Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 09, 1884, Image 3

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    IB ' ft
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I'tmii Our Kegumr con espundnnt.
The lookup had seven lodgern Inst night.
Wnrtants nte out ler llie nrirst of
Chntlcn Hlpi'iy nml t'linilcs Casey for
bearding tlie Columbia accommodation,
The brick work of the new llendltig A;
Columbia wnrolieiuo is belng painted.
Werk en tlie triuiRfur frulght Htatien
of tlii) 1. It. It. was begun thin meriilnir.
"Houses wanted 1" In ii cry In Columbia,
whleli Is tint nnswerrd, notwithstanding
tlie fact Unit many have bren emoted this
nprlng nud summer. Air. J. 0. I'fahlcr Is
oreollng u detibli) liouse en Locust nbuve
Fifth Htrcet.
On Monday, at UlilokleH reek, Miss Hlsle
Bwnrtz lest ber geld necklace.
A match gntne of ball was pl.iyed yt-r-terday
mottling, b.itwoen the Stars anil a
jiloked nlnn. Tlie latter wcre defeated by
a soeto of lb te (I.
The Columbia bicycle club ban roeolvid
part of Its unlfeiiiiH
A party of Unity-live, yestordey at 1
p m., went te a point above- Wrightsville
ami Ashed until 10 p in., having an en
joyable limn.
"On.olle" is the nami) the Columbia
beat club p'ivd their new bunt.
The M. 1. o.unpmcetlhg bsgltn en .Inly
22nd, at Landisvil'e. Kxouisleu tloketti
sold en duly 10th, nre geed until August
'.'ml iiicluhlvu
A Iceturi) en Hlavnry will be dollvcred in
the First African Baptist eh u roll, te iner
row evening, by Mm. I.'svl Ilez), assisted
by ltev. Illnkly.
Columbia should i cspet'd te the appeal
for and made by Verk, for her II )inl suf suf suf
forers The managers of the Columbia
base ball club, wllldnim'i) the gateiccclpts
of a mate'.t i.ktii'j of ball, played en any
day but S.iturd.iy.prevldlug tliey cannot a
elub tu visit Columbia that will be willing
te pay hall of ItH own expenses. Tim ethui
half the home nuiii will pay.
Mr. Harry L'pp hai for n guest Mr
(Ife. It. Kelly, of Pittsburg.
Mr. II. C. Yeung, lias erected a Kttret
lamp In front of bis wall paper Mere, that
nilds greatly te lighting up that part of
Locust street.
Miss Curie Druolieumillor. of Mount
Jey, in llie guest of Mrs. P. V. I). Miller.
Laudls Waub.uigh, had his right leg
srvtrely sprained ycsteidaj, by six joists
falling thereon.
A. C. Newcomer, by the fall of a heavy
plank en his i ili t hand yesterday, had
the feri tinker severely mashed.
Net it rnrgcry.
This afternoon was the time ler the
hearing of Ames II. llestett s, before
Aldermati Barr en the charite '.i forging
the name of Ilenj.imiu L. Dcnliugcr. J.
Hay Hrown.ceuiiscl ler the Fulton national
bank made u statement. He told the re.
son why the bank made the complaint,
whieh has been published before They
were new convinced that Deuliugcr siu'ticd
the uote an I llieie wai u fereiy Het
tetter was ili-charged, I'm built will
take steps te recover tlie mei e of Dtu
liuger. Met let ituruliic.
The electric lighting apparatus is still in
bid OLUdil.ui. 01 of the 120 lamis being
reported burning last night Only two
e' the giu-nlu.e lani8 wero tepirtnl out.
r.xciirnliui unit I'lci la.
ltev. r'nllici Kiml nan air.niK''l " excursion
mid picnic ul tlm tamem Mount (Ileum park,
en tlm l.ebinen A Cm n ml ralln ml, en Mon
day. Jul SI. 1I
lit Ieiiiimi NiiiiitHy rrluit.1 I'
'llm Sunday cchoeU connected x ltli the
KIret nml M. I'aul'-i llt-termed churche will
held u union picnic ut Hec by Nprlngs te inor iner inor
lew. Conveyances will leuvu tlm lespecllve
churches between 7 ami s o'clock u. in nml
1 p. in.
I'lciuc nl I.ltll.
Urnce I.ullieiau Sunday nclioel will panic
nt Lltll. SprliiKs to-meiiow. They will reach
I'lut-reundi via tlie Kcii'lltirf nllread A lurim
iitlunda .co and a plea .nil Hum i.rv iiillcl
Si. in plieirn .Mimwy -(ctiiMil ricule.
Theuniiiml'plcnle. of M M'-ph -n'-i
SnniUy fClioel mil he lirlil te-morrow (Tliuts
ilil) St Tnll'.i lliiln. Omiiltiusten "111 liyixu
tlie clmrcli, rner et -eutli t)uln anl Cliurcli
strei't,at Siu in.iiii'l I p in. All irlemlH et
ttluSunilaj fClioel jn (li'slr.'il te loin tlie ple
nlc an 1 1 nu t . u p'.iiimit Imll.'ity.
Kerrl' I rn.'. HiiinMrr Cltj Kinl i.imiil)
lirt ti.ry.
ltiislneii men unit ethers who lme net jet
nvillel thiMi'SelVK et llie oppei'liiultlui ut
terei ler lutveittstiirf In or H'lbtfillilnn tnlhe
abeve hook, urn leqini.teU te lve the mutter
linmtillikteikttmit' the emiMi-- el
easier city Is nearly ceiiipUIi.nI 'I he piice el
the hook embicriUmU H.Z. It Mil) Until
when etlei e.l ler mteuttrr public itlnii, ami
but lew topics will he t.hiieil tiojeiul I lie nuiii nuiii
lier reiiilreil by subscrlheis and iidu itUers.
i'arilej run evlnn their lesliluncoer u.aMnit
cli m no In UHlncas locution or 111 in imu.u
will confer a f iver by luoeriliiK ninm te H"'
olllce. KhUKlS lllllil., 11 Hnilli l'rlncoritiiet.
Tlinn is nienry.
Time und money will be wived by koepliiK
KldiiO'.-Weil In the liou-e. It Is mi Invalua Invalua
bie remedy for .ill dineriieix el the lili'iinys,
I.tveraud liewels mid tei u.l .lli-as nrlsliiK
fiem obstruct I 'iia el tl em etKuns. ll lias
cured many obstinate cut a ulter liun.lieds el
dollars had been pitd te ph)Nlclans without
ehiultilnK leltel. It eurei Contlp.itteu, l'llm
Dllleiisnessandiill lilmlreil illsenleis Dei p
It by you.
rer l.ttinu lueit , sum or cnejt, use m'.
LOII'S l'bllOUa DI.ASTKIl. Prlce. ii tnui tnui
Held by ll. II. Cochran, dniKiilst, 137 ami I mi
North. Uuoeu street. I.nncistcr eblleini'
llepelemt ICplUpy liuieil,
' Thodectors prennunced my case te be en
or hopeless epilepsy," sayseur correspondent,
W. C. llrewnlnK, Attorney, .ludaeala,
Ark., "and Uecl ired ilmlli te be iiiyeulyrn
Del. Samaritan A'ervlne has cured me." (Jet
ntilruKUlDlH. II.'. Jy8 lwilueilAw
Te Itrpalr Damase,
Dear luily, there l pinbably no use telllnn
you that laclilenablu Hie In n Kieal tlty Is u
reiiKli one en your beauty. I.ate lieura, less
et sleep anil menliil Dxcltement will leave you
by mid by aherii et lliose bumitllul tresses
which iliew levers arniiml you tu ether years
Artltlclnt substitutes can never P'ikh for these
rich nml ijlessy loes. I'arker'a Hair llalsam
will step your hair Irem tullliiK out. restore
Its natural color and settntss, mid prove
clcan-liiR ami bene llclal te the scalp.
