami lei llie Imiii' et llenr nnin mum titl Se t.et'iuiv) wlu IIkuII j eMcii i;i u.i' Theyiir. an out. Ih j nun n ., ut. kly i-, ....i ....... .. .... ... ... . .. . .111.1. 11.1 I'llIT- . . 1.11 I'll l . U 'llV Se Mn lit iii Ii.im Kiiicn I m. i, ci Wu liml liMHim et W HitiT in tttlr )! ii . lleirti Cliuliiml U'nei(, in CVnr'i . iii t Tur. iuturuatieual eluclrical exbibitmu which opens in Philadelphia en September 'J, under the auspices of the Franklin institute premises te be a most Miccessftil enterprise. An cxcullent sjstttn of ol.u-n-flcatieu has bi'eti aduptud fm exbibitag the pre'itesR made in the study of electrical science, and the display of machines will be notable. Workmen nru engaged at prewit in laying the foundations fur tlie creit K liseu dynamo micbme "Jumbo," which is the largest el Us ltmd in the world. This ih the thirty-ten nuohice that was the wonder of the Paris exjsitiee. Tin. lirsl ishih of the W, the in w Demecratic weekly, eatiblished in I'dila delpbia, edited by Mr. lletihel ainl Oe. F Pailier, and published in connection with the operations of the Democratic htate committee, has made its opjearauco. It is a very clean looking journal, neat ami digmtied in appearance, printed mi hil paper, from brand new tje, ,iud w.ll be published ei cry Silutd.i). It is exactly the mi) of the Dll. Ink u.ii.i.si hit aud re-emblcs this paper and the Philadelphia Twtti in general style el luechatucal " make-up." Its contents are exclusively political, scaicely a line of its 28 columns beluu devoted te advertibcmeiits. It prom prem ises that "hile it will be essentially a pu lit'cal nuwhpapcr a paitiS.ui it will claim and keep a plaui in the ranks of legui mate journalism , its editor .uul publisher will control it and be icpu.hib!e for it, nobody ilse. It will be a It tot lVM a Htiam and lightning est, and net iiHtage coach lest." Its head, t-ngrnvid Irem designs drawn specially for it, net only illustrates the name, but presents a con cen con denseil lnstery of the advance of the most imiertiiut of lacih'rn pubhe iiistitutieiis. It declares that when it went te jiriss it had the names, addrtsces and tlie sub. scriptien of J.Il'JJ paid up, eash in advance bona lido subscribers, net te speak of .. I...1.....1 1 r.. .i i nuoen.tiu uiuuiti iei iiieiisanus el copies of cur Unit ishiie ; and Mibrcriberit are coming in new at the rate or r.uu lX , lyi ,,n taken for the campaign only. Till (J Mll'.VIlIN IN l'l.NMVl.V M., I'ldnlii-s Irnui tlm Nun i iiiiiiHtign i-rtinr 1 1 "III tlm riilfiuleiplil l Wi-i-lily J'i,ht if this country has lest its commerce its ships, and lu sailen, nobody ean say with truth it has lebt the art of tattooing. Dersey, according te the lattst lufeima tlOII. IH LMVIlur hlH l-ivu iiml .....I.... - -. --n--"-r - ..ml uiuin 111 , Olose alch ever his boiling soap kettle. ii -ii.uiuiei siaiiH eui le steal tlie elio elie elio teral vote of a state this jear he e m n in his private Keveriimeut iauht, thu Talla poesa. lie Is nothing II net thrifty. Captain Chandler, iih he sails, ulves stiieterderH that no letterH beailnn an In dian i postmark shall be forwarded te him and that the lliHt man who mentions the iiiime of lluiidriekH shall be hailed te ti, jaid arm without trial or meiey. " WllV vulnr.iiiH uliiinl.l u m ii in ""ifc in nun ti iri(iiniiii.i in ......I. " ""i ""vuiiiiiiiiary siatis oil uxiiluln. wliv '. It,.,, m-,. I... I i te Miibstitute te (e le the army ler him and when tlm r:ihf.il u.iu UM..I i.. ...i in . -....,.... ...... .,uv tw ,ui iiiaini never even sent n man te de his Unhung iiiusiui in nei werK ; urass imihIs aij ml Kiiiiioweiir are nei mailing votes. Aen vims of iiveiy district ami complete muin lllltleil IH Hill ii llllnlil'i.- ,i..,I, I t ...,... in....... Minn in, iimiM Womedrntlo committeeman te he new en my kki:ii iiieii, ii mm worn is pushed I Hiiuuehvliil completion by Aiiirust l.'iili. tl lliui II .r.i i. . . ... .' te id ...... imu in inn iiiiniuy n HOIKS will li.i heen taken, Onu of 1 1 in iiuiui ii,iii.r,i,ii,..., r.. ,i ,, "- r "vm.i.i.nnjf in,iiiiii;n tlie eamiiiilirii in i.tmiuui....i.i.. ,.. .i... . of - " wi.i.ejit i.iiii. in kilo in- union of the lately divided: Domiwratle i.ieiieimiu.iiinlatii eeiinty. At a reciiut conference an Imrorable ami lasting com pioniiseof past dllkronecM wan ollueUtl ; the two commltteos merged In nun and .. in ii,.,.!bi.lbur "'."kfer frieiully loeognitlon and shaklmj of hands, ntid tlm making of h liert, cartif Ht sjieechim, Invoking harmony and goed-wl I, adjoin ned with iGmeulii eri for Domecratio huoeohs.' Tiier,U)i-i: nud Hcett wero rxoeiitloimlly quick literary workers, ' LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE, F1HDAY, AUGUST 1, 1S1. HOW THEY MET. HfMiUUIlSUtlKS TUHI'.llUI KV K1..VM). . Ijuirt I' uii,IUtliin, I.Hsilnir lliree Hours Tlie (lencral 1'elltlrHl bltiintlnii IMnriiMicit Iiituriiilljr. iiiuisil.iy was another eventful day for the Djmucr.iey. Cicvclitid aud Hemfrick.s have met and conferred for the llrst time. I lime was no display, mi uolse, music or tiiewerks. All w.is as ipiet as though two eiihtiarv citi.eus wero exchanging