1 i.l," TjSSV 'a v .f LANCASTER DAILY INTBJLiLiIGJBJNCEli FKIDAY JUNE 27, 1884. i "Vr in ' ..V .tjfl1 :',r P'V ' ,4, tt' ?f I I Lancaster Jtm lUgemcr. FRIDAY FVKNINO, JUNES 37, 1004. A rAHMKH'l) WirK. Unspoken homilies el pcace Her dally lifts la preaching Ihfl till refrMiiinenl of liie le w It hertincofiBe'oiu teaching. Ami never londeror hand than hera Unknll tlie brew of ailing t llergannentB tothe sick man's ear Have music In their trailing. liar presence tetuls Its warmth mid health Te all who ceme bolore it. It woman lest us Kilen, such Aa ahe alone restores 1U Fer larger lire and wlser aims The fanner In her debtor j Who holds te his another's heart Mult noeds tte werse or belter. Through her his civil sorvlce shows A Darer toned ambition, Ne deuble consciousness divides Tbe man antl politician. In denbtlnl patty ways he IrusU Her instincts te determine. At the loud polls, thotlieuglitof her Jiecalls Christ's mountain sermon. He owns her logic el tbe heart, And wisdom el unreason, Supplying, while he doubt and weigh Tbe needed word in seasen. He soes with prldn her rlcber thought, Her fancy's Ireer ranges : And leve thus doepeneit te I aspect Is proof against alt ctiingus. -Jehn G U'AUflcr. tins kks 'or Ten Tenens, However strange tbia may seem, it is novertbeleas true. A gentleman, uaruwl Dwlgbt WbitiiiR, resuUne In the neigh borhood of Auabeim, California, as we loam from tbe Qaztltt of that place, in entertaining a iliuner patty of ten jicrsuus, Bome time age, after eeuutlug tbe number of hla gucate, anil fiuding them te be ten in number, said, " I guess ene egg will be enough for the party," ami disapjnured from tbe house. Presently he came back with tbe. egg, and the surprise of the gueaU was dissipated when they saw it was an ostrich's egg be meaut. Well, tbe egg was put en te boil, and after cooking vigorously for ene hour, though two hours tbe host said would impreve it, it was brought upon the table. The ttbell wan breken, aud tbe three tieuml yolk was laid upon a plate, au object of great in wrest from its Bize aud novelty. Boyeud this tbore was nothteg peculiat about it ; the white portion el it had tbe bluish tinge of the duck egg, and the yolk was the usual color. It also tasted like tlie duek egg, with no llaver peculiar te itself. But its size may be iraagiued when it is stated that it takes twenty eight hen's eggs te equal it weight, and the single egg was enough for tbe ontire uemuauy aud te Bpare; besides it was the unanimous opluleu that It was geed. It is net proba ble, however, that ostrich eggs will be- oeme very popular, except wuere me family is large enough te devour eue at a meal, inasmuch, as in the case of a ben's egg, the yolk will lese its llaver by saviug for a seoeud or third meal. Whtre IB lie Su 7 " Ib Mr. Drewn iu ?" aBkeil a visitor in a Hosteu law oflleo. " Ne, sir," rcplied a member of tbe firm. " When will he arrive ?" " Wben Lb went out he said he would be back in two hours " Visitor instantly plunired into tbe tny. tcriea of a law book and read for two hours ; then, consulting bis watch, eaiil, aloud, " Time's up ; wbere is Hiewn new, de veu thluk '?" " Hard te tell," said the member of tlie firm. "Alter hu left the cilice I10 (Imp lied dead, aud was buried about n week Jige." Let iff from Henatiir lareb. SlMATK CHAMBKR, ALIUHV, N. , March Jl. 1--'. Fer aleni ttuielt iuu been my liabit te use IlRAMIlRETIl'B 1'ILLS 111 fact 1 llHVU KUldetll llllll occasion te tue any oilier medicine, and II allerdA urn ureal ploaure te ay lint ler UU UU leunnepti, Dynpepdia and lliu ether Ills et Du al stem, te which inen tn public lite are mm i) apt than ether te be eubject, lliey are an til valuable lciuedy. JOHN C .lALOIli. f'er CoiiHllpatlen, ludlKCjitleii, Keul M ,ui. HCll. l)lzztue4 and lleidnehn, no medlelnn equaU " HiuMiiiKirrirti 1'illh." Pure and slm slm ple, eenUilnlui; no mercury, thuv ar" the family medlclnu cliesl and .itej;uard. All Aoinlre a tlHumuiiie Knee. A pure, clear skin will make any Lice hand some. Manifestly unyUiluu which htiuiiKtheus antl Ullriches the bieiHl will directly utlei.t the whole penen. All eruptteiii, el the Hklu db -appear when Murdoch Jlloed Hitlers are em ployed. They are a veKeta, Iu remedy et Ines timable, value. Fer ale by II. It. Cochran. drUKuUt, 1.17 and 139 North Uueeu xtriwl American Art. rUelORraphs, KtiRravlnKs, etc.. can beex nuUlUily colereil with with llijuld Art toleis made Irem Dluuiend Uyim. Full direction ler this beautllul art work, with a lundmiiiiii colored cabinet photo Hunt le any addrept ler 10 cents. WELLS A UlLHAUDHON A CO.. Ilurllnuum. Vt. feitimuter Hauiuel A. Hewitt, Ot Monterey, Mich., delivers hluinell In this wise: 'or celdf, burns, soiuthreat, and rliuutnallsin, Themat' Ecltetrie Oil cannot be beateu. I say keep It up te thu atamtaril, and it will fatlfly the peeplu. 