"frJ&i3fatfF-JWHp4ipr ;jt v ""."sTSS-'-'.T'W . ? ; 'W " " t!Fi.T' .Wi' ? fle ymiagtefl rtp w v-vi r .." V? Vnlumn XX- .Se !(5'.!. Asti LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1881. Price Tite Crate. , sntdluj no It KM 1.1 .. IUIIIAI H, Fine French Clocks and Bronzes, .MUSIC JIOXKS, OIL PAINTINGS, OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS, At Reduced Prices. Te in ike loom for l''iill Stoek new belntf noleoloil by Mr. Ilheudu lu the Europium umrkctu. A vlalt will reuuy purcbuuuru. H. Z, RHOADS, Ne. l,,NCAHI'Klt,.l1lly I.Ik-I Itr.iniiii-H.ireitn. I lWrTl't OM.KiiKA I Kl UKrillOr.KA'llMl.l. UllKAT KKDUCTION IN I'lUChh OK J EW ETT'S REFRIGERATORS, WA.TER COOLERS - AN ll- FILTERS. Philadelphia Lawn Mowern, Hydraut Hehe, IliiimuoekH, Perry & Oe.'b Oil Blovea. .rWouiuelIctlng thesu goods nt tiuciullngly Lew 1'ilecs le llodtiee Uiir Sleck. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce. Nes. 26 & 28 West King Jel-lmd UAitrjtiH, xv. O 111 llll UAltl'I'.r MAI. I.. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! AT SHIRK'S CA-RPET HALL. HeMiim Off lu Clese IIiihIiipsm. Kvci3'tlihii; Must Positively le Sold. A Knll l.lliuet IIOIIV IHUWHKLS, TAl'hVl'ltv, and All Grades (if lNOUAIN CAIU'KTH. HUGH, IILANKKT. COVKIlLKTbandOlL CLOTH. 1ST ALL ATA SAC1UF1CK.-C. Mr I'mini'l munitien Klven te lliu Munutactiiie el Itiu; Carpels le erder. AT SHIRK'S CAEPET HALL OOR. W. KING AND WATBK STS.. leliil iinihiw J. " M.MIT1M A Otl. BARGAINS IN WALL PAPERS! Frem Lute Stilea QOLD PAPERS, 10 20 25 Gouts, 30 bJMDOSSHD PAPERS. 30 OentH, 10 PATTERNS. WIJITB ULANK. PAPERS, Ne miicIi prli'iM iiiiywlicrn cIhii III l,iniulcr. Kvmy I'nttei n NKW, mul uiiiiimilcuil lu evciy tcpci t. New Ii tlm tluiu te buy pupurti, iivnn 11 en ile net wmil te Miiiik ilium till Kull. Our ml i el lluuulUK urn LOW Kit Hi tu .inv tliuclty, (tin nilct liif llmiKini; Ii ut Imuiii lthlUi;hll thlM wcuk ami inn new au low u tlicy will lie any tlum tills niimincr, lluvnjeiir weik J. B-MARTIN & CO. Cerner WctsK King and L'rince Streets. I'LUSllUNU AMI ,.... AKNIII.II. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters. tSTFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leavo your Order, nt JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. It, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. WIN KM ANO l.lU"Olt. S. OLAY MILLER, lilies, Brandies, Gik Old Rye Whiskies, &c, Ne. 311 1'KNN SQUAIIE, LANCASTER, 1A. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. Hiuvim. i)iieil, witiTic ai uuftr.neiiuil, -BANKERS,- 46 WALL STREET, New Yerlr. lliekera and Dealers in lbillwuy and nil ethur Heciirltles. KAII.WAY INVKUTMKNTS a Bpeclally, lu tlm nelectleu and (ihIIiiiiiui of wlueli tliulr limit connection with " I'eun'a M AWUAL Olf lUlLUOAlM " Kl M UlUHl Hpeclal llll. vantages. Coirespeiuleiico Invited and III ipillles auawdied. Dupeull iiixeuiiln unci veil mul Inturesl allowed. ml'J-iiinced 1)l(IIIAHT'n WINK Nl'IIKK Wll.l. UI.OIK j J 11110 30, am o'clock, p, in , till bupt. 1st. Parlies, In carni of HleknesH, rcipilrlnn OLD IIUANDY. Whisky, Wluu.elL . alter that hour will pie ise call ill III Nerlil Duke slieet. :7 Iwileed 11. K.UJ.AYMAKKU, AfL (IdlK l.AKOKSr ANllMIISTUONI'I.KTK X assortment nt Kuchre.Ciisdne unil l'eker tarda Irnmtte pur pick up. llAUTMAN.b VKI.J.OW rilONT CIUAll ', bTOUK. VI' AUT. 4, West King Street. mnyllMyit Street, Lancaster. J LANCASTER, PA lu NEW YORK. 20 20 60 50 PATTERNS. O Uenta, 20 PA'l TERNS. 20 " 2b " 100 " 7 8 10 ellinn unil wu iimpley tlm btit Wiirkmmi In ileun new. Laiicafiler, l'a. UAH X1TT1NU, IIUILUINU JUATJlHlAI ilKMOVAl IIAV1NO 11EMOVKD MY PLANING MILL TO- Nes. Ulle 117 N.3Inlberry St, Ami lucieasud my Incllltleg ter work, I am new prepaied te de all kluilael work In my llnu at shortest notice, uitM.u.1 Wm wehlsen. A UUTlOMKltU AM) JIKAL. KMTATK AUENT. HENRY SHUBERT. AWCTIONKKll AND HKAIi KSTATK AdKNT, 01 North Duke St., Lanoaater, Fa. Kverything pertalntnit te my bualneas will rucclvemy puraenal altuntlen. Tunas reason, able. UlvoweACUll. lunli-Ud MKinVAt,. lRi,iun or a iikai iniiustky, IV Cempiimil with Hunsen's Ciiii'lnii I'oiens Plasters idl ethers iiiueruilu mul iiusu'.lslui -Uiry. Tricot ciinlH. pUTIUUHA llKrlKDlCM. A POHITIVKOUIIK roil KVKItY r OHM OK SKIN AND IILOOI) IMHKAMK KIIOM I'l Ml' MM TO HUKOKUIjA. I'llOUHANDH OK LKTTKIIS IN OUIl I'OS- 1 session repeal thlsslury 1 1 liuve hcuu u tiirrlhle sullerur ler yours with llloeil unit Skin HlllIIOIHI llUVU bl'Oll Obliged tOMllllll pllll lie places by reuMinel my dlHilgurlng humors t liiivi) liiul iliu bust iliynlelniiH i