r fi iiftfifc mi i i tii' tiiilm tnmmmi , ' t . IiANOASTER DAELY INTJSJLlliIGENOJutlt SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1884. .. ""W ', . P. " V Ps i t" 4 J.V "i: ' y ft " iw - !' .. ?f ret L V &. & ii. r A IH r "- 5 ' I tT ' ? '.i : Mncastec JittrlUaenccr. 0ATIRDAT VVSMNO, JUNK 14, t8Q4. I MEMKMHKK, 1 HKMKMHBK. 1 rmaetnber. 1 romeinber. The house where 1 wm horn, TIie llttle window whom the sun One peeping In at morn i He nTer came a wink te een, Ner brought tee long ulay t lint new, 1 olten wlah the nlgnt Had born my breath away. I remember, I rumomber, The roses, nxl and whlte ; The Tlelnlt and the lily-cup, These flewers made et light I The lilac whero the robin built, And where my brother get The laburnum en his birthday, IhotreolBllrlngyotl I remember, I romembor, Where 1 was used teiwlng . And thought the air must null as Ircsh Te swollews an the wing J My iplrlt flew In roathera then, That is se heavy new, And summer peels could hardly cool The loveron my brew 1 I romembor, I romembor, TuoflrtrecN dark and high t 1 used te think their s'.onder top Were oleso again at the sky i It was a chllulsu Ignorance, Hut new 'tis lltilojey Te knew I'm farther off from Hoaveu Than when 1 was n boy. Tlien-ai Heed. A Vlralnla Helle. A Virginia ropertcr thus tloserlbss the belle of a ball he rcoently nttended : Complexion, nolther blende nor brunette, hererlnK betwoen the dawn and sunrine of a summer's mernlnc : oyea, beside whoce arrows Cupid's koenest darts are only fit for killing frogs or elams eyes that drive the very stars of hoaven dlstraoted with envy. Lashes mere gloriously silken than ever fringed the lids of Oriental heuri. Hair in whleh 10,000 sunbeams ncstle, darkly bright, line as gossamer threads, but forming a net work whleh scores of masculine Btrugglers have feubd pewerful as the green withes that bound Delilah's Samson. Mateh'ess in graoe. Marvelleusly gifted in woman's grand endowment, tongue. Tenes soft as the softest warbling of a flute en tropie seas at twilight. A polar star in overy throng, toward whom all masouline compasses point with con stant finger. A maguet strong enough te turn a whole battalion tepsy-turvy and bring the planets rushing from their far off sphercs. Lovelier, mero cuchauting creatures never llitted through the para dise of rarest poet's dream. Describe her? Wero my pen a quill from the pinion of the loftlest seraph that burns in gleaming glory, and dipped In the reful gent radiauoeoftbo rainbow's fountain, it would be itnpottalble. Ilaphael's ghost, after threo oenturios of oelostial practice, would faint at the task of trying te duplet her transeendeut loveliness. TbeSafMtantt Ilett Internal Mnneny. It Is sate te take llnANHiirru's tills at any time, but te gut the best results they should be taken en an empty stomach, going te boil. It Is well en the night you take them te eat llttle or no 8iipier. As no two people nru affected precisely the same by a like iiuantlty el the sime medicine, It It dlnlcult te deter mine thu dete ; mid It Is something which must be left te the discretion el thu patients. We will say, though, the Hvernge dese for un adult U trem tour te ten, according teellect. Fer Constipation or Uyapepsla, ene or two nken every night will, lu a abort time, per per eoral nu absolute euro. It Is well te take a purgative at least ence or twice n month ns a proventlvool disease, and ns there rills are entirely vegetable, nnd aru made with the greatest care, we knew them te be thu safest and most efleclivu purgative ever Introduced te the public. They have been sold In this country forlevor fifty years, and have In that ttme attained an unprecedented popularity. American Art. Photographs, Engravings, etc.. can lxicx quIslUily colored with with liquid Art Celers made from Diamond Dyes. Full directions for thin heiiulltul art weik, with a handsome colored cabinet photo soul te nny address ler 10 ceiibt. WJSLLS A KICHAKHSON A CO . llurlliigten.Vt. linu't imrry, Uenlleineu," Bald a man en his way te be hanged, "tlmru'll be no Inn till 1 get there." He nay te I he dys peptic, nervous, and debilitated, don't hurry thoughtlessly ler some remedy of deubllul merit, uncurtain el relict, when you ran gel at the druggists for ene dollar Murdoch. llloed Jlittert almost sure te euro and tuiuin te benefit, or sale by 11. II. Cochrun, druggist. 