3f; - a" -! .. . 1 Veliimn XX-Ne, 2150. LANCASTEK, PA., WFJIJNKSDAY, JULY Li, 1884. Price Twe Cente. M!' ItKI'KM lilt ATO ItH, RWKTI'H UKI.KIIKArKII UKKl(IOr,UA.TOIlH. (1IIKAT UKHUCTIUN IN I'UICKB OK J E WETT'S REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS ANll- Phlliulelplilit Lttwn MowerH, FILTERS. IIiunnioekH, Perry c& Oe.'h nydmnt LIohe, Oil StOVOM. UicWn iiHMillniliic llii'HOKOixlt nL KximiilliiKly l.uw I'llees In ItcduteOur Bleck. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce., Nes. 26 & 28 West Kin? Street, jrl liml Lancaster. II UY ill HI 11.1. kIKXT llllllH 111 t'lIK UIMIIlT IIOI1HK. WIHTB whiti: WIIITK WIUTK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK Will IK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK HOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS GOODS. GOODS GOODS. GOOD. NFXT IJOOll TO TUB OOLTHT UOU8W. FAHNESTOCK. NDXT DOOIl TO TUB COURT UOUtfH. VK II.W K MAIMS White Goods WII WII WII WII WII WII WII WII WII ITK ITK ITK ITK ITK ITK ITK ITK ITK GOODS. , l.ADIKH ItlthHSKS ilSpuclilHytlilMxi'iixim, GOODS. iiikI litv.i lliein III iiuiiiitltles til overy known (lOOl)rt make Wit have hceu Inlying thorn lu GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. LARGE LOTS, W till ll DIllll'llH ll-l III Ml II HlUIII III I.K8S THAN IlKOULAK I'ltlCKB. WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK WIIITK GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. GOODS. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. VAltl'jfTH, XV. S' 1 1 kk'.s u.iitrK. r iiai.i., BARGAINS ! BARGAINS -AT SHIRK'S OAKPET HALL. Nellini; Oir te (.'lesn HuHiiiOiS. Kvcrylhinj; JIiihI I'u.silively le Sold. A Kull l.lniiiit IIOOY IIKl"SKI.,TAI,hVritY, mi. I All Urudcs of INUUAIN UAUTU'IB. ItUUS, IILA.NIihl'S.CdVKULKl'S mill Oil. tl.Ol'll. 11T ALL AT A SAUlllFlUKrthl r l'leinpl attention kUeii t the Mitnnluctiiruul IUu' Curpuls te unlitr. SHIRK'S CAEPET HAIL, ' LANCASTER, PA m Kit 111 An. UMitr.it iiiiitm Willi Ilennnn millllc, inlck.nctliiK TIIK 111, UK UOATK.-KVKIIV I Btutns inllllitry pout Ih hiii)iiIIii ' Cnpcmu renins I'lastuiu. Su- lUTlUUItA KKMK1I1KM. e a resrriVKuuitK keii kvkuy kiiiim ok BKIN AMI III.ODI) ItlHKAHK KIIUM l'lMI'I.KS Til HUIIOKUI.A. IMIOIIHANDH (IK I.KTTKUH IN OUIU'04. 1 HUHtleu repeat llilsslery : 1 li.ive Iiimiii u terrlhin mllcicr ter ynar with lllned and hkln Humors s have hcnuollli(eil Ienium pub. Il places hy reason el my dlMlKurliiK humors i Imvi) IiikI Uiu best phynlclun have spout hiiiidrvds et (InllurH iunl et no reul rcllei uiilll 1 used tlm tiimctni Kkhelvknt, tun new lllned I'm lllttr, Intei nail v, and Cutm uiia nml CtrrieuiiA tuiAi; the KKinl Hklu UtirtM nml HmiitllliirH, nxtdrnitlly, wliluh liavn uilicil inn nml lull my akin mul liloeilun puru ihii cIiIIiI'm. ALMOST INORBDIBLH. IAMKS K. KU;ilAKIS()N, (JhmKiim llenir, Nnw Otlcmm, en until, nny In l4i Hotelnloim Ulci'iM lirekn out en my limly until Iwiinii niHHrt el (orriipllen KvdrylliliiK known te Hid iikxIIuhI liiuulty wiih trlud In viiln. 1 ln'cume u nidte wiftik. At UmtM t ciiiilil net lilt my limiiU te my liiiiul, teulil netturii In ImhI , wiu In teiintuni pulii mul loekcil upon lllu an ii ctimu. Ne nillnl or ouie In tun yeurn In l-mi 1 lll'UMldt tllllCUrlUUKA UtMKIIIKH, IIHUll HlUIII unil wh iwirldclly ciiiimI. Hwern te uoleio U. M. Uem. .1. I. Ciiawkeiiii. STILL MORE BO. W1I.I. Mi HON AMI. Sftli lli'itlbeiii Hlitul, Uhlcmte, Kralelully iicknewluilKi'H it uiun el Ki'zumii, or Mini Itlieum, en licml, uuuk, luce, iirnm nml li' lormivunlDen yunrB j neliililn te iiievu, uxcupl en IniiiiN Hint kui'in. ler out) yciiri net milu te liulp lilinnnir l.nnlnlit yitri4 ; trlixl IninilriHlH el iiiimimIIih ; doclert pnv pnv neunctiil lit - cnn li(iHtlci4 roiumueiitly Liiiud by lliu LirncuiiA iuvkihem. MORE WOr3EUPUL