rl," l' p- y --Jw-.J.'j.'-T .IJJ I dAPiAJ . L, mtfaara i r H i H ' xi m . .....i. . . .1, uff r' 7' s rf ' If H I H "" 'T Tflfl' fv n , ittJ t jl & jMlbMliril Ditfjnui.il '.s .. vg w ' ) tilt HjUMA. ?..H 4MlllMi,1 flirtlif u.l j- ' tt. J l-.fll ..ll.iii it t .., .d ,vliPi4, ry i yi (Ik Wf . l j jjguXtMI-3'l'iLJi'trs'- AVM rv. i "". I u 'lAw ar Ai nRHHBrU I W4lAAAi ii ' W HiWiWsr Sr 1 ''WJrW'ww''V3vvW,"''M'3WW w p I1 ..! rii...ti,niiii . nil) i.M -iiU Vnlumn XX-Ne 27!1. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1884. yinlit 3 '"..' ' .tftfff lp.'denii, '," WOltKH Or AHT. . III1UAUS, H. Fine French Clocks and Bronzes, MU8IC II0XK8, OIL PAINTINGS, OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS, At Reduced Prices. Te make room for Fnll Stoek new belnir oelootod by Mr. Rhenda In the Europerui mnrketn, Vvlelt will repny purobneora. H. Z. R.HOADS, I.ANUASTKIl,.ltily 1,1881 Ne. 4, West King Street. mnyid-lyil V IIEFUIU V.HATOltn, WKTIM OKI.KIIKAir.U KKMUOnllATOIiH. (IllKAT UKDUCTION IN I'ltlUKS OK JEWETT'S REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS -AND- FILTERS. Philadelphia Lawn Mowera, Oydraut Hobe, Hummoeka, Perry & Oe.'a Oil Btovea -Wonreoirtlng these goods nt Kxccedlngly Lew 1'rlccH te Itcduce Our Sleck. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce., Nes. 26 Jel-lnul & 28 West King Street, Lancaster. iur uueDtt. N KXT 1MMIK TO mi; HlliItT IMIUMf. WHITE GOODS. WHITE OOODd. white aoens. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GO'ODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE 0001)3 WHITE GOODS. HB'Xr DOOR TOTHB COURT HOU8B. FAHNESTOCK. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURTHOUSE Wl MWfc MADK White Goods ler I.ADIKS DltKSSKS ft Hpeclslty tliU season. nudhivn llitmi tn (Miintltlt et eviuy known mnke We huvu been buying tliuin In LARGE LOTS, H'lilcli enables in le tx.ll tliuin lit LK8S THAN ItKMULAIt THICKS. WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuso. Lancaster, Fa. a a it m i.i, ,re. s MiiKK-n u.iitri.r iiai.u BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS ! -at- SHIRK'S CAB PET HALL. Seiling OfT te CIose JluBincsH. Everything Must Positively be Sold. A Kull Line or HOIlY IIHUSSKLS, TAI'KSTIIY, uml All tirades of INHltAlN OAIU'KTB, ItUUH, HLANKKT OOVKIILKTS and OIL CLOTH. tSTALl, ATA SAVRWIORrGA - I'romptuttuiiUen gtiun te tlui Manufacture el ling Cnrpets te erder. AT MIS I) IV A I.. H or ri.AHTKit. SHARP PAINS. Crick, flprntn. Wreuchcs, Uhettmntlftin, Neuralgia, Sclntlcn, I'leurlsy 1'ulns, Stitch In the Hlilu, llncknehu, Swollen Joint, Henri Dis ease, Sern Muscles, I'uln In the Chest, unit all iialnti niul nchns rlthur local ordtep-sontod lira nstanlly relieved mill speedily ctirtxl by tlin woll-knewii J lop J'lmter, Coinpeunilixl, uh It In, el thu uimllelnat vliltiiui ei Ircsli llepn, (J limn, llnlnntna nnit Kxtractn. It Ih lmlecMl the belt rntlnkllllnu, nllin ulntlitK, ROetlilliK nml gtrnnKtlicnlnK l'or l'er l'or eua l'liifltnr ever inailn. Hep J'laitert urn nelit by nil ilrtiKKlst ftl country aterm. " cente or flve ler f l.oe. Mullnil en rocelpt el prlee. Hen Platter C., Troiirletorunnil Mun- iifactururM. llosten, lluss, HOP PLASTER. 