wwiiii 1 1 wiiBiiaiSwiiWWWI J Ay . ,"e LANCASTER DAILY LNTELLIGENCEH, MONDAY JUNE 2, 1884. ; f 3, 1. SF v "v I I. V IV.4 fi' i?,i. V if"' i : ,V, , f b't IK ?. s if i i 4 J i p. I- ir K W rc t jUncflstri' tntrlllflcnfel MONDAY VKMINO, JUNK U3, 1804. A Charming Contention. Tbe Philadelphia .Ljttyer tlilnka that tha proceeding mid resolutions of the NeW Yerk Democratic convention show very wjse guldunce of tlie party In tlmt stale. Tlie resolutions were pointed te a single Issue, mainly, tlie need of a president "whose character and public reputation shall glvotetho whole, pouple Assurance of an honest, impartial and efficient administration of tlie laws, without flusplclen of twraeiml ends or private intercsta." Then the kind of gev eminent meant Is pointed out In the second resolution, which gives as exam ples of It the state governments of New Yerk from 18712 te 1870 under Tllden, and 1882 te 18Sl under Cleveland, llo lle llo yendthls Issue the resolutions de net extend, save te cendemn contract labor in prisons, about which thcre Is no poltt peltt cal dispute. They de net even name a candidate for president upon the plat form raised, save by the implication that the two men who gave New Yerk its geed government have earned the na tlen's confldence that they would de as well by it In Its chlef magistracy. The Ltilgcr gees en te say that : Theso resolves are obnraetorized by deep Mgaeity and taet, both in what they say and in what they emit te say. The one issue is aimed nquarely tit one of Mr. Blatne'a weak points weak point as a candidate, we mean It proiiesos te plaoe against him a candidatn who is strongest proeisely wbore Mr. Hlaiue is foared te be weakest. That candidate may be either Mr. Clovelaud or Mr. Tllden ; for the Tilden question gees new te Chicago an epen question, referred te tbe sound disoretieti of the national con vention, in tbe signifievit language quoted above. 'In is Is wuy, in a limy aonnewi edged Cleveland convention, there was no Clovelaud instruction. And, llnally, the ene issue raised Is just the ene which every dissatlsfied Kopublieau reformer cau adept, without stultifloatien, tlm question of honest and efficient civil government. It was a master hand that drew thme three resolves. The Lcihjcr thinks that a kindred sagacity prompted the convention te quiet all disputes among the factious of the party, and te surrender everything te the ene dominant need that the issue of character should be raised, New Yerk's exemplars of it pointed out and the ferce of Its voice be hurled at the Chicago convention with naked directness. The Udycr may give tee great credit te the New Yerk delegates for wisdom, and possibly the cliarmin : result of their deliberations was due rather te thelr Inability te agiee upon disputed things than te their deslre net te do de do clare upon them. But wlntever the cuhe, the result is equally commendable. If states that have presidential candidates would have the selfcontrel te refrain from instructing for them, and be content te exhibit them te the consideration of the teat of the country, their cendidatea would fare quite as well in the na tlenal convention, because it has come te be the pmctlce for eveiy state with an aspiring statesman te send a delegation committed te Ins interests; and the praclice has come te be mere honored in the breach than in the ob servance, liecause of the many scaly candidates who are thus tlinut feiwnrd. It Is objectionable, tee b cause the delegates .slieul 1 take their teats in the Interest of the party and net of any candidate. S New Yeik will appear at Chicago, and New Yerk's candidate appeals te the delegates of the whole country, net because of the pres entntien of linn by his state, but because of his recegnied sUength as a candidate iu the issue which his state has raised. Aral se it happens that although iullu entlal politicians in New Yerk are opposed te Governer Cleveland's iieinin atien, the action of its convention has been resH)uded te by a Democratic call for Cleveland the Union ever,that would be quite likely te land him in tlie Chi cago c tudldate without the vole or New Yerk itself. At thlcage In Jul. As the time comes en apace for the Democratic national convention, it in plainly te be seen that there ptentls among the leadeiB, as well as tlie rank aud file of the party, u detei initiation te net waste ita opportunities iu this year of grace. Mr. lllalne's strength, as well aahls weakness, as a candidate, have been measuud.aud it is plainly receg mien iii.it wnciiier iiiore snail no a limdslide for or against him depends upon the geed temper and geed judg ment of the convention yet te be held iu Chicago. It Is remarkable that be many states liave elected delegates without instructions, either as te platform or candidates, and it would net be at all surprising te sea Ohie and Indiana de thosame thing this week that New Yerk has already done. The mlschlev eiis tariff agitation, that aemu hotheads of the patty have been he Industriously promoting without any clear conception of what they really wanted, or hew best It could be accomplished, has been practically allayed. The positive refusal of New Yerk, New Jersey, Masaachu setta, Peiinsy Irani i, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia te dcclare fnrntnrlff for rovenue only te be followed most likely by Ohie's reiteration of Its plank of 188:t nnd 1882-makes it morally certain that ue such declaration will be made. That being defined, It will net be difficult for the statea controlling the convention and the Issue In November te agree upon the beat form of expressing the Democratic Idea of a constitutional tariff, for reve nue, with incidental protection, The platform will, of course, be adopted before tne candldate lsaelected V und may go far te dotermlue him. An extreme protection or advanced free trade declaration would aa certainly rule out some candidates for the nomination, as It would render the election of ethers Impoasibleshouldtheygot the nomination On this whole subject we anticipate an honorable conservation of ideas, which differ mere In form, after all, than Iu essence, and n straightforward unniia. takable declaration of principles which will satisfy the party and iose it no votes of right thinking men. This will null liaanrcllu lint lm L.nmm.1 .