Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 29, 1884, Image 2

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    -, - "" iwiwim
lancnmx Jmclllcenccr.
te?83AY witmua, APniM 20, IBM.
Ec-acj - - rr - -J u "
Moner for Iho NttTj.
Tlie Democratic congressmen seem
net te be unanimous tut te our present
want of n new navy and a new tariff. A
majority of tlicni wnut u new tariff anil
n minority are In a hurry for a new navy.
We are disposed te think thai this mi
nerlly and majority nre both wrong, and
that the country can prellt hy waiting
for a Democratic administration before
It undertaken te tinker the tariff or the
navy. The Republicans iire In favor of
heavy naval appropriations very natur
ally, because they will control the dis
bursement of thn money, which will be
n help te them in the campaign.
The Democratic representatives who
are In favor of voting money
for Mr. Chandler te spend have
net this Inducement, and seem te be con
trolled wholly by high, patriotic censtd
orations, which prompt thetn te set afloat
a bis navy, although thuy admit that a
big share of the money Is likely te be
alelcn by Mr. William Chaudler and his
pals. Mr. Chandler is net regarded as
10 honest a man as te be a safe custodian
of a big appropriation. This Is the main
reason why the majority of the Deme
cratlc representatives object te voting It
Inte his hands. He was the hired lobby
ist of Mr. Hoach before he became sec
rotary, and it is reasonably certain that
if he gets any money, Hoach will get it(
and he will be a silent partner.
Since the treasury Is flush, and there
Is a general feeling that the United Stales
ought te need a navy, it is prob.ible that
if the naval department was In honest
hands It would get the money It want?,
although it is by ue means clearly dem
onstrated that we de really need a
navy. It Is said that we have none new,
notwithstanding we have spent very
many millions In building ships, and it
lias always been silil that we have been
without an adequate navy.and yet It has
always been adequate. U'e liave never
visibly suffered because of our deficiency.
We never ueeded ene much until In
the civil war, and then we picked
one up which was eoed enough
for the occasion. It is true that this was
because our opponents had no n, ivy ; and
we are asked where we would be if a
great naval power should pounce down
upon us. Doubtless we would be nowhere.
But then the great naval peiver has net
pounced, and there are no immediate
signs that it will. There is un
old saying fiem a very wise source.
which declares that " sullUient unto
the day is the evil thereof." It In
true that another equally wise man
says "in time of peace prepare for war."
Hut we iikmI net be in iiny hurry alnut
it when the war is net discernible We
mil go alwit the business deliberately
and intelligently. At present it is net
easy te build a navy Intelligently, be
cause we de net knew what manner of
shirs we want. A little while age we
thought we wanted impervious Iren
clads ; but new we are getting guns ami
torpedo beals and dynamite arrows which
tnese cannot icjist. And se, maybe, we
don't want iron clads at all. Ami elec
tricity is coining se much into fashi. n
fiat maybe we will net long want steam
beats. At any rate we will les nothing
uy waning ier me linnet intelligence or I
A TlAmner.iMn jiflnifnfutrif Inti tn .Inrn.. I
mine what we need in the shape of a
navy nnd a naval armament.
The Elnitniils lloern.
The Chicago 2'riltinc, which is the
chief "f Blaiimln the West,sbetss
inr-r.' dispi s'ti n te attack thu I'lmunds
mevt.ui' any of ita Ktstern con
leinperaries or in" stime mum as itself 1
atieiit tl e purpese of the engineers el I
mis iwin i no ethers recegnie as clear
Iy us the Trilmxt, ue doubt,' the name
and fi rengthel Edmunils ai. being usel,
flrste'nll, te kill off Blame. At the
outset be divides New England, bold
Ing New Hampshire, Rhede Il. id,
Vermont aud Massachusetts, and
parts of ether states away fiem
the man from Maine, while Con
necticut tying fust te Haw ley leaveB
Blalue the scant twelve votes of Maine
out of thu wl.ele of Republican New
England. Mr. Blaine lias ncuitly ex
pressed I he opinion having r fererce te
Arthur's position In New Yeik, of
course that If nuyledy else ihunhim
self could get one delegate from Maine,
he would net be a candlilate. Uut the
friends of Arthur with mme b-rce might
retort that Arthur shows up better In
New Yerk than Maine In New Eng
land, and New Yerk has wi:hinsixas
many vetej in the c invention ai the
whole of the New England states It is
a significant fact that where Hi.ilne is
best known he Is weakest.
