: 'ik - '' v r- Mlj II II 1UVI'I C'OIIDlr MOtCf, Abn Uuzzard nan recently ecen near BorulTtewn, turned with n Wlnolicster brrceh leading rllle, an eljjhtccn gboetcr, Tim beard of (llfoetoid of tbe New tleN laud National bnnk en Tuesday declared a Reml annual dlvldend of 2 nor cent, In nddltlen te thin $2,000 wero placed te the mirnlus fund mid evor (2,000 wero retained In tlie profit mid leim nccntint. Tlie mir pltm fund of tlie bank In i ew 10,000. Itainnuel llelmai), fermcily of Mt. Jey, dled In I.abatien whlle thcie en n visit te Ida sister. He wan burled from the Mt. Jey Evangelical church en Tbiuwlay. mi i . imp A Itnr lint. Mr. W. II. Fisher, the fruit dealer hi front of the postefllco, has In Ills jvosscsslen n rare bat net a base ball bat or n brlek. bat. hut a. HvIiil'. nlubt llvliik'. fly oatehliiK bat whlali he icoalved In uti Involeo of bauanaa from n foreUti pert. The bat la of alight cinnamon oiler, lt body belng oevorod with fur, reftcr than that of the otter or nable. When we Haw the llttle beast or bird, whlohevcr It Is, It wan cliiiR. Iii); te a small nllek, which It held te with great tenacity, as If afraid of liming itself, and it kept l( very small eyca tightly cleml against the ularoef the sunlight. Cutn nettled. Heme mentliH no it will be romemborod that Ambrose (l.uifr, a young man resld Int: In the Klfthth ward, was arrcsted by Mlchuel Helinllri, who claimed that he had caught hint attempting te llte u building. Bohallet w.ih no omecr, and it was duvel eped afterwards tliat Uatise had net been guilty of anything whatevcr. Oanse then brought a Milt for damages against Hclial Icr. Te-day the o.-u.e was Fettled botween the patties, Bchallei acknowledging that he was wrong in milking the urrcft as (laiine waH net tlie right man. Kri Ifinitleii nr Telrcrtph Malinger. Jehn U. .ceher linn resigned his position us manager of the Western Unleu tole graph ofllce in this city and I.ueui Lemen, of Milllin, has been appointed te take his plaoe. Air. Zechcr served his apprcntlco apprcntlce ship with thin ceuipnayaml a(tor,the resig nation of Mr. Potts, was made manager. He wail u very courteous and obliging goutlemnu and very popular with the pub He. Kruiit'iii nt new Hell tml. Tlie meiiibcrs of the OOlh leg I intuit I'enn. sylvaula voluutcers held their bauquet at the hotel of Abraham Httley, New Hol Hel land, thhi evening. About 25 members left this city in i large emniliiiH this iiitortieon and ethers went by their own conveyances. Knitted lluil David Uoeil, charged with committing a folnnleun assault en J tines Klehler seme days age, was taken before Aldcrmau MoG'nuemy this afternoon and entercd bail te answer. Kfelirr Is doing very well considering the terrible beating te which he was subjected. ilriitilaii or llie Tilth The members of the "0th irgimrtit Pcuntylvanla Vel , rcslilm,.; in this city intend holding a meeting in the rooms of Ocorge H. Themas pest, O. A. H , en Thursday everling for the purpose of making arrangements te held a reunion of the regiment hMbl.i city. I'unerulet Cel, 1'rtce. 'I he funeral of Ue). S. H. I'rlce took uiaoe from his losidcueo Ne. 40 Seuth Llme Etrcet, and was largely atteuded. The Lancaster bar iuiJ ledgo -1U F. and A. M. attended In a body. The interment was made In Lancaster ccnietery. MeclifctilcV rnuuilry Company Nitlce is eallcit te an advertisement in anelhf r column of the abeve named com pany. The company ia composed of practical and reliable feuuders, who have had muohexporienco In the business, and who are worthy of public patronage. Illy limiil 1'hlr 1 lie fa'r cleccn te-ii'ght. l'lie inauagn mert gives notice that the "polls" for tlie nrticlis te be voted fr will bu olesed at 0 o'clock, b which h mi all books and money muttt he handed ever. Dltrcttlf H I" I llxl Tlie following directets ei tlie North American mutual tlie lusurance company have been elected : littir B. Hberly, Svnuel Nisslcy ,iud Henry Heilman iier-p ntiiiia.i Fiss & Deerr shipped this mnrnlug te New Yerk twenty bead of draught and driving hersca. A llauitieme TeinD. Dr. in. I'. Couipten, executer I r tlie es es tatuet tlielate A. P. Dltmars, has Just placid ever llieiuriinlnint tliu Ule general mul Ills wile, a mssatve solid temli, ei anew und i lo le K.intdrsttfn. The tomb li constructed or the tii-Bt itullnu marlilv ami cenhta el a l., pllntli, ille