:Vrfy "s "C ?JI - - i!' mtfa: ?" Veluuin XXNe. 252. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, JUNK 2 Js 1884. Price Tw Oat. ff Ik V. sa-S2PeQ - V y .F " 'JV f"wi,iiiAT7fv1vrr:?'t-'W5' - lUIHIiH or AHT, 11 KIIOAIH. SUMMER GIFTS. We doalre te cull nttoutien et buyore te the met tlmt our Summer oiTerluK of nttrnottve JBWELUY in unusually large. All the noveltloa In Short Olmlna for Iitullen. Call and See the Queen's. AntliiuoBllver Jowelry. Potlte ploeoolnDlnmondJowolryatvory low prlceH. Olmtelultiu ivtul Feb Wntohea. A flne line of WeddlDK Sllver. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4, West King I. NUA8TK.lt, Mny III. IHrtl. Street. muylH-iyil ItKlltlilt.H.ITOItl. TKWKTl'M OK.I.I'.IIKArK.I) IIKFltlUr.lt A IIMlB. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce. Nes. 26 & 28 West King Street, -A0HNT6 FOK ."iini'u HI! Lancaster. TS WATER COOLERS -AND- Jel-lmd FILTERS. tiitr uoeiia. neon in nir. iiituir iiiiiiHr. M KXT WHITKUOlMM. v urn: heeds. WH1TK0O0IW. WIIITKOOODS. WH1TK0OODS. WIUTKOOOIKS. W11ITK OOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE (K)ODS WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. Will IE GOODS WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. Nl-XT DOOU TO THE! OUUIIT HOUSE). FAHNESTOCK. NBXT DOOU TO TEE COURT HOUdE VK HAN K MADE White Goods fill LADIES DUKH'JKH n Iperl illy UiM hi-useu, midlitv" ttiiim III 1 1 1 intuitu ill I'vmy known maku (i lue In en buying ilium In LARGE LOTS, W lilt ll CIlU'dlH in III HI II tllUIII III I. Ml THAN ItKUlfLAtt 1'ltlCKS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. WHITE GOODS. JHKIHVAI.. r Am. IIAUH, HOP PLASTER. Thin porous planter In nhsuliiKtly Me bti (Iver made, cetuhlnliiK the virtue nl hops Willi KIIHIH, ImlsalllR llllll CJltlllCtB. lit) pOWIIf In wondeiftil In cuilng dhuasus where ether litiuilnri) Blinply ndliivu. Click In llm I luck linil Meck, I'alu III till) Hliln or Limbs, HUM Joint, and Muscles, Kidney Troubles, llhuu mutism, Neuralgia, Bore Clui.il, Atluclleus el thu Heart mid l.lvnr, nml nil imitin or iwIich In uny nnrleurml Instantly by the Hep Vlutler, -Trylt I'rlcn, r lhiiI, or ilvu ler fl.ie, Mnllvd en receipt ofprlce. Hnlil liy nil drug glslMuml country stores, top Matter (Vim imiii, Proprietors, lloslen, Muss. LAME BACK. rKer consllpnllen, lem et nppetlt illumines of tlm bowels tilkn lluwley's Hlen mill V'ri Hlllllllll h and Liver I'lll. ri emits iiai lyilAw(.'I) K UNKV-WOKT. IIOKM WONDKIlKUL CUIIKS OK KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. Hucnuse U act tin tlie lilVKIl, IHIWI'.LS mid KIDNEloulthe HAM E TIM K. Ilcrjuiiii llrtcuunrs Hut system el tlm pnNen oils hutiitiiH Hint diivclw In Kidney anil I'rl miry Dlsuuics, IllllluiiHiiDiM, IhiiiiiIic, Ceiitl nation, Hies, or In llhiiiiuinlNm, Ni-urulglu, N in vims DlMitilcrsnmlull KinniiliiUeinpluliita. MfHOLII) I'llOOPOFTlllH. It wlllHnri'lyCiiniUOSHTn'ATION. 1'II.KH mill KIIKUMATIHM liy tilllHlllif KltKK ACTION el nil tin eiipitM uinl llltivtleiia tlicfuby ACROSS TUK SEA. MUM or Llimil'KitN 1IUVII,, OLEAN8INO TUB BLOOD. pewnr te tliiiiw oil llt'RtniliiK tliu net nml IIIUIUIHU. THOUSANDS OK UHKS tlltlin wnnl Inriiin of Uiu-mi li-irllilu ilUcii'i-i Imve liUDiKiulvkly lullevvil, nml In u hIiiiiI tlniu ri:itKKUTI.Y CUItKD. l'rlcii. l l.liiilil or Dry, hnlil liy iIiiil;kihU. Dry tun Im iiint by innll. WKI.I.S, U1UIAIID30N A CO.. llm llimlun. VI Feml Blimp ler Dairy Aliiimiau for ItMI. KIDNEY-'WORT. ilut'5 cixlAiv (i) T7-IIINKV-WU11T FUll HAI.K IV lull H DlllU UtOI Unwn htriiit, l-HiiciLaler, I'll. ir uneii. 