"." agTJ-TT ', y- -fw) yurmk ifa;iiai'.jFSi?t JtJJwM4AWCfii8i -rr" ,MVppM -yw AW V LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1884. u. 352 Mr M , c '.- ta fc :, , -4 t.V."V Vf' c. MW ' j , M, tLS 17 l-i "a.r I ' C u j. " 6: EI w me i M ralli i 6tful Xv bt fcancartet Jntelligencct. FRIDAY HVHSNINO, JTJliY 10, 1804, MurnKitu KOtlM." I'm nwlully sorry for peer Jack Koe rie'j that boy Hint lives with his nunt, you knew t Anil be nays his house Is fllleil with gloom llocanse It has et no " mother's room." 1 lH you what. It 1 flne enough TetAlk of boudoirs" nnd such fancy ntulT, lint the room or rooms that scorn beat te me, The room whero I'd ntwnys rather be, Is mother's room, where a fellow can rent, And talk el the things his heart loves best. "What If 1 (te get dirt about, And sometimes Marti e my aunt with a shout T It is mether'1 room, and If she don't mind, Totlie hints or ethers I'm always blind. May be 1 leso my things what then 1 In mother'!! room I And them sgaln And l've noyer denied that 1 Utter the fleer With marbles and top nnd many things mere! lint I tell you, for boys with a tlred head, It H Jelly te rest It en inother's bed. New peer Jack Koe, when he visits me, I take him te mother's room, you see, ;!ocauie It's the nlcejt place te go When a fellow's spirits nre getting low. And mother she's always kind ami sweet. Ami there's always n tinlle peer Jack te greet. And somehow the sunbeams scorn te glow More brightly In mother's room, 1 knew, Than nnywhera oleo, and you'll never Mini gloom Or nny old shadow In mother's room. Mary J), Hrlnain Jlarjitr's Yeung J'eeplr. A Laige Crep t lVnclim In lrnpct. New Yerk Times, Peacben nre about te attract tbe nttcu tlea of most of the fruit dealers. There will be a very large crop thin Bensen. Tbe SoaehcH will corae te our warket from elaware, Maryland, New .Jersoy and New Yerk in t;reat abuudance. Thrre are seme poaehea In every orchard and upon nearly every trce In tbe four a'aten, while many of tbe orchards are very full. The fruit growers of Dolaware ana Maryland, whero the greater quantity of tbe peaches nre produced, bave made extensive arrango arrange arrango ments for drying great quantities of this fruit for the past several yearn. All who have dried tbeir common fruit have found for it a ready nnd prolltnble market among tbe West Indian nnd Seuth American shipping merchants, and tbe capacity of the eninsu)a evaporators is ruifllcieut te dry fully one-tblrd of the production of the peninsula. In all probability the yield of the peach crop en tbe peninsula this soiuen will be upward of 0,000,000 baskets, of wbieh nmeunt ever 2,000,000 baskets will be sent te this market, nnd rnore than that quantity should the prices realized be greater than new anticipated. Quite a geed many Early Hales and Early lieatrice are cemiDg from Maryland new, and quite a geed many of them villi ceme here this week from Delaware, but ee far they bave been very inferior in quality, and arrived herein peer condition and as neither of theso varieties of peaches bave any merit save thnt of being early, their presence in the market is felt by the fruit dealers te be detrimental te tbe interests of tbe fruit ttade, and thn wish is general that tbecul tivatlen of tbcte peaches would oeafe. Then the peach season would open with tbe llttle Troth's Early, n small frocsteno dry peach, of flne keeping qualities and of ercencut naver -such a peach as tempts tbe appetite, instead of nauseating, as Hale's Early does. The first of Troth's Early will net reach the market from Maryland befere next week, and tboeo poeplo who await their coming before buy. ing tbeir first reaches of tbe Fcasen will be richly repaid for tbe waiting. The OeerxU Wonder JtxpUlncd. "Clara Uclie" in the Cincinnati Knqttlrer. Is ehe magnolia? Oh, yes ; and that's what makes me mad. I regard it ax reasonable, aud usually proper, that when apretty, ueutle, relluetl girl stands clese In front of a man, leeks him meltingly in the eyes, lays her soft palms en bis hands and radiantly hrnlles, be should de herHwect will et the spat, no matter bow violent the required oxctcise may be. Nev;, tbe rclative pjsitlenn which 1 have described are exaetly tliose of Lulu, and overy man who undertakes te resist her power, physically, metaphysically, or wbatover cIbe it may be. Just because she is a girl they idiotically submit. A gate from her bulgy eyes nnd toueb of her course paw overcomes them, and, wblle they think they're resisting with all their might, they really de net oppeso her oflectually. That is