"T , LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!?, SATURDAY JUNE 2 1884. .' '; jai KV .U FW 14 &. s I v V. 13 It1 5 r t tuncMttt Iiitrllfgcnrer. 8ATUK0AT BVEN1NQ, jUNB 38, 1084. "" The Trade Dellar. Senater Cameren says that he is going te try te Ret Congress te redeem the trade dollar with the Bland dollar. Why en earth tlicre should have been se Bueh tronble nbent doing this manifest ly proper thing we hardly understand. The president Should have caused it te be done when their currency was taken freB the trade dollars. They nre worth intrinsically merq thau the Viand dol lars, and there are millions of the latter lyleR Idle in the vaults of the treasury, with which te make the exchange It would have been Justlce te the irceple te have at ence exchanged the trade dollars, for most of them have long slnce parted at a discount with these they had. The majority of thorn are probably new in the hands of theso who purchased them with" Intent te held them for ro re ro dempMen. Hut the exchange is a just one, and Is belter nmde late than never. Legan's Lands. Thore was much ado in the IIoube ever the stntement of McAdoo that Sen Sen aeor Legan had 80,000 acres of land somewhere. McAdoo put it in his speech as the newspapers had published it, net having seen it denied. Mr. Legan says he does net have a hundredth part as many acres ; for which we are Berry, if he is net. It is no harm te have 0,000 acres of land honestly acquired. Ner is it necessary that presidential and vice presidential candidates should be jwer men. That gre it tribune of the people, Ben Butler, doubtless has the so.eoo acres of laud that Legan repudiates, and plenty of money besides, and it dot's net seem te damuge his popularity. The pinch of the accusation against Legan doubtless was that his lauds had been public lauds, and carried the suggestion that he had improved his public position te get them. There does net seem te le any fair foundation for the story ; though Legan has a son-in-law who was in a company that unsuccessfully tried te gobble a valuable part of the Zuni In dian reservation. But a public man must net be held responsible for his son in law's acta; it is enough for him te be burst by his children, in the (J rant family style. aflldavlt at the end of the year. We have net heard of auy Philadelphia prwbytery recommending the Smith patent. It Is netiit all surprising te hear that the undertow of opposition te Hluine among the Stalwarts of his parly has been in tensllled by the selection of B F. Jenes, as chairman of the Itcpubllcati national committee. He Is unknown and iucx perlenced in politics ; his points are that he was an original Hlalne man and has plenty of money. He was an active sup porter of the movement In his own party which helped te beat Beaver for Rever nor, and with which Blalne was in sympathy. The fi lends of the regular organization very naturally resent his elevation at this time. However Justin able was the belt against Heaver, that against Blalne Is mere se ; for while e.vcli was the regular nominee of his p.irty,as little could be fairly said against Heaver's personal Integrity or political honesty as can be truthfully said in favor of Blaine's. Onviersi.Y the executer of the Inte Gen. A. 1). Dltmar's estate need seek no further for a counseller nor plan te carry out the wishes of the testator. The de cedent bequeathed the residue of his estate " te be used in means te ascertain what children were created te de." It is all tee plain that Dr. Compteii's nephew knows. A THIEVING CLERK, HUi.NiM.Ki his reuniKii N.nri.ut i;ns. A Scuslble Presbytery. Under the caption of " Presbytery Paverlug the Bum Sellers" the Marietta Times makes the following assault upon the presbytery of Westminster : The presbytery of Westminister at its meeting in tills town lust Tuesday, took a very unusual Btep for a religious body. Someouo introduced a resolution com meudlng Judge Livingston for hi course in trying te reduoe the number of liquor sclllug place, and under tbe lead of Dr. .Mitchell, of Laudater, it was defeated. This is tbe llrst tinie te our knowledge, that a religious body of the iulluonee and respectability of the Westminster pre by terjr has made a declaration, which would gire aid and comfort te the liquor traffic, as against the utTerls of temperance poe ple te stay tbe tlde el intemperance which is sweeping across this country, and caus ing mero misery and dlstres thau auy ether evil it is oursed with. The resolution, as we understand it, was n simple commendation of Judu'e Liviug Liviug sten ler the geed wer he is doing iu the oause of loraperanco, and ene which any body having the wulfare of the people generally at heart, would have bwn glad te adept, and by their failure te de se, it puts the presbytery iu the ranks of tbe uutt-tempernnce people. Will the congregations, who we are sure were misrepresented at this tucotieg,nllow themselves te be thus classed, without a pretest '.' It need net be pointed out te auy reflective mind that this attack is as il logical aa It is indecent. We am right glad te sec that at least one deliberative religious assembly has had the geed sense and moral courage te decline te put Itself iu the position of commending the president judge for Ids atti tude toward the liquor licenses an expressed in hi3 "allldavit" system His position iu this matter is net a sin cere effort te " reduce the number of liquor selliug places " at all, but simply a piece of specious humbug te evade the responsibility which the law imposts upon his court ; and the chutch bedit-s Which commended it as "geed weik" " iu the cause of tomperauce " huve dene se with the inconsiderate zeal witli out discretion, which very often works a geed cause mere harm than bcnellt. The best evidence that this llimsy device has dene uetliing " te reduce the number of liquor selling places," and "te stay the tide of Intemperance," Is furnished by the fact that, after the trial of It at two courts, thore tire