Celdkn's I.lipild live! Tente will cure Imlt Imlt
KOstlen, dyspepsia or less of appetite Atkjer
Veldtn't, t f ilriiKKlsts. lyl-lwdeedA w
diiw te neuiirtt tlnaltli
I seems utrunvu that auv oue will sillier
limn the mnuy ileruni(emeiitH hrc-glit en by
mi Impure condition el the bloe.1, when hCO
VU.I.,8 3AltSAl,AltIl.I,AANI)KTIt.I.lNUlA,
nrllLOOl) AND l.IVKIl HYUtU' will restore
prrlect health te the physical organization, u
Ij Indeed a stienittheiiliiK syrup, pleasant te
take, and has proven ltselt te be the host
III.OOI) PUIIlr'lKH ever dlaeovered, elleet.
ually curliiK Scielula, Myphlltlc illseiilers,
Weakness el the Kidneys, Dryslpelm, Mala
rial all nervous dlseulers nml debility, bll.
Ions ceuiplalulM nml all dl.icases ImllealliiK uu
Impure condition nt the Meed, l.lvur, Kid
ueys, Hteuinch, Hktn, etc. 11 con eels I mil
i;etlen, A single belUn will puive te you Itr
meiltsusa healtli renewer, Ku It ACT I. IKK
A CHAIIM, especially n hen the cimipla lit Is
et an exliaustlvu nature, having a u mlvncy tu
lu8QCn the natural vlitorel the brite an I niir
veus system.
..rtKK'S I'AIN I'ANACKA euitaa pain Id
man anil beast. Ker ue usmrnaily ami Inter
ItEI) UOItSli fUWIIUItM cute all iIIshseb
fhorse, cattle, sheep, liejs, poultry mm all
UvoBteck. Al'OSlTIVltCUUK. muyil.a
Korsale at II. J). Cochran's dnvt store 1.17
hertli Uuoen strtKit
FisMng Tackle Department.
hvkuiai, Ntmvr.H.
Ilii I'laitertntn clean, sweet ami pleasant
te me. Krcsli Heps combined with llalrtiiins
mid (linns. Mere pewerlnl than any ether
poieui phisters ricinlH.
A fnlr Ollei.
'I'iik Voltaie IIclt Ce., of Marshall, Mich.,
nlfiu te Keml Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Unit
and l.lectrln Appll.nces en trial, ter thirty
iluys, In men, old and young, mulcted with
nervous ilebtllty, lest vlUllty, unit ninny
ether dlHiisen. Hen iiivirtliuieut In this
papei. nl-
1 hn 'I ruvrllnu hlllnmunii
Is mi Irionlttllile lullew, brim lull et sterliM,
lektH. I'OiiriiKO, frit iiMUrani'e uud irlt He Is
iiy tnkliiK v II (nil. llurderk llloeil Jlitlcrj
lire u eiy taklni; inedlulne ; they tnke cry
wlieiu, nml are eehl overywhnre. Korniite by
II. II. Ceehinn, ilrtixxlst, 1:17 mid lS'i North
Uureti stieel
Itruwn'M iminriiiilil 1'itnncrii
Is tlie most iitlnctlvu I'uln Destreyer In tin
world. Will most surely iiulcKen the bleed
whether tr.knn Internally or applied exter
imlly, nnd tl .Teby mom certainly UKI.ll'.VK
t'AIN, rhuther clirenlc or iicute, than nny
ether pain alleviator, uud It !s wurrantud den.
bin the atreiiKth et any similar preparation.
It cures pain In the Hlite, or Dowels,
Hun., llhi'iitnitUih, Toetliaeliu, mid
Al.l. A I II I. 'i, mi 1 Is Tlm Ureal Unilever nl
Kheuld !) in i'Vi ry lanilly. A toaspeonliil el
the I'uii.icea In a lumbler nl v, uier (rjwnvt
enml, tl pru'oirsl,.itiikeu at bedtlire, will
i:i:i:ak up a cold, centti tinttie.
H!K)iink;s and puriiy me couununlcate 1 te
the toiiiplexlo'i by (iletin's Sulphur Heap.
"IIIU'd Hair D)e," bluclc or brown, Vj tenir?.
Malaria Is caused by 1'erpld l.lvur ; I'llcs ...,
( onsllpitleu ; Huaiuche by ludlKestlen.
Avcld tlium all by usln tin) ureal xeetable
leiuedv. Allen's Dillons l'tiy.slc. U cente.
Atnlldriitfi'tsls. JyT-lwilllW.VKAw
liny fettr.
Fer inenty yeirs 1 was a atillnrer Ireui Ca
tmrliet tlie head amt threat In a very nirKta.
vntiid form, and during; the Hiimmur iiieiuIih
Willi Ilay hover. 1 pioaied u hettlu el lOiy's
L1H.UH It ilm. and alter u lew applications re
e ivoideilto.1 lieni'llt wis cured before tlm
bottle naa nsjd. Ilnve had no return el the
ceuiplatnt. Chitlotte Darker, Wnvtrly. N. 1 .
i cli ln'h l.!inid lie"! 'Ionic Is endorsed by
physicians. Aik ir Oititcn's: lake no ethtr
Ol ilritKXtsts. Jy7-lwdeedAw
A ijelrk llci)verj.
It cli i ut urrnl pleasure te ntntu that the
liiiirui.iinl who was lopertedto he ut tlie point
el ileal h 1 1 (mi mi milieu et l'neumentaliasen.
ilrely leceM'iel by tlm inn el Da. Wa. Hall's
U.u.ham roil tiik I.umm. Natunilly tie leels
irriilelnl Inr llie benellt durtved Irem ilnlnif
this iciiiedy ler the 1 ii UK'S mid threat ; and In
Klvlm; publicity te Hits atalemeiil we m u act
uated by motives nt public beiietactli n. trust
Inu ih-il ethers may be bcnellted In iihlmllai
manner. Jc5U2w
Allen's llrulii Knet tintauhiil exuncl
atienisthcns the Drain, And positively cures
Nervous liability. Nervousness, Headache,
iinnaturnl leso, und all weaknesjet (ioner (iener (ioner
attveSjstoui i It never falls. II pkir., n tot il.
AtdniCRlsts, or by mall Irem .1. II. Allen, .11 J
I Irat Ave., Ne Verk City.
Kmeiy's l.ltlle Cathartic Is the best and only
reltable l.lvur l'lll known, never lulls with the
met obstinate cies, purely vegetable IS et.
ll Cn i iln I el llie Untile.
