;ss 4" LAN0A6TJSR DAILY JflTfebLltiiaNOKK QATUBDAY JULY 19,1884. skl' ,'1 w COLUMBIA NEWS. OliH UKOiil.All WOHUHHt'ONPKMUr), nitr AitricHTiHKdtrrtTh. All AllriiiliMl Rubbery AtrrlMi llll(liu IIiimii I'rrainml I'arnitruplin Hur iiiikIiN ul "I llmeiit Occurrence. Ah Mr. K. J J, (Jailer going home l,te last night, he saw two moil attempting te outer Uin gincety Mern of (Jasper Michael, nt thtwiotner of Fifth ami Will lint streets. Ijpen Mielng lit tit they ran, (inn tnwimls iJIivsluiit Mtroet, I he oilier tewiud Hocetnl, Alimit two it in , Mr. C'nrtui- had te icturii te his shop, being busy, mill in pasting tliu store ugaln tnw tin) would-be lehhctH, who ngeln took te tlielr lu-uln. Mr. Mlauiiet was tlieu nrotmeil and kept watch until morning, hut the inhhurH did net tnnke a third visit. Tlielr identity Is net known, I'eriunnl. MImich Mary nml .Ictiiite rjtoveii, of Ills lug Bun, Mil., after a two woeks' visit te MIkh M. Lilly titevuhsen, lotmneil home thin morning. lien. Welsh peM, Ne. 118, (J. A. It , Ih lupiuHuntcil at thn Minneapolis, Minn,, convention of tliu tlruml Army by Mr. W. IlnyibOrler Minn Nell Mnovtciver, of Philadelphia, in at Dr. l. K. Iilneweavur's en Walnut stu'el. Alex McLean, of Philadelphia, in In town, whom he will remiiiu a fnw days. Atiri. U. 1. Mclger, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Annie, left yesterday en u Ulp te Ne Yerk ami Ceney Island. ltllgtim. Iliw WlllUm I. Kvnus, pwtoref the K, K l.uthetnn ohiireh, will ler te tuortew I'xchunge pulpits with Kev. Mr. Fries, of C'.irliHle. Kev. B. A. llnittier, of Maueli Chunk, will occupy the M. K. pulpit tomorrow morning .mil evening. Hev. I'.oUlel Light, el Lub uien, prtsld ing elder of the lUlttniore district, will deliver te spineus in the United Hrutli- leu uhuruh te-morrow. One at 10:1") u. in., and another at (l p. m. Tumi nute. The C.itholie fair in Annul hall clones thin evening. (loergo Wnnbuugh, was Mted ty Mr. Kdvtln B'.air fur Inking pears from the Irei'H In IiIh juiil at hiHhtore. 'Squire Yeung he. ml the dim-, and lined Ucorge i with uehIh, but ii)i in Mi. Stair iuteicediug Im iih Hile.iKed a'ter pajing the costs :j.ui. The garden p irty hint evening, given by tliu I.Ddirn'nieiiihleeoiiiuilttreufSl l.kiilts 1. V. chinch, lu they mlsef Mm. Wright and Mrs. Uicbanls, wan a grand miccum. The ynulH looked beautiful in lln-ir hand hand neimi decoration of Chinese and Japaiioite lanterns, ele. The llaitihrldgn wieek was net cleared away until 5 p. in. yretcnliy. A mnd 1 1 op; was ntiet at the It. j U K. freight warehouse, in Columbia. Thursday evening by one of the It. A, deteetlveH, 'fiiulre Fi.mk committed two train jmiiKH te jail this morning for 10 days each. Oilier IM. Kennedy arrested thorn l.mt nlht, ue.u .Mount vltle. (loe. Hey went te KcniniLC laxt uieht, ealtcd thither by the friuiidn of the late CaHpur Itetliaupt. llektew net why he w.ih Kent for. All theallcH in Cehftnhn are uiulor uiuler uiulor fjeiiij; a thorough cliiamui;. They needed it, Hotelier alley especially. The h.aife formerly occupied by the Minsc Chamberlitm Ih Iwiiil' moveil into thin morning by Mrs. B. Zuuh. LotterH from the Columbians in Kurope htate that Httaw hatx in Knl.ind ate curl eua uevelticn. The Columbia Jiarty colo celo cole braUd the Fourth uf July t'V walkiii); around Londen with nmall hllk U. B. II IK lianiii); out of their pnckutH. A Nurprlie 'liixi Involved i:ny lllliK. New llellrtnil (Jul Ien Loet Saturday evciiini; S uniiel Fa?imet, living north of toen, liuihcd hauliug in tliu grain all but hi" rakiuit, ami uu Meu day the tlnciiherH whom he )i id provieunly engaged were cemiiii;. Mr. F. was, there thero thore fore, in a iu mdaiy an te hew he would r.ike upward of thirty acrcM nml haul it in in time for tliu throilieiM. His brother Childtiau knowing of IiIh dilcmua, concluded te Hiirprie hi iu, ami he there fore arohe at tuelve o'clock en Sunday night, nwoke Mart Sunder aud Lein Kweigart, near uelgbberH. They then tirecetded te thu home of Win. McCarty, c.i 1 lid him up and told him of the IV ulaui, and they each having a rake r iceediug te thu Ih hi of B.imuel, aud by four o'clock in the morning they bad the tlcld tluinhed. Bueli uurpiitc jre cuitaiuly very pleas ant. a nam HOOK. Harry Hartniyer, of this city, ban pub. Halted a neat and veiy convenient date book for the um) of theatrical manage aud etherH It oentaiim all the dates from June 1, IBS I, te June 1, 1835, with ruled celutuiiH for entering the uame of thn treupe that plajs, the gremi amount and net amount of icceiptt, the percentage, aud ether memoranda, tegethur with a calculation of tliu amount of any number of tickets fiem one te ene thousand, at 'Je, He, 50 or 75 cents uaeh, togetbur with ether valuable information. iniWKim m iiuiibt. Lewer Prices than Ever at Bewers & Hurst's, 2G AMD 28 NORTH QUEEN ST. OUIl BTUUK IB !()() hlMQK AND MUST UK UHDUUKI). DO NOT FAIL TO GIVE UB A CA.LL. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. OUR BLAOK GOODS DEPARTMENT, OUR WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT, OUR DOMESTIC GOODS DEPARTMENT, ALL IIA.VK TOO MANV GOODS IN THKM AND MUBT HE REDUCED. JERSEYS, JERSEYS, Still Lewer, anetubh ,t0K ',ii!AMuAi.niK8 run , ,.. DO NOT KAU. TO 8KB TIIKM. INStDIC JKI18KV WAISTS, ONLY -ilCBNTS. Itltiliens, Ceifctn, lleitlery anil Mesquite NnttlitK. nil Cutern. McMipilte Cunoptei sold at Lew l'rlccs unit put up wltlieut intra eliarge, OIevum. ImmeiiHii Mteck, nil at Lew 1'nces. BOVVERS NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. & HURST, LANCASTER, PA u. en . C NKH' AltrKUTIHKlHKNTi, 1IIN.,ll. (!. M null I- TIIIH i-.VK.MMII , lit (,'l'iirley llenter's Celeur iiIikhi In lenr el C'enliiil Jliukia Mpiliigiir's heeren tup. Itil J 'llilii'llVKNINM ATdlltAllll IIOOHK. 'IV North Uueeii Btrtx I. Ileal lleer en tup, II Ullll.'KUII, rrep'r. CI,Am HOIII AMI KAftl.Y IIIIUKKM i.eiu eup I. nncli tliln Hutui'ilay iiveuliiK nl tliu l.iiw llntlilliu: Iti-Htaurunt, lei Dnku nml (irmiiHtiieiK IUT0II A 8TAri.KK()ltl), ltd I'roprliitem, M milt rmtri.K meui' i.iinek attiik Ceiitinl Hutu', miller IKiher's llnnk. tliU eveiitiii!, (.'liiiiiH, oynteid, KreH, nml hIIMIie Oellciii leu el tluil-i'iiien. Iteer, Aleiunl I'erter en tup. Hit OU1IA M1BIIH. ItAnllAlnH Al' Xlltlll UWW KKIUIIn. I) A InrK" tin" or I'licket lluekri, Seupii. Ue Ininii'H nml lliilllti-i. llrilHlies. Klxtlliur tteitd. Itei'lrf. Miles, ili All iiiutl IjoheIiI by llii)2Htli lnl.. lirevieiix te moving "e tint iiiIsh t lilr ClMliie. ltK "H IlllUtl HTOIIK, 11 Ne. '.'i Kuil ermiuu 81 IKHllllAMIK AimiDIAI ION. AliAINHI' Al.tjIIIKSTH Ktl'ATK, IVHIMHN K AND I'KN- IO AliKNUY. Ollli'e -Ne I'iN. InikeHi., l.aiieii"tiirl I'ii jyp.il.Il.Ih r. KII.IIUItN.Aul. l1-.,lllt IM.l'JCII HArKX.-NIIININU iMiiintlrrt In tlm iliirk, Mllver plnteil Nnp- U 1 it IttiiK", Itiittnl DIhIii'H mnl I. ii I e ix, nil Ktvi 11 uwiiy Willi 'let anil Celltll : leil-poeil!-. liii)li'Kiinii' or toiler, given nwuy with .1 iiindH M'np ter W Tim Hletivit Hlx emit iuvpir InttiiMllv lit l l,AUKK't4TKA TOUK, Ne, :h UinI KImj itieiit, l.uiiuintur, l'iu ih aim itiiii.iu.Nii i. urn run I.K O.N I.Al 1KICM". Meiik'- mi vv.Hi Nnw. Kiimi Kreueilek uml Net til (lui'uii Ktieutx. Iliillillnu l.otHen WiiHtKreilerlck, KiiHt New. Nertli Milnpi'ii, Ner til Mum mnl Neilli Ijiieuu MteeUi. tiT ii ii tli uliirn eull mi (,M). MIUI.MYK.lt, lypiil Ne. ii Kimt liliiB fctreiit.. HUM) DIINUI'.Ht'TII-MUIII' m KIIKK'SOItUIIKSTUA, At' .SWAN IIOI'KI. AND ItKS J" AUUANT. H. h. A MILK Ckntiik HyUkliK Cern Soup, Tilltle Mmp, NHI AJtr KtiTlntinhtilti. II.iMN St HltKNKlAk,rt Fishing Tackle Department. RODS, HEELS, LINES, COIUCS AND HOOKS. SECOND EDITION. HATUnpAV wvuinNor"jULY"ie,loa4 AFMNemiaSSs. MIU ritlM IM A MIMINU VII.I.AOK. K.XAM1NK OUIl CKI.KDRATKD U.H UK A I. 1 1 AI HpitUK Clilckeu, Pi ok" unit Oyslinn. If IIKN11V MYKItH. Proprietor. M ;M,KOIMlCUAKIIKN. GRAND CONCERT - I1Y- CITY BAND -AiIiiiIhiIeu Kirn "i (i r.i Jl tiii? IMPROVED Letter Copying' Boek! lnillP''iiilit te tlm pi ti'li'iil Uiiilnett limn. L. B. HERR, WHOLUSALB STATIONER, INQUIRER BUILDING. li-l'j'UI I.ANCAS1KU, 1".V. I KVAN'n HWV HUl.l.KH fl.OUK. lliivliiK lltteil upeiii Mill wltli tlielatctit mnl ment linpinveil iiillnr iiiiieliluiiry, ueuru new iniiniitiictiirlut; a flour tint niirpn.8i'il liy imy. tliliiK In tlm mai kiit Te lie eeiivliicvil try iv Hiiek et LEVAN'S Fancy Reller. Fer Siiln liv tiiecern Keueiiilly. " GRAVITATION HOOKS," TI1K IIKHl'IIUOK IN Till: MAIIKJJT. TIM LAIiUKST h'J'OUIC AND LOWEST l'JUCES hV THE L'l'l Y FLINN & BRENEMAN, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, JPENN'A. VKXT UUOlt WHITE GOODS. WHITE OOODB. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE UO0D.-. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS. TO TDK UOUIIT IIOUbK. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. WK HAVE MADK White Goods Im I,AD1K8 DUK88KS a Spect'llty tliln Keuieti, unit liiivn tliem 111 iiiiiiiilllleA el every known tniike. We Imvn been tiiiylnK tliem In LARGE LOTS, WtllCll MIlllOle 114 tO DVll tllL'lll 111 I.KS3 THAN ItKUULAR 1MCICK8. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE 0001)3. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Oeurt Heuae. Lancaster, Pa. Uelkimp,) thn Kntrrpat le tlm Cinur u' AIbiii, Mlnr, NHrly llcitrnjedDocltleii In it Fitliieui Will Cetteit. llm.KNA, Ment , July 10. A llrostarteil I'tNt nllit, nt Uelknnii, tliu entrepet te Oeuttr D'Aloue tnlnei. OwiuR te the hlh vvlniln aetl the entlre alisonce of a llte de i.irtmnnt, the llames Bwept rapidly from luniBO te Iioiihe, and the wlldcHt oetifuKlon unnued. Only live heuiicn aud the depot remuiim of wlmt wan two inentbH no n town of 3,000 ticople. The lesn In evor $100,000. A, large uuniber of iieople ate almost dostitute. Oaclaten Koaetieil In Will (,'eiitest. Nkw Yeiik, July 10. Surrojjate Uol Uel Uol liiiHrenilerod adcoiiilen te-day in the een. teat evor the will of the late James Til by, the Wanhltiteu market butcher, who left all Lin property valued at $300,000, te hl Heoeutl wlfe, Bara O. W. THby. The will wan contested by two heds of the de. cedeut'n llrat wlfe ou the ground that it wuh irreKitlarly oxecttted ; that It wan ebtniurd by iiudtie Inlkionce ; aud tlmtshe was nnver the wlfe of the de cedent, but had auother husband