i srwl . v t i'- If ij 1JP-, "V mica Ik 141 iTzeBnugK-arrYT rfi 'V .nr irir v-' Zl JL sjDKy4lvM ' 11 I 1 .1 .1 .1 I I 1 I I , I 1 1 .r.1'! Hf ' )ii, ja-v. r-s w -mampmtmMMMmxiJzs w sfsrjws m wv v ' :. Velnme XX-Ne 245. HOlttCH 1? J. ZAIIM. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Isrge lurroaseln our trade, both la tlie manufacturing and rubill ileimrlmmiL irmki-n It necessary ler ns te Impert "imi"iiii. ii. Direct Frem the European Markets. Mil. K.UNKHT ZAIIM will represent our heuse In Europe Hits summer and Hie.n of niir customers who have net ulruady lull tlielrunluiN with tm will pleaau de se bolore JUNK IB. ALL ORDERS FOR Diamonds, Bronzes, Fine Clocks, Statuary, &c, W III receive carelnl attention nnd will tin ready for delivery ut nnv tliim nfinr (wriium i CHRISTMAS ORDKRl HELD UNTIL I'lIK HOLIDAY HKAiON iV TeHIRBD EDW. J. ZAHM, MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL JEWELER, ZAHM'S CORNER, - - - Lancaster, Pa. lu'H.lmdlt ' Tl .. 1UIOAI1S. -- SUMMER GIFTS. We doalre te cull attention of buyera te the feet that our Bummer offerlng or nttrnottve JB WBLUY la unueunllv IftrRe. All the noveltloa in Short Ohalna for Ludlea. Call and See the Queen's. Antlquo81tver Jowelry. Potlte plocea in Diamond Jowelry at very low prloee. Ohatoluine and Feb Watohea. A flue line of Wedding Sllver. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. LANCASTER, May lB.lSWI. JtKl'JtlUr,JtATUKH TKWBTT'a UKI-KllltATKII UKritUJtlUATOItH. Gee. M. Steinman & Ce., Nes. 26 & 28 West King Street, AGENTS FOK 1) WATER AND- FILTERS. jL'l-liml VAIU'KTfi, SO. (J 11 111 It 'H Uiltl'KT 11,11.1.. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! -AT SHIRK'S OAEPET HALL. Helliui; OIT te t'lesu IJuaiuess. Kvprjlhin 3Iust Positively be Sold. A rnll l.tnoet IIOUV IIKUHHKI.S.TAI'ESTIIY, Hint All Oruite of 1NUUA1N UAHl'KTB UUUH, llhANKKT.i.COVKICI.KT.SniKlUll. ULOtIi. ni UAUtciit), tWALL ATA 8A0MFlUK.- r I'leurpl mtuntleii Klvtm te tlie Maiuiluctuiuel Kiu: t'tiipiitH te mdur. AT- SHIRK'S CAEPET HALL OOR. W. KINO AND WATEH 8TS.. fobs 2mdnr T II, MAltTIN ft UO. ' J. B. MARTIN & CO OUlt SAI.H OK. WALL PAPER Frem the Late BhIeh in NEW YORK is Attracting Great Attentien. lliu vrlces we am eiIerliiK niu lower tlmn the Koedn wtire evor Beld nt buTore, ami we luceiiiiiiuiid lliut our uiiHtonierH imrcliase tliuiu new, uvuu It tliey don't imiiu tliuin ml fAIjL lerthuy wlllnovurljeuulow uKidn. i"i mjxi,,., 6.000 PIB0E3 GOLD PAPER, 18 Oenta. 5,000 " " 20 ' 6,000 " " 26 " 10,000 ' " " 00 " EVERY QM NEW, NO REMNANTS, EVERY PATTERN GUARANTEED. 10,000 IMcces White Wanks at 7c. and 8c, Werth 15c. -l'llces of HaiiBlng Koduced 5e Under Hegulur Hatcn. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King and Prince Streets. Lancaster, Pa. WIN Mi ANIi S. OLAY ,, MMUM.W. MAUM, mm Rramlifts Jiiis Old M MkYm u. Ne. 33 PENN SQUARE, IANCASTEK, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. rilUK VKKUlUT (JTll.t. HTAN1IS 111 AT X tlie beat Be. Cigar in tlie city Ib nt UAUTMAN'S YKkLOW FUONT UlQAU areiiK. riitiK. tinvr veuk t( SUN " UKACIIEa.I.ANCAHTKIl AT 0:31 A, M. On the .luy et publication. U, 11. IIAUU will mipply It promptly en erder. or we will keud It by mull at W cenu a mouth. AilUrcua I.W.KNGl,AN,i,ublUlnir,,TiiHHuw," m2Mmu new Yerk (illy JUST 1'UIILItlllKU, W KDIT10K OF with TMuablii InlorniRtleij en Ntrveutanit At' Ued DlienUru. lllustratud with casrg. AlJUUKbadl) TO UKNTLK4IKN ONIY. n.y, ''''y?1'" of jJOycara'uxporienco, (author el "aoelnl EvIU or the PreBeiit Day ."''Vreina AildrMT7" t') Bnt' imst ,re' ',rlce' 2fl" ' DR. LA QRANQB, fl-J "OT BTB1IBT, X'lUtAMtruU, l'A. OF AHT. 4, West King Street. tnayllMyd Lancaster. COOLERS J LANOA&TE'It, PA L1QUUHH. MILLER. AUOT1UM9KU AMU UKAL, JUJTATK AGENT. HENRY SHUBERT. AUCTIONEEU AND UEAL ESTATE AOEIHT, 61 North Duke St.t Lanoaster, Pa, jiveryininK perwininK m my uualnesswIU rocelro my poueuat attentien. Terms tuaaep. able. (J I ve me a call. lanli-Ud "triuruuiA ' Cern Remover. The most airoctlve proparatlen ler the re. ineval pf corns, llunjeua, WarU, etc, evor placed botero the public Warrunted te oredlcato coinpletoly nnd within u short time the most ebdurate corns hard or selt, without pun. ' IT IB A realTlVM OURS. SOLD AT BEOHTOLD'S DRUG STORE, Kn. iOl WEHTOUANRKHTItHMTi m... .. ' (Jtofeuo. ax-w VAH AL I w II UAmIaXU Ui VHbUbb .., "--j LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, mnmtiAi.. H or ri.ti.nxKu', SHARP PAINR. NrtulS.l.8Jll,,,, ?' Wfonehoi. Itlieumatlsm, ii.UiH,K'ls8oi,lllic,l,Jlel."'l,y I'nlni.Htltch In .l.L'?H u'0' elftOhi!, Hwellmi Joints, Heiut 1)1 ?S'H0.r? "cl". 