-C , I... wv" "'v; " " nuj'jiuiv ui me Morrison bill nor of a tariff for rovenue only ; nor en the ether hand or Imposts for protection only. The candidates will be forthcoming in due llme. They are net selcctcd as yet. The Indications point strongly te Cleve land, with some such Western man for second place as Palmer, who would sttlsfy the soldier and Independent lie publican element, and Is a man of raie puts, sound through and through, liven, with as powerful opH)sitien in his own state, as Tllden had at St. Leuis in 1S7U, Cleveland's nomination can be accomplished by outside pressure. Hut finally should New Yerk'a fac tional quarrels, destroy its chances fur the nomination, ethers can be found which will satisfy It aud net only give premise of carrying It, but of making hopeful battle for many ether debatable states net se necessary te Democratic success. liii'iu: is a very sensible change in the popular Idea of the necessity of leav ing home In the midsummer. It is doubtful whether people who live in as comfortable towns as Lancaster is new can be as comfortable anywhere else iu July and August. It is true that the average dullness iu business and social circles at this season permits absenteeism net possible at any ether period, but it is equally true that much of the regular " out of town " season, after several years experiment with it, has been found unprofitable aud te lack beueliceuce Travel is improving, and change of air, scenery and associations is absolutely necessary sometimes, out mere is a growing, sensible lellef that these can be hail better in May and dune, or eptem ber and October, than in the deg days and under the sun of the summer sol stice. An intelligent correspondent takes issue forcibly with the estimate placed UK)ii Thaddeus Stevens by Cel. A. K McCIure, iu his recent college address in this city. It is an easy and pepulat thing te ascribe te Mr. .Stevens qualities which he did net possess. He was a man of mi inestiened will power, which dis played itself te great advantage iu the stormy times of the war and of the re construction perit (I; but he had us much pewei for evil as for geed, and he always seemed mere bent en accem plishing his endj than in considering the virtues of them or the propriety of the means. trite appellation was never mere grossly misapplied than te call Thaddeus btevens " the Great Cem mener ;" and he had very few of the public and private qualities which, as time passes, leads the public te a higher appreciation of .lehn '.retitn, dames lluchanan and Abraham Lincoln. TilK reaotieu agaiust colored sinkings has het in, aud there is no telhug where it will step. Tin: homiepatbie medical tectety, el Northeru Pennsylvania, has declared m favor of cremation, and talks of budding a cremation furnnoe in Pittsteu. Ml.SMK P.Vl.Mr.lt, It W new lepetttil, has rojtcted a bona tlde eiler of marri.ige from a rial, hve lord. Hew doth the litte Dusy advertising bce improve each shilling Leur. TitKltl. isa beautiful fresoe upon the tomb or Jehn Audie in Westminster Abbey, m which are carvings of both Andre aud Washington ; the heads of theso rri-pcetivel bave beui stolen .iud replaced three times AT MclllT. " Mew 1 lltli-iy uilicnittm imali. limn (.Mile, en Hie hike tlie lingering iiieiii Hen inevl. utt-ve ttiu liner's lute I lilim , "lien ttin proves nttr still ii'i.l unit.. Ami. hImmi I hi' in lit lilt; lit iikmiii atieiu I i.i . ur inreiifHil jn un) sliver wiivh, lluw rtOlllv mi the far wmilil IhII Tlie w hlperw 113 p'.untlv.i cull " TilK wide circle of the friends of Hev. Dr. 'I bus. U Apple and Gee W. Honed, who receMly left this city for a brief trip te Kurepy, will bj mtori'stel in following tbu ueU'S of then travel aud expenence, of winch the llrht instalment appears iu te day's Lntki.lii.km-kii. li is estimated that nearly i."j0,uoe bai- rels of cotton seed oil have been inade in the Smith in tlie year past. It is used t ry extensively for dressiiiK, and in plaoe of butter Ter cooking. When sold ou us merits aud in a imre otate it ih v.istlv superior te much or the bogus elive oil put in the market. Tin. middle name of James G. Illaine is Gillespie, ami his association with Jack LDgnn has very naturally suggebted the application of the old nursery ihynie : .lit I. iitni dm Wuni up thu ion 'i'ciKetn pullnl wuii'i luck It'll tlewn Anil hreke lilj eiewn. Ami (jIii Liinii iiimiiiiiiKiitiui A XIUMI 1VU.1IAN llUttll'.ll AI.IVK. A l'mrltile K.ite, Wlilcti Droinslleu Wtiulil llnve Averted. One of the most ghastly stories of inter, metit before life has become oxtinet, which causes au inveluutary shudder of horror te paeit through the reader, is current iu Wifelitig, W. Va. The victim was a yeuiiij nurrioillailyefSOyearH. In May of last year, three mouths aftr her marriage, the lady was taken violently ill, aud, aiter llngering for 10 days, apparently died. 1 here wero curtain peculiarities about tin, appoaranee of the supposed corpse, how hew how ever, wliieh caused a suspicion in the m.nd of tbe attending physician that IiIh patient might be In a ttance, but after keeping tbe hotly for four days with no Ogns of return, ing life, the remaiim wero oenslguod te the grave, temporary mterment being made in the family let in an abandoned graveyard. A day or two age the body waa tllslntorred. prier te removal tn another oemotory. Te the surprise of the (oxteiithooofilu lid showed sigiiH of dls dls plaeciuene, aud en Its being removed the gravedigger was horrified te find the re. mains turned face downward, the hands