17 nml I i North HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Lancaster, Pa. Next Doer te the Court Heuse, VAltVBin, XV. CIIHtM'3 UnltrKl' ll.W.t.. B ARG AINS ! BARGAINS ! AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. SVIIint; Oil' te Closti ltusiiiesH. Kvcrylliins Must UoHitively he Sold, A mil l.liioel IIODV IHtUh8KI.S,TArKSTlt. mill IIUUS, HLANIvKI", LOVKIlLKTd unit OIL LI.Ol'll. All OiuiliM of INUtlAIN UAIU'KIB, tSTALL ATA 8AUllIFWR.mVkl r t'lempt iitlontleii nhuii te Hid Mniuifiicluie e! Uu Ciupute te erdur. -AT- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Cdn. W. BLINQ AND WATEll ST8.. fubl 2miliiw J LANOA8TJBR, PA Feillly llm hjtlcni. All wliu Imve eipt'rlciiC'Hlnnil w Hiuh.seiI tlie ollectof lleHluttnr'd tttenntUi llltteis upon tliu weak, brokeu down. iluttpemllnK victims of ilyepcp'la, I Iver lumpliilnt, tevur nml 114 no, tliumniitHin, ourveuN ilublllly, 01 pruumtiire dvviiy, knew that In tliU uiiihoiiie tonleiimt nlterntlvi) tliurn exlslu u upuclllu irlnclple wlilcli ri'iieliL'H tliu vary Biinri'ii et tlie t-onble, mnl etrectH un nlHUlnte Hint puimmiunt cut v. KerBulu by nil DiiikkUIb nml DiihIeih Riincr a'ly. liliiiili'iiilAw 30 UA1H' TH1AL,. UK. DYfc'b J. II. MAHT1N A CO. BARGAINS IN WA-LiL PAPERS! Frem Late Bulea In NEW YORK. GOLD PAPERS, IB 20 26 00 Ccmte, 20 20 60 60 PATTERNa. HJMD03SBD PAPERS. 30 Oenta, 10 PATTERNS. WHITE HLANK PAPERS, O Oenta, 20 PATTERNS. (I .11 It f 11 gQ 11 8 10 26 100 VOLTAIC BELT. Kluutrlc Appllnncuimu Minion 30 I'n a' Jtilul. TOMENONLY. YUUNU OK OI.U, WI10 mil HiillurlnK Irein Ncrvum nubility I.ehI Vitality, I. uck et Ncrvn r oice mnl Vler WnutliiK Wciikncrtiid, mnl nil llieu IHhimiscieI upiHHdiml niitiuu iDSiiltliii; limn iibimui mnl elliur cnuttn. Hpcutly mllut nmlceinplutu lux toiatlenol lluultli, Vlitermi'l Mmilieinl i:n:ir- mitciiil, Tlie KninitiHt discovery of tlm Nino Nine Nino U'enlh cuiitury. tiiinit nl onue (or UUnUuted l'uti. plilul liue. AiUlii.ua, VOLTAIC BELT CO., ptlll'dMWAK.lw MAKNIIAI.I.. MICH. NdhiuIi piling iinywlicioflpe III I, mi uster. Kvmy l'nlturn NBW, mnl K'liirnnlceil In eveiy ri)pfct. New U tlm tlmu te buy papuw, evun II you ile nel waul te Iiiiiik tliuiu till Kail. Our ruled nl HmiKliiKure I.OWBIl llmu nny etliniu mnl we employ tlm bint Werkiuun In tlm city. Oiirruli'Htnr IIuiikIiik liiiMibunn I(KI)IICKI) this weuk mnl uru new na low ns tluiy will bumiy tliun tills Hunnuer. Ilavu your wet Ic ilnuu new. J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King untl l'rince StreetH, i)llKM. " ANAKKH1H" Klvei Inalmit rnllul, mill U mi lufalllble euro ter l'l l.h. l'rlce, il.W nl ilitiL'KlHlM, or mini prupalil by inall. Hmnplu trce, AililrunH, " AflAKUSIS " MukuiD. llex 2110. New Yerk. uprllyM.W.K.tw KAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS, Of the llunimi lleily enlarKinl, dovelopuil, Dtrenntliunuil," etc., U mi Intiiii'HttiiK iiilvur tiHuuiuiit leuir run In our napiir. In uiply te Imiulrlug we will Hiiytlmt Hiliu Is ueuvliluni'u el liuiubUKubeul lull. On tliu centruiy the ailviirtlaurH nre vury tiltslily Indomed. lutnt iwtcil periieua may uul Huultul cIu'uIuihkUIiik nil tmrl Iculiiru by mldieisliiK Knm Mkuical Ce , llullale, N. i. Teledo Kienini; lite 11M) ilMW.tr Aw RTAllaiOM 1SOL.UH. 1TX WEAK NEIIYOUS MEN WliOde nubility, uxliaimluil powere, iireuia iireuia Inte ilecny ami lulltmi te purlenu IIIu'h iIuiIuh piepuily, mi) caimcil by excuses, uriuu el youth, elc, will lliul n purlucl nml limtliiK iud iud iud tornlleu te reUiml liuallh unit vigorous intin intin intin lioeil 111 TIIK MAKHl'ON llOI.US. Nultliur stemncli ilriigKliiR nur lustruuiuut. Thli lioatiueiilol mtveiis Dublltty unit l'hyilcul Decay Is iinltermly hiiccchsIuI buemmu tmsmt en pel loot diagnosis, new nuit illieul uiutlieits nml iiiiaoiiiiiiineroiiuuness. run liioiuaiieii unit Treatlud Iren. Aililiess Censiiltlnif 1'hv Hlclail Ot MAKbTON KKMKDY CO , 4U W. Hilt BU, New Yerk. uurl-lyM.W.r.tw LHticaster, I'a. VhVMIHNU AND UAH MTTlNti. OMfl AIINUL.U. .1 PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, BSTFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders it ' JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 HAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. iKAPis T IIOTKI. I.AIIKlt II HI'. II ANII Kxcelsler HuateiM Wuter en DruiiL'liL llmiry Kahtur. proprietor et tue (Irape Hetel, W mnl 31 North Q.UUU11 stieut, Im riiineilulmt tliu barroom, ereuled llrstelasa KulrlKuratOM unil Inn new en iluuiKht Clmrlni Clan's col cel ebraleit l'hllailulplila I. All Kit 1IKKK for which be Is nole a (nut lu thUvlty. Alse, rfAK ATOUA WATKK Hern tliu Imneiis KxcuUler bprlngDi Barate(u, N. Y. A lull ussnrimem et t Ue puiust Wiuvs mul lil'iueta 011 euie. c 1HKM1KH COllMlY IltlUUK. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Atthofielof New Yerk nvontie. within n tow liiiiieiixl feet et the son. AtnuctlTu, cemrnitublnauil homellko. NOW ei'KN. uuuJ-:iii(l J. HKXMABONS, -TKAUUUAUTKH!l WUlt TUB INDIAN MEDICINES, KA'TON'KA AND M0U00 INDIAN 1.011. -AT- LOCHER'S Drug Stere, NO. 0 KABT KING STIIKKT, l.ANOASTElt.rA lliiw Heinn I nui'Hrlrr Uiinntlmiw Cruistil tlm (li exit 1 Ik Ir Arrival In Ireland rlrat linpren.l'in nl Onrk. KxlinrlH f 111111 I'llvuloCeiKupoiiib 1110. HTBAMBII AllllANIA, I.ATITOim, i; .III', ) I.onuituek, ea u', Monday, .Iuiid 'J, ImI WoKetoll' from the Cunarl Hte.uimblp wlmrvuH New Yerk en Wciliiewl.ty, tlie ltli ut S!J ji. 111. Hlewly tlie little htcam ttiU ptilleil the ttliip out into tlie htreatn, when nhe Hwitiif,' ntuutul mnl tnllantly Hteumcd ilewn tlie buy tf New Yerk. Tlie Iliittury, Oovurner'H IhIuiiiI, tliu foilllle.i tleim en Loek InIuihI, ami Htutun Ixl.ttitl nre neon luiHHetl. At S.indy Heek our pilot left iik, mnl hoeii we weru out 011 the hre.ul Atl.iutie and by huiiiIewii llie l.iHt vmtlKO of IaihI bad dis.ippwired. We Imve u lftre lint of pahmeii'th, uuarly 'iOO in iiumber, ntneliu thniii Uiv. Merpm I)ix. I). I)., reuter of Trinity ohueh N. Y., (Jl.uii IiUiiisu Kulle'K, mid Uenry Vilhud, late 1'tCHideiit of tlie Northern l'aoille railre.ul. Our party ceimititH of Kev. TIkib. U. Apple, of l'lutikllii mid MiuhIiuII CdIIuke, Hev. II M.iiiH'iiati, I). I). nml wife of KeiuliuK, Kev. Jam. I. Geed, ati'l It'jv. Itijiniuel of the I'roibyteri.iii olnireh or I'hiladelpbi.i, and (iuu. W. Hensol, of Quarryville. Tlie nilil waa huatitiful, tliu moon c.int a lloed el Kilver liithteu the placid w.tten, the deek wiin enr.vilcil with piHenni'in. ne. uly all of whom hmiiKhl uIi.iIim ami wraprt with thorn. Thoevouliii; w.ia Hpuut iu net; in I iiituiueiitHO and leriuuiK new ;ie ijii.tiutaiicrH. Ahuut 10 o'etook we all tiirned in, and had n oumfeitahlo tilbt h runt. The Atii.inia id a uraelc h)iii of the Cun.ird line, and oemplo'o 111 all apart apart inentH lint' leliKth ll HO feet, biuadtb 07 fcet, with '10 Btsitu reimiH Iloreruw, oillcern, HtewurdH, A.O., iiumber about 'JOU. The table in fully eiii:il te that of our bent hotelH, and the waiterrt are very (jlihini;. Our fit nt day khewtd 010 tniluH fteui New Yerk, and our avuiiiiie siiioe has lii'iMi about u7r iiiIIum pur day. At neon today we wi-re 1,'JuU iiiIIvm from New Yerk, 1,210 from Liverpool and 070 ftein (jucoiiHtewn. We uxpeet te luaeh tliu latter en Woilueiday niht or etrly TIiiiih ilny meruitiK. Dr. Apple ami mj-ll will li-ave the Hliip at the latter plaoe, fiem which we will write again. This will ke into tlm mail ba of the htu.liner and be mailed at Liverpool. O. W. 11. Airlveil lu trilnuil. Ceiik, Ireland, June 13, lbSl I can Huarcely reali.e that in 0110 week from leaving New Yeik we aie in this el.va- ie old eitv, within KOtitul of "Shauileu DcIIh." liy the way, 111 ceminc up 011 the beat thin metuitic ftem (iuocuslewn the .Mr. Niohelaa Mahenoy, an nod Ucntlenian, who m a brother of F.ithur Jlahouey, dee'd., the autliei of "Sbaudeu Hella." Ue (?ave uh Heme very inlereatin loinitiiKccnccHel Cerk and the surruutidini: ceuutry. Ile ia an exleuaive mauulaulurcr of tweedB auil ronuleu at lllaruey. We expected te reach Quuenstewii last nilit at 12 o'clock, but we did net pit there until this merniujat OJ o'clock. Our voyajje was an exceptionally pleasant 0110, until ji'titcrd.iy evuiiinp; about 7 o'clock, at me weie approaching the Irish oeitt, 111 the tniiltit el a ileiihu fi)).', which often prevaila en the te tdioret, we cot xliKhlly out of our uourae. While the deeka wure crowded with patHuuKetH, anxiously look ing for a night of laud, suddenly there canto a cry ftem tltose en the feiecastlu et "llrcakeis," " Kecks." 