w Wt)t y atxtef ,' 1 lAViAM V I lVVVt LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, APIUL 30, 1884. Veluimi XXNe 20G. Price Twe Cent. jtXCm41MHlR,Mrl.ffmAi. . 7 sKr7Aavrir5 'V. r' v-r SHml Sm CW nt ;r? jATMte Wl - Vt.ttVlllM). UHAHKIl A HltOWN. WtN Spring Prices On many articles of clothing will be very low and Oak Mall will repeat the past experience en an enlarged scale that of giving retail buyers the benefit of geed bargains en great lets of goods. Wanamakkr & Brown. Oak Hall, b. K. Cerner Sixth Htnl Market, al7ttd PHILADELPHIA. M KtlUllANT 1 All.OlllNO. DIVIDE. WINTERS, Leiulliitf Morelmnt Tiiller. Having lust relumed from Philadelphia Willi il Cull line il KANDV I'l.Al l sUITI.NOH (thu only iiiiim III tliu nil), n studs, Cerk, screw imil t iumIiimtim. hereby ut'eiid mi Invitation te my Irleiuls and thu public gun eral'y, le cull and Inapuei this Elegant Si"tik l uhh4 Having ul-e seeured til" services nihil first elii" wiirkinmi I hiii prepurHil t make up work In ii superior ty,e und wltli dispatch iliMel Kits giiarulllrud. DAVID R. WINTERS. NO. 33 NORTH QLTBHN ST., I. A NO ISTEII, I'A. M kkm lUTiirim, vuniiiNU. " Life la tee short te study up all the Clothing Advertisements. I will go te Yates's and done with. I've always been pleased with their goods and they give satisfaction." A. C. YATES & CO. Ledger Builling, Chestnut & Sixth Sts. rilll.AIIKM'IIIA. All-Weel Suit, $H. All-Weel Suits, $12. The art) our iftnit .peililtl In MEN ICf.MiV M HS i I.OIHIN'. It' II I'll1 g ll I ew patterns, liall'llllllO tii' ('iii'tit tit ihk. 'ii iiihiIi', trltnuml and 1 1 il t fiitity nn pil'-i cen'itert'd we knew "f mill O'-riroeds )'illnliK tliclll h.. i In t lit I'ltv L'oiifl L'eiifl ilunt In the bude! tluit trHili iiintiuillv mllt.icle' y wM r"-ult tliiu r hi, wu Iiii'.Ih roiiipitri'en with tint bi.lthat like figures will buy clsew here. Monenred Fultfl, JVeiimin-d Suits, MeuBurud Sultx, 812 - 815 810 te 800 The Nivtm nti'l best assortment fit Knnititn hikI Demestic Woolens ilmvuti by itnv (lethinir IIeiimi In tin- cliy. Kvei J'tlunit requisite t" pleas" iHvnr.ti tu-dii iw-dlietlc or hi rc'nely p iiln step Id tivl mil our prlctv, ; fliiin It yi n can -le better elsewhere I'lnit li'st nftmi iniiki'i tin trni'e rf-l'fliTi rift uimruntfii'i In nvery Innniv, wM'tliiT tin form Im nyininoi nyininei rlcul or etliut w He, uImi 111" le-m Imi en fa. MYERS & RATHFON, l.KADlNU hAMCASTKU (jl.OTIIIKHM, NO. 12 HAST KING 8TBBHT. I.ANCASTKIt, I'A. i A lit) l in I nl'UI! Ui.tM'lllNti. I) r.MOVAl, REMOVAL EXTRAORDINARY. New EMabhshmant, New Goods, S. S. RATHVON, MiTfliuiit Tnllur uuil Draper. Iti'ip.etln ly Intertnn tiH patrons Htul tlm putv HO tllltl III- Il 14 llflllllVI'll llli MlTClKIlt 'Inllor 'Inller liiit KntnlilHliincnt Irem no. lul. tieru It lian lin lei'uluil ler ever thirty ytum, te 131 North Queen St., (IIOWKLL'S lMJlMMNU), Vhi'r hn ha Jntt epi'nril with h triwh anil hcilioiihIiie linx el rtlirle ler mini iiml hey' wr, whluh will In until" prmnplly te eritur u rtiiy r t !. mill HiiiUfitctleii Htinifil I tittiktul fir p t faveii liN cltertH Hhull Im e Murtl tliu centliiuuil cenfliluncH et tnupiil S. S. RATHVON. Practical Tailor. ml.' lnul MK1HVAI fMlTlUVHA HFXtlKIIICM. NOW 18 THK T1MK TO COUK SKIN HUMORS. It In at thin nraxen, whim tin) bleml mill pur. pliutlen urn IehiId'I with ItiipnrltliH, that llli flKiirl' k llimierH, lluinllluttiiK hrupMenii, IIcIiIiik Te.tttriM, Hull Kiiutim or Kczuiim, r-erlaxh), 'luttiir, KliiKwerin, lluby llimi'irH, Hcrntiim, fciefulmiH hnrns, Alici'rM'n wi'l ll (ihnrKliiK VVeiiiiiIk, iiml nvitv upi'ihw el Itch tnu. r-citiy iiml I'linply Illnru'ei of tliu hkln hiii! Xuilputu inetrpuiiilll nti'l cconeiiiluull) eiiri'U hy tliu Lvticuha iikmkdikh. IT IS A PAOT. UnnilreiK el littiirHln enrM)HrMilnn ceplns el whlrh imiy Ira lnul by nilmn until, inn our mitlierlty ler Ihu iiHiirllen that Hkln, Hcnlp iiml llloeil lluiiier, whother Hcrel .Ieiih, ln lintlUiil or Uontiixleti, may NtlW Im piTiim inintly cnrivl hy (Jutieuha Ukiiii.tknt, llm iiuw llloeil I'lirllli'il. liliiintlij anil Apvr mi', intttr nnllv, unil ttmeUHA mill t uticura He at, tlm KriiatHkln ciiri'H mid liniiutilluiv, uxtiiriml'y, In ennliiilf tin) tline mill ut ene hall the uz piiiim! 01 unv ethur aean'in. ORBATE8T ON EARTH UT1CUUA IUMKIHK4 UFO t lift (n'Hl)lt tlllllll. clniM en flirt It. Hail Hit) worn'. kii e! Silt Uhi'iiin In this country. My inettiiir Iiml It twiinly fiirH anil In tact illuil Hern It, 1 bo be llfvu ( UfKH'iu we tltl luivii avnil my llle My ariiii, liieihl anil hunt wure coveri'il ter three .vi'iim, which netliliiK relli'vi'il or cur ml until 1 uih the t iitiltka IIkhelvkkt liilnrnally Utlll Lunt'UHA mill CUTiutiKA boa i- ux irnullj. J Y. All.vMS, Nu'iirk.O. GRMAT BLOOD MBDIOINtS. Th half lun net limin teM an te llm Krcat curiitlv. powerMof tlm CUticvka IIkxkeikm. I liiivi- pain hunilti'ilH of ileilatH ler iiirillcnic iiirillcnic te euro illnt-axun el tlm IiIixhI uuil Hklu, hihi iiiivit IiiiiiiiI HiijtliliiK yet te iijuui the tun- CtllA IUmedikh. 