"xjjjH w -y K',--3te,j i , 4rV - VH V 'ia I 1VA4kAM V I IAv A- m.. vt ti 1 ,m ? . .i ?& LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 2!3, 1884. Velume XXNe, 277. Men Twe Cente. yn s. WOHHH OF ART, II .. III1UAIIH. Fine French Clocks and Bronzes, MUSIC 1I0XK8, OIL PAINTINGS, OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS, At Reduced Prices. Te rrmlce room for Fall Stoek new belntr aoleotod by Mr. Rhenda In the Europenn mtulcote. A. vlelt will repny purohneero. H. Z. RHOADS, LANOASTKU.Jtlly i.issi Ne. 4. West King Street. mnyie-lyd ,1 JtBPltidl.lt ATUHH. ItlVKTIM tJKI.ICUKArKII KKl'llltlftltATOIlH. UKKAT KKDUCTION IN PltlCKS OK JEWETT'S REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS AN II- FILTERS. Phlluclelpliln Ltuvu Mowero, Hydrant Defie, Xlununoeks, Porry&Oe.'n Oil Btoven 'Wotireoirotlni; theim goods ut Kxccedlngly Lew 1'rlces te ItcdiiceOur Stock. Gee. M, Steinman & Ce. Nes. 26 & 28 West King Street, j'itn'i J Lancaster. vur tieuim. j kxt mum WIHTKQOend. WHITB OOOIM. WIIlTBUOODd WHITKUOOUS. WHITB QOOIM. WHITE GOODS. WHITB 01)01)8. WHITE GOODS WHITBOOODH WHITB GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE OOuDH. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITB GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS. tii riiic cut in uiichi NPXT DOOR TOTHM COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK. NBXl'DOORTOTHB COURTHOUSE. IVI II.W K MADh. White Goods ter I.AIHBS DKKSSKS n Speciality this i-emen. mil h-tve lluitn In qtmntltlefl et every known make We li.ive been buying them In LARGE LOTS, WlltCll OIllUlllH 114 IO bill tliem ut l-KSS THAN IlKUULAIl PltlCKS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITB GOODS WHITE GOODS. WHITB GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITB GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITB GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. Mi:niVAi,. IAnOiHMI'.ll l Druiri'lMfl oral uses of n iiv I'liY.-uerANS Ann Kvorybedy known Uin gnn. piaster, aim unit n clna Pereus Plasters ure the best iliuitcr, mill flint lloiiBen' dip. 1UT1UUKA ItK.UKIlIXH. A P09ITIVK01JIIK KOIl KVKIIV KOHM OK SKIN AND III.OOI) DIHKANK KllOM PIMPIjKH TO HCUOKULA. PIIOUHANDB OK I.KTTKUB IN OUIl P9 L bchiIeii repeat this story t 1 luive been u terrlbln sullorer ler yours wllli llloeil mid hkln llmnerii hnve been ehllgud ienium pub pub IIe place by roiuenol iiiyillnllgurlnghumers : have liml ilie beet physicians : luive spent hunilrvds et dollars mill get no resl rellnt until I med tliu Outioeka IUselvrut, the new llloeil Purifier, liiternallr. nnil Cutiejiia niul cuticviia HeAf, ttin mciii Hkln Cured und IIouiitltlern. externally, which hnve en rnl me mm loll my skin nnd bleed uepure as n child's. ALMOST INCREDIBLE. J AM KB K. IIIOHAIIDSON, Custom Heme, New Orleans, en oath, says' In 1870 Scrofulous Ulceis liroke out en my body until I wniit mass et cortuptleu. Kverytldng known te the nedical faculty win tried In viiln. I became u muni wreck. At t! nun I cculd lint lift tny ImmlH te my bend, could net turn In hed , wan In ceimtiint pulu mid looked upon Illii ili u curHe. Ne railiil or euro In ten yunn In 181 I lu'nrd et the CUTianiu ICimkiiiiea, med thorn anil win perfectly cured. Hwern te huleru U. H. Cem. J. I). G'RAwreitn, STILL MORE SO. W1I.I. McllONAM). S42 Dfathern Stnet. CIiIciike, grntetiilly acttnowleilK'H a euro et Kcr.miia. or Had Itheuui. en hend, nrck. fucn, aruiB niul letfi lorHiiventoon yeurR ; net ahln te inove, except en lmndu and kiu-e. ter enu yeart netnuln te Het)) lilinneirt Telalil yrurj ; i rieu nuiiiiieiiH noetoiH nni- roriiinnentiy et leuii'illen i nounced nn ruin iiopuiehh. cured by the CiTicuiiA lUuntilK. MORE WONDERFUL YET. II. K.CAUl'K.NTKlt.lIi'iiilcrteii.N-. V.cure.l et I'heiI.ihU or l.iipreity, et twenty yemit' stiiiiiiliiif, hy Cuticura ItKumiiFH. 