4ir CeiiIimI teiiKiin, bml brcetli, Renr Nlotn Nletn ncliuml liver illneiiHii cmuil by lluwluy'it Mtotn Mtetn Mtotn Heliunil l.lvurl'llls 'JActa. nev.fl--liKlw('i) j'Ayjtu HAnumun, ae. T"( MOT UK nNNIIVMI WITH Flies, Bug3, Mo3quiteea. etc, 1IUT HKN1) 118 YOUIt UltDKIlS KOIt -ANI- DOOR SCREENS. We liavn nil sIzeh of rmmcH rwuty unit till vrliltliel Wlre mid Lunilacii)e, le Mil enluiN nreuiplly mid Klve you onuer tlin licit. Sricenx In tlioumrneU NKIV rA'ITKU.VHOK Wall Paper & Dade Shades JUST Ol'KNKI), PHARES W. FRY, 57 NOIH If QUKKN' ST., I.ANUASThU. t'A 4-Htore cIehch ut C p tn . except hiitiintiiy. TUII.iVCO ASI CHI AMI,. (J" r.W PLUG TOBACCO! Tlin intention et Cliuwern el Kine 'lob icce la culluil te tliU Cliolce llrunil. It Ih In IIIkIi Knver Willi lliejn who lue tilt-il It .SUI.D A r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -in H. L. Stehmaa & Ce., NO. 116 iSORTH QUtEN ST. umrtl-lvil I. NCAHTi:U, l'A T1H W Alt E, XV. SHIRKS CABiPLT HALL OOR. W. KINO AI.D WATER BTd.. ItilCt 2mi1rtW J LANCASTER, PA .1. II. MAIC1IM & l'l. Carpet and If all Paper Department. fiO TO JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 21 Seuth Queen Street, -reic THK- We huve Jilbt nnUliril uklnt; Itircnteiy In lliusu ilcpiirtmnnts, nml will new Imve our ri'Knlnr filimrlnx miln, te innke rmnn let our lull ileck. Te de tills wnellur llurKnlnx In tim WAI.I. l'AI'K.it M.t'AUTUKNT that hnve nover licmi 'uii1UmI. During iIiUhiiIi) Wull I'uuur will bn nelil ON TIIK WAI.I. with no uilillttennl cliurKi) for IIANG1NO, aCltAl'INll, MlN(J,n'.ci. II jeu can't r.ill en ui, ilrepn etril, nml we will 8unil Bain pica. inn ioiiewiiik pricui win kivii you mi iiiui ei in i pricui m wniuu inn pitpum wii uu buiii, in anil are ni low nml lenrr for l.uncustur In our employ 1 nuiiura (ineliiillni! linnulnu. nte i iw euuiih mil tliunmiuni nlenu ler. We Imve tliu lmi;t ateclc le bbIiti riem nml the bi-Bt pnper ImimiMHln theclly el CHEAPEST and BEST REFRIGERATORS. WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers, a A ItDKXJiOJCS AND OIL OLOTJI. J0EJ9 P. SOHAUI, NIAGARA FALLS, l'l.AMI TO OTir.lZK ITS AVATKU I'llWKK A l'innt el nr.,000,000,000 Iiequireil te I'nt Inte KfTectlve Ue Im 7,000,000 IloriC'l'ewtr. ClilengoJeurn.il of Cotnrnerco. Mr. llenjnmln Ukoileo, nt n iceunt meet let? of the American nsoelatia of elvil onclncers, (lieounseH as follewn the i;rc.iter utilization or XHingnrn : U.ynaiule olcetrioityis uhch nuusinnuaiiy for the clcotrie llfilit, but thin has beoemo a nreat Industry. It Ih the objeot el thin paiicr te hIiew what haH becn iloue and what mav be uone toward tue utilization of NlaRara for olcetrloal imriwcii. The pewer of Niagara can be bct estimated very npproslmateiy. 'i no nvorage new e: the river aoeonhuK te the many oareftil moanuremontH Is B7C,000 cnbte feet jisr oecond. The full In the rlver through the laplde Immediately nbove the fall iHHlxty iHHlxty llve frot.The helght of the fnlli is 101 fect, maklriR n total of 2.10 feet ; thim we have for the whele power 7,000,000 horne. Eower. Te ntllize this amount of power y water-wheels, Rujiciate electrical ourrentH and tranamit te various cities within 000 mltcH would nccosnitate a plant reprcnuntlDB at h-Mt .'5,000,000,000. r3uch lliircH iin these Rlve Heme Idea of the onermoup amount of power hore In re Bcrve. A Btnall proportion of the power of Niagara in already utilized, and a much larger amount can he dovelepcd nt tnodor tnedor tnoder ato uext. On the (Canada mle the ontire tiMO la roprrHented by a Email overnliot whcel under hIx feet bend, whleh has for many veara nropellcd u solid piston alncle acting pump, furnishing a meaner nupply of water te the adjoining village On the American eide, along the rapids en Geat island and the mainland, tlicre are flve HepurMe raceways using from four te six teen ect head, and doveiopiug in nil suu te 1,000 herse power, most of which is new in actual use. If the project for the ap propriation of lands for a state reservation at Ningara is carried out, nil thesa raciM will ceme within the llxtd bounds of tha park, and will, of course, be odious in the ejih or tue commissienprs nmi no swept