It jour children nre threatened with croup
or mytliieil illlllcnlty. apply n lew dleps of
'Memim' Kelrctrtc Oil. It Is tl'e nl.'tat inedl
line ler tlm litt'ii ii- es we knew et. Ker
sale b II. II. Cochran, driiKKlst. D7 and lS'l
Ne' Mi (Jueen stroet
DiKrTic, nirveus people, "out et sort'."
n,di n's l.liild Dei t will erne. Take no
utlirr. (It driiKRlsts. lyMwdeedAw
Mourn I Alntunrsll Blotnern'
Are you disturbed at nlRht and broken el
your it-st by a slclc child 8tifliTlni and cry'ni;
wltt. the excruclaltnj p.ilu of cuttlnK teetli7
It -ii, .) .t onceund Kvt a bottle nl SI US. WIN
Sl.ntS S HODTII1.SU SVItUl". II will rnllnvi'
the peer little sallnrer Immediately .lepcnd
'ipim It ; theie 1 1 no mlatHke about It. Tlinietp
uei a meiliei en earth who lias ever used It,
who will net tell you at once that It will
regulate the bowel', and tflve re.U te tlie
mother, ami relltil and liui.ltli te tlie child, 0
emit ni; like limbic. It tspcrteetly i-nfe te 'ie
In all ca.sva,aud phasant te the U'tste, ind Is
the piescilpllonef enu el the el mat ami bint
female physlcKiis In llie Unlte t states "et.i
i .'orywliure. z.cntn net''"
in :j'-iviiu iv s..
.11 rs. nr. Waltuii' I'frleiilcul I en.
Mether Millien has pioicrlbed this vuluablu
tm illclhe ter a tiiauy yeum In her private
piuLtlce. ll has pioved an iiutullliiK apecllle
in the treatment of tlie many disorders te
wlilcn the lumiile constltiitleu Is aubleet 11
la a sure ( ure ler the monthly troubles that se
many sutler. Mailed en ncilpt el
price, tee. i Id by II. D.Cechran, driiKKlst,
1.17 and 1VJ North Oueen street, : (J)
AiJII Aly KUTltiKllKNTtt,
a It you want an o'eant fOa Corset try the
" Our New .We corset." and II you mitaiend
Jerey we have them ut t.V, ti.OO. IJSuand
$);'.. Our Nlairaraahirtutlifln tir superior te
uny aiilrt In tliu mai kt. J I. 1WAKII,
Un. JO North tjueen atreet, Luncasti r.
III no
housework In u small tumlly
Te ll UOOll
Klrl with
recommendations, tlie liluhtst
iiiih wll be paid. Inquire nt
y .'t t tm NOItTII DUKK SritKKT.
Wilmington vs. Ironsides.
On KH1DAY and 8ATUUDAY tlie Wll,
MINUTON'tf, the Champien Kindcm l.eiitue
Team, will play the Ironsides (en the Iron Iren
Bides Ureiiu s.) Kverybedy should see these
irTralu lcnves Pennsylvania Depot every
13 minutes, 9'Jt
A Msl(iNHI)
1111(1 wltu. nt the IMiv .if
x aimetier
Lancaster, Lancaster county. The un
derslKiied auditor, appointed te dlslrl
bute tlie balance leuialnliiK in the hands of
11. a. Oaru usHlttni'e of the ostnte of eutd
Kdwln M. ahaettur and wile, te unit
umnng these legally eutllliul te the same, will
sit ter that puipesu en Thursday. August 7,
13-11, in me chick ii,miiioiieei hid jury looms
et the cimrt-lioiiHe, in the city nt Lancaster,
w here all persons Interested lu H.itd illstrlbn
Hen may iitteml.
lulyTUdeiw Auditor.
i et Lancaster city, dt-eeascit, 'llie nu
ilerstKned auditor, uppelutnd te illatrlbute
the b.ilanee reinulnln lu tlm hands et
Jacob N. Miller, b. n.e. t. u
el llie estate el Muri;aiet Weaver, defeased,
le and anion tliose legally entitled te the
same, will nit Inr that purpose en Wednesday,
August 1J, A 1). lenl. nt lu o'clock- a m,, In llin
Library Hoein el the CouiUlemo, le i te city
of Lancaster, wheruull persons lntercsteil lu
saUtillstrlbutleu may attend
II. C.,
Jy7-3tdenwM Auditor.
tlie Cooper Heuse
ftcenls. (limranteeil te be clear tillers, ill
ll Alt
HI O ItlC.
IJI'.NN OM1AUH fliu.ii tlOcta. )Tlt IIUM
ilrnd up, nt
SDMIIIII. TAX fOll IHKI.-I'lll; Dl'l'l.l.
(,ATI; Is 111 tlm hands nl the treisurer
'I hree per rent, nil ler prompt payment.
W.O. MAUHllAl.l,.Treiu.
Ne. 12 Centre Nju ire.
Ofllce linurs, liein 'la. in. te 4 p. in. tnl
licit cii.-HM'.eiHnir
xjl Clitan. '2 ler fiiv
II ler ".Mc.. nt
oed article; money In It Apply be.
tweeu 7 and 'J a. m. mid 7 and s p. m. le
JOVt Ne. I Knst Klnu at , Lancaster, l'a,
lead ami nell tlie liaH :.c. Clar In tlie city.
iltMlljtis or cards kIvem nwny every day.
I ts nice I.litht lliewn .Suuar ler I'Je . I'urii
While Miuarnnly 7e., Hest l.riinuliileii, 7ke,
at CI.AUKK'S TKA Sl'UltK, Ne. ;W West
KIiik street, l.nncasler, l.
tint ezclimlvi) sain et the Cee II. I'l.iu
l.ailhs' Finn WaulrenphiiHt Hhees ter the city
el l.aucdHter. Drury pxlr wnrrante I. Jj.llinit
Ii iiiii.i-.v'.s i kjijiii itiijTk'i'r.
1 A ilellcleus ilet.ert ler warm weather,
renr rut I pus ler prepirlnn It aic n bottle. At
HUlll.r.V'S DUUli Hlilltf ,
n-VCmd Ne. 21 W est Klmr Nt
I Insure your ureuln crops against Hall
daiiiuue, beteie It Is tee Inte, nt
Dt)lSMAN ft III) UN'S' InviirnnceOIIIce.
IVJ Jt'lltACIwi: le West OraiiKi Sttvet.
VJU'.IV I'lltll'lClr. roil IN AN (II. U MA-LOON.-
Having purchased tlie (alnen
lately occupied by A. 1. Kulmcr. Centm
Miiaie, 1 will be pfease.1 te hive my Irh u la
und the public k'lvn me a call. Kicrylhtnt;
iertulntii te a first c ii"s saloon will be kept,
jail A C. HAHTKU.
) The I'resldcnt und ManaKers e' the I. an an
cister A ausiniuhaniia Turnpike Uead huve
declared u dividend or tlirieand tlve-twullths
percent en the cat Dal stock et the Company,
payable en ilemandui thoetllco el the '
urer. M. V. II It I. NTO N. 'Ireasurer,
Ne. ;a Seuth yneen Strent.
July 7, 11 t7 a-
1 ill Convention and all who contemplate
uelnir there . II you want te keep cool and by
eomlertatilo whim In Clilcuun, no te A. II.
UOSKNSl'KIN ami luuvu your mexsuru ler
one et Hieke eleisant ' TUOl'lCAL " Mills
'1 buy come lu ten illlterent xhades ami only
cost SIU.UI liaml-einely tilmmed Willi ci.tuese
'I he Kine lu"ei,
mll-Cimtlt 37 North Uueen siiett.
1 WliatUlen rnrktortlniaciseii, audit em
be rented for picnics, public or private, tiiiully
parties, etc. The will be tlioieuch'y
e.eaued mid rellited, and everythliiK put in
complete order. Ker further pirtleul n.i lu lu lu
.1 .MK.- AltMKr,
l.eunell of Adiilliilstratten. Pest ."l,(i. 4
Mr. Armet Is new en the Kiennds.