'llioinett wondertul cum en iccerd. A dunlpnntiil et kciklex loll Iteui tilmdally. l'liyilcliinn ami Mi frlnniU thnuuht he mint ille. (;iir sworn te iMilonia.luslIce et the I'oaceaud lleniterunirn miMlproiiilneut citizens. DON,TWAIT. WUITI.TO US for these tealliiinnluN In full or M-ml direct te the partleg. Don't wait. New Is the Hunt te euro every f-peeli'H et Itchlnc. Wculy, I'liiiply, ScrotuleiH, itiherlled. t.on'a t.en'a t.on'a Kleui) and Uopper-Uolorod l)Iie.usrn et the llli oil, Skin aim Scalp, with I.oiset llatr. fold liy all druKk'UU. l'rlce: CtmcttKA. fli) centx ; ItKflOLVK.NT, 11 ; fceap, 'Re. I'ettkii Dbuii atid Ciikmieai. Ce., ISeaUm. llws DP A ITTV lfr Sunliurn. Tan nnil UuftU 1 1 .litcaiy klu, llHckhuailt, riiutuei) uinl SlIAl'. hliln Illfiulsliea, une Cuticlmia T R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Oeurt Houae. Lancaster, Pa. v.iiti'jtin, ,rc JS II I lilt '.I (Jlll,l'.T II A 1. 1., BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! -AT- SHIRK'S O AH PET HALL. Selliut; OIT te Clese HuslnesH. Kvrryihiiii; Must rositively Iw Selil. A Kull I.lnoet IIOllY IIIIUHSKI.H, TAl'KSTIM, an I KUria, HI.ANKKTrt.COVKItl.Krd and Oil. Ul.ll I'll. Ml (Iradeit et INllllAlN CAHI'KTH, VJTAl.L ATA SAUlUFlOICva I'rninpt attention ghen te the Maiiutiicture et Uiu; t'urpetn te erder. SHIM'S CAEPET IALL, OOR. W. KINO A-D WATEK aTrt.. tiiliil Smdaw II MAKTIN CO. LANCASTER, PA iiii (U)Tieim itf.if.tMi h iMkit hai.i: at cechni'rH liruir More. 137 and I3'J North (iucuii stii'el. Lauca.4tur,l'n. Saoferd's Kadieil Cure for Calarrb" COSll'I.K.TKTItKATMi:NT WITIt INIIAI.IiK KOHONK DOI.I.AIt. The Ureal llilsiimlc Dlslllliitlen et Witch Hiiro, American I'Iimi, Cnniila Kir, Murluelil, Ulnvi-r llloMeniH. etc, called SANKOltii'.s UADli'AI. UtlllK, ler the Iniinoiltite rellel and pHrinaiient euro et oveij lerm etUatarih, Ireiu axlinple Celd tu the hem! M Less et (niell, Taitte and llearliiK, Ceiigli and Ca tarrhal CoiisuuipUeu. Coui)leto treatment, consisting (d oue heltln lliidlcal unto, ene hnx Catai I hal Solvent and olio Improved In In lialer. In ene packiiKe, may new be had el all driiKKlstH ler ti.oe. Ah ter fcANrellll'M UAlll. Al. tUUK. " Tim only ulitelutn ppecttle we knew et " Mtil.Tlmtt. "The bet we have munitien lltullmoelsutlorlntf." Iter. Dr. Wiguin, Hot Het Hot ten AllurulenK htniBKle with Catarrh the It a UK At. CUBK bun conquered." lie v. 8. Ilr. .Heiirur, Air(i6uipi. I'n, "1 have net teiiml a caae thai It did net ivllove at enec." Indreic I.tc, Mimchctttr, Man I'OTTKIt DnCO ANI ClICMICAL Ce . II.HlOll. e AMiriiuii'S icADiOAi.utiicic rii' iai.i: 0 at Cochran' llniK htern. Ne 117 and l. North (Jiiff n street. I.ancastui-, l'a. 1'iiln Is Ilie Cry or a SuiTeriitj,' Xite. CO l.l.l NH' VOLTAIC M.KCTKIC I'l.ASTKU limtantlv affecli. the Nervous syslcm and ban IkIich pain. A ported Klectrle lllattery com cem lilninl wllli n rnroiwriiiHter ler Me. It mini-lillati-4 1'aln, vltalliei Weak and Wern Out Parts, Dtrtintttlii'iis tiled uuiscletauil proventn dlsea'. and ilnn mero In ene-halt ilie lline than any ether planter In the world, fold uveiy where. Inlyl-lvdW.H.Aw 1 JIM' Pl.AHI'KIl SHARP PAINS. Crick, Sprains, Wrenches, KhiittinntlMii, NiMiralHlaelatlca, Pleurisy i'atns. Stiteli , In the hide, llui'kiiclin, Swollen .lelntH, Heart IM" (iiMi.Heie Muxeles. P.iln In the Chest, anil all imlim aim nouns ciiii t mrai e mira " nntaiitly lidlnv ed and cpeedily euled by tlie well-ltnewn Jlei Plaster Coiiipeundod, as It In, nt tlie uiedlclnal vlilues et Itesli Heps, Hump. IIiiIhuiiim and KxtmctB, It u in, I. ..mi iht tint lxiln-klllliiL'. Nllm- ulallnR, HOOthliiK and strenKthenluK l'or l'er l'or eu I'liiMter ever niiuli'. ; Platter i me BOldbyall drnRtslrt and eeunliy uteicH. -; c.nlH or llve ler li.ttl. .Mailed en rciidpl el pilre. Hep Platter Ce , I'roprlelor. and Mini ttrurlurura. Iloslen, Slas. HOP PLASrER. i' Coaled timyue, bad breutb, pour atoin atein achand llvordlMeasecuiod by llawley' Htom Htem achand l.lverl'llls Mctx. iievJii lvdAwC'l J. 1IIKAT 1NIIIAN hlKIHCINI'. Carpet anfl fall Paper Department. We have Jmrt ilnUlied lakliiK Inventory In thuse departmeiit, and will new have our regular clearlmr Hide, te make room ter our tall stock. Todetht" we otter llarttaluslu tnu WAl.l. PAPKit Uhl'AHTMKNT that have nover been eiiiialled. During tills nulii wan ruper win ihi miiii u.