away. The greatest power new in uru at N ag ara, howevcr, lies outeido the proposed statu park. It is the Ilydraulie e.iu.tl, ai.d was constructed about lS.Vi. It is out through solid lock across the perilebular, en which the village of Niagara Falls is built, taking the water from the extreme head of the rapids ami discharging below the falln, giving opportunity te use the ontire head of "iiO loot. The eaual is nearly ene mile long, arid was pl.uiued 100 feet wide and teu feet deep. It has hceu excavated but boveuty feet, and half the distauue is but thirty llve feet wide. It is i nt present partially (Hied with debris, being at certain points no rueru than llve i ftel in deptli. At the lewei end is a basin ueary at right angles with the euial, which rnny be extended as needed along the river frentage belonging te the Ilydraulie I'ewer company. The caual lay Idle for a quarter of a cputury, and it remained for an onterprishig nltizeu of llufTale, Mr. J. V. Bchoellkopf, pesseiiHtd of large capital and zeal, te open this great power. At the time of bis pureliat'O m 1873 there was only ene water whoel en the canal. Thure Is new a large and increasing mun her of buildings for manufacturing purpo ses distributed along the high bank of the river, using an agglogate of nearly, or quite, .",000 hoise power. The wheels in tlicse buildings nre tot under heads of from SO te 100 feit, and discharge the tail-water evor the side of the prccipioe, thu various streams falling ever 100 feet te the river balew. Some of these wheels (lowers or gifts, if desired, en the o.ita e.ita o.ita falmie,. evor whleh will be a coverlng or pall, whleh will hlde the oeflln from view of the audlonce. Then the body will be lowered Inte the furnace, and bofero the tervlccs are evor the body will ba half consumed. Thore eau be no complaint that it in a nulsanoe, for the neighborhood of the Lutheran cometory and the out. skirts of Vllllameburgh are lugubrious nlready." " Won't the chance of qnlekly and completely setting rid of ft victim tend te Incrcase murders by poison ?" "Ne. Unless a roputable physician given a death cortlfleato the body will net be received. " " What will be the oharge ?" " Net evor $25 or $U0 for oaeh inolnora inelnora inolnera tlon. The ociatleii will be evor In an hour. Ne Damn touches the body. The temporature of the furnace will be 3,000 Fahrcnlielt. Het air destroys the body innlde of an hour, leavlng n rcsidue of pure whlte afllies welghlug about four per cent, of the body. These the friends may take away with them. The orcmatery will be In operntion bofero wlnter." IIKI'NKKNNKHS ANOJIIVOUUK Ititeieittng HtHtlntln Tlirewlnc Llfiht en liupertnnt Hnclnl Onttllenii. Attempts have been made te ascertaiu the effect of drunkenness upon dtvorce, pauperism, sickness, insanity, death, suicide, and crime ingnneral, as well as its lufluonce in producing hereditary deterio ration of health and character. Heme of the results arrived at are remarkable, but, with regard te ethers, it must ba said that they nre te n considerable, dogreo een jectural, and scarcely warrant any goneral deductions, nivorce is grained in lien mirk when oltber husband or wife can establish a charge of habitual drunkenness against the ether, and It appears that the number of cases In which marriage Ih dis solved en that account has Increased In ten years by about oncfeurth. In 1871 the total number of divorces was 32."5, of whleh 70 were en ncceunt of drunkenness ; in 1830 the total was U83, nnd the number roferrcd te drunkenness 101. The popula tion had in the ten years increased by 10 per cent; it appears, therefore, that nearly the whele Incrcase In the nggrcgnte of matrimonial separations is te be attributed te excess ive drinking. The total number of marrlazes in Denmark Is about 1 1,000 a year and of these ene in 150 is disaolved through drunkenness en the ene side oreu the ether. In the vast majority of the cases it is en the side of the husband. In the years 1870 80 the husband was In fault In 17(5 easos, and the wife In only 29. With regard te the clToet of the drinking habits of the Danish poeplo ou pauperism it can not be said that the figures prcsented are such as we should expect. 