Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 07, 1884, Image 2

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Eancaatct IntcIUgenrcr.
Shall We .Drink Muddy Water I
It certainly is net desirable that mud
Instead of water should be furnished te
the people from the reservoirs of this
town. The householder is charged a
heavy water rent, and the contract is
that he shall have Reed water f urnlslied
him. That bargain is net kept during a
geed portion of the year. When the
water in the Conestoga is muddy the
water in the hydrants is muddy. The
reservoir seems te be of no use what
ever. We might as well dlspenae with
It altogether, se far as Its purpose la te
purify the water we drink. That Is a
main object in building reserveirs, the
only ether purpose they serve being te
collect a store of water against a sudden
drain or breakage of pumping inn.
chinery. If we are te have muddy
water we might as well have a stnudplpe
supply altogether, slnce we have intro
duced steam pumps that make us Inde
pendent of droughts. The water author!
ties of the town seem te be of this
opinion, and give us the mud from
the' stand pi pe with great composure.
They glve us tee much of it. We are
of opinion that the patience of the eo ee
ple is exhausted. Their forefathers
built a reservoir which amply supplied
the town with pure water a half century
or se age, and continued te de it until
within the pest decade. Endless sums
of money have been squandered en the
water works, and every new and then,
when a big expense Is incurred, we are
assured thai we are going new te have
nu abundance of lovely water. New
the promlse is kept we all knew. There
is never a semblance of keeping it. If
your house is net situated en a hill you
'can get enough of the fluid, but when
you are up high your reliance must be
en your own water works. When the
Coneatega is limpid you get limpid
water, but what you get just depends
en what the Concsteea has uthe time ;
nnd as it carries mud for a geed portion
of the year, you get mud.
De you like It? If net, step jour
neighbor if he is in councils as he passed
your liouse and ask him why it is, when
you pay the cty for water, you get the
stuff your hydrant furnishes you se often.
Tell him that you think the city ought
te try te be at least honest, aud if it
can't furnish twelve months' supply of
clean water It ought net
te charce for
it. Ask him what the use of a reservoir
is, and if he does net knew that it is
intended te provide a place where the
water can rest, after It is pumped, uutil
it is settled and clear, advise him of
Its uie and nsk iilm te inform him
self about it. Perhaps if the council
men are made aware that we can have
pure wa'er by utilising our reservoirs,
they may see te it that they are permit
ted te become the purifiers they are cal
culated for. And if we really need mere
reservoirs, as is likely, perhaps they will
be persuaded te build them ; just te
deal honestly with the people, te whom
ihey imve agreed te furnish puie water
Ju abundance, but te whom they de net
furnish it at nil, fifty te a hundred dajs
lu the year.
Mmply an Offlce Mculfr
Mr. Legan has undertaken In a very
elaborate way, from his seat in the Sen
ate, te contradict the story that he owns
a great body of what weie once public
lauds and that he located them ou nu
Indian reservation. He sustains ids own
denial with certificates from various
sources, and we tuke it he has proven
that he never owned a creat body
of public land stolen from the Indians ;
but there never was tiny foundation for
the story, and the senator might have
disproved it with far les3 effort. It
seems that three persons, of whom his
senln law was one, entered a small tract
of public land which was subsequently
declared te bs In theZuui Indian rewr
vatien; and that is all that there
appears te be in the story. Sena
ter Legau does net bear the repute
of being a public robber. He has been
tee ambitious all his life te let any such
grime touch his garments ; and he has
had a geed and clever wife te steer him
straight. Ills partner en the ticket was
less scrupulous and less wisely guided,
and te-day finds himself before the
poeplo for the highest ofllce in their mft.
which is te be denled him became he has
shown them clearly that he Is net honest
in his dealings aiiy mero than lu his
convictions. The latter falling Legan
has in common with his associate. He
has flopped ever, lit very short metre,
from being a pre-slavery, slave-drivitig
Democrat te be an Abolition Itepublicaii;
aud he has slnce rested there,
because he has found it a pleasant land
of office holding In which te abide. If
he had been kicked out of ofllce by the
Hepubllcaus lie would have Hopped back
te the Democrats, could he but have
Been there the read back te Washington.
Legan wouldn't Hteal anything but tin
ofllce ; but that wouldn't be safe any
where near him, if he happened te be
A Mission That Is A'e Sinecure.
The appointment of Jehn A. Kassou
as minister te Germany revives discus
sion et the attitude of JJisnmrck
tewardB the United States, which has
faded Bomewhut from public view slnce
the Lasker Incident. Hut tliere can
hardly be two opinions that Mr. Kassen
will net occupy a bed of roses during his
sojourn in the Fatherland. He will
need te be well equipped with diploma
tic tact, courage und brains te with
Btaml the ndvances of tlw wily tienutn
chancellor. Ex-Minister Sargent's seat
was made uncomfortably warm for him,
se seen us HIsmarck discovered hint
opposing his plans ter the prohibition of
American perk. The manner in which
the German potentate protected domes
tic perk against the inroads of the
Amerlcuu competitor gives color te the
suspicion that he is a transplanted
Yankee In disguise, ile started a great
hullabaloo against the foreign article
en sanitary grounds, declaring that
American perk was diseased ; and tills In
me race or the highest German solentiflo
authority te the contrary.
On Blmilar grounds and from like
motive American rotateea had been
excluded, nnd by a strained construction
of the Herman tariff American canned
meats and canned fruits were virtually
kept out of the country.
liismurck seems determined te push
American trade with Germany te the
wall, and he will give no quarter te
these who stand lu the read of the
accomplishment of his desires. Trem
present upicarnnces It leeks as though
the new German minister would have
plenty of opportunity te earn ills salary.
Tin: doubtful Kings county or Broek
lyn delegates are reported te havede.
elded, by a vete of seven te two, te
supH)rt Cleveland, which will ensure his
getting the vete of New Yerk state, and
would seem te secure his nomination,
without contest in the convention.
Hamum. will have a geed foundation
or vote en which te start his growth If the
Cleveland movement does net deprive it
of time for development. Ile nil! have
a geed many votes, outside of the lVnn
uylvania vote, at the start.
A littli: mere patience and the cloud
of uncertainty that hides the next presi
dent front iew will be dissipated.
Thk Lang-Seu battle teems te have
been the chip France was waiting te
have China knock elT her shoulder.