filled with long tufts of hair tern from the head, and the faee, nook, anil besom deeply scratched nnd scarred, while the lining of the coffin had been tern into fragiiieiits iu the tlosperato eilbrtM of the entombed vletlm te oscape from her tcrrl tcrrl bie fate. Bince the tlisoevory the young hiubaiid has bcen pteBlrated, nud hia life is despaired of, A Ureiit atedlclue, " Docter, 1 want te thauk you for your great pateut mediolne." , " It beljHMl you, did It ?" asked the doc ter, ycry much pleased. " It holped me wouderfully," "Hew many bottles did seu find it noecssary te take V" Oh, I diilu't take any of It. I ....b- nn. I. ,!.. ...! T -.....' .".r'u I wu urni uuhiu huu i um uis sole heir, l'Ofi CHICAGO, iK.M'UU.TiuNA,mfrtii,eiVK:Titir( ArrAiignuent lr Tlekrta Hie Ce in In if el tlm lex tirlpgntlmi -Ni loom m te tnelnrllt I'lmik. The niiI' eoimuittee en arrangements of the national Democratic oemmlltcu has Issued the folleMlug : " Demoeratie na lieu.it ODtiitnillee, room J7. Palmer house, CIiic.ike, June 111, 18s. The. applications in ide te members or the national commit tee for tickets of admission te the Deme cr.it national convention indicates a in n understanding of the method by which they are distributed. Tickets are pi inted and issued by the committee aeeerdiiu: te the rules wliieh liave been followed at pre oils conventions, l'liey cannot be given as a favor te any erseu. The hall will have 10,500 seats, and of theee 'J.OOO will be occupied by delegates, alternates, elll cers aud committees. About MX) seats will be allotted te the press. tubcrlbers te the fuud te pay tlie espouses will re ceive 7"0 tickets and 70 mero will be lued for distribution among local oeiumittetH and city and county ellicers. It is sup posed that t J00 tiekets will be gieu te Bcu.tteis and tepresontattves in Congress, veteraus and ether eminent men of tlie Mm u try who will attend the convention , U")0 will be reserved by the national com mittee for centiugtMicies. TJie remaiuder of tlie tickets will be given te delegates, making sis ticket te eaeb, ler distribu tion te llie public Applications by iiensp.ira for disk privilege should be made prier te June .10, by letter addressed te Austin II. lirenti, chairman of the eomuiittee en prvs aud telegraph, IiidiauapDlis, Iud. 1 11 h. rr mm iii,i r.nal ie.n frritsrliic te (Inte UlilrsRO I J nrifclil Ilnln In IIejhI Mjlr. Arracgeraents have been perfected for the Texas delegation te the uatieual Deme cratic eouveutien iu Chicago te go llieie In the grandest style kiienu iu modern elitlcs. The delegations from tlie eleven Congress ilis'nets and these fnen the state at large, with the alternates and such guests as may he invited, are te assemble at DeniMMi en July I They aie te be accompanied by several steLO graphers, a large corps or newspaper Cii respondents, special train attaches, servants, etc , .iud prebab'y as tine a com miMury depaitnient as ever ran en rails The delegates and alternates ure ex leeted te wear white tall Ints. A. Deuisen a special tram of palace cars, sleepers, aud hotel cars will be in waiting, and ruu direct through te Chicago by the Missouri l'ae lu via edalia ami llanuibil. and thence via the New Wabish line. It is said that tbe Meme Bres.' band of Dallas will accom accem piny the party. The tram, after leaving Deuisen, will make but four steps, the llrt at Parsons, Kan., the seceud at Se daha, Me , the third at Hannibal, Me., and the fourth at seme point betweeu Hannibal ami Chicago. Texas propesiug te be si'cn as well as heard en the trip, the cars of the tram will be cmblaz wed ou the sides with the werdd " Texas Demoeratie delegation te Chicago, 11 ' Apirtments have al ready beeu engak'Cil at the Grand Pacific hotel. His sad that the dolegat'en u solid for Cleveland for president if 1'ilden is impossible, ami is, in that evrut. divided en vice president between Headly, Me Donald and Gcu. Kesecraus. A Mct Turin lilitu. New eik Stui "Let our nttieual oeuvotiliou declare for a diserimiuatiug tanll ou tboee.it line," writes a devoted Democratic aUteciuau " and we can win." " Hy cost line," he svvs, " I mean the ditlerence between fereigu cost and home cost, wli"ii the two vre in competition in the I ii i tot I states, coveriug wages and interest en eapir.il, and their ditlereuees m rates here aud iu foreign countries.' Ah8 ai'jDiaiii liiil'tpti', .irl lent hikI tJrliue lltppshl ii; the W erltl uvrr. James Fl.hive w w fatally buruetl by an oxpleciou of gas iu the gasemeter room of the Hathbuu house, at Klmira, New Yerk. IJueeu's liotel, at Pert Arthur, Manitoba, has bteu burned Less, i.iO.UOU. A commercial traveler named Mol'hcrsen nan burned te death. i carton null, 1, years el age, was thrown Irmn bis IxoyCle nhlle going tlewn a steep hill near Heading. He was picked up iinuoiitiueus aud is iu a cutieal cju llitlOtl. Twe Grand Trunk freight trains collided at Terente. A brakemau named Walls antl a llremau named 'ltowelhon were killed, aud two ethers wero eoveroly injured M 88 Alice M. Wells, of Uect Mi, while viewing machinery en the top tluer of a grain elevator iu Chicago, get ciiight m the gearing and was ortiHhed te death. Hhe was 18 years of age. During a barroom light iu a Inte' at Deposit, N Y., .;s miles from Uingiam ten, JameH Wilsey struck Allen Mot'lure ou the heat1 with his fist, killing him in stanlly. Wilsey is in jul at Ilmgham ten During a sal jen briwlat Coiiuellsville, Pa , Matt Guireuul. a Gnrmaii. was stab bed in tha aide and bead. The row occurred through a Get man girl who transferred her affections from Guireuul te another. If is net known who did thu cutting. During a ouarrel at Quarantine station. Ktatvu Island, yesterday, belwecu I'raueia Kskeu and Paul Nevark, Hungarians, the the latter stabbed tlie fermer iu the shoultler with abtilctte hour later. Hikeu tlletl au A telegram has been received from Sheriff Chandler, Laoyane, county, Kan , stating that Watnpter, the (loud who liutcheiUhe Amlerseii family, near Pleas antry, Kail., seme tlays age, committed ouieido iu Arkansas te escaij capture. Keur men wero recently wounded in a sham battle of the Flerida state militia a' Camp Clupley, nnd an investigation was shown that their Injuries wero caused " by the point of a regular army standard blank cartridge" Liporimenls show that the points of the eattriilges " would tear away and pouetrato an inch beard at 20 loot." Tlie wholesale bakery of A. II. Herso man, of Williamsburg, New Yerk, was ou .Saturday destroyed by lire. Less, $100.. 