:ai- run' I'lUCI.
In order te meet the wants et their eul.i
incrs. llm I.ANOAhTKIt UAal.UiUT AM)
KL' hi. COM I' A N w 111 eell te thelrcen sinners
aumples el Steves may lie seen at their ofllce,
MM t .SOUTH UUKKSailthhl.
I lus for Distinction will be ci;iiilzfd
MONDAY, JULY 14, 1884.
at tne DUsiNr.sscLi.i:ii:, no. iek
limit Miini.i, scceiui neiir.
Call nml txaiulne
incut, or addiiK".
I'cclmens el Improve.
II. ;. wkidlki:
Iy7-lwd 1'iiuclpiil
I UtOI'O'SAI.-S I'llll
i;eA i.. run res.ii.a
III Ne. '.'I Ku,t Muu
1 will be icrelved
street, until tvednc.sdii), .luiv p;iii, at :
e'l lock neon, te tiirnlsh the pu'dic schools el
this city Willi llattlmore Le. ban), bieken, ter
luriiace, ejjir, stovenud nut, ami I.ykens Val
ley stove te i net the best ipullty, lien tinm
"Inte or dirt, and delivered tu the eeilars ut
the school houses duilnir the iiienth el July,
as directed by the committee.. I hn bids te
cover all the coil icqulrcd ler tbocntlie jeir
about 17.1 tens or morn.
II. V, til.AlMAki'll,
dull m. m Cem. Dull lug i ami ilreuuds.
iyuiilic -Ai.r. will ii r. .) i
I public sale en SATURDAY,
1SSI. at '.) o'clock, n. in.. In Centre Hnuure. I. in-
(lister, l'a., ene Hlx-seiil Caritiii;e, tu exci-llunt
order i nun -i t et brtt-s.s-ir.eunted Deublo liar-
Hess, liiaue by Weed Ulbien, New i ei k ; nl-e.
al'eny I'lueten, made toeider tu Wllmlmiteu,
Del ; nli-e, a Uoimuiitewu Wagen and el et
aitiKle llarui-hs.
I huabove Is tliu pre; erlv nt Mis. Ihmry K.
Jelit.stnn. "t Wlinitl lud, und will bu elteied
te the hlKlnat bidder
J'J Jul Aiictteneei
ITUOl'OSAI.n rillt COTTON kiiik Itll.lK
1 1'iopesnls will no lecolve.l at tlie Mayer's
Olllce up te July Jlst, for IwoiheiiHiiud leelet
Uubbur l.lubil Cotten Kile Hese, te be undo
fiem the best cotton 2U, Inuhen dluiu
ntur, ami In luiiKths el litly leel, with tlm 1 Ire
Department at'indard (. eupllngs iittached.
Hald Hese te be of net less tluee .lUliiut illis
or layers. All el s-ild plies or layers te be
s lldineil together and lined with me llnest
Uliule et hull Itubber. Hnld Hese te well
net less than fifty pounds te the leuutli with
out ceuplliikH, und in bu capable et le-ilstlni:
a test piussuru et le) pounds te the hiiuhiu
Inch en delivery. Committee leseives the
unlit te reject any or ml bids.
11 i.A.M. lyii i r inr. OKjian 1 1 r.i..
The attention of Chewers el
Kine Toh.icce
Is called te this Cliolce Driiiid.
It Is In lllch Faver with thnse;
tried It.
who Im ii
-11 v-
H. L. Stelmiaii & Ce.
LACASTKlt, pa.
Tlie l nil I ana nnd JlllncU l)etrt;ntlnn Dul
ler Vltlidrawa-Ini1lcslluiis ul Ulevr
land's atretictl), Vilas' Hpoecli
OiiicAtie, July II. The Indiana hoad head
ipinrtcrs, both at the Palmer liouse nnd
tlie Orand Pnollle hotel, wcre ecotien of
aetlvlty last night. Indiana wan oue of
tli3 few states that cast hcrvute no'.ld
yesterday altorneon en the unit rule
nmeiulmutit. Hur thirty vetca wcre ro re ro
eorded yea in favor of abolishing the unit
rule. In explanation of this vete, the delo
Kates nay the motive of Indiana wan te
break the unit mle, be as te woakeu
(Jlovelaud In his own state, and noatter
his votes. The Indiana delegation am
confident that McDonald is ((lowing in
Rtienitlh, but evldcnccii nre oblaiuable that
the tlolcijntlen is kecpitig In view the xce
eud pluce en the tlelcet, lu c.n they fall
for (list place.
After sitting till past midnight, the
Illinois caucus adjourned without reach
Iiir a dual decision The vete en ptosi ptesi ptosi
deiitial proferenco Btoed C'lrvelatid 17, .Me
Donald 12, Bayard . In regard te the
vete en the unit rule in llm cunvenlleu,
(leu. llloelt, of Illinois, said he thought it
wan made up of four eleincnts. l-'irnt,
nearly all of CIevcI.ukI'h Htir.ngth ; second,
a liiicjcrniK Rcntlmetit of id a ten' rights, an
indicated iu the Sjitth Carolina vete ;
thltd, the power of the machine; fourth,
a disposition te nfuse any ikmaud made
by Kelly.
llDUiun ler Caud!iltes.
As the hour nppreichea for the meeting
of the convention, it is tnore apparent that
the opponents of (Jlovehnd will niake
another ntternpt te brealc the unit rule aud
that upon the result of this they count the
ohancuaef llayarcl, McDonald or Tliurmau.
Iu what form this test will ojiiie up will
depend upon the form of the proceedings
of te day.
The Cleveland managem wero industrU
eusly at work all night. A circular issued
by the Yeung Men's Democratic club, of
Btoeklyn, was ug.tiu pressed upon the
attention of the eutside delegates. It
uil'es the nomination of Ulovel.uid en
acoeui.t of his availablity with Indepen
dent KrpublicauH, who Mill be attracted
te him. Their support will lu for the
benellt et the Democratic party. The
delegates are further advised that for the
support of these Republicans, it is nt-ccs
sary te have a plauk in the pl.ttferin favor
itig revcuue reform,
it is a fact te bu carefully noted, say
these friends of Cleveland, that the lta
publican rove.tagninst Blame t.s com pond,
for tlie most part, el individuals and jour jeur
uals that are in favor of tariff reform.
Thore are ether Kepublicans ropreaeutrd
here net ciiusidurcd by these gentlemen.
They are net frce traders, but thoke who
de net like the sweeping tendency te cen
tralization of Kipublicauistn. Tlie legal
tender decision is inferred te ascauaefir
complaint, the opinion of Justice Field iu
this case and Ina ojiiuieu mi ether cases
Involving qtusttuns of local government.
These meu aie favorable te Jmtije
Fidd nud have made a strong impression
in behalf of that gi-iitleman. Very .judl .judl
cIeuk work has h.'un iloue f.ii Mr. Field
aud if the instructienn el the California
delegation did tint stand in the way, the
demonstration iu his behalf would be ery
The enthusiasm shown ler ex Senater
Thurmati yesterday oncnurageH many iu
the hepe that he may llially be selected as
a compromise candidate, "'Nothing can be
used against him," nay they. The Call Call
lerniami are very doiuenstt.xttvo in pushing
his oauilidaey, and if Ohie worn a unit for
him and equally as serious, he would be
very formidable. One of the features of
tlie morning en the streets and in the
neighborhood of the ceuvent um hall was
the appcarauce in Urge numbers ei blazing
red bandana handkerchi. fs ostentatiously
displayed and by nppeaiuuccH of Senater
Tliurmau en tops of walking sticks or m
the hands. The Thurmati boom i- te bu
pushed te.d.iy.
meum.r.i) i,un;.ii
ituiiii'r Timt luiiiuiHiiv Villi ltriipen
Unit ijuertliiu l'mileil
The report that Tamiuany will irv te
reopen the uiit iiucttinn is denied by Sen Sen
aeor Orady, who says he knows of in way
te get at It.