Justus many taverns and beer alie)a as there were be fore. A few respectable landlords have goueoutof business, te be succeeded by worse men ; u geed many ethers have sworn te what was net true, and the sewing of the allldavit has produced a bountiful harvest of lies ; but every country cress reads tavern and the ene hundred and thirteen places that sold gin and beer lu tills city keep en selling them. If Judge Livingston really wants " te reduce the number of liquor selling places " it is all In his power te de it. lie need only walk three equates from his efllce te see, in a dozen different parts of town, three times as many places, licensed by his court, us are necessary te accommodate the public. He may drive ten miles out into the country en any highway leading from the city, and he will be confronted with the same state of facts. He has abso lute power te correct this condition of things it he cheeses te exercise the dls cretlen witli which the law vests him. When he will have Bhewn a disposition te de it, It will be time enough for the ( presbyteries und conferences und classes te pass their resolutions. Uki.lkve.nti: will have an old f.ia'iiencd Fourth of July colebratiuti this year. Ac oerding te the advertisement "niue tire companies," aud "nine brass bauds," wilt mareh uudcr "the Hag of the free ! MY LOV1. M j love Is u rose, ik roil, nil line, Wihmi- liituiiy uii limy son--A siiiIIh it'-ilu blush ler i' tell nliu tinlli, lluli'iil) a tliu i n for me. Tin-: Bosten girl who told hoi Western beau that her papa was auuie)clmt, meant that the paternal oeuduoted a whoulbarrew ou the street work , but thu plutocratic cowboy did net knew it until Father in law had feuud a home with the bnde. Tin; llosten Glebe tries te tell a marvel leus story about a convict who get outei the state prison with a chip. There is nothing remarkable, about that. A toler ably geed hair pin will be tools enough for a man te work his way thieugh the Laueaster jail wall ; and, if put te trumps, a porsevuriug prisoner with uoed teelli might gu.iw a bole through this wall. "5 ml" is fame. Net ene of the niue toaehors examined by County Supuriutcn dent Brccth at Cburchtewn, thu ether day knew who the editor of the New Yerk Tribune is Lincnttr Inquirer , Iu view of tbe contradiction between the Tribune's articles en Legan bcfoie the nomination and after the nomination, it is very doubtful whether Wlntel.iw Knit), himself can tell who is the editor of the Tribune. It has transpired that before the eleu tien of Mayer Smith, of Philadelphia,)!!) held a conference with the whisky sellers and saloon keepers of that city, who wanted te knew if he would enferce the laws, in the event of his election. And, according te his own account, he required "that the saloon keepers s'jeuld keep up at least an apparent, rwjiect for the fate." This is about en a par wllh the policy of haying Hcenoeea pur,je themselves by tm extra Judicial Tun evil e Heet a of circulating a gift newspaper uudcr a bitbsidy are already illscornible iu the no as columns of thu Philadelphia 1'ttn. It te-day head lines the Arkansas Democratic tarill resolution "The Arkansas Men for Pice Trade." The truth is that the platform held simply "that the gr.itit te Congress by the ceusti stitutlen te lay aud collect imports was in tended te laise revenue and forbids the opposing ie.icy of the Republican party of ettering one branch of induitry te the detriment of another and the promotion of the mterctU of tome portion te the injury f ether portion! of our common country ; aud it demanded "a material reduction of tbe prcteut exco6ive tariiT duties and such re vision of the laws iu passing them as will equalize the burdens aud bdnellta derived from their levy and collection, aud that no mero revenue be collected thau is neo noe 03,1 ry fur a wise, economical admumtra tien el the government." There is nut a huoel free trade in it. The I're simply said se because it mutt earn its $20,000 subsidy. TilK Philadelphia lUcerd should net make itself ridiculous by pictcudiug te beheve or trying topruve that ex Governer Curtiu's return te Congress is opposed iu several counties of his distriet because of his vote against the Morrison bill. The Ilecerd knows that this opposition comes from the shert-sightut "rotation" priu priu ciple which prevails lu this state and from the personal ambition of the half dozen aspirants te GengrctsH iu that distriet. It is doubtful if auy of bin opponents would have dillercd from Curtiu's tarill policy ; it is oertaiu that he lest no local popularity by it. Moreover, iu Ohie, ami elsowhero, the Demecrats who voted the same way have boorigoii beorigoii boerigoii orally reneminated. Net iu New Yerk, New Jersoy, Virginia, Peuusylvauia.Ohm, Indiana, Lqutsnua nor Tennessee hustlieie been a Democratic declaration iu state convention for the Morrison bill nor " a tarill for rovcuue only," as the touchstone of Domeoratio fealty ; uer will tliere be in the national convention. The liecerd is a very geed paper, eud usually fair ; It pro pre pro seuts the tarill reform idea with cogeuoy and skill, and much of its argument is seuud ; it must take heed against, contro versial unfairness PM&TUUEH Or" TUB bTaTK PU1I89. The Easteu Exprct pleads for the re tontlen of the word, " toesln," by the campaign peet. The Lineaster Inquirer oummeuds (Ien. Creek's "huinane und manly words" about the Indians at West Point. The Columbia Jleruld is against pension ing soldiers who happened te be oeiitlned in Confederate prisons : the Spy Is for it. Tbe Mt. Jey Jleruld discourses "for the thoughtful" en "bell llre," whieh it con eludes is a moral, net matuiial, ooulhgra eoulhgra oeulhgra The Philadelphia Cinvii'cJa-.Ti'raMwanti the tax en watouea abeiittiicd, beciuse watches have become he cheap that they de net iudloate the necuiilnry eiruutnsuuceH of a mail mere thau a ponkulfe or a pockelbeok docs, - mm diuiple bluipllclly. Il.vrllerd rest. A young lady from New Yerk, who Is vitdtiuu