000 j insiiranoe, $70,000. While the firemen wero working te pnve au adjoining building a wall of the bakery loll into au alleyway in which they steed, killing Henry Tyaek and Geergo Haight, anil terribly injuring Stephon Allen. riUKIION AN AMKKIUAN VKtitKl.. A ,it!l!.V,l,Ju."l",,,t".,,",,",'lr"en ''"' mliuiliisclioeiier In Urlenr. Ilaroer. Cantain Drlake. of tlm animr...... a r Drlske, just arrived iu Philadelphia with a oarge of sugar from Cardenas, Cuba, reports that his vessel was Hred upon by a Bpanihh gunboat whlle he was entering the Cardenas harbor. This attack was made en May 21. Captain Drlske says that he cannot noeount for the firing wliieh was unexpected, of course, ami en tirely unwarranted ami unprovekod. The '7? U1 ""ai no says, roquire the display of the national ensign by all vessels upon passing rv Bpaulsh gunboat in Hpanish waters. Ills Hag was thus displayed at the tlme, although owing te the calm thou providing tlie colon could be easlly roeog. nlzed at.a distanoe. " As seen as he arrived at Cardenas, Oap- ...... .i,nu reisjneu tUe facts te the Atnorieaii consul, who at 01100 liiHtitutetl nn investigation, nnd the affidavits of nil or the ollleera of the Bobeouor wero taken Tiicse wero forwarded te the Bpaulsh Fert Oaptalu at Cardenue, but he raade no riqily. Kdwartl Hicks, a passenger en the Phlladelpliia schooner V. J. Cellins, wit ucssed the nllegetl outrage, ami his a 111 davit has been taken. The facts have been forwarded te Washington by the American consul t I aiilena, and the allalr may become the subject of diplo matic ouinpllcatieus hi Iwien tins oeuntiy anil paiu. urii UHiM.u i, t, i ii eimuh. Au Sci-ti Ulluwrr t.e IIm.I Slnulril V ituitf Hi, Aclu-t lllit liiiiiulilrr't Wl.ltrn I'line ye.us age Miss Mai v Helder eaiiih ftt't i lewa te visit ftieinls of liets In Poit Peit vil'e, Cattaraugus count v, New Yeik. While thete she lieeame anpuuited with the tlatlghteiM of Hunt) W. I mind, a wealthy widower, t.O yeais of age, ami visited them at their father s home. Iu tlie spring of 18SI she returned te Iowa ami opened i tnilllnery store in Council Hltllfs. foeii afterwards she received a letter fiem Widower Cenrad, in which lie eeiifessctl t having fillen in love with her niitl asked her te marry him. Mie finally consented te de se. His daughters suspected that he was eorre spetitling with .Miss Helder, antl one of them followed him constantly wbeiever lie went, anil sucet'ded in preventing him from writing te his intended for mero than two mouths. He then obtained access te a friend's elllce, whete lie wrote te Miss Helder and told her the situation Last spring he sent for her te come te Perlville. She did se, and they wero seoretlv married. Living apart nud never being seen together, no ene suspected that they were married until lat April, when tour id's daughter discovered the fact by accident. With the aul id their brothers they imprisoned tlie old man iu his house, ami induced him te assign all bis property te bis eldest son. Cjtiratl has been kept under lock and key key ever sluee. Last week his wife, whose supplies had thus been cut oil, went te the hotue ami demanded her husband. His children attempted te eject her from the house, whereupon she drew n revolver ami declared tin t she would have her husband. Au officer was sent for, and n charge of assault with intent te kill was inade agawt her. She was arrested nnd held te appear at the nest term of court. Sliir.lrrr.l liy n lrltliiiirnt tenant, Peter McCormiek. a wealthy resident of Hunter's Point. L. I . n shot and killed en Smithy, by Patrick lv n. m, ene of his tenants. "Kiruan kept a Inpier store in a budiling which he rented from McCer miek, ami getting behind in bis rout was told by his lauderd that if he did netpiy immediately he wen d bj dispocsel Kiruan went te MeCertmrk's house ami askeil te sec htm privately. A stormy in terview between the two men ensued in Mr McCormick's private sitting room. during w Inch a pistol shot was beard and Kiruan rushctl from the house, lie was captured before he bad gene far, anil was locked up. McCormick died almost iu statitly. He leaves a wife antl six chil dren. The murder caused intense excite ment in Hunter's Point and muehtlilfi culty was experienced in getting Kirtiau te j ui. fEltaONAlj. Mt.t.uv returns from Knglaud with the beast el .-t 1,000 conversions. Cuuti i" Uewh: constantly filed and (lit away the New Yerk llee liitztttt. CeM.UE-vnN ?h ru L Mu.Uki'.v, of Maine, employs as bis private secretary h's daughter. Gi eiii.i: II. lit M;r. will reatl a poem at the Fourth of July celebration at Hese laud prk, Woodstock, Conn. MimMauv Amhisin will lettttn te A nitric i at the conclusion of the scaseu at tlie Louden Lyceum theatre. Piu.v K of OitAM.h's illuess was chielly induced by the vitiated atmospLere in which lie lived. Sixty parret.1 were kept in his bedroom. li. K. Jammen, the Philadelphia b inker, will sejii start from his home en a 1,000 uiile trip te the White Meuutaius and back in Ins well known tally-he ceaub. Wii.i.ivm Siiiwmu, pnsulent of the Germ iti-Atnericati bank of Haltunerc,died .Sunday at tbe age of 111 years. He had been president et the bank since its ergani iitieu in lbT J Amuii w Cvn.su. ii, of Pittsburg, en account of his association in nowspaper enterprises iu Knglaud with Ssmuel Story member