1 he Wanes are for the most part a prosperous, though net a rich poeplo, and it Is olearly os es tabllshed that pauperism hasdoellncd side bv s de with the attenlsuinrr moreaso men- ttnned in the number of publie heuses nnd a large luorear.o in the quantity of spirit spirit neus liquors consumed. It Is net easy te dctcrmine in any country the relatien be. tween adruukeuncsH and crime, Se far, howeve r, as cau be gathered from the bentcnecs te penal servitude, the number of serious erlmcs oemmittodin Denmark would seem te ba little less than occur in England, with a population thirteeu times as great It may probably be assumed that in a country like Denmark the pre portion of trudotccted crime te the total committed is very much less than in Eng land; but, making all allowance popslble en this account, the balance against the Danes as compared with the English must still be a heavy ene. According te the statistics, which must be taken for what they may be worth, drunkenness has te HATH AXD VAVB. Ty II. HTADFFEK. JUUN blUKS- THE PEOPLE'S HAT STORE W.D.STAUFFER&C0. (Successors te the original ShulU IJre.) Great Line of Straw Hats 1 We nre soiling straw Hats belew cost, an no UoeiM will be carried evor the pronent sfliujen. Heys nml (Jhliilrun's lluu nt HOTTOSI .'ItlUhS. Kull Hue for Yeuhk Men t'enrl Herbys, nml I'cnrl, Mnplnnml lashtCasslinore lints. Alie, KnexHIlk lints. SHULTZ'S OLD STAND, 31 & 33 Netth Queen Btroet. inylO-ly ir KOAINM. JiJii- VLUXUfJiU, .1. !... X lit , ml 1 it. I'jtl , If I r.1111 ,i C HriU t I.mt .. 1 SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE. We btlll hnve ninny unbroken lets or Stiaw nml l.tnlit Colored Stltl Hats which we hnve reduced ns lollews 75c lints ter Heys, WhUe nml Mixed.. ..te ISc, $1 iHntiil tl.M Mua's Stnvw lints te (Kc. 'i.DOJIneldnnwH tel.:5 :iim MncklnnwH te aue .'INiMncklnnws te 2.R0 J.W nnd UMU'eiirlHtlir Hats te S.S6 Tlic.'e koeiIs must ke bofeiotheondol this season, nnd tlinse prices will neil tliain. 4-Our stere will bu cloied ut six o'clock until further notlce. 144 lerth Queen St,, I.ANUAHTKIl,.l,A. uiar27-lvd&w VLOTItlXU. I.ITTI.K are of large size when the head is con- J e with ;n per cent, el Borleus crime and sidercd, several being c.uiable of glviug r9 I'er ceut. of petty crime in Denmaik. 1,100 te 1,500 horte power." The last two Of the total number of 80,807 porsonsar personsar porsensar jears have seen great improvements in the rested by thu polieo in the nine yearn 1801 makieg aud setting or wheeli;, and the M. WH were ttkeu ur. for being drunk, working of all the mills is new regular anil ' add 15,101 nirasted for ether offenses wcre continuous ' drunk when the polieo laid hands en them. Further d.noleinneiiln of tKiwer at Niair 1 he propeuderanco r.l male druuitatus ar 24 Seuth Itibfl-lVd Queen Streot, I.AN(,AHTKU. aia may be maiie ar. Utile cxronse. The lljdraulie canal can be dee oned and wide ened, nnd wheels may be bet under greater head.", the total amount thus made available hciu being equal te the iiccch sittes of many years. Large powers may al-e be developed at Geat Island and Prospect Park in case the