-ir mj' ir- anx&: I$J f M Volume XX-Ne i7. LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 11, 188. PriceTweCmte. d I "a332Iadr2ME2hfYtavtflt&'r,as ti&iO: X. v "" '5"(WWI. BVi"l'''-WBBln?' r fW ' WOHKH II .. KIIUA1IH. Fine French Clocks and Bronzes, MUHIC 1I0XE8, OIL PAINTINGS, OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS, At Reduced Prices. Te raake room for Full Btoek new belntr oelootod by Mr. Rhenda In Mho Europeau marketa. A. visit will repuy purohaBera. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. LANOAHTKK,,lllly 1,1884 imr t)uvin. N EXT UUOlt 1U 1IIK CO I) I IT 1IOUHK. WHITE GOODH. WHITE 0001)3. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE G0UD3. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. NEXT DOOR. TOTHB OOU11T HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOU8E. WK IIAVh. MADE White Goods ler LADIES IlKKHHKH a H-mctiHy this season, nml lirtvn tlium In iiiuutllle nt every known inuku. Wu havu Iiiiuii buying tlium In LARGE LOTS, Which enables ui te Hill tlium lit LESS THAN KKUULAIl 1'KIUKH. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Oeurt Heuse. JtKr'ltlUAHA TUHH. MTITI'I Ol.l.KI'llAir.ll Ur.KIUtlr.UA'reitM, MHKAT UEOUCTION IN l'ltHKH OK .! JEWETT'S REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS -.V.NII- FILTERS. Philadelphia Lawn Mewers, Hydrant Hoee, OH Btoves. irWu hiu eirutlnK these kueiI lit KxccedltiKly Lew I'rlccs te Kodueo Our Sleck. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce., Nes. 26 Jct'lUld & 28 West King caici-jsth, s IIIKH'H UAltl'KT HAM.. BARGAINS ! -AT SHLKK'S CARPET HALL. tielllui; Off te t'lose IliisincsH. Everything Must Positively be Sold. A Kull Llnoet IIODY 1IHUH3KLS, TAl'ESTIlY, ami All Grades of 1NUUAIN UAHl'KTB, KUUB, IILANKETH. COVEilLKTSandOlL CLOTH. WALL ATA SACR1FWK.1& Mr I'reinpl attention kUeii te llie Manufacture et Uuk CarpeU te order. -AT- SHIRK'S CAEPET HALL OOR. W. KINO AND WATER STS.. fobs inuiuw J. 1. MA11TIN SI CO. BARGAINS W.A.LL. PAPERS! Frem Lote Balea GOLD PAPERS, it it ii 10 20 25 30 Oents, (i ii HMBOSaBD PAPERS. 30 WHITE BLANK PAPERS, O Oenta, 20 PATTERNS. ii ii it 7 20 " ii ii ii e ii 26 " ii it ii ie " 100 " Ne such priens anywheni else In I.tncaster. Every l'littern NKW, and Kaiantoet In eveiy rexpuet. New la the tlme te buy pupers, uveu II you de net want te hang them till full. Our rates el Hani;liiK are l.O WKH than tiny ethers and we employ the beat Workmen In the city. Our rales fur Hanging liave been UKUUUKI) this week and are uew as low as they will be any time this Hummer, llave your work done uew. J. B-MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King unci Prince Stroets, Lancaster, l'a. rzuatuiNu amu J....K U. AHNULU, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters Supplies, Patent Celd Oase Heaters, OTFiuest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orderi at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 15 HAST ORANGE UOTIONKKH AMU ItKATj AUKNT. KMTATH HENRY SHUBERT. AU0T1ONKKU AND UEAL E8TATK AUKNT.I 01 North Duke St., Lanoaster, Pa. K vel y thing liertAlnlnK te iny bmlnesswlll receive my personal attention. Terms reason, able. Ulvomeacall. luuii-Ud Or AUT. 4, West King Street. inayl9-lyd WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODB. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. Lancaster, Pa. Hnmmoeko, Perry Sc Oe.'b Street, Lancaster. xe. BARGAINS ! ) LANCASTER, PA IN In NEW YORK. 20 20 60 PATTERNS. 50 Oenta. 10 PATTERNS. uah mttinu. STREET. LANCASTER, PA. 1UKSTKU UOUM-X' MUL'SE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. At tlie feet of New Yerk avonue, within a tow humlreil loot el tbu bee. Attractive, comfortable and homelike. NOWei'KN. unu3-;md J. KE1U A SONS, MKMVAI.. H UMT'H KKMKltV, HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. Never Known te Fail. 1T10A0PEOIPIO IT IB RELIABLE Klduey nnd Liver Treubles, llludder. Urinary nml Liver Diseases, l)rn sy. Uruvul unit Dlu betes. llrlRllt'l IMsenHO, I'lllllH In thi) Hack, Leins or Mdui, Itctntillim or Nen Hcluutleu of Urlni). BIQHLY RECOMMENDED. It cures 'llllluusmss, Headache, .luiinillcx. Heur Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation anil l'tles. IT WORKS PROMPTLY nml rut i'H Intemperance, Nervnui DUi'in-cs, Uunurul Debility, Excesses uii'l Fumulu WeuklllSS. USB IT AT ONOE. It restores tin) Klll.VEtS, I.IVKIl nml IIOWKI.H, te a healthy nation, anil 0UIIE9 when nil ether medicines lull. Hundreds luive Ihiiii paved who lntvu lit-en tjivuii up te illu by inmius unit piiysicntus. 1T1CII Hit. M uml ler Illustrated I'limphtet te HUNT'S BEMEDY CO, Providence, 11. 1. BOLD 11 Y ALL DKUUtJIBTS. IjsTu.TliAH.tw A GItKAT HUUUKHa. HOP PLASTER. Till porous planter In famous ler Its quick anil hviirty action In curliiK Jtme Hack, ltliuu inatlmu, Mclstlcii. Crick In llie Iluck, blilu uml lllp, NimrulKla. Utlir.lelnlHiinil MuhcIud, Hore CIikhL, Kldney Tnmlilim and all pulng eracliud Dltliur local or ilnuiviipntuil. It noelhui, BlrutiKt tuum ami Stlmulateti Ilin paru. Tim vlrtnt!3 0t Ii0n cemblnuil with i:"H-cfuii anil ruaily te apply. Hupcrler te llnlimmlu, lotions ami hhIvi'h. l'rlce, 23 cunts or 6 ler II.au. tielil by ilniKKhU anil country Mtores. MuIKhI en rccDlntet prlcen. Hep 1'lutltr Com pany, V roprletors, lloaten, Milii. A GREAT SUCCESS. -Tht) beet tamlly pill liinile Hawluy's Stomach and I.Iver 1'IUh. -c riu.uumt In aallen and cesy te lAku. nevu6-lydw (1) VAMM1AUJSB, 4tV. F INK UAHIUAUE ItVlUUKUi). THE STANDARD Carriage Werk OF LANCAtTKIl COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, l.S UEAKOKCKNTItAI. MAIIKKT 110UHKB LANCAS'CKK, l'A. IVe make eery style IliiKKy anil Carliime iicmiuii. ah werK niiiniivii in tlie most com fertable and cli'Kiiut style. We u.e only the ImtiI Bulcetixl mutcrlal, and emplnv only the beit iiieclmnlCM. rer quality or work our priced are thucheuixirtt In the Htute. Wn buy inrciLiliand mill nn tlieiiiiint reiiBoimble lerins. Ulvn us u call. All work wannnttHl. HKl-AllllNtl ritOMV'TI, ATTKNI)KlTO. Onosutet weikinun iidimutally uninleyiMt ler that nurtiose. nJV-iM.lw B' AUUA1MH I HA 11(1 INS I UAUtiAIMH 1 -AT Nertek&Iiley's Cerner oi'Duke and Vine Kt.s , 1. AN CA STICK, l'A. A l.uiKObteck or KIKST-OI.AM VKIIICI.KH must be bold legunlleaa of coil, coiihIiUiikeI BUGGIES, PHOTONS, TWO-SEAT CAltlUAUES, ONE FINE BU8INE3S WAGON, WITH BllirTlNU TOP. 111)1 1.T TO OllllKU. Constructed or the llest Material and tin. tubed lu the l.iiUnt Style. IIKINO Coinpeteul Judges te KXAMINK OUK GOODS, and be convinced that we are net trlflliiK with the public. DON'T l'AY FANCY 1'lllCKS when you tan buy Just us geed an article ler ONK-1'IIIHO l.KbH. Don't listen te our tellew comnetltera In re. Kanl te