hoeI.iI calls, (lovcruer Hendricks had se Intended Te be sure he hid pasuvl through Albany in coming te Saratoga, but tills wan the uvciiliik' before the committee was te notify both candidates of their nomina tion and he thought it best te pjstpeue his tirst rail en the bead of tlie ticket until after the lermat t otlllcitieu bad taken place. As seen as tins was ever tSovcruer Hendricks tietitleit liever nor Cleveland that he would v iit him Thins d i) te piy ht respects. It was se arranged. I'lie candid ite for vice president en the Dotneoratio ticket left licie en the regular train for Albauy. He was aocempiniod by Colonel Feiihee, of Vrkaiis.ii, and Colonel L. D. Uauiitster, et kdiana. i'licre was nothing notable in lht Trip. tloverner lli-udncks, remarked that for the lirsl tuue in the history of national plitia- the ciudutates of a gie.it party woretomi-et for a form il acqui ulauc for the tirst tune after the nomination, net ideation ami real bet nim of the cam IKiicn. lie spoke Irccly of Mi. Cleveland's rapid adi tnce in public favor and rei.'.w led it as inu'ieinleiited in the history of publie men. He di-eused also at length the prostwet- of success, and said he fell mie the Ddinecri'itf ticket would be elivt d lie felt certain that New Yerk and Indiana v ere both uie te give i;ha1 Democratic m.ijjrities. Jehn Kelly aud leity tlieuiaudH retets behind bun, be said, would v eti' the ticket became they wrre geml Dem.K.M.itti. The charges acau st lr. Cloieland be thought eui;ht te be treated with siletii contempt, aud a cimpiuu priuciple instead of slauder conducted Ih conversation upon politics with ins fiiemls and uevspaH-r men who vTeiit down with him was as tire an thetih he w.us net a candidate for the seceud pi ice in the 4.(1 of the iiatiet). it has been a dreary day aud iheiuu and wmd did net help te give est t the trip It w.w about b.ilf-pist two e I vk in the afternoon when the tram upon w hieli Oovtirner ileudncks went down drew into the depot at Albauy. lly renue.it, ueue of the local people had been lutenmsl of trie vi-it and houce there w.i no demeiMlra tloe Coluiiel liimeut, Ooverner Cleve land's private secretary, met Mr Iln dricks at the depot with a carriage aud he anil Colonel it.itiuistcr were driven quickly te the cT.'cative mansion. As the candi date ler va.e president etitereil the deer be was met by Ojveruer Cleveland and warmly welcomed. Dan Mauuinn was there an I after the formal cnirtcsien of the da) between t'.ie ciudui.itcs he turned the talk into .1 le'.iticil chiuntl, .vil fir something mere than tLree hours thiTe was a general discussion of jxjlit ic il topics. The ciudiilates dined liether and parted about Ui!f pest six o'clock. At tulf-iast cunt o'clock Mr. Hen dnck-v rcturued te Saratoga en ihe rfular tram, his etdy attendante beiiiv: the few jiumalists who were n'tracted te Albany by the that reetiug of the liemocraiie candidates. Mr. llendru'ka sp-d.e freely of hw tirst mcetiui,' with O iverner Cleve land aud saul his unirissuLs of htm were that he was a man of great force of character, candid m his i-xpressiers and fair nud tirin in h.s judgments, l'tieie was, he s.nd, no i:cueral discussion of thf plan of e.imiain, ler neither of fhein desire I te mu-rfere r ra.x m them. Governer HeDdricks vsill remain mi-a toga Mimudiis et and may then go te Bleck Island. V .IMIKLl.MU.UI t." V ruer ItUliuiMii's tirsiilinln mill tluw II vvitu .Mnullttril. Ktnininu I'll - J'irK lime Truth is certainly stranger th tu tun 1.1. i hj fact is that the mett uxtr.iv.iK.rit dreams of ihe uevelist are excited bv lln material for elaboration which oveuUthat have actually transpired furnish. The (,'Ond fortune which lus recently fell te the let of tioerg-i J IC pp'er, of ij I City, illustrates 0110 of the curious turns which the criatic whoel of feituuu is apt te make 111 the interest of th-iiu nlii are least dispesed te leek for it. The goutle man 111 question, at thu time when the lleklodime siin;leil him out ler the great est siirprisu of hm life, which was within the past two weeks, was clerking 111 a grocery store in Oil City, at ii) a m mth He was born in the eastern part of the hUte 111 lJO, and during hs liTi'tituu l.as been 111 oemfoi table, il nut in allljtut eir cumstaneis two or thrce times. lnlxi'iMr. iveppler was iu the gram business in Centre county. .11 tt u lour Irliliiiniii. line night while out taking a nitle iu iu taxatien aftec a busy day, he met, while w ith a p irty of friends iu a imIejii, a jovial, but dilapidated loekiug Irishman, who waii asked le join the party 111 a frieinlly bowl, which invitation was readily accepted. The new acqmmtance proved te bu.se entertaining by li.i ready wit in.cl llew of geed humor, that Mr Kepplcr linally invited him te supper. i'ue acquamtaiice thus formed preveil se jgrmi able te the gram dealer, that hn, en luaru lug tlm circumstanceH el hm new feuud friend, olfured him a position mhissteie as book-keeper. In this sisitien he proved a valuable acquisition te Mr. Keppler, ainl the bend el friendship betweeu empleydr and empleye became daily mere Bttadfast. rsiiJdenly the new book keeier mysturi eusly disaponared without leaving any trace of his destination or any clue that would threw 'a li.