JI)je Jtetf a$te -Jm A' .M Velume XX-Ne 325. LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1884. Price Twe Ceatf. KL !fH . ii. VtMTMNU, WANA MAICICU ,V llttOWN. Spring Prices On many articles of clothing will be very low and Oak Hall will repeat the past experience en an enlarged scale that of giving retail buyers the benefit of geed bargains en great lets of goods. Wanamakkr & I3kevn. Oak Hall, 8. K. Cerner Sixth nml Mnrkel,' alMM THILADULTIIIA. IUHNHlll.NU (HMlllS l'Oll EASTER. Loweh Senrfa, Olub Houae Tieu, Lutent Style Oellnra. Tbe Reynl Bhirt, Ithein Stoue Stiula lltllltant iu Dlittiiemli ut ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST KINO 81'ltEKT, TTYKKS A KATliruil. All-Weel Suits, $10. All-Weel Hulls, $12. Theso are our grout i-peclultlpii In MK.N'H IlKADY-MADh UI.UTIIIN i. Uollalile (reeds. new pattern, handsniiie siviri. excellent in i in if, well niailu. trimmed nml lined, quality nnd prlce cntisiunrcii.we Knew or liolinenr (,'ihms equalling them sold 111 till city. Cnnll tlunt In tlie bullet that trnde lnutimllv satisfactory will result thoretrniii, we Invite companion with I he luitt that 1IRO (iKiirua 111 buy elsewhere. Moeaurod Sulta, Moemirod Sultfl, Monaured Stilt?, 812 - 315 810 te 800 Tim Urtfeu Mini host as?orlment nt Knrehtn and Demestic Woolens shown liy nnv Clethlm; llotise in tlin city. Kvt'rytlilinr requisite te pleine iltveme taMrs-ieil helle or exireuiely plain. Hlep In nml Kill our prices ; Then se,, II yen can ile lieHer ulsowhero That test often makes us trailn. yl'erfict tits Kiiarantceil In uvcry liiNiance, wlintluir (he form lie symmet rical orethurwlse, olae tliless be ours. MYERS & RATHFON, LKADlNU LANCASTKU CI.OTHIKIIS, NO. 12 HAST KING STREET, LANOABTKlt. l'A. Ji. Of.KIIAUT. SPRING OPENING T- H.GERH ART'S Tailoring FnlultliHliment. I am new prepared te show 10 tliu undo an amtertuicnl nt Woolens ter iLe HprttiK anil Summer Ti ado w lilch ter llriitit y, Quality anil Quantity surpasses nil my leriimr elloitste p'uase my customers. None tint the very bout Foreluu ami Amurl can fabili'H for Dress uml Itnslnuns Suits i a complute line of the Latest Shades el Spring Overceating. The very bout el workmanship anil prlM's lower than any llmne In the illy Inr tliu fcanie finality e( k'Ih I-I. GBKHAET, 7 A ILO 11, Ne. 6 East King Street. TUHAUCO AN1I VW AUK. STKIIntAN A UU. H." TOBACCO & CIGARS -AT WHOLESALE AND EETAIL. A I.I. llltANDHOK OHKWINU A SMOKING TOBACCO, CIUAUKTTK8, BMOKHITH AIIT10LKS, any- t tit hit perlalnliiK te the Tredn in Large or Small (Jimntlllfw at I'll I LA- DKI.l'HIA l'IUCK3,ut I. L. Stetunan & Ces, NO. 110 NORTH QUBBN ST. UATI.IN'S FINK (JUT. VK.I.OUll'K.DK FINK OUT. UlCFOllM FINK OUT, K.te. 1'ei.iuk rum, UIIAMl'AdNi:. I liflKI U UVIlIf V4n l)Kltll aSlOKINd, 1.11 NK. I A OK. UI.O VIHU1NIA, KtC lUltliHH I'ATIllll., UlCllMllNDriTllMdUr OUT, 1IKTWKKN TI1K ACTS, Kle. tt" Imiiertuil and Domuatle Cluarj. All Krailes anil prlcei. dlve us a call, marai-lyil J'llUTOUUAfJIH, J.- UllTF.. There has been such a ilatnanil ler L.AIU1K l'lIOTOOltAl'lia that I wus compelloil te Rut u VKIIY l.AUUK OAMKUA HOX te meet tlie uemiinil. We can new make yen a rllOTOus small iu the smallest locket will held up te a Vlnch Inee, te nt .an SxM Krume, J. E. ROTE, Me 100 North Quoeu dtreut une'Hlil O.UTIIKI. Fer Decoration Day, the Amer ican Soldiora'day.wohavoFlan Seldiora'day.wohavoFlan Soldiera'day.wohavoFlan nols of various grades, but all are free from cotton, all pure Indigo dye and warranted net te fade. White Duck Vests very Lew in Price. A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger BuilJing, Sixth & Ohifltaut Sts. I'Mii.Aiir.i.ruiA. TITKKUMANT TAII.UKI NO. DAVID B. WINTERS, FINE MERCHANT TAILOE, Ne. 23 North dueen St., LANCASTKU, l'A. H AVK Villi HKKM TUT. .NF.W