a4Biia; i5?a. r ---vww 4Pi:-'K2a!5-jaric.!i -. ;--c. i&; ;. ,w: ,., ;WS&2&CtfMi r '--, .. t- r -." , n V. " c s aittU:te '. wi .-q. vIMVV j ttaimfJBJf YAflMOM zx!ti.ix ti. :4ytiXiiUf ucwsa..urit1 'wSIBsS&Swt P h rt .J Veluiiiu XX-lfr J. I'M. HUltltH I I .. tillUAII(T MJL Fine . French Clocks and Bronzes, MUSIC IIOXEH, OIL PAINTINGS, OVM XA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS, At Reduced Prices. Te mt ,Eiirej ke room 'Val?TLby Mr- " the Jim tuurl H. las-cast.1' -""v ''' ItKllllIU Jt.lTdllt, lir.flll(lr.KATiim. UlthAT UKDULTION IN PIUCKH OK r..vT': Vl''' "' j witt's refrigerators, water coolers - AND FILTERS. Jelphlti Lnwn Mowera, Hydrant IIohe. llommeoka. Perrv & Oe.'a Vhiia Hydrnnt IIohe, Oil StOVOH Orf-Woiuuuireilri? tlit-su kemU ul Kxut'iHlliiKly Lew Prices tn Ileduui Our Bleck. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce, Nes. 26 JeMlil I & 28 West King Jiltv lleuim. l i:.t iMiim te iiik kii in nersi. WHITK (JODDS. WHITK GOODS. WHITK GOODS WHITK GOODS. WHITK GOODS. WHITK GOODS. W1HTK GOODS. WHITK GOODS. WHITK GOODS. WHITK GOODS. WHITK GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITK GOODS. Will IE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE (JOODS. WHITE GOODS. NX T DOOH TOTHW OOU11T netan FAHNESTOCK. NEX T DOOU TO THE COURT HOUtf U. Wf. llWr. MADK White Goods Ini I.ADIK.S DIII.HSKS li Spoel-ilty till m-rumi, iiml h iv ' thitin in iiiiiutuiH nt ueiy Known ui.iku r luwi bcuii huyliiK tin in In LARGE LOTS, H Mi li uuubles IH le sell tlleln ill I hSS THAN IlKliULAIt I' IMC Kb. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Oaurt Heuso. VAltl'JtlH, 'xV (JIIIUH-S U.tKl'KT HALL. BARG ADR B ! BARGAINS ! -AT- SHIRK'S OAEPET HALL. Hellim; OIT e Cleso Himiiiess. Kverjtliiii Must Positively be Sold. A Kill) l.lti'i or It JIIY llllllHShl.S.TAI'KiiTUY, utnl All Mnulus of 1NUHAIN UAUl'hTB. UUUii. UI.ANJkhTr.ceVKlll.KTS und Oil. U.Ol'll. ' 1ST AM. AT A 3ACItIFIGK.-&& $f Proujp'.ultuulleu kImui le llui M.intitactureul Un Carpets le order. AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, OOP.. W. KINO AND li bililrmlaw . WATER STS.. L ii. juustin ue. BARGAINS IN. "W-LX-i PAPERS! Frem Late Suloe GOLD PAPERS, 10 20 25 00 Oentd, ii ii ii KMBOH3ED PAPERS. 30 Oeuta, 10 PATTERNS. WHITE BLANK PAPERS, O Oente, 20 PA'ITERNS. ii ii i j ii go " Nehiu'Ii ulrt'H iiiiywlinrovlAe In l.'iiicftnler. Kvury rnltern NKW, ami Kimruntecil In uvury loxpevl. Sen U llm tlnui te liny pupurj, uvuu It yen ile net wuul te Hani; ilium till full. Our rntciel llunxtni;utti LOWER iluiiiiny nllinrK unit wn iimpley tlinbnst Werkmen in l tin city. Onrnili'M Mr lliinwlnn Imvu linun KICIIUOKO tliU weislc uml uie new iia low us tliey ulll Ituimy llmellilH Muiniucr. Ilavuyuur worn ilone new. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West Kini; and IVInce StroetH. VLV211I1NU AN1 ltMIN L. AIINIILU, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. tSTFiucst Werk, Best Workmen. leave your Orders nt JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nea. 11, 13, 15 HAST ORANGE A uirriONKiut AMI! JCISAI. AUKNT. KJJTATK HENRY SHUBERT. AUCT10NKKU AND UKAfc AUKNT.l E8TATK 01 North Duke St., Lanoaater, Pa. hi ery tiling perUlnlnp te my uuiIiuiuh will iituiiveray poraenal utioiUlen. Teruia rua-ei'. nlily. tllvoweacall. lunl'Mtii Or AHT. z. rheap; 4'. 