all there is iu her feats, except that she is mero intiscu'nr than any woarer of petticoat! ought te be. Once in a while some level beaded man re fusts te be impressed, ami then she failH in her feat. Ifshew.is merely rural and mi fashionable, I wouldn't grumble. I am as qulek as anybody todlsceverprnttiucRs, no matter bow frc ikied, Unnrit or bank woodsy its pessaswr ; but if Lu'ti was te be dress ed in a Paris gown and taught the wajc of ft Fifth live, drawing room, fhe would remain uncouth. Whirr-is thu :ewaidel really f.ueiimting meiit in our six if mm are gelug te let, sueh an uncultured bold, n capture thorn '.' I would just like te back a fashionable New Yerk ;irl agait a' her. My obampien hbeuhl be one of uir highest developments of JVmiuine brawn, induced by the lidinc, tennis plajmg, petleR'rianism and ether exereiei-s that am new se much in vomie. I would whim i that my girl could make a man t.iim m. bis head where Lulu could only dance 1 Im nreutid tbe htage a little. An irlali imrilu-f, I n.tem. A case illustrative of the custom of marryiug and giving in mnrrliiKO in the rural dtstrictri was heard in a Lini.iek court. Jehn Hajvs, with two ether in- n, went teMrs. Ryan's house, mid un nuiee raent was entered into that Hayes should marry Mra. Ryan's daughter, lie nut te get a raarriage portion, $1,750, and the marriage was te take place en tt'e fellow ing Sunday Iu the iuterim defendant obtalned $250 te cover the expenses, but when the gufsts were aKstmbled for the wedding breakfast, be quarreled about money, breke oil the raateh, and quitted the beuse. A few days later he mairicd another girl with a larger portion. Hu rt turned a part of the money leaned, and ns a set off te tba claim put in a bill or nu entertainment which he gave for Mrs Ilynn, The items Included whisky, pert aud sherry. Tbe last Item wns i'iQ put down te "clergyman for Intended mar riage." Judgment for the full amount was given. Wellle'n UoliUeiue. rrera a Washington Leiter. Visitors te the president's grounds are frequently curious oeucernlng what np pears as a deuble soiitry.fcex just under the eastern portico of the Whit.. ir,,0,. railed oil" from any but thoRe conucetod with the houte and irreuuds. A nhmrr qufry reveals the fact that it Is ue less a Ob than jsiiss Xiollle Arthur's dell houe. Though of perfectly plain, unpre. tendlnff exterior, being built of narrow grooved beards, the Interior leaves nothing te be desired in tbe way of comfort for the llttla guesta. Tueroaretwo ontraneo doers in front aed four windows ene at elther ends and two at the baek before each of which nre hung whlte muslin curtains eaught baek with colored ribbons. Ain't llmt Hlntl of u lley, Toaeher" Huppose you have two sticks of candy and your big brother gives you fwtfi tnnm linitf mnnv nmfil.l um, l.n.... than V Little Bey (shaking his head) ' Yeu don't knew him ; he ain't that kind of a boy," A Child That Drank, A Paris pbynlelau get Inte n great oernpo lately by doelarlng that n young lady of seven, nnd bolenglng te a family of rcspco rcspce tablllty, ilrank. Anelhar doctor was promptly summoned and said the same thing. The parents were in despair and Inercdnllty. They snld that their daughter aetuallv disliked wine. " Watch her carefully," said doctor Ne. a ; and a few days later mamma caught the vietim of the mysterious malady nt the eau de cologne bettle. I.KTIKIl MIM A WKI.I.-KHIIHN NKW VOUK AlirriUNKKM. lie x lis Ksr lint Strxkt, Nkw Yebk, May 18, lStO. I have been troubled with an Irritation el the Threat and u Cough ter some time. 1 am also a martyr te Dyspepsia, llythoadvtce of n very learned physician 1 applied two all cock's 1'oiters 1'lastkrs te my chest, and ene en the pilot my stomach. In the three days my Couch was cured and my Threat was well. 1 have new worn the plasters two weeks and my appetlte and digestion have much Im proved. 1 mil confident that In nnother week my I)ypepsla will be entirely removed. 1 have never used te pleatant anil agittaite a remedy In my llte. TH03. MATMKWS. " Allcock's '' Is the only Genuine I'oretu 1'laslnr ; all ether se-called I'oreus l'la.'tur't nrf Imitations. -The Veir" of the I'peple. Ne tamlly dyes were ever se popular as the Diamond Iiyis They never tall The IthicR Is far superior te ingwoed. Thn ether color nre billll.int. Wells, Klrhariixen ik Ce , llurlliiKten, Vt. Ulad te Hear It. ' !Ker scveral.inenths I eniluretl a dull pain thretwh my iuni; and shoulders; lest my spirit, nppctlte nnd color, mid could nitb dli lleiilty reiimlti Ireni my bed. Sly present lnilllilm condition Is due te Hurtteik Jlloeil Jtltttrt" .Mrs. K . Hull, llliiKl.imten, N. 1. Korsale by II. It. Cochran, drugget. 