Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, June 26, 1884, Image 3

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    -- v; vrmtf tlwwrsW&W&i
1 " " (
IVntrieii Aualiiht it 'I Illicit IHliiillir-le-lltupiuiii
nii'iitijtim il i,'e, u. In lm weun-
innrlUli'il rcntin Annul Town,
Mr. .1 It, Woeil, general passimum
ttgenluf thu Pennsylvania t,illre:iil com
p.iny, has sunt :i (e mceiits of thu
Olltllpahy, Wltll It H'HIICNt, tll.ll COpleS III
till) S11III0 1)0 Mlllt ttl llll Schools, llOlllelllil'B
ami titlitir ctliiuttiiiiml establishment! lit
tlilh vicinity. II leads iih fellows :
"Tim publlu In o.ititlenotl against a
swindler win), nntlur tltu assumed name of
Wilsen, Htuane, etc., haH Ijcuii collecting
lummy hi agent tif tliu I'QiittHylviinl.t rull
mail company, by loprcHeullug Unit hels
authorized ttt null tickets lit reduced rittuH,
ami usually demanding small ikIviiiieuh for
expennu of printing, eta.
Ouiitliiis'tlnlliiK llttiiitinnl Mlltllmiiitii.
It will be" reiiiuniliutiMl by tlie ronderH of
tllO l.NTII.I.K.I.NI i.u, tll.U Ullpt. I). II.
I'iihu, iif Ce. 0., Uli Hegt.. N (1. P.,
tlnii.iluiKMl te oeiitttnartial any tnuinliur
of tlie company who dltl nut .irticiiute In
Hit) ittintiiit nprliiK inioetioii hulil .May 1.
ijtitte it number of tlie members
wero nut In iittoiul.iuce that night,
mul new thuy nru te lie punished,
ut Inst it i se intimated They
luive 1 con netilled te :iii3;vr this evening
ut, 7 JO o'clock, bofero it court of Inquiry,
which hits been itipeititu(l by U.tpt. U.ise,
when mul wheru tlitiy will In compelled,
nntlur oath, te Htiitu thulr reasons ter net
being present at thu May inspection.
'I'hi'lr falling te put In :m appearance will
bu iiiiinctliittuly tiirni'il ever te thu
ii' ceitrlmarltul, whilu IIiumi who
tle itllenil, mul gtve utitt.itlnf;ictury renst nti
will he similarly dealt with.
ICnlilieit it Itut Our.
A low days age, lluiiry MuFall broke
open it box, whit'h wan leaded with
household goods, at fJouewlugn kUUiiii,
mul stelu therein). ti .t Mint el clothes, sov sev
ir;il Nilvur pitted I; m vim ami forks, ote. P.
It. It. ilutrctivci hunted for mid leimil him,
mill when arrested hu en tlie stelen
clothes. Ue was taken tn Ceil uuinty,
Mil., mul ceiiiiinttuil te Jill te itwmt
lit COIIIt.
letllui;4 Areuuil li,u.
'I'lui Yerk .ie) iinmeJ.iliDii w,i much
behind tinie te d.ty.
Tin) M. 10. mi. I Ce' ilt hi in elitpd Sunday
m-IioeIs spjnt :t very day .it Litit.
Owing te th.i dis i.:u oible weather tlie
Picsbytcri.ius will net go t.i hint, until
te morrow.
A ear Jumped thu nver tt:tl yesterday
whilu being shifted.
Mr. II. U. Veiiiii; mid family ,tte vni'tliiK
ti Phllitdulphui mul ISreuklyu.
Mr. (ioe. Milltti, iH't'd 'Jl, (I luil of con
Htiiuptien yrhtunliiy morning.
Hmi Uyeu, who w.ih hccuhimI .mil iiud
for wifu buitim, in Htill ti miff IidiuIh. Km
ciihe w'iih te h.ive bui'ii bc.irtl by 'Hipine
Flunk jrHtiTtl.iy, but eviti te tlm l.tet
ihilt It Will pleb.ibly buM tiled, tlie lii'.ine
witH ii.di limti'ly piititpeiii I
Thu ruuiuiiiH ut Mikh M try, d.tiuliter of
'.-ipiue Htinter, woie tueiik;lit te t'eliiiiibit
from It.iltuueiu I.ihL cvcuiut,', mid intmrtil
in Mt. liotbel cemutiuy. 'fMpure lluutur
mill fmmly formeily ro.iiile I in llii
Mr. I. W. M ly'n IibIiel.ii bud :t eiy
pluaMiut timii .il Wikl C'.it I'.iIIh yintiml.'iy,
ili'Hpitu thu tinny wrathn aid thu pirioiii'e
of it liumbc. et rewd'.Ch 1 1 nil) Vei It, Willi
meulted thu t.'ulum Iji.iiih in nniie one
Tiir. .iir.i iiuDis i.i
Uiilitt'irlli i) Aiijiiiirlin AH r I'mniiii It lit
IlllKllltsn 1)1 IIIIIHllll.lil'l,
Thu I'onfcrenoj of thu African M K
chiiK'h for thu Hiuttn-iHti-rii dtriet el
Puutihylvjiil't rcanfunibli'il in the Straw -berry
blrcut cbuich at 'J p in. )uHtinhty.
Tint uciiniiiittiu en thu n lny of thu
pn'hliliin; uldur ripettid a i.'.Milittieii up
portioning; tlie nxpuiiMit el the prunidiii
eldunli'p mi iaeli ut' l li l.itly-'inu churches
of tlie ill.ttni't Tlt iiM-iei'Hiiii'ut vvai lUril
at llve ct'liti lachini tin) J.-KIO I'litlruh
iiimubuiH el thu di-liiu. 1'ne irtiolutieii
was iiuaiiimetiHly ndej-Uil.
Alter a number had njiuIuii hep)(itlly nl
thu HUt'ct'hs el tin) new H)Ntuin el bavnii; a
prumiliiiK I'liler, which winit into t'llcct
.Intiu 1, with Ilov. C C. I-VIl., or Pluladcl
phut, as tlitit nciiiii.tnt nl tlie ellici1, Hemu
roMilutieiiN wiiu diIcumI mi Siiuil.ty-kclinel
and cliuich weik. Then iiiltodiiclieu
nucaKteinil tllrii'if'Meii until adjoin nint'iit Jl
l:;i(l o'clock
AtS p. in tli confcri'iice .iij.iui ashcin
bled and U'..u.iMuninly adeptid tint ri'Helu
tien pri'Huiitu 1 by Hevh, Tiiompseu and
ItobiiiNeu en Sunday mul chiirub
work. A blank lerin for thu cl.nn leader's
lopert te ipiarterly coiifuieiici, umbracitiK
KtatiHticH el thu claM tctupeial mul
Hpiritttnl, wan the.i atleptud.
A rcholulieii was .iKrced te roceintnond
mi; tlie HttiwarilrHSCH untl pteHitluutn of the
ilillurunt chiireh erauiz ttieiin an honorary
inumhurH of tlie quarterly confiuenco. A
let m of report was adopted for holiday.
HL-hoel HiitieriiitendcutH and ether ullieein
in tnakiii; their reports te cenferencn. J
Hcv. A. A. Uibiimen, of Mount I'mi-ah
church, Philadelphia, wuh appointed an
ftateriial deluatu from thin district, te the
Dulaw.ire (Jmtricteoiifeieuce. It wai. re
xelvcd te held tlie nex ineetint; of con
fi loneo in Allen chapul, Pliilatlclplila, en
thu laHt Thuthtl.ty of April, 1SS5,
KcfolutieiiH mderNiiiK Uev. Pell.'n
courHe im piuHidiui; eldur, and tbaulciiiK
tbe niciiibuirt of tlie church for their kind
rcceptieu woie then adopted, after which
nt ll):'J0 o'clectt tlie conlurciice niljeuruetl
with prayer tv the pnnidiuK elder, mid
benediction by Iti v. NehIh.
Announcement w.ih titade prier te thu
adjournment that tlie first quarterly onti enti onti
feruncu by tlie preHiduu; elder in tlie local
church would bu held at, ti o'clock thin
I'lllIfAIUNll KIIK 4'tl.linir.NtJKniKM'.
Kiirty-l'lVD Urmliiiiten nt Alllleravlltc Kuur
Silaiillllu lirrtdiliilnii,
The MilloiKville normal noheol exaini exaini
natiens, which beati ou Monday, olcned
ut neon yesterday. Tite examiimiB were
K. 1'.. lli'bee, tttate Ktiperiiituntlmrt ; Dr.
N. (J. Bcliauller, piiueipal of Ktit.tewn
Nermal Boheol ; Prof. M..I. Hreeht, Hiiper.
intendmit of Ij'incaiter county; I), CI.
Williams, Miporlntendeiit of Yetk comity,
mul Prof. Sbaub.
Of the forty llve urailuates this year,
four tire from tbe fiuiontitle and forty are
f loin the elementary dcpartinent, an fol fel fol
Iewh :
Solentllle UeurHO J. W. Cooper, W.