of Parliament ler Suudcrhud, is called "the Upper Story." Pun ii- liiu iiki Minsius the poet wh, in his childhood, inspired Mlsi Muleck s " Philip, my King," lias lest his mother, his only sister, Ins sweet heait, his funiliar frieml ami Ins eye sight. Dit lluw. mid Cu '!.., in his address te the sweet girl gratiuates of tlie Yati Nerman institute ou Tuesday evening, Slid : "If all young lathes wero what they should be, we'd never see a dude or a dog deg dog eirt." Hurt H.vr.n.'s niece, Miss Onsweld, makes her tlebut, this evening in Cevetit (lirtlttii theatre, Louden, as Mirjucrtlc She has the advautageef beitig trained ler the part by Uoiiued himsulf, tne cunpeser of "Faust." Ldmi nds, Sherman, Wilsen of Iowa, llayard, and Pemllettiti iu tlie Sana'e, and Itaudall, Carlisle, Kelley, McKi.dey, Hea gau and Curlin in the Heui-e, are notable congressmen without esllegiate odiiea tien. Wim.iam Hk.viiv llriti.nuiiT, thofertnar editor et tlie New Yerk World, is te be married uext August te Miss Trasy, cf New Yerk. The wedding will take plaoe at Ucekltt Deuisnu'H mansion m York shire, nud the hoeuoymo u will be epcut In Italy. Pui.nci'. 01 Oiiam.k, Crown Priuce of the Netherlands, who has bcen ill for seme time, is (lead. The lata prince from Ids boyhood sullered from an incurable spinal dlsoase. He led the life of a recluse and was et a molaneholy tomperament, duj te his physical infirmities. The New American Nevel. Washington Republic. The dainty Manhattan bagins its fourth volume with its July issue. If appearance) go for anything, this tuagizine ts net behind its fellows is prosperity any mero than its merit. It must be e weeded, tee, that In its serial, "Trajm," it has mueh the meit powerful story recently ollered American 1 eiders, who will, it soeins te me, begin te doubt Mr. He wells's assertion that plots and situations have been worn out. The brilliant social aud bjsinets suc cesses of a young Amorieau in Paris who (Irwin lipr r.linllv Rlltlt.'nnl ' rmlnne.l fnm allluence te poverty, and establishes hurself ns a mediator botweon her wealthy coun ceun coun trymen nnd the oxteitionato Pariiian tradesman, (loes net present itself te me with a haokneyed or familiar nspeet. This Is, te be sure. euly an inoident In tin story of "Trajan," a story from wliieh we shall be llkely te, rightly or wrongly, base many of our future Ideas about the life of Amerlcans of many classes in the French capital. rutlilleri I'lcnlc. Ou Saturday night a let of iniddlers get en a drunk nnd had a big fight in the ueigh. borheod of Plum and Chestuut stroets, One of thorn named HuriiH, Boomed te be tlie best man, ,uuJ whipped several ethers. The polieo arrived alter the row, but-nrrested seven of the participants, llefore the mayor this morning they wero charged with druuken nud disorderly con. duet. It was difficult for them te explain what caused the row, or hew It ouded. The mayor solved the rlddle aud made each pay the costs bafore they wero dis. charged. One di tin k aud a vag worn dlsohnrged by the mayor. THU NATIONAL SPORT. IUO."VMIU'.S AMAIN IM'er.Al TIU-.1I ON. Ae vnlllng tlsnm tin MsmnlHy Wmi lr tl.KMliintu's Itlx llit-itiitr Intel rnllufC ItCMM One of the finest games of bill seen iu tills eitv for some time took place ou Sat uiilay between the Ironsides ami Trenten clubs. Theiu weiti about PH) people piesetd, and they were initie than pleased at the cveelletit plijlm: et both clubs, und especially that of the liensiibs, who bail wen but one game dining the week te that time. Ilnth clubs presented strong teams, including their best batteries Murphy pitched for the vinltuis, and certainly did t xcelleut work, the maj itlty of the lieuni team being unable te de anything with him. Pyle also pitched a splendid game, and seven hits, seatteied among dllleieut members of the Trenten, were all they could get. Oldlield, ns usual, caught well ami had neither au error nor passed bill. The Helding of the home team was better than iu any game of the season, lllgglus had no Iecs than seven put outs at second, with but one error The Trentens played a goetl lielillug gam, but they bail uure errets than the home team, Smith gelling two or them. The game was exeeediuly close amlexeit ing up te tlie eighth Inning when the score was tie, each uine having three rues. In the eighth the Itensides wen the giime. Urodley went te first ou a lilt, ami he was followed by Geedman who uude tlie longest lilt ever seen ou the grruutls. He drove the ball ever the large fence in center field and almost lest It en the pike. Jake had no treuble making the round of the bises, and was gtcetetl with tremeii deus applause, as he crossed the home plate. Neither nines scored iu tlie ninth inuiug, antl the autlience was almost wild at the close. The score is glven here : i tit, s si met vii it in ru a x llnulley, Jb 1 1 '. i ivrliv e I t 1 it e e l .. .Minimi, 11, II.' ii n it liltltlnl.l, i ten 7 I it IIIHKlin. il. 11" 7 i I Denii'l. s t e i) ii 2 n Iiii;rnhnm, r I Ill I e i.n-ene I r tot it it l'j le, p I I) 0 eei. Total JTi S a 27 is i TSKNniN A II II III, t-.e. A K SIlKlllllK. 11) II i IS II II Mrvtir, ;n I I ii ii I n Stetl.-, I t I II 1 II II I'li.'iK'k. It) .Ill i i 0 William', c 1 t 0 i 2 ii it Suiiin.ss loe l ,i It) mm. c ion s i it Hummers, r I.... I " I ! , Murphy, p 3 0 1 oil Total Jl 3 7 i7 I'l 4 l-tMi.Nus Ii35ti7s-i ImnsMtis n it I 0 1 I t' .' 0--." llciiteii e e : u e 1 0 0 " .1 summ vti. Kami I runs- Irenslites, :. Tienteii. I. Twe tijsn lilts liigrtliiut, uiiMiti an.l i.oe l iimii lltmie Kim liexltiniti I., tt mi line lreiisiilcs, I , Trenten, ft "-truck out l.v I'vle, I. ny Murpliv. i. II 1st. en Ii:iIN--1uimhI.(ii, I I lav Itv Ix'l ',: lilt Ol.l tl.-l.l ami Itv in. IVix.. l IniN-ltyini 3 W UO plUtlC4-l')lu, I, Mm pliv i rime-! rv t'mplre-h. lltil The Hohrerstown base lull chili played a game of bise ball, at Meuutville, en Svturd.ay, with the folio wing score. INMMIH. 