'Hvest King Street. ' inuyllMyd - I Street, - Lancaster. WHITK GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITK GOODS. WHITK GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITK GOODS. WHITE GOODS. Lancaster, Pa. LANCASTER, PA In NEW YORK. 20 PATTERNS. 20 60 60 8 26 100 10 Laiicaster, I'd. UAH JUTT1NU, STREET. LANCASTER, PA. (J litr.ni kk (Jiiumii iiuuhk, ATLANIIC CITY. N. J. Attliutcetnr New YerfeJ nvnnue. within a luw liiimlii'it tout nt tlie Hun. Attraullve. cemfiii uihlii ami liemullku. NOW Ol'KN. luiiu-iiiiil J.KKIU A SONS. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, JULY 7, 1884:. V1.UTMHNU, yMALINU & IIAUHMAN. PIBE TAILORS, Ne. 121 North Queen St.. I.ANC!A8TKIt,l'A. Wn Imyii Innt. rncclve.l u r IlKlit wi'lKht koeiIm ler ,l" Hnn of viii y KiikIImIi iiml Aiiiurli- jiiiliiiiiiiinr wmr, In I'lHlii Celere, Hvv -' HurKiH. Mlxml ami wiiiirnftnllln" .KitckurH Mini l.tiiuiiH. wliluli OtirllH ., vnry riiipeimlilii. Hiivl' ..mil uKiiikih, lull In IIke Dye, limit i' ..trtpr In tlui cly 'llm colon utu J'imi in. ..tin liyiinml will net tiidn. -Cull Hiiiluininlnu liuiore piirctiiialni;. k I Ne. 121 North Quoeu St. nmylMVilTii.TliAH LrtncnBter H. KiiiMiir. SPRING OPENING -AT- H. GERHARTS Tail Oring KiitaliliKliiuent. 1 nin new trimri!il tocliew ie the trmlu an R440rtlnuiit el WiMilunu ler tl,c .-prlnc' uml KiiiiiiiiiirTimlii whlcli ter lli-iuitv, Oiullty iml (inutility ntir"iVH ull my leiniiir ollerti te i iiiuii) my c'liHteinnm. Noun hilt tlie vnry hi-it KenilKti nnU AiiutI c.n fuliilr ler lurni itml HiiiiIiiinh fultn ; a oetnpli'Ui linn el thu I Meat Hliiulfn Htumn OviirceatltiK. Thevnry hiMt et werknmtiHlilp uml prices lewiir tliun any llonse In tliu tlly ler the hainn inallly of kmnIs. H. GKERHABT, 'IAILOli, Ne. 6 Bast King Street. II lHlt ,V IIKOTHKK. HIRSH & BRO. II A K 'IIIK1K GREAT CLEARING SALE -OK- SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. UK AUK HKI.I.l.NU AM. HOODS AT AN IMMKNSK KKDUCTION. COST IS NO Oil- JKcr, as tiii; room tiii:y eccui'Y is WIIAI'WK WANT. CAM. ATONOKON Hirsh & Brether, I'KNN HAM. CL.01I1INU IIOUSK, Oer. Oontre Square & N. Queen Et. lr tiuenr.-riiK ui.ouieLS l'euktii AND New Ih the Time te l'roiare KOll The Sweltering Days of July & August. Thu hKut way tnile IIiihIh, ilrnt et all, te li luiniiuiuUi In your lmulia j uml, uuxl In tin. poitunce le that, li te IIUY ASIUI' OK REFRIGERAIOR CLOTHES AT Burger & Sutten's MERCHANT TAll.OKINO ANDCI.OTIL l.NG hTUUK, Ne. 24 Oontre Square II K HUUK TO ASIC KOU A TOH SUIT. llKHlUiK.UA. IIAKUA1NS In uvury artluln iirlaliilnu te MENU U.OTlllNU.ulUiur ler iIhisiei uniliu wear. Call ami make your Hi'luctlena naily. New Is tlui tlnie te liny, ux wn will climu the Hiimiutu'titeGkiilniMuat iimUicUeu In eiilur le uiake room ter thu Full Tratlu. Bnrpr & Sutten, Mercliant Tailors anil Clelliiers, Ne. 24 Oontre Square, LAN0A8TKU, PA. IMyil l'llUTUUUAl'JIH. J.B- HUTU. Tlime Una buun biicIi h itemaml for I.AUUK PilOTOUUAPUS that 1 wai; cempulllHl te Kt a VKHY 1.AIU1K OAMKKA IIOX te meet thu iiumami. We can new inaku you a PHOTO iw Email ivi the sinnllest loekut wllllielii up te n 5-lncli taco, te. fit. "(an ldxV'i ' rraine. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Quoeu Streot, june3-ua. DETERMINED TO DIE. 8TUUV OF A :i;r.MAl:K.lll,a nOlUIDK. O erCu W. ,ocher Tit, M, Alll0r le I.C una l'rerent, Imerlercnce uy a l.unjeil itevulvir. Nethlug mero thrlllltiKly traKle in con cen con "L'e'.'on with a Huleidul net lias buun olireuloled than the eircumtttanct-H attend ln the Hclf-dostruetlon of Qoart.e V. Ciocker, or bliaren Hinlne, N. Y , who CiiHtuncd n heavy anchor te hln leic whllj lu a beat ou the UtHee lake, Frdiy la it, and wliun hhi oempaiiloii, ubHutviu Iho net, took Htejm te fiavu him, hu pointed a ruvolver at hlM head and leajijil overhnaid. The corpie Is new nt the bottom tf thu lake, which Ih !)00 feet doei at the point whete the ttnjjedy occurred. Mr. Croekur weh a j'euiil; in, hi in uom uem uom fertablo eiruunihtaiiccM. IIu always drcHsed roxpuetably, drove a line 1 0.1:11 and keit it private ploamire beat. Ordinarily hu wait el a checrful disposition and decidedly genial tiaturu A ceuple el ycarK ae hu was married nud hani-liicu renldu(l happily with his wife Tliu fruit or the union wan 0110 child, of which the yeuutf father wan pismenatuly fend, lnllmate friendB of Mr. Crocker Hay that as far as known all bin rolatiena wero of the pleanantest character, oicejit theso with his wife's father, from whom he had beceme estranged. A feeling of bitlerutKH prevailed between the two men, and en mero than ene occasion Crocker threatened te take the life of bis father in-law. It i.t new thought that be had determined either te kill bin father hi law or end his own uzlstouce, aud his action of self destruction shows that be dually preferred te adept the latter. His preparations for the suiuide wero planned with great delibeiatuness, but weru of such a character as te prevent thu peHibility of any failure In company with his friend Walter Livingston, hu went rowing en the lake, While his friend hail the eari', Crocker,uueb.soivdd, fastened thu anchor te his leg. He then refu for thu purpose of leaping overboard, wheu.Mr. Livingston, for thutirst time, observed the picpuratinus that bud beeu iniiilu for thu hulcidal net, aud he tpraeg forward te prevent it. Buch an omcrk'uuey had, howevur, beeu provided for by Crocker, :ih, upon obberviug his friend's movement, he drew a rulevcr from hi pocket, and, pointing it at Livingston, warned him that If he approaehod a step murer he would put a bullut through his heart. Croekor's eyea wero glaring wildly, aud he was cvideutly iDsane. Mr. Living Hteu hebitatcd te approach, believing, as hu new decf, that he would have, baeu bhet down, and steed trauslixed with hotreratthu terriblu situation in which he feuud himtelf placed. Without a me. tneut's delay Crocker raised the anchor in ene hand, while be continued te cover his friend wi'h Lis pistol in ether, aud sprang ovurbeard. All atttmpts at a rescue wero, of seursc, useless, as the beavy ireu quiekly carried thu uufertuuata mau te tbe bottom of the lake. Mr. Livingston pulled aabore as rapidly as pohsible and told the Harlliug story, causing thu groatcht.excitouicut among the sojourners of thu place. Among the fiiendH aud icIaliveH of the uufurtunate man the deepest 1 egret wau usjuesfaedat his unhappy Inte Uefore piauuiug his tiauie death Mi. Crocker wretu four lettere, saying larowell te thube neatest him. One of tli.