N. Ehrhnrt, W. C. .Iiicebi, Veryl PrcBten.
Hlumuntury Ceurse: Alice M. Arneld,
Mery 8. HreniiiH, MeliHia M. De Vero, Klla
Ij. Kberman, Lucy Harris, Alice Ilun Ilun
uicker, Anna M. llutchiiiKeii, Harriet
lluteliins, Kll.abuth A. Kemper, Kuinia
li. Jenes, Amanda Loni;enockor. Carrie
lv Myers, I.llliau it.Mollinger, Martha II.
MIchuner, Hulle II. Mooney, iHabel iMo iMe
Hpiirriui, Amelia Nier, Umlly M. Obcrlln,
Hmily N. Peltf, Hmlly Pititzuimi, llva
Htoveiiben, Heiiler Hjiceht, Alice 0. Whee
Icr, .Line M. WoeiIh, U. U. liuclcnian, J.
II. nattlerf.S. P.CtiHtnril. II. II. Christian.
.I.H. Pelton, I). .I.OrilllthH, Heward T.
Kyle, (I. V. Ivnpp, .1. K. Hlrat, .1 . II. Mebr,
.1. II. Mellwaln, C. P. Mieheuer, .1. II
Miller, W. It. Nnmnnu, U. 8. Sharp, K.
W. HiulU, W. II. Wntseti.
Mr. V. Preston pasaed the oxaminatlen
in both coiirseH, MIhb Knima V. Iiakcr,
Laucaster, w.iu oxaminetl with the eIjb.s in
the olemontary oeurso and roeolvod it
piiictlcal toacher'n .
The oxnmlnatleua wero nearly nil in
wrHii);n'i'l took lua wlde langoef luain
int; untl accomplishments. Dr. Iliitbce
conducted tlie tests in inental rcletice,
school economy and teachiug ; Dr. Heliuel
for in niatlicmaticaaiul natural phlloiephy j
Prof. Uxceht iu orthegrnjihy, rhoterio,
pliyRlolej,')', craininar ntid Latin : Pi of.
WlllluuiH In Ktiei;rnpby, lilntery mul United
Au oral uxmiiluittleii in boek-luicpliif,'
wan ueutluclml by Dr. Ilinboe, olio In
drawing by Pief. Moutuemery, mid ene in
elocution by Ibe miMiibiTHoftlie eommltlec,
aHlstid by Pief. Iltiebrli). Dr. IIIbee
and l)i. H.ilnell'i'r exiiiiilned thu iiI.imm In
thn luiliMitille "noiiiHe in Hit) br.iucliDH bu
IeiiIui: te thu neiirM). Net ene of thu
lari;e iiIukh fiilluil te ptun thu exaiiiiiiiitlen,
'i'hu hacealatireitti) Hurineu will bu
preauhiid next Holiday iiieruttiK lit U):'M,
In thu normal ic'toel cb.ipel, by thu Itev.
J.M. Wheeler.
Meetlliit of the Allltillli ilHHOcilllleti, Will
nuhday, .July 'J ; e niiiiiontTinent, July !),
II l'l'l.l-.l Il.tKKIMI I'.ltl.
Wlui I'lillnil inllil 'lliclr riiinln 'lu-ilnjr.
Kilty lawytim untl it half ten of loe
wiire te i;e out te What (linn park
thin foieneou te held tlm annual nil tiny
picnic of thn Iaiic inter It t r itHnociatieu, H.
II. Ueynehlh. A. .1 Knuiruian, W. A.
WIIkeii, II. V lMihiinan, W. U. IIiuibdI
mul 0. I. IjiiuIw were tlm ciiumiltcii run
ning lliuitlbilr, with G. W. Kckert mul II.
K. Hliiyuiaki'i iih able auMintaiitii. 'I'hu
KreiiutlH wiiiu h r damp unrly tbiH
meniitiKi but the lianinteirt were tlry ; and
tlm ceimiiittei) at. tl tin help bean about
0:110 it. tu. te held a imrluH of Hpucial
meet I ii); h te ileteiiiiiun what they
would tle about it Heme of thu
Hubacribcrn wanted te i;e out te What
(Pen, mul writ) j:l id they had mtuli line
cool wiMther for ll H ililoef tbein wanted
te adjourn until te mortew mul liave a
niaudamttH IshiiciI dueetiiij; " Old l'rebn"
te ftiruinh it fair day. Olhcrn HUKUHtuiI
that a tmupermy liijuiiclleti itualimt rain
wsih thu proper lemudy. Otlmrn were for
hiriup; it hall at encu mid lieldiaa plouie
ludoeiH, in thu city.
A uncial mcetltii; for eoni'uUatien wan
bold in fietit of tlie daw building at, U
o'clock, the cli.iirniau eccupyiui; thu lire
iltiK and tlm M'utetary Keeping tlie mill
iiten lu thu Kuttei wit'i an tiiiibndl.i. Tlie
ipicntinn wan loin; mid elaborately nrili'd.
Finally It wai at'iced te w.tlt. it day and, if
thu weather iminevutl, tnu te What (lieu
te uieriiiw ; if ii"t te bold tlie piouie
undercover in town (JouiiHOller North
went te Columbia, mid (.'apt. Cihu took
thu tiaiu for Matiett.t.
A ltii.iiniiilrrii.iii
After thii, ethei uieuibi'iH el thu bar
o.iine upon thu kci'iiii of imlien ; thn imp-t-ileui
idemeut who wem " .mm " pimt.
peiiement ebtalueil tieru'ti mul hoeuhmI a
rccuimidcratleii It wai urgently hIiewii
that po.stpeni'd tliniM never nucui'eil ; and
that iIiitii win: I'leuieiitH of picp.iratieu
ler the iI.iv'h event weiildu't keep.
Thu bread for lli iiccaninti had come
from the Vienna ballet y in Philadelphia ;
thu lobster, caught t'hpecmlly lm thu
pimiic, had thu e.itern el the hiiiiiihh en
thorn when iiiki-u ; and thu clams had
walked all Iho way f mm I.itllt) Neck te
Ket huie en timt'. Mr. Heuliuntur h id
ceuiu en Irem wiii'.riu New Vei k ler one
day only.
TliebO cotihiileiatieim prevailed. Thu
UtalwartH wen thu day North mul C'.ihe
went tuleplieiii'd te ciiue back. Thu pic pic
me bean at hifjh nueit in Hxceliiier hall,
The iIikiih am u inled, keepthc; roperturn
out ami lawyern tu.
until Multiui. Ai.ij.iiM.
KltltlUK tlm MiMiinrj- nl K.nrlv llliuiil llilJB
hi ii rimHiil lliillmi let;.
Tlicie was a ioed attenilauce of thu
malu and lemali) dep.iiitiientH el tlm city
hik'b coin ii'h lu thu I. it" mom of the
KirU depaitmi'iit et the Inli hchoel
building I. lit uteuliiK. Mr. .I.tineH I'.
(Jablu eilli'd thu mett in.' te order, and thu
follewm.' pm.jraniiiui w in i llecltvely car
ried nut, thu M-i'il n-dectleilM built;; te
ccitcd with laver.
" Alumni March,' ci:upeni'd and len
iluretl by Prof. Ilaan ; v.umI nole, " Ueavcti
Hath Sited a Tear," Katie Slink ; leuita
turn, ".I. i in ie," Ain.tii'U I.aiuliH ; "Uintety
of thu Aliimin," by tbe neuiuty hiHteriau,
.liiliti Sevder , vocal nole, "When till)
Unburn Nent A. mi," Mm. II. DIi.ih ;
entity, "Muily of Pujitteil Sfienci'," Wal
ter P. IviiiK ; ten, "Ijidy of Pro Pre Pro
veiince." Sue HarkiiiH ; vocal nole, " Ave
Verun," Prank McUlain ; recitation,
"Prem Ktile," l.mra Palek ; bans hoIe,
Vemau'H Wedding .March (Fltminy), .lehn
(! Waifel ; recitation, "TitiBtin Ileavun," kuiH; i.'.sHiy. "Scheel Dreams and
Alter l),iy," Satlie Kleininc; ; violin sole,
Prof. Keviiibki ; leciiatieu, " Katiiua'n
Trip te New Vml:." Amanda LuiiIih ;
viical miIe, "Iit Me DriMiu AK.tin," Mary
ricner , " 1'ivu.iiy Veam A;e," 1). II. Sen
i,e nii;.
At thu noiichiHieii el thu pret;iatiiitiQ a
biislue.iH tnrntiii v,ih held, nt which thu
follewlni' eiUj.uh wero eleutud for tlie
hiiIiir year : President, Walter P. ICi
ie uu
in ;
vice iiri'HiileutH, Hint, hriHtnati ;
Hi'oeml, .fehn Snvder ; coireHpeudiiii; hoc
rotary, (Jcoriie P. K. KriHiutu ; rocerdiiiK
aecretary, II. 1. Spencer; trcamirui,
Amanda LandiH ; liihteriau. C. L. Frantz.
rim following ceminittccH wero thou ap
pointed by the uuw prosident :
Kxcctitive Coiniiiitti'e MifH Harriet I.