Today it is toperte-l Tamnnny will
make in the convention nu cdert te break
the unit rule, but exactly hev.' the light
Is te be resumed is net stated. Kelly
claimed this morning that he had 100
additional votes te these eiBt yesterday
for Omdy'ii nmeindmeut The light of
yesterday w.vt euly a prelitniuasy sparring
match. The teal contest, se it is said, will
occur te-day, whethcr tlm ott'ert will be
successful or unt. Then) is no doubt
that last night aud thin morning nu
immonse amount of work was dene by
Kelly and his men. The actual reuiltn of
yesterdays lllihustcriug is claimed te be
a dccrcnHt iu the total vete of Cleveland of
at least 00 votes, nnd perhaps mere. The
opposition held that anv method that eau
stiive oil a ballet en juvm lent is nire te be
disastretm te Clevelaud'n olutieos. It gives
tlm Held it chance te light
At neon yesterday Hi-' mat' iri e' the
lleld my his groatest htren t'h was retched.
He enjoyed a strong boom iK -r the defeat
of the New Yerk dolegation, hat the vete
en Grady's a'U"iuliueut yes'Tday m capa
ble of several iuteiprotatieiM ihe C'leve
laud men claim, of ceurm. thai it showed
only a portion of the New Voik go.vnier'H
roil strength. The Iriemls nl li.i., aid,
Thurmati and McDonald, en thu ether
baud, say that Cleveland's actual strength
is at least 100 short of the -l'U votes ett
against the amendment.
Many bolievo theso 100 v te', . a v -ry
large preper en of them, ein be c invei ted
te-day te a position aga us. 'he um nil .
The Second Day's l'rueeeillui;i).
The convention was call d u order at
11:27 o'elook, witltnn inmmeuse irewd m
atteudauce. Tte only deinonsti-tien in
honor of dolegatos onterluir the hall this
inemlug was made when tlm Ohie ih liga liga
teon, headed by ox.rieuuor riiirinan,maie
lta nppsaratice. Whlle it was in .iking
its way te the poitiej of the hall as
signed te it, the ether delegates
and sjKjakera generally j nncil in
deiug honor te Thurmati, and 'i. iiy
btich expressions wero huaul as
",the neblest Uomeorat of them all." "He
ought te get the nomination," etc. Hen.K
U. Washburn oeoupitd a sei' mi t'ie pl.t,
fetm near Sonater I'tudloten II )pr
tallve Sprlnger was alie am ag tlm iln
tinguished persens in the p'attunn
The repert in circulation tlat. Butler has
poue home is uutrue ; he is at the het-1
ingaged en the platform.
The commlttce en re3e!utij:n Hill u t
be able te report bafoie te mern'W.
A number of memorials .in I u -.nldtieiiH
fiem var eua organizations wuc preseuted
and refonetl te the commit- -e u inseln.
neus without notion.
The oemmlttoa en oredonti ds icjiut i
favor of allowiugeachtorr.t nyaud hi Dis
tilotef (Jelumbia two vetci An ameniS ameniS
nent that territories h.i in. alhwrnl te
vite was offerod by Itinldph, el New
Iirsey. Hatulelph'ii amemlaen lest.
The platform commit'"-! m i at 10.30
o'clock, and f)r thn tir-'- time imautcd a
lull nttondanee. Iluretnl m' Oi.i Untlur
nil two ethors have aluentml ihn-llsalveH,
Iho rovenuo rcformerii express morn ceull
oueo this mj-ting of fheli" ability te
coure a plank in favor ul loferm. They
lalm that a dlvhlen will show 20 for uud
18 agalutt it.
Tlie committee en llenolntleni nt Werd.
rite oenvontlon openml with prayer by
Illght Hev. IJIshep MoLaren, of Chloage.
Jenklns, (Wis) , Bentupn communication
from the committee en resolutions, saying
that the work of that oemmlttoo would
net be completo until te morrow morning.
Oummlngs, (Mass)., oflercd a resolution
instructing the oemmlttoo en toselutlonH
5" Klven hearing te n oemmltteoof the
Itlsh National Lcat!lln In favor of nrnlml.
, ingallens from aeiiulrlug real cstate iu
ivmoriea. iioseiutionB wero nlse offered
nnd roferrod without dobate iu favor
of planks in the platform against the em.
ployment of convlet labor, for the onferco.
mnnt of the eight hour law, against sump
ttnry laws, and dcelarlng that the vete
yostetday en Grady's amendment te the
unit rule, was Intouded te apply only
te Btatcs whleli had Instructed
thelr ropresoutativos te vete as
a unit. Tayler, (Arkansas), chairman
of the oemmlttoo en credentials ropertod
the )lstef dolega'os wltli an nmondment,
giving territorial dolegates votes in the
convention. Uaudelph, (N.J.) moved nu
nmondment that territorial delegatcs be
allowed te vote. McArthur fOre speke
against the amendment. The amend,
ment wan rojected aud the re
port was adepted. Hceuan, (Mich.)
olTerod a resolution for rcdiiotien et taxa.
tleu te a rovenuo basis. It was lefcrred.
Hampton, (S (J.) ollbted a resolution
loeltlug Importance of letting the national
committee select its ehairman from Dotne
orntseftho whele I'nlen, and declaring
that It elial! net be icstrlctcd iu its oheloo
of chairman te memhars of oemmlttoo
A resolution against polygamy was
introduced by Smith (Utah) and referred.
Further resolutions wero offered and
referred te the oemmlttoo en platform
against the acquisition of large traats
of publle lands by corporations ; for
referm in the eivil sorvlce by makbig
postmasters olective, against the system
atic reduction of ttirift taxes ; providing
that in case of the death of the candidates
for president or vice prosident the chair
man shall eall togethcr the convention
te fill the vacancy ; for the repeal of all
legislation which, under Kepubllcan rule,
tended te pauporize labor ; for cou ceu cou
stitutlenal araeudment making the presi
dential term of olllce six years, and
te limit disposal of publle lands te actual
settlcra in ipiautities of net tnore than 100
acres each. Finally a resolution was
adepted te refer all sueh prepositions
without being read. Under that rule sov sev
cral anti-Chlneseand tariff referm resolu
tions wcre roferrcd, belug only read by
their titles.
Ilutler withdraws from tne right.
General Hutlcr has withdrawn from the
canvass Majer McDavItt and Hen. Pal Pal
iner, two of his workers, tacitly admitted
the fast that his withdrawal was in pur
suance of a compact with Kelly. The
Bayard men loudly proclaim that Utttler's
Htteurtli would be thrown te thelr man.
This is an opeu iitiestien and ene which is
depandent en circumstanees. The Bayard
men also said that Butler would return
home te day, and that his place in the
e invention would b j taken by his altr
natc. This otatemont Majer MeDavttt
promptly denies. He said Butler
would be in the convention nnd that hn
would net go home at neon, bin he did
net sav that the ex governor had net
formed u combination with Helly.
a sri.i:.Niu st'i'.r.uii
l'resl lent Villi llllvnrn ll Bcutldnu Ar
uilinniciu el tlie lEcpntillciin 1'iiHy.