YET. II. K.UAKI'KNTKIt.llmiilcnieM.N. Y ,uiiiiI el rierliwli or lipnuy, et twiinly yimrH' Hlituillni;, by Ciitk-iiiia IIkukiukh. '1 tin most weiiiliniul Clinten u-ceril. A iluttimitul et heiIuh loll tiem hlimlHlly riiyHlcliius mul lilt trliimti tlieilKlit Ihiiiiihi illn. (,'iire Hwnin te buloiiiu.liMtlceot the I'eacnmnl lleniluiHOii'rt moil pniiiiliiimt cIIIzdiis. DON'TWAlT. Will I'l-; TO US for tlicmi t.MtlinenliilMlii full nrHeml illicet te tlm piirlicN. Don't wait. New U Hid limn tiijiiiui uvciv Hprcli'H el lU'lilui;, 1'iily, rimply, Mc'ioIiiIeuh, iiilieiltml, l.mrii l.mrii kIeiih mul cdpixir-ColeKul IMi(!.iii'H el tint lllixxl, rtkln muiHuiIji, with l.tmet Mali. .Heltl by nil iltUKtel-di. cmilH ; Kkhelvknt, II ; DHUO AKIlCllKMIUAL CO., t'rlce : OirricuiiA, M heap, i!.'K). 1'ettkii lloxteii, II im BEAUTY. Ker htiiibiirii. Tan ami (lua.iv Skin. llliicklii-nlH. I'lmpluM ami hkln Ilium lnlie.t. imn Ciitiuimia Meat. n,i,i: ami IJ'.i OOR. W. KINO AND WATEIl aT. Ii'bililililliw .1. II. II.MU'IN .V Ull. BAEGAINS IN WALL PAPERS! Frem Ltile Salea hi NEW YORK. GOLD PAPERS, 18 20 " ' 2G " " 30 EMBOSSED PAPERS. WHITE BLANK PAPERS, OeutH, 20 PATTERNS. " 20 " 50 " 50 " HO CentH. lO PATTERNS. O 7 8 10 Ooiite, 20 20 25 100 PA1 TERNS. TEXAS CATTLE. a mi i vii TIIK I-.AKt.l M'lllNO. NehiicIi pilci't HiivwIi.'KM'hn In I, inciiHler. Kvtiiy lnttti n NKIV, anil KHiuanH'Oil In itviry iiupi'Lt. New Ii Hut tlinit te bu pupui'd, evitn II you ile net waul te ii.uiK thtim till Kail. Our I ales nl llmiKlni: m ldV Kit Hi in any mhi'ii ami we umpley Hid Iiitit W'eikinuu In llniclty. Uiu nitiH fin IIiuikIhk Iiumi I"'ii IthlillOKH Ihli uck ami aie new an low ns ttiey will be any tliuu tlili.luiiiiiier. Iliivoyeur weilc ileuu new. J. B- MARTIN & CO. Coram' West Kins; anil PriiieeSlretJlH. Iijiuciuster, I'a. l'Luaiiumi ,tji hah hitvisiu. I. AKN(II.I). jei.N PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, tSTFincst Werk, Best Workmen. leuve your Orderi at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nea. U. 13, 15 HAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. ri'HK UtITlUUItii Kr.Mr.lMlv" F(.K 1 at (Jecliran'H Dine Blunt, 117 North (jui'un tiret, l.auuaiter, I'a. Sanferd's Radical (Jura for Catarrh, UOMl'I.KTKTKKATMKNT WITH I Nil Al.l'.ll rOll ON h IIOl, I.Alt. Tliu Ureal llulmiinlu Dlittlllallen el Wltcli IIii.l'I, American l'lnu, Caniula Y Ir, Mmluelil, (.'levnr lllos.ieniH, i'Ic, mlluil HANKeltli'S IIAUIUAI. UUKK. ter tliu Imini'illit.i icllitl and pcnnanuiit euro el vvnry lerm et Catuitli, trout a Hlmple Celli In tint lmail te I.013 0! bimtll, TiimIe ami llfarlm;, L'nili ami C11 tarrtial C'oiiHUinpllen. (Jomplitte irtMimeut, cunslltlllK el line bettle llmllral tlllit, enu box Oatarrliiil Helvtttu ami 0110 tmproveil In lialur, In 0110 pacKUKD, may new be bail el all ilriiKKlilH ler II.KI. Ank ler SAreIlD'S ItAltlCAI. UllltK. "'I lioenly alHolute Hpeclllu we knew el " .Veil. Timet. " TI10 luttt we liave I011111I III a Ittctltuuel MUllcrlnn." Wen. Dr. Wiuyln, Jlut Jlut ten " Atturu lout; Htruuulu Willi C'alairli lliu llADICAI. Ot'llK Iiiim ceniiut'iril." Urv. iV. II'. Mem or, liriubmeh. I'a, "I linve net leiiuil 11 riu-it tlniL It.iilil net rollcveal onto." .Imlrcic ,, .limeit'afer, .Uni. I'OTTKIl llnt'li AMI ClIKMK'AL Le ISlHlllll. SANHFdltll'.S ICADIU tl.UUKKFIIICMAI.K. at Ceclnan'M IMiik Slinn. Ne 1J7 ami I I'l Neith (Jiifen Blri'et. l.tiucasler, I'a. 1'iiln Is tliet'ry (r a SiilTcrni ent'. COI.I.l.VS' VOll'AIC KI.KUTKIU PI.AbTKK IliHlaully allcctrt tint Nervous. Syslimi ami li.m IhIiih pnfii. A perlcct Klnctrlc lllallitry roui reui til mul with 11 l'oieim I'laMtitr ler i'11;. 11 111111I lillatc'i l'alu, vltiilliu.