4' LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE! FlUDAY, MAY 0, 1881. !' t V . j iV i L'iy it Bv '' lr. i i'f I If Lancaster JnteWgenrct. FRIDAY KVEMtJO, MAT- Q, 1604. YaKU AMI 4IAICDKN, bprlnft Hele ul Timely Jnttrm Tomateoii ile net necd tleb ground. Qrcen leaa oceupy the ground about 70 dys. Ben redlebcn about ten days epart for a (ucocfelen. Trim tbe dead leaves nud dry runters from itrarbcrricft wheu planting them. Ue tbe knlfe at ence en tbe appoarence of.blaek knot en plum or ebcrry trccn, llieb ground, strong plants and geed oulture nre the snreRt rcmedies against lice and worms infesting aabbage. Iu plautlng raspberries aud blaokberrios cut tbe present eancs away entirely, or branches will start fiem them which will never fruit profitably, and will dlvert tbe nutriment that should go towards maklug strong new canes. Extending tbe Season Some yearB the summer is nene te long for Lima beans. A Btart of several week may be secured for them by planting tbe seed under glass, en inverted sods a feet future, transferring them te the garden whun het weather sets iu. Warfare Acainst the Insects. In the orchard no (natters must be given te tbe oiieray. The tont-eaterpillai's presonce is easily detected, as the dew ou the nest in the morning s'.iensihem up conspicuously. Every sign of tluiir i-xistuiice should be dostreyod, as can cu'lly be dene when they are small Moren u tbe trunks near tbe ground ran t tm probed or cut out. The curculle will beglu its work at euce, and must be met by blinking the trees and catehiti; the ins.v.j, en a. oletb aud killing them, rlnwfr anil thn L.avn. Crocuses nttiact honey bees. Civ.it small seed very lightly. KxecFsive wotneih of tln seed bed ui.iy induen ret. Evergrcens may be planted several weeks later than dcoldiieus growths. In slipping the cactU9 lay the cuttings in a dry pl.iee a (hy or two bofeio placing iu sand. April nud May are the best months te prune ornamental overgrneus. Camellias iu pets stiller greatly from dryness of neil sometimes without its being dotected, as the leiivt-s never tlag ou such account. lie sure te sank the bail at every wateriug. Angle worms in beds of earth, or the lawn, may ba destroyed by freely sprink ling with litne water. Maile as strong as "posaible it will net hurt the plants. Sickly Pet Plants. If there theuld happen te be some yellow leaved sickly looking plauts in the collection, turn them ftem the pets, wab the soil from the roots carefully, and repot ntaiu into per fectly clcau voreus pets, a size smaller than thoee they htoed in, using light earth. Trim back tbe top a little at tbe same time, and with coremou care they will seen cemmence picking up if there is any geed iu tbtm. lJex Edging If this presents a bare and sttaggliugappearauce, it should be divided aud reset. The old plauts eusht te make plenty of cuttings, which should be six or eight inches long each. A trench may bs opencd by thrusting the spade into the ground, with its back against a line that bas been ret te show the ceursa of tbe new edLfiiii'. In the trench the cuttmes should ba placed against the side towards the line aud be closely together that the foliage will form a continuous linn. Paek iu the earth tlrmly, aud water freely for two or three weeks. OI'dllKAT rtl.UtS 'lO NUOALIH Umenville, Wcstcbistur Ce.,N. V., A UK II st Zi, US'. I tuul carrli'.isly t-jjese.l iiijsell unit eui taint (1 a vny suvore unit Hunt cold e.i my clieatunil In my threat. I precun-d .xllceck'a l'oruusl'liuilei und iippllt-d ene en tlie chest, well upon tlie