137 and 1 9 North yiirun street. Mr. Urerga I3dgfi Nprah. This gentleman lives in Kiuperiuui. l'u., and f&y: "One et my wen. Nam Lewis, while working In the weeds sprained his nnlee bad lie could hardly hobble le the hetisi. l'.ed ihemn' Kelectrie Oil and wn.sre.idy for eik tne next morning. 1 h ivu never yet seen ee geed n miHllclue. Ker ale by 11. It Lechrmi, dregglst, 1.17 and 133 North Queen street, Lan caster. 'i notunnes sy no, Mr.T. W Atkins. Ulrard. Kan., wiltes: "I never heltnta te recemmeml join Klectrlc Hitters te my customers, they clve entlre u Itactlen unit nre rapid lellers." Klerirlc Hitters me the purist nnd best medicine knewnund will jiesltively cure Kidney nnd Liver complaints Purify the bleed and reg ulatoihe bowels. Netntntly can ntTerd te be wliheuttliHtii. They win ave hundreds el dollars Iu doctor's bills every ear. Sold u! Utty cents a bottle bv II 11. Cochran, druggist. -N'e-4 137 and IT North ijueun street, Lane liter, l'u. (3) Ue etl llelleve It. That in this town there are scores et nervous passing our stere every day wbose lives nre made miserable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, our anil dlstreel Mtemach. Liver coin plaint Constipation, when ler 7Sc. we will well th'ia Sldleh's Vltallrvr, guaranteeil te euro thein. Sehl by II. II. Cechrmi, druggist, Nes. 37 and IXi North yueen street. lob7-eodJ itr.invAL HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Te the needs or the tourist, commercial traveler and new settler, llostetter's Stemal h Hitters Is peculiarly ndnpteil.slnce it strength ens thn dlgostlve organs, and braces the phy sical energies te unhealthttil liilluenccs. It remevus nnd prevents malarial lever, constl censtl constl pttlnn.dyspepsta, hailtiifiilly stimulates the kidneys nod bla Idur, and eiulchus ils well ns purines the hloed. When overcemo by fa tigue, w hether mental or physical, the weary and dcbllltuted tlnd it a rellable sourcootre seurcootre sourceotre noiHl strength unit enmtert. Fer sain by ull Druggists and Deulers gener ally. lyl-liuilecMLtw 30 ll.V TIIIAI Hit. DVK'S VOLTAIC BELT. 11 led He Appliance! me soul en se Days1 trlul. TO MEN ONLY. YOU. Ml OK OLD, Who nre miiIimIiii: irem Nervous Debility l.e-t Vltilliy, Lacknt Nerve terceund Iger W aMitig WeiiKiiss, nnd ull these Dlse.ixo.sef a pi seu.il niiliiin remitting tieji uUiiss uml Ol lur .-nukes hptcdy teller mid com, lete res res tiiuitleii el ileiutn. Viger mid Munlie 1 guar-iinlis-l. 1 lie gntudiisi ilitnvery of the Nine-u-eiithceiiiary. -eml ut -.en ler UliiHtnitM I'm plile' nee. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., HHl'lVdSlWK.lw MAIWIIALL. MICH. M Alt.SKIK lllll (IM. WKAK NSHVOUS JiKN Whose eblllty, exhaiintiMl pemirs, pieinn. turn ini-iiy nml tulliiiii te perter n llle's duiles pieperly, inn niused by ojcedsch, urreis ei ) eui n, etc , will find u perfect mid lusting res res tniutleii le lebust health mid vigoieus inuii inuii hned In TIIK MAItSTON IIOLUS. Noither sienmch drugging nor Instruments. This tiudtinenl el mtveus Diihlilty nnd l'hyslcui 1'eiuiy Is iiiillerinly Hirtcessliil Ihichihd based en iei feet illuuiiesls. new mid direct uiiilheds ai.d uliMiliitotheioughnoss. rmi Infonmilten and Tlculii-s line. Addiess CeiiHUtlliiir 1'liv slclnnnl MAUSTON UKMKDi in . te v. llth 8L. New lurk upil-lyM.WM'Aw UNDBVELOPaD PART8, Ul the Human body unlarged, duvelnped, treiigtheiicd."etc.,ls tin Interesting mlvurl tlseiiii nt ImiK run In nur paixir. In reely te liiijulrlns we will any Hun thorn is no evidence, ollmiiibiigul.eut tfds. On the contrary the aiiveillsKiHuru very highly liiilnrsml. Inter csli'd i-rseiiH limy Vi.t keiiinii circulars giving Ce,, iluUiile. N. Y,-Tolttle J-htnine lite al-lyilMWAKAw . '.' A,N,MK814 ".",v.' ? '""bint relief, and is an Iniiillllile euro ter 1'II.KS. t'llce, 11 eunt druggists, or tent prepaid by mnll. Hamnle iron Address, "AnAltKSlrt" Makara, Hei itIU. New Yerk. uprllyM.W'.KAw JU.If I'UIIMHIIKU, RKW KD1TI0H Or "HEORKTU JtJCV&Al,KD," with vnltiahle liilormalleii tmA'erveutaml At (led Dlierdcrt, illustrated with cases. ADDItKB3lil TOOKNTLKMKN ONLY. Hy u physlcltin of au years' experience, (author et jsnelai Kvlls or the l'reseiit l)uy,""i'rerna turn Demy," nte.) bout, pest tree, price, iSOe. Adiliens, " ' DR, LA QRANGB, IKTU KiLnuBTBTBuirr, I'liftADiir.viiu, !. ml'.iiiiil COTIONKKH ann iikai. AUKNT. KSTATB HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONKKU AND KKAL K8TATK AUKNT, 01 North Duke St., Lunoeator, Pa. Kverythlng pertutiilmr te my business will leceiviiiiiy porseiiulattpntlcm. Tenus luawiv. ulde, illyu iiih ii dull, junJMM STOMACH BITTERS 11 HT ttOOltlt. sp KUtAli llAltUAlNH. WATT, SIAND & CO,, NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST. SPECIAL 1IAUUA1N3. 