iuallty et iikIhe., us our sales hcreto hcrete hcreto lero convinced our customers that "our work sustains our word." All weudei hew wu mil sell se cheap, but that Is our secret, and as len as we cun stand these l.ew l'rlccs, wu ureut tlie sumo tlme pleiisliiK our euslo eusle wers, as every purchaser ut present leeks te i savlnK. A dollar saved 1 a dollar made, l'atroulze these who benefit the public. CA.L.U AM 1) KX AM1NK OUR UOODS. We will also sell at ubarKulu a l-urge Let el second-hand work, Consisting el TWO 1IKISWSTKII 1'IANO-IIOX 1IUUU1EH, DOUIII.K 1'KUCII. ShVKN KND Hl'ltlNU.UOX IIUUUIUS, SII11TTINU TO I'H. ONK HI'UINU UKAT CAUH1AUK. (INK I'ONY I'll.lUON. ONK TIUH;KH1'KINU MAHKKT WAUUN All the abevu are repainted lu best style. These desiring a luirpdu should cull ut once. Koiielrliitf promptly ilone. NORBE0K& MILEY, Oorner Duke and Vine Streete, liANOASTKll, l'A. IJelMId ruureuuAi'UH, J. H. UUTJD. There has been such "a demand far LAltUB I'UOTOUUAl'HS Ihit I was compelltxl te get a VKKY 1.A11UK OAMKUA 110X te meet the (lemaml. We can new inake you a l'UOTOua small as the smallest lecket will held up te a Much lace, to:at:ten 18x212 rraine. E. ROTE, Ne. 1C6 North.Queon luue'Mtd Streot. Kiusl tlie Se. Havana Olusrs at UAUTMAN'S YKI.I.OW ITUON'i' CIQAKJ STOllK. A DELAWARE ROMANCE, lltUIS I.UVI'. AMItNU TIH5 I'KAUIIIII' A Incident, In Wlileli niiiy en ireunil it 1'lciwliiK lleuf tlllen el llie Old. Old tjterjr-IUclulum lu Wew Verk, WIlinluKten Nuws Boveral yenm ure a (eiitlutnan living In fain city bought; farm near Wyetnlut,', en the Delaware mllread, just below Dever. He removed tliitlier with bis wlfe nml only cliiltl, a (liui(litcr new about twenty years of age, u bright mid acoeinplihliod Klrl. Te vury the monotony of bur sim ple tubtle Ufe Hbe tauKbt inimla in tlie BurreundliiK uoiKbberbood. Willi tlie oujeyinonta el htr plcanant country home nhe Hoemed contented until about ix mentliH no, when the whole course of bur life underwent a clune. A young man dressed llke a laborer, but tibewlng evidences of a mere relluud nature ibnu IiIh external aiiearance indle.iUul, applied for and ebtuluud work from the herolne'n father. He wiih -a well built, ploaxatit pleaxatit ploaxatit leokinjr fellow, although net handxome, and weia a bright auburn buatd. A mutual aU'eotleti spiatig up between the daughter of tbe boiiHulield ami the new baud. A hharp watuli wau kept en the maiden, but nothing occurred te areuse HtiHplcien until about two weeku uge, wlieu luatterM were rapidly brought te a crlsiH. In one of her usual reuiuU umeug ber pupilH tbu girl'H mother was unaveiila bly absent. Her lever took advantage of the opportunity, proposed, wus accepted nud the twain went te thuearest minister and were made one. They returned later in the evening, confessed and tlie uuwly uuwly niade wife pleaded forgiveursM. ller futber became very wroth at the uuduliful act and vowed that the cetiH3nifuiccn would be upon her head. This was the night of the great Hterm of June , The Ireful father, after venting bis wrath en his daughter and her husband, ejected them, with a few nrtleleH bolengiug te them, from bis home ami told them never te re turn. The young wife, Ixirnu down with sorrow, turned in despair te her husband and tbu latter proved liiniBelf te be a tiue bare, as tbe scipuel will show. Possessed of a little money