1 ehail send ler a new supplv een. Fer ale by II. il. Cochran, ilruKxlst. 137 and ISil North Uueeu itreei. Ne Deception Used. It Is stnuiKO 80 many M,i ill contlnue te sutler day alter day with Dysiiepsla, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, (Jen oral Debility, when they can piocuruateur store HIIILOH'S V1TAL1ZKU, Iieeef cost II It does net euro or relieve them. Price. 75 centa Held by II. II. Cochran, itriiKKUt, 137 and vsj North yuoen struct, Lancaster. tedll-eedft rnemers I Btoineratl mothers! Are you disturbed at night und broken el your rest by a sick child sufferlntf und crylnx with the ezcruclatltiK pain of cutting teeth 7 11 se, ke at ence and uet a bottleni M IW. WIN SLOW'SBOOTillNOSYUUr. It will relieve thu peer lltlle suUerur immediately depend upon it; there is no inlstaku about it. Thutn Is neta mother en earth who has ever usixl It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulate tlie bowels, and lvu rest te tlie mother, and rellet and health te thu child, op ep op eratlnif like magic It Is perfectly satu te use In all casus, aud pleasant te thu tuste, and is tlie prescription of enu of thu ebtest and best female physicians In the United atatus. bold overy where. S& cents a bottle, niav3l-lydM.W.HAw UUUKH AJtV HTAXlONJSm. IJIAMI UOOKa AND BTATIUNKUV. JOM BAER'S SOIS, 16 and 17 North Queen St, Blank Beeks k Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, WKITIKO FLUIDS AN"U INK8, AT TUJI SIGN OF THE BOOK. T COl'WlUM MONK, ,,UT TaKKilln 1 leAdanacllth0bost6e.ciIarlntuu cy, UAUXMAN'a YKLLOW ruONT CIUAIl mninvAL. A U1UEAT HUUUK89, HOP PLASTER nils porous piaster Is Ininuin ler lis jnj d hearty anion In cm ilng Lame lack. Ill ....... nl,n,ir.. rrttv in tint Hack, mile a Hlr NiiiiralKla.Htlir.M)ltllsnn.l Muscle. Nue UIW KlSlftyXreuW.- and all pains orwlje either Incnl or i cep-scnieii. n ""v"":r Btrentftheiis and Stimulate tbe parts. Tbe virtues e! tun" combined wllli Kiiim-cliun and im IV te apply. . Superior te, lln ,11 men . intlmn and salve, rrice, -a '"". 5 ler IHJII nil', t - ' ,--"., ....... u, ,.-,.. SLOT. SeM by .in.KKm "... -: Mailed en rwuui" !" "i- iwinw. I'roprletora, ilosten. Man A GREAT SUCCESS. -The bust lamlly pill miide-llawley's Stomach and Liver I'llls. 85c l'leu-nint In ocllen and easy te take. neVJtMydAw (D IAIN 1IKAL-T1I AM) HAl'l'lNliSs. new t 1)0 A3 OTHKl'.S 11AVK DUNK. AUK lOUIl KIDNEYS DIOUDKIIKD t "Kidney-Wert brought me from my itrave, ax II went, afler 1 had been given up by U best doctors In Detroit-" ...... M. W. Hkvbiuvs, Mechanic, Ionia, Mich. AUK YOUIl NKIIVKS WKAK ? lildtioy-Wert cured me Irum norvein weak tiM, Ac. litter I bud net expected te live.' Mr. M. M. II. Uoedwln, Kd. C?irijfiiia.Uemtr Cleveland, Ohie. IIAVK YOU 11 It JU I IT'S DldKASK " Kldney.Wert cuied me w hen my water was Just like ctulk and then like bleed " rnink WINen, I'cnbedy. Mas. MJKKKU1NU KltOM UlAIIKTK-f " K idney-Wert l the melt sin cestui remedy I h.ivu evertimed, lllve almost lininedt'ite u Itel." Dr. 1'hllllp C. lUlleu, iieukum, U IIAVK lOU 1.1KIIC0M1M.A1ST' " Kidney-Wert cured uie of Chronic l.lver DIeiwe. after I prHll te lli" Henrv NVanl, lale Cel. tsuth Nat. (..uard, N. Y. IS YOl'll ll.MK I.AMK AND ACIIINt. , hldiH'V-Wert (I tHittle) cured uie n lien 1 v. us se lame I ti.fl te roil out l bed."' C. M. luliuage.Mlinau ee, U. HAKMH' MDNKY Dbfc.WK? ' Kidney Uert made tuoveiind In liver an. I kidneys mler y.ir iruniic,es''tiiidi'teriiir. lt worth 110 a Ikix." miii'I lledp'-". lllluins lllluins tewn, Weal S iu AKK OV CONsril'ATKD " Kidney Wert C!itie- e;wy evacuation and cuied me alter te yenrxiwoet ether miHiiclne." Nelsen h'alreblld. SU AIIMIls, t- II VK YOl' MALAK1A T 'KMney-Wert ba done bwller than any ether remedy 1 li.ne overused in mprac tice." Dr. I.. K.Clark, beutb Here, Vl. AUK 01' UII.IOUST ' Kidney-IN ertliiu. done me mere geiHl than any etner remely 1 have ever taken " Mrs. J. r. UalleKiiy, Klk H.it, Oreeu. AUK YOU TOK.MKNTKD Willi 1'll.KSf " Kldnej-Wert periiialientlv eur.il me et bleeding piles. Dr. W. c. Kiltie reeemmeiuleal II te me." oeo. II. llerst. Cashier M. Hank, Myeistewn, 1'a. AUK M)U UIIKUMATISM UACKKD f "Kidney-Wert cure.1 me niter 1 was gli en up te die by pliystclani and 1 Had milfered M years."