"A ' " ' 4 '&' X .yrH V 'e . ih - Cfl 'XSietS&SSgtr W6WJ? '.JWJ ' Velamn XX- Ne B30. LANCASTER, FA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1884. Price Twe Cente. '- n m iiin., ! I IaaA1IMv 1 IAVV intr ueuttH. T . -3. I t JUKXT lMIOlt 1 TI1K OOU11T IIOUHK. FAHNESTOCK Op3ued thin Monthly; from u Spoelul Iniporter'a Auction Bale IN NEW YORK, Of ti Colebtatoil Mitku of BLACK At 81.00, Q1.12 1-2 aud $1.2(5. tWThone BIL.ICH huve nover bueu ueld nt anything lilte the nbove prices. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuso, iiuitiiixi. 11. U tam.tttT, SPRING OPENING AT- H.GERHART'S Tailoring 1'hI iibllsliiuent. 1 uin niiw prepmed in show tn Hit) iiikIu mi assortment el Woolens ler the 'prlutf and Summer Ti ado which nr bounty, tjiiullly :nnl Quantity surpasses nil my lui iitur ellnrls te picusu my customer. Nunn but the very best Korean nml Amerl can fubllcs (or Dress mid llmdneHS Suits ; u complete Hnuel tlm I tile-st Shades el Spring UvurceiitlnK. Tlie very licit nt werkiiiunsldp uinl price lower t tun i miy Hou.e In llm city ler the same quality of goods H. GKEEHABT, 'l A I LOU, Ne. 6 East King Street. B UKUKit St nuriu.N, "Quick b'alea Aud Small Profits." In ail elil .ul.utu, hut it Keed mi" : nud 1 1 1 1 n Jll.Sl Hill prlllClpIO lipil I WlllCll llllslllCHS U COhtlllUCll ul Burger & Sutten's Wholesaled ltcbuK'letiiiiii Heuse, Ne. 24 Ooutre tfquare. SILK SCARFS, Litest Out, for 20c. II KIT $10 All Weel Suit' IN TOWN. SIllKTa WITHOUT A SUPKKltiR. (T.NDKIIWEAII AND UENTS' FURNISHING (I00DS, IN OUKAT VAlftKTl Burger & Sutten, Meichuut Tailors ami Clethtm s, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. LANCAaTKIl, PA II lyil fNVlTATlON. Custom Department, L. GANSMAN & BRO. K.Yl'KND TllKllt INVITATION Te tliulr many cusiemurHniid the public In Kiuuiriil, lernti tiiHJMii'ilim et their luru uml varied HprliiK stuck ul Heeds In tlin piece, which we iiiiiku te nur own miiur in uuy btyle, ut thu following low prlceH ; All-wool Quit ler tiiirtlmvH tl'.' (Ml ' -botter HOD " ciutilmuit 13 00 " ullk-inlxiiil luuiiliiiiiru HI en " - lii'Ht IiiiIIke hlun cletl 17 W worated cer kecre w (hluck or lil ii ii) IS (l All-wool milt iHiicy oeikurruw ;e (e KukIIhIi cerkitcruw ! (0 " Kruncli worntvil.iueuumi uu lUimciiiburwopiiyniirewiipursoiiiilutUiiitlou tenillliiKUH wiiil uneiilttiiKi It tlmruloie im ulilt'H uu te inuliirscill thu clejust uml inejt I'lltleul linimu In tliu city. OUU UUKAT bl'KOlALTV, Pants te Order. All.woel Pun Is ftt IK.V1. f 1.00, $l.!0, $5.00, i.b', IC.O0, $t.&0, 17,00, up te t'J.OO. l'leiwe tukn u vlnw In punning our Hlier WIiiiIewh. Kit. Htyluuml Uumblu Woikmiin Weikmiin blilp (jiiuritiHucil, L.Gransman&Bre. Tlie FAaillONAlILK MKU0I1ANTT AU.OU3 AND 01.OTIUH113, Ne, G6-68 NORTH QDBEN STRBBr, UtgUt en the Southweat Cemer et Orauge Street, LANCA8TKU, l'A. - Net coniieotod with uuy oilier, (JletliliiK llOIIKO lu tlie cltv. f jUtK NKW YUUK " SUN " UKAOlIKS't.ANCAHTKH, AT :! A, M. On tlie day et piilillciitlen. (J. II, IIAllll will supply it promptly en order or wu will eemlllLi) nmli ni60 con ta u month. AilUiuas l.W.hNUI,ANU, rtililbtinrTiiBduM," juJl-Sniil New Yerk City SILKIS, Lancaster, Pa. Ut.UTUINU. mAHAIHAICKII .V lllltlWN. Spring Prices On many articles of clothing will be very low and Oak Hall will repeat the past experience en an enlarged scale that of giving retail buyers the benefit of geed bargains en great lets of goods. VVanamakku & Huewn. Oak Hall, B. K. Cerner HUlli un.l Mnrket, iil7-ttd PHIL YDKLI'HIA. F tm.MSIIIMI (IIM.Il.t Full EASTER. Loweh Henrfu, Olub Houae TIeb, Luteat Style Oellura. Tiie Reyul Bhlrt, Rhelu Stoue Btuda llilllliiut lis Diamonds ul ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WIStT KIND Sl'ltKKT, TKHIJHANT I'AII.OKINO. DAVID B. WINTERS, FINE MERCHANT TAILOR, Ne. 23 North Queen St., LANOASTfc.ll, l'A. M. VKIW a KATIirOH. Thin Clothing. In KxuulUnit