State P.uk plan is net cllectcd ; m either placa 10,000, 25,000 or even 50,000 herse power being easily available. It may halely bn said that the use of Niagara has juat begun. I.jw water is unknown ; troubles from leu are slight ; hours of use are n t limited te eight or ten, but twenty. four hours in thu day and U05 days in the yi ar, aud unlimited power is ready, making this the tneit tellable, as it is the grandest, water power m the world. Tllr. NKW VOIIK UllM MOlik l'A Brown Blank Papore 13e. Whlte ;.... l5e. Plat ' lOe. Geld " 28e. Finest EraboeaocI Qelda 42e. Ke OharffO for Hnng iner, Sarnping, Slz lnpr, ote. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King unci Frince Streets. Lancaster, Fa. J'MUVMIUNH. Bf.HT OOOIIH. i.OVKHV J'ltlUI'.M. (lUAllll-lS.nUKK AND V1NK. (ioed rumlly Fleur, (iJc.i llellur ut 77c.; llest (Innned lleuf. ilhs. sua.; Celcinnu's MiihIiikI, lie,; Khi8tlc.tturcli,Uc.; lluxt l.niu) (Sluich, r.e.s Mntulies, 0e. nml tie. n dozen. J nut niculveil, a betes et that Ites.i l.uumlry Heiui, lliriin nlueudlOC, fiilil-fvdteil 'IMYLUK' KANCVl'I.OIllt. (ilvelt ntrt.il unit he convinced thnt It U as hu clntins, thu 1IKST IN TIIK WOIM.U. It was uwMnlud the hlKhest mednl at the Ceiittmnlal Kxiosltlen, (Jluclunutl Kxhlhltleu uml Ohie Stute Kulr, Thu (lenulne Tayler's Fancy Fleur Uebitls ntM con Li pur -" round Huck. rOlt SAI.U 11 V AI.l, I.KADINU Ul'.OUKUS. fLVMlllNU ANli UAH SITTINU, OIIN I.. AUNOLI), J PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Siibplies, Patent Celd Oaae Heatere. IWFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nea. 11, 13. 16 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. M, P. BTKltiUinVALT Si SONS, Sole AuenU ter I.unciuittir. u7-lm V unmiA. Cern Remover. The most oirectlvo prepnrntlen ler thu lo le lo rnevnl of Conn), lluntena, Watts, etc., evur plnced beteru thu public. Wnmuited te uradlcnte completely unl wliiilu a short tlme the most obdurute coma, hard or soft, without patn. 1TIB ArOSmVMOURK. SOLD AT TEOHTOLD'S DRUG STORE, tu 101 WKSTOUAJQKBTUKKT, corner el Ub&rlette, di-u-i HAVI'-ltrOltll (Jill. 1. 1. UK, l'A,, e aill.KB from I'lillmluliihlii, en the I'ennu. H U 'l HUM AH UIIAHE, I.I.. !., I'rushlenU Under cam of Membera el Hecluty el t'rlemls, but open toethers Clmmlculumitfclentlrla council. ThoreiiKh Ins ruction, nuiplu equlpineni. I'ructlee in Autreuniulcal Observatory, Uliem. I en I libornterv nnd MiiehlnuHhep. Complete tlyinimsliim. Library 1 l.oee voluuies. Ikuu lllul i.TeiiiuItt l huullhfiil locution tn the conn cenn fy Nuxt hnlf yenr beirlns 9th month (Sep. li'iubiir) 1711), mU Aildrcss i'uer, 1SAAU HU vlirl.KbH, lieau, Ilnverierd Coiieiru l'.O,, IM lelSMWASSOt HVir.niNU MATKltlAI lll.MOVAU UAVINU KKMOVKDMY PLANING MILL TO- Nes. UKe 417 N. Mulberry St., And lnercuseit my fnollltles ler wnrlr, I am new prupured te de nil klndaet work In my Ine utaliortest notice. uie.3.n.i sjjm Wehlsen. w UllKIWuair.N OANMAVKMOMI5X I1Y CALLING AT UKCIiaOLO'S, AmUee Jiut whiil kind of roeiIh they med Working I'MiiD, Ovi-iullH, Hhirw. Unilerwenr llealniy, Iluta, cellam, ilamlkurcliluts, tim pendem nml notion i;uueraliy. I niuke u Mpeclnltyet ihoiibevc goeilu, nml buy mostly hour nmiiiilucturiirii, uml Hnve a prellt, uml my motto Ih. ' (julck rtaltm and Hmuit l'rellt." 