friends in Wethorelleld, saw n yeke of oxeu going by the house. and said ; " uu, new i would like a geed rresii uriiiK of milk from thobe cows 1" Blie Is mer- taiiy airaiu or cows, aud coming en ene suddculy 00 day she was tee frightened te run ; m, poking her parasol at the beast, she stuttered eut: "Me down, sir; He down 1" Thu Ulrvrr Mtlirine tiy vt'lnli Nvw ntk firm itiiuucl-iiib TiiUl i)e- lectril by mi irlilint Atimld i Constable, of New Yerk, dm ceveied en Tuesday last that they wete lieiug made te py rer goods ihat they never received. A former clerk, Cornehus D'Leary, was the head and Ireut of the swindle. He was a receiving clerk in the IuIias' depattnibiit. It was bis bnsiuiis te receive tue gmvds for his dtquit mcut, oxainlue thorn, and cudorse the bill that acecmp.iutcd them. His sig nature was in ullect a oertitlj.itieu that the uoeds were received, and were all right. Three ether olerks wcre Hiumescd techccK the bill with their names aud te knew that tbe geed wcre there. Hut these ether clerks get te nulling their natups as a matter of form te whatever bills oame te thelr bands duly sigued by the receiving clerk. This Ritgcestrd te O Leary a nehemn for running bills through and collecting the money without auy goods te show for It. Se he prepared a billhead aud had it printed. "Bought of It Hurke, m.inu faeturrr of ladles' nnd children's under wear." Ou ene of tbe blanks he charged a bill of goods amounting te sov sev eral hundred dollars. Te this he signed his iikine as though the goods had been received, and let it go with a let of genuine bills up te the c.iibier. It received en its way the pr- fuuclery Hcuature of the ether clerks. O'I.eary, without eiciting suspicion, also arranged te have the check for the amount of the bill sent by mail instead of by mes hunger. The check was duly sent, nnd O' Leary induced Mis. lteliudaK. llurke of IU',1 Hi.it Sevcnteeutli street, a tuiddle-aged married woman of hn acqu.iintauce te go down te the bank a; d draw the money. As her identification was requisite tht-t scheme failed, and O' Leary took the check, w.th Mrs. Hurke's endorsement ou the bade el it, te Nichelson & Lenahau,s.iloeu keepers at Tweuty-ltftb street aud LixluKteu avuaue. They did net have the money, but with the linn's endorsement O'Leary was enabled te iut the cheek cashed by Jehn Kerscy.a Pearl street wholesale liquor dealer. The representation!, by which this and ether checks were tbui turned into money were made jointly by Mrs. Durkn and O' Leary, aud were te the effect she was a manufacturer or iindcrolethiu, doing business with Arneld A: Cous'able. Mrs Uurke's son Joepb, a young man in the milk business, assisted ence or twice in gettlni' the cheeks cashed. In 1SS3 O' Leary lest his place with Ar Ar eold fi Cons'able, but determined that his uuusectcd aud prolltable dealings iu mythical underclothing should net be in terfered with by that circuinstaiicn. A perter and elevator man named William Devlin, who hail been iu the heuse tnelve years, owed O' Leary some money, and O' Leary took advautage of this fact te make iue of him. At his request DjvIiu abstracted s me papers bearing the name or Lynn, tue man wlie took tee 10 ceiviug clerk's jilace. After jierfecting an Imitation el Lynn's signature, O' Leary prepared a bogus bill for j:),00'i ''i, and forced Lynn's name te it. Then when visiting former companions he managed te slip it in among seme gcuuiue sigued bills ou Lynn's desk. In due time he re ceived the money. Afterward he roiled en Devlin te plant the bills after be had pre. pared them. On Tuesday a check for $9150. 10, made out te pay oue of the bogus bills, was sent by mtsseuger instead of by mad. The nice seugcr found no factory and no Mrs. liurke, but learned that a man named O'Lsary, who had a nein there, sometimes received lettein there for Mrs. IJurke. This seemed suspicious, aud the books wcre eiamined and the nature el the fraud was discovered. O'Leary, Mrs. Uurke and her son worn arrested ou Wednesday, and Devlin was arrested at the store. The tlrm's losses se far discovered amount te ever $7,000, aud the oxaniiuatieuof the books new in progress is expneted te iai-u the amount possibly te 30,000. treatment. He undertook te offeet a cure by admiuldterlng hypodfrmie injoetlons and splitting epen tbe child's tongue. The child died eight hours after the operation was performed. L. Delt Ferd, a night operator for the Kast Tennessee railroad, committed mil mil ctile in Macen, Uoergia, b.v shouting him self lliieiigh tbe brenst. It issiippewl be was disappointed in love. lloeth .V Fiynn, e iutr.ietrs for laying a wwir piHj In; Pittsburg, illehaiged their old hands anil engaged a ne force en Thursday. Friday morning the old hands threw a lieistlni: onglneied by the con ttaclers into the mer. A light eusued between the old nnd new force, aud four men ere badly hurl, J miet. lviiiuny,piob lviiiuny,pieb ubl) fatally. Ne ariests were tnade. A MKtIIIO Kl'.NS .lH III. Hen, Jauks II. IIerKins unnouneoa his Intention te lotlre from OougieBS at the clese of his protieut term, in order te glve uioded nttoutlen te personal interests. DKATIl .11 A 11DDU .IUKK. A i'unc I, a It Iii Scrunten I.uuutia Wl lie TnfalnK l'ltun. A i;lrl uatU'id I'.lla Thompson, living at Park II til, a short distance from Sctanten, committed sucide Friday lueruiug by takiug hlrycltuiue Her father keeps a ilrm; store und Klla, going behind the counter, sal.l te the olerk, a young man uamett William seigel : "rm going te take poison, hoe, tlv-re it is." tjhc held up a piece of paper in her baud and laughed uj she rpike, Scigul thought she was only iu fun and dm In.; a playful hcuIIIu which etmucd the pa or wan lest. Shortly after this Klla obtained another paper, weighed out a giaiu aud a half of stryohuiue, put it iu a u ipsule and said : " De you darn me te take It? Here gues oue, two, thrce !" then HWalljwud it. Sclgel says be thought the capsule contained sugar or seme ether harmless substance, aud he paid