AND LAItUK I. INK OK PAUTAIOOJfllfGS ? It net, we will be pliMiuil tu liave you rail ami kue our aiKerlmiiiit. llm COKNKIt WIN DOlv renlaliii koiiie tew et llinm, unions whli'li Ih euii row of TWENTY-ONE PATTERNS at $6.00. II li the UIkl'i'iI ilrlve uTur oilerod In till- city Wn niaKetliuin loyeuronlur, trim tlii'in wt'll nml k've you nKOeil nt. Wn unit von te call anil mie theiil. llave alie lint roclvel il new lotef Corkscrews, Worsteds and Suitings, which we will maUe te yourenlor at prlrei, which tei clinnpnwt will surprlse you. OAI.I, AND SKI'. TllhM. OUK lMUCES are tint LOWKST ! us mi Inspection will show you te your own DiktUlaclleu. lirsb. & Brether t'H.N.N IIAI.I. CI.OTUINO 1IOUSK, Noe. 2 e.nd 4 North Queen Streot. I.ANUASTKII, l'A. IMIT.VTIIIN, N Custom Department, L. GANSMAN & BRO. KXTKNI) TUKIU INVITATION Te their many customers nml the public In Kunerul, ler nn Inspection el their lurne ami vnrleit Sprlnx itteck et h'oeita in the ploce, which we iimku te your own onler In any Htyle, ut tliu lonewniK low prices : All-wool Suit ter bmilnuas l'i 0 -botler.... HO " ciiHuluiura 15 u) ' Mllk-mlieil casslmere .... 10(0 - tiuHt ImllRO blue cloth.... 17 (0 worsted cer kaertiw (bluck or bluu) 100 Albwoel suit fancy corkscrew v te " Knallib corkscrew '.MOO " French woreteil.iaeiJaiullM 00 lltimcmbnr we nnyenr own poMennl attention teaelllnnna wellua euttlnui U tborelero on en ulilva us te unilorsell the cloieit anil uieit critical liouae in the city. OUK OUKAT Sl'KCIAI.TV, Pants te Order. All-wool Funis uttJ.se, (1.00, fi.'u, 1.1.01), &.1.V, f ).i v w, il oe, up te se oe. l'lease tnkn a vlew In passing our Shew Windows. Kit, Htyle nnd Uurablu Wnrkmnn slilp guariintecil, LGansman&Bre. The KA3IUONAIII.K MKH0HANTTAII.0U8 AND (JI.OTIIIKIW, Ne. 66-68 NORTH QDRBN STRHBT, ItUht en tbe Southwest Cemer m ecu.i.k Utrcet, LAN CAST Kit, l'A. r- Notcenneoted with any oiber Clothing Il0U9(llll tllllCltV. IIMl'K IIOTKI-LAUKK 1IKKH AN11 V7 Kxcclsler StrnteRii Water en UranitliU Henry ituhter, proprietor et tlie Urapu Hetel, 32 nnd 31 North Queen street. Ivxt romedelcd tlie barroom, oreuiod nrstclass lloiiltjerutors anil ban new en draught Olmrlei OlutVs col cel unrated l'hlladelphla LAUKll 1IKKU (or which hoMselnaaontln thlsclty. Also.HAU Alse.HAU ATOUA WATKKIrem tlie latneus Kxoelslor bprliiK'ii HarateK. N. Y. A lull usuortment et the pin est Wlne and Liquors en sale. in7-Jmu" CilJCIl' I'OLIVK VI.VU. 0 IIIKWl'HMORfl.Utl. -OHEW-- Who Chews? De Yen Chew ? Chew What ? POLICE PLUG- CHEWIM TOBACCO. ir you de Chew use only POLICE PLUG, THK BKST As well as the Nowest. Without Drug Only pure Leaf Unadulterated. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT. JUVHlOAli 1HHTUUJUKNTH, -IITILOOX S W111T1C Wilcox & White Organ Oe. SUECIAli TEN DAYS 8A1KS. NOW 1S.TIIK I'lMK 'lO ItlJ Y PIANOS AND ORGAiNfcJ AT SI.AUUIITKHINU IMllOKS OnoGneil Hecend-Hnnd 1'lane tVi.im One Kleu'ant Hecend-lland Organ IMW One Kleirunt New Organ, 12-atop Couplers anil Sub-llasi M.nn Wilcox A Whlte Organs Irnin f7W) te IIWi.ix) 'Knabe,'' MePhall, Qrovenotoln &'. Fuller, Koyateno, and V030 & Senn Pianea, All Marked Down te Hottem Trices Almest Klven away. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warererms, NO 152 EAST KING STREET. II. It. I.UCKKNHACII, AKOnt. febH-tja LUTHER'S STATUE, HKTIJI' IM WASIIINIllON Vr.Sl I'.ltll.VV. t'llie AIevciiiMit that l.il te it lirriluii Dedicatory Aililremm liSonnter I'nii Kfr nml Kcv. Dr. JWnnn. The intersccUun nt tmciitial nt.ul-is or four wlile tboreuRhfarcH In tlie uettliwcst Hinrtcr of wnsliiiiRleii leaven ,tit epen njiaoe Huvernl nercn hi extent, iiamnl from n fitatue nnd a Krnsa plot In Itn centre llie Thomaaelrclo. The HiirreuniliiiKH ure open and roemj, nud the lniildln!H in the neighborhood, for tha meBt part, modern