have spent hundreds el dollars mul net no nml tnlliil until l iihimI tlm uimi'iMA Kkhelvknt, Uiii new llloeil I'nilfler, lnlernnllv, und Cur cuii ami UUTlctMiA Heap. lliu gmut HK In Oiiiiih mul lleutillflcr, internally, which have cuiml me hiiiI lull my sklu anil IiIeimIiui puni as a child's. ALMOST IMOREDIULU. IAMKS K. UIOIIAIlllHON, CiiiUmii lien.,.. New OilcmiK, en until, Miiyn In 1870 HiimiIiiIiiiih UIiuih Imildi out en my limly until Iwimn iiiukmeI i urriiptlen l.vviyllilni: known In Hid miIUul liiuully wimliluil In vuln. 1 Imciiiiiii ii iiiiiin wri'ek. Al lliniM I crulil nut llll my Imniln te my inuul, could net turn lu hetl , wili lu constant puln unil KMikcit upon liln uh u ciiihii. Ne iniliil or emu In t in iiiin lu IH'n 1 Inuul el tlidCuriuuiiA Khmkihk, ihiiiI Ilium unil was pdrliictly cimul. b win n ie Uuleiu U. . (Jein. J. I). CiiAwreiui. STILt. MORE HO. Wllil. McllONAI.O. SI1I2 Kilitliern Hlrml, OlilciiKe, KU'liiliilly iickiiewlcilKi'H a cum el hcitum, erHuii 11 Im; n in. en lumil, neck, lucn, iirnin unil li's IniHiiwinli.Miii yuniH ;nelaliln te inevu, exci'pl en IiiiimN ami kncci, ler nun )imri iiolaiile te liulp liluiHiiir (mlKlit yi'iirs; ttlinl liuuiliuiU el Kimmllcii ; iloulerH pn neiincdil Ills cum ImpeU'it I'mnmnDiitly cuicil liy tlm CirricuiiA Iikvikihkm. MORE "WOiJUdRPUL YET. II. K.CAIW'KN'lKU.IIi-nili'iHim.N. . .cuicil el I'mei Iii.mH or l.itpriMy. el twcnlv yuint' nlntiiilni.', Iiy (Jutiiuiia IIkmhuikh. 'Uiii limit wiinilcrlul euro en icceril. A iliHlpiiulul el kculcrt lull irein hliniliilly riiyHlcliuiH mul liln Irliuiili llieuxlit lie mint din. C'lirimwern le ImiIiiiiih.IihIIcii el tlm rniicemiil llmnlt'rtjOU'M mesl pieinlUDiit cltl.uiirt. DON'TWAIT. Will I I. TO U.H for tlin-n tiMtlinenl.ilH lu full erhcml illicut le tlm p.irtluH. Ueii'IwhH. New Is tlm iiiiiii in ;c urn nvuiy npi'cli'x el ltclilnf, hciilv, I'luiply, fcroluleiiK, inlinrltcil, I oii'h eii'h uIiiim unil CnppiM Council IIImcilii-h el tlm IIIimmI, ftkin mm bailp, Willi l.onel il:ili. HeliI Iiy all ilniK'k'HlH. l'rlcu : CvriuniiA, Ml cnntM ; IlKwiiVKnT, II; teap, 'i'm. I'lrmtn Mian AMU (Jiiumiual Ce., lliMten, Mum RPAI1TV ..Ker H'i"rii. Inn mul uunui i . cicu-iy nlcln. liliicklinuilH. 1'lliiplun mul Suat. hl;ln IllclnlrtllCH, I1S0 (JUTlUL'HA fl'IIK UUTIUUKA Kr-SIICmr.- I'llll fAi.i: JL al CecIii-.iii'm In ii); Mtern. 137 Nerlli (juceu dtrcel, l.aucistur, l'u. ami le'J Sanferd's Radieil Cura for Catarrh, COMl'l.hTKTIlKATMCNT WITH INUAI.KIt hOUONK 1)1)1. 1. A It. Tlm (i lent II.iIhuuiIc Dlstlllutleii nt Wlleli Hazel, Auierluan I'lne, Cuiiiulu V Ir, Mnrluelil, t lever lllo-seuis, etc, ciillwl bANKOIlO" KAIIICAI, OUKE. ler tlie linmi'itltitii icllct ami pcriimnunt euro el every ieriu etCatituli, Irmii UHlinple Cob! lu tlm limtil te Less el huiiill, TuhUi ami llcailiiK, CeiikIi ami Ca turrlial Consumption. Cem pinto treatment, ceimlHlliiK el one bottle llmllcul euro, one box Cnlarrlial Selvmil mul nun 1 in pre veil lu liulcr. In enn pucKune, may new be bail el all ilinunUtrt ler I J. en. Axle ler tAMKOKU' UAIIlCAL CUIIK. 'l lie only alHOlute cpi.'cllli: we knew el " Mril. Timet, "Tlm betl we biwe tminil In a llletline et miiIIci lilt;." Itev. Dr. inyyln, Mot ion " Alter uIeiik Htruuuly wltb CKlirrli tlm It a mi At ( nun Iium feiniuereil." Itev. H. II'. Menree, Ltwlttjui )h. J'ti, "1 liave net leiiml a caae Unit llillil mil relieve al eucu." Andrew Lee, Maneheiter, Jtiti reTTKII DllUH AM) ClIUMIIiAI. Ce . HextOII. SANDfOKII'S ItADIO M.CUKI-. I'Oll i,ll. K at Cecliran'n Urui; Htein, Ne IJ7 mul !.. Neilb (Jnccn Htiuet. I.jncaslur. l'a. ruin Is the Cry or a .SnlTcriiiK' .Vcric. COLLINS' VOLTAIC KLKCTIUC l'LASTKIl Instantly allectx tlm Nervous byutnni ami luiii iHlitnpiilu. A purled K.lccti le lllaltery coin, blimil wltli a I'oieiih I'liiMter ler i'm. It anni hilates Pain, vltullzus Weak ami Wern Out Pails, strenijlliens til nil inuscles anil prevents illseaai), anil iloiwineio lu one-halt the time than any ether plaster lu the werlil. l-elil uvorywliure. lulyl-lydW.rt.iw lltKAT imilAN MKOIU1NI-. KA-TOM-KA, TUB OREAT INDIAN MBDIOINB. -KOll Til K Bleed, Liver, Kidneys aud Stomach. It Is iiiuile liv tlm InillaiM, lltcil by tlm linll iti", relil by the lmlliius. It Is 1'uiely Vegetable. It Hinely ii'iicsall iIIsiilsks el tlm .'Ueinaeh. Liver, llewelsanil Itloe'l lllsalinesta hih-vIIIu fin all forms et Itheiimatlsiii. It will eine illsea-e ulieii all oilier iimieilles Iiumi fiOleil. Iilieclleus iiiu plainly pilnteil en eeiy hot het tin. All tribes el Inillaiis bau their liiuillelucH, but Ka-Ten-Ka Is a iiimeily of tlm 1'acllle Const, ami Is usuil by all. It Is compeseil el loels, lieihs ami balks Kiilbureil ami piepaieil by lliu Warm Spring Indians el' Oregon, Ami la laverably knew a anil u. oil lu all p.u U el thuweilil, 'lliu nick or ullliu; hi eulil net ilelay lis use. It will pievent iuj wull iihciiie ilineasu. lis pneu is oiiuiienur pur nouie, or nl bottles fur live dollars, Asii k uir it . ami see that oil KetlU Ills for sale by ult ti insists, ami by the OIICUUN INDIAN MtiDlciNl'. company, ceny, l'a. Medoc Indian Oil THK (IIIKATKST PAIN MKD1U1NK ON KAUTII. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN OIL Is certain te cure Toothache In one mlniile, lleailache lu live lnlnutes. Kaiacliu lu ten minutes, Seui'l hreal lu enu nlKlit, Nmuuli;liiln tlucu le live intu- UL'S. MODOC INDIAN Ol Ii Is used Internally us well as externally, h very family should ha e a bnllh) wltlilu icacli. 11 Is a nocler In the house. Ker sale by all DrtiSRlstH. 1'ilce Z'ic, pur belllu. Lai mi hl.e bettluH, Wlc. INDIAN COUtlll SYUOl Is it pieiupl s peel lie ter Coughs, Colds and Luiii; ilbe.nni. VH'. )ier betlln. Iva-len Ku, Modou KiiIIuil (111 ami Indian CeiikIi Syrup ter sain (wheiiw.Ue ami lelull) til Cncliiau'ri Diuif time, Ne. 1J7 and U) Nerlli (jueeu atri el, l.aurasler. Pa. ma-iydW.ia.iw UTAH llll. ELY'S CREAM BALM ClUtKH COLD IN 1IICAD, CATAItltll HO.SK COLD, HAY KKVKK, DKAFNKsS, IIKADAC1IK. Kasy te ttse. l'rlcu, W)c. Kly llre's., Ohwl'ke. N. Y U.B. A. rr0Tr TPaTrckT. "ly 'evcr Is a typoel J-ldy J; aVtJI .Catarrh, having peculiar sTiupiems. Il la attended by au IntWineil comlltlen et the llnlnu membrane et tlm nos trils, tear duct and threat, atlecllnit the limits. An acrid unions Is scented, the ills ills charite la accompanied with a painful burning sensation. There am severe spasms et Hnecz'nit, Iruqtienl attacks el blliullnn heid ache.u watery and Inllamed statu et tlm eyes. KLY'aOllKAM HALM Is a remedy leuuilcd en a correct dliiKensIs et this illaeitau ami can lie depended upon. (!) cunts al ilruiti;lsls. i0 cunts by mall, tiainple bottle bvmall, inc. ilL'V BROTnERS, jaueil.tw Druitulsts, :0sw(ie, N. Y. UNDEVELOPED PARTS, Of the Human lledy eulurKud. iluvulentul. BtreiiKtlicned,"elc, Is au luieiestliiK advur liguiuunt leuu run lueur pupur. In luply te Inaulrluswu will say that thtiu Is neiivlduiicu 01 tiiimbiiKuhnul tills. On the contrary the advertise are very hlu'hly Indorsed. Inter t steil persons may yet scaled circulars Ktvlnit u 11 particulars by addrnnttnit Kiiiu Mkuiuai. Ce., IJuIliile, N. Y. Teledo Kvenlne llee. ui-JyilMWAr&w OUK CITY SCHOOLS. JUNI'.MKKrillUlir l.OUAl, IIItUOAIOlt) Aiiiiiml Krimrtul llie rliiAiice Ooiiiiiillleo-- llljrMiiprrliiteiHlnnt'K llnuerf - I'll pin rruiiuitnit te ttin lllli HlIiimiI A Hlnlvd tucuiltiK of llie buatil of dirce letM uf Lnnoanter oily hoIiiieI benid iIIh trlet wiiH held in com iiinii council elmm bur, July S)il. Tite fullewln uaincd inmnberH worn prettcnt : McHHrf. Dakar, llruiieiunn, UriiHliiH, llyrne, Uoelirnn, Jibcrinaii, Kv.iiim, U.iHt, lliirtiimn, .TeliiiHui), J. M., MnrHliiill, Mo Me Mo C'eiiiHoy, Oblnniler, H.iub, Iticliarilri, Uiui;. wait, Blaymaker, Htiinycli, Hpurrler, Warfi-I, Zuolier, LoverKood, Prvwiiluut. Tlie rcnilin of tliu iiiIihiIun was (linpeimeil with. .Mr. Kvaim fiem the llnaiioe eommittee prcfcntcil the follewini; blliH which were otdercil le be paid : Clmrlert It. l'Vailey, writini; hiih kuIioeI illplenniH, i:!2 'i?i ; Ilautnuardner, Kliiirinan itOii., Iiimber, Wil.ll ; An,-. K. Hdiinilil, inevliti; piano, &e., at coiumuiiucinent (13; Jehn H. (lllver A: Ce., ribbon for dlplein.iH, 1 10 HO ;.Ie!iti Ilaur'n Hens, box el nuaU, r ceiiIb ; I. II. Hinchart, HcrviccM at com -iiiisnuuinunt, $10 ; II. Yeknr, rent of opera heiiHU for concert and ceinniDiicment, iJ'iO; .lelin A. Hurler, exoivntleti at I'rtncn Htreet hoheol himwe, S'Jl.Jl ; Iivi I'ewl, niakliii; fimec, $'.) ; Itnpiirer jiriutiinr com paiiy, biudiiiK dictionary, W 150 ; Walter A. HiilntiHli, bracket for Mr. Htiohrle, H,'; Hlfilniiiau imil IIuiiheI, printing and advertlHini', i?:i(i.75 ; Alluii A. Ilerr, tuir vnyhitf 1'iince Htrcct let, fj .laoeb llethurinul, brtiNhns and diiHtcre, 100; Henry Veiini? .t Hen, IWinj; loeka and knyH, i'A Ji ; Has Llfjlit V Fuul, Ce., ua-, 0.H0. Air Kvatm prum'iitud aim tlie follow fellow I UK : Antiiinl Krpurt nt tlm I'Iiihihiii CiiniiiltteB. Te the lleitrilnf liticctitrs of Common Schools of I. linear Ur C"if.y . Your eommlllei) of llii'ime, as ieiilieil by law, ltispecllnlly presunt tlm aiiuual Hlutn n.eiil or lecelpts ami epi-iulltuies of tlie bear.l ler ttin yeir eiullni; wlili