no further heed te the matter, ns the girl was iu a merry mood. Twe hours afterward she said, with a smile : " Goed-byo ; I'm going up stairs te die," aud tripped out of thostero. As she had said se much about poison the clerk thought she was uet iu earnest ; but a little later the attention of Ella's step mother aud another woman was attraetcd te hpr room, wliore the girl lay meaning iu great pain. Leeking at her stepmother Klla said : ' Pve taken a dese of strychnine which I had intended fur you Olve me a drink of water." Medical aid was summoned aud nuti dotes wcre administered, but rhe died Friday afternoon ut four o'clock. It Is said that the girl's life had been unhappy at home, aud that rhe had frequently spukeu of poisoning her Htopinethor, C't'lllllUH HAlTKNIMUs. KmbriivliiK Incident, Accident Mm! Crime. Lioutenant Theodere Smith, of the I'd I'd teetith lufautry, dropped (lead of heart dlst uie iu a hotel iu New Yerk, Friday. He was 'lli years of age. The body of Mrs. Dauiel Cook was found at the bottom of a well lu Matteen, Illinois, with heavy iron weights fastened te her feet aud her threat out. Uer husband and a man named Simen Jehnsen has been arested en susploleu. While drilling a " wild eat " oil well en a farm near llutlcr, Pa., the operator struek a heavy veiu of gas. It is said that " the pressure was se gruat that the rear of the escaping gnaceuld be heard for several miles," Thu dead body of Frauds Ilrewn and the almost lifeless body of Edward Fill man were feuud uudcr a railroad bridge at Denmark, Ohie, en Thursday night. Fillmnn recovered sitflloieutly te say that they had fallen from a freight train en Uie bridge. The distance was 70 feet, (lustave Jeseph Lewengard, uopliew uf a New Yerk merchant, abut himself duid in ban Francisce, becauuu he had lest money by gambling. Annle Stewart, oelored, nged, 10 years, has been arrested in Newburgh, N, Y , charged with poisoning Mrs. Jehn II. Jacksen, by putting Paris green into beef lea taken by that lady, who is au invalid. The girl confessed the deed aud said that she did It because she had been ecolded. She uhe tried te burn the heuse. She hi believed te be weak. minded. Geerge Hall, said te be a quaek doetor, has been arrested iu Louden, Ontario, charged with manslaughter in kllllug u deaf aud dumb child, taken by him for l'rn-cl by ItclUI ul h lirinrnt, He 1'rtilllJS H t'ltr for n 1 Imp. Madisen Saulleld, a powerful negre, crazed with religious excitement, inn amuck lu Lynchburg, .., en I'riduy. He uriivcd en the tralu fnuii Hoaneke, and, during the trip, was engaged in breaking the glass in the ear. Several policemen and train men, after a desperate struggle, bound the neirre with a bell cord. When incaicerated lu the station heuse he un dressed himself, wrenched oil a heavy timber, displaced the Iren bars aud escaped by running through the police otlice and dashing through a window into the street. He ran a mlle threuuh the city iu a undo condition, wielding a heavy biudgeen iu a thieatciung manner, creating a panic iu the market and stoics, which he entered in his utilmpcdcd course. Hundreds of ponple followed him as he rati across the James river bridge. The bridne iollce men encountered and succeeded iu putting handcutls ou him, which he snapped like threads. He wax subsequently overpowered and literally wrapjicd in cenN, hauled te the jail and placed lu irons. A l.a.ty'a llaiHIMMie IUiiipm te Uimrlty. The will of the late Mary Hopetou Drake, of Nuw Yerk, bequeaths te the theological seminary at Alexaudtla, Va., i 10,000 ; te oudew the Hopetou bed iu St. Luke'n hospital, $"i,000 , te the American Female auxiliary soeie'y, the Amoriein Ilible roeiuty, theAuiericau Tract society, the Ladies' Christian society nndtebt. Luke's Heme for indigent Christian fe males each $5,009 ; te U. C. Wetmore. for charitable purposes, $5,000 ; te the Meth edist Episcepil home for old women, te the Presbyterian home for aged women, te the Lulies Heme society of the Baptist churches of New Yerk, te the New Yerk se:iety for the relief of the ruptured and crippled, te the New Yerk Institution for the duaf aud dumb, te the New Yerk blind asylum, te the Protestant Episcopal ernhau asylum, te the Yeung Men's Christian association iu tbe city of New Yerk, te the American Tract society and te the feieigu work of the Demestic and Foreign missionary soc.ety of the Protes tant Episcopal church of the I'uited States each $5,000. A Kuil story. A yeuiur widow, with two childten was visiting her deceased husband's grave in a cemetery at Hanewell, England, a few Sundays age. On turning te go home in passing between the tomb, a headstene, which hail been temporarily removes irem its place and uet properly secured, fell upon the youngest child, n boy of four years, killing him instantly. The little fellow only a few minutes before bad been kneel ing upon his father's last resting place. rulieiieit ey Canned Heel. The pcople of Shonaudeah, Pa., were greatly excited ever the rumor that a whole family had been poisoned by eating canned beef aud that all wero lying at the point of duath. Mrs. Mauuiug purchased canned beef which herself and family con sisting of four children ate. During the night they wero taken deathly sick aud at times te-day it was feared they would die. All but ene are new out of dauger. The case will he investigated. PKKaONAL,. Ciluuodeui: Guihisen is sotieuslv ill at his summer house,- near Klboren, New Jersey. Ceminli. S. A. PiKUiK, of the Chicago Daily AVtf, has beeu appointed governor uf Dakota. Puei'. Jehn Mf.ius. of the Pottstown Hill school, has given 1,000 te Lifnyotte college, Kasteu. E. K. Hymjmvs, a prominent railreal man, iliea yosieruiy, in i.iioeurg, ei consumption. Te.u 1J.vni. sas he will net bu a caudi date for Cameren's heat m the Senate ; he will be content with another term iu the Heuso, Gkouei: Wii.mam Cturis, thinks the old Kopubliean party may survive the do de feat of the candidate, but that it could net hurvlve his election. Wii.MiM