1'i.eviijkack, It. I CIIAS, A. WU.1.1AMH. OtTRB IN EVERY OASB. Your CirriuuiiA IIkkiiik edIhiiII all oilier tncillcliiiin I kitip fei xkiii illsi urn)-. Mycun-lem.-m min pitn-nl.i Hiiy that tliny lmvc i Hi eul a uiire lit evnry lurlutice, hri) ether ruiiiui'lcs htivu lalicil. II. V. IlltUCKWAY, M. U. rRANKI.IN Kallh, N. II. BLAINE AND EDMUNDS, WHAT ilATTKH K MKN 1IIKV AUK, Hehl bv nil (liutfKiBtn lrlc : I.UTICU-A, tee. ltKrvENT,ll; e.ip, 45c. t'eTrua iKUe akd ( iikmiual co , ItOMten, Maan ti.iul lur "Mew tJUureKKlii Dl.raitpa." QTTi a TTTV '"or KeiiKh. eliappcl anil CJIJ X X (treaty skin. Illackheail, I'lliipli-H, nkln lllutDMlif-t ami IlirautlU) llu III 1 11 B, IIM) I ITILTKA ""OAl1. a leal lli'uul flui. 'I li' BURGER & SOTTOI McrcliautTullers mid I'lethltTH, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 1.ANCAHTKII, I'A. STYLISH, STANDAIM) SPRING SUITINGS. 8HIRT3 BPBOIALLY SELEOTED A 1. 1. OUADKS GENTS' GOODS. NK.VT, NUUIIY NECKWEAR. Of 1'iletia te pluiwu nil purmni. Burger & Sutten, Ne. 24 CVnlre Sqaur, II tlKKtl AltT. SPRING OPENING -AT- H.GERHART'S Tailoring EHtublishment. I inn new pnipareil te show te the tran an rtHBertincnt el WiHiluns ter the pprlnK Hint summer Ti ailu rtilch 'or llcnuty. Quality unit CJiinntlty iirpaiiei all my teruiur etlerU te p oase uiy cusleiners None but tlm very hnt Korelitn ami Anierl can fabilca ler Iri'H anil 1IiikIiiih tiltB i a compliite line of the Luteal Shailes el Spring UverceatlliK Tliu vury bent el wnrkmannhlp uiul prlrea lower than any lleuau In the city ter the naiuu HUiillty of kmx1 I-I. GERHART. TAILOR, Ne. 6 East King Street. UK. Mil ll'UK Kr.MKIHfti Full Ml.l. at ( echra ' lru Mere, 17 mul MH North (Jiifuu street. Laucuiter, 1 u CATARRH"! Sanferd's Radical Cure. 1 1 mul C'Miln, wmery IIJCharK Irem the Newiinil Kjei. ItliiKini; Nelie m the Ilea , .S rveus Ile.nlacliu unit r ever liistunlly ro re lluvwl. CtiekttiK miicim iI1hIeIih1, uitnbrune cli-un-i'il anil IiiuId I, I) I tilth DWeoteneil.ninell, taite mul huiirlng restertil ami ruvaKea cueek- Ull. leukIi. IlienchltU, Urepplntt Inte the 'llireut, ralnx In the Client, njnepnla. Val IllKOt airuliKtUuiliI Kleall, l.o.-e et oleep etc., en eil. Olie bettle ItaillciU Cure. enn llex Cntarrluil belvnnt unit ene Dr. S.inleril'. IiihiiUir, In nnn packaxu, of all ilm'Klnta ler $1. Ahk iron -AMUrr-HD'n IUuiuaL Cumt, upiire illnllliatlen el Witch llHZel. Am. fine, Lu. Kir, AliiriKOliI, Ulevei lHe-iitmn. etc. 1'trrruu Uhuh ake Ciikm IUal Ce., iloileu. OANIIKlltl)M ItADIUM.UUIthl'IMtSAI.K O at Cochran's Drug Mern, Ne U7 anil 1JU .North (Juoen nlrcul. Lnucanlcr. 1'a. Pain is the Cry of a b'ufl'riDg Nerve. TelllnH' Voltaic Klectrle 1'lastur InstHiitly Bffe t the NoiveuitSyntoinunil hanlihen pain. A perlect Klectrlc llattery ueiiiulnuil with u I'oreui Planter !or il cents. It annlhll.itei) pain, vitalism weak anil worn out paitn, BtreiiKthunn tlreil niusclen, piovents iIIbehmi, mul ileen mero In oiie-uait the tltiiit than any ether iiln.it. r In the werlil. bel i uvuryw ,ure. aprt-lyilW..w B KMIIIN'8 UAfUINk. I'LAsTKIti. SLIGHT ODDS. Au AnnlyiU of lllnlne y n llfititiiillran urf(nii Sir. l-.iliiiiiiifH hUlwurl unci KluR.trr. New YetkTltnt'H, Hep Everybody kuews that in April, 1809, Mr. lilnlfie, an upoalceT or the (luttnu of Hi'prtMKiitntlvcB, innde n rtilini; en a jmlnt ruiHud at hi nwu micucHtlen wliiuli s.ivcil te tliu Llttle Heek ii Fert Smith nillnuil a valuablu land rntit wlileli (lcpcndcil en the notion of UoiiKreHH. Mr. I'lielpH h.ijh thin wan in the iuterunt of riKhtoeiiHtiurtH ami that Mr. lllnltie'fl frluhdit had no In tercut in tliu iHindini? bill, Mr. Iilainu in 1870 tnmlu the remarlcablu niatutnuiit that the Lltllu Heek read derived all it had from tin) Ntate of ArkatmaH, wlicrcai it was a fact that it durlvid all that flave it value from the notion of OoncreHM bemu tuue aflur the oIehu of the hoshieii Mr. Ulainc (leured in an vHortte xeetiiu au intutent In the tinterprleu thtiR vitulizvd, threiiKh IiIh friftid Wurrcu Fluhur, Irem Mr. Catdwell, who had control of it. Fer seinu ri'iiHOti tliu preposition had been inade t him and hu waH anxletiN te cloe with it, an waH rIiewu in Iuh IcttcrH, and he worked IiIh iullni; el Ap tl for all tt w.ih worth te Ram thin point. Mr. I'luilpH hi'uh no harm In tills, crucially an lilalue never net what he heuijlit. What lie dlil et vf.m a "bl ick" ut the Hccuntlen of the read or ra httr uztraerdi iiai y terniH, Mr. I'hulpH re teratufi HUIiie'm Htatement that he mcruly bought thorn ai any ether man tnllit and diMpe.ted of Hemu te hiri fiiunda ana oed tiling, but took them bade when the unterprtiiu turned out dlnaiueuHly, and peukuted a heavy Iehm. Tiuh docs net account for tliu "libeial" treatment for which Mr. U'attie exprcxHcd hu iiiueli appreciation te bin Irienil r mlier. 