threat. anil lollefcame readily; the lervw or my cfipst was removed, ami lny vectl organ w.ire kept char tlie entlru past ulntur, eiiiihllui; me te fulfill pulilie en Bat'iiienta In elltuiunt part et tills country. Ne mero may be s id than that Allcock's Pereus Plait en, 11 applied by altlletcd vocal ists, will Kieatly iifkl-it their voeil rendition tn IIUllllO. II. t'UAMlLIN UlUllL'll. KtiUncn ut the Hen KIl.iU. Klctvird T Ki blnsen U ft driiKKtat lUlnirln Uacliif, Win Here It what lie Hay . ' Allllct Gil Willi IsiynutlN I wan uliablutn articulate, a wunl UUlUic- ly ler Hilly two month. Alio Alie unit app.leatlen et iAei'kk' Eelectrte Oil com Dli'tely cured mu. Am pp ajeu te ie-nmiuciid It. tei cale lj 11. II Ceihrrtii.ilruL'ijI'.l, 1;7 and 181) Noun Queen utrett. American Art. I'liolejirnplw, hinsravlnKs, ste. can tmex tmex qulnltely colored muIi with liquid Art Celers uuule limn IHtmeml Dyes, full directions ter tliN beantlnil nrt work, with a h.iiiiliieine colored eutdnet photo Mini te any addie-s ler lOCBllU. WEl.l.S A UlCHAltDSON A CO . UiiilIiiKten. Vt. Tlieuauutli upnii I IieuhiijiIb el ilellnri Iuvh bci'ii cnt in ailvirtlnlnv thu colebraiiHl Murdoch lllaeil Hitter i, but this Uct uce.iiinti only in pirt ler thulr cnorineiM sale. IhKlr iiiiirlt lnu ihiiiIh tru'in w hat tln-y uro-the bust bleed mi'illi Inn ever ievlai' by man. 1,rJ,ftlB1 ''V " t'echrau.ilruKKl-t. U7 ami lSU North yiifunBtr.'et. no Yeu Uelmve It. That tn tbli town thore are aeen-, et iwisens pasalilKOiu stoie niy .lay wh.h,,- iivi-s iwe inaile lutsonible by liUlyrMlen, DyMpepsle. Sour an. 1 .llMn-aeil lenmch. l.U.r cm. Plaint, Con-ilpmlen. wln.ii ler 75c. wuwtll ..i .hin fehlK.l. , itnlu. r. .".umnimi te c"ue them, beiu by ii if , n, ,lnilAv ., a7un.nji.Ne1t.Hiiu . --leiu "hur" "UnOLlilKH. A T Ml 111K-3. Durksea' Salad Dreesing, Haw Vel Ttleil It T It It n Ooetl Aiilclc. rjxi: tajii.i: uilu. HONEY, BONEY, HONEY. hxirac'ei Heney, tomb Henoy, in ami j ft, riaiut'a. Shumacher Akren Oat Meal. PURE SUGAR BYRUP tnly K'. a (inirt. ThU Symp It koe I tastiHl, tu-e irein iimt Wivu.11"11 mu"y "' ",0 'Wup! BUESK'S, NO. 17 HAST KING STREET. "uunn A.NU HTAriuNxnV ' jLANU ueims AMU ir.TIUUCVt JOIU BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 North Queen St , Blank Beeks & Stationery, ;; WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, WJtITING JTLUID3 AND INKS, at Tint SIGN OF THE BOOK. MKlllVAT jrj MAV81 TKIAU 1)11. DVB'S VOLTAIC BELT. Electric Appliance! nte ent en 8) Pays' trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OK 01.11, Who am flittering Irem Ncneus Debility Lest Vitality, I.ncUel crve Force and Vler WastliiK nktu'-cf. anil all these DUennuef aporsennl naluie lcstiltltiK lrem nbut's neil ether CHii04. Hpretly riltel anil complete re. torntteu el llealth. Visor ami Manhood unar nntetxl. l he minion ilUcovery el the Nino Nine Nino Icen th ecu uiry. frotulaleuco ler HltHlrutud l'an phlet live. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., prllydMWAKtw MAUHAl.l., Mien. v TKAH, UNDEVELOPED PARTS, Of tlie Hutniin lledy t'lilarRed, doM'lepoil, stri'iiKtheiu'd," I'tc, Is an Inlcrt.-UttiK dvir tl't'tiifnt lenif run In our paper. In reply te Imiulrtes we w Ul say that Hit f l no e lilencv ei nmnbiiR about tfilt. On the centraiy thu ndt'rtltTs are very highly 1inleri'd Intor Inter Intor eteU reim miiv krci ea;i'il clreuliirs irtvlnu nil part htilars by inblrcjl'iK httis Mkhual te, ltutlale, N. X.Tolnle Evening ilte. ui-ijiiJinar aw M A Us ION HO bUS. WEAK NEK VOL'S MEN Whoe 'icblllty. 