TewtisBMi, ft prominent citizen of Dever, Del., aud ence a promi nent Democratic candidate for governor, is (lead, aged 75 years. Piief. Caul L. Si'Ktiimann, of Now New ark, N. J., was wedded Friday at Sham Sham ekiu, te Miss Elane Ilusteu, daughter of the late Jehn W. Ilusteu of Columbia, Madame Emii.y Loyme.v, wife of Father Hyuoiiithe, used te be a stayinaker, aud her extravagance iu dress had a geed deal te de with her husband's recent begging expeditions. IJkn HiJTM'.u, in New Yeik yesterday, was asked what his chances fur the Demo cratic nomination were, and he said, with an engaging smile, " When everybody olse dies I'll keep tavern." Maiiiuett Bhesus, i.sq , is ene of the assistant marshals, and au aid te the com maudnr of the Confederate forces iu the sham battle of McCleau pest G. A. It. encampment in Heeding ou July 'J, 1 and 5, He.v. Bamuki. J. IUndm.!. delivered the address bofero the literary soeloty of Washiugteu aud Lie 1'iilverslty at Lexington, Va., en Wodueaday. His stibjoet was "The Importaueo of Educa tion." Du. Fex declares that a morbid terror of consumption in rapidly doveloplug among the less intelligent classes iu Great llritain by the constant reiteration of thu talk about oentagion.nml that consumptive patients are nogleotod by friends aud tela ativesby reason of this terror. SiiAiie.v, of California, is new oue of the largest landholders lu Washiugteu. Lately he bought the large holdings of Jehn U. Alley, the nillliouaire Lynn sheemaker, in aud about Dupent Clrcle, in the new Northwest, for a large prlce. Next te Sharen, William Walter Phelp pays the largest real estate taxes. lli:v. Jeii.n Lone, roetor of St. Gabriel's Episcopal ohureb, Douglassvllle, Ilerks DITMAR'S ESTATE. WHAT tMllt.UltKN AUK UltKlTM) rtm. I'll" (UMiiitiilriiui snlvvil In lilt Oitii hnili I m I in li h (flu lilut: lUnl.trr Uuiinaellur Oiiiiiplni'i, t'-t". The llist account of l)r Win. Conipten, )xouter of thu esUtn of the late Geu. A, D. Dilmir, d.Hi'd , has been 1 1 led lu the olll.'e or the register of wills of this county und will shortly be presented te the orphans' ceur for its approval. It will be iiMiiembeied that the inventory of this estate footed up dllV-'iO ; the balance lu the haudti or the executer, according te his account tu ad dition te the V. ist Orange street real es late, uet sold and net pioperly Inventoried umenk! the personally, aud the uroperU puruhiised at the corner of Neith Duke and Walnut streets Is $G'J,5l)l OJ. As there is considcrable popular interest felt iu the management of this estate, the bulk of which that is of the residue is te be devoted te iniblle uses, it is only fair te the executer that au explanation should be made of the apparent shrinkage lu the amount of it. Such explanation is fully aud fairly afforded by the Items of the comprehensive report. It appears that In addition te the asrets inventoried, the estate was increased by dividends, Interest aud ether collections, swelling ene side of tin account te $129, "18 But from this are deducted consid erable smut which lopresoutod collaterals held tiy decedent, rer notes that wero also Included lu tUe Inventory ; claims that hud beeu paid ; $0,500 for real estate net properly counted among the personal pre perty. The total of theso deductions is $'.'S SD9.U3 leaving a balauce of per per eonalty proceeds in the management of the executer amounting teil00,81S OJ. Ou this thu executer allows himself the leual co'iimissieu of llvj per estit. taking credit for $5,010.05 ou this account , Mrs. Susan It Mead aud Mary Christ, legatees, wtre each paid their $1,000 bequest, less 5 per oeut. collateral inheritance tax , Mrs. Christ was allowed $500 for servlce and attendance, nnd Dr. Win. Conipten $'JS7 for beard, attendance, ete. Wm. P. Cemp ten, esq , was paid $'JO0 retaining fee, $200 attorney fee and $'J,000 for " professional services." ilii, iwi was tue prlce paid ler the property at the corner of Duke an 1 Walnut streets, whero It Is the intention of thu executer te feuud the institution contemplated by Gen. Dltmar's will, ami te which the rosnlue of his estate is be. queathed After ether Items of uxpcnue, mouunieut, etc , the balauce left tn thu bauds of the executer for this put pese is $02,504 OJ. Some of the relatives of the testator have, however, taken step te contest the will, nnd should expensive litigation ensue, the balauce may be further reduced. Tbe cHuhc of the will, which directs the executer iu the disposition of the balauce of the estate, leads ns fellows : " The remainder of my estate I be queath te be used iu mcaus te ascertain what children were created te de ; that the child may be directed te aud in structed iu what he or she is best adapted te de ; my executer te use the sum te the best of his judgometit iu means te carry out my herein expressed desire" IIVMTV r-IMK UATTI.H. county, celebrated a few days age tbe forty llrst aunlversary of his ordination as a minister. During all that two scere and ene Mr. Leng has uover beeu nbeent from bis pastoral work a single Sabbath except when detained by slekncss. , ltnndatl'J intejrrlly, Pittsburg Leader, Hep. As ebairman of the oemmlttoo ou appro priation Mr.Haudall reported te the Heuso the sundry civil sorvlce appropriation bill which glves away lu the uolghberhood of $51,000,000 of publlomenoy. He was nuked the slniple question If it was nil right, te which be roplted that every item asked for was needed for the preper running of the government dopartments ; that thore was nothing which the strictest government economist oeuld object te. Wtbeut looking into the report te seu if Mr. Itandall's flgures wero correct, the ;Heube, including both the Democratic aud Kopubliean members, took his world for it, and at ence passed the bill. This was a great compliment te Hnudnll'd Integrity. A Lancaster County mitii'i III no tlieHuuJtcl el Utiiiiftllttetl lrlia. The New Yerk Tribune, of June "1, contains thu following complimentary no tice of the cattle of J. S. Mumma, a resi deut of Kast Denegal township, thia county : Mr. J. S Mumma, had 20 fancy Ltu caster steers tu the atds te day which at tracted much attention and really deserved all the praise bestowed upon thorn. They wcre fed by Mr. Mumma himself, who evidently was after quality and nut weight aud who has surpassed anything seen lu these yards that hailed from this sule of the Allegheny mountains. "Yes," said an experienced drover, whose judgment of puru cattle is equal te that el auy man in the trade, "they eau't make thorn any butter, aud I never saw 20 liner cattle te. gether." And they would have te fcrutch the Western prairie with a line teeth comb te beat them," said auother who has han dled seme of Jehn Goodwin's best benis. The feeder bought them iu Southern Ohie last December, when they averaged 1,200 pounds each. "A dry f'.