-i ruk ami Wern Out I'artH, Htiiuiwllitma tlieil iniiHCleiaml pinvitnlH iIIniiiish, ami ilecrt 1110111 In one-liall lliu limit tliun any elhur plaMnr 111 tint werbl. hehl L-wrywhuru. lulyl-lyiiw.s aw 1 IIKilT I.NDIVN Mr.lllUlM'. KA-TOH-KA, TI1H GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE. -I'OIITIIK- Bleed, Liver, Kidneys aud Stomach. It Ih mail" lv tlie lmllaiiii. Ui'il by tun tmlliiiii, Celli by tlm ImlUtH, 11 In l'uiely Vei4uttilibi, llHilinly einiMiilI .INnmiw nt tbn fUeniarli, I. Iver. IIuwkIiuiiiI Itloeil It Ih aliiimtii hihk llle for all leium et llbeuiuallsin. 11 will cuie illiuae wlieti all elbttr li'incillif. liave fiiilml. liliL'ctlena uiu plainly pilntcil en evury bol bel bol tle. All tilbt's el Imllaux liuve tliulr mutllcluu. but Ka-Ten-Ka Ih a leuii'tly of the I'uclMc Coast, ami Ih ui-ikI by all. 11 U lOiuptHttit et inels, biubH amt biukH KiUMt'iL'it ami putpatixl by tliu Warm Spring Indians ei' Oregon, And la tiivnrably known ilml uhimI in all pari et tlm world, 'lliu Hick or uIIIiik Hlieubt net ilitlnv lu iihe. It will muMiiit an wull iihciiiu illnuasu. lla prlce Ih enu dollar pur bettle. or AHK II hU beltlOH for llve dollars, ter It aud hee ,11 OtUKuUlH, MiailUNK 11 U1.AHH AND UVKKNIIWAUA. IOII A III All TIN. PUT JARS ! FKUIT JARS! -AT Tuihtuvu Ann via auk. rvir.w CHINA HALL. MASON FRUIT JARS IN 1'1NT3, (JUAUT8 mul K-UALLON. Tiie Liglitniug Fruit Jars, IN I'lNTH, QUAUTti mill K'OAM-ON. Tite iiiel convenluut mul ceiUln Jur lu tliu market, Try 1U a High. & Martin, i5 EAHT KING STREET, LANUASXUU, I'A. Unit you Kut " It Ih ler hiiIii by all IIuikkUIh, ami uy uiu iiitsuun i.MUii COMPANY, Ceny, l'u. Medoc Indian Oil TIIK (1UKATK8T l'AIN MKDICINK ON KAUT1I. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN Oil. If curtain te euro Toetlmulio in emi inlmite, lliiadiuilie lit llve mlnuU'H. Kaiuchu lu ten mltuiUm, horeT'liioal In (me nlKlit, NetiialKliiln tluuu te llve 111I11- MODOC INDIAN OH. Ii used Intnrnally an wull iiH exturuully. Kvury family plieuld liave a betllu wltlilu leuuli. It 13 a itocler lu tint llOUMl. Ker mile by all DriiKKlntfl. l'rlce iie. pur lint tilt. l.urKti hI.e betiluH, Me. INDIAN COUUIl HVllin' l.H 11 preilipl Hpitclllc ler Cuuglis, CelilH and l.imn illtnaciw. .Vic. pur iKittlii. Katun ku, Modou indtait Oil and lndtim CeiikIi ttyrup lersalu (wliolitHale aud ruUitl) at Ceulirau'H Unin htuie, Ne. IJ7 mid Ui North Qucuii HtrciH, I.ancaHtur, I'a. m-lydWABAw PLUG TOBACCO! llm attention et Cliewrrs el Kine Tobacco is called te tliU Clielcu llraud. It Ih In llllt Kaver with tliose who hiwe Irled it. HOLD AT WH0LE8ALE AND EETAIL -av H. L. Stehmaii & Ce,, NO. 110 NORTH QUEEN ST. fMl.wa grisiiiriu mMiiulNu, - md VJ Oritat KiiKllsh Kumeily. An untallliiK euro ter Impetvncy, mid ull DIbeuhus that fellow less et Moinery, Unlvitrsal I.eshI. tude, l'atn In the Hack, UliunnsH of Vision, 1'rcmuture Old Ake, and many ethor dlseaeus that lead te Inutility or Cen. ri ni Bend Inte by niallteuvury emi. The tipecltlc sumptien and a I'remuturu urnve. Uculurs In our ull pan i.mplct, which we doilre te llmv tee ntnem nrn llenleil ami Driven I, De AnutilK tliu Mew ItiijTK-Olinn (UllierlliK el tlie llmivm Ororite I'omuiey liriwe, In llarpur'H Maca.lue ler. I illy. Tlie r at rrncrvelr from whleli lian lieun drawn the bulk el tlie cat tin which nre new becoming he iibiinilaiit in nil our wuHtern torriterleH iH Uiu stnte of Texas. In 1H70 otte Hoveiitb of the heinud oattle lu tlie United HlateH wan found within ItH bonlerK, and it eiittiutnhurud the ai!i;re Kate of tliOHO of all the ethor HtatH and toirlteritiH weHtortlie MlNseurl, (.'alifertila and tlie I'aoille oeast iticludud. 