187 ami l.lil North Uueen stri-et. Me Deception Ueil. It Is strnngu se many imxiji ,i 111 continue te sutler day atler day with Dystiepsla, Llur Complaint, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Gen oral Debility, when they can procure at our store BIIII.OH'S VITALiZKlt, ireoerenst II It does net euro or relieve them, l'rlce, 75 cents. Sold by ll.lt. Cochran, dtitgKltl, 137 and UJ North Queen street, Lancaster. todU-ced& Hew Blech Will De It? Hew much et HAemtu' Keleetrle Oil Is re quired te euro 7 Only a very llttle A lew drops will cure any kind et an ache ; and but a trifle mere Is needed ter sprains and lame nesses llhuumallsui Is net se readily uilect ed ; an ouureaud semutluies two ounces are rciuireu. me muiiicinu, newnvur, is semite te cure with thusauieuumbernt applications. Sold bv II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IJfJ North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. lleMs, Itlujclri and Hay Vevrr. AVllli the opening et the season et outdoor sports cornea tun tlme of trouble ter the peer victims et Hay Fever. Fer them Mowers hae no odor, and the summer little or no beauty. Te snutr, sneeze and wipe their weeping eyes for three or four successive menthss this Is their pitiable portion. There la no help In soa-veyugos, their Is no help In high mountain air, Ttuse only lighten the pockets and leave the disease unabated. Hut there Is a positive euro In Klv'a Cream llalin. Try It. If you continue tesuller Ills becausu you neglect u remedy as sure us It Is cheap and pleasant. )3-2wduedAw llruwu'a neuseuuiit fanaeea Is the most oflecUvo l'aln Dostreyor In the world. Will most surely quicken thu bleed whother taken internally or applled exter, nally, and thereby mero certainly ltKLIKVK PAIN, whother clironle or neuUJ, than any ethor pain alleviator, and it is warranted dou ble the strengtb et any similar preparation. It cures pain In the Slue, Hack or lloweis, Bere Threat, HheuinatUm, Toothache, and ALL ACIIKS, unit Is Thn Urent Hellever of H'alu. "imOWN'ailOUSKHOLDl'ANACKA" heuld be In every family, a tottspeoiilul el the Panacea In a tumbler el het watur (swihiU onetl, If preferred, taken at budtliiiu, will JJUISAK UP A COLD, 23 ceuta s bottle. may31-lydM.W.8aw Dr. Fraxler'a atagle Ulntmeut. Thu greatest blessing that has been ills covered lu this guneratleu. A sure cure ler llelli. UuriiH, Seres, Cuts, FJesh Weiimlg, Hore nippies, nurii anil soft Cerns, Chapped Lips, unit Hands, l'lmplus uml Hletches. l'rlce We. Held by DniRuUts. Sold by II. JI. Ueaiirau drugKlst, Wand 133 North Oucen stteut. (I) Mrs. Dr, Walten's l'erl-nilcsl teb. " Mether Walten has prescribed this valuabln mixllclnu ler a great uiaiiy yriirulii for tu va e iractlce. It has pieved an iinhil K , eC I e ""? ,t,futti'4 el the iiiauy i,M-,l0I1, ' te which thu lemale constitution Is siiblect it Is a. sure euro for the monthly troubles that se many women sutler. Mati.ui .7,, .;....."'ri0. 1l&ertVuns''-!a; (3) ' '"u jioei, oiue or cnest.use SHI LOU'S 1'OltOUH 1'LABTK.Il. l'rlce, a cent, flew by II, JJ. Ceehrau, druggist, 137 and 139 Werth Uueen street. Lancaster. toblleodt! I'IlKNTV Tl7UTATlS,iU? UNMTO equal thu 60. Havana Uluats at JiAliTMAN'S YKLLOW FUONT CIHAUJ bTOKK. 0" KSTKlt UUUfl'lX JIOUSK. ATLANTIC CUT. N. J. At the feet of New Yerk uvenue, within a low hundred feet of thu sea. Attractive comfortable and liomellke, NoWei'KN. JuueS-JtuU J.KK111ABOW8. kkeival. riUlK tlMLY UKKAT KXTRHNAL 1J1T X medy. These etnltient chemists. Preles Bera Dercmus and llstterslisll, endniie Hen. eon's Capclne Pereus Plasters. rUTIUUKA HKB1BDUH. HOW TO ODRE SKIN DISEASES. ijpjritllMtlNO IIDMOIIR. HUMILIATING EHUl'llONH, ITCHING AND 1IUIIN IMJ'IOUTUHKS. SALT ItllKUM or Kczeina, Psoriasis, Scald Head, lnrantlloer lllrtlilltiiiiors.nndevery term et Itching. Scaly. Pimply, Scrofulous. Inherited, Contnuteus and coiuier-Celored Diseases el thu llloed, Hkln ami Scalp, with Iiornel llulr, nre positively cured by OurtcimA Ukselvkmt, the new llloed I'tirltlor.internullv, and Cuticcba ami CtrrirutiA Siur, the great Shin Cures and lloatiliners, externally, wlien all known rumedlcs and thu best physlcl.ins fall.; GHBATEST ON EARTH, CDTicuitA Ubmkiiics aru the iireatiwt tui'dl clues en earth. Had the worst case of Salt Itheiun In this country. My mother had U twenty years, and In tsct died trem It. 1 Ih. lluve Cvthmjiia would havu saved her llfu. My anus, breast and head wero covered ler three years, which nothing relieved or c.ired until 1 twed IheCtrrtcuitA UKaeLvsirr Internally, ami CtrricURA mid CtTicrjRA seAr etterually. J V. Adams, Newark, u. QRB &.T BLOOD MEDICINES. The halt has net been tela in te the icrent curative powers el citicvra Ksmmhk. 