-ed of two thirds cracked corn and one-third bran or eats, with all the hay thny'd cat did the busl uuss," said he. Mr. J. Sohamberg was the seller, aud Messrs. Blumenthat & Stiefel the buyers, the average 1,5111 II, aud the price $8 per 100 lb, live weight. It is Bate te add that wheever is lortmiMe euuiigh te get the hoof te cat will uover waul Western dressed agaiu. Keller A; lluih III.; Kullreart Werk. I'nilmlelplila 'I'liiii-.H. Colonel L. L. Bush, of the firm of Keller & Hush, contractors for the new hue uf railway from Delruar, en the line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington aud Bal. timore where it conceits with the Penn sylvania system, te Ohorrysteun Inlet, thlrty-flve miles by sea from Norfolk, was at the Girard yesterday. "About eleven hundred men are at wc ft en it," said the colonel, "and are pushing it nt the rate of a mile a day. Forty miles have been completed aud tbe rest will be dene in Soptember. Twe beats, te cost $250,000 each and able te carry twenty-four cars, will de the ferriage between Cherrystone Inlet and Norfolk, Virginia. Travelers who formerly left Norfolk in the evening landed lu Baltimore the next morning. When the new read, the 'New Yerk, Philadelphia & Norfolk,' is completed, theso who leave Norfolk nt niht will be able te breakfast iu New Yerk the cext morning." StrnuKB Mactlus Alter rifty-llve Year. Manliulm Hentlnul. Fifty-live years age two maiden sisters named Tiualey, new Mrs. Edelman and Mrs, Nailer, separated, aud during that time noither saw or beard of each ether until a few days age, when they met in a somewhat singular manuer. It appears that Mis Mullen, a daughter of Mrs. Edelmau, acoldeutally heard of a family by the name of Tinsley residing at Coates ville, aud ou inquiry of tbe postmaster learned that a family by that name did live there. Mrs, Nailer being iuformed of the oerrespondonco, without informing them of her Intended visit, started for Mauheim, aud passing along tbe Laueaster turnpike, stepped nt a beuse ami inquired for tbe Millien family, when te ber surprise she found ber sister iu tbe very heuse, who, being nil invalid, as seen as she heard Mrs. Nailer's voice recognized her as her sister. Mrs. Edelman Is about 70 years of age, and Mrs. Nailer abeur 77 years. Uelng te urtlcaffe, Dolegates B. P. Davis and Wm. Pat ten; Mcbsrs. E. McGovern, Chas. Stewart, Jes. Barnett, W. 11. Iteland, 8. H. Meizger, J. H. Mebty, nnd W. U, Ilenssl, of this eity, will attend the Domeoratio national conveiittuu iu Chicago. Exeept Gen. Patteu, who gees by Erie, they will go West In a Rpoelal ear, leaving this eity en tbe Past Line, en the afternoon of July -lth, and during thelr stay lu Chloage will be quartered nt the Grand Paollle, whero tbe Pennsylvania delegation and Domeoratio Btate committeo will have headquarters, The round trip tickets te Chicago, for the Democratic oeuvoutlou, te be held at that point, will require continuous passage, and are net geed te step efl at any point. They will be sold from July Urd te 7th InoluBlve, geed going If used te destination en or before July 8th, ami geed for return pas. sage if used te point of sale ou or bofero July 18th. Tllr. FI.OOII Its (IIIH. If ii II or Kfi(itU ul lerillile Ht'ilrimlun, Ah the damuge by tbe talus of Wednes d y night aud by the ensuing Heeds, iu Yeik borough and county, is mero fully ri pet tut, it is leuud te have been veiy wtdespuad and heavy. It is estimated that It will cost tbn county $100,000 In lebuihl the bridges wiu-IuhI away. At Jacob's mill, en the Cednius, about twelve miletiiibove Yeik, ut midnight en Weduiw day, Mr. Jacob "lall.d Ids millet and nuked 111 tn te ii'seue some hoi;s that were lu dauger lu their pen. I'lie miller refused, when Miss Strahley, a domestic, velun tceied te assist, and iu gutting Inte the pen drove out three of the anlm lis when thu structure being llghU ned Meated off, taking the young woman quickly down te a watery grave. Her body was net found until Thursday morning, when It was dis covered caught by tbn neck iu n fenee seme distance from the scene. In the town of Yeik there am individual lesaes running us high us $10,000; much destltutl in prevails ; relief committees are erganised and at weik , ferries are tun where the stieets ctesscd the Coderus en bridges. The estimate of the total I en seh siillered iim from $250, 000 te $500,000 In tbe midst of it all the Tribune poetically says - " 1 he t oderiis, geutlu and piayiul as au I' inline, sung u peaceful lullaby that night, te children and parents ; but at early dawn ou Thursday there was a thrill, a shiver, an ominous terror iu the air porteudlug the Luhloberu had risen tu bis wrath and miiiKht could stay bis fury." The f unlly of Mr. Horleu, at the p.ipar mill, en the Coidetus, lu the northwestern put et Yeik, bad a most thrilling eipeii eipeii eure. About 5 o'clock the father was reused by a message fiem the mill that the water was using aud thore was danger that thousands of dellais weitli of piper would beiiijiired.Hiiriyiiig ou their clothes, Mr. II. and his three jenng sons repaired te the mill for the purpose of removing pnqxjrty liem the