-e was te his wife, and was enuehed iu turiusel thu Htinugest nlUctieu, another was te his only child, aud the ethers te his father an! mother. In them he speke of the 1111 pleasant relations that exibted between biniRelfaud his lather inlaw, and said that with this single exception hu had no ill feeling or enmity towards aiy per son iu the whole world. Lil'erts bavd het u inaile te recover the body, but thus far without succesK. SUVKltK W1NI1 hlOlt.118. lliiunt's l'r.lri)ril nun it Wiiinxii hiki ll.lnl lllettn amk A ruruurlilllcil. DispatchtH Irem Decatur, Hpiini;IU Ul, Bhu'byvillu and ether places 111 Central Illinois, topert that a very scvete wind storm Hwejit ever Maren, tjangauieii and Clirisliau ceuutiea between midnight Friday aud daylight Saturday morning, destroying much property. Ne letm of hfe was ruperted. In the vieimty of llliopo llliepo llliope Iip, i5auameu oeuuty, i)ueril farm liuuees were badly damaged, bams aud out houses wero carried away aud crops were ruined. The Ierh iu Saugatuuti oeuuty is estimated at $100,000. lu Maeen eaunty tbe dwelliugH of Mrs. Kvey, Tat Tat rlek Hyan, .lehn Cooms, Jehn Kraft, Aaren Widliek, Nancy Strlokle, Les. Wbittiek, Lomuel Walker, Geergo Eak. hurdt and Ilenry Auftorblde weru com pletely wrcoked. A uumber of animals weru killed and tbe crops were ruiimd. Mr. Aitfterhide's wife aud baby were blown two hundred yards, and deposited under a bodge. They wero completely oevotod with mud, but wero unhurt. Twe of Jehn Craft'n oblldreu wero badly itijured, aud ene of them aaydie. Thu wind lifted leadod cars oil' ue track at Uoedy station, and the Madisen 1'iesby teriau church aud parsonage wero eutirely dostieyed. The less iu Macen county is estimated at 200,000. Christian county in Maid te bave suffered soverely. A tornado, accompanied by "a rearing otetul," passed ever the southern section of Bioux city. Tewa. en Friday oveninr , Tbe new Episcopal mission school, aud a Catholic ohuteh were wrecked, a plough factory was levelled, a packing-heuse damaged nud ati oil tauk blown dev.11. The plate glass fronts of seYeral stores wero demolished. A wind storm at Illeb Hill, Misbeuri, ou Saturtlay morning, wrecked thu 1'resby teriau aud Methodist ohurehes aud a 11 tun ber of dwellings aud unroofed a bchoul bcheul bchoul heuso and a faotery, A tornado paused neat lielmmit, New 1'erk en Saturday, uprooting troes and blowing down barns nud dwelliugs. Elisha Uortey, a lariuer, was kllled, NEAVH OIT THIS UAV. Hunuimry el the More imieriait Ocoiu Oceiu Ocoiu reuoes thu World evur. Dauiel CJ. Beard, the well known artist, was frightfully injured en thu uveniug f the Fourth by the explosion of a pet of pewder while bn was setting oil" a red light at Collugel'olnt, Leng Islaud. It is hoped be will rcoevor, but there is no hope for hU oyeslght. A oeurior has arrived at Fert Davis, Texas, ami ropertod that " Moxieans din guised aH ludiaus raided thu Abbett & Duke ranohe, llfty miles Henth of that plaoe. killing two herders," and that "the men lu the oharge of tbe camp desurted leaving everything in the hands of the robberB," Ilenry Btrabel and Maiuloe IS. Jamisen, two young men of lialtimere, were drowned 011 Baturday while bathing iu Black river, lu Ilaltlmore county. Thelr bodies wero recovered yesturday afternoon and brought te thelr late homes. A telegram