Citrt'H, Mms Iiura Palek, Mr. W. Scott
Adler, Mr. Clarence StonnlelU.
Piuauce Coinmitteo Mr. Heward P.
Ilayn, Mr. Prank V. McClain, Mr. Chailes
Hcithhti, Mr. Ih.i:ie llartmau.
At the coticlutiieti of the business meet
ing tho.Me present .idjeiuned te another
room, where lcfreshnientH were Horved.
Illtiiril' Hilcurnitlll I'll I r.
At a meetinj; of the beard of iuau.ii;urH
of the Oxfenl Agricultural society the
repert of the treasurer showed the fellow
mil' in repaid te the nprini; fair : Adniis
HieiiH, 41,(171. 10 ; entry fees, ?ir.lO.'Je ; ut
Icih, jai)l Ti-a total el fJ.iJOl 80. ThiH ia
mi exoeBii of saii Oe ever last sprin'H fair.
The expenditures wuie : Premiums,
ijllli .10 ; oxpeuseH, 180 07 leaving a net
balance el $1,000,113. The oeiit of rcpairn
en the ijieuudH mul biiildiiiiH thin nprlnc;
ameunled te &V27 70. The fall fair will be
held September '.M, 'J5 mid 20.
Iliiruml ey Uiml Oil.
Shortly bofero noeu Woduesdny, u
terrible accident occurred te Mrs, A. N.
liruncuiau, Ne. -10 Went Kiiif; streut, by
which hlie mif'ht have lout her life. She
applied a inateh te it coal oil hteve, mul
without a memuiit'H warniit; the htove
expleded, threwiui; Iho buriilugeil all ever
her. With much tlllllculty the llameH wero
extinguished, but net until a ureat part of
Mrs. llreiieman'H hair was burueil ; untl en
both sidtH of her face anil ou her back
lare space h iire crisped.
li'rnerry Mture ICubtieil,
Laet niuht the grocery store of Otte
Pachulbe, comer of Duke and Middle
Htreets, w.ih brekuti into mid robbed,
The money dra wer, centalnliij; batwoen
II f teen and twenty dollars wan rillctl, The
thief or thluves entered by btealtini; tlie
cellar deer. The money drawer wuh car
rled te the cellar. Mr. P.iuholbe ofteru a
reward of tlfty dollars for the arrest untl
conviction of tlie rebbers.
Kxcurduu tu Uretiun.
Tlie Pcntihylvauia railroad Imu arianned
for a Hpoelal oxcursleii en July 1, te Cres
heii, the beautiful ineuiitain rcseit en the
Allegheny mountains. Tite train will
leave I.atioiihter ut 1:05 p. tu, of that day.
and will have handsome, coaches. Hound
trip ticket, geed for 10 day's, including
it lull day's beaid at Ctcimuu Mountain
liutiKe will be $8.
Vlalif ik i.Hiirjtiiter,
J. Milin.f.uuis'jii, fortuerly of this city,
nowef liucks county, ami a inumber of
the I'cuusylvnnlA icliluture, ami Sirs. J.
uie visiting the family of Dr. W.N. Amer ,
hla brethur-Iu-Jaw, thin eity.
HilliintiM (or IIUniuK,
The follewlni; MibitenaH for iIIvoieph
have jtiHt bieii Imtieil : Prank Pill, vs.
Mary 1). Fills; ; Ilulleck vs. .lehn
Trnt l'itiiiimil.
The tint which wan iidvertltuid te take
plitce ut the park te mortew Iiuh been mjhU
poiied, ewliu; te the oendiliou of tlie ttaeV,
ilia Miilil,
Kli;ht ek'olrle untl thirty four K'aheltiiii
lampH lelimed te de their weik List night.
.1 lliietlilnnk'a liiiuil rurliina.
Peter Miilhellatiil, n bootblack, who ban
K'tineil Heme notoriety about Philadelphia
pelice head tpiaiterH by penterlni; the
mayor for it position en the pnlice force,
appeared ut his regular stand Wednemley
without his box, but with SUOO In
money. Whun " 8harkey " and " Jf illy
the bootblack," his matcH nt the
Centrnl oflleo, rocevoretl from their tm tm tm
toninhment milllclently te link him whence
the iiioney c.tnie he informed them that he
had 1,UU0 In cash and .'.5,0()U in teal
estate bcniile. Then he took tlie pair te it
nuiuhberlni: restaurant, gorged tliuin with
it fifty cunt banquet, mul divided hi
benediction and IiIh " kit " betweeu tlii-iu.
" Petor, the boetblaok," haH a llttle history
of martyrdom of his own. He was a.
Chloatie bootblack oneo, mul Kiveu it
t ity in which te loave town by tin iinse
elation of liis comrades whom he hud
refused te join mul who bad a'ieed te
ralse tbu price of a pelirh He cmue here
mul with bis wife and llve eblldteii took it
Hinall loom in a teiiement-beiin). I.Kt
Meiiiluv Mulhelhititl'H wife'H mother, Mar
garet, Pitperalii, iliul in Ht. .leseph'H lios lies, mul Peler was uferined tlntt the old
lady had hoiuuIiew iiuiaised il,.MKJ in c.ihIi
and real estate s tld te lu win ill i2" OIK),
which nhu had left te her daughter mid
'l lm 'fiiilrrt liuve a wenitiTliil Niile. mul
wlij llrcniHii tliey euro Hiuk teliu. Htlll
.lelntH, 1'iiln In lii'i Nliln ami nil hiiiiini'Ki In
tiny part. 1'i'iiplu appieulnte llumi. Any Ol n
Klxt, .5 :Ih.
A Klr Oltnr.
lint VeLTAli) IIklt Ce., el Miii-mIihII. Allch.,
eirni te hiiiiiI III, Dye's t'elnlitutDil Vultiili- llt-lt
and Klectrlu Appll inees ou tilitt, ter tliltty
ilnys, le niiiii, nlil mul yiiitm;, iiIIIK'IimI wltti
nerviniM ilelilllty. Ien vitality, anil nmiiy
etlii'l' illHM.i-'m. Si'O itilvetthuiiieiil In UiM
P'lliiir. itl.iyilM.W.t t Aw
'I'll kIiimi nl Iiiiiii mlty illiil.iyi luet iiliiiilen
timii liniiii'ily UeiiHen i.Ii'mii'h hinuliiir
Se.ili. "Hill's Halt mul WliUkuf llyi',".Vi in
"Mens Mini tu i-iipetu H.niit ," " A MOUllil
in I ii I III iiKeiiiul limly" H llm Ir.nbi in. irk nl
Allrn's lltiiln Kim. I. mul wniiiiiiie our re.ul"rs
Hint, It tlNi.itlitleil ultli I'ltle t ueiihiie-ii el
llliiln or lieillly peiverH, tills teiiieily Mllltiet
liiiineiitly Hliuiiitlinii lietli. (I. Al ilrutrnl-it.-i,
or by iiiult from J. II. Allen, ,'U'i 1-hit Ave.,
New Unkllty. Muni iv , or l,lirni, tine HMI
l.ull'H I'OKOUM PI.ASTKK. I'llen, runt
relO Oy II. II. leclintn, iliiii:i:lit, I37 unit I'M
Nei til (Jmxjii street. I. line liter. elillaeilf
Uilll't Miy rniiiicli,
" I eiintlflt spi'ilk Iim lllltllly nt lluritnck
llleixl Hitler . tlmy litivu t-uii u lili es
Inn te inn. Clin il me nl lillleiiitiu m itiulil)i
pi'lixlii triini wtili-li I IihiI Milli'ir.t ler yi-iiiD."
Mr. .1. Murrli, Hunk el Totento, Out. l-erniiln
liy II. II. Cnuliruii. ill mritlst. 11 mul IX) Nerlli
ijiteeu street, I.iincaster.
limn te hlui It.
It's tee liiul.sti' or Maitinn. lull ilen'L i;nt
lilirhtimuil. mil litlr li liillliit; nil's
eertiiln A itluni'" lu Hie mil i or, or au loves leves
tlu'MlliHt iiiminltti'i" nl Illinois tell tlu illitinii
Htery. Wii won't illn'iiit tlm iie-sllilii eauie.
tt Is eiiuiiKti Hi it I''s Hair lliilsitm uii'.l
new will previml luitliiti ilestliii'tlen. Is
jour li.ilr seiiieivliat uniy. tee. met irlip?
All-, yiM. I'lui ItiiNmii will ulvr luvk Hu Hu
eiUI'Mil iiili'f, HiilltuiaH mul nlets. Nulaillr,
nei oily, eli'H.iiitly priliiuiiiil. a pili''t iIh-mi-Iiii:
.iiitv tu .iiciirH titMlth.