It Is nu In tli'.- itlilpw reck mill tlie strlle
In 1 iiumi'iiliii ', iimi Nh te be no tiKui ,
lliuln tlie utter slU nce en tut' tieru,
Wlii'ii nil U lust except u liUle llte.
In the bustle aud oxeiloment of tlie
presidential cauvnis, it should net be for
gotten that twenty oue I'd! ted States
senators must be re-electcd by the Legis
latures of tlielr respective states boiere
March 3, lSSTi. Tnese men will be mero
potential in shaping the future of the
country thau the medt ambitious of
Tut: brutal Lord St. Leenard, whom
outrageous assault en a young servant girl
of his guest has lent infamy te bis uatne,
has been released after seven weeks' eon
liuement in jail. Had he been a com
moner, his beuteucu would li.itu run into
years iustead of weeks. Titles of nobility
should net be allowed ti shield criminals
of his bis? description.
(.Ii.iijrr.u's return home was tlie signal
for an enthusiastic demonstration among
the peasantry of her place of birth. Fer a
half a mile befen her resulcnee was
I readied, the way Iiterably bestrewed with
Levers. Her coming, hke that of the
uorean cenxuis ei eui, is H:imiHj uy ;i
triumphal precession, in which Americiu
shekels ate substituted for the spoils of a
foreign prevince.
S.vuui Ukiimiaudt essayed te preduce
"Macbeth" In Louden ou Friday night,
with au inglorious failure, an the result
that has thrown the Louden critics into
hysterical laughter. The diviue Sirah
assailed her cespiuy, as the oause of tlie
Hace. The weather will be very much
colder than it has been for a Ien); time,
when Sarah will coase her efforts te add te
I her notoriety, which seems at present te
be her chief stock in trade.
In spite of the heavy tan 11 en works of
art imported into the United States
American buyers during the hist seven
years have purchased mera than 111 000,000
of pictures ireni foreicu salons. The
largest amount in oue year was in liSJ,
when it was oleso te $-.2,500,000. Though
it seems hard that a high tariff should bi
placed ou nrtieles that couduce te the
growth et geed taste, there is compensation
la the fact that the burJeu falls bdavie-t
en tuose whose ability te b.-ar it is best.
Fi:mx Mauie Vicren Massi., the
uratcd composer, is dead in fans.
An va.nuku II. Stki-iiens' libiaty,
which cost him $20,000, has been sacntleed
for ?S0O.
dims Maui'.k, ise,., thi well kiiewu
Republican politician el Allegheuy, aud
wife are viating Mr. J. A. MoUevitt, of
this city.
Uisiiei1 Wiurri.E is said te have riddeu
horseback ever IIU.OOO miles during his
forty years' service uuieng the red men of
the NoitUweet.
Mil. A. Vn Waiinkic, au Amencau,
aud a protego of the late Judah l iienj i
rain, buoceods te the looms and possibly
te put of the practice of the great bar
rister. Kk. William Ewini., 1ii. i) prin
cipal of Jotrersou Aovlemy, C'anensbiirg,
for the past thittean year', has teudered
his resignation as principal of that tusti
Uii.milksG.Faiuman, of Klmira, died
at Wollabero, l'a., Suuday afternoon, aged
00 years. He wai bem In Lewisten, N.
V., In 1820 He feuuded the Elmira Daihi
AtlctrUtier in 1853.
l!r.i:cin:ii is absolutely oppenod te cie
rnatien. He says that "the idea of the
riburrectien of the body would present a
lastiug objeetlon te the Pagan custom of
burning the dead."
Tilden is a great readcr, often extend
ing this occupation te a late hour lu thu
evening. He nees out almost dally iu his
yacht aud seems te be Improving in health
rather thau otherwise.
Pni'.sniKNT AitTiitit shaves himself
every morning after he Iwh his bath, aud
uas tils nalr and whiskers trimmed every
woek. He m as fastidleuti iu thlsicspect
us he la about his wearing apparel.
Mits Kiu.ncis HonesoN lit itNinr very
heiibluly ( permits her two pretty ehildreii
te tumble about (julte uiitrnminuled iu
respect of suporllueus nlethinc in thu mien
air, aud the uoighbers call them veuiil'
Senateii Yvnci: wants te get away fiern
Congress te his home iu North Uareliua
He nays: "I watit te wake up In the
morning aud sen the pine trees, mid 1
want te smell thorn when I go te bed, its
their perfume floats Inte the window and
makes mu dream that I am a child again.
I want te go out iiite our old Holds ence
inote and see a nigger plowing with a ouo euo oue
eyed inule, with a collee-saok for a plow -line.
Uuvermir 1'utllseii ninuilitiniuuil,
Judge Slmonteu of Hunlsbiirg, has
llledau opinion iu the oase of .leiiathau
M. Nlenmn, of Pottstown, against (lovur (levur (lovur
ner Pattlseti, au aotlen te oempol the
latter te griiut the former a commission as
justice, or the poaeo el the Third ward of
J ottstewn, Montgomery county. Nieniau
was oleotcd in February last, and a com
in IshIeu was ref used him en the ground
that the ward was net outltled te u lustloe
el the peace. Judge Blmouteu, iu hla
opinion, says thatthe borough of Pettii
town is outltled te oue hint! . ..m.
ward, aud that Nleraau's eleotleu took
place at the preper time. Hcv .rr,tu ti.
peremptory mandamus en tlm .,.
compelliug htm te Issue the oeuimisslou.
Mtl el ttin llflfcmrn Alrrruly In Ihn lilty
liuiiier lnt tlm Kings Uunuty Heir.
Kellun will siiiiirt llrvrUml.
It has beeu a noisy Sunday lu Chicago.