'l'bis ratio wan nightly ohaiied by the HtatiHtlcs of 1HS0, tlie Htatu rojireHuiitinj; Kotuewliat Iekh than 0110 otelith of thu wliole niiiuber, while it Htlll contained tnore than all the otlierH tniiiitlencd abeve. Frem thin KOttrce of Hiipnly ban been drawn tho.Kreat bulk of the raui;e cattle new te be found en the ptibllu laudH eunt of the Itecky MeiiutaiiiH an indtiHtry which ban grown te hue proportions, and yet dating back in Miche HtatCH and torritericn n few yuara only. An an ovidenoo of thiH we nole that in 1870 the tiumber ulven for Mentana, Wyoming aud Colerado wax a little Iehh than iWO.OOO. Ten yoare latter Wyoming uloiie (Miiallud thiH, while the thrre tO)other Ki;reKateil nearly 800,000. We de net doubt that an acotirateuoiiHiiH takeu te day would mero than duiiblu Uiuhe IlKiireH. Te TexaH, thou, we numt atill ItMik for tlie supply from wluuh te draw rucruiU te furtheT devulep the c.iiabilitiuH of the uerthiiru raiigeH. Like tlie tide of iiumi Kratlen which ittdaily landing UiuiiflaiidH et foruiKtierH en the Nhoren of the new world, mero than ciiualliiiK the rolative birth iuoreaHo, he the annual cattle dtive from Texiw tntiHt yet be the b.ine of mippliei for all thuoetiutry north. A Ontlle-Drlvi). With the early Htartintf of the raH in the Bprinj; the oattle ate 011 thettail. They liave the read brand by which the preHuut ewiu'I-Ih known, and are headed north wind for their new and distant home. A theuH.md inileH they will travel boferutlioy reach their distillation, and in the wind iuK of the lead, aud in tliu coiiihe which many a wayward Htcer will take, no doubt much mero. If all neus well, aud no mishaps occur, the end may bu reached 111 three uientliH' time, or about the middle of July. In the IiatidH of a careful fore man they will coine through with but little less in HchIi and iiumbeiH. The word "drive" is a misnomer applied te the trail. It is exactly thiH which should net be doue. Cattle ence gathered, and headed in the ditectieu of their lenu journey, should be allowed te "drift" rather thJii be urged. Walking as they feed, they will accomplish tueli twelve or fifteen miles a day with but little exurtieu te theiiiBelves, aud with very much less c.ue and anxiety en the part of the herder. This reiuatk is especially applicable te the handlini; of beef herds, and te "through Texana" likewme, with tlie iiuaiinoaueii that thore aro"drag"te uvery hfid which need urging te keep thorn up te the mark ; aud it is among these last that the Iehm'h, if any, occur. All excitement te the animals is te be avoided, aud the dangem of a Htampede are lestieued in ptouertion as the cattle .110 handled with guiiUuncsn ami (lisarotieii. When a panic does arise, it is thou that the cow boy himself must be equal te the situation, and rule tear- lowly te turn the mnkei tue nying oe.ihih. Ne fear of u charge of the long benis must thou atfeet him, but putting bin "bronche" en his mttlles he uiu t ride hard aud ride lung until the column is headed and the heid ence mero brought into hue. A successful stampede within a hundred miles of the starting point may result in tlie return of the animals te their native heath or, farther en, te their being scattered abie.id upon the plains, net all te be found for wcekf, if ever. Theioare Hoveral distinct tiails actem thu plains, and the pathways aioasdis aieasdis aioasdis tmeily marked ana lead oeuld be, piessed by the hoefH of theuiiauds fei ycats past. l.errtdH 111 the lltril. The oxhentialH of grass and water are te be eensideied in a legion ueiiu tee well Mipphcd with these u'lpiisileH, aud the poHBibilttieH of fencing aud occupation in distrietK which are being rapidly redeemed fiem their original atate. The raids of hestile Indians no longer enter into the oueHtien. and the ehances aie that the lull quota of the winter's purchase will bu Kifely delivered en the lange within a fuw days of the expected time. If thiH is net later than the tiist of August, the new arrivals will have ample time te beoenio wonted te their new home, and te settle down in a peaceful traine of mind, taking 