the ilrsl Mou Meu il.iy lu .luiii), sl, tejjulliei with the liabilities ami il-mcIs. liKcmriH llilaneeln treisury, Jniin , IH-CI....I .I,')I7 11 t'reiii .Mutual luniuunce company 'il pi Nilu el filini man Ntieet piepnrly.... lMut (leu. II. Siullli, unit et let 70i ttUtuaiipreptlulliiii ler I-s:j 0,8111)1 Conscience money is (H I. II. Maikley. collector ter issi ivj ;i? Daniel siueycli, collector ler lull n 7) Win. O. Marshall, t'UCH ter lf.xj, 31.113 7J Lein luike en Premium mi lean 1117 fin Mulberry street btill'llujjs j 1 County co n in Kile Mirs en collection erstute anil county taes ler I'll, l.vit Ml 1 union 71 '0 lnti lent en ilepesll 'JM ml J etal. KM'UNIllTmiKrt. tul arte-, teachers I'lSli 1)7 l.ssi Ml .'),ll ll ui 1,'XK '.12 IVi III l.'O (41 i.-i 77 '.; s . Int. rest 011 I111118 I'tlnclp.il en leans Ceil ami klnillliiR Heeks, itu Mllurles .laulterx Printline (ius bibs Water mill .Scheel .Ien rmil ltepilis HI III 1IH I 17 ' :7U.I '7 11. s.eeiiiluenceincni. 1:1 111 Kuriilliire 1,.V'S si Insurance. 1 .1) 00 Iren tenet Trees Hesters Duplicates Hit Nil Iiik j (.oiiiinlvilen tur cellectni Prince utieel let Miermau slmel piepnrly...., Il.ilance lu 1 reus 11 1 y i'.s 1 1 !V7 117 M V.'i HO .. 7-i HI17I ,. -,IHM (HI . W't 1 1 . l(WiiJ7 I (.1 IV. A I AHiism iuni: M, IMI. Cash in Treasury t l.ii") i7 lllKlmclioel buliillm; anil tin iilturn 11,01m en Keckiamt Dticul bullilmi; ami luinl- tine I11MK) no Lemen sticet liulhtlnn iinit llll nltilie .11.1 IIIU) .1 nines street liulhllnu uinl lurnltillii. 1.1 im) 10 I'rlnce slieut butlilliw 11ml lurnltnie. leu-0 (W Strawhci ry .ttect bul.illn;aml Intnl. line ;i,ine New Htieiil biillillniramt tiirnltuie... I.l,:i.vi ( 1 Maner Kticet liulMliii; unil lurnltnie 7.'Uie Ann bttent hullillm; anil luinltiiie.. l'J,7.' ml Duke meet, live liullilliiKS anil iui- nlluiu 23, (H)(1) Vlmi slitet, tin ee biillilliiKs ami nil- nltiiie 15,7'0 en CliesliiutHtluel. til Lee Imllilliii'saml luiiillurii I'i.imi mi OiatiKCHtii'iil, two bulletin's :Kik1 iki I'iIiile Blreet let iliwd Tetul .'i;, Mill L1A1UI.IT1KS. I.ranet Nevumbur I, lhtn, .1 put emit f :.i in Lean et .limitary H, lt"d, ' per com I'nnn tu Le 111 el May 3, lssl, I per cunt In.iiniiii l.oauei .upleiubui 7, lJ, I pur cunt Ui.mil 10 Lo.iuel Jauuury 1, .J, 1 percent lu.nu W) Lean et Hepteinber -, 1.1, 4 nertcnl l"no mi -I .'iJ.mm mi Kxcvsaet pieputty umliLSjetri Ilill.lv.i '17 UOIIKItT A. KV N, Al) M OULKNIIhlt, IIKMIV CAItl'KKThlt, Mr. aiaj maker, from the oenimittuti 011 bui!dliin aud jjreuudfi, inaile a vutbal report, in which he hUIciI that, tlm ruvluwurs appointed by oetut had awaidcd thu beard $800, for tlie tun feut front taken from the East Orane Hticut Moheol jiroperty by the widening of Sliermaii atroet. Alse that the old hthoel heiiaca en tihermau atruet had been touted ; that the Duke htroet Koheol hout-es lciialrud reef iiiu;, ami that ether noheol Iioiiseh rcijiiirud repair, lloasked for iiistiiiotiens au te making tlie neoesHary repairs, and adver tislnn ler coal for the use of tlie holieols. On motion of Mr. W.nfel, the eommit eemmit eommit teo watt ilireoted te tnnke the noceH.sary 10 paitH te tlie bolieol hetiHOb .luring vacation and advortltie ler coal. Sir. Hartmau meved that the Last OiatiKO htreet noheol property, o.xelusive of that portion oeiidemnoil by the viowem, be iliHtiUHed of by publle Hale. Mr. llreaiurt moved tu .itib'ud by pest -)enluK the sale until after tlie c mrt hliall have taken notion en the icperl of the vioweru. The amoiulmeut was aieed te. Mr. Uaker from the jmlitiary oeniuiittco repetted preKrena en the ipiustien of the disputed boundary line of the New idieet uoueoi properly. Ue Hoped ier an nmiu.i bio ;djuttiuuut of the dispute. The oily Huperiuteiuleui's monthly re. pett was read an fnllewH : LANlASIBIl I'll., .Illly a, lib! Te the Heard et bchoel Dlicuers, Qbnti.kmisn: Your city superin. tcudent HubmltH the follewiuK lopert of the public Boheolnfor the mouth of June. Thowuelo number of pupils unrolled waa210 in the IiIkIi hoIieo), 899 in the ecoendiiry, and 170aiu tlie primary, total The averagn nttoudance was 203 in the IiIrIi soheol, T62 iu the Hccendary, nnd lasi in the primary, total WIO. The nvovaiie porueutDKo el attondauce wan 8t. The number of visitH m.ide by the eity Biipuriutuudeut was '-I'J. The numbar of visits made by diicotera was 05 na fellows : Wm. MeUomsey, 11) j Dr. M. Ii. Herr, 13 ; J. W. uyrue, ll ; D. Q. Uaker. 