1 J I I 5 0 T S 3 Uelirerst.iwn I ti I I n e i: Meiiiitv lllit . I i e i) it 1 e li" llose hits, liohterstown. IT. Mettntville, 1 1 ; errors, Kohrerstowu , Motiutville 10; home run, Kelly of Ituhrerstewu , double plays, Davis ami Uaer, Kelly and Ilaer , umpire, Mr. Gallager. Ttin UlmiiiiutMi.tilp Hecera In l)te. The following tables, corrected te Sen day night, gtve the standing of the clubs iu the le tiling assocutteus : HATItl-tAL LEV.Il'R. t .. - i; - ? - " 5'3 3 sn ' SI s s a t llojlen lltllTrtlll Clilcnge Cleviilttml lietrelt New erk.... riiila.ipliln , rrevittimee i I Ui s, 0 I 1 8 I (li li & 1 Jl.. ,V it illlfllOS I.IMt. Ill'lsi.l.'la In 17 1 in Imi AMKKIIAN AS-MHIATIUN. Sls.1.5 s S J3 , a 13 -2 2 - I D J 3 i'l 1,3 1 - 0 II .' '. Jl 3 i) Jl .' 3 li a J il 0 I il e 1 1 'J 0 . X 3 ft 27 i .! 21 . 2, ill 1 8 AlliiKlit'iiy. Atlllellc. ... lUittmerii llniekljn.. Clnelniiitl l.'OlllllltlllS lnillu'npeitu l.eti Isi'll 111 MettntKill'n Ht. I.ttuls.. Teledo Wiu-ilMiiKt'ii 1 "tl .I e: J "I it 1 l it i 4 0 II II r .i It ! 21 0 0 I (illlllPS l,et If ei .B'sn UVION ASSOCIATIOS, ' s s a six If 1,1 ..i i ! e JlS-ali a 3 : 'r.iD . 3 I a 3islai ; A r. AIIOOIIH Iltilttniore .... lltMlen t-likiiKe Cincinnati ... Uhusu City.. Kuystenu Nitleniils St. I.eiils 6 M 21 20 tl I 111 III 33 Til tlnines I.mt , 1'J li IS .s!27 4 KASTKRN LUAOUB. CLCnS. O S I B 3 g OeS CiSfi 3.JS g I H::;fi; Aellvt) 3 11 II In' Alleiilewii.,,, I .. 1 2 li u 4 tt Demestic 2 ft .. 2 0 2 1 1 ll.rrlntmrtf 1 I 3 .. 2 1 1 I Monumental e e e 2 . e I e Trunten H A 4 2 0 II Virginia 1 : 2 6 2 2 3 Vllinlnteri 12 5 10 2 3 (lames I.eU II lb 17 .si 10 in pi I he Iruusides' games are ns fellows Wen 2 anil leal .1 vvltn 1 ronten, 2 Kleliiiieml. UitmlliiK. Alleutewn. NewurK, 1 ft 1 71 llnsn Hall Notes. Jake Ooedm m's bitting rocerl un. is way McDonald, toleasod bj the Alloutewns, is playing third base for the Domestics, Ilastiau, Wilmington's little second baseman, has net had un errer in the last uine games. "I'eg Hern" Hradley will nrrive this evening te uniplre the Ironsides games for a week. The Lancaster elub has ougaged Foulk Foulk red, late of (Jkambersburg. Thu fermer elub Is playing Llttlestewn te day. The Irouside, ure net playing te. day, as It Is au off day iu the Kiatnrn Leaguo. They will he kept busy for the uext two weeks, howevor, Ou Saturday the Daunllesn elub, of Mt. Jey, minus Pyle nud Kberle, thelr best battery, defeated the Htojlteii elub Iu Mt. Jey, by the soero of 10 te 8. C'uslck, of the WllmlugUw, who caught Pyle last year, Is tilaylug great ball this season, and saveral Amorlean association teams would llke te have him. The Yerk elub held a meetlng en Batur. day and reMihed te Inercasti thelr stock If any one ran be iutluei.il te putohase. Manager lluitibam has led the elub and u new one will have te be hceuiitl. The Trentens went fiem bete te Yerk Hits morning ami will play theie te-day anil in ll.ur sliuig, Tinviday, Wuluesday und I'lilltsday. I'licv will letuiii te this city en I'tiil.i), te play a postponed game wbli the lietisliles Cite Actives of Helding will ttegln tlu-ii itieeuil hi' lies ui gmili's with the lietislilis in this oily te mniiOYV. mid pla Wednes day and 'I Inirsilay also. Tint Ac Ues am a line i lull, mid se fat the lieitsldes have bealt'ii thorn tlnee giimeseitt of live. Tim Alioeua elilli wai lnll.il te I ly lit'te with the IdticaMer en Mittiid.iy, lint they did net put In un iippeuianen. The chili has tliihauded let waul of hinds, ami the plajersain limiting ler new situa tions. Smith, the itlieii step, went te t'lrv eland. When the erk Anty matt beoetties disgusted with the audiences el that town they eeilainly must be bad, but be says t'lls meiuliig "the habit et these miil miil ceuteuts el jfering, yelling nud Impteeat ing ut everything that does net suit their fancy, is net only insulting te the ladles Iu attendance, ami thsiespcetltil te the visit lug elub, but a reptoaeh te the town. It is net applause that we condemn, but tlie unearthly bowls of a half iltu.ui, who eati 'outsavage' anv na of barbarians tm tlie laeoei tlie glebe." They are beginning te drop te the fact that the audiences have hurt the ten in the ball buiiuess. Junes, it thud baseman, whom the Domestics secured fiem the New Yerk League elub several days age, has " jiitilisid " his conttuet te sign vv ith thu Uroekljn elub, for which be will hkely be liUek listed. Jenes had signed with the Domestics ou ins nnn tonus ami he seemed e intent until en his way te Wilmington from Harrislnirg.llowasappuiieheilen tlm train by M m.igcr Talor, of die Iliekl)ti, ami when the train reached Philadelphia, lottes, instead of geim: with his elub. staj etl oil with Tayler. He was assitteil by Manager Pierseu, of the Demestic, that lie would tteeive as large ,v siluj from '.un as fiem his mis love, but Jenes would net return. Tlnssime in.tti I'.iylur was ill this city t i m'cike rtmitli and Itu It ltd son, of the liiucaster, but tlt.-u muuagni wittild ti it udewse them. They thetelere refused te leave, allhettgli Tahu siul tlieie would be no ttouble about it. I ( MlllS (K A 1 iill.r lln tilriM n llitnit unit l-er.t t.i Itrturu It, Oul'iiilay evening a strange inm, ,to ,te ,to eempkiitetl liy two little girls.lnted a herse and bilgg) al II iiighten's hvery stable te take a dine. Siniullt.it time the team has net be'Mi seni, .it.d i' li is lnt.'ii dlseev ered that the m in who hire. I it m a well known thief, by the ti utie of Levy Andersen, who atrtve.l in town en Ihurs day ami stepped with some relatives. He get the little girls tn show Inm wluue tliostible was, ami thoydiiUe net having any knowledge of what he intruded doing. Andersen was convicted in this county in PsTl, of burglary and perjury, and sen teuced te ten years' unpitsenmeut. Ou account of commutation Ins term espii.