- p-'iil" "Y "C.?,3Ki fn i.-tf LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE! FJRIDAY, MAY 10, 1884. :v, ffy K -v ' '"- I'Hi W &$ ft i'ii if - ,'f i k l-i h iuncaetet Jntellffienret. S-niDATr kvknine, mat 10, mat, TCATKU OJTTI1K FARM. An Old itPtMoeed Med of Supplying It. Ucrmantewn Tclcgrnpli. Secie years aae we visited a farm, litu rtfcd en the west braneh of the rlver Bran- (iTWlnr. in UucBtcr county, liali-a-uezcn miles from West Chester, belonging te a meinlncnt inrmer by the natne of iintrl ken, wlileb pesseBcd n wator-pewor that we vfcre told uad been tised tnore for ever half n century, and, although we never (iaw ene llke It befote or sluee, they Tvcre net unoemtnon in that county. Tbe plan wan brought ever from Germany, and though clumsy and ratber expensive, did its work ccaselensly and well. There were wooden legs laid down for a distance of eome tbree hundred yards leading te Iho building, at the beginning of which, under oever, waa a pump operated by n huge abaft, te the end of which was nttaehed n box or buoket holding about half u barrel. Inte thla buoket a stream or spring was conduetcd from further up the hill. When the buoket was filled Ita weight would ferce the shaft down, aud striking a platform the buoket was thrown ever and emptied. Doing do de prlvcd of its weight, the bhaft would, by ,-n weight at the ethor eud, be forced te its original position, only te ropeatitadoscont ns seen as the buoket was again filled. This motion of ttie siiait put in operatlon the pump, which dreve the water te the buildings, supplying the dwelling, a dairy and the barn yard. We were informed that itsoldem get out of repair, the water and the works belng all under ground ; and the frost did net intorfere with its working, whieh continued the oporatien day and night throughout the year. In examining the position of the spring, we noticed r.t ence that it was particular ly well adapted for a " ram," which could have been Introduced at much less cost, and referred te the subject. The answer was that tbe grandfather of the tben owner, having bceu accustomed te this contrlvance In the old country, had it erected ua seen as he was able after taking possession of the farm; while the ram at that tlnie was n scaled book te him. We have no doubt but that this water power is Btlll in operation. Trie Water. Kam. On several occasions heretofero we have teferrcd te the water-ram in supplying farm buildings with a constant stream of fresh water. It is true that the wind power has beceme very popular, and is te bs Ecen almost throughout the cntlre country. Hut the ram is far cheaper and Is kept in icpair at a comparatively insig nificant coat. It is assuredly a very great convenience), and whenever a spring or stream of water is at baud of sufficient velume te drive the ram, a supply can alwnys hi obtained for the houses, barns, gardens, etc. Bofure deciding en placing a ram, it must be kuevri), in the tlrst place, whether about one eighth ei the qpriujf, in a steady ilew, wi 1 be suflicieut for the premises, for that, or perhaps n little mere is tbe proper ai n r. ram wul supply. The " fall " whicti is giveu the taaj, say from fivu te eight feut, enw much mero as i attainable, multiplied by five, will triva the height te whieh the water can be olevatrd ; that is te my, if the fall is. only five feet the elevation will be twenty flve feet; if eight feet the olevation will be forty feet, and te en. As te tlie permaucuey of r. jam, there is uething te wear out about it except tbe two little va'.vc-, ru.il tLey should be re re re nowed every year or two, or whenever necdi-d, bavini; always an extra pair en hand icatly te take their place. At tioiei Hurne grav 1 may get washed between the valvea and step their working ; but tifa U sold jiu the case, aud when it is tJ''Jcaul0 can easily be removed. The expense of n ram r,,,, (J a upon the Mze, and lengtb of tue pipe and ether appliance!., day4ndlns en hat may be desired m ;a0 wriy of fl,DK ftbeut the house, ct Uut wuat0Ter the oxiwnse may 03 f wujcii ft person may choeso te T.i a moderate way te secure a constant supply of geed 6priug water nt his house, barns, ote , he will find it te ba se great a comfort aud oenveuiuuca ru te never think or that, ns well a te wonder that he should have been te long deprived et it, when e:lv a lit'le nnuey atead in the way. TllUr. .11 Ell IT ALO.NK liaj given Allceck'a Pereus l'lesters the larir-n-t talu el auj external remctly In the world. If en have been unlng ether klndd of platters ene trial et "AllceckV villi convince you of tr.elr wonderful superiority. 