The rcrortef the oemmitteo en piima-
uent orcautzatlen was then made. The
uame of V. 11. Vilas, of Wisconsin.
being presented as preside!)', with n list of
vice presidents (ene Irem each state), nnd
ssveral cccrotarles and assistants. The
secretaries and olerks of the temporary
organization wcie continued under the per
manent organization.
The repert wan uatiimetisly adopted, and
Mr. Hendricks with 11 ve ether ucutlcmeu,
wero appointed te escort Mr. Vihis te the
chair. Mr. Vilas en taking the chair
rcturucd thanks for the honor dene him,
uet as a recognition of , himself, but of the
young nomecracy of the Northwest. It
was their fair due It was attributable te
their lefty z?al nud patriotism. They
hailed it as a presage and prototype et
the coming triumph. Applause. 1 This
oenvontlon wni 'assembled te consider
a great cause, te ptoneunoe a
momentum! judgment. It'n hand was
en the helm of a mighty nation, earth's
grcatea', noblest and fien. Secii.ty would
rr.joice iu the well ceuhidcred work of this
oenventiou. Its import and value lay net
in the hepe of tueie p.uty victory, in
cldtehini; t'.iu xpeils el olllce tlm oppeituu
it y pregnant Willi mighty possibilities
el geed el men. The Hepuhliean party,
which had icci'iitly held Its convention
here had teiidsred nothing worthy of the
k-rveut iii-pit .-.liens of the people. Te a
oeuntiy rojeiciug in restored unity uud
coneonl, it teudcred the renewal of uie
tieiial btiifu ; te a i.atmti that ielt tbe
impulse of a mighty growth it ellcred
demoegory. Iu political pirl.'.nct)
" si-ap " was its inspiration :w nmniuni
The air wan already lllled with vapors
of visionary hclumirs udiltessed te various
interests and factions. J Some wero encoui enceui
aged te expoe' atirantage from the
chaotic possibilities of foreign war. Otlieis
wero premised relief or gain from legalized
raids en the national treasury. A great
ehatige has been wieitght In reemt years
iu this country in llie minds of the people
and in political forces. We have coased
te light evet the suicidal war. Tin sin of
slavery has been pinged. The work
accomplished by theso who labered te tiave
the Union remains uudhturbdd, and the
gratitude of the people is theii reward.
At this point ( Butler onterod the
hill ami was heartily applauded, The
tiicaker rcbumiug, said that the country
had heard ropeatod premises of referm
from the party lu power, but had bceu
dlsappolnted, until thore is a growing
conviction that the only hepe lies in the
utter defeat el that party, and thore Is
but oue hepe. It is vain te leek te any
new party organization. In the wisdom
and patriotism of the Domecrnoy here
assembled is the only hepe of rollef. The
party is adequate te the great rcspeusi.
hllity. It is the party of Jclferseu and
Jacksen te-day, as fermarly, and the prin
ciples they promulgated are its principles
new. It iu the party et the pcople, of
economy nud honesty In the administra
tien of government. It has shaken oil' the
venal and timeserving, and has rescued
from the rauks of its opponents the host
and purest. The Domeoraoy are ready te
continue sueh oxehango. Iu oeuoltislou
he counseled moderation in their action,
nnd bespeke a generous forbearnnoj for
himself In the discharge of hisdutles,
1:15 i'. m A resolution wa that the con
vention call roll an 1 present candidates fur
prosideut. i no call et states en tabling
resolution bceu onlercd.
The motion te lay resolution te proceod
te presentation of candidates ou the table
will probably be lest Clovelaud men are
eting pretty generally in negative
lr20i'. m. The New Yerk veUs wm
east In negative, Orady and othera pre
Urady chillengtH the vete nnd dimanls
tle eall of dilogates ; great oetifu-iion nud
h hsch, Thu ehalrmau rules that he will
uccept tbe clinllf ngj of vete,
Gov. Wuller, of Connecticut, rese te a
(ltiostlen of pilvllege. Ile naked that
rcporters be ptovented from hissing and
interrupting, aud tliat tlie halls no olearvd.
The cuair upheld the question. Ureat e t
Chairman docldes no objeotlon ceul I lu lu
made by dolegatos till the rollef staUn I I I
oemploted. The roll eall Is nreccndlu '.
The motion te lay the resolution that een
vontlen proceed te prcssnt candidates
table war lest. Tlie result of vete en
laying resolution te proceed te presenta
tion of candidates en table was ayes 230,
nees 552,
Grady, N. Y., slated the vete was 49
nees, 10 ayes, 4 ab&ent, Boveral states
changed their vete en end of roll eall.
The correetod vete was, ayes SOS, noes
A motion wan made that no vete be
taken en candidates till nfter the oommlt eommlt oemmlt
too en resolutions report?, but a motion
that candidates be prosentod was oarrled.
A motion was made that the convention
ndjeurn te 7 p. m. The roll of states was
demanded, The motion was lest,
l'rciantlua the Uauflldntei.
The call of states for presentation of
candidates has begun. When Dolaware
was rcached thore was great choerlng,
long contlnued tlme. Mr. Gray has taken
the platform te present Bayard.
Mr. Gray is being listened te with
great attention. His mention of Bay
ard s qualities was cheered and the mon men mon
tlen.oi his natne rocelved wiih much on en
tlniBlasm. When Indiana was roached thore was nn
outburst of oheors. Hordrleks ban taken
the platrerm te present McDonald.
I he delegatcs and nudlonce nrose te groet
Ilcndrieks with clieerp, waving hats and
handkorchlefo. Threo ohecrs for Heed,
drlcks wero given with a will.
lail'OKTAriT ItU.XlOltB.
Ulevelnil IMnnaers Hnlil te Ob Willing te
Wltlulraw In lrver ul Hewitt
Uhicahe, July 0. The following rumors
are creating oxeltomont. It has been as
certained from a geutlemau occupying
prominent iclatiens with membcrs
of the New Yerk dolegatlou,
that communications are new belug
interchanged betwecn Cleveland followers
In New Yerk dolegation and his friends at
Albanv nnd New Yerk city, with a view
of uniting nil factions upeu the uame of
iiome New Yerk man ncd the vlthdrawnl
el Uloveland. At ene o'clock this p. m.
Jehn Kelly recnived n telegram from a
gontletnan in New Yerk, occupying n
high position in u political pest iu
that city, inquiring whetber the uame of
Abraham Hewltt would preve satisfactory
te Kelly. Ne rcplly has yet been made.
This inquiry coming from such a conllden cenllden conllden
tialseurco indicates that Cloveland'e own
friends have suggested Hewitt's name.
Mr. Kelly is represented as net being
unfriendly te Hewltt. It is said thatGIovo thatGIevo thatGIove
laud's organizers had a half hour inter
view with Oeneral Butler this
morning nnd tendered te him
the position of secretary of the
treasury under Clovelaud ii hn coraei te
Cleveland's support en the first ballet
Gen, Uutler promptly replied that he could
net ceuseut te held n cabinet ofllce
under a man se unskilled in polities as
Cleveland was. Iu making this reply te
thoevorturo Butler's language is said te
have bceu mere vigorous than dolieato,
but it conveyed the contemptuous !dea
nbove mentioned.
Ul.l'.VKLAND AllKAl).
A. Mlitio-llleu t Ounceile tlin Nomination tu
tlm Majority Uiuuildate.
