' W- t t."TT'Js j n LANCASTER DAIltf USTBliUOBNOBB FRIDAY MATT 30 1884. r i . COLUMBIA NEWS. turn ui.uui.Ait cmui;HrmKM;i:, lliiiuieM'liiinlncted ojlhe OldKo:ie..l Itiiuid in Ita Vltinl Mettlnu Ltipture of it Huiegrii I'rtry Uiituily lucenitlitry Tlie ultl boIieuI l)e.i rd held Km 1rI meet Iiik last nliut nml concluded nil buslueim cumicelcil with It. AH of tlui members wcre picscnt. The minutes of moethiRH held tuny Mtiy H ami UU wme rend nml approved. The llnniioe committee tr-i iteii n b.il b.il nuea of $1,07-1, 11 In tlie treasury. A detailed report ul the lltiatielal condition up te May ill was also presented nml was refened te the lioieui'li auditors for audit. Tlie library oetnmlttoo ropeitctl 00 new velumcn bavin); been placed In thoShecli library durlnir. tlie pait year. It ulse re ported a slight tlecronie In tlie rnembein of mibfcrlbers. Tlie text book co ntulttce supcst'd thnt tbe betiid consult with tlie supcrln tendunt nml teachers of tbe public oheo!s bofero adopting ney new text books for tbe term of JT, If inch Is dene. A recotutleu of tli inks was voted te tlie Hev. T T. Hum-It, 1) I) , for his kindly reudc.cd fiorviees ul the high school com inptiCMiii ut, and n eipy of the tinme ordered te be Knit him. A number of bills wcre ordered te be paid, and the beard adjourned nlue dle, The new beard will meet te orcantee next Monday ove'ilng. mippujeil lucemlliiry Ciipturtd. Kiley A. llrlnk wan nrrestrd here yes terday afternoon by the sheriff nud deputy shciiflef l'erry county. Kiley Is nccu-etl of having been the leader of n pani; of tire llei.dft v.hoee work partly destroyed the town of Ltvoipeol ten ji'.uu ii(j(j. 11 In wliercabnntn durlm? all tbcte years had been unknenn until !tit Mitnmer when he rcnppcaiul in Liverpool lie, however, rseap-d bofero l.e ceul-l be oiptured. Information wa ncciui! tec ntly which put V:e cllleiil-t of I'd i imititv en h'R track. Vt'ntirlnyn poMe, iiiMudini; Olll cet ,1. im F. limit, who .in the Hint te dlfcevi r HritiL, stiriouuded the coil basin of the l'tuesylvauia c.iunl, mid rlfcetud lilne ptitie whlle he miH en a canal be.it, Ile w.n llit Riven a h -ari-i-rbaftite 'Sipilre Yeuti', and Has then t.ikcn by bin oaptets te Ni w llUnnitleli), tlie c.muty Mat of lV'rr county, en an evenln.: train. Ile will be trie 1 ter nrien at the next term of com t. HI. I'nirn Mrlioel rnliiWIniiiinl. 'llie cuteit.ur.mcnt .ic:i in tbe opera heumi Inht night bv the parochial school nml academy el SLl.-t-r' Catholic chut ub was n Krand success. Thoveoil and in Htruuicntal music in of the tlrst uler, and the facility with which pupils took really dltlleult p-uts hi short dramas win n matter of t-urprHe te a'l el the large audi cnoe pretitit. The four nut drama of '' Fablel.i " was iceived witU delight, some et tbe patlicipauts exhibiting drama1 ie t ilent of no nnt.in nrdt-r I'li.i successor tbe cutertaiiituuut is in u hf'u' moasern di e te the sieter who e -'.i.c the Hcboel and academy. Their f- tli'ii-, iwrsuvcruij,' illerta with tboce placed u d. i the r c irf t-Lewcd forth in last ninlii reiiilt (' dumbl.i has evcry ictmeri t be proud t liuii'; in iU ini.ll smh .in in-l -tuti. u n tbat connrc'.ed with St. I'e'eiV ehurv.1 Aiiiuiik It u fucleiles Te i lit Oiive biaueh lodje Ne. 1.177, G. U. i) of O. P , will bold a tneetiiiR Several niLiubcih of tbe Columbia lede of the Urotbt-iliei-d of the Union went, te Lana.iitcr Huh lm.iulni; te p.-itlclpate in the Decoration day parade thcre. On Monday the Trinity Catholic church HOCiUicaef St. Jeeph, St. I'oter nod Si Paul will attend a olmreh dedication in Yerk. All who wish excursion tickete canp.i''iie thorn from Jlch.srn. Michael Th -iMf .leEeph Janion, Peter Dilucr or Je.si i'li Uuapp. Tutnu lutc P It. It. Oltlcerti Pile .lad Konnedy toil, te jail labt evening fur moie train J tun cu Last ovening a plea-iatit party was bold at Jul u Weaver's i eiidoiie, t'li Ureet 'ILclmcr of n tfiimrr el ).ik cm have the pteperty by cilliittf en Mr. tlcore llriner. In honor et the oecmioi melt of tbe Htercs will be closed thl a'tcuioeu Herbert's coal wageu wuh badly Htnnnluil j Pbterd.iy afternoon by t!-. ImrKO attached te it running nway. Mr. Prederick Minhck has an incubator which bn hateUcd, within ti few da8 pant, ti7 chickens from 70 eggs ; or 9" 5 7 per cent. 