1 uu teHttmeiiy el r inner h bookkeeper, Mulligan, in thuinvcHtluaMen of 1870 Mliewed that lilaiue Held ou Fmh er' aceennt jlUOOOO of common Hteuk, dl30 000ef prelerred Meek, and $130,000 of tlrbt tnortk'aue hetidn, ami get ler IiIh commlxHleu 4130,000 of laud urant betids anil $32,r)U0 et llrt njertir.icu bendi, Fiahur receiving etily $13D,00!J in cash en the trannactien TIiIh whs net the way ether parties were dealt with, nor was the trunnai-tieii tiueh an Mr I'tiulpi dcneribcn If it w.ih all nht, and if the famous ru Iiik had nothing te de with it, wliy nbiju d It be miHrepreeuted ? ItiHalHiieharKedth.it $75,000 of bends which Mr. Iilainu had te taku biuk Irem Ii im friendn and uutuhberM were oetd for his benefit te tliu Union I'acillj company at a price far above their value. Mr. I'uelpn na)H there is a " mountain" of detiial and no evidence of this, liut there In in plenty of evidence that the Union l'aoille bought this amount of bmidH for $01000 when worth but iJH7,50O, aud both Mulli gan and FiHlier teHtilled te the bellef that tlicHe were Ulaiuu's buuiU A proposed inveHtiK'itieu by the uemptiny was n top pod by Mr. Hellitm beuauD it would " injure Mr Iilainu." Iho effort te iet at the bottom of thn buniueHS in 1870 wan Mtneth ercd, but thee bends have never been accounted for, aud uvery inilionien is that they were hjuht te sive Mr. Ill itiiu from his 1e.hkih ami Hecuru hid Kratl'tide te the Union I'auilie. It is equally familiar history that Mr. Iilainu in 1870 dinpesed of a slice in the Northern l'acille railroad Mr. I'liulps says liu never had any interest in that line. It is net te the point that he owned no Interest himself, for lie said he could net " touch it." IIe was only " able te control an interest" ou terms that in his opinion made it a " spluuihd thlutr " aud he disposed of it te his liberal Iriends, I'urhaps it was au act ei pure p'lll itithre py, aud he thrived no tumetl . Irem it. But it may be, as the Pout coiieludus, that the public ban uottirther inturest in theso HpeoulatietiH, or in the manner in which Mr. Blalnu obtained and used the Mullmau letters, inasmuch aH Ills cliaucu of bniui; nominated for the proHldeuey has new " paused away." However that may be, Mr. Phelps' defense- has net altered tliu reoerd aud uanuet benefit Mr. Iilainu. The matter had hotter have beeu allowed te est. KIIMUNDs'lliill KKUOKII, than In the trcattnent of MeBura. Sumner and Hear. And Mr. Edmunds wan clih lly iulliieutlal in ititlietliiK betii wounds. Anether event of reoent date is working vigorously against Mr. Kdmunds among the Massaohusetts manufiioturers. It Is known in this Htate that the four delegates atdarge recently elected in Mr. Edmunds' favor in New Yerk are otieiniuH of the protcetivo Hjstetn, and belong te that elass of free tiaders who are disguised under the name of revenue rolenners refortners of the type that nuppert the Morrison tarlir bill. This has jimt begun te be well understood, but In certain auctions Is work iug rapid changes respecting Mr. Edmunds' candidacy. Ah ene of Senater Hear's neighbors in Worcester said a few daya sitice " we are beginning for the llrt tliiie te iiudurstaud the political recerd and opinions eT Mr. Eduiuuris " " Wa.liliintinr. ulmlrl" New Yetk Werlil. Mr. William Walter Phelps essiys an olaberato dufunse of Mr. Blaiue'H legisla legisla tlve career. William Walter writes a long letter te show that the Ettning l)t is in error in tlie alleged facts it has cited con cen con eeruing Mr. Blaine's oeiiueotlon with tlm Fert Smith & Llttle Heek railroad, and hnnce that all its conclusions as te his venality and untruthfulness in that allair are false Our rospeetod uvening contem porary thereupon ileundurs through two celuuiiis and a half of oditeiial te back up its objections te Mr. Blattie, ami thou olinehcs the argument with the Mulligan lutlurs, which are tiuite snlllclunt, in Its civil service reform estimation, te inaKe tliu peeplu dotermiuo that Blalnu shall never "sit in Washington's chair." What arrant humbug all this is '.' Does the Evening l'et remember a person called Kuthcrferil B. Hayes ? Dees It recall the laet that this hypocritical fraud " Hat in Washington's chair " by theft, and that the livening 1U aud all the tribe of caut lug Hupublieau reformers winkeil at the crime and supported