A)iiiliiiiiut, tin UiU sort or wpiithi'r, for MKN'd, IIOVM nml OIIII.. DIIKV.H WKAIl, 111 nil tlie I'l.AIN ANU B108T VASMIONAIII.K KAliltlUS. Ill looking iireimil ler Humniur riiinlsllu, HiiiiKiiilHir tluit tliu liuit itiseitniuul In (jl.OTIIINU U tilwiiyrf te be neon lieru, uml that pi lies uru uiilllclently viuin.l te nieul wllli laverumum; nil clmseel buyers, ua well ns these whom lertuue tins luna l.ivereit. Wu Invite culli. Unit wn limy be uOenleil u cliimce te hIiew lust what wu have. Tlie m.ike, ulyle unit iiuiillty of our CI.OTHINU Is lully up te thu hlKlic.1t dUmlaril, mill la murkeil nt llgurus thut eltmi nmke liuyern of lliemi who only cemu te hcu. 4a Ciiiiiiuilsen ceurtuil, trmle eellcltcil. & LKADINU l.ANOABTKU ULOTH1EK8, NO. 12 HAST KINQ 3TBBBT. LANOA8TKU. IA. ,1 tar ini A GREAT BAKGAIN -AT- HIRSH & BROTHER'S, 200 SUMMER SUITS at $1.35. Slon'BbUe, Coel ami l'lciuant. Werth (3.00 u Unit. UIIAN1) ARM1 SUITS for liucoiutleu Uuy utiillprlucH. Blntlu Ulue Ce.llH U4 lOW UU H.W. 500 BOYS SUITS I'reui f.'.'.O up tilzed 9 te 17, oil colors, inuku room, Te MNKN COLLAl.tlUKKS, NKCICWEAHANI) ' MUI1T WEIUHTUOODS At Vury Lew l'rlicH. te ilez. 1'KIIOALK fcCAllra AND 1'UFFM at 10c apiece. N V. W HOODS. lirsh & Brether's i'KNN IIAbLCLOrillNtl IIOU3K, Nes, 3 eni 4 North Quoea Btroet, J,AX(M9TKll, l'A.) IIEBS RATHFON I'VI.IVK 1'LVtl, nilHW I'OLIUH 1'l.UU. CHEW- POLICE PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO Just what you have been Leeking ler. Quality, purity aud flavor is Uncqualed. Ask Fer It, -Get It, -Try It, And You'll Hever Re gret It. MUMtVAlj lAtiTUVMKNTt. TITILUO. A WUITI) Wilcox & White Organ 06. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW 1 THK TIME TO IIUY PIANOS AND ORGANS AT BLAUUHTK1UNO 1'IUUKU. OnoGeoil Boceuil-Hixnil l'lnne t.vum One Klct'iint Hccenil.lhimt Oivuii 4J.0O One KluKiint New Oigun, 1'i-btep C'euplcra una bub-liana M.OO Wilcox A Wiilte eruana Irein tis.oe te ll&o.eo Biabe," MePhttil, Grovenatoln & 'uuer, iioyeteno, nua voeo Si Bena Plunea, All Martceil Down te Uoltem 1'ilcca. given uwuy. Alhient WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warererms, NO 152 EAST KING STItEET, If, II, I.UCKKNUACII, Agent. lObH-UU TBUE TO NATURE. TMKKMUriO.NHOr A HUD I'AlllltlllUi; NarrHteit by Alplienac lllinlf Frimi I Im l'rencli et liU(lt Muklrii; (Jiiinc et the KperUiiMii. Yeu knew Unit purtrldneH e in cevieM nnd build tliulr iicMh tei(utlier In tlie hoi low or tlie furrewH, uu tliey cm nun nt the leant iikinn, KciUteicil In lllylit likeiitltiH Irem tlie Intuil of tlie Hewor. Our own company itiiiiitiiuruuH aud ay, CHtubliHlicd en u plain en tliu ml;u of it liire weed, with oe(l niekftiLSH mid llnu covers en both Hlilt-H. TliUR,,filuuu I lliHt kimw hew te run, well foathetod, vull foil, I found tuy llfe n hnjipy oue. NeveithelcBH ene tiling dlHturhcd me a llttle. It was tliu fumuiiH epuninu of thu luiiilinn hduneu of which our inetlictH he;;iti te talk Heftly unions thviiiHolveH. One old tniiiubur of our com (uny always tiald te mu ut hueIi tiuicM : " Huve no fear, llouget " they call tne Uo'iKet en acoeunt0f my beak and dawn, the oelor of Hurvlpe borrien " have no fenr, ItoiiKet, I wilj take you with me ou tlie epenluc; day, nud I am tdiuru that nothing will happen te you," TIiIh Ih an old cook, very cuuniiiK anil still native, although he already lian a iioiHcsheo inatked en liitt breaiit, aud whitu feutliurn here ami thore. While Mtill yeunj be roeolvod u hhut in thu wiu, aud an that inade him a little heavy he loekx twlcu bofero living, takea bin time, nud alwuyn cemcH nafuly through, lie often took ma with him iiH far uu the entrance te the weeds. Thuie stands a curious little heuse nestled aineiiK the chestnut tree, Hilentas an empty kuiiuul, audalwayu closed. " Loek carefully nt this heuse, little ene," the old fullew said te mi) : "when you sce sinoke rising from tlie