011 all the llcsh possible before tlie advent of tlie wintry blasts. The count and the brand, iug ever, the oattle aie dintnhuted upon the range, ami told te shift for themselves. If the grass Ih well cured and abuudant, they will get lu line condition in three 1110111118 time, aud be well able te Htand thosbvero cold te fellow. If, oil the ether hand, they de net leach their destination until late in the fall, they are qulte apt te be thin in tha ficsh, and if a severe winter comes en, much less will oiiHiie. It is in mieh cases that the large norceiitauo of less is repotted in the returns after a peried of heavy storms. Ten per cent., or oveu mere, et less may liave U) be charged against a herd of " through " oattle in this section, wlille two per cent, will fully cover the less 011 a well located range occupied by oattle which have been 0:1 the same a j car or mero. Ah previously Htated, the expense of herding a " buticli " of cattle Ih oiie dollar ier bend annually, which includes all charges after they are turned loose upon the range until they aie delivered as hooves " at the nearest raihead ship ping point. If the owner is wise, lie will uet allow a hoof te be gathered until it ban been two yearH wintered. The tempta tion Ih great, when prices are high aud oattle are in geed demaiid, te ship steers that have boeu euly 0110 year upon the rauge. This is a mistake, as the second year Ih the ene that tells both in the weight and quality of the beef ; and as te age, no Rtoer reaches maturity until he is four yearH old. High rates, however, have induced many ulilpuientB during the past two Yearn, anil the gathering et beeves had been much olesor than formerly. In erder te convince the public that my Invention is safe, what better way Ih thore than by crossing the oeoau in It '.' Twe years age, with a companion, Ivar Ulseu, a young Norwegian, who Is a civil engi neer, I Hailed from llatb in an 18 feet dory en the Oth of July. Forty. six days later we lauded in Havre, France. Uu this oruise we sailed, being in constant motion night and day. 8he was a knel beat. New I propose te row the trip in tills 1G feet dory, which I have just had built. iMy life beat will be nuwle of two life beats like these two dorieH, 0110 placed ever the ether, but I de net oare te talk of this till I liave patonted the invention. iMy veyage this tlmu will be made with ears, of which I shall take threo pairs. Thore they are," aud he pointed te an airay of bluu bladed ash ears standing ngaliiHt a house 011 the shore near where his dory was anchored. "One pair ought te last me evor, but I shall take plenty, together with an abun dance of previsions, tools, repe, aud all sortnef Htuir. I 'shall have no company but my deg Jumbo, and I shall be about 100 days en the trip, 1 think. I shall row night aud sleep days, because it is net safe te leave thu beat aloue in the uiuht. She would be run dewti. I met evor 00 vohheIh iu my last trip aoresH. Wheu asleep I keep my beat's head te the wind with a floating acher or drag, which holds her bow te the wind and which permitH her te sag away te the leewaid easily at the rate of a mile or two per hour. Supposing 1 iipsel i' Why, 1 shall be well supplied with life preservers, and shall be lashed te thu dory. The beat is well ballasted with saudbaiigH lixud in Iter bottom, se that if she is knocked evor by the hea, it will be impossible for her te de otherwise than te right hersulf. We were upsot)enco 011 our ethor veyage." A dory is a light, flat-bottomed, high sided open beat, used en the eastern coast of the United States aud the Uraud Hanks by llsheriueu. When ballasted properly they are regarded as thu safest sea beats in the world. They ure dry and may be lauded iu any sea by a skillful navigator. They draw but an inch of