WW O" A Vnlnine XX-Ne 250. LA.NOASTEK, PA., FKIDAY, JUNE 20, 188t. Price Twe Cent e -it- dqje S -TSlMfMJWlStrT V, 7 HOHHH !' AltT. E. tl. ZAIIM. SPECIAL NOTICE. Tlie lnrKU Incroaseln our trade, both In tliu iiianumclurlhtf and telall dopailmentg, makes necessary ler 'is te Impert Direct Frem the European Markets. Mlt. KllNK.HT ZAIIM will represent our house In Kurepn this gtiinmnr, nnd tliOHOoteur customers who have net nlriiiuly lull lliolrenlors with us will ploase ile be bofero JUNK 18. all eiiDKiis run Diamenfls, Bronzes, Fine Clocks, Statuary, &c, W 111 tecelvticarctul attention and will bn ready for delivery at any tlme nftnr OUTOIIKIt t, CllltlSr.MAH OIIDKIIS IIKI.I) UNTIL Til K HOLIDAY SKAION IK DKSIKKD. EDW. J. ZAHM, MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL JEWELER, ZAHM'S CORNER, - - - Lancaster, Pa. m'JI-llndlt II Z. IIMO.YIM. SUMMER GIFTS. We Uoalre te cull nttontien of buyeru te the fnet that our Summer oirerliiR of nttriictlve JB WELUY ia unuminllv InrKO All the noveltloa In Short Olmlne for Lndlen. Call and See the Queen's. AntiquoSllver Jowelry. Potlte piocealnDIiiniondJowolryatvory low prloen. Olmtolnlne unci Feb Wntohen A flnollne of WeddliiK Sllver. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. 4, West King LANCASTER, Muy )!. IbHI. Street. inuyie-lyil J,. uri'iciur.it.iTuuH KTI'S OKl.KltKAl Kit ItKKIlMlr.K VTIMlH. Gee, M. Steinman & Ce., Nes. 26 & 28 West King Street, Lancaster. -AOKNTS KOIt- m I'll ) WATER COOLERS -AND- ii Mind FILTERS. ItKIUVAI., VAIU'ttlf, .ft. s ' ii i Kit -m e.ticrr.r ii u. i. B ARG ADSTS ! BARGAINS AT SHIRK'S OAKPET HALL. Sel I ins: OIF (e CUbt' Husiuess. Kvcryliiint; jIiihI I'ositively he Sold. A Kull I.lnnnl llnin 1IKUSSKI.H, TAl'KSTIU ItllllS. ISLANIil.l'e.MlVKIll.KTS unit OIL CLOT mil I. VII tirades (it lNUHAlN CAIll'hTS, ST 1ST ALL AT A SACIlIFWK.i&l 1'iempt KiU'ii'ln.i Ki tin te tin' Manuf.icliite et itiu Carpets te eritur. -AT- SUM'S GAB-PET HALL OOU. W. KING A tchZCuuliiw D V7ATEII STH.. ) LANCASTER, PA J. n. M.iurn a te J. B. MARTIN & CO. Ol II ALK Ol L' a. air. HACK. HOP PLASTER. TliH porous plaster Is absolutely the bei evor made, cetublnliiK tlm vlrlucH el hops with Riims, liiilsnins iiml extracts. Its power Is wonderful In curlnir diseases wliiirn ether plasters simply mlluvii. Crick In tlm liaek unil Neck, l'ntn In tlm Side or Limbs, Htlll Joints mid Muscles, Kidney Troubles, Hlieu mntlsm, Neuralgia, Hore Chest, AIIoclleus of tlm Heart nnil Liver, and nil pain or nrhes in anypurt cured Instantly by the Ue 1'lrtsttr. -Trylt. I'rloe, ! cunts, or llve ler ll.ie, Mtillutlnn reciilpt of price. Held liy nil tlritK KlstH nnil country stores. Hep Mailer Com Cem panu, l'roprleters, llosten, .Miisi. LAME BAOK. -Fer rensllimtlnn. Ien el illnancs of tlm liowels tnke Hiiwley's Hleniiirli nml I.lvcr Tills. ilcnntH. lltfi lyiKlwf.'l) iippotlle mi't imv u twits. Ol'KUl1. IIAItUAI.NM. WATT, SHAND & NOS. 8 k 10 KAST KINO ST. Sl'KUIAI. IIAIUIAINM. HU.MMK.lt S1I.KH, Wc. Ma nnil 7.'n (;01.UIIKI) OUKH.t Mil. KB. W)c, 75c, tl.CO .VIncli NUN'S VKIMNOS nil Celers, V)e. n yd. An Initnunse vnrluty el CIIAMIIKAY HUITI.NUS, ZKI'IIVIMIINUIIAMB. IIATIHTK AN1 UAMIIKIC, In I'epiilnr CiiIeiIiiks ill l.owest 1'ikin UUIlNliW MNKOK Parasols and Sunshades llnve liuen tnmlii te our spuclnl erdur liy tliu lurKcst tniinutiiRturcrH, which InniirvH us hnvliiK the liUcit sty Ien unit Lewest I'rlces, CUAIMII.NU rAltASOI.H. I.ACK'nti.MMKI) 1'AltAbOI.H, TWII.L1C1) SII.lv I'AltAHOI.", I.AIMK.V A.NIl UKNTI.ICAIICN'S HII.K I M-IIKKI.I.AH. JEUSRY WAISTS. SO 110 AI,l.