living at the titne nlie claimed te have married Tilby. The Hiirrocate heliU that the will waa the product of iiudne inltuoneo and wan obtained by fraud and deception, and he therefore denied 1U ndiulHsleu te probate. lluiitltii; rigneii Mtrt ou n I.eui: lilp. OtiicAiie, July 10. The lhnhj Nan Mattoeu, H1h., dUpatch sayti, that nix hemlnc iii;eeuH, the property of the Newark, N. J., ple,oen living elttb, Ne. 1, weie liberatrd here at r o'clock UiIh morn inc, and started en their long journey hemeward. They are oxptietcd te cover the llieueaiid inllen In lcwi than fifteen heurH. Inferior of whatover rank, when in the prcsotice of a suporler. te Ret down ou his liandn and kueen and erawl. I'ntlicr nml bleimuii Drewninl. Chicago, July 10. A Bpceial from Olllten Forfje, Vlrffiiiia, roiiertu : At Iren Gate, Viruiuia, yeHtvrday, Tlieman JohtiHen Htilpped his Rteptuin aud tied his li.iiulb te whip hliu. The boy escaped and jumped hi the river. The father followed and bulb wcie drowned. iternliHrilt'a Wenrisrtul Ilodlee, Ollvu i.egnn'ri Londen Letter. All the world and his wl fu nie talkiu nbetit Barali ISeruhardt'H funny costutne for Lady Muobeth. Well, well, did you evor ? It took Barah le think of nomo nemo nome thluK new, of ceurse. Iuiaiilne a jorsey a sort of abdominal Jersoy, if I may be allowed the expression an oel. skill ar nieut reaching Irem the nook te why te the voluminously plaited skirt, el course, only the skirt begins about a feet aud a half lower than sklrte usually begin, and nit the upper part in uutnitiKutcd, unwrlnkled Jersoy. The result proves that Sarah unless she ha resorted te the extreme moasure el padding Ih net Bueh n lleshlesH oreaturo as has been supposed. The jorsey is embroidered with horaldle HiHires and the whele illL'et Ih marvelleus ly odd. If nnything would pive her Lady Maebctli n stump it would be that wonder ful skin fitting bodlce. In ethor wayn Barah Hhews her oeooutrlolty. Whero en earth de you suppese she Ih living during hor'.Leudou oug.igemont'.' Why at the Star anil Garter at Richmond, if you please. Bhe lias get tv sulte of rooms at the lamed hostelry of ltlohmend bill, her windows commanding that pecrlcsn prospect whieh has formed the theme of rapture for he many poctle pens. Everyday when the renowned tragic artist nIU upon the neble terrace nt the Star and G.irter shu leeks ttpeti the soetio of which Thomseu wrete ; 0 vnlu of hlMa t O sellly Hwelltiii; hills I Heavens wliitu goetly pieipecl tpieaU nreunil, 01 1 1 1 1 1 m mnl ilaleii mnl noeiUauil I iwnsaiul splruD Ami glltterlui: towns mnl rIIiIiuI streams. It must be really delightful te enjjytliis beautiful paueratua ut breakfast, dltiuer and tea, but fancy the price the divine Sarah pays for it S I de net mean the price in peuuilx, shilling and punee, though doubtless that is net a bagatelle, but in exertion. Bhe drives into town about tee mile.'! evnry aftornein and out again after the performance at night. lliyni cally, thu Heemlugly I rail croalure must really be very htreiifj. MAHHTAUKH. nui4i2nM miurKtt. VLkDt.mik, July la.-rienr mrei J.UJ.- fn.'L. Pr,c tetly fliipfliUnB S'W WOJ 00 t Jtxtrn Bunorltne HMte M ( rti be t i;n. ramllv, i 2r,iet Ohie nun "'nn4muy.M7iiian Minn. eJctra. cler. $1 Beas je i stralaht, U 31Q5 oei winter cleiim ,lliei To.trHlKliU,WSBe7 Kyu Heur Moarce at w 71. Wheat luarket qutet nml steiuly i Ne. 9 Weatetn Uwi.iwaiJue i Ne. S de, 89S90O Ne. 1 1 Dnluwiiru ile, elil, 11 07 1 de new, II. ' CernllrnumKOiKf local ilumaml temr. Nil amlxci" Mc"0000' ,em,X0l, 'ej Out stunUy anil'qulnt Ne. 1 Wliltn. .T)e t Hye Hcuree ut lutlUc. floods-Timethy ilull 11 Beat 00 1 riaueeil nemtniil at II se; Clovenlult atetnX. Wlnmr Hran quiet nt 115 vsJli6u. I'lovHIens Itnn t fairly nottve ler lob leU t Mem l'erk, tin MKS17 no lle.tlfaini.Kili India At ess Deur, It!) 50020 J City ile, 113 liacen stimlv t Smeked BhouMers, 7K97Kei suit ile ny.aie i Smoked Hann, uhmiie I plnlrlea de 12HOKe. linl stonily i city roflned, at S'ifSH I Ioem hutchnrs,7e ! prime sUuim $1 40O7 60. Ilutter steiiiy anil lair trade deuiand ter flnoijeoai l'enn'a Crearanry extnu, 2O0ila II. C. A N. Y. extra. I7OIH0I de llriU, 118 lflet Wetnrn extra, 21012et Weuirn geed te clielci), licjise : pucklnic butter, 8090. llellaut Sftlle. Kkks dull nml wenk under full guppltea t L'eiiii'a extran. 1718e( Wostern de, 17e. Uhoeso market rjulet, but prlecg sUmljrt New lerk mil vmnmn, 0KO'.yiei onto Flan, clioleo,7!80! Weatern fair te nrlme.BK 7eirunirapart sklmi, -iQiyia; de lull' R rutrnlniiiii Mitiaily Karlneil, 7Jie. -iiiav nun ; v estein at II IB. hi A'r.H ADrtiUTItilCVKXItt Cll.l-.AK HAVAWA rll.l.KU UMIAKS FOU Brunts. Oiiiirmileeil UMii elem tllleis, nt IIAKTMAN'S lfcl,UV IfltO.NT UUAll HTOKK. 