' T I artf Ur 'j i 4 LANCASTER .DAILY INTBLLlGlSfOEU FJRIDAY MAY 16 1884. ' ' 'l COLUMBIA NEWS. nun uhuuijah uouitmreNinsnuit. A ItmlRJl ut Maceut Occurrences In the lleraiKli-llalldliu Operations-liana tmll unit Itlryrlliitf ninttntl. Dr. 0. P. Markel'fl trees fait the offer La of a vlalt from the iree destroyer, last nlcht, The leak In the Loehaid Hellew water rCRorveIr tit uew belnr: nlesfd by masonry, Ollve llraneh lodue. CI. U. O of 0. P., and Oyrene comniatidery, Ne. ill, Kuijflita Templar meet te nlitht. Editor A. M. Hambe, of the Ueurant, Uhome from Gloucester, N. J., whero he went te nttend a bl Mind bake, wbleh wns held ycsteiday. Cherry street was tioAted te a froe show Inst ulRlit. A d:mue ut n prlvnte rsaldoneo wan turned Inte n frce light, which din turbed the ontlre uoluhburheod. At the special moeiiiiK held hist night by the borough oeuuoll the tax uolleotor wan net npiKilutnd. An ndourued meeting which will be held next Thursday evciiIiik will dcolde the question of the collector ship. Mr. Jehn Heek, of Lancaster, who will mnke the repalia te the old plots of the rlvrr brldge, was In town te day taking observations of his fitture Held of opera tion!!, Sevcral ccw piers will also be built this summer. The Columbia butcher who, it few days age, sold for a few coots nsupposed lest sheep te a man willing te run tlie dinners of finding it, uew wlNhe.i he had hunted after that sheep, The purchaser of aoUuneo found it, nnd the butcher rues h!a bargain, St. Peter'u soeluty of the Hely Trinity Cntholle church, of Columbia, will atteud thosrrvlceof the corner stoue laying of St. Mary's church, Yerk, en June Oth, and will be accompanied by the Citizen's baud, hchuel t.xikiiilnslliiu The primary school located In Vigilant hall and taught by Miss Kmin.t MoDow MeDow MoDew oll, was examined yesterday. Superin tendent Amosexprcssod inueli satisfaction with the condition of the school. Inter estlng examination exercises nru being held te-day at the high school, the alassis in ohemistry and goemolry baing theso undergoing the ordeal of examination. About ilin llnllruml. The old signal tower at Ditlervlde, en the P. H. 11., will seen be temoved te Paxton strcet, Harrisburg, by the Coluni bla carpenters of the railroad. The Pennsylvania railroad pay car wan In town yesterday aud this morning. A number of drunken men ou the streets at a late hour last night announced thn fact. llullelu lltirritllenr. New timbers ate partly teplac i the old (mice composing the platform i step at Illctz's caw mill. Wagner's hotel has had its interior greaily impievetl by the carpenters, and painters' operations. K X. Smith, builder, has cuutraetcd te build a two story deuble brick d welling en Seuth Second street for J. W. KlutiiTer. Atlilctle ainlterflliMO If nlllttx ituil IllcjullslR A bicycle e'ub wns feiru d hem list night, l'he olllcer are ; President, L)i A. Ilegcrs ; secretary and treasurer, Clus L I'llber. ; captain, Jehn S. Mussir; lieutenant, Elmer Pemwalc ; bugler, Fr.mk Musscr ; standard bearer, August Nelte. The club meets nguin next Thursday evening. .Must of its best plajern having bce-nnu members et the Columbia base ball club, the Alerta doemod it advisable te disband, which haB been done The Quieksup will play the lleselttles t morrow afternoon and ou the following Saturday will meat meat ure strength with a Lititz club. It has also received n ohallengo te play a game with a Yerk club at no early date. At a meeting at the Franklin heiar, Columbia, of the beard of directors of the Lancaster Ceuuty Amateur IJase Hall association, the American nshoeiation rules governing games were adeptid. Hcaeh's balls will be used In nil earner. The championship opens May 20 aud clcscs September 15. Every elub is booked for twenty games. nuioiiueita tu iiik rumni lteccnt ETents About ainulinliii, Kphrnt nnd I tin Village AdJcei.t. Bishop Howe will visit Meuut Hepo chinch acd St. I' nil's Ejiiscepal church, iu Manhcim, en M nday, May 20, for the purpofe of admiu storing the apostolic rite of continuation. A louuteu of the various charges which have bceu formed from the original New Helland circuit of the U, 11. church will be held at St. Jehn's ohureb, SeudcMbur', commencing Thursday eveulng May 20 nnd te onntluue ever. Leuis Zeigler. Heury Mucser and Clay- , ten Iiewmau, of Epbrata, loave Lauoaater te morrow ou an oxteusivo tour of the Wcet, intending te visit Sau Pranolice and Washington torrltery. I Forty men, Hungarians, Irish nn ' Americans, nre empleyed quarrylug stenu. en Stone hill, for the new Clay and II..' kletewu turnplke. Seventeen caiti weiuj icceived en Wednesday from Williauupert nnd ever ene huudred additional meu ate I expected lu a few days. The work Ik , supeiiutendcd by HlchardJ. Malene, one of the company. During the thunder steim ou Tuesda night last the dwelling ou the farm of i David ISembergcr, about ene and a halt' miles cast of Manhcim, was htruek by lightning parts el thrce rafters weie badly Bpllntercd and the tbinglun in its oeurso tern off, but no further damage w, s dene. Elder Snrauel Ilarlcy, of Ephiatn, Is a delegate for thin district te the nuniial oeulercuco of the German li.ipti&t chuigU which meets nt Sliller's Orendng, ntin Dayton, Ohie, in the