1'ttin 1" Hi" Chcil, mid nil ?iinJ1..' V.lJ"i ""' lhnr. l0'''11 or ilion-sentoil are -.?"fcJly r,lll"vl "'l spiM,dlly cured by tlie woll-kiiewn Jlep Matter. Compeiind.nl, m It Heps. Oiiins, lialsams and Kxtractfl, It Is JndMxl (Ac bat )niln.klllln, Ktlin ulatlnif, soethinK and alrenBtlinnliiir 1'er- !?",? ' .Vu,,V,r. evur "' Hep flatten am sold by all dniKKlntJi and country slenn. -a cents or llvn li.r si.oe. Mallnd en rucidpt el sauriftrKss.i,roi,riute"",iii,,n- HOP PLASTER. . " ,0l .'""KI'O. Ild IllLHtll. BOUT HtOlll- ac hand llvordlsiiisecurud by llnwliiy'gHtotn llnwliiy'gHtetn llnwliiy'gHtotn aahamlMverl'llls ueih. nev-lydAw(i) lltKAT INDIAN MKUIU1NI. KA-TON-KA, THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE. -rOKTHE- Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. It Is inudn by the liiillaus. Used by the Indians, cold by the Indians, It Is l'uruly VcgoUible. Itstiiolyeiirosslldhoasos of the flteumcli. I.IVftr. lltlltffilBUnil llfriMl It ..1. ...... I -iu.. for all lenns el KhuumatlNin. n will euro (llieu-u when all ether iumidiei havofmled. I'liuiiuuiia uru iiiuiiuy iinuiuu en uvery hot het hot Alltrlbt'sel Indians have thelr mtdlclni'S, Ka-Ten-Ka Is a rtmimly of tlie I'ncllle Coast, and U usud llV nil II I n..n...aA.I .. a........ .. . . barks Katherud and propated by the Warm Spring Indians of Oregon, And Is favorably known and uied In all parlH el the world. The sick or ailing si.eul.l net dlny Its U80. It will prevtint as well as curu UIOUU.U. ii jirice is enu neuar per bollle. or six bettles tat flve dollars, ask (or It mid soe mm. iiu kiu iu it. is Kir Hani ey all PriiKulxlM. ?.V!V.y. i'l? "KUN INDIAN MHDiaNrJ COMl'AN Y, Curry, I'a. Medoc Indian Oil THE OllEATEST PAIN MEDICINE ON EAHTH. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN Oil, Is leilalu te euro Toethucho In enu minute, lluadache In (le jnlnutcs.Karauhuln ten nilnutes, HoreThnmt In ene nlKht, NtiuralKlalu llirue te 11 ve niln- utm. MODOC INDIAN Oil, Is iimhI lnturnally as well as oxternally. Kvery family should liave a bettle within rench. ft u u oectorlutho limise. Ker sale by all DniKRlsts. I'rlce 23c. pur bettle. Largu elze bottles, Mc. INDIAN COUOII Bllilll' Is a prompt MMjcltlc ler Coughs. Colds and Cuiik dlseaies. 60e. pur bettle. Kii'tonke. Modou Indian oil and Indian Ceuuh Hvrnn te. hhIii fwimira iii'l retail) at Coehran'n Druij rtore. Ne. 1J7 it iim jhu uuuii airt.ui( iunciiHiur, iru. UtUEIVa 1UMU, an nr. " It will seen be twenty ye.us slnce the war Under tlie het sun et August, ISSi, the VI VI laue el Dever. N. J., luy still as lliu sphinx In Exypt. w lille tlijiili hharp.ef that placu, slowly andHOltly npoknel thepnst. les" liesald "1 was In the army and raw many of tlie sights el theso rearlul years. I wus finally discharged from disability, resulting from sunstroke. 1 caine home, mlsorable in health and spirits ; se onleeblod that 1 took cold en the slightest oxpesuio. Lliu seemed worthless te me ; 1 lived only in memory." ' That was sad uiieurIi," I sild, dlvtdlnir my lust two cigars. ' That's se," responded Mr. Slmrii; "but I KOloverlt. OutKiewItt Net exactly. When In tn at condition I beuau biklnir imuhii'h Temiu ana my health commenced te Impiove HHiilivnuy. i wu usieillHIieu at IIUIK1 HO WI13 my wile. I piled en the Uesh and could cat anylhiiiK. My .imblllen blazed up. 1 could attend te buslneis and new oxLeptlnu that I have te tane euro about cxpeilng myseir