'Squlre Yeung yesterday cemmitttd Kale Jehcb te jiil for 10 days, en the chnrge of drunk mid disorderly ceuduct. The Columbia b.ihe ball club 11 ubeut te ijEiie 10 bhurcs of bt.iek (par at $3) which will cam 10 percent, interest. Toe tuonej realized by the nale of tins will be loveN d tO Club 1180'. Twe Peuusylvnnia railroad e.u.'i l.idu with cattle, wero thrown from n hiding jesterday at noeu at Meuntvillc. Tl. ttalu te wh ch the ears belonged m.in (' taincd nn hour by the ncoldent. a DKnruuui'JVi: nun. blore liiiil.lii); nml hhiiim Ilurnccl Ill (U1H- lyMiiu. Tticre was a conthgratieti in (Juairi ville last night -which dohtrecl coni.d'iable prepci ty ami which was only proventcd Iretu ixteuding its disastrous remit i by the in roie offerlii of the cHuels te prevent ItflBpieud. Tiiii old Wituier btore boue Isutwe story frame buildinc, ..ltu.itid Jubt in the heart of tlie village, immediately oppusite the hall 'ud the uew bank, mid between the larj',0 tlutc-atery tiame b.iildiug, noou neou noeu pied (or geneial uiLrcbr.iidiz ng by Ualen J P. ltiubaud the WiiioheiiMi nu I bard wan. Hiere el Chas C lien I A; Ce., all tin. se itore butlditjg'i biin.g the p:ei.-iiy of Geerge W lleiibi-l liumedi iti-ly ml joining tbe Witmer htore en the lurtU was a frame blaakuml'li uliif. Tin into was occupied j ears ayu by a brick bhek Hintlu shop, wlitan was linpievcil ami con verted by Jknj Wlunei Inte ,i two ntery stere building ; thm buruid down during his ocetipiucy of it and w.n icbuilt of frame. It baa buen recently icntiil by Mr, IIcuheI toJehn Suti.-i' mid occupied as a cigar stere nud factory by ,1 dm MeQliugbllu for a shiomaker shop and mhei- pui-pjai". SutercairlcH tu elgnr making oxteusively, and yesterday beitig nu uuii-ually oeld day a llre was mude iu the i-tove te dry miniii tobacco. Prem this tbe building must have taken tire, us Dr.T. M. Hulmi, pas iuir the atore hte at night siw the llie through the deer, and gave the alarm, but the llamcs had made mieh headway that they could net be oLeoked and the build leg with nil Its contents was entirely des treyed togethor with the blaeksmlth hhep nt the northern end of it except the upper slde. The stere bulldiug occupied by Mr. Haul), across the sheet, en the oust, and the Iren waroheueo of C. C Hensel it Ce , en the west, wero only saved by the heroie exertions of the neighbers in throwing wnter en tlie Bides of the fermer aud the reef of the latter. Mr. Hetel's less in tobacco, manufae tured stock, tools, A.O., is $1,000, m which he has mi liiBiirauoe of 800 with Inutim..ii & Hurna iu the Ilowery, of New Yerk. Jehn McGlaunhlln, who is a peer man and nearly dead with consumption, lest $50 worth of Icather mid tools ; no lusiii- nnce. The less of Gee, W. Uonsel en the buildings ispiebably frotn$l,S(J0te$'J,00Jl onwhleh he had an insurnue.i polley for $1,!!L0 In the Boutheru Mutual. Toleplieno Uounectleu, Hemy Kchm'fl hotel, Nes, 034 r.n-.l 050 Neith Qur.cn ntroet, lias boeu oemicoteil with the tolephono oxchnnije, ltOTii uunir. (ii.uiit iikvtun. Tlie Acltvrn Vntiinlili the lrjiulcicn unit the VlrftlDlA.i ifcdtillhe l.nncmlcr. The Ireueldcn playtd thelr third gntne this week with the Aetlvcc, of Ucndlug, en the iteiihldcn gteuridn In the prcnonce et nuetit uue people, 'llie day wni raw nml blustering. Up te thn xoventli Inning the home team had thn gntue well iu lmtiil, but in that Inning Willlnms wnH badly pettuded nud with thn nRnlHtnuoe of n tow oeHtly crrnrn, revcii runs wote netted for the vIsiterM. The umpir ing wan perbnprt the wemt oxhlbltlen ever p.cen en the home greuds, both elubi hav ing mi cipial oatue for complaint. The Kastcru lcague umplre booked for the gmue tultiHcd railroad cotineetlotiH nud failed te nrrive in time, The game, was nteppid at the end of tbe eighth Inning with the hcoie 10 te 0 in favor of tbe vli-ketH.in erdar te permit the latter te tnkn the evening liaiu for Headlrg, MeTnmnny wrenched bin knee cap in the ncveuth Inning, and Geedman took h'n plaoe for the balance of the gnme. Appended In tbe icore II.OilNltllU. A. II Jlriullity, Sir, ,, !i 111. III. 1 1,111,1' I Mi liiiiiiiiiiny, e I.... i I'y ' i I. p I (llll-MK.II I lirlby. e.i t I lllKKlii', 2b I IXiiml.l, h h I WIIIIiuii-. p. lli.cf . I In. it ,1 ii T i e .t u l-.e, t r ., 5 4 .1 .1 II I Tetnl ... ST li I '21 II HI I At-rivi:. McLaughlin, ii ft ll.iilc, Hi ft llelltir, r t ft Jiieeliy.'il) , ft lliilptti Sl ft 1iikii,i- ft Tetnm-y, n f ft Iti.-rtl, i, - t I Ye iter, It I Tetnl II IN M Mill. I 10 2 3 J I ft 0 II 7 8 IlOnnl ll 4 Aetlx-t .. 