Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 15, 1884, Image 2

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, i
EancMtcr intellCgeiinr,
A Ridiculous Secretary.
It la net often that Secretary of the
Navy Chandler gets n chance te defend
hlBMdf from his numerous public be
cemts, because generally it is apparent
te' him th&tsllence is his best policy. He
prang up with remarkable eagerness,
h)wevfr, te repel tne accusation or gev.
Hendricks that he had been derelict In
the matter of the peculations in the ofllce
of the chief of the medical bureau. He
thought he had a splendid chance te turn
Gov. Hendricks', accusation against the
Democracy, because he said that Surgeon
General Wales was as much of a Demo
crat as a Bepubllcan, and was moreover
receMafended for reappointment by
prominent Democratic senaters and rep
resenUtlvcs. Gov. Hendricks, however
replies te Secretary Chandler and proba
bly has satisfled him that it would still
have bem his better policy te have ltept
silent. He Is reminded that Surgeon
General Wales was responsible for the
frauds only In that they were committed
by pincers under him ; which Is
Just the same sort of responsi
bility, that attaclied te Secretary
Chandler for them, and as the secre
tary takes credit te himself for net re
appointing Surgeon General Wales, the
sitne lojrle would make it proper te
secure a new head of the navy depart
ment: which is Juat the point Governer
Hendricks was making when he referred
te the peculations in the department
under the control of its present chief.
Gov. Hendricks new says te Secretary
Chandler that It is net the fact, us he
claims, that the offences in the surgeon
general's office were discovered by his
vlgilauee. On the contrary, he cites the
testimony, te show that the secretary
was informed of what was going en a
year before it was brought te light by
Detect! ve Weed, and that he made no
attempt te investigate It. All this
appears in the secretary's own testimony
save the fact that he did net cause the
discovery of the peculation ; which
appears by the statement of Detective
Weed, who did the work. Secretary
Chandler, in trying te pe3 In the atti
tude of an honest man and a vigilant
official, makes such an unnntural effort
that the resulting position is simply
ridiculous. He is known all the land
ever te be as corrupt as men can be, and
the idea that he would have been willing
te catch aud expose these medical bureau
thieves can only be sustained upon tie
ballet that tuetr stealings were we smau i
te make them worthy of his attention 1
and participation. I
Pest the Heeks
Nothing but a miracle can new save
the Republican party, and a miraculous
intervention en behalf of that party is
hardly probable. An examination of the
arithmetic of the campaign reveals the
hopelessness of the Republican struggle.
The Democracy Btart in the race with
1 17 of the necessary 201 electoral votes
from the following states : Alabama,
Arkansas, Delaware, Flerida, Georgia,
Kentucky, .Louisiana, Maryland, Mis
sour), Mississippi, Xerth Carolina, Sunt hi
Carolina, .Tennessee, Texas and Vr
glnla. This estimate emits West Vlr
giuia, whose six votes have always been
assured te the Democracy when no dis
turblng influences clouded the lcsues
between the two parties.
Counting, hewever, but 117 certain
Democratic votes, there Is need of fit
mere te make a majority of the electoral
college Of these New Yerk will certain
ly contribute 80. Grever Cleveland, the
head of the Democratic national ticket,
carried the state In 1SS2 by Hij,S5l, and
in the year following the average Deme
emtie majority was 10 665. The
mighty disaffection in the Repub
lican ranks in New Yerk make
assurance doubly sure in this re
gard. New Jersey's nine votes may,
without risk, be added te the Democratic
column. In the presidential election of
1880 New Jersey gave a Democratic ma
jority of 2,010 ; in 1882 It gave 2.100;
and in 1883 the Democratic majority
was 0,809. There remain 0 votes te
.make up the ueceasary balance te insure
' the election of a Democratic president.
One of the combinations te till out the
requisite number would be California
and Nevada, with 8 and 3 votes re
spectively, both of which states voted
for Hancock lu 1880. Again, Indiana'
15 votes are reasonably certain te be
given le ithe Democratic electors with
her favorite son as the vlce presidential
candidate. All of these estimates take
no account of West Virginia, concern
ing 'the doubtfulness of which state,
Republicans nre prating much. The
well-informed regard it as safe as ever te
tbe Democracy, and its 0 votes, with
California's 8 or Nevnda's 3, would make
up the Democratic deficiency.
Then among the possibilities are Ohie
with her 23 votes, Wisconsin with 11
and Massachusetts with her 11 votes,
and Pennsylvania will net be abandoned
without a struggle. The outlook Indeed
could net be brighter. The vote of the
Southern states ndded te theso of New
Yerk aud New Jersey make 1U8 elee
teral votes, and the Democracy have
California, Nevada, Indiana, Ohie,
Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Mussuchu
setts te leek te or the remaining 3
votes. It Is no wonder that fur seeing
Republicans are fust reaching the con
clusion, that the hour of the party'H
downfall Is near at hand.
Hendricks te t'haniller.
Mr. William E, Chandler will dis
caver that Mr. Themas A. Hendricks is
a dangerous man te feel with. In the
campaign of 1880, Mr. Hendricks made
a Bpeech, iu which he charged that the
Bepubllcan candldate for president had
aat in the electoral cqmtulsslen In Judg
ment upon' evidence which he himself
had helped te prepare as n " visiting
Biaiesman " in xiemsiana. jur. uarueld
rushed .te the 'front, us impetuously us
Mr. Chandler has come, with a denial
of tfiocharge. -Mr. nendrlcks, returning
te It, actually flayed1- his antagonist nnd
proved indisputably that he had spoken
the truth as fully sustained by the
Mr. Hendricki declared in the national
conventlon nntl In bicccIi te Ills
neighbors the ether evening, thnt in the
department of which Chhmller is the
head, $03,000 had been lately Bhewn te
have been stolen en n fraudulent
voucher, and he urged that In cases like
this, when frauds nre concocted in the
vaults or In the books of the department,
the only remedy of the people is a clmuge
of the control, se that the books and
vouchers shall ceme under thoexamina
tlen of new and disinterested men.