The arrival of delegations and Itidepeudent
organizations continued throughout Satur
day night and all of Sunday, and Sunday
ulght the full working strength of the
conveution was en the greuud, with but
few individual exceptions. A roll call
would show the presence iu the city of 800
accredited delegates. The feature of the
day was the arrival of the marching or
sanitatiens. Their com I tie; was heralded
by bands of music, and from early merniug
until the arrival of Tammany hall and
there have been constantly recurring
sceucs of matching bodies and boisterous
The blue white stilT felt hats of the
uniformed clubs were everywhere con
spicuous during the day. There were the
distinguishing badge of the Democracy
everywhere. Aside from this, the alubs
were uniformed or net, as suited their
several taMcs. The inombers of the Cook
county Democratic club, who, in addition
te the cer present white tile, wear blue
yacht club suits, oraue silk gIeCN ami
Iiht eanes, were kept busy all day receiv
ing kindred organizations and escorting
them te thelr several headquarters. Ameug
the tlrst te arrive were the Amerious aud
Satnuel J. llaudallehibi. of Philadelphia,
the fir ucr attired iu brownish gray uni
forms, with cutaway cimus, nnd were
beaded by the famous Weccacoe baud,
the latter wt'arlug silken badges couepieti
eusly k-tteted in old bullion w ith the name
of their favorite. Liter In the day the
New Yerk county Democracy came iu a
body, undistinguished by any uniforms
except as te hats. About four o'clock the
McDonald club, el ludiauapehs, .V0
streug, aud bearing a large banner en
which wa.s a 1'ertiait of the Indiana
candidate, was escorted te the I'.ilmur
house. An hour later the Iivitighall
delegation from New terk, uumbi'un;
l.'iO, c.iine by special ttai.i, aud the list el
the important arrivals of the day cle.niil at
0:110 u'clfi-k w ith the appearance i,f the
Tammany Hall ceutiugeut, eccupyitii; two
t-pecial trams aud nuuibenug about 000
it is announced te night that the Kiugs
county delegation decided te supp rt
Cleelaud, which will give hitu, it is
claimed, two thirds of the entire New
Yerk delegation en a caucus vote, and
will cemihil the entire delegation te v.te
for him under the rule adopted at Sara
toga. This decision created ousiduruble
commotion in view of the interest which
centres in the probable action of the New New
Yerk delegation. The Oregeu dolegatiea
at a mnctiug te night decided te divorce
itxelf from the California delegation, with
which it has been active and stated that it
would present the uame of Justice Field
te the convention
lloeinluc luminal.
Iu the midst of all the blire of bin Is
and the genrnl shouting the Pennsylvania
people hive had their innings. Se rrunv
of the Democrats from Pennsylvania have
poured Inte I'hicage, that it has been
teuml neerseary te open the large court
room ou the main lloer of the Grand
Pacific for headquarters This was done
at six o'clock Suuday evening. Immedi
ately there after the Americus club
accempauicu uy tue it-inuaii cluu and a
brass band, marched lute the place. They
cuecreu iei naiuiau in me neartiest way
Senater Kennedy made a bhert speech in
behalf of the Americus club, exprcsMne
us sinceiuy and anxiety te see Kincall
nominated. Chairman Heusel repliwi,
cemphmentiDjr both clubs upon their
appearance. This done there was some
mero client iug and the clubs marched out
and joined the Cook county Drmocrat'e
club in iscertinj; the eight hundred
Tammauy people in their march through
the priucipal street el the town. The
preciBiuu wis an impe-dng one-all Deme
It is estimated that thore are net Jcs
than 800 Penrsylvanians in Chicago at this
time, aud the number will be increased en
Monday. Senater Kckley IJ. Coxe will
probably be chairman of the Pennsylvania
delegation Malcolm Hay will go en the
cotnmittce en resolutions. This is dene
with the knowledge that geed, persuicive
and debating ability may be needed there.
Ne oue in the delegation has this power te
a (ireater oxteut than Hay. The Penusyl.
vanians recegui.a the fact thatthe platform
may de a geed deal for Kaudall. Ex Ex Ex
(Joterner Curtiu will make the spteo' sptee'
presentiug Itaedall te the convention.
A HOT Allt Slllr.
Huw nn InvMitlve I'Mlftdelphlun Kxpecu te
NHvljiklethe Air.
Thrly years of study anJ la'wr ou the
part of Mr. Charles P. l-'est, of Uorman Uerman Uorman
lewn, is beheved by that gontlemau te
have reiiilted in an invention which will
enable him te navigate the air with the
safety that a ship sails the watery way.
Mr. Kent IS a (litriuan inwnlrn- tuwcnininii
an inventlve mind, and during his thirty
years ei wen;, niue patents were granted
him for aerial apparatus which proved uu
succensful.and while bringing him ue fame,
cost him lu alUO.000. The last patent he
obtained en March 18, and the labor
seven months befere and siuoe that date
has enabled him te produce, a streug ma
nilla paper and net model of bin air ship.
This is iu the shape of a oyliuder with
ene oeno-bliaped euds, thirty feet long
and nine feet in diameter, weighing 'i I
peuuds. At either end en the under side
of this tube are lamps, which will be sup sup
plted by rubber tubus from au oil reser
veir. The lamps are deslgned te genorate
het air, which is te be the bueyaut and
guiding power. At each eud of the tube
is a valve, aud en each slde two ethers,
which will boeponed orHhutse as te allow
the het air te escape and ohauge the dirce
lien of the ship, using the principle of
" Darker' Mill," whieh Is seen iu opera
tleu every day iu the rovelvlug water
fountain or gas jets. Uy epeulug ami
shuttlug these valves, it la also propesod
te regulate the height of tlie course.
If the minlture ship behaves se
well in trials as te preve its
practicability, Mr. Fest intends te
at ence construct nshipofHiifllcient i.e
te carry 1,110 pounds. It was -10 feet in
diameter, 150 feet long nnd will weigh 250
putuids. It will contain about 8,000 cubie
leet of het air. Iu this ship he expects te
cress the Atlantic ocean at the rnte ei 100
te 140 miles an hour. It will earry about
50 gullens el oil, which Is mullclent te last
thrce days. The lamp, the valves or ether
parts will be operatod by ropes from the
car of the ship, suspended from the tubu.
lar meter. In the ou"erU te invent a sue.
cessful aerial ship, Mr. Fest has con.
Mtruetcd ever 1100 balloons of dlllerent
kinds. He tried gas, electricty and ethor
metive pewers in valn.and dually hit upon
the last plan. The ship will be covered all
ever with asbestos nnd silicate of Heda, te
hcctire it from tire and explosions, which
weie the obier obstacles iu using gas. Mr.
rest ( Intended te give his invoutleu a trial
uu Iriduy lust, but uu aocideut te his wife
se severely Injured her that the trial was
postponed, but it will oemo elf at a future
UrpieteuUtlvrs from ull the World luMe,.