nnd rich in np np np jionrance, the ntnoethly jiaved avenuce extend without creek or turn te the ex tremitien of the town In all directluim, and between tlicne ttce lined berdrrn te the nerthcaHl nnd went may b caught KlImiijeB of low weeded hilln, while te the south the 1'otemao nver and the meiintaius of Virginia nre within tlie range of vision. At the bate of ene of the triangular rcHorvntlenR which mitretttul the circle Htandfi the Luther Mcinerinl chuteh, u modest, tnHteful, Ivy elad struct nre of uncut brown Mone, Hi front of which, just within the acute nptx of the triangle, in tlicifiite of the celjKsal brenze Htatue of Martin Luther, um tiled en Wedticitday. The statun and the evet.t aie 'he out urewth of RiitfRcstiens llrbt. m.ide in Xew Yerk thrce or lour years age in anticipa tion of the observance of Luluer'n four hundredth birthday air.uvern.iry Inat November, but the movement did net take practical shape in flcaseu for e.tiKutn matien en that occasion. The placing of the qtatue in the napital city was first MiggCBtcd by Mr. ChatleB xV. Schlern, of New Yerk, and tbu idea bcin warmly hecended by Hev. Dr. J. f J.UutJer, pastor of the Lutheran congregation of Wiihhlngten, an association was formed last year ul goutlemcn liviug in New Yetk, Philadelphia, Ualtimerc and Wash ingten te ralse meauH for the purpoae and direet its progress. The money lnvi been contributed from all pmta of the country and the work in that of the Lutheran church of the whele nation. The uuveiliug ceromeuicH began ut 'J o'clock and were presided ever by Anbocl Anbecl Anbocl ate Justice Miller, of the United Suites Biipreme court. Senater Cenger, of Michigan, made the opening addrccr. and was followed by Ittv. Dr. J. G. Merrii1, of Ualtimore. The fttatue Btaudn in the large triangular space fronting tlie Moineii.il Lutheran church nt the intersection of Yirmeut aveuue aud Feuitreuth sttcctH It leeks Reuth ami faccB the statute of deneral Themas, which in tcatccly a.stune'.i tlirew distant. Its C'tHt has been, with the ped estal ami ether expenses, ucaily tjl.1 000, centtibtited by the Lutherans throughout the United States. The statue is a rcdu plicatien of the central llgure of tlie cele brated gteup of Worms, the lastwoikef the sculptor Heitschcl, which wanitnugur atcd lu June, 1803. The Worms group oemmemoratCH net only the nervice of Martin Luther, but the en tire dory of the uofermation, the dgure or I.utner being gteuped with statues of various ether re formers. Tlie mam statue reptcficiitn Luther elad hi his cacerdntal tebes, tin) Hible testing upon his left arm, his right hand en the upper Ciiver and his lare turned lieavu'iv, aril. I lit A!. IS. tUACHlfl .-lUK, J tin n. Itanarj lllsliep ler trlni Iu the general conference en Wediicetlny Hev. C. W. amitli was declared elected editor of the Pittsburg Uhritian Advocate. The Fending of a missieuaiy liishep te Africa was discuFscd at ltugtli. Hev. Mr. Hamilton, after an eloquent sjiceeli, moved that a full bishop eheuld be elected te Africa instead of a missionary hndiep. Kcv. Daniel Ware, an Alrici.i and a dole delo gate fiein Liberia, was the next speakir, and recommended that ene or two of the regular bishops visit Africa eveiv four Neara, aud that they should appoint a su perintendent, or proxy, te have chargn of the work during his abxeuce. The propc prepc propc sitien was carried te elect a bMhep te Africa nnd the following nominations wete made : llev. Jeshua K. Wilsen, of Seuth Oaiellna ; lbv. L. M. Vernen, Uev. 0. (). Fisher, et Savannah, Georgia ; Uev. V, W. S. Peck, of Washington ; Uev. Win. Tayler, of Iudia, and Hev Marshall W. Tayler, of Lexington. This latter with drew his name, an did also Hev. Mr. Peck. A ballet was taken wttli the lollewitig re suit : Vetes cast, JJ53 ; necessary te a choice, 177. Hev. William Tayler received U50 and was declared elected. Dr. II. F. Crary was elected editor of the California Christian Advocate ; and tlie coufcieuco adjourned after takint a ballet for editor of the Southwestern ChrjHtian Advocate, TAIIIFK KKFOIUl IN M.W II 1I I'MI I llr, Tlie Old 'Ilnuetituil tlie (lid riitiluun Loud ly Called I or In the Democratic state c.mcuum of New Ilatnpshire there was a l.'rge .ittrutl auce of deleualcH atul stuetateis The oenvontiou was erganked ami Hen. Il.n.ea I'arkcr was cuescti cli.uitn.in Alici tlie nppniutment of the usual eoiumit'eeM Mr. Parker mnde an addris'1, in winch he doneuueed the preUetnui p liey of tlie Republican party. He dirteted mueli of his speech te exposing iti fall leie.i. TnrilV for rcveuue only was demanui i a: d this was te be the Issue in the coning eatii paimi. The district delegates eh clod are ns fellows : First ilintiiu' P.itnck Fahey, of Manchester, and Jelin P. t'euliuian, of Farmlngteu. Second di-tnet Ilauy llieeham, of Littleton, and Hesta W. Parker, of Claromeut. All of llie delegates favor the nomination et the " old ticket " but urn uuinstrueUd. f.Xll.ISM 1'All.t iii ml IV A UriiincrHt Wne v'n in t iiudlted I i 111 Hen. The Euglish.poello cuutei.tid eloeiion case was taken up iu the llouie en Wed nesday. Messrs. Iirewne, of Indiana, and Lere, of Dolawnre, Hjioke in favor of 1V( lie, Democrat, and Messrs. lil.ickburii, of Kontueky, and Hurd, of ohm, Springer, of Illinois, Healy, of California, ami t!euerse, of Ohie, in favor of Kngli-di. A khoIiiUeu te BiibBtitute the minority 'u thn niiijeiity report was ngreed te by a vote et l'Jl against 117. Tim li i .v.mg Deni ca its voted will) tlin niajenty in I net el Peelln : aicsrs. Allien, Henoh, neyi-, iinuu. nm nm nelly, Dergan, Finding. Greenli.il, llinln man, Herbert, llewitr, .ii .iininia, iitiin, Jenes, or Wipcniiidii, l.env MuIm, Meigan, Nctse, Petl, of Arlnus ih, I'lfer, Sti vens, Sumner, el California, Tiunekiii utnii, Tillman, Turner, el Gum .n. Wemlwud, Woithirigten and Yaph Mr. Spnnuer changed hisvetnin ..In i qualify him te mevu a roeonsidoratiou whieh he did at ence. A motion te lav mi llm t.ibl was pending when the Hi us adjeuiued. Tin; i,A!r iti.iniii A l.ein; l.'niillnuril i.iiIjbII-ih SftilMl by me hiiprrinn tlmirl, The case of Paxsnn's appeal, wherein the doelslon of tlie court .if common pleas of Montgomery county has Just been nf flrmed by the Miprome oeurt, Involves a leug centinupil litigation whieh has oxeltcd mero than the ordinary Interest ottaehing te squabbles of the kind, Dr. Holts agrees with Dr. Paxseu, for a mouey con sideration, nevcr te lecate again in Jenklntewn for the purpese of rcsumlnR the practiee of medioine within a radius of flve miles of Jenklntewn. Ily a second ointraet Dr. Paxson agrecd that Dr. Holts might lecate any whero within the limits of tlie city or l'liiiadeipiiia en condition that en Aptil 1, 1870, he dcoided te oentinuo the practice of mcdielnn within Hve miles of Jenklntewn, he should pay te Paxson $000. Holts paid Paxson the money. The contraet, however, contained tbe follow ing clause : "Nothing herein contained shall rofer te .or include any place within the limits of the elty and county of Phila delphia," and here aroie the contention, the eun maintaining that it lelt the lint contract lu ferce as te the circuit nreund Jenklntewn, oxcept the part In Phlladcl phla, the ether that it only applied te the rcsidencn and location of Holts. In point of fact, Holts continued te practiee within the disputed limits for flve years without objection from Paxseu, though he uover attempted te lecate thereto. The court Intcrpretn the contract itself, an explaiucd by the subsequent acts of the parly, te mean that Holts should have unrestricted