latter put of May and beginning of June, On Woduesilay night the b:neksmith shop of C. T. Gibble, iu Mauheim, was enured, a hatchet and piece ei iron secured, ami the cigar factory of S. 8 Yeung near by opened by cutting a shutter and bienklng a window pane The burglatu drcamp d with 0,000 cigars, dene up lu 01 boxeB, ready ler stamping and shipment. Mr. Yeung's less will be about $30. Jehn K. Itohrer, Henry 8 Uomesderfer, Epbrnim 8. Strickler, Jacob H If ready, AmeB Brcnemau, Christiau K, Ilehrer aud Tobias II. Hersbey, have beeu oleetcd di rectors of the Manhcim and Sporting Hill turnplke for the ensuing year. is Abe Uuntril la Cluclanatl ? J.ltttz KccerJ, In a lotter from J. G. neiuheld, dated May 10, 1881, who left this plaoe recently for Cincinnati, he wrltcn na fellows : "Last ulbt J. M. SuealTcr, Isnne Poirew, of Farmeisvllle, and myself whlle scated nt a table- in the Atlantic garden, we were no llttle Etirpriscd te eee coming along none ethor bat the uoterlotj Abe IltiMnrd of Lancaster ceuuty noterity. Mr. Mertew knew him well, and at once told me who he was. Abi looked at us, and notleluj; Mr. Mer row, he Immediately struck out, we fol lowing him. We kept ou Ida trail for tevcral Equates, and eoelng that we were ou his ttack, he slipped In an alley, where we lest sight of him, He was dressed up in the best of style, wero a high hat and a butteu hele boquet, and looked well, We notified the pollee, who went In search of the much desired cacaprd con cen con viet, but up te this tlme have net found him." A Vlllitgn Mitldmtu lltr bwrttbearr, Manla-lm geiitlacl. A young man In "the vlllage of steady bnults" rccelved from his girl thn fellow leg nete a few days age: 'Yeu kin cotne and Sse me overy into new, Jim, na the ele man lias lest his derg, se you Need hev no fear ou that Akeunt,' TlinHKVnMTV NINTH VKTKKAN0, A Koiiuien te tie llflil MtiirrtT, Hsptember aein. A meeting of the vcteraus of the old 70th Pa. Vels., wan held In Grand Army hall last evening, the nttoudance being qulle large. Gee. W. Zecher was called te the elmlr aud Jarani A. Nlmlew ap pointed Bceiciary. The uaiues of the eillccrs of the nssoelntlon, appointed at the last reunion of the regiment, wero read nR fellows : Prrsideut Ucu, II. A. Uambright. Vice Presidents Cel. David Mills, Ma). M. II Lrtchcr, nnd Captain J. B. Me lirlde. Treasurer K. K. Martin, Secretary J. K, Ilarr. KxccutUe Committee Capt. Edw. Edgerly, Ce. K ; Lieut. S. 8. Clair, Ce. E ;Bergt. Pindlay Elliett, Ce. J ; Lieut. Chester Huliley, Ce, II ; Capt. S. E. Wlsner, Ce P ; Hergt. Jacob A lloechlor, Ce, A ; Lluut. J. I). Haz.ard, Ce. D ; Lieut. J. 1). Labkloher, Ce. I) ; Heury J. Yeung, Ce. O ; Lieut. C. L. Eehcrt, Ce. On motion (Ien H.wnbrlght, Cel. Miler, Lieut. Mental and Comrade J. K. Harr, were substituted as membcra of the oxcou excou oxceu tlvooommltteo in piano of Maj M. II. Lecher and Comiade HunryJ. Yeung, decciKul, nnd Capt. Molirlde and Lieut. Hnzziid, the former of whom Is in Cali fornia an I the latter In Flerida. Com Com raeo 0. V. Zcber was also added te the comtnlttee. J, K Uatr ten de red his resignation as secietary of the rukoelation, aud James A Nimlew wai ohesen In his stead. A resolution was adep'.ed te held the next reunion of the regiment ou Saturday, the 20th of September, the anniversary of the battle of Chiekamauga, Jamrn II. Marshall was chceu ene of the vice pri'sldenta In plaoe of Maj. M. II. Loehcr, dcctasi'd. nnd 0. W. IlufTungle was made a member of the exocutlve commlttee in plaei of Henry J. Yeung, deceased. On motion of E, K. Martin the mcmberii of the association were made ex-officio members of the cxtcutlve comtnlttee. The secretary wan diteeted te call a meeting of the executive commlttee at an early day. A vote of I hanks was tcudcicd Gee. II. Themas p t (or the use of their hall, Adjiiuriud. li (. Willi 'Km As we go te pn.iH the workmen at the Northern market are nningiug into place the llrat ece of the eighteen trusses that ure te support the reef of that edifice. Eich truss riclghii about 2 tens and Is neatly 100 feet in length. And just at the hame hour werkmcu are llltin; by block and tackle a new " Uul verbal " job press up te the third story of thelNTELtiUENcr.it building. It Is an even bet whleli set of workmen llnith their j'ib llrst A iiiiuit UrniiKf) (.rungr Alverata. Strasbuig Orange, Ne. 02, Lancaster county acuds lu a very encouraging report, and has placed itselt in the from rank. The membership ban gnne te weil. with Hd'itiblcd energy, and has ilua pieapvcts for adding many new names te its Ibt. I.IK l'ui'rml The I uncial of Jehn Veulesaug toel: pljen fn m his resideuce this afternoon anil tbeut was a large crwd prereut Ilebel 1 mIe I O. O. P. and the Liucaslir Liederkiatz, of which deceased wai a member, attended. The lutcriuetit was made at the Lancaster eemctery. ."e Mern A ppBli. At a meeting of the water oerumittoo list night it was resolved te hear no meiu appeals from the wnter tax levied for the current jeur, except te correct palpable mistakes. The committee say they have been "aoneyed" by appellauta at every meeting cince the day of appeal. luel Indira Cut tin. Yestejday afternoon a young mnu in the employ of D. B, & D. 