from Duliith sayH a meve ment Is ou feet among tbe lumbormeu of the Nertheast te oleso all the mills ou b'optembor 15th for the romaliider of the 3 ear. The mill men say "thorelti no profit n the pressut prlcesj aud it is necessary te de Hemvthliig of that kind," "aorlle" I'h lllps, aged 18 years, was round dead lu Farmer's Grove, Columbia oeuuty, Ohie, en Saturday night. The remalus wero badly decomposed. Twe young men, named Hunter aud Parish, bave been nrrestcd. Hunter oeufosscd that he was in the girl's company ou Sunday last, since which time she has been thinning Edward McKay, for a number of years n'i;ht watchman nt Congress ball, Caiie May, committed suicide Sunday night by sheeting himself through tbe head. Flr.t Hull FUlit oil American Hell. The first Mexican bull light en American soil took pi a co In Dedge City, Knu., Friday. A large uumber of visitors by tbe trains east and west and 500 cowboys were present. The light oeourrod nt the fair grounds in an area 100 feet lu diamoter, inclesed by n fence elght feet high, previiL rd with eight ctetpen nud two ladders. Tbore were flve bull lighters and four animals. Thu first bull itshercd Inte the ring made only n fair light, furnishing evor a half hour's nmusomeut. The second was tee (pilot nud, showing ue spirit, was withdrawn. The third pranced into the ring, throwing up clouds of dust. After belug angered by sevvral spear thrusts he made matters very lively, and when he was exhausted was lassoed and dragged from the ring. Tlie fourth proved a failure, nud tbe otewd demanded the first bull, which was returned te tlie ring. After a brisk llu.li and much charging the picedar gave him a fatal thrust with his lance, and he foil dead. One of the matadors was soverely Injured about the ribs In the final oucetiuter, and may net recover. The orewd was greatly oxcited during the progress of the exhibition. There were betwecn 3,000 aud 1,000 people present, Hunt the Wedding. , I. Hun. " Papa, you will bave te buy me a new silk drebfl very hoeii." " Why, it's net long age that I bought ou n new sill: (Iren. What's the matter with that ene, my dear?" " It is badly weru about the waist. It doesn't leek lit tebu seen." " Il'm. Isn't this the vcoend bilk dress thit young .Mr. Featherly has worn out for you about the waist '."' "I I am afraid it in, papa," replied the blushing girl, "but we bave ene consola tion, you aud I. It must cost him a trrent dual ler coat sleoves." A Kual-Meutlint U'emsti Iieniii ueiMithnn 11 toul-meiilhuil man. Ne ene tieu'l I10 loul'ineiillicit It they will umhil .ODO.NT unit rub II lu well. Don't spare thu Ijnittli uml spoil tlie mouth, ns some parents de with tliclr children when tliuy withheld thuied. lyMwdueil.Vw (irluii. l'luii'iint, liculll'y grins him hcuu only en tee filers et in ullliy iicthcmih. 'fhe dyspnptle und 1I11I1I ltiitiid can hiiiIIu only In a halMiOHi'ted way, 1'iiitfy tliu liloeil.toiiii the Hteiniicli. ami HtriiiiKtheii the tissues with liurduck Jtleud Jllttert, It you wish te liuiKti well and ellnu for Hale liv II. II Ceehruu, itniKuist, 1.17 ami l.'ll N 01 th Qiuen utuut. Lancaster. An Ktilter's irliiute. Theien P. Kealer, editor el Ft. iiyiiu,lnd uazctle, hiIuh : " Korllie n.ul tlviiyuais havu ulwavH ihihI Dr. Mug's New Dlscevuiy, for roughs et meat no em ehuracter, us well us ler thiMuel 11 mllder tytxi. It nuver lulls te oiletl u sieudy liiie. sty Irletuls te whom 1 liaVOlOU IIIIIIOIIIILII UJIKIIK OI II IIIH.III1U II1KH tonus llavliiK lioeii emvit hy It of overy ceiii;h I havu hint tei llve-yimr, 1 cepsldur II the eul rellulilu and kiiiu euie ler Ceuilis, Cel I- ote." fall lit Cieliian's Iirmt Slum, .Se-. 