Bleu nt Jielusi,
The Prcsbyterlan reunieti was most lu.
terejl Ing throughout. The ltev. Dr. Hall,
of New ierk, conducted the dovetloinl
Horvleo. Mr. Bluelalr, a Juutiee of the
peace, aeted as chairman of the rcunleu
He said it was a privilege te preside ever
se Important und lutereiitlng a reunion of
men Irem all quarters of the glebo olalm elalm
jug H9egh and Irish descent, The history
of llrltlnh oelonlzttioii, he said, showed no
such grand feature lis the energy of tlie
Ulsterniau. Whoever he located he
speedily breaufe n power
t'entliiiiiug Mr. Si'cttir said: "The
Ulstermnti is oue of the inoet vigorous of
the civilizing and modem coleuUlug
forces extaut. We are proud te most
heartily unite with our transatlantic
brethren te comtiieiiieiatK the anniversary
of the lniloHiiidenoo of America. We de
slre that the fervency of the relations i f
the two great Angle S ett countries may
be shown in ever Increasing mutual
nlTeotieu, peace nnd geed will. Oue of
the nieht remarkable ipialities of the great
republic Is its power of ubserbiiig and
assliiillatlng races. The Scotch and Irish
settlementH are the most prosperous and
law-abiding lu America. Their citizens
occupy the highe-d position in all the
walks of life. The Scotch and Itl-di fur
ulsh some of the greatest men el America
such as .Menree, Jacksen and Arthur. The
I'resbyteitan church of America was
founded by an I'lctcrmau, and today
hundreds of theuN.iuds of I'lsterites ou
both sides of the All tuttc ure carrying en
a neble work."
llllil.lllMilli Hrp I itie l,ln lit UU Wit
una ItniKHttr.
Ilarrtsbnri; I'nti let.
Auact of remarkable eharaoter aud one
which saved the lives of two persons,
though placing in pi'nl tha' of tlm third,
was jierlertned en Friday last nt Dauphin.
David Jenkins, a large man and au attache
of the telephone cjmpauy of this city,
went te that, place fimn Ilirri-tburg te
spend a day llshing. He was accompanied
by his wlfe and four year old d iiighter. A
beat was secured aud Mr. JeukitH started
for a llshiug place. The river opjnisite
Dauphin is full of rocks. In seme
places the water is deep, at ethers swilt
and s hallo ;v. Net lar from thu shore the
beat Iu which the party were seated struck
a rock ami in a moment the occupants were
tljiiuderlug in at least twele feet of water.
Mr Jenkins Is an expert swimmer and as
he roi-e te the surface he at ence mv.uu te
his wife who hud net yet bank for the
second time. He then looked for tte
daughter, but she hail d.eappcarcd. He
I.umediately aud with great presence of
mind arranged the bki'tn of his w ife iu such
a way us te allow them te buoy her up
long enough for her te leek for the
child. The wemau showed great CJtirae
aud remaiued us quiet as possible under
the circumstances, and lu succeeded in
(Using down ami securing his daughter,
who was still couseieiis. He then V warn
with the wife and child for almost two
huudred feet, when they were secured by
J. C. Stcckley, who ha 1 witnessed the
accident and oame at enue te them in a
beat. They received attention at Mr.
Stcckley's houe until they were able te
rcturu te this city.
II iw Sile Ilurtt Lllis Ihii lluiiiire.: I'utiuu
aim, utl IheMAjtc
Lulu HurU, the " magnetic " girl from
Georgia, was the attraction at Wallack's
theatre, New Yerk, Saturday afternoon.
She is above medium height aud is uf
spleudid propnUens, wi'h a soft peachy
oetnplexiou. The exhibition began by the
manager calling for au umbrella. The
owner of the umbrell i raised it nnd steed
uu ler it with tbe yeunc lady. Deth had
held of the handle. Then the borrowed
umbrella yaaked itself downward, hit the
owner under the ear, pounded him about the
bead, and linally, as he htruggled te held
it steidy, pushed hitu ever half a dozen
grave looking editors and landed him In
an ash limp juit oil the stage. A mm
held a billiard cue. Miss Hurst put her
left hand en it w ith her thumb under the
end of it, and debpite the struggles of the
geutlemati he was hauled all ever the
stage, and had te leave go his held. A
SOC.peund scientist sat down upon a chair;
Miss Hurst placed thi palms of her hands
against its sides and lifted him clean oil
tbe lloer. As the chair began te raNe the
observer could net fail te note hew the
tine mmcleslu tU3 forearm grew rigid and
steed out in little cords. Ne oue seomed
te comprehond the mysterious ngeney
wh ch the girl employs.
lieiulnlcK Mcunrey' Victory.
One of the most oxeiting gleve oentests
ever seen in New Yerk, took plate en the
Metropolitan base ball grounds. The
contestants were Demiuick McCaffrey and
Jehu Heunle. Fer months past McCalfrey
has been trying te get en a raateh, but
Mitchell, Clcary, PeLdergaiit and the
ethor pugilists of nete refralned from
making a match wi.hhim. When Ken Ken
eo, who is a famous Caledonian
athlote, challenged Sullivan and was
refused, McCatlrey took up the chal
lenge, nnd the meeting te-day was the re
btilt. P. J. Denehue was referee. The men
were very small gloves, whieh aided rather
than hindered tlie forceof the blew. Hi-nne
is a giant, standing 0 leet tall and weighiug
2J0 peuuds; he is 20 ye us old. McCatrrey is
20 years old. stands 1 feet 8 J inches tall aud
weighed lGe eunils. The tlhht was u
despcrate oue, aud Itntue, te usa a spec
tator's oxpression, "did net have a face te
go home with." He was down
four times by MoC.illrev'H right-hand
blows, and en the 1 ist occasion was
keaked out of time. Just as tbe roferoo
gave his decision the pjliuc ordered the
light te step. It lasted 1 mintm-a and 15
Ilruwnert lu tlie VWllrfpoel IUplil.
Ou Saturday a man's clothing was found
down at the old Maul of the Mist landing
en the Amoriean slde of the Niagara river,
at the eutranoe te the whirlpool rapids. A
memorandum book found in the clothes
gave the name of D. Albeit, who, it was
discovered, was from Utlea and was regis
tered at the Frontier house Albert was
in the habit of bathing at the
Maid of the Mist landing overy
evening and was a very daring
swimmer. He was frcipiently warned but
seemed te take no heed. It Is beheved he
was try Ing te llnd the current, hi erder te
successfully swim the whirljioel rapids,
whom Capt. Webb met his fate. He was
about thirtyflve years old, tall aud of a
blende complexion. The allafr Is the
subject of considerable oxcitement at the
rails, aud there nre many cenlectures as
te whether it is n suioide or aeaident.