1 e n II l e .1 n- 0 01') (I nruuAiiv. I'.nriii. I i'iiim-Iriiiift-let, 3 ; Arttve, 4. Twe taie lilli It ) In () remiKiv, OMUnlil. MriliU din lly tVllilaiiM, It lic, . ile I.iiiirIiIIii, I DeuliUi iiIiijm Wlllliiuit unit Me 'liuiiiiianj l'a-t-e.l Iiitli4(lii,(ii, 7; Untliy, I. Mil l I'ttclii- Mrl.iiuirlilltt llne en Imlls Acllvn. .' Iiencl.'i", I. lliniiliii-ltiiii-i i 'Iliiinel wiiim 1 IKinin 'll'n I. hiii ,trr I 1. it I'ltoiteil. Auuudi. in .it ntK.ut 100 pcthonsvtit pcthensvtit pcthonsvtit urttie 1 th k. iie bitviicu tli -j Lnncaster nod Viri'ii-taclubH in this city yenterday. The home ti'.iei batted very well hiving no li-HH than tilue lilts oil' Deyle Tlicy leit the t!aniL, liowever, by loeto plajiug iu the Held, the errors being in ado when geed pl.ijing win necessary. Tim vinlters could net hit Wctzell and no less than ten of tlirui c uue up and xttuck nothing. The Seutli-rt b'in played an excellent g-ime in Ih'i field, liiviii but ene error nhiih .as made by the third b.uo b.ue niau Tliu tcore w.ibns fellows : LAM'tftTITS. An II III l'e a K. Ilnllunl. - ... I w ill l il I'llnml it 5 n ii ft -i I) IVikir, kh I ii I 0 'i 'i iieiinii-i, ii i u e a 3 n i. initii, ie i i - n i e Wctzi II, p I 0 1 0 li I Hlclmi.lsen, If .... I li i) II e U Aunt, 1 1 i e l i e ii i . Ulnilli, c t s l I -i e e Tetnl "W i tl 27 21 ft MkniMA n it. r.e a. i: i,u nu. I t 3 s I U n e Stti!i. J1 ftn uill . Hun in. t t J u J I n 0 JeliiiHinic t II I n 1 ii I'llHI I1, li ie 0 7 e n MiilKun. i- 1 i 0 ll 0 0 1 1.. j I". It -i 1 3 0 Kuril, i h I tl ll 'i 3 0 Slliittnu, 'ill I l 0 .1 3 0 'letul Si A I 27 11 1 innines 1 2 3 I ft i! 7 8 y l,i.iic-ntr 0 . 0 ll 0 e 1 0 (I J ln;lnt.l i 10 1 I 1 -i 0 0- 8 NUMMAIIV Twe l me lilt t)ej Ie. Ttiree tulii. lilt .lelin-H-ni D.iiiiilii jiIujh Hull mil nml 1 1 1 1 it ml .) ..tin -mi nml ' li.Mten. l.i'it en linii-i l.iim iuj ti i, : Iritlul t. I Mrualc out l.unc.iitur 3 ; illtlnm, In. IIh-ui en ImllH I.anc iiler, 'i ; Vlivtnla.'i I'njsi-il lulti-llelliuil, 1 , Merxun, I Mi-t plteliei Wetzt'11.3 uti'iin tiitn ler lieli u lilt Willi plteliuil lull. I)iiiiii -Hliiiniiini Diiiiin I lni'if In rn Ptid.i'rlp'i-i : Teledo 0, Athletic 0; IleM n : It mteti 7, Pluladelphi.i d ; I'rov I'rev uli'i.cn : New Yerk 10, Provideuco 8 ; Cliloaje : Ctiicage 13, Detreit 3 ; Clove I.imI : Clnelnnd 8, lltiirale 0 ; Pitthburg : Colen. bus 3, Alli'i'.heny 0 ; Ilaltimeiu : l)iltiiuei -, CincineiU 0; New Yerk: Mti'iu; e; i iu I), Indianapolis 11 ; Brooklyn : St. I.i ii m 1, UroeklyiiS ; Chicage: Chicago L'tiii n - Hoten Union 1 ; St. Lauis ; Bt. I. mis l" ii-'ti HI, ICoihteno Uuieti 8; fit eiiuian Washington National 1, CiDc;nnnti Union 11 ; Alteuna : Hiltimore Union 13 Alteena Uuieti 0 ; Tn-uteu : Wilvmr-iu 13. Trenten 8 ; Yerk : Yerk 8, Chambeibtuig 1; Oil City : O.l City 3, Piatikliu t. IlillObitll m loin. Te lueirnw there will be a game of ball p'aidnt L-iitz be'.wi'cti tbe "Nermal" of Mill, tivilli- and the home club. Tl..i Ynik elub is t.ipidlx lejiuing te tVe fr. it f i U ocbaiiipieiihhipoflho Ivrystoae Uirll. 1 I' I !', Ti.ti Iii usidcs went te Alloutewu th's morning w brie they t lay te day, te morrow nud Monday. TLe Tienten team of the Eastern lcague will pl.iy tbe Ironsides en Tuesday next in this eitv. Tlie Laucaeters me phiing the August Phivwrclub of Philadelphia this aftor after aftor ueo n . The Piatdiliti ,'tid Marshall collego nlne defeatut ,i ttatn iretu H.igct & tire's stere en the campus this morning by the hoeto e' 7 te 3. j.M)isrr.i: i.eihm: 1. . e. i. 114 .lllil MiiilvefSry--Tlm Hreccni HOKrfe -A I I: n 1,'iillatl Hi. YieUulay wan the 1 1.1 ntiniversiry el L-iiCUdt-i ledge Ne. 07, I. O.l) T. The inciting in tin ir Indge ie.ini um largelj utti :.ilnl, .i.i.l niter the n-gul.u- i-ebsien liild t'i.di-d llie l.dge mis epuiiid iu thn llobecct (It un e aud tlie dogrce was con cen kned en thuty seven tnembirs of the 1 idge aud en thirtj-Mi ladies. Aft i tin degrce had bvOti oenforieil the iu. mbk.rH mid their ladies rcji.iircd te the bii (piat room where a hbci.il e iliatieu hail lii-iii prepared, te which ever ene liutidicd htit down nnd te whieh amnie jus tice was dene. Dining the -111 yeant L.inc-ir.tei ledge Ins been iu uxiiUnce, l.O.I'i niimbeis jiimd it Of theiu 1110 incmbeis icmaiti iu geed htnuding. Onii.lni; m lunu Ncxtaiendny, Mnuiii Im tutittiivri " Mecj" Wliit Monday iu the day v. lien the young folks botake te I.iucablei' te soe the womlers going en thcre and te get their till of jieatuitH nnd crackers, nnd luger nnd irmouade te wash the aforesaid articles down. It is a big tlme for thorn, and looked fnrwntd te with ureal interest; and