0Thauitfil Hiwtir. pretni pretni ture iit'cny uml tttlure te pneriii llti'' duil- properly, are can."l t i urstn, errei l )euHi, etc , will rind nin rii . i anil In tint: rp rp rp loratlen te rebut lienlt i ami Mitoreus man man man noed in TI1K MAItl HOl.t'J. Nuniier inemncli drujfKtns nor In'trinuentH lid treatment et Nt'ivt.m ivbillly mill l'tiyHal Decay 1 unltermlv imrivixtul It'eauje Iuih1 en pctlt'ct dlatiu.tjH new au direct iiutheds Ai.d nboliitettioroiislnios. tmltn'eri iilen and Tinnier trc'- ddre Cenjnllt I'liv Htelnn el MAKSIOV KtJIKDI .,4hN Hth St.. New lerk. Miiil-lyM.M.I .wtt IJII.hM. X " AN AKCSI- " ,lve Inetnnt lellid, aud U an liilalllblecuii- ter ril.hs. 1'iUe, II no at druKKl-t-". or trnl piupald b nmll. -ample tri'e. Addrc?. " ..h:?ls" Jlaker, Itex 1.6. New Verk. apri-lvM.W.t&w E ?L."3 CHKAJ1 IIAL.1I. CATAIlllll. HEADAC11K, LOI.D IS HEAD. llOSfc Lt'LD. DKAKNh-s. H.V1 IKVhU; "A I'OKlllve Cure. ELY'S CREAM BALM. KI.Y'S CHKAM HAI.M whin applied by the rlnucr Inte the nettrlN. will be ah-nrtnil, t'lleituully clwiiulnt; iiu- held et caturibnl virus, cantiiK nualtliy secrxtlniM. It allays liifliimiiiatten, pretecui the mi mbrane el the nal p.t.aKi,s Iiem tre-h cold, completely Deals the miiej uml roieics the "eiicei el lusle an I xuiell NOT A l.IQl ID OU SNITK. A lew appllctittims ri lleve. A thoieugh treatvunt utll cure, Avrccitbin te use. "end Inr eiriultr e tents by druUts. ) ifnH by mull, registered. t'LY BROTHERS, 115-ee.iAw liruisHla Owece. N. 1 . V1 t-TKltlA Cern Remover. The moil f tfoctlve preparation ter the ro re ro meval el lenn. llunleus, arta, eu , ever olaied lieterii the public. Warranted te untdlcate completely -ind within a short time the most obdurate corns, uaru et son, 't itneiii pain. IT IB X resITIVK CVHK BOLD AT BEOHTOLD'S DRUG; STORE, Ne. 101 WEST OltANl.K bTUKKT, corner el i,iiarioue. dl-lvd 4 1.1. TIIK IHHKASKS OK 111 h LllMI". 1 L.,.....nt. fl... n.t I'll .... Jk. t.'Ml.lllJ, i.l.f-I Ullit IVIUIII'', W 1H 11 )e.trly cirrv Ihufsaiuli te untln eiy cravei, e.tn nmleiibtedly be cured by tne ticttuunl pursued ay UB. II. I). I.D.MiAKKK. Ne teelliiK et o,'etHm prempti the exhibi tion id Ihe numerous curtllli .ites of curts tint can be seen ut the doctor's ofllce. me e j rum Kitinui an eei. i.u:i easier, ra. Consultation Irre. in iid.vw JLr 1'U1Imsiiki, I!W KDITION Or "SECRErn 2iEl't.AL.ED," with valunble Information otMreuaul At tnii Jiierileri, llluitraled wllli casei. AUDUhssLD TOOKMLbMCS ON LI. Ily n ptntdi lanef JOyears'exnerienci'. ( tuther el social fcvil or tlie I'riteut Day," j'rema iuiu urc.iy, eic.j sum, pest me, price, -ec. Addiuss, DR. LA GRANGE, l'iil 1 ILB2IIT bTRUET, l'mLACKLI'llli, Pa. tlll-SUM 1L K.IKJLAKTKif run int. LD1AA: MEDIULN'E, KA-TONKA AND MODOC INDIAN kOIL. -AT LOCHER'S Drug Stere, NO. 9 KAST KINO SIUKLI, LANCASTKIl,I'A. ULA.HH Attn UUJit.SMIAHA LI 0 MAHTIJf. FANCY GOODS -Al- CHINA HALL. THKl.AUubST M.Sh is KANCV 0O01S1N Doceratod China,' BIeque Wero, Bohemlun GlnRaware. Dl-.i uii.ll KI) Tea, Dinner & Toilet Sets. iT Kzauilne Oiu block belere piueliailiiK Sigh & Martin, 15 EAST KINO STKEKT, LANI.AblKU, IM. MAUItlxr.HV. II avinil IHSSOl.VKI) HIHT.,,., .L!JSn...'