The 2'ribunt, however, shows Its fear
lessness in making a direct assault en
what seems te be the most formidable
ebstaeh) te Blaine's success. It declares
that Edmunds has no fame except as a
corporation lawyer wne makes large
fees from defending aud supp irtlng the
encroachments of monopolies upon pep
ular rights : " Ne man in public lite is
be far removed from the peeplu ; he has
but a limited acquaintance even In Cen
gress, where he has occupied a seat se
many years, and almost none among thu
people ; he lias never taken the pains te
inform hlmsMC eincernlnjf the standing
nnd the merits of public men : If he were
elected president It would be necessary
for hlmte delegate the appointing power
te somebody mere familiar with the
available political material ;" and It
instances his Introduction of a bill de
signed te extend tbe time llfty years and
reduce the interest onedialf en tlie gov
ernment's second mortgage en the sub
sldized Pacific railroads, aa proof of his
representation of the corporations in
stead of the people.
There In an unmistakable undercur
rent of Intense opposition te Edmunds
lntne westauu isertliwest, where the
Bepubllcnna must count with certainty
en their states te elect a tirpsnimit
Letfun'tf friends point with emphasis te
tue met mat in me great contest or 18S0,
when the party convention was in o.trn e.trn
cst search of n candidate, .Edmunds
strength never rese above the ten votes
of Voruient. BUIne'd friends will uet
tmuifer; nor Lesnu'a, even Jf they
ODuld. Whlle the Edmunds boom has
recelved some Impetus from the results
in New Yerk, it is by no means likely te
held out.
Had the collector of the pert of New
Yerk geno Inte the state convention and
labored and lobbied for delegates In
behalf of the ronemln.itlon of Arthur,
the flagrant breach of the civil service
rules would have been pointed out by the
Biaine people us an illustration of the
abuse of federal patronage by these In
cntrolef It. But Collector 11 obeitaen
d.d this very thing in bih.ilf of B'.ilue,
who secured his appjintinent by induc
ing Garfield te commit an act of duplic
ity, which shivered his party and excited
atnudmiu te take his life. As jet we
have net seen tliata slngle Ulalne organ
condemns this llngrnnt exhibition of
boss methods ami bob! defiance of civil
service rules.
Hapeav has oftie ally exptescd the
opinion that tbe Atncrlean o.tgle does net
scream loud enough te suit his fancy.
Or the twelve successful candidate for
resident physicians at Uleckley hospital,
Philadelphia, one was a lady. Oivo bur a
chacce and the woman will get there.
AvtAM Bahkac fires a full charge at the
state department Hut a Btdcau's bit
tsrica are of small oalibre aud short rauge,
the results will likely net be very serious.
nm it Tin Mtsr.
Th mill ivlwcl mcnlenleu o'ers'ivles Hi"
In nor frnll cry-ial cups It s circle dips .
Tim ti"am le curling, wanders in rhe sun.
Ami drain Mi kls urtt'i tt M.tpi lip- .
Tlie blirh cnen upon Its slitdew lies.
Thu plk tumble e i trie wter dies,
ItirreilHvp Urn water lilly en Herein.
Beh Enochs 'M. Uiluks at present the
Hues of the Kepubheau party biro net
fallen In picas tot place. He declares that
in the struggle for eftlc principles ate
forgotten, nud thit In tbe discussion new
disturbing the party little men are forced
te the front. Beb's own prominence at a
leader is the best tllustra'.ien of the ttuth
sftlrmed In hit last statement.
llt'MAN life seems te b: of snail value
about HazMen. A worn in wb announced
tier intention el shoetirg another woman,
whi'e tryiDg te iiecemplUh the deed in
stantly killed inMcnd an inueeent young
man. The jury found her guilty of
manslaughter with a recommendation te
the msrey of the court. Judge Draber, of
M intej county, thou sentenced the prisoner
te au imprisonment of thirty diys. The
qutl ty of mercy jeerns hote te hav been
strained beyond all reason.
EtEnv ene u acquainted with tlie
dudes who laugirsh near the feet lights
of the thuatre te ogle tr-e nctrestcs en the
stae te bs:ter advau'age. They aiu an
uum.tigaie'i nil sauce, but as the offense
of w'.ech they Bre guipy is net iletlned m
any statute b iek, they have long kept the
absurd tenor of their way uumelestid.