8:11. Oast. 1 i J. II. Wurful, 11; h. Hiehards, 8 ; D. Smoyeli, 4; Dr. D. H. MoCJermiolt, ' ; A. ' Snyder, U; J. M. Johnsten, !l ; J. MaiuKen, 'J ; Dr. J. Loverood, 2; II, It. lirenemau, S, ami W. O. Marshall, 1. Of the pupils who profteiitod thomselvoa for oxamiuatleu with a view te promotion lute fie high school, 4(J boys uml 09 girls attained the rwitilred avrraKO. Of the prefsrcsH made lu the schools fconerally an nIiewii by the oxamiuatleu, I prefer that ethers should speak, mid it affords me mueh pleasure te rofer, as rcKards this matter, te the chairman el the mipcrlii. teiidltiK oemmlttuo, whose .eal iu the publle school oaiiHe induoed him te aUeiul nearly If net all the oxainitiatleus. Very rcspeetfully, Veur most obedient, servant. It. K. llui'.iiiu.i:. Adjourned. Nninnsiil I'liplU 1'ruiiinteil te llljli Hcliuul Miss Urtib.ikur's class for piometiou Bue Hursk, Hlla Derwart, Oarriu Drep pen). Katie lluber. lierlha lleusel, hm 111:1 Haines, Ivatin Knapp, H.ulloMeMellon, Lida l'ranley, Clara IteKurs, Mary Slay maker, Aunie Bhaub, Bephla Btnith 1.1. Miss lluudel's class Emma Auxer, Ulara (!oho, Maud Ilubley, Miriam lleifer, Allle I' ree, Lillian (ieuipl, I'.stlier KenillK, Mamiu Iievau, Lily Marshall, Lettie 1'eterH, Vlrie Ithedes, Aunie Iteth, Kmtiia BmalliiL', Flera Bener, llotlie Vll- loe 15. MIsm Hubur's elass Aunie ll.ier, Aunie Overdeer, Aunie Doersotn, Hurtha Bhoe- ley, llrssie Honors, (Jarrie Alciiranu, (Jarrlu Metzar, Mmtna AleUiiinis, II0I011 Miller, .limcpliiiii) McO'ully, Kutie lCliue, Lizv.ie ldiiser, Llzie Hoever. Mabel Dodite. Btell.i Heller, Main Arnell 10. mlHrt Musmdinau's elass Aunie nest, May ltvrne, Mary Deyle, Hessiu Evans, Mary Kvaus, Mamie Hartmau, IIdkhIu l'oiiuypaeker, Mary 1'yle, Ella Bteuer, Uoitrude Btouer, Alice yiiitseii, Ilannali wnitseii, Jay seller l.J. Mr. Mate's clafs Matuie Uerstly, ltesa Ilehs, Matuie Sliafer :j. Miss Powers' elass Litella llatismau, Oertie Ilresuts, llessie Crawford, Cera Oempf, Hattiu Hedrlcks, Emma Lene-, Audie Smith, Mary Bwupe, Oertie Zuehur 9. Mr. Gates' elans Jehn Martin, Wm. Martin, I'Umer Kuaui, Charles Iteatu, Oeo. L'w'enard, Chailcs Adams, .1, tines Lrbau, Bainuel Miller, Harry Maxwell, Glessuer Jjuaman 10. Mr. Loverfjeod's elacs Harry Behullz, Fred. Ernst, Frank Keill', Ed. l'entz, ICImcr Harnish, C. Illiokeudorfer, C. Hoever, V. Welelians, A. Marsch, M. Weaver, J. Bcacnat, II. Martin, F. ltuily HI. Mr. Stamy's elass N. Ivoller, W. ltehm, W. Heitshu, II. Heilshu, O. A. Eagles O F.Oell, F.OniKer, W. Itoin Itein u'lil. C. Beuseiiii;, II. Bhumaker, I. .jek, C. Withrow, II. E. Laud is, M. Hartmau, II. Haurold, II. Cline, Willie Marliu, W. ILudiue 18. Mr. Matz's class W. Ore 1. Miss 1'owers' elass ltiehaul Adami, David Evans, Frank Olevor, Dairy Le- deti 1 Total Heys, 10 ; Kills, C9. -- m A SutccBl:il luttruttur. In apamphetjiviuK romluiseeiicesof Dr. Uenjamiti Abbet, which has buun compiled by Professer Watorheuso, the follewiur; iutercstitu; aueodeto is 1 elated : Lew is Cats,' said Dr. Abbet "was a very wild boy. Ouu day Ins fatlter, fliujer Cass, uaiui) te me aud asked mu if 1 would take his seu. ' " ' C'eitainlv. but why de you ask'.1' " ' Oli ! thu youngster is liu.iilstiene; aud hard te manai!0. 1 am au eflicer, ami can govern seldiers, but that boy is tee much ter me.' " ' What docs he de?' " ' IMays truaut, runs away fiem his work', steals oil' without my jieimisseu te go a gunning, Halting aud swimming, and is full of all kind of praukn.' " Well, seud him te me, aud I'l sce what I can de with him.' " The boy was placed under my charge. Several mouths later I met his father, aud aslud him hew his son was getting along. Well, sir,' said he,'lf Lewis was half iih a f 1 aid el the Almighty as he is of you, I should never have any mero trouble with him.' " Iu totaling this incident Dr. Abbet fair'y iihoek will) llie laughter which the iccol iccel kctiuu of Majer Cass's answer excited. A lriuil-ateutncit Weman Is even Harm lliau a Iniil-menthcil man. Ne 0110 iieml bit loul'iiieutlied 11 they will muM) .ODDS' r and rub lliu wull. Don't spue tlie brush and spoil the ineulli. as miiiiu patents de with Ihtlr ehlldieu when lliey withheld llie ied. lyl-lwileedAw Vllnl Onmllnim 1 ll AtK the meat eminent iihyiiciitii Ol any hulieul, whal is lliu besl thing lu lliu weild let iuUiIIiik' and allaying nil liillalleu et the nerves, and curing all foiinsel nciveus complaints, glvlni; naluial, ulnldllku tuttcsli lug sleep always ; And tliey will lull you unhesitatingly " Seme form vf lleic 1 1 1" t'UAi-rsii 1. Aalc any 01 all et the mesl eminent physi cians "What Is thu bust ami only leinedy that can be lulled oil te cure nil diseases e! the kid neys ami utliiaiy eiitaus ; such as Itilghl's disease, diabulcs, retention, or Inability le in Uiln mine, and all thu diseases and ailments p-cullar le Wiiuiuu '' "Aiultliey will tell yoiie.pllcltly and em- nliill.i1lv llnrhn III'" Ask thiismnu physicians " NMial Is tlmuiesliullablu ami surest euro let all liver diseases or dyspupsla; constipa tion. Indigestion, biliousness, iniihula, level. aauii. ,Ve.,"uiiil thuy will lull you i Aiiiufi'iUe Iimuliiiett til Hence, when tho.