?.he cilSinui btSet iron vVkH, ", ,w)9VoU",e' ,V e, Ti old "J'r""?. ,l",, V" litilille Ktinerallv. thai I am lroi,Cempu;;..HW,o7k WNe " l" , 'it eet' wlieri. I am umklntf Ireii and lr,u."ca"Ca oleviiiyilourlptlo.i, and will b ni,u,,,"Te norve all who limy laver me with tliulr patron. Ke .. i""..0 yvwlrlencu In tlie biiHlnt-ta eiiil u.Iiik tte uuat materlal itnilumpleylntf the hunt mechanics. I am hiiUiIIimI 1 can Kilar- 51 ,Vi',J..!l.Ur.0.M."ll,,,aul1.0"- '! tnaioTrein ,, il. ?u.1" et. lre" Vul HU,ul wlllu 'Te mero re. imljle ier utreiiKtli uml tliiniblUty limn the mna c,ul ,r.?." known. V tcelh roll p ei is. rolls am reilinK mm work a mieclulty. C'uit i KH .me et very sett Iren, and DntsH cAiu iiBsotevory diwcrlin ou. llutveull the nau C, iSliui.w,0,,"l,,l.',VoniWnewii Mewrer Alie ,m ', V.V CT"?iter renttcTaiid Impreved. ei!??. ' 'J""",1, "ll "completoly ntteil tip ei In K..t,,1..n",I'l,;00l,l0",,a wlll0 liavobecnli mliii in ina mikiiuituti t..iii,. i. i ' .." .t iTlactien ' b ' le K'VUkl"' anullmJ 11.0. MeCUI.l.KV. STBVftNH HOUHR HHAV1NU AND IIAIU DHK831NU HATH AWJl CAM. N TMV HATS. SHULTZ'S ONLY HAT STORE 1. lull el Mitt. MCW HAt-t Our prices el lest sttinmer cleaned out eerylhliiK 9traw II.Ui and LlKht Colored Stltl HaU. ThU sfn.en's iteck Is tlie largest and tuiwt com plctoevory shown here, and It Is all new. Ne old roe1h ctrrled ever 1 1 tun tlie le.t tourer llve icasen. Nene of lat jear' style. 1 ne tact jeu are sure te see netnliiK but the l'ilet and mint correct st lei will be appreciated. 144 North Queen St,, (UlN DA Klill'S OLD STAND, A lew doef. abme the I run kiln Heme, I ANC VlKi:, 1'A nmr.'7 UilAw e;. iti't: re. Isjtaiii.isiikh i3e. CARPETS -AT- Philip Schiim, Sen & Ge's 15 ' OLTH WATEH STKKET, LANCASTKK, 1'A Uebittea full ttipplv et ItAU AND HI. I.. INU tAlirhl le only ue the best el yuru. II ou Hunt a .I'xxl, ervlcertble lariiet, I'livvu couie nud eximlne our stix k beleie purchft.ln elsewheie n e mil sell a. cueap n. the iheupesl. Cem mid see ler yourself and iM'cenvluwd, as e -tlwavs have the reputa tion et making nil-lasj Carpels t'L'vreM HAO L'AlirKIS AS1'KC1AI.T CO KIU.KTS. I'lH'MBBlMSK, III.AN- KbT", C'Altl'KT CHAIN, STOCK- INU i A UN, Ac, OyclnR Dene In all ltd branches at short no tice. COAL! COAL! hi the best quality, eapie.ily ler Xamlly use, THY A SAMI'LKTON. UEMLMUKKTUK OLD eTAND. PHILIP SCHU3I, SOX & fO's. Ne lMiSULTIl WATEH STIIEKT, :-3md LANCASTKH, 1'A. 11(11 1. Kill, ,tv riuiK T BEST STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. Ve inanurnctuiii ud keep In utiKk the leU leulnt; kcvhN rertable Knalne-. en Wheels and M1K stalliniery hrinlnes and siatleiii-ry Heller. Tortable fleilers. rurtuble ,-aw SI1IU. ljtre an 1 Small Bedf r Kecd l'ump- ; pomp and beater, cemblnid dark, Cerk and cnb Mills l'ulleys, Stialtlnt; and tieniln. lltiii'e Cellar Heaters. l,reamerlis lilted up. Cteam Heatlut?a Sp-clnlty. Iren and llraat t as lint's. Iren Tanks ter Water and OH I.lKiitund lleiivy Mieet Iren Werk Stium aud Witter l'lpus. -il veil and Kilting. lluild an) Style or Tower el Uellurs. l.tlmutes Klen ter lmtclilnery Uepulrs promptly andcitieluUy a'ten led te Jelm Best & Sen, (I'lleritlKTOKS ) Ne. im Etet Fulton St., LANCA&TKlt, I'A JanlJ-Ud CUAJ.. B. H. il Alt Tin Wholta-le and lletall Dieiier In al. kid l el LUMIIKUA.SU LOAL. - fanl : Se. 11 Nnrlh H'nii.r...l l..n. st'eets above Ixmen Utncntr ni-lvd I .U31U.HI).SKI S JKKKKltlKM. COAL DEALLHS. OKKlCKh. Ne. North gt-miii Btrkbt, akd Ne. Sel North 1'iut.ca hTRKirr. YAHD1. Nektii lntci riTitEirr, bab Uixd- isij DuruT. LANCA3TKU, 1'A. auiilVtld lOAL. ' M. V. J3. COIIO 13(y NilltTH WATKUHT., Lnneauer, ra,, Wholesale and Uetull Dea.urj in LUJ5BER AND GOAL. Uennectlnn With the Telephonic Kxr.bnnue, t.y.?5L.