1 have tiald liumlrels et dollars ler metllclnea te cure diseases el the bleed and skin, ami never found anything yet te equal the Cm. CURA IlKMBUIlLrt. CIUS. A. WILLIAMS, rrevlduncu, II. I. CURB IN EVERY GASH. Your Cuthtiia Ukmkdiks outsell all olher medicines I keep ter skin dlseie. My cits cits temurs und patlvtitii say they liae iiUvcUnI a euro In every Instance, whero ether remedies have failed. II. W. llneckWAV, M. I. Franklin Falls, X. II. Sold by all druggists, l'rlce : cuticbra. se cents; Kkbelvknt, II; Seap, I.'c. 1'eTrmn URl'u akd Cmkmical Ce., IIesUmi, Mas Seurt for "Hew te uare Ham lia." DCATTfTV Fer Sunburn, Tan and DLAtWJ 1 1 Greasy Skin, liiackiipuus. rimplcs, klii llleuilshes, and Infantile Hu mors, use Cuticcra Seap, ureal be.iutlfl.er. ri'HK UUTIUUllA Ur.MF.DIKS reu MAI.K X at Cecliraus Drug store, 137 and 1JU North lineen street, Lancaster, ra. Sanferd's Radical Cure for Catarrb, COMI'LKTKTKBATMK.NT WITH INHALKIC FUKU.NK DULLAIt. The Great Ilalsamle Distillation et Witch I larul, American I'lnu, Canada i Ir. Marlueld, Clever llloseins, etc, callixl SAMFUItD'a IIAD1CAL CUItK. ler the tmiiieillttu relief and permanunt euro el every form et Caturrh, irem uslmple CeM In the head te Una el Smell, Taste and Hearing, Cough and Ca tarrhal Consumption. Complete treatment, consisting et ene bottle lladtcal Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Iinpieud In haler, In ene package, may new lie had et all drilpitlsts ter $1 00. Ask ter SANrellirS HAD1UAL CL UK. " '1 he only absolute specific e knew el " Vil. Timet, " The best wu have teuml tn a lifetime et stirlerlng." Rev. Dr. Wiigin, not ion " After a long strueclu with L alurrli the Uaiiu-al CfKB has cenuuered." Jiev. ti. II'. Menree, teieltbteg. I'a. 1 luu net found a case that It Old net relieve at once." Amireir Lee, .ifimchesltr, Jfnu. reTTKIt Dlll'O AMD CHEMICAL Ce . UesUin. OANDFUUD'.SI(ADIU.L,UUI(KKOItnAI.K O at Cechrnn's Drug Stere, Ne 1J7 and ljy North Queen street. Luncaster, l'a. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Plasters, New Life ler Shattered Nerves, Painful Muscles and weakened Organs. Cellins' Vel tale Klectrle Plaster luitantly alfecLs the Ner vous System and banishes p.iln, uerveujiies utul debility. A perfect Kleetro-Ualvanle Ilattery coinljlne.1 with a nlghly medicinal Plaster leri'-c. All druggtsts. luiiel-lydW.S.Aw GlCAk'B ni'KUinii tnr,uiuilr., imat Uretit Kngllsh Uemedy. An unfailing cure for ImiMituncy, and all Dlscflsea that fellow less et Memery, Universal Less! tude. l'aln In the iiack. Dimness et Vision, Premature old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Cen sumptien and a Premature Gruve. Full par ticulars in our pamplut, which we desire te send tree by niatl te every one. The Specific Modtrlnel j Htilil by all druKKlsts at II per pack age, or six pnckiiKes terl or will be sent tne DV man en me receint ei uiu money, uy an. drulng the aeunl. ii. ii. cuciiuA.-n, uriiggist, N04. 177 and 1JJ North Queen stiuul, Lancas ter, l'a.. On account of counterfeits, we have adopt ed Ihu Yellow Wruppur ; theenly genulne THK Git At MKDlClNtTCO., VilAw ttnltaln. SKlN DIHKAMKS I'KltlHAMKflTLYUUKKU and guaranteed never te return. DUS. II. I). A M. A. I.ONOAIiKIl, Ily their tnatiiieut can tak thu meit lenrlul caw nt bkln Disease (e en It et forty ears' standing, ami II the body Is covered with spots. scalH, crusts scales, sores, ulcers, pim ples, blisters or redness), unit uradlcalu thu potsen lruin the system, heal the skin, and leave It pure, clear, smooth and healthy. It you have any Skin DUtasucome te Dis. Leng. akur and getcurud belote tee lalu betoie It attacks some vital organs. Olllce, Ne. 13 Kusl Walnut street, Lancaster. Consultation lrcu. JU-3ti),tw VUll HALE. riHvO I.AKI1K WALNUT H1IIIIK UOUN. 1 tots ler sale; may busoen luthustoreroom lately occupied ty Mr B. S ltathvotuNe. 101 noun ijuceu siruui li.usl be removed seen. Apply te C. II I.KFKV UK., Olllce -Ne. 137 Kast Klng.St. Ull-I Ud IjUIILIU HALKOF VALUAULB IlKAI. KS . TATK.-ON WKDNKSDAY. JUNK 18, ltsl, will be sold at public sale, at Casper Kehler's brewerv. Church street. Lancaster. l'a., thu tollewlug valuable real estate, te wit; a. iieuuie one unit a nan story iirick Dwelling, known us the Ceby properly, situated en the south tliloet Middle street. Ne. 311 and S?J, with a let et ground fronting en Middle street . teet, mero or less, and extending lu ilepth lbil fuette Locust alley Sale te begin at7 30 o'clock p m .of aalddav, wliun nttuiiilauce will be glvuu uml terms madu known by CHaULKS I'KTKIW. llKMRY SlIL'llKRT, AliC't. 1 10-7 til 1)UllLlU MVt.K UK VALUAIII.K ICKAI, . KSTATK Pursuant te niusolutlen of City Councils will he sold at public tide, nt the Cooper llouf-e. Lancaster, en Thursilav, June 19, 1W1, at 7 o'clock p. in , the following de scribed real estate, te