-Klbrtdge Malcomb. West ll.ith. Me. LADIES, AUK YOU bUKr EllINU T " Kidney-Wert cured me et ) ullar trou bles et e end years standing Many trlendi ue and pral-e lu" Mrs. II. Lameieaux, lslu 1..1 Mutle, u II you would llanlsb Disease and ualn Health iiiae KIDNEY-WORT, THK T.l.OOD Cl.hANShlt. ilic.Veltw K4DM . liui'i KY-WvMlT fOK SAI.Ii A I UOUII- ' Drut; feteie. Ne 137 auil UJ hertu tjueen Street , Lancudur, 1M. 30 UAW ritiAt., Dli. DYK'b VOLTAIC BELT. Electric Appliance! are sent en M Dd)M"tr!al. TO MEN ONLY, YUUNU OV. OLD, Who are giilleriiiK irem Nervous Detilllty 1.01 Vitality, Lack et Nervu Force and Vluer Wasting Wi'aknessi"", and all tlxwe Dl-e:i.-eef aperxenal nature rvultliiK Irem abuses and ethei ciiustH. hpeeily relief and complete re- totatlenol Health. Viger and Manlioeil uuur. anteed. The urundet dlsceveiy et tlie Nine- leenth century. Send at once ter Illustrated 1'au.phlei iree. Addiem, VOLTAIC BELT CO., pr!lydMWFAw MAIWIIAI.I., MIOII. I 11 1, KM. 1 ANAKKSIS " ulvi'H lusUmt rell.-t, and is an tiilalllbleciire ler 1'lLts. 1'ilee, lieu.il driiKUlits, or sent iireialil by mall, sample tree AildreMf, " AMnKsli " Makeni. Itex illti New Yerk. aerl IvM.W.KAw M A lis ion HOLUM. WKAK NEUVOUS MEN Whose i.eblllty, exhausted powers, prema ture decay and lalluiu te perform llle's duties propel ly, are caused by excesses, errors et youth, etc , will Unit a period and Luting res toration te robust health and vigorous man hood In TIIK MAltsION ItULUd. Neither stomach druKUini? nor instruments. This treatment et nervous Debility and 1'hysluil Decay Is uniformly successtul bi catisenaseil ou perlect iltaunesls, new and direct methods and absolute thoroughness, full tnfortuatlen aud Tn atles tree. Address Consulting 1'hv 1'hv slclanel MAItblUN UKMKD Ul),4(, W. ltlh 8L. New 1 erkj aurl-lyM.W .J1' y'KAK, UITDBVBLOPBD PARTS, Of the Human Bedy enlarged, ilevuleneit, BtreiiHlhuiHsl," lie. Is an liilerestlnir adver tisement lein: run in our paier. lu reply te Inquiries we will say that there Is no evidence et humbiiK alie'il tills. On the ceutrury the ndverllserH are very hlKhly indorsed, luter- inteil persons may uet sealed circulars civ lint all partleutais by adilresln Kiua Mkuu.au Ce., Ilutlale. N. .ToUde Uienlna lit aMyditWArAw 1ATAUKI1. ELY'S CREAM BALM L.UKKS COLD IN IIKA1I, CATAUUH UUSE COLD, IIAV KKVKIt, DLAhNL-s, ilKADACIIK. Kasy te use. 1'rlce. 50c. Kly llre's., Osweee. N. V V, S. A "FTn.Tr ITevftr ,.Hliy ,,'uver M ll typoet J-Ldy a VUl .Catarrh, havlUB peculiar symptoms. It Is intended by an lnlUmed condition el the llulnK membrane of thu nos trils, tear ducts ami threat, ahVclini; the Iiiiiks. An acrid mucus Is secreted, the ills ills chaiKe Is accompanied with a painful titiriilni; seiiiulten. There are severe spasms et Hnei'AiiiK, tiequent attacks et blinding lnud ache, a watmy ami Inllamed state of the eyes. ULV'dCUKAM 1IAI.M ts a remedy founded en a correct iIIiikeusIs et this disease and can bedepunded upon, te cents at druggist. (O cents by mall, rtumple bottle by mall, Inc. ViWH BROTHBRfc3, JI'kjOiI&w Druk'k'lsts, ;Obwee, N. Y. TTKAUIJUAKXKU VUli T11K INDIAN MEDICINES, KA-TON-KA AND MOD00 INDIAN (.OIL -AT- LOCBLER'S Drug Stere, NO. 9 KABT KINU bTUKET, LANOABTElt.rA CltAK'rt Hfisuiriu mitOiuiriM. ! J Ureut Knullsh llemmlv. An unfallliii euro ler Impotenoy, and all Dlsenaaa Unit iollew less et Memery, Universal Lassl. tude. ruin in tlie llack, Dlmnoes et Vision, I'rematiire Old Are, and many ethur diseases that loud te Insanity or Cen. sumptien und a I'ruuiniure Urevu. Full par. tleulars In our namplet. which we doalreto sendtnioliyiiialUeiiverjr one. The Hiecltlc Medlclnu W sold by ail drii(,'KlstHiit l per pack. ae, or six packaKes leris, or will he himi Hei MiSi?hner,pl ' ,h0 1,,oney,""u, uir, ifc. s?h?SnL0,u?ounterIt,,t. woliave adopt ed the oew.Wraprwri thoenlycunnlno; A" 0UAX MiJUlClNlfCO., II HT ueuim. QfltUliL. 1IAHUA1N3. 11 WATT. SHAND & CO. 1, UUU11U U. UUI, 10 EAST KINO ST. Jtl'KClAI. ll.VUtlAlNS. NUS. 8 St MMKU MI.KS, Mk. .Vc and 7e ( ill.OKhD DUKiw Mli.KS. NV, TS( tl ID l.vlneli Nl'N'3 KII.1NUS all Celers. Mv.nyil. An ImtiieiiHO) vaitety of rilAMIIUAY SU1T1NUS, 7,KrilYI(UlMillAM!. llATlMK AND CAMIiUIL, In I'epular Colorings at Lewest l'rlru Of KNEW LlNKer Parasols and Sunshades Ilae beti made te our spe-l il order by the largest manulaetiirers. w lilch Insutes u havtiiK the latest st J ies and Lewest i rices. COACIM.Mt rKAtllJ. LACK t'UIMMKD IWIHMU.S, TniLLKIIMll.lv rAUAHl.S, LA DIES' AND lKNTLKMKN 81LK I'M 11UKLLA. JERSEY WAISTS. te De ALL-OOL.ir.ltSKV II nicrti'li. lutelv reld at II "'. ELEliAN 1' Oi:.sTKD.IKU-K?, II TSeaeli. lately -old at l-'H'. KINK lMriMirKD.IKIt.