if the weather is fivmuble "our com tiy cousins enjoy thrni"jlvcH te tlitlr hearts content. Noethd day in the jetr is lllte Whit Met'day te tlieni, for the eity is ublaze with oujejmont nud ovary ene can " go it en bis own hook" without fear or motivation. It setuntimes luip psi'8, liowever, tlmtneinuuf the b.'inivmn tie e Iu a " ctoelicd " way, and fcel the nex meiuliii; in u shaky oeudltiou ; hut th 'i iIkv have had a il.ty's fun, and tli tltjit ill clVeet.i tliey ospeilonoo arj cempi iiH.ited i,y tue iiieugnt that " It Is a peer li ait tliht tioier lejelces." A (') I'uiuutpr I'pluatit I e lew, Itracl Sleticr, near Grconville U the ewher of two tlne holfers, full blooded sheit hertiud Btoek. On Tuesjay ene of them gave birth te a bull calf, which weighed 03 peuuda at birth. HUIIISIIURTU. Tlie Hebrew i' et rlowfinMntemnUon rlewfinMntemnUon rlowfinMntemnUen llriiiHtlun nervlee. Today Inallobrew holiday, the feast of Bohebuoth, or the preparation of the giving of the law te the Israelltcn nt Mount Slnali Impreoalve oerotnonlcs wero given In the synagegue In this eity, n e'ass of eight masters nud misses boltiircon beltiircon boltiircen llrmed by the tnlnlster Hev, Merris Ungor Unger Ungor Iclder. 'l'be Bynngogtie, which was beauti fully decorated with (lowers, was filled te ovetllowlug. Thoiervlco was opined with u brlef nddress by the tnaster after, whleh the ceuflrmnutR Misses Ida 11. Htrauss, .lonule M. Hecse. Hay Piez.i, Clnrrett Pleza mid Mnsters Leuis Stein, Clnrouce Ilirsh, nil Stelu and Mcscs Grcenabaim, formed line nnd tiinrched tip the nlsle te the pulpit, nud laid upon the sliritie thelr llrst llernl ollerlngH, and caeh of thorn made a prayer for guidance through life. Tliey wcte examlticd by the tnlnlster in the fundamental principles of their religion, after whleh tliey roclted the con cen con feislon of faith. Then caeh of the con cen tirmautB made an nfl'eeting address te their pareutv, thanking thorn for thn leve and oare bostewod upon them during Inf.atiey and childhood, aud premising continued obcdlcuce te their cemmandti. Kaeh child Iu turn then received the parental bsncdlc bsncdlc tlen, nftcr which the mltdater blessed thorn, two anil two. During the servicu thore was line tnusle by the choir and psalms by the children, Then each ene of the cenllrmants was presented with :i handsome diploma of comflrmatien by Philip Ilernard president el tlie congregation, who inn brief nd -dress welcomed thorn ns full members of the oingiegntlon. Then followed the usual closing services mid the nudicuce was dismissed. UhIi-rhIe NeinlDiitl'ini In the Nlnltl Wrtrit. Jacob Pout., J, Pred. Ycnger, Audrew Dnrwart, Jelm MclClllips mid Jehn Ilutchiucen baie been nominated as dele gates te the county convention en .limn -1, frnn the Ninth waid. ' 1M WUtMllVlKD ill I.I. A tirnil unit A rtlillc Alnrtila .ilii)iliiiciit. ThOnO wlie vhlt Woe.twur.l Hill CDuictery, mmuiyiil our cltli-tiiis iliil te-tlny te scatter llewerj, Hint boaiitlliiltilbute or tliu llvliii; te tliu ilea.l, or te put In er.ler tlie li iN from wliti-linin te splint; tliu silent uililema of leve, will li net In Iraiioutlen cillc.l touinar teuinar blu metiiummt put I'lcctnl, wlilcli tuin orua erua orua ineut te tlie city (iT thn iii nit iii wi'll n un up up up ptoprliite I'xpre Htmi el tnnlrt feelliiK anil atleciioniite rigurt tee tla- ilipartcil, anil wlitcli, ler Hi real nml itien iiim-ii I'll innrlt, terliuiut et ilclKii,i-xau nn-l pluiilnii pun porllens, tr-Kutlier with thn rum nxci-llcucu uml put liy et the iimrljl", ilcervis me e lliiii paiilnu- noil.e i Im iicstn H erlrjtn i). very i-l.itinratn ntnt ilehly ernam -ntnil with ux'iiiMltocirvliuet IItvi-ii-, Hcrnlli, .Vc llie w-lmlii 'erun a ma tlv weilc el nit, c 'iiUllui; et ii heavy icrennil luw, en wlilcli I n mmiM in plinth, liemlngtlKi I unity nmn , "WATT," In lirce isl'ul ImtnrH On HiU iimh thi ll, en I'liclier ihu loin hMi-j et w-IiIl-Ii Is ii nilii-il tulili-t.thf Irent eni iriiieiinU-.l with ulirni qui-l el einhlemuttc tteni ts 'I he cup 19 Un-liht-il wllhu rich (m.lilc arch iikiiiMIhi; uml nrnnmenlfi! scroll mult n the lop et ill i menii-iH-iil liu hatu'dOim- i-ll-n my tnrnn 1 urn, with c.irveil Inn-llii m the front mut ccutruef the urn lsacresinml crown. In lull riiMi-t, from tlie luck et which uru ilaitln ri ullluht, '1 he top el tlie urn Is onrlehn.l with tout bciiiilllnlly curvu.l 1I1I( On tliu Irent t-Ule:l-i he ItneilptlMi In inlieil Kirypllin Ii-tliim in leilnx iiiuinnry et I l..ll. I.IMKMOM'II, Willi of i'. T. Wutt. Hern. .Inly 21. tSKU. Uli-il, Mny27, 1-M Ami In niliLit DM I.imIUIi IeIIcih : " llludsetl in f t (i pnre in heart." Tlilii bimitifiil weik, itiMlisuuil nml e.