Recently a Btltirnore theatrictl manager
devised a plau fur abating the dude nui
sance. Tbe seats which these young
hybrids were accuaenjfd te haunt were
connected with a powerful cleotiie battery
and when twenty of the dndes with tn;ht
pants and ban;rd hair were disporting
therumlres ga'Iy, the btttery sas turneil
en. The sheuta of the audiuucn that rent
tee ai; a: the discemtPura of the goslings
will b long roiue mbered.
Hen Joux has reappeared
eertnyitJK te the elliciey el a patent
rheumatic remedy,
Gitonei: W. Child i is styled by the
New Yerk ijun as " the illustn-nf-. aud
ever ftrf.le laurea'e of ru"r'.lity."
LAkSTUT wl'l ia-tke .in luuev iti n by
appearing ! GalaU.i .n pmk, sefnuidl
under the gl jw of the g is te tl -hh tint. I
lstA: . AnNOLU, wije du-d Utuly iu
Chicago, was the euly man in Cugrtss in
ioue tjt wne nan kiucuiu s uuttre conh cenh conh
denee. Cotesil, A.tne.t K. I)l skf.i,, ex uuere-
rfary of internal ailalrx, has staitfd f' r
Arinna. lie intends te i; i mtj business
ui Tucson.
WlLfe.f JENkl,ijiq .headsa.luhgatien
from 'Ireuten te the N'niv .Ismm- n..m...
fcratie sttt conventinn which is for Ttldeu
nrst, then for Haedill.
rilM-SO:." Wi 1 wear ene of linr n.ilir
dresses and dauce ene of the Swedish
ilancfs of her girlhood In t.i fashionable
festival in New le.k In aid of tha Caoeer
Oka.nee Jldd, editor of the Americu.
A'jriculturut ler some thirty years, but
uueouneeted with its business manage
racnt for a year or tre past, has lately
retire.1 from Its editorial department and
bicntcd in Chicago.
GEOiitE Emet was sin accomplished
manner and model housekeeper te the
end of her life. U was ever her maxim te
de will whatever her baud found te de.
Her handwriting and pronunciation wero
extraordinarily neat.
Casus Kxex Little recently pieaehed
in m. Paul's, Louden, and bis peculiarly
revivalist sty'e wiet much criticised be
fere a high ecolesiastie. "Vex et pireterea
nihil," said one of thejparty, "Oh, no,"
replied the bishop, nfleeting te be shocked,
" Kner et priutere.t Little."
Hismv Siwries, who is the senior
bishop of the ohureh, will prcside evor the
general M. E oenforonoo If his health per
mits. He is 72 years old nnd has been
ever half a century in the ministry. Ile
has beeu thirty-three ye.trs in the Eplsoe
pil chair, twenty yirs longer than any of
his oellcapuos. Bishop Bewman and
Harris, next In rank, were elected in lb72
The Yerk Tribune discourses learncdlv
en " " 11 ibusteis.
A MondvlPe piper ins mutes Mr.
Quay bin slippjd duek egg under the
Buiue ban.
ir smoking is a selaca te sadness and
pain and care, why should women be
denied what they se much ueed ?' risks
thn 1'ittsburg Ltadtr.
The next tbree months, says the Puts
burg lt, will show whether the memories
of the Damoerat new In the Heuse nre
shorter than their enn.
Apropos of Hielps' whitewash, the
TitceTd remarks that "Mr. Ulaine's grlme
Is of tbat kind that nien oentinuo te sce
after thelr eyes are shut."
ThoBeranton 7VitdeeIarcs that Lao' Lae'
awauna oeunty should build a jail as teju
rw possible ; the building new used for
that purpose Is net fit for hogs, mueh lets
for human belngs.
.V I'mnily UeuUlT lUruavce.
Dr. B. V. Ghrett, a promluent physi
cian of Alteena, died Hunday ovenmg of
splne disease, from which he had been a
sufferer for several years. When the
antieunneiueut of his death was made.