reef aud tbe deer and the shutters open, things will be no in,' badly for us." Ami I had cenlliluuci) In him, kuewiug well that thin was net his litst season. In fuct, the next morning a In oak of day I heard Heme ene calling me softly in thu furrow : " Hoiiget, Itetigut !' It was tliu uld cock. His eyis wure wonderful te beheld. " Ceine uulckly," he naid, " aud de as I de." I followed him, half asleep, ruuuiug be tween tbn clods of earth without Hying, almost without Jumping, like a meiihu. We went toward tlie weed, uml I i.aw 111 parsing that Hineku eamu Irem the chim neys of thu little house, the windows wete opeu te the day, aud before the wide epiu deer wero huntsmen, ready (.quipped, sur rounded by Icapiug dogs. As we passul, ene of thu huntsmen cried : " Let us tiy tbe Held tills morning ; we will go te tliu weeds after breakfast." Then I uudorsteod why my old com cem com p.mleu took us first te thu forest. Never theless, my heart beat, above nil, wlieu I thought of our peer friends. Suddenly, just as we reached thu udge of tbe weed, we uaw the dogs running in our diteotieu. " Liu down, llj down." said the old fol fel low, uteiichuig. At tlie H'liuu time, ten paces fiuiu us, a ftighleiicd quail opened wnle his win ami lua beak, nml lluw up with a cry el terror. 1 heaid a I'eaiful i:eibe, aud ue Here euvulepeil by a sttangu smelling dim all white and warm, although tliu sun had ssarculy naen. I was se Irightuued that I oeu Id tun ue ftiithtT. Luckily we had entered thu weed. My oeiuiadu njuatted besidu a little oak, I plaeed ni)ell near him, and remained hidden thore, looking out between thu leaven. In the iiulds theru was a terrible neise el guns At each ruputt I shut my eyes, completely miiuned ; then, when I decided te open them, I saw thu plain, bit; and bate, the dogs running, searching in the blades of grass, iu the little bundles of grain, turning ou their tracks like mad creatures. Behind them the huntsmen swore, hhouted ; the guns shuuu iu the auu. At oue moment, in a little cloud of smoke, I thought 1 saw, although thure was ue troe near, tsunietluug lly like fall ing leaves, litlt the old cook told me that it was feathers ; utid, iu fact, a hundred paces i u front of us a hupurb gray par par tridge fell iu the furrow, turning up his bloody head. When thu mm bjeaine very het, viy high, the sheeting suddenly stepped. The huntsmen tutiiined tewatd the littluheiiMi wheie could be heard tlie oiaekliuef a bigtiioef viuu biauchei They chatted together, guu ou shoulder, aud discusbud the shots, while their degH came behind thetn, tltcif, with lolling tongues. " They are going te breakfast," said my oenipanion, " let's de liku thetn. " And we enteied a Held of buckwheat, which la near the weed a big whitu nud black Ueld, lu Hewor aud grain, with a smell of almonds. Ilaudceme pheaxauts with golden brown plumage wote feeding thoiealso, lowering their red crests for fear of being aeen. Ah ' they were bus haughty than usual. While e itiug, they asked us for newt), and if any et thnir number had fallen. During this time the breakfast of the huntsmen, at lirst quiet, became tnore and mero noisy; we heard the glass clink aud the corks of the boi bei tlea lly. My guide ceiibidernl it tim i return te shelter. At that hour the weeds seouied ail'-ep The little peels where the deer o.ime t drink, wero troubled by ue lapping tengue: net the inuz.le of a rabbit iu thu wild thy me of the warren ; but a mysterious trembling was te be felt, as if each blade of grass bheltored a munaeml life. These wild oreatureH of the forest have he many hiding plaoea the burrows, the thickets, the weed piles, the brambles, and the dltcheE tllose little weed ditchcii which retain the water be long after it has rained. I oenfoBS that I would have liked te ba 1 1 the bottom of ene of these holes, but my companion porferrod te remain in the p;u