'II. Bartholemew hnd the two middle fingers of his ik'ht baud cut off by a circular saw while at work in the saw mill en Sjuth Prince slreef. His injuries wein attended te by Dr. I Iv. Shirk. AMIit ci incut. J. M. Sweipart & Ce., of Ephrata, have made an assignment for the beneilt of their ciedtters te Hcubeu It. BiUer nud J, W. Land is. llurscit Hlilpiirtl. Piss & I)i err shipped twenty he-id of horses te New Yerk te day. Tub Sunday Scheel Tkcuehs' Association will uiei' publicly this veiling, tit tne pailnr et tlie . M. u. ... for ttie mmly et Ictsen for nextMunuv. Itev. J. V. Kclrurt will bu tlie t"Tflinr. .Miiimi'iiienii. Hunch e li'tti yuxt Tliursduy Flera .loeri,'8"IiOTic:i of Keys, or, Tin Hetel," by Ulin, II. Ileyl ami ivi lle Kleutn, will be probented In tlieoeora house, TliU company In sil.l te be an exceeJIngly able ene anil will ileubtlOMilraw it bla heuse Tlmre will be s'iewii tl-e Cfli'tiratetl Ornnd View hotel set, oirle.lln Its ontlrety ; nle original musle anil 1( i;ant cestumtnc Mlis Moere la a coin. piMennoel niucli nlillliy r.ml lias been well ii. cetveil t' Lancaster ticri'totero. HI' VI Al. SUTlVt.S. A Vllll Phenrt lnnily. Tim Ifiin I'lift AiirB palm and acliec wliere eti-cr plaitcn simply rellu e, icints uliill ilniKHe m. Tim weik, worn, nnd dyspeptic alinuM take O Jlitun Liquid IJtut Tonic Take no e(ier mylJ lwilceclAw I'UcaI I lies t l'llcil Hiiro ciiie for llilnil, llleedtni; and ItelilnK I'lkv. tun Iiex liat cured tlie worst ease e'iW ye us Miuid'iitf. Ne ene neml sulfur tl ve mill. uUh atldi iitduu' Wllllaiu's Indian l'lle Ulnt mi'iit 'luiMeilis tuiunrrt, nllnvH Itchlnt.', i'cIh a. iiedltlen, Ktvrs Instant ri-lltir. Prupated only ter I'IIvh, llchliitf et the private pints nothing i!ltn. .Sold bv driiu'itUts and mailed en rtxelpt or imlce.il. Sold liy It II. (Jnoh (Jneh rm diiiifulBt.ltfund lfJ North Queen street. 1 HattiiMcinrr I'.vlilrnce. J. W. Uratiam, Wholesale DniK'Klsts.ef Atw tin, Tex . writes :-I have been liamllliut Dr. Win. Hall's Italsam for thu Limits for the past jeiir.and have leund It oneet the most sala ble medicines I have ever had In my iieuau for (,'euglH, Colds, and cven ( onsumpilen, uN waj s giving entire natl4tacllen. Please send meanotheruiou. m5lJ-2wdJl.WAF.tw I.OJl Btlll lii I'dtMcUii. There ate Inuuinorable instances whete emeu have been ellecteil by SevitL't Saiha rAniLLA, or Iltoeu.t LiVMit bvncp, ler all dis eases of tlie bleed, when the patient had been litven npbvphjstelans. It Is one et the bcU lomedlcsovornirorod te the public and as It s prepared with the iiieatoitciire,asaspecUle ler certain diseases, It U no wemldr that It should bomeioetlectual than hastily written and carolejsly piopared prescilptlens. Take Bt'eviL's Hlo i) ami I.ivkii Svnt'f for all dlsoi dlsei durs arlsliiK from Impure bleiMl. it U en en dersfil by all leading protemlnnul men. n2l-2wM,WAF It Ii no wnudrr that se many people sink Inte untimely craves when we consider hew they neulect Melr health. They hsve u liliordeted Liver, branced llowels, Ceiiitlpallm, Piles or dls- aibllililneys, but they let It be and think they "will Ket ever It," It grows worse, ether and mere strleus conipllcntlenj fellow nnd eoen It l tee 1'vte te eave theni. II sueh pee pie euiu luae aiiiiioy.werc it would pre serve their llvei. It nets upon the most tin tin petant erg ins, putllylna Iho bl ed anil clcaiHlnif the system, remove nnd praventa thvee oUerdurs nud promotes health, KJienVs Lltlle Cathartle t'llls nre siuUcienT ly powerftd for the men robust, yet the eatcst ter children and weak constitutions. ISccuts. mylMwdM.WAFAw urnutAz. neTiann, An ltxeellnnt llapert Hen. Jei. (1. (Joedrlcli, el llroeltlvn. N. v., writes thlst ' Cannet express tit visit in sum. el;iitly prnliowerthv tenni. Murdoch llloed nilltri nave used for thn pan two veuiit knot; my itntnncli In plenrtld trim." Fer sate by ft. II. Cochran, (IniHuUt, 137 and 13V Keitli Uureii street. 82,000 ruim si.ne, "Ispent U.600, with etluir tlocteri," writes Mr. J. W. Thornten, et Clnlbern, Mill, " Ba maritan Ariln liowevor ulone cured tny son el fits." TliU is en a par with ltundreds of ethers, speedy biittlioreiiKh. myl3'1w(teeilA.w Think, ladles I Yeu enn pormanenlly boau beau tlly your complexion with (Jlenn's Hiilphur Heap, ' Hill's llnlr and Whisker Dye," S)cU. myl2lwdeed.tw A Kntr enr. Tins Voltaie IIblt Ce., of Marshall, Mich,, offer te send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Helt anil Kleclrte ApplUnccs 011 trial, ler thirty days, te men, old and leunir, mulcted with nervous debtllty, Ien vitality, and many ether (llseasui, Hee udvertltement lit this paper. al.'ydM.WAK.lw IT Tiiiiiirr'n htenmuli. Dr. Tiuuirr ceitiilnly hiMiiKreat stninach uroutbacauieet Its sltciiKtli and endurance, we nmy nrr In niylnn tna' the doctor uses Ilurileck llloed lltttert.bnl II he does, Ills ill. uestlve powem ure easily aecMinlcd ler. Ilur Ilur deck llloed Hitter t ht Iiik a stuudard inedleine niefOhl by 11II iiruKUlt, Fer sule by 11.11. Ceclimn, druggist, 137 nnd 139 North Queen stt eel. Alikn's Drain Feed botanical extract streiiHtlieiiB the llniiii.imd jieiltlvcly cutes Nervous Debility, Ner eusnesi, Ileudache, unnatural lo-uei, undull weaknci el Uoner Uener Uoner atlve Byatem ; 11 never latts. II pktf,, 0 ler 15. AtdruKKlsts,er by mall lrem J. 11. A'leti, 318 First Ave., New Voile City. myIMwdM,VAK&w Mr. frnrlxr'ti Hunt itllters, Krazlm's Heet Hitters are net a ilram shop beverage, but nr strictly tnedlclnal lu overy siMise. They act strongly upon thn Liver and Hldnuyi", kuiip the bowels e.inn und rcuular, eie.visu tlie bleed und Hystem el every Impu rity. Held by driiHKNts, tl. Beld by II II. Cochran, druggist, ,U7 und 133 North Queen Street. 