1'lenae call nnd uxutntiiu Imfore jeu buy. HhMtV IIKOIUOLl), Ne. 11 North Ouiuiu Htrret. (Blgn el the lllu Stecklmr.) IMyd l'lnna ler tlin Kiirnmn In Willi li llin I'ulnr.i Mew Yerknr Will On Ort.niilnl New Yerk llniec. A plot of land hiui heen ptuchaRed in Newtewn, I. 1 , by the Uuitul atntetr Ciomrttery eemp.iuy, aiid rrenml is t ha broken for n oreimitory in tibeut, two mouths. The itecretniy or thoHeelott, K A. Caswell, nays el it : "The dircoteifi of the company nre te meet ouee n week until ene of the many rilnns presented by nrohltcetM in adopted. Then the work will re rifiht en. The building will lmvoarieh elhet without nny protentlouu ornamentu The chimney will he in the fhape of an eIicIih!:. Much delay la canned by llfltenini te the wlflien of Heme of the dircoters rc(;ardin th alto el the crematory. Thce dirccteiH theupht it euRht te be en Mai'hatt.m Island, in order that it mie,ht be within easy reach of overy ene In tlie city. They were anxious tee, for a stylish cdillce. In both cniiHldeiatlena they wero linully overruled for the follewimr reaseus : "The orcmatery at Nowtewu will hoop heop hoep tiosito te the Lutheran eoinetcrv. and en very hlRh ground, overleokini: New Yerk city en ene nide nnd Shoepakend hay ou the ether. It em be easily roachert ir m the Beventh street, the Twenty third street nnd the Ninety third street ferries. The crematory will be ninety minutes from Madisen tquare. It is about equidistant from either end of New Yerk eity. The prlce of the laud was less than it would be iu New Yerk, and hence mero meney was left font bulldini;. The lat.d cost between 43.000 and $3,000. Or thoeapital stock of 3,000 thore lua been 11.000 taken. The bulldiuir v,e ex pect will cost from $12,000 te $15,000, and u orcmatery furnaoe sifter the p.ittern of ihitatQetha, Uermany, ene el the best we knew of. and in which huiidrU of badleu have been burned, will oest W.000. We have a oempleto descrliitimi uf the Getha orcmatery, nnd aroReinir te Impreve ou It, we hepe. The general plau for the bulldini; will Inolude ruc'ilt"t) rooms, and n chanel or hall, with a cnafj!uue at the rcraote end of the room, ami n pulpit or reading desk bavend the catafalque and near the wall. Nelther the b ty nor the cellln will be Boen after It is placed In the catafalque, unleaa it is desired by theso m chaige or the last rites. Of oeiueo there v.111 be different arrauKemeutu ut the itiQerals, accerdlnK te the wishes of theso interested, Probably the usual way will be te plnoe the body with the cellln and rcated evor female Is very marked 1 he numbers iu the period under notleo woie 01,0ia and 2,5:17 respectively. The amount el disease and death whleh should be ie. fcrred te druukenncnu can only be stated vajjuely for want of the neccessary data. In Copenhagen there has been a remark able decrcase iu the deaths from dellrlum tremens nnd chronie alcoholism, oIeiik with a ereat ruultinllcatieu of imblie houses and aninnenteil consumntieu of spirits. On the ether hand, there is n very oonsidor eonsidor oensidor ablo ieth crewth of lunaey, and the in creas in suioide is described na "very marked." In Copenbagon 0J persens aemmittcd self destruction in 170, Tliu 18S1, and 78 in 1832. Siinluc AVI Id Ontn. Hew innnv nmn thulr tlme uml lii0lices In loellsh iixpeilmimts, with nnsty worlliless nii'dleliiLU thnt e.m nuvnr dothem uwhltel ke l. It jeu urn Hlek uml waul hulp kk' n iu putulilit luinnily otiHtiiblNhiMliniirlL'lliiH-ura-llve lituiM el Iturileck Jlloeil ISUtert hnve nevi r liciu ijueiilleiieil. rer uu eiileihlul clr clr riilittleu i r ii ui-ult Hteinuch they ! re dpi. mild. rr kuIe by II. II. (Jeclir.in, duiKKHt, 1.17 nnd I I.l'i North (Jiicnn HtrreU Price List: Thu following aroHOine ei the LOTHISU 1IAUUAINH new ;oliit;eii nt 1, GAflSMN 4 BRO.'S. UKNb' ALL WOOL SUITS AT $0.5". LAIU1K110YH' ALL WOOL SUITS AT tl.50. bMALL HOYS' ALL-WOOL SUITS AT $1.00. And vurleus otter unities In ouch iftujie et blzec. BARGAINS IN GOODS IN THE PIECE. WK MAKK TO OIIOKUA Serge Suit at $10.00. t'l.NKCASS. i'sUlTINOS AT