wit: All thatcertalu inussuage unit iraei ei land with the tour story Mone llulldlng thereon elected, known as tue " Jleardman Cerk Works," lermerly the rerks." lermerly the " and tint ilwiilllnir " Coneslega Cotten Mill," and the dwelling heuse, blacksmith simp, with olher buildings thereon, containing 7 Asresaud Hi 1'urches, nmiwui ivpe.biiuiiuiiiuu uiu uuuuaieKa creea, en thu Ueckland read, m Lancaster and West i.aiiipoiui-iewnsuips, unjeining preiiurtles et Sauiuel Miller, Jacob Iluber, Itebt. A, Kvans ami ethers. This Is a very valuable property, and well worthy the attention el muuutuctur. ere and business men. Will be suitable ter tannery, machine sliepj, Hteuin mills, dye heuse or uny ether business. Thu city will reset ve the water tight, us new used ; no dam te obstruct water te be bnllu Alse, ut the same lime and place, all that certain valuable llutldliiK Let, en the south sldii of Kast Chestnut street, between Marshall and Franklin streets, containing in fronton Chestnut street twoniy-twe leetli.') If ut. ami extending In depth, southward, one hundred and eghlcuu feet ilpi feet), le h i i0t wide alley, being let Ne. l en the llreneiiiaii iiiui Laiidlstracu ThUUabeaiitltiil location ami sultable ter a residence ; t convenient te schools, churches and thu railroad or lolling Persons iluslrlug te view thu premises will pit ae call en thu undersigned. Turius cjsIi OH April I, lB.r. PHILIP ZKCHJ'.H, 11KNKY llUKItlt, 1SHAKL I'.MAYKlt JOHNS. KKND1U. Jacuii Gunuausk, AllCl. mi!8,3ii,7,ll,ii,i8,iaj IJF.NN UIGAIttJMtim UOcts l-KIl 1IU- X died up, nt IIAHTMAN'S YKLLGW KKONTClGAU HTOKK. TIKALT1I UOH4UT. BALL'H m HEALTH CORSET x$S$$$8W!X?la ihu Cor- comfeiitahlk; AMI 1' K II F K 0 T FITTING garment worn. Merchants say It gives llm Sfir1 .IJilft 50-1 1'."." "'."y.ferwit ftiey ever sol. l" Fer sale by all leaning dealers. Piice by mall uu-wasact Netf Jlaven, Conn; nnmneva. Kll.lIOt)H-KHVICKH WILL 1B IIK.LU In the following churches te-morrow. In tee morning nt 10-;x), In the evening nt7;I.V Sunday school at l:tt p. in. When the hour Is different It Is specially noted. St. Jehn KnscerAL Morning ami even ing. Hiindav school at 1 p. m. OllVKT llAr-TisTUil'Rcu Y. M. C. A. Uoetns, Uev. M. Fiayne. Sunday school at 9 a. in. Oin MisseNtTRS Services en Sunday June 15th, at 1 p. in. Preaching In both lan guages. KmT M. K. Ciicncit.-ltev. J. T. Salchell, pailer. Sunday school at a a.m. l'rayoruieot l'rayeruieot l'rayoruieet lint en Wixtnesday evening at TM p. in. SkceMD Kv. Ciit'Rcit (Kng.) Mulberry street above Grange. L. N. Worman,pasler. Sun day school at?:lsa.tn. ST. l'AUL'a lUreRMku Hev. J It. Sliuinaker, D. It. Sunday school at 9:1 a. in. St. Lurk's flKrenxie Cnniui Slarletliave Slarletliave nue. Hev. Wm. F. Llchllter, pastor. Sunday school ai a. m. Meral service in tne evening First lUrriBt-I'myer nieeting lit thu morn ing. Sunday school at 0 a. in. PnssnrrKRiAH CiurKL Morning ami even ing service by the pastor, Uev. Themas Thompson. Ukitkii llnmiRKN in Christ (Cevssakt) Cerner West Graugn anil C'oncenl, (tennerly known as Salem). Itev M. J. Mumiiia, pastor. suuiiav school at '.isi a. m. St 1'At'L'a M. K. Uev. Geerge G.utl, A. M. itiulnr. Miimlnv unlinel lit LI 11. 111. Thk Womas's Christian TMmRANCK I'mei will utcet hereatter, until further notion, nt 7 e clock lustrndet 3. at Ne. Hi North I'rluce street en Tuesday evening. First ItsreitMiiD CiifRiii Uev. .1. A. ruler. Sunday school at 9 a, m. Moravian Kev. ,1. Max llnrk, patter. Llt anv and sermon. Sunday school at l) a. in. Union lltriiKU Hev. O. W. sullliuuer, p.xter Chlhlren'sday. Services will consist lu recitations, speeches and out, liv the chllOren and ethers, The church will be beautifully decerated with tlowers. l'liKsnrritniAX Uev J. Y. Mitchell, l l. St. Jehn's Lcthkiian-UeV. Sylvniius Stall. Sunday school at U a m. Getwalii Miien Sunday school nt 1 p in. Cellkiir CHArKU llacealaureate sermon by lluv.J.s. SlHhr. I'll. I. CHRIST KVHIIIBLU'AL I ITHKRAN HOY. K. I,. Heed, pister. Sunday-school atua. in. Y. M.C. A. .Meeting for young lnennt3.3 p. in. t'AVrtU HAXUllKlH, At. T H KK.K.l" lUT 1'L.IKS. 1IUOS, BlOfQUI- TOKS, Ac, -USE- FltV'S STATIONARY TIIKY AUK THK 11KST1N USK. NKKD NOT UK KKMOVKD IS Ol'JSNINO Oil CLOSINU THKSHUTrKll Oil WINDOW. VK HAK IN STOCK ALL SIZES OF FRAMES AND CAN MAIvB A SCHKKN 11KADY KOK l'UK WINDOW, IN TEN MINUTES. FUAMKS SOLD SKI'AllATK AND WIIIK3 lO F1I" FHOM We. IP. PHARES"W. FRY, r7N0KTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTEU. PA. VAKI'Xrr. K ,'STAlILISMKU 1SSO. CARPETS -AT Philip Schum, Sen & Ge's 150 SOUTH WATEK 8THEET, LANCASTEK, I'A. Wohave a full supply et HAG AND