8UMMKU SILKS, tOe. Me and 75e COLU11KD DHK8S SILKS, fide, 75r. (1.P0. 45-Inch NUN'S VElUNUSall Celers. Stks.yi1. An Imnionse variety et OIIAMIIItAY 8U1T1NUS, 7.K1'IIYIIU1NUHAMR. 1IATISTK AND UAMltltlC, In Popular Colorings at lowest Prices. UUllNKW LlNKOr Parasols and Sunshades Have txMjn made te our special order by the Inrgcst manufacturers, which Insures us having the latest styles aud Lewest l'rlcct. tiOAUIUNU 1'AUASOI.S. 1.ACKTH1MMKD l'AllAhOLS, TWILLKD Ml.lv l'AKASOLS, I.AD1K8' AND OKNTLEMKN'S SILK HKKI.LAS. I'M- JERSEY WAISTS. .Vl)0b ALL-VOOL.IKU8EYf. 11.(0 each, lately sold at II. fA. KLKUANTWOKSTKD.IKlWKYf, 11.75 each. Intel sold at2M. KINK 1MPOUTKD JKHSKYS. Latest Styles, tiWand 3.(X1. NEW YORK STORE. CAUttlAUJKB, V. MINK UAK1UAOK llUll.DKKa. THE STANDARD Carriage Werk Or LANCAiTEII, COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, IN IlKAUUr CKNTllAL MAKKKT 110USKS L AN C AST K 11,1' A. We tnake every style llnggy and Carlarge desired. All work finished in the most com fortable and elegant style. We use only the best selected material, nnd employ only the beat mechanics. Ker quality or work enr prlces are the cheapest in the state. We buy ter cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Ulve us a call. All work warranted. KKl'AlltlNO I'KOMVTLY ATTKNDED TO. One set et workmen especially employed ter that purpose. nJriM.tw 1)AUA1.NH! IIAItlHtys1 IIAltKAI.NS -AT- Norbeck & Miley's Cerner or Duke and Vine Sts , LANCASTER, PA. A Large Stock of KlUST-CLASS KIHCLKS must be sold regardless or cost, consisting et BUGGIES, PHOTONS, - TWO-SEAT CARRIAGES, ONE FINE BUSINESS WAGON, WITH HHIFTI.VU TOP. Hi;iLTTOOItDK!t. Constructed of the IJest Mnterlal and fin ished In the Lutst Style. IIUINO Competent Judges te KXAMI.VE OLIt GOODS, and be convinced that we are net trilling with the public. DON'T l'AV r'ANcl 1'UlCKs when ou can buy lust as geed an article ler ONK-TllIltD LKsS. Don't listen te our fellow competitors In re gard te qusillty et mdse., as our sales hereto fore convinced our customers that "our work sustains our word." All wonder hew we can sell se cheap, but that is our secret, and as long as we cull stand these Lew Prices, we areul the saine ilme pleasing our custo mers, as every purchaser nt present leeks te a saving. A dollar mviM U a dollar mode Patronize thewn who benefit the public. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR UOOUS. We win also sell at a bargain a Large Let ei second-hand WORK, Consisting et TWO 11UEWSTKR P1ANO-HOX 1IIJG01KS. DOUItl.E I'EltUI. ' SEVEN END HlMtlNU-HOX HUG01ES, Hlliri'INU TOPS. ONE SPUING SEAT CARRIAGE. ONE PONY riMH'ON ONE THREESI'lllNO MARKET WAGON All the ubove nre repainted In best Btyle. rh(h.e desiring u bargain should call Rt once. Repairing promptly done. N0RBECK& MILEY, Oorner Duke and Vine Stroete, LANCASTER. l'A lelJ-tld l.KUAL XOTIUKS. rilllOK'H NOT1UK i UK UNDKlt- J ilgnid uudlter. appnlnte.1 te distribute tlie) linliinie remululiig In the hands el Jno. II. Geed, trustee te tell certain lets which Jis-e Luiidis ind wife conveyed te David llartmun in trust, te and uuieug these leg illy entitled te the same, will sit ter that p urpose Mi Tuesday, August 3, ls"l,iitlu o'clock a. in., In the Llhrary Roem of the Court lleuse.lii the city el Lancaster, where all persons In-t-reste'' in said dlsirlbutlen may attend. ivll-Kiteaw v.a WILSON, Auditor l'TATK OK .lllll.N SrilAMZ. I.ATK 1J f'f tl he CltV et Lancaster, dernnmul Leners 'eitiameniary en said estute hiving been grunted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are reiiiested te make tin iiu-dlate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present thnm viltheiil delay fef settlement te the under signed, ri'Mdliig at Ne. 4.'3 Leve Lane, In the City et Lancaster, I'a AUGUSTUS 8TRANTZ. Alkx Hakris, hxeeuter. Attorney. lu'JOGtdeaw A MHlOMvll KSTATK Or KlUVIN Al and wlte. el the IMtv nl XV Shaidler i.anciisii-r, iincisier county. The un dersigned uudlter, nppolnteit te dlstii dlstii dlstii butothe balauce reinalnlng in the hands et II. H. Gara, luslgnen of ihu estate or said Kdwln M HhueOer und wile, te uml among llme legally vntltled te the same, will sit ter that purpose en Thursday. August 7, 1S8I. ut 10 o'clock a. m., In one et the )ry rooms el the court-house, Iu the city et Lancaster, where all persons Interested Iu said dlstrlhu tlen limy attend, ... 