-s i nr. n nun mui nu muiiiiuuni ui.hmi fiiillANUlNU.SCItAl'INti.MllMl.iitc. II eti can't e.ill en us, drepu card, and we will told, t.,1il iniiiiilii. Tin, fellnuf Imr 1,1 li-tm ivlll lllvil villi III! Mil I Ol 111 I DrlrOS at Wlllell till) DilDUM W'll llO nnil are as low mid lower ler the impem (IncliiilliiK haiiKliiK.ute.) as othem tell tho)iapei-H mono ler. wu luive tne laruiui uioek ie Lnncuter In our employ i i Hiilei'l Iieiu and tlie bent paper liailKPrs In the city et Brown Dlunk Papens lOe. Whlte " ICe. Flat " ' 10e. Geld " 20e. Finest EmbOBoed Gelds 42e. Ne OharRO for Hnng Inn, Serapmer, Siz Inn, ote. J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King ami Prlnce StmilH. Lntmister, l'a. VLVlllllNU ANlt UAH H1TT1MU, KA-TON-KA, THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE. -r'OU Til K- Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. It Is made bv tl Indians, Used by the Indians, rum uy in" iiniinim. It til Purely Vcgotable llHiirely ciiroiiilldlsuises et the rtonueh. I.Iver, llowelHandllleo.l itlsulinnituHpeclilc ler all leruiH et Uheumatlsm. It will cum ilWoaie whim nil ether lemedles have fitleil. Illieetleus uiu plainly pilnteil oneveiyhol-iiu AIIIilboet IniltmiH have thelr meillclnn', but Ka-Ten-Ka U a reiuedy of tlie Tactile Coast, and Is used by nil. It ti composed el loots, herhs am! barks gathered and ptopared by the Warm Spring Imliiiiift el' Oregon, And If) taverably known and used In all paiiM el the world, 'i he sick or alllni: should net delay Its use. Uwlllpruvent. aawult lutein e dlsease. Its prlce Is enu dollar per bottle, or six beltles for llve dollars, , Ask for it and see ...,,, ....I li It U fnrsiile bv all DlUiIulsls. iiiul liy tbJ 'bllhUON I.NIUA'N MKIHU.NK COMl'AN. ceny, I'ii. Medoc Indian Oil VIVAEIO'SJiOMANUE. A (II)IIU 8TOHV Of Vll.l.AUl. I.OVK. Hew u waltier'n OUilluncy was iivarcema by ii Hlmple Mli()licrd Couplc-1'lc-lien Kcllnieil by fact. Vlvarle Cor. 1'nrU Mernltif? Newh. I am wrltlnjt you iu tbe midst of a forest from thla soetl old vlllajje of Vl Vl vareo, surrounded by honest felkn, who think mero of thelr work than of politics. The latest newnnacr that I have read in seven or eight days old, the most Ititor Ititer cstltifr "ewa travelfl slewiy te this beau tiful sjwt. The inhabitant?, who are tee busy te Resalp, have ft horror of ohlt-ehnt and are ncarcely tnote talltatlve than the tall pincn nnd rayrtle buglicii. We I will tell you a vlllaite story, and 1 am keIur te rolate it just as it waH told te myself soarcely an hour age. Ah you may well imaglne, a yeunR clrl and n yeutii nre oenoorncd in tlie story, and consequently love 1h the thome. The youth, a llttle shepherd of the fercstn of I'alncca, loved a young girl of Sautro Sautre Sautro I'ietro, the cool mountain villa,;e where the fashlouable ladies of Ajacuie go te spend the summer. The young girl also loved the youth. They had told eaeh ether oe, and had pledged thctntelvcs te one another, and I think from that titne they Kept their ptemisr, fet never In the niotnery of shepherds worn the Heeks of I'alueea se often seen grazing en the pas tures of Santo-I'ietro. Hut the cud of all this, the upshot of all tbece promenades, was certainly marriage. They believed se, it least, as though since Hutnee ami Juliet the coutse of trim leve had always run smooth. At the first word of mnrriage the father of the young girl, the fated Capu let, Hew into a tcrrible passion, se tcrrlble that for soveral days alter the Iheka of i'jlnrcn did net dare te wander near the hillside of Sauto-Pietre. But en the fifth day the young girl, who knew her classics, foil ill. and then was repeated the great sccue hi the 'Hantzau" the cruel father H at the beilside of his dying daughter, and far out in the country the pl.dtitive notes of the hhopherd's rccd pipe. At lai.t the father relents. "We will hce about tha'," he hnid, ' after he has drawn his ceunuripl's num ber anil has served his tlme. I de net want jeu te have a husband who will bj compelled te Icave you as soeu as jeu r.te married." Hew came it that In this country, whete thete is no tolegraph, the shepheiil an hour aftprw.ud knev what lud bi-cn said'.' The fact is that et ct.tetiug the village he hud only oue idea uppermost in his head