&nd erac" Ne- SJINOUTIIWATKII -' 'lfc.Jvil KIOT1UK. """ 1 HaylnK sold my intlre Intorest In the coal IiiisIuchj te Henry Siiieycli, I ajtk the con cen tlniittiipt el tim Bime liberal patroiittue ler my sULCeuser. ' """"" '"' l'Hll.ll'UINUKU. Having piirchised the teal yard latclv owned by I'hllip Ulnder, 5 l ,y Cor. Andrew and Seuth Water 8ts I am prepaied teliu-nldi the very beat kinds el Ocnl for Family TJee, which 1 will dollver. careluily wulutiwl and screened, te any part et the city ut the lewuat market rates. Orders by mall or telephone (Hied promptly Ordei8lelt.it Ne. I'aSouthQuecnBtreeHTlll receive prompt attention. HENRY SMBYOH. nnrlMinil JIMi UAltltlAUK ISUll.UKIta. " THE STANDARD Carriage "Werk f LAN'CAHTKlt COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, IMttKAtto'S!SilWv3l1AIST,,eu" oitable and uleKaut Myl . ftSi" beat tieivctiiil mattirhii, it ,,i omnVeS ?. l J lu faciiirH'SSS--- "II AOKlt A HHOTMKIt. BCA-GER & BROTHER. CARPETS ! The New Spring Oesifiiis and Celers in Wiltens, Mequcls, Bedy Hrussels, Tapestry Brus sels. I rec-lMy ."grains. 1 all and Sta.r Carpets and Borders, in all qualities, which wil be sold at the Lewest Philadelphia Prices. LINOLIHf.M. The most serviceable Fleer Coverine; ler Halls, Offices, Stores Public cuSs yniit Chin:i nnd Ceci1 Maui L;- PAPER HANGINGS. . Our stock is very large and made up from the Latest Spring Styles ; Fine 1 land Prints, Plain and hmbessed Celd Papers, Grounds and Blanks; Choice Ceiling Decorations Fine Piieesand Borders. ttS?All work executed by skillful Paper Hangers and Carpet Layers, and satisfactory work guaranteed. Prices are the Lewest. . HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER PA - - --. Nes. 6 and 28 NORTH QUEEN Why. Pmnni t hew jiretty your BLAOK &ILK dece leek ! Whero did von cot It 9 At BOWhRS & HURaT-S. And Juat think of It 1 I only paid 06 otferTi C 1 la full 2T luohen wl.ln nnd they Buanvntoe It net te out. My droRsmiiker nnya ahe uover aaw any ailk nerir iVZ tV?A mouey. is.ua jubi ioek nt tntee ts.tu ULUVKSI I only tmld 60 eta. 11 imir for them n.i.i tr.V ...... i..- . dldly ! The few mtnutes I was Htnndlnir at thelr Klri.niAn n7...;. t "l?l '0-.?lI y weur Juat tnlen- them They hnve ethor KIl QLOVK3 nnd olecant SnoBTteo. a 75 eta. 81 81 ". a 8 60 TlMnKnt every pair of them nd thelr BLAOK OASHMBRHS1 I never aw Settle? oPbettwo show. Ianw i very uicoeuo. nnd nil wool, tee, na low na 10 eta." lu,ul wn,vt ty -LADIES, we would ba ploiiaed te hnve you glve ua a. civil. Our NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN "JOHN S. OIVLKK. SPRING- SUITINGS! We are showing all the Newest Things Si Spring Suitings, Pantings, &c. Our Cutter is pronounced one of the best in the city. We guarantee a fit in every case and employ only lirst-class workmen and use none but the best trimmings. Full line of Gents' Fur lushing Goods and Neckwear. We are the only house in this city that carries a full line el all widths of elch, Margctsen & Ce.'s Black Silk Ties (persons who once use these Ties never use any ether). Call and examine our stock before buvine- JOHN S. G1VLER & CO, One-Price Dry Goods and Merchant Tailoring Heuse, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ULOTUIM. lUHMMI 1MI (MIOUS rei; I EASTER. I Loweh Scerfa, ' Olub Houae Ties, i Lfttest Style Oellnrfl The Royal Shirt, Rheln Stone Studs llilllldnt tu Diamonds At ERISMAN'S, Ne 17 W-STK1NG Sl'IlEET, AfEHUUAM lAILOHIMt. DAVIDS. WINTERS, FINE MEECHANT TAILOE, Ne. 23 North Queen St., LASCASTtlt. I'A. rMVlTATlUW. Custom Department, L. GANSMAN & BRO. EiTKNl) TIIEIIl INVITATION Te their many cnitemcn ami Hid public In Kenural. ler an linp( tlonet ttiulr luiuu anil vnrleil Sptlni.' mock el koeU In Urn plt-ce. wlilcti we uiiiki) te your own erilur lit any dtyle, at tlie following low prices i All-wool Suit Inrbiiilmias jjj oe " better oe " ratiliiwrit jj ) ' Hllk-mlifil ruiHiiimre . .. IOuj " -bent IiiiIIke bluu cloth.... 