and heavy i.ip The din centnl n n lieautilnl rnHcd punul en lient umt I) wk lint Irenl panel eentiilutni; tlie InscrlptloiMer llui Kuneiul unit Ills wild, placid side by sMe 1 lie piopertlons el tliU tomb am perfect mid ar tistic, and very pleaitnu te t liii ti e, uivl wire ileilgned expresily ler Dr. Compten, who de nerves much credit ter hl laitu and lilisrallly In seuiibstantlally maiMiu "m last resting place el ene el I.ancaiter'd muHt prominent tltl7uiis Tlie wsrk was deilgned and le-eutt-il by MtJerUliai. M Hewell. Women's CliiUlUn Tcmpcrunee Unlun. The Wouien's UluHtlan Tuiiipeuiiicu union prtiyir incetlus tomorrow (Mumluj) alter alter neon, will be held nt 3 II In the Union llethcl. Tlie pnster, llnv. O, W. Sellliamer will lead. On 'I nesilfiy at 1 o'clock the union meets at Ne. Ui North I'rlnce stieel. Ainuigeiucnts lniMt been made ler lectures by Miss Naiclsea K White, us fellows s Sunday, IStli, at court ceurt court hnuse at hall-past three ; Monday, Dili, avert lug, at Jlanlielm i Tuesday, '2 tli, evcnlng, at First Methndltt, city; Thut-iihiy, '.J,uvenln, ilailetui; Friday, 33d, evenlntf, atldtltr.. lllss White Is a pleasant speatcer, a graduate el the state normal school ut Kdlubore, Krle comity, nod has bcun ter several ycuu engaged in in strncter at county teachers' liutltutes Sli sorment en Klijali. Hev. fcylvanus Stall, el St. Jehn's JmUieiau church, will preach a HunUcy eveulngseiles en Klljah. as fellow n: liny u, "uiulstlan Courage" lUIJah before Ahcbi May 18, Uhrlallan Faith "-Klllnh In tlie famine May '.5, "Christian l'rayur "-KU.ah en Car mil) .June 8, " Christian Deapondency " Klljah under tlie Juniper tree; June 15, "Clulstlan Asiurance" Klljah en Mount Ilerebj June 2J, "Christian Tilumph" Kllhh translated. Ne ureaie for Ulin. " When (Iroece hur knoes-Urceco her knees U recce her kuees," stiiuimered anombar anembar lascil school boy, legettlnn tin uext line et tils rccltitlen. There Is no occasleu te ureisn aiiyheily'a knees," shouted tlie teacher. " Ue nud study your piece." Neither li tlieiu oeca bIeii te Kiease your hair. 1'urket's llulrllui. cum I) ull the iliesslnu you want, itesteret the nrlslnal Rlcs3 and color te gray or laded hutr. Docs net soil the linen t net a dye t Keed for the scalp: orevonu lulllnireut. DKATllh, "mucikll On the nth Inst., lu l'lillailelphla, KlUubeth, relict et the Inte J nines Mitchell, need 81 years, Tliuielatlvcs ami It lends or tlie lamlly aie rcHpi-tttully tnvltud te attend the luneral Irem tier lute leshlence. Ne. 1313 Norllilueond stiei t, en Tuesday ultei neon, the 13th Inkl , ut 1 o'clock. Interment at Laurel Hill. McImtyiik In tills city, en May lu. IH3I. Jeseph li., son el Jacob and the late Alice Mc Mc lntye,u(4cd 10 years, i months and ISdajs, The rolatlvei and lucmlsef the lanlly are resp'Clluily Invlted te attend tbe fuuerallrein the resldonce el tits Brandparents, Ne, 8iaC; West KliiK street, en Monday altoineoni i e clock. Interment In Lancaster cemetiry, it Bkiukb May 10, IBSI.In tills clly, Ida Murtha dauKhtoret Jehn and Hillie Bleber, lu the Mil year of her obe "At Kelt." TiierelatUcnmd Irlemis el the family are il ll f uuiiii,ii,Vgi reipoetlully Invlted te nttend the luncrsl Irem Uraoe Lutheran clmreli, en Monday alternoen at 9 o'clock. It NKW AnrJKHVlHKMENTH. llfrtNTKII-IWO IIOIH AT NOKHRUK A T MtliKY'fl, eomer of Vine and Duke sheet ltd DtAK HOUI' I.IIMUII THltl (SATUHIIAYl j evening uueeii strict, lid at the (lltatil iiniiRn, North CIIAH, ZKCII, l'roprletor. I)I,KNTV Tt IM1TATK, HUT NONR TO iMiiinl the ftc. Ilavnnn Clinr nt. IIAUTMAN'H YICM.UW FUONT CIUAIt HTUIIK. "tl.ASl nhUl'MINUII. ALSO, I.KMANON X.J lleeren tap at the McOUANN JIOU8K. North Uuni-u street, tliU HATUItDAY even- Ing It WM. II. DKICIII.KU, l'roprletor. td h,.ini AiLIZ-' ,'.W."1. Ue "mi1 nl u- '-"Kan's Hale HlableH, Market slreel, rear el MeOranti V." 'iw.V lJril""' . ".. twenty Head of - uane. .abkmik ineni nre souieverv line drivers and geed steiinlmt lieikca. 