Air. I.anstrjr In Hn Francisce
Airs, Lanctrv has roaneu te be tired of
her notoriety after her California ex
lierionce. According te the Araenaut of
San Franolsae they inebued her out there,
actually chased her through the btreets te
stare at her, and the picture of the Lily
giuuering iiurBKirr.n noeutnerauu uying
from her fomalendmirors is only matched
by the sceno nt the stage deer wbere
suveral hundred men and boys wailed for
her te oemo out and then hooted and
yelled at her. Nevertheless the Lily ap
pears te have made warm and fast Jriends
iii Ban Frnnoiseo us olsewhoio and (20,000
UC8IU0S. ,
UmicceMari'y Alurmed.
New exk bun.
"Cbolera 1" oxelalmod an old farmer,
"llreat Ciusar 1 man, don't tell me that
this country Is threatened with cholera
"Yes, it's get into France, and without
preper precautions may reach Amorlea."
"It's terrible," he areaued. "Why, last
year I lest four of the finest hogs you ever
see with the cholera I"
"Hut this is net the hog chjlera, It's
Aslatie cbolera."
"Oh I" said the farmer, looking much
relleved, "I was afraid It was hog cholera."
r aw Htreet Jrn.
The new ene hersu ears for the ntroet
railway oempauy have arrived. They ate
ouclescd and very pretty.
m.m. werts or a r-Atiuut ui.e mm
, I'll te Uettviu lllll The I'nlnun Hliirr
stnrj IJ ii te ii ill Meet l.lvsil iiiiiiiiiiisiiI.
tn ruinous l'lllilll ill f II
l.ilmcts t'ein Private leiH"i ilnle uu.
KniNiu nun, Scotland, June ID, 1831.
We arrived here from Stirling, at 5 p.
in. yesteiday, whoie we met Mr. mid Mis.
Dr. liausuiiiti, Willi whom we
pirtrd at (Jiieeiistewu, They have been
Htlug nt tlie l.ugllsli lakes. Dr. Seuali,
his wife, seu and daughter, nnd Dr. Hern
berger, nre here alto. Thern was a meet
ing of thu committee of the council, of
winch Drs. Sehatl, App'e and llemberger,
ate members, held iu this city today.
We took a drive through tlie elty tins
iiieimiig. Mslttug places of interest ; the
Calteu Hill and S.iliebury Craigs, up hi
tlm top of which Ih Arthur h Sent, ilus
hill is completely encircled with elegant
leads which command a beautiful vhnvel
the city, lis suburbs and tbe surrounding
We iirove tnreiuii tue taaouate, it
being in the old portion of the elty, and
with which se much historic interest Is
connected. At the feet of It stands Hely
reed palace, and tlie ruins et the old
abbey, whcie many uf the kings of Scot
laud and the nobility ate burled. Iu this
palace, Mary, the utifettuuatu Quoeu of
Scots, resided when she was man ml
te Lord 1) irnley. The rooms iu which she
resided are hhewn, e iiitaiuitig her bed just
as it was when shu lived, and much el the
old furuituie and pictures remain. The
room ib also shown iu which her secretary,
the Italian KiOu-le, was stablud aud killed
by the conspirators who were instigated by
Daruley, and led by linn by the seciel
stairway Inte the ipieen's rooms. The
room where the murder was committed,
said te be the iiueeu's supptui; room, is a
very small one and would bcareely held a
dozen person. Visitors are also shown
L rd Daruley's rooms, and the pieturn ga'
leiy c-uitaiui'ig the piettues of nil the
kings of Scotland, but that they resemble
them us wheu iu the tlesh is rather mythi mythi
e.l. I lie llrnrl el Ml I lnlil.ili.
Ou this old street stauds the heiisu of
Jehu Knox, the shop in which AUiu
Hamsay, the poet, did business as a
biHikseller utid stationer, and St. Odes'
chin eh, au old struoture in which Jehn
Kner preached. Here, tee, steed the
Heart of Midettiiau. The spot is marked
iu the pivement by the ropresent.Uion of a
Iirgeheait The old Telb.Hith, which
Soelt iiann s as the prison iu which Htlie
Deau wxs still .standing. Tneru
are many wonderfully ipialnt loeklug old
houses in this ft. vet, which give it a
weird leek.
The crstle stands ut the lit-, id of this
street, ou a rock, which i.s high abeve tlie
town. The view from the rampart isun
surpassed. There is goeil reason te be
l.e ve that some small tortieus of the cas
tie date back te the days of the Picts,
but there have been numerous additions
nnd improvements. The old Pari' imetu
house, is new used for soldier's barracks.
Iu the crown room isthoregaliiefSjothud
A part of the crown isstld te have encircled
tbe head of It bcrt Bruce, Mary, her son
James VI, and her grandson, Charles I
The sword was presented by Pope Jtiliau
II te James 1Y. Iicslde the crown room
is the apartment where in I-mO Mary gave
birth te her son James VI. Many articles
et fttrntture used by her remain, which are
very iuaiut loeklug. The rooms are very
small, dimly lighted and uncomfortable.
It was here she remaiued after the murder
of Kiccio.
IJucen Margaret's chattel Is still stand
ing It is the eldest of all the buildings, cs
she worshiped iu it at the time et her
death in 10'JJ ; it is very small, only 10)
by !W feet.
A Ultjr or MentliiKUta.
Scotland, hke Ireland, dees honor te her
great meu. Tue city is full of monuments
te her jreat aud learned men. Prominent
among them are the monuments te Scott
aud Burns. The forrner is a Gothle struc
ture of elegeaut proportions, chaste nud
beautiful iu design, standing lu Princess
Edinburgh is a flue city ; the houses iu
the new town are very, remind
lud us much of Bosten ; only that it has
much wider streets. It is a great scat of
Imrning, his flue public building; nud
churches and is a Presbyterian stronghold.
We will visit Abbottsford, Melrese Abbey
Ac, te morrow. O. W. II.
m m
Kveutn Near tsuil Acress ihe Ueuntj l.liies.