te lliu het sun 1 am as well ai I was tliu day 1 eullsted. Whatdllleieucestheioareln things guns mid bayonets kill ; I'aiucbii's Tenie saves." This preparation, which Iimji been known as l'AHUKii'HtiinuiiitleMlu, will heiealU'rbe called simply Paiikkii'sTeniu. As unprincipled deal ers are enustnutly deceiving their customers by substituting Interior articles under the name et ginger, anil as ginger Is really an mi important lngioUlent, we drop the misleading word. There Is no change however, In the prepa ration lUelf, and all bottles remaining in the hands of dealeis, wrapped under the name of l'AUKKa's UineKii Tenie, contain the genuine inodlulue It the luoslmlle Mgnulure etitis. cex.t Ce, Is at the bottom el the outslde wiupper. luiitlHtusdAw IjA UK Kit's I1A1H IIAIADI ANII I'AllK . er'sTenlu ler sale at Cochran's Drug Hlore Ne. 1.17 and l.iU North Uueeu si., l.ancasler, I'a lLVH UltKAflt 1IAL.0I, UATAUUII, HKADACHE, COM) IN HEAD. HOSE C'OifU, OKAlfNEtS, HAY IrKVEU.; WA l'ositive Cure. ELY'S CREAM BALM. ELY'S CKEAM HALM when uppllei' by the linger Inte thu nostrils, will be absorbed, ellectiially cleansing ihe head et caturibal virus, causing healthy secrutleus. It allays IntlammaUen, protects ttin membrane et thu nasal passages from lresh colds, completely heals the sores and rosteros the senses et tuste and smell. . NOTAM(JUII) OKBNUrr. A low applications relieve. A thoteuyh treatment uitll cure. Agreeable te use. bend ler circular, te cents by druggist. CO cents by mall, registered. BIx- BROTHERS, 25-cedAw Druggists, oswego, N. Y. H VAUUUAUTKltb VU TUB INDIAN MEDICINES, KA-TON-KA AND; MOD00 INDIAN Oil, AT LOOHER'S Drug Stere, MO. 9 KAET KINO STKEKT, XiANUA8TEK,rA. auAit. B. U. HAIiXIH Wbolesalo and Uetall Donler tn all kinds et LUUUEtt AND COAL. AVrantt Ne. 420 Nertli Water and Prlnc streets above Lemen Lancaster. ns-iyd c lOAr.. M. V. J3. COHO WO NUUTU WATJSUOT., Lancaiter, t-u Wholesola and Uetall Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection WlUi the TelepboulelCxohauxe, Yard and Offlce Ne. 830AOKTH WATEK BT11EET. lebSS-lvii lAUBlUAiUINKlia A JltlTlfiSltlKtl, " GOAL DEALLjciS. OrriOES. Ne. 21 NeiitiI Qtrain Btiiest. aub Ne. set NenTU rniMuu Btrkbt. YAUD3. North l'iUHea BTniin, mbaii Ubad mu nirvr, LANOABTEU, l'A. AQBlS-tta '' "" ' ! i. , ,. - T i' ."!' i"' " ' i " i - " I ' ., . .in. ! n ""'" " '' "V i , SATURDAY NIGHT. DO AMKK1UAN8 1-lVK TOO KAMI'? Acllun Neccismlly rnllewed by Krsrtiun An Anrcilutoet Uuvler llnrbert Hpnn eer en Mecl.l tlcvrluiniieiil. Newark Adverllser. It Is a com men belief that Americans llve nlteKetlier tee fRHl ; that tliey burn both ends of tbe caudle at tlie satne time, mid Herbert Hpoticer In ptuachinr. the (loetrlno of rest became at ence tlie most prnotleal of men. Yet while every enu feels that he Ih going, ulie.id tee rapidly, no ene steps. It Ih llke religious faith, We ncknowledKo the Gospel, we bollevo that repentance In ncceMiiry te salvation, but the iletitils are turned ever te the women and children, who nre supposed te have plenty of time. ILtste is net ii personal but tv national trait. The individual Ih but ene of u crowd ; he Is oarrled en, less by his own niomeutttm than by the pjwer of that universal olcetrlcity that runs through mortals as It runs through clouds and the earth beneath them. Fer a man te rwIuk lilmself out of thu currunt is like a ship swinging itReIf out of thu sea (lur ing u hurricane. The ollmate may have Homethlng te de with It, or the feed ; we are only ecrtuin that this concentrated energy of jnirpose iu feuutl uowhero else as it Is here. It Ih the oppeslteflof the English way of delug things. Dlokenn drew n picture of the business English, man, who rises nt 8, takes n clean uliave, lireaklnhtfintO, gees te hid offleo at 10, lunches at 1, leaves IiusIucsh at 4, dines at 0, reads the Timti at 8, gees te bed at 10, rises at 8, and be en lu end Ions routine ; overythlug is according te a nystem. Here Micro Is no pybtum. Meil rise uud go te bed at all hours that