-lit en hm unlooked fr departure. This circumstance in Iho life of the late grocery clerk at ID ,1 month eciiurred nearly Unity live years age. Hiuce then Mr. Keppler haspst-d through the many vicissitudes and changes of for fer for tuue which usually fall te the let of the average individual. A l.etlnr I'rinn I'.iln Twe WCekll llL'e lie reeiiivml 11 lnlli.r fr,,.., an attorney in Iielaud that was oaleulated te very forcibly remind him of the man he met iu the drinking mIoeii while in the gram uusiiiuss in Uuulre county, ami bmk in 1h"i',, 'Iho letter Infermud him that hm ferniiir boekkucjier had recently died, l"aviiiuimtaU wertli L'.OOU.UOU, one-half or what bad been buqiioathed In Ins will tofieergiiU. Keppler, Ins former ompleyor. It had b en devidepiid thnt the man who had se Huddimly disappeared fiem the position of Imek-lmepnr was In f.wt the son of a wealthy Irish gentleman, but en account of some youthful escapade while under tlm tulhiouce of drink, he had as suddenly and mysteriously loll home as he did when working en the books of the grain shipper. 1 1 in duiith occurred in May last, ami tlm iiUnrimys or the w,ut ,,u Hiiiee been engaged iu tracing out t,0 ,IH nut hiiir, who, according te th'j terms .r 1 10 will, comes in for the snug plum in his old days of 1,000, ODD. Nil. UrillslAMH I'tllr-OISAIlK. A ri.M.11 ilimnrl.lly ilulnml lu lliii,u K Twe ve.UM age Ilov. .laueb Wuidin.iri, of uiTi'!" "' Jho iireetlun or 11 piiMeiiagu a Jeli.mg thu Presbyter lau chuich InHe.illi ! fn.. l,J",i,!,1"'.,'v,,r vyl"ul' '" pnwideH. Hm 11 aim wiled for mi mitluy of nhniil i f.oe but. knowing that the est I, nates would 'LOW. Ih ut oemI tD.oeii and wan ptml nislehn'f,(K.,,1 'i10 W',"'"', '.rtl!mH His ulriircli buiitjc oemposcd uiomlyef the Jioer line, he went aMnhre for mrb- sorlpllens, nud from his friends In I'hiladel lililii, New Yerk, Kasten, tu Iho l.ehlgh Valley and in ether places scoured about :l 000 eash and premises for much mere. The building began and w is puihed te completion. When the bills c.ime It gr.i 1 1 illy d i tied upeu Mr. Weldnian that In estimates norel.tr below the mark I'lie pinen.ign ceit ii: 000 Ite formed tlm plan of ber rowing en his own credit small sumi from friends, intending te pi) oil the liens ami ether bills and then mertg.i''' the paison paisen paison age te pay back the money he borrowed. Itut it was tee much of a laid and he was forced te give up his pnjcet lie made an iHsigument and gave up all Ins ellects te raise money te pay his creditors, lln f 1 lends stilt iv tain their rpict and entill entill denee in him and his ivmiegatiiin slick te him, Mil. 111 1. IIS' ici t Ninv UrHiul Arnir liny H l'M'"', !. Mestlr "OO.COO t'riiiF l'ri'iil. Toe weather en Wcdue I ). in Dayton. Ohie, was clear, and the it'ind Army day or the soldiers' reunion w ts ushered in with a salute of tliirti en runs llre.it crowds leuiained ever 1,0m I'lieid iv, and the train- brought excuisi mists all night long. The streets weie crended, and the wilii of strangers continued, i'lin depots were jammed with excuri, mists, and it is estimated that nearly '.'Ki.OOi.i people were here te witutss the proceedings. it. It. Hayes, (.5ouer.il KiMcrans, lict eral Kennedy aud etheis drove te the Nildier's Heme and nispt'tii.l '. mhi veterans 1 raw u in line en the campus, sj etches were male by Kesecrans aud lt.i)e.s and the jnrt) returned te Puteu, where Music hall was crowded leh.1ts. ll,i)c, Knsi-cran.H, Kennedy and WihhI addicsed the meeting. Iu the alternoen the pre c.is;eu of llraud Army etcraus tilled the streets, 2 eUO men being 111 hue, and 111 mi reiu.u.iid in the crowd t-i witness the parade, borne twenty live bauds 111 led the streets with u.uic Iu the evemug the guidn at -ham battle en the .Miami river was 1 gieat success. Twe lilt beats, 111 Imitation of guubtnts, cirrv.ng two guns aili, stormed Jwo forts of thrce gun each Pyretcchuic bvimbs and red lights added te the scene of b imb itdment. In the evemug Itou oral J. it ll.nvley arnviil and received an enthusiastic reception. A t'nlitrnrtur l tin HI 1 et .VO.ciiihi. Patrick .Mctice, the contractor et th,e new- t'lemiugteu branch of the I,;high Valli y railnud, of whom there has been se much tilt: in the pip4-s f ir the vast few days, dia net abscond, but is at his home in Seuth lSethlehcm. Iu an interview be s.t) the statement that he Lad received Ss 1OO thus far from the c impany is false The fellow lugnmeunts veru received: Fer Maj, j.' TJt, for Juue, tJ,4V1. He s.i)s out et the May estimate there were pud ex penses te the amount of $. !', aud out of the .June estimate the hilauee remiiumg, after pi) m for stu'iennd ether extmses, was returnati by him te the l.dngb Val ley radio id cecipmy. with thu under standing that it was te pay the meu at d all eutstading debts. The company has iul ever) cent of wages due tlie meu. The branch will be tluLshed at ouce. Motive Bays there were moo bids for this work lower than bis. 1'jSKaUNA.L.. Km Mvuk Pirn-nix, thedistiuguisheil Euglisb cbMijrst aed teacher, is dead. i?i--v H. Amue.nv vmi Kiii.i.iii Cin M winy, have ileclared for Ulaiue. That settlcs it. EJiih.i. Lii.iiim l .