-e remedies am ceiubliieil wllh ethers eiiially valmible And coinpeumled lute Hep Hitters, such a weuileilul mid inj Mictiens curative power Is developed, which N se vailed lu Itsoneratlens thai no dlueasu or III Icullli can petslbly uxlsl or leslsl lis power, ami yet It Is Harmless ier the most tiall woman, weakest Invalid or smallest child te use. CHAl'ThUll. " I'allniilM " Almest deiiil or nearly d lug " Ker veins, and given up by physli lans, of liilglil's ami ethi'i kiiluny dlseiisis, liver iniii plaints, Hitvere ceui:ti4, called consumption, ii ive bi'uu cured. Women uene neurit erttzy llll! Kmin a'lenv or neiiialula. ueiveusiieHs vvukutiilutss und vaileiudlst.isis petiillar te women. People iltawn out el Mhape treiu uxeiiiclit lut; p.uiK's el ihiiiiiuatlsm, lull iiiiinuteiy mul ehienlc. 01 sulluilug iieiii scintilla. l.I'VHlpeliis 1 "Maitiheiiui, bleed pol.seuliig, dyspepda. In ingestion, and, lu lucl, uluiesl nil diseases Irnll." Natu te Is hulr te lUvu been cuivil by Hep Hitters, proof et which can bu found lu u 01 y uulghhoiheod lu thu known weild. 43-None KCiuilne wlthnulu bunch of urcuu Heps en the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous Hull wllh "Hep" or " Heps " lu their name. JurZl'uThs.tw Otitis, Pleasant, healthy grins are seen only en tnu lacusei nciuuiy persons, inu oysptiptie ami debilitated can sintlu only In a halt-hearted way, l'ltilly the bhsid.lene the sleinacn. and sluinglliuu thu tissues with llurtlecls llloeil Ilttteu, II you wish te laugh wull and niten Ker hiiIii by II. II Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13!) Nettli Ojicun slteut. Lancaster. An iMillnr's Triuiitn. -Thnren P. Kuaier. editor et Kt. Wayiie.lml.. Tntitte, wtllus ' or thu nasi Itvoyems havu uiwavs linen nr. uing's miw iiiscevery. ier ceumIis, et most ev em character, as well us ler these et a milder type, ll never lulls te eilect a speedy cum. My Irluuds 10 whmu I havu it'O iininuuili'il llspialc et Itlusaiiie hl;;h luruis Having been euiwil by ll el eveiy cough I havu hud ler II ve yems, 1 consider ll thu only rellable and sum 01110 for Ceutjhs, Colds, (del' Call nt Cnehruu's Drui: Mem, Nes. 137 ami 13') North (jueeu slteut, l.uucas- ter, l'a., uud gel a 'VeaTllu ilelllu, Laigu nuOiii.w. m Jlneklen's ArnicH Mle. The lies I Balvu lu lliu world ler Cuts, Ilrtihes. Here.i, Ulcers, Kail Itlieuin, Kever Boies, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns.utul all skin eruptions, uud positively cures l'llii,' or no pay required. UH guar anteud tegivu perleci siitlslactleit or money ruliinilcd, 1'rlte, as runts per box. rorsale Iiy II. II Cochran, 1I1 tigitisl, n7imd IS) Nerlli (Jiicuii street, l.imcaster. Will It Itaally euro Itlieiiiiinlliin? Wu answer, honor In Ight, ll will euro rliiiu. itiatlsm, ami tlm suvurust cimes tim. Or. aiem. ttf helectrle Oil was specially pieimredlorthe iliciiiiialleaudlamu. Notlce fetturs from thu people 1 elallve te Um niutlts lu nearly every pupur lu tlm ceuntiy. Ker sale by II. II. Cocli Cecli imi.ilruKglsl, 1117 and IJJNettli Uuuuti slicct. We UhniieiiRO Die World, When wu say we believe, wu havii evldence te prevn that Shlleh's coiisumiillen Cure Is decidedly tlie bust Lung Medicine madn, In as nuchas It will euro a (.0111111011 or Cluonle Ceuuh luoiie-hall the time uud relieve Asth ma, llieiifldlls, Whooping CeiikIi, Ciiihii, and show meie cases 01 CoiiBiimptieii cured than all ethers. It will cine whom they lull, It Is pleasaul te lake, harmless le thu yeunmist child and we cuiuantee what wu say. 1'ilcn, inc., .Vie. uml ji.ii). if your Lungs am mini Chest or Hack luine. iihu. Shlleh's I'nreus I'las. ler. Held by II. II. Ciu'himi,ilriiKglst, Nes. M7 ami l:r.) Nerlli Uiiueii street teli7e-l 1 at K II Ul A I.. A (IKKAT MtJUOf.Ma. """ HOP PLASTER. This porous plaster Is billions for Its ijiilck and hemty iiclliiu lu cuilng iMiuellack, Ulieii- IIiii U.il.itl.... , l. r ,., . I... Ilt.,.1 Wl.l.. .....I Hip, Nii'uralKla, .4llll Joints and Mui'cles, Kem Chest, Hliinuy Troubles ami mi pains eraches either local or deep seated. 