-teciitml I) Majer .li. M. Hewull. M ene (it tlie ik"i et liu inuny inenniiiBtits unit iluinotibtriitea tliu I icllltli wlili h l-.e i-einuiiiiiils ll'f.'Cl.lli NVtHIt Lnllm ilieulit i.iruei flatter ever the auiHll el llie One, its It ciiiis nil puliiB iiud nclim 'iStt. nt tiny driiB -uen-. All reul te "I'l'ly Veuuii Mm, .ill. ntle Aki cl IIdii iiiul All Men wiiniullt-rfieni only linlUeiot.en itllltlnd Alleti'ii llrnl-i Kn l the mml piiitul In vlirei int nvi r lull e lucid : oneo iiRteiud liy It tlii-r N no rul.unu. Try It : It novel' !nl!x. Hi 01er$" At ilrucH-tN, or by mill tlem I 11 A1Ii.ii, .ill Hrt Avu , .New erlw City. ln21.1wdM,W&V'Awr A Klr OIKr. 'lltB VeLTAlU I'.KLT Ce.. of Mllfhll ill, Jllt'll., eiler ie i-'iiil Dr. l)n' Lelebriitn.l Ve.tiK It. It and fali-Ltrtu Appll nccsi en tilul, let tlility ituyx, l moil, old nud wiunc, ullllited ultii tii-riciM dublllty, leit vitultty, and many otlier illinnies. t'oe udvortHeinnnl tn thin pnpn. ul- jlM,Vtl-A Niitmni: 1 Ikn it. Ne iiii'dle no him nvi t been Known mi ( lloc llec tiuil In tliucuiu et ijl IheHii ill-ieni!t-s iul-lii,' 1 1 inn nn Impuie (emlUlnu et tlie blmi.l nt SOI ILL'S l 11HAVAIIILH, (1 I IlLOOll AM 1. 11 Kit hvi'i-r. I n thuoumel Sentnli. Willi -wel I II If, UlKMIllllltU 11, l'llliplll, IllOtCII'-, 1.1 U(). ttniiH, Vuni'iL'iil foil's mill DI-eastH, Coiiiump Ceiiiump Coiiiump tleu, Uollie, llellit, i.'niui-i- an I nil Mii.IhM dl-ensiH. Ne better meiina et necntlnjj u lionii lienii ttlul coiiiplcxleu c.in bi) ebliitni'il ttnn lij unilW Si.OVIU.'d III.OIH). AND Ll bit hYllL'l', uhlcli eleiiiiiej tlie bloeil .ind kIm-j beauty te tlie akin. . inSil JwMWl.w Wuvi-uller with Mularla Knmrj' Stand ai.t L'uie I'lIN iire Infallible, uuici mil te eme the moil oballmite c.ites t pmely vi-xotnble ilcei.tK. uiiai IwdM.W&I'Aw fHiru tlie Itiitiy. " My ti.iby, iui d llt'.uen tnenttn, was a' tack d nil croup Oil w.n cured Willi Hi e iIeii-h nt 'Jieiii'ii' hcttcii ie Oil ; haie iifeeil tlili mod med mod lclnel.it lliiieldni clilldli-n llavetli i Kiii.lti'Bl lAltli In it" Daniel Miiiiu, A'l Mtvcnlli St., llnlliile. N V I'ei mil. i by II. li. Cochran, dliiKlltit U7nuil IK) Neith Uncen Mtu-it. Milt .!; .-J. J f.li.li.A li B,,,e? Nl.lS OIIANUK IV.lM'l.ll- A Si A N Hell te liii.lnnsi linn In 1 til vicinity onent thniiKHl viiliuble i.-iclilllii i vel tn tn veiitid, new p.iiliiira pretlt et evi i l.'it u div lhli U a (ilinuee Huldein etfeii-d A ten til i-iipltiil or cii-illt tiqulml. Inr lull panic, i lurii (.all mi I KWIMft HlTLIIh LL. mil) It" Ol ipe Hetel, I a- W ? I- ,1 fit. ."SOU SIIOWINO rn n UUJTBIHt OP ALU KIND-? '1 emit and IU evi ty ene -at pilcci which ult t very in e-iiud (iiautlty Hiilllelunt ter all Alpiqa Oeuta nnd Duntera LINEN COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Striped BoerBuokore, And a special llargalu nt 100 SEERSUCKER MTS AT $1.35. Heys' mm Ohlldren'fj CLOTHING In nmlless vatlcty, Imnii-iKO eimnllty and li lei h where etliuii liiuil tellmv hlln we It-iii t 300 Beys' Suits at 33 n Suit, 75 Scheel Suits at 82 fiO, 100 Children's Suits nt 8160, And an imuiense variety mi. I uuauiit) tluer Kinitoi;elsai mtually Lew rlnri i el -L!AI.L AT O.SCK ,.U TTirtf, iV Ernthpr' JJ.1.J. Qll UO Xti. UUJ-LU1 I'KNN IIALLCl.Ol'HINO IIOU3K, Nea. 2 nnd 4 North Quoea Stroefc, LANOASTLK, I'A. NJtlt AnrEHTJBKMRNTO. II. 7.. KIIOAD1. SUMMER GIFTS. We doelro te call nttontlen et buyera te the feet that our Bummer offerlrjB of ottrnetlvo JH WBLTIY Ie unusually large All the noveltioa In Short Ohtilne for Lndloe. Call and See the Queens Antique Jewelry. Potlte ploeon In Diamond Jowelry at very levr prloea. Ohatolalne and Feb Wntohea. A flne line of Weddlngr eilver. H. Z. RHOADS, Ne. LANOABTEIt, May 19.1MI. E. .1. 