riht te practiee his profession, but should net lecate within the prescribed limits, and accordingly distnipse 1 Dr. Paxien's appeal nt his own cost. I'llty lnennnd I'utiittlnj: UMIilren. The flfty.flfth anniversary of the Hrook Hreok Hroek lyn Sunday Scheel Union wa3 celebrated en Wednesday lu that cUj, when 50,000 children paraded through the streets. There were twelve divisions aud sub divisions lu tliu column. The children were gathered for the parade by the ring ing el the city 1 all aud church bells. They met in their different schools, wlicre ex ex orcises were conducted. L ter they as sembled In the churchn.-. ami sang aunl versary hjmns, reading of scriptures nnd and addressee. They were then dismissed and joined in thu divibien te whieh they were attached. After the parade the children returned te thelr schools nud itattoek of refreshments. lien. Israel Harker and Colonel Jehn It Sutten were the marshalls, Tlie Mtntu Dairymen's AhhucUIIjii. The spring mecting of the Pennsylvania statu dairy association took place iu Doylostewn. The opening addresses wero made by President A. M. Fuller, of Moad Mead villo, and Willard P. Hazzud, or West Chester, vice president of tlie association. Speeches were made anil papers read by Kastburn, of Hecks, Heeder, Ief. J. C. Cochran, of the West Chester Nermal school, ivi'l Ilzra Michincr, of Carvorsville. They disetissed the subjcet of the dilferetit breeds of cattle, the latest aud most start ling butter records aud methods of feed ing, togetlier with seme of the latest chemical analyses of milt. The afternoon session was well attended by farmers fietn dillerent parts of the country aud state !mi Accident te iv Schoolboy. Whtle Drake, au Kasten school bej, was watching Lloyd Wilsen cut his shirt slocve iu echnel his eye was penetrated by the knlie, which slipped from Wilsen 8 grasp. The oye was destroyed and ran down ilie unfortuitate boy's check. - Advrtllidni; l.nrHtfl I i " II lus btcnuie mi coiiiinen te Hi Ile 11 e lm- glnuliiK et anartlrli' lu an elegnul tntPii-Ht- Int,' inunucr. "'llieii run It Inte seiiin ndverlHeineut Ih it avoid nil such, ' Anil slinpfy call altontleu te llm ineiln nt Hep Hitlers In as plain, lieniitl lei inn in io.-cl-bie, " Te Iniluce JMiopIe " Te k've tlieiu ene li ml, m lilcli sopieves their valuii Ibattney will noveriiHO nnylhlii OlSI!." " I ii'c IIemkiiv se laverably ne1 lend lu all thu P'ipCIH, " Kollgleus and neeul.ir, Is ' llalni: n large sale, mid Is s lppl uitliit; all nihi r lnedicliKH " Tlicre Is no dousing llie vlilues el tlin Hup plant, and tlie pioprluters el Hep Hitters h ive shown gieat Hliiowdne"(i And ability " lu celii eiim lnr & medicine whixevtlliien ai n he pnlpiible te e.'iuy olio's ob-erMilleu." I Id alie llln'.' " Ne! "She Unsure.! and sultered along, pining away all thu tlme ter yearn," . ' The iloelot'd doing bur no geed ;" " And at last u-twouieil by this Hep Mllleis ine p ipeis say se much about." " Indeed I In lend !'' ' Hew thank Mil wiilieuld be ler 111 It iihm'I cine." A Dniiclitm'H mlieiy. " Klrven e.us our daugliter sulleroden a bed et misery, " Krem a ceiupllealliin el kldiin, liver, rlieiiuiatlc trouble nnd Nervous debility, " Undur the elm et the best physicians, 11 begavu her dl.seaiifttleui iititne, " Hut no tellel, -'And uow.sbe U lestered te us In geed health by as simple a lumedy as Hep llltteis, that wu hailsliunueiller yeaiM beroie using It." Tin: Tales ri. fattier U (lolling Well. " Sly daughters say i "Hew much bcllni' liithur U since he used Hep llllteis." " Ile Is gutting well alter bis long Hiilliiilug lieiu u dlsea.su dochire 1 liiLiirali'e," " Ami we are se glad that be uc.l your lilt ten. " A I.adv et Ullea, N. Y. in.OTuTliA'i.tw nerved lllin lll;lit. " 1 have lined H unlock llloetl little) t, nnd