cecape Iiem his term of mtlit.uy Fervice. The shepherds of P.ilneca are no', laekitjg iu resources, and ours iu qucstinn waa by no means stupid. The next day, whlle cutting weed in tlie feicstn, he, as if by accident, gave his right hand a mnait blew with his lutohet nud severed thtoe flui'erR. New let tlie military examination take place '. IIe went home and teuded his butt as well as he was able ; and when the weuud was healed and he had bcen iluhtlv mid duly exempted he went te Saute 1'ietre ard btavely tejintid his clTer " lam i.etc.uin.3 toscive in tlie uriny," liednid, " f,ir I am sure they will nevcr take me. Veu c.iu te.irrj' ui new." But the f.ither stepped him by a word. " Nuver," hecritd, "will f kive ray daughter te ene who is maimed." And it was appaietit by his totie of veice that he meant what he 1i.u1h.ih1. Iu spite of his daughter 'rt lllntss he icniaitied in csurable. It was elear that this old man did net like a maimed Deu-i'j law. IIe tuiitle but ene icply t the pi.iyersatul tears of this jeuug girl. " Never, you thoroughly umlcrbtaud, titver 1 And don't let him ceme lunging around any mere. (Jrlpples ought te marry (ripples. Let him many the llttle bind girl of Pnlneca, or the hunchback of SUnt Andrea." The young gill did net icply, and net ouce during Iter illness did alie speak of her shepherd. When fehe w.in eouvalescent shu was seized with a longing for the fet- i-t and the open r.ir, and every day took li.ng walks by the hillslde of Palueca by the read that her Hecks knew se well. One morning after a long scuuh she ag.iin e.imn across the llttle shphetd, p.ile and haggard, like a Miepherl tlr d of thli world. " Shew me your wnn I'd li.ttid,' paid. llti showed it te her b.ishfiilly piously she prefsed it te her lips "Shew me," she said te Id in again, " the hatehet which wounded you." He took It nud showed it te her. Theu talcing it and placing her hand en ,i stoue : " This is hew jeu did it, isn't it ; this is hew the accident happened ''" And bofero the shepherd was able te reply the hatchet had falhu, thohtcr.e was lcdduucd. and beside it l.iy ihotluce lingers of the pretty maid of Saut.) Saut.) 1'ietre. " Nerr, shepherd," she sail, " l ew tne hew you healed your weuud." A ud togethor they roturned te rfa-ilo-l'mtre, lie with tears in Ins eyvs mid 'ie Miliant. What could the father de V 1 1. id lie net impiudcntly said that ciipplis tight te marry cripples.' lie eiused them nnil married them. The wedding was celebrated two months age. she titid Willing AT WOltK AllNOI.II. J...,. PLQMJ3ING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Oase Heaters, JWFinest Werk, Bet Workmen. Leave your Orden at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nea. 1, 13, 16 HAST ORANGK STREET, LANCASTER, PA. UAVKIIVOHII Otll.I.KOK, 1A 0 Mill, trnui l'hlladelphla,eii the I'ennu It I'. TII011A8 0IIA8B, I.I.. !., I'rosldenl Uudur cam or Members et Hoeluty et Kilmids, but iiiivii toethers Uliikslcatunilgrluiitltlnceui'ses. TIioi'eiikIi Instruction, nmp:e eitulpmeiit, I'nictlce in Astronomical Observatory, Cliem leal I.iboraterv and MarlilnoHhep, coinplcte eytiiiiastuiii. Library U.U'A) voluuiea lirau Hlul ixteuuils t hualthlul location Iu tlinceiin. try Net half your benins Uth inenlli (Sep. limta-M Hill, 1HSI. Addresi l'iuv. ISAAC MliHI'IKSH Dean, llavurlnrd cnuuifii 1'. e , trtui'intiA Cern Remover. The most otlectlvo preparation ter tbe re moval el Cerns. Iluiitens, Warts, etc., ever liUieed imleru tint public. Warranted te eradicate coinpletoly iinl within n short tlme the most obdurate corns, hard ei soil, 'vltbeut pain. IT 18 A rOSITIVll UUllK. SOLO AT IliOQTOLD'S DRUG STORE, Si- 40) WKSTOUANUKBTHKKT, corner e, CUftrlOttO, ll-lvd T11K UltKATKaT 1'AIN MKIHCtNh ON KAltTU. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MOOOU INDIAN Oil. ts ceitaln te eiue TiHitlmehe In one nilnute. Headache In llve minutes. Kaiuulie In Ien minutes, heru llirnul In enii night, NetiniliiW In tliree te llvu nilit- UMOD0C INDIAN Oil. Is died Intetniilly a well as ostermilly. Kvery family should lui e a bettle wlllilu icacli. it Is a locterlntho '"yor'sale by all DiuKgUts. Pi leu s.v. pii bettle. LarKO hU bottles. We. INDIAN i.uiuu hi in 1- n i"'"i" I.UIIC, I'm" w n.tr.lMn Inr I fulirhs. 