0. 8, HOFrMAN, lulyMtdeaw Auditor. IAirATKOFrnKDK.IIIl K W. UOONLKV, ll lute el the city et Lancaster, decrased. The iinderilgned.nppelnted by the Orphans' Court, et Lancaster county, te jiass en excep tions te thj ucemint e i harles SI. Hewell, executer or the will el Krederlek W.Coenlay, latent the city or Lancaster, doccased. und te make and report distribution el the balance In imnils et said uccetintant te mid among thote legally entitled thereto, will sit ter the purpose et his iippolnttnent In the Library Roem In the court HouBe.tn thecltv et Lan c.taUir. en Thursda, August H iti. at 10 e clock n. in., when and where all persons In. tuir.?ru !,my !itamX- WM- aug.'atlk K, lylO-HldeawTh Audllbr rtATAHIlll. ' ELY'S CREAM BALM CU,,COLS?,LVv,K,!LV,N,E,J8"OK iikadaciIk, Kavytfliiie. 1'rTce.tOa Ely Hre's., Oswego, HaV FfiVfir .',!uy t'uycr Is a typoet xa.aijf x evai.Catarili, having peculiar symptoms. U Is attended by mi iniiW "ed fier'.'Si1,0',1"? """"f "lu"oriiiie et t he ,,'ei. trlls. tear ducts nnd threat, aiteciing the lungs. An acrid mucus is secreted, the iili charge Is accompanied with apalurul burning Hoinutien. Theru are severe i, m, el Mieva'nir, frequent attacks et lilinulng lieml- hl.Y'A CREAM HALM Is areniely feiinded pn a correot iltagensls ei this iiiWve imd ca be depended upon, te cents nt ilruKiitsts te cenu by mall, 'flainple bettle by inati.W BLTf BROTHERS, ?!ioeilAw Druggists, .Oswego, N. V. TTAURIt A line r II Kit. HAMBURG Cambric Edgings and Insertings, Nainsoek Edgings and Insertings, Swiss Edgings and Insertings. NEW FLOTJJSrOHNTG-S, In Sets of Various Widths te Match, INDIA LAWNS, FRENCH NAINZOOKS, BATISTE, FRENCH LAWNS, PIQUE CORDS, LINEN LAWNS, SATINES AND ZEPHKRS. NEW PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, Kid Gloves, New Lisle Gloves, New Hosiery. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KINO STREET. JOHNS.'MVl.KH. " """ "" Mesquite Canopies and losquite letting at Lewest Cash Prices. THE AURORA CARPET SWEEPER. EVERY GENUINE SWEEPER HEA.K3 CANTON MATTINGS, AT 11AUGA1N l'lllCES. TO CLOsK TIIKM OUT. E3S Our Store Oloses nt O P. JOHN OXE MICE JJJiY GOODS AND CAIil'ET HOUSE, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA. 13MWKIU HU1WT. Lewer Prices than Ever at Bewers & Hurst's, 2G AND 28 NORTH QUEEN ST. OUR STOCK IS TOO LARGE AND MUST HE REDUCED. DO NOT FAIL TO GIVE US A CALL. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, OUR BLAOK GOODS DEPARTMENT, OUR WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT, OUR DOMESTIC GOODS DEPARTMENT, ALL HAVE TOO MANY GOODS IN THEM AND MUST BE REDUCED. JERSEYS, JERSEYS, DO NOT KAIL Mesquite yettlnir, nil Celer. Mesquite Gloves. Inimcnu stei ic, nil ut I . Lew l'riccs. BOWERS NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ii LASH JLSU UVKKMIHAui. TT1UU A- aiAHTti FROIT JARS ! FRUIT JARS! -AT- CHINA HALL. MASON FRUIT JARS l.Nl'lNTS.QUAKTS and X'OALLON. The Lightniug Fruit Jars, IN PINTS, QUAIITS and K-OALI.ON. The most convenient and certain Jar In the markut. Try tu High & Martin, 15 EAST KING STREET, LANCA8fKU. I'A. UMUCKicrrn. . " .Timg-ir ji -- - COMKTttlNU NKW I ASK YOUlt .tillOCKlt KOU MANHEIM CREAMERY CHEESE. TIIK IIKSTINTHK MAUKKT KOU 1'UHITI AN1 KINK rLAVOK. Manntac. tured hy tlie Manheim Creamery Ce., MANHKIM, l'A. Ker sale hy all Dist-clais (irocers In the city. Trndosupplled hy JOS. 0STHEIM & Ce., Wholt'ssle (ireccrs, II'MUI LANCASTKIt, I'A. f llUHHIt'S PICNIC GOODS. l'etlfid Ilarn, I'ottiidTeniruo, I'etu-d Chloken and Turkey. Oovllled Ham, Tenimi und Chlckens, Armours and Klutmrdsnii Itoh Iteh hliu' Whelu Jtolled Oi Teiiifiie and Lunch Toiikue. Compresssd lloef, rrmh Lehtcr, Krcsh Salmen, Kresh UAOkorel, HominlMuok HeminlMuok HominlMuek ortd, Choice Pick led Oysters In bottles ; also Kresh Oysters tn cans. Mixed and plain pickles In mull Letties. Cress A lllackwell'i ploklei and sauces, lmported Sardines et Ilnest quality also American Sardines In oil, mustard uml spiced. Choice Yerk State Cream Cheese, Dried litter chlnpcil nud hy the plnne. 0 Alt IJ. NKK A lMlll'1'3' CKLKllltATKI) miANI) llAMSrulse Maunelli llrnnd llntnu niiv T1IK I'iONlC I'LATr.S, they llirhtttiul cheap. At BURSK'S, NO. 17 BAST KINO 1.AN0ABTKU, I'A. STRBBT. HTUVKH. ijeuit, wuiTK a enr.i-.nuutin, --BANKERS,- 46 WALIj STREET, New Yerk. llrekers und Doalers In 1 tall way and ull ether Securities. KAIMVAY INVKSTMKNT8 u siieclulty, la the election und cstlmute or wiiiun iiiinr lenif couueciien witn l'oen's M AIIDAL Olf lUltBOACB " KlVOS tllldll spOClfti Mil- vatituues. Corruspeudeucu Invited and In quiries answerud Deposit ncceuuts ruceirsil and luturuat. allowed. uiio-cmetxl i'Jtr uuuua, e. EMBROIDERIES, ' - X' .T Tt-XCYT-J 7 -5t - OUR FIRM NAME AND GUARANTEED HY I'rf. STOCK OP Call and sue our stock and nrlcci M oxeopt SATURDAY EVENINGS. S. GIVLER Still Lewer. ANOTllKlt LAUOK TO SKK TIIKM. 