FILL- INO CAlll'ETS. varns. We ( only use the best of ii you waui a koeii, sorvlceablo carpet, please come and examine our sleck before purchasing elsewhere, as vu will sell as encap lis Uie cheaiiest. Come uml see loryeursolfund be convinced, as we always have thu reputa tion of making tlist-elass Carpets. CUSTOM ItAG CAlll'ETS A SPECIALTY COVKIILKTS. COUNTKltl'ANES, ULAN. UETS, CAIU'KT CHAIN, STOCK ING YAItN, Aa Dyeing tlcu. De no tn all Its branches at short no- COAL I COAL I OI the best quality, expressly ler family use. THY ASAMl'LKTON. KKMEMHKKTHK OLD STAND. PHILIP SCHU3I, SON & GO'S. Ne. 150 SOUTH WATKlt STIIKKT, fWmd LANCASTKIt. I'A. J'JtUl'UMALti, ijutii'i.nAi.M run ruicNiHiiiNti 1 TIONEIIY, FUEL AND OTHEll HTA- sui'. 1-I.IE3. SEwiBTAnv or tub Commonwealth's Opnck, llAiunsuuKe, l'a., Juue'i,l(SM. I hereby Invite sealed proposals, at prices below maximum rates fixed In schedules, te furnish Stationery, Fuel and ether supplies ler thu Legislature, and the several Depart ments et statu Government, and ter Plumb ing. Has Fitting and Stuam Fitting ler, and repairs, furnishing halls undcemmtttcu rooms nt the Senalu and Heuse et ltepreaentatlves, and distribution et documents, reports and ether printed matter for Die Legislature and the Department of Public Instruction, for thu year ending the first Monday or June, A. D. 18W. Separate proposals will be rocelvod and sepa rate contracts awarded aa announced In said schedules. All proposals must be accompa nied by a bend with approved srcurlty con ditioned ler the faithful performance of the contract, and nddrussud ami delivered te me hofeto eleven o'clock a. in., of Thursday, the Will day of June, A. D. 1881. at which time the proposals will be opened nnd contracts award ed, In the Executive Chamber nt lliirrlsburg. Pennsylvania. Schedules containing forms el proposals can be obtained en application at thu elllce et thu Secretary of the Common, wualth. W. 8. STKNGKIl, J'J-Jltd Secretary el the Commonwealth IMULKUZKH, T UL'USK'S. ' Hammend's Slug Shet Js death te the Currant Werm, te the Uesn Slug, te the Cut Werm that destreys the To bacco Plant, totheTobaccoand Cabbage Flea, and all sorts et dlstructlve Insects Ouljr eOc. for a 6 Pound PncKnge. SILVK118TAK IIAKING 1'OWDEIt Is geed. We glvu an article eftillvurwatu with uach pound can. TO CLOSE OUT CANNED GOOOS WK WILL BELL 2 B Cans Tomatoes at... Marrowfat Peas at, string lleunsat, I'le I'eachesat Table Peaches at , .Ce. Can, ..luc. " ..loe. ..SO. " ...lie. ,,,, .'J'JJU01 er,,VBl''"l fruit, quart caiiB that sold nt35c, Bulling new ut'Ak). ut BUESK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING 8TREHT. ruexuuuAfiiH, J." HUTU. There lien been ouch a tletunnd for LAUGK I'UOTUOKAl'HS Hwt I win cempelled te get a VEItY LAUGK CAMEUA BOX te meet the demand. We can new make you a PHOTO as small us the smallest locket will held up te a 6-tncU luce, te nt lau puim Frame, J. E. ROTE, utNal06 NorthiQueon Stxoet.' Wire Wmttew Screens. II AURIC UHUTUKK, LIGHT - FOR SUMMER WEAR. Oaselmere Suits inade Skeleton; Ponaeo Oeata and Vesta ; Alpaca Oeata ; Soerauoker and Creele Check Suits ; White Marseilles and Duck Vesta ; Linen and Mohair Dusters. Ohoice new patterns in Fancy Plaid Suitings, and a full line of summor-welght Cleths, Oassimeres, Serges, etc. IN THE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Gauze, Merine and Lace Shirts ; Feather-weight and JeanDrawers; E. & W. Linen Cellars and Cuffs in latest shapes ; also, Wash SuBpondere, Suinmer Scarfa and Ties, Half Hese, Hand kerchiefs, &c. Ne. 26 WEST KING STREET. VAMHIAUJSB, AU. F UK UAKKIAGK HUll.DKKS. THE STANDARD Carriage "Werk OF LANOASTEIl COUNT! . EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, IN IlKAUUr UKNTItAL MAIIKKT HOUSES LANCASTKll, PA. We make every style lluggy and Catlarge desired. All work flulslunl In thu most com fortable and elegant style. We tie only the best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics, for quality or work our prices are the cheapest lu thu state. We buy ter cash and sell en thu most reasonable terms. Ulve us a call. All work warranted. KKl'AIKl.NG PIIOMVTLY ATTKNUKDTO. One set et workman especially employed ter that rmrpose. nJitfdAw flUlK 1.A.TKST OUT IN VEHICLES. The Eest nud Cheapest in the Slate -AT- Ner"beck & Miley's REPOSITORY, Cerner el' Duke anil Vine SlreeLs. COMPETITION DEFIED. A NEW LOT OF FIRST-CLASS GOODS JU3TMADK1IY FIH8T.CLA88 WOHKMKN. KUNN1NG OUT FIIOM TO 8 VKH1CLK9 l'Klt WKKK, It becomes necessary te send In your orders early, It you aru In a hurry, FOUTY MKN CONSTANTLY EMPLOYED. Each Mastorel Seme Special Ilninch. WHEELS