-WJOI. .IKIISKV.S, il.tu each. Intcly suld ul (1 '''. Kf.KOANT WOHHTKD.lKltSKY.", (I.TAcnrh. Iiitnly .old lit ii '). riVK l.ll'MllTKI)li:il.ShVH. I.utcit Siylei, J.rjiniiil l.m. NEW YORK STORE. 1UIIAVCU ANlt VKIAJtt;. iri'.iuicut!N Smoke Cuban Cheroots) YEGUEROS, All llavnua Leng (Jut Thin I tlielxiMt iiml choiipe-il Clioie.n 111 tlie market. 11 Is munuturliiind liy Straiten & Storm, OI the choicest leni: cut lluvmia tiller, lluvmi Kiewn wrupiier, no IiIiuIit. They kIve tlm iinelter of line tobarce bet'rr iiilMlnctlen tuaii mi mine ever pmdure I. SUMI A I' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -in- H. L. Stehman & Ce,, NO, 110 I.ORTri QUEEN ftT. uiitr3l-lyd l.NUAhl'hU, I'A w Jl II SI (J A h 1 A'iK i; Jl VN'ltt. II.UIIX ii Ilt'i WALL PAPER Prem the Lnte anion In NEW YOIIK Ja Atlraellng Great Attontlen. 'IIhi rilcei we inn eltcilni; are lower tlinii the Reeds weioevcr sold nt hefote.und we loceminiind that our custeuuirH puichisi) tlmm new, uvun It they don't hanx theiu till KAI.lt, ler they will never lie s low ualn. 6 000 PIPJ0E3 0,000 " 5,000 " 10,000 " GOLD PAPER, 18 20 26 30 Oenta Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SIM-CIA L TEN days sam:h. EVERY ONri NEW, NO REMNANTS, EVERY PATTERN GUARANTEED. 10,000 Pieces White UlankR at 7c. and 8c, Werth 15c. 0al'ilccs of llaiiKlnu Uciliicml Se 1'uder Iteulnr Kates. NOW ISTIIKTIMKTO IIU1 PIANOS AND ORGANS AT BI.AlHlllTKIllNU l'UUM'.H. One Heed SeceiuMlnnd l'lane fVi.ixi Otte KU'KnntSeceiiiMlftnd Oihiui 4.VUU One Kli'Kant New OrKim, li-btep Ceupli r-i and Bull Hiush MM Wilcox u Whltu Orituns trein 7S.iMtelMU " Kunbe," MePhitil, Grovemitoln & Fuller, lioyateno, nnu vena ifc aena Plnne3, Mutnmer 'Werk. Country Uontlemuii. Tbore nre various iteras of labor in buib nier whleli must net been overlookod. Yeuiir or uewly transplanted fruit troes must luve tbe beII kept oleau and mellew for soveral feet around thorn ; jeuur oherry trcea will roqulre a Reed mulablnR, if the Boasen buoemos dry and het, and all yeunc trees should be kept iu symraotrl symraetrl symraotrl calferm,by tubbhiK or euttlng off any necdlcBH iilioetfl bofero they have made growth. Insceln of various kinds are te be vratohed aud destroyed. Haspborrles nnd blackberries must be plnohed baek, and kept In neat and oempaot shape HearlnR trceB, wlileh are tee heavlly leaded with .fruit, Hheuld have It well thinned whlle yet Btnall ; applea, poaehos aud peara, of medium si 7.0 should net re main nearer oaeh ethor en the branches than four or flveincb.cu, whlle smaller 0110a may be rather noarer, and larger ones mero remote It la easier te thlu, romov remov romev lu( the smaller and dofectivos speolmenn new, than te frather the whele by hand picking when ripe, aud te assert carefully besldcB the harm dene te overhauling treca, The eare of uewly grafted or bud. ded trees, rcciuirea the prompt remeval of young HpreutB ou the stock immediately below the graftH. A It. 11 Y Or 'II In. 1'IIUtaiAU. THE STATE EDITORS. TIIIS AMdOOIATION AT OUT"! Y41IUUO. A Dinner la tlm Woeai A. i.eiik nt tlie in. it Inn Hctiuul Tlie New Hnllreitil VteiTluc the HHttlellelil The state editorial associatieu, te the number of two hundred getitlemcu and ladlcf, which precoeded from Harrlsburg te Qettysbttrg ou Tuesday, by the new line of railroad oeuucotlngtho capital of the state with ita great battlefield, utopped en roil te te leek at the interesting Indian training school at Carlihle ; thciict' by rail the trip was made te Pine Urove park, wliote a plonle dinner was icrveu 111 tlie weeds, and then tha rotite lay by Cel. Fuller'fl new railroad, ever tlm mountain