they went te her nude's house, where they stepped for the night. Tbe next ineruiug, without any furtber parley with the indignant father-in-law, they went north en tbe first train and did net step tintil after they reached Albany, in New Yerk state. Te tbe astonishment of bis wife he lieie disclosed his true position tbe seu of very wealthy parents nud himself pos scssed of a computeuce In lm own name ile had Hed from home for neme felly, but his parentH received their uew daughter in law with epen nrnn. A lotler of ex planation was Beut te her parents at Wyo ming, who wero overjoyed at their daughtcr'a geed fortune. llmchcluralii Mcr Vuru. An unmarried man snenda u very snug little fertune in New Yetk without dtssl- I pating te any large extent. Supposing he I takna a small milt of rooms in a fashionable apartment heuse, eata nt his club, keeps a read herse and wagon, and giveH halfn dor.en dlnucr parties in a year. At this rate his rent will cost $2,QQ0, his meals nt the elub or fnehiouable rcstauiautri about ; 1,000, his herse's beard and lus e!uu ilue-i . .. ... ... . about e 1.000 mere, Ids onlurtuiument nud additional $500, nud tliat makes n tet.il of 7,000. Thre win),' in $1,000 for IntuteHat catds, it will be hceii tliatn b.icheler e.tu live in comparative comfort lieie for $10, 000 a year. Of course it is te be pri'Miineil i liehiiH furuisbud hiH rooms, paid for his i herse aud wagon, and pabi the initiation at his elub before theso expuudituieH begiu. This is nniuli Ickh expeiihlve than It would be ii he man led aud attempted te live in a corresponding ntyle. Asa rule a tuau's ospenseu, if he be of any necial prominenco, nre usually inure.wd after inarn.ie rather than diminished. Ills elub dues aud etlier perHenal expenses nre apt te go en jufct as bofero, aud If) has, in addition, te supply his ife aud family with the luxurits and necessities of life. A bachelor with $10,000 a year e in live in the saine social circles with millionaires, aud de liia share of the rntettaiuiut;. If he mairles, however, ami Iih income ro re maius $10,000 n year, he must drop out of the swim of his bachelor days. This is tle reason for se mauy bachoieis in New Yeik. " Thore'h netliit'K for a bauhnler te de in New Yerk, nowadays," said an old timer, in a ceusplaluiun tene. " I haven't had any Inn sinoetlie veluu cut llrodejiait llredejiait tuuut was disbanded." TUB WOOUUOCIt. h!..b.)N. Tdu enu.lllllnd lllpml nud lieu and Wlien (O BIIUIIl Illllll The woodcock is at protent the sole iiihpirliitf ebject te tlie tine spertmau's tlieuj;htrf. l'Vem the brakes and marshes et the Seuth the woedoook cmnesNeith te breed, arriving by iii?lit in tlie latter part of March or early in April, aud uihtiuo uihtiue tlvely repairliiK te the vciy spot nheru Hist it squeaked its approbation of the lirst nelt, dewy Bprini: morning. The early partef July was formerly antieip ited by spertsmen as the season of rare sport with the lenfj-billcd birds, as with tlie adveut of the anniversary el independence, the laws KOveinluK the bhoetiu; of weed. cock wero oil lu most of the states. Hut the laws liave ehauged, moil aud times have changed, aud thiues are uet what they used te be. The veteran sportsman will uladly recall the past with many a pleasant tale of twoiity-flve years aj;e, when it was a customary ihinj: te drive out te the wet