aud profited by thn Hayes administration. Dues the Kttmng IM remember the Credit Mebilier scandal aud the laet that James A. Uartleld, euu of the niumbi-is who accepted the favors of Oikes Amus, sought te cscape by falsotcstirneuy ? Dees our uotitumperary forget that it after wards supported James A. Gaiileld as thu H-piihlicati presidential caudidate and helped te unable him te " Hit in Washing Washing ten's chair ?'' Doeh the Evening Pett forget that only between three and four years age it sup ported Chester A. Arthur, the head of the uoterious New Yerk Hepubllean maobiue and tue chum of Dersey, Johnny O'Brien, Mike Dady, Barney Bigliu and thu rest, for vioe president, aud thou ruade It pOHsl- blu Ter that jovial ouarnnlen el " Heap " in uluotieus te " nit lu WaBhiugteu'a chair ?" Mr. Blaine can take care of bin own reputation. He eau certainly beast that it is as geed as that of Jehn Shurmau, or Arthur, or mauy ethur Hupublieau load lead ers. It could net bu he bad that William Walter I'liulps would hesitate te indorse him, or that the Evening Pest would sup port him with all its energy as the next incumbent of " Washington's ehair," if he should be thu Hrpubliean nominee. What caut te talk about "Washington's chair," after it has been occupied by Grant, Haes, (J iilleld and Arthur. llmiry WtlttrMin'ii H. turning nnthv. I.miUvlllu Courier Je irnnl. 11 Mr. Haudall or Mr. 1'ayne should be nominated en tliu Ohie or thu I'enusylvatiia platform, we should support hltn. If the ticket should be Payuu ami Haudall, or Haudall aud l'ayuu, we should support that. Thern is just ene justification, aud only one, which we could plead for a temporary sunpunsieu of the issue between pioteetion aud revenuu ruferm, which is lrrupreesible, and that la the need, as between thu liepubllcan aud Democratic parties, of a ahaugu of parties solely ter the Hiku of uhauge, involving as it would a determination of thu question whother, under our peculiar system, the peeple eau or cannot, in the ordinary oeursu of uleolieu and by civic process, romevu lit their pleas ure a great political orgauizttieu long entruuehed in power. Trlln Wlint lln Knows. "Hint thing ler burns I have nvortrled. Ilcslinp Kranillv-" l 1'. Felic t, Marlen, O., speaktiiKel The mat' Keleelrie Oil. KornUeby If. II. Cochran, druggist, 1.17 and 13U North (Jueen utreet. lunklnn'a Arnica Wnlire. . Thu licit eaive iu the world ler Cutn, Ilrulses. Morns, Ulcers, Halt It lieu in, Kevor Bores, Tolter. Chappeil Hmiils. OhllblalnB, Cerns, mul alt skin nruptlnns, anil positively i 1 1 Kuar TIIKHS UUUllS, ' etinis l'lles or no antixKt te Klvn portect Batlslactlen or money luiiiimeii, i-riisu, id cunts pur uex. rorsale by (J. A. I.ectii r. pay rcqiilriil. It I Wish Kvrrylmilv te Knew. Ilov. tloerKu II. Thayur an old cltlrnn el this vicinity known te every ene as a most lnllumitlal citizen anil chrlntlan minister et the M. K. church, lust this moment stepped In our store te say, " I wish uvurybmly te knew, that I consider that both inycell mul wife ewe our lives te Hhlleh's Consumption euro." It Is havInK a trcinoiideussalo ever our counters anills K'vlnif pnrlect siillsfactlen lu all ensns et Lung IlOeatej, such as nethliu; clue has done. I)lt8. IIA'ICIIKTT A KUANUK. IloimneK, Ii.d., May ID, '78. Held by II. II. Cochran, d ingnlHt, Nes. 137 and hft Vertli (Jii'-cn tr-t. Lancantnr tuliMceilt TO, SBAHD & CO,, Nes. 8 & 10 E. King St Kyery day brings omethlng neif, emlnury value In Ulack and Colored Extra- at.DHJAl,. WAVts IIAIK VIUUK. A If you are growing eray or llald t If your Hair Is 'lhln, llrasli'y, Dry, Harsh, e Weak t Uyttu are troubled with Dandrutt, Itching, or any Humer or Disease et the Sculp, USE AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. It heal nearly overy illscaxe peculiar te the scalp, checks the milium out et the hair and l-iivuiil4 It from turning ray, and Is an un equalled dressing and toilet aitlcle. rimpAiiKi) n r Dr C. A7ER & Ce.. Lewell, Mass. Held by nil Druggists. aSG-mO t V Klt'S V Churr.y HAItXAl UILIiA AND AYKlt'S I'ectenil ter sale at Cochran's Dm Mlere. Ne. .37 and 1J9 North (jueen 8L. Lancaster, I'a. L AaiK HACK. HOP PLASTER. This porous platter Is absolutely the bet ever made, enUiliiliig the virtues et hops with (dims, balniims and extracts, Its power Is wnmleifiil In curlm; dlseisus where ether plasters simply relieve. Crick In the Hack and Neck, I'mn In the Mile or Limbs, HUM Joint- and Muicles, Kldney Troubles, lllieu mutism, Neuralgia, Snru Client, Allocttens of thu Heart and Liver, mid all pains eraches In unv part cured Instantly by the Hep flutter, ii-rrylt 1'rlce, il cents, or tlve ler $l.i 0. Ma:. il en receipt of price. Held by all driiK glstsmiil country stores. Hep 1'laeter Com pany, 1'iopiletors, llosten, Mass. LAME BACK. -Ker constipation, less et nppetltn and dlncii-es et thu tioweis taku Hawley's Htemacli DRESS GOODS At 1100 a Yard, Hecent Prloe, II 19. Moi"ndh75e!nVOl000'8UMUItIl81l'K8Rt870' imKs30(Se)i. n0W 8pr,nf ftna 8ininier Hi8iPS',ulont,en-UKI'VA-NT8 of DKK8S hilkh, 2J per com under usual prices. 