MANUFACTU11ED ON THESVOT by MIL MILKY, the Junier moinber el the tl rm, uml warranted te be et the besL Second -Hand Vehicles, Including Stitltlng-Tep 1'laue Hexcs, Ellnlle epringH, uruwsi always en hand, ruwBterj, Ceal Heles and Chesteis, REPAIRING by the most expert workmen, and at the low est living prices. JelU-lld HLAHH AMU UUJSJiNairAltJk. H 1U1I m MAUT1H. -AT- CHINA HALL. A FULL LINE OF TABLE GLASSWBRE, JELLY TUMBLERS, JELLY OUPS, JELLY JARS. Tumblers. Tumblers. High & Martin, 15 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. FA. lOHAVCU AN It VWA1IK. H. V. HTK11MAN A CO. TOBACCO & CIGARS -AT- WH0LE8ALE AND EETAIL. ALL HIIAND8 Or CHEWING A SMOKING TOBACCO, (JIOAKKTTES. BUUKKIt'S AKTICLE8, any thing pertaining te the '1 rade In l-argrt or Small Quautlttesnt PHILA DELPHIA l'UlUKS.nt H. L. Stelimaii & Ces, NO. 110 NORTH QUEEN ST. OATLIN'H FINE CUT. VKLOCll'EDK FINK GUT, HEFG11U FINE (JUT, Ete. poweBW.ua, ,BW- ciiAJui-Aunr., iiiri' DKKHY SMOKING. I'LENKOK, Etc. LONE JACK. OLD V1IIGINIA. Ete. TUKKI8II l'ATUOU ' UI01IUOND 8TKAIGIIT OUT, HKTWKKN THE ACTS, Etc. f Imported and Demestic Cigars. All giades ami prices. Give us a call. maiai-Ud Mr wueim, , WEIGHT CLOTHING, HAGER & BROTHER, I'LUMIUNU AH JU..N A UN OLD. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, tWFinest Werk, Deit Workmen. Leave your Orden at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nea. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA UAItt AMI VAfa. w T l. STAUFrF.lt. .JOHN SIDES W. D. Stauffer & Ce., (SucceMers teShultx A ltre.) 31 and 30 NORTH QUEEN ST Straw LHatal Straw Hate ! ! Straw Hatel ! I Twenty casts et Straw Hats Just received. The very latU styles ter young men. Alse Nutria, Mled and Peifl Derby : Maple ami Pearl Cassliuuiu Hats. All new stock. UKMK.M1IKHTHE NU 51 11 Ell, 31 ami 33 N011THIUEKN STREET- mylO-ly OTItAW 11A1B. SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE. Straw Hata are the eert of Btuff te wear thla woather, and we knew that we have the beat and nowest Bteck in the city. Yeumana and Dunlap certainly have the finest trade In New Yerk elty, and with a lorRe assortment et Maeklnaws from thoae two houses we ure aure we ean suit thoae wish ing te buy the beat. Fer thoae who don't want te apend much meney for a straw hat we have the nioest for the prioe in town. Some lets are still unbroken and we advisoyeu te call wbile thore la yet a geed aaeortment. GUNDAKER'S OLD STAND, 144 lerth Queen St, LANCASTEK, I'A. marn lvd.tw TMWAMK, JtV. no te JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 24 Seuth (Jueen Street, -F0U TIIE- OHEAPEST and BEST REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers, OAJWENllOES AND OIL CLOTH. JOHI P. SCIAUI, 24 Seuth Queen Streot, Ieb77-lVd LANOABTKU. PA IIUUKH AHV HTATMIlfMM TJLAWK UOOHS AMD UTATIOMKUV. JOII BAER'S SOIS, 16 and 17 North Queen Bt, Blank Beeks & (Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, WKITINQ rLUIl)3 AND INK8, AT TI1K SIGN OF THE BOOK. lWlLMNli atATKlUAL llKHUVAL, HAVING ltKMOVKD MY PLANING MLLL -TO- N09.41KO 417;N.Mnl!jerrySt, And lucteafled my facilities ter work. Iain new prepared te de all klndiet work in my line at Bliortest notice. aiwmd Wml "Wehisen. AllKll A IIHUTllKIt LANCASTER. PA. It UAH tlTTlmi, jiiAviiiytiHr. riMir BEST " STEAM ENGINE! AND BOILER WORKS. KSTAIIL131IEI) lHfid. COMI'AUE THE SIZES AND I'lllLEttOK OUR ENGINES. We have no Ak"IUh or Mlddlu-iue'i te protect tiy UltdlllK COIUIIllyMlOlM HIllVll tll!- lui!ier mimt pay. Yeu Save Frem 15 te 25 Per Cent. HY l'l'HUIASlNt; DlllKCTKHOM Vi BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP. Ne Shell Iren used In Hellers. I.wut con cen con numpllenof Cent and WaliT (or Power ilu ilu velefed. All Englnet el our maku aubicted te friction lliuke Tent te ueutilu tlielr rate et power. SAVE TIMKand MUNKV. and pur cliaxu Hie MehI Duraule and I1KST Portuble Knulnu and Heller en WliceU and Wllle. Farmers and Threshermen, examlnu tlitwoprlceaandludgeleryouraulv Ji On Oil" Wheels. Sills. 1 t IV) en m ou I ve ui u u) UV) IK) M) la) 7!H) mi Gv", no PC0 O U.V) no YlW 0)J isw no Capacity. Cylinder 1" x h" (." x l" 7" x 11 b" x 10" V X VI ' It" X lb" I Heme Power. H llerxu Power. 8 llon-e Power, lu Herse Power. 1) Herse l'ewtir. 'ie llorse Power. We manufacture and keep lu stock the fol lowing KOOit9, which are alwaya ou hand : Portable Enulnea en Wbralaaud Hills. Stationery Engines , " te W Heme Pewur. suitleuury Uellun. PerUkblu llellurs. l'ortable Saw MIIU. Large and Small llellrr Feeil Pumps ;' pump and heatura comblnel steam Pump Hark, Cerk and Cob Mills. Pulleys. ShattlnK and UeartiiK Heu9u Cellar Healers. Creamerlrs ntteil up. Steam HeatlnK a Siieclalty. Iren and llruas Caatlligi). Iren Tanks ter Water and Oil. Llithtaiid Heavy Sheet Iren Weik. Steam and Water l'lies. Hancock In seli at or a. Valvcu ana KHUuics. Andes A fieu's Separatera. Hulld any l'nwer or Style et Hellers, hall, mates Ktven for machinery. Uepaln prompt ly audcurutully attunded te. 4iTALL WOKE yUAKANTEED.