11 seethes, Hliimgtlmns ami HllmulaleH llie parts. Thu virtues el hops combined wllh giiuis-ctiiau and ready te apply. Hupeiler te lluliiients, lotions ami salves. l'rlce,." cunts or A ler ll.ei. Held by ilmgglsls ami country stores. Mailed en iccelpLel prices. 7u;i I'luiler Com Cem jkui.V, l'lojuluteis, llosteu, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. -Tlie best lamlly pill Hteuiath ami Liver 1'lln. Hindu 1 1 aw ley's Zw, I'leasaut lu action and e.isy le take. neviHydAw (1) MAKKKltSTOMC. CLIMBING TUB SPIRAL STAIRS. In vlaible Aruhitoeturo In n. New Eng land Pareontiye. ' Yes," she said, " our children ate married ami geuu, and my husband and 1 sit by our winter llie much us wu did bolem the lilt lu outs caliie le widen thu circle. Lliu Is some thing like a spiral staircase; we aru always coming mound ever the spel we started I10111, only onudegice lurlher up thu slalrs.'i "Thai Is a pietty Illustration," remarked her lilcii'l musingly, ga.lng Inte thu kIewIiik coals w hlcti radiated a pleasant hunt Irein thu iiiauy-wlmlowedstevu. "Yeu knew we can not step I itlliii: up thu hill, UieiikIi." "Surely wu cannot and ler tnysell I don't 11 111 1 laull with that necessity pievlded thu advance In llie Is net attended with calamity 01 sulluilug, ler I havu hud my sliuru et thai. Net Ieiik since my health utterly bieku down. Mv hvsleui was lull el malaria. Mv dluustlen bi came thoieuL-lilv dlaetdurud and my nerves wuru lu avvrulehed statu. 1 was luiuttild, alu lllllu mid thai wlthoiilunjeytnic 11. and hud no Hlrcnglli or uuibllleu te liurleriu even my llitht household duties Medical treattnenl tailed te 1 each lliu seat et lliu trouble. Thu dlseasu .which seemed te bu weakness et all tlie vital nrguns ptegressud until I had suv ural attacks whlciimy physicians pioneunred te buaeiitucoui;uslteu et lliu stomach. Thu last et these was a dcspuiatu sttugglu and 1 waH glvun up todle. As the crisis hud par tially passed, my husband heard el the merits oli'AllKKit'M'iemuiiaunluvluotuutlu lust biich cases as mini'. 1 te ik ll ami lull lis koeiI eiiuei 111 once. 11 appeared te prvaoe my body, as though thu blussliiK et new llie had u uiiu te me. Taklui; no ether luedlcinu I con tinued le Improve and um new lu butler health than 1 have hcun for a long time." ' (Kxtrucl trnm Interview with thu wlle et Kev. l'.l'erry, pastor et ltapll.il church, Celd. bioek, Mass. Jyldindb.tw IJAltKI'ilt'.') ll.MK IIAI.SAUAMI I'A Idl er's Tell te for sale al C'icli rail's DruStoie MO. Ilriimt It) N0KI1 Uuikiii !.. LuneiMlur, l'a J..C.1 Mil'. a Thu following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. K. HLAYMAKlll, Agent fur ItKIU AllT'SOLD WINK hteick, by a piemlnenl priictlcliiK physician et tills ceuutv. who has itunslvely used the llramly teleriud te lu Ills lemiiur tiracticii. 11 is coniiueuucii te Iho in tention et ihesu mulcted wllh Iudigcstieu and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic Mlmtilnnt was never Intended as a liuveinite, but te bu usud as a medicine el great potency lu thecure et Heme et the desti iicttve discuses which h weeps a ay thelraiiumil t heu siinds of victims. Willi a pun ly phllunthieplu motive, we pie Heiil le lliu lavernblu notice el Invalids es pecially these utlllcted wllh thai uibjeiuhlu disease, Dypspepsl.i, a specific remedy, which Is uetliluii 111010 or less than BRANDY. Thiitiued, with leelile appetite, mul tnoieer lesi diiMlllv, will Uud this slmplu mudlcluu, when used piupuily, A Soverolgu Itomedy Ker all their Ills mulaches. lln 11, hewevui' Hli Icllv understood that wu piustrlbu ami use but euu at llclu, ami that Is Reigart's Old Braiidy, holilbyeuiiiiiteiiulsliiulilenil.il. K. SLAY MAlvf.lt. This bluntly has steed thu test for years, ami bus never tailed, as lar us our e.. pcileutnevtcnds, and we thoreloio n'Ve It the pielcii ntu ever all ether liraudles 110 matter with hew many aw biuaklug blench titles thuy am biamled. One teuitli of thu money thai Is yunlv tlnewn away 011 various linpo linpe timl dyspepsia specllles, would siilllcu te buy all lliu liraudy te euro any such easu or eases, lu pioet el the ciuallve power et Itolyart'e Old Brnudy In cases el Dyspepsia we can summon num bers et witnesses one cilsu lu p.ultcular we wlllelte: A haul wetklug faiiner had been mulcted wllh an evhausilng Dyspupsla let a number et yean ; hlsHlemath would 1 eject almost uvery Kind el le.nl 1 he hint reiir eiuclallens con-slantly-ue apputllu-lu fact, he wuHehllged te ttsttld his il lut te crackeis and slule bicud, and us a lievciaun he used Med rami's Heet lleer. Ile Is a Methodist, and then, as new, pie.u heilul limes, uud In his discourses eltell dcelulliied eainestly UKalusta IMuilsef sluing ililuic. When advl-ed te try ItelRart'H Old Bmndy Iu his case, liu looked up wllh lusleiilslmmnt; biilultel heal In); et his wonderful etlects lu lliu cases el some et his un'it'iiciiiiilutaiicus, he at last ceiisi'lited te fellow oil rail vice. Housed the llimuly taltlilully ami steadily , the Ilrsl bottle ulvlnj; him nil appetite, au I lieleiu the Mi'iend was all takeuhu wasaseumliiiau, with a bleiiiach capublu el digesting unythlni; which he cheese le cat. He slU kieps It and uses a lllllu occasionally) nun siuuiiiu mis tins meiil tuts meiil- 1 alary bun- I yjlclipi. 