Archbishop Kyan, Philadeljihia's new
Catholic prelate, will arrive from St. Leuis
at the cud of this week.
The secretary of the treasury has
leccived a coiiHcienco contribution et $100
from a resident of Philadelphia.
(Seorge JneeD Sehmidlin, the murdorer
of Prank Hietz, committed suioide by
hanging himself at Milferd ou Sunday.
Themas II. Green, a praotieal stoue
cutter and skilled mechanic, died suddeuly
lu Harrisburg, Suuday morning of con
sumption. Jehn Horgless, a Hungarian, was killed
iu a drunken fight near Ceutralia Friday
night, aud ethers were noneusly if nut
fatally stabbed.
Henry aud Frank Herb, confined iu the
Berks county insaue asylum as lunatics fur
six years, have just beeu discoverod te be
perfectly sanu aud have beeu released.
Franklin county was visited Sunday by a
sovero storm that blew down the Crewoll
manufacturing company building, and
caused a rise lu many of the small
Itobert Tayler, aged 10 years, a seu of
II. P. Tayler, of Hast Nottingham, Ohes
ter county, was struck by lightning
Suuday evening aud Instantly killed while
at work in a wheat field near Keading.
The Pennsylvania division et thu Sens of
Veterans have finished thelr sessions at
Seuth Bothlebom. The reperts of the
officers show that during the year fourteen
new camps were organized in this state,
the inoreaso in nfombership oxcecdlugOOO.
The Yerk flood relief committee have
passed resolutions urging the chief bur
gess and tewu oeunoll te make ou appeal
te ether cities and tewus for nsslstauoe. A
canvass of the Inunduteil district reveals
groater less nnd mero distress thau was
apprehended nt first. The flood extended
ever a large nud thickly populated portion
of the town, and tnauy families lest all
their household eflcats, and will be left
destitute unless mero nld is recur.'d.
A Unix Time Kipecled at Lledarurauz Hull
1UI Uveutug,
An uxquisltely ombreldcrod banner
made by Uurstmau Bres. & Ce., of Phila
delphia, te the order of the lady frleuds of
tue JjieuerKrauz, ei mis any, is new ou
exhibition in the show window of Heary
Gerhart, Kast King stroet. The banuer is
of heavy scarlet silk. Iu the centre of the
obveibo Is a lyre, music boeh and baton,
elaborately embroidered ut silk. Sur
rounding this ueutru plece Ih a large
wreath of laurel, also exquisitely embroi
dered, and laurel corner pieces similarly
wrought. In German text lotters are the
words " Dem Yoreine uowiumet veu ueu
On the roverso, in the coutre, Is an ele.
gautly wrought oagle, with extended
wIiil'h. surrounded by a beautiful wreath
of oak leaves, aud the words : Goftiftet
deu von -lten Jull, 18S0 ;" oil of whieh is
of the finest handwork omeroiuory. ine
banner is bordered with heavy geld frlnge
nud will lu suspended ou heavy geld
cords with large geld tassels. The oatiner
will be formally dodleatod nt Lioderkranz
hall this ovenlng, whoa it willbopresoutod
te the eoeloty. Thoecoaslon proml&en te
be a veiy enjoyable ene. Tlie Mionueiohor '
nnd Liedeikratiji will give a concert te I
gnthnr, und the Falrvllle hand will furnish
the lm-i i emental iiiusle lu the guiden,
winch will bn Illuminated. A gtntid ball'
will wind up tie festivities. ;
A I.Dlll lull O.N INDIA.
II. II, li. Hetiuilill's iiilsreilii,( iMieiiiirin
en lit 1lliiiimty t'runiiriila,
A large eougregalleu was present lit
Trinity Liilheiau eliureh last evening te
heai lliv. II. I'. Schmidt, an linllati mis
sleunry tell what he knew of that far-oil
heathen I mil The speaker was sent out
In 1M70, by the Lutheran church iu Ger
many, te Itajaiiiei dne, near Calcutta,
whine he met inissleiuHles who lud reuiu
there fiem distant places In ludla te te
jsirt piegiess of thelr work ; them G ir
man missiennrles worn in the lluld of
mission labor slnce ISM, aud owing te
the little suppett they received
fimn home their progreiM was slew,
appealing te the church lu Aiuotlea lu 1870,
they received great oneeitragonioiit, and
thou a church was ostabWshed with a con ion of ,100 converts, llev. Sehmldt
graphically pictured the iiuuueis nud
customs of the heathen, and anticipates
great results in the work among tint
2-")0,000 000 souls who worship weed and
stone As tracts ure OKieiitlal te uiucli
geed work, the speaker thought Unit n
printing press would be a gteat help, nud
if the sum of 3-100 or (500 could be idven,
a press ami type oeuld bu procured and
tracts printed lu their language
It -.('. L. Piy read a bnef n pirt or the
Junier Missiiiiiiuy sm-uty, stating that iu
the i st y e ii i' and a silk clinical gown
were git en te aid home missions, and hoped
thatthe home and foreign missions would
loci no special attention li mi all.
Unruliunii Leiter.
List of unclaimed lotlers advertised a'.
Lancaster, Monday, July 7, lSsl :
hiiiux' i.iit Miss Liura llewr, Mrs.
Miry t'rady, Miss Sidm Clavteiu Mrs.
Aiiuiit Cook, Miss D wis Misii lv i te G si I,
.Miss Mav lli.ighy, Mri. Antile A llerr,
Mis Name Itiitncs, Mirs Annie
'avail, Mis. misie Lyiuh (2), Mrs,
Anna Uhe.ids, Miss At in li. Reed,
Miss L uis S. I'elker, Mts (da Weaver.
Uti t Messrs. Geerge Henry
lliuxhetl (.for.), A. K. Itrubaker, J. P.
Ilracten, A. J Charles A. S u, Anten
Diolteld, Jehn Douglass, Mtuitel Green,
Kluier K. Ilatteu, Jehn Hewery, K N.
Jehnsen Milten, Dec Martin,
I'. C. Myers, James K-dmend, Jehn
Sehle tlmwer, William A. Sesby, Adam H.
Smith, Peter .iltunier, Jehn Tivlir,
Frank Wakyield, Tliumas A. Webb,
Philip . irbrick
Tl.l sl.-si IMflllaDitll'AT,
lljr tna
siiikik) -Scheel lllutilrnii uf
,1 Mliti syiinirnj-tiM.