1IM.ITiOAI, MJUIlltl". Wlie will tin our niixt proalileiitt A .New Uiiinoel I'miN lerwil'iut 0 HIKAbT Ill.NO HTItKKT. It dhO. M. llOUU Kit, hole A 14011 1. RIISII',I1 HHIIUNU IIOIIMMI HAUf.K linuit l.uuchTlllS KVKMMJ iilltiu fOUItlll WAUD 1IOTKI,, Ne. 1 1 J Hi ill t Ii (iiioen ntloel. Ik'tz's riitliuletplila llee oil tup. ltd I)' Wemcu'n 'if iiiperniiir Union. The Weman's Christian 'Jompermico Union prayer iiii'iillin,' will Le held In tliu United llielliiim cliiueh iteriiiiily fall in), 1111 West Oiiiiikii street, te mm row (ttiinihty) atturiienn, at ijnaitur past Hire". Al luill-pil six no Tuesday uvenliig the Union meets at Ne, Hi Nmth I'rlnceslii'Ct. .IOIIN If. city. LBV AN & SONS, Merchant Millers, IIUMI JNU, Aueut ler l.iincaster jyiuimil N v.W .MAUiurvK aner, euiii.i'. raUKti dam e.n rt.nrnci.p In l.luht lllue, liiirnut mnl "ul i.nin, .iu pur viinl. Lew pl,rU'iHl biiuiiner Diesi Oueds mnl I'auiHels ut'iesU MVAIIICS, Ne. .'in North tjtiuen Htieet 1 It.AA. U.IIIHK, Prnotleal Embalmera, UOU.HOUl'll yUKKN AM) VINK STItBKTd. JylSMwil l.uneaiter, l'a. OT.ANIIIOM'S t-XUUHHlON AND 1'IU- O nle ut Mt. Oretiia l'urk will tuke place NBM' MONDAY. JULY -it. Sneclul train will leiiMi l't'iin'ii It. U. ilHpel ut 7 o'clock. Hound trip tleket, it Ja. KnltushinciilH nt all kinds te be nml 1111 thu Kteiimi. Jit .'ItTil.TliAH )UI.1IK UANAKV MKr.ll, I0i'. A IJUAItT, III 11U liL&Y'ri DltUO H'lOlttC, luVUmil Ne il West KIiik!'!. nUIKMII, OATK 1AX run im riiK nuri.i Is 111 thu lianilfl et the treasurer- Tlirte per ennU oil If paid by Auniist 1 u u,iiaii,i,i W. Ne. Oltlee limns, from '.' u. m. Treat. Vi CentiuHiiiiiire. te I p. 111. till JVJJM- AltrJCUTJHtSlHHNTH XJI.KNTV TO 1MITATK, HUT NONE TO 1'iimil theBc. lluvuniiUlirarsiit IIAHTMAN'S YKI.I.OW 1TUONT (J HI Alt STOllK. WrAlTKKM'ltAST 91. S. IIAKMHII it thu ttxeluslve sain et thu uee. II. MAS Plan l.udles' Kine Wiiiikeiinliust HlitM'a ler the cltv et Lancaster. Kvury pMr warranted. Jy3-lmd 1)KHN OIOAIC Mlw.il UOcts. 1-KK IUIN ilrud up, at IIAUTMAN'S YKI.I.OW;KltO.NTCtUAU MTOUK. til) 1 ion ir uUnTininiAiiK OL.it rlt. lrHtu ill it Wiuilil'be OutiiiBir. Uiii(Ain), July 10 A ditpateh from Tuscaloosa, says : Henry LWirk, coleiod, who attempted te ntttruge a little white girl, was enpturid last night in the garret of an old house. A mob at midnight took him from the jail, hauged him te a trce in the street and put live bullets in his body. Oram Unuliln te Atteiiu. Lemi IliiANcii, N. ,Tr, July 10. Ucneial Grant, who Ih residing nt his cottage here, is still Gillfering from lamonefts censcquuu en the fracture of his leg last winter, and will thurofero be ttnable toatteudtho national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic nt Miutieapelid next week. m The utiuleru Uentli Hecerd. Mauskii.i.kh, July 10. Thirty deaths eccuned here from cholera last niglit. Teulon, July 10. Boveuteou deaths were reported here from chelera lust night. Maiiskillks, ' July 10. Five deatlm e:currud hcie from uhelera since uine this morning. I) Kill t In my hprliiK and Miiinnier Woolen. 1 wilt irlve 11 dlbi-eiiiH el '.11 per cunt, en each miiuient for tliu next two mouths. A (nil line nt iilegaiit Herirn Suits, mudii up In uleuaiit style, ter $lii, less 'M per cunt, llavlni; te my employ a practical cutter, a purlect tit eau be lulled upon. A. II. IIO-JKNSTK1N, Ktne TullerliiKi 37 Nertli Uueeti 81 leet, opposite the i'lhtelllcu. 111'Jl (iniillt O" f.MKlt DOllPl'l mllJMI-.. Ai'LANVIC CITY.N.J. IlHtl el m (Irriiiuii Town lliirnil Viknna July 10. A llre at Dakla, iu Gabon, which Jstarted in a naphtha fac tory, tpreid te ether buildiugs, aud before It wat extinguished half the town had been destroyed. lJeKn 01 .lemi it. Sutten, I'liii.Miiw.t'iiiA, July 10. Jehu.S. But. teu, who was shot through the braiu by Jeseph l' Songster ten day age, died to day. Beugbterhns been under 11 treat btnee the sheeting. A U1I1110 Orewlni; uut el Hit Kvlrtlmi. Dliilin, July 10. A farm uearTraler, from which the tenants had been evicted, was visited last night by moenshiners, who shot the caretaker dead. Utalicta ler tee Utul ut tlie Urucly Kxpodl Kxpedl Kxpodl Hen. Tholellnwlug telegiain from Coin mauder Schley nn received at the uavy depart tnent Fild.iy ufteruoeu. It is dated Bt. Jehns, N. F , May 18 : Iren caskets for the dead will be deliv ered July 23. Au seen as remains are tr.uisfened te them I will hail for New Yerk, advising you when toady. Lech Garry siibtaiued seme slight injuries te hull forward. I have directed a beard of tbree elllccrs te repeit their oxtent, whuit ett will be advised. Under the charter I held 110 injuries ate le be uuule geed, the as sumptien of risk of snatch covering all else. The week of rest for oIllcerH aud men after the inecxsatit labor and perll of the pifit sixty days is mejt grateful te tliem. 1 our telegram and that et tue net. ing i-ccreUry, Admiral Nichols, gavu us great satisfaction. IMc.ife accept our thanks ter them. In respect te memory of dead ou beard llagu et ships will lly ut half mant during my stay. Uear Admiral Nichols, noting nonretary of the navy, and General lluzeu, chief signal Qlllcer, had a coufcreneo te-day, at which it was concluded te suggest te Commander Buhley that he bring the sur vivors of the Orcely party from Bt. Jehns te Portland, whero they can remain until better prcpatcd te stuud the ohange ei olimnte. Their families can jeiu them at Portland 11 he desired. The vessels of the expedition will remain at Bt. Jehns for ecverul days. Raw Yerk Blkraau, Nw ruRk..luIy l9.