1N91DK JKItSKY WAISTS. Canenlm sold at Lew 1'rlciM nnd nut en without & HURST, 3UIMUAL, WtSTKUitKNTS. VyiLC4X a WHITK Wilcox & White Organ Ge. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW IS.TI1K T1MK TO 11UY PIANOS AND ORGANS AT SLAUtiUTKUINO l'ltlCKS. OnoUeoil Hecend'ilivnd l'lane fVi.oe One Kli-itant Second-1 1 und Organ 45.U) One KU'Kiint New Orxan, li-Step Couplers and Siih'liasH M.00 Wilcox Jt Whlte erRans Irem 175.00 te ll.Vi.00 "Knabe," MePhall, OrovenBtein fc Puller, Koyateno, and Vobe & Sens Plnnee, All Marked Uewn te llottem I'rlccs. Klyun away. Almest WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warererms, ND 152 EAST KING STJtEET. II II. LUCKKN1IACII, Au'enL trtdMli! VUAI.. B. ii 2IAUT1IK '-Vhnlir.iii and itetntl n.vUe: in ul . LUMUKIIANDCOAI i-rard: a S) North Waters'id streets iitxivn Lemeu Jjincuster t'rlni J iUMvJ tOAI.. M. V. U. COMO BR; NOUTU WATKH HT., Ui.ltrr, ru., Whnles-Ale and Itetall Doalers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With thn Teleplieiite KYChunge. Yard aud Omc 'e. Stan NOUTU WATMt STUKKT. (NiiSbiril u AUHOAItDNKlCli S JKKKKltlKS. COAL DEAJ-EjrtS. OKKICKh. Ne. Nertu Umun Htrbkt, ame Ne. M". Neiith 1'rimui BTiiam-. YAUUH. North l'mxcra HTRuirr, mhah Uiad- ihe DireT. LANOABTKIl, l'A. auttlS-ttd rnuTuuuAfiiH. J.B UOTK. Thrre has been such u doiennd for LAKUK I'lIOTOGItAl'HB that I was comrHdled te Itct a VKIIY LAUOK CAMKKA. ItOX te meet the demand. We can new inake yen a l'ilOTOna small as ttiu smallest locket will held up le u ,-lnch lace, te nt.hm Wx'll Kmrnu. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen St root tunn'Mtd TTKADUUAUTKUM FIUI TJ1H INDIAN MEDICINES, KA-TON-KA AND MODOC INDIAN Oil. -AT LOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO. ti KA8T KINO fiTHBKT, LANCASTKIt, l'A. AOKH A HUIITIIKU LANOARTER, PA. CIKll. K. ItATIIVIIN I NEW STYLES AND NEW All Goods murked In ulaln llaures & CO., II LOT JUMT IM. KLKOANT OUAL1T1K3 KKOM 11.5.1 VV. OSI.Y 2.1 CK.NTS. iitnv i lniru.-. millions C'erni tiJ, lloilery und LANCASTER, PA JtAUHlMJiliV. ri'1115 " BEST " STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. KSTALLIHHKl) 1H30. COMl'AUK TIIK 3IZK.S AND I'lllCKS OK OUR ENGINES. We have no AkeiUn or lllddleine i te protect hy cildliii; commtaslens wnlch Ln- temurs must pay. Yeu Save Frem 15 te 25 Per Cent. 11 Y l'CUCilASlNO lllllKUT KKOM Vi BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. Ne Shell Iren used In Hellers. Least con sumptien nl Coul and Water ler l'.iwtr do de vel0)H'd. All KiiitlnuM et our tnakn suhtcted te h ilctlen llrake Tent le iinuhle their r.ite et IKiwnr. AVK TIM K mill MONKY. und pur. clittHethn Most Diirulile and 11KST I'ortalile KiiKlneund Heller en Wheels und Sills. Farmers and Threshermen, oxamlne these prices and Indue ter yourselves On en Cylinder Wheel. Sills. r," x " t 4.V) en t tun mi I." X 0" M0 Ul 600 O) 7" x 10" WO no (Mi (at h" X 10" 7V Ml (H' 00 V X IS" 10.50 Ol IkVl l 10" X Hi" l.tV) t l'iftO (II) Capacity. 4 Herse ll llorse 8 Heme l'ewer. l'ewer. l'ewer. l'ewer. hi Heme Ii Herae l'ewer. vii llersii l'ewer. We man nine turn and keep In stock thu lel. lowing uoede, which are ulwuys en hand : l'ortuble Knulnesnn Wheels and Bills. Stationery KnKlnes.'itoUillerso l'ewer. Stationery Hellers. I'ortahle llellere. I'ortalile Saw Mills. Larueaii'l Small Heller Kited rumps i pump aud heaters cemhlmi! Steam 1'iiinp, Hark, Cerk and Cel) Mills. 1'ulleys, SliatttiiK and OearlnK. Heuse Cellar lleuters. Creameries lilted up. Steam HeatliiK a Specialty; Iren and lliiiss Casiliitrs. Iren Tanks inr Water and OIL LlKhtund Heavy Sheet Iren Wmk Steam and Water l'ipes. ilunceck Insnliatore. Valves and KltttiiKs. Andes & Sen's Separateia. llulld uny l'ewer or Htyle et Hellers. Kstl mates Ktven ler machinery, llepalrs prompt ly nndcaretully attended te. ttt'ALL WOItK QUAItANTKKD.t Jehn Best & Sen, (l'KOl'ltlKTOItB.) Ne. 333 Eiist Fnlten St., LANCASTKIt, l'A lanl.Vli'ilAw 1 I A VI NO DIMSOLVKI) 1'AItTMKItblllf XJL and netmanenllv closeil tlin (!lientniit cireeiiren tverus, I uosire te interin my old patrons and the puhlte uenerully, that 1 am still In the business, helnx locateil in the l'enn Iren Company's Works, North I'lum street, where 1 am uuiklnif Iren and llruss Ceatlnns et every (Imtrlptlnn, and will lie pleased te serve alt who may taver me with their patron patren patron eko. Krem 40 yours experience In the business and using the best material and employing the bust mecluinlcs, 1 am satlsned I can guar anion entlre sutlslactlen. CastliiKS male from a mixture et Iren and steel which are mero re liable for strenitth and durability than the best cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a siniclalty. Cast Inns made et very sett iron, and brass cast, lugs et overy description. 