lower rooms te the upper, which they aup IHised would be quite sulllciunt Soen the rising lll cut tuein oil' from the house where mother, daughters, iircle and do mestics were as suddenly Imprisoned. A neighbor arrived upeu the semie, saw tbn danger te the family, and dispatching a mcM.cnger te town ou horseback, for a Ieuk stout tope, he gave directions for nulling down two great doers of n barn and fastening them tegnther for a sort uf a raft, while he divested htmsidf ut outer clethinc and pruparrd te cast himself into the seuthing current. Frem a high point en the railroad traek whure he had fasten ed ene end of a line, he started with the ether eud ui"i)-id his body and swam niuid lleatmg hoards and sticks acd ether impediments, severnl hundred feet te a high tree that lifted ttself above the waters, net fr from the southwest corner of the house. Gaining a strong limb of the tree he succeeded by means of the cord he had U.irne,iudiawtng through the Heed the great lope which had been obtained and in fastening that securely te the tree. Theu with the ethui cud atta-hed te tbe railroad a gunla wis furnished by means of which ttu raft might be brought directly te the upp-ir window nf the heuse, bearing fejd for the family there impris oned and elteriug for them a uiedu of escape if at auy moment the rising waters should threaten te submerge them, or auy signs appear of the walls bjing under mined, lint tt-e crisis n.vl neon iciclied. The waters at lengtti subsided. Af-i eight eventful hours in house and mil, husbaud and wife, ptreuts und chil dren wero reunited, altimt in u ravaged and despokled home. llie (Juiirrj illle luilnmil HrpilriMl. The superintendent et the (uarr)ville railroad has a ferce of some i!U0 men at work ou that read, and has se far succeeded that regular trains ran l.i day, but it will take some tunc boteio the read will lu in geed ruuuiug condition. The county commissioner should take immediate notion iu the rebuilding and repairing of the county bridges, as the present state el affairs is a serious impudt ment te the public. All ever the county the supeiviseis have all the hands tiny cm g theld of ai.d are very bui-y. The $512 bridge at Udfteu is in n veiy bad condition. The commissioners should appoint a coiumissieuor te investigate it immediately without regard te cost. This morning thu county coiuiuis'.ieuurs took a drive through the county, te ascer taut the amount of damage dene by the late storm COLUMBIA NI'W.v tuu MKiitMi.vti uuicm.irtiMU'ni k UN lllC. IIIAMOMI Hull Mutt n nl l.oe.il Intcrrm In llin Unto fritter! Ily. Charles Ingrnbum, of the Ironsides, was released this morning. Billy Snyder took His nine te Mt. Jey te day, te play the club of that plaoe. The Alloutewn club passed through Lancaster this morning, ou thelr way te Harrisburg Jacob, late of the Heading Actives, will join a I'uii u team, thu Domestics refuse te Uku him. He wants $175 per month Tholrensules are plaving a champion ship gamn with the Domestics, of New urk, te-day The sinie clubs will play here Monday and Tuesday. The Laueaster club will loave this city en Monday for a week's trip, playing as fellows : Littlustewu, Monday and Tue.i day ; Hugorstewu, Wednesday and Thum day ; Johnstown, Friday aud Situnlay. Following are the uuuibnr of g-imes wen and lest by the Eastern Leagun clubs, including these played by the Ironsides slnce the date of disbaudment of the Monumeutals ; Wen. Le.t. ' Wen Wilmington 7) u Truiileu '-! 'I Virginia is 17 Active IS l. Demestic ..1.1 17 rrlitHy'M linns Hall (luuien. Buffalo ; Buffalo 7, Philadelphia 8 ; St. Leuis : St. Leuis -1, Athlotie 1 ; Phila delphia : St Leuis 0, Koysteno t; Clove Cleve land : Cleveland 0. Nuw Yerk 1 ; Chicage: Chicago 0, Prnvidouce 0 ; Detroit : Bosten 15, Detroit lj Tolode : Teledo 0, Brooklyn 1; Loulsvllle : Louisville 11, Washington.'!; Columbus : Columbus -1, Allegheny 1 ; Indiannpelic: ludiauapelis 7, Baltlmore 10; Cincinnati : Cincinnati 4, Metropolitan 12 ; Washiugteu : National lulen 7, Kansas City UnieuS ; Baltimnre : Baltimore Union 7, Chicago Union I ; Bosten : Ciueluiinti Union 4, Bosten Union 0 ; Harrisburg : Trenten 1, Harrisburg 0 ; New Yerk : Yale -I, Harvard 2; Somerset Park: SomersotO, Alloutewn 11. ATIUN3 OAl'XUHKI. KiIIMim ILMiM-UimnKi) In llm Mxiihkc- Innlil nl (tm Ml,lllnlili, nullum Villi T wit liHir iili,i". Hv. Henry Wheoler, it dinner pastor of the M. P., chutch, iff Columbia, will de- . Ilvur a memorial adibess ou Bishop Simp Simp seu, at the morning service. lie will also prciiuh lu the evening. Prof. J. W. H'ehants, villi occupy tbe pulpit of the E. K Lutluunu eliurch, lu tho.ihsenco of the regular puter, Uiiv. Wm. I. Evans. In the evening, Air Jus. .erger, a resident el Columbia, but who until recently lias neon a theological stu dent at Gelt) idmig, will preach. ltev. Goe. W. Ely, pastor of tlm I'icsby teiiau church, having gene te Wyoming, whero he fonneily preached, te deliver two sermons te morrow, bis pulpit will be tilled by Hev. James MoDeugnll, of Yerk. Children's Day will be celebrated te morrow iu Mount .Ien A. M. E. church. lime Unit lnliK. The Harvey Fishers, uf Duueatinen, and the Columbia sluggers, nre playing u match game, ou thu new grounds iu the ptesuuee of a large audience. On Tuesday next, the State Capitols win contest a giuiie with the Columbia, while ou Saturday, thu home nine wllluress bats with either the Auoher, of Yeik, or a Baltimore niue. The Demestic B. II. O , of Newark, N. J , who play with the Ironsides, arrived iu Columbia, last night, and "put up nt the Franklin house. They aie thu JollieH set el gentlemanly young men we ever nut. I'lillin Nutm Samuel Hieiitr.eiibi-iger was in rested this morning for obtaining a pali of shoes mulct false pretense. Upen luturiilug the articles he was discharged. Olllcer Wlttick arrived in town last evening with Wesley Cooper, whom he captured at Havie de Grace. This morn ing in company with tbe prisoner, Wit lick took Cooper te Heading, where he is wanted