-Kiour-State and Wont Went Wont ern very steady Tilth moderate Inquiry tratlliiK; Btiportlne 8U1U1 at 11 00 Ol hi! Extra de, f.1 eiifjl 50j Cholce de HBJfiSTBt raticyite, W8l(joeoi bound lloen Ohie, II tuft I cut choice, $1 OJfJi) out Bupor Buper Bupor line Westuiii, it anti 10t common te uewl extra de, II WfJJie: cholce Ue, M 65 we i: cimice winie Whnatde, I3 7dO8 00i southern tlrm and quluts common te fair extia, iua60 15001I tochelcodo, II B5 vpH ' . Wlieat deprossedand 0)ia lewer, with less acttvu husliU'SHt Ne. 1 Wlille, nominal; Ne. 2 Krst July, OdVic;! Auvr.. '.)V,Q0)ie 1 Hept., Vi'AQWXe t Oct , It 00iOl ou; Nev., 11 62 ; Dec. II (OK. Cem Jftfe lewer leai delnir t Mixed West ern spot, iSfftUHe; de future, (i:j4l(UKc. Oils UUKu better Ne. a Auif., 3la t Bept., 3K:mije; oct.,3lie State, JOOI7e; Western 3iitC IBc. Llve btecK Marker. Ciiioaeo. IIekh-Itecutpts, Irt.ixx) hceil slilpineniH, 1,'joe head : Ixist light graden stonily ; heavy anil ren;:li SfJKIe lewer s renuh piickluir, lIH'iilB !W: packing and shipping, neaiw; iiirui. reiia Tut skips, ii'ut bu. ass Tuxans, 3 7381 73 ; (,'attlu Iteeelnts. 0.B00 head : stilmni'UtH. 2.8UI head , miirkut dull ; bust corn-ted weak 1 Kiiviurs niifjuu inter 1 experts, (e euqiubii Keel te cholce shlppltiK. tnrti! B0 i common le inuiiiuiu, (i Nira fe J extra de., it 7303. .Slicup ItuculptM, 1,100 liiiiiil: slilpninnts, BOO hrnd ; tiiurket slew 1 Interior tefalr, 12 BOO U.'n; medium te tioed, II '21J5: cholce te extra, f I Nittl 73 ; Uuibj, It Miai 60 per head 1 Texas; WBUtfl. itnw tore. Viueruliniis by Aatoclateil 1'rcss. Uleeks tinner. Meney, 2Q3a. New Yerk Central 10.1U Krln Itatlroed ni Adams Kxpress 12S illclilKim Central Hull read BO MIchlKiui Heuthern ltallroeit 70 Illinois Central Kullretul .12IK Cluvelmiil. 1'lttsburKh Railroad 137 Chlcii;e A I took Island Railroad tee I'lttflhurKh A Fert Wayne Railroad V20 Western UtilonTeloxrapli Company.. ..v: BO Teledo A Wabash ! Ne w .1 ersev Centra.1 B.S New Yerk Ontario A Wcvtiarn..... 10 1 H. Houses, lliilhltng sale. 1,'Uhh In reiiimtiiililp, Tliesi) who have net yet Jeliu'd the class In leniiiaiifliln at the I ineister Ceuimeitliil College, ran de se by e tiling at thn rooms be lore U o'clock, Monday, .Inly Jl. Mr. Weldler eilers 11 pieiiilinii of in te thu one making the mint linpreveuieiit, hut thoje only allowed le compete who Jein thu dost en Monday. The college rooms will tin open this evening le all who wish te examine specimens et we.khy termer pupils. tr. Amiienv's exclusion te Jit Urutnapark en next Monday premtsis te be a Kiiiml and pleasant ullalr. Ht Mury'a congret;ntlen el Lebanon, et which Father Christ Is pastor, will meet the I mieustilans nt the puik nml unite with tl'em iu making It n gala day, 'I he dancing pavilion will lei eiillvenud by Tav. lor'seiclitiitm.aiiil thu Klliabclhlewu cornet liandiwlll ill.teni te cencei I music at Intel villa. He a) I wishing adayel pleasute should take lu the excursion, Hpeclal train Ukviij Temi'ii. depot at 7 a. in. sharp Pce ndvortlseinent. Tlirt Lutheran I'.xcurslun. The summer holiday le which a geed many Pomona have been looking forward for souie time Is new within three days of us, Thu ttinii mid plaeuet Until aim ling has been announced M being 7 t1) en '1 imiday morning, from thu outer station of the Reading railroad. Tickets can he had ut thlt time mid place, ids 1 ou Monday evening at Trinity or Christ church. AU eerts et heulthlul recreations will he pro vided, and oviirybeily's liapplncsi will he prouietod by ull pessltrn meuns. Jtaskuts and gamessluiU be sent directly te the dupeL The entlre oxciirteu party will bu returned te thu f teveus Heuse depot. ttfKUlAli ttUl'll)t.t. Wlmt we Oku Uurr, Let's Nut Kndiire U wiieaii ouie an ncl.e.er a sprain, or 11 pain, or a lumeniiKt or a bin 11, or a nriilsu, or a Inte' liv nsliiK rAaniri' Kclertrie Ull, let's de I', 7iewim' h'vleitrie Oil U known te be goon. Lit h iry It. rei-falnby II. II. Cnclimn, ittug glst, 1J; and 130 Ninth tjtioen slluet. 1WATIIH. Wbhkh. .Inly W iss OroiKe K en of Henry mid thn into Dm In a Weber, In thu nth year 01 hisuge The lelatlvei and frKndi et the family me leipcettiilly Invited te attend the fiineral trein the rosldencuot lilt lather. Ne, 210 West Chestnut stteut, Monday afternoon ut '-' o'clock, Interment at .Ien cemetery, !t WH OUGHT AND OAST IRON FENCES, Cellar GratOD, Cresting, etc, OKNL'RAI.MAOHINK WORK OK ALL KINDS ltr.l'AlltlNU l'ROMl'TLY KXECUTKD. POTTS & WEBER, 1 P.) N. thrlstlaiiHt,, nml 151 N (hicciiKt. JytWUAwir 13UIU.li) HALK. ON MONDAV. AlltlUI-T 11, lNil. will be sold nt l'liblle Hale, by tliu unduisigueil, cemmllteu et ulmen blngle, by virtue 01 an order et thu Court et Common l'tuas et Lancaster county, l'a.. at ;the Cooper Heuse, en West KliiKlstreet, In tliu city et Lan caster, l'H.,the tollewlng valnatile rual eitate, situated Iu tliu city et Lancaster, te wit t Ne. 1. ATWOHTORY IlltlOK DWK.LLINU IlllUdK. with TwinHtery Duck lliilldtug at tached tliurute, and ether outbuildings, situa ted en the northwest corner of West Orutme street and Marietta uvcnttu.und lotel ground, containing en said Maiiutta iivunuu I.IU teul, 