11 llltOADWAr, liOOM 5.', Nkw Yerk, Murcli ?, lsJJ. Having been cure.! et a sovero attack et rheumatism et tlie neck nnil sheuhlein by using Allceck'a l'orenrt Plasters, 1 Kul It my duty te strongly lemtueml tliclr use te any similarly allllctul. Fer u peiled et several lnuiiths I hud exhausted many ether se culled rumrdlis without obtaining tlie BlIghltBtto BlIghltBtte llef. Klnully 1 applied one of AllceckV l'oreui L'Jaftuid, anil teiiml mysdt nluinet tinmeill ntuly cured. 1 consider tnem a true lilussltiK Kntthtully yours, .lAMESli. 1103MEU. lulie Your Uliulce. Yen can bu weak, nervous, deblllUited, nnd despondent, dlie.uallrlcd ter work el head or hand, or j en tun tnjey a lair uharoet health una licacu el mind, lturdeck Jlloeit lHttert will alluvial e jour inlMiry atiddnjen a world or geed It you will but huve taltli te try rer pale by II. 11. Ceeluan, ilrugglm, 137 uud im Werth Oueen street. American Art. riiotegrnpli?, hngruvlngs, etc., can be ex qulfllely colored with with liquid Art Celers madu tiem Diamond Dyed. Full direction ter thU bcautlltil urt work, with a handsome rolered cabinet photo heiii tn any address ler 10 ceilU. WKl.I.H A ltlCMAUDSON A CO . llurllngteti. Vt Ne IKcviulen feed. It Is strange se many ieej u 111 continue te sutler day alter day with Dyspepsia, I.Iver Complaint, Constipation, Beur Stomach, (ion. ural Debility, when they can procure ut our BtoreBIUI.Oir.H ITAI.lZKIt, lleeef coat II It does net cure or lellcvu them, l'rlce, 75 centu. Beld by 11. II. Ceeluan, l3Jandl3'J Noun Oueen Heet. Lancasuir. t(lH-e).15 A llapllH Mlntnier'a Kxierlcuce. " 1 am a ltaptlht Minister, and bcloie I ever thought et being a clergyman, I graduated In medicine, but lelta lucrative pructlce for my pa-tent piolt'tHlen, te yeurs ue. 1 iu tur inaiij jearausulleiei Irem nulusyi "TYiemui' Jxlcctrle Vll cured me." 1 wus also tumbled ultli liemsunesa, and 'J levim' J-.clectrlc Ollal ways relieved uie. ily wife uud child had diphtheria, and 'llieinus' Kclectrle Oil cuied them." ami II taken In tlmu It will euro seven nut ei ten. I am confident It Is a cure ler the me: obstinate cold or cough, and If anyone will take a small teaspoon uud hall 1111 It with the OH, and then place the end el the spoon In one neiirll anil iltaw the Oil out of thu spoon Inte Uie heail by miiniiigiM hard as they can, until thu Oil lulls ever Inte the threat, ami uruetleetunt twice a week, I don't caru hew olleuslyo thelr head may be, it will clean It out and euro tliclr catarrh. Fer dealness uml earache It has t ene wenders le my certain knowledge. It la the only medlelne dubbed latcut medicine that I have ever teltltkiue teltltkiue teltltkiue oeiiiincnillng, and I am very anxious te see It n evenr place, ler Hell you that I would net be without It In my houae ter any considera tion I urn new sintering with u pain like rheumatUm In my tight limb, and nothing re lieeos me llke Tliemna' Kcltctrie OIL" Dr. K. V. C11A.NK, Cerrv. l'n Kev sale ityll, 11. Cochran, druttuist. 137 nnrt ISO Nertli Oueen street. uB"i HTUVh'a. OOOlt, HUtrfiA CO,, -BANKERS,-" 45 WALL STREET, New Yerk, iirekin nod Dealer In Hallway anil all ether tiecurUUu). RA1I.WAV INVU8TMKNTB a specialty, in the neiecllen nnd estimate or whtelt thuir long connection with " I'oen'e JtAKOALOF lUlLUOAlK) " glVUJ tllOltl BOOClal H(l- vantages. Corresneudcuco Invited and ln qutrlea nnawored Depeilt account received uaclluterct allowed. miO-Omced BKVlVAh. ,' iri i I K lUNKV-WOitT. DOK8 WONDKItrUl, CIKKS OF KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. Became It net en the T.lVKIt, HOW KM and HIU.NKVanttliO 8AMET1MK. llcenuse It cleane the jytein of the polnen oils lintner that develops in Kidney and Url nary IHifiues, llllloutiess. Jaundice, L'onetl Ration, rites, or In ItheumatKin, Neuralgia, ervens Klpenleri andnll FeinnloCemplaliite. It will flnrnly Cnre CONSTIPATION, l'lt.K8 ana uutu ji a ii.t.u by cansln, B KllKK ACTION et all tae