Miss Harvey, aged 20, his sister lu-law
who had been i an Invalid nud n member of
the doetoi'i family, fall en her fce and
ilied in a few minutes,
SIisdj llnutrra llietfu Uewn, InrelilOR Ih
llfulh or tirrlniK Injur; lit
Thrlr Iniiist
Shortly bofeto ft o'uteok Sunday alter
neon the most desttuijtive oyelnie ever
ktienn in Onie passed ever tbe southern
part of Montgomery and Green counties,
d i. ling everything In its oeuro. It
appi.irste btve originated near WikhI
burn, a small 'imn ten tulles south of
Dayton, aud eyewitnesses de.xeilbe it as
app.tlltiiK In Us fury An authen'.ie
statement Is that the oylene was formed
by the union of two light steini eleiiil
from the south nml northwest, whieh im
mediately nssuuudthe form of a watei
seut, rising and deseendiug like wates of
the sea aud dostieying eterythiug in itn
At Carrollteu FiLnd's p.tpjr null and
ether buildings wero badly damaged aud
it i reported that a number of residences
wete destroyed The telegraph lines are
down in all ilinv'J'ins and the reads are
iinptvstble Njar Woedburu the renlenee
and ether buildings bolengiug te Kdwurd
Vhateley weie destroyed, with ether
property, l'we farm bauds are tepeited
missing. Iln'k school house Ne U was
destroyed aid the reef w is earned .nK)
yards Mr Harris' house and birn were
destroyed. A child wis caught in the
cyclone, earned "J00 yards and dropped t
the earth sVIitly injured. Mr Mitehvli's
heusenudb.ini were partly ruined. Mr
Htdcneiir's property was bad iy d imaged
and Abner It irris' barn and ether build
ings were dsreyed. The n trues of the
e:lir lekers c.iunet be ascertained.
Considering the large number of beuses
destroyed th- less of life must have been
li'avy. In the neighborhood of Miatuis
bnrg the damage s heavy. In Dayton
there was a heavy rtln , acoempauied by
hail, but there w. is bttle wind On Ireak
of the cyclone w,n tbat in Dayton and live
miles south tlifre were rain and stnl
farther south I .nl and no rain, and in
some sections of the country devastated
there was nei'hcr raiu nor bail
At Htllbroek, Grvetie ceuuty, at least
tlfteeu farm houses were mere or les dam-
agid, but the e-ctip.tat generally scaped
by taking reliuf 111 the cellars. Frem
Carrollton theci ue took a direct east
erly course ami it force was uet in the
least -peut when it reached .lamestewn, a
thrivlug vibage of G.M) Inhabitants, which,
it is reported, t-utirely destroyed, only
a few buildings being left standing. TeI
verv moagre telegraph reports rteeived
state that 'x persons are knerii te have
been kiiiid, while tweuty were runoer
les lujuree.
Among ethnr residences that I.
Wijkursham was lilted from its f u u
turns aii'l cirrud quite a distance. ' 'g
te the e uintrr beiug sparsely settl d .r l
the bl vkade.i couditieu of the reads, no ne no
cutate dot uls ciunet he ebtaiuel, but
with such destruction of property the lus
of I.fe must be terrible. Near X-ma there considerable destruction. I'he Sol
diers and Sa.leis' eiphaus' home was
badly damaged and the barn, laundry aud
ether buddings w t-r destroyed. The bes
pital and ether ntiiK ures were unroofed.
Mrs. Hirvey, matron, and Night Watcn-
mau llichardseu were injured, but none of
the euilureu were hurt. Hetween Jasner
anil creek, en the narrow gauee
railroad, tue damage is great te (arm
property, aud at this point some trains
were uuable te move en account of the
wiud, while ethers did net dare pass ever
the Ledar creek trestle during the cvcluue.
In all directions south and east the scene
of destruction d lies description.
A cyclone near Kings City, lifty miles
from St. J iMph, Me., Saturday night,
destroyed live houses. Ne lives were le-t,
Out four persuLs were injured. A number
of cattle were killed.
ATTAUilMl 11115 .l'.MlM.IIl.lllO
ll.i.ljnu Itllt IVny 11 lir,l;nea tne Ceinui
(Iruerul.lilii or culii.