Chandler attempted te answer by de
claring that part of the frauds were
committed under his predecessor, and
that the head of the bureau in which
they were committed was appointed en
Democratic recommendations In part.
Mr. Hendricks very neatly answers that
it does net help the case te show that
frauds extended ever n longer period
without detection ; the essential nutter
Is that they were net discovered by the
naval department, or, it found out, the
guilty were net punished and removed,
lias Mr. Chandler or any ether gentle
man any mere questions te ask of the
Democratic candldate for vice president 'f
His address is Indianapolis, Indiana;
and will se remain until next fourth of
Cmsvkianu's vetoes, a tliey are better
understood, onhance his reputation as a
Tiik Rpublicaus are reprlutlug what
Ooergo William Curtis said of Blaine in
1871. It is mere important te oeus'dor
what he thinks of him new.
Tint possibilities of endurance in bone
llesb nre shown by the recent fett of au
equiue in Springfield, Mass., that was
driven twenty miles in 77 minutes ami 35
seconds. Fer a brute, lacking In the human
quality of determination, the peiformance
is an exceptional one.
Antheny Comstock hat avid, in oppe
sltieti te rausle en Sunday in the publie
patks, " I think that we can't improve en
the Almighty's plans fix a Sabbath."
Whereupon he Is reminded that no way
has yet been oentrlved " te step the Sun
day singieg of the birds.'
The alleged Independents of thin state
are out in au address in which they
apilegiza for their support of Ulaine by
deelaring that they defeated Heaver in
order te pave the way for Ulalce's nomi
nation. This announcement will be a red
pepper poultlee te the feelings of the
Regular Republicans.
the nrave jaucr, ui vhcubuuiv, ,,.,
who died at hi pest in discharge of his
duty, was a hore and a martyr. His noble
1 atttmDt te withstand tbe attaek of law
lessnesa and tne violence ei a wicacu moo, I
deserves the highest commendation. Ken
tucky justloe will never be vindicated uutil
the villians who shot him down are caught
and hanged. Tbey are werse than ths
wretch whom they lyuched.
HhAiNT. wan an ardent supporter of the
Knew Nothing movement. His paperand
his party in Maine were in full sympathy
with it. Heuce it is net strange that in Duf.
faJe tome of his friends, ashamed te avow
tbelr convictions by plain daylight, have
organized themselves into a kind of dark
lantern Kuew Nothing ledge, with grips
and passwords and secret rncetings, and
call thomselres the Consistory of Piurued
If 1 oeulil pim tn BWlltly as u llteuKlit
Tlu Iuikuu) that lie bulwi-uu m two le-
lilnut ;
Ami ceutu UuhUIe you In tlie lump'" clear
As weury wtlu tlie work the hours Imve
evi rent btHlilit tbe hearth! It I eeit'il stnnil
Anil lean en the tirea't eltiew et your etmlr,
Anil pans my nitKers through tliu clusturln
Auil Uke Inte my own tlie tired hand,
Anil whisper very settly In,
soma phrase te u, ami te us only known ;
Anil taku uiy plucn aj It It vrure my own
Torevur weulil you blil me wolcemii, ilcarl
All the Year Iteunil.
Tun Kxnmintr last oveulug published
a story that Qoe Cassidy, a spertlug man
iu Ualtlmcrj had meney te bat en Ulaine.
Caesidy explains the Kiatnintr will ploaeo
take notice that although he had author
ity te bet this mouey seme days age he
has it net new. He says : "It was scut
te me bjr parties iu New Yerk with orders
te bet It Against Cleveland. I arranged
te place it, but the very next day oame a
telegram telling me net te bet a cent of it.
It is evident that Cleveland stock has goue
up in tbe opinion of the persons who were
ee ready at tlrst te baek Blaine."
Tnu Philadelphia Timtt meets aud
answers, lu a most corapleto article which
Is printed olsewhere, the objections made
te Claveland by certain alleged labor and
religious olemeuts. The Ivntt puts the
whele case in a conclse, forcible and truth
ful way, aud it needs no further argument.
Meantime it should be romembored that
Democrats will net assume the defensive
for their candidate in this 'campaign. He
and his record uoed no apology, The Re
publicans would like te divert attention
from their tattooed man. The Democrats
should net let thorn shift position, but
oempel them te maintain the defouse.
" Attaek " is the word te pass down tlie
Demoemtlo line.
Tiik most lamuiis aud tll'eotlve
illustrated Hepubllcan newspaper.Ziirxr'
Wttkly, fellows the example of the New
Yerk Htralil and geos Inte the campaign
in earnest, with the name or Grever Clove
land for president at the head of its
columns and at the head of its advertUo advertUe advertUo
meuts, As the friend and advocate " of
all measures that tsnd te the purification
of politics," it says, it has sympathized
with and supported the Republican party
as the organized political Oxpunent of the
principles lu which it believed ; but It has
never surrendered into party keeping the
right of private Judgoieut." Relieving
that the uomiuatieu of Ulaine was a grave
polttleal mistake and that his oleotlou
would oudunzer the lullueuce of llepubll
ean prlnelples, while the oleotlou of Urover
Cleveland, who has ovlnced "the oxeou exeou oxeeu
tlvo qualities of a sagaoleus, unpartlsau
statesman," would promote the objeots for
whleh earnest and uselllsb Itopublleans
have contendod, It pledgts nn earnest
aud cordial sappeit te the Domeoratlo
0nililM Heimlich Meliorates III Obarrfe
ui Criminal NrgMCMM Atlnn the
lleutt el Din ray Department.
Ex-Governer Hendricks has written the
following In response te the lotter of
Secretary Obaudler, published lit the
associated press papers Monday morning :
Indian wems, July 11, 1834.
Hen. W. E. Ciianulkii :
Silt : 1 Hud iu the nowspapera this
morning a letter te me from yeurself writ writ
teu yesterday and circulated through the
associated preas. Yeu oeuiplain that I
did you lujuatloe in an address te the
peeple of this city made the evening be
fore. In that address I urged that "we
uoed te have the books in the government
offieooponcd for examination " ami as an
Illustration 1 cited the oase of a fraudulent
voucher in oue of the bureaus of your do de do
partmeut aud stated that upon your test!
ineny before a sub committee of the Souate
It appeared that the frauds ameuuted te
$03,000 aud is net every word of that
true ? Yeu were brought befere the
committee aud testified as I stated.