tl2OO,$l5O0,$lS.UO AND iJ.W. A VEAHTUV BARGAINS. Neckties and Half Hese At EKISMAN'S, Ne. 17 Weat Klnsc Streot. Gauze Undershirts, In Sixes from 31 te CO Inches. -AT- . EBISMAN'S. jyjYKiw m itATiirun. Thin Clothing. Ill KxCOllent Aaaertuintit. Inr tlila nnrl. nt wenther, for MEN'S, HOY'J nnd CIIII.. DHKN'S WKAIi. In nil the PLAIN AND MOST KASIIIONAIILK PAllltlUB. In loeklni; nreund for Sutnmer retulDlle, roineml)er thnt ihe beat asaertmant In ULOTIIINU Is nlwnys te be scen hore, nnd that prtcee nry aufllcluntly vnrled te meet with lnvornmeiur all cln?eet buyers, as well ns theso whom fortune lias less favored. We Invite cnlls, thnt we mavboaflenlcd a clmnce te show lust wlmt we hnve. Tbe mnke, style nnd uunllty of ear CLOTHING Ib lully up te the highest standard, nnd 's marked nt figures that often mnke buyers or theso who only oeino te soe. ff CompnrUen ceurteil, traileBOllclted. ) I.KAIUNU LANOASTKIt OLOTIIIKltS, NO. 1S3 RAST KINO STREET. LANOASTKIt. PA. jlKKOllANT TAII.OIUmT. . S'ltecml Ter Liuliei?. I hAveJnst received n line of the K1NK8T IMl'OltTKU I'ONUKKSln thoinnrket, which will be sold per ploce, containing twenty nrds,nt$IOt the xntne (tnalltyet goods nre selling In I'hlliilelphU at 112 ami $11. Njieeiiil Ter Goutlemon. .ItiHt rf.colved. A Sl'LKNUIO ASHOltT- MKNT OK WOOI.KN (lOOl)S, sultnble ter tlin lint weather, which will bu mtllle up atnur irUluly low tlguresnml surHirler workmno werkmno workmne shlp, with trliniulnfr te cei respond with the coeum lietli In iiunlltv and bh'liie I'KllKKi;!' VlTUUAltANrKKOOltNOSAI.K. Ulvome u trial nnd 1m convinced. D. R. WINTERS, NO. 23 K. QUKKN STREET, LANOASTKIt. l'A. MYERS wmM Theso run. are tent 1'irgilns uml don't miss Ev KivYllODY VAN1H T1IKM. WUAXt The Nobby Picnic Suits MADK II Y LGansman&Bre. The KASIIIONAIILK MKItCllANTTAII.OUS AND CLOrillKIL-i, Ne. C6-U8 NORTH QDEKN STRBBT, Kltjlit en tlin HiiiiIIiwiiji Ceiner et Oninge. LANI.ASTKII, PA. r Net coiHieeii'.l wtlli any etlmr lilelhliiM Heuse in the cltv. VAHl'KTn. E .TAlll.lHHKII IHne. Burger & Sutten, Merchant Tailors nml Clothiers, e 24 Centre Square, SIANDAKD (10ODS OK KVKIIY DHHCHll' TlON, IIK8T IN Tlli-MAUKKT. Ureal Clearing Sale ! TO MAKKItOOM KOIl TIIK KALI, TKADK. Astounding Reduction IN I'KlOKS. CARPETS -AT- liiiclcleu'ri A nil (i ttnlve. ll.n ileal Halve In the 'world ter Cuts, r.i ul ni Miu-i's, Ulcern, Hnlt Ulieum, Kevor K iii-k, Teltur, Ithupped llundH, Ullllblnlns, I eriiH.aml nil akin uniptlenn, and pnslllvely i nicb I'Um, ii, no iay t ou ut r.'.l. It I s gunr uiiUmuI tO;lve perlect ntlsluctten or money mliimttul. l'rlec, inntx iir tmr. Korsnle by II. II leelii-Aii.ilriiKglHt, KITiind l.fi North (jui't'ii ntieid, Lmiciistni. A lleiiiarliuble Kieave, il id. Mary A. Dnlhiy, of Tiinkhnuiiecl;, I'a. was ullllutud ler nix yenrs with Asthma uml IliuruhUtH, during which tlme the host physi cians (euld glve no iu1l.it Hit lite wai ite Hiniticd et, until In last October Hhe procured u llottle el l)r, Kum'd New Discovery. li' n liniiHMlliitnii.llet wan felt, and by continuing Us tue ler ii ulinrt tlmu Hhe wus completely iiiiiiil, g ttulnu In tlcHhOU Bi Inn tew menlliH. F roe '1 rial HoltleHot this (tutnln euro et all Threit nnd Lung DNeimcHut II II. (Jechiun'd Di-iii; Stere, Niu. 137 ami lUNeith Queen Ntmet Lunciister, l'u. Lutge llettle 1.U) (I) 1 Wish r.vorybedy te Knew. Hev. ileori;e II. Thayer, uu old ctltxun et Hits vicinity known te evury ene us u meid Initiinntlal citizen nnd chilstlan uilubtorel thu M. K. church, Just this moment uteppud In our Htore te say. '' I wish overybody te knew tint 1 cendhlur that both uiyaelt and wlfu ewo our Una te Shlleh's Consumption Cum." It Id having n tremendous