may be convenient. tliey cat tnciely te 1111 up handy npaces iu tlme. Tliey nre la New Yerk, Kurope, Chlua, or 8au Francisce with hardly mero forethought lhau tliey go te thelr efilccs or stores. Milten says that " man hath his dally work of body or mind appoint ed," But Milteu did net soe the Aiuerl can body and mind, or he would have undo an exception te the nile. Here it is dash and aggrossieu that wins the day, uet order and sobriety. That action is the force that whin c tuuet be gainsaid. It has carried this nation forward mere In a hundred years than Heme advanced iu ten centuries. It has produced the great inventions of the day; It has spanned the oentliiout with railroads and eloetrio wires ; it has (juadrupled the utca of agrleulttuc; it has built tip great cities sud homes for the people tli.it dot the earth with g.irdeus and till the air with rejoieiugH. If we llve tee f.iit we live te a purpose, and mero is cronded into a year new than into n scere in the days of our gtoat-grandfathers. The joy of the engi neer as described by Whitmau, in the hiss of hteam the merry shtiek tlie steam whlstle the push with resistless way are all shated by men according te their bust iicss and porseual desires. Rich man's profession is bis locomotive. Once iu a while, however, the cord snaps or the engine runs oil the track. The law of re-actien is just as pesitive as that of action. It is scen in the poriedic.il revul revul seons of trade. Meu cannot pile up debts ami be prosperous, as bankers cauuet draw out nil tlie funds themselves and still accommodate their customers. It is scen in politics. We cannot sail into vle tery en shouts aloue. A boom is a very geed thing in its way.but v. e e nuet ride the wuiriwinu and direct the storm with per fect safety. The warning of the sky rocket and the stick are always salutary. Ite.i son must at some time be listened te, and it 1 oetter te listen te it while in health than upeu a sickbed. That little word "if" is wonderfully sugirostive. If I had only bceu a little mero ciutieus; if I bud listened te waruiug ; if 1 had taken ad- vice ; If I had dene right instead of wrent' The whele reactionary forces of nature nre embraced iu that ene word, uud repent repent auce Is but reautieu. The mauy biekcu dewu bodies till the oelTors of patent uicoiciue iicaiers, ami our lnsane asylums bear witness te the evurstmln of mental energies, of that reaction of uature which comes tee Ute te t-ave the patient, but uover tee late te afford a warnlug. Au Aiiecdote el Uuvlrr. Baren Cuvler oujeyed his long morning nap as another might his meining cup, but wheu ence fairly ulleat iu the d.iy's pursuits he was iuccmed at hiuihclf for the less of tlme. His valet was agaiu and again otderod te arouse him at all ha.ards, uuc wueu tue uuie came no bugged as stoutly iib ever, and btermed and threat ened his servant until the peer man gave up the task. Again he was upbraided for his uegligeuce. aud us a couchibive iucoutive he was oilered a coin of cousid ceusid cousid erablo value for every morning when he ODmpolled Cuvier te arise at a curtain hour ; teu minutes later he should net have a seu. Self interest wen. The valet would net give evur until he steed en his feet, though the Biege was a hard one Once bread uwake the servant icceivrd his reward and thaukH also. Te him the world is indebted for the best works en soleuce which his master wrote, nail no doubt the great naturalist wen much of his oelobrity by means of that orsevcriug attendant. The chains of sloth are very easy te find, but very hard te lese. It is eitdu claimed nowadays that early rising is very bad for people, but it is a little peculiar that all these who have been noted for lougevlty wero remarkably early rlsers. Wheu It is cited ns having been an Injury te an individual H may be a little like the view of nn old sottler nbeut mint. He pointed te a clump of it by the brook and said "that It was very daugor dauger daugor eus stuff. He knew a man who used te put It iu