Yeu admitted, under oath, that the
sura of mouey lest ameuuted te 0J -000,
but your defense was that the em
bezzlemeut did net wholly occur under
your administration, but that a part of it
was uuder that of your predecessor. It
seems te have oevcred the period from
Juue, 1SS0, down te January 25, ISSi
Dees that help your case '.' Yeu were at
the head of the deputtueut a year aud
nlue mouths of that period aud your pre
decessor about oue year and teu mouths. He
was inotli:e At the payment of the tlrst
false voucher en January -1, 13S0, and up
te April 17, 183.', when you came In, and
you ceu'tuued thence uutil the last fatso
voucher was paid, January 25, 1834 Tne
period was almost equally divided between
yourself aud your predecessor. Hew
much of the 503,000 was paid out uuder
yourelf.aml hew much uuder your pre
decesser your letter does net show ; but,
sir, upon the question that I was discuss
ing, does it make any dlffercnce who was
secretary when the false vouchers were
paid .' I urge that in eases like this, when
frauds are conceotod in tbe vaults or iu
the books of tbe department, the only
remedy of the peeple is a ouange of the
control, se that the books and vouchers
shall ceme under the examination of new
and disinterested raen."
The letter gees en te point out that the
secretary was notified of these frauds last
year aud yet took no aotien and left the
accused men in office until Government
Doteetivo Weed brought the frauds te
light and they were published through the
associated pros. The excuse that Dr.
Wales' reappointment was urged by mem
bera of Congress, Mr. Hendricks says, is
no excuse.
"Members of Congress knew nothing of
the frauds, they had no opportunity te
knew. It was within your reaeh and duty.
They wero probably bis personal friends :
you were Ms oineiai superior. uut,in raci,
did you reappoint him '.' I understand net.
Perhaps the detective discovered the
frauds tee seen. But Dr. Wales was net
ene of tbe time guilty parties. He neither
forged the vouchers nor embezzled the
mouey. tils responsibility in tne oue is
just the same as your own. lie was the
official superior of the three rogues, as
you were of hinuelf, as of them. Neither
no nor yourself exposed the frauds, or
punished the parties. I have net thought
of or considered this as a case of poll Ian.
Addressing my neighbors I said that this
aud like cases admonish them te demand
civil service reform In the removal of all
from ofllce who will net scek te promote it
withiu the sphere of their official duty and
I.N Uhl'r..Nl SCUTS OUUANl.l.NU.
llellef That Ilir Will IICHNIIr Kndore
Die Trlaeil at 1 balr Cuuiiug aiectluc
A mcetiui: of the Independent Iteuub-
llcan general oemmitteo was held Monday
afternoon at the new headquarters, Ne. 35
Nassau street, New Yerk. Carl Sehurz
presided. The following call was adopted
unanimously :
The undersigned cemmittee invite nil
Republican and independent voters who
disapprove of the nominations made by
i he Republican national convention at
Chicago as unworthy of support, who
think that tbe interests of geed govern
ment nnd of public morals demand the
defeat of the Republican candidates for
president and vlce president, and who are
therefore resolved net te vete for Ulaine
atd Legan, te meet for conferenco, either
iu person or by delegation, for the purpose
of determining upon a common ceurse of
action in the pending canvass. The oeu
forence will be held at 11 a. m., en the
22J of July, 1884, iu the city of New
Yerk, at tbe University dub theatre,
Madisen avenue and Twenty-sixth street.
Oentlemeu desiring te take part are
respectfully requested te report their
names te 8. W. Grierson, sccretary, In
depaudent Republican committee, at Ne.
oe Nassau strcet.
Signed by Geerge William Curtis,
chairman, and S. W. Grlorsen, secretary
of the New Yerk Independent Republican
cemmittee j Charles R. Codman, president
and Darwin K. Ware, chairman of the
Cemmittee of One Hundred, Bosten,
Mass.; Blmoen K. UulJwiu, president aud
Talcott II. Russell, secretary of the Com Cem Cem
mitteo of Twonty-Uve, New Haven, Cenu.;
J. M. Larned, ehairman, and Ralph Stlne,
secretary of the Independent Republican
cemmittee, Huilale N. Y.
The details and arrangoraents for the,
conference will be in charge of the execu
tive cemmittee of New Yerk.
While thore was no official action taken
en Cleveland's nomination theso present
unauimeusly expressed the sentiment that
the nomination should be indorsed as being
an uxceucui oue. u is nicely mat such
nation will be taken at tbe conlerenoe.
Seme surprisn was exprCBscd at the fact
that, whlle Mr. Carl Sehurz's opposition
te Ulaine and Legan is outspekeu and well
known, the Wettlithe J)it, of St. Leuis, of
which he is a large shareholder, and whose
polltleal opiuieus were suppesed te refleat
hit own, should have ceme out strongly
for the Republican nominees. Mr. Schurz
did net wish te rnake any statement for
publication about the matter,but intimated
that the ceurse pursued by the Western
journal was without his knowledge or
IuiirrKUtttcii Wih tlie Virus el a uUmemJ.
Ilniueil liHilleaiiBke,
James Rellly. the showman, of IvvIe'b
prk, High Uriilge, N.
by a diamond backed
i ., who was bitten
rattloHiiake Sunday
afternoon, is still nlive but in a very
preoaiieus condition. Rellly 1h a man of
powerful constitution. He has been swal
lowing continuous doses of strong whisky
almost from the tlme he was bitten, but
with no apparent relief. Were the poison
net in his system the amount of whhiky he
has taken would be certain death. His
right arm is terribly swollen nnd the flesh
quite black. The baud of the wounded
man Is puffed toanenorraoiiBslzo. Whisky
is also bypoderuilcally Injeeted, ospeeially
n the neighborhood of the weuud, whleh
Is betweeu the thumb and feieflnger of the
rint uanti,
Rellly Is asnako-ehannor by profusion,
nnd has been noeustomed te the handling
of reptiles without any fear, uuder u
thorough knowledge of thelr habits. He
did net often attempt any familiarity with
rattlesuakes, and was remarkably cour
teous with the threo dlamoml-baekod
specimens he possessed. Heme men In the
crowd yesterday Insinuated that his snakes
wero mulled oue, or uls old aud without
In a spirit of bravado Rellly took ene
out of the eme, and, with a firm grip en
Its nook, convinced tbe spoetators that the
reptlle was living nnd daugoreus. Some.
hew the grip of his hand loosened, aud,
befere he could recover his grasp, the
fangs of the sorpent had done their work.