I ...i'Iiim Htnini;ii Hint uiiv hud will sillier
limn in lumiy Ot iitiiiruiiieiilH hr'j"Klit uu I'J
llll liiiiini I iinilllliin el tlie UIiwmI, wliim HI O-VII.I.'.s-.AKSAI'Altll.I.A
or Hl.tlOD AM) I.IVKK .41 IVV will lesteru
li'iliiet lieultli te llinpliytUealorKiiiiUiitteu. It
U liuli'iiii a slriuiirtlieiiliiK sjntp, pleimaut te
lake, a 1I lins irevim Itwi'lt te In) Hut Ixiat
III.OOI) I'l'lllr'lKH ever illscovereil, elleel
tiiuiy i-iiilni; N'letiila, Syplilltlc illiierilertii
Wi'.iknens el tlie Moneys, Kryilpuliki, Slain
Hit' all iini'veni ill-ietileri mul ilelilllty, till.
Ions i iiiiiilulnt.iittul all ill leiisei Itiillciitlu mi
en. ion' iiiiiilltleu et tlm Itleixl, 1. Iver, Kill
ueyn, Hteniaeli, MUn, etc. !t eetrm'ts Imll
Ki'htien. A stiiKle liettle will piove te you Its
liuults una lunillli ivnower, ler 11 AtJ'l'b I, IKK
A til AK.M, espi-ciiillv lieu tliu cempliilut U
el no exIiauitlMi miiiirn, liuvliu;ii letuleiu-y te
besun Hie ualiiial vli;nr et thti liralu mitt iter
veitd .lysleui.
ivKlt'M PAIN PAN Atl'.A Clues a pitln In
iii.iumul lieitaU b'er me utcimilly ami Inter
tiiilly. KKDllOlfK l'OWDIilth euro llll illse.wei)
f horse, ciUtlii, nlu iii, Iieks, poultry unit nil
l.uiihleck A I'OMTIVKCCKK. niiiyil-a
I'ersnlii ut II. It. (.'eelirim's ilrui; stele Vil
Nllltll Ullllllll hi ) llll
Avelit I'llli HeliiK liiiKelyeniupi'seit ut mer
cury they evetitiuilly ruin tlm stomach, lint
Allen's Dillons Physic a veiritntilu iiiHliuu,
acts ipilckly, mul iilluctuiilly cures, ilienls.
Allill DliiKKUta. I'.'.'l UvilM.WAKtw
llajr lrcver mul Hese Uelil
I can lecemmeuil Kly's Cream Malm te re
lieve all persons sutlurlliK Irani llesu Celli mul
lluy rover. 1 luive heun u Kieat siiuerer Irmu
these complaints ami hnve tteuil tt. I have
reeeiiiuietiileit It te many et my Hlemlsler
Ciitmili, ami 1h all cases where they have useil
Ihu Halm freelythey liavtihueu eiueil T.lieu.
uuy, Dry UoeUs Murcliunt, lthacii, New eik.
ltcucueil from Ueiitti.
William .1. CeiikIiIIii, et beuiervllle, Mas'),
says: "In thu la 1 et Is'U 1 was tulteu Willi
llt.KiuiiNii ok I.UMmtolliiweilliyimuvereceiiKh.
1 leit my iippetltuaml llejh, ami mint eenllueil
te my heil. Ill 1877 1 was luluiltteil te tlie lies
pltal Ihu ilocterj sum I h.ul a liole lu my
liuiK as hlK in u halt tlellar. Al iiiid tliiiea
lepeit went meiiml that 1 win iluitil. 1 ipive
up hope, hut u Irluiut lelil uiu et Hit. WII.-
1.1AM llAI.I.'ailAI.8ASt KOK TIIK I.UNI.S.
1 t;nt a liettle, when, te my Bin prise, I com.
ineiiceil In leel better, mul te ilny 1 leel Imltur
tliau ler tliiee years past." )u'.)-'iw
I'.vcry Weman In tlm l.iiiui
ewes It te herselt anil her lamlly te take emu
el her health. lieu alie Units hur health
lulling, mul ilublllly mel wenkness, umler
inlms lierstreuitli, her sttiust ami best iem
oily Is Klilney-Wert. It hiilhls up the cenetul
health, keeps the sucielery systmu In petlucl
elder, ii'Ktiliiti'd the KUIneys mul liewels, en
ables theeu Important ui;aim toieileim their
utiluial fiiiictteus tu throwing oil thuacciim.
ulateil Impurities of the beily.
files I riles I I'llral
Hme.cuie for lllliul, llli-eilliiKaml ItchliiK
Piles. One box has ctireit ihe worst ease el '.M
yeaiHsliuullUK. Ne out) neeil sutler live inln
tttes itller itHlnir William's Imllau I'lln Obit
incut Itabseibs tumei-s, allays Itchlnir, nets
til poultice, ulves Instant telliil. Prepaieil
only ler Piles, ltchltitt el thu pilvale parlB.
netnliiK else, behl uv iliUKKlsts ami liuilleil
en receipt of palee, f I. Hulil liy ll. II. t'oeh t'eeh
ran, ilr iik'Klst. 117 mul U'J Net thtiueen slieet. 1
Motneral Olntnerail Motheral
Am you disturbed at nlglit ami hrekt n el
your lest by it sick child suirerbiK mul crying
will) tliu exuruclatliiir pain of uuttliiK Utilli 1
11 se, e at once and nut it tietUenlMHM. WIN.
UI.OW'HBOOTIIINU SYltUP. It will relluvn
tliu peer llttle Batterer immediately depend
upon It; there Is no mistake about It. Tliure Is
net tt mother en earth who h.n ever used II,
Who will net tell you at once that tt will
ruculnte tlie bowels, mid kIve rest te thu
mother, and rutlut mid health te thu child, op.
erutliiK llke iniigie. It Is perlectly Hale te use
In all ciians, and pleasant te thu taste, and la
tlie prescription of ene of the eldest mul he it
foumle physicians In the United Htatea. ,8e t
everywhere. 23 coma a bottle
imu'3l-lydM,W.84w AitrjenTinr.MxtiTH.
NN te IlKKNKfllAN'a
We want te reduce our very large stock of Children's
Carriages, Ice Cream Freezers, Refrigerators, Water Cool Coel
ers, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hese, Croquet Sets, Ceal Oil
Steves, I lammecks and ether Summer Goods. Te de se
we are offering especially LOW PRICES te wholesale and
retail buyers. An examination of our very large stock will
convince any one of the Hargans that may be had. Our
Goods are all selected mere en account of their superior
quality than as te cost.
Cel.tKN's l.lipiM Heel 'lonle Is iiiltiilrably
ii'lupteil ler liimiile.) luilellcate m-.iU'i. Vol Vel
tlcii't; nu e(ier. Ol tlruKuUls,
MALAntA positively uiireil wlili Kuuiry'ii
Htutuliiril (Juie I'llls.ii never lulling remeily:
liurely vexeliiblK, teutnln no miiIiiIiiii. suxiir suxiir
enteil. i.'i (imts. Wllwil.M.WAKAw
Dr. I'mltir'n AlnKle lllntiiietit.
Thu i rii' est lihisilni,' (bat Inn liriie ills
eevi rml lu Mils uoti'iiullen. A mitt' cute ler
HelN, lliitim, hetei. Iliils, He-Hi Weunils, Hern
Ninpien, Hulil mul Helt (.inns, i;ii)iip-i i.ip,
mul Humls, rimpliv, mul lllntcliiH. I'llcu Nh.
H0I1I liy DrilKtflstri. H0I1I liv II It t;lijlliu 117 mul U'.l Nerlli Olimn sli net. (I)
Utirml nl Hiiiiiik
"t mil well ami happy uK'ilu." s'lysnur la't
rorrespetulent, .Mlus .limiiln P. Warren, 7I) IV.
Vim Hilten HI., Chicago, til,, "your timiiitrltun
.Vcreinc uiiteilme or spasuii."
J.'l lwleei.lw
Aim. Ilr. VVKltiie's FiiI'hiIch1 'leii
Mether Wiilieii Inn iiriMCtlheil this vuliuilile
iiu'illelne ler 11 (trent many jeanlti luu pilv.itn
pi mike. II bin pre Veil mi iiiiIiiIIIiik npeellle
lu tlie treatment, or thn many illienlern te
whieh thn leiiiiiln coiintlltllleii Is mhlei'l It
Is a sure ititii for Hid monthly ttiuililes Unit se
many wenen Hitller. Mnllul mi leei'lpt ut
pi Ice. Mic. 1 0I1I liy II. II. Ocimiti, itrilttulst.
i. 17 mul I .') Net th 11 iiiiiin nlieeU (ll
Ilrewil'n iiiuntitieiil rliiirn,
Is tliu miMt utlecllve I'ulii Deitreyer In the
win lil. Will moil surely uulckeu thu IjIixmI
whuther lulieit Internally or iiiiIim exter
lmlly, mul thi'ieliy 1110111 ccitulnly HKI.1KVK
PAIN, whelher chrenle or nrtite, tliitn any
oilier pain alleviator, mul It !s win rimtnil ileu
liln the streni'.th ul any sliullar iireparnlleii.