his lluuer evor se many times a day, and It killed him." lierbert Hpencer en aeclul Development. Atlantle Monthly. Of the aggregate results of men's desires Beeking their gratifications, theso which have prompted thelr private netlvllics aud their spontaneous oe-oporation have dene mueU mero toward soeial development than theso which have eperated through gev orumental agenotea, The abundant orepi new grew where ence only wild benles could be gathered Is due te the pursuit of individual Hatislaotieu through many cen turies. The nrocreBs from wk' wains te geed houses boa resulted liem wishes te incrsase personal wolfare ; aud towns have arlseu under the llke premptings. Do De glnnlug with peddlers and with tralile at racetlugs en oscaslens of religious frsti vals, tbe trading organization, new se extensive and oemplox, has been produced ontlrely by men's efforts te aohicve their private ends, Perpetually governments have thwarted aud ilerangcd the growth, but have in no way furthered it save by paitially discharging their proper fuuetiuu aud maintaining social erder. Be, tee, with theso Improvements of appli ances by which these structural chauges and these Itiercmiiig activities have been made pessible. It is net te the state that we ewo the multitudinous useful itivnn tlena from the plow te the tolephono ; It is net the state which made pessible ox ex tended navigation by a developed astrone. my : It is net the state whleh made the discoveries li physics, clieruistry and the rest, which guide modern manufacturers ; It la net the state which devlscd the ma. JUNE U, 1884. ohlnery for producing fabrics of cvery kind, for transferring men and things from place te place, and for ministering In a thousand ways te our comforts. The world-wlde transactions going en In merchants' offices, the rush of traflle fill Ing our streets, the retall distributing system which brings everything within cesy reaeU and dolivers the necessaries of life dally at our doers, are net of govern, mental origin. All these are the results of the Bpontaueoiis activities of oltlzens, soparate or cemblucd. A Llm HnviHl I IT Clt'ir. The Ban Francisce l'est. Heb Itigorsell tells in private though a geed story itt his own expense, but ene whleh we see no reason should net be on en on jeyed by the world at large. It seems that wlille he was in Clevnland, seen after his successful legal light for the Star Reuters, a sort of uutl tobacco orusade had been started Iu that city, uud a well known Bosten solentist was doliverlng nightly lectures against the use of the seething weed. This speaker invited ethers te nrgue the question with him, but although the sroekors wero largely in the majority, the Bosten man invariably preved tee olever for the debaters brought against him. Availing thetnselves of Iugorsell'fl pres ence, some of his fiiends begged the great orator te taka up tbe uudgels in behalf of the tobacco users ; whleh he condescended te de, mero as a jeke than for any sorleus reasons. That livening the hall was jamtned, aud when the prohibitionist requested au an swer te bis arguments, Heb solemuly arese aud said he would reply te the statement of his olequont friend by the relation of a simple lucldent. He said : "I was ence attending te a mining oase in ene of the wildest uud most lawless regions of Utah. A murder had recently bceu committed by a notorious thief, and a commlttee of local vigilantes wero watching for him at overy crossroad. Just after nightfall I was riding back te the town from the mine, mounted ou a whlte horse, The vigilantes had received Infor mation that the desperado In question would pass the very toad the satne evening also riding en a whlte home. The poese had ambushed thetnselves lu sumo obap ebap paral. and ns I came down the bridlepath they get ready te Hre all together for bUUJT VViinkU UU blUlUUU fcllUlO IU tUUl Dl'UblUU, Entirely unoeusolous that halt a dozen shot-guns wero sighting my shirt Trout, I stepped my horse, struck a match, and proceeded te