mue ever our counters and Is giving purlect satisfaction In all caitns et Lung I)Uoaes, finch u.s neIhliiK 'Uu liua done. DllH. MATCHKTT KUANCK. lloumieN. Irul.. Mny IB, '7S. Sold by II. H. Cochran, daugglst, Nes. 137 unit !,!' North UniKjiihtriKit, Luncuauir telilleiwU A llitpllst fllluUtur's Hxpcrlniicn. ' 1 um a llnpllst Minister, unit huleru I ever t'leught el being n clergymun, 1 giuduutcd In iiicillLlnu, butletta litciatlve ptuctlcu ler my litesuul protieslen, 40 yems uge, 1 wus ler tunny jeursaHUtlurer fteui iiuliisyi "I'icihkii' Jicleitrie OU cured me." I wus also tumbled wlthlioiirgencHU, nnd Thema$' JCeleetrle Offt.l wuysrulluved mu. My wlle nnd child hud dlphtherlu, nnd 'lhemm'. Kclectrla UU eiired them," uml II taken In tlmu It will ctireHuven out el tun. I um cniillihtut It Is a euro for thu most ehstlnatu cold or cough, uml ir nny ene will tnUe a Hinull teaspoon uml hall nil It with 0(1, and Ihuu pluce the end or the spoon In ene uedlrll uml draw thu Off out of thoHpeou Inte the hend, by snllllug us hnrd us they can, until tliu OU f.dls ever Inte thu threat, ami iirnctlcu It twice u week, I don't cuie hew etluimlvu thulr head tuny bn.lt will clean It out uml cute their entarrli. Fer dcnlncss uml ouruche It h.u dnne wemlvrs te my ceitnln knowledge. It Is the only uicdlclnu dubbed paluiu imsiiciuu iiiat i uuvu ever run iiku rec rec eintnendlng, nml 1 mil very nnxletts te sce It In every place, ter I tell you thnt I would net Im It limit It In mj heittui ter any coutildeiif lien. 1 um new.mhuurlng with a pulullke ihettmntlsm In ley ilghtllmh, and nothing te- llevea mu line jnevnif t.ciccirie uu. Dr. K. K. (JltANK, (Jerry, rer ouie iy ii. i. lioem umllS'J North (lueenalrcet. Philip Selium, Sen & Ge's 150 SOUTII WATER 8TIIEET, LANOASTKIt, l'A. We have n lull supply et IIAU AND KILL. 1NU (JAUPKTS. Wu only u-e the best of yarns. II you wnut a geed, aorrlcenble Cnrput, pluusu ceme uml examine our stock bofero piirehaalng olhewheio, ai will sell us clump ad the cheapest. (Jetmi nml hce toryenrsolf nml Im convinced, us weul wins hnve the reptitu reptitu tteu et making Hrst-ulns Onrpuu. CllH'IOM IIAUOAKI'KIS ASI'KCIALTY UOVKIILICTH. COUNTKIll'ANKS, ULAN- KKTH, CAIll'KT CHAIN, STOCK. INO 1AI(N,AC, Dyeing Dene In all Its brunches nt short no tlce. COAL I COAL I Ol thu best iiunllty, ezpreasly ter family use. THY ABAMl'LKTON. IttSMKMllKltTlIK OLD STAND. PHILIP SCHUM, SON & CO'S. Ne. 150 SOUTH WATKIl STI'.KKT, WJiml LANOASTKIt, l'A. Burger &Sutten 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANOASTKIt, l't. IMyd UA1IK OUArtOK. Great Reduction -IN -AT- FINE CLOTHES B IIUUUH AM 11 UTAl'lUnHUi LANK HOOKS AND HTA HUMtftlY. JOM BAEU'S SONS, 16 and 17 North Queen St , Blank Beeks & Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, W1UT1NU rLUIDS AND INKS, H. GEEHAET'S, Ne. 6 East King Street. In order te luduce u heavy stock I will make up te order, ter tlie reiimluileret the season, all LIUII I-WKIUIIT WOOLKNS at a Ml(!ti Of 20 te 25 gM This bin mlucllen Is l'OU UAS1I ONLY, and will ennble the buyer te get a 11 no mt of Clethes, made up In the best ttyle, almost, as lewusarttuiy nifOobhepSult., H. GERHART. AT TBI i'a. rsiiM rxy rnrTTt rrrJJr by It. It. Ooel.mn, MuiBB.st, 1J7 N It IN UT Ht BUUi.. VOlt HAMS two I.AIiUK WALMT BliMIll uiiub tnm lersuiui may boeenlulhutoruroqn ir..,iu.nnitHibvJJr.S.B. Jstnvon.e. it, iJArifi ouuen Btreetl inustbp. ronievii.l wkje. ""V " T If I.KITH--I T Annly te i7-ltd; 4 It IW.IV ij j ubv r Omee -Ne. 137 Kmt ICIug St, G NKtilNK Ol.ll HTIIUIl r - f,i,..V,. 11 lertf 11 lit" UaVe Yfcl.LOW riUNTClUVU t,ONKtrIOUC It lerrui. at aTOun. V'J W rl .4 . s ( V -i 'M .J ' i ; i i - ' f K -W