4&iin,iib in iiu imyn will HVS Will tin ulvnn. Hnl,. te -' j,iv,i nb 1 II UIUUK II, 111. ,l DANlK.lil.OUAN. IMKIIAl,l, )N nll.lllAV, HtUNHIDKS'UltUUNDd, ACTIVES, of Mnnayunk, vs. IRONSIDES. Uutne culled nt 3ilV Tnilna leave I'nnn'n. It. K. riniiet t ; n, j iM ,t t.X The TltK.STONH will play en Tutitriay. u, JA-ITATH Or SIAHV K. OAHI.K, l,ATK ir J of l.imciisler city, lUceasml. I etlers nludtnttilNtriitleii en Niild nutate having been unuitrd te the iindcrntrneil, nil persons In In debtel tliniutinirn rcquestuil te uiiike Irimie. illntu puyinniit, and tlieti havihg claims or iliiimiinlsiiKalii't Dm Hiunit, will present tnem without ilnlnv let iieltleiiient te the under signed. t-s1illiir in l.nneiisli-r elty, Ne SIS Hoiiiiigiieim stnet. iiknkv a.eaiii.k, . i. .. ... .... Administrator. J. II. II. W'aimkh Att'y. nlJ-OUIenna nn,,,,n.in.. . 1 ..., , . -1 ',- J)iieii:i'r niuit i.ivks ami ntiii'iiii. 'I V. The umlerHlgned I a new prepared te erect or repiilr l.lKhtniiiK conductors ut short notice, anil en the most rossenublo terms. The bent conductors In tne market fold ler lns money than can Im hud ulsewhere, and sstlMitctlen uiiaraiithed. An expnrlence el twelve years snablcs me te ere ct thorn scion scien tldcnlly as well as nriisuientally. Address ull outers te a. It KOCI1KI , nil0-3tdS l.inceck, Lancaster Ce., l'n. T KKSKVIItll.l 1 KliltHAliTK! ;l Fei falu nt lluuuiKiirdner's mill, en the reiiuiu. 2 miles west of Willow utreut. the reulstered Hull. Ilslilur. at'cd 1U years; 1 bull 2 jeniH old, J Liulln 1 your old anil 1 bull calf, I bone bulls nre ull lull bloe.1 Jersey stock, nnd bro -derN m siring eung bulls will serve their Interests by adilrcslng, SA.MUKI. YOUMJ. Murttcvtllel' O. Ol T IIAUMUAUDNK.il, ltd l.nncaiter, l'n. vroriun-i'esi hi.e.a. it, iias i.kahku II What Olen l'nrk lertheseiisnn.andll can be vented (or picnics publtenrprlvnle, lamlly purlins, etc The piuk will Im tliermmlily I'lCKiieil and rt-ntli'il, and eurythlng put In eoniplete order Fer further particulars In iulr. of WII.I.IAM HOKUM, HAItltY IIAIITI.K1, ADAM SLIII'll. Council or A linlnlntritleii, l'Ht fl, (i. A in3 Ju 1SW II. f r.uiiA.Ni uv KOUNDHV UIISIfAM', ( MM ITU) J II. M I'OWKIIS I'res nnd Tieus. JOII KVA.NH, Hunt JAMK3 (.0l,K, Bec'y. ODLP'S OLD STAND, Ne. Gift te 321 CHKIlltY ALLKY, l.A.SCASrKU, I'A. I.IWHI' und IIKAVY CASriN(.d made 10 order CiMtlngs iimdn irem old Orates, l'lutes or IioeIb en short notice. HulldetH w II tileimi takonettcothul e keep te sleik SASH V J ; I U 1 1 1 H nud all kinds el CEI.I.Alt (.UATKS. Your patroniige tolleitod. ltd W." iTAUKKPH CO , bUCl-PhOIIS 'IO SHULTZ & BRO., :U mul M North (Juoen SI., Ilhl (CI KIM DOKN OUNU ME.N'S Pearl Gorden Derbys AND SIX D'UEN PEARL OASSIMERB HATS. SlIMF-IlltNU NKW. 81'UINUSI YI.I'.S Wi urn lemlvliiir new Uoeils dally Ulveus a c.iil 'I he (lily lliu Manutiietuiurs In the cits Helen munursctiiiurs, we have our Uoeils iieui llrst liaiidn. W. d D fiTAUFFER & OO. lllllj 1U' a r hiiii.sK''. LEMONS, LEMONS, Only 1U Cenls a Deen. CANNED TABLE PEAOHES Only i Cents u C m. Pie Poaehos, 10 Oenta n Onu. 1.01' OF DH1KI) PKACIIKS, 5c n Pound. 4 Cans TOMATOES for 25e. PJRB SUOAtt SYRUPS, Oe.Qunrt. BUESK'S, NO 17 BAST KING UTRHBT O I'll I ti- hAl.l.S A Reduction in Prices for May N0RBECK & MILEY, " Wteat Werk Sustains Their Werd," Ami whose methods et business aie sustained by the public, ure plojsel te announce that they Will Hell ut Special Bargain DUHlNaTIIKUHjyiOFMAY, AND THAT MONTH ALOKK.ONK OFTIIK LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENTS -OF- VEHICLES KVEIt BKKN IN THIS M.VUKK1'. AaQoedln Mnteilal and Workrann Werkrann ehlp ae Any, AND MUCH I.OWKIt IN 1'KICK THAN OAN UK HAD KI,9KVI1KUK fcerelgu work Is made merely te sell i linine work ut leust such us Is miulu by NOltliKCK A MII.KY-ls undo te WKAlt. The lest el years has proveu conclusively that no work Is mero durable than that made ut this establish ment, and an Immense stock of which can new be scen at the REPOSITORY, Cerner of IJakonmlVIiie Sis,, inyNHmiWW LANOABTKK, I'A. LANOABTBRIDAILYIMTBLLIOBNOBR SATURDAY MAY 10U884. lOIINfl, (11VLKII, JOHN S. GIVLER & CO. arc showing the Handsomest Line of CARPETINGS of all kinds. CANTON MATTINGS. Dade 8JHA.DES and SHADING, IN NEW COLORINGS, ALL AT THE LOWEST OA8II PIIIOES. C3T Call ivnd bee our Qoedo bofero buying. All Goods guarantoed ea ropreeontod. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., One-Price Dry Goods and Carpet Heuse, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. NKiV Altrr.ltl IHK.11KHTH, rriii JL a K I.AIUIKS1 ANU MOIST UOMI'f.KTK nssertrnnnt et Kiir.lnn. (,'n.qslnn nnd l'nki r curds Irem He per puck up. IIAKTMAN S VKI.I.OW FUONT CIUAIt HIOIIK MIAMI I.UNUII 1 Ull. I. HKIIVK FINK J Cult's 1 1 cm I letin ler I.uneliTIIlB KVKN I.NO nt my milneu. All Invited. Srirnnucr's llruren tap. .IOIIV ()ON.KNIIAU8Klt, ltd Cerner ltecklnud and Lew hts. TFItMKY WAI1TH AT NWAKK'n AT M1.J5 and fioe. Illack Milks ut II 00, 11.75 und ll.te. All Kenil value. Thu (joeds ure first chiss, and will be put nuulnst unytliliiK In this iiiurKit for Celer, (Juullty or Unlsli. Item nniits el (.unxts ul and below cost. tiWAItlCH, Ne 60 North gneen HI. QKASONAIII.I': NKUr.MlUlKH. kj I'ut Awuy Furs und Woolens with Tarine Meth I'ads, or Ffoizer's Refined Campher. Ilelh In laruoHteckat IIUIII.KV'H DltUO SrOltK. itVSiml '21 West KIiiKatroel. nKMOUHATIO COUNTY UORlSllTTKK. Thu members nt the newly elect Demo cratic County Committed me requested te meiil at lu u m en Monday, May 12, In the city committee roemn, third Hterv of Kepler's noHt-elllce bulldlnir, te erKimlzu ler the eriHU Inn ear unit If they shall sodetertnlno te Hi the tliiiu and pluce et the county conven tion. I. I..STK1NMK17., eJ-tdditw Uhutrmun. l.MIK WOIIICINOMKN"s WKAII. 10 TO V IIKCIIIOI.IVH. llest Werklnc l'anta. evi mils, Jackets, ttclr Coats, Werking&hlits, wuiinnteii net te rip, Ale, i.auiesann unnts' Underwe.ir, lletlery and Notions. All cheap ler cash, have time and money by efUllm?. IIF.NUV lihCIITOLI), Ne fi2 North Oiieen Htnet. 1' s.-Itiillillnu lets ler sale. Heuos ter side ei rent. VI lyil ri'UV UI.AllK'H MKI.r.OVI'll TKAH AMI I Cettcc and you will be urotltleo. (loed leus liern 7e. te 2lc. nereuarter pound, cel- tees lfie. te Vic. (lruuulutd biiK.ir, 7e Our Titbln bynip nt Kc ts Bellini; Inst. CI.AIIKK'S '1 en and Colfee store, Ne. 'S1 West Kluat. f lOUdFKKKI'KllS. TAHK NOTIUK Ft'ItNlTl'UF. will be sold peslllvdy AT COST, tecliMO biihlness, ut ulU-liiiil ' WEST KINO STKKK1'. ROV A McOI.UIUl, AlANUKAOlUKKIlOK nud deulenln ull klndsef Fl.elllt SACKS und I'Al'hlt l!A(JH. Alwiiyn en hand a. lull line of Mruw, Wav, leu nud all kinds of l'apers. De iiiiUitnil jour ei ders uwuy, Olve UBiicull. e Hell us low us the low en t Hev erul Klrls wanted , experienced hands pie ti rred, nt 15X ssl Kluj; street, I.uiuuster, rn. It riMIK NKW YD UK "SUN i l(K.UIIKS:i.ANUASTKIl AT OW A, M. On the day nt publication. C. II. HAItlt will mipply It promptly en order or we 111 cencl It b lnnllut MrenU n month. Addtess I W. F.NOI.AND, Publisher "Tim Sun," in'21-Jiiiit New Yerk city Wl riOK TO IIKIUOK IIU11.MKIU. Sealed prories.ils ler building a Weeden llrlilire ever We.t llranch of Ocloraie. lu Celeiuln ten nrhlp. en line et new ie.nl tretn yunrryvllln te Klrkwoek. will be iccdvedat tlie Coiiiinlsslenei'o orltre, I nneuster. l'u , until 12 o'clock neon, MuMlAl , .11! NK 2, INMI I'liin und Hpecltlcutleus cm. lie neon ul Com Cem in ssleiiei a' Olllce ny time utter May 7 11V OltDKIt OF IIUAKII Attest l-iiWK (iRIkst, Clerk, in -101WAS HA1 K tdU SttKn TIIK.M ? OUK IMMlTAlll.F. $10 Spring Suits. & MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. i!4 Ccntre Siiuurc, Arc tlie only Ones who Bill this imillcii lur Suit. Ner A Waaamaker Establishment in Size, HUT A Wanamaker Establishment in Prices, A8 Klil. AS IN TIIF. MKTHOl) OF Onorrlce e Evorylieily H Icli or Peer. AllUoedsust as lopiejented.ei yourmenoy will be reliinded New Is Hi1 lime te muke your selections & TIIKl'KOl'I.K'4 I'eriJI.AIlTAll.OllS. NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. M-lyd ) UKSS OOOIIS. WATT. 8HAMD & CO., Nes. 8 & 10 E. King St. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS, JlllOUUK DUKB3 OOUD.S, 12Kc a yard, made te sell at lUe 30-lneh WOOL FACK CAHIIMKIIK8, new slmdes.Uc. uyaril. JO-lllCli OriOMAN DI1KHS UOODS, spililK colors. 4 Je. a yard. Hll.lv AND WOOL l')NHKKS,:i7KO a junl. AJ.Ii WOO. NUN'S VKII.IMjS, HIUOU lllld Colen. Me. u viird. 4i.iucn Ai.iiATKuaa ui.erna, .. . '. . . r. . ....... ... ...... Illack ami Celers. Me. a viird. 4Mnch All Weel lll.ACK" 1.AUK NU.N'd VKII.INUa.tUC.il . a yard, worth 1 1. no. ilUTIONKIDUI.OVKH.sprlllK KI.KUANTJ- shades. 5Ce a niilr. C'UUOIC KID U1.0VK8, II 85. 