17 10 " werslt'il cerktirruw (black or lilue) jg 00 All-wool fault fancy corkucrew ve 10 " KiikIIhIi corki'rew 'ii 00 " truncli woratcil.isieounirja (w IliiineinborwepayonrownpiTsoiiBlaltiintlon tesullliiKas wiill us cuttlniri II tlioreloro un. ubleau te uinlenull tlie closeat uml meat critical houae lu the city, OUR UUUAT bPECIALTV, Pants te Order. wWi"uplteW-w- t,-t0- w-w- w- I'lraae Uik a yluw In PasnlnK our Hliew Wlmlewa. Kit, Styleaml Uurable U'orkman U'erkman alilp tfiiamnluul, L.G-ansman&Bre, TJ-rAHIIIOKAJI.KWipi.AH.TMwaB Ne. 66-C8 NORTH gDEBN STREET, IHtfht en the Sonthweat Cerner el Orange tttruct, IANOABTKU, I'A. , r- Notcennectotl with any ethor; CleUilna lleuan In the r.ltv. 1&MJ1NK OI.II H1IIUK UliNHKirrittT J ClKiira, 'J for fin, Uforvse.. at UAIUMAN'a YKLI.OWKUOMTOIOAU bTOKK. wr uventt, wnv BOWERS & HURST, STREET, BOWERS & HURST, STREET. VAUI'ISTU, SV. 1 IMNMUW SHAOK1 WINDOW elh'r Im.i'i.,r?nttl",OcltyU01Ul'y kn,Wn UM W ""lW" a"a ,un,J Ul0r" ,V,'N,("V HIADKi than OUR PATENT DROP FIXTURES 14 the only Jiiccfjul aae feraummnr me. Ily Its me tlie lower rurt et ttiS window (.Hn ! Mia.le,l . aii.1 llvlit Hii.l air iMiralttcil tlireuRhtlui top .,,. It werJn en inv iwrt e tlie win low nnil U llie only xncceiMnl Klxture ma.le. by whlcl 111.- nppnr purl of tlui wln.l !)" can Le li UlM at plensnre. Call at tiiu or te se It In opurallen. Tlii-jr can l.e hail only el u. 8lmUul We Have the Best Shade Hangers in the City, tS'WOIih' DONE PROllPTLYM&l J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King and t'rince Streets. IlKK'S OAltl'KT 1IAI.L.. BARGAINS! - SHIEK'S OAJRPBT HALL. Seiling Off te Cleso Business. Everything Must Positively 1)3 Sold. J3TALL ATA 8A01UFWE.-yi ir Prompt attontlen given le the Manufacture el llajf Carpeta te entcr, -AT- SHIEK'S CAEPET HALL OOR. W. KING AND WATER STS febS) 2mitaw T A.MJASTKK STEAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS. MOTII AND DUST, ami roturiieil wlum proinHeil, without reganl ler wuather m iiiivu put u u new t'UKiiiu ei increuseii iif.ii ...... j. w... .,R,,,(,,0U,0,, iiiiiiuui mu lu.iiuvuii irum me cnrpei a teauit that cannot be atlalmiil by the elil ayatmn of trt-allnij by Imnil. The only ayotein by which FINK CAUPKT8 can be cloaneil without Injury. Our cuale. ninra ure invlteii te aoe tne machlne In operation. Uurpet calleil ler and dollverud iroe. Lancaster Steam Carpet (Jleaning Works, Cerner of Church and Duke Streets. mTlWoe$,0'1- VLUMHltilt AMU TOHM I.. A1INOLD, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTUSTG, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, tSTFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neg. 11, 13, 16 BAST ORANQB STREET, LANCASTER, PA. LANCASTER, PA. prloea nre Lew and our Stock Lnrye. LANCASTER, PA. "J Kt. K. lt.TIIVOM SHADES! Lancaster, Pn. BARGAINS! AT - ) LANCASTER, PA power i nil cleaning will be ijone without UAH JUTTINU, ruArttr.rifji uvunu iv!i'V!.!,''lt.Afu n'-i'ivii.i.K ii.lt tain run in iniieHM V "", l "J " lillll 4 1 1. Ill . BumUv!'1'" ,U y " ,,l,,v,' l,l" "lc,,l" " JiUil'THWAiu.. I hTATniMH." "J POIITIIWAIIU r. u eSiiyc;:::'iv!.!u?-'':r'. Kill in..rt...i V;,.V..,4"" "m,li lP.'XI :Jn IM 7.1W V.U 7:17 7.'l 711 .... Columbia... . WiiftliliiKten... ... ClUHWlllI ... Hale Harber... .Mliunk'a Kerry. .... .IVmuui...., .lerh Kuril nre,, Tiiritiiin SlrCall's feiry ...Klte'a Kdily... KlahliiKCrvuk, .I'i'iicli llnttmn. .. C'ouewlno.., Oeternra ... ..Pert Liiiikii ... I'orryvllle... A.M.II'.M. . w l.'i 5:i HlIM S.T b.i 5-.TI ... 