-aa Jehn Best & Sen, (I'KOI'llIETOHS;) Ne. 333 East Fulton St., LANCASTEK, I'A JanlMydAw HAV1NU DISSOLVED PAKTIlF.ltAllll' and peHuanently closed the Cheitiiul Streot Iren Works, 1 doslre te Inform tnyeld patreiiB nnd the publle uenerally, that I am still In the business, belng located In the Punn Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, where 1 am making Iren and llruss Cestings el every dostrlpUen, and will be pleased te serve all who may favor me with thulr patron patron age. Frem 40 years exporleuco In the business and usIhk the bust material and ompleyliiK thu best mechanics, 1 am satin rled I can Kuar Kuar antee entire satisfaction. Castings made from a mixture el iron and steel which are mero re liable ler strengtb nnd durability than the best cost Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a specially. Cast ings uiaile et very soft Iren, and brass cast ings et overy description. 1 nave nil the pat ters or the well unit favorably known Mewrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and IraproveiL Alse en eand, mills completely titled up or In purls, te replace old ones which have bean In use ler years, guaranteeing Utein te give sat. Is tactien, anirl4-6mi U. C. UeCULLEY. MVHIOAL jnHTJiUMJSNTn, w ILCOA WUITB Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW 1H.T11E TIME TO IIUX PJANOS AND ORGANS AT BLAUU1ITEUINU 1'liIUEH. One Ooetl Bocend-Hand Piane (50.00 One Elegant Second-Hand Organ 45.00 One Elegant New Organ, 12-3 lop Couplers and Sub-llass M.fO Wilcox A WUlte Organs irem I7J.10 te iiw.w " Knabe," MePball, Grovenatoln Si Fuller, Koyateno, and Veee Ss Bena Pianos, All Marked Down te Uotteui Prices. Almest given away. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warererms, NO 152 EAST KING 8THEET, II. U. LUCKKNUACH, Ageut. rebl7-Uct THArmLUVK uvidk. 1 A"H.AH11 .AN" Ml I.LBHHVI LI.K iuf. J J Cars run ns fellows i.m !JV. '-nhcasierll'. II. Depot), at 7. I) an. 1 .V.'SV!;' "'I" ... u '"''I M H. in., except ! ft in. Z .. '.' luwYll'n.lliiwer end), nl,H.Mnii 10 a innuit I,snninl7p. tn, 8iimiavrU" y " Bl,ev" u""1 cepl en lKADINOAUOMIMJ.IIA U.K. AIIUANGKMKNT()FA88KNGKHTIIAIN8 SUNDAY, MAY llTH, I8HI. NOIlTHWAItl), I.HAVK. X.H, Guarryvllle iirii Lancaster, King at 7: Ltuictiflter 7in Chlcklea 7;' Marietta Junction 7:M Oeltimhla. 7:ai Annivi. Heading ma SOUl'IIWAllll. A. M 7M0 wit) 1M0 . ,,, LSAVS. A.M. lluhting , T:a 4111UVS. Marietta Junction Kill M. f.M I' M. me 0:1 r.M. LIO J.1U 7.M s.m Chlokles u.iii i:eiiimnia..... i-n 8.M Lancaster ,,,. u.je 8:13 'J De0 ijincasier. ttiugst u.(l All tIM quarryvlllu lo.ie .!... wiiiii'ui iii iii'nuuiK wiin trains uiauii from l'hlladelphla, Pettavlllis HarrlsUnrg, AN lit trains teand ............ .... ... . u, H, ,,, ,UI,II, ,,,nJ UOUlO. At rnlmnhl. .1,1. ,.,..d ,.. ..., ... .... Hanover, .iittyiiur, Frwlurick and Haiti, morn. At SI ar lei In Junction with trains te uml Irem Chlcklcj. SUNDAY. Lonve-Cuarryvlllo, 7.11J a. m.i Lancaster, King Street, 5-ou p. in. Aiilvu-lteaillng, KMnla. in , 7ll0 p. m. Leave Heading, 8:111 n, in., 4 ( p. 111. Arrive l.nui'iiHter, Kliur Street, I0KM a, in,, K.0,1 p. in,; Cjiiairyvllle, 7-u.i, A M. WILSON, Sup) IJKHHh Yl.VAM 1 A UAII.UOAIt NKW SCHKDIILK On nud alter SUNDA NOVK.MllF.lt, 18, Hua, trains en the Pennsyl vaiilii ItiUlrtMil will arrive at ami leave tl e Laurruitei umt Philadelphia dnmt,aa tollews 1 llAivl Ar Lan l'hl RAHTtrARD. A.M. A.M Mali Kxpreati I'lilladelptila Zxprtras - aflt Line.,, ....,,,,,,,..,.... . .,,,,,,, HarrlsburK ExpMx Verk Accommodation arrlvra LanciiAter Arcemo latlen arilvea.... Celumlita AccoiLine.1 ileu l:tt) S.-Oft 27 AutS 8:10 mv 8,60 3.W r.M. 13-M 1X:U It? 1(KW 11. lh rrednrlck Accoiuimxlstlen arrtvee. Leck Haven Kxpren.... 3:15 r.M, MS 6IA lit Sunday Mall , Johniitewn Kxprena..., ,,,,,, ,i S.-J) liny n.xiriHn HarrUuuric Accommodation B:lc e.u Hanover Accouiiiiixlallen wivit, cenui-ctJn at Liuiciudur with Nliumra Kxiirtnui tit U.4I will run tlimuKU te llnnever dully, uicti euiiiuiy, rreilerlrk Aoenmmoilatlou, wuat,cniiictliii( it lincaater wttli rant Mux, wiwt, at t, wtil rnn tlireuuti te r-oilertPk. Ll Ar. !PhULttii WanrwARD. A.M. 4.30 4-30 7:U "V:ie A.M Hewi Kxprun.... ............. nay i-aMunKer Mall Train, Ne. I, via. Mt.Jey Mall Train, No.2,v!aCelumbla,lonvuti Mlaiiura Exprem llauevur Accommodation leaves.... 