-'riivriiiN, a prominent uiimber el the Camden, N J. bir, dud en S'cdncMlay. Kin. Ci umv has lest f.'O.OOO ou tLe Thrrd avernre theatre. New Yerk, and has been compelled te forfeit her lease. Ill V Kl.MIS II ItM-lkNl'l-.r.lil.ll, I). D., of i'hiladelphia, has been unanimously called te the pulpit of the Presbyterian e'jurch at Muue), Pa. Tiievixs Duk-in, president of the Delaware and Hudseu einil oeiriiarry, has been rll for seme days, died in MerrLs. tewu, N. .I., ea Thursday. Miu.inK, tlie Silent, as he is called, at eight) four, is ta I, sleader, erect, with asillew, beardless fae-, stony gray e)e, and yellow hair, wearieg a euji and a long unitary c rat. CvMiinvu. Hi muii. d- was introduced t) La'.ididalu Clevel tnd, at Albauy en Itiursday. Mr. Hendricks pronounces the Di-mocratie prcsiden'ial nomiuee .is " dig lulled, courteous in bearing, incisive aud exact 111 sjiccch." I'trrr declares that the stories of the ollerof deneral Itoeth and the Salvation Army for her Welsh castle is all "bosh." she has built a new wing te it, Iho gardens are te be lighted by electricity, aud arter she gets her divorce nud completes her sprits of "farewells" she intends te give heiself and N'iemIuii up te Us de lights. SU.V1K ll.lsr. iiai.i. I UlNTKril. Iiilrresllni; r.ntal niiiI Oancrrfl NhIhb i, tlie U mm uiiiiteamiiiit n 1 11 v, 11. The Allcutewn club is en their way te Kiehmend, and Yerk is at herni. Jojt'H.ef last vnai's Ironsides rfer several daya only), and I'eakn.wh played with the I.incasters this Hsasnr, .110 en rl0 Aii'ust Flew or at Atlantic City. " It ramcil ru Allentown until J o'clejk )estenliiy aftiiriioeri and ihu ironsides could net play their second game. They returned home en the H je train. Te morrow the Ironsides open their sea son at home, when the) p'ay the Trouten club, which is new among ihe bent in the K intern League, i'ex, l.tte of the Allo Alle ghiiuies, Ih pitching for Hum. Kit W. Fex nud llun Fleishman -re two of the men who put new life into the Ao'ive elub iu 1HB-', ainl they new have almost sole oentrol of it this year. Tim sdary lint of the 111110 am unts te 10 uOO riientlily, but It will likely b cutjdewii. Murphy in thu leading batter of the Washington club, but makes hm usual number of errors, in h,ft held. This In the young man who was engaged te play in the Ironsides but went te Cleveland, He was released from that elub for bid 0011 duct. A few days boleru leivmg town he went te the saloon of Daruim (J. J C-inn tlm Hpertnitf man, with the intention of whipping him. An nltendant of the saloon wiped up the Heur with him, ami hin release followed. hint rivalling after t!in gam 1 with the Virginias the Active club, of Iteadlng disbanded. Tim nlne w in at ouce morgan mergan i.,id le be run en the individual plan, Mr. lien Fleishman, Cel. I), (;. Knm Ull,j Mr! i:. W. Fex are nniriud an the gentlumeu who will take e.hurgii. 'I'here are but few gameii In Ituadlug this month Aug, lit nnilll with Allentown, Aug. 'J.t uuij r, with Kiehmend, Aug. 'J? and W with Wll mlngteii, and Hm :rjth with Yerk. The Aotlve go away Kiiday and pi iy tlm Yerk. 1 hi the flili nud 7th they are at Wilming ton, Hih ami Dili at Hiuhmeiul, lllh mid I'J.h at liiiioaster. On f,ri, days exhibi tion gauiim will be arranged with lijaguu and AmiiMiUtleu teams fei Ituadlug. liuinis I'lkjril i'.liiiwlinre,' I'lilliidelpliiii ; Iloslen II, Phlladeljilila 0 , Alhletie t) , Washington a , row ieik, stepiied by darknusH : IVovliliineu :i, New Yerk Hi Chicago Chicago I, De lioite, lioiiUvllle l.eiiiiiviiie , Indian Indian apelln i (Ciiieliiiiali, ten luuuig j in.li'iuln I Cniiiliiiiiitl a, Heading, IVj Aetlvnf), yirliil,i -I , Atlantic City Augimt Flower I, Wilmington II; Mlllville, N, J. steppiid by null J MUlvjIh, (, All rutin, of I'lillwlr; nhu a, Koyitteno VmU. tun In nliign Taoeiiy V, Atlautle 8, ALTAK AND TOMH. iii,iTM.iiu,s inn ivoitr.iMie iiuunii l nimbi l.iite, I mil ill hiiiI II, nil l,.tl te lii'iilli-ri.i;rHt-fiiiil Hljlil 11I n Miiiilvil .Mmi Irnui it 1 Ircmlil Vili;r. Tint illHgrnerfril elepemmit of Harvey Woedrull, a inerebant of Ulen V, talon, Marshall county, W. V.t , with his wire'a sister, has created great exultenient, and revived many iuteteiitlng Tacts regarding his HTe. Wuedrult suddenly , abandoned his business and family last April, leaving no trace of his movements. His wife, ufter endeaveiiug In vnln te llud lum, settled up his business, which had become, bad!) involved, realising fiem the wieek nneugh te Insure bur and her clnldieii a coiufertablu suppeit. Tins settlement was concluded two weeks age, and had btrcly Deen accemplisbeil, vvben the husband leturiicd as mysteriously an he had disappeared, llentadu 110 expla nation be) end si) nig Hi it he had been iu Oregon. Heme of the creditors, who had com promised their claims against WihkIiuII'h estate, supposing him dead, fei seventy live cents en the dollar, began te suspect that bis aVience bad seme ether cau.su than ll11.111ci.il troubles. .t IIPHIitlllll .