1'llllts llllll I k, ...... l.r,iil.. Ku tnu k.l. MedOJ llldltlll iiiul Inillun feui'li bynip lornae (whoiesalo oil ntiu retail) at Coelnan's Diuk "l"ie. Ne. I mid 1IJ Mirth Queen sunn, ''yii'wJtHAw AIIIHUIIAUOU HI' I'D'' 1'1'O.U Till. Kill- 1 tliu IUOH klllUlllK syuipleius 111 chrome auppuiHllonel llm iimulle eir. I here can hardly be such uttilinr as a ehronie sup sup puratlen In this part without a porleraUon et llm ilnim.teiud.tureiiKli wlilcli the-piisineiipis. All ilheasui el llm fcye, ICar and 1 hreat per iiiHiiQtiiiy enroll by .,.,,.,,., llilh. II. 1). ami M A I.ONUAthlt uHlce-13 Han Walnut stroel, l''"C'WVr t.oiuullutlen iree. Jy-suiw I'lajlUK IIavuqIu tlie .HhIiie WiiuiK. News is received iu Banger that the teiribly destructive nouns ate ugain al work upon the juniper trceB, which already begin te proseut the same dead, dry appcainuce as they did last jo.ir-le.ivis, twigs and even some of tlie bark being devoured by the ravoueus swarms el Insects. In 1833 ueuulltfah theuratidii of juuiper ami spruue tieus in neithuru Maine forests wcre attacked bv the worms, and lumbermen worenltu med, while uatural ists were pulled. Whole tewnthips el timber wcre almost destrej oil by tliu p'st iu 1881). The treeH wme stripped of the foliage, and then the worms would boie in under the bark by liiunlrciU-, s.ippiug the timber's ttallly, and casting the whole gtewth te appear as though scathed by Ure or uuftertng from a euvere drought. It was noticed that spruce sullered most where the growth was thick, atidlait winter all the smaller tiets were culled out, se us te leave mere ti'ierishmcnt Irum the Mill and free air for the larger. Seuie holentllle men recommended this, and ethors gave it an their npiiuen tliat the worms wero goueratud in full en and decayed trunks, ihonce inning te attack Bound troes, and claimed that the forests te be freu from the Hourge should ba weeded out aud oleanc.il lilte a L'.irtleii. Otlieis still said that the advent of the weinn was a natural ovent, miu te ba ex pecli'd, nud that it would seen pass away. Iu cold weatlur the at tick did oaase, only te be rrnewed this tumnier. Many of the ttoes which wtn attacked lust year ate mw djing. They put out i recti leaves in the spring but the sheets were sickly nud uew leek dead aud dry. Muuie'h lerests ate exUi'ii but net iuexhaustihle under such eu.iii.bH as new prevail. Tim axe iu.U'.e-i a drain et 150,000,000 te 200,000,000 Uet a year en the l'ouebscot's bank aleue, and j.rebabiy COO.000,000 feet a year in the whele state, nndoyeloncH have lovelod whele tewnshlpw of timber. Every year the lutnbermen go further and further for thelr supplies, and the legs that roaeh Ilanger are smaller oaeh stioceoding seasen. MUlCIlinS IN TllllllK SlONTIll. Over Four flantlred In the United Htstn UurlacBmrch, April nud Alny. The Insurance Chronicle, which makes a specialty of compiling statistics of suicides in the United Htates, publishes a table showing the number of suicides dining March, April and May. The whele num eor ropertod for thla period was -IS.'), of which 109 occurred In Marek, 135 in April and 1110 in May. This is a slight Increaee nver last year. Tlie greatcst number at npoeifiod ages wcre 10 at 10 years, and 15 at 55 years. Thirty two wero assigned te business trouble, 'i te chagrin at parental discipline, S3 te destitution, i!2 te dlssipa tlen, 31 te family trouble, 12 te grief, 83 te insanity, -1 te leve trouble, 51 te slekncss nud 10 te punishment undergone or threatened. The record, accord ing te condition, was as fellows : Maids, 22 ; bachelors, 123 ; husbands, 103 j wives, 80 ; widows, 0 ; widowers, 17 ; divorced meti, 0 ; divorced women, 4. Sheeting was the method chosen hy 105, poisoning by 03. hanging by 70, cut ting the threat by 27 anil di owning by IS. Iu point of nationality the Americans led with 221, the Oertnans following with 01 and the Eugllsh with 10. The tematnder wero FCittered among 17 ethor nationali ties. Thore wero 10 farmers, 23 morehanU, 21 day laborers, 11 clerks aud 0 specula tors