With great pluck and presence of mlntl he
carried the snake back te the glass oase,
ami then calmly drank glaw after glass or
whisky uutil the hospital ambul.iucn nr
rived witii. k miiMi ills nur.
A llrnve Jailer Mil'i Wtille iietemllus i
I'rmuntr rrein .iteti.
A spoelal from 0uubm, Ky. says:
At 1;30 Monday mernlug au armed mob
attacked the county j ill, killed Jailer W.
J. Lueat, broke open the doers of the cell
room and took out Richard May, a utigre,
and hauged him te a tree iu the emul
botue yard, Between Rlxty and soveuty
men surrounded the jail aud demanded
the prisoner, who a few days before, bad
at'ompted te outrage a daughter of Sid
Kelly, a prominent farmer.
Toe j iller called te his wife te have his
pistols iu readineasaud refused te open the
doers of the jail. The mob then began
tlriugnud the Mriug wns returned by the
jailer aud his seu I'uetint, aged sixteen
years. They llred sixteen shot, the mob
tiring as many as one hundred. Jailer
Lucas tired from the perch ami his son
from the front windows. Twe of the
mob are reported te have been kilted, but
they were quickly cirried off. After tlriug
six shots Irem tbe perch thojulerwas
shot, the ball enteriug hi right breast
near the nipple. He was carried te his
room, still refusiug te gire up the keys.
His wife took up a pistol aud tired te repel
the mob; but they crowded up stairs aud
oempolled her te give up the cell keys.
The outer deer was broken down with a
sledge hammer. Tbe mob thou took May
Irem his cell aud hanged him. The jail
was badly riddled with bullets The
jailer cirried n lantern in his baud aud
atfenled a geed target for the mob.
After haugiug their vieiiui the lynohers
deptrted, leaviug several masks about tlie
jail. It is stated that a number of nogrees
wero iu the mob aud that a portion of
them came from Indiana, opposite Osveus
bere, where the father of the girl ouce
lived. May was the third negre hanged
by n mob lu the oeurt house yard mid the
fourth victim of the sallews iu the ceuuty.
The action of the nub is universally con
detuned and great indignation exists
among the citizens of Osrouabero. Jailer
Lucas was given prompt attontieu, but he
died at 7 o'clock iu the morning.
Mir with auluh iiDAitn.
SiDkluc or the Schooner lUOerab It. Illvtrtr.
ul Cape Slay.
The three roasted schooner reported
sunk oil Sea Isle City , N. J., ha beeu ills
covered te be the schooner Deberah U
Divertv, Capuiu Francis Williams, of
Cape May, N. J , wbteu sailed from Rich
mond, Va., en Juue 17 for Albany, N. Y.
It is supposed ibatshe went down in the
gale of June 27, with all en beard, uoth ueth
iug whatever having been heard of the
crew sluce leaviug Riohmeud. Fer some
time a submarine diver had bcen awaiting
an opportunity te go dewu and find the
name and bailing place of the sunken
eraft. After considerable trouble tbe
name of the vessel and ber eaptaiu were
discovered aud reported te the latter's
brother and friends in Cape May and
The vessel was chartered by Captain
Williams in Richmond te lead gas coal for
the Albany gas cempauy, and had a full
carowhenshe left Richmond. Captain
Williams had en beard bis wife aud child,
as well as the steward's wife, aud carried
a crew of six men. One of tbe cresr, sup
posed te be a sailor, rerualub lashed fast te
the steering gear, and is reported te have
preseutcd a torrible -sight when tlrst seen,
with eyes and mouth wide open ami
standing lu an upright position, as if giv
ing orders iu the every day life ou beard
tbe vessel.
Dm Ceiivera has been reinstated
presldent of Panama.
Ciias. E. Gast, Ef q , of Pueble, Cel., is
in Lancaster visiting irlends and relatives
at his old home
Pnixcnis Beatiiicr, is ngain sufleriug
from rheumatism and will go te Amster
dam for treatment.
Mns. IlAnniET Lne Joiihste.n Anally
removed from Wheatland te-day te her
home lu Ualtimore.
Mn. Taft, who was rcceutly transferred
from the American mission at Vienna te
St. Petersburg, has started for his new
Rev. Dn E. N. Petteii, who recently
accAntnil thn nreAiilpnnvnf TTnlinrt .nllAt.n
has written a letter declining tbe bishopric
UL ItOUttlSJItt.
JOHN XI. RnOOUAI.T. Ill n rl.lnf online
-- ., H ! "H a "Mf
lawyer, of Delaware county, and a son of
ex .llllltrn Jehn M. Ilrnnmnll nl Melin
died at that plaoe en Saturday.
GEKEitAi.8iiEniD:( basbeen designated
bv the nrpniilent te apt na .iil.rv nf ,
in Secretary Lincoln's absoneo, the latter
l,i.nln ..,. n T..n V..-1- ' .
htuK ),ws w iiun ium ter a lew uays.
nev. Itennnr IInrettY T.v-rr i-rnw cn nr
the late Lord Lytleten, was married Men.
day at Londen te Miss Edith Santley,
daughter of Charles Santley, the cele-
urateu oarueno Binger.
Hi!Tr.r:ii en Iliillnr ; 'i f mmn m
ilgure in the history of this country, The
soheolboys of the fnture will knew of
Butler when the names of seme of the
presidents will be lest even te history."