-.HIT I I I Htr. Mrs. WiHslrtilt was formerly a belle of Wheeling;. After their marriage her bus band had show n great interest 111 her pretty 15 year old nister, pay .iig all her excuses at the Wheeling female college. When the girl's schooling was ever she was given a position in Woedrull's htore at Wen Kasten, winch tsqtiitoaiiishieu.iblo resort. The young sister in-law wan net only handsome, tint accomplished and fend el seciety. She went out a great deal and was acknowledged 0110 of the belles. been after the yeuug girl went into Woedrtill'h store Mrs. WoedruiT bend stories about the relations of her husband ami sister. She Intcrtercd and a quarrel was the const querice. At an early hour 011 Wcduesday morning Woedrurl arid Ins pretty hister-ir. law lelt town He took with him all the cash hi.s wife had ou hand, and as much of her clothing and personal ellectji as emiM be cent lined 111 half a dnzju tiiinl.K. A UKAIII-lll.ll M.lllltl.iux-. A liilllli; l,ny H ,ta VV lln HMO VV lilm? lilnu 1 lirrn limits Miss Uertrude Mercy was the betrothed wiloef Frederick C.iwdm, et Cambridge, Mass , who bUllered from diseased lungH. He steadily grew worse, ami the ene idea which took possession of his mind was that he should be married before Ins death. Miss Merey agreed te his wish aud went te his room at neon en Wedues (lay. He was held up 111 bid, and the marriage ceremony was pronounced by Itev. Themas Habb, pastor of tlie Congio Cengio Congie galion.il church. It. was much mere like a funnml than rv wedding, the clergyman rcmaiked after ward, but the solemn rites were performed, the groom's rosjeuse:i at several points being se low that they could scarcely be distinguished. Immediately following the ceremony Mr. Cew din fell into a stupor, from which be revived but once or twice bofcre bis death. The excitement was tee great for hw shattered aud weakened system. He lingered at the threshold of death for about three hours, when be passed te a land where there is no mar riage nor giviug iu marriage. The bride of three hours, who is pretty, well educated, and a gotier.il favorite among her friends, was nearly heartbroken at the sudden nud terrible blew, bringing, as it did, se unexpected a change in tier life. She has been prcstratcd since. .Mr. Oewdiu was.Vi yeirs of age and possessed of seme property. UN MKK IIKAltr IIKtl. MsrrlOil tu Hnr l.eysl l.uver. Mrs. Jennie Ficemau was a liualthy liualthy liualthy loekurg girl until a few weeks age. She is a little ever -0 years of age, aud is the daughter of William Freeman, ene of the superintendents of the Pennsylvania Ceal company at Duuuiore. Het mother has been dead seme tirae. Twe or three months age she was stricken with con cen con sumptien, but four weeks age she rallied somewhat, nud was taken te Xauticoke te visit her relatives. List Friday she was in a low coudilieu. Miss Freeman was engaged te be married te Edward Muck low, a worthy young man of Duiiinerc, and he was summoned te her side. blie was well enough en Monday te be brought te the city tu a special ear, and tender bauds conveyed her te her home. On the following day she w.u much worse, but she again rallied, She then expressed a desire te have the mintage ceremony Informed, te which her lever consented. The only per.seus present in the death chamber besides Itev. Jeseph Cerry, of the Presbyter.au church, who performed the ceremony, were Miss Frccman'n father and sister and MIsh '1 ill ie Hey le. It is said that the bride has willed her husband several thousand dollars iu money and stucka which her mother lelt her. , MH'LI'd tUllCIUI'. A tlfcu. Mittmcnr Kill. Illinnrrr lur IM iiiiullllBil I. ova. Heme, Switzerland, is excited evor a uovel aud unnatural marriage and ruyti tenens death. Souli's Mexican circus, having concluded asuccrnsful tour through the republic by a series of exhibitions at Hin no, the majority of tlie principal perforinern put up together lu the name hotel. Among the performers were an American negre nauied William llroeks, of Washington, ami Helen Albert, a young Kmlish woman, of Londen. The pair had been in leve for seme timp, much le the disgust of many of the mem bers of the trotipe. iSetill himself, for a long time, undo iiueucceiiHfiil attempts te witr tire young woman's iillcotietiH. In order te put an end te their pctBouutlen, thu ceuple determined te get married. They iirraugcd for a marriage festival iu the hotel ituil went unaccompanied te the mayor's elllce, whero they wero ma le mill and wlfe. When they rnturued te the hotel the ceuple were disappointed at net finding H011II among the guests at the reception. A liearch was made ami Huiili was leund lying U)Hn thu tber et the room dead llht death wan caused by poison, taken in a fit of desperation following the departure et the ceuple te tlm mayor's olllce. A inrlvuiic r.neiur Uennty Viiuue. Kiem the nloiinl.ley htur. Flerin, ferrrmrly Hpringville, was laid out by Abraham HorUler. At the present tiuie It ban 11'JhuuseH, apopulatteu of iwaiibove Km ynarn of age, !W weIIh of geed water. 