Itcuris pain te the Mlili-, Much or tinwuLi,
Sele 'riiieul, l.liiMiniutUiii. Toothache, ami
AM. At II I.H, unit li Tlu Hunt Hrluwr ut
sheiihl hulu every tuinlly. A (imioeuii1 nl
tliu I'unaciui lu a tiinililer et het witter (nwenU
I'tieil, II pre'erf-il), t ikeu at l'ilttnu, will
1IUKAK UP A ODI.I). i. cenUil Inittle
lilitv.ll.lvilM W..S.w
KII,H)-.I yitll.1l III.ATH
The InllewliiK .tali'liuinl el llltiitn I.I imutl
In, ul Seiniiryllli., Miun,, Is se teiuurliiihlu that
we I )!(, ti)iik (or It Hid nltentliin et our reuil
in i. Ilu pay : 'In tliu full el lijii t win tiiki-n
with 11 vleli-nl IiIi-ii'IIuk el tin- luui;s. IoIIeki-iI
liy usiiveie i-enli. 1 seen Iii.;iiii te lern my
itppi'lllu mul llenh. 1 uin no weak iiliuiM tluii)
tliat I ceulil net letivn my tied. In thu sum
linn IH1S77 1 witniuliiiltluil I" thu City lle-nillal.
Wlille them the iloctern suM I hiel u hole in
ii. y left limit in lilir an a liall-ilelhii'. 1 ei'iiil
oil ever a hinutieil itelhits lu iliivtiim ami uiuiU
lcliiei. 1 was se tar none at one time a input t
wi nliireuiul that I wiui ileiul. 1 iiiivii ui hope
nut a llleuil tehl mi) ut Dl'.. WM. IIAI.I.'M
IIAI.HA11 rOll Till', I.U.NliS. 1 laugliu lit
my Irli mis, tiuiikliu; my ea-u lueuialilu, lull 1
rfel ii hrttlu In suttity them, when te my tmr
prliiui' il mailttiutlntl, I (euiineiii ril tulisil
tii'tter illy hepe, ouie ili', lii-uiin tn revive,
ami te (ay 1 ti-i-1 In I ml Icr splittH limn 1 liuve
thui.tst tin ee years
"I wrllci till l heplni; yeil will pilhltuh It, he
Hint i-Vi'iy oiieulllletijil with lll-i .Li'il 1. linns
will he liutuei'il te tald) Hit. WAI. IIAI.IS
HAI.-AM MIU Til lil.UN US, mul IhicoiivIiiceiI
that CHNhUMI'THlN CAN llh ClIltKl). I
Imvii taken two liettlt ami can m-,ltlvely say
tlittt 11 Ium ilenu me meto ioel tlnin all thu
ether iiibitlvlnes 1 have taken iituiu my sick-ne-s.
SlyiimiHi luui almost entirely illsup.
pi-iireil mul I snail sikiii lie alilete nole wink.',
n'll in II li. i in until. Ml .Viiiu uiii-uii siii-Mt
Ilr. Krailcr's Knet Hitters,
Kra.lei's Itoet lllttiis are net h ili.iiu shop
l)uer.t;;u, hut am stilctly meilleliuil Hi uveiy
sense. They net stuiUKly upon Hid l.lvrr mul
lililneys, ki op thu liewels eiuui mul ruuulur,
clmiiNii Hid hlueil ami system el utery Impu
rity. Seli! hy ilitiitKlsts, lb Hehl liy II 11.
(.ei-himi, iliuitKlsl, 137 ami I.e.) Ninth Ijueeu
U-ni(itrlle atale 1 1ckct.
ItlOllAKI) VAUX, II. .1. JklillANN,
It. ii. fl.UMKH
I. Jehn Meilu.
I. .1 r..l.Menseuileiler
.1. .lehn W.
I. II.. I. Ilerun.
5 ll. I.. Wright,
ii. .1. II, Hiltilen.
7. Win. .Stabler.
8 C. ' ltuutschlcr.
li. II. M. North,
lu, ll.!..MIhw.
II. A. O. llieadheiul.
IJ. '. V. Itoekatellow.
1.1. Itlehiild Italili.
II. Oleiuu II. Irwin.
ITi. (ieei;u H. 1'iirily.
in. r. it. ACKiey.
17. .lelin P. I.eviiu.
IS. 1). I'ai'kii.
I'.l. K. W. Mil in Ilia.
'.U A. II. Dill.
!l. K. r. lams.
M..I. li P. Dull.
lil. JelihSan.
II. A. II. Wlliteilllt..
'.',, .lelm II. Hill.
Jil. Win. A. reiiiuiir.
!7. A. J. Uieenllelil.
Iieiuucratle County Ticket.
Ceni;it'Hiiiiuiwit-I.itruii, W. W. II. UAVld.
Conixtess. I'AlllH llAI.DKMAN.
,!ildi).-D. O. KSI11.F.MAN.
tjemitei'txill 1-.IOI1N MA11TIN
AssSUtulJly ('j). U11U1HTIAN Fll.
" (J1.-H.H. IIKTWII.KIt.
" -JAMK8 DtrKf V.
Hherlll It. M. AllTKItS.
Piotluineury.-IIKN.I. WOUKMAN.
Iteirlsier. K O. 1)11.1. Kit.
County rieasutiir. .INK. h .MANN.
Clerk et 0. S. II. H. ItUT'l ICtt.
Cluiker ll. IJ.-HAM'I. li.
County Comuilssleiier. II V. IIA11TMAN.
Pilsen Keeper.-HKO. W.hT hit.
Prison InspeclerE. II. II IIIJCII.
" W. WlllTAIir.K.
Peer Dliocters.-UKO. HAilMiThlThlt.
Coiener. HAV1H KITCII.
Auditor. OKO. W. SUIlllDKDKIt
1IIKAI' I'll I'.l.. Clli;.U' l'Cr.l,
In order tn meet tliu wunlsel Ihnlr cusle.
uieis. thu I.ANCASTKU ti A.SI.ll.ll'i' AND
1 C l'.l. COMPANY will sell te Ihult'ceusuiiiuid
humpies el Steves their olllce,
Ml. I IINOIITII illltiKNHlltfchl.
lull llllilU
riuiK ainsr FHrijui'M' hiiK iik imn.
1 cur Isen the homer mound between skin
mul mucous membrane ; perbapi It would be
mere uccurate te snv uoen thu niuceiir. iniiiii-
liiiiitu, where It loins tliu skin, ler UN mum
thu iniiceus Htiilaee, r.tthet than Hie tut mu
cins, that the cancer Is Hist uhseited. Cancers
and tumor i et all kinds pel main nlly mud,
wlthuilt IclVlliK pulll or llsilii; the K lit In. by
11. 1). I.OMiAKKK, M. II.
Olllce Ne. 13 Kast Walnut streut, l.ancisler.
CoiisMltatleu ireu. - tlAw
1 ill Convention and till who eoiiteuiphite
Kiilntc thuie : II ou want Ie keep cool ami be
i-ominrlable while In Chle.iue, t;e te A. II.
ItOSKNSTKIN anil Inuve your niiusure lei
ene et these elegant "TIIOPIL Al. " bulls,
Thuy come In ten dlllereul shades and only
cost 10.00, handsomely trliumed with Chinese
Thn r'lne Tailor,
in'.'ltmiillt 37 Ninth Oueen siteel.
r'lm tiKSuins.
sea. girt, v. j ,
UKAUii iiebsi:.
Houses Open June 23.
Applications ler rooms can bu made al any
01 in
lie above beuses.
.v k w .t it v t:u rtn r.NTit.
Apply ut this eillce. It
hu best fie IHirnr In the ill v In lit
Hit) UK.
Ie iisiinill family
lt NO. IW Oil Alll.OTTK 8TIIKKT.
vX homework WiiKes, li.'.'l per week Ap.
ply in. Ne. Id Wo-itOrunce slieet. il'.i.tfillt
C1I.KAIC HAVANA I'll, 1. Kit (HIIAItl Flllt
; fni'iiiH. liimrnntied te lie cleur lllleis, ut
IWitllhK lll.lf SIIMMt tillNNKt.TII.ljT
J uiKiiiH, - (or riii.. II ler 'i.e., ill
about liiyi-msel ace, te untk lu III ink ly.
dull ul ullleoel
INtjUlUI-.ll PltlNTINO CO.,
11 Nerlli (Jtiiun Htiei-I.
O. II. ItltOWM,
litis lti-meveil te Ne. J) WKSTOItANOKHT,
Kyii anil Kar trenteil. (ll.isxi-Hiiittiiiteil. Mu Mu Mu
io;lei niieutiielesnu li'iml ami toeriln.
Is III the liiimlH ul the tleiHiilei.
Tlireeiier eent- oil ler prompt, payment.
W.O. MAIWHAI.I,.Tii.ih.
Ne. 12 t;entietipiiiie.
Olllrn lieins, Irem'.ia. in. te I p.m. Mil
I 1. 11.1. Nlllr, I.IIIIIT ItllOWN -lUtlAll
1 ler I'.ie , rum Whilu Miar only 7e., Ilest
i.ianulaleil, 1k. I.iiiki'sI sleek ut seleetiil
Teas anil Ijottem pileis. lu theelty,
at CI.AKKI'.'rt TKA hTOUK, Ne. Si Wist
lilu silent, Lancaster, Pa.