Ciiicaoe, III., July 0. Cleveland is Btlll
ahead. Thcre is n growing sontlment that
as seen as a candidate rocelvos a majority
he will be cenceded the necessary two
thirds und nominated. The ether prevail
itig sentiment is that the tariff platform
should be made by New Yerk and net
offensive te Peunsjlvnuia. An the lesult
of theie, I leek new for Cleveland'.) noml neml noml
nuieti and for a safe dollverauco en the
tnriir, whieh will held Butler te the party
If Vilas makes a geed impression iu the
chair, nothing is tnore probable than his
selection for second place
HatnlaU's arrival created considerable
enthusiasm. He declares that he soek
ue'.hiug but pirty harmony, through a geed
ouiilidute aud a satisfactory platform. Ueth
sides in New Yerk njek aid from I'otiu I'etiu
sylvania, but I infer that the statu dele
gatien will divide if the Usue comes two
te oue iu favor of the Cluvelaud men
agali.s the New Yerk opposition te him.
11:20 a m. The convention is eccupitd
with the tepert nf the credentials coin
initie.-, the only fe.Uure of whieh tint
cxcitiil discussion wis the proportion te
glvu vetis te the territorial dclegatm
Theii- admission te scats and votes was
granted by n large m.ij rity.
11:17 l' si The p'i. ei-m 0)11111 ittee is
a I, wink. It will net 0 molude hufein te
morrow morning, and thoie will lie no
luting until tlmti.
The convention sceun at neon is very In
teresting, few scats being vacant. Cou Ceu Cou
sp.cueus tigures aie Tliurmau, gray and
grizzled, the biyish fa!) of Coxe, the
ualm leiilurcs of Wallace, Caillsle nmoeth
tnn,.i nt.,1 nlmiti i,l'i.v.n Wml.i Ftrini, ,(,., ,,
'-- - ' 1'"' '"
his ciutchcs, He i-lri ks, mild mannered
and diguillcd, the 1 tinged oeuntcuaucc of
Abbet and a group of a dozen (Juitcd
States senators, among them Beck. At
the press platform ftlcusrs. Hutlcr, Hewitt,
Converse, Hay, Wattnrseu, Macl'horsen,
Ilurke and I'owell nre wrestling with the
resolutions. 1 11 llm block whero New
Yerk and Massachusetts sit, neighbors
Jehu Kelly and Jehn It. Fellows, D.inhd
Manning, Smith Weed and Jesiah Abbett
am notable prisenccn
Vilas is a young ami vigorous, oleau,
trim looking mui with black whiskers,
eyeglasses and, penetratiug voiej.
His spiioeh was iu oxcellout taste, doliber
ate, Hchel.u ly, uonclse, oleipaeut and rhet
orleil. Its oll'eot wai geed. '1 he tone of
the address wai high an I its recaptien cer
dial. His arraignment of the Republican
pmy was ironical and uxeitcd laughter
aud applause.
12:M i. St. Ilutler just nuw ceme In
interrupting Vilas' speech with thu sensa
tleu of mingbd cheers and hlssea that his
otitrat'.ce created. It is generally believed
that Ilutler held himself back for dramatic
efleet, uud his purforuianeo has uaused no
little uspcrlty.
1:11 l. si Sowden proposes te have
speoehes nf nomination new made, nud a
counter preposition te adjourn until
te morrow has beeu voted down. Te
a motion te by Sewdcu's resolution ou
the table, the vete was 232 ayes 021 nees.
The states divlded apparently without
any spoaUle purpHe. luJiaua voting no
Kontueky aye, New Yer '- no, and Penn
sylvania twenty. four ayes and thirty-llve
2 11 1'. m . Cray made an efTaetive pro pre pro
Btntatien of Haynrd, but the cor.ventleu
went wild when Hendileks mounted the
plntiuriu te nauiu iiiuueuaiu
W. U. II.
Dutler AiliHcd le Dell.
The following correspondence was made
i.uhlla today :
Ni.w Yeitit, July 0. Te llenjamlti l'
Ilutler, Chicago " Your friends hoie
advlse you te belt the convention if n
monopolist Hke Cleveland is nominated,'
Slgncdl Jehn T, IIknuy,
l're dent National Autl-Moue1 ely Organ
iz tleu.
Ciiicaoe, July 8, Jehn T. Heury, New
Yerk," Will ucver ngroe te thu temlna'
tien of ft monopolist." P. Hutleii
A Wenla-iie r.rnehr thai.
Qalvrsten, Tex,, July 0. A dtaptk
from Gatoavllle says Lewis Johasea 4
four or ilre ethers went te the hoate af
Harriet Coaleg, ancgrewi, (or thoparpete
et lynehlng n nogre named .Teue Immmi.
?me f tll0IParty went te the baek deer
or the heuse, whlle ethors onlerod at the
front and began sheeting, Isaaes returned
. ,?ntl ,"1,et Jeun'J killing hint in.
stnntly. He then oseipod. Johnien hail
a.handkerchlef evor his face
WAHniKOTOH, July o.-Fer the Mlddla
Atlnntle tatea. fair weather, follewod
by increasing oleudlnoss nnd occasional
rains, winds bocemlng variable slight
chnnge In tomperaturc.
railadelprjiB mr.
l'niLADBLrnu, July 0-rieur market dull i
Supernnn Htnte, 60Q3I Kxtra Supsrdnu
de Moeflt Mi l'a. family, 11 MO 1 50 1 onto anil
Indiana tatnlly, $17.103 M)( Minn, nxtre, elear.
II 75O60t Htralht, tl Aerts ;.V)t winter
pr.tentH.:.-,50a'l -1 1 spring ile $3 SOtfd 37.
Ilyo Heur ut 13 CO.
bent dull nml unsettled t Ne. 2 Western
lied, OJJtfJ'JIe ; Ne. 3 ile, We j Ne. 1 l'a, de
Cern ll rm Inr local trnile t slenmer, WBGOUq t
sail yellow, Mat de inlxeil, fljailljsjei Ne. 8
iiiiau.I Ikliil yuilUW, OID3C.
m Oats linn und quiet t Ne. 1 Will te,
bunu , .in a in;, dMQ mi, i) Ul),
iijutiwi, fui.iu i nu. linden, ie.
llye steady nt 70c
8oeds Tlineihv dull 11 B0Q1 61 ITlaxiOOd
nrm at 11 seai 83
Winter llran dull nt IISQ13 M.
l'rovlstensntnftdyund lufalrilemtnil Mess
l'erlt.tiOMrtWO'J! Heeillams.iawawBOi India
Mess llecf. IIU MM. '
llueen Stnehed Shoulders, 7Ket salt ile.
fi)a7e; Hineked Hams, KQiSet pickled de
Lnnl steady ; city roflneil, nt 8(JS j loeso
bntciiorejaJKe i prlme steam 17 te.
Dutter steady and lu tair demand! Crown Crewn
er,V extnis,aia2IO It. U. N. Y. extras, 1.1
OISO! iletlrsts, Hfjlcst Weitern extrus, HQ
15e i Wostern iroeit te cliolce, ll(Jl3c.
lletlsnt saVic.
.nEK,.1 sfailv, but quiet I'enn'a, extms,
lOe s Western de, 13c.
otieese dull and steady; New Yerk; Intl
creams, 00310! Ohie Klat, tine, 707KO i Wost West
ern fair u iroed (lauSe t I'enn'a part skims, VQ
le t de Hill. XQlc.
l'otreleum dull I Kelt nod, 7!n.
wiiishv dull i Western at tl 15.
new Tern market.