7. tll.1I. SPECIAL Tlie lurge Incrcnseln our triule, lieth In thn tnauufiicturliiitanaretall dopartrnents, makei It necessity ler -u te Impert Direct Frem the European Markets. .MIC, KltNKST ZAIIM will reprcBent our hoiifie In Kttrepn thin sumtner, and thoneot our citsloiueig who liave net nlrundy lett their erdi-rn with tia will plcase de be bofero JUNE 18. AM. OKUKHS VOll Diamenfls, Bronzes, Fine Clocks, Statuary, &c, Will recdVDciitrliit nttenttnn nnd will Im reidy for ilellvery tit eny tlmu afler OCTOHKIt I. (JIllll.Hl'MAS OltDtlti IIKt.ll UNTII.TIIK HOLIDAY HKASUN IK DKHIIIKI). EDW. J. ZA.HMI, MANUFACTURING AND RETAIL JEWELER, ZAHM'S ni'ji.iiiiiiit CORNER, - iVM AUVLHTltUZUr.NTtl lirAM'Kll-A IMlil. VlUITIIKKlTltllKN. W SLVXNKUf ItOlt HALL. mseitil i3) l'rlnccstreet. w inl'l,ll- JllllIll.K-AOKl) IIAtllMI l mini witiilH ii munitien te mukn hluinull Kuneinlly UHuful fun licep Iioerh or drlve a Hum, Apply nt tills olllce. IXK'lt ItKKIC. I ItOCK IICOl- en B.VTUIIUAI and WHIT- MILS DAY nt CnHiier Kehlcr'H Saleen. Ji"l Cliureli fittent ANe, atntl plncci wherti my Uu-t U uiitally sold. C. ItOH I.Kit, mJOitd Lien Iltowety. IJtlDI'iitAI.S nhlllSIVKDAT HIKSTOItK et Muu A llnthlen, Ne. li Fast King bt., for the escalation et c-llnr en Diiltn Htrcet, lictwicn Itelnnd llrubikur nnd N. Llghtiicr 'flic Kieiinil will he in r.lnt en the let ; plans and rpcclltcatleni can be m-rn nt I'llinn A Iti it i r 'h bIiejii lllda recclicd until "imir.lny i vi-nliiK at H o'clock p in, May 11 SAM I'LL M. MY KKS. LiNOAtTUtt, I'a., May '."J, lsHI. tn?J-itd I.l.VllUltHltlN TIUttl-.TI Tl 1II1IK-l'KIC-U Hutu lnlendinu toace.impany llie oicur eicur oicur hlen te Yer . te iitu-n I the corner ntone liylng et tlie Urrmm Catholic church en Steuday. cm et excnrilen tlcketx at llie lellnwtnc r-1 ici h : Adam Klnucr, Maner strt-et ; Jeh. Ilrne lel. corner Went Ktntrnnd Mary ulrcetu .lehn llleiiietiz'd shoe Blere, North lint-en itteet t 1 1 ink Htmuenz'a slfe lactery, and ether inemberH et the oemmlttco, and at the ilcket etlli-ii of tliu l'eniiHVlvanla latlreul. TleUetH. 11.10 j Hid TlCltcH, 51e. Tickets Reed for two days. Tratn leaves tti! SOn. tn, 'O-'it I ILSalA A: lll'.t). Abeui Prices. l.eiu iue wn thought bottom piled had' been toiiched.biitlt romalned ter the Hprlng et issi, toclveachiiico te the jicople te buy cheip CLOTHING such ui'nii net Ik en boeh by llie oldett Inlinli Unlit. MEN'S SUITS, At $l.'', ..'. frt.e-1. 7e1, $3.00, 10.0J and liie. PANTALOONS, At ! IU, $1 50, $2.00, !.'0, IJ.W up te 1 00. IiARQE BOYS' SUITS, At 13.50, 11.00, II.E0. 15.' 0, (0 CO up te 9 OH SMALL BOYS' SUITS, At 11.13, ?1.75, 2!i, $?,00 up te f 150 De we mean te lower our whele business? Ne. 1 jileud ! Ve enlv ountetlinroro et clie.ip- rets as the key nole. We cluvate 11 every own no suporlen tn styles and hi; isnn and 'luullllea. L.&ansniai&Bre. The KASH10NAHLK SIKIttMIANTTAlLOUS AND CLOTH! hUS Ne. 6b'-68 NORTH QDKBN STREET, Itlght en the 8enthw(t Cernei of 'inn ( btreet, 1 i "li 'tiTKlt. I' i d .Net connected with nn eitmr i ndn. llonse In Ihiwltv l'lLLlAIl.it)M rOHTKlt. AUK WILLI Nl 'HI SHOW VOU TIIK LAUUL-U' lit! Ml OK Ready-Made Suits. In a'l irradf-s iieui n bTUeSH suit tei reitglt wi ik te a line IVhlpcnr 1 or Ceili crew l),iit;enul TIIK rOUIt Ul'TTOS CUTAWAY OOAT SUITS Am net only Fashionable, but vety lllili, nun are cut te lit liandseuitly. DRESS SACK COAT SUITS -KltOM-'JT.N DOLL 'IS $1000 -TO- $10.00 'I'lVBSTV $20.00 I'WhMl And ii buporler Assortment et 1,1(1 IIT DIlK.ia l'ANl'H, LIGHT HTirP HATH. KKATHKK WKIUHT LINKS 11 .VIS, (il.NUINK l'ANASIA AND IIAND-MADh M CKINAW 9TUAW HATS An I a very HaniUome Axdei tiueut nt CHILDREN'S HATS. llie Unit TWKNTV-riVK and HI Tl ( KNT NKCKWHAIl, INDIAN 1. At'ZK I'MlKIt DKllWKAllnnd KANCl lliH!hu -THK- PAMOUS "EIQMIE" SHIRT l-oi'JI.te or ' toper llali Dezen THR GEM SHOKS I-..1 MKN and 1IOY8 ate tin- Hest hn hard i. mull mi.n In uddlllen In which wn lieup a miiui- rutine dot nil niiuiH at tti" I.ewi.r I'ltli h-. UJ tSl'KOIAl.TV-HAKV !"f l'NTU,Wlc, ;t)e, ni.it $l 0'. i Williamson & Pester, 0 )(.a(iri i uetiilnir, llatH, tan, 'uinlsliln'r ijoeiIh. itoet rtheis, riiu'K, vuiistu, TraveiitiR iiuks Kiinncr OoeiIn, etc. Nei 32-38 EAST KINO STIIEIST. LANCASTKIt, I'A, 4, West King Street. may 10-1 yd NOTICE. - - Lancaster, Pa. njsw AitvEirrisuaitHtiH. SKuilNU ANNUAL I'lll-NIO lf TIIK "Koysteno Peclal Club," te be held ut " llrcen Cotlnxe l'urk " en Whit Monday, Tunu 2, 1331. Admission Irce. Ne improper ohnracters adinltted en the grounds 29 'iut )Li:.NTY1U 1H1ITATK. HUT MINE TO teual the 3c. Havana (Jlmrs at HAKTMAN'a YKLLOW KUONT CIHAIt 8TOKK. tfUlt ON13 IM1NUTK LiirfKK I'm peu 1. saient CLAUKK'S TKA8TOUK, Ne. SH West Ktncbt, Our mill pulverizers the Cotleo Call and eco liew It works, Kre Cellee te all. JII1JUK-TIIK WATKIl UUl'LIUATi; IS 1 In mv hands for collection of water louts, and all abalcments will he discontinued nlter .lunel. lel. C.r. MYKUS, m'ii Old City Treasurer. OUlt atllKT 1V1T11 ITH LIKIMK AttU raised edge besom Is supoiler te all simi lar shirts, because It Is rolntetccd