75e. u pair, wnith PARASOLS, JiAllOUnl'ABUOltl'MKNT.I.ATKSTHTYl.KS LOWEST I'UICES. NEW YORK STORE, NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KINO ST., IAK0A8TKU, PA. BMEB SUTTON MMtf ADrjCHTIHMMMNTtt. CARPETS. tftiiV Altrr.HTlHKaKNTlt. w INUOWNIIAllKH WINDOW It U a fact net (jeneially known that no make and hanir mero WINDOW fcllADEH Hum ether house In the city. We are etferlnK HI! ADK3. inaile of ilest Oil Shading, In all Celers, mounled en Knapp's or Sawyer A lIuckley'H IlestSprliiK Fixtures, with oriiament, put up complute anywbere In this city, ler 7 cents, OUR PATENT DROP FIXTURES Is the only successful ene ler summer use, lly Its use tlie lower part et the window can be nimuuM, iiuu iikiii un mr nuiiiiiiuu inruiiKiiiiie and Is tlieenl iv Hiiocessrni r iziure inane, iy wmcu l Cull at thu store te see It In operation. at plcasuru We Have the Beat Shade Hangers in the City, 1ST WORK DONE! VROMTLYrm J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner Went King nnd t'rlnce Strcetn. .-. fJI.I.N IIIIKNKMAN. Iflinn & Breneman's SPECIALTIES! Ponneylvanla Lawn Mewers. Rldgeway Rofrlgeratora. Rapid loe Oream FroeisorB. Ladles' Frlend Oarpet ewoepors. Gonulne Mextcan Hammoeka, New Yerk Baby Oarrlagoe. Ohandler'a Ice OrusbeTB Wada worth, Marttnez and Longman's Pure Faints, tbe beat in tbe market FLTNN & BEENEMAN, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PENN' i i T A.NUAHTItK bTKABl CARPET CLEANING WORKS. OUIl I'l.AN FOIl 1IKA1IKO. UAKl'KTS IIF.1NO NKW TO MANY. TheDjatem et beatlni; CAItl'ETa by steam. although cairlcd en ter ycais In the larger illlca, Is new te many el our cltlzeriH here, and some liuveun Idea that we cannot de work as well m by the old plan et beatln by hand. We will muke this eiler te convince lliete who are In doubt, viz Have your empets button by hand, let the man de his best work en It i utter he U through btlnx It te in und II we de net take enough dirt out of It Hfterward, as well an brlKhtenlnpr the colors, tesaiNIy you that ours Is the bust plan, we will make noiharue Our muchlue ts open te the Inspection or our customers at any time, olve us a trial, lie. mcmhir, Cuipets sent liomeon premised tlme, without ri-Kind te the weather Cerner of Church and Duke Streets. NJill AlVr.Hllbl!MK-lH. (O.r.Alt HAVANA ril.L,Klt UIOAKS FOlt i .cenlH. Ouartinucd te be cleat- llllern, at IIAKTMAN'S YKI.I.OW UONT ClUAK BTOltK. HI TO JOHN P. SCHAUM'S, Ne. 24 Seuth (Jueeu Street, -FOR THE- CHEAPEST and BEST REFRIGERATORS. WATER COOLERS, Lawn Mowers; GARDEN HOES AND OIL VLOTU. JOM P. SCIAUI, 24 Seuth 'nbJMTil Queen Streot, '.AM AbTKIl. PA. J. r OAMIWKI.I. A UO. J. E. Caldwell &Ce., Dealers m Richly-Out Glassware. Tuble Sorvlees and Ornameutal PIoecb of the Flneat Qunllty. DeBlgna and Eatlmates by mall. 902 Chestnut Street, I'lIILADKM'llIA. ee, r. it at u von SHADES! lop auau. ll wems an unv panur lliu wiuwew G y which the upper part of the window can be shaded They can ue nun eniy ei us. Lancaster, Pn. -T WITH I.A.NCASTF.Il Olt OAN rAC'lOUY. NKH AUriSHTISKntUflH. w ANTKI1-A Olid. TO OO OhNKKAI. housework. U30d leluience iiuuirel. Apply at this oillce. mutiit SPKOIAI-AM YOU 1'AtVi IIY OUK FINK Taltnrlni; Ksbibllslmienl don't fall te leek lu tne snow window ; thu leading aprliiK Htylea are exhibited therein ; then walk In und examtne our ontlre stock. Nene te ciiial It In the city. Handsomely trimmed well made and perleci llttliiKKarments usured at moderate prices. A. II. KOSKNSTK1N, 37 North IJueen Ht. Oppeiltu thu l'Ojteitlce. in.M (audit VTOllUKOl'' HKMOVAI..- ON Oil AIIOUT 1 will move in v -y tne inn or this month stock el irrocerloi te Ne.30 West lium stieel. opposite thu Cooper house, where, with mere room and Increased facilities, 1 will be able te sell at bottom prices. Tli inktiil ler the pa. tionaKeulven me during u period of It venis, 1 hope by a strict altuiiileu te business und 8'iuuiu (icalluif, te merit a coiitlnuaiice el the same. Don't fotftet the pluce Ne. 'M West Klnir. street, opposite thu t.oeour Deuse, liiilwd F HUTU. (V VflVK hllMJUKIIANNA UANAI. Ollftl- l'ANV. llALTIMORU. Mliy I. ItvSl. NntUe li beieby ulven tliuta Keuerul uiiet IiikeI the atocklieldeis et thU (Jeiiipiiny will bu held nt thu elllce. In llnltlniore. en Mnndny, Mny 1.', 18S, at ene o'clock p. in., fei the olce Hen or niltcursund managers ler the eubuIhk Sear, The transfer Iioeks will be eleied en atunlsy, the 3d, and reinaln cleaud until lifter the election. Ilyeidernf ItOIIKUT 1). HltOW.V, iCKMOtd Trussiiur. N KXT IIUOll TO llll'; UOUUT HOIIHH. 100 PIECES China Matting, WHITE, FANOY and RED (JHEOK, iioueirr at SHERIFFS SALE, WHICH WK AUK H15I.I.1NU AT Almest Hull- (he Originnl Cost. -Aa oppettunltv llke this seldom eilers, an i these In want should sen them early, R. E. Fahnestock, LAN0A6TKU I'A. Next Doer te the Court Heme. SECOND EDITION. 