LliWIH M. IltTTIIEtlPniin nt Mns Vn.l
has been appointed the fourth delegate te
me juierunueuai iueriuian anu rime
Standard Congress, te be held in Washing
ton, beginning en the 1st of next Ooteber.
Oef.. Levi Biiid Dcpp, of Allegheny,
will vete for Cleveland. He said that both
the platform and the candidate satisfied
blm, and thought that eventually all the
local Independent Republicans would fel
low him te the Domecraoy.
Mn. P. Yane, the editor and owner of
the ItotcMiMtnbeun, a Japancse news news nows
paper, is being lionized in Parisian literary
salons. He proposes te speud six months
in Europe, and upon his return te his own
country will publish his Impressions.
Mn. Gye, who will have the manogo manego manoge
meut of the New Yerk Metropolitan epera
heuse next season, Is te rocelvo 000
woekly. Madame Albaul Is te rocelvo 300
nightly. Mr. Oye has ougaged Mesdamea
Purseh.Madl andTretnulll, and Isnegetiat.
ing te sectire Madame Nllssen.
Mns. II. M. Tayleii died Monday morn
ing at her rcsldenoe, in Rldgely, Md.
Twenty llve years uge she wan known nil
evor the peninsula as an earnest and
intelligent Jeoturer and newspaper writer
lu favor of the abolition of slavery. Hhe
was a leading spirit among the Quakers.
Queen Victeiiia has nothing real or
even dlgnifled In her manner and walk,
Hhe wears very large shoes and drmes in
deep mourning, with a widow's cap. Bhe
hasnogiaeoof Ilgure or outline, nnd her
whele nppoaraneo gees te disprove the
theory that patrlelan birth is evidenced In
lertlble AeciManl ti4 Iren Worker,
Monday morning whlle '.tuharlah Tay.
ler, aged IB years, was putting a red In a
reel at the Cambria Iren work, Johnstown,
thn red het red wai accidentally thrown
out evor his head and drawn tightly
around his unck, alinent decapitating him
and literally roasting his nook nnd
shoulders. Themas O'Neill, another
workman, uprang te Tayler's assistance
and with Ills hare hands untwisted the
red. Tayler's Injuries will prore fatal,
O'Neill was also badly burned,
A .Munlermii Atittilt liertur ltebrtiM', nl
Mrretr Uonetr, Amititrtl In
Richard A. Robertsou, a practicing
physician of Oievuvllle, Mereer county,
and inventor of tin nriangenient te Improve
the line of iml protect ra'head tracks, was
in Ne Yerk en business last week.
Whlle In the effice of F. W. l)a Vel, paint
iiiautifaotiiretH, corner of Fulton and
Rltoker streets, he was miceHnd by au In.
dividual who wan represented te be K. 11.
Curtis, agent of agricultural implements
itnl real estate. Ne ngioemeut was made
aud the two septrated. ()a Thursday the
doctor nualn met Curtis, nnd they bcoauie
quite friendly. A trip te Ceuey Island wai
premised and made, aud upon theietiirn te
New Yerk city the men started for Jersey
City. Here the doctor acquainted Curtis
with the fact that he had been settling
seme pstAteit iu the interest of his (the
doctor's) sister, down east. Frem this,
Curtis ovldetitly concluded that hit com
panion ha 1 a large sum of meney upon his
person and concocted the villainous scheme
which he carried out.
Thursday night the men left Jcrf ey City
together, mid wheu the train arrived nt
Lancaster, the alleged Curtis proposed
that they should get elT, remarkitig that
the town was a quaint old oue ami very
interesting The doctor declined the
preposition saying he bad a friend In liar
risburg whom he desired te visit. Curtis
then, as the doctor supposed, get elT the
train at Lancaster, and wheu Dr. Robertsen
reached llarrisburg that night he stepped
at tbe United States hotel. Friday during
the day and nlgbt,be remained atMr. Nash's
residence, and Siturdayhe went back te
the hotel where he met Curtis again. The
latter induced the doctor te visit Mechau
ieibur. I'hey went thore aud after Cur
t is, who apparently was acquainted with
the locality, had shown the doctor around,
the latter oame baek te this city, his com
panion remaiuiug (as the doctor thought).
The next mernlug (Sunday) when the
doctor arese almost the (Irs; person he
met was Curtis.
A stroll was prope.vd and he left the L
S. hotel at U o'clock, Suuday morning, no
cempauled by Curtis, who appeared te be
extremely well educated, ami his dress and
appcarauce were very at;reeable. At the
tleslre of hiscompauieuthodootorconseut
cd te take n by street from the hotel.
This wish upeu tbe part of the stranger
suggests the Idea that he did net want
te be seen In the doctor's cetnpauy
iu a maiu street, in order that
subsequent events might uet ba preven
against him by having been observed in
cempauy with the ttoetor. As the men
walked leisurely nteug they met, some semo some
whero near the outskirts of town, nn in
dividual dressed iu dark clothe, wearing
a slouch hat aud carrying a paper package
which preved afterwards te be two small
bottles of beer. Curtis introduced the
doctor te this man " Sanders " as tbe
farmer's friend, and luvited him along,
and when tbe trio reached Schuddemage's
planing mill, aljng tbe river, near Dela
ware avenue, the party sat down along the
shere, and Sanders unwrapping tbe pack
age presented the beer. He and Curtis
drank ene bettle empty, and proffered tbe
ether te the doctor, who after much re
luctance and protestation partook of a
small portion of it. They thou resumed
their walk, when Docter Robertsou began
te feel dizzy and his eye became dim. He
proposed te return home, as he said be
could go no further and remarked :
"There's something the matter with that
beer. I never could drink beer unless it
was very oeld, aud then but little el It. I
don't feel like walking any further."
The mwu said nothing, and the doctor,
who was a short distance ahead -net mero
than a step or two turned his face toward
the river te catch the cool breeze. Just as
he was en the point of turning round ene
of the men stelo oleso up te him with the
stealthlncss u a cat, without uttering n
word. Uofero Docter Robsrsteu could
Imagine anything the click of a trigger
of a pistol, and simultaneously
came the report of the weapon
and a 33 calibre ball crushed iute the
doctor's baek between the shoulders just
bebind tbe heart. Tbe vlllian had shot te
kill, and his mark was net very wide elf.