lands at early dawn. There wbh woodcock fiheutiiiK then, but where one goutleman followed the pastime in theso days llfty fellow it uew ; couse quently the birds have been thinned out te nu alarming extent. Then, tee, tbe epertemau of live nud twenty year no was a tieoiuediy tiuierent iimivuiuai irem the sportsman of this era. The former, with his $00 miuzle leader, was proud when four or flve couples of the delicious Rame, carefully butteued up in his Hiiuiu ban, rewarded bis meiuing's toil The latter, plottirehquoly attired from head te feet In tbe latest and must approved pat tern of sporting apparel, with his iiW. troble-wodgo patent fere uud-iustantaue. eus nunlhilater, nud leaded down with patent appurtenauccs, kills all at random, he that nene is left te repleulsh the haunts the next season. Ne weudei thatstriuuent luws liave been enacted by soveral states, sorae of which forbid the pillainjjef their e;atue proserves by ueu-residents uuder heavy ponaltles. NetwlthatandinK nil this, however, theso who have a day or two of loisure at this tlme may find geed uhoetini' in Tenu Hylvanla, New Jersey, Slarylaml nud Vir ginia, lint they must be en tue greuuu early, or the pet hunter nnd oeuutry urehiu will liave the cream of the sport, te tiokle the palate of the opieuro at llfty cents a braoe, It has leut: uuuu a mooted point as te tlie proper tlme te sheet u woodcock. Some sportsmen held that from the 15tU of 8eptomber ou te the tlme or the first sharp frosts in about the right season, nu the blids nre nut fully matured by the 4th of July. Others arfitie that, if this rule be adopted, tlie bird cauuet be found in thnlroldhaiiu'satthe timu speci fied, that they tnke te the high timber lauds, uud their whereabouts is ymy uncertain, Whatever truth thore may be lu this, (inn thing is certain, that birds nol nel dom quit their blrthplnce until they are matured. Anether point wliieli would soeni te favor the postponement of the itca son until n little Inter is tbe fact that whero the first breeds bave been hatched early nud destroyed by early April Heeds, whleti Is very often tbe cane, tbe parent birds rear a seoeud, whieh nre net fully grown by the early pirt of July, and for this oue reason some states bave forbidden the sboetiug until AugUHt 1. Auother great objeotlon te snmtner woodcock sheeting Ih the terrible fatigue consequent te man nud deg with tbe thortnemotor at 00-. A llL'ht cun. of about seven or seven and a half pounds weight, with three drachms of powder nud nu eunce of Ne. 8 shot, will de ofiuetlvo work lu the hands of a tnodtrate fcir shooter. The little cooker spaniels should be nmployed in woedoook sheeting. They are very faith ful and obedient hunters, capable of tier, fermlnc twlea tbe work of tbe poluter or setter nud with oue half the oxertiou. A Aluuuiiieut te Wmnun. Tlie statue of Margaret) Haugberv, the lirst monument ever raised in tbe United HtnteH ten woman, was uuveiled in New Orleans, Weduesday in the uresonce of nu immense nudioneo, including' hundrtdH of orphans from tbe asylums of the city Margaret Uaughery wan an unletteied Christian wemau, who by her energy and industry amassed n competence Although a devout and fervent Catholic, she knew no creed and recognized no faith lu the dispensation (if her benevolence. Although she responded te all worthy calls for as sistance, kIie