-M.x. Uitil Mles t: 'nand M'l'. J NEW YORK STORE. JlhDIt AL. """ a Hie tollewlni; aitlrle was veliiiiturll. -ent te Mr. II r. SI.MMlKHl, Aiteni for UKIlt AllT OLD WINK reUK. by a prominent practicing ptrybtrlan el tilt eeuntv, wtie has etenlvely ued Hie Itriindy referred te In nls reKUiar practlii. It Is ceiiiuicndeti te the at tention et these attltcted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new inuchabUM'd Ab-ohello Mlinulant wa.s never Intended as a bevenie, teit te te ued as a medlclue el great potency In thecure el seme et the iteslructtve dl!eaes which se'ps wayttielranntial tlieuandnr victims. Willi a purely philanthropic motive, we pr tent te the tavorable notbe et Invalids e lieci'Uly these attllcted with tlmt mt'erolile dUeik-e, Dj pspepsl.i, a specltlc remedy, which Is nothing mere or less than BRANDY. The used, with feeble appetite, and mere or le.-s ile' tilt), will rind this simple medicine, when used properly, A Hoveroign Romedy Fer all their Ills andaches. lie It, however' strlctlv undrstHi that we prenrllxj and use but one article, un t I hat is Reigart's Old Braudy, Sold by our enterprising lrleivl, II. K. sl.w JIAlvtll. This bum, ly has steed the test for vears. und ban uevi r lulled, as tar as our e perlence extends, amt we tlioretero i;tve 11 the ptvlerence ever all ettier llrandles no matter with hew many I iw breaking trench title lliey aiu braiultd. One teurth et the mene iliat is yturlv thrown away en various imio imie tent dysps'psla specifics, would sutnee te buy all the ilrandy te euro any such cu.se or cues, lu proof et the curative pe- er et Reigart's Old Brandy In c.u-ert el Dyspepsia we can summon num bers et witnesses ene ciise In particular we will cite: A nartl working tanner had been atlllctisl with an exhausting D) snepslii lern number et years . his stomach would reject almost every Kind el lead : he had sour oruilalleus con-suutly-nuapputlte in tact, he waseblUed te restrict his elet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he useU Mcdranu's Itoet Jieer. lie Is a Methodist. .Hid lle-u, as new, preschedat times, and In his dlsieur-es ulten di-clalliiisl e.irnestl agalusta iktndset stiuiig diliiK. W hen udvl-id le try Reigart's Old Brandy . In Ms ('.l-c, he looked up wl'h astenlshiiieiit . but alter hearing el bis weuderliil etfecta iu the caes of senm el tils tie iraciiualutances, he al lust cens-ntel te lollewourudvlcu. lie u-tsl tin- Ilrandy 1 iltntully and steadily ; the tlrst bottle giving htm an appetite, an t before the seemid wils all taken he wat a found man, w 1th a aleinut'ti (apableidillgeHttnganylhlng w htch h, cheese te eat. lie sl'll ki ps It und uses a little occasionally : and since he has this medi cine, he lias iw n el very little pecuniary ben- i lit te tlie ueiiur. .1 i'mcil'intf j'niietiri. H. E. SLAYMAKER, .gellt lir ItKlliAUr'S OLD WINK .STOUK, F.stabtlstied 111 17. Importer and Dealer in Ohl Ilrandy, Mmrrf, Supeiler ehl Maderta, Imported In 1M, I'.t and IsKJ. Champagnes of Kvery lirainl, ."-eelcL Ale, l'erlcr, Ilrenn ateul. Ne. 20 Eaat King St. Lancaater. Till W A UK, Jt', (f"te JOHN P. JCHAUM'S, -Ne. 'Jl Seuth Qwvii Strevt, -keu 'i hk- CHEAPEST and BEST REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers, UAUDKX JOA'.S AXD OIL CLO'JJl. mis p. sciaiti, 24 Seuth Queen Streot, t.ANCAHTKIt. lebfllvd I'A rilUTUUUAI'llH. J."' HOTK. There has been audi a demand (or LAUtiK I'liOTOUUAl'ilri that 1 wa.s compelled te et u VfeKY LAUUK CAMKUA 110X te meet the demand. We can new make you a 1'llOTOaa small as thu smallest locket will held up te a Vlnch toce, te tit uu lbxW Krume. J. E. ROTE Ne. 100 North Queen Streot lunel.lbll TO Lliti. I)(Un, VVIUTK ta Ultr.KNUUOII, -BANKERS,- 45 WALL STREET, New Yerk, Iirekers and Dealers In Hallway and all ether feccurlltcH. UAILWAY INVKSTMKNTH a specialty, In Ilm Huluctleit and estimate of wlnuii their len couneetlon with l'oeit a MANUAbeir Haiuu)ai " Klves them special nil-viintiiKt-H. Coiiespendenco invited ami In !!,',"!'.'.'