The doctor says he then either foil or tbe
man threw him ever the bank He has an
indistinct remembrance of fcellng seme
ene rellinc him ever. When he becarae
conscious the sun was btating down en
him with terrible intensity. He orawled
along the shore for some distance, but
being unable te L'e far he fell again and re
mained nnconseious uutil llve or six o'clock.
Then be mauaged te gain the top of tbe
bank, but bis parched lips would uet
permit him te utter a word abeve his
breath. At length after untold sutTenng he
dragged himself te State stroet, where hn
met a negre, who escorted blm, at his re
quest te tbe home of Mr. Nash, at 1,002
Third street. When the horrified family
had get tbe wounded man te bed, it was
discovered that the murderous thieveshad
taken from him tl.OOO in notes and $030
in geld. They took everything from his
pockets, even his keys, and cut from his
sloeves the geld cuff buttons whleh he
wero, ana soeurca also a very valuabU
geld wateh. The only articles they left
were a ring whleh he worn and a geld
cellar button.
AHoelatlun or Kx-PrUener el the War,
Last ovening the association of ex-Union
prisoners, met in the hall of Pest -105, U.
A. It., aud thore was a large attendance,
A permanent organization. was alToetod by
tun eioctien el tlie roiiewing oiucers :
President M. If. Stark.
Vice President Dr. J. A. E. Rccd.
Secretary A. F. Shenek.
Treasurer Jeseph It. Reycr.
Ex. Committee, M. N.Btark, Cel. David
Miles, A. F. Shenek, 11. It. Urencman and
Jehn Woldel.
After organizing the association ad
journed te meet en tbe first Monday evon even
ing of next month,
Oxienl Trentiiea ey nurslars
Wm. Kcster, Elk township Chester
county, has had a horse, buggy andjhar andjhar
neis stelen. A quantity of goods .wero
taken from Montilllen Brown's rcsldenoe
in thu same township. Jehn Pitt's house.
New Londen township, wns ontered nnd
goods stelen. At Jas. M. Fullerton's
drug store in thn same township, the
burglars wero frightened away by an
nlarm. Sunday night Wm. West's team
was stelen from the most publie strett lu
Trie remale Herse Tlilet.
Wheu Saleme WUman, or Uuek, the
details of whose arrest for horte stealing
were glveii yesterday, found she was under
arrest, she trled te out her threat with a
pair of scissors. She In reputed as being a
bad character, aud much of the petty
thieving earrled ou In the vicinity of Cedar
Lane, It is beheved, will new rocelvo Its
I'uties Uaiee,
On complaint of Mrs'. Henry Reiner,
Jehn Llndeman was arrested and taken
befere Alderman Perdney, who held blm
te ball te answer en Thursday next, for
assault aud battery nnd surety of tie
riemrct el the 1'ollce,
In the window of Myers & Rathfeu's
clothing ntore oxeollont plotures of the
mombers of the city polleo force eau be
Hoeti. The oops have en their aummer
soils, and prosent a line uppoaraueo. The
plotures are the work of Hubley.
1 tie lrenrlilr glint Otu in M limit jleu.
Fer thn tlrst tlme this srnseu the Iren,
sides rccsived a whitewash yesterday, wheu
they .played the Wilmington at the latter's
home. G-Alugtu the crippled condition
of the Iieutlilrs, but ten players were with
the team in Wilmington On nuoeutir. of
Injuries itcelvt'd lu Riohmeud, Det by re
iiialnrtl in this city, and Greene U nt home
In Phlladelphln.Oldllfld mid Pyle wnrn the
battery against the Wilm tigteti in Friday's
mid Sttnrdny'K game, nntl they weie net
put In yrsterda,' , Foreman pituhed the
whole game auriidhay, nu ntuntetir of this
city, was )iut behind the bat, in the begin
ning It was seen found that he could uet
calch for Foreman, nnd thu home team
sit eecded lu seOrlug Hewitt runi, most of
which worn ttinile en passed balls. In
the second lulling Donnld wiih put behind
the bat, ami but four runs wero made
during the leinalniler of the gnme. The
Ironsides did but littla batting, mid Wcre
unnble te get a man home. The noero by
innings war:
IS.1IMU. l i s i a e : s u
WllinliiKleit 7 11
Ireimlitud I) 0
1 1 1 1 A 0 II..U
U 0 U 0 O II 11.. I)
Ilni liltJi-Wllinlnnteii, ui Ireiuliltn, s
Errer MlltnliiKtun, S treimlilea, a.
The Itensidcs will have te face Neleu,
Wilmington's great pltcher.thls afternoon,
nnd Ctistck will support him.
OMUPa Kltawbare,
Philadelphia : New Yerk U, Philadelphia
2 , Cmeluuatl lil, Keystone 8 ; Somerset 24,
llartville 10 ; Providence : Provldeuoo I),
lloiten 0; Cleveland : llufl'ule UI, Clsvelaud
5 ; Detroit : Chicago 0, Detroit 8 ; Leuis,
vllle : Louisville 0, Allegheny 0; Indian
apolis : Indianapolis 1, Metropolitan 0 ;
Columbus : Washington 5, Columbus 18 ;
Washington : National Tiilim , Chicago
Union 2 ; Bosteu : Resteu t'nlen 12, St.
Leu's Union 10; Ualtimore: Ualtimore
I'uleu 15, Kansas City 2 ; Trenten :
Trenten 0, Alleutewu8 ; Newark :l)euiest!e
12, Aotlve 11.
III. U. I). A. fit.
Annual Hmlen nt Male Hmuicll In I'millng
The twenty fifth annual urssien of tbe
State Council Junier Order of American
Mechanics commences in Reading te day,
aud will coutinue te morrow.
The following named delegates from the
councils in this city left for Readiug this
morning at 8 o'clock,
Coneitega cetiucli Ne. 22 Edw, S.
Smeltz, G. U. Urewu.
Empire council Ne. 120 Harry C.