1 ilALAiiu Is caused by Torpid Llver ; I'llee by Consitlpatfen ; Headache by Indigestion. Avoid them all by tiling the icrnat vegetable reined', Allen's IMIIOU4 I'hy.ie '.5 cents. At nil UruKKlite. inylilwdM.WAFftw Urt'um hiiiI Vel I Wnttr. What u luxury I111 bath iu suiumer. aurely, nut a Kreater luxury Is a clear head In winter s limtwhen ulrnett overybo l Is snuesliiK and numiii Willi a. cold la the head. Hut when you are attacked use KI'h Cie.im lla m. It curts colds In the lieud, and what M bntter.lt cuirs tliu wett caies 01 chronle catarrh and hay lever. Neta llijutd, net a nnil. I'Jeaunt te 11,0. Quick telle!. Uadlcul cure. m.V2wileert.tw llruwn'n nsnnuiit I'.ienwv Is the miHt e'.lcctlve I'aln Dcutree- In the world. Will meit aurely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or npplled exter nally, and thereby morn ceitululy UKL1KVI-. I'AIN, whether cluenlc or acute, than n.iy ether pulii alleviator, an t It in wurrnnted dou deu hie thn streiiKtb tlm-i ney eti-er slmilnr prepa mtlim, IlcuniH p.i'.n in tt.e Sliie, llank -r llovels, Sere Threat, UhruuiatUin, Toothache, and ALL ACHLS, nnd Is Tlu Jrent I'.ellnur el I'aln "l!U(JWN")IIOUniiIIl)LII'ANAi,LA" should belli cvuiy luuill. A teaspoon lul ,i the Panacea In u tumbler 01 lint, vutxr rn-,.,i. em 1, ti; pre'Pifdl laken -a bodtlme, will llllhAU UP A I OLD. Mc-tiU-i bntlJ" tdavI-T.Th.l' Aw I'OI.ITIOAT.. nillt CI J UN IV UO.MMlrt-ilO.NUi:. Kl.l 11 1T(IN, et Upper Ltuceck township. .ruilcct te tte dectsleu et the Dntno Dntne Dntno craMe convention tmd.tw ltllt OIUJNTV UtllllllaIUNKU, ' DEI', . liOONK.ef Salisbury township. 0-.subJe.-t te the decision or the D tueeratlc county convention. lebisd.vw ?"H UtltlNTV UOSlltl-.MIOMUt. IOIIN I). IIAHUAIC.O! L'hrlstlniie. hiUIiiiiv tewnslilp. Oif huhlnet te the ileeinlnn el thn Deme cratle county convention. Id-d.tw lMIt 0IM(M'V OOMMI.l-flO.SKK. IIKN1IV r. IIAIITJI.VN (LImo.:iturner),ol Hait I.Hinpntir township. a-SubJect te the deubl'in et the Demo cratic Cuuuty onveutleii. lnl-dAw !; ;OU:iV UOMMIHSIOMCK. UOIIDLLV H. rTTKIl.SON, el Llttlu Ilrl tain township irMubpei te the declidrm elthu Di'ineciut'c ceantv convention. tts-ttd&w lftllt UUUNTV COMJllSHIONKlt. A. 7.. U1VUW ALT, First Ward, city. eir Subjeet te the it.clslen el the 11011.0 11011.0 11011.0 cratloceuuiy convention. inl3-tt fun COUNTY AUUITUK. IV. II. SLM1NKIT.MAN. nl Mlr.filietMn-t boreiiKh .-tulJce te the decision el the Deinecrntle cnuntv tnnv ntlen 'till tl'd.tv Nt: l .1 U I' Kit UN f.M i.V Tl; IOIt MALI-:. An Aldernry tow anil ( air. A vi ry noed mllRer Inrjutre at Ne. HO Kail ()mni;e n eel or et oftlce of Ne. 1 Cotten Jim nin , L n. ....... . tnlU-'U F.SIIItUDKIt. OTIUK.TIIK .MAY IHU'IU 1115 OIVKN 1 by the Lancaster MoMiueichor en next .Monday uvenliiK, the l'Jth Hut., will be a call co ami prt leap year party. mlOiitil (.OMM1TTKF. Oi:aSll.NAItl,i: NKur.SsliIhH. Cj l'ut Away Furs und Woolens with Tarine ITeth I'nds. or Pfeizer's Refined Campher. lteth 111 laice stoekut HUllLliY'S Dill O STOHK. aS-Ciinl si Wei King fatreet. DKIVA'IK HAl.K ! A t)Altl.tll) (If I IOWA AND ILLINOIS IIOUSK3, at the Mertliiiae house, North I'rliu-e street. Ainnni; them nre senin Urnt'Cl.is driveis and femu heavy drnlt ; 11U0 some ler genuiat use. The lierset wLl arrive lu I.aueiitet' by Hiturday nlijlit. I will also have a carload e! ciANADV I10KHKH by the latter partef next week. mlO-'Jl tlhOUUK (JIIOSSMAN AA.iiATK tllr ANN lit'l'f.M.tri, l.tll. 11 of Lancaster city, iluccisutl. I.itlcniin .t..rvi.,i. j .... mini .-.ii.i,, illlVllll. I'llH granted te the undeislgued. all pemens In debted thereto ate lfquosted te makn luine- il i In txi ltitt f ii nil lli..fcn liiiil... fl1..l..A A. .1.. en Kuni iiime navi tr uiim i.i.ivu iiikrtu.itiiiiiiiuau uu lug UIUIIUH IU lie- manita ngalnst the same, will pnent them without delay ter settlement te the under sbctwd, retldliiii In Lane titer city. .IACOII N. SUM. Kit, JUNIUS II. KAUUFMAN, tnlO-Ctdeaw Hxccuters. UtANlMlt-r.MNO I -AND- SIGN DEDICATION, -ON- SATURDAY, MONDAY and TDB8DAY, AT Excelsior Hall, EAST KING STREET. VVVX HAND WILL FIIItS'I6Il MU8I'' GRAND LUNCH Fine Beer and Choice Wines. Henry Rohrer, ml5-ltl I'JtOl'KIETOU. NEXT AnyjtUTiaKttLKSTH, ;,..rr-jr , P LINN St IIRRNRHAN. ABIC YOUR ii ETNA" AND TAKE They are the BEST in the Bexes of 200, 300 and 500. FLTNN & BEENBMAN, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PENN'A. NKW AUVllKTlnKMtiftTH I J1.I5NTV IO llwlrATK, HUT SO.IK TO eeunl the sc. Havana i.iuars at llAllTMAN'H IhlJiOW FltONTCIiAH 8TOIIK. Ituii'v riteni mutf, hut tki; jiin lead and sell thu best Se. Cigar In thu city, ut llAKTMA.VS YKI.I.OW FIIUNI ClOAIl htuki; ITOUSUII'.Kl'KllH, TAIlhNIIIIUti. FUKNlTUJtE will be sold positively AT COST, te close business, nt nlO-ltml 220 WKBTKINOSTltKKT. 