am buppy te say lliev have done ine uiniu uu id limn iuilhliiiO'iit. Send n luitliei unit illy at once." This man was usnllerer Irem dyspepsia ler twenty years. Ills name U Alexaudur I.O'ikIi, and be lives at Alpena, Mich Fer sale bv II. II. Cecbian, driiKUlit, H7 and lS'J Nerm eueuii street. Ituekleii'9 Arnica sulve The Hest Salve In tlie weild ter Cuts, Hi Lines. Seres, Ulcers, Salt Khuum. revir hoi us, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Clillblulns, t,eriin,iind all ukln oruptlens, nud posHUely eures Tlles e- no pay required. It li Kiiar nntisMl toclve perlect allslaolte:i or money ruluuibiii, Ti lee, S runts per box. FechiiIh by II. II i erliraii.diiffKist, 1117 and 1 l'i North Queen xtreet, Laucaster. Satlttuiiltiin UnUnraiil "In the past tluee months 1 have cold ene hundred mid sit botlles et Thewai' Kclectrle Oil. Never miw a iiiedlclnu In my 1 1 te thai uave such uiinei'Hai Muiiiaeiinii. uuien an ulcerated thieit lei 1110 lu twiiuly-lnur hours never railed te roiievo my uniiiiieu 01 croup. ' C. H II il, DiiiUKlst. rayvtllu, III. Fer Mile by 11.11. C'eclir-iu, itrucKlst. W nnd IM Ninth Union Htrect. Wn l)linnui;e tli.1 World. W nun we hiiv no bellove. we have 1 vi.li nre inpi.ive that shlleh's ceuuuumlliin (.um is d.'Lldedly the bust l.iini; Medlclue iiiadu, In as uiueli ivi II will euro a common or Chronic CeiikIi III one bull the lllueiiiul lelluve Astb- 111a, llreiiuhllls, Wlioeplnn ceui;li, Croup, mid Hhnw mere rases el Coiisumptleu ruled than all ethers. Il will euro whom they lull, Il I. pleanaut te lulie, haruilesu te tbu yeuiiueHl child and we ituiirantee what we say. Tiue, pic.,tvia and tl.iu. If your I.uiich are -010, Chest or llaili tune, use Shlleh'H Tei.uin This ter. Sold by II. IS. Ceeliiuu,iliii(;((Ut, Mn, I tj and 13) Nertb Uneim street. fnb7-ill , A wulkiuc Whelrlen, Mr- F. Hprlniter, el AleihanlCAburi;, Tu , wiltes: " I was ulllleted with luuir lever and abccEis en lunirs, uml reduced te a itaMlui itketctan Unt a Hce buttle el Dr Kinit's New Discovery ler Consumption, which did 1110 se union mind that 1 beuuht n dollar beille. Alter usIiiKtbrte bettliw, teuiul msoelfenro 111010 11 man, completely restored te health, with a hearty appetite, and u iialn lu tlesh el IS pounds." cull ul II II. Cechrnu'K Diuirsloie and uetn I it'O bottle et lid. lert.iln cure In all Limit Ureases. LnrKe bottles fl.iu. (.1) Ctl.KAIl HAVANA I'll.l.l'.K U1IIAKS KUIt 1 Deems. (Juatanteed lobeolear Illlern, at UAIITMAN'SYKLLOW FUONT CHI AH UTOUK. BtKULUAti, A Yint'.S OllinCUY i'KUTUKAIi. Onnvir.t.Tt, Ohie, Sept. 10, Iimj. flfll.lW "Having been snbjecl tonllKON tenllKON HUXJU0,(,iAliAKJ,KUTiON WUl frequent ......., t.ii it iiiiiiiiitii ill yt.ain, & iiuiuuy uei' Illy Hint AYKIT8 OHKUIIY TKOTOitAli Rives I'lvrs me prompt rcllel, and it Is the most i Ireetlvn remedy I have evor tried. i..iir.n A. n Aaiii.iu.-i, Kdlter el Creieent. Mt. itRAn, Ohie, June tn.ism. "I have used AVKIt'S OHKUIIY il'KflTf lit A I. tlila aurlnii fntn anvntll COUUII and I.UNU TllOUill.K with geed dlect, and I am pleased te rccomnieiut It te any ene similarly infected. HAIIVKY 71AUOHMAN, Tioprletor Ulobe Hetel." lnKi'AnKi) nv Dr. J. C. Ajcr k Ce,, Lewoll, Mti8. Held by alt Drugglits. tn2lte27 A YKIt'H BAIIHATAIUI.I,.Y AMI AYKIT8 ' Tocteral for fi'iln nt Cnrlirnn'n J. Cherry llriti. Uln.f. XTn n.... ,'M. .....,. .. .. u. Lancaster, i'a. I" AJI1K II AUK. HOP PLASTER. This lioreus nlmler Is nbnelutnlv thr. bet evur tnade, ceniblnlnit the virtues et liens with gums, balsams nml extracts. Its pewer Is wonderful In curing illsnises iwhore ethor Plasters nlmiilv relieve. Crlek In tbu Hack anil Neck, Tain In tlie Hlde or Llmbu, 8H1I Joints and .Muscles, Illdney Troubles, ltheu niullsm. Neuralgla, Sore Ctiest. Alloetlens or tbe Heart nml I.Iver, and all pains or acties In laUr. 11.