water when light. Captain Traynor ban taken one of these aud decked her ever with a rounding deck that will shed water like a duck's back, in the centre ih sheathed up a cockpit, where he will Hit te row. Bhe iH fitted with air-chambers, in case of spring ing a leak, a life line runs about her, and the drag, or lleatiug anchor, Ih n sheet of cork 18 inches square, ene end of which in weighted with lead, se that it allerds a geed held 011 water when the beat is moored te it iu a gale. lu ballast sliu will draw !" inches of water. MKinVAI,. UllKAT HUUUr.U3. A HOP PLASTER. This poreiu plaster Is lameim for lla (inlck and hearty action In eurliiir i.ame Hack, ltlioii ltlieii minium, Hcliitkii, drink In tlie Hack, bliluiiml Illn, NeuralKla. atlir.leliits anil MiihcIdh, Heru Client, Kliliiny Tieulilin unil all pains or nelies either local or deep Heatud. It seethes, HtreiiKllieni ami Stlmulntei the parts. Tlie vlrtui'i el hops combined with minis clean and ready te apply. Superior te liniments, lolleni and Halve-, I'llcit, "J emits or 5 ler tl.oe. Held by dniKKlitrt and country stores, Mailed oil receipt el prices. lley I'ltuter Com pany, 1'iepileUiis, llojten, Mem. A GREAT SUCCESS. -Tlie bust lamllv pill Hleiuach and 1,1 wir I'llis. uctleu and easy te take. nnvue-lyil.Vw made-lliiwluy's l'iu. l'li'iiHiiut in (I) aiUHIUAh lntiTKUMr.Nlk. 1IT ll.UOX A WIIITK Wilcox & White Organ Ce. HL'KCIAL TEN HAYS SALES. NOW IHrilh TIS1K TO I1UY PIANOS AND ORGANS AT HI.AUOIITKIUNU l'llIUKS. OuodeodSocoml-IIiind I'liiue IVi.00 One Kli'Kiint Mix Miami OiKau IMM One Kli'Kiuit New Organ, l'2-Step Couplers and Hub-IlasH M.W VYlIuix A White Olisaus II 0111 175.1X1 te I1W.0O " lintibe," MePball, QroveiiBtoin & Fuller, Koysteco, and Veee Ss SetiB Pianos, v let 11 1 mi. All Marked Down te llolteiu l'rlce-). given away. Almest WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warerenns, m 152 EAST KINU STREET, II. II. I.UCKKNKAUH. Agent. Hbl7.lHI Du VAVXll HANUtlHtH, r. OT K AHMOVKIJ VITII KEEP COOL. There appears te be no need of telling men what they want for het weather, for that portion of our store devoted te thin goods is daily crowded. We offer variety enough te allow a choice of style. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Oheatnut & Sixth Sis. 1'llILAUKLl'IIIA. A Lawyers ((pinion ul lutrrenl te All. .1. A. Tawney, vi 11 leading attorney el Winona, Minn., willes: "Alter ii.tlni: tt let moie than three years, 1 lake creat pleaHtiie lu station that I leuard Dr. KIiiu'h New Dis covery ler (JoiiHUlupileu, as the bent remedy in tlie weild for (Jeuulis and Colds. 11 has iievur lulled te euro tlie most huvete ieMb I have had, and lnvuilably lulleves thu pain In lllll Clll'Hl." Trial bottles el this sure euro for ull Tlueat unil l.uiii; DIhuiwim may be had trce at Oeehrau'H drui Htere, Nes i:rj and l.n Ninth (Jueen Htieul, I. am as ter, I'a. Luruu aUe, tl W. y lyumlw (I) (itlllH. I'leaiaul, liealthy KrlllH ai.i hi en only en tint laei'sel healthy iieiHOiiH. The d)Hpiiptle and drill llated can Hinllu only In a halMioarleit way. l'uilly the bleed, tone tlm Htemaun, and Htiuuutliuu tliu IIhsuch with Murdoch Jlloetl Hitters, II ou wish te laiiKh "(ill ami etlcn. hoi'Hiile by II. II Cochran, ilriiKKl.-d, U7 ami 111 Ninth Ouiten hIicii). Laucastei. eucUKtii'n Armi'H ). 'J'lie Ili'Ht yulvn In tlie world ler Cuts, llruHus. Mm iih. Ulcurn. bait iCIiinim, Kitvnr I ferit, Tvtler, CliapiMid llauiN, (Jhllblalns, CeriiH.ami all hkiii urupiieiiH, ami pesiiiuiy cuius rilite, or 110 pay rciiitiel. 11 Is Khar nnlit'd iii;ie piTli'iil Hatlsiaelleu or uiiniuy rnliinilKil. I'lk'tt, i' chiiIm per box. KorHiile by II. II cei'litau, ilruiriiist. U7antl l.n Ninth Oiicuii sll eel, l.anuaslur. W It I'.eally uurn Itlieiiimitlaui WeaiiHucr.liouerbilulit.lt will cuieilinu- 1 inatlHiii, and tint aocrest canes Km). Dr. 