tn Irent and back, has deuble ntltcued seams. Is made et Utlcn Nonpareil Muslin cut straight Instead et cics-iwlse. Forsalent aiVAKlt'S, Ne. CO North Qncen Strcet, Lancaster. IjKNN UlUAKH lTHO.1l OOcts, Jftill IIUN drcd up, at II AllT MAN'S YKLLOW FIIONTCIOAU BTOllK. Sl'KCIAL-AM VIIU t'.ibH ItY UUK Il.Mt Tailoring Establishment don't fall te leek In the show window ; the leading Spring Sty lis are exhibited therein ; then wnllt In and oxamlne our untlre Hteclc, None te c(ttal It In thecltv. llintlsemelv trtmmed well made and pcrtcctnttlng garments assured nt modeiate priCOS. A. 11. HU3KN8T1S1N. 37 North (JutenSt. Oppojltetlio l'oatenico. mil Om. lit r NNISItUUUK liAItliKN GRAND CONCERT THIS- Aud Every Evening1, -AT- NORTH PRINOB STREET. &ee. Eiski, Otte Toussaint, PROPJHIHTORS. iiiyiiillil AMVUKSIiZNTa. I.O Illl.l.M iini'i Vild West, AMIUtlCA'S NATIONAL MKNT. KNTKItTAIN- LANCASTER FAIRGROUNDS, JUNE 9 and 10, ArTKUNOONS ONLY I 1'KIIKOIIMANCK ItAlNOIt HHINK. IIIKVAMKI) SCOUT ANDUUIDK, BUFFALO BILL, ( HON. Y. T. CODY ), Copt. A. H. BOQARDUS, Chumplen WliiKBlioter the World Mtvjer FRANK NORTH, The l'llotet the 1'riitile, 'OKKAHOMA'1 PAYNE, The 1'roKrcsilve I'loneor. "BUOK" TAYLOR, K'niKOt the Cow-Ileyi. "OON" QRONER, Tlie Cow-ney Bheriit of tliu I'latlu. A Hest el Western CeU-brltte t A Cainpet fjlinyuune, Arnppiiheu, Sioux and I'uwnee Indiana t AUieup et Muxlcan Va'iue- rei i Iteund-up et Wiuturn cow Heys t Company of t'ralrle eeuuin , a. iiurn ei Wild lluirulea. A C'errul et Indian I'enles ; A Hand et Moun tain LIU i A Drevo et Texas Hteew 1'iicU.Traln et Muxlcan llurre ; Mountain Uheup, ote. Alttitlcally HtuiidtiiK, Lllu-I.IUu, Vivid unl TluilllllK PIOTUBES OF WE8TEEN LIFE, UatoaepOn ut 1 e clock. Porieriuanco beglns at 2 SO, AJJU133ION, noe. OIIILDUKN, Mnc. A Grand and lloultstle Street l'araile en Monday morning. uiZ7-2wd MarcM wk SECOND EDITION. FRIDAY WVBNINO. MAY no l004 aJternoen teIlegrams. TO-IJA'8 KKW3 FllOM ALL AltOUMD, Uccoratleni Uay Ubacrvancet In Philadel phia nnd Oett jatiurg Ureat Thrones of 1'eeple and l'ro'aileii et rlewrrf PiULAunLvniA, Ph., May 00. Te day belng oeol, erlsp nnd sunshiny, was very faverable te n general obscrvance of Dcoeratlou day. Tlie Grand Army and oltlzenn Renerally orewdod the various cometorlos, whero wagon leads of plants, Rrewlnp vines nnd cut llewcra wero dis tributed amenR tbe graves. Un llutone Ureiind, GETTYauune, Pa., May 30. DcBpite the raw woatuer iue larROst orewu ever ns ns semblcd bere en Decoration day gathered nt tbe national cometory te-day. Excur sions brought hundreds of visitors from the surreundluR country. Thore was n parade at t'ae oemetory and coreraonies by members el the Grand Army. Tlie graves wero dcoeratcd by tlie children ei the public Boheola. The oration wasdo'ilvered by Hen. Martin Maginnls, of Mentana. W1KKLKTH, Afternoon Icl'Rr.ipli New Uuadcnseil. Wm. II. Yandetbilt will loave Louden for New Yerk June 5th. The Wabash railwae strikers nt Moberly, Me., have concluded te go te work te-day. The Oaks rnce at Epsen, Kuglaud, te day was weu by Busybody, the winner of the Twe Thousand Guineas stakes, Supcrba was second and Queen Adelaide third. The National Greenback committce last night, nt IndlauapeliR, elected Ed Giletto, of Iowa, ehairmau aud D. W. Tcorllude, of New Jortey, tccretary. At Iiellevllle, III,, William Brown, colored, was executed this meiniu. ile mutdcrcd a peddler named Lavigre, a oripple, whom he Induced te remain all night In his hut nu February 20th last. Win. Petersen, nged 23, died last night at New Castle from wounds received in a quarrel thrce weeks age with a mau named Kelloy. kellcy is under uirrcsr, but pretends that he did net iotliet the wound. At Grcen6burg, Pa,, J. H. Spciglj & Llre. 'a books and genta' furnishing goe.lu stoie been olescd by thn shorilVen oxeou exeou oxeeu tlousamountiDg te $20,000. A OAUK SKlTI.LD. The Vsll.lity ul tee 11. .V 1' confirmed. If. It CI arier Wit.MiNdTON, I)el M-iy 30. Iu the easn of Itathmel Wilsen vs. the Ualtimore Si Philadelphia railroad company, being an application for nu injuuo'ien te restrain the railroad company from constructing its read threuch Wilten's land, below Newaik, Delawatn, eti the ground that the company's charter Is uucoubtltutienal and void, Chancellor Siulsbury has deliv. ercd an opiuieu, nlUrmiug the validity of the charter. The petat at issue was upon the emission et a ron,uiremcnt that a commission of condemnation Bhall glve netice te au owner of land of the time and place when his property shall ba viewed and damages ler tlie right of way as sessed. The chancellor hoi is that wucre a railiead charter is silent en this point no netice is required, ami that tliu emission docs net tnilitate against its constitution ality. UAiKll U.L. lleiti riilLideliihlr. .Niuuii tloleuted Te-day. I'iiir.AUi'Li'iiiA, May 1)0. Tbe j;amobeto between the Athletics nml Leuisville te day iv.is iittcudcd by :i immoLse crowd. The K-ime by innings h us fellows : Athletics 0(100 1 I 0O0-2 Loul M Iu 10 0 1 I ll 0 1 x 7 At Hosteu : Iloaten 4 0 0 0 .1 ll I .