1J1INN UltlAHS l'Ht.ll OOctn, I'KK 11UN- X d rcd tin. nt llAUTMAN'S YKI.I.OW FKU.V1 CKlAU HTOKK. ATlttV .V.UM. Onl'tf rUU UIIII.IMtKN AT 1 awAKit'a. Ladles' New CIose Kitting Gosaineis. wllli sleeve" and belt, can be went with or without heed. Fer tale ut HWAItR'S, Ne. 50 North (Juecn St. ri'itY iii.Aitit'i n:i,Kuri.u ikas AMI Geed I Cellcej and you will be cratltl'iu. Teas lrem 7c. touie. pur quarter pound. Cel- !eef 13c. te 3jc. Uranuiiitnd Hugar, Tc. (Jtir Table Syrup at Ke. ih eeillng Inst. CLAKKh'8 Tea nnd Coireestoro, Ne. Xi West lilns 8L Bf Wanted a man te uttend store. MAItTlN I. UTKK.lt nilCPAI.-, in tie.ii. momeratlon of thn erection nf thu Mulue et l e Ureat lt ermcr te beunvellea hi Wash. Illglen. I) C. Slav -I, 18SI. 1'rlee, lie. Fer siiTeby JOIINF. UIS'I'S SON. Ne. IJ North Queen etreet, Lancaster, agentater L-inciister county. It t iitui'K'ct kui.i.i:u ri.euit. ISAAC W. GItOFF'i Millersville Nermal Rellei Fleur. Is the best lu the market Give It n Dial and jeu will be LOiivlnced tn i It stlu I t, hur sale by all greceri. UeOKUKUOKIlKI. & i O, AgentH, inlO-21 Nes H7 iiml 219 West King bt. W1 I AUK ItIAKI.NO ALSItMT u'tdltletis te our stock of If.WUY WALL PAPERS! IIKAUTIFUL tAl.'Ti:RN6 IN Embjsscd, Plain aed Celer Gilts. COMMON and I.OW-1'liICKI) GOOD3 lu serfnent IIOIIDKIIS, GKlLlfJd DKCOUATIONM, ite. Paper buns promptly. by competent Werkmin und Six nnd Seven Feet Dade Similes. PLAIN CLOTIIrt. all cilera. lrem 0 n 72 In. wide, FlXlUltKS. flltLS, no., LACE CUiltl.VS, l'OLEV, Ac. Wire Window Screens, made loonier. In PLAIN and The IILST in the m u kut. LANPSCAPK. PHARES W. FRY, '7 NORTH QUBEN ST. LANCASTKlt. )'A. WI.W LATH. SHULiTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE, We wIbIi te call the attention of men with big hoade te tbe faet that we nre alwitya provided with Juet tbe exru lnrse hats they rr.qulre. We nre new nhewing a full neeort neeert neeort mentof . TRAW HATri in nil grndea and the lnracet, hnndoemost and mr pt cempU-tn line of LIftHT OOL ORED STIFF HATS evor openod In Luncnoter. f you romemb&r that overythlnsr hore la frefh nnd new nothing that ii nt all old you will eoe the udvnn udvnn ttiaeB of nt leaat looking through our nesortmment. 3-I A VKW DAYS WE WILL Il.VVK A l.l'Pl'I.K I'RKSKNT KOK.Ot'11 FKIK.ND4 THAT YOU WILL Al'l'KKCIA IK. 144 North Queen St., A lew rtoers abeve the Kranklln Heuse, 1.ANCAS1EU, PA. inui.'7 Ijd.tw riMiu FAVORITE Dress Suit for Gentlemen, Thu r'OUIMIUTl'ON (JL'I'AU.W ' AT SU1 1' leritentleiiitu Is net enlj tin- meutasili tonuhle. but Is a decided taverlte e have a VailY IlANDsOMri ASSUItTMKNT el tlifiie popular Sulta comme-icluir ..t 81'-.'. 00 ulul ilaliiK ty ea-jy Ht.wt's te S'.'O mi Tlmy aie made of i he most stvlUli iniiti.il.il and .nt a supeiler IlttliiB Karnieut. Fer a BUSINESS SUIT, the DAltlC ALL.WOOL (!AS-nthltH bUlT. ler9I3 00, stands without a itvul. HOYS' and ClULDHKN'S SUITS, Innlluualltlej treiua Ohlld's SHOUT PANT MIIT ler tfaoe ten tirirel! jY'.iSUH'in Uuu DiuiS Wotsted let HI 1.01). In thu KUUNISHINU GOOIH DKl'AUT MKNT there Is a flrst-elas II VLIIHIGGAN UNDKUIIIUT for 3e. und Alie, which U excoptienully low when we ceuHtum- the ijual Ity oltheijoods. Alae. KANCY HOsIKIt and NtCCKWKAHut nil prices. TbeLatOBt Sonsatlen In IlntH lu the Oleth Derby. StylUh anil dur.ible And our uh uluiunt el LIUIIT BTlKt' HA'IH, UASSlMKItK HATS and STRAW HATS el ail kinds H hii(cr than ever before. BOOTS and SHOES ler Children, Heys mil Men. Tin roaie styles enough te suit thu most Ih-UI ll'ian, and ter llliii't and LidltB. WALKING fllnlvH, HIlhHsailOKS, NKWl'Oltr 'ilhi and SLIP l'hlfinur variety Is iiULuxrellciK'e und OLU l'ltlCLS nre always tlie I. jWL-il DKALKlll IN UI.OTUINO, 11 VT-i, OAl'Jl, QliN'W KUltNiailINU UOOUS, 110 .T.-l, 8UOK3, HUltlJKIt OOUO-f, TUUNKS, VAI.UItt, etc. Nes. 32-38 EAST KINO STREET. LftNOAbXCB, VA. liaison & Fester, ,rr. - .iL. :n ' v.tt.- ': ji.'jttJ GROOER FOR JMLateh.es, NO OTHER. Market ; put up in full count HKW AUrKllTlHi;iti:STH. Hl.KAIt HAVANA fll.l.KH UIIIAHS I'DK . e cents, ijunrnntrnd tn lm nlear illlma nt IIAUTMAN N'8 YKLLOW KHO.NT CIUAH . HlOltK. Ul'PUIAf.AS 'IU 1',h7TV OlIH FINK TJ Tallerliiir Kslubllshtnnntdnn't fnlltn innlt in me nunw winnow t tee leadlnx 1 IcmlliiK Spring Mtyn s aie exhlDIted therein t then wiilh In nnd ezainmeourentirustecir. Nene tecuual it in therltv. llnndnemiOv trlinnii.il unii itimi,, m.i pcrlccinttliiR garments nHincd nt medi-.ratu Pt'CCS. A. If. HOsKNHTKIN, ,. .. .. 37 North gucen St. Oppoilte the l'oitemco. m'l-CindK tIt SALK OK HUNT. T" TUB Excelsior Steam Bottling Works Aropirerixl ler silo or rent en eay terms. Apply te or address B J. KING, mia.Iw Yort, Pa. lOHBAI.K " Vnlunble Olty Bulldlnsr Let3. Hltuate en the northeat corner of North Mine and .latnesstu-cl-i. These let will mnke elcitant bulldlui; sites, buliut sltitate t in a last Improving i art et the city. Fer luttlier lulormatlen call en ALLKN A. HKUUACO., Ileal Katatu AKeats, Ne. 1C3 Hast King Street, Lancaster, I'D. Julyl!Ctd4eawFltti "VTOTIUi: TO THIS hTOCKIHll.l.KUH tllf X thuMnnncrclier Hall Association i he Heard or Ulrccters el the Mtennuicher Hill AsHOClntleu having reselved, with teoienscnt Of the StOCkholdels. te Incrcmn tin, rnnlmi steclt et the corporation lrem i:e.000 te KO.oeo.' ki.w ii..vii-iu