'Ilium , ' h'clictrie Uil was npcclally piepaicdlorlhe I 1I11 iiuiatlc ami lame, otleo iettcrH trout tlie I people lelatlve te Its uietlls lu iiemly cveiy 1 paper lu tint ceuuli y. Ker nale by II. II. Coeh 11111, uiiiKKiHi, i.w nun u 1 mil 111 vjnecii suci 1. We UhniiuiiKii Hie World. When we say we bttlluve, we have evidence tiipiove that blilleli'a couHumutleu turn Is decidedly the best l.uui; Medicine uiadit, In as much an ll will cuie 11 common or C'liienlu Ceuuli In oue-hall the time and lollvve AhIIi 111a, fliencldll-i, Whoeplii); Cenli, C-ieiip, and allow moie c.i.ii'S el Cou.Hiiinpllen cuied U1.111 all ethers, ll will cuie whom they lull, ll Is pleasant le take, harmless te tlie ynuiwhl child aud we Kiiaiauleu what me say. l'rlce, lUc fioe aud il.iM, It your I.uukh are heic, Client or Hack laine, iihe Shlleli's i'eiiniH l'lati tttl. Sold by II. II, Cechlun.diiiKnlMt, Nik. 137 unil ia. North Uueiiti Htnsit. Iob7-i'edl HATn AM II VAVfl, Flie3, Bug3, Mosquitoes, etc., HUT HKM) UH YOl'lt OUDKllS tOlt WIRE WIDOW -AND- DOOR SCREENS. We have all Htes of KrameH ready and ull width et Who ami l.andHcape, te Ull erderH piemplly and i;tvu Jim oueot the bcHtScieens lu the market. Nl.W l'ATTKHNbOf Wall Paper ifc Dade Shades JUST Ol'KNKI). PHARES W. FRY, 57NOK'III qUEEN ST., l-ANOAHTH.lt. I'A. -Stoie dotes atd p. 111.. except batuidiiy. irHATer BARGAINS. Neckties and Half Hese At EIUSMAN'S, Ne. 1Y West King Streot. Gauze Undershirts, In SIxcb liem 31 te M Inches, EBISMAN'S. IITKUUUANT 1'All.OIllNO. VAlll'KTli, IsTAIIIilHlUCII 1850. CARPETS Meillclnels Held byttlldruKKlstanHlperpaclr. oke, or six pnckttKcn lettn, or will be tienl trce by mall en the receipt et the money, by ud dressing the auent II. COCIIUAN. DrtlUUlHt. Nes. 137 and VSi North queen street, Liineiw- ter, I'a. On account et ceiinlerfella, we Irnvu adopt ed the Yellow iWraprwr 1 tlieenly uiinutnu. UltAl ueiiiuinr. i;u., TIIK yilAw U..1 t. v,u,, llntlala N 1. UiftlJWTrt liA.N,UASXJSlt,rA. yiUTOKIA Cem Remover. Thn most oiluctlve lirenaratlen ler the re meval et Cerns, llunleus, Wails, etc., ever placed botero thu public. VYarnmUxl te enidlcate completely and within a short time the most obdiuute corns, hard or soft, 'vlthntit pain. IT 18 AVOSITIVUOTIIB. HOLD XT BEOHTOLD'S DRUQ STORE, Ne. iOi WK3T OHANOE 8TUKKX, .corner el litarloue, tU'iyU r i. sr.tUFrKii. JtniN sun's THEPEOPLE'SHATSTORE W.D.STAUPPBR&OO. Oucce.sHerti in Shult A llie.) Straw Hats ! Straw Hats ! We aie sulllnir slraw Hats ter less than cost We ate detei mined te Hell all our Mi raw llatn, thlsHoiiseu. A.l.'iOStmw UalHOld let f J Mi in ).( Hat sold ler $J.mi ; a ti M hat Held leril.riO. A verv nice Straw Hat ter Veiinu Men at l.(i. HaU ler boys and elilldrun as low as lee at the 1'eople's Clump Hat More. (Jl)MK A Nil SKK lOlt YOUUSKI.K. SHULTZ'S OLD STAND, 31 & 33 North Quoeu Streot. niylu-ly S" THAW IIA1S. SHULTZ'S llli; 1IAKINU DllllV IKlMi. Ills What He 1'ropeaes te llcinniuurnla by VoyMi;e Acreta the Allnullu, Jelm Traynor, of New Huvuii, tlie iMnlnu lluliermnn, Iiuh ileeiileil te wait till tlie Batniiluy after tlie I'eiutli of .Inly liofero HtartiiiK 1I nwi"K trip te Kurojie in his dory. The eaptain will appear in tlie parade. Ile is a jelly, bronzed young man, only -7 yearu old, Te a ropertor lie revealed hoiiie of lliu life and told why he delighted In d-uinn death in;ureHHliii; tue ocean in hiicii an nisiiuu cant eraft. Haid he : I wan born In Ouore town, Me,, Vi mlleH from Math, and have alwayn followed the water. Fer hoiiie yenra I have been porfeotliiK te my own Kitmlaotlen a beat that will be a petfiet llfe-bcat aud life craft for uhips and utoameiu, aud in ONLY HAT STORE, Our STRAW II ATS two uievluu new, but we waul them te k tauter. Our stock Is still thu laruest In town. IT IS AM. NKW and ne wbern eIhu aie the pilees as low ter the trade et Koei'a. YOlJMAN'S AND 1U"NI.AI"H STKAW HATS, 1.111HT STHfF ami bOKT II ATS. All must bu sold, as we have 110 room tosteroaway Koeds left evur the season. Cull and be convinced ut tliuasteulshliitt low pi lees et these lioeds ut SHULTZ'S, 144 Serth Queen St, -AT Philip Selium, Sen & Oe's 150 BOUTII WATKR 8TJIEET, I.ANCASTKll, I'A. Welilivun lull supply et ItAU AND KIM,. 