1 have all the pat ters ur the well and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, rent ted and Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely tltUid uperln parts, te roplace old ones which have been In usuier years, KiiaianUieliiK them te gtvesat. Htuctleu. anicll-i.iid K.C. MeCULLKY. . -. . ... . f . . . - 7 IUOI'VKKOM MUSK, HUT TAKK TUB lend and sell thu beat Se. Cigar In the city, IIAKTMAN'S YKLLOW KK0NT C10AB; STOIIU. . ritATRhrii'ltUVIttK. I AWOAHTKtl'ANII nilLtKlLSVlLLKil'M, X J Cars run ns lollews i.iiCv.,.,'n,"?!?,.er.1' ""ewtj.nt 7, 9 ntu itv.tVl:' 'I" u'.4. """'l m:M. in.', except en i .!Ii!lyli7.,.,en H1" ln''1 r"r 'eaves ntiKTOp. m nH; ?' l.'lu?I"lo.(lew,,r en")i ntB,.itnii l a. in., mid t, .1, ft nnd 7 p. in, Cars run iiuWe en ubove tlme except Huudav. CU,!V.Al',",',C,"Nf UOI.KIIIUIO" J VALLKY UAILItOAD T1MK-TA1II.E. setmiwAiin. . Trl,,.,!l .,nave Lebanon dally (except Bun dar) at fl:Sit a. in., li.2ft and 7:a p. in. Arilve nl Cornwall nt H.4I) iv. in..l2:S7p in. and MO p. m.t nt Conewago ut7:2ln.in. Ira and H:'.M p. in., connecting with thn I'enusy vanla lull Kind rorpelnts Kast aud WesU MOIITHWAHU. Trains leave Conewago at 7:30 a. m., SiSOana 8;rip in. Arrive nt Cornwall at R.ltl a. in., 4:1a nnd 0:11 p. m.; nt Lebanon nt H:.1i)n. in., t.l and (i; , in., connecting nt Lebanon with Philadelphia A Heading ml I read for points East and West, nnd the Lebanon A Tremont branch Inrdehnv town, I'lnegreve and TtomenL The l!::vi n. in. train will Btep only at Cern wall, Colebrook and llellnlre. COI.UMHIA A IIMIT llr.rO.1lT KAIL UOADT1MK TA1ILK. Truii'.A iiuu run rngiilarlven the celumuiu . foil Deposit Itallread en the following ttme i eeUTiiWAiiri. , HTATIONB. MOnTllWARD r.M r.M, 6.20 B.4J ...Celumhla..,, .WasliliiKten... 11W .... vunswejl .... . Sate Harber... .H honk's Kerry.. l'lHiuen .Yerk uniace.. ....Tuc'iiian McCnll's Kerry. ..Klte's Kd.ly... .KIhIiIiiu- Creek,. .1'iuich llottem.. . Cone-ltigo... 7.D6 T.U 7:17 7: "r.an 7:3 7iffl 7:17 7:0ft 7:57 7:1 7:M 8:06 8:13 8:31 ...Octeiam.... ,1'ert lloiieslt. . rorryvlUe... RK AOI.se.t: tOLtinuiA ii.k. AltllANUKMK.NTOKl'ASSKNUKUTItAl.Na MU.N'HAY, MAY llTll. IfiM. NOUTlTwAIHI. I-BAVB. I A.M. k.H. A.M. ie::w .... le 10:57 Usla lira) 11:-J4 11:27 11:: U:.v. ll:M U:N1 WK 710 13-Al 7:'I7 r.M. 1I: 7.37 l'J:ifl (l.-tm MM t:x a.m. r.M. H.'Jil R:.V) S(r BUM 8.0-j rai 7:ts 5:17 7:40 b:t 7:30 6tW 7:34 5 00 7:2S fiui 7:21 4:M 7:10 4:43 7.-08 4W fl:S7 4-.S0 0:41 4:11 euri 4 0ft 6:2) SM 3:41 A. M 7:30 V.0 tf.0 wuurryvtue Lnnavdcr, Klngut Lan ou ter ChlcklKH Mariutta Junction .Celumhla. AKKlVB. UeaUlnR 7:a 7:10 7: 7:M 7:30 it 45 seuriiWAiii). "AVH. A.M. M. r.M r.M. Knauinff 7fta l'MO 0:10 iiiEiva. Murluttn Junction '.i-.ll 7JJ N: SM 8:1.1 8SS 9.30 Chicklns e;iu oeiutnlita :ie '2:10 2.10 Lncaster 0:30 bS) 5 4J r.w Lancasier, KlnK at :4I Uuarrj'VUIe iihte Trains ceiuurt nt Itivutlnn wl h trains teand irem rniiaduiiuia, rottxvllle, I luntewn ami Vt w 1 erk, via lUrrlshurg, Al lleund Ilrcek uenuV) At celau-'-' . tin i-iina teand trem Yerk, dunrve.. i,i. -j n.-v, Krotertck and Haiti. mer- At Mnrlettiv J'.itutlen with trains te nnd irum Cldcktci. U.sI),. l.oave yuan ville, 701 a. m.j Lancaster, KlnStri't't, 5-Uii p. in. Arrivn Iti'iidlnir, i no n. m., 7-10 p. m. Li'iive Itt'iidtui;, s in a. in., 4 0.1 p. m. Arrlve LaiiciviliT. KlnitMn-et, 10e n. in., d:0J p. in ; gmiriyvlllu, 7:u1. A M. VVllJiON. Hunt. i :: r.M yi.va n i a kmluuad Ntnr I acllKUUI.K en nud atler MUNUA-NOVKMIlKU.18.U-tS. tratim en the I'muist I Vim. Hnllreiul win urrlve at and tiave the l.'.nc Jtt'i and rhl!adilnhladoietsivs tolleon.1 Levi At Lanl'ht Sl.l7JP A.M. LOU !t:'i7 l-M 8:10 3.