thereby organs and function OLEANSINQ THE BLOOD. ltosterlng the normal diicase. power te threw oil THOUSANDS OF CASES Of the worst forms of thee terrlble dls(as have been quickly rcltevcd, ami In a liert time l'ERKEOTl.Y CUKKD. l'rtcc.ll. l.tqnld or Dry. Sold by dniegnts. Dry can be unnt by mall. WKI.L9, K1CHAUDS0N A CO.. HurllnKtnn, Vt Eend stamp ter Dairy Almanae for lsal KIDNEY-WORT. UccS ced&w (3) KIIKNKY-WOHT roll SAI.K AT UOUil Jan'H Drug Stere. Ne. 1ST and 13D North queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. s AMAltlTA.N NKHVlNi: NKVEH f Atl.H, SAMABITAN NERVINE! THE GREAT NERVE CONQUEROR, The only known tpceiftcter Kidlcpllc Kltj.t -Al' ler .Siuius mid FallliiK alckuess.-ha Ntrveua Weakness quickly relleved and cunxl. Equalled by none tn delirium of fevcr.-a 4urNoutraltzeijguriuot dlifajeaundglckuesi. Cnrct iiRly blntchc'' and stubborn bleed sores Cleanses bleed, quickens sltitrKlh circulation Eliminates Hells, Carbuncles and &caliH.ta 49-i'ermauuntl and promptly cures paraly sis. Yes.lt Is a charming and healthful Aporlent, Kills Scrofula nnd King's Kvll. twin brothers. Changci! bad breath te geed, removing cause. 47-Iteuts biliousness and clean complexion. Charming reselvent nnd matchless laxative. It drives Sick- llcudachu like tlie wind. -59 47-Centnlns no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly cures rheumatism by routing it.-ca Itesteies lite uIviuk properties te the bleed Is guaranteed te euro all nervous disorders. irltcll&ble when all opiates fall.-sg, lletrcshex the mind and Invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. -fia JrEndersea In writing by ever titty thou sand Leading physicians In I. S and Europe.-ff l.eaillng Uergyiacn in L'. . an 1 Europe." Diseases et the bleed own It n conqueror. -V Fer sale by all leading druggists. tl.M.-ffa The Dr. S. A. ltlchmend Medical Ce. Preps. bU JeHpl). Me. Chas. N. Crittenden, Agent, New erk city. aprlMyeetMw () HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTEBS. l(eKn ration l.ir Knleehlcd rtyitcim. Hutlerlng from a general wan et U no. and Its usual concomitants. dyspepla ant nervous- liess, Is ttuldem dtrlvable lie u the tucel a nourishing U"t and stimuli et appellte. un aided. A me Heine that will iflect a romevul of the speclllc obstacle te r neni 1 hialtli and vlgei, that Is a ginulne coneetlve. Is the real need. It Is the possession et this gland re quirement which makes Hostetter's Mieiuach iilttera se e llectlve as an lnvlgeranl. Fersilu by all Druggists uml Dealers gen erally myl-lmdeetl.tw 30 DA1V Titl.M.. Dit. m K's VOLTAIC BELT. Meet lie Appliance) urr ietit en M Days' ttlal. TO MEN ONLY. YOUNU OK OLD, Who are aullcrlng Irem Nineui Debility Lest Vitality, Lack et Menu loiceand Viger Wasting Wiukncusei), und ullthoae DNcaseneI a iMimnual nature reitulllng irem abuses and ethor causei. Speedy relict anil complete re re re toratleuol Health, Viger ami .Manhood guar anteed. The grandest discover! el thu .Nine teenth century, fcomlutencti ler Illustrated 1'au.phlct trcu. Addrisj, VOLTAIC BELT CO., aprl-lyilMW.KAw MAKMlALL, Ml. II. DI1.K.-I. X "A! A.N AKKSISi " elTin lualant reliel. and Is an Infallible cure ter 1'lLhb. l'rlce. il 00 at druggist, or eeut prepaid by mall Bample tree. Addrui4, " A.n.miKSIs " Makere, llex 1IU. Nuw ierk. uprllyM.W.l-Aw Yyi.AH, UNDEVBLOPBjD parts, Of the Human Uedy enlarged, developed, ktrengtheued," etc , Is nn Interesting udtor udter tlsum.nt leuuiun In our paper. In leply te iieiumes wu win b'iv mai tut re u no evidence elnumbug about tld. On the centruiy thu advertisers aru very highly Indorsed, intui eMid i eraens may iret sealed ilreulara ulvlnir allpartleuiaia by mtdremliiK Kma Msuicai. Ce,, Hutlale, N. V.-7olede Hvtnlne lite al-UdiHTAFAw TTKAIIUUAHTKIlij VOH TlY. INDlAiN MED10IAIEIS, KA-TON-KA AND MODO0 INDIAN ()1L. -AT LOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO. K.AhT KINO 8XKfc.LT, LANOASI'EK.l'A. ATAItalU.I IIOI.UH, WEAK NERVOUS MEN Wlioue i.cblllty, exhauated powen.ptema. Hire decay and lalluru te perferin lllu'e Uutlua properly, are caused by exccgMu, enoiHei youth, etc., will llnd n purleet and l.ietlug res JS.W0." lS.F?i,Mf.t . ! and vlKorousimiii vlKerousimiii vlKoreusimiii Hood In TDK MAItire.V HOLUi. helther Htomaeli driiKglng nor Instrumenta. TliU treatment et rorveus Debility mid 1'hyslcal Decay U unltenuly nuccesilul because baaud entiertect dlagnoelj. nuw uml direct methods utirf abaolutethoroughuesi. Full Information uml Treaties Iree. Addruni Cemmltlmt l'liv. HlClltn Ol MAIlblON 11KMF.DY Oil ,48 W. l"li nt.Miwerk. niuliyil,w,Fw VAHUlAtiBS, V. IflXI" UAIUUAOKllUll.DKHrt. THE STANDARD Carriage "Werk OT l.ANOASTKU COL'NTV. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, IN UKAtlOr CKN'Tlt.VI. M.MIKKT HOUSES LANCASTElt, l'A. We make evcry tvle HuftR and CarUrne luniruu. ah worn uni'lHHi hi the most com- lortable nnil uleirnnt tvlu. We use enlv tlie best pclocteil maturlal, and employ only the lxjt mechanlci. rer quality of work our price are the clicapeat tn the state. Wu buy ier eathiiud sell en the men reasonable term, lilvn us u call. All work warranted. I'.KfAlltl.NU l'KOMVTt. ATTENDED TO. One set et workmen especially cuiiileyeU ler that mirpoje. n20-UdAw 13I'K('1AI. O SAILS. A Reduction in Prices for May. NORBECK & MILEY, " Wte3i Werk Sustains Their Werd," And w nose method el business are sustained by the public, tire pleased te anuouncethat they Will Seil at Snecinl Uargniu? IU I'.I.NU TUB MONTH Of" MAY, ANDTUAT MONTH Al.ON B, ON S OK TDK LARGEST AND BKbT ASSORTMENTS -OF- VEHICLES hVGIt 9KKN IN THIS MAKUKT. AsGoeilin MateilBl cmd Workman ship as Any, AND MUCH LOWEIi IN I'ltlCK THAN CAN UK HAD KLSKWIIKKK. rerelgu work Is made merely te tell; home werk-ut leust such as Is madu by NOUI1KCK MII.E-ls undo te WKAli. The test et years has proven cenclulvely that no work Is mere durable tran that made at this establish' ment. and nn Immense stock of which can new be seen ut the REPOSITORY, Cerner el UnkoaudYine Sis., myie-lmd.tw LANCASTKll, ipuil l.AlttlK WAL.SUT sieitr. OOUN- 1 torslersaio: may be seen In the store room lately eccujiled by Mr S. S ltaihven. Ne. 101 North Oueen street ; must be removed seen. Apply te C. II I.KKfcVRK. alMld uniee -Ne. 137 East King SU nnlVATi: :lAt.r, -Wli.il UK SOLll AT J private s de property Ne. IU ; euth Uuscn jtrrei, centaintiij 16 Icet front and :45 teet de-p, upon wldcii is elected a one ttery house, baku even, right te a well of water, cistern nnd choice let of trult trees. Ker tnrther in in ferinatluu apply en the premises, my? lwd JOHN McMANL'3. IVLitl.lU nAI.K IN(t LOTS. OK VAI.UAIII.K IIL'ILI) On SATUKDAY. MAY 24. i;m, m i nciecK p. in., win uu seiu en me premises, fifty lets of i! feet each, fronting en south I'rlncennd Heaver streets la this city. I luse lets lle south of Hairer street, near te the cotton mills. Urban A Hurler's planing mlll.turuace, cas works, dye works and ether Industries and about one block from the new school Iiejjl ibeui te be erected In the fourth ward. l nlrtv per c- nt et the purchase money must bu pat I ami po-eesten given lmme iliati'lv, and the balance. nf TO per cent, may be cuarged upon the property an 1 paid In tlve nan, with Mx per cent ma)WH II. KK.VNK KSHLEMAN. J'itOI'iMO.NM. AT lilt lll I.'. UUlNhll Dl'KK AM) VINE ST l.ark'e ( cun TuMu reachei. lie Yerk Dia m'ind 1'elUh. Ier tin anil idlvurv- 5c Sardine-, oil or mustard, three b ter 25c. l.ei-l i ump atarcD, Ce. iublvdeed ''Al.t)K' I'AMCYri.OUlt, tilve It atrial and be convinced tha' it U as he claims, thu llfc.51' IN THE WOULD. It was awarded thu highest medal at the Centinnlal hxoeltion. Cincinnati Kxhlbltleu and Ohie state Fair. The Genuine Tayler's Fancy Fleur Retails at 03 cenb per 25 found Sack. FOll SALE IU ALL LEADING GKOCEK3. M. P. STEIOEKWALT & SONS, hole Agentu ter Lancaster. a7-lm M11LKl.I.AM:OUa, r I lit assortment et Euchre, Caaslne andll'ekcr s trem Sc p r pack urx HAKTMAN a YhLLOW FKONT CIOAK HIOltK. IIIK WllltKIMltlKN'i) WKAlt. (Ill XII I' IthCIlTOLD'. 1 Hest Working I'nnta Ov(Mlls..lacketii, sick Ceals, WerklngHhlrta. wiu united net te rip, Alse, Ijwlles und OeiUa' Ln.ierneur. Hosiery and .Notions. All cheap t VUOIi. UltlU UIUUIIID1 llltfll line ami inentnr tiy ctlllmr. IIKNIIY HhCHTOLD, e. 5J Neitll Oueen Street initll Oueen Hlrret. 1' i.