Nw VenK, Julyti. Klnur ilutl unit heavy.
Wheat lti'le lower, heavy nml unsettled
mere active, apeculiulve trading; Ne. i Ued
July, Die t Ainr., lilXQuSVie t Hnpt.. 0S4QWie i
Det. 07a'JiVi I Nev.. UixODDs ; Dec, tl ul ;
Jan., tieitf; 'elifl 01.
Cern (JlMe i Western lalrly aettvn ;
Mlxixl Western spot, CU(JS8!e; de lntnre. 67
Outs opened UOJiSe lewer; later rocevorod
Irem ili'iillim ; Ne. ! riept., nii'He ; Htnte, .TJ
IOe, Western, iiiaiWe.
f.lvs fctecK mrket.
Ciiioaiie. llngi Kocelpts, 23,000 head 1
flhlpmenLH, l.ioe heed ; market wealc and
luiilSe lower ; rough tucklnv, ISiJl 40 1 pack
ing unit shipping, (3 33U3 70 J light, t3t)SC0l
skips, fiffl iw.
Cottle ICecelpts, 7,500 head t rhlpments, 2,300
head, niiirnniHtriulv ; hestgradea lOe lewer;
expert Ki'aile-i, til S0iUIWi oe.l te cliolce
MhlpjiliiK. tu CAQiiiiOt I'oinmen te medium, ts 10
O'l 1 Kress Tuxaus, 1 Uf OS '20.
Sheep -Kecelptn, 1,00 lieiidt shipments nene;
host erodes Mr in ; enmmen uradusdull ; tnfor tnfer tnfor
leruitalr, t'2'2H(3M) medium te KOed.tUM
fJIMi choice le ultra, l '230-3 "23 l.uuibj, tXQ
e pur nuuu.
Kast LinuaTY. Cattle stew and unclianged ;
recelpts, head ; shipments. '2.000 hund.
IIekm tlrm ; l'lilladclphtas, t3 bone ; Yorkers,
t3M(f3 70; lccelpls, K-e heiid; shipments, 1,1100
Uhcep slew nail uiichanscd for geed ; 13QZ0s
ier couiineu in iiiDiiium receipts, i,ev) near ;
shipments, 2,U" head.
New vara.
4UOlatluus by Associated l'rcdj
Hteclca lower. Meney, iQle.
sew yerk Central
l.rle Itiilieud
....... v.r;ii
................ l.?.i
Adams xnrues
f.ilchlKiin (iutitral llallnmd &&
.... i
3iieuiKiiii eiiiiineni iianruiui a
lllluuU Cent I al Uallreail 110
Cleveland A l'lltit)uri,'h Itatlreud 13 1
-hlcu;i A llix-it Island Railroad ...IOC
I'ltlsuurijti & fort Wiiytiu Itailiead i'
Westeni Onion rnltfripti itimpany.
loicue.t tvauiun...
.ew ,).-r.j)- i.'entiul
s.-w verir imu'in Wiwuirn.
.. . .....
juotiitiensny Asioclated I'ree
Blocks Htiudy.
."dladelphtu A Illicit. I
'.end I tiff Itat Ireui
I'Hiuisylvnnla Itnllread
I tihlKli Valley Itnllread
United Ceminnlusnr Now.ferjey
Verthern 1'aclllc
Northern I'acltle I'referrul
"lerthetn Central Itnllread
l.enlKh Navliratlnn Company
Morrlstewn ttatlread
Cnninil TrnnsportaDen Company
l!ni)a'i, N Y..und Philadelphia.
i .'..-., i-.-iupi itullrnul
.ariiaitens Iiy um- I, McOrann
A Ce ,
-.rN, Lancaster, l'B.
11 A. H.
',.: A 1.0
Mtetitimu Central
Vew Yerk Control
Ww Jeisey (.'entril
onto Central
Del. Lack. A Western....
Denver A Itte Orandn....
linnmiH A Texas
Lake yhinu
Chicago A N. w com....
S. N.,Ont. A Western....
it. I'aul AOmaha
i'actnc Mull
llechnster A Hushing!)..
llWi 0-X OS;
12C 122
13 13V
72Vi 11
tSX, 88)2
.... U
23 Vlk
n u
65i 01
ay, 3D;
.... 0
56" mc
unit Ul
ni. rain..
I lOXtlS I'ftClllO
; wulen
Wabash Common
Wabash Proferrod
Wnst'rn Union Telegraph
iio-ilsville A Nnsnvllle...
n. v.,(jni. a nu l
Lehit'.h Valley
Lehigh Navigation
I'.T. A liultllle
Nmi'mrn l'nclflc Coin...
-urthurn I'liclllc 1'ref...
'lilhulDlphla A IS He
Merinern Control
' 'jy'l,l(la southern,
-we'i ivsenifer.
l.uoainiuensnnn lluudi
wirtud by J. It. I, en if.
Lanriwiiir City 8 iier.cent IBift.,
t nut ct. In 1 or 30 viars
4 per ct. Hciioel Lean.... uu
i in mi an 3'iuini.. ivi
I " lu fter)yivirs..l'Ju
In 10 oral years, ine
,. i-iii) tm '"ire'.H'h loin... 100
first N lUfitlill uanlc iVM
l-'iirnien.' National llanli 60
t'lltun National Hank 10J
Lane i-i'-r County National Hank,, te
Columbia National Hank 100
OlirlHtlnnn Nntlemu Hank IOJ
Kphrnta National Hank lm
First National Danlr, Columbia..
riret National Iliuut, Htraiburir.... Hw
irsi MUtenai imnK .iniriuiui.. ... imi
Kli-st Nixtlennl liante, Mount Jey.. tt)
LltlU National Hank 100
llanhel n National Dan It I'll
Union National llnnlt. Mount Jey. te
New Helland Notional Haul; rm
Han National Hank iu
Qtiiirrvvllle National Hank le)
111!,' Spring A Heaver Vulmy ,.t 23 I
HrldKeperl Alloreshoi l'J!-i
Columbia A Chestnut 11111
teluuiblaA WnshliiKten ve
Columbia ft lllg Spring 13
Columbia Marietta 23
Maytown A tcilzabotutewu...., &
ijiiicusterA Kphrata rs
Lanciuier A Willow Streot.......... -23
btraauuri; A Millport 28
Marietta Maytown , '25
Marietta A Mount Jev '23
Lane, Kllrabetht'n A Ml.tdlnt'n luu
Lancaster A rrultvlila te
LimcesterALlUtz ., 23
Lancaster A Wllllamstewii.,,, 26
Lancaster A Maner te caster A Manbnlm '
Lnnc.isterA MartetU.- &
Uincaster A New Heliaau hu
Lancaster A h-jsauelmnna..... mm
t !i
Dniirrvvlui) It. It
OiiBLlifntiiml "uel company.
Stevens lloune cuemu).....
Columbia 0 Company ....
auiiiuviwi'M. ---- -- I ' " ..v
ilurliitta i icwiuw nu ....... ... ---
Stevens liouse........ jj
Sicily IlDJid- .........;. J5
KutlllundywlneA Wyuib'.... W
MHlenivlim Nenuiil bclioel
Northern Market..,. te
Kasteru Market...... .........-.. "-
...,in.nlliirkAI ..... ... nO
Luncuter City Street Car ,.. 41 W
ll J.
'"llr V
, ,.,