Biggs, Frederick Rey.
A utimber of pant officers and ether
members of the elder accempaulcd the
delegates te Readlng, including J. L.
White, A. O. Sturgi. Jehn W. Leenard,
v . A .uciiiiun anu J. r. v inower.
Graut Wbotmeyer and 11. M Eusmiu
gcr are In attcudauue from Manbcim
council, Ne. ill!
The organizitieu has 100 councils nnd
10,000 membf rs Iu this state. Reusing
teu oeuuoil, Ne. e, Philadelphia, Is the
banner ledge, havtug evor 400 members.
Tbe objeets of the order are te maintain
and promote the iutorei'U of Americans,
nnd sbleld thntii from thn depressing of
foots of feieigit competition ; te assist
Americans in obtaining ompleymout ; te
encournge Americans in business ; te os
tabllsh a sick nnd ftiueral fund ; te main
tain the publie school system of the
United States and te prevent sectarian
Interference therewith.
.Sr.UIMIIIIKtlttOll news,
Kvenu Near nnil Aereta thn Oeunly Line.
The Reading Sahuorzeubund are new
holding a two days festival in Reading'.
Washington Komercr, ou hortiubaek,
was killed by a freight train nt a crossing
near Reading last Saturday night,
William Walters, of Ashland, struck a
relative named Snyder with a chair en Snt
urday iu a quarrel brought about by the
former's wife. Siijder's life la despaired
Rev. N. U. Randall, of NorriBtewn, pas.
ter of the Baptist obureb, has declared his
iutcutieu te leslgu, if a certain feud iu the
church is net eradicated within thioe
Samtiel Strassenberger who left the La
high county almshouse last Friday, was
run ever and Instantly killed Monday
morning en tlie Porkiemcn railroad at
East Grcenvllle.
The Vosburg tunnel near Wllkesbarre
was blasted through Sunday morning. It
is 3,05 feet long. 21 feet high, 23 fcet
wide and ruus under a mountain 305 feet
high. It saves llve and a half mlles in
distauce nnd was begun a year age.
The barn of Themas Lee, at Rearing
Creck, was destreyed by llghtnlug en
Saturday night, with its oentenU, includ
ing eight head of cattle. Twe of the
fnrmer's sons nnd n man named Keller,
were fatally injured by falling timbers.
The Uentract ler Its Erection Awarded.
The bids for the oreetlon of the Lan
caster Crematory were opened at the nffioe
of II. C. Brubaker last evening. There
were three bidders, of whom Philip
Dinkolberg was the lowest, and te him
was awarded the contract, at (1,000.
The crematory will be erectayd, ns has
previously been stated, en high, ground
near the Woodward Hill cometery. Tbe
building will be of brick, 32 by 18 feet
diameter, ene story in height, 10 feet te
tbe square. It will be divided into three
rooms a receiving room, ohapel, and the
furuace room. The front olevatlon will be
of pressed brlek, of Gotble style. The reef
will be of oerrugatod iron ; tbe lloer and
celling of tbe main room of "yellew plne,
and tbe tloer of theethnr rooms ofcement.
The contractor premises te have the
building llulshcd by tbe 10th of August.
Hernmer Leisure.
Jehn D. Sklles nnd family have goue te
Ocean Beach, N.. I.
II. P. Elehler, who went te Europe
about four weeks age, baa leturned.
Misses Mary and Mnggle Reilly have
geno te Cape May.
Mr. Herbert Johnsten, of the Philadel
phia Timet, is ou a brief yliit te friends in
his old home.
Miss Margle Russell, daughter of A. W.
RuskeII, has returned from a two years
trip te California aud the West.
Misses Rebeeca and Sue Holhreok hare
geno te Morlden, Ceab., for the Bummer.
In Town.
J. II. Helier, atate president of the P.
O. S. of A., arrived In Lancaster this af
ternoon and is stepping at the Btoveus
heuse. He oemos te pay n visit te Camp
37. of thlselty, who will held a banquet
In the hall of phst 405. G.
A R , this even-
tw I'iraraeuts.
The elty is laying" a flne new pavoment
along the south bIUe and In freut of the
City hall, Centre, Square. It is an im
provement which was greatly needed. The
street work ou West Klug has helped that
highway also.
llUheu HulUea Aecepta
By Information received from the chnlr-
mau or tue shuhuuk """.",."
lohem, Jho assistant' bishop of the dioecse
of Eastern Pennsylvania, Rev. Dr. Rulison,
eloeted at the last Eplsoepal oenyoutlon,
June 10lh; has accepted the call.
tlneniec l in Heasen.
The season nt the epera heuse will epen
en August 10, with M.II. Leavltt'a English
epera and bnrlosque oempany. 1 he party
has a female orchestra,
Util'ld'a Werk tu iivkui in t'i the rUliln
WMnt-ma. lUitrr 1 1 mm Away Willi
Mr. tleurjn Allllnr, .lr,
The geed peeple of thn Eighth wnrd wote
net a llttle oxerolsed last night and this
morning by the nnnounemnent el the
elopement of Geerge Miller, Jr., with Mrs.
Sarah Uauer, wlte of Jehn O. Uauer,
laburer, resldln ou Maner street.
The faets as reported are that Miller
and Mrs. Bauer have been rather Intimate
for seme tlme past, aud tout their iutl
maey has caused seme treubln in
thoirespective families. Mrs. Uauer Is
a pertly woman of thirty-ilve, the
mother of llve children, ranging In age
from 2 te 18 years. Her weight is net
less thau 100 pounds Miller, who leaves
a wife aud ene child, Is net yet 21 years
old, Is a slim, lean fellow, uet ratieh mero
thau half as heavy as the woman with
whom he eloped. Yesterday neon the
outiple weie lueu together nt the Penn
sylvania railroad depot, Mrs. Bauer
having with her her youngest child, They
bought tickets aud took passage ou the
12:08 train east, sluce which tlme nothing
has been beard of them.