-lluildlng sale or rent. l.eta ler sale. Heuiea ter 121yd nllMII.UTlO.N OK I'AIITNK.ICMIIII'. The purliiershlp heietofeie existing be. ...uii nisi .x uii.uiivmK, irauiii in TEAS AND COFFKK-t. 110 .NOUTH QUEEN BTKEKT, has been dissolved. The business Imreafter will be carried en at the old stand by David Haei9tlck,Jr Thankful ler past patronage, 1 ask ler a continuance et the same, mil lwdiltw DAVID IIAVKUbTICK, r. (JCUOI'IH.OUM (11'IITIIAI.MV A DlSKABK O or tne Eye. very common among ecrofu ecrefu ecrofu leus children. Is distinguished by a peculiar mm bhl irritability et thu eye, or Intolerance ei light iitiiccoiupauled with pain. Dlseasis et the Eje, Ear aud 'threat also, Cancer, 'miners Hkln ami Chronic Diseases tuccisstiilly treated by DIIS. II I), x M. A. LONQAKEII. tnicu-1) Fast Walnut street, Lancaster. 1'a. Cousuliutleu ireu. myll-JtdAw J L!T i'Uiit.tsiii:i, WBW KD1TION OF "HRCHKTd HEVhAI.liD," Willi yaluablii Inlonnatlen oiwVertetnanU lf "" . '..'...::. ' ..l."'..llu":,l 'i citses. Aiiwiir.a-sr.ii in ijknii.kmh.v (ivi.y (author rema 08. DR. LA GRANGE, ,nl.8,uft.m"l:I,TBTI,l,ET I'miABSlPIIIA, l'A. 7 Great English ltemedy. An unfailing ?i'iSJjeri lmi'0'cy. ami nil Dlseiwea t ft Ipl ew eag el Memery, Universal Lasil. it He, rain in the itactr. Dimness ei Vision, I'retnatute Old Age, ami many ether tltteaaea that lead Ui Insanity or Cen. Btimptlen and a I'lumatnre Grave. Full nar. UeiifarB in out lmmplet. wlrtcli we ilwire te 'endtrcebv mulltoevi-ry one. The miucltle Ml .ll IliuU aulil by all dlilKKlsUid Jl per pu"k .me. ei Ax packugiw ler , ei win be sen! iree by mull entue receipt et the money, by lul are-sing the aKenl, " ' ' li. II. COUtltA.N, DrtureUL NMjipwliJiiXenii W..ecn VuSiy'iinaii. (Jn ftcceuut ei ceubicrtulti, nebavu adept. 'lw lluilale,'k Ily a phjalclan or 30 years' experience, .it i4.u.iiii v..iij ........ i. '. ..r!:.. ... ..... .,- .,, ,uu t ii-auui nay. "l t nn, lli.n.ii II... I h..... . ..n . ...' ii '.I "", i"jt. nee, puce, H" Rit imuTiir.it. I-IAG-EE & BBOTHER. CARPETS I Tlie New Spring Designs and Celers in Wiltens, Mecuicts, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brus sels, Tree-Ply Ingrains, Hall and Stair Carpets and Borders, in all qualities, which will be sold at the Lewest Philadelphia Prices. LINOLIKUM. The most serviceable Fleer Cevering ler Halls, Offices, Stores, Public Reems, in a variety of new patterns ; also Oil Cleths, all widths, China and Cocea Mattings, Lace Curtains, Window Shades and Shading with reliable Fixtures. Our stock is very large and made up from the Latest Spring Styles; Plain and Embossed Geld Papers, Grounds and Blanks ; Choice Ceiling Friezes and Borders. $511 work executed by skillful Paper Hangers and Carpet Layers, and satisfactory work guaranteed. Prices are the Lewest. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, . . . .. , . , ,. . -n-rr nii."..ir...r"lu',l-T-i - T-rrrfjviiima."'- IIOWKIW m IlUItJT. BOWERS & HURST, N08. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN " Why, Emma I hew pretty your BLAOK SILK doeB leek I "Whero did you get It ?' At BOWHRS & HDRbT'F. Aud JtiBt think of it I I only paid OS etH. for It. nnd it 1h full 2fl lnoliea wlde, nud they gunrnntoe It net te out. My drosarufiker snys she uover saw nuy Silk near ua weed na thin for tlie money. And just leek at theBO BJD GLOVES I I only paid 60 eta. a plr for thorn, and they wear Just Bplon Bplen didlyl The few mlnuteal WQBetandiuK at thelr Kld-Qlove Counter I ejvw them poll at leant a dezen pair or them. They have ethor KID GLOVES, and aleffant onee. tee, at 75 etfl,, 81, 81 25 and 81.60. They warrant overy pair of them a.ud thelr BLAOK OASHMBRBS I I nover saw prottler or botter oneo than what they ahew. I saw a very nioe ene, and all wool, tee, as low as 40 eta." CSTLADIES, we would be ploased te have you glve us a call. Our NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN IOUSS, U1VLEII. JOHN S. GIVLER kinds. CANTON MATTI Dade SHADES and SHTJa-DING, IN NEW COLORINGS, ALL AT TD.K LOWEST CASH PRICES. i3- Oall and aoe our GoedB bofero buylnp. All Qoeda guare.ntoed JOHN One-Price Dry NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, IlOlLKlili, SO. 