TKVr.riM lUiUHJ.
ii. hi. I liniriiiiiiiuiri mid prlens caiiui us ether
-uilixiiM II. WAti.NMt,
ii via- i ilHiiituur.
'Jill K 1)11 V TAX IIDl'I.IOArt: II MIW
1 III ill v liaipls and Is open ler payment,
Tlnin pur rent abatement tt puil en or buleru
.luly 1st. Olllce limns ir en 'i a. m. te :t p, in,
C. K. MKllS.
Je.l Illld city Tleasuter.
Soiieiii. MiKNiiimr:.
Piopesiils lur nttpplyluir Ihu new four,
room liiilldliiK en Keinlt I'llnee street, Willi
PrliiiHiy, Heeimilary iiinlTi-iielieri' Hi-iks, will
IjMieeelved until MONDAY. .IUI.Y 7tli. at H
o'eleek i. in., at Alderman Siuiuen's eillce, 21.1
North Ijuoeu !t. JOKKPII HAMHON,
leil.iwil Chatrinmt cenimltti e.
i i AVKitrettu ciM.i.r.HK. 'a.
U Ml I. KM
I'll. II. It.
I'l tiiiiu Phllaitelphl'i, en thu
Tiiemah Ciiahk, I.I.. L),, I'les'l, t'mler emu nl
Seelelv et Kriemti ; ClasslcJ.1 mul Hrlentltlc
ceut-es. Appllentleu ler aduilssleii may new
lm iiuulii. rer eataleirue iidilteii Pnev. 1-AAC
SIIAIlPl.KUa, Dean, llavurlenl t.' P. ).,
Pa. JI7-Ti-lliAbJ0t
hhY ler 11.25. A ;oed llralileil .lermv
with ii.ciillenl braid en fient, li.iek and
sleeves, ul : Mi tt e alto have a new .lei ey
cilllivl tlioTeuilH's.
AT bWAItlt'l.
Nu til Neillt tjiteiin Htieet. I.aiic isltr.
I'aiaiel and l.lneu I.awnsat cost.
'I'm. J i.
On the day el publication. C. II. llAltlt
will supply It promptly mi order, or will
bend It liv mull m ft" cents u mouth. Adi'ie"
I W.l.Nt.l.AHl). I,uhllsher"Tiilt'JUN,"
ui.'l-.liuii New Yerk city.
l cm .Iiiiiii .11, s-i,eiileredlnte partnership,
let the put pesi) et (-itrrylni; en the wholesale
t.iiie-ry biHlniHi, ut the old slanil et aeseph
Osllu-lui, Ne. 21S North Waler stieet, under
the tlim mime el liluder .V O-itbelin, resiiect
lelly i-ellclt a eentlnuau'.e ul the p.ilivu-'i:1
e Keiiiieii-ly bcstewiui.
w: iwd
I A 1
J'j I.iiucajterc ty, deceased. Letters tn-nii-lueutary
en Bald eslitti bavins been granted te
the ttuilersli;nud, alt poisons Indebted theiete
me ieiiiustud te lnaku Immediate) payment,
and these ha vim; claims or demands aicali'st
the same will pienenl tin lu without du ay ler
Hiilllomenl te thu unileisluneil, lesldlngul Ne
t.05 KaslOraiiKeatleet, l.uncnster. Pa.
lnyS-OtdTIi Kxuculer.
i itAi'i-. iieii-;i
Kxcelsler S'ltiitiu't Water en Drauuhl.
limit y limner, iiropiluier et the Urapu Hetel.
3i mill 31 Ninth tjueen street, has leuiedeleil
thu b.triiieiu, erected tlrit class ItetilKcraters
unit has new cm diauuhl Chailes Clais's cel
ebrated Philadelphia I.AliKU HKKIt ler
which hu Is note aiteut lu thtsclty. Also.HAIt Alse.HAIt
ATOOA WATKIl lieni the lameiiB K.xcelsler
S)tlUKs. Saratoga. N. Y. A lull asFertiiiuut ul
' he puiesl Wines and Llijueis en sale.
A Hcsli supply Just received. llayuuilcluK
mid hai veil punts tiem .Vic. mul upwards,
hlillls lieni vAu up te tliu best whlte shlrl In
the market, nuuze and ether underwear, ovoi evoi ovei
ulls, Dciauiless hose, 5 pair ter '.'5c. up te Iho
til-si lliltlbh, hiiudkuichluls.siispeiideis, cottu cettu
terpanes ami notions All cheap fur cash,
Ne. Ul Nerlli Uiiiiini Street.
(Sliftiel the lib; Stecktiu;.)
i'. a. Iliilldlnu l.ela and Hand ler sale. 12-lyd
ti AVinifOitu oei.i.icoK, i-a., I) mi i. Kn
L Iiiiiii Philadelphia, ou the I'enna It It
THOMAS CI1ASK, I.I.. H Pruslduut. Under
t-iiii) et Members et Society et Fileuils, hut
iiicn loemcrs classical auiiacieniiiiueeuises.
TlioieiiHli lusirtiellen, aiiiple eiilpuiunl,
Piactlee ttt Astioneinlcal Observatory, Cbein
leal Laboratory and MachlnuSliep. Cemplelu
tiviiiiiiisliiiu. I.lbiaiy veluinus. Ileau
lltul ineunils ; heiilthful location lu Ihu couu ceuu
tl y. Next half year luii'lns Htli uienlli (iep
teinber) 17th, issl. Addiess PlteK. ISAAC
sllAlU'l.Kb!), Dean, llavurlenl Culiee V. e
111' .lllltN SritAN'l., I.ATK
1 J
of tliu Cltv ill banc inter, deceased,
l.iillets testitiuutitmv en said citate liivlmr
been maiited tu thu iiudeisli;ned, all poisons
Indebted theiete me niiuested te tuake Im
medtatu payment, mid thoie haylnj,' claims or
deiiiaiidsairalusl Hut same, will pteseu'. them
without delay rer buIIIouieiiI te thu under
kUiiii I, UHldluit at Ne. IJi l.ove I.ane, III the
City el Lancasler, Pa
Alk IlAitnis, hxeetiter.
Allet lii'i'. e20titile,lW
i-kiiiii'HHAI n I'lllt TIIK
r.niioiieM ei''
1. u Lew Weeden IIrld;e ever tlie
Wi st
Itianeli Oetoiaie. near Its Inlui'seellen Willi
thu Kast llraueh, will bu lecoive I ul tliu olllce
,. ...... Il.iiiiuljjlril1iil-j I. inn iuIiiii lln
1I jtllllllY llltlltlllf IIVI 3. 14 tlH.U.IIUli
iiiilll 12 o'clock neon, WKIINKStlAY, .IUI.Y
'.), issi Plans and speclllcatlens mul blanks
ler bid and heed at Oeinuil sliiiiet's onice.
At the same Hum piopesals will be tecelved
leibiillitlntc a Woeiliin llrlibce across I'elei'a
eieek, Fulton township, at Dersey's mill.
Alse for erection el it Wee leu Aicti llrldue
ever llltf Chtques creek, near Michael Moeiu'a
mill. 11Y OUHKltOt'TlIK llOAlll).
Attest ' KllANK (J 111 KIT, Cleric,
1 lers ler samt may besecn Inthestoreieom
lately eeeitpieii ny air . a. uiilliven, Ne. 1U1
Neith (Jtiueii uliuel ; u.uslbii removed seen,
Apply te O. II. Ltirtt UK,
alMtd Olllce Ne. 137 Kast g St.
TltK SIHJAllK, lately occupied by IIAlIt A
HIIKNK, ler banking purpedes. Tlm room has
lu thu trout apartment ,uu excellent counter,
mul it vault containing a line sale; wltliu
large apartment in the rear, having 11 water
closet and stationary wasiistmut attached 1
also, acellar underneath, with a weed inrinice
Apply at ltOOM NO. 1, SKCONllt'LOOttOr
HUII.lJl.NO, Northeast Angle or Centre
bciuare. Jetid
Il llsfltttclluu In llrrka Cuiility-Twe liun-
ilrctl Hume mul MHtiy llililitea awept
Awny In Voile. County.
HrpiN(i, I'd., June 2li. Iloperts from
a'l HuctieiiH of IterkH county, imll
uate Krcat ilatiiaije te the crops
by thu blerin of last night.
Allien of wheat Ileitis have Iho appoarauce
of having bceti ntiiivn ilewu. Wrwli
nuts, ou the Philadelphia &. Read lug
rallreatl tlolayetl tralun ever oue
hour. At ljattrel Btiitlen the water
witH re hlj'h tia te extltiKiiIsh the
IIich iti the rellliiL' mills. Heme
Hiipperts have been vtrwhctl away from
iiutler the btiilue tit Kmbrcoville.
At llirdsbore this forenoon a, large portion
or the Schuylkill etnal bank breke, ovnr evnr ovnr
llewiiiff many llelils ami tloftireylni' the
crops in the hitireunilinir country.