Held, te have room, te bee about hi in, ami te feel the froe air boferu him. It was well for ub that he did be, fur the huutHiueii came lute the weeds. Oh 1 that flrat shot in the forest that shot which tore holes iu the leaves like an April hail, and ucercd the bark never shall 1 forget It. A rabbit made oil' across tlie read, tearing up tufts of grass with bin extended elaws. A squirrel ran down a chestnut tiee, knocking oil the grceu burs. Thore wero two or thrte heavy Highta el big pheasants, and u tumult among the branches aud the dry leaves, at the wind of this shot, which agitated, awakentd, frightoued every evory overy tuiui: that lived In the weed. Thu Held uilce rati te the bottom of their holes. A heru beetlu came out of a crack in the troe ngalnBt whleh we wote Kiuatting, and relled his bljj, stupid oyce, Hxcd with ter ror. Ami then blue dragon lien, drenes, butterflies, peer hnuetH llylng wildly from all sides, oveu t a little boetlu with Bcarlet wings, who pl.n ed hiniBelf oleso te my beak ; but I was tee fi ightcned myBelf te take advautage of hi- fear. The old cook ren.i. neiUfcalm. Very attontive te the barkiug and te the sound of the tfiins. when they anproaehod he made me a sign, aud we went n llttle further, beyond the reach of thn degrt, and well hidden by the follage, Noverthclosa I thought at ene tlme that wowereloftt. The path which we had te cress waa Ruarded at each end by a HpertBiunn iu ntubuMi. Ou ene side was a big Jelly fullew with black whiskers, who niaile a whole ursenal jiugle at oaeh movement, hunting knife, cartrlde box, powder Hask, without counting high gaiters buckled te the knee, which made him leek still tailor ; at the ethor end n llttle old man leaned against a tree, smoked his pipe tranquilly, winking his eyes m if he wero sleeping. Of the latter I was net afraid ; but the big fullew beyond ! "Yeu knew nothing, Konge t," Bald my comrade, laughing ; and fearlessly, with Ids wlugii spread wide, he flew ulme.it ngnlust the legs of the terrible whiskered huntsman. And the truth is that the peer man wan be entangled In alibis hunting apparel, ee occupled iu admiring himself from head te feet, that when he get his guu te his shoulder we worn already out of shot. Ah 1 if spertsmuii knew, when they beliove thcniHelviH alone iu sotue corner of tlie weeds, hew many steady little eyes watch theui from the thickets, hew many sharp little beak s restrain a laugh at their awk wardness I We kept moving, always moving. Doing ablu te de nothing better than fellow my uneieut companion, my wings kept streke with his, iu erder te fold themselves, motionless, as seen us he stepped. I have still before my eyes all the places whieli we passed ; the warden, pink with heather, full of burrows at the feet of yellow trees, with a great cttrtaiu of oaks, where l hoeiiiikI te seuueath hidden every whuie ; thu llttle green path whero my mother parttldge had se many timeu taken bur breed te walk iu thu May sun, whero we all pepped about, peaking nt thu red ants which swarmed en our claws, where we met eon eel ted llttle pheasants, heavy us uhlckuus, that would net play with us, I saw it ns a dream, my little pathway, Just as u hind oreised it, high ou her hIeii- ler (tools, her great oyes wide open and ready for a leap. Theu thu peel whero they go Iu parties of fifteen or thirty, all of the same eovey, rising together from the plain te drink water from the spring and spatter about the llttle drops which tell ever their lustrous plumes. Iu the midst of this peel thore was a clump of bushy ndlers ; it was ou this islet that we took rofuge The dogs would have ueeded a famous tiehn te tock us tbcre. Wu had been thorn fur a moment when a roe buck arrived, dragging himself ou three feet ind ieaviui; a red track en the messes be hind him. It wau se bad te seu that I hid my head under thu leaves, but I heard Ibe