In the list. The remainder wero scat tered among CO ethor occupation. The usual proportion of thrce or four suleldes among men te ene among woruen was re peated. The recetd as te sex was males, 321 ; femalen, DO. Ohie led in the roll of states with -14 ; Pennsylvania followed with 42 ; Illinois with 33, New Yerk with 37 and Missouri with 23. Twe hun dred aud eighty suleldes wero commit ted by daylight and 143 at night. In 10 cascB the crlrae of suieide was connected with that of murder. The llii7nru Ilnuce. Macen Telegraph. We wero en the Iltigucuiu plantation iu Sumter county, n tnedcet farm of 8,000 acres. The mauager walked te the end of the veranda and gave a whoop. An an. swering hheut was heard, and iu a low minutes a long line of dusKy forms came stealing through the shadows of the pines aud ranged i.hemselvcs in front of where we sat. Th" setii! beuan and the musielaus commenced te pat. Suddenly into the the center of the open riug loaped the sable dancer who was te personate the buzzard. Though dancing In parfoet tlme te the wild bat musical aoaeinpinlment, he vefc managed te lmltate with marvoleii's ex actuesH overy movement of the uncouth bird lte had cliosen for his med.-!. ItH tottering, tiptoeing gait was faithfully dehucated, as were also its hUdden springs from right te left, its timid approach, its raveneus peck ami sudden ret i eat from the craved but dreaded carcass, which, In his homely drama, was reprcs'ded by a hat that looked iudeed as if the buzz irl-) had been after it. H'lilir tliu ItH'l lluy out, ' Once upcti a tlme," beirnti the teacher, "two brothers started te Sunday hsIiiI en Sabbath morning Their way led by a line peach orchard, whete the trees wcre ii.iug. lug ever with rlpe, luscious j caches. One of the brothers propesiti going into the crehaid and getting sotne of the fruit, but the ether refused aud sped away, leaving his companion grecdily deveuilng the psaehcN, New It happened that the owner of the eichard saw thorn, and the next day rewarded the geed boy who refused te steal his i oaeiies, by giving himjflfty cant; IIe get a pr'ze for his honesty, and what de you suppose the ether boy get for his dishonesty .' ' "He Kut the peaches!" yelled overy member of the cl.is?, and another joiilton jeiilton joiilten tlary story was ended. Uarlyle no Cutlclu, One uvcning Carlyle was disaupnlng in a t-m.ill but miscellaneous crowd about books, most likely his own, when a young Or.l'erd man, a uoblemau, tee, advanced the view that he didn't think much of works that expressed thnauthor'seplnionH aud theories only, aud he was particularly down en tlie theory imMncsa. Whereupon Carlyle said : "Yeung sir, ouce upon a tlsie llieie was a man in France whose uamu was Knttsucau, and he wrote a book whleh was filled with theories and opinions and su en And the young nobility and fops of the period said the book was wind. Hut, young sir, it is an Incident of history that their skins went te bind tlie second edition of that book l" l'akliii; no Cnaiiccs, ".My dear." sliid the czar te ids wife, tlie c.irina. "has the milkman left the milk yet ?" "Yes." "Well, will jeiidilnka llttle te see If it'n poison '.'" l'ut Cpuu till Knet. " Set up Iu hoi! nnd coiiRhe I till the clethliu: as wet will) purspli'jtleii. My wlte liiblstrd that 1 u-e V't'iMiu' Kclectrla Oil. The llrst l iispoeiitul lelleved me.'aud two bottles have oiiiediue. 1 can honestly recommend It." K. ; It. l'uiKlus, Creek Ceutie, . V. rer silo by 1 II. II. Cochran, ilriih'Klst, 137 and IK) Nertn I eupiiii HtiKet HacRlnu's Arnica bulvn. 1'he Hen tfalve In the -wetlil ler Cuts, I r.rulses. Beres, Ulcurs, Salt Itheuui, Kevur Meres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chtlhhilns, Ceins.aiid all slclu uruplleus, and positively chics l'lle. or no pay reiured. Hit i;uar antisxl toKlve p'rlect Hiillslactteu or money riitunilfil. l'rlce, -" cents per box forsale hy II. II Ceehraii, driiKKlHt, U7and Vi'i Ninth iMeen sticet. Lancaster. Heme Mweet llmne." This eiik Is vorygeoil In Its way.hut Is thore any stcltncss In tne liniisehnhl T It te, home cannot he always pleasant. We take especial pleasure Iu iccnmuieuillm: Jlurileck Jlloeit llltteri.niena jhlti aud certain eiue lonlys lenlys lonlys ie sin, aud all il Inclines et the liver nnd kid iiiiys. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, dniKK'st. 1 17 unit I'M North Uueun street. Or.OTHITHI. lKAMT OB BARGAINS, Necktiag and Half Hese At EKISMAN'H, Ne. 17 West King Streot. Gauze Undershirts, In Fixes Iretn 31 te M Inches. -AT- BEISMAN'S. 11,1 VHItS UAT1IKOH. Thin Clothing. In Kxcollent Assortuient, ter this sortet wcather, for MKN'S, UOY'3 nnd CIIII. DItKN'fl WKAIt, In all the 1'I.AIN AND M0STKA3II1ONAIM.K fAllKICH. Ill looking around ler Hummer requisite?, remember Hint the host npserlmant In CI.OT1IINU Is nlwnys te be ween here, nnd that prices are sutllcletttly varied te meet with laver ntnemr nil clnsseset buyers, ns well ns theso whom lortune liss less lavored. We Invite calls. Hint we uiiiy be allenled a chance te show lust what we have. The make style nnd quality or our UI.OTHINU Is fully up te the highest standard, nnd Is imirkeilnt figures that Often mnke buyers or theso whoenly ceme te see. 49 Comparison courted, trade solicited. LKAD1NU LANUASTKlt CI,()TIIIKU3, NO. 12 I3AST KING STREEa'. I.ANCA8TKU. PA. MYERS & RATBFON M KKUIIANT TAII.OKINH. Siiaciiil for Liulius. VLUTNintl, Tunew,"anii ' SAYR FUTUHK JtEGUETS. GRAND CLEARING SALE -or- Ortds ai Ends of Climi, -AT- Burger & Sutten's WIIOtiKSAI.K AND 11KTAII. Ol.OTIf 1NU llOUSK, Ne. 24 Centre Square, in en Dint te itKD unjs sroeic ANIl Te Oct Hauly Ter the Pall Tnule, Unparalleled Bargains If Sought for New. Burger&Sutten Merclmnt Tailors niul Clothiers, 24 OQNTBB 8QUARB, I.ANOA9TKU, PA. It-lyd H1 KHII X- ItKtlTUKK. AM. Ol' OUIl 1 have lust lceelvcd n line of the K1NKST lMt'Oltf K.n l'ONUKUS In the market, which will be pe'd per ploce, containing twenty yards, nt $10; the sumo iiuallty et i;oeds nre selling In I'lilUdelphla at ll'i and (13. jpecinl for Uontlemen. Just received. A HPI.KNIHI) ABSOIIT MKNT OK WOOl.KN OO'IIIS. sultnble ter the het woatller, which will lie inailn up ntsur prtdnitly low tlgurusnnd suporler workmaii werkmaii shlp, with trlmmtnir te correspond with the goe.ts both In qualliv unilshide 1'KltKKCT KIT OUAUANi'KKII OH NO HAI.IC. lllVO me atrial and be convinced. D. R. WINTERS, NO. 'Jit K. (jUEEN STKKI'TT, I.ANC.lHTKIt, PA. ItAltK OIIAMOK. Lighl-Weight Clothing Must Ba Sold, - anilns It mint be sold, new Is your lima te buy. They in u bulng sold Without Regard te CesU MEN'S, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S SUITS I MNQLE COATS, PANTii AND VESTS, AT OUlt OWN PIIICK8. OAU7.KUNDKIIWKAII, Irem lScupwnnls. .1 KAN DKAWKItx, from 2 upwnril. ALPACA COAT, IHIVrKltS. I.1NK.N PANTS, tsKKKHUCKKUUOATH. LINK.N SUITS, And all Llglit-Welght (loeds, mint be &n:d. White Vt'sts, from 40c. te $1.50. 4CALL ATO.Vl'i: ONfa Hirsh& Brether, I KNN HALL CI.OTIUNl. IIOIJHK, Oer. Oontre qtmre & r:. Quesn fct Great Reduction -IN- FINE CLOTHES - T- av We wun t M , K 15 It Sat ence. TWKNTV-FIVK COAT- w LI.IAMnOIS it rOMTKH. A GREAT FALL in Tin: iiiicks or H. GEEHART'S, Ne. 6 East. King Street. In order te reduce u heavy stock I will make up te order, ter the i. maliiiternt ihe season, all LIWIIIWK.Itllir WUDI.KNHiil u l!f!iiiii:;liijiiei20li:i25i8rifiil. This bltf leiluellen Is 1'OU CASH O.N LY, ami will enable tlie buyer te Met a llue suit et Clethes, made up In the host style, almost as low us a r. inly iiieitu shop Hull. H. GERHART. CLOTH I N G. 'thousands et People In unit around Lancas ter can tell you hew leasonable wu have Mild our Clothing throughout the entire helicon, mid rnu prnlse the nt nnd werkmaiuhlp. Te-day the marked down ptlcis of a great lump et It te low that te buy new wnulilbua HiVlnget money for another vear ah oTCcptlennl geed All-Weel ulc ler a mini bus bcen cut down limn tlinvoiylen pncoel tlueitn tuue, ami nu iixirn goeil in in dlge AlbWoel lliue sorge Hack suit iremfliuu te IU.U0. These el yeutlmt am looking for lUigatns In Clothing elthur ler Men or Heys, will Unit low prices. l.ni i.r. Mil. w.is ntUlt'tetl ter Klx yenrH with Asthmu and liienchllls, during wlikli tlme the best physl A. It. niHrUiilile Ktcnpe, Maiy A. Diilley, of Tuiikhantieck, Pa. i. yenrH wlikli tl eiiins could iilve iie relict. Iler llle was de Hpatied el, until In lust October she procured a lloltle et Ilr. llniK'3 New Hlscnvety, when lininoillate toilet wus tell, und by ceiitlniilug Its me let a short tlme she was completely cuied, gaining In llesli M tiis. In ll low liietiths. rrtiexiiai oeiuesoi mis ceiuini euiu ui an Thieit unit Lung Discuses ut II II. Cochran's Drug fitnre, Nih. l'J7 ami l.'W North .