1 1? and 1 1'l N01II1 (jineu stieet, l.imoas l.imeas t"v I'a.umt i;et a 'Vrt'Tihil Jletllu. I.nruu .(.. , (IIM (J) illicit Ieii'b Aruictt nnlvu. Tlie Hest Salvu In llm world ter Cuts, llruhiuv. More.s, Olcurs, ball Kheinn, Kevor Moren, Tettor, ChapiicHl Hands, Chllhhilns, Ceriirf.iind all sHlu oruplleus, and piwltlvely cures 1'llin, or no pay reiulred. Ills K"ar unteitd tetvu iMirluct Hatlxtaetleu or menuy rolnniled. Price, '3 cunts porliet fersalu by II. II lecliran.ilnunlsl, 137 and 13) Neith (Jiioeti fttioet, Laneustur. MI1 It Kually Uuro lllieunmlliiii '.' We uiiHwur, liener Inlxht, It will euru rhuu miillsiii, and the suvuii'sl ciices tee. Dr. 'I hum tit' KeUelrle Oil whs speeliilly ptopaiedtortliu ilieuinalli' ami hime. Netlcu lotters from thu people luiatlve le Its mellis In iiuuly eMiiy p.il'ur In Out country. Fer salu by 11. II. Coeli 11111, driiuKlsl, 137 and I'M Neitll Uiiueu H'lti I, We UhuiieiiKu tn Wurld. VVhun wu say we liolluve, we havu uvldeniu 111 pmve inai nmieirs CiOiiMiimuiir.u unre 1 decidedly thu bust I.uui; Mudlcluu made, lu in much us It will emu a lomuien or Chronic Ceinjli In one-lmll llin llme nud icllove Asth ma, lltiuulilllH, 'hoeptm; Ceuifh, Cieup, and show meru ciiMi's 01 Consumption uuied Ihiin all ethers. It will euro u hum limy lull, tt Is iilumunt te take, harmless le thu youiii'esl child ami we KiiarauU'U wh.it wu say. l'rlce, lee,. Me. nud il.M. it your I.nntr.s am mho, Chest or Hack hime, iihe Shlleh'H Pereus Plus tui. Sold ly II, II. Cechruii, driii;tlst. Nes. I;r7 and li'J North Uikhiii sliuut. luh7'Ued ) VAlirKTIt, l.irAHbtHIIKIl 1H50. CARPETS -AT- Philip Selium, Sen k Ge's 150 SOUTH WATER STHEET, I.ANOASTKit, PA. Wuliavu a lull supply et HAM AND KILL ING CAUPETh. We only utu tliu beat of yui ns. 11 you want a (reed, serviceable Carpet, ploiwe reiiiu uml uxamlnu our stock boleio puieliaslnf; vlsewliuru, as me will bull ns eneup as thu clioapesL Cuiuu and seu toryeutsolf unit hocenviiieoil, as wu always havu the reputa tion et nmkliiK tlrat-elaH.s Carpels. CUSTOM UAOCAItPKTH A HI'KCIAI.TY COVKIILKT8. COUNTMIPANKS, ULAN- KbTS, CAKPKT CHAIN, STOCK. INU lAKN.Au, Dyelni; Dene lu ull Its branches at short 110 Itee. GOAL I COAL I Ol the host quality, exprusdly ter family tisu, TKY A8AMPLHTON. ItKHKilllKKTllE OLD UTAND. PHILIP KCJIU3I, 0N ii CO'H. Ne. ISO SOUTH WA'l'r.lt STKKKT, I'jaind LA.NCASTK.lt, PA. intuitu AMU HtAllOUXUX II, AMI IIOOKH AND NTATIIIMKHV. JOM BAER'S SOIS, 15 and 17 North Queen St , Blank Beeks & Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, WIUT1NU FLUIDS AND INKS, AT TUB- SIGN OF THE BOOK. MtWtVAT,. A UKKAT HUOOr.8.1. HOP PLASTER. This porous ploaler Is lamnus for Its quick and heurtv iietlen In cm inu i.auiu Hack. Itheii. liiitlstn, Hcliitlca, Crick In tlie Illicit, blilennil I Up, NiMinilKlii.atlir.lelntsiind Muscles, Hern uiiust, Klilnuy Treuhlcs and all pains ernclius ullhiir local or iluup-soaled. It soetlins, HtruiiKlhntiH and Htlmulatus (he parts. Thu virtues el hops cotnuliied wltli ciiins-cluiin und ready te iipply. superior te llnlinents, lotions ami salves. Price, 'ii runts or B ler tt.ei. Sold by druKRlats and country storm, lliilled en ruculnlet prices, Him 1'tntter Uotit Uetit fidiij, PteirluUirs, llosleu, Milss. A GREAT SUCCESS. 