te the objeetivo point of- tlie cxeiiriiieu. The read, though low, ildeu smoothly, nnd the rotite la ploturceiue aud beautiful all the way, gaining in Intercut as it dfsceuds the i.1ode, and with a full vlew or the great plain evor which the nrmicH fought ou these fateful days of 1803. During their stay in Get tysburg aud hospitable entertainment tit the Kagle and Springs hotels, the party a? a whelu and iu many smaller com panies, visited the httniltcd points of iu iu tercat in which the locality abounds, mid In this practical study of the most famous historical spot within the borders of their state, found iimple satisfaction iu their visit. It was a subject ter universal con gratulation that the greatly improved l.-iilread laoilltles, by the completion of the JJarriBburc and uettysuutg Hup, Iiavj brought the place wiUiln easy access te the Krcat cities and cenncetcd it witli main lilies of travel ; and that by the action of thoce interested, in designating the looal leoal loeal itles at the Held, every spot of personal aud historical interest will boeh ceme te ba marked with imperishable monuments et granite. Tlie magniflcictit views ; the admiruble proheivatiou of the main points of the Held ; the well kept cometcry ; tliu thoroughly informed guide, Mr. IIelU- worth ; and ull the oeuveuleuocii of visit ing this greatest of modern baltle Holds combine te make a vitit te Oettjsliurg as profitable and lutercctitig, as it is easy and et slight expouse. Tlie I'rc.notulleii te fill'. Menniiitu Tlie most uotable fcatutu and indeed the only formal exorclse of the association reunion was the public meeting iu the town court house ou Wednesday evening, wlieu a large and fashionableaiidleuco was in attendarr e. Tlie Pennsylvania cel lege glie club wilivenril the oxcieise with ciillrge sons, aud President Mcnamiu of the association was in the chatr. V. U. Ilenscl made a half hour address loview- lug the im)jrtance aud siguitkaece of the Uettsburg battle and then passing te a consideration of the arts of per.ej aud the place among them of tlie editorial prolefcsien and tlie prtutcr'ncrait. i.ugenu II. Mutiday, the accomplished editor of the loef fhtct, t.ext read his poem, whiili will bofeuud printed in this issue of the IsTi'.u.ier.Ncr.K and which wan received with applause. Theu followed the proicntatien te Mr. Menamin, from the atscciatie'i, of n testimonial for his tillcicnt (services during ilttoen years in the olllce of sec sec retaty, treasurer and matiager of ita excursieus. Hen. Thes. Clialfdut, of Dan ville, referred fittingly te theae and made the prPKCiitatieu. The testimonial 0011 bisted of an olegaut geld watch', eliain and pendant, which riuht appropriately repro repre ueuled the skill of IVnnsylvauia workmen ; the watch wan obtained from the Lancas ter watch company, and the chain aud in..i r..A... r.ii... r i.-nii.. .. ii.ii...it !,.,, "" "; " ... . etcaped thn mlierles et dyspepsia and nerv- plua I he watch is of very superior 0111 debility threujih the meet this wonder movement, aud tlie case a manterplcce of ; luiiiiriliclmi. ills uiiipliaileAllv tlie licststeur elegant design and artistic lltilsh. On 0110 . side is an olaberato monogram " It. S, j M ," and en thoetLeradolioatoaud highly iitiuiheil engraving of Gutenberg taking . his tirst pioef from the first form of cast metal typet". It is a wonderfully line , cxample of the graphic) arf. Inside the ; case In the inscription : 1 " Presented te Ilobert S. .Muuamiu by the Pennsylvania Uditenal Association as a tokeu of regard and as a mark of its appreciation of his