wounded animal drink at thopej), panting, burning with fever. I hu day declined. The repett of the L'uus wero distant, became rater. Theu ill was still, It was llnishcd. JWKI.VK IIOUHU Ari'Kll. Jlr. Hntiry Utiriius, thu Tea unit Uotteo Mer Mer uiiuut.re II. usten Street. New Haven, (joint., wrlu-s en May 10, lest i ' It Is with teulliu; el Kriitlttntu, uml iiilesiu te hcnctll iu rellow rellew mail thut I wilte you tliusu few Hues us testi mony te thu value ut tliKreutual et ull mufl. clues, hlijlil jeurs huve 1 been usullnierlrnm klitney illsnnlur uml lnllaiiimutleu et thu bluil ilur. Seiiiutlmea whun p.isslnir water the pilns well) seiuctluiiK lerilble, il sealulut:, hnriiiii HiiiiNitlen, with luluutleii el urine, wll'i slim p tmtiis tu myslile. lulus uml buck. ! vii'iiniiiir cli'Jir te the back et my lii'.i'l, luiul-e-l le iiml.e llie misurublu. I huvu been treat i'il by ii minium- et our busl physicians, unit huvu Usui I uuy number et piupilutury muill cluei, tilt te ue avail, ebtuliiln; ue iiillel. Hew leiiK 1 would huve Leutliiuuil tu this way 1 tin net knew ; iu lucl I ih-ep iliuil et cuttlni; lullut, until u nclnh )or, who had bm-ii vury mm h biini'lltuil by the usu of Hunt' , Iteuieily, uilvlsuil me te try llj uml uUIieukIi 1 hail no lull i that II would leach my nixe, yet uh hn Hiieke se highly of Its Kicut muilts I ileelilml teitive ft u tilil, uml Its iiHUhas bi'uuuttemlLiI w Itn llm vel y Ih'hI ieslblu results. Twelvu Iieiiii ulter taking thu llrsldesu 1 u.iiurhucel lullul. I continued ou lu Us ii"e until 1 had iliuil lle bottles, whun ull the pains had van lslxd, my otherwise med huullli ruluriiud, and 1 amine Irem ull pains, ami am u well man. t uui leiiUiIuiiI uiyeuiu uuHrtsultcd liem thu usj et Hunt's ltemedy, uml thut alone. 'What It has iliiuu let mu 1 uui peslllvu It wilt de ler ellmrs. Yeu mu ut Ithuily te use my iiuuiu or Hits lettei lu uuy inuuuci you seu nt. llUKl' II V A FALL,. When only u buy cemu tlili teen years old I wus huiliiille liadly by u lull, nud suvuiuly lnjuied my buck mid Uldiieys,utul wus iloctoi ilectoi iloctei od by ou I in si lihysluhius, ami tiled liiunyiu-niedle.-i, and tueyull lulluil, until Hunt's Uu iiiedy u- lL't'euiini'iuleil te us by friends thai bud ii-ed It huiulu llaiuhestui' with llie nieal est euccuss, Wu purchased ii bottle Irem Kester Cimidiell'sdriiK'sleiii, mid leiinit that I tuipioved Miry rapidly; wus lellev d of thu p.iliiH tu the back, unit utter uslii4 nuveiul lot let ties tuuiid that 1 wus completely cuied, uml I cunnotever-i'stluiHtothiiKOod Hunt's Keuiudy bus ilunu me, uml can uiesl heurtllv recoin recein lni'iul II te thesu tieubleil with kidney coin cein plulnl ; and ou cuu use tills luttur us you iliuetu. Uespcetully yours, ALUZO 1. llAI'.SUAll.. '.rjetiuiguSt., Muiiihi'sler, N. II., Muv7, U'l'. liiy.'illwilJI,W..r-.Vw lluw Aliuul tlm llii.es. Many peeplu bufetu purchasliiK u iuuiIIlIiiu n iiuiully Inquire the size of the dine and tlm sliemrth ut It, lu uslnu' Ilunleck Jlloeil Hitters atiasnr julul ler thu liltlu ones umi tnoieiiipeonmlslui Kiewn telks are ull that Is m'lijssury ut umi time. Tills imiKtiltlcuiit tin dleiiii) Is net only econeinlc.il but very plcusunt lelhu tuste. r'ei-Huln by 11, II. Coch Cech lun, dnnsKlsl, 1 17 unit lil'.' North (Jueen streel. IX, en Itnliuve It. That in this town thure at u scores et persons p.kinluit our Btoie every day whose llvus ute in. me misurublu by IndlK'estlen, Dyspepsia, Heur and distressed Kleinueli, Liver (Join (Jein plutiit, Constipation, whun ter i5c. we will tell thorn bldleh'a Vltullznr, uutitiinlued lu uuie ilium, bold by Ii. It. Cechiau, ilriiKKlat, .nes. .17 im I l.fl North Uueen streuU iuIi7hmI2 l'revnil n liltf llenillt. " Husmimlcul pain killing and healliiKinep cities. Hull et u tl'ty cent bottle emeu me of rhmiimitlaui uni' it cold thut bud i-uttled lu mv b.ictr. Keel us well us 1 ever did In