n IID uiuuu liy IUU l-MUO OI W1 snateii et stock at the par value of lii pitch, the stockholders et the fald corporation are h'-reby nelirieii that a minting el tnortock tnertock tnorteck holiluts will he held (or the purpose e! run sldvrlng suu.'i Increase n! capital nt the onice et the corporation en North l'rlncostiret, en theIJth liny et Jtuy, 181. at 8 o'cleeic p. tn. ilKNItrtlf ItllAUT, President I.AACAflTtui, Pa., Machie, ISSt. m2l-Ftmi30 H AVrS TtlBStWI Till'. NEW AM) LAKUK LINK OK PAUTAL00III6S ? II Het. we will be eluasbd te h.ivci vnn rail nnd sen our assortment. TheCOKNEU WIN DOW centatus some tow el hnm, umeng which Is ene row of TWENTY-ONE PATTERNS at $6.00. It Is the biggest erlVH evor oireicd In this city. We makuthem toyeurotdut-.ttlm them well nnd gtvu you a geed tit. We ns . you te call and bee thuin Have also lust ieo-lved n new let or Corkscrews Worsteds and Suitings, which we will matte te your order at price', which ler cheapness will Kiirprlsu you. CALL AND SKU Til KM. OUIt PJilCKS nre tlie LOWEST! as an inspection will bIiew satisfaction. you te your own Hirsh & Brether I'ENN HALLOLOTHINO HUUSIS. Nes. St find 4 North Qucen btroet. LANCASTKU. PA. VTK.Vr DIIOi; TO Till'. (..Ullf.f HIIL'St: Jerseys ! Jerseys i UKADQUAnTlSi .1 KOll JERSEYS l' O It I A I) I K 8 A if 1) CHILD It K N, FAHNESTOCK'S, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Jeraeys-Plain, Jerseys-Braided, Jerseys-Embroidered, Jerseys--Beaded, Jerseys-Pleated. ALL Bl.K1) IN lll.ACK ANl COLOUKD. Jluy no dei'suys till you sce ours. R. E. Fahnestbck, LAN0A8TKU, I' Next Doer te the Oeurt Heii'c, Ail UHJiMHNTtt. rMH.lON OIT.KA HUtlal".. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1064. Flera Moere's or, 1 (.( J J.11U uuiuit Ily Chas. Il.lleyt and Willie Kdeuln. With a iccerd oieviH ONK III) Nil UK I) COSbKC- UT IVK NIUH'IM ut the Han Kiauolsce Opeiu Heuse, N.V. IittreiluclnR tlii unapproachable clmrac- tet ceuieiit line, MISS FLORA MOORE, Supported by A (.ItUATOART. TliernlubratiiKiUAMl MKV IIOI'Kl.fll'.T curried lu itx entltety. Oilulnal iluslet i:ic ant (.eiiuiiilng, 1'UDI.hY SleAUOW, Jlunamr. IIAltltV A. LISK, IJtialiipsa MumiKer. ADMISSION 73. W und 33 CENTS. HKaLKVtU SSATB 75 " for sale at Opera Heuio, tnlSBtd SECOND E D I T 1 0 N,ptawfca&V" ss-iu.' iL--uui 1 law! that lb In MiAdnfvnr I.AMAM.MJ1 FKIDATf BVBNINO, MAY 10, 1084, m: - . - ON WALL STREET. ntAITKHS QUlETltsU DOWN TIIUHK. Ouc I'sllare la Nmv V'erk City Te-uy Utacrs lit Other rlncts A ncersl ltnnhat's Troubles. Nuw Yekk, Slay 10. It Is Rlven out en Wall street at this hour (10 a. m.) that the obligations of Fish and Hatch en tbe stock oxeiiongo are very small. The epeniut: of the ExehanRO shows no appoaratice of a Hurry aud indications point te higher prlecs te day, unless new failures occur. Wall Stiiekt, 11:03 a. m. The firm of II. 0. Hardey it Sens have just auneuueed tlielr suspension. A Uupetul Ctrenmitsnce, Noen The first two hours of business, which are usually the most dangerous lu a EcaBeu el Hurry, have p isaeil with only one small failure, which has had no Rrcat depressing liillm-uoe. 1:30 r. si. On Wall strcet at this hour stocks are stronger atitl hlifhcr aalu, rretectln; the Alnrlttt. 1:30 a, M The elcaiiuK heuse banks have nxroed te advancd $20,000,000 en Covernment bends If necessary te protect the market. Up te thld hour, it Is Raid, $2,500,000 have been leaned en this col lateral ; money Is leaning at iQe. per cent, premium per dleni. 2:15 p. St. The hour of nettllng has passed aud no additional failures are re ported. I lie Weekly IWporle! failures Ureryirhcre The business failures for the last soren days throughout the country number 182 for the United States and 27 for Canada, a total el 209. Ae ceuipmd with 101 the pie vietiB tveele, this shows ntt increase of 18 failures, just about thn number that oc curred in Wall street. The ethor sect leiu of the country repnrt nlnut the axrae as the picvi'jtm wetk. a Hiititliiru iiunlicr stints ills Hoeiv, Atlanta, Ha , May 10. Jehn II. James, the bauker, announced last night that he would net open his doers te day. lie had control of real cstate te the nmettnt of half a million dollar?, which he will eiler for s.tle nt once, nud which will mero than pay Lis liabilities. The aiseciatu batiks and bankets of Atlanta met last nijjht nud tcadeted Mr. .Tank s assistance. He declined, rUHuk that he preferred te icly en his rcnl e-tite, which would fully protect him. There was no run .00 hu li.tuit and he closes out of abundant caution. The ethor banks nre confident and strong, and Ii ive eraulz-id for mutual protection. Milium of 11 Hsslngs llaiib, Newaui;, N. J., May 10. The Newark saviiiu"- institution, which failed six yean no, closed its deem te day. Pisk &, Hatch, the olflcers ray, own the bank 3 million dollars. The Newark eavlnus Institution failed lour je.-ub nrje, but was taken in the Miaidiauehln of chance ty, which, instead or appeInthiR a receiver, left the beard of nuuuK.i'iH in control te rottle up the old debts und reoelve new deposits vrhieli were te be itivrrtid only in i;evcrumcut bendn and pimtlar sccurUies, and which invent tncnta were te he especially ler the himellt of the new dej esita ; and old deposits have real r.ed 9e per cert., nod tlui. ! 