8ATUJIDAY BVHNINO, MAY 10, 10U4, DANA FOR BAYARD. THU Vl'.TI'.lt AN KU1TOK ON THMTltS. Ue tins l'e or llepes for l)ouiecrtio Huecets Uernmends Arthur's Admlnlitrstlen anil Deilrcs llnyard's Nomination. New Yeiik, May 10 Tite Eiprm te day prints nn liitoivlew with Duns. A. Dana, of the Sun, iovlewini;tlio coming presidential campalKti. He thinks the prospeota of iemoeratio sucoesi very peer, as is also Its possibility. The position of Carllsle and Morrison leaves the party disunited. Ueimati Is his first ohelco, but he would notllketo see Helinau nominated en a ailing chance. Morrison has net the timber in him te make a president ; Carllsle is net a safe man ; Handall stands as defonder of the only polley under which Doraeoratio buo bue cess Is posslble : MoDenald laeks baek bone and ferce ; Hcudrleks has cxcollent qualities, but Mr. Dana doei net think he will be nominated. Titden oeuld be nominated by acolamatlen and oleetod, but he would net be a candidate Mr. Dana sees no slims In favor of either Cloveland, Flower or Hancock ; Thurraan Is out of the race, OAtiu ler llajaril, Dana's own judgment favors Bayard's nomination, the latler beiug ' a man porfcetly raspoetablo and of unquestioned Democratic principles " Pnlmer, of Illl- els, appears te have no baekltiK. or the Ilopubllean caudldates Mr. Dana thought the a'l ministration is stfe and strong with Arthur. Hlalne is a faverite but has already bcen,bcatcn In two races Sberman is possibly but net probably a candidate. Satiater Sherman hai no oliance. IMmunds reprcsents the rcspoet. able gentlometi " who de nothing at olectlou tlme but ote. and only that whan It Is convenlcnt." Liuoeln could only succeed after the failure of Arthur and Illaine. Mr. Dana does net think the convention oeuld be stampeded te Grant and thinks any way It will result In a repatitleu of Chicago in 1890. Till'. HTAll UUUTK TKtAI.1, Foreman Xlatetdrmum uf ttie OrauU.Iuiy, ItefuK-nte IMvnlKe ttie Jnr's I'receed. inn, Wasiiinoten, May 10. E. H. Nutchin. son, foreman of ene of the grand Juries oenbiJorlug the Star Heute ca30i and whieh failed te Und iudicimeuti, was bafore the llotise commlttce Investicatlng the Stur Hcute trials. He lefuscd te answer questions iclative te the proceed ings in the grand jury room until he consulted with oeunsol. The oemmittco discharged Mr. Ilntohinsen with the understanding that he should umiftar ninln en Nfnmlnr. nod tlinf. ilnrlnir the interim he should entisult with lawverH i upon the propriety of his divulging thel sccrotBef the jury room. llie committeo ilcmdeu te hear Air. WnUh also en Monday in hle own behalf. MDltltle of Hen. Itutlrr V. Strenc. I'lTTSiiuite, l'a., May 10. A upoeial from WcHtileId, Pa., i-ajs : Hen. Uutlcr F. Streng, who leptescntcd a Tiega oeuuty district In tlie Sauate nnd in the Heuso for 15 yea is, committed euiciile this morn ing by sheeting himself. Ill health is giveti as tlie cause. AKDlUUmrets Midi Ttcse.s, Arizona, May 10 Hudsen & Ce., bankcrn nt Tombstnne, made an asignmcut jcMcrduy. Thice assign, ments were made ; ene by each individual momberef the firm, .iabilitiei. W0O.0O0. If mortgages held by them eiu be rnalir.ed upon, tliore will be surpliii; .issets i I. en (i virllie. Fa i.i. Itivicii, Mas., May 10. Te day oemnloliH the foiiiUeutli neck of the strike in litis city The ulrike is pinotl pinetl pinotl eilly evor. Though fei a vhile no ferrra' agrrcuu.nt has been made te return, many nave geno imeu, and seme et the mills are in full ocintieu. Tlie Itt Hilluc IliiKrend Ki iveulilp Pitii.Aiici.i'iiiA, May 10 Tlie Uuited Slnti'H circuit court is net in Hussien te day. Thoeluk of tlie oeuit iitiiletitands tlint application f.. .ilernul discharge of tlie Iteadmg t.t Ireid rcj.i iver will be met next week. llie rredilem In Sc v VerK. Nkw Veiih, May 10. I'roMilent Arthur te. day bieakfastcd late, ami nlterwards devoted his tlme te priva'e buslnesi in his apartmeuti, at the Fifth Aveune hotel. He declined ten ctrive n fuw c.i'lrr.1 who sent their cnrili'. -7 - - A brill All Idem. Wii.uinei.in, I). I., Miy 10. At i:ileu- dale, Sussex county, il.ti murulng, a son I of Satuuel Wall, ii-uidci t illy dUclinrged iiis pistol while tilling r, The bullet pietced his metlici'h