1 wan mantling en the front of the deck with a number of otherH, autl wheu we heard the ery, and Haw the let rifled faces of these ferwaid at tbey ran aft, autl n.iw the blup heading for a niabH of loekn and breaker, which a previdrntial itilerponitien revealed te our view, by the raining of the fog at tli.it moment, it wat enough te blanch the checks of Htreug inen, ami make women tromble. The Hteiiteiiati veice of the captain rang out te leveiHO the eugiie, which order an promptly obejed. The hheck et this ami the tttriking of the ship 011 the teckx, tnitife every tlbre or the vehhuI truiubie. Happily she was miming at aslew i.ite et np-e'1, owing te the fog, othetwisu tliu iiocident might have preved a Horieua one, and brought i-orrew te many a hoaithsteuo. Orders were promptly given ti lower the life beats, which order was being rapidly oheyed wben the ship righted hursell by backing out of her perilous portion Tr.e only damage was that te a piston which te renair coat several himts delay, no snip s company weie evor mero tloveutly thank ful ler a tnetciful lntorveiitieu of Divitto I'rovidetieo, which was attested by their joining in sinning thanksgiving, nud iu prayer en the de.: k and in the sal jeu by the whole ship's company. The harbor of (Juoeustown is oue of the tiuest in the world. The whole llntisli uavy oeuld ride at anchor iu it. Tluue aie very streug fortifications en both sides of the uutrauce. The town is net large, thote being but oue main strret along the (piny, which is vety haudnemely built of limestone, and piobents a llue appearance ou the rivet ftent. We took breakfast at the Hoyal Victeria hotel, which appeals te be a well kept hetibu, but an Irn-h hotel has a (pialut leek te au Ameiieau. We were met by the logulutten set of launtiug car drivers, porters, barefooted uichius, who wantetl te carry our satchels, men with donkey cartH, &e. Hut wolnve al ready succeeded in placing ourselves ou geed footing with tliein all. 'I no rlile by rail or beat up 1110 river Loe is inade in about thioe-fourths of a tuile. We took the latter asalljrding a better view of the Boenery ou butli sides of the river, which is ti uly grand, mid neiiil. te no Roen te be propei ly appreciated. It is a biiccoshleti of pretty losidences, neat farms and old eastlcs, Moiiktetiis oue of the stepping places ; hoie a line old castle, built iu 1011(1, is ombewured am 1114 the troe3. Ulaek Heck oastle is another, at a village of tliu eaiue name , it stau.ls at the water'n edge, and upon a limestone rock which rises out of tlie river. It een tdsta of a large aud small tuueted tower, is of Nerman construction aud iu Me 1 repair ; it was formerly the lomlcnce of the mayor of Trey. Cerk 1b au eltl city, and dates back te the reicu of Heurv II. It contains a nip- ulatlouef 80,000, aud has considerable oemmoroo ; we may tell you mero of it lu our tiext ; will remain here until te mor row, wheu we will go te Ivillaruey Likes, by way of Hlnrney j then te Limerick and te Dublin, whero we oxpect tospend Huu Huu dey. O.W. 11. for the Republican primary election. Ue liail no competitor for runomiuatieu. Liueaatcr oeiinty had then as new the (Jiawferd oeuuty system of nominating, 0110 of its well known foatures being te print thn names of nil the candidates for the rosjwetlvo ullloes 011 a slip of paper, which the voter eau readily change te a tlcket or ballet simply by striking oil the names of thone he docs net wish te vete. At the tline of Mr. Stevens' death, Hiere slips had net only been prepared, but all, at toast the greater portion had already been sent out, oltber by the commlttce, or by tlie mero aotive agouey of the contest lug candidates, Mr. Stevens' iiame was of course en the slip for Cotigress, for even 11 his (loath, at that