1 enough money te pty the e'hvt fi per cut. The new deposits have pdd mi Incuma of ;1J per cent, j early. JIllLU ' Illlf UlOl.t III l.lllllIOD. Losden, Miy 10. S r. . Theie Is 11 otrentr tlewnwanl tendency in Amerlcan stocks Tee street u crowded and thorn is much ric'tcmeiit. t OKI.H1N M.IVH. Occirini res I rjin -iir.iu TMi Alttrnueu. Londen, .Muy 10 The iteamfhip Ulvriun. from Ij'vorneol. for Iiesinii went aslinre last t.lghf ucar CJ.spe Clear, Ireland, and is totally wiecktd. Thn p.st'tigera are saved. At I101IU1, (J m many, the empjr.r has aeetp'ed the rtsigputi'.n nl iiismucic lrem the pientd ucy f the Pntsatxti cabinet aid h:bapjeintcd !! r V . '5 trie'ier as his succen-nr. The Ttillitueie, Irelacd, jielice, have RcUrd a quautity of arms at the tailway statieu ; the cuibUme is net known. A Kiirtiiiiktii Itnimu'.j CuiCAOO, May 10. A spi cial from Ulcn dive, Munt.tun, eas : While U. ri. Pay master Whipple was onieuto from Fert Ii 11 foul te Ul-mdive en Tuesday, he was attached by read ngentn. Serceitut Cenrad waa killed and two private- woie seriously WLttndtd. The heisen at'nchid te the v.uitru iewUuhiie the pay master, his c!e.k atid 1 tie ei.eli . 1:0 ''os ran away and tbiiH haviil tl.e party. air. iic'-i.i I y U ly I'HILIUULI'IIIA, May 10. St. Clair MiCrttiliy, who Jit : v. tiiti attaclttd JnmtH 11. Ilevciiii, the lawyer, iu the Mm t, hueekiut: him de'.vu nhh it blew from a blackjack, wna arralgni'il this morning and held iu $1,000 bail ler assault with ii.tint te kill, aud 300 ler etrrying concealed deadly wetpeiii. A 1'rltn t lu't iinit.iimi rjpjeuutj. PuiLAum.i'HiA, May 10. A pri.j flhi eccuttcd about 0 o'clock tins morning in Montgomery county, lotveon one Pratt, el Ueiiiuntunu, and W. Chester, et Coit Ceit Coit thuheckeii, for a ht-ike of $200 Four reitudu were fought, iu thu labtef winch Chester wa Um cktd fUf, lu.i aimi Mituxml. AbHLANU. O.tie. May 10, Hern aud (Jribben weie tuugnl Here te.day. Ten thousand poejilo OJllentnl abeui. the jail, bit' wi in kept biek hy tnne cempauius of mllilia. VV'ien the auuouceement of thu hanging vas mudu the vast crowd howled with (li'liht. 'in nictiiuiil-c conirrencr. Piui.ADi.Li'iiiA, May 10 At te day's session et the Methedist general coufcu'Lce Hev. Jehn M. Phllipu nud Dr. Saufe.d Hunt weie clecte'l husteni book nu'cii's und Hev h it Cranston aud Hjv W. P. Slewe Weuti rti book agents. The llrccivcis ttltt'l.itrscil. PiiiLAUiCLi'lii.v, May 10. Judge of thu Uuitid States ciienit ceiut Butler te-day m a ile puuiie a uectuj (iiscuargiug tlie ro re ro ceier.s el the Philadelphia & Bending 1 all all read and coal i.i'd iron enupinie. btrlKe nf M(scnKrs Heys PiTTduuiie, May 10. The moseetiger boys umplojed by the Bankers' i5 Mer Mer ehaiitx' telegraph oemp.iuy, in this city, htruck today for 111 ittv.mce in w.ies lrem $12 te $10 a mouth. Iliitlnl ut llu.irlc O'Uunuer. Nkw Wik, .May 10 Charles O'Connor was buticl lrem Urn cathedral hote. Over ttiiee thousand p 'i'1" '"'e prescut. 1 11 1 ' ' VVKA111UK inme.iTlONtl. .VASUiMiieN, May 10 Fer the Middlh A .'itie stale", l.m weather, iu beutbetn at d eicatiug tviather In ueitheru porllehs, . i.uthnebt iieilhwcat '.uiuIb, higher baiumiter. nluhily coela. I'll! i I'iU VI. t'Ol-'ITH. te N ilin 111 Aiiil.liiiU'puly uenvciitlni). In iliisuiiivei.iuiu in Chlotge, about 1G0 lUi.i'gntci b-lu! picstuit. Jehn F. Henry, ul New Yetlt, was ohesca presldent. itctolutleuu wtre adopted tkchnliu: that I labor and capital bheuld be allies, nut iA - i. '-t .- .M.M vi luq KUiuiHHimiL rnoney aml 0 transmission of tatllljreuae: that the national elKht hour law must b JenrMljr enforced, and the lropAtett ' ?1Ot0i,,?n ,labor um,or oentraot ba r iu'.l u 1 .,Bcome tttx tl,nt tbe tariff, ti ,a.x "Pontue Poep'o, shall be se ,nn?,da?it0 bear M. MKhV a" PO"le upon the uocessarlos of llfe 5 that no Auther grants of publle lands be made te corporations and that Amorleau lealsla tlen has dlscrlra natcd against ttRrloufture, which has, In the meantime, berne the hriinfc nf Inrallnn." Aff. !.- .t .; or the platform Benater Ileyd, of New Yerk, declaring that "the oenvontlon had been erganised te advanea the Inter, cats of ene candldate as against the ndvoeaoy of real prlnelplcs," took up his lint nnd quitted tbe hall. The dolegates from the District of Columbia also withdraw. Ocneral B. F. Butler waa fhen nemlnntcd for president of the United States by 121 vetes te 7 for Thur. niau, nnd 1 for Soleu Chase. The oenven- tlen then adjourned. niKTIIDDlHV OAStftirjKrlNOH. Heme ill the Ualiiied Itrutlirnti cpeak of Itn Itn inerisliiy auil Whlihy. In the African Methedist Eplsoepal conference, Baltimore, In discussing the subject of campucetingB, Hev. L. J. Capplu said the oeufotonoa would net llke him te tpcak of the various immoralities that woie practised atcampmoetluKs Rev. 8. I'. Jenes, of Georgia, said he had known ministers te niake $1,000 a day npicce en campmcctlngs, nud this, tee, iu Georgia. Hev. J. S. Lee, of Seuth Carolina, said campmoetlnss were held near Spartans burif, In that stite, nnd that there wero six wagon leads of whisky en the Rrennds dtuitiR the cntlie tlme of the ctmp. Min isters and ciders were under the Inlluonce of liquor all the tlme. When a vM lng official protehtcd