! u""wuff Deposit accounts reieivud audlnteieHtalliiwiMl. Iiil9s!iii,),l C" KDTKIt UOUCI'IY IlllUlh. A'lLANVICCITV.N.J. At the feet or New erk aveniie, within a low huiidied lout el tm i0i. AtlracllTe coinfertahloand homelike. NOWepkn. JuneJ'iimt J.KKIMASONB. AtlKIt A UMUrilKK. Cambric Edgings and Insertings, Nainsoek Edgings and InsGrtings, Swiss Edgings and Insertings. NEW lLOTIJNrOi:N"Gr-S, In Sets of Varieua Wiclth9 te Match, INDIA LAWNS, FRKNCII NA1NZOOKS, HATISTIi, l?RKNCII LAWNS, 1'iyUK CORDS, LINliN LMVNS, SATIN MS AND ZKPIIKRS. NEW PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, Kid Gloves, New Lisle Gloves, New Hosiery. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET. titlM. ')lUtl. GlesiDi Sale. Our cutter h.ivim; te retire oil all goods in our Merchant Tailoring Department at sjrccial prices te reduce or close the entire stock in this department. We will either sell the goods by the yard or make up suits, as we have made arrangements with a first-class cutter te cut all the clothing we sell. P. S. We have had one week of our special i umni; vli: in this department, and we have sold mere goods than we antic patetl. Hut our prices are such that persons wanting anything in the clothing line can save money by giving us a call. All our goods are new styles, bought at the recent low prices. JOHN NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, IIUIVKIU a IIUK3T, BOV7ERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - - LANCASTER, PA. LADIKS We tire ofTerlnB a great mttuy SpecIfU Bftrguinp, nud It will pny you te hIve ti8 i cull. llMllJAlNNe 1 Kh'k-ant Uuallty Lliien tie .lode at liSe. ltetter .(Ualltles at IV, .t'c and 'Ac.ftlally illeap. II MttiAlN Ne, : A I.arite Let of Swiss and Nainsoek Embroideries, 55 per i-e-t under mice. HAIUiAIN Ne. --The in the city ter II iw. LADIBS Wohave in lmmeuBO atoek of till kinds of notlena, Includlns OoraetH, Qloves, ote. We tire constantly rocelvlng New Goods, and thoreforo have many uoveltlea te olTer. a call. BOVERS & HURST'S, NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN tuiiavce .inn vieaus. "Illr.W PLUG TOBACCO! The attention el Chewcrs ,d Kine Tobacco Is called le this Choice liraiid. It is in High Kaver with thoje who have tried it. SOLD At' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -in- H. L. Stehmaii & Ce., NO. 110 NORTH QUEN BT. mar3l-lrd LANCAHTKU, I'A. ULAHH A NO UUKKNRWAltK. iTltiil a M AKTiri. -A'l- CHINA HALL. A FULL LINK OP TABLE GLASSWBRE, JELLY TUMBLERS, JELLY OUPS, JELLY JARS. Tumblers. - Tumblers. High & lartin, 15 EAST KINU STREET, LANOAHTKIt. PA. VULL, B.B' HA1IIIK Wholeeale and UeteU Dealer in all kinds ei LUMIIKU AND C0AU 4vranl: Na 20 North WaUirand l'rince Btreets above Lemen Lancaster. nS-lyd pOAI.. M. V. 15. COIIO BBO NUHTU WATKMt HT Iahmimt, i-a Wholesalo and Uctall Doalers tn LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With tbe Telephonic Kxchanxe Yard and Oltlce Ne. EillNOUTII WATHH STUKKT. tnliWdvil 1 )ACfttUAHDNI!IW II JKVriSHIKH. COAL DEALERS. erriOKS. Ne. VI North Qebim Strist, add Ne. Mil NeitTii l'mwuu STUMirr. YAUD3. Neam rniNOB HTnurr, hcab Hbad. two DareT. LANCIASTKK, I'A. auBlfj-tid njttr uuenti, . HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES, Mercliaut Tailoring from business en account of ill health, we shall from this date sell S. GIVLER ItAUOAIN Ne I I. alles' Jerseys. Klexant IJualltV, only II il. L.ulles' llrnl.liid .Jere s ' Meirant Oualltv, only ,l.;i llctter Knule at li i. li.-"), li 73, up te l.iJ. HAUOAlN Ne. I Children's .lerseyj. all Ucs and colors, all under uvular prices. best IMdte Unlit ettered I 1IAUOAIN Ne. 7-The ever ettered, only II. STREET. UAltl'KlK. K STAlll.lbilKD 1H3I). CARPETS -AT- Philip Scliiim, Sen & Ge's! 150 SOUTH WATER 3TKBET, I LANCAHTKU, I'A. We have a lull supply el It A INU CAUl'KTS. We only ui AU AND KILL-! INU CAUl'KTS. We only use the bout of yarns If jeu want a keihI, serviceable Carpet, please come and examine our stock before purchantnt; elsewhere, as we will sell as cneap a-s tlie cheapest. Come anil see ler yourself and be convinced, as we always have the reputa tion el making tlrst-elass Carpels. CUSTOM IIAU CAUl'KTS AHI'KCIALTV COVKItLKTS. CODNTKUl'ANK, IILAN- KK'IS, CAIll'KT CHAIN. bTUCK- INU 1AUN.A0. DyeliiK Ucu. Dene in all Its brunches at short no- COAL I COAL I Ol the best quality, expressly ler family uie. TIIV ASA.MI'LK'ION. llKMKMHKUTliK OLD STAND. PHILIP HC1IU3I, SON ic GO'S. Ne. IS) SOUTH WATKlt STUKKT, t'J-3md LANCASTKU, I'A. alUHIVAL lnHTitVttKNTt. w ILCOX It W11ITH Wilcox & White Organ de. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW 1M.TIIE T1MK TO 1IUY PIANOS AND ORGANS AT BLAUUI1TK1UNO l'KlCKft. One Uoel Hccend-Iland Piane tM.eu One Klcgant Uecmid'Hand Organ... 