On returnlug te his home last oveulug,
Mr. Uauer disuevered that his wife befere
lesviug took with her eveiything of value
that she oeuld oetivouloutly carry, includ
ing 25 of Mr. Bailer's savings and 115
of her own. This morning the dosertod
husband nppoared bofero Aldermau Mo Me
Glinn,aud made a statement of his treablcs
and gave a description of his wife, but
made no formal oemplalut ngainst her.
Bhe Is doteribod ns n hrgu woman,
weighing nearly 200 pounds, diersea Ij
dark olethes, ratberstylii, vnamher htvlr
banged, and has n beaded bon- Jt, en ir'hleb
is au ostrleh feather.
Ooerge Miller, Jr., the gay a
brlehmtkar, of boyish appearance, qule
lean, of medium height, ead net Vrelhtdng
evor 120 pounds. He and Mu yeunp: wife
aud ebllit have been living wlti h,a fatber,
n rospeetnblo man, en Redney cijcet, a
srnnll rtroet running iu ftera Uaiolbe, In
the Eighth ward. The parents of the do de do
terted rlfe llve iu Columbia, Mrc. Miller
is described as a plcasaut and worthy
young woman, and tnu eh qurprite ia mani
fested that her husband should desert her.
Beth families wero regarded as rospeotablo
uutil the intlmucy of Miller aud Mrs. Uauer
leaked out and w is given currency by the
Heath ul Ml Kaln I,. Xttutiicruinn,
Miss Kate Zimmerman, daughter of
Hen. Jeuu Zimmerman, ex-mayor of
Lancaster, died at the family residence
HO North Quecn r-trt'et at S o'clock, from
bloed-polsoulug.rrsultlog from a oirbunelo
en the back near the shoulder bldt, from
which she had stitlered terribly for two
Mls Zimmerman v. as ene of the most
amiable, rctlued, aud best beloved women
in Lancaster. Pesseted of au intellect
much abeve the average, having received
a thorough education, and belug unusually
swcet tempered nnd kind heartutl, she
gathered around her a large circle of
friends who enjoyed 0 her companionship
and received pleasure and Instruction
from her well stored mind nnd woll'tralued
hands for In palntiug, drawing, faney
needlework, aud ether tlne arts, she had
few superiors; bnt abeve and beyond these
accomplishments the possessed all the
womanly graces a dutiful uud loving
daughter, a tender sister, a kind, con
siderate friend aud neighbor, ever ready te
s.iorltlce ber own pleasure te alleviate the
sufferings et ethers. Her eharities wero
uet ostentatious but wero well dircetcJ.aud
there are hundreds of peer people in Lan
caster te-day w ho'have been made happy
by her kindly aid, and will ever revere her
memory. She was a pious Christian, a
member of St. Paul's Reformed ehurch,
and took an uctlvu part iu advauelng its
interests. Her funeral will take place
Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
A Keunlnc lletnucratle ilally lu .siailetlH.
The Damoerata of Marietta, last evening
had an enthusiastle " walk-around " In
honor of tbe nomination of Cleveland aud
Hendricks. About 200 men wero in line,
aocempanied by the Mechanics baud.
The llue was headed by tbe II. L.
Ualdeman club, of Eastern Marietta,
of whom -15 appeared iu their handseme
new uniforms, consisting of a white can
ves holmet, with " 11. L. Halderaan
Club" iu gilt letters ou blue ribbon band,
blue tlaunel shirt, with "O. & II." en the
front ia large white leather letters, white
woolen scarfs, white canvas belts, with
brass bnokles, aud white canvas leggings.
The club numbers 110 meu, and oxpeet te
seen turn out 100 iu uniforms.
The display has thrown the Itopublleans
into consternation, who are quarrelling
among themselves, and whose turnout, in
ratification of Blaine's nomination, was
n miserable failure, Theycau't understand
t bow the Democrats ergaulzjd se qttlekly
anu thoroughly.
The Democracy of Strasburg will ratify
the Chicago nomination with a publie
demonstration, 'en Thursday dight.
, . i
aiere Complaint ul the Mail in Ueiiipany'i
"A taxpayer," living in tlie southwestern
part of the city, writes as fellows "The
residents of Seuth Prluce street are
prayiujf for artiilelal light, either oleotrlo
or Bomeothor kind of light, its any light
will be an Improvement ever the existing
oendltion of the strcet. At the present
aud for seme tlme past we have been in
utter darkness, and we thiuk.that the
poeplo in our section or the el(y are as
deserving of light as any "ether part, the
taxes being equal. 'Let there be light.' "
There Is very geubral oemplalut from
different sections of the eity of insnffieleut
light. Last night 81 oleotrlo aud 2 gase
line lamps wero reported as net burning j
and ever slnce the big storm there have
bsen grloveus IrregularltleB and provoking
delleienclcB In the street service. " Ro Re
form is necessary," overybody says, but
the olamer seems te de no geed.
On East Orange street, aud In ethor
E laces whero the dense shade of the trees
as Interfered 'with the 'dilTuslen of the
electric lights, the braokets have beeu
lowered te about the level of the street
lamps, and last night these avenues of
travel were very much mero brilliantly
Mr. Jehn C. Leng, of the llrra of Jehn
F. Leng's Bena, ' was married at 12:30
o'elook te day iu St. James' Eplsoepal
ehurch, te Miss Harriet layes, daughter
or the late Hen, A. L. Hayes, In the pros,
once of a fashionable audloueo. Mr. Chris Chris Chris
tonher Hager and Miss Lulu Leng aeted
ns groomsman aud bridesmaid respect
ively. The oernmooy was performed by
Rev, Dr. O, F. Knight. The bridal party
onterod the obureb te the strains of a wed
ding march, efficiently performed en the
erganj by Prof. Matz. The brlde woie a
gray sbeph6rd's plaid traveling dress.
After the oeremeny the happy pair teek
the 12;59 train east for New Yerk nud
Niagara Falls.
Lag Ipjured.
Yesterday Christian Weaver, lepaiiman
of the Pennsylvania railroad, had his leg
t overoly Injured. He was driving an ireu
tpike and struek it ou the side. The Iren
ilew against his leg, cutting an ugly
wound which wan dresesd by Dr, )Yelehans,