particular juncture could have been (oreseen, even If possessed with the required nutherity, none would have had the indelicacy te strike it oil the result wus that Mr. Htovens went through, although dead at the time, just us if he liad beeu liviug. Cel. MoOlure has a deservedly great top tep top utntien both as a speaker and 11 writer. He is one of a elass of public men who mmld publie tbeugut.aud everything that tomes from him doservos attentiuu. Therefore, new that the time has oetne, or is coming, when the great events aud the great actors of the stormy scenes through which they pissed, and at lea.it sotne of uh weie wituefrscs, ure te be 10 viewed and their positions iu the history of their ceuutry lixed, it is surely llltlug that all who speak mid write about the matter, should carefully eliminate facts from lomauce, se that 110 oue thereafter tuny be called upon by a sense of duty te "vindicate the truth of history." Although an entire century has almost passed sitice the French revolution, set, history upon history has been and is being wiitteu, net only by the most accemplisheJ 1' retteh wi iters, but of all Hurepu, and still the ohurauter, abilitiex, patriotism ami aspira tions of its leading actors, ate malterH for eonttevorsy, aud apparently uuseltled. Hight here, allow 1110 te say, that the uustiutcd praise that some speakers aud writers insist ou lavishing en Mr. Stevens, is net new, uvverhas beeu, and, I bilieve, never will be, shared by a large body, if by the majority of their fullew citizens. Fer it is haul te say upon what his repu tatieu for statesmanship eau eventually rest. Nut for em.1110ip.it inn, for that wat the work of President Lincoln, and di rectly brought ate it by the war, and justiliril by the author himself, as a war measiiie. The truth is, Mr. Stevens had nothing te de with it. If anyone aside el the president had anything te de with it, Mr. Suward and Mr. Sumner are entitled te the 'ouer. Net for tiis reconstruction measures, for they wero se violeut aud be virulent that a Kepublicau miprome court, at will as the cotnmeti scuse of the ceuu try, long sluce practically swept away, and hardly a vestige of them remains. Net for bis lluauclal tnoasures, because they wcre the laughing ttoek of Wall strce'J ami of the lliiaueinl world. Net for thu leading part he took in the impeachment of President Jehnsen, that se iguemitii eusly failed, for thore is hardly new a decent and intelligent Republican te be found iu all the land, who is net tisbaiue 1 of it. Net for the ellirta in his earlier life in the " Huckshet War," for honest Jehu Strohm's just claim te fame, he highly praised by Cel. McClure, and vuty tiuih lully, tee, lies iu the fact that he foiled a dtsicputable revolutionary soliemo, tlie purpobe of which was te set asidu the will of the people. of which conspiracy Mr. Stevens wus the ackue'wledged head ceu trj. .Mr. Iiuehauau and Mr. Stevens read the constitution ipiite diU'ereutly, I ad mit. Te illustrate, let me refer te the fel lowing clause, and the incident arising under it : " New states may be admitted by the Congress into the Union, but ue new state shall be formed or erected within llie jurisdiction of any ether statu, nor any state fermed by the June tieu of two or mero states, or parts of states, with jut the consent of the states concerned, aB well at' of the Cengicss." I here venture te say that had Mr. Hit ch man been iu public life when West Vir giula was thrust into tlie Union, lie would have read the constitution, just as every one is bound te read it. Net se with .Mr. Stcveii'i, for hu Iraukly admitted 011 the !ler of Congress, that the whele tiling was contrary te the constitution, 1 nd he knew it was, but he eared nothing for that. While it it oeiUluly tiue that accident fortuitous eirctimstauccs will ltitucj (InlUnt KeAcuei. 