There was a very pleasant Sunday
sob oe I entertainment in the Jewish syr.a
gegue last ev.tuieg. The pregramme con
sisted of recitations, dialogues, vocal
music, A.J., by net Ies.s than forty pupils
of the school, alt of whom rendered the
parts assigtusl them in u most oredit.ihlo
manner, home of the selections weie
very humorous, and provoked much mirth
among the large audience present. At
the close of the progrttume, ftev. I'ngor I'nger I'ngor
leider, who conducted the euteraiuiuui.t,
made nu address te the clis, cimpli cimpli
ineuting them ou the creditable luanutr
in which they had acquitted thenidelveM.
Philip Bernard, president of the school,
respeuded ii behalf of the children, thank
ing Rev. I u.'erleider for the patience nnd
zeal with which he ha 1 labored te m il;e
the entertainment a uccess, and the tin
(lagging interest he hid takca iu the wel
fare of the Iren.
The synagogue, was hatiiUomely decor
ated with il iwcrH ami feliage.
In tlm connection we may aid that
Rev. L'ugorleider, wlu. is in impured
health, has bcen given a two months'
vacation te recuperate. He gees t) Bosten
aud ether eastern c ties
r.ncupr nml l'Mtnre or u 1'cltenrr.
On the third of .lily, llury rlsher was
arrested en a oh.irge of as.sauls and battery
preferred by Li.z e I'ulp. Iustea I el bemg
taken te prison he was kept in the station
house until Siturday night. At 10 o'clock
Olllcer Mtisketuuss started tnjul with the
prisoner. At tboeoruer of Hist King and
Plum streets Fisher took te hia 11 i Is, and
although Musketnuss shot several times at
hiui he easily mid') his escip". List
night Fisbi-r was reciptured nt t'ie liouse
of Miss Cull', en Middle htreet, whieh
was surrounded by Cluef llaiuei, Glllcers
Mnrringer and Musketuiiss. Alter u'l the
fuss, it is said that the woman will net
press the charge against Fisher.
I.iRhti Out.
The Maxim olectrio lighting appiratus
stands no ch inca u a thunder gust. The
iolice ropertad 01 of the lights put out
by the storm of Fridiy ; 00 by the storm
of Saturday, aud Oi ou Sail lay. This
shows mero than ou-ihilfef the limps
in the e ty te have bem out ler
successive nights. The Maxim eeniinny
" must go" unless it can compete mero
Bucecssully with thunderbolts.
OnSiturday mlit 11, aud ou Sunday
night 2 of the j;as)liue limps wero re ro re
perted cut.
TI:e ALCiilent te AI'xnuiKr raltrrreti.
Further details of thu accident te
Alexander Patterson, while working uu
the top of a grain stack ou the of
Adam Uoet, at Meuut Jey, uu Friday,
show that he foil fiem tl.e stack te the
ground, a distance, of twenty feet. He
was picked up In au unconscious condition,
carried te a liouse near by, and subae
quently taken te his home. Dr dogler
was sent fei te attend him and ascertained
that his fall was occasioned by a stroke of
paralysis. He also received sovero Inter.
rial injuricd by falliuir, aud lieu iu a pre
carious condition,
Tli n ulreuf War Over.
Geergo Myers, who has been traveling
as a bill pester with the Furepaitgh airuus.
arrived home Hit was employed
in the 'skirmish " brigade, whose duty it
is te light ether shows. This bcasen the
show gave their whele attention te
Biriiuni, hut ene day last week the agents
of both circuses met iu Chicago, when a
compromise was made. It was agreed te
have no mero fighting, und ns a ooiibo eoiibo oeiibo
qucueo the serviaes of a great number of
men wero dispensed with.
Ulinrceil With False 1'rvtnnse.
Henry .ill, n youth aged 18 years, has
bauu arrested aud ledged iu jail te answer
charges of fuhe pretense made against him
by Adam Mlsohheh, K. O. Uby and ethers.
It appears that .ull secured money aud
previsions by falsely representing that he
had been sent for thorn by well known nud
reputable persons. He was oeiumittod
fer.i beating bofero Alderman Barr.
'Hie West minster rtoneoi nolienl,
Theiu weie nineteen btudeiits fiem this
county iu regular attendance at the West
Chester state normal noheol during the
session just closed. At the ioeeut com
mencement Miss Aunle W. Koeuo, of
Klrkwoed, was oue of the graduates.
Krncn nt tne Wiiter Werm.
Thore was rather a llvely coleuration of
the Fourth of July at the elty works, hi
which Kugluoer Hamilton nnd Heggy
Leenard were active pirtlaipauts. Heeka
wero hurled, blows were exohauged and
faces were battered.
nuiyar' Ueurl.
The mayor had two drunks this morning
and both wero dleoharged.
llnlli lleiiin Ulul unlnMieil tin -wliinlilj
imln til tin, uiiniiiiiiuunMe Oiintrrts-
Nitrs til tlm llmnn.
The IreiisldeH played another elem giime
with the Virginias nt Richmond ou Hnt
uulity nftorneoii. They led until tint Inst
inning, when lliree of the home team were
sent te base ou balls aud they managed te
score. Feiifiian nnd Derby worn the
butteiy for the Irousldes.
Tint Richmond Jhnitth sayH of the
giime : The out Helding of both
elulm was vi-ry geed, while there
went several coolly mrers iiiiule by
the l-illelderH en either side. Brad
ley and Glenn each made geed catches in
right Held. Donald from thlid basu made
several geed catches of foul balls.
Johnsten and Derby inuUt the hits of
Iho ovenlng each n " three badger "
The irnme was tied In the feutlh
inning, nud lenmuied se until the
sixth, whim the visitors gained two
ahead, mid again oue lu thu eighth, giving
them three ahead. At this point defeat
te the heina team soemed almost Inevita
ble, but the boys went te Iho bat with
determination, and mil mid, l..r..,..,.,. r,.-
three hlts.uuil tiy thonstisUnce of an error
or two brought iu linen riinsaud left Glenn
en bccend. This giving the home tenni
ene nhead, the giune was ended, tint
result being 10 te 0 iu favor el thu home
team. Belew is the detailed score :
liiemmus. a. it.