he waa assaulted with rt club. Ltter, a young man was murdered at ene of these campmeetlngs Tlie (ioeil iterk Oues On. The Philadelphia national campmoetlog association has raade arrangoments te divde the memb ts botweon thrce oamp eamp mcetliigs te be held during the seaseu. tl.llUI rft s I'liliHiibipitm ilr.rS"! , 1'utrA.OMLPMiA Slay IB-ieui market dull 1 8iipctiln Htat, tl iwff3; Kxtnt btiparnne ilnf.l(X)iJ3.V): I'., faiillv. I Mttt 73 1 Ohlennit Inilliim Iamlly,tl7tttfti3t Minn intra. Jl 01 Q5 74i stratum, 5 eirj-n 73 winter patents, "ydOie; hprituriio$5'ruii&e ityu Heur at $ rxifta m .V nmt nnsettP l aiullewt-r ; Ne 5 Woslern ttt-.i. II CitttiSi Se.S lle, 03e ; NO. I Pa. lletl, Cern scarce aiut llrml steaHier mixed and vellew. OJftaip t call yellow, URCCs t -e mtxeil Oi)(Gle : Ne. 3 tnlxcil aii't yellow. C23C3a. tjats ilull mill Htmiily : .'in 1 White. tlke: Ne. i ile, lie-, Ne. 3 de, oailje; rilectiJ, S9R30et Ne 2mtscl, 37HC llyoueaice utTJe. Stuits Clevor ilull nt 8aeji limeths dull at II W : Ktas-eiMl Hriu at lUI l'lovlnleiiB In Inlnlemanil s Mess l'erv . (IS t0 JlS75t He I Ilums.tiS.V : In. Ma Mta Heet tJJ. Huren Smnke.1 isheuliicra. 7U(L7km unit, iin c,iU7',t Hitteirrxl Hams. lSKttliKc: picltlea in I'iiJIiVCe. Lam (iu et : city rcflueil. O'QOX; loeso lj;itcher,Se s pitine stenm tllli I'.uttcr fairly active t Western Creamcry etra, 2lfiavj: H c. AN. V ile.uVlSci ile HratH. 21B2! : Weitcrn ffoetl te cltelcii. 11017c. UuIIh at IUS2. Ii,'(:s steady ami In fair ilrinanj Kutras, l.'i flinhc. olieese quint und etilars Western lull cicant", nun-. 12c ; d l.Ur te gee I. logilet t'ettn'n. r trt sitlnix, rS'a. Petroleum ctctdy j Iti'Ilned, S'JQSKe. " hiBkv Wcitetn a i 17. Hun Verw "Aartfct. imv erx. Jlay Pi Heur tatc and tnultill nnd In Ijuvius' luver. west- vviuiut 01e lower, luverislt and very irrcc ti'nr ; 1110 lomte tta te In rptlens ; Ne. 1 Whltn iiemlual; Ne '- toil, .lunc, II OlJifll 0J: July, HVHiQ ClUiAll?. $1 0J3I 015 ; M-pt., flOt nil (Xi Cum KOJe loi.er und heavy ; Mlied WmI rn spin a f).1iti'3iie; -le tiiturc, (UKCSKc. "t;ilJ;?e lower, liiclmllnir Ne. 2 June at m.ifllsu; Julv. .HQlMlic; State, 38J2c; Wfsteni, 37H3e I.lve Stuck fllatlier, Kast Lidbstv emtie firm i prime, w U(g KB j lair loi;ne.l,V1if:I.O: catumeu.tlQ.llU t lecnipts.O'Oliead : lilpim'iit3.7ii IipihI. Heuslli'ni : Piilladclphlas. $1 U)J010; Terb-i'1-i. f.Ml f i r S 1 ; teeclpui, v,lll head; shlptnenta 1 723 llfu.il. hhe p wero dull nnd lower ; receipts ,00 head! lllplnentH, l,Cie iitud. titoen 3int.ru-. Muouutenb by ilim . Mei-rann A (.0. 'itr.l, tb. LruicauVir, P 1 II i. n 1. 1. r-. 1. C.L, A l.C Mlcliluan Centnil... I-7K N'ew Yerk Cen'.tnl Ida WV,i 11UJJ Heiv.Jeruij (.'cutr-U ..71 71 71 )Xr I'i'iitnil 2 2 2 ;el 1 aclt. A Westnrii . . W,i lOSJi II Oi-uv.-- lla, ti..imle U iu it srle 115 lli UK Kir .. A TeS'i.1 13 l)i 13W La'te i-lwre 81 St CIltuikuA K. tv, 0011. OIK 1 lal ., N.N.Oal. y.f.vr . llt Qy. OH it. i4.ii e-it 1 . 25 w u t'li'ltju Mull H1K Ai 3H t ItT'lii'titer ,v rt 8i.ii,-vi 11 i uys ' St. Paul B7K 0JK W lei.u iMLifli HVi liii 1275 iJiiieu I'actfic 2'4 11.4 ti'-j, 7aliast- ComineTi . . 7 11 7x Wa'msli I'reltirtuiL. .. Ul H4 tV(it'rn Lfii'en 'tviuumnn 5iv, 003 , I mi'ivllleA Niwiivllle. 3-Vi .11 " 3li N V., I ill t I OK I..U tk,h Vulhy U7 Li!.l,,h NaVthatlen UK UK K rennsjlvanta 53VJ MS Ba Ueullnts Ml ll'-Vf 16K r. i'. a nuaaie iyt ax veilhiun l'ae'.Ue Coti :e,'i 21k , N.utliu.ii P.icllle Prof... W Ii S llceiinn Ule I'l.'iuileipbltt A Erie UK .... Nt-tinein Control 33 tm .... UndblKreuiid. luiuut'i fleuthcrn 33 ;1K .1) ou 7K 61 VK I'm pir.'il'Kisguim. . l'tllllltli. (fmtatlenihy s-.ent-tt)d I" 034. tteeics fuetlsli. I'nll'Ktelphta i Krie it I .te. Um: itailreiid I'tnlitH. r, i'iU Itallrnad LdlilKli V- I '. llullituit I'llllml I ..llfSul SeW.llllv-.J .. S'eit ion .'u .tc Verthcrn 1'aclUe 1'iufcrrel Werthi'rn Central Uiitlre.nl Lcriifh Navigation Ceinpiini' lorrlstenrn I'.'illrei.l ('unttnl Tnim.i.'irtatien ceuipiiny. I'lttsh'g, ntusvllle A liutluie It. It. i.titluHchitv alll t'-Mlrend 1 te; 3s i 10J '".'..'... ak M 1. HJ Ill ... -. 3l 1 0 . . ..... veSi :;en Hern. UuoU'.tenj liy Associated Press. blocks better. New Yirx nmtrr.i , 100)f Klie lliitireild Us- Adams Ktpress 113 llehlKun Ctuitriil Uatlriu 1 0.1 tlchlKUii Keiitlu'rii ttatlreud SJU Illinois Uiuitral ItullriHiu 120 uiuvuiuiiit A rituuurirn itatire 1M ChlcixeA lleca IhIuiU Imllreml IU l'tttsbtir.iti t'eit Wuyne llulliemt m iVii.tuni Union t.'lerrapti I'eaipauy...,, 31 Ve oile A Waba-ih ,, cJ New Jrsey Cuntral 7(U (tow Yerlr Onwln A Wivstern B Tim VICKIIIUT HULL HVHI8 THAT 1 the lies I se l.l en the tics l se Clear te the city Is at HAHlMAN'a rEI.LOW lTllONTCIUAIt 8TOKB. A uorie.M'.Ki; ANtl UKAI. AUKNT. IMTATK HENRY SHUBERT. UCTIOMSKU AND MKKU K3TATK AUENT, 01 Werth Duke Et., Lonetwiter, Pa, hvurythlnu prtalntiif te my business wilt reed vit my personal attention. Terms rea-u n tiiie i.tv.iiueiiciii umtw riMIK SKW XOHK "SVN" , 1. KAciie.i.A.vcA3rKi: ate.. a, si n. ii.k .1.1V 01 tiuhllcatlen. C. II. UAttU will 1 tend supply it promptly ou order, e 1 ..',.'. .....Out Kill lllllK )L lMDUtlL or we win Aectesa 1 1 iv KVrn.Alilv l,ubllhiT"Tuls'iCK lUtl-Slild .."""- v..rv7.;i, .'in. tivn w V "' f. ' - '. A f i n4 'M 11 1 r a 4 r,