4d-Thn bust lainlly jilll Hindu-lluwluy's Stomach and I.lvur f'llts, 2.,c. Pleasant In nctlen unit easy te take. iieval-lydAw (l) tlAUHlAUJKtt, Hl. Jb' ,MM1 U.tllUIAUK HUU,l)r;liM. THE STANDARD Carriage "Werk Or LANCASTKIt COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STttBHT, IN ItKAItOKCKNTHAI. MAIIKKT UOUHKO I.ANCASTKIl, PA. We nmku overy tvle liugiry and CarlarRO ul In the most com. ileslied. All work flnlshuil In ferlalilu anil elegant slylu. Wu ii"0 only thu best sulectud material, and employ only thu bust iiiucliaulcs. Ker iuullty of work our prices uru thu cheapest In the state. Wu buy ter cash and sell en the most reasonable tonus, Clve us 11 cull. All work win nulled. KKPAIIttNU PltOMVTI.Y ATTKNDKDTO. Onusutet werkniuu especially employed ler that ten pose. niuTdAw 13 AltllAtlt IIAUOllNat I AT HAltliAlSl lortek&liley's Cerner el Dulce'iinil Vine Sis , LANCASTIilt, PA. A I.11IK0 block of KUt8T.0l.AbS VKIIICI.KS must buneld lejfnrdlcus of cost, consisting et BUGGIES, PHAETONS, 'LWO-SEAT C.ViUUAUE, ONE PINE BUINEJS WAQON, Willi 8IIIKTINU TOP. ItlULTTOOItDKIt. Ceiistruetud el thu Hest Mnleihit and Km ishi.'d In the l.atist Style. IIUINO Conipelont Judges te KXAMINK uuu iiiiuna. una uu convinced lint wu uiu net Irilllin: lth thu pnlillc DON'T PAY KA.NCY PltlCKSwheii jeii can buy Justus Kim iti nil 1.1 iiuni 1111 ti.s r.- linun l.l'.s. Don't llsluii te our lullew cemnutlUirs In re. Kurd leiiuallly et imlav., as our salus hoicto heicto hoicte loiu convinced our custemtirs that "our vieik sustains our went." All wemlui hew we c.m hc II m cheap, 1ml that Is eursucrut, I. Illl IIS 11JIIK US WIICUI1 OMIIIII IIII'MJ I.OW I'llCOS, wu iirnal thu s.iiiiu llme pleaslui; our ciisto ciiste iiiurs, us evurr piircinuiur ul pn'unt leeks te a savliiK. A dollar suved In a dollar made. raiioiiize inesu who oeuuiit 1110 pnnllc. CALL AND KAMl.NKOUR(iOOD3. We will also sell at a bargain 11 Laru Let et SEOOND-HAND WORK, CeiiBlstlllh' el TWO IlltCWSTKIt PIANO.IIOX IIUOOIKS. DOUIILK PKItUII. S1'.KN EMI SPHINO-IIOX IIUUlitES. SII1KTINO TOPS. O.NK SPUING SKAT OAllllIAUK. ONIO PONY Pll.i:i-ON. O.NK TIIUKK-SPKINU MAIIKKT WAOON. All thu ubevu aiu repatntud In bust style. Tlio-edcMrlni; a bai-Kiilu should eall at encu, ltcpalllnu piemptly done. NOBBE0K& MILBY, Oorner Duke nnrl Vine Slroete, I.AMCASIKU, P.f K'13-tM MVUttiAt, xxxttVlUJHttSNTt). if n.cex aivniTD Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SI'KCIAL TEN DAYS 8 ALES. NOW lTIIKTlllhTO IIUV PIANOS AND ORGANS AT ai.AUUUTKlUN.U PUI0K3. OuuUce I Second Hind Piane tVI.OO Olie Kli'k'atlt teceui-lland OrKiin 45.UO one Kh'ant New Oiiian, I'J.tiUip Couplers and Mill Huss M.CO Wilcox x While OiL'aus liein iS.ie te 1W.