1NU CAItl'KTS. We only 11-u the best of yarns. It you want a Keed, HOivlceable Carpet, phiase ceme and examine our stork boleiu puichasliiK elsnw hitrit, as we will null as clump as the cheapest. Count and see loryeiusitlf and be convinced, as we always have the reputa tion ut iiiaklni; Ursl-elass CaipeUi. CUSTOM IIAU OAltl'KTH A 81'KCIAII'Y COVKItl.KTS. COUNTKItrANKS, lll.AN- KKTS, CAItl'hT CHAIN, b'l'OCK. 1NU lAUN.Ae. DyulUK Dene lu all Its branches at short no tice. COAL I GOAL I et the best iiuallly, uxpicBsly ter family use. THY A SAMl'liKTON. UKUKMUKKT1I1C Ol-U STAND. L'HILIU SCIIU3I, SON & GO'S. Ne. 150 SOUTH WATKlt STUKKT, t'Willd I.ANCA8TKK, I'A. IIUilMi AMU HTATlUNllll. lll.AMt HOOKS ANII MTATIUMKHY. JOM BAER'S SOIS, 16 ftnil 17 North Queen St , Blank Beeks & Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, WKIT1NU ri.UIDS AND INKS, AT TIIK SIGN OF THE BOOK. Spcciul Ter Ladles. I have lust received a line of the KIN EST IMI'OIITKO l'ONUKKS In tlie luarkut, which will be sold per plece, containing twenty yards, iittlO ; the niuiie iualltyet iO0ds are selling In riilladulptilaalfriandflS. b'lieciul for Gonlleniou. .lust recolveil. A Hl'I.KNDII) ABSOltT MhNT OK WOOLKN OOODS, sultable ler the het weather, which will be made up at sur prisingly low llKiiresand superior workman ship, with trliniiilnir te correspond with the (reeds both In iualltv and simile. l'KKFKCT FIT UUAllANl'KKU Oil NO SALE. UlVO ine u trial and be convinced. D. R WINTERS, NO. 211 N. qVEEti STREET, I.ANOABTKK. I'A. CK.r.USlJOKKjt, SKKlWUUKKIt, AND KVKUY OTIIKU KIND Or nice Goods for Meb's Wear, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT Burger & Sutten's cm: a i', CASH, ONKl'ltlCKCLOXUINO 11UUBK. GOODS :CHEAP IN PKICE, HUT NOT CHEAP in QUALITY KVKUYTIUNU OF TIIK llhST, AND AT 1JOTTOM PKICKB. AM- WHO 1IUY ONCK, ARE SURE TO BUY AGAIN. IMIOVIDKD-Thal tluty outwearthe oletliea. ler our Bulls last almost a lltu-Uuie. tueli 01VK US A OAIib. Burger & Meb, Merchiint Tailors and Clothiers, 24 Centre Square, l,ANCABTEU,;j'A. 1'IIOTUUUAI'IIH. LANCABTKIt, I'A. IMyd I ,HJH HUB tVKVK. ANOTHER GREAT BARGAIN J. M, ItUTM. GUNDAKER'S OLD STAND. iuar.'7 lyil.tw T MIK I.AKOKS1- ANll ttlOBr UOnil'I.KI'K assortment et Kuchre. Casslueuiiil I'ekur cards treiubu pur pack up. HAUT.MAN.8 YKM.OW rilONTOIUAU UTOUK. Tlmre has been such a demand for I.AUUK I'HOTOUUAl'HB that I WIW i-empelliid te ?et u VKKY IiAUUK CAMKltA 1I0 te meet thu demand, We can new iimku you n 1'IIOTOils minll as thu smallest loekut 111 held up in 5-lncli lace, ie;tit;in WiW riaiue. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North;Queen Streot. -IN-; Beys' ail GhilHs Soils. We have this week rocetvod a New Line et HOYS' uiul OUII.UUKN'B 81UTH, and are eileilni; them at prices which will surprUn you. 171 HOYS' BUITS FltOM i25 10 W.50. WSOHIMIKKN'S SUITS KUOM 91JSO te W.60 A New Let Or' THIN OOOU3 Just Hoeelved. 'HIBUMMEll SUITS r-Oli MEN at J1.S5. WJCUK0I.K SUITS atrse. Alse a Full Ltnoet OUSTKUS.BTUU'KD TIUK COATS, WIIITJS VKST3, AM'AOA C0AT8 ana UUBTKUS, UWKH I'ANTS AND VK8T8, -AL80- (1011(8' FiunlflliiiiK Goods, 01 All Descriptions, at Trice Lewer tana Klsuwliere. CALL AT ONCK, AH WKNKKD THE KOOJI irOU OUll LAIllIB Pall Stock of Clothing. WIIICHWK AUK NOW MAJJUrACTUUlNU. fflish & Brether, i'KNN IIALL'.OLOTUINU UOUBB, Oer, Oontre Squore & N. Quwn St. ai 'V 1 n m h 3. I