37KeaCyard. UHKCK SUITINGS, new colerg, ALL-WOOL 81MIINQ 8UITlN08.87Xe a A auoiea LINE OB LADIES' JERSEYS in all the popular styles at yery Lew t'rlcet NEW YORK STORE, NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LANCABTKR, PA. EXT UUUK TO TUK UUUUT UUUHH and Liver Pills. i" cents. wley ditl lyiuvw(3) LANCASlK.lt, I'A. M lyd 11 lltSII A HtlOTIIKK. THOSK UUOI) 10 OlOff Twelve -ruit-and Fifteen Delara Are nelllint very tait. ami miyone waniltiK le Ihiv u uoeil su'ist .utlal Hillttnr ill'lii memiy will pluuni) u ill and seu and eiiiiiilne Hichh HOO'ix. Humiiinbei-. wu iniike a gied tit, Tuin tliem neil, an I they am HUL1U 1'Clth. WOOL M) rtllo)y-ier IU.0U AND $1400 lOOItDKlt. READY-MADE CLOTHING -KOIt- MKN, YOUTHS, HOYS AND Cllll.DltKN, Our Meck and Vm let v Is the lamest In ilui oil). OLlluUODi I'llH IIKSI'-OUU 1'UIChh THK I.UVVhSl' GBNTiS' FORNlJH.Nfl GOODS! Of all duserlptlnns-At very Lew l'nccs Our specialty Is the PKNNIIALLWHITK S1IIKT. We sell thorn ler l)e. It Is the be.l shirt In the market 1 NVITATION. Custom Department, L. GANSMAN & BRO. K.VTKNDTHK1II INVITATION Te their many customer and the public In ui-nurai. termi lnsiHiclliiu el their Im'ue and varied Hpilmr sleck el geixts lu the piece, which wu inakn te sour own order lu iiuy stjle, at the following low prlnsi All-wool Suit ler busliiess II'.' OU better Hi" cttMMlnicru ID Hi) sllk-mlxed cii-bIii eru .... IU W) - best Indigo bun cloth.... 17 H worsted curkhCluw (nlack or blind IX 00 All-wool eult laney corkanew -.0 u " KiiK'iih cerki-cruw 22 1 0 Kronen worsted, raw and lis en Hemeinhorwepay ournwnpcr-enilaltontloii tOM'lllngiis well as uiittlugi II thuruleru en ulili a us te underseil thu closest and most cillleul house lu the city. OUU UltKAT SPECIALTY, Pants te Order. All wool Paula at 3 M It.OO, 11.(0, $1.00. $9.jn, $4.1X1, $il W, $7 W, up te $i 00. I'lriue taku a view In passing our Hhew Winnows, fit, Htyieand Durablu We mn un ship guaranteed. LGansman&Bre. A I litl-tiirr With a l.nri;i) Mnrnl One Man WIle Knew 111. Own llunlnnss. " Ne. my dear," said thu vunurablu keeper et a country suire te a timid llttle u'lrl wheiti head scarcely uame up te the lovel el the eiiuntur. " Ne, my duar, we liaveu't any red llaunul, but we tuve semt) ttrstratu New Orleans mniimes." Hettly hlntlmr that she didn't think that w uld answer the nurpexe qulteas well.lliuchllil went hur way In search of thuartlale she wanted. "Have vetl KKNSON'H CAPC1NK PLAS TK11S7" aakud iiguiillniuuii et a certain drug drug glstwheju name could b given weru It de sired. " I am troubled )ust new with a touch et my old friend, the lumbiife, ami the lieu son's Plaster seums te go te the snot almost as seen as It touches the skin." " Net at prrtsiinl," rupllud tin druggist, genially," but we have lets et plasters Just as g led. I'liore Is Allcoek's, the Cap.lctnu and ethers won't enn of I hem de as well T" " My dear sir," rutei toil the guutlem in. with a sllxlilshew et temper, "1 say nothing against tuiMu artluies, but I am a IhhIiuhi man, and always ask ter precisely what 1 want, and ler nothing ulsu. 1 may enllgiiiun you, howuver, wlu ii I say that souieiliue age, loraiieliiurill)uaio, el whleu tliu Capulue has since cured me, I tried all thiiu you mention, with no appruclahle bunent. 1 hey are lnutll- elent, every oiideI llHiui, ill) iii-uneit net el the prnptlutorsel seuiu el ilium being this. Ihaltliuy make plasters with similar sound, 1 g naiiius te ilecelvi) the unwary Inte ho he lltivlnii thuy are the sauie thing Kxpurlence taught inu tliu illilureauu. I'll ue te thu uuxt mini lu your Hue. Ue id day." Iluonveur iruarl against Imitations. The KUliulnuhas tluiweid CAI'ClNK cm cleanly In thiiiiildd oef tliu plaster. All ethers at linposlileiis. Heabury A Jehnsen, Chemists, New Yerk. aW.lmdW.tS.t 30 HAYS' TlllAL. Dlt. DYK'4 VOLTAIC BELT. Klectrle Appllancei ure sunt en 80 Hays' tilal. TO MEN ONLY, flirsh & Brether's PKNN HALL GLOrUINU UOUSK, Nes. 2 and 4 North Queen Streot. LANOASTJCU, PA., TI.0 KASIIIONAIILK MKItCIIANT TAILOIIB AND CLOTlllbtls, Ne. 66-68 NORTH (jDEEN STREET, Win en m rieuthwest Cerner el enuik rvet, LANCABTKU, PA. r Noteonnoctod with any ether, Clethlag Heuse in the cltv. ' YOU NO Oil OLD, Who ure .ullerliiK Irem Nervous Duhlllty Lest Vitality, Lack el erve reictund Viger NusttiiK Wt-aknessus, and all these Dlsuasesef a