2 inches, and en said Orauue stiuut, 17S leet, 1 inch, and 1 1 tending luck te property Ne 'i, huieluatturdescrlueif. Tliu Iieu-u Is large and con venlenlly 111 riinuud, and contains uus, and thu leL lias r rult Tieus mid llrune Vines. This piepuity It buaiitllully located for a private rusldentu. NO.U ATWOSTORY IIRIOK DWELLINO IIOUBK mid ether outbuildings, and let el Krniind, situated en thu wostslduet Mutluttti uvuinie, (entulnliig ou said Mmlelta avenue, ID leet, 'i luahi's, and uxtemlliig iu depth 73 liiet, uioteorloss, te the property or Charles MNe.'3. A TWOBTOIIV JIKIOK DWKLLINO HOUBK uml ethur eutbutliltnus. and a Inte! ground, situated en thu wist side et Marietta iivoniie unit u ll-icet wide alley, containing en suld Marietta avenue 10 tool, a Inches, and en satd alley 7 toot, 7 Inches, und extending In depth 75 feet, morn or less, te the property of Charles Mutz. Ne. 1. a irumestahluuud alotef Kreund.slt uated en thu south sldn el a It teul wlde alley, and adjoining fie. 3, ubove described, en thu south, containing en suld alley 42 feet I Inch, and ou Ne, i alxive descrlbuil, GO leet, mere or Has, and along property el thu said Charles Mali, 41 loot. Maletoceiniiieiicoat 7)v o'clock, p. 111, ou said duy, when term mid conditions will bu nnule known by riiami rrcirrr.it, ;cninuillteu. Hkniii 8uiniKi,T, And. Jyiu,'jn,w,u,9 1al'ATK OK AlAHIA UUDYH1LL, I. AT I'. Ii el thu City el Lancaster, ilcceused, Letters of administration 011 suld estate liavluir beeu Kianted te tliu un. ilurslgiit'd, all persons Indebted thuiutn uie leiiuestud te ninke lmmedhite pay. uient, and tlio-te having claims or demands against ihe uaiue.wlll pieseut them without delay for Hettlument te thaiiuilurslgncd,rt sid ing Iu the City of Luuiusler. Ii. r hsilLKAkW, DR. B, r. DAVIS, Jehn A. Ceylx. Ait'y. jstdB C1I.OSIMO OUT! j All kinds et Biimmir Uoeds and Huts, without teguril te cost, at BECHTOLD'S Ladies' nnd Gents' Furnishin"; Stere, NO. b-i NORTH (JUKKN STltfcKT. Lets and Baud for l.'lyd iri'KUUA fOKlll tKtlt'", ler'tim ViVu et Glevsland and Hendricks, by Hun Olntuiicer V. IIUelc, I. lout Ouv. ul I'euiisjltnnlit. Thu ery best book te sell, l'eniisjlvunla Democrats will buy 110 ether. Agents aru coining money. Ludtes de well Bund Bu cents at once rer until t and bu llrsl In thu Held. OuttlUJcidy. Aildicss, Rtlr. IIRO".. Jyl7 1 OAltw Ml Coutt Bt., Reading, I'll. vTeTlOr: ill 11HIDOK IIUILIIKItH-rilO. i pesals for th" tollewlng Inter-county brlilKii work will bu leeelved at the County Commissioners' Ulllcu, Laucustur, l'a, and West Chester, l'a., until six o'clock p. 111., Thnru.iuv .inlv 31. 1K1I. mid at the Sneiikmun llouse, coatesvllle, l'a., en Friday, August 1, iksi. mini nneu : Rebuilding ueiime spin, weuuuii uuen brlilReat I'lnoUtevu Keikii. ..,,.. Rebulldliig woedel truss brldgu at Kirk's RobuuillnghililHeat Lee's Mill. Rebiitldtng lien or wee lull bildgu at illack hum's Keriling. lly erdur of COMMIBSlONKItS OK LNOABTKR AND CHEh I' Kit COUN 1'Y JyWSMAWtJyJl At the loot of New Yerk; avunuu, within a Iuat hundred teet et thu sea. Attractive, cointeitabluaud liemellku. NOW UI'K.N. Iiinet-iiiid J. KK1M A BON8. II L. tsTKtmiAN A; UO. PIPES! Meerschaum, Composition, Briar Weed, Vienna Bread, Virginia Clay, Cern Cob, etc. bMOMCItK. WHO BOLACK TllKM.SKI.VKb Willi 1'11'KS, COMKAND 8KK OUlt DISPLAY. -TIIK- Largest Assortment Kver shown lu this city. Pipes te Suit Everybody ! WHOLHBALK AND RKI'AIL. H. L. Stetunan & Ce,, NO. 110 WORTH QUEEN ST. LANCABTKR, I A. A Urent Louden rullure. Londen, July 10. Leuis Augustus Kugelhardt, merchant el Ne, 1 Feu Court, K. (J., has failed. His liabilities nreW 1,000. WEATUKII lliOlOATlONH. Washington. July 10. Fer the Middle Atlnuite states, partly cloudy weather and local showers, followed by fair weather, southerly shifting te weitcrly winds, sta tteuary tcinpciaiure, Till1: IITOHY Of NA1 It 111.1, ICnurtpuil N OT1UU TO IIKIDOK IIU1I.UICUB. Healed piopesnls ler thu following WOtk Will mar31-lvd I IUV NOW, AU SATE FUTURE KKUltpTS. GRAND CLEARING SALE lllldllO hu rerulved at Uie County Cetumls- sleuurs' O ill 00, Lunciistur. l'a . until Via clock, neon, MONDAY..IULY is, 1SSI t Rubulldtiig Woedun HrlilKu ever thu West llriineh et tlm Octeruni, at White Reck. Rebuilding Weeden llrldge ever the I'imiucu ut Hiisliell's Mill. HrtilKO Ne. l'J. lIulldliiK Lew llrldgu ever I'etuts' Creek ut Dersoy's Mill. Repulrlng midges ever the West llimich el thu Octorme ut I'eiryvlllu, Clenmill and bpiltig (lieve. Repairing llrldgu Ne. 3, ou Dig Heaver. Repairing Jlrlduu at miiulli et riders' Cieek, 1IY OltOhtt Of TDK HOARD. Atnutt JTamc UniKiT, Clerk. )yll'M,W,Stl LMIK HUMMUIt llKHUlllb. BKA80NOr'168. SPRING LAKE BEACH, MONMOUTH AND CARLKTON HOU8ES. SEA. QIP.T, N. J., 1IKACII IIOUBK. Houses Open Junu23. NEWHOlELi LAFAYETTE (aMKRICAN AND KUROl'KAN l'LANB.) l'lllLADKLl'HIA. Appllcatleiw ler rooms can bu made at any et the above houses. m3K.t;tTu.Tna l. u. maltiiy. NOTIUK l'OHl B4.U.A. U , HAH LKAHKO What Ulen l'nrk ter t he season, und It can bu rented for picnics, public or rulvuie, family parlies, etc. Thu pink will bu thoieuuhly cleaned aud rullltcd, mid everything put lu eoinplete erdur. for further paUlcnUis in. eutre Of WILLIAM UOKIIM. 