services as tccretary during lllteen years. Gettysburg, June lath, 1S31" Tliu chain 11 massive ami I'liineil of h jii.l , links caught together by frotted rings. Thu pendant is also a mabterpiece of deli i cate workmanship. On a solid Iramtu ground is ehaseil 111 high relief the coat of arms granted by the Umporer Frederick HI te German printers hhertly after the introduction of tha art of printing. On the ieveri.0 side is au equally appropriate representation of the familiar head of our euii Franklin, as it appears in the title of The Prmlera1 Circular, published by the teeipiutit of this peculiarly appropiiate and elegant gift. In responding te the beutiiiieuts of Mr Chalfaut and iu loceivlng the UMiiueiimI of his fiteuds and associates Mr M. gave au interesting account of tlm association audits reunion; and tlie meeting ad journed after marking one of the tin at pleasant epochs iu thu Insteiy of the association, Tliu party ncatteied ou 'lliutniay even nlng, alttr a hop at the Hpnt'gs hotel, and altera unanimous vote that the t.ipte Gettysburg was au cntiie success i.n The Ulilckntieinlny. Under date el May 8,1831, Cel. 8. V. Tib hltls,el Dever, N. II., sends iu the (ollewlng. " While ou duty In tlm army et tlm Potomac In the iwnmps el the C'nlclcaheuilnv I con. 1 1 acted a complication 01 diseases Hint ciiltnl iialn.l in spinal trouble, paralysis en ene side, and Rcvnre dlsease of the kldneys anil bladder, and i;reat urinal weakness. Fer u long tlme 1 was under tlie treatment of tlm best physl cUns, and tried many et tlm se-called rem c dies, hut lccelved 110 pormanent bencllt. When 1 was In thu driiK business In llosten I heard tavnrnhle accounts of the eUlcacy et Hunt's ltumudy ter discuses et the kidneys ami urlnnry organs, and having decided te lve lin tilal, 1 purchased sonie ut WliiKate's drug store, Dever, N. II,, and have received Kieatrell I Hern using it The sovere pains In my hack ate rmnoved, and I am ahle te deep soundly and ehlalu reit at tilghl-whleh ler se long a tlme I could net de, and tlm we-ikness In the urinary organs has been ie lleved, and I greatly regret that I did net test tlm great merits el limit's Keniedy when I wet tlrst taken sick, as I am conlldent It would luve scved inn Irem soveral years et sulleiliig ; nml lam mere strongly convinced et this alter hearing el the most lomnrkable cures effected by Hunt's Remedy, In a casoet llrlght's Disease here In our midst lu Dever, alter ihe patient h.id ueen pronounced Incur able by celebrate 1 physicians, Mr. Tlbblttjlja tellrcd druggist, fotinerly located in llosten.and Is a thoroughly reliable Pltlen. Cen. Kv. UZ.OTJ11HU. V. S. 1'IISTAI. HKUVlUI'. II. H. Whitney, lUslaUmt postmaster. Put tniin, Conn., wrltes May 3, 1SS1 : "I ha e used Hunt's Itemed y with tlm host results. 1 luve sultoreii untold ugeny for elghtecn raealhs with kidney mid liver complaint ; my water was very bad.ul times 1 actually passed bleed. This was tollevcd by general pr. stratlen. My business re'iulrlng lue te be en my teel most of the litnu made my case - orse. I was alvlscd te use Hunt's Iteinedy by 11 Irleud who ha-l bten cured by It, and can truly say It has beuellted me mero than all thu ether med icines I havn used. I censhOr It the bel mtdlelne ter kidney mid llver troubles, uul cheerfully iceoinmend It te all." J1U1mIM.WAK.Vw (iHlluni ICencur. Theru can lm pemethlng lierole In a medl chuina well as In Individuals. Jturtleck Jlloetl lllttcri have elt-ctcd iniiiiy a gallant ruscuu among tne suireriiig sick. 