personal nature rusiiltliig Hern ubusea und oilier cames. Sinaidy toilet and com, lete ros res ros teiatlonot Health, Viger aud Miinliiiiid guar guar guar aiitoed, Thu grandest tllscevuiy or thn Nlnu leeiith century, ftendalo..ce ler lllustratud Pau. phlut live, Addrbss, VOLTAIC BELT CO., prl-lydMWAKiiw MAltSlIALL, MICH. llcriiilliig Sumner uuil Heur, llosten Cor,, N. Y. Tilbune. When Mr. Sutnuer was dugraded from the chairmanship of the committee el foreign lUlaiis iu 1871, Mr. Kdmunds was oue of thu leading spirits iu deahug th a deadly blew at the Massachusetts senator. The insult was made all the mere sting ing and galling by giviug thu plauu te Simen Cameren. Of all meu iu the rfunate Mr. tiumtiur was pre-eminently llttud ler the place, while Simen Camereu wai pre utuiuently tiulltied for it. U was a tetr b e huinlliatiuu te Mr. Sumner, and at the tirae of his death Samuel Heeper, his mutt intimate friend, did net husitatu te doel.iro that the sad uvuut Had beeu haitenud by his grief ever tue indignity heaped upon him, Mr. Edmunds was one of the most prominent ami iidliienli.il lu iiiltiettug thu indignity. Mr. Sumtiur fnely tee tied that-he was far mere deeply wounded by the courre of Mr. Edmunds th.iu by that of any ether senator. The titnu selected for thu Insult te Mr. Sumner was urtu-1 and apparently malicious. Ic was about oue month alter thu Joint High oommir eommir oemmir siouurs had arrived from E iglaud te negotiate the Alabama treaty el 1871. rrem the buglnuing of the war, who i the HupublicaiiH obtained control of the S iiii'e te that time a period el tun years Mi. Sumner had bi-uu ehiilrtnau el leielgn allairs. He was new degraded from it in the alght of Europe aud A ne ie . Tue English Joint High oiimtiiisnieuurs could net understand it, ami looked en with amizjnifltit when thu tlued was done. Thu motive for it was simply tn it 1'resi dent Uriiut and Secretary Fish did net like Mr. Sumner. And ler that reason lie w.ih driven from the pest he had se honored by his service ami kept out of It for the remainder of his life. Mr. Edmunds bd lu thu attack uxu him. The your preceding that whieU witnessid Senater Sumner's persecution, witncsseii the humiliation of another Massachusetts mau by n oeterio of senators of whom Mr Edmunds was a prominent membur. Tuu Hen. Heck weed Hear was nominated for judge of the supreme court aflur he re sumed the pest of attorney genet al iu lb70. Judgu Hear's rank iu his profession is vury high, his personal onaraeier uu spotted ; his tltuess lur thu pest uvory uvery uvory whero ruoeguized. But his nomination was displeasing te thu oeterio of senators relerrtd te, and they muted with thu Democrats who weru opposed te the radl ealiiMii of Judge Hear, and rejected him. Never whb a mero eauhuIi-hs, cruel, wrong, fill uhuae of Huu.iteri.il power displayed. aud among thu senators who achieved this result aixl iullloted this outrage upon the name and fame of Judge Hear, the most oeuspluunua en the Itepublicati side was li.-ernii l' K ItiiiiKiln nf Vuimiiiit. TIiunh two aets have Mink (loop iu the heaits of I Massachusetts H-publleatis, aud as limy ure talked ever ttiuiu is v siule Hemewhal Irsa ilisposltleu te hoier Mr. Edmunils with Massaeusetts' solid supiieri again in the ua leua) oeuvoutton. The spirit of a just civil servloe uevur roeeWcd mero fatal stabs la the history et the government (ined -style Is geed uu, geed health, geed energy mid weed will but a beltiu et Di. Hull's eukIi Syrup Is a geinl heiii-lacter tual sintering Immunity lias aliuady leaiiiud le appreciate. FOUND IN A IIOX. Mr. Jehn Klnsinmi, of Augusta, Me., writes, May le, ltd.), us fellows : "I have beuu allllctud Im seuiu years wlihasuveiu kidney tumble, und having noticed au urllclu Hi euu of our pspers et Hie wonderful cuius el Hunt's He liiudy had puilenued In many cuxuse! diupiy, bladder and kidney troubles, mul tlntllng a bettle lu u box of straw puking, 1 concluded I would try It, and ceuiuiuncud te taku 1L whun te my suiprlie, I found that thu first lieillii bunetltted mu ae much that I decided Hint I would continue Its use, mid 1 ki pi en IiihIu' II until I hid used 111 all six bullies, and my appetite 1. geed, all piluslii thu buck and sldu Ixuppuai'cd. and ler euu et ni) yems (1 mi new sti yuurs old) I am abut le attend te my business, mid am strong mid vigorous, us many et my fi lends and uulghbnrs can testily that tiuew mu well. 1 beg te statu a Mi, Hint inaiiy el our iieluhhers havu used Hunt's Ite med V wit i i usually us geed tusults, and euu el my friends who has Just piiiuliu.icil u betilu et Uuppv, Kinsman ,t Allien, et I'eilluiir, sas ' hu would nel be without It at an y prl e.' " THK II A K Kit's