0110 geed spring, Hupplyiug the large and eoirvurrlent watering treuglr lu front of the Flerin hotel ; two mores, two school houses, three churches, tobueoo waroheuso, rluput and expruss olllce, -- - - MliOiiltiiK aiHtcnes, Yesterday altorneou two sheeting nratohen took place at IvitulVrnaii'tt lrotel 011 tlie lliirrUburg pike, and qulte a rrum biir of nportnirieu from tlila elty wero pros pres nitt. Tlm tirst contest was wen by Jehn Hnyder mid H. O. Miller, oaeh of whom killed six hlrdH out of boveu. ChtirlcH FrurrelsciiH wen tlie locenrl match, killing nlne out of ten. run rient Kiiiiure. Hherllf High was unable te Rell , all of the puiHenal preperty of Heet, Ben co Ce., at Alt. Jey yesterday, nud the Hale wat) ad- Jnirrned until today, a groater part or wlrleli tlrne It will lauu wNim.i. ntriek en hand. Theaninuut reallzsd by yeBtenlay'rt Hale was 40,000, ni'.reiin uitii:- .mm 1 ue. Meui.iNr, 1 I HI I lllll VVHflt .Vl.lrrnii.il Mllltllug tlm hi Hit III n l iilllllllilt llun,,. On last Fridny night lint ry I lull, of Celiimbiit, was ariested while steeping In fruit of his be.udilig house, tukeri le tlm lockup by Constable Wlttlek and Watch iiiiiu Di-slnger, liml nltei being kept thorn for mi hour or two, w,ih taken helme 'Squlin Kvntis, .it llo'eleok iu llm uieiuing, and the 'npiitoseuteiieiHl him te Hue nud oesU ameuutliig te 45. Hall had only ;i.i0 1nhis pissetHe.i, whleh he handed ever te the 'npnre and was discharged. Hclleving that he bad been vc'iv un fairly treated, Hall eame down te "l.tn easier, called en 'Squint M11UI11111 and made 1 itupl.unt of assnult umi bittery against Wlltlck aud Disslnger, the ollleers who arrested him. Warrants for then arrest wete 1shu.i1 bv Medllmi. nml served by Cetistabbi Shay. Tlie heating took pluee this a. in. at Mulburr'H i.lllce. Hall swere tint he w.is net diuuU, but tli.lt the night biing warm, he sat up 111 front el his hotel uutil after tt closed up, and about midnight fell itnleup. lie was wakened up, ami after some resistance en his pan, was loieibly taken te the Kiel. up ami thence te 'Squue I'.v.iim' nllije, where he was tli.eil nud dischaiged iw above nt.il eil. Olllcm i'.sher, and two or Ilium etlu r witnesses who bud seen I tail betweeu 10 and 1J o'clock, hwoie iluit he was net drunk at that time and that he could net have get liquor after tint tune, as the bar was eleetl, and he h.td net left tlm premises, being asleep. After hearing the testimony quiie M'lllinti held Witt uk mid Hissiugu te bad te unswer at oeurt. T ,1 Davis, c 1 mipeaied an counsel for the uocused, and 'Sipnre Hvausas ' special" ceuusel. Ah seen as judgnu nt bad been given a;.iiust Iho defendant, 'Squue l'.vitns te opened the case against II til, in 'Squue McOiiiiu's olllce and demanded ihe nay nay itient of the J I oil, which Hall w ts 1111 able te pay at the bearing in Columbia Il ill promptly pud the aunninl, and leek the 'Squire's receipt, net only Tertlie $1 50 but for the i.l oil he had pud tu Celiimbi 1 Further developments are expected Hall will probably sue Wit'iek and Dis singer for false iniiriMJiiiinuit, and will take means te liml out why Ins linn and costs weie exactly $1, ami whether auv portion of it has te be paid te the school bean), and whether 'nipure Kvans. utter disposing of Ins cum In ids own elll ie, in Columbia, cm re open it 111 .111 olllce in Lancaster, ami exact an additional penalty ter the sime alleged elTence. And fur ther, whether it is an olleuco tu a bebur man te fall asleep en bin own doorstep. hi. iei; i'iikimi'. rirt) tvurk liy tun llr.ii; rti 1 et the l.w Himr'tlsii Klward Wi'sen, L1.10 Wilsen, M irtha Procter, llcoige Hunter and Melmda Uuutur, the ciilerinl resident of Faegleys ville charged with disturbing the aee anil malicious mischief, weie he ltd by Alderman I5rr, last eveutng. I'lie ruu ruu licieu mischief cites against Martha Proc Proc eor and Li.Mi Wilsen wete dlsminsed wll It count) .for costs, Mary Wdsou.liee. Hiinter arid Melinda Hunter were disehargul en tlie payment of costs aud the disirderly ceuduct cues against V. lw.ird Wilsenaml Lizrie Wilsnti wete dismissed wtthtbe prosecutor Martin Hesh, for costs. M0II10 MeLane, a resident el Church street, was arrested last night by Clnet II. unes for drunkenness and disci lerly conduct, .the was given the cbaiicu te ay the costs by Ali'crman H.irr or go up ler live days She could net raise the costs, and the county vrl! beard her for tlve dais. Krhart Wiuterhalter, nf Unburst iwn, was prusecuUd by August Hest, of this city, a relitive, ler ilruiikeimens and dis orderly conduct Hest claims that he is grra'ly annoyed by Wiutcrlmltei every time be comes te the city. Aldcinau Ma-r wiii ilistMise et tlie case r rank Monday, a stranger, was tiiukei 1 up by Olbccr liusbnng last night for dis orderly conduct 011 tbu street. Alderman liarr committed him for live dais. Li..U) Culp and Henry Fisher, retiideuU of Middle street, near Duke, arresrnl en complaint of their nuigbburs for disturb ing the pnace wan heard by Alderman A, F. D iimelly, last ovening, and wero coin milled te ihe county tu iseu for Urrei of thirty days. '1 hey hive lieen Uroie be fere. Charles