-IO H-fif, M0 r. K. 12JC 2:12 A.M lOrM Mall Xipi-Urlt) , t'hlladtdpnta Ktpre KaAt Line HarrtshurK Ex),ris Verk Accommodation urrlvcs ... UincuLstnr Acmrr Hi. en arrival. Celtimul.i Acoe'ct.o Ien 11:45 t rvs'.nrlcJc A( Leck Haven miuihlullei arrives.. vpnvi t:lt r.M. 6:45 8-06 7r28 9:46 Sunday Mail Johnstown Kxpress Day Kxpruss II arris burs Accommeilallnn. su BUS 0 45 llanever Accommeilallnn vest, connecUnR at Lancuster Willi Nlarnra Kxpress at W:ti, will rnn tbrenh te Hanover dally, except Sunday. rroilerlck Accommodation, wcjt, connecting at Iinaistur with Kast Line, west, at UJb, will rnn threiu:h te Krolerlck WasTWAnr. il'hUlLan A.M. 4:30 4:30 7:00 "7:(0 A.M 6 0 0 31 933 9.60 9 63 r.M. 1: I'M 6.C3 1i30 7:40 U:lft 1:35 Hews Kiprcaa Way 1'ivaenger Mall Train, Ne. 1, via. Ml. Jey Mall Train, Ne. 3,viaColumblu,leiwos MieKHru Kxpress , , Hanover Accommodation leaves.... Kerft Linn Knelnrlck Aocemmoilaiion loavea. 11:10 ..... r.M. 2:14 "i'ic 6:40 9:10 1130 liarrlsliurg Accommodation Lancaster Accemmcvt: Men leaves Celuu bin AccemircxlaUvMi.. iturris.iurtr Kxiaees Western KxpitMs rucina express ........ llarrldhurg Express, wnirn leaves Lancaster at 7:10 p. m nan dtrect oeuncctlons (without cnanue or cars) u leiuuiuiu and verk. Kes u Line, west, en bunday. when rtnuiHl 3tonatl)ewntiitowii,Coutosvllto, 1'arkMt. ', Mount Jey, Kllr.itiethtewnand Mlddle. wlllste eurK, town Day Kxpreus, Knat Line, News Kxprejj, Mall Train, Ne. 1, Wostern Kxpress and ratine C.- PTchs run dal iv The tliuuhein ileii Is Ktttterti timc.ar that et the75ih meildliiu, ulilie Is 1 minute and ,t seconds tiutnr than th.it liereKilnrii used. I OU.M. Sllll .MIII.IIMIKHII'.M-I, HOURS KOltCLOHINU TDK MAILS. lly ltllrend Nkw n ebk tiibei:iii mail. 6:00 anil 7)n, in., IS:.ki p. in ,.5:(Mi p, in. and 'MK)a, in. Wav Mail, eimt, 1:M a. in Dowmketowk, l.i'iimau l'liiteand (lap, (i:1.5 p.' in. 1'niLAiiEt.i'iiiA Tinteimii MAiL,n:M uni! 7:lnn. iu., :llii. in., M:Sk), 6:10 and seu a. in. riTTSIIUIlU AND WKMT, 0 00 IU in., l"2ll Ullll 10:15 V. m HAitRiHntmii mail, n.oe and ttfiOa. in., h'H, fl:(), 7:1.5 und 10:43 p in. Wav mail, iwNt.ii: e ami oeoii. m. HALTiMenu ami Wasiiinhten, via I'hllude)' phlii.A:enp. in. Haltimeiik and iV HMMiTuN, n lii Yerk, 1:30 p. m. Haltimei'.k anii Wasiiinuteh, via HarrlsburK. 10:13 p. in. JIiiidin-Hani), Christiana, l'arkesburi;, CouteHVlllenuil Downliiirtewii ut 11:30 p. in. CeLUMHtAatUKiii. m. 1:30 uml fi oe p. in. Yeiik and Ynnx wav, I:.t0iind 10:13 p. in. NeirinmiN Cbntkal, !i:C0 u. m i:'je und 10:t3 p. in, ItKAUlMO, Via ItXAIItNIIAMnCOLVMUIAll.lt., 7.m ii n .....1 i.t.rn n ... l.w ,.. ,,, I., u ir. ill. n. i ItKAUlMO, via l'lifiiuliilphlii, 6.0 and 11:00 i ii in ilnn- ItKAUiNii way, via Junction men. LltltZ. M iiviiii, nusi iieinpneid and 1 Knhruta. 3:1.1 n. in. tJUAKiivviLLK. Cnrmiirne. N"ew l'rovtdence. Weat Willow, Marlinsvllle, Iteiten aud Llmu alley, 0:15 n. in. unit S ou i). in. Nnw Helland. Churchtown, Urcenbank, nine Hall, Uoedvllle, lleurtewn nnd Sprint; Urove, hy way nl DowulnKtewn, ul C:15p. in. and ll:W)p in. Saitb llAnaeu, via Columbia, tiOn. in. and 5:10 p, in. lly (linen Slackwater and Sate Harber, dally, nt 4:iO p. in. Te Mlllersvllle, Hand 11:30 n. ni and 4 p. in lllnklnv's llrldue, Lcateck, llaruvllle, New Helland. i:30 p. in. Willow Street, Smlthvllle, Iluck, Chcslnut Level, Ureen, l'elers' Cieelt, I'leusant Orevu, Iteclc SprlngH, Kalriiinuntand Itewlanilsvlllv, Md.,dally, at 7:00 n. in. Lunula' Vulley. Oiegnn, West Karl, Karm ersville, Notlavllle, lllnkletewii, Toire lllll, Martlnilale, dally, tit S.30 p. in. Uieanluud, tertlllty, Lampeter ami Wlieut land Mills teHlrasburtr, dully all p. in. New Dnuvllle, CeuustOKti, Mnrtluvllla, Cole, mnnvllle, Mount Nohe, Unwllnsvllle, lie. thesdaund I.lbeity bqtiure, dally, ul '.'-.op. lit . Ou Sunday ovenlng, mulls eii&t and went clns at le;)) p in. WllltN (ll'KN t'OJC DKLIVKHV, Aiilvluc nr aiuii KtLitern iimtl, 0.30 a. in. 10.00 ii, m., 3:00 and 0:30 n. in. Kusiurn way innn, lu.iuu. in Wujiern 7.00 t. in. mall, ii;k und 10:00 a. in., 2:00 and lteadliiK, Via n. m. heading und Columbia, 2:30 Western way mall, i:10a. m. Heading way mall. 10:30 a, tn, qmury villa llruiicii, S:l5u, m, and 1:00 p.m. Artlvlnc by Htaue-rrem Sale Harber nnd Slackwater. at U.oe a. in., dally, Krem Mlllersvllle, 7 and 0 a. in nnd 4 p. in, Krem Nuw Uellund, ut 9:30 a. in., ilallyi Krem Uoliindsvllle, Mil., at 4:00 p.m. Itcadln way mull, nt 1U:80 a. in., dally, Krem SiiasburK. ut 9:30 a. in., dully, f tout ItuwliiiHvlile, ut ll.C0a.in, 1 rein Tiine lllll, at le.Cu a. m. .SUNDAY 1'OSTOKFICK lUIUUS.) On Bnnday the postefflco is epen Irem April 1st te October 1st. trem B te 9 a. in., and trem 0 te 7 n. in. t Mem October 1st te April 1st, trem D tn le u. m,, una Irem U te 7 u, in. p.m. r.M. .... 230 .... 3:40 1:00 8:80 .... 3:Sfl .... 4:C4 1:10 340 3:X 6,60