'lhure mn he seiiiethliuf licrole In iitiindl. I'lnn ha well iw lu itiillvldui'lB. JIutmck tlloed Hitler have ellectcil tunny n. Kallant rescue mining the suUTurliiK sick. Thousands Imve (Heaped the injuries el dyspepsia nml norv nerv (lUsilcliltllythriMiKh thu 11001 this wonilor wenilor woniler lul tniitlelne. ll U uinphatlcallv the bout stom ach mnl hloed tunic in the world. Ker snln i,y II. II. Cecluati, dnnuilut, 1,17 ami 13'J Werth IJiieeu street, I.uiicustei. Itiieklnii's Armen MhIte. Thu Hest Halve In the world for Cuts. Ilrulsus, Hercs, Ulcers, Halt Illietnii, Kever sort's, Tetter, Chnppeit Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and nil skin eruptions, mid positively euros I'llei or no pay reuulred. ll l( Kuar Kuar uuteeil UikIvu perteit sntlslacllen or money relutiilnil, l'i leu, 2S eimls pur box. KerBnln liyll.lt Cerhrau, ilumtflst, 131 mid 1.11 North Queen iiticel, Lancaster. Called lu I'teneh. We K ul called upon In pieach n low Respe facts fnets thai me worth knew I in;. We anl uveiy Oeily te entity all that U pesslblu In this world, nil milium iiiuie wnuuru BiiiiurniK liem rliiiiinmtUin, nuurulKla, mid nil aclim. sprains nml pallia te knew tttat 'Jieiiuti' A'o A'e tcctrle Oil It an unlsllluK mid splendid cute. Ker sale liy II. II. Ceclitiin.diUKUWt, 137 mid 1.1'J f.ertti (jueen street. VLOTillim, I Wish Kverjtiedy te Knew, Itev. Ueorge If. Ttmyer. un old citizen el tills vicinity known te every ene nt 11 most lulluiiiitlnl cltUen and chrlsttun inlnlstorel the M. K. church, just this moment steppod In our store te say, ' I wish everybody te knew thai 1 consider that both iitysell mnl wire ewe our lives te hhlleh's Consumption Ottre." It Is havlm; a Uoinendoiis sale ever our counters untl Is giving perfect satisfaction In all eiises of liiitiK Dlseiises, auch iu nelhliiK clue has done. 1)111. MAI CIIKTTAKKANUK. Iloimiies. Ilul., May 15, '7S. Seldbyll.lt. Cochran, d.uigKlst,N(w. I37nntl IJ'J North yueensticet. Lmicuater. loblleodl An Killter' irltitile. Thtiien I Kent or. editor of Kt. Wiiyne.Illil., (i'ii:(U, writes ' or tliu nasi llveyears have alw.ijs used Dr. Klnij's New Discovery, ler eetiKlts el most suvurtt clitirueler, us well us tortltesuot uiiillder type. 11 never lulls te elli'cl u speedy cute. My lileuds te wlinm 1 Have tee iiiiuiuiiiieu linpeaK 01 11 hihuiiiu iiik" tonus Having been ciiiml by It of every cough 1 have had let live yutut, I consider U lint only lullablu unit nitre onto ler Cough, Colds, die." Call at II. II. Cecluau's Druir Htote, IJ7 mid II North Queen street, Caucus. ter. I'a. and gut ti V'VceTilil Ilettle. l.nrtfe Hlzu, ll.tfl. W The busy scenes dally trans acted at our saleeroemsare indi cations that the popularity of our Clothing has net diminished. Our variety of Flannel and Serge Suits, Alpaca Oeate, Linen and Seersucker Goats and Vesta, Dusters and all sorts of Summer wear is se complete as te insure the satisfaction of every purchaser. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Oheslnut & Sixth Sts. l'UILAUKLl'UIA. VIA) lltl fill. rKAsier BARGAINS. Neckties and Half Hese At ElllSMAN'H, Ne. IV West King Streot. Gauze Undershirts, lu SUct lieinSI te .'iU Inches. -AT EBIBMAN'S- jl ,1 KIIUIIAMT lAIl.OHINU. Simcial ler Ladies. I have Inst ircclved a line et thu K1NE8T IMl'OltTKli I'ONUBKS III the market, which will be sold pui piece, containing twenty yurds, ul fill ; llm satue iimilltynl goods nre nelllng lu Philadelphia ul I l'J and f 13. b'licciul for Uonlleinen. .Inst reeulveil. A S1'I,KNI)II A8SOKT M t.N'V OK VVOOCKN I.OODS, sultubli) ler the het weather, which will bu inade up at sttr iiiltlUKly Inw llKiiiiHiinil superior workinnii werkinnii Mhlp, with triiniitliiir in couespoiul with the mieila both lu iltialliv mnl sli ide. l'KUKKUT KIT UllA It AN I'KKIJ OK NO SAI.K. Ulve Ulu a trial mid bu convinced. D. R. WINTERS, NO. 2IJ N. (JUEKN STREET, I.ANC'AUTKIt. I'A. lt YKHa ItATUrOM. Thin Clothing. Iu Kxculleut Ausortnient, ter this sortet weather, for MKN'S, IIOY'8 anil CIIIL IIKK.N'S WKAIt, In all the PLAIN AND M08T KAailtONAIIIiK KAllltlCS. In