Weaver has been apienittd policeman of the l'jmt waul te de duty during the .iIuhmice el h.s brother, the regular ullicer of lue ward, at the ou- camiiuicut at (ietiysbiirg. Kx-peliceman Martin Deiwarl is en duly iu thu second ward, iu place of Olllccr Cramer, who is sick. r n riin rpiKir r.iiii rsaae .vicuny, 01 Heading, wue was struck by a swing at Lint, while piunicing tliore witli tlie Luther 111 rmml.iy school, died err Thursday. Mrs. Win. Seiner, nrr n,'ed lady of IJist Kphrata, while in her gardcrr en Wudues day, trod upon a mil which protruded from a beard. It entered her feet te tlie depth of about a:i inch ami may probably result seriously. Mrs. Ilitrry Hull', of Liti'it, en Monday fell down the stairs steps, having a child iu her arms. The child cse.ipul unin jured, but Mrs. Helf wan somewbat bruised. Monday a young man named Klias Showers, while .enisling iu the harvest Held en the premises of Frederick Y. Keser, in Kiplie township, and in the act of adjust lug tlie roaper knives, neeidently cut oil the forepnrt of the thumb of his right bind. Uur Uiniuty Air.ilm. The commissioners of Lancaster county went te Co.itesville thin morning, te meet the Chester county oemmissiouorH and epuu bids for the repair of several intcr intcr intcr oeunty bridges damaged by the recent Heeds. St. JeIiii'h Unrmau Reformed Sunday school ate pionieiug te day at Kooky Springs. Frem a Htatement recclvcd from the Htate treasurer, it appears that Liiucaster oeiinty Is indelited te the Htate for Htate tax for 18b J, $ ID.'JbO U8. The feen for colleetioii nud tlie treasurer's commission deducted from that amount leaves $17, 007.11 as the net amount due from the county. The treiiHiuer will probably take the amount te Harrisburg in a low days, lle.y Wnlc nt trio r.nniHnterMn:K turilf. Thin week wan a litisy ene at the cattle yartla in thin elty. Prices weie about !W ceutH per hiiiidicd p jitiidn higher than last week. The recelptn nt Htewnrt ii Seu'h yanl for tlie woek endlng te-rlay wero 1,77(1 cattle, ill hersen, 10S lregs, i cows, and 17 calvcn. Tlie hiiIch at this ynrd wero 111! cattle, by half a de?ou dealcrrr, at prioen ranging from lje te 0e per pound. At Mentzer's yanl Si3 oittle wero aeld at the abuve named prices, ami a number of hegn nt (1 1 3 per iieund. At Levi Hunsenig'H yard the rulerr footed upl)a7eitthi and 1)0 hegn. Stock bulls Beld at $!t 15(11)1 per 100 peundn ; HtoekorH nt $l.S3fmt SO ; (coders at 5 SMimt) 5 light buteherH at t5.10d"5.75 ; geed butohers nt SUf'MJ.CO. The lrugn were sold at 0 Je. A r'relenMunur llorseimtn llsdly Irjureil, iMnjtr Frank North, who nppeared here recently with the Iluflnlu 11IU Wild West i e.imbiiiatlnn. was I) idlv iniurcd at rran,- ford, Cenrr., en Thuriidiiy, by being thrown from a herse at full Bpeed, and trampled upon by a stetd rede by au In dlarilnhh rear. It U feared he cannot live. JFEATIIKRKI) TALKKUS. miAi' umi am 111 1 until r.iNiiii',11. Mm ru iliii l-iirrtilt 1,1 in,, ijiiniitry ti.nun Kriiiii-irntr I n an-viiifi! n.r mm Wllkl llll 1,11,1, Hiailiig .1 tonible hubbub, ntur (he corner of Ninth Queen and Orange m reels, as If a bundled sluill voices wein In angry eouttevotsy, a reporter of the Iniki.i.i nl.M'i:il stepped te inquire the oause. stepping into II. II. VemletMiultli'H blid btere, he learned that that gentleman bad rroeivetl an invoice of llfty I or a luiiiiueu ynuiig p irrets, immt , el them liem Cuba, but a few fiem I Mexico and Seuth Aincile.i ; ami It whs thin colony of feathered talkers that w.ih I making the uoise that llrst at ti anted the I ropei lei's attention. While wiitiihluu thu awkward antics el the birda as they eliiug te tin ii engi'H by llielr Htreng claws and beakrt, 11 stilling almost suit icat in;' si ns i i tlen was experienced and the perspiration bugaii te oer.n jirefusnlv from the peies or the uewtipaper maii'ii skin. Leeking about te ascertain the 0 uisn of the sudden thai 111 tlm toniperuluio, nstove wan discevcicd with a mating coal llie iu it " What in the world de you want with a llie id the stove en 11 day like tins, with the nieicury nearly up te ninety 1"' queried the reporter, " The parrot is .1 delicate bird when It hi young," Mild thu hi.d fancier. " It comes (nun a warm, dry country, and until it becomes acolimated must be pre netu I from both cold unit inolmtue. Te day is net cold, but the aii is damp, tke biromeler is low, and we build a lire net meiely te raise the tempi ratttre, but te keep the room dry." "Tell us something 11b ml. tbu parrot trade." said the reporter. " Well," said the fancier, " it Is quite 1111 extensive and norm times a prulltable buimu.HS The great dealers lu Mew Yeik si-rid agents te Cuba, Mexico, Seuili America and Africa, who oipture the young birds botero they can lly, and bring them te this country by the ship le id. These Cuba hints w Ith their grien plumage and red breasts build their nesrs 111 rhe loftiest tines, ami it Is quite an uudeitak rng nud soinet unes datigi-reus te capture them. " I here are only two or tluee months 111 the ye.u, when they can be obtained, and that ts iu the summer time, w lieu the