bestowed most of ber beuuty en the orphans, and when she died sbe was known us tbe orphans' friend. The statue irprcHeutH Margaret sitting lu n chair clasping an orphan te her side, while ber hand rests upon tbe child, who Is bunding forward, looking up into her faoe. The pedestal piirmeuntlng the base is of Italian marble. The group is also et Italian marble. The ontire oest of the decorations for the grand pedestal and statue will be $0,600 A Lewell UIM'S Komauce. A Lewoll mill girl thought ebe had tal ent with which te boceuio an eminent actress. She saved all she could from her wages for several yearn nud invested it in n theatric.il vonture in n small way all except sixty dollars which n friend surrep titiously took out of tlie fund uud used in buyiui! in her name a Flerida laud grant. She roturned from her professional tour lu a year, broken in purse nnd spirits, ami ready te resume work at the loom ; but the Flerida purohase bad happened te upproelato about n hundred fold in value, uud therefore she can go te Paris for dra matic education. I us ntlllctetl witn uiilnuy disease, and sttl sttl (erud lnlensfly. 1 was Induced te try IIumtM Kidney and l.lver Ukmket, and belore I had u-el two bottles 1 was entirely cured. Well liieiul lletiHluiw, l'rovliluuce, It. I. Iy7-iwili'0ilw liuckleu'i Arnien hhive. The llest Sulve In the world ter Cuts, Ilrul-'ea, Benis, Ulcers, Bait Ilheiiui, Kuvei Berui, Tetter, CIihpimmI HuiKlrt, Chllblulns, .-. ....... .m.l .ill ulrl.i .iriinf tritiu mill rin.l 1 1 Vul V Kill lir.'lll.t 1... u .. .. u . 1. 1. ... '..V. .' ... . w ... m curun riles, or no puy ruiiuimd. It H Kimr- nuuxMl toglve perfect s.itliiuctlen or money reilllideii. I'rice, t null iiHr ihu, nrrBiidi by II. II Cochran, druggist, 137 and ISJ Neith (jiu en street, l.uucuster. Worked Wonders. " Jly ilaiihter win very bad oil en account el a cold uml puln lu her liinn". Dr. Tlteman' Kelectrie Oil rureil litr In tucnty-Jeur hmit One el the boys wus cured et sole llueal. This medlLlnu hits worked wonders lu mil I unlly " Alvuli l'lnckney, Lake JIuliepnc, N. Y. ter sule by II. II. Cechruu, iliUKKlst, U7 unit 13'J .Ninth Queen sttcet. A wulkuif; Skeleton. Jlr. K. Hpilnner. et tlechanlcsburtr, l'a., wiltes: ' 1 wiMtilMlcted with lntiuc lever ami iih'icss en liniKS, uud reduced te a tciUlii(; itUlelen Uet a liee bottle el Dr Kind's New Discovery ler Consumption, which did me he much iroed that 1 beuttht u dollar bottle. Alter uslUKthri.0 bottles, leuml myself onus liioie n man, completely testeied te health, with a hearty appetite, uml u iniln In tlesluil ISpeundH" call at Cochran's Diun Stere, Ne.-i. 1 i7,uud 1 " North ijiueii street, I.iiutastur, I'u., uml (jet n tree lintile nt t lit -t cerulu cure let all l.uiiK Dlseuxes. l.arce bottles 1.10. (3) A Knpu About Our Mecks, A weuk stomueh or enfeebled clruulutlen is llke a lepe about our necks. We uiu strum up ami uiisirum; ulleruately till existence lm. minus unbe.ir.ible. Jtunieck lltead Hitler will urn st nil this misery. JIunlucK Jltevtl llillcri me a bueu te tun sick. I.ut us miniim-lidi- this luet. Fer sale by II. II Cechtan, driiKKisl, 137 and 13J Nut til Wueen street, ban easier. 