45.00 One Klegant New OrKan, li-Step Couplers and ttub-Ilass &3.00 Wilcox A Wlitle Organs Irem I70.WJ te ll&O.W) Knabe," MePhall, Orovenotoln & Fuller, Koyateno, and Veae & Sens Pianos, All Marked Down te liottem I'rlccs. i;lvun away. Almest WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warererms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET, II, II. I.UC1CBN1IACH, AgenL fbl7-tlt VMOl'OHALH. Ijueim.halm run. uiiNiNinm hta 1 TIONKUy, 1TUKL AND OTHKll HU1' 11 1KB BKcinrrAnv etum Comuewwbalth'b Orieu, IIaiiiusiiure, l'a June'J. lbMI. I hereby Invite sealed proposals, at prices below maximum rutca fixed In schedules, te furnish HUitlonery, Fuel and ether supjillej ler the I.elslal ure, and thu several Depart mentH el Htate Oovernmont, and ler I'lumb Inir. Ubb Klttinjt und Bteam Fltttnir ler, and runatrs. luinlshltiK halls und committee rooms et thoHenatoandllouso et Hopresentutlves, and distribution el documents, reports unit ether printed matter for the Leullatureand thu Department of l'ublle Instruction, ler the your eudliitf the tlrst Monday of June, A. 1). ItShS So'narate proposals will be rocelved and sepa sepa rale contracts awanled as niinennced In said schedules. All proposals must he iiccompu iiccempu iiccompu iiledbyabend with approved security con ditioned ler the faithful liorlermanco of tlie contract, anil addressed and delivered te me befoul eleven o'clock u. in., el Thursday, he set li lay of June. A. D. ItWI.tit wlileh tlme the proposals will be opened and contracts award oil. In thu Kxecutlvu Cliamiier at llarrUbuiic. 1'ennsyivanla. Hohedu en centuln n lerin; et proposals can be obtulned ou application at thoeflicool the Socretar or tlie Cpmiueii. wealth. W. S. HTKNUKU, (a-'JIld Secretary et the Commonwealth AtlKH A IUlllllir.il LANCASTER. PA. 1 Kvl. r ItATIIVON Department jUN V -1 1 I-! , I NT I oe . .v. i una, & CO., LANCASTER, PA. IIMUi.MN N.&--KleKantiUalltv llhick Sun's V. Illeir. vi ry wide unit very tine, only Nt IV ttti this let n e inluht mention lll.ick otte. man (freeadlue. rleKant mHMls. It l per yd. Illack Albatross eletn, elecanl iiialtlyaud very wide, (Ac , all.wiHil, bent Ladle l.e-sauier ui. All lwi. Handkorchlefs, PIoiihe lve ub LANCASTER, PA. JIAVIIIXKHV. V IK (( BEST " STEAM ENGINE BOILER WORKS. KSrAHLlbllKD 1H0O. COMl'AUK IIILSI.KS AN D I'KIL t Or OUR ENGINES. We have no Agents or Middle me i te liietect b t.ildliiK commissions wnlch tu- teuiers must pay. Yeu Save Frem 15 te 25 Per Cent. UY l'l IICHASINU DlUKCirUOAI Vi BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. NoHhell Iren uuid ill Hellers. Least ton ten ton Hiiiiiptleu of Ceal und Water ter Power de vuleped. All Knulnes et our mnkn subjected te Krlcllen llrake Test te double their rale el Kiwer. KAV K TIMKiind MONKr. and pur. ehanu thu Most Durable and lihST 1'eitnble KiiKlnu and Heller en Wheels and Hills. Farmers and Thresbermen, ntivmlne these prlceH mid Indue ler yourselves li en " en Capacity. Cylliuler Wheels. Hills. 4 llorse I'ower. 5" x b" I 4V) en t Hi no ti llorse Power, i." x u" Kd w tot w H Herse Power. 7" x in" ivi 61 no II) Herse Power, s" x 10" 7WI mi1 Wi mi 1ft Hene I'ewer. V x is" low nei W ti iu llorse Power. Il" x 10" 1 IV) 0u liW (i We manufacture und keep lu stock thu lol lel lol lewlng koeIs, which are always ou hand : l'ertablu Knclueaen Wheels and Hills. Htatlenury KiikIiics, 2 te W) lloi-ae Power Htatlonery Hellers. 1'ortable llellers. 1'orUihle Haw Mills. Luru'e an-1 Binall Heller Feed rumpi t pump and hontert) cntuhlued Hteam 1'iimp. Hark. Cerk and Cob Mills. Pulleys, HhaltltiK and Uearlnn. Heuse Cellar Heaters. Creameries lltleil up. Hteaui HeatliiK a Specialty; Iren and lirass CastlliKS. Iren Tunksler Water and Oil. LlKhtaud Heavy Hheet Iren Werk. Hteutu and Water Pipes. Hancock IiiHidiaters. Valves and Fillluus. Andes A beu'a Uupataleia. Iltilld any Power or Style nt llellers. Kstl mates K'ven ter machinery, ltepalra prompt ly iindcaietully attended te. WALL WOUK (JUAllANTKKD.-Ua Jehn Best & Sen, (FKOritlKTOUH.) Ne. 333 East Fulton St., LANUABTKK, PA JanlWydAtv HAVINU 1JIHMOLVKI1 I'AltTWl'.llftllll' iinif petmaiiently clesed the Chestnut btroetlreu Works, Kleslte te lulnrm my old patrons and the publla Kenerully, that I am still In thu business, ImlUK located in the l'enn Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, where 1 am lmtklnif Iren and llruss Castings oievory doitrlptleu, and will be pleased te serve all who may favor me with their patron patron age. 