re tall trade is tin- dulh'ht When tley .110 imnoriee, 1110 ,1 euls et llu impirlein rapidly distribute (hum te tlm inland cities, iu almost all of which tlieie me from mm te a ilo.eu retail dealers These buy the birds, keep them warm and dry, as I am doing with these, feed them carefully en moist loud, generally crn and ether seeds until they are thoroughly iicclimatcd, alter which they can be led en almost any thing, and endure, with cemp.uative si'ely the changes of our uhatigeahle climate. These birds have had no waicr smee iLey otme into my possession, an I shall ,have tioue for seme time te cm ie , they de listter with out it As I sa d. this is the dull season et the year. A great many lux pie aie out e town, at the seashore and ethor wateling places. A the Reason advamus wu . xet trade te leek up, and thou the birds will go oil like het cakes." " What clans ,f tieople buy tbu bmlr, and what prices de they sell lit '.'" "All class et people buy the parrots" said Mr. Voulersmith, "but the well te de and middle cl.is.sis take the most of tliem Ynutig birds sell nt t each, aud when they begin te talk a little, winch they will de iu about two mouths, they sell ler $10. A.s they improve in talking they bring silll higher prturs, ami it is net unusual for geml buds te bung ilO, I00, or f.00. and s.-uie sill as high as .100. Agouti bird can be taught te say almost auy thing, but the greatest tact, patienie and kindness are necessary en the ptrt of tlie teachers, seme or wlum duvote months, aud even years or thou Itisuie time iu teaching their turds le talk. Of course, bird litucieiH don't deieiid ou parrots alone for then trade," said Mr. Yonder, smith, as be looked around his store room at the hundreds of cages containing canaries, mucking birds, and various ether pets. "Don't ibis great heat, "said the icperter, as he mopped the p"iniiratieu Irem bin lace, "injure the citiaries aud mocking birds ." "Ne; marly all our fuicy birds ceme from wat m ceuutrica and require a warm almespheie. " "Well," H.ud the lepeiter, an he wrung the ptjrspiratioiie.it or lush ind kerchief, "I rcqiiiie an atmosphere ,1 little cooler than this I'll Keoyeii later. Ooed bye." iriK r.ibr MiiiiT. 1 1 in r.siHllinlle Uitiuiier Kolu Tlmlr Icnts ituil llie I'neiii riinne The campmcctirig at Liuditiville closed last iiight ami today the oampern are leaving fur home, liijthe eai Iy part of the evuuliig a prayer mceMug was held. It was followed by a sermon by Ilev.Sitcliull, of the Duke sticet church, te a very large congiegatieii. He took bin text from Matthew vli, 1- : "Ucciiuse straight in the gate and narrow in the way which leaduth unto hfe aud few tliore be tint liml it " Alter the Hirm in there was a splendid prayer meeting, which vt as followed by the usual walk around, shaking el hands nud giving geed by. Many of the lamiliun wero Siuenaded, and it wai midnight be fore all the KJOpe retired. A few people lelt the camp ou tlm mid night train, but thin morning the exodus began iu large crowds, and by thin evening there will be but few ou the grounds. The iittomlance of worshippers at llun camp wan larger than at auv held for heiihi yearn. Owing te the rainy and disagreea bio weather, the uumb'ir of visitors was net as large as usual. The camp was a success, and tluiHe who participated iu it ure well hiitiallcd with tbeir work. i.uuai. I'ei.rr rM. Ilia Tlile fur t-luvi-liiMl mill Hniilili'l. in I.siiirtlef Wtmnllly iiIrIiik. The Y'eting Men'fl Cloveland and Hen dricks, club of the 7th ward was organized lat evening witli Iho enrollment of Ci names. The following olllcern were eloetod. J'nihldent, A, Bteiuwaudnl; vice prosldents, ,1. Jerdan and Jehn Hrlmmei; secretary, William Derwart; treasurer, Jehn Miller; janitor, Frank Demmol. Deiiincrntle nteellnu Tills Kvenlni:, The Yeung Men'n Dumecratin club will meet te night in their room, in tlie Ktina Is building, at 8 o'clock, for the adoption of rules arid tlie transaction of ether im portant business. At 0 o'clock they will adjourn ami confer with the Democrats of the elty, eir thu thiid lloerof thu pontelllao building, where a general meeting will be held, for ergaulz Hum and conference. HseiiKerrest Vl-lter te miaitliii; Vlctliiil.iu Nine of the Wilmington visitors te thu Heading Saeugorfest, oeoupyiug a room at a hotel Thursday eveniug found that they had beeti robbed, Some time during the night n thief enterrd tlieir nppartuieut, tlie rloer havlug bceu left ajar 011 account of the Iret weather, and tilled the poekotsof their pantalceiis, whleh were hung In a olesot. The robbern htiocecded in getting three silver watches, a geld chain nud about sixty dellarn in rneuey. Hevcnil paiinef pantaloerr which were hanging ou the bed wero untouched. Tire matter has beeu placed 111 the hands of the polleu.who have a elue. One of the meinberH of the Lubauen Mannorcher was also rebbed. Dene 10 (lerryatmri:, Tlie military cempauy of this elty left for Ihu oueimnmont at 0:110 this mernlmr. iiuder oemniuud of Cant. Hoenmlllor. They had two apedal ears, whleh wero full aud nearly oyery raomber of the 00m- 1 pany was in attendance,