1 Wish r.vorybedy te Knew. Ilev. lleorxe II. Thayer, an old citizen el this vicinity known te every one us a most lullueutlul cltlzuu uud (.hilstlun minister et thu ,M. K. chuieh, Just this moment stepped lu eursbiiu tesay, " 1 wIsluivurylKMly te knew thill 1 ceusldei that both myselt uud wlfe own out lUes toShlleh's Consumption Cuut." It Is hiivlui; u tremendous Hitlu ever uurcouuteis undlSKlvlnutierlect satisfaction In all eiues et I.1HII5 DUeuses, sueli its nelliliitf else has iir eh Ran done. 1IUS. MATCUirrr & k UANCK. Ilouunen. lml.. May 15, '73. Held by 11.11. Ceclnun, il4UKi;Hl, Nes. l.'17nnd U'.lNertii Uneeu street. LuntusUJi'. lublluedl VAJtrjiiH. E HTAIII.ISIIKO IHOO. CARPETS -AT- Philip Selium, Sen & Ge's ISO BOUTU WATKK BTIIKKT, LANCAHTKU, l'A. Wohave a full supply et HAO AND K1I.I.. 1NO CAUl'hTH. We only tlie thu best of yarns. 1( you wuut a Ked, sotvlcuable Lartiut, please come uud eiuinlne our stock before purchasing olsnwhere, as we will Nell as rneup us thu cheapest. Ceiiin and see leryniirseiraud beLenvlncud, us wualwuys lmvn thu lupuui lupuui tleu et uiaUtni; llrst-elass Cuipets. CUSTOM "AU OAltl'KTH A SI'KCIAI.TV COVEIU.KTb. COUNTKUl'ANKH, ULAN- ItKTH, CAIH'KT CHAIN, STOCK- 1NO VAKN.Aa DyelUK Dene lu ull Its brunclies ut short no ne tluj. COAL I COAL I Ol thu best (juullty, eipiessly ter fumlly uie, TltV ASAMl'I.KTON. IttSMKMIIKHTIlK 01.U BTANU. PHILIP SCHU3I, SON & C0'8. Ne. 150 MOUTH WATER BTIIKKT, rWmcl LANCASTEU, l'A. TTKAIKJUAUTKIlb VOK TUB INDIAN MEDItJINES, KA-TON-KA ANO MOUOU INUIAN Oil. -AT- LOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO. U EAST KING BTHEKT, LANOABIBU.rAi VLVTltlNO. OMALINU ,V IIAUHMAN, PINE TAILORS, , Ne. 121 North Queen St., I.ANOABTKIt.l'A. We linve lust rocelveil u full line of very IlKht wultfht ttneiM ler inldMimmur wear, In hiiKllsh unit American DurRui. Mixed and l'lutti Celers, Heormickers nml Linens, which wearn uniting very riasenabln. Our 113 uud OHurges. lull In line Dye, bout nnvtliliiK In tliec'ty. '1 lie colors are l'ure In- illue llyn and will net Indu. rf-Cull iimluxamlnu butore piircliuslug. & Ne. 121 North Quoeu St., LauctiBtcr mara-lvilTu.TliAB H.OK It II AUT. SPRING OPENING -AT- H.GERHART'S Tailoring EHlabliHliiuent. 1 uin new prepared te show te the It ado an ossnrtmeul el Woelous ler the aprltiK nnd Summer Ti ude which ter beauty, (Quality uml liimntlty mat passes all my former ellortste p'euse my customers. None but thu very best Foreign nml Atneil. can rubilcs for Dress and lluslucss Suits a cemplelu llnoel the Latest hliudes of Spring Overceating. The very best et workmanship anil pilces lower than any Heuse In thu city ler the sumo quality of goods. H. G-EKHABT, 'lAlLOlt, Ne. 6 East King Street. II 1UM11 & IIKUT1IKK. HIRSH & BRO. HAVE TllKllt GREAT CLEARING SALE -Ol SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. WK AUK HK.I.I.INO A 1.1. GOODS AT AN 1MMUNHK KKDUCTION. COST l.S NO Oil JKCT, AH Till: KOUM TIIKV OCCUl'Y 11 WIlATMVK WANT. CAI.I. ATONCKON HMh & Brether, I'KNN HAI.I. CbOl'lllNU HOUSE, Oer. Oontre Squnre fc N. Queen St. 1 1 iHuoM'.