my Illu otte J. Deusbury, juep'r llellunu City Aw, lleluml, Mlcll, Hiiuitlciliu-tnr I'Auniiij' Ari! trio OU. Ker siifii by If. II. Cetlirun, driiit ttlsl U7UIHI U'J Neilli Uueen sli out. iluekliiii's ArnicH.SKlvt). Thu Itest Hulvn In thn world ler Cuts, Unit tun, sores, Ulcurs, Salt ltliuum, Kuvur sores, Teltur, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coins. and nil skin urupttnns, unit positively emes Piles or no pay required. It li Kuur an teed tuKlve urlect Hatlsluctleu or money riduuihiil. I'llue, lift ciintrt pur box. Ker sain by II. II Cochran, ilruitntst, i:)7and 13'J North Omen ntieet, Lancaster. A Koiintrkuble lCcupa. Mrs. Maiy A. Dnlluy, of Tttukliaiinncl;, Pa. wus ulllleleil ter six yours with Asthma aud llienehltls, during which time the best physi cians could ttlvii no relict. Her lltnwusdo lltnwusde siiutied ut, until lu litst October she procured it llettlu et Dr. King's New Dlnceveiy, when liuineillule icllet wurt Iclt.und by ceiillnuIiiK Its usii ler a short time shu wus lemnletelv cured, uuIutiiK lu llesli 60 D.s. lu a tew inenthd. KtueTrlut llotlleset this cuitulu curu et ull Threat and I.uiil' DUeusea ut II, II. Cochran's Dru htore. Lurtte llettlea 11.(0. llUJI.IilNO MATUltlJJu pi'.OIOVAL. "" IIAVINUHEMOVEDMY PLANING MILL -TO- Nos.lllte417:N.MulliorrySU, And Increiwed my facilities ler work. I urn new preptued te de all kinds el weikluiny llnu ut shortest notice. iM.i Wmi -yejilssn. ntKimiAtj. (tUTlUUlCA ItKMKI'lC.H. Disfiguring HUM OHS, Itching and Burning TertureP, Humiliating Eruptions, such ub SALT UIIKUM or Kcrutiin. I'serluslrf. FcuM II nml, Inrauttluer lllrlli lliiinnrx.undiivi'ry lerin et Itching, Si'iily. Pimply, Hurelulmm. Iliherlli'it, Mm'iutleiM unit Coppur-C'eloreil DI'ciifH-H el tlie lltoeil, Hklu uinl .Srailp, with hotiel llulr, are positively cured by the Ctm UUIIA IUIi:0 KM, CUTIUUJIA HKHOI.VKNT, the mm lilnnil purlller, clt-iuiKiis tliu lileml uml pirnplnitlu or impurities nml pol.seiioiH olutneiit-i, ami thus removes the cuum. OUTHJtmA, tlie great akin Cure, Instantly allays itclilmr ami Intliimiiiutteii, cUmin thu Sliln uml .Sculp, huuU Ulcers ami &mu, ami lt lt Hteres tlie llalr. COVKJtJltA SUXi'.nnu-iriiililteBIdii tlpnutt- ller nml Tellnt Ui'Miilslte, prupiunl trem Co Ce TlcuilA. Is luilUpeiliiihlu lu truiitliiK blilti DM PiiHca, ilnliy Humors, aidn J!louiltlie.H, Kouli, OluippiKl, or Oily HKIii. ""eUTICIJUA ftKHKHIKH nre nliHolulely iuie, anil thu only rml llloeil riiilltursiiuit Hktn lleautillerH, Irce limit inurctiry.ui smile, fowl, zinc, or uuy ether mineral or vekuUIiIu pulsuu wliutieuver. IT WOUIjI) rciilie this uullre piper te de Jitstleu toinli'Kcriptten et tliecures peiliirmcil liy thu (jL'TituiiA Ukselvkmt Inteimilly, ami CimuuiiA unit C'trriuuRA Meai- uxturnully, K. ZKMA of tlm pattuuet thn IiutiiN unit el thu mills et the IliiKiiis, vury illltlcult te trout Hint iiuiiu'ly cuiidltlcieil Incnililii ; siniill putehes nt tutter ami salt thetimeii tliu ears, n (me uml Hides et thu lace. HCAI.I.KK HKADrt with less et hull- with out niiuilMir, iKuiiNueMircil with ilamlrult ami scaly uriirtloneHpceliiily el clillilri-n iiml In lunls, iniiiiy et which slneu hlitti hail livuii u muss eI.hcuIim ; ITCIllNO, iMirnlnit mil ncjiiy tertnru that halllwl uvun ml lu t iiein erilliiuiy rauiuiltes, soethuil uml he ileil us by inutile ; l'sOItlAHis, i.upinxy, nml elhur trluhllul tonus el pkln illscuses, sciotuleus iilcms, (ihl sores, uml illsuliiirriltn; weumls, cuuli ami ull el which huvu heun Ppcudllv, luiruiiiiimitly uml eeonemlciitly enroll by tliu CuneuiiA Kum uuius. tehl every where. I'rlre : euticuka, r.) cents' ItKHOLVKNT, 1 ! heip, 'iSC. IVriKIl 1HUU AMU CiiUMteAL Ce., IIomIeii, Hush. Neml fur lluw tu eurn Hum imi-iuch." rriiK 1 ut OUTIODKA Itr.Mr.lMKN l'Oll MAI.H ut Cechruii's Drill! .teix. 1:17 uml 13'J North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. CATARRH! COMPLETE