(Juuen street l.aneasterPa. l.argu lletlles tl.te. d) We OliniieiiKe tne world, W hen wu guy we bellove, we Dave ovldenco te prove that Hhllnli'.s connutnptlen Cure Ls Uiicldedly the biml Lung Mudlclnu nmile, lu as ui.ieli iu It will euro a common or Ohroiile Cough tn en u-halt the tlme and rellove Abth m a, ilieuchttls, Whooping Cough, Croup, nud show mero cases et Consumption cured than all ethers. It wilt cure whuiu they tall, It Is eiiuisaut te talre. harmless te the yeunxnst child and we guaruutoe what we say. Price, li ., 6ee. ami (l.ui. II your Lungs are boie, Ci est or Ihuk lame, use Hhlleh'a Pereus Plus, ter. Sold by H, II, Cochran, druggist, Nei. 1U7 mi. I i:w North Onnen Mtroet. fob7-eo'l l Price List: Thurollewliiuiiiosoinii 01 the CI.OTIIINU ll.VIKIAINS new going ou ut I, GANSHAN & BRO.'S. MKNb ALL WOOL SUIT'S AT M.M. I.AIIUK HOYS' ALL WOOL SUITS AT $160 SMALL HOYS' ALL-WOOL HUITS AT 13.00. And vurlmiH otter grades In uach ningu et sizes. BARGAINS I.N GOODS IN THE PIECE. WE MAKK TO OltDKIt A Serge Suit at $10.00. t'lN K OASf . UlTINUS AT tl J DO. IIS 00, 118.0) AND aJ.Oi'. plenty e: It here te select from, and at very w prices. The KiirnlshliiL' Heeds Ooiuiitiiieutls lull nt llttle things that are ofaseullal te inan'a liappl liappl ness and cnmlert lu warm wcutlier. 'llm Putent Ktghtulu Shirt ler Ilriss ls perfect nt ting und worthy all lid. Sold ter tl.OUei- ii 40 ter K dozen. n. still ruither lleductleu U being lnmieln the prices et Straw Huts. Justus seen lis ene let ta closed out ut 21, &fl or "5 els etbi r and tet tet ter goods nre marked down te take thelr piuccs. A rpeclalty In Shoes ler Men, Heys unit euttis ls u full line et all widths ut n cerlHlu make et Shoe called the iiem, Tln-y ure me ilium In jit Ice, but ler hard wear with oase timlcnmtert tlioyure the butt wu knuwet IIe Hiiro you ciiiie and vuotlieiii. lUuuembi l' they ure called Ueinsu'.d nre uiiule expiessly ler us. 'the ii's'irtment el ladles' and Children's Mines s growing larger each month aseiir trmte increases, und wu leurii huttur yeir mints ami wishes. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32 34, 30 & 30 Bntt Klnsr Street, l.ANOA'JVKil, PA Tliesu nre them. mil llaralns nnd don't tula v Ait pit re. K .ihTAlll.lSIIUU 1830. CARPETS -AT- yyi-AH, UNDEVELOPED PARTS, Oi tlie Human Hedy iinlarged, dovelopod, iiinitlieiied,"utc.,ls an luterestlug mlver ii.eiiitut long run In our pupur. lu tuply te tne uii ma w e will say that thore la no ovldenco in euiubug about this. On the con truly the uilvortlsera are very nigiuy lnuorseii. niter-is.-ted , orseus uiiiy get scalutl circulars et vim I id pailltulniH by aililreislug Kltu Mupieal i Ot , lliHTule, N. Y, Teledo iVenlne lite. ul-lydllWAtfAw L.&ansman&Bre. Tbe KAS1UONA11LK MKItCHANTTAlLOUb AND CH)TllllJ.Kf, Ne. 66-68 NORTH QUEEN SNlHHr, lllght en t'ie Seutliwrat Cerner el Onnge. LANUASTKU, PA. -Net connected with any ethor CI) m iloeao In the city. Philip Selium, Sen & (Vs 150 80UTU WATER BTRRBT, LANOASTKU.PA. WolmveiilullBunply el HAO AND FILL 1NU CAUPKTs. Wu only use tbe host tl yarns. It you want a gecsl, serviceable Carpet, pleose coiue nnd ozamlne our stock )eleru purchasing olsuwbero, a e will Kelt as cOeu.) as tlie cheupejt. Come and bee leryuurtelf and bocenvtncod, as wealwaya have the rcputa rcputa tlen et waking nrst-cltuss Carpets. CUSTOM HAU OAUPKTU ASPKCIALTY COVKULKT8. COUNTKItPANKS, ULAN KKT8, CAItPKT CHAIN, STOCK- INUYAUN.Ar. Dyeing Dene In nil IU I raneliea t at ort no tice. COAL I COAL 1 Ol the te qumtf, apreny ier wauyem, TKV ASAMPI.KTON. UKUKUllUltTIlK OLD STAND. IU1IMP SCHUM, SON Ss C0U M-.1W SOUTH WATKIl BTBXIT, lytna LANCA8TKU, PA, fe t, ! H '& t I J .. v . i. Y, 1 j I