Trrrlble lluvantullnn in Yerk County mul
Yeiik, Pa., June Ul!. The Hterni in
erk county last uiglit wan very
ilcatttiotive. The ilum .tt Olatfeltcr's
paper mill ave way early in the mernlni;,
autl thn null of water carrleil rtway
nvcty ilatn mul brltUje as far as
LittlcHtewn. Kveiy britlRe en the Kreil
crick ilivisieu of the I'eiinsylvaiiia railroad
wan either carried nwny or HciietiHly
datnaKi'd. The less en the Northerti
Central rallreatl is also rtovcre. In thia
town everv bridye Miaiiiuni: the Cotlenta
creek wart Hwept nwny, ns woreulstrnoarry
two hundred (rami) houses mill Htableu.
Theie was no Ions of life.
Tlm llli III Annue! I'l llHit r I plili.
l'nil.ADKi.i'iilA, June lil!, Tlie teru of
hint night anil thin niernlni: eiuseil oon eon oen
hiderablo inteirtiptieu te telegraphic autl
telephonic communication in thia vicinity.
Hallway ttavel ban bauti interrupted by
teli'L'rapli poles falling ncrem the tracks.
At Nicutewu, in the Htibiirbs, the track h
ate Htihmt-rgcil. (Jonslderable injury te
w beat and ether grain ciejm hi repotted
from the surrounding country.
Aii Ailtmicn in Milieuiiril 1'ilecs.
I'iiii Mir.i.piiiAJuun 20 The July elrcu
lar el eastern pricca of the Philadelphia Si
Heading coal ami iron company issued thia
morning, nhenftmi advance of Ue ccnta per
ten en stoic coal ami el 15 cents per ten
en chestnut and pen, in the rates at Pert
Richmond ; ami of li cents for Htove,
chi'Htiiut mul pea at l'jli..tbotliert. The
new prices for white tish oeal, delivered en
heard vesse'sa. Pert Richmond, are $1.40
for lump and ; i' 70 for broken
ami egg ; Sl.l'i ami for Htev.i ; $3.80 for
ohecitnut ami $2 G."i for pea. Pricca of mime
giatle ttt Klizabethpert are 1.75 for lump
ami Htti.iuibeat ; $1.10 for brokeu anil egc ;
$1. 10 for Htove ; 1.1" for chcHtnut autl
i'i for iiea.
Kt.rtllll.lCtM IATIOAl. COM-lllTTr.K.
Uncljes te t'nl up h i-ljiire Hbiiii us Nnlluunl
Nbw Yuiik, June 2C T'be uicetint; of
the Republican uatleual oeniiiiitlco tlrew a
htrite crowd te tbe Fifth Avcutie botel
te clay, It was a i; iced ameui; the
cleticht ftieiidH of lilaiue mul Legan
that tbe chairman bhuuld net be choteu
from among thot-e who have been
radical advocateH of lilaiue, but that such
chr.iriuau hhetiM reprfiHcnt thu busiiiess
at tl tnsiuiifiicttiriiif; olctneutH of the coun
try. On thia account the (-.election of Sir.
Jenes, of I'ennsylvaiii.i, is urftt'tl.
The national committee met shortly after
neon, Jehn W. Masen, of West Virginia,
in the chair teinpetarily.
Knipleye-r LueMui; Out Onion numbers
Nhtv YeitK, June 20. The changes
reported in the plumbers' strike this morn
ing, are that six additional employers have
agreed te lock out tinieu men. Tbe master
plumbers claim that 1,-00 union men are
out, but tnctnbers of the plumbers' union
say that only PJ0 of their number are out.
(JoiiunltteeH are busy holleiting aid for tbe
iiuetnpleycil men.
Ut IncHii Atlsck Krencli l'erces unit ute
Pauis. June '-(J. Disii.ttches from
Hanei Btate that -1,000 Ubiuese regulars,
with artillery, attacked the FreueU loreos,
in violation of the treaty, killing hcveu
men, inctutlinif two ollicers, and wounding
forty two ethers. Though numbering
only seven bundled t'le French routed tbe
'I lie Utldcrr.eiik Tilalc.
Sn FnvNTiaai,, June 20. A Pert
land, Oregon, dispatch says : howls
ICcckley, siiHpcctctl of setting Iho te bis
house autl burning a skeleton, intended te
represent his own remains, se that bis
wife could recover his life iiiMirance, was
arrested yesterday in Ashlaud. He
feigned te he ataxy.
A CI il Inn County lliiiilt clears Hi Hours.
I'uriteMV, Pa., June 20 The St.
Petersburg bank, of (Jlarieu county
failed te oiet its doeis this morning. It
was considered ene of the strongest banks
in the btate outside of the large cities. It
is thought tlie bauk will bu able te meet
its liabilities.
A in Iti pal tut l'rouule Iruiu Vienna Anurclilitr,
Vihnna June 20. A bomb filled with a
powerful oxpleaivo was leund oeuooalod in
tbe shrubbery near thu exhibition rotunda.
All public buildings ate carefully watched,
owing te fears of outrages by Anarchists,
'1 he main sewers, which tbe Anarchists
have threatened, are repeatedly luspoetoil.
Irlitl or Hie Ansrclilnis ut imiet.,
Vir.NNV, June 2(1. The trial of the
anarchists at Grant, has terminated in the
acquittal of the prisoners of tteasen and
of attempting te take the emperor's life,
They were tentenccd te prison for short
tot ins en the oharge of couerirney.
A l.'induil street Car's N arrow Kenpe.
Londen, June 211. A narrow escape
from a dynamite disaster in reported from
Uradferd. An iniuiiial machine tilled
with ilyuaiuite mid powder was placed ou
a stroet ear truck. Over tins a cap tilled
with people passed, but the machine lulled
te explode.
Oreyeu's State t-.leclleii.
Piiiiri.VMi, Oregon, June lit. Au
elHcial count of the hlatu election gives
llerrmai), ltepublieati, for Congress,
2,017 majority ever Myers, Democrat. The
woman's suH'ruge ameiidment received
11,2215 vetes te 28,170 ajjiiinst it.
Ilsitttnl OIBitT lu rruncti ITerccs,
Pauis, June 20. Uoperts ate ourreut
that the Fieticb forces near Langseu were
surprised in a narrow ilollle autl nearly cut
te pieces.
The Uliulera liiTeuiun.
'I'm 1.0N. June 20. -It is new reported
that ihore were eight deaths from obelora
hore yesterday. The authorities are sparine;
no etlert te 111I1111UI23 the outbreak.
Washington, June 20. Fer tbe Mlddln
Atlantic states, oeolor, cloudy woatlier autl
rain in southern pert ion, local rains follow
ed by olearlnK wo.ttheij ami nearly statlon statlen
aiy toniiMJiiitureln uertberu iortien winds
geiicrnlly from nortbeast te northwest
lilgber barotneter. Fer Friday cooler, fair
weather is indicated for southern portion
of Middle Btatcii,
! Wen Of Thie LDlh.
Havr LONfibrf, Ceuu , June 20. Yl
wonthe beat raoe by thrce lengths.
l'hllaitelpnia MarBet.
l'tiiLADaLriirA. June M-rienriluU ami wraki
i.?.ii'.w,0.J6 J.1 f,l,n"y. ' MfWlJX i oile anil
i'i",1in".'i'lI""jr',75J, Minn. Mtta, der.
.I7!)niM mrnlKht, l sorts wi wlnter
lH;h,n,.'!,w 6ea" " "Prltiu ile W B0t) 37X.
KyuiieitriitMai4j87u. M n
Wbiiitliliillaiiil scarce Ne. 7 Wiwtern tted,
JKhi I Ne. 3 de, uie Ne. I Pa. de, tl leni 1J. '
..fiVr1 "!'."kV,1 ,,m1' ,,,lt iteailv t SH-amer,
sya."; De i will yeliow-.tiinuike i de mfiwi, coale i
Ne. II mixed anil yellow, Ma.Vfc.
Outs ilnll, hut steady t Ne. l White, Mk9
OTet Ne. -1 de, 37ket Ne. 3 de. 3HH0I
nUuctcd. MXR'We Ne. 2 mlieii, 35c " '
Uyeihill iiiTtw.
Heeds clever dull at $133 M t Timethy
dull 11 S01 Mf Flaxseed firm nt 11 he.
Winter llran scarce unit flrinatliegia XI.
Tm visions itilut Musi Perk, ItasoeUOOt
licet Hums, tJsQfj; India Muss fleer, tl9 &09
Dacon Hinoked Bheuldrrs, 1Ql1iet salt de,
7c 1 Smoked flams, HO150I plcttlea de
hard steady j city refined, at BKQO; loeso
btitchers,7Uei prlme steam t.
Hatter dull, barely steady j Uroamery extras,
waiici II. U. A N. Y. uxtrw, I7ll80t de
Units, llfflinct Western extra, HQlie 1 VTest
urn itoeil te choice, 11(3130.
Hells nt 7QUe,
Kicks ilrni 1 Western cxtraj, 17,'iO'BO.
cheese market dull New Yerk full
taeaui", loot onto flaw, tlne.B'iaBKei West
em lair te geed, 7iiKe 1 1'eiin'a part skims,
iWXe i de lull, U2e? '
I'litinleum ilulli Konned, 1n.