'I'Uis BEST STEAM ENGINE A-SD BOILER WORKS. Wu manufacture ml keep in stock Uin iel iwlnir koeUs l'nriable Englues en Wheels and Sills. btattenery Engines acd stationery Hellers. I'ertable flellers. I'erUble Saw Mills Large ami Small Heller 1 ie.l l'unfpn j pump and heaters combine.' Hark, Cerk and cob Mills. I'ulleys, ahattlng and Gearing. Hen?.) Cellar Heaters. Creamerlrj fitted up. Bteam Heating a 'in-clnlty Iren nnd llrass Castings. Iren Tanks ler Water and Oil. Light und Heavy Sheet Iren Werk. Steam and Water 1'lpes. Valves and Fittings Ilulld any Btyluer 1'ewer ei Heller?. Estimates given for machinery, llepalrs promptly and caretully attcm!;l te Jehn Best & Sen, (I'KOl'KIETOUS.) Ne. 333 East Fulton St.,, LANCASTEK, l'A anl3-lYd VUAX, & r B. U. HAUTIK WbolesAlo and Uetali Dealer In ci kiada of I.UM11EK AND COA L. at" rani : Ne. 420 North Wat mr ana rrlnce atreeU abeve Lemen lincasu r. n3-lvil B .yUMGAUUNKUS 41 JKFF,.niH. GOAL DEAL JljcIS. OFriCKS.-NO. NOBTU QcnSN StRHBT.AHD No.664Nebtu l'wsca bTnuirr. YAJtDS. North 1'nmta frraairr, kkab Ubad- tWO DlJTOT. LANCASTEK, l'A. augliVttd -j . i , M. V. K COIIO USO XUltTll WATiZUUT., L.iKCeitnr, tx. Wholesale ami Ueuil Dealers '.n LUMBER AND GOAL. 0mneetlen Willi tin i TelephonleKsehunxca. Yanl ana Otnee Ne. 330NOUTH Watkik 8TKEET. -4- '(ITOtJp.' TvfOTIOIC. i.1 Having sold my r nt 1 re Internet In h& coal butdnraa te Henry Hmevcm I nir ti.. e. I tlnuance et the aame liberal pauonuae for my auccoseer. I'HILIl'Gl.NDEK. Having puroliAKed tilt Cflftl vnr.l lately ewned by rhlllp Uluder, Cor. Andrew nnd Seutfi Water Sti 1 am prepared te furnish the vevy beat kinds ei Geal for Family TJae, whlcli I will deliver, cnretuiij-weighed ruiii screenwl, te any part ei the city -t the lowest market raU-s. Orders by mall or tolepuono tilled promptly. Orders left at Ne. 4i3Beiithlh teen sti-wit win receive prompt utteutlen. HENRY BMSYOn. aprll-lmd . .i.'Jjn "TriOTIJUIA Cern Rerr.ever. The most offectlvo prer .umien ler the re moval of cerus, HiinleB j, warts, etc.. ever place.1 boiero the public. ' "nr"' clt' 0cr Warranteit te entitle At completely tiul w thin u short tl nn the ,08t obdurate corn, hard ei belt, without p 41n ' iTisAPeaiTrvt jcvua. bold at BEOHTOLD'S DRUO STORE, Ne. 401.' WEST QUA' iOE BTKEKT, corner of CB' viotte. Ol-lya t vitr uoeva, . PAPER HANGINGS. STREET, - - BOWERS & HURST, STREET. CARPETS. & CO. are showing the Handsomest Line of CARPETINGS of all S. GIVLER & CO., Goods and Carpet a Aiti'ma, xv. J."' MAltl'lN seu, A WORD IN CHINA MATTINGS. It is a well known fact in the roll, will in a very Jobbers who held them ever the season cannot sell class goods, and threw them into the Auction Roem Worthless. t hem as hrst-class rrnr (or se-rallprl sheriffs. saleV where thev are disposed of at a dis count. We would advise these who are in need of China Mat tings te buy only first-class goods of this kind, as they will give mere wear, and prove te be cheaper in the end than damaged goods. We have just received an Elegant Line of China Mat tingsfancy check, and stripe, net damaged which we will sell at a very close price. $3 A special bargain in 1,000 yards of Fancy Mattings at twenty cents per yard net damaged. J. B- MARTIN &.CO. Cerner 'cn King anil Trlnce Streets. Qllllllt'S UAltl'KT HAL I.. BAEG ALNS ! SHIRK'S CAKPET HALL. h'elllni,' Off te Cleso Unsiness. Everything JInst Positively ba Sold. A Fiill r.tnnnt UODY KUU83EL8, TAPESTRY, and All Orade of 1NUKAIN CAKI'ETB, 11UOB, HUANKETa. COVKKLET3 and OIL CLOTH. WALL AT A aAOJlIFIOK.Si ff'l'rempt intention given te the Manufacture et Uag CarpeLi te erder. -AT- SHIRK'S CAEPET HALL, OOfl, "W. KINQ AND WATBIt STS., flrt3 2mdaw Stearin, vim r r- w-rr jc .-runt t - T ANUA 8TKK HTKAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS. OUKI'LAN FOBJIEATINO CAKl'ETS I1EINU NEW TO MANY. .. v .i iiiw OAKl'ETS by steam. although carrled en ler yearn In tlie larger , 1'hes JleW et '"'(.nrritizenB here i anil moiiie have un Idea that we cannot de work ua cities, is anw many et our olHniiere .' '"iiiJnuVethU eiler te convince thn,u who well us bj - me old plan or b atl ng by 'J"1'1' V imA'l let Uie iiiati de hU best wet k en it t arolndeu M, vte-llave your ta ipep I eat 0" out of It afterward, m alter he Is ,'tnmgli br lng It te u "Susiy you Uiat euib Is the be plan, wowlllmake no oharae. wellaabr 'gtite nlng the colors '","u1"n, -"" " lnl.em(.r8 ,.. any time, utve ua a trial, llo lle uiYmlTl lan'i TJioeuulx0lMxJlo the weather Cerner ei ' Church and a? VLVillUhU (iua "l.. AJIN. U' pi .UMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FE CTTRES, OIL FIXTURES, U X'lN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam F Ltters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, HTFinei i WerBcst Workmen. Lenve yenr Order at JOHN L. Noe. 11, 13, p BAST ORAHQB .STEEUST. Fine Hand Prints, Decorations, Fine LANOATER. PA. - LANCASTER, PA. pricea are Lew and our Stoek Large LANCASTER, PA. T-' -J .rvj.j-r--,).