-d in April, 1H70 He was next heanl el in Yerk county, where he stele sevtul horses He vv is eiwvutud anil stviM'ti.vil te the K intern peuttenliary, where he served u term and has net been eui vnrv long. He is we'l knew n in PhiUdelphta, New Yerk and ether cities, ami it is be lievetl that be went Wist with the tewi which he secured here. Mr. Houghten eilers a.reuard of $',0 fur Ins cipture. a lloen 1 MM (i.ptiirril. lerk H.vlly. Three wetks age t'lem Yehe el Adams Cttutity, caitie te inrk.iiid sold a herse te Kmanuel Uener, herse dealer ou West Clark avenue. After slliug the horse oho went te a b.irbtr shop, get shaved, then bought a piir el shoes and some clothing, alter which he bought a niilr 'id ticket and took the train for lllniei., ( 1 1 the same day Mr. ileu-r sold the herse te a dealer from 1,-vncaster, from which eity it was shipped te New .nlc Alth inch the herse had been stolen front near Ptiiele.vn, Atlams county, no one suspected the fact until Saturday tueiinu,;, when iMcciive Keuser and Bhcrill' Plank, or tletiysluirg, Adams county, with tlie prisoner, Yehe, walked into De ir lord's hotel. Djtoe'ivo lleuscr, who had iecsttd Yehe, wt-ni te Hsrrihburg atel received from (l.tveiuer Pattison ii reipiisitieu en the governor of Illinois and proceeded te that state, where lie captuittl his man, dint iirrivnl in Yeik ou the 7: id tram Satiitday meruitig, where Sherill PI ink metlliem. I'liealfau created censhlerable exLitemeut ami ttlk in th it part of the town. Aftei taking dinn-i at Deartlerirs hotel tlie sherill ami detective, with the pr Miner, left fei (leltysburg. Thu prisetier savs that he did net steal the herse but th it lie was stelen and brought te Yeik by aiietbei poison, whom he met ou tbe railroad west of llottstevvu and divided the money with. Theie is no doubt, a regular organized gang of hee thieves, te which the party belonged. II1C. lv TK MlY'-l lllit I Mil V V. Oldiritlieii ui mm Slilj-limrtli Aniilvrrniiry, On Friday evening, tlie sixty-fourth ae uiversarv et tlie birthday of Hev. Dr. Samuel Keueagy, of Strithhtirg, he enter tained the Strasburg orchestra, Prof. I v of fer, its preceptor, and a niimber of friends aud cili.tins of htraslmrg. Around v hand semely spread be ltd was gathered a goodly company, in n hrlef fpeech te whom Mr. K. oxteilod hit fellow muiiiiiers of the orchestra, for their marked progress during the two jears of Iheir organisatien. Uoe. W. Hensil, jr., the cashier of the Strasbur national It. nk, made a brief, congratulatory speech; I'el lowed iu a happy vein by Oe. U. IJge", Prof. ICclfer, Dr. J. U Weaver. H N Warfel, A. M. Ilerr, and Dr. J. H Urell The oiiteitaiiimcnt was followed with violin roleotions by Prof. Keirer, a duett by him nud Miss Christle Keueagy, and with vocal aud insti emental music, by Mis. Jehn (Ireir, Dr. J. K. Orell ami W. II. Miller. The whole occasion was very delightful ami significant, net only ns marking a milestunn iu the life of an iistitn. nble oitlzeu, but in recognition of tbe success of nn organisatien te promote musical iud social oulture lu Strasburg. Ilovliilliieil l.pltrr. List of uualalmed btters advnrtiscd at Lancaster, Monday, .hi no -;i, 18S1 : Liuliti' l.M Miss Ltz.le Ilnibaker.MIss Sarah 13. Cooper, Miss Aunie 11. Uun Uun nlnghare, Mrs. 13. Pester, Kmma K, HaberhuHli, Mrs. Jehn 1 1 amies ('J), MUu Mary 13. llaag, Miss Husie Heinoy, Miss Ida M. Hoevor, Miss Tillie Liphart, Miss 1311a A. Lltligew, Alice M. Mlller, Hobecca O'Hrien, Miss Ulara Pewers, Mrs. Harry Rowland, Mrs Maria Blum It, Miss Muggie L. Bmith, Mrs. 0. K. Htinemiin, Miss Kmma F. Stouer. GenW Lilt Frank Heyd, James A. Ilird, J. N. Uoepor, Samuel Dall, Philip Qinse, JamosUarlew, Kims Uieilf, Jehn Harmes CJ), William Konseti, Ubarles Kuhn, Lewis Loatler, James Linthnubaixer, Ueiijamln Mylin, ndwin Perry, Domlnieo Palmier (for), Daniel Itlfe, K.ines I). Bhoaller, Chart K. Blnger. Neah II. Bmlth, Ilov. Willseu tJinlth, Phiatuae H. Htoveus, Jehn Tuylgr, Jehn Wumdcs, J. Wallaue it Ce., Themas Wiler. Asinutt mm luttury. David Ucultel has brought a suit against I) ivid Woidel, eliarglug him witli assault and battery bofero Alderman Foitlney. He gave ball for a hearing. Why nut MelllKiiU Y The uame or Ilolnheldsvlllo ppstofilae this ceuuty, has been changed te Ulaluoa-peit. SWjSPTJW FIKK. Hi IAIlV.S AOAIIC.MV tn.ll Yllljl.vUI.il A lliiriiluu Mtnhln Iih.IIm Hi., lluiiiisuiiin siriKluri. nn tin,, Mtpef-.i lili. tltlteil ttj (lit- l'liii,n I'liM meiiillig iibeilt bj o'eleuk, tlie at go briek stiiblt) en ih ,.lt ( ,, (0 I hillpl'ilKpatileU, hititkted en the east slde of Heaver street bulew Vtue, w.n ills ceveied te be ou lite, ami though an ilium w is shuck seen alter tlie llin wisdlseev eletl, aud the liiemeti piemptly lespeutlid, Hie building wliieh was nii(iiii.( by Jehn Mul'addeii, as a lively stable, was ipilekly iMtlsllinetl, togelhet with Itii oentouts, iHiiislstlug of hay, straw, nits ami oet ti. The betses vsere silnly lemoved Iteui tlm stables, tlie Urn luiviti' ei Icinatcd in tlm upper pat t of the building. Mr. MeFail den's less Ik abi nt $100. Tlie building was Instnel Tet 450!) with Mcnsih. Uaiisituiu iV Uiiiiih, In tbe North llritish ami Meioantile Insurance com pny. .St SlHrjr's A nullum j- li.Um I'lrw. Diieetly oppesllo the bittiiitig Htable, en the west side or Ueaver stteet and front, lug en Yum stieet Is Si .Mary's orphan asylum ami schools, mt elegant ami costly thtofslery litlek sttietute, teeently dodl dedl dodl eated The II lines (tern the bttruiiig stible wete blenti iliuetly against the east end el tlie building, mid in a low minutes the window li.tmes were ou lite, the glass broken und the ll.iuiesaud munke pouring mil in sulleetttu' masses. I'he liirutitire was lustily temeved trout the dottnlteties ami school looms, ami most et it saved, the bids and bidding being carried te thu eli.ipd i tt the vvesi end of tlie building. rutiiiiiH tin, I'Uiui-s The ll lines found thelr way between the upptl celling ami the in ms. ml reef, ami it was with the gieateslilillleully they wete extinguished, thuru being no way te gel ui, uiem mini ueies wero cut in the ceiling, und even then tbe smoke was se stilling that It was almost impossible fur thu llrtinen te work. Finally the llatuiH were extinguished, but net until tlm east unit of the building was Heeded Trout otlte te baemetit, some el the ceilings lu I li s p ir lien being se bully dimtgeil th.it they will prebvbly have le lm token tlewti It is fcatetl that the entire root el tlie east compaitmeut of tbe building will have te be token oil and taluiilt, uiueli et tbe slate beiiii; breki n and the tiiubt rs supporting the tool hadl) burned. Tlie less te tin. no id.iiuy is tisiim uul at rrem $J,000 te 1 lHHi, upon which thorn is no insurance. The sumiuei sesM.uis of the ae ideiny closed en Friday last, the e immeiiecmeiil excicist's being ptiutid at seme length In the Isn 1. 