'rem 40 years experience In thebuslness aud usIiik the best material audompleylnic the best mechanics, I am satlstlud 1 can ituur ituur antee entire satisfaction. Cimttnirg madu from a mlxturu el Iren and steel which are meru ro re ro lmble ler stieiiKth and duruhlltty than the beBt cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rellliur mill work a specialty. Cast ings made el very selt Iren, und brass cast cast IiikseI every duscliptlen. 1 have nil the pat ters at thu well and laveraliiy known Mowrer Cern and Ceh Crusher, refitted und linpievcd. Alse en hand, mills completely lltled up or in pints, te iiipluce old ones which luivubeeulu use ter yoais.KuatiinteetiiK theiu te ulvesut lstactien, ., , anull-Jluii' u,c. Modei.LKy, 1JI.KNTV tU IMITATE, HUT NONK TO ((Iiml the fte. Havana Clirara at ,., IIAlU'MAN'.i VM-LOW ITUONT CIQAIIJ Sl'OUK. THAVKT.ttH'H UUiltr. IAtHIAHIKH AMI ni I LI, I'.ltSVI 1,1,11 II II f CarB run nn lellnwrt l-ii"!iVJ!. ,'.R.IH;!?,:U',,,' "'I'eD.at 7, 1 an. i'.H ,..:."!:' "" Al.UntidKIleti. in, except en i J.Vv!.ylM.,,",,, ,l.,,,! ,,,Hl l'"r l,',,v " 1 '-l'. m in u. in., and 1, 3. ft iiml 7 p. in, BtiiidaV"" ,,H y " ftbeu' M," ucept en C1t,l5??V.iY.,,,',l.KIIAmi!i A (lUI.KIIItMOIv J VALLKY UA1LUOADT1MKTAIILK. euthwahii. i '.'.,,"!1.1?, J.onve 'i"1'"""" dally (meept Hun day) at il.sn u, in , Vi,s Mu 7.. .,, uu ' Arilvn ill Unniwnll at cue 11. 111 . 12.37 p 111 and ;lil v, iim ill CiiiMiwiiKfi at 7:72 a. ill.. 1:31 anil K:ai 11. in.. eiinueeltiiK Willi tlm I'enngy vanlii uilltiiiid torpeliila East and Went, MOHTllWAail. Trains leave C'onewiiKont 7 iu. 111., fli'liiiiiia H:' p. 111, Airlve nl Cornwall at 8 IIWi, in. , t:lH and in 1,1 p. m. I nt Liduiiieii atH.Ifclii. in., 1 Jilund VM p. 111., ceiiiii'cllnx ill Lebanon with l'lilladelpliln A lUadliiK railroad for pelutx Knst mid Wind, and tlie Lotmiien ,t Tienieiit IiiiiiicIi lor.lelnn town, I'lneKrove and Tieinent. Tlie ll.'ie a, m, tiuln will Mop only nl Corn wall, CeleluiHik mill lleltalre. CUtl.UMMIA A I'tlllf llulllnll UAH, ) UOAD T1MK 1 A III. K. Tnilnn new rim iei(ulHrlv en ilm CeIiihiI,ih Teri DepOHll Kallnvid en tlie rellciwliin tlmt, t " setrrilWAiili. V.it' A.M. A. H fi:W lli:35 .... 6:3.1 lu.N) .. .- 1M7 7:00 11:1.1 .. . 7:06 11: . .. 7.-W U:!M 7.W urn 7:17 ll:iW 7:tl U: 7:37 lLS'J 7:11 ll:.v, 7..M li.W 7.10 S.-ea Vl ai 7:.7 I'. H 3:13 U:'is 7 07 8:21 Will MO 1'i.M tr.i "" TA llelitl. KOaTHWAHb r.M ....Columbia.... Wiudiliif'ten.., ... CiesHWell ... . Hate Harber... .Hhunk's Ferry. ... .I'eiltlOA .erk urimce., ....Tueiiuan...., McCall's Ferry ..Flte's Kddy ., .fishing Creek, .Pencil llottem. ., COIIOMlllgd . Oclerara ... ...Tort i;eiMsll. ....rerryvllle... 7.M 7:3 UU 7il7 7:0S lr.,iUMi.ti (ii.tiniiiiA n. it. AllU.VNUK.MK.NTOFl'wSSh.NliF.U'IUAINH MUNDA1, SU1 lint, WI. NOIITIIWAUD. LKAVR. A.M.U-. Qaarrviiiii Umnuii.ir, Mmki... hiuicjvsier Chlchliw Mnrlutla Junction. .. Columbia. AttClVB. lavullliK A. M 7..W Mil K'.P I.:!'. i..JI S.lll 3.M 3.B 4.(4 7.JU 7 te 7- 7M 7.ai tin 1 ! it.' 5.W U13 HOUIllWAUD. LKAVX. UeAdlnK..... Anniv. Martnltn Junction Ublckliu llelutublii Lancaster i.tnoiater, Ulns'Ht A.M. I-, M. i."Je ft:W U.if V.i 8.1'J &J.I 7:1.1 S17 7:10 ft:l 7:ai fttw T.M Mm 7:2t 5UI v:a 7-10 4:13 7:l :Ki ll17 4:.l 0:11 4:11 fi:31 lift bSfll .M 3:11 A.M. U. I r.M. 7:i l'i.tti ti 1 , Utl r.M. 7.r.9 .40 .... 8. 940 'i:I0 .-:,1 : iln D'l.i J il .... ?...i te 4i j;, 6:.mi f, ti DM W itvriyvuie l nuns connect at Uivv. I nir ' wltn iinln. IkahiI lOtn 1'hllaili' phW, I'oitsrtlle. HarrtsnurK, AI lillteuu ur.u !w erk. vLi Hound rroek VUUUl, At COluuibti flth trains te anil Hum lern, Hanever, uettyibur;,, rnslerlck and Ualtt Ualtt mern. At Marietta Juiutlen with trains te and Irem chlckies. HHSHA1. Leavi yuarrj vllie, ;ui a. in.; Lancaster, klilU hlreel. Six p. in A'rtvit Iteadlii, Inte a. in , 7 li) p. In. Leave UeadliiK. a. in., I ui p. in Arrive Luucivdi i, Lliu hlreut, leso a ni lisfl p. iu., (juatrvllle, iid, A M Wll.'iif. IJKSKIlVLVAItlA i;.in,KOAi-M vr and uttur Hit Mil A UCHKDULE (lu NOVKMltKU.I.i.lS.'Cl. trains en I fan l'ennsyl Tanla liutlreail will arilve at and leavn thu L inc.uu and PhU'idelidiln depeUivs fellows.: Levi Ar Lunll'hl EiHTWAUD. Hall Kxpreits Philadelphia Kiproej rust I.lnu IlarrtsburK KxrMs Verk Accommodation arrlvrs ... Lancaiiler Accoreo l.it:en arrlvea. Celnmbla Aceouiuiei Jeu A.M. A.M Hi 31 t: :lu WW ji 8A5 WW MM r.. 12-M 13AS rre'lnrlctr Acco-ninedatton ariivee. Leck Haven KvprcH S:15 CM. 6.15 606 7- tl.18 Bnnday Mail Johnstown Kxpress Day Kxprens HarTlsbursf Accoiuinixlalten.. i-Ai S:lB 0.4.'