1 HARRY HARTLKr, JAMKS ARMKT, Council or Administration, l'esl H, O, A. It, Mr. Armet is new ou the grounds, in5-8mii8W -OK- -AT- el' Clullii Burger & Sutten's WHOLKSALK AND RI'.TAll. CLOTU 1NU ilOUHH, Ne. 24 Centre Square, IN ORDER TO HEM'CE STOCK AND Te Get Ready for the Fall Tnule, Unparalleled Bargains If Sought for New. Burger &$utten Merchmt Tailors ami Clothiers, 21 CENTRE SQUAIIE, IiAOASXEIS, 1'A,; A Yeune nlatuoae Niiblnninn wliu ttie lluiida ui u 'tyrant. Nnl lCauu, the young Siamese nobleman who has been afraid te go home for four yents past, hecauue he was iu danger of being beheaded, is new passing his Hum mer vacation nt the home of the Itev. Dr. Satmiel Heuse, iu Wateifeid. He was rccently graduated with high honors at the Willisteti seminary, Kast Hampton, Massaohusetts. Just before the dlamere embaissy sailed for home from New Yerk .. T..I-. r l- IT .. ... i. uu juiy u, ii. uuiieu num. lu tliu me tropelis, whero he saw the brother of the king of Slain, who wns at the head of the embassy, and received assurance from the prince that Nai Kami would new be safu in returning te his native laud. The former rogent of the kiudem, the implac able enemy of Nai Kami's family recently died, uml thu present king is liberal in his views, aud inclined te toster education aud the sciences. It is hinted that Nai Kuiiu will take u course iu engineering at the Hensbelaer I'olytechnie institute, und then returu te Blam, whero he wifl super intend the epeutug efa system of railroads aud thus restore the fortunes et his 01100 brilliant family. The Btery of Nai Kami is Ilka a page from an Uiieutal tomauce. Ills father, a mutnber of the king's private council, foil iu leve with a daughter of the English oeustil four years age, nnd rim away with her iu a steam yacht. Fer this he wuh arrested and tirst llegged by order of his Itnplauublu enemy, the regent, who wuh the pritue minister at the time. Thu Eng lish consul thought the putilshmeut had geno far enough und threatened Hang Kuk with a gunboat Irem Biugapme. A Bin. umse envoy was sunt te England te pri -test against the threat of the consul. He wai geno eight mouths and lu the mean time the imprisoned nobleman was be be be hoatled aud overy member of his family who could be reached ulther suffered the same fate, or was Imprisoned. The prep, erty of all bin relatives was conllseatcd, and his ehlef wife, the mother of Nat Knuu, waa put te work iu a rloe factory. New, in oensoiuonoo of royal favor, she enjoys an houerablo position as au niton niten dant upon the (pueeu. Nai Kami, nt the titne, waa studying In the United States, htitthe prime minister made nu el'eit te compel the American government te glve up the boy, se that he could de with him ns he chose. Nai Kami's grandfather be. oame Insane 011 account of the brutal treatment that he rocelved, The English consul was recalled by his government, aud waa kuighted in otder te heal his wounded feelings. Ills daughter made a narrow oseapo from the country. The new erder of things which ptevents Nai Kaun'u return home is described im selely owing te the onlighteiimout of the Hl'.VlAl. AOI1VKS. Hep J'laUertura clean, sweet and pleat ml te tue. Kresh IIejh ceiublnud with llulsams and (iiims. Mere pewerliil than any ether porous plasters, 'itcts. JFrmn Byruciisf, N, Y. " 1 tell weak and languid ; had palpitation of the heiiil mid nuiiihues'iet tliu 1iii.1i:). 7iir 7iir decl. llloetl Hitler Ii ive cuitnluly lelluvud mu. They aioineat u.xcollent," Mr. .1. Jl. Wright. Fer sale hv 11. 11. Cnshrmi, druggist, 1J7 and 1"'J Ninth ijneeii olreuU A Sprclal lnvltmlei.. Wu inpeelalty Invite a trial by all tho'e sut lereM Irem Kldiuy and Liver CeiuplutnU who have tailed te obtain relict Hern doctors. Natures great uuiudy, Kidney-Wert, has utleeled cures lu many olMllnale cases. It acts al once en tlm Kidneys, Liver mid Hew els, cleaning thu system et nil poisonous hu hu meisnnd testerlng a healthy condition et Iheaii Important ernni, De net be disceur aged but try It. Celdkm's Llitiild licet Toulo will euro liiill liiill cestliin, and pciputuuta bodily vigor. Titke no ether. Ol diiigglsts. lylMirdeedAw l'lilricn ciin llraiierisl. " I suiruied with dyspepjl 1 ler 13 years," hi lie j Jehn AtbrlKhl, usi)., of Columbus, Ohie. " .VrtMi(iri(ii .Yerrlne clued inc." As It alwajs cuies such dlierdurs. At druggists. lyl5-lwdicilAw l-niiiteliniB. ljuouiilens by Associated l'rus- Stocks s'reng. I'lill-ulelphla KrleR. U. II Heading Railroad li l'imnsylviiuta Railroad S4)i Irfihlgh Valley Railroad 04 Untied Companies or New Jersoy 190ft Nerthern l'acinc.. lak Northern Pacific l'roterrol VM Nerthunn Central Ratlreait Ug LenlRh Navigation Company 41H Norrlstewn Itallreml ...103 Central Transportation company ...3t liuttale, N Y..UI11I I'hlladelphla i Little BchuvlklU U&Uread (W llx, 110$ 15 10 nvi IBM Tu Hepalr OHinsijet. Dear lady, there U probably no iisu telling you that t udttenablu llte lu a great city Is a rough nnu 011 your beauty. Lalu hours, less et sleep ami uieutul excitement will leave you by and by shorn et llieiu buiiiilltul tiusses which itiew levers around you In ethur years. Artificial substitutes cm novel pass ler thesu rich aud glossy lees. 1'arlrer'a llutr ll.ils.un will step your hair I10111 lulling out, restore Its iiauiial eoter and snttuess, and prove Uc.iu-lng ami buiietlulul te thu scalp. All uhe ate ullllcled with salt lheuiu, Itch, scald head, Impetigo, mid every ethor erup tion nt the uktu, should use Ulenu's Bulplmr, beap Jyll-lwileedAw atoes marseti. Quotations by llw 1, McUrann Ce , IJank. era. Lancastur. Pa. 11 a. K. O. C A 1. C. ...... . ....... .... Michigan Central New Yerk Control 1UIM New Jersey Control Si)h OUle Central. 