-c x 11 I'hlladeltihl.i n 0 1 e 1 e i) x x a Game called nt the end of the levcnth iunluK. te allow the PJiiKidcliihui te make the train. At 1'ittsbuif merniiii: came : Allehunia (i .1 a u e 1 e 1 O.-si Teledo I) n ii ii leul 1 it llie Kriipp'n Tiiunrl Aucldenl, PiTTanune, Pa,, Slay e .The coreuor'a iuqucht into the Kiupp't. tunnel nccidcut hibt niUt rendered ti veulict exonerating the cetitt actors, tlie ncatdent liavint; bcen caused by (Uiehs.iiul. Ti.o.se killed outright tire Jeseph Fran It, Aucle Frauk, Fr.itilc Ftan., Frntiuisoe llizz'e, Luizl Car Car ladine, Uievauui Ctticcie aud David Car michncl. They wcre Spaniards and Ilun giirirtus. Twe ethers h.ive tince died, but their mimes ate net known. They wote designated by numbetp. Toe ether iu jureil will iirebalily recover. Vfb'itablia unl t'rait lieen. I'ittsuuiici, May JO. Hopeits from Eistcrn Ohie and Wederu rorittsylvacie liullmile HAvrre itamiii n ilenu te nailv vi'i'- t tables arid fruits by Le.ivy fteits the las'. two tiiglitu, Iu bome soetions lc foimed a (juartcr of an inch thick. Furmcni re port corn, wheat, potutecn and tomatoes badly frozen. DlBiiitreun Unie-ln. Siiunandeaii, May 30. A cave iu under the tracks et the lte.idiu railroad at Turkey Hun jeatcrday, hai ruulored six oellicrics id le ami tae j;reun I is still tiinl: iui;. All trall'n en the railroad has been busneuded. The holy of the workman buried uuder the m iss of eattb is net yet recovercd I'lrc neur vlilcje. CtiKAi.ii. Miy JO. The shops of llie Chicago ii Nmttiwcstcrti railway, situated jiint be) eiul tlie wosterti beuudary of the oil j, w oie iiaiti.illy destroyed hydro thli tnerniiii;. The hm Inn net yet been as certaiucd. Twe oiiiuei Irnn thn eity wme ilispatclicd te the scene. A Milliliter Arrnlirnnil, Nkw Yeiik, May JO. I'eirln II. Sum tur, the bieket who was arrested last night for alli'Kcd switulliui! of Daniel M. Davidt-en, Inte of Western VirRiuia, out e( ever 10 0 0, was airaiRticd in court te day. Tlie uoeusod wa-t oitnmitteil for examination. acvtTO Celd Iii Ktiv Yeru Mate. Alihny, May 30. Ice halt' an ineb thlek ferineil here last ululit. Neatly ull ve;o ve;e tables nnd hniall fruits wcre destroyed Some of the farmers proteotod their stinw berry beds by burniii Urea near thetti all n'Rbt. WK.VlllKll IMUIOATIONS. WASiUNaTON, May JO. Fer the Middle Atlnutie ftntpu, HllRiitiy wanucr weatuer, wt-stnrlv wIiuIb. lower barometcr ou Satur day, slightly fair woatlier Is itidlwted for nilddle Atlnutie statu. l.tve Stuck ill m net, ClIIOAIIO.-HOKS-ltOCfllll. 17.000 licu-l t Ship. incntH, 3.SU0 head t mui imt weak and tee lewcrj reiiKlipiiklmr, nMt'Mi'i iuui.ln and ihlp. ptuK. if -vrt5 ;.'i nht, eai ;! skips, na 10J. .. .. CUttIn-OCClHB,0,("J Il-'IUI, BIlinillulllB, -i.UWI lua.li maikiii brUic mid mm t uxpeit nradLS.I'l CJ4i(l)j;oed te ctiolce shtppliiK, f (1 llilil 50 ! common in medium, ti 75tideu, uiiisi 'luxiins, ll -'"III ie corn Imt Tuxuns, tain w bhtcp-ltecelpts, I, if) head ; slilpmenbi, 'iii) ileiuaud Ilrm t luUi'er te lair, ii7atllri owl i iiii'iiluui te uoed, ilUtMl cholee te est. a. i 7 KI !. r.AM I.ibkiitv C'altle tn llr demand at unchiiiiKcd tiilcesi recidpts, 7iw huadtthlp IlH'l.tH, (ile bund. Uinta sievt l'lilladcIphlKS,J 5)QJ70i York Yerk uv, h" 'NQS Ml tcculpts, 1,1 W head shlv limn ts, 910 liead, btnifp slew and nneliaiiKCd Itocelpti, tfiOO hiad t shipments, yw iti-ivl. ff-gir JUrMMTi9MMMnr. gUULT7.)!OLDUTAim. W.D.STAUFFER&GO. (SUCCESSORS TO) SHULTZ & BRO., Nes.31&33N.aueenSt. Wi:HAVK.IUSrerKNKD THKLA.UQKST, (JHKAl'KST AND MOST COMl'LKTK A930HTMKNT OT MEN'S AND BOYS' STRAW HATS KVKlt Ol'ENKI) IN THIS CITY, WU1CU WK WILIi BELTi AT Bettem Cash Prices. A FULL LINE OK IsTTJTRIA. -AND- Seft Felt Hats, Light Gassimere and Pearl Darby Hits, -ALL TUE- A LAItGE LOT Of BROAD-BRIM Straw Hats for Farmers, -AT- SHULTZ'S OLD STAND, L 31 U0,33 ul . Qm st, LANQABTKB, im. ) v ft y .l' A l 'r J,' ' it 11 V,'