'Jiieusanus ii'ivu itch mid bleed tonic lu Um world. Fer sale Ij V 11. II. (.eehran, dnuglt, 137 and 13'J North Queen street, Lancaster. isu-ltluui' Ariiicu anlve I 'liin llest Salve In tlm world ler Culv, liinlsus. Sens, Ulcers, Hall ".lieu 111. fever ' heic, Tetter, Cjnappn l UaniU, Chilblains, ; ce-ns.and all slcln ir.uptlnns, and positively 1 Lines l'tles or no pay teeulrcd. U guar , auteed te give ported sallslactlen or money I nitnnili'ii. l'rlce, i'i centn per her Korsale j by II. It t.nehraii, druggist, 137 and !.!' Net Hi I (jiicun htruet, l.ancustur. , Called te I'reucli. I e Ii el called upon te preach n lew gospej facti luelM that me worth Knewing. W11 wan1 , everj body tenny all that Is posslble In this I weild. Wn want all thejii who tire suireriiig 1 limn rheumatism, neuralgia, and all aehes, I sprains nml pilna te knew that 'iieimui' A"o A"e , liclrie Ull Is an unhiding and splendid euro. Fer sale by II. 15. (Jechrun, druggist, 137 and 1 l.Tl North Uiieuu s leut. KKUMANT TAII.OI11NU. M Special Ter Ladies. I Imvejnst received n. line of tlie FINK8T IMrqilTKDi'ONOKKSIn the market, whleli will be sold per ploce, containing twenty yards, at tint the same quality et goods nre soiling In Philadelphia at f 12 ana 113. Special for Gentlemen. '"H rcealved. A Sl't.KNDII) A980KT MKNT OK WOOLKN (JOOD3, sultftble ter tllO hotweathcr, which wilt be made up at sur prisingly low flguresaml superior workman ship, with trimming te correspond with the goons neui in iiuaiuv and shade. 1'KIIKKOT r 11 uufliidsrsKueu mjsai.k, 11 trial and be convinced. (llve me D. R WINTERS, NO. 23 N. QUEKN STREET, LANCASTKll, l'A. M OSOUITO MIUUT AUK II KICK AT LAST, JIUT M03QU1TO NKTTINO K0II3THKM Or Til Kill rUWKK, ANDTIIKTIIINandllKAUTIKUI.KAIIIlICB NOW SOI.I) IIV Burger & Sutten. Merclmnt Tailors and Clothiers, Ne. 24 Oontre Bquare, IIOII SUMMKItOKMtlUllOK IIS Ol'lMIEH SlVKNKbH. Call and uxamlue THE LATEST NOVELTIES -1N- Men's Goods Ready-Made and in Piece, Prices .Justus Sntlslactery as the (loeds. Burger & Sutten, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, VLOTIUNU. The busy scenes daily trans acted at our saleeroemsare indi cations that the popularity of our Clothing has net diminished. Our variety of Flannel and Serge Suits, Alpaca Coats, Linen and Seersucker Coats and Vesta, , Dunters and all sorts of Summer wear ia se complete as te insure the satisfaction of every purchaser. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Building, Chestnut & Sixth Sta, 1'lIILAUEl.l'llIA. VKKH St HATUrOH, 1.AN0A3TKII, l'A. M-lyd VAlWlAUKtt, XV. K1 XV. UAltitlAOK 1IU1I.DKKS. THE STANDARD AU Marked Down te llnltem I'rltii' given away. annest J. B- MARTIN & CO. (Junier West Kiiij? and Prince Strceln. Lancaster, l'a. PI.VJUItlNtl AN!) UAH HITTINU. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warererms, NO 153 WAST KINO STKKKT, II. It. I.UCKKNIIACII, Auullt. teliU-tlil HUUTH Jt fillUKH. HIIA1NS IN HltOK". I.. AHNOI.U. ,!m,N PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, RTFincst Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orderi at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nea. 11, 13, 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. HlUVhH, ptllltt, WMITK Oltf.KNIIlHIII, -BANKERS,-- 46 WALL STREET, New Yerk, llieki-rs ami Dealers In Hallway nnd all ether Securities. UA1MVAY INVK9TMKNT8 11 spcelalty, In thu selection and estlmate of which their lean connection with " l'oen's M akuai of It.uuieAim " (,'lves thorn special fid Vuii . 