Itniilley, I I f,
lllHSlUlllll, Hi ., .
Olilllulii. r I, e ,
.Mi I'liiiniiiy. c I a
IliiiliV. c, rt I
Teiiiney, s I
tllKKliiH, -il, i
Donald. .11)
Foreman, ji (
Tntiil jj
I- e
OIiiiiii.I ,
Nils 1 1. 3b
I.ilktu, IU
Powell, III
loiiusten, e t, ms
Deyle, r t ,
Diiuiiii, K ,s s, p
Hnlll vuii.
. &
.. I
.. n
Dilgiiti, H., c t...
iteitfiin.e & i
llllllSllllH. ..
III li ft II
J i n ( 7 s -,i
..00 I 0 'J J l) I II -I
. ii I i i i i) u i a-. in
Karne-I riiiis lreii.iw,
Twe bise IiI1s-iN;i.ii ,.),
'.' : VlrK ii Ins i.
t-irUn, lllenti,
-.Inlinstiili Dnrliv.
ueihiuiiiu. lliree I, isn lilus
l.i.lL oil It lsm Iriiiisltl.'M
Doitlile nliiv... I. in LI,. .....I I...U..II ',...'
I I llrflliUs, u I
kin iimi Powell, I IukIiih ami (iisuliiuin.
Struck (Ull Uy Kereiiiitii il : l,y Diuiiu 1
lilt--On lliDtnii, Ijeij lluueii
lmlU- irglnliLs, l. 1'hs4.m imU Di'iiiv, l.
Oliltlelil, I ; Morgiei, J. WHO llc-l"3- Mi It vim ,
I ; Miremmi, 1.
Uu plre II r. Ilrnlley
scorer -II. C .lelmsi m.
Tlmeef giime 1 we hours an. I tn tiit-utii-s
The Lancaster club was again defeated
hi Johnstown en Saturday afternoon by
the club of that town. Thu score was us
fellows :
l 1 I i I, 7
Johnstown i u n , (, l( T...,t
l.iine uli-r H u u I) I n I u e -i
aim (rieiiliinOili Uiinit-st,
a, 2 t
1 - ?
55 1 6,51, a
8 . 3 7' I ll I
I S A, I., .' i II
.' 3 I V u J
I) J I .. l .'
I 1 ii I, . I
-. ii 7 r -
i -j si :
13. J S i ..
I J.1 SI i eli I 1 1
- 3
New erk....
I'lllllKlelpllla .
Unities livst....
j ;Uls .
cluils. a-s3elae'r5-5 7J
f jSJiiaJljiSST a
Alli'Klliiliy. I 0 3 I 0 1 n ii I 0, II
Atlltellc ") . .' 0 I 1 A t 1 I .' i"
Uiilllmere.. e .1 .. i 'JI i. 0 .1 I il y
llroeklyn... 1 u .1 . li 1 I 1 0 i I .I1 V
Ullli-lunatl 1 I : .. 5 III I J k a
(Jeluini)UH ii I '.' -i 41.. I e a 3 l e 2 ji
liiitlii'npeils .t: s e 2 u n . i tool 11
Louisville ! I O I in 3i 3 .. -J II (1 I 30
Melrupell'li II 0 I ill .'I .1 V I .. U I !, 31
Hi. Leuis... 3 3 3 1 1 e .' 3 0 1 13 il
Toleile .' I, i ! I) il 0 u V . I 1
Wiulilntrl'ii e I ii II e 1 i l I I I . 9
(iilinrs Lest II .1l Id! rJ I'll tli J3 H !' II. II !i,J.'l
3,J -
; i
J-s -
Ilnlltuieru ...
Clnclnn.ttl ..
Kansas Clly
Key stone....
.St. Louts
i e
.1, I
0... i
ir n ..
2 "I
..I I
Uiilili-s Lest.,
a e e
a a u
2 5 2 3
Si J ;
", 3 S -J
I e
I ..I I II
i . :
ii 'i : .
.i i' .1 a
3 J1 I I
i .' il i
ITi wlis a
- - H a ji M
etuiis. ir5i2 i
Active 777. -7 I i U 71 V if
Alliilltewn 3 .. I 3 I; (l 0
IIOIIIKHtlC, .. I 0 -. I
llsrrlslnirK ; 7 . .' I ( ;
Muniiiiicnnil ' i ' '.
Tiiinleii li i) I I
VlrKlnlii - '' '
WllinliiKteit I I t b f
"TjauTes Lest in -. 1) J l" U !'
Nole el the (liiine.
The combined weight of the Trenten
club la ulineht a ten.
The Mouunientals, who wero te have
played the Lauoaater te-diiy.did net come,
but are going south.
The IrenHides have lilayed the olesost
gatneH with the Virginia of auy club vislt
iug ltlohmeud this year.
(Ireone was itijiired in the tlrst Virginia
Kamennd his net been play iug hIiied
Derby nud Onllleld alturuatn hi tlie Ibid.
Thu Ireiisldes will leivu Vuiginia after
this evuulug'H gauie aud will oemo us far
as Yerk, whero they play the uine of that
town te-morrow, iu case the players nre
net tee badly crippled.
Harry Heyle, the popular first baaeman
of the AotiveH, of Heading, leaves that elty
t-j day te join the Bt. Leuis Unions, lioyle
Is a flue gomralplajei-nnd heavy batter.
Last year he Btoed soeond in the iutor iuter iutor
state as a batter. This year he had net
been doing se well.
Ileilbrd, of last year's pitch.
Injr cieat ball for tlm Fraulcliim, of the Oil
aud Iren League. The Warren club is a
great rival of the Franklin, nud the people
el the ierincr tewu dtollke HoUerd very
much. The ether day ti kiuiie waa stepped
bofero Uu coiieluslou because thu Wairen
itcs thioatcned te whip him. Ile still
makes thorn fan the air just the hjiiie.
Following nre the games wen aud lest by
the Ironsides slnce takiug the place of the
disbanded MeniiinentaU :
lioiiildes wen t! und lest I
, i 1 i ('j
wllil Vliuliilu.
" Tiuiitnn,
" Active.
" Demestic,
" Alleutewn.
llreke lilt Lei;,
Thin afternoon about 3 o'eloolc, Oharlca
Iteebe foil from the steps of the Itelay
houue.cemor of Walnut nnd Prince streets,
and breke hla leg,
a i