-- . ri KO, K. KATIIYO.H N as as ropresontod. Heuse, LANCASTER, PA. REGARD TO that CHINA MATTINGS, when short time become brittle or China Lancaster, Pft. BARGAINS ! -AT- LANO ASTER, PA Duke Streets. WITH LANCASTKll UAN FACTOKY. AND UAS I'lTTINU, ARNOLD'S LANCASTER, rit a rut wa a v t nn. IANOAHl'KH ANI ftlll.LKUHVIt.Mt It II, I Cam run as fellow l.cavu Lancaster ( I'. H. Depot), nt 7, 0 an. 1:30 .in., mm 11,1,0 nnil 8.90 . m except en Haturday. when tlin Inst ear leavi nt tWWp. in, l.oave Mlllornvllle (lower endl, at6, 8,rtnu 10 n in., nun 1, a, A nnil 7 t. tu. Car run tiaily en ubove ttme except ea Sunday. ' CO lift WA 1. 1., I. r II ANON X IHM.RItKOOK VAI.I.KY UAII.UOAD T1MK-TAU1.K, tOVTHWARD. Train loave Lebanon dally (oxcept Bun dai') at (1.3U n. in.. H:U ami 7:tt p. m. Atrlvn ut Cornwall at U.ie u. tn. .13:37 p tn, and 7 10 p, lu.i at Conowage at 7:JJn. in., 1;U and H '. p. in . connecting with the 1'enniy van la l all read for points Kiutnml West. KOnTIIWAIlO. Trains loave Conowage at 7:30 n. in., SOana 8,' p in. Arrive ui tiniwnn ni e ia u. in., i:ia nun n:u p. m. i nt Lebanon al8.:ii. in., 4 Se and usj n. m., (etinectlng ut l.eliaiien with l'lilladulpliia A lit Mdlng railroad for points lCiistand West, ami the l.etiaueii A Treiuent branch ler Johns town, riuegiovenudTremont. Thu l):30 u. tn. train will vtep only at Corn wall, Colebteok and llullalre, CUI.UB1II1A A 1-tMlT liUl-lialT UAH. 110AD TIMi: '1AIII.K. TPttnennw run lenitUtlven the Columbia it l'ert Deposit llixllread en tlie following Umei HOUTHUAHU. HTATU'iNH " HOHTMWAmi r.M. A.M. A.M A.M. r.M. r,M B:'2i)i03A Columbia.... HA) 5:.V) 6Ji 10.M IViiahlugteu... H.Mi 5:3U .... IJ.tl 10.57 CleJiiwull.... &.V1 Ml.... 7.t' UU& Sale Harber... 7:U 6:17 .... 7.06 lira) Ohenk'a Kerry. 7:te fi:i: 7M 11:74 1'iHiuea VM tea 7:12 11:'.7 ..... .Yerk rurnaee.. 7:31 5". 7il7 ll:: Tueiiuan 7:9) SO) 7: it 1P..V McCall'n Ifernr. 7:1 4.M 7:37 112 rite's Kdily .. 7:10 4:1.1 7:1111:50 rishlngCreek.. 7.W 4:su 7.50 lMft 7:10 .reach Tlettnm. 0.57 4:30 7:60 6M ll.'A) 7:27 .. Couewlngo... 0:11 4:11 7:36 8:15 li:2S 7.S7 Octerara .... 0:37 40ft 7rt8 8:5 U 10 8,-tie ...l'ert DetHwlt.. 6:20 SJU 7:17 12:5A 8:'A)....rerryTllle 8:41 7 11 KADINO At'Ul.UnillA It. II. AKUANORMKNTeri'AaSKNORIlTHAI.SH. HU.SDAY, MAY llTII, 1S8I. NOIITIIWAIID I.KATC. (Jjarrj-vllle , JUtucaater, King St Ijiincn.iter Chlcklcs tfarlettn Junction Columbia. ABB1VI. A.M. r m r. M. a. v. tiriS 7:30 u:iu .... .... 7:30 7i0 7ria 7:30 UCJWlng.. 015 HOUl'lIWAllD. LKATE, Ueidlng AIU1TS. Marietta Junction... Chlckltv) Columbia , Liucaater irfincuter. King St.. OaarrvrUlu ....j 2.30 .... 8:40 1AO S.50 .... 3:!0 .... 4X4 1:10 S.4U 3:) 8.50 r.M. BtO 84) ew Tralnn connect at Heading ' .a... tH.l.nl..lHtiU ItMtBnllln : with train tt teanrt Harrisburg, Ai lnntewn and New Yerk, via lleurul iiroek Bentn. . At CelumbLa with trains te anil from Yerl, llnnerur, Outtysburg, -iterlck and llulf llulf mere. At Marietta Junction with trains te aud irem ihlcklei. "USD Y. I.e.ive-Uuarryvllle, J i a. m.i I.ancaiter, King Street, ft.ai j). m. A' rive lleadlnit. lOOOu m , 7-10 ji. tn. Leave Iteadlnir, 8.0'a in., 4U3i. m. Arrlvu-Laucaxter. KliiuHtteet, 10.00 a. in., CM p. m 1 yuarrj vilie, 7 05. A M. W1I.SON. bu I )l3Ilhl)VI.VAnlA U.X1I.HOAU NKW L aCHK.DULK On aud alter BUKDA OVKMllKIt,18,lM3. train en the I'enusy Tanla lUllrecut win arrive at and leave tht Lnceste and l'lilladelphla dupetnaa lollewa I.ev Ar Lanl'tu KiHTWiBP A.M. A.M Mali Express.... Philadelphia Zxpre?' Fast Line Haxrlsburg Exr.M3 Yerk Accommodation arrives ... Lancaster Actmu. lat.'en antves. Columbia Acceu. . im den 1-U) i'7 E:Sfi 8:13 It'Jft 7.G0 K3U ane tf-V 1 IS r.n. Frederick Accem Leck Haven Exp: mlatlen arrive. 12:M 2:11 3.16 r.M. fi:tt 5:03 7r2fi 915 Sunday Hall Johnstown Express Day Express Harrlsburif Accommodation. 