KIHukv ilullul (1 IS.
Hnw Yutk Ituinti
Nmw V oak, .lone 'il Klour-HUte mul West
em dull and rather easier i Huperllne
Htn.r27SfJ31 i Kxlnt ilo.t.KieaJCO Cholceili)
UtrtttOt Kunoyile. tu (fifte Mi Ueund Hoen
Ohie, M untl cot choice. II (OCtu 01); Super-
uiie tvi'stuiii, : 73(t:i isi common te
oeil extrti de, W ra3Ut olio Ice de, S3 7U
UU Mi cheleu White Wheal de, UzsaeifM
Ueiitlieru null and heavy t common te
flilr extra, 13 ty)0 60 ; geed te cliolce Ue. It 65
Wheat opened about Kc butter t ulterwards
lest tliuiuiviiiicu mm lu semti cases a hIIkIiI
decline noted ; very lutle deltitc ! Ne. 1 White,
uemliial: Ne. 'J iumI, usaroje; July, '.HUn
yie: ileAtiif., $ 0iat01j bept., It (riVtu
Coin 7itt)i lower and moderately incttve t
Mixed Wuuiuruiipet,5iii2U'2XO de luture, OOJi
Outs tiflkc lower; Slate. 5ea3n ( Wnstern,
juaiic Ne. 2 .r n im. :a($3.v,ia -, July,303Vvie j
A ug., 3.1,'ic i Sept.,'.
I.lre NtneK BiarUe'c.
Ciiioaiie. Hogs Itocelpts, 11. ei JO head j
Hlilpments. '-'.h) head ; market openutlisnioo
hlKhur; cleieil weak; reuicli lueklnir, II 70
Oi IS; P'lcking and Hlilppdnt, 'jeas r3t
light. lUiirtS ID; Hklps.liWtns,
Cattle Itecelpts.iJ.'Jjrt lieadt stilpments, 2,700
head; market dull lower; expert
gritiliM, I'llUQO 75; koeiI te cliolce shHiplnrc,
fi (0(8H 3 ; common te medium, t52i)fi300;
i;r:ts-lud TexmiH, .'I'.HIC.'. W,
Hheop-Heeulpts,l,iej head ; shipments, noun,
market dull unit steady ; Inferior Mi fair, 2 Ml
(tn re )! uwt; liieilluni te goetl,.IMUt U);
choice teextia, Ktll 7V.
Kaht I.tmtiiTV. Cattle dull ; prlme, W-fl 25 ;
laltlOKoeil, j Z1(. 7S ; coinmen, tlQi ; re
eel ils, 7iK) head ; shipments, 134 head.
lletcstlrm; Phtliidelpliliuj, 50O1C0 York
ers, -" 1SQS 23; icculpta, 1.1MJ head; ship
lilentH, '.ou head.
Sheep enlv fair; tu line, tl fiflfjl tt) t fair te
ttoeil.MMfit i"i ; common. tlQl SO; recelpts,
:,eu0 head; stitptuunu, I.Ceu huad.
Mtoex Btarseis.
yuobtUeijs by lies-1, Mctlrann A Ue , Bank
um, i.niiuu!r, l'u.
il a. n
CCA I.C........ ....... ....
Michigan Central (il
New Yerk Central tX
New Jersey Central
Ohie Central ni
Del. l.aclc. ft Wesliirn.... Wi
Denver A Ille Otande.... V
EtlO.a... ................... 1.
12 x.
.... S
UansiLS X Texas
Lake Shere
ChlcniteA N. W com....
N. NOnt,A Western....
bU 1'n ul A Omaha
Pacific Mull
Uoc.'testor A 1'ltlBliurgli..
st. I aui.....................
Texas Pacific
Union l'acltlr
Wabaslt Coinmen
Wubash I'rururnid
Wi'st'rn Union Telegraph
l.oulsvllle .1 Nashville...
N. Y..C1U. A UU i.
JyelitKli valley
J.elilKli Navigation
l'.T. A iluttuie
Northern 1'iiclilc Cem...
Northern I'acltle I'ref...
ll; .... 11
71 .... 70!,;
SI .... S3Ji
7i .... 7,
Mi; .... 39
3 .... 3g-
ceh r!;
7 .... VA
3,ti .... &Ji
iiU ".!', tiK
SIJjJ .... 61)i
217 .... Wi
(U .... ....
bO'i .... W)4
li .... 11J
W .... H
U)i .... 3I
Hojtenvtllu ....
l'lilliululphla A Krlu
Northern Central
Underground ,
Canada Southern 3et .... 2Q
en te .... ui
New jrer.
Quotations by Assoclaleit 1'res.i.
btecks weak. Menoy, no rxte.
New Yerk Central W4
Krle I lull read 12j
Adams Kxnrms 127
Mlcltlican Central llalltead , lil
Michigan Southern Itallread 71
Illinois Centrnl Itatlreiul ..IIIH
Cleveland A PltlshurtcU Itallread 130
Clilcaire A KeeK Island ltallreiwl... 101
Pittsburgh A Fert Wayne lliillread 127
Western Union TelUKiaph Company 5 Ji
TnlrdeA Wabash .. 4i
Nuw.lersey Central M
New Yerlr OnUvIn A Woalern 7W
jniladelpnia. .
Uitoiatlensliy Assoclateil l'ress.
H locks weak and umiuttleit.
Philadelphia A Krte It. It. II
Uuadliifc Hatlrend it 7-Ut
I'eunsylvmilaltallieail B07
Lehigh Valley Itallread , tu
United Companies or New Jersey 187K
Northern Pacific. , , 1M4
Northern I'acltle Pteterru-t te
Northern Ceiiti..! Itallread R5
l.uuiicli Navlicatieii Company ssl
Norrlstetvn Itallreiul 103,4
Centnil TraiiHiiertntlnn Company 31
llultale, N Y.. mul Philadelphia 1
UtUeHchuvlklll UMlrimd 01
i.ocniBieoatana uenas
UuiKjitAMt by J, II. Leng.
Lancuiler City 6 por.ceut issis... km
" lS'JO... 100
' lRft... IOC
" ( per el. lu 1 or 30 years.. 100
" 4 mirct. Uclioel Lean.... ioe
" i " In 1 or 20 years., ion
" 1 " In & or 20 yenra.. 1W
" 4 " inlOor'Jeyoars. ion
Manlietui botettich lean... 10)
t'lmt .Nalienulliank 41U0 q
farmers' National Hank 60
191 J
pi 1 a
Fulton National Hank l'X)
Luiicastur County National bank.. Ml
Columbia National Hank 1U0
Clulstlmut National Hank luu
Ephnita National llanlr let'
rfrut National Hank, Columbia,.... loe
rirst National Hans, strasburx.... pm
rirst National llanlr MurletUt 100
first NiUlenul Ilauk, Mount Jey,. 10a
Lllltz National Hank 100
Manliultn National Hunk loe
Union National llaiik. Mount Jey. W
New Helland National llanlc , Hil
(lau National Hunk loe
Uiiarrwllle National Hank let
TunsriBB uToeaa
lllif Hnrlntr A Heaver VulleV t'JA I
ItrlilKupert A lioruaheti 1 IX
Columbia A Chujtnut Hill 2ft
lelumhlit A WiutililKteu '.0
Columbia A Hlg Sprint; 2b
Columbia A Marietta.. , 21
Maytewu A KllzabuUitewn..... 21
1 .uncus ter A Kphrata U
l4iucaster A Willow Street,, Jf
btitisuuric A Millport 23
Marietta A Maytown te
Marietta A Mount Jev 2&
Lane.. Kllzabetlit'n A Mldillet'n HU
Lancaster A Krultvllle. , Ml
I-ancasturAl.liltE 29
Lancaster A Wllllitiustewu , 23
Lanciuiuir A Maner Ml
Laucaster A Miuihelm 29
ijincustur A Marietta.. ,. 29
Laticaster A New Heliauu.,,.,.., ,, loe
Lancaster A 8ii8(iuehanna 300
Misoaujtnaeus areciui.
Uuarryvtlte U. It. tM
MUloravllleBtroetCar ,,. W
Imiulrer Printing Company H Ml
Oas Light and "uel Company 29
litevuns Heme (llendg). 1
Columbia Has Company .........
ceiutuuiu watorceinpany ,
auseuulianna Iren Company.. iw
Hariotutiieuowwaxo. -
btovens llouse. ,.......
Sicily Island ,",:
KautTlranily wlne A WaynetU'ir....
MUloravllle Nermal Sclioel ..
Northern Market...
Kusturn Markl)t..'
Western Market
KiaeaiXAKixJuii .
ouarryvlile JL tK.Un?.l!i':
dueisya fioe.
i ueiumum iw . e.......
.... IW
rjtnctutur Uaa Ligas "an " "-
due Hi lerau yuars
due 1880.. -..' W
Maonetui Uoreugh lieaa8..,ti:M
. v.'.'K
j iu
r .
1 W
i ' V
" tW
,'? ?i
. il
, M
r t
e M
t -,