looking nTOttnd ler Btimtner rc'luUllefl, roinetnber that llie best assertmant In CLOTHING Is always te be scen bore, anil that prices ura Buflleluntly varied te meet with favor among all classes et buyers, as well as theso whom lettttnu Iibs less favered. We Invite calls, that wn inav be atlorded a cuancu te show lust what we have. tee make, style and nuallty of our CLOTHING Is lully up te the highest standard, an.4 Is marked at llgurea that often mnke buyers of Iuobe who only come te see. If- Comparison courted, tiade soltclted. MYERS &RATHF0N, ILEADINQ LANCA8TEK CLOTUIEK8, MO. 12 BAST KINO STRUT.' LANCASTER. TA. TT UKKHABT. SPRING OPENING -AT- H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment. L! 11 A I.I Nil A: llAliSMAN. or stiitesiiieii, it is notorious that they make politicians mnl transient lenders. Fer in stance, KoeHjiioiro had a geed mlud ami was undoubtedly a leader of tlm people of Fiance, but no enu will new call him a statesman or teally a great man. Upen the whole, Cel. McUlure's adtliess was geed beyond all praise brimful of geed ailvire te all, and especially te the jeting gentlemen te whom it was m.iiuly uddrcsKcd. V. Lv.M vsinit.June'JO, 1S31. EIHE TAILORS, Ne. 121 North Queen St.. l.ANCASTElt.I'A. IV ii have lust lecclvcd n full llue of very llglil wultjlil ijoeits ler inldsiituiiiiii' wnar, lu Kniillsh ami Aiuuilcan Suimi-t, Mlvcd and Plain Celeis, HeersucUers mid Linens, which wuimiNiilllui; vmy tiageiiublii. Our lis unit I it Herges, lull In Uke Dye, bout miythlng In tlm e'ly. The coleis ute l'uie In In dlve Dye untl w 111 net lade. 4dCull uuileiumlue bntore purchasing. k Ne. 121 North Quoeu Bt. uiuy9-lvil'lu,Tli& I am new prepared te show 10 the trade an assortment et Woolens ler tbe Spring and Hummer Ti nde which ter Heauty, quality and Quantity surpassed till uiy former efforts te please my customers. Nena but the very best Korelgn and Ameri can fubilcs for Dies unit lluslncss Suite j a eompleto line of the Latest Hhndes el Spring O vet coating. The very best et wnrkmaiishlp and prices lower than any Heuse in the city for the same quality of goods. H. GBKHAET, 1 Lanoneter A HAll.OIl TII1H1Y KAll. About tliice mouths age I wus tuken Willi miveiu pains lu Ihu small et my back, lu thu togleti el the kidneys, liem which 1 hecaiueii tuiilble suireur. I ceusulletl with 11 nutubur el physicians, titul llnully placed uiysell 1111 der their treutmunl, they telltu,! iuu I had the sciatic ilieiiiuutlsm mil kidney complaint. On eiuinln.iUen.niy initie was found te he In 11 1 eiy bad condition, el uery dark color, unil Impiegnuteil with 11 heavy ml bilck-diul deposit, uml vury olluiiHte. 1 had thu most cunliil mid best uiedlcul ulUiiiduncivtud tried nil the popular lumudlus without experienc ing any lulluf. Kertiiuuiely uheiil thN time the virtue et Hunt's Kumudy being called te my uttentlun, 1 tiemht ami used 11 betllcwllh siichsatlslicteiy lusulU that 1 ceutlnuu; en fni six wuiliM, when, having moil lour bullies, 1 teuiul 1 was in wull us evei and entltuly tuied All p ilns lelt 1110, my wulur leturned te Its natiiiul color. 1 am new In excellent health, unil ulile te utlend te my btislueHi (ijteeeiy) Wheuiivei'un eppurl unity occurs te iiioin iiiein iiioin luend your vaiuablu iiiiiillclui) 1 ulwnys de se, 111 1 mn ceullilunlltwlll de nil you ehwin ler It, mnl that every tlniu. euis, with giatilmlu, C'Al'I. .Ieiin Muiiall. Nbw I.emuuh, Conn,, Muy U, isiJ. 