(0. Irng. pant, Troprletors, llosten, Mass. LAME BAOK. US-for cnnsllnntlen. In of niiruillln nml diseases of the bewels take Hiiwley's Hteuiach inn i.ivcr run. i'l coins. il'iilvd.tw(.l) mtr (tee iih. J) ur.i 11110119. TOT, SHA1 & GO,, Nes. 8 & 10 E. King St. SPECLUj attuactienh. HltOUUK DRK8.-1 Uddds, uxc a yard, made te sell at'J'lc 30-IIWll WOOL faci: OASHMKT.KH, new HlmdeH.i'pe n viinl. l-i-lncli OTTOMAN DltKSI (1001)4. snrini? eelcrs. We. ayard. SILK AND WOOL TONIIKT.S. 37W0 n yard. AI. I. WOO,. NUN'S VKlf.l.NiiS. lllack anil C'oleiN, 'i'lc ii j ar.l. Hlnell ALI1ATKOSS CLOTHS, Itlncl: and Celers, AUc. u nrd. IMneb All Weel Itl.ACK LACK NUN'S V Kl LINOS, c.'.n n yard, worth ll.m. KI.KO ANT. Hill I' ION K11M! I.O KS.sprlnu Hliniles, fi i' a. pair. S-HOOK KID III.OVKS, e. a pair, wnclb PARASOLS. I. 110 KS I' AMIUT.M KNT. I.ATKST S'l'r I.K3 LOW KIT THICKS. NEW YORK STORE, NOS. S.V lOKAKTKINM ST., LANCASTKU. J'A II ATM AMI VAl'S. STAIII'rKIC .V CO., W." STRAW HATS. 5,000 STRAW HATS. HATS FOIl CIIILDKKN '. II TS FOR ()Mi' HATS FOIl MKN ' AT THE LOWEST PRICES. :U and :(! Nordi (neon St. W. D. Stauffer & Ce., SUCCK.St.OUS TO SHULTZ & BRO. innyiu-ld M'-W HATH. SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, We -wish te ou,U tbe itttoutlen of men with hu lieada te the faet that we nre nlwuyu provided with just the extrn litrae hntH they require We tire new ehewlug a full usaort usaert usaort mentof &THAW HATsi In nil grndea nnd the Inmost, handsonieat nud mcBtcomplcte line of LIQUT OOL, ORBD STIFF HATS evor openod In Luncnster. If veu romembor that overy thing hore la freBh nnd new nothing that li nt nil old you will dee the ndvnn ndvnn tngea of nt leuat looking through our nsaortmment. 'IV A FEW DAYS WU WILL IIAVI3 A LITILK TUI:s:nt FOIl OUII FIIIKND3 THAT YOU WILL ATTKKCIATK. 144 lertt Queen St,, A low I'oers nbnve the Fruuklln Heuse, LANCASTKU, TA. innriTdyil&w BXAVUISKHV. I I AVINIl DlSSOl.VKll TAKTMSKSlIll' 1 L and tsslmaiu utlv closed tbu Chestnut htreet Iren Works.ldeslie te Inlerm my old patrons and the publle irouerally, that 1 am still Iti the biiHlness, beliiK locnted In the Tenn lronCeinpany'ti Works, North Tluin stieet, where I am maklins iron and llniss Ciutlnirs nl i.viirv iliwliliilleii uml will be nleiltted le servn all who may luver niu with tliulr patron patren patron aue. Fr niu te yeais oxpei lencu In the business and using the bust material nml employing the host meclinnles, I am sntl died I can miar miar iiutee entire satlslnillen. CastliiKS made Irem a niUture el lien and meel which are mere ro re ro Irable ler HtreiiKth and durability than the best cast lien known. V teetb roll pinion, lolls and rolling inn' work a specialty. Cost Cest Iiiks made et very dt Iren, and brass cast InlJs et overy description. I have all the pat pat ters ul tbu well and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, relltted and Improved. Alse en Hand, mills complutely tilled up or in parts, te replace old onus whieh. Uave been In iise ler yours, KuaranteclnK tiuun te k've tat. l8enCi"iuitf il.C. MeCULLKY. (JTKUIAI. lNIIIIOKMISNl-H OrVKKbl) AT O THK WOIIKINOMK.N'8 8TOUK. Ill Werkluir Tants, Overalls, Shirts, Hosiery nt any kind uml slzu Irem Se per pair up te the best Hrltlsh, Neckwear, Cellars, Cutis, Handke ctilets 8uspeudurs,lii nblets. Under Under weur, Counterpanes, Hats and a vailuty et Notions, Ae. Tloasecull and examine befere you buy. HKNHY HhcilTOLD, Ne. w North Ouenn atrtet. P. 8,-Cliolce JlutldlnK J.eis and sand ter ifUVi ,,ya any pari cured instantly ijy the Hep 1' riry n rrice, 'ii cenla, or llve ler Miilled en receipt orprlce. Held by nil Klsts and COlllllrv Htnms. linn I'lnnter UAMHIAUMK, AV. piNK UAUUIAOB MUILDKHH. THE STANDARD Carriage Werk OK LANOASTKR COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STnHHT, IN KK.VIt Or OKNTUAf, MAKKKT 1IOU8KD LANCA3TKB.TA. Wu tnake overy style llirifflry and CarlarftO deslrpd. All work nnlshcil fn the most com cem com fertablo and elcRant style. We use only the nest selected material, and employ only tbe bon inechnnles. Fer quality of work enr prlces are the choepost in the state. We buy ter cash and soil en the most roasenablo Mrm. O lyn us a cell. All work warranted. HKTAIUINO TUOMt'TLY ATTKNDED TO. One set of workmen espeelally ompleycst ler that nurpose. nSfi-tfdw TTTK BrtlAN IHJSINKHH AND MKAN IT IN THK FULLEST SENSE OP THE TEUM. N0RBECK& MILEY, WILL SELL AT TIIE1U REPOSITORY, Duke and Vine Streets, ALAIIUKSTOCK OK VEHICLES -AT- SPECIAL BARGAINS, In nrdorle rednce stock by JUNK 1, when tbe demand et the Heme Trnde (ami particularly Custom Werk) will rcqulroinero room. We Mean Business, AND INTKV1) TO TllOVK CKUTA1N KK TKKSKNTATION8 KAL8K AND DKKt COMTKT1TION. It li.is been circulated anil reported durlnrr tbe last row months, te our customeri, as well as otbers, t hat tbe quality et work constructed by us was or an Interior character, which hail uteuduncy te hurt our roputatlen te u con cen Hldurablu extent, deprlvlnir us el qulte n number et sales, and compelling us te soil at low or prices than beroteloro, thereby cansln us consldernblo less. Tlie ohject el this we cau readily understand, and we think It un- nisi anu ucnwaruiy way ei injuring our ropu repu ropu tutlen, olherwlFii we would net complain; but as It Is n base, cowardly misrepresenta tion, and reported by two of our allefrnd Ifrst-class coach mnkers, we Intend te protect our rlKhts, no ninlter at what cost In Jiutlce te ourselves and te sustain our reputation as tlrsl-class builders et light car car rluse work, we will wager any amount thai we can construct as line n velilcle ninny In the city, nnd, fuithoriueru, that our raw ma terial fn stock Is greater, nnd or as liana qual ity us that el tlie partles this may Interest. Alse, that our stock nt finished vehicles en hand cnmpriHesssmn that wlllcompare with tiny lit thu city. Tbe abnve statements we will stand responsible for, and theso otTendod and demanding sallihictlen caa be accommo dated byealllnif en NOItltKCIC ft MILKY. X. 11 Any parly ncceptlnir this oiler will be compelled te construct a vohlcle Ireni male rial in stock and by mechanics In thelr projeut empley. And lurtherrnore, should we hear anymuioel theso scandalous reports we will proseciile the ollemlor te llie lull ex tent et tbe law. mie-lmdftw Ul.AHH ANU QOKKNUWAUtl.. H"1" m m.-htii. FANCY GOODS -AT- CHINA HALL. THK LA1U1KST LINK IN FANOY (HIOD3 IN Doeomtod Ohlna, Bleque Wero, Bobemlnn Qlasaware, DKCOIIATKU Ml Fea, Dinner & Toilet Sets. Kxaiiiiuii our Sleck boleroiuirehaslng. High & lartin, 15 KAHT KING BTKKKT. UANCASTKIU l'A I'AVXll UAtHtlKUtl, c 71S AKK MAltlNO ALMOST Y additions te our stock of IIAII.Y WALL PAPERS! IIKAUTIFUL TATTK11N3 IN Embossed, Plain and Celer Gilts. CO.MMOX and LOW. THICK D UOOD3 in as sortment. HOKDKltS, C1UL1NU DECOUAT10N8, & Taper hunii by competent Workmen and promptly. Six nml Sevon Feet Dade Shades. TDAIN CLOTHS, all colerj. irem 30 te 71 In. ld0, FIXTUIIKS, TULLU.iic,, LACK OUIU'INS, TOLK, fta. Wire Window tScreens, made te order. In TI.A1N and LANOSCATK. The 1IKST In thu market. PHARES W. FRY, 57 NORTH QUD13N 81'. LANCASTKU. TA. HVU.DISa JUAl'JSUlAIu T)KMOVAL.. II AVINO HKMOVKI) MY PLANING MILL -TO- Neg. Ulte 417 N.MulberrjS't, And Increased my ftcUitjM. or jetk.l am new propareil te de all kliidsef work In Utj line atshertast notice. aiMani rmi Wehlsen. OlSKKKKTKItS. TAKKWOT10K. H KUnlTUItB will be sold positively - --, . .. I mlnMI nt al'mV e VKSTKlU6lKKT 1 Cti :'m v'i fl n I 3l , -kl .m 7 ri '-;i 'Hi I ' 1 vl ft Ri 4