1 ' orruspendeiico invited anil In nuiil a iMweied Deposit accounts received and Inteiest ullowed. inlWImced 'I'lIK 1 the best Ae. Oluar In the city Is at MIUIW rilONT UlUAIl VKIIUIUT HTII.I. HTANDH THAT IIAKTMAN'S V tU'OUK. V IUTIIUIA Cern Remover. ir COMMON HKN8K IN IlKOAUD IO BOOTS AM SHOES, All admit that the only leal eeiiituit fertlm feet can he obtained by wearliiK II AN DMA IU. H1IOKS. Then why de you suitor when jeu can liuvii tlm 8IIOH Oil IIUOl' MAUI! Te HUH' VOUIl KKhT.aiiiim Ihesaine Hum net the style you seek, at a trllln mero oeit than you pay ler tliu nueoiuleiUiblo maehlne iniide wetk. iv imv.iii Kliin SI01 k ill KltKSCH t;AI.K. rimieh Kid, Mat Kid, Aiistilaiuleut (nrlKht, dullerstralKlitKialiii.as well asall i.oiiielle .Stock, which wn imikn te ei.ltn In all the Latest and Most Desirable Htyh h. Wnhavea Kllll I.lne nt w'aHHI'.SI'II UT LASTS with the latest DhllllV IOK. and can ,1111 1. . ttnvtlllllip til dill' 1 111., veu uiuv d. Klin. A Killl Line, et IlKADV-MADI. WOUU na timid UAhdAINH IN NOHB LOTS whlrli I wish tnelosueut, Kuspeeiliilly euih, WM. H. G-AST, Ne. 105 North Queen St., Lancaster. loll linnKtw The most oltectlvo preparation ler the re ro re eoval et Cerns, llunlens, Warts, etc., evor placed be tern the public. Warranted te eradicate completoly muI within a short tlme the meat obdurate corns, hard or seu, without pain. it i a l'esmvu GVR. eOLD AT BEOHTOLD'S DRUG STORE, Ne, ni:WE3XOHANQK8TKBT, corner el 0 iiirnii'.u uiiuniv mieir. ATLANTIC CITV. N. J. At the font or New Yerk avenue, within a low hundted luet et tli tea. Attructlve. comfettahlo and homellUo. N)W Oi'KN. jcneVimd J. HKIM & SONS. Tlltnnlni; Out tlm I'iiiih Ufimaniewn Teleiapli. This about the time itluu Hie llrst tliiiinini; out of the peara up hi thu ttoeH ttiat ate overbearing Hheuld he alteiulcil te. Kspceially iiheulil thui pieecss he followed when oliiHteris exist, as tliein ate cot tain varietien that row 111 elusters, ami where buqU ia the oa'ie Crcipieittly one hall' of them beoemo knotty, b.ully hliaietl or wormy, ami all or them less in 1,10 thin thoie Ktewinf; bitiKly. It 11 true that upon large tteea this cannot, tie ilene, hut can reailtly upon treen up t imm twolve te iieilmps tUtceti yeairt 0I1I, ami upon all dwarfe. Many persona net well posted in fruit crewing hcHltate te thin out their trccH, en the fjreunil that their crop will be HOtietiBly diminished theieby, and tlm inoemo proportionally reduced. Hut thin 1 isKPtierally a mistalce ; for even should it boethorwisoflomotlnp's, who would net prefer te Hemire ene bushel of larije, lus oleim speoimei,H.te thiue hushelH with pin- bablyueiti poelc liem the who'e lit :e 1 place upon your labia or ta nd te mai ket, , aud whleli if weld would net hi inn .my j mero in tlie agKrofate. Tttif, also, ul lowed te cveitiear will lavea muohiel dueed orep the ensuing y ar. Iu our e.vu exporienco, we have rein..ved oue-half of the whele orep of 11 tice, yet the remain- 111K nan exiiatiHieii 1110 iiee iu nnuu n oxtent that it bere 1101 a hIiiuie pear the RiieccctliiiK year, nor did tlie tree grew au itieh; but the following' year Hhowed its usual evci-abundauce of fruit, and about tlie tniddle of June;wo urn evctl fully tftrte fourths of tbe cntlre crop; but tliere woie Htill tee many left, and the tien was L'oneovera Hcoend tumi t leinove the knotty, Btunteil aud win my hjieciihuiib, anteuutliiB te one-fouiUi of wliat v,a left; novertholeH, the hiioe.o dint; J't'ar the tree died ! It was a Htaudanl Helle Lu crative, at leant twenty jears old. Heme pear trees are inclined te overbear and Blieuld have a larjje proportion of the crop taken off in aorae way, If thore a ue ethor way, prune the tree Boveroly, I WIh.'i Kvcrybnily tu linew. Uev. i.eei'Ku II. Thayer. an old citizen el this vicinity known te every 0110 us a most InUeimtlulclUzen and cliilstlau minister el the M. K. chuieli, lust this moment stepped In our store 10 say, " 1 wish everybody 10 knew th.it I consider Unit both myselt and wife ewe our lives te Hhlleh's Consumption euro." It Is ha vluu a troiuendeuasalo ever our counters nulls Klvlni; pertect satlsl.tctlen In all eases nt l.utij,' Diseases, such em 1101111111; else liaf, done. 1)118. MATCHKTT.M KliANCK. ISoirnnen. 