1)31 V33 N) DM r.M. l.JA lift t-'S 2. 7JD 7:40 U:l 1:39 rant Linn , KreOerluk Aoceuncudatlnn leaves, ,. HarrlaburR Accommedmlon Laneaater Acxxiiminxliillen limvoe... Columbia Accouiiredaliou ,, HaiTUburK ETiryui , Weetern ExpreM ll:lt r.M 2:H "i'.il MV 0.111 lira racine crprcfc ..,... ...i HarrlauurK Kxpna, wtilcn leaven Lancaster at 7:IU p, in., nas direct connections (without ctiaiiKuefcars) te Columbia and lerk. fast Line, wt, en Sunday, when naued wlHstopatliewnliiMrtown,CoaU8Vllle, rrkri, burg, Mount Jey, KlUabolhtewn and Mlddtn. town. Day Expreia, Xaat Line, News Express, Mall Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and 1'aclUc Kx press rnn ilallv. The tlm here (jlven la Kmttrn lime, or tliat otthe7Mli mertdlun, whlce Is 1 minute and 3 seconds taster than that huretoleru used. uxmiSANVf.a. t HIV tMIDINANUKS. All Oldluuiice Kugiilatlng tliu Salu el Flesh Kldi. Skitien 1. He It ordained by the Suleetanil Common Councils et the City et Lancaster, In Councils assembled : That between the first day of April and the tlist day of Novembor lu eai'h ear, it shall net be lawful fur any pet son or icrsens te sell, or uxpcitiler sale, any ktnduflresh tlnli wliaUoeer In any partel tin- streets et Lancaster city Ssi.i Any person vlelutlnu the previsions of this ordlnance shall lerlelt and pay tim sum of ten dellura for each and every etiense, which sum shall be recovered, as like penal ties are recoverable, uimiii suit brought beteru t ie Majer, or any Alderman et thu (,'liy el Lancaster, anil be paid ler tue me el the city Inte the treasury et the city, by Hie Mayer or Alderman collecting the same. Adopted bv Select Ceuncl June I, ltttl. IIOHEI.T A. EVANS, I'lesldniil of Select Council. Attest! Use. 11. Kkllkk, Clerk 8. C. Adopted by Common Council J unu I. 1-81. HOIIEIIT M. IIOLKNICS, Prosldiuiler uomiuen Council. Altesl' Jacou M. Chillis, Clerk C C. Approved June 7, 1H-I. D. 1'. HOSENMlLLEIt, Mayer. An ordinance Appropriating thu Publle Moneys et the City et Lancaster te the Hov Hev oral Dup.irtmuius lliuteel, ler the Klacal Year coiiiinuiicliigeu thu first day et June. A. D., 1881. Section 1. He It ordained by the Select nud Common Councils of liiu City et Lancustur : That the sum of ene hunddred and slxly-iiluu thousand ttme hundred dollars be, and thu saine Is especially appropriated te the severul oblects herein utter iiamud, ler Ihu llscal year cemuiuiiclng ou Ihu first dayet June, A. D Itvil. bKCTION 8. Te pay Intel est en Leans. Including sinking Fund I 'ijwt (je Principal en Leans, as required by l.uw... 3,150 tn SlaluTaxen Leans J.uni m rer Stieet Damages lOO'joei liepalrs ler Streets 7,!iu mi Kei Uradtng, Uutturlng, Crossings and Macadamizing ,5)0 no Water Works gonetat U.VOO oil Fer Laylnv Water 1'lpus 4,1100111) FerSaiarics ." 7.800 00 ler I'ollceainl Turukuy 11, me 00 Fer Lighting City ),0X) 00 Fer File Department general 4,100 m) Fer Ileal Estatefer Fire Department, 11,713 00 Salaries of Eiiglneers, Drlvuis, He, Flru Department GH.0V0 Detlclutii'iKS fh Flre Departiiiuut te June, 1MI S.tXUtnj Dctlcleuck'H In Lighting te June, 1C8I 3, WO 00 Abateiiieiit ler prompt payment et City Tax S,7UOue Abatement ler prompt payment el Water Itenu I.WjOM 1'orcentage ler Collection et A near- age City Tax seu ut Ceutlnguiicles l'.'.tni w tlGV) 00 Adopted by Common Council J unu 0, ttiu, JNO. II. LONU. l'resldunt pre tern, of Common Council. Attest! Jacuii M. Chillis, Clerk O. a. Adopted by Select Council June 11. 1881. KOHEI.TA. EVAN8. President et Select Council. Attest t (iRe. 11. KitLLKii, Clerk S, 0. Approved J unu 7, 1881. D.P, ItOSENMILLElt, JeStdMWa Mayer. rjceriaiuNa. I )KHT UOtiDH. LOWKHT 1'KIUI.S. 1) UUAIIILL'.SIHJKE AND VINE. Heed Family Fleur, lMc.t Koller ut 77c.; Hcst Canned Heel, 2lbs, SO0.1 Celeman's Mustard, He,: Elastic Utareh, He; Hest Lump Starch, Ce.; Matches, tk). and 80. 11 dezi'ii. Just locelveil, i' boxes el that 11033 Laundry Heaii, tluoe pieces 10c, fcbldydoed T 1AYLOH' rANOVJrLOUM, aivellatrlal and bo'ceiivlnced that It Is as he claims, the 1IE8T IN THE WOULD. It was awarded the highest medal at the Centennial Exposition, Cincinnati Exhibition and Ohie stute Fair. The Uouulite Tayler's Fancy Fleur ItetAlli at IS cenli per 2) Pound Back. fOll SALE I1Y ALL LKADINU (JUOUKKB. M, P. STEIGEIWALT. & SONS,! 80I0 Agents ler Lancaster. a7-Im TUOl'TFKOM MONK. HUT TaKK THMt A. lead and sell UiobestBo. Cigar lu the clty.l ni, ,u if . linn .. . u . ..... ...,,.' t,.r, . 1, '-9 UAUiuafla xnitittiu suuai uiua STOltE. r.n r. m. .... 'j .m .... .1.40 1.U0 DM .... SMI .... 4:14 1:10 3.4 5:J MkO M