7:s 7; 40 7::w 7:31 h'l 7:41 7:11) 7l (1:1.7 0.41 M7 MI BO M Mm IM 4-4.1 .:n l-.'in 1.14 7:11 7.V) 1:11 8:tl 7:f 7:i HA 3:11 7: 717 7.cn 1 V J AI.I.K ItAII.UOAl) TISIB-TAIII.K. aeirrnwAiiD. .4? ?'v,, .MttA $$ 'r""1 " ,nVV v; ;:.1 mk!,0 StVarnr , anil l w 1. 111 ceiiimhIIiik will ... IV ,Vv aula ralln.a.l for point Kim iinVi Wwt. y N0IITIIWAIU1. s.arp."in. 1,mVO Ce"uw"Ki t 7.30 it. 111., Sim mm Arrlvii at Cornwall at R is a. tn., 4:H anil li-li p. in.t nt l.baueii at H .Ha. m., 4 :tinin.l -a 11 '"1c""lu'c,lntt ut 1-ulMiiiim with Phlla.lflpli a ? 'ii.'VI.".rill,re":,,r 1M,I,"', K,wl '"" W,'"l. r.Vwi ..'."' ""lne" TriMnent briuuli for .lelm. liiwn, pin (iKiuvu ami Troiiienl. ,;.. ,.,!;w,11' ',"' 1'I w"l K'I' tii.lv al torn tern wail. Coir binek ai.il IIiIIiiIii. I)f.A(II.N(l .vtOI.UfniilA it. 11 AltU.YM.KMi:NT(nASSKNt;KK'IIUlN8. Mt'NKAV, H Urn, t-S N'Ultl iTwAltll y urryvllle Utncnster, Kluust... Lanotiier., Culcktpj Unrletta Juiu-tlnn.i. Oeiumbla. AltUVf. KeiltnR A.M. A.M ll'3A .... Ul:he .... W..17 ltm ... Ilitfi .... 11:21 HtW II-.IK U:K1 II:M I1:.VI .... liltt 7-10 r.'-J) 7:-.'7 13:i- 7.17 IJ-IO 8;00 l'J:M H;a) a. y. 7:0 U:10 V-.X SOUl'IIWAItll LIAfK UfUllllrf ,, ABUITA. Iturlettu Junction.. Chlckl. Columbia Iancruur I.ancaaler, King at.. Onarrvvlll.. " a m r m v. y.- "rii .... sail 7:3. 3.40 7:1 1 V 8.M) 7:W ... 3 J 7.f6 ...M .-l 7mX. 1 1 1 3.1 It 45 3:- 5.W r x. ... n re r w Truitin i-iV,.'.uw.' ;.;.. ' ,l. ." . ,.. 1.V..I T ""'-uiui; Willi II iln' 1.. il from I ttUiwli. piiiH, PotuvllTe, lUrrlahiinc. ) iienV '"", N,,w XerU v,a ein.i .. Iii2Tcr' Ueya''urrf, Frixlerlck u:il 1 1 . iroiiu"rikuVl,ncllen """ ,nv""' ii ,v''11 hln!i,V,,y."?ryv,",' 7'" " '"' Cuocasier. Miirf strrt 1, 'i.Oj p. 111. ATivo-lleiiilliiK, lu fin hi. 710 p hi. l.-ae-lli.aillnlj, me.,, in , 1 05 p. m .1 ;;rr,w'- nnciatrr, hin iin ,-t, kme a hi (l.itt p. 111 ; ijuariyvllln, 7.1 A . viien s IKIiHlH.VAIIlA IIAM1U.I. ,, NOM-.MIIKIl, 1S.13SS. trana .... ,i,. p,., , ,v yai.la llallrtii.I will urrtv.. vt na v. the Lancmtni mul PhtlailelphU . ..1...- .ei',.w L.I-V' Al l.nn I Phi EiltTWAIlD Mill Exprwji Ptillail..pIiUi Kpns.... .', fast I.lne HarrlaburK Kjtp'iisj. Yerk Ac-omruelaJ'in urilv. I.nnouiter Accemr latlen nn I jh . Columbia Atceuii..m .ion rrvlnrlck Arcoinn.'xlatlen arrivta Leck Haven Exp . anmlftyjluil Jetinatnwn Ktpnafl Oay Kxprni ' '.' IlarrUburs AvcoiniiKKbitlen AM. M V M 1:J UiO G 1 1 'Il m 7tll e.i" ... na I I Mu S J I 2 I" S W H.ll ... 8-i' 10-4(1 .... tfae . 3-00 I J 7't LI! 116 . X. If llaiievt.r Aci-oinininiatien m-.!, wn ii-.w at Lnucnstur with Ma,;uru kziiifHa at 4 will run through te Huhemi iai j, -xi . annday. ' ' Vnxlurlck Accoiniiirxlniien.wo-t.roiiKi'vtlnK it Luncaater with riwt I.lne, we.-!, .it j ,. wl) ran threiuth te K.-(lm l. k 'J.e. i r. I'Mi.'ian iVsHnAiui Mewi Krprwi Way PaMiungur MM1 Train, Ne. 1, via. .ML.ley Mull Train, Ne. I.vla Columbia,. i-uvna Mnram K.xpnws llanevr Actoiuinetlatlon lenvi- ... fwt Linn ri-ixlcrlcfi Aito nir.otutlen Ii-hvuh . Harrlsburg Accoinineilatlon Luncaiter AccoiuiueUutlon luuviu .. Columbia AccoiLiterlatlon llarrlaburK Kxprnj Woatern Kxpruas Pacific Eiprnaa A M. A.M I 31. 0: J? 1 je n Je 7-un J-W ... 9SU i 4' JO .... IV 11 U i A ... 