brim, killing her in ktantly. Uhlsl Jiutlu.) AliimtiMll'sStHtue. Wasiiimiten, May 10. The htalue of Chief Juhtlce Masba'l was unveiled hore te-day with appiopnate ccrjinenlcs. Thu weather was all that could bulcftircd, and a larceciewd wasprosent. lllnti- DiiiKml by I.jck i.l Werk, Londen, May 10. Great ilistrcHs 1ms been caused in Snitli Sliropsbire by tlie BtoiiaRe of work nt tlie Tankcrvllle It ail inim, tlie largest in tLe liitidem Many persons have bcen ilirewu out of cm) !ey nieiit. I.itberrrs OuHrrellnj; QriNtv, Illiiieic, May 10. Tweuty masl;eil men attnakeil a waeu containing Heme non union men this meruini; llrini: rovelveiH fieely. The driver of tlie wageu nnd otie mm union man nccelveJ novere llesli wqiiui'h, Tbe ethcra fled, niauiirau ery llnrned, Wu.i.i.NoreN, Conn, May 10. Tbe Sweetlaud man uf.teiuriuj; cempauy 'sehuck works bave burned ; lesa, $10,000 All UBO.OOO Ure, Ci.kvli.asd, O., May 10 Wllliama & C'e.'h varninh works wero damageil by fire te-day te tlie oxtent of $30,000. A lluttlB Mtii 'I ramp). MAToen, III , May 10. Inn batile with ten tiamps tliia morning tlitee policemen bliet two nud eaptured eevcu, Tlie Khuieus Lawyer Very Lew, Nantucuet, Mass , May 10. Cbarlca O'Oouer is very low titis meruiujr, WKA1IIHH irlDIOATIONM Washington, May 10. Fer the MltUlle Atlantic states, fair weather, northeast erly winds, stationary tomperaturo, JtlAliKBlh, eniimifiipiiik mnrwi l'liiLADKLi-iitA, May lu Fleur market dull und enny ; Uupcillnu Statu, il t0Qi Kxtra ileilUOUJ&Ot l'n. Minll v. Jl M3I 75 t Ohie and Iudliinii liinilly, $isua5 73t Minn, extra, II 00 tt! 75 t stralKht, ts 0MJJ5 75 winter natentB, II "5IJ0 W ; sin HIR de .1 XiiW iV lt u Heur III ui at ti W(j;i UJ). Wheal ilrmt Ne. a Western Itivi. tl 5! Ne. 3 de, OtlKe l Ne 1 l'a. Hed, I 1U1 17 Cern scarce and strong i Steamer mixed and yellow. (WrtUlSe; sail yellow, filttlei de mixed,OitSlej Ne. a mixed and yellow, CIO 03e. Oats dull Ne, 1 White. 10 Ne. 2 de lie I Ne. a de, lOkei tejectud, 3i)VOue Ne. J mixed, 380. ityeilrm aUic. Heeds-Clever dull nt 8KQ93 Timethy dull ut lliu flaxseed Arm at ft 72. Mess Perk, lis ttr -'' imiDH, m K 7JinBmokr8henlUo.7Xoi W !cui bntehAmSM "tyreitned. ViimtHx loesa I'otreldum nrrr. 1 1 ctincd siSw ' 2a'0' Whiekvdull t w'eitem al ifti0' --'- .-x. Hew Yerk Markata, Naw Veac, May 10. Fleur Htate and nii ern dull, flontiiern itead? tnilaniit We,, Wheat lqiHe lower, heavy and irregular, with a modorate trading in the options i Ne M Ked, May, 11 OSHOt eii June, ie7K 103Atig.i l0Je7wi8em.,l0. n uern TiWine lower neil (inn i atixeii wnt. ern spot at &satoet de fntnre. ctHaccve. eats HOiie lewer. Ineludlnif Ne. June. J3X039(et etate, 40Qirei deuuiiu i 'eiyi tTi'siern,aiut(ic. Atoeat merceta, quotations by KeeJ, iicOrann A Ca, BnJt ors, Lancaster, l'e. UA.tr. 13m. Jr. at, u.u.ai. u Michigan central 1SH New ierk Central MX New Jersey Centra! 7JJi Ohie Central .; Del. Lack, ft Wostem..,. 114 Denver A Ille Orande no... ,,.,,,... lili Uansr.i A Texas 15K Lake Bhere im niilcsgeA N, W com.... lejjl N. N.,ent.4 Wistern.... 10 st. rani A Omaha ae I'aclfieMall 41 ltechester l'litsburKb.. 7 Ht. l'aul , siji Texas l'acine ny. Union l'acice a,i .... 7i lux rrovUtens dull t 14 uy, 1M lOSW 10 OJi 30 20 4.1'i i-Vi 7 0A 81 7UW .... esvj 45M 4fl. 17 18 wiibain oemrnon 7s n aeaan norerred., west'rn Union TeleKranh OlJi 4A 7 Loulsvllle A Nashvll dim, N. YChl. A 8t-L Luhliih Vallnv LehlKh Navlnatlen K t'ennsylvanla uili UcadluK 17K l". T. A llutlaln ay Northern l'aciile Cem.. M Northern 1'acirJc I'ref. . b: ilestonvllle,. I'hlladelphia As i:rlc Nortnern Central UndorRreund , Canada Seu thorn. ..... ... il Oil w l'eoelo'sj'rwoneor. 9 41 UK l'hllmilelpnln guowtlensby Assodatel i'rws Btecku steady. Philadelphia A Krle U. It. tteadlnK Uallrejd rimnsylvanla Italliead... l.ehlirh Vallnv Unllread... ........... t- .... 1 ........ .... any, .... 83 United Companies of New Jnrsey ....m .uiviiuru i-ncinr Nerthern r.tcltle 1'icturrnl .Verthern Centra' ItaPre-vd i.enlith Navigation Cempauy... ...... Sorrlstevii tlHllreftd CvntrnlTrnnsrKirtatlen Cempiny ... IM'tflb'K.TItiMVllleA Kurtale It. It. MltloHeliurlklli Mil nod .. .... 113 .... cu .... 45J(J ....111 .... fiii .... C4 new TOTK. (Jnoialleni ey AseiUUvi l'ic". Stocks lewer. Meney ncllve at3tS4i New Yerk Centra; in . Krle llallrend..... izyt dnm1 Cxpretis in MlchlKan Central llallrevl TBkl MIchlKiui Southern 1 Ull read 03i IillnolaCeutial llalltend ,,tm? Cloveland A l'ittsbnrRh lUtlre.