-nii'.ii.enious reuitTii, ' AND New is the Time te I'rcjmre KOU The Swellering Days of July & August. The best way tode this Is, first et all, te be temperate lu your hablta ; uud, next In Im portance te Unit, Is te IIUV AHUI1' OK REFRIGERATOR CLOTHES AT Burger & Sutten's MKUCIIANT TAll.OUINO ANDCI.OTH. 1NU HTOItK, Ne. 21 Oontre Square. UK HUllK TO ASK KOIl A 'I OK SUIT. HKritlUEUA. IIAUUA1NH lu every article pirtululiiK te MKN'd CI.OTHINU, vlthur ler ilresi or iiuiler weal'. Call aud make veur selections uurly. New Is the time te buy, us wu will close thu suuiuiersteckataMru.it reduction lu order te muku toeui ler the Full Trade. Burger & Med, Jleieluuit Tailors ami Clothiers, Ne. 24 Oentre Square, I.ANUASTKIt, l'A. Il-lyd JIUtr.DlNU 31ATKHIAL. K wnuVAU HAVING UKMOVEO MY PLANING MILL -TO- Nes. lllle 417 N.iJIulberrySt, And Incieased my tucllltled ter work, lam new prupurtxl te de all kinds et work in my line ut shortest nollee. alWmd Wm W0tJseru uoi'VFHeni hunk, uur taiiktiia lead and soil the belt Se. Clgur In thu city, UAUTMAN'S YELLOW IftlONT OIOAlt BTOUK. VLVTH1NO, KEEP COOL. There appears te be no need of telling men what they want for het weather, for that portion of our store devoted te thin goods is daily crowded. We offer variety enough te allow a choice of style. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Ohcalnut & Sixth Sis. I'UlLADEia'UIA. 't tc' y AtVKAHTOr ' BARGAINS. Neckties and Half Hese At ERISMAN'S. ' Ne. 17 Weet King Btroet. Gauze Undershirts, In Elxes from 31 te CO Inchci. -AT EBIBMAJST'B. 7VTKHUUANT XA1L.OU1MU. Spcclul for Ladies. 1 Imve Ina t received a line of the FINEST IMl'OltTUO l'ONUKKS lu tbe market, which will be sold nor ploce, containing twenty yards, at 10; the briiie quality et goods are sullliiK In 1'hlladelphla at fill ana 113. Special for Gentlemen. Just received. A Bl'LKNMD A830UT Mh.NT Of WOOLKN UOODS, aultable ler the het weather, which will be made up utaur prlstnitly low figures nnd superior workman ship, with trimming te correspond with tbe uneila bntltlniiualltv and sliiide. 1'KUrECT KlTOUAKANl'KKOOHNOHALE. Ulvome a trial and be convinced. D. R WINTERS, NO. li N. JUEEN STREET, 1.ANCAHTKU. l'A. -km v;itH ltATUrOH Thin Clothing. In Kxcelleul Assorlment, ler this sortet weather, for MEN'S, HOY'S and CIIIL DllKN'H WEAK, In all the l'LAIN AND MOST FASIUONA11I.K FA1IU1CS. In loekliiB ureund ler Summer requisites, remember that the best ossertmant In CI.OTHINU Is ulwuys te be seen here, and tlmt prlces uiu BiilUclently vatied te meet with laver umenif ull classea et buyers, as. well as theso whom tettunu has less Juvered.' We Invite culls, tlmt we may be atldnled a chuuee te show lust what we liave. Tbe uiuke, style and quality or our CLOTHING la ttilly up te thu bl;licst standard, and la marked et llgures tlmt eftuu make buyers of theso who only oemo te sce. Couiparlseu courted, trade sellcllcd. MYERS &RATHF0H, ILKAOINU LANGA8TKU ULOTUIEHSJ NO. 12 BAST KINO 8TRHHT. I.ANOA8TUK. l'A. I.1TTI.K Price List: ' The fellnwlnir atOHOine el the CLOTHING 1IAHU AlNS new geliiK en ut L. GANSHAH & BRO.'S. MENS' AM. WOOL SUITS AT W.60. I.AIIOE110V8' ALLWOOb BU1T8 AT 1.60. SMALL HOYS' A 1,1 WOOL 8U1TB AT 13.00. And various ether Kradea lu each range el sizes. BARGAINS IN GOODS IN THE PIECE. WE MAKKTO OUUEUA Serge Suit at $10.00. VINE CABB.tSUlTINQS AT 112.00,118.00,118.00 ANO rxoe. These them. are mil llnrgatns aud don't uilis LGansman&Bre. Tlie 8U10N.LElMKUOJNTXA1LOU Ne. 6B-68 NORTH QDB1N STRICT, ltlglit en the BeuUWMt Coreor et Oranirc. IiANCABTKuy.l'A. ju- Net connected wlUi any etner CletMag Heuse In the cltv. FPUK VKHU1UT HTII.U BTAtlDiJ IUAT 1 Uie beat 8a Clear in the city U at . . OJkUUE. 8 m '3 . .." . t ' "tJ ' L- iv. T.S v.i ,-Hl '1 t i 1 '! i c. Xf tf ? 'I : VI '' t .."'l A i' 1 -: j i' ii A ,.' "A'l r Ml- J,-