light my c'gar. Tuiukiiig that thu light would give them a still but ter mark te sheet at, the concealed party held their flre for a uoceud. Iu that second the blaze of the match rcllocted en uiy features, revealing they wero uet theso of the mau they awaltcJ, and, stepping out ou the read, they congratulated me ou my narrow escape. Aud se, ladies auu gentleman, if I hadn't had tun geed tor ter tor tuue te be a smoker I wouldn't be hoie new." "And you call that fortuue?" grimly asked the nutl tobacco lecturer, after the iipplnusu had bubslded. "Wasn't it ?" iuqulred Heb, with a pl.iintivu smile. "I don't fee It," thundered his oppencuc. "If it hadu't bceu for that miserable cigar Micro would have been oue less lawyer iu the world." Aud, amid thu rear that followed, In- gersell sat down, completely knocked out in ene round. i m - Vital Ouentlen.l It AtA. the mett tmlnent vhytlrtan Ot any school, what is the best thing In the h odd for quieting and allaying all Iriltatlen et the nerves, and curing all forms of ntrveus complaints, giving natural, childlike lolreuh lelreuh Ing sleep always? And they will tell you unhesitatingly " Seme form of Hepe I .' I" ciiAr-Tuai. Ask any or all of the most eminent pliysl cUns " Whit U the best anil only lomedy that can be i oiled en te cure all diseases et tlie kid neys and urinary organs ; such as tlrlghl's disease, diabetes, retention, or Inability te ro re tain urine, and all the diseases aud ailments p'rullar te Women ' " And they will tell you explicitly and em phatically, fluciu ' " Ask the same physicians ' H hat Is the most reliable mid 'surest cure for all liver diseases or dyspepslu ; constipa tion. Indigestion, biliousness, malaria, lever, ugue.'Ae ," uud they w ill tell you : Mamlrake ' Dnwthltea ! ' I 1 1 en ce, when these remedies uie combined with ethers equally valuable And compounded Inte Hep Hitters, such a wonderful ami mysteileus curative power Is developed, which Is se varied lu Itsoperuttens that no disease or HI h-allh can petslbly ealst or renlsL Us power, uud yet It Is Harmless ler the most trail woman, weakest Invalid or smallest child te use. CHAl'TEItll. " l'utlents " Almest dead or nearly dying " rer years, and given up by p'lyBtclans, e' (right's uud ether kidney dlseases, liver com plaints, sovere coughs, called consumption, have h.'en cured. Women gene nearly craty ' ! I ! I from agony or neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness and viuleus diseases peculiar te women. People drawn nut et shape liem excruciat ing nun irs et rheumatism. Intlimtimtnrv nml clueulc, or Miirtuilng from scrnlula, Krvidpulns I "Haltrlieuni, bleed nolsenlng, dyspepila, In digestion, and, In tuet, almost all diseases trail " Nature Is liulr te . Have been cured by Hep lllttuis, proof el which can be lutum lu overy nelglitioilieod in the known weild. 4?-None genuine without a bunch or green Heps ou the wiilte label. Blum ull the vlle, poisonous etult with "Hep" er1 Heps "lu thelrjiauie. Je.'.'fuTliaA w uepmid upeu It. Mether Shlpten'il propheslcs and Louisiana elections uru vary uncertain things but Thomai' Jiclectrla Oil can be depended upeu always. It cures sclies and pains et every de scription. Ker sal6 by 11. U. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 130 North tlueen street. Plr.t Mate Evidence. "Often unahlQ te attend business, being subject te serious disorder et the kidneys. Alter u long sloge el sickness tried Jlurdeek lllemt littler a and was iclleved by halt n bot tle," Mr. Jl. Turner, et Itechester, N. Y., takes the pulna te write. Fer sale by II, II, Cochran, druggist, 137 und 13'J North Queen street. iluekleu'i Arnien Halve. The Hest Salve In tbe world ter Cuts, Ilrulses. Herns, Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Fever Cerns.and all Bkln eruptions, und positively cures Piles or no pay reiiulred. 