(.U "Knube," MePhall, Qrovenotoln & Fuller, KoyBteiio, nud Veae Ss Bena Pianea, All Marked Down te Ilottem Prlcea. Blyen uwuy. Almest WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warererms, NO 15J FAST KINU STREET, II. II. LUCKEN11AC1I, AuenL Mill 7.1 Id TOItAUCU AN it via Aim, c HW I PLUG TOBACCO! Tliuutlentleu et Chuwirs et I'lne Tobacco is called te this Choice lliuud. It Is lu lilfjli r'aver with these who bave tiled It. 80I.D Ac- wholesale AND RETAIL -Y- H. L. StehmaE & Ce., NO. 110 NORTH QUEEN ST. marSMvil I.ANOASTKit, PA. Tll.KNTY IU lMI'iA'iij, HUT MONK TO I .(lluil ItluAn. llavimiLf lirnrtl Rt J(AKTMAN.'d YKI.I.OW IfUOMX CIQAU 8TOHK. 7 Hi.dK ""- i. Price Tm,Ui4 . .i.iiiii. VIMXlllKlt, I V.Vi'jil II UAH .tiilit Imkiji lw " iVH Vt a 1 KEEP COOL. Tkore appears te be no need of telling men what they want for het weather, for that portion of our store devoted te thin goods is dailv crowded. We offer variety enough te allow a choice of style. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & Sixth Sta, riiiLAMKia'iiiA. f-r-1 . . ' I AilfKtBTOIT " BARGAINS. Necktie3 and Half Hese At KKISXAM'S, Ne. 17 Weat Klug Etroet. Gauze Undershirts, In Sizes Irem 31 te SO Inches. -A1- EEISM ANSL JtyTKKUUAMT -lAll.OKINO. Special for Lndies. 1 Imvu lust received a line of the FINK8T IMPOKTKU PONOKK8 In the inurkut, wlileli will bu Beld per plucu, containing twuntv yunls, ultlO; thu suiiiu iuiUttyet coeds aru suIUiiK In Phlludulplilu ul til nud l.'l. Special fur Gentloineu. Just received. A SPI.KNDID A880KT MhNT OK WOOLKN (JOODS, sullablu ler Uiu het weather, which will bu made up Htstir prlslinsly low IlK'uresund enporler workman ship, with trimming te correspond with the feeds tieth In ijualltvr uml nil nle. PKItrKCT I'l'l'liUAlt.lNI'KKI) OltNOHALK. Give Ule a trial and bu convinced. D. & WINTERS, NO. L; N. (JUEEN STREET, 1.ANOASTKU. PA. M. VKita a KATuren. Thin Clothing. In Ktcollent Assortment, ter this sortet wuather, for MKN'D, HOY'S nnd CIIIL. DltKN'8 WKAH, 111 all tlie PLAIN AND MOST Jf ASIUONAIILK FAHltlCS. In looking around ler Summer requisite, remembar that tlie best assortment In CLOT1I1NU Is always te be seun liuru, anil that prices uru sulllclunlly varied te meet with tnver amem; ull classes et buyers, us well as theso whom lettunu bus less lavored. We Invite calls, that we may be allorded u clumce te show lust what we liuvu. The maku. stylu und iiuallty or our CLOTHING Is fully up le tliu highest standard, unit Is marked nt Urines that often maku buyers of these who only eemu te see. 4 Comparljeu courted, trade solicited. ILKAD1NU LANCA3TKU CLOTlUKltS, HO. 12 EAST KING STREET. I.ANOASTKit, PA L.1TTI.B Price List: Thurollewluifatusotiio el tlie CLOTHING) 1IAIIUA1NS new KOliij; en ut L. GANSMAN & BRO.'S. MKNS' AM, WOOL SUITS AT 18.80. I.AUUKBOYH' ALL WOOL BUIT8 AT L50 SMALL HOYS' ALL-WOOL SUITS AT M.0Q. Ami various ether Kfailes In caab ranga et sizes. BARGAINS IN GOODS IN THE PIECE. WK MAKKTOOHDKltA Serge Suit at $10.00. fl.NK CASS.IUITINUS AT 112 00, 115.00, I1S.IH AND J0.O0. These ttiuui. are real Ilurgaius ami don't mlts L.&ansman&Bre. Thu KASinONAmMKUiANTrAILOW Ne. 66-68 NORTH QDBIN STR1BT, KlKht en tbe seuthwest Cerner et Orange. LANCABTKU, PA. - Net cennectwl wltli tiny ether CletlilBit lloin-eln lliwcltv. fiuin vkkdiut 'bTiiA. bxamisTtuat I thu bel&cUi:ar tn the city Uul ,. JlAllTMAN'a YKLI.OW lfllONTwlQAK ft'tOUE. IMS k RITHFOK si . M.ti 1 i i' &', j;1 Sf ir.M t? : 9 i '4J ' i iii KJ X "Hi ?J vW -tf M j-, Jn 1 -2 r m j t j n'l e 'ft" I ?J 'l':, X I ii '"3 5 ' ' v i. i