TUEAT51ENT $1. A elllltlu ttO'U Ot SAN KURD'S ItADIUAI. CD UK instuntlv iuIIhVl'A thu most violent Sneezing or Head (Julils, clems tlie head us It by iiiiigle, steps Wutrry DtsulmrKOS trem llie nesuiiiiu r.yvs. nrevei ii uinuinir iwuacx in tlie lleail.cii.es Scrvoes lleailacliu unit sub dues Chills uml he vur. in (Jhnuiln Cutmrli It declines thu misiil pa"ai;L's of foul mucus, restores the senses et smell, tuste and lieur Inir when ulti'ctud, trees the heiid, threaiuiiil brtuehlat tubes et utfei nivu mutter, sweetens uml purities tlie breuili, steps tliu tuuitli and arrests thu pnyieasel Ciiluuli uiwuids Con sumption. (Jim boltle Radical (Jure, ene lle (,'atarrlin) solvent uml Sanlerd's inh.ilei, ull In one packuue, of ull !nn.''i "-s ler a. Asu ker HANIIiri'lUl'rt ItAIIIUAt. CCllK. l'ul-IKIl Dl'.eUANl) CUKMIUAL CU llOStOll. SAMII'IIKD'.S ICADIOll.tJllltKI'UICSAI K ill Cochran's lirutr Htore, Ne Vil unit 110 Neith (jiiuvu all ecu i.uucustur, t'a. Pftia is the Cry of a Sufferiug Werve. Cellins' Voltaic Klectiln I'luster IiihIuiiIIv ulhictx thu Nervous Sy.sleiu and buiiDhi's pain. a peiieei r.ieeuie uattery ceinlilmiil with u t'oreus 1'lasler ler -i cents. 11 iinnllillulcs pain, vltnllzes weak and worn out pints, stienutliiins tiled muscles, me vents disease. uml lines meru In eiie-hai thu tliuu than any uiuui uui.sii'i in inn wei in. sui i uvuryWkiUiu. inayl-lydW.S.Aw li" MjON'M CAfUlM". I'LAVIKH!-. SLIGHT ODDS, A I lilliistiiry With n l.ur;e ninrnl Oue Man Who lineiv Ills Own IIiifIuush, " Ne, my dear," bind the vulierublu keeper el n country steru te a tlndd llttle i;lil whose head scau.ely e.une up te the level el thu ciiunlur. " Ne, my dear, wu haven't any led II, nine!, but we have hoiiie llrst talu New Oilcans ineia.ss'us." Meltly hlntlnjr that shu illilu't thliiK that would answer thu ptupesu quite us well.lliethlld went her way In scinch of theattlclushu wanted. "Huvu von IIKNHON'S CAl'ClNK I'LAS ThltS 1" uskeil u tc ntlutuuii et a certulu drily. Klstviliesii mune could be tjlvuu wuiu It du elled. " 1 am troubled Just new with a touch el my old ti lend, the lumbago, uml thu Hen son's Plaster scums te i;e te tliu spot almost us seen as it touches tliu skin." "Net at present," replied tliu ilruirulst, liuulally," but wu huvu lets et plasters J list as ipied, l'lielu is AlfcecU's, the Cupalciliu aud ethers won't one el Ihitui de us well '!" " My dear blr," leleiled the i;eiilleman, with a sllKhlshew et teuijiui', "I say nothing uitatust thesu articles, but 1 am u business man, unit always uslc lei pieclsuly what 1 want, nud ler iietliliiK else. 1 may unllghtun you, however, when Isuy that sunn tlinu ai;ii, ler another dt-ome, el which thu Ciqiclne has slncucuied me, I tiled ull llirsayeu iiiuntten, with ueupprceliblu bumdlt, 'I hey am Inelll uluut, every enu et thum, tlm uieiinest act el thn piupiletuldOf setnu et them bulut; this. That they maku plastuis with similar sound liq; iiauius te dccilve the uuwaiy Inte be. llevliiK they utu tliu sumo tiling, Kxpetlencu taiiHht mu thu dlilureucu. I'll co te tliu next man Iu your Hue. Oetid ihiy."j lie en your uuaid uuinsl liiiltiitlnns. Thn Kouutue bus thu went CAI'll.NK cut cleanly lu llie middle el Hid plustui. All ethers atu Im positions. Keubiiry & Jehnsen, cheiulsls, N'uw Yerk. u!u-liiiilW&bAw 30 OAVS' THIAL. OR. OYK'H VOLTAIC BELT. Klectrle Applluntei aie 3cnl en W Das' ttliil. TO MEN ONLY, VOUNO OR OLD, Who me (itllerliiK Irem Nervous Delillity Lest Vitality, l.aelcet Nerve rercu and Viger Wustliur Weukneeses, nud all these Dlsotmesef u personal nature rcsultlni,' Irem abuses upd ether Cannes. Speedy relict and complete res toratien et Health, Vlneruud Manhood ttuar anlcuil. TliO(jntudtit ilUeevury et llm Nine Nine U'entli century, suud aiouce for liiiairnled 1'au.pUlettieu. Addris, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Bprl-lldMWAr'.lw