WAY. Mr. Allred Niidumi, 112 Lincoln struut Lew Lew Isten, Mn., writes us. May II, ltvl.il ''1 have bi-uu sevurely ullllctu I ter a liiutr tlmu with liiiilgusilnn mid liver complaint, and at times all that 1 HtusoiiUtrefSuil mu that I could net lie.ir thu slKhl el feed. 1 hud tiled a geed many illlleieiit ruuiedles ler my complaint, mid thuy nil lullml, until euu day .Mr. Mattel, ouuel our ilriiKUlsls In Lu isteu ruceiuuiuiiil ed Hum's Heme. y, us hu kuuw et se iuan who had used It huiu with ureal suclu.s ler Idilney, liver, ami urlnury troubles, as well as Indigestion, and upon his lutoiumeudatleii 1 lliiully concluded te tiy a liullle, uuil coui ceui uiuncud Uiklug, wl h llttle faith lu II. The Hint i ettlu helped me se much that 1 pur pur pur ciioced two u. ere, ami It bus denii muawoii muaweii deilu: iiineiiiil el geed, .. n i ciiicd inuef Hull, genllen, I can i al ull kinds et feed new, and uau truly recommend Hunt's Itemed v us u sure cine fur luillgisllen, liver and kidney dlsuusee." I KAtlTIOAI. I.XPr.lllKMUK. Mr. lieergu D. llutes.ul Su.il Cottage streut, Lewliien, Me., u rullubleuiid premlui ut cltl .en, linparis the loliewlng tnloriiiutleu, Muy II, Hil: "Having learned et the valuablu qualities e Hunt's Itumudy lu a pnictlcul iiiuuuer, 1 beg ie state that I ne'isldur It u leiuudy of gruat meilt, und cm mint cheerfully n commend II leuiiy euu ireublud with kidney or liver ills irnsu," a'JSawilM,WAKAw l.tt Us 'i ell Inu, let us lull you that a person who Is bilious or ceiistlnutud Is net a well iiuiheu mul im- ther, thai nearly every euu U subject te tl'exu HieKiilaililes. Let us lull you ul.e that Jlur- Ieck llltiett llttleti me euu el the Ilnesl dlii lellis mid upei' enls uvur yet devised. Kur sale by II. I.. Lech run, druggist, 137 and I3'J Ninth Queen street. f.VKIl FAILS. SAMARITAN NERVINE. "YOU CLAIM TOO MUCH for 8AMA1UTAW Nkhvinb," says a skeptic. "Hew can one med- tclnuhuuspeeltlelnr EPII KI'SY, DYSI'KP S1A. ALLOHOLIiM, OPIUM KAT1NU, I1HKUMATISM. SPh.lt 91 ATOItltll.i:, or SKM 1SAL WKAKNKSS and fl'fy ethur com cem pluliit.it" Wu claim It a tpectjte, simply be cause thn vim of all discuses uilses Hern the bleed It Nervine, Ke-nilvciit, Alluratlve, and Laxative propel tics tueet all thu cendl. tleus heivtii ruluned te. It's known world wide ru THE GREAT Nerve Conqueror. Itiiilets and composes thu patient net by the liiliodiicllen of ephites and drastic cut hurtles, hut bv thu restorulleu or activity te thu stom ach uuil nervous system, whcicby the bruin Is luileved el iiieibid fuucles, which are cre ated by the cuuxesuheve referred te. Teeluruvuien. Luwveis. Literary Men. Mer- ch nils. Hunkers, Ladles, and all the-.ii whose sedentary employment causes nervous pros tuition, liiegularities el thu bleed, stomach, bowels or klitncjtf, or who lequliu a nerve teiilii. appetizer or stimulant, Samahitan Nkuvink h Invuluthlu. TIiiiiihuikIs proclaim lllliu most wonderful lnvlKenint thai uvur Biistuliied the sinking system. tl..'0. Sold by all Druggists. Thu lilt. S. A. ItlCllMONI) MKD. CO., l'repiluluis, St. Jeseph, Me. C1IA8. N. CU1TTKNTON, AgOIlt, New Yerk Cltv. a2t lyeedAw (4.) N FAHNESTOCK'S Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, Plain, Hralded, Kmbrotderoil, l'loated ami lluadud. All sizes, Ulack and U dered. Large and attractive stnckef this popular waist new en exhibition ami for salu ut KAHNKS TOUK'S, next deer te court house. New Line et -ALSO- LU PIN'S Make and Jet Ulack Illue, Medium ri'HK Indians Have Gene. Hut their medicines remain with us, and can buleuuil In every drug stiuu Hi thu city, and peeplu who are using lludr uiediilnus can bu suppllud ut the siiiiiu pricesus wuieeslubllshuU by thu IndiutiB . Ka-Ten-Ka Operutes wlthenergy upon the bowels, liver, kidneys, und porimet thusklti, thiisuxpi lllngi by iiiciins et these organs, lie illseesu-gurniB, or cuiise et rutotuleiis, liihellted, and ceulu, Uleus huuiers and illncusu which tleut In tliu bio d, puraplrutlen mid urine in leitymln- lltes unci' lUKiiiK mu ursi iienu iv may iiuuo iiuue tecled by thtinlcul analysis In the bleed, per per splrulleu uuil urine, where It nets upon ills ills ills o.ised or morbid impurities und ilcstrejBthciu, utter which thuy puss harmlessly Irem thu syntuin. Huncu Its ureal pewur everillsua.es which iluilvu no bunulll Hern all ethur forms et tiniiluient. Asabiend piulllur mid spring medicine It surpasses ull etimr iiuiupeunds. Il nets ueiitly jet ireuly upon thu bowels, ovtir evtir ovtir ceming constlputlen. dyspepsia, sick head ache lulled tongue, hllleusn-ss, torpidity of the liver, lllifh colored or thickened urine, 111 a very lew doses. It uxcltes thu upellte, 111 cieuses thu flrsh, hardeus Hie lunacies, und solidities ihu bones. It liu mother a icinedy. luuuialtug uiul sliungihenlux thu luatuilal tuiictleiis. It purilles the luinu u rvhU'Iii et tilieiallve w ukuusscs unit uhl Hating hum hum en. It expels thu Hist symptoms of heredi tary liuuieis and il Iedises In children unit out li. It Is wendurtul In nut veus duhlllty, emaciation and ilmpsy, ltuxpelsthe cuusu et rhuuinatlsiii and g iul uiul luvurlably cures. 