1 . u. i 4 .... . ' 4 4 7 li 7 Ii J I 11 is IlarrlnburK Kipriws, wnu-li leaves l.amuHter at i:IO). in., nua illrect connectlena (nlt ,uni clenioef curs) te Columbia ami erk. iresl Line. wcat. en aumtay, wl'm (1 will sTopatl)ewnlnU)wn,Coativ.' tilt I'... . t-irs, Mount Jey, KUraboUilewiiai. ' M t wn. Day Eipreas, Kiut Line, Newi K tpr.w. ,1 11 Train, Ne. 1, Weatern llxpnwi ami Pan., 1 1 prss run itailv. Tlie tltnu hore kIvi-ij Ii Eaitern lime, or fiat et the 7.MI1 meridian, whli-e la 1 iiilnuti u-ul 1 Htcumlj taattir than llmt biirnloleio tue I. J tlUAl. MAIL AKKA.MII.il K.M ,. HOUKS KOIICLOMING TIIKMAU.1 I Hy ItNllreail Nkw ebic tukoceii mail, KUO . ami 7 30 a. m., I J:Ju p. in., j.eu p. m. ami . 03 a ' m. Wav .Mail. cast. ;."ua. m POWMNOTOHN, 1.0111111111 I'lllCO lllllt 1HI, II 1,1 p. in. 1'IIILAIIELrlIIA Tlinncen UA1L, 5:00 auO " JOu in., t-iHn. in., IJUi'i, a en ami jikiii. in. l'lTTSUlllO AKU WBT, UOOll. III., I .'0 uml 10 is p. Ill llAiutiHnrrui vaii., G irjniul iidOh in , 1 5), r.en. 7.1.1 unit 1U43 p. in. IVav mail, weal, (l:1 0 anil 90u. in, llALTIMOUK AND WAHIIIMlireM, via 1'l.tlll'll'l. plila. fi:Uup. m. ItALTIUUIIB AND WaRHISOTON, Via lfllf, 130 p. III. llALTIilOHB AMD WABIII.1UTOH, Vltt Hull IdblllK. 10:45 p.m. " Unto in Hand, Chrlillana, 1'arkpnbiiri;, Contenvllloauii Donnliixtewn ut l.'.Jep. m. L'eLUMni a at y.i) a. m. l Jit ami .1 no p, in. VOHK ANU (IIIK WAV, 1 JO lillll 10 fl p. Ill NeKTHKiiN Ceatiial, u.be u. iu,, l.i) unit 10 n p. m. llBADlNO, Via ItKADIMO ANU (.OLIUUIA II. 11., 7.(0n. in. ami 12.' e p.m. Kkadine, via riiliiuti-lpiitit, A:i0nml II uin in ItKADiNii wav, via .function. Lltltz, Jlaii hiilm, Knit llmuptleld and Kplnata, a 15 p, in. QUAKiivviLLB. CariuarKO, New l'rnvltl.ince, Wust Willow, MartlnHVllle. Uillen unit Llme Valley, 0-15 it. in. anil S.eu p. in. Nhw Helland, Churciitewn, (Jrrenliauk, lilue Hail, Unoilvllle, llcartewu un.l HprliiK Urevn, by way et DownlUKtewn, ut 0.15 p. in. nnil ll:oe p. m, Hkva Harueu, via Columbia, 8 50 a. in. nuil 8: 10 p. in. Hy Htacn-siucltwatcr anil bate Harber, Ially,nt4;oep. iu. Te illlleravllle, 8aiul II 30 a. iu. nnil t p. in HlnKlev'rt ilrhlife, Luaieck, Uiiiovllle, New Hellanil. 2:30 p. in. Willow Btrci't, Hmlthvllle, lluck. C'li.'sliiut l.uvtil, (Jreun, l'oterit' OioeU, i'lcaiant (Jrevu, Heck Uprlnita, Kalrineiint and ItowlumUvllle, M.I., dally, at7;C0u. in. Lanntu' Vallev, OrKen, Went Kail, Kami orsville. NoUavllle, Htnklutewii, Toire Hill, Martlmlali', dally, at 2-30 p, in. Uroenland, l-'eitlllty, l.auipetcr ni.il Wheat land MlllH teHtritHlmiK, dally at 4 l. i. .-iinv imnviue, (joneiiOHa, niari.uviiie, uieu. mauvllle, lleiint Nebe, ltawlluiivllle, lte HieH.la and Llberly hijuaie, lull, lit 2:t0p in. Ou annday evunliiKi mulld ciut mid wcl cleu at 10:00 p. m. WHKN III'KN If OK lMILlVI'.KY. Aiilvlue i'v mall icu.it)ru mull, n.se a. in., 10.00 a. iu., 3:te nun 0:30 n in. Kaalern way mall, 10 00 u m. Wosteru mall, (1.30 mul 10.00 a. in,, 2.00 mul 7,00 p. in. Iicttdlnjf, via, licaillns anil Columbia, 2:3 ii, in. Wi'Htern way mull, 8:10 a in, Hi'udliiK way mall. IU;jea. in, Onarryvlllellrunch, B:l5ii. in, mul 4:0U n. in Arrlvlni: by HtwKo-rrem Sule Hiuber unit oiiiuhwu.er. in h:uiii, iu,, eaiiy. Frem Mlllunvlliu, 7 uml e a. in nmt 4 p. in. Krem New Helland, at 0.3eu. in., iliilfj . Krem Holanitsvllie, Aid., at 4.00 n. in. iteadlng way mull, nt 10:30 . in , dally. Krem Hirasburir. at 0:30 a. in., dally. Frem Itttwllimvllle, at 11:10 n.m. t tern Torre Hill, nt lo.ce u. m. ;suniiay resTiiFnuii: neuii!. On 8unilay the poatelllco ta ein lrem April! lit te Oclebtu ut, irem e te 0 a. in., and lrem (11 ii p. in. t irem iiuteiHir lat ie April 1st, Ireiai 0 te le . in., nnd Hum (i le 7 !. m. A.M. llf .' 27 i a; in 9:'A ueu r. k. 12..V) 12-V i U 2-J l '. 4. 1)