1ml., May l '"$. Held by II. It. Ceiiuiiii.djiingWt.NiH. 1:17 nnd I.t'l North ijueenstieet. Laueasler, teblluedl An Killtur's 'A'riutilu, Theion 1', lieater, editor et Kt. .ayiie, lnd (lazittti, wrltes " Ver the Dust ilveyeats have alwajs used Dr. KIiik's New Discovery, ler ceuulis et uiesl He.ei'n eliaracter, as well as ler t note et u inlliler type. U never tails te oiled a speedy cine. My Irlends te whom I h ivn ree iiiui(nided It speak el It In same hlith 1 in inn Having lieiiu euiud by It el every eeui;li 1 have had ler live years, 1 consider fl the only tellable and sure euie ter Ceuifhs, Colds, etc." Call al II. II. Cecluaii's Druit Htore. 1J7 and IT I North (jueeii street, Lancas ter, l'a , and (pit a I'lee I'llal llelthi, l.an;e Hl.u,l.0il. (2) Carriage "Werk OK LANCASTKll COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, IN ItKAIlOKCKNTUAI. MAIIKKT HOUSES LANCASTKll, l'A. We make every style Hiitfuy and Carlarge desired. All work finished In the most com. fnrtiible and elegant style. We ue only the best Bolected material, and employ only tlie bent mechanics. Ker quality or work our prices are the cheapest lu the state. We buy ter cash and sell ou the most reasonable terms. (ilve us 11 call. All work warranted. UKl'AIlll.NU l'KOMVTLY ATTKNDKDTO. One set et workmen especially employed ler that tiurpese. na'-tfil.tw rpilK I.ATI'HT OUT IN VEHICLES. Tite Hest aud Cheapest iu tlie State -AT- Norbeck&Iiley's REPOSITORY, Cerner el' Duke aud Yiue Streets. COMPETITION DEFIED. A NKW LOT OK FIRST-CLASS GOODS .IIIHT MA UK II Y KIltST-CLASS WOltKMKN. M Thin Clothing. In Kxcellent Assortment, ler this sortel wcather, for MKN'3, HOY'S anil UIIII.. DIIKN'8 WEAK, In all the 1'I.AIN AND MOST KA8HIONA1ILK KAUIUC3. In looking around ler Summer requisites, remember that the best assortment In CLOTHING Is always te be seen here, and that prices aru gulllclently varied te mcel with laver umeni; all claseeset buyers, as well asthose whom lertuna has less lavored. We Invite calls, that we may be aUorded a chance te allow lust what we have. The muke, style and quality or our UI.OTHINQ Is tally up te the highest standard, anil Is markad at figures that often make buyers of these whoenly ceme te see. - Comparison courted, trade solicited. MYERS & RATHFflN LKAD1NU LANOAflTElt CLOTHIKKS,' NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET. LANCASTKll. l'A. H. UKKIIAKT. SPRING OPENING -AT- IIA'Ifl A tilt VAVIi. W." HT.tllKrKK .lllllNHIDICS K. GERH ART'S Tailoring I'Btaliliflhnient. 1 am new prepared te show te the trade an assortment et Woolens ter tte Spring and Hummer Ti ado which or lleauty. Quality and Quantity surpasses all my lermer efforts te p'ease my customers. Nene but thu very best Korelffn and Ameri can fab lies for Diess and Htislncss 8ults ; a complete Una of the I atest Shades el Sprlnfr Overceating, Thu very' bout el weikiuatishlp and prices lower than any lloueln the city for tlm same quality of goods. H. GEKHAET, 'lAILOli, Ne. 6 East King Street. A TlKNTION. ItlJNNINti OUT KKO.M (I TO I'KIl WKKIi, H VKH1CLKH W. D. Staufl'er & Ce., (Hucecs-iers te.Sliult;: A llre.) 31 nml 00 NORTH QUEEN fcJT Straw Hatal Straw Hats 1 1 Straw Hatal 1 1 Twenty cises el Straw Hats Just lecelved. 