. llntiever Accomuustittieii west, cennecUiiK at Lancaster Willi !, Iiumiii Kxpiees al '.115, whl run thniuh le Hanover ihtlly, except tliinday. rrMiuri'!i AOisiinimniaiien, wesi.eeunei'linK l Le.ne:uitr with Kast Line, went, al 1 . run tr.reiuh te K-.it-i ti-h. , wlf ,Le. Ar. WsrW4nti I'blllLan A.M. A.M 4.:x t:if 4.JU b:u 7.i :n 9.13 7-10 OR" 9.V, r.M. 11:10 Uift .... Pii r.M. 3:14 b;z 2J 4:4 7:30 S:ID 7:40 t):lu 11:1b 11. 'J) 1:35 Hews Kxpres, Way i'adnenuer Mall Train, Ne. I. via. ML Jey Mall Train, Ne. 2,vtn Cel uinbla,li..ivisi Xhittiiru Kxpiess Hanever Acceinin x'l-tlun leaves... rant Line rresluilck Accommodation leaves.. HarrliburK Accommelutloii Lancaster Accommeihillon lravm.. Columbia Accomtrtnlatleu Ilarrlsbury Kxprms Weetern KxpteAs I'acltlc Kxpreas UnrrlsburK Kxpress, wlilrhleavea Lancaster al7.lep tu uas direct cxiiitiecllens (without cbaiiKuef curs) te Columbia and Yerk. rim Line, west, en Sunday, when HiikkixI wUI stepnt Downtntrtewn,CiUiJVllle, Parkin burK, Mount Jey, KlUabuthlewn and Middle, low u. Day Kxpinss, Kimt Line, News hxiinvs. Mall Train, Ne. I, Westeiu Kxpuasand 1'uclflc Kx press run dallv. The tlme here ulvee Is Kailern lime, or that et the 75th meridian, whlce Is 1 minute aud S seconds taster than thai hurelotere used. I IIUAl.M.tll. AltllAJ4ir..1IKN1'4. HOUUSrOUCLOSlNU TIIK. MAILS. Ily Kullreud Nkw euk tiiiiecciii mail, 5.0(1 and 7 30 a, in., Vi-M p. in., .' W p. m. and a.ifln. m. Wav Mail, east, 7.C0 a. m DowniMrtewN, Leaiiian l'laie and uap, o:ie VliiCAliBLrillA Tlllieimil HAlt., 5:0 aiu! 7.Wll. in.. :IS a. m., PJ .Ml. 6 ue and - wi a. te. l'lTTBUlllO AWDMKSr, U.oeu.-in., I'-t) aiidie.l 'llAimisnuaiiMAiL.o.eonnir.'oOa m., l'-ii, 5:00, 7:15 and 10.13 p. m. Waymaii., west.ilMOiiudOnuu. in. llAivmimiu anii Wasiiimiten, via I'lilladul phla. ,vui p. in. .... IIai.tiwuiui ahe Wahiiimitem, vial eik, l.w p. III. IIaltimeiii: and WAsitiNuTeN.viallatrlshuig, 10:15 ji. in. . , , lliiiiiN-llAM, Chrlstlaua, I'urkushuu, Ceatesvllle anil DownliiKlewn nt I2:,"KI p. m. Cet.uuniA at O.ne a. m. 1 ;ui and 5 no p, in. Yemc AND lOIIK WAV, I .luaiiil 10 15 p. III. NORTIIUIIH CKNTI1AL, '.1.00 !m III.. l.JJ alld 10:11 !' ,n- .. .. UKAIltNO, Vlll ItKATIIMI AMI) COLUMIIIA It. 11., 7:0uu. in. and li'On. m Ukauimi, via Phliadelplila. 5:(0atid 11. en ti m ltUAmne wat, via Junction. LIHU, Man hulm, Kast llemplleld and Kphiatii, 3:15 p. in. euAimwiiXB, Carmartie, New Pievhleneu, West Willow, Martinsville, Uelton and Llmu Valley, 0:1ft a. in. and 5 00 p. in. Nuw Hella hi), Churehtewu, Orcenbank, illue Hall, Ooedvlllo, lleartewn and HprliiK Urove, by wayet Downlnntewn.at 0:15 p.m. and 11:00 ip. m. ,n aw im. OAVU 1IAII1IOK, Via uwiui. ,,,,.., ..w ,, .... ...... lly BtaK-8lackwater and Sale Harber, dally, at 4:oe p. in. Te Mlllersvllle, 8 und 11 ) u. m..niid I p., in lllnklev's ilrlilKU, Leuceck, ilarevllle, New Helland, 8:30 p. in. , . . Willow Street, Sinlthvllle, lliick, Clieslnut Level, Oreen, return' Creek, l'leiisiint Urove, Ueck HpriiiKs, Kalriueunluiid Uowluudsville, Md dally, iit7:U)a. in. Laniiis' Valley. Oreijen, West Karl, Farm ersvlllu. Nellsvllle, lllnklotewii, Turre Hill, Martlndale, dally, afi.SOp. in. Uieunlatul, Kurtlllty, Lampoter and Wheat land Mills leHlrnshurif, dully all p. ni. New Danvllle, Conesteua, Murtlovllle, Cole, manvllle, Mount Nebo, llawlliisvlle, Mo Me Mo thesda and Liberty squaie, dally, at,":30 !' " On Sunday evuiiiiitf, malls east and west oles nl 10.00 p. ui. WIIKN Ol'HN Vqit UKL1VKHV. Arrlvliu: bv Mull Kastnrn mall, 0.30 a. in.. lO.ue a. in., 3.00 and :! p. m. Kasturu way mull, lo.eoa. m. Westuni Tiull, o.ae und 10.00 a. m.,2.00nnil 7:(ltea,iliiiB, via. Heading and Columbia, 5:30 P' Western way mall, fiSlti. m. IteadtnK way mall. 10: Ien. in. (juiirryvlllu llraiich, Ml5u. iu. and l:0e p, m, Arrivine by htne Krem Kule Harber and Slackwuter, at O.ee u. iu dally, rrem Mllleiivllle, 7 und On, tn and 4 p.m. Kium New Helland, nt 'J:'M a. in., dully: Frem llolandsvllie, Mil., at l.oep.m. Heading way mall, at le.liuii. in,, dully, riemSlrashiirtf. ut!):J0 asm,, dally. Kiem Uuwllnsviilu, at ll:(0n. m, Kiein Turin Hill, at l0:Cea. in. ;UNIIAY I'tlSTOKl'IOK UOUltH, On Btiuduy the postelllco Is open Irem April 1st te October 1st, from 8 te e a. in., and Irem 0 te 7 p. in. i from October 1st te April 1st, Irem 9 te It) ft, in,, und Irem U te 7 P. in, ,