-id 139 ChicaiiOA Hec Island ltnllread ,..,117Ji IMtluburah Ifert Wtyne Uillreail lse Woiern Union TelOKrapU Ceinrwiy tail rrdsdeA Wabrul !..... 7)5 .VewJeuey Central , 74 Mw Yerk OntaleA Wtviiflrn. 10 AMUBBMBNTS. OICOONO MAY MUSICAL FESTIVAL will nil aran at thu ACADEMY OP MU8I0, Phil'a. KIVK KVKNISOS-M.W 0, 7. S, Band 10. rilltKIJ AKl'IHlNOONS-MAY 7, 0 and 10. 1 ha Chorus will number. 000 MIX IIU.lUnKO VOIUKf. O0O The Orchestra 100 OKK IIUJIUKHU 1'ItltVOICMBlU), 100 Wnlch toaether with the follewinir mea eminent and brilliant Soloists, will present en Kusomble et Uiwirpisied Kxcsllencn : line, htrlkn Unrster, Mme Kursch-UaUl, llme Trebclll, Miss KOHainlln, Mrs A II Dnrllntr, Mr LUte K Adams, Mr thus A Knerr, Mr w Deunl.ien. Mr Max Helnilch, Mr Clsrouce Mny, Mr Kariiel .lese 11 v, Ume II Hepeklrk, Mr Chns II Jul vli, Meris Musln, Ml It Ilennlsr, Muslcfil Dlreeters-W W OlI.CHlilSl' and HASMSCHM11.. HInsIu tickets, including Ueicrved Scats, 12 no, f2 00andI te, aceDidlnrr. te location. UKSUIIAI. ADMISSION $1,00 AMI'IIITHKATIIK iW Ticket oillce at DUTTON .t I 0,1115 Chist nut Htreet, where subscription tickets can be obtnlned en nnd alter Meddnr, April 21, Bale 01 single llekctit commence! April mill. Dm Iiil- the Mny Musical Kentlval, MnyM.ll te lvtli the l'eunsylviiiila railroad will pluce en hhIe excurilnn tlckeU te l'hlladelphla and n turn. uia,)AmJ,C,8 10 run tiAi.B. 'I'ttO I.AKOK IVAI.Mjr MlOlin COUM" 1 te.s forsiei may he seen Intlinsteie room Intely ecunpled by Mr S.9 Ualhven, Ne. 101 Nerlli (juecn sticet : n ust be removed seen. Apply te C. H. i.r.fr.vitB. iil7-lll Offlie -Ne. 137 Hint King St. 1)IUVaTI: HAL.V.-WII.I. li Mlll.tl AT pi In utn s tic proen i ty Ke. 419 Seuth Queen Htrier, lentululiiK la lent Irent aid vl tcct deep, upon which iserccte.l nonnitery route, hake eren, il(lit te a well et waur cistern and chidce lotel Irulttrtes. l'ev lurthorlo lurtherlo lurthorle lorinntlon apply en thu premises, my; lwd JOHN MeltANUS. )Ulll,lO HAI.K OIT VAl.UAnLK UUILI). On SATUItDAY. MAT 21. X l.NO LOTS. lbsl, nt 1 o'clock p. m., will 1a held en tlie premises, filly lets el '.M tcct each, frentluK en Seuili I'rlnce and Iloaver HtroeH in this city. 'these lets lie south et llasrerstieet. near te the cotton mills. Urban A Ilurser's plnnlnf? mill, turnace, du works, dye works and ether Industries, und about ene block from the new school housuubeiitmbo erected lu the fourth ward. Tiilitv per cent el the purchase money must be paid and pnasisslen Riven Imim dliitelj, nud the b.ilanoeof "u per cent, may be elmrud upon llie property una paid In ma yeurs, wltli sit per cent limyJ-lfil II. THANK KSHLKMAN. OASaiAtiXH, JO. I .(INK UAIIKIAOU IIUILDKRH, THiTJ STANDARD Carriage Werk OF LANOAbTKU COUNTIf. EDGERLY & CO., Pine Carriage Builders, MARKET STRBHT, IN KUAIl OF OKNTItAL MAItiCKT HOUSKH LANCAUTKU.l'A. We make ovary style lluagyand CariarRQ desired. All work finished In tbe most com. loitabluamtelCKant style. Wa use only tbe best selected muUrlal, and employ only the bust mechanics. Fer quality or work our prices ure the cheapest la the state. We buy ier cash and sell en tun most rcsjouable tonus. (Jive us u cull. All work warranted. KKl'AIIUNO l'UOlll'XLY ATTENDED TO. Onu set et workmen especially employed ler that uurpese. n'X-lfdAw NO 1 IUU IH MEKKIIY OITKN Til AT TUB firm of Uee. M. stelnman A Ce. nu dli dli selved en the Mb lust, by tlie death of Uee. M. Htelnman. All persons Indcbted te tbe said Arm will pleusu m tkn payment te the underigued, sur vivors, terthwilh, und these having claim due aualnst the llrm will present tbeiu for set tlement. UKO.' Al-J" ANKLIN. The b'islnesa of the firm will Dp eeniJ' as heroteloro, under ttie uiiue drm naaa iei Uee. M. Stelnman A Ce.. by te nJHK,,K?; who leel deeply Bnitelul te the public if or their exienslve iilmnoge, nann1Sg3r,,y J coiitluiiince el lr'?C,mfn.,nn0tSmieri te nnllnv nt llll MM. SUd by StnCt atMiniUHi ie rhowyantseniiBircu,totucr, te retain their conrilenceandgood.will. rUANRLIK tt9-W,!WwAw (JKOUUK aTKlNMAN. f-. e. u. Has Itetnevi Si5iImA?irANU OCULIST, ored U) Ne DWKsirOKANUB V wt-n nnd Knr trented. UlassoiiadlestetL IA poifer bpectacles en linnd and te rg'Tr. it ; ''V'. "' vl!.- ' ' v,i 4 f "J&IH ,)L i. IV ( ' H r " I