MARSHAI.I,, Mlnll. J ANAKEHIH" Riven Instant relief, and U uu Inlulllblu euro ler PI U.S. Price, 1 (XI at dni.itilsl". or mint ptcpuld by until. Sainplu iri'e. AdilieH, "ANAUKSW" Mnkew, llex jll(i,Nuw YetU-, nprl-lyM,W,'Aw VUtTlliHtl, t EXTRA! EXTRA! Full ac count of the rush te buy Yates' Preferred Stock. Prices quoted for this stock are very low and many are taking advantage of the chance te invest in a Spring Suit. A. C. YATES & CO, Ledger Builiing, Chestnut & Sixth Sts. t'UlLAUKI.l'UIA. Sl,000i000 edlu LaiiciMter KKHKNT 111 The Tailors Guild. TiMlay wu open tliu lutt;est luvokdef tlie latest novelties te be leiiml In the Kuropean market from tliu tKipulariindci-.lebniteit heuse, A. OIlKlKrat ItUK V1VIKNNK I'AltlS, also a vury sulect llnu et samples rrem thu popular KnpillBh TAII.OII, etc., II. KIMl'TON, 105 9'fltAND. LONDON, W. O Wu Invite u Kcuerut Inspection nud crltl ctsui. We inn pose having en inenieraudilm at ull llmusuvurytlitii new nud stylish In tlie market us seen as thuy are brought out. Any person wishing le huve their tnuasiires taken heru uml soul ever te Londen or l'arlsteru I sultorunystyle Kurmunt, can de be. We are piupurud te till tlm order Irem selection uiudu uinen;; our vample. Any orders we put up here will be warranted supurlnr te any et tliu leading houses lu the trade ler style lit and quality et material ul j-reutly r ticud pi Ices. Our facilities ler millliiK ueds DIRKCT sivcs tliuliitiirmeillatoerjiibbors percentaRU. We also handle thu largest llnu el American productions, lepruseiillui; thu stocks el II ve of the laiKestuud bust New VerkumI lirenofthe most prominent Philadelphia houses In the wholesale cloth Irrnlu. Kvuryllilug pertain ing te llrsl-cluss lulterliii; can be livl hure. All are cordially Invited le call uml eiainlnu our Immuiiflu llnu or novelties. Hutlsluctlen itiurmiiuud lu uvury particular Itespeetlully, Ac,, J. K. SMALING. Over l.eclier A Sen's lluukliif; Hoiibe, CKNTKKSQUAItK LANOASTKU. miirlU-lyWAS W1 LLIADIMON .V f(JSTKIt. Williaisen & Fester ARKSKLI.1NO THK ltKST OOOI1H AT THE LOWKSTPUlCtS. TT1KIU ALL-WOOL Dark Cassimero Suit Fer 'Iliirloeu Dollars Is a Specially, uuidu te their, express order. Their Blue Flauuel Suit for Tea Dollars Is Warranted FULL 1N1UUO. Tliulr KUSINESS SUIT ler Tea Dollars Is sti Icily ALL WOOL nml carefully made. Their Light Stiff Hats, Oleth Derby Hats aud Straw Bats Atu ull el ti.u Latest Fasuleus. Their UNDKUWKAlt, B"ANOY IIOSIEUY, Thu FINKST-HILK NKCKWKAH. Tlie HKST Willi K DRKSS SHIRT and Cellars unit Cutis el thu Nuwest Styles. A Sl'KClAI, SU4IMKR UNDKItSlllUTfstlieNKT WOlllC or INDUS SHIRT, 115c, BOOTS AND SHOES. HOVS' WAUKKNl'HAST, a first-class Iinnd Iinnd suwuilHheu. bullies' cunicea HI I) SI, ll'l'KRS, l.uuisCunii Heel, l.liS, ull widths from AA. le K, Ladles' (Hove lild Km llutteii OPKltA TOK. II, C, I) uml K wlilthn, uml INFANTS' I'ehhle liual Cuiaee.i Kid Wedue lleul 111 ull widths. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, IIUALlUt IN CI.OTHINU. HATS, OAl'S. OKNT8 KUIt- NlSllt.NU (JOI)DS, HOOTS. SIIOKS, TUUNK3, VAI.lSbH. UUHIIUll GOODS, Ktc. Nes. 32-38 EA8T KINO 8TEEET. LANOARTKU, l'A. HAM AMU VATB, VTAV UATH. SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE. We wish te anil the attontiea of me a with big heuda te the fnet that we nre alwayu provided with Just the extra larae hata they requlre. "We are new ehewing n full assort ment of STRAW H ATd In all sredea and the laraest, handsomeat and meat oemploto line of LIQUT COL ORED STIFF HATS evor opened In LanoaBter, Ifyouremontbor that every thlnsr hnrn In frnnh nnd new nOthlaff that le nt all old you will bee the advan tOKOBOf at leaat loeklnff through our acsortmrueut. ,.,. . mv OAYa WK WILI HAVE A 144 fferfh Queen Sfe, A few doera above the franklin Heuse, IaHOaSTBU, l'A. taarn-lyJAt? i .-' 1 -t ," ' i TI ' ' Al Ul 4.i 1W M -1 1 1 1 il Ml 'A M . CM ! ; il