11 It guar- A I.awers Olnlun et lntnrettte All, J. A. TawilOV. ese . a leiullnir attnrnnv nl Winona, Minn,, writes: " Alter using It ler mero than three years, 1 take great pleasure In stating that 1 regard Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, as the best remedy In the world for Coughs uud Colds, it bus never fulled te cuie tlie most sovere colds I have had, end Invariably relieve tbe pain In tlin client." Trial bettlrs et this sure euro for all Threat and l.ung Diseases may be had Ireo nt 11. II, Cochran's drug steru, 137 and VJfi North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. Lurge size, i l.ce. We Uliuiieuge tlie World, When we say we bollevo, we buve ovldenco te prove that Bhlleh's consumption Cure Is docldedly the best Lung Medlclnu made, In us much as It will curu a common or Chronte Cough lu one-hall tlie time and relieve Asth ma, JlrenchlUs, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show mero cases el Consumption cured than alletheis. It will euiowhure they lull, It is pleasant te take, harmless te thu youngest tiiiiuuiui wuguuruuieuwmu we say, rrice, inn KU. ii.i.l li ,, w ....... t . . ...v.... 10c, seu, and il.ue. if your Lungs uru sere. Chest or Hack lame, use Bhlleh's Pereus I'las- ter. oeiu ey n. u. cechrun, druggist, Nes. U7 13i tfertli Quoeu etrecL lob7-eoUJ and unuxxi te give periect sutisiacileu or money rolunded, li J ce, VA eenls jier box. Fer sale liyll. H Cechiau. druggist, 137 und 13'J .Npftlf (iueen Street, Lancaster. -" -ri l 1 ' -- ' I .! VLOTHWa, A FK AHT OIT BARGAINS Necktiea and Half Hese At EUISMANVS. Ne. 17 Weat King Streot. Gauze Undershirts, lu Blxei lrem 31 te .V) Inches. -AT- EKISMAN'S. M KUU1IANT TAILOltlNO. Special Ter Ladies. I Iiavejust received n. ftne of the FINEST IMl'OItTED l'ONUEKS Iii the market, which will be se'd per ploce, containing twenty yards, at IIU; the sauie 'Uidlty et goods are selling In l'hlladelphlaatll2und$l3. h'pcvial for Gentlemen. .Fust recvlvnit. A Bl'LENDID ABSOIIT MKNT OF WOOLEN OOUDS. suitable ler the hotweathor, which will be made up at sur prisingly low figures and superior workman ship, wltli trimming te correspond with tlie goods both In quality and shade. 1'KltFECT FIT OUA It AN TEE O OK NO BALE. OtVO me a trial and be convinced. D. R. WINTERS, NO. 23 K. QUEEN STREET, LAHUABTElt. l'A. I MO. J.S.1IALINIJ. ,INO, II. UaDSMaN EIHE TAILORS, Ne. 121 North Queen St. n have new In Stock nn elegant llnoe English, Scotch and American beilings which, we Invite you te oxamlne. Full line of l'lald and Check Suitings, Trous Treus erlmrs aud Hniinif (Iviirreiuliii-j WNnnn but the best werkmanelilp aud ele gant FItOuarauteed. &: Ne. 121 North Quoeu SI., LanoaBter inayD-lydTu.ThAS ATiK KMXION. OUKOKKAT CLEARING SALE 18 ATTKACT1N0 OKEAT ATTENTION. AND TDK I'EOPLK AKIJ NOT &I.UWXO AI'l'JtEC'lATE THE Great JIargaiiiH We Are Giving. We are forcing sales by ellerlng our goods ut very low prices during thu season. We gtve every ene u chauce. 'i(iOSUMMEitSUIT3 AT $I33F0UMEN. 1 ALL-WOOL CASSIMEIIK SUITS AT 17 00 WOllTIl I1.'.ijO. 75 HOYS 8UU3 WORTH .O0, ut tl73. 2jO MEN'S ALPACA COATS ATII.CO. - All ether goods ut equally Lew I'rlces. A NEW LINE OF Worsteds and Cassimeres Fer Meusui Ing !te Older at Very Lew 1'ilccs. Have you seen that Elegant Line et PANTALOONINQS, Which we limke te your Order for SIX DOLLAUS. Hirsh & Brether's l'KNN IIALLCLOTUINU HOUSE, Nea. 2 und 4 North Queen Streot. "11T1LLIAMSOM JC IrOHTEU. -THE- MEDITERRANEAN STRAW HAT. MEDlTEItllANEAN 8TUAW is the llrlght estand I'uiestlu Celer et wlilctiTHK lIKs'l' HTKAW HATS AUK MADE I1V DUNLAl'A CO..OFNEW YOUK. Wolmvejust received TEN DOZEN HT11AW HATS of the VE11V LATEST STYLES and FINK1T QUALITY from this reliable maker, which we place en sule ut the very Lewest i'esslblu Prices. THE ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER HATS Include the most Popular Styles in PALM LKAF. MANILLAS (In White and Oak), PANAMA, WHITE HAND.MADK MACKA NAW, CANTON II It, ID, the Much Admired ROUOH AND KEADV, BKNNET and PINE APPLE llRAIDd, FINE DUNHTAHLES, SATIN IIRAIDS In Whlte and llrenze. MA NLLLA HELMETSandlllCYOLE HELME1 S, IIUMHA.INE LINEN HATH.aud