1 cum, uu lias eeen 01 very iiiiiii pcuuiuur din 10 1110 uocier. A 1'iucuctnj I'nu H. E. SLA.YMAKER, Agunt ler HKIUAUT'8 OLD WINK ST01CK, Kstabllshcd lu 17S3. Importer mul Dealer lu Old llramly, Sherry, Hupeiler Old Madurla, linpei ted lu ISIS, isrf ami ISI3, Chuinpiignus or Kvury liiaiul, scotch Alu, Purler, lliew n Stout. Ne. 20 Eftet King St., - Lanoaetor. M A1WION DOLUS. WEAK NERVOUS 31EN Whose nubility, exhausted powers, premii turn decay ami lalluru te purlerm lltu's duties mepeily, am mused by uxcusses, errors et yeiiih, etc , will find u perfect und lasting ms ms ms toiatlen te robust heullh mid vbcemiis man nrind lu THK MA ItS ION 1IOLUS. Neither stnuiuih dtiigglng nor Instruments. This tieatment et neivetts Debility und Physical Decay is uiiilerinly succusslul becausu based en put tret diagnosis, new uud direct methods and absolute llietuugliiiiiss. Villi Information und Treullus tree. Address Ceiisultluit I'hv slcl.Ul el M AllU'iON HliMKDY CO., 411 W. Kth SLevv lerk. npil-lyM.W.ICAw 1)1 1. KM. ANA KK91S" gives instant rellel, and Is' an lulalllblu euro ter I'l LKH. l'rlcu, tl.U) at drnuylslH, or sunt piepuld by mall. Sutiinle truu. Address, "ANAUKSlS" Mnku. Ilex iliu, New Yerit. uprMyil.W.KAw VTAtTtlINU, KEEP COOL. There appears te be no need of telling men what they want for het weather, for that portion of our store devoted te thin goods is dailv crowded. We offer variety enough te allow a choice of style. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & Sixth Sis. I'UII.AUHLl'UIA. A KKATOIT BARGAINS. Neckties and Half Hese At KH1SMANU Ne. 17 West King Streot. Gauze Undershirts, In Sizes trout .11 te M Inches. AT BEISMAN'S. ATKKUIIANT TAII.OlllNO. Sneclul for Ladies. 1 liave Just received a line of the KINK8T IMI'OIITKII I'ONUKKS In the inarkut, which will be sold per ploce, containing twenty yards, at 1 10; the fume iiualltyet goods are selling lu t'lilLvdulphliv al til and (13. Special for Gentlemen. Jusl rcculved. A fll'LKNDID ASSORT MENT OF WOOLKN OOODS, sultable ler the het weather, which will be made up atsur prlslnuly low llgurusHnd superior workman ship, wllh trimming le correspond wltb the (nods both In ilialllv mul sh'tilu. 1'KItrKOT KlT(2UAKANl'KK0 01lNOSALK, UIVOIUO a trial aud bu convinced. D. 11. WINTERS, NO. LNJ N. QUEEN STKEET, . LANOASTEK. l'A. M VKI A HATlirON. Thin Clothing. In Kicullent Assertmunt, ter this sort et wuatliur, for MKN'S, 110 Y'3 anil CIUL DIIK.N'H WKAlt, lu all the PLAIN AND MOST rASlllONAIILK KAUIUC3. In looking ureiuid ter Summer requisites, remember' tluit thu bust assertmunt lu CLOTHING Is always te bu seen here, anil that pi Ices are sulllcluntly varied te meet wllh laver among all classes el buyers, us well us Ihesu whom tertiinu bus less favored. Wu Invite calls, that we may bu atlorded a chance te show lust what we Imve. The make, style and nihility of our CLOTIIINO Is Lilly, up te thu highest standard, aud is marked alllgmes that often muke buyers or Ihesu whoeuly coine te see. f Comparison courted, tratle solicited. MYERS & RATHFON, ILKAD1NG l.ANUASTKU CLOTUIEItflJ NO. 12 HAST KINO STRHBT. LANOASTKll. l'A. L1TTLU Price List: 'I lin rollnwliiiratesoino et tlie CLOTIUNU 1IA1IUAINS new going en ut L. GANSMAN & BRO.'S. MKNS' ALL WOOL SUITS AT W.60. LAIUIKIIOY.V ALL WOOL SUITH AT 91.60 8MALL HOYS' ALL-WOOIi SUITS AT 13.00. Aud various ether grades In eaeh ran go et sizes. BARGAINS IN GOODS IN THE PIECE. WK MAKK TO OltUKlt A Serge Suit at $10.00. nNKCASS.lSUlTINQS ATU0O,150O,18.O) ane ra.00. Theso nre real Uargslns nnd don't nitu them, , L.vansman&Bre. The KASHIONABLK MKHCIIANTTAILOIJ AND ULOTU1K1U), Ne. 66-68 NORTH QUJUN STRUT, Itlght en the SeuthvTMt Coreor et Orantft, jANCASTKO, r. a-NotcennoclodwltUiuiyoU)r UleUht Houw) in Uie cHV- M1MK VKHDlirr HTILL UTAH OH TMAV I the best Be. ClcstlixUie city IsU AilAUTJlAN'3 $$ )rJll0NX UlQA f-r v Ci m J . -j. I J ri S&l X Mft ' .' v. & I ft 41 r v. I .J ' if 4 ? i'j i'4" rj J i .-' "Si 1 :i' :.. V1 v I ,V