1:31 6:1b 61S Hanover Accommodation west, oennoctlng at Lancaster with Niagara F.xpreM at IMS, will run through te Hanover dally, oxcept Bunday. rredcrlck Accommodation, west, connecting it Lancaster with Fast Line, weat, at IMS, will run threuKb te F-clerlcl: ile. Ar, WaarwAiiri ; V nil I Lan A.M. A.M Mews Kspresi Way t'afscuger Mali Train. NO. 1. Via. ML. Jey 4.30 6:J3 6:30 Dr.1; 9-JO 9:45 9.W 4:30 7:OJJ 7:40 Mall Train, Ne. 2,TlnColumblB,leavc Nlagani Kxpruas Hanover Accommodation leaves., r.M. Fast Line rriHlntlct Accommodation leavM.. 11:10 1 I'U ft.15 7:30 r.au 2:14 ILirrlaburg Aecomtne.lallon Iincaater Accommodation leaves Columbia Account odaUen l:l( llarrl'ljurg KspreMi. 6:10 7:10 Weeturn Kiprws 9:in lists I'aclCc Expreaa U:&i l:3i Ilurrlsburg Expree. which leaves Lancaster at 7:ie p. in., nas direct connections (without change of cars) tj Columbia anil Yerk. Faat Line, west, en auudny, when llagged will itepat Downlnntewn.Coatoavllle, l'arkea. burg, Mount Jey, Kltzabolnlewnnnd Middle, Day Express. Fast Line, Jfews Expreas, Mall Train, He. 1, Western Express anil Pact tic Ex press run ilallv. Thu tline here given U Ratlern time, or tliat el the 75th meridian, whlcu Is 1 mlnuleanda BiicemU taster thati that hcretoteru Ubed. L OAt. 31A1I. AltltAMII-.JIKNTi. HOUK3 FOll CLOSING THKMAIL8. tly Itnllread Nuw Iebk tiiroueu vail, C:00 and 7 ae a. m., li:SU p. m., 5:00 p. m. and i.OOa. ui. Wat Mail, cast, 7:20 a. in Dowkutewn, l.eaman l'lace ana (lap, Gila P. ui. . , 1'iiiLADELrutA TUROcnu mail, B:C0 nnil 7:10 a. re.. B:0 a. in., is u. e:uu uiiu . w. m. l'lTTsaune aiie wmt, U.u) u. in., 1:20 and 10.13 P'l1AniiisiiuiUAiL,C00anda.)a in., II), 8.00, 7ilSuinl lu.45 p. in. Wat mail, west, C:0 and 0.00 a. tn. IIaltimeuh and Wasimnutev, via l'lilladel l'lilladel phla,5:uep. m, IIaltimekk ame W siuauTOM. la Yerk, 1:30 'iia'ltimeiik and Wabiumotew, viallatrlsburg, 10:45 p. m. liiuu iw-llAtiD, Christiana, l'arkeaburg, Ce ilea ville and Dowulngtewn nt 17:80 p, m. Columbia atu.uOii. in. IM and seu p. in. Y'OIIK AMI Ierk way, LWaiid 10:45 p. tn. fteRTiiKHN Cb.itkal, V:CU t in.. 1:20 ami 10:15 p. in. a.m. it. im. 7:JS me 0.10 0:14 rw r.U J:tO .... 6.M :I0 2:10 8:3B 9.30 2.10 8:13 9:41 .... 8:26 10:40 .... 9.30 UUAU13U, VUI I1KAU13U AflU tULVMUIA lb. It,, 7:00 a.m. ami U.iOp. m, Ukamne, via l'lilladelphla, SilOanil 11.00 p m Kkaoime way, via Junction, l.ltttz, Man lielm, Kiwi Heinptleld and Ephrata, 3:15 p.m. (JDAiiitvviLLK, Carmarite, New Providence, West Willow, Martlnovllle, Iteiten nnd Llmu Valley, 015 a. m. and fl.oe p. ni. Nuw Helland. Cliurculuwn, Urcenbank, lllue llail, Uoedvlllo, Hear town and Hprlng Ureve, by wayel Dowulngtewn, at 0:15 p.m. and ll:0e p tn. .HAra Haruek, via Columbia, 8.50 a. in. anil ily 'siBge-SIaekwater and bale Harber, dall).at4:00p in. Te Mtllersvllle, 8and 11.80 u, m and 4 p. m lilnkluv'M lirldKO, Leacoek, liarevlllc, New Helland. 2:30 p.m. Willow Street, Hmlthvllle, Illicit, Chestnut Level. Ureen, Peters' Creek, l'leiuant Greve, Keck Springs. Fiilrmeuntancl Hewlandsvllle, Md,, dally, at 7:1.0 a. in, I.amilf Valley. Oregon, West Karl, Farm eiaville, Nellsvllle, illnkletewn, Turie Hill, Martlnilale, dally. nt2:3up. in. Greenland, Feitlllty, Lampeter and Wheat, land Mills te HtraBliurg. dally ut I p. in. New Dativllle. COJietogu,iMartlcvllle. Cole, manvllle, Mount Nebo, Kawllnsvllle, Uo Ue thesdaand Liberty bquare, dally, ut 2:30 p. in. en Bunday evening, mails east anil west OK. cles at 10.00 p ui. wnr.N ei'kn vuu uklivkuv. AiiItIeu bv siull Eastern mull, 0:30 a.m., 10.i)0a.ui.,s.t0und0:3pp.m. u-n.t.ii'u wuviuali. lO.oea, m, Wesleru mall, 0.30 and 10.00 a. m,, 2:00 and 7 m n. in. 'lleadltitf, Via Heading uml Columbia, 2J0 P.m. . Western way mull, 8:30 a ni. Heading way mall. 10:30 a. m. Quarry vllle llrancli, 8:13a. m. and 4:00 p.m. uiil"Uby Mnne-Frem Sate Harber and blaekwater, at l):ou a tn., daily. iiein Mlllersvllle, 7 undo a. mand 4 p.m. Fieui New Helland, nt 9:'J a. m., tlallyi Frem ItelaudHVll e, Mil., at 4 00 p. m. lleadlng way mall, at 10.30 a. m., dally." Mem Hiranbiiig. atl):S0 a. in,, dally. Fiem llawlltiavtile, at ll:tea. in. Frem Teiru Hill, at lo.ceiu in. '.SUNDAY I'OhTOFFUJB llOUHS, On Hunday thu postefllco Is open from April 1st te Oeiebei Ut, Irem 8 te 0 a, m., ana from 0 te 7 p. id. ! irem October 1st te April 1st, Irem te 10 u. m,, and tieni 0 te 7 P. m. PA.