1, Del. Luck. A Wostern.... WKi Denver A. Rie Uriiude Erle.... ........... .......... i"4 Kansas & Texas 13 Lake Bhere 73 Chicago A N. W com.... 'Jl", N. N.,Ont.A Western.... 10 bt, 1'iiul A Omaha 27 PoctneMull lirii Roclieator A Plllsburgh 8t X auL. ............ ....... T-ft Texas Pact no 'IV Union Paclde UDi Wabash Ceuiuinn........ lift Wabash Proferred West'rn Union TeleRrnph as LoiilsvllleA Naslivlllu... 'ii)i N. Y Ctll. A Bt. L LehiRh Valley LelilKh Navtjtulleii 4IK Pennsylvania M2 Reading U 1-10 P. T. JIutrale Nertlinrn Pacific Cem... la Northern Pacific Prut... ityi Hostenvlllo Philadelphia & Krte Nerthuru Cent ml Underground Canada southern U1K en eiii reoeio'o l'aiisuuier niK mil, w at eVi fAfilU UAJNtiinuU, c ly NOT UK AflNUIbUiriTIt Flea, Bugs, Mosquitoes, etc., HUT BKND UB YOUR ORDKU3 reit ntuiuers I nietimrMlt Metlirril Aru you distill hed at nUht und broken et your rust by u sick child sulTertng and crying with thu nxeruclallng pat 11 el cut Him tenth 7 II se, go ut onto mid get a botllent MRS. WIN BLOW'BBOOTHINU blRUP. It will rullove thu peer llttlu sntturer Immodlately depend upon It t there Is 110 uitslukii ubeut It, There Is until mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you ut onee that It will regulttte thu bowel, and give rest le the metliui, mnl rullel and health te thu child, op ep urulliiK llku inugic. It Is perfectly sate te use in all ciws, utul pleas mt te thu bus te, nnd Is the pioscilpUeuof 0110 of the eldest und best (oinale physlcluiM lu thu Untied Btatns. Beld uvui-ywhute. 13 cunts a botUe. uiaUl-lydM.W.B&w -AND- DOOJR SCREENS. We liavu all les of Fniuies ready and nil width nt Wliu mnl biindscaH, te till erdirrt promptly ami give you ene or the bust Screen 111 thu nun kit, NKW PATTERNS OK Wall Paper & Dade Shades Piles I riles I Piles I hiue elite ter Hilml. Illuedluir and ItchlliK I'lliH. One bev huscuted thu werste.inu ef'J) yeiira stiiudlng. Ne one need sutler II vu min utes at te 1 usltiu Willlain's ludhiii i'lle Oint ment itah.ieilM Illinois. allays Itchlmr. acts iu pedltleti, gives Instant liillef. Prupmeil only ler riles, Ituhlug et thu pilvatu parts uethluK else, bold bv iIi'iwl'IiIs mid mailed en ri-Lulpt et iiulee, $1 held bv II, II. Coch ran diiltfgtst ll7aun U'lNortlKJiti'iiiiHlreol. 1 ilruwii'r, iiuusuiiuiii I'Miiuuua Is tlie most ettucttve Pain Destroyer In the world. Will most surely iiulcliun thu bleed whether taken Internally or applied oxter exter nally, unit thereby inore certainly RKL1EVE PAIN, wliettiur chteula or ueute, than any ethor pain alleviator, und It Is warranted dou ble thu Htruuijth et au similar preparation. It cures pain In the Hide, Hack or liewels, Sore Threat, Rhuuiuutliim, Toothache, and ALL AC1IK.H, and is Thn Oreut Rollover el I'alli. " IIROWN'B IIOUBKHOLD PANAOKA" should Imi In every faintly. A teaspoon till et thu Panama In a nimbler et het water iweut. elied, II pruteiredl lukun ill bodtlme, will IIRhAR UP A (.III. I'. -ceum ueiliu.j inuvJl-lldM.W.aXw Dr. 1'rsiler' lleut itllter. fnizler's Knet llitteri urn net a drum shop lioNeniKe, but artist 1 Ictly niedlelnal lu every suiisu. 'limy ucl stiengly upon thu Liver und Kidneys Weep thu bowels open und regular, eiunnsii tlie tiloed anil system el uvury Impu rity. Beld by driiKKlts, l. Beld by II. II. Cnchrun, linguist, U7 and VM North .Oucen Mtrtet. a JUST OPENED, PHARES W. FRY, 57NOK1H QUKEN ST., LANCASTER. PA. 4Bloiuclesusat6p. ut except Saturday. H KALT1I UOIWKT. Ker Liuiii iiiuK, eiiiii or unust, use am 1 illl'U I'OUIHIM I'l.AH'I'KU lrl-. M rnnt. present kluir, who, nmeug ether ehauges,' heid by II. II. Cochran, druggUt, 137 aud is tobliueuc U-lyd I has abolUUeij the ruloeotujiulliug eyery I North quoen Btrect, jgmcaster, w"""-,'3 BALL'B HEALTH CORSET New takes thu lead et overythlng In the Cor Belllne, us ladles Und It. the most COMKOlirAllLE, AMU P K It r K O T r 1JT T I N O garment worn. Murchuntu ay It gives Iho bust Ballstuctlen et any Cersut they vrBOld. ter sulu by ull leaning ie""';Ku5Vii fl.tiU. tnl-WABJlt ... kTlV. HARMON it CO., NowllaTen.Conui . ml ..M lffl5tt ail pereuus in. ttMtaiuuutiry ou r.TlCH MOUKIO, IC051 Hill b,.j t . . iii-ntiti',1 iu tee unuuwurnwii " ! .,. K,Ti.ui tiiuiote ure rxiuustil te make Iwree. ,9.,0,J .1'"?.... .. m.Vi i..,.e liavlnir claims errte. 1 liilLuuTl Vt the same will Jiresent Uieat ith fit d "1 y for sauemeut te the under. t'1 ' t . i,.: t ! 'M m & -ta if '4 1 ! i X .! y a .iz flil l 1 4 :i 4 n i M 4 is 'a