Ily the authorities for "sklpp'iig a beard bill," at Inast this is the ujiihe fei which he in Mippetd lu have Ix-en ar-lestcd I'erMHinl. Mr. A. C. Burner leturnei home fiem a trout llshing expedition, up North, last eveulug. His mother Mis, A Brunei, whehu'i been visiting in Williauispert, icturucil with h'lii. Mr. William Brunei, accompanied by a schoolmate named Percy Khriads, of Wash ingten, I). C, ifliirm-d from Dickinsen college, at Carlisle. t.'tiniiL-r in nini iikii'inuiit On account uf PI In altb, Geu. William Pulton, who has se long and uhl) b -en geueral manager at tin- Siifipa-baiiua roll ing mill, bus tcuilricil ids resignation of that pwitieii, te tal.eill-ct en.lulj 1, ISM His less is icj-icttnl by .id, ler the mill ewes its present cu-ieissaud geed standing te bis cderts. He will be succeeded by Mr. Verneu Ellis, who is the present secijfuiy and treasurer of the company. "Mi. Nelsen I). Finy will assist Mr. Jehu I'alne iu the uighl superintending weik Mi J. E. Small, et Yeik, has already bet:iiu work as cleik in thu olllce. I.echI llipi-iiliiK'. ThnC.S. Mnltby,Jt. .te C. shifter, was derailed yesterday by a misplaced switch. 1 he walk en New rvemri street, lielween Brnlgu ii'.d Poplar, tin uld ln n paired at uuce, as several daugcieus ' wash outs" have been made by the late heavy rains. A iniuature coal breaker, en the auto matie plan, will be put en exhibition ill Armery hall en Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nnd Fudiiy evenings uf next week. Ne ireitJit trains . ue as yt t pvi nutted te run ever the Columbia A- i'eit Deposit railroad, but the regular passenger ttaius are allowed te nuke tript. between Coluni bia aud McCall's Ferry. The freight tratlle evi-r tbe Heading & Columbia, and Peunsyhauia i.nlreads ftem aud te Columbia, is at present very heavy. During the 1'rcsb) teiiau and tvilome chapel Sunday school picnic, yesteiday, nt Litit7., inauy of the young ladles from Columbia were lusulted by Lititz young men. Several lights occurred en Tew Hill last night. Bloody noses, b'ack eyes and law suits weie the results, A. W. Dounan, feimnrly empliyudat W. T. Aimer's shoe store, aud who left that position a wcek .itie te work iu a bar vest Held, hadapltuhleik run through hta left ban 1 yesterday. NKUIIIIimtltlMMJ III'.Hs. Kvenis Nfmr unit Acrim llm Uumity l.ltie. The less by the icceut lloeds in Yerk Alloutewn 5 llnrriHbiiri; .11 Ironsides ... 7 Miiuiimeulal I l.nsl '.'ii u I'J 10 A Fermer Noterlons llraldent el iintrrjllle lu tils l.uwa KiiiIjihoe. An associated press dispatch from Nor Ner Nor rlstewn rays that Wm. 11. Atkins, who escaped from the Norrlstewn Jail lest winter, wa captured last night iu tbe Jewish beipi'nl in Gormautewn, whero be was employed as onglucer. He was confined in jail ou tbe obarge of wife desertion, but was nlsosuspeetod of having been couuectod with the murder of Saronel Clugsten, ntValley Forge, iu 1881. It will be romembered that Atkins, who ence lived in Quarryville, and is a geed deal of a ' scalawag," was supposed by many te have been the burglar killed at Salungu, this county. But it new turns out that he was net that unknown. Hsni te UII, Tills niernlug Jehn FHU, a country man, who oame te town and get very driiuk yesterday, was seut te Jail for 10 days by Alderman McConemv. The uity Lljhls. List night oue oleetrio and soven gaso line llgbis could only have been found with a lantern, county will be $500,000. Within a year Mrs. Kelly, living near Norrlstewn, has lest a seu by drowning, a daughter by au olepomuut, aud a husband by accident ; ou Thursday bur house was burned down. Samuel M. Cortright has been up pointed geueral soliuiter for the l'euusyl. vanla telephene ceinpiuy ler the district lu which Lancaster is situated ; his head quarters aie at Alloutewn. Solemon Gingrich, of Londonderry township, Dauphin county, wts bully burten Thursday while blasting mek Mrs Margaret Eisuihewur, of Ibuding, died Thursday, of upeplu.y, aged !)t. She resided In thu Iieuru iu which she died all her life. James Carlaud and M irtiu Brunswick, aged respectively 11 and Hi yearn, weie fatally injured near Giranlville, Schiiyl kill county, Friday aitcruoen, while iu thu net of robbing a bird's nest. Tim nest was built en the ten limb el u pine tree The limbs en which they wero st indium broke, preeipitatiug thum te the ground. At the fourteenth oemmmieeniont of Al luntewu female college, thu salutitury and valedictory, coital houeis, were awarded te MisB Ratie M. Wil'ard aud Muk Maude L. MeLaugliliu. Herbert A. Hoever aud Wm. II. Cal vert wero badly hurt uy a runaway acci dent nt n railroad crossing iu Heading, Thursday afternoon. They wero high school graduates and wero returning fur nlture borrowed for usu at the opera heuse Slxteen out of twenty two furnaces be tweeu Heading and Philadelphia are uet lu blast boeatiso of thu exceiHlve price of coal. llfllere Aliti-nniin Hpurrler. Win. Joues was heard ou the uharge of malicious mischief nnd Jerry .Touch for assault nnd battery ou complaint of BunJ, McCutoheou. Beth eases wcre dismissed. Eliza Wilsen nnd Jetry Wolf wero committed for teu days each for being drunk aud disorderly. Wm. C08telle was held for tiiul at court ou tbe obarge et assault aud battery aud Mirety of the poaeo preforred by Saudorseu Shaub, Tlie Law or Contempt. The odltersof tbe Wheeling Intelligencer, arraigned by tbe court down theie, tele, graphed te this eity late Thursday night foreoploa of nil the araiiments in thu Stulnmati aud Hensel diabirmeut ease. They were promptly furuishtd, as the editors were te uuswer this hk ruing, llarlnnl 'loinatees. It new scorns certalu that tbe pack of t matecs in Harford this year will be giratly belew that of 18311, even if the yield should be full. Very few paokers aie contracting for outside crops, ad will only pack what they can grew tuein olvei. mads tk Docter ei Lnwi, Dr. Lewis II. Stolner, of Proderlok, Md,, lies rejiivid from Dataware ejIIc0, at Newark, Dd,, the dogrce of LL, D. v A.j