FISHINU HATH et SEA UltAHH STRAW tar Se each. In L1UHT COLORED BOFT and HUFF HATS, OI.OTII UERIIYH and SUMMER OAS H1MERE HAT j, we have all the NOVELTIES, - . Ot the season, and an oxeoptlonally line boleo beleo bolee lion of DRtths and HCHOOL II ATS ler I10YH uud CHILDREN. Fer thu'hnyer looking for Fenmtblng geed uudvveryiicneap wq wn uccommedate lilni out,pf, ri t , I -r neziix aiiivLu hats, ' " We have marked at rlirures that are FIFTY l'ER CENT. Less tliun the Regular l'rke. Williamson & Fester, Doelers In Clothing, Huts, Caps, Furnlshtng Goods, Heets, bhees,Trunks. Valises, Truveltng liugs. Rubber Uoeds, etc Nes. 32-38 EAST KINO STREET. LANOABTKR, l'A. nilAMI UOTEL LAIIKIC IIKKU AMU T Kxcoliler Saratoga Water en Draught. Henry Rahter, proprletorot the Urnpe Hetel. 31 and 31 North Queen street, lias remodeled the barroom, ereeud flrstelass lroirlgeraters and has new en draught Charles Olus's col cel col ubratetl l'hlludelphla LAO E It ltUElt for wJi!5.l??2aaent,n tulsclty. Also.HAR Alse.HAR ATOU A WATER trein the famous KxcoUler springs, Baretega. N. Y. A lull assortment et tue purest Wines und Liquors ou sale. iniTuia Price Twe Cente. OLOTtttMU. . If we were BedtbUdkg, w would determine te be ,tbi Jbtt la the country. As.01ethiriw polish Man, Bey aud Ohild with Elegant and Reliable Olethkif, and long age determined te e eel in our calling. A. C. YATES & CO., Ledger Building, Obestnut & Sixtk Sti. VUihA.UKt.VUIA. Vj YK1W KATUITOlr. Thin Clothing. In Excellent Assortment, for this sort or weather, for MEN'S, BOY'S atid CHIL DREN'S WEAR,' In nil the PLAIN AMU MOST FA31I10NA11LE FAUR1C8, , , In looking around ter Bummer requisites, romember that the best asaertmtnt" tn CLOTHING Is always te be scen here, and that prices ara suniclently varied te meet wltu laver among all classosel buyers, as well as theso whom tortune 1ms less favored. '' We Invite calls, that wn may be aflorded a chance te sliew lust what we have. The make, style and quality of our CLOTHING Is lully up te thu highest standard, and Is marked at figures that eften makb buyers of theso who onlytemo te soe. W Comparison courted, trade solicited. LEADING LANCASTER CLOTHIEBS, NO. 12 BAST KING BTKUMT. LANCA8TEK, PA. H. UKU1UUT, SPRING OPENING -AT- H. GERHART'S Tailoring Estnlilishment. I am new prepared te show te the trade an assortment el Woolens ler the Spring and Hummer Tl ado which for llcauty. Quality and Quantity surpasses all my lermer efforts te ploase my customers. Neuo but the very best Foreign and Ameri can fabilcs rer Dress and liuslness Suits: a complete line of the Latest Shades et .Bering Overceating. The very host et workmanship and price lower than any Heuse In the city ler tne tame quality of goods. H. GEEHAET, 7AIL0R, Ne. 6 East King Street. L. UANMaiAM & UltO. About Prices. Leng age we thought bottom prices had been touched, but It remained ter, Chei Spring nl 1881, te give a chance te the people te liar cheap Vat cletMim suoheshas uotbeonseeSbjttUodldost In'uab- Itanu ' 1 MEN'S SUITS,' At UO,Vsj,,0.00, 17.00, ?.OO,10.00 ana i?a.oe. ,, PANTALOONS, At lioe, te, l'oe! I? GO, I3.0Q up U H.OO. LARXJE BOYS'i SUITS, At W.80,ft 4.00, 11.50, t3.'C0, (6.00 ur! teX.04, vi m s 'm SMALL B07S SUITS, At II. J3, 1,75, tiw, 8,OOupteH50.) -' U lellluU De we mean te lower iOur, wheU. bnilness T Ne, indeed i We only qaotetbeeero orefcesp erefcesp orefcesp neesstbe key nete. We elevates Uirvtry Boasen and own no superiors lu styles and qualities,' L.&ansman&Bre. The FA8HIONA11LK MKRCHANTTAILOKS AND CLOTU1KK3, Ne. 66-68 NORTH QDEIN STRUT, t ttigut en the Beuthwest comer of, elm Street, LANCASTKJi, I'A. ( tar Net connected with any ether CletUec Uou.eln thuuliv. , , , )' STKVKMU HOU8B SHAVING AND HAIKDKBMIN& HALOOM. Use,! JenmavmAn .nd nrlfiAS MYERS & BATflFON, "iaT; saloons. . ' H. WAU IHIM-UU 1h y$? w ? u' - r Kt r . ft - Av u -, .. i 1 fe A ' VI 41 t-3i W? ft ' l M ..v .i . Tl 1 .XI l etl 1 jl f Vl 1 1 7- m ; 4 M 5' I . l 'n 'M ii,l h VI ?- n .T i ftl m "ft ttv V H-J pi m .t? j "isv J'