'I heiu are no lerms of disease iijkiii which thu medlcliiu does net act taverably by reason et Its puillltiK action ou thu great ilulds el the syeieui. I'lice fi pur nuiiiu, six ueiiius iur e. Indian Cough Syrup Isceitallily the best remedy nt its kind ever IntreduO'Ol. and all peeplu who ure sulfurlug with uiiughs, colds and lung troubles sliuu.it net delay lis use. Price te cunts per belUu. Medoc Indian Oil Will nuver be tergnituu by the u who saw the wendcilul eurcs perieimed 1 i public by the lliillali iiicdlcllie men. 'Die I ndluiia believe It in be the Uruut Spirit's medicine. It lelluves UlAsk yeu'diuggist ler MODOC I NDI AN OI L. Taku t.e oilier, It Is lliu best. Price 14 cunU pur bettlu Hvu buttles ler $1. Ail Keep It. KA-TON-KA. Modoe Indian Oil and Indian CeiiKh Syiup ler salu (whelci-ulc mid retail) at Cochran s Hrugntme, Se, 137 aud 13'JNeilh Uueen Btroet, Laiicaster, Pa. ..,. in3-lyilWA8Aw CAS H M E RES. from Lewest te Highest Cost. ALSO LUPIN'S CELKUltATKD MAHE Black Cashmere Shawls DOUliLE AND BlNULB. S- PrICO-SO, tSRO, $150. $9.S0, $(JJ0, $3.0) 19.00, uau.', $li.ue, iii.oe and $16.W. &. E. Fannesteck, LANCABTKU, PA. Next Doer te the Court Heme. 1-AfJSM IIAHHMUD, c pUAUKS W. FltV. PHARES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUEEN ST. LANCABTKU. PA. We are better prepared than ever te serve you. Our stock et WALL PAPERS Is larger than heretofore, our orce et paper liiingurH greater, wude work promptly und In nrsi class manner and our prlces are lower. Wu bugln at tlm lowest grade of paper hang ings ilia hi, and go right through the line te the Finest Embossed lilllB, One, Twe and 'I hruu Hand Friezes and Celling Decorations lu Eleuant Designs. DADO WINDOW SHADES have beoetno very popular, and wu have a very handsome line le select from In six ami seven tout lenrths. Wowerueutnt curtain nutnberaln Bhudtng, but our stock his been replenished and wuare ready te supply all colors. Meas ures of windows taken and shades put up of all kinds. LACE CUIITAIN8, 11ED SETS, LAMOItK yillNHand POLES irem tee up. It Is rather curly te talk about WIRE WIN DOW KJIIKENS. but nene tee Boen. It Is a wlseplan te huve ilium must In your win dows belore the flics till up your tome. We uru ready te taku orders In plain aud land scape lu ull slzus. come and sue us. FRY'S. NO. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. HUUKH AMU HTAllUMMUi B LAMK HOOKS AND ItrATlUMKHX. JOM BAER'S SOIS, 16 and 17 North Queen St, Blank Beeks & (Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, W1UT1NU fLUIDS AND INKS, AT TUX M Altlltlti DOLUS. WEAK NEKY0U8 MEN A I.IIMjrr. Oplnlilli el lulrret lu All, J. A. Tawuey, rsij , a lending attorney et Inena, Minn , wrlus ; " Allet using li ler iiieiu than tlii'fu years, 1 take great piuesuiii In siutliiK Unit 1 icKiird Dr. huu's New Ids Ids ceveiy let teiiaump Ien, us the best lemiily in thu world fur cnuglis mid Colds, It has nuvui lulled le curu lliu meat aevuru colds 1 have had, aud luvurlably rullevi-s tue palu Iu thu cheat," Trial bottles et this sum curu for all Threat and Lung Diseases may bu hud lieu ut C. A. Lechor s drug store. Largu sliu, (l.ue. Whose i.ubllliy. uxliuusteit powers, proma prema tutu i.ecuy and talluru te purtei n lllu's duties iirepeily, mu mused by uxcusses, errors et veiiih, etc , will Uiul a purltet and lusting res res res loiallen te lebtist health und vlgutetis iniiu mud In THE MAIttlON IIOLUs. Nullhur BMiiiiach ilriiKglnx nor Instruminits. This tiu.itmcnt el ne;vem Dubblly and I'hyilcul Ducu Is uullermly snccesslui because based en iierlcct dliii.niils new und direct methods ui, d aliiiiliituthurimghiiess, ull Inlnruiuilen and Tlt-atles Iren Addiess Lonsullleif I'hv Blchliiel MAHblON UEMhin Uii.WIV, Kill St., New lurk. auil-lvM.w.K.tw SIGN OF THE BOOK. 1ILKMY III IM I I'A IK, HUT MONK TO equal lliu 9c. Havana Ulnar at HAUTMAN'B YH.LLOW KUUNT CIUAlt UTUUK. IHOft-SSIOMM, 1'IANO OIOVKU. Pianos and Furniture moved at short no tice. Orders by mall solicited. Over 1.0WJ pianos moved lu thrue years. , AUU. K. HKINOKIIL, lebl-tld Ne, 81 N. Uuwin St.. Lsneiuur. AriVTDHIA Cern Bemever. ,,,?Sff,Se prty wiiiilii snort time the most ebtluratu oerns, uaraoiselt.'Vtlliouliiain. W ITISArOSlTlVMCtfkB. SOLD AT BSOHTOLD'B DRUG. BTORB, Ne. 401 WKSTOKANUKSTUICltT, corner Oi ChArteu. ai-ly4