1. nil si Kit ami the pann-liul btboel was te hive closed tins week, s'i that there will be lutle less of rebooting te the pupils, as the tveik of repaitiug the building will he ut oi.ce ceminuiieid, and will be cimpl. tci by tlie time the summer vac vtien te Is. Much crcllt is due lu Father Mrt'ul lagb, and the sisters in charge of the school, f.ir tlie bravery and energy .Ps plaved by them in suing the liinuluru un.) aiding the Inemeii. Cinel Hewell and hmilepartmeut vveie in.lofatig.Oile nud skillful in fighting the ll nues. The Cliise of the lire in Fit.patnek's sUible is net piisitively kuewti. It is snd that some b)s wete see'i in the vicinity plaviug with tlie (.taekeis, ami it is sup posed by seme tha' tln- may hive.iccideu tally tot lire te the butldin.: in this way. It is also satil that a man was seen running away fiem the building pist before the tire liieku out, and it is lielieved by sotue that he was an itieendtaiy ..ud tired tlie binldiiig. VV In t .111. -Ill ll,v. llrrn l'isaei fortiitiale eireiiuistatiee that the lire did lint occur uu hour la'er, as at that time there would liave lnvti about sefcilty little thlldteii el ;he parochial school in the biilliliu.', gatuetetl ler tlie rehearsal of their closing ueiuis, which take tlaee in l'ul'.e'i epeia hetihn ou Wednesday ntxt. A stamp-de might have taken place with pteltahle le's of liln et limb. Had tlie lue ..e.'urritl at night, it would biwe been ii" u l nupnssible le tuve tne building and I he chtut h n'niettiiu with the still wind fiem tbe east that was thou blowing. A oeiill igratteu at thai time would have breu tuesl ilisastteiis, as the sleejtltig iipirimetjls of thu sisUms wero the first attacked l the liery ele incut. The art work, exhibition of the academy, ns has been hoie'of m adverted t i in these columns, was very li itulseiue It was tastefully ai tanged about the laige room en tbe third lloer in the siuih nisi angle el the building Here the ll nues raged hottest, lloreaiso willing b nels i.ipully formed a salvage uirp, ami the e Miteiits of the room were passed Ireui h.uiil teh.ind te a plaoe of safety. A few of th" p'.npivH ate missing, ttuu it is believed te tlm laet that seme of tboie helping removed arti cles bulnti.'iir: te fi lends and nUltves. Onu ortwe pl.upiesbrekdt itnlahauilsome velvet fraine damageil oeimtititle the only i losses iu this dep it Uncut I ut il tbe lire department ariiveu ttie buoket hrigatle fought tlie ll lines from tlie interim. I'limitidlitl of tlie lleioe lieat and blinding smeke a brave baml el workers labeted uu'il t'i i intensity of tlie dames drove them back The ue of tlie llre plug without by the ib unlinent stepped the Hew of water wit Inn ihe build ing, and the buoket brig ide turned their attention te the c.iiryiug ( all inovable piepuity te the west end of the building. At ene time it seemed as though the con tra! portion of the building ha le night, and with tbe still east wind blowing, the mlety or the whole eornei was threat'-nod. Hut the utitiritig, well tlireett.l ollerls or Ue llronien, assisted by the vveikers within, kept the ll lines in check. It wan eulv Buuil.iv at tlie 8 o'clock mast that Uev. Dr. McCnllagh, the pastor id St. Mary's, announced te the cengiega tien the individual NiibsoiipMeus liy which $10,1)1. 50 hid beeii i.iised for defraying the cost td tlie building. Ue speke el the prnle he relt iu the ceugiegatluii, te whoee goiieitiHity was due the eatly comiiletion d the struotute. Twice had Dr. .McCiillagii laitl aside meney for the Insurant) el the building, but mero prcisliu demands ou his limited oxehetpioi catihed its pottpono pettpono pottpeno nient. . , ... Tbu building lias alreat'y bee i miiiutely described in these oeliimin. Tlie east wing, used by tlie parochial departmeuL nnd the slbtoiheod, is mueh damaged by water, the volume of water pouted into the third lloer having dripped through the two floors botieath te the basement. The portieii used by the noademy ami chapel is Intact. NetwlthsUtitllng the serieus dlBairangemeut of plans for the parochial oxerolses, it is thought thvt the oitertaintment will net be ititorfeiod with. Annttmr I'lre Whlle the fire nt St. Mary'ii chureh was iu piogrebs this morning, seme boys set llte te the mompilte nettlug In frame houhe en lleaver stroet, near linger. The bed caught und was almost oensumod. The llre was extinguished by two hese men of the llre dopartineut, and hvl It gained headway a iniiiiber of frame houses would have been burned. flie lit I. HII. Thcre was considerable excitement in Mill, yesterday morning, caused by a llin iu the tailoring and cloth ing establishment of Samuel Dillonderfor, en Main street. The fire staited iiutler tbe counter iu the slore room. The whole town was al irined, and the hand euginu was brought iutoservico, Meu alae worked hard with buckets, nnd it was boiiie time bofero the fire was extluguishcd. A large let of cloths, musliiir, trimmings &e , wits burned, The less te the. stock will be $300 or JOOO.and ltas Insured for $'.5,000. The building Is owned by Mrs. Heek, and