'I'he veiy lat-sl styles ter yeuni; men. Alse Simla, Mixed and IViM Derby ; Maple and I'eiu I taisslmeie lints. All new stock, IlKMKMIIKll TDK Nt MUK.lt, :$i ami :j:j north iiueenstkiset. inylO-Jy 11 beeeuus necessliry te solid In your outers early, II yeiiaie In a hurry. KOim MK.N CONSTANTLY KMl'LOVKD. Kaeh Master et Heiun Special llraiich. WIIKKLSMANUKACTtlllKDON TIIKSl'OT liy Mlt. M1LK, the Junier member nt Iho Hi m, an I wnrrautedle beet thu best. Second -Hand Vehicles, OUROKKAT CLEARING SALE IS ATTIIACTINO UltKAT ATTKNTION, AND TIIK I'KOl'LK AUK NOT 8I.OWTO AIM'UKCIATK TUB Great Hargaius We Are Giving. We am forcing sales by oilertng our koeU iil very low prices iiuriuu iiiu season. We lucludliii; SnlllliiK'Tep l'lane llexes hpriiiKs, iirewsu always ou hand. Irewsters, Ceal llexes undCliesters, REPAIRING by the most expeit workmen, and al Iho low. eit livlutt prices. leia-tfd HAY'S ni'MLfic :nr,llelrin, i, i Oreat Mutllsh ltemely. An uufiitlinu ler liup'itency, and all DIseiisim Hint .,, low lesd el Memery. Universal Less). l.i.Ie. l'uln In ihe Unci:, Dimness et v .ten, I'ruinatiirn Old Ae, and many e'li.ti dlsuaiiea that lead te liisaully or Cen. I uen ami u rruiuaiuie wnive. t .11 411 ndars In our pumplet, which e ile.slrete i "i l ttimuy uiKiiioevery one. The Upecttlc ,j. tlctiiult sold by all driit!lsttiKtl per pack. l. .ir six naekiiKes lerl-'i. or will bu mint triui . .nail en the rucelpt el the money, by ad .1.. ihini tliuattent, 11. ll.COLHUAN.DruRKlst, Nw. .17 ii.v! l:e North Queen street, Laucas ir, l'a.. ,) icceunt et con 11 1 oriel ts, we have adopt adept ud i' i' bellow Wrappr I thimnlyuunulne. TIIK (MAT MKIUOl.Nh CO., Jd.w Hulhae, h, t. j'JtuyiaiufH. Br.HT oemiM. i.eiVKsr i'iiiuks. UllAlllLIASHUKB AND V1NK. (ioed Kainlly KInur.OJc.t Heller at 77c.t Hest Canned Heel, '.'lbs. :iOe t Coleinan's Mustard, lie,! KlastloStaieli,lc; Jtest LumpSlaroli.Ue.f Matches, t!e. and e. a dozen. Just rocelved, 25 boxes et that lless l.aiiiulry Heap, threo pieces lee. felil-lydeeit TpAVLOH' PANUYVMIUII. Ulve It atrial and he convinced Unit tl Is va he claims, the IIK8T IN TIIK WOULD. It was awarded the highest medal at tlie Centennial Kxpnsltlen, Cincinnati Kihlbltlen and Ohie Statu r'alr, The Uenulne Tayler's Fancy Fleur Ketu.Ua at W coats per 2 Pound Sack. Kllll SALK 11Y ALL. LKADINO OUOOUU9. M. F, STEIGEmVALT & SONS, Sole Agenu ler x-anewter. Mu Klve every ene a chance. iA)SU MM Kit SUITS AT ll.lll KOIt MEN. 150 A I.UWOOL OASSIMKltK SUI IS AT 17.00 WOHTIl 11100. ;r, iievs suns weutii t-vce, at $2.7.1. 'JOOMKN'S ALPACA COATS ATtl.lO. Mr All ether goods at e'ttmlly Lesr Prices. A NKW LINK OK Worsteds and Oassimeres Ker Measuring Ue Unler atVery Lew t'rlecs. Iluve you seen that Kleuant Line et PANTALOONINQS, Which wn make te your DOLLARS. Order for SIX lirsh & Brether's I'KNN HALL CLOTIUNU IIOUSK, Nea. 2 and 4 North Queen Street. JTEVrH IIOUSK ... SIIAVINU AND "Alii luwwinii Otrfiil .lonrnevtnon and pricja jjbie m ollier MoenM. " """" S' mvift.Ufi Manuter, N w'u would anno'ance te the trade tht we haVOMuSh ted JOSKl'H 03TIIKUI, WI10U WI10U iuJeOiwer. NO. 818 North Water lU-eet, Mp SLiter, our iehi 08at ler the sale et our Celc nnit(i Manhelm Cheese. 11AUTION.-W0 would eauUen tlie tinaa te took out ter Spurious uhcese, which U otTered h the ManhHlni. Nene uenutne except with the brand, KasukuV CRiuwiibt Ce Limited, en each oheo, 4elJ-lwl 11 vis a jj M .:i r, 1 M