'lAILOJi, Ne. 6 East King Street. iV LllTIiHi A (HIOU UlIANOB reu a FINE SUIT TO ORDER AT A IIAItOAlN. tueriliu le close out us tieuily 111 poislble our sleck et Suitings, Pantaloenings, Vestings, lu l.lght-u eights, ue havoinudea ItUUUUTlON OF 'JO I'KU CENT. On all Llglit-welghl Clothing, te outer. which we uriku Price List: GllAY'H bl'KUiriu mruiuinn. - Ureat KuKllsh Uemedy. An unfallltiK eure ler Impotenoy, unit all Dlaouses that fellow less el Memery, Universal Ltisst. Hide, l'uln In the lluck, lllmnnss el Vision, l'rumature Old Age, und many Other diseases that lead te Insanity or Cen. sumptien and u I'romatureUmvo. rull pur llculars In our pamplet, which we desire te aenit lroe by in all tee very one. The Specific ModlcineU sold by all di ugglsts at ll per pack, age, or six puckagus lerA, or will bu sunt trui by mall en the receipt el the money, by ud. dressing the agent, " ll. II. COCHKAN, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North quoeu street, Lnncjw. ter, I'a,; On account of counterfeits, we have adept Od tbe Yellow jWruprmr 1 theonlygenulne. TIIK (iui MK1JI01NKCO., OOU MeULUHK'S AUDItftfl. Ills Estimate ul Ntevutis llo.eived, Ker tllO INTKLLIOSMOKII. Te maBiilfy an ttuforeseen oiretiinstaiico lu tlie life et the Inte Thaddeiis HteveiiH, into 11 great historical fact, ami attueu te it honors te itu hore, such at v, 010 never given te Cii'sar wan, te tay the least, nn oratorical lloenso ou the part of our frieutl Cel. McClure, lu his address tlie ethor night lu the court lionse, hardly te bu justiiled. The incldentH couucetoil with Mr. Btevens' last t einiiial ion are well known, lledlcilln the numb of August, 1808, but it cry ttlieiv tlu-e boferu thu day tlxeil ALISXAMIKUM VMK, About enu yuar age 1 wus Uikeu with 11 suvuie uttuckel dlsuasu el thu kldnuys, Irem v, nlih 1 uutTuiDil nuvuiely, 1 upplled te our local physician, unit net receiving any help 1 called en Jlr. Jehn A. Morgan, our druggist, mid stilted luyease. Hu Immediately handed me u bettle et Hunt's Uuuiudy. ettering it us thugrent specllle ter Unit complaint. I coin cein muncud using It at mice, uml trout thu vury start 1 begun te Improve, unit by the time I had tised the bettle wua entirely well, 1 would udvlsu uny persons having dllllcully with thu kidneys te glvn Hunt's Kumudy u tilul, 1 knew oteuueasu buildes liiyewn being cuted, unit would cheerfully lecemuieml It te uny Onu. I IIAIILK1 11. At,.VAMJKIl, K01 email Dyu lluutie, Hhetucket Mills, Mays, issJ. Uieeuevllle, Conn. 1 icrtlly te the ubove being 11 ti uu cuse, Hav ing sulil th'i ineillclu te Mr. Alexander, and knew him te boa gentleman respected highly, 111 thu position lie holds. Jehn A. Mciuun, May 8, ltS.1. Druggist, (iieenevllle.Ceuu, JiJ IwdM.WAK.tw Wu will uial(i) it te your Interest te have yeuisell 11 still Hindu te order, us we can de It at aueli luusunublu llguus, OA8SIMK.KK HUITH KltOM ltl.U) Ul'WAKDH. l,ANTAl.OONb,AM.WOOb,I.UUUrVAKI)S. WORSTEDS, WHIPCOKDS, WHITE VESTINGS, i IN ALL Till: BTVLI8H SHADES. Hirsh & Brether's i'EN.NHALLCLOTIlINU 1I0U8B, Nea. 2 nnd 4 North Queen Streot. The fullewlnur two soine of tlie CLOTIIINQ U AltUAINS new eelng en at L GANSMAN & BRO.'S. MENS' ALL WOOL SUITS AT 1.50. LAItUEIlOVh' ALL WOOL SUITS AT IL50' SMALL I10V8' ALL-WOOL BUIT8 AT 3 00. And various ether grades In each range et sizes. BARGAINS IN GOODS IN THE PIECE. WK MAKETOOIUIKKA Serge Suit at $10.00. KINK CASS. ISU1TINUB AT 12.00. 115 00, 118.00 AND $20.00. Theso are them. real Uurgalus ami don't tulis riiur; i.Aiiutai- anu nuisi' cean't.iii'K .L nsertmunt et Kuchiu, Cusslne aud l'ekur eurds tretuSu nor pack up. ii aktm aw h yKLLew rmmr via ah bXUUK, ,1 VtiV I'UIILlUlltCII, nuw uutTieM or "NKailKTS JtKV&ACED." with vaiuablu Information ouAVrveuiamf Al tied Jluerttert. Uluslratud with cases. . AltllUKbSKII TOUENTLEMENONLY. liy n physician of 30 yours' experience, (author el "deuial kvih or me rreseut uay," "i-renui turu Decuy," etc.) Sent, pett free, price, 3c Addiess, DR. LA ORANQn, 10:5 kilbxkt Btrxst, Vviu.vts.yau, I'A. ml juia L.&ansmaii&Bre. Tlie KABUIONABLK MKUnilANTTAILOHfl AND CLOllIIHUfl, Ne. 66-68 NORTH yOBBN STRUT, Klgiit en the Southwest. Cerner el Orame. tANOASTJSR, I'A. jar Net connected with any ether Cletlitnj Heuso In Uia cltv. rish 1n.flUtfNHI)A IIAU UV J " 1'lllUK OANAUlf SKKD AT 10O. OT. Alse lllrd Mauna, UftUa and CuitU I Bene, at jjijuhy'B DBOQ 8TOUB, as-emd e.iWtBiBjsu ''i r i -i Xi m k.' j,' : ' j ',! ii Zt. ' ji t ii Hi -I l VI V t M : t M - ? i.'i