General Adim Badeau, late oentul
general at Hav.m.i, in a long letter ad
dressed le the editor et the New Yerk
Tribune, ubhsbes at length the reasons
for hU resignation. He says : "I charge
the state I'epirtment with firave derel c c
Hen from ubbe du'y ; with gross and
c manual neglect et injuries an. 1 insults
put upon Aeieticati citizens, Amen:au
seamen and American trade in th island
of Cuba , with a vaccillating and ignemini
eus policy, iciiuuiug eftn te be stimu
lated into the defense or protection
of Are.-ncans aud even if sometimes p.
fuming au honorable and becoming pesi
tien, abandoning it as a rule befere the
rcsis'ance of bptiu, aud yieldiug mere
thr.n once j i.t befere Spain acceded te its
just demands." Iu the way of substan
tiation el these charges General Badeau
discusses at length the negotiations lead
lng jp te the c.niniereial treaty and
cempltms that "this agrteraeut was
bcrnpuleiihly e -ijealed in all I'e
peinta from the chief renresentativt!
of the United States en the
island which its stipulations almost
exclusively pieu.ct. Although private par
ties and interested individvals were taken
into the c.jiilidenee of the department and
repeat! dly consulted as te its previsions ;
that though the text was freely circulated
in lithograph, no hint el its progress was
gitMi te the etlieer mere closely concerned
in its previsions than any ether servant of
the government, aud who ought te have
been able and was able te furnish infer
niatien w itbuiit cjusidenug which it should
never have been concluded. I charge the
department Mtnultaueeusly with ether
de.iLUuucies with screening aud support
lug a eenupt consular clerk, whom I
n peatedly reported for violation of orders,
gross insubordination and abstraction of
publie and private moues." General
Badeau eilers a complete substaut atlen of
the ch.trges.
rltlliriMJ Willi A riKliltO.
A lirntH iilrl's
lintiln ttllli
Jeunle and Mary OelT are orphans ami
live alone In ltusville, ritaten Island.
They own the oittage where they live.
l'heir mether died live inentha age. They
nie highly thought of. .lonuie is IU aud
Mary 10 years old. Jennie Is a haudsome
brunette tall, well developed and miihe i
lar. hhe and Mary slcep togethor in the
second story or their cottage. Sunday
night Jeuniu was aw.tkeued by the feeling
that she was smothering, bhe felt sumo
ene straiiKbuc hei and keeplng a grip en
her threat. When a light was put in
front of ber face she saw that her assailant
WMsangre. As he turned te put down
the light be lojsened his grip u httle.
then Jouuie made a quick start, breke his
grip, rese in thu bed and with bur oleuchod
llststruek the nun in the fuoe. Tlie blew
was no powerful that It knocked the
fellow, who was knnellug en tlie bad, te
the II Mr. Ile again sprang ou the bed,
and Jouuie bit him with enu band and
Heratehcd bis fuce with the ether.
"I was net a bit frightened," she sauj
iu telling of the advouture, "but terribly
angry." '
By this tlme Mary, who had been half
dead from fear, found her voleo aud beijan
te shriek lustily. Jennio, tee, added her
olce te the outcry. Toe uegre attaBketl
her the third time, but witti no hotter
mieeesB, and thou he ran te the window
nml rnlsed it. Jeunle followed hint and as
Im jumped unve him another blew that
sent him hoidleiig. Then she jumped from
the window In her night clothes aud ran te
a neirr;'H. A polieomiin was feuu.l ami
search wai nnde. Weel marks wero
found where the mati foil after punning
They Jed te tbe cellar of the house and
thore Tem WHseu, a uogre, who had
known the girls all thcu- Iws, ws f.-uml, J
bleeding profufely. , ,, ,., . I
in rulling, nftcr .lenniu - -
had struck his ehlu en a i ash cm i mid tlm ,
sharp iilge had cut his thn at. ins laee
was plowed In ridges by .'"in ie s nails.
She ideutitled htm as her iis.idmt am he i
was aiialgned nud liken te the Wen-
uiend county j ul it being thought iiusafe
te keep him in tbe iittghb.'the.vl c f lesH ,
ville, where the feeling .is mis' h m ' very ,
TIIK I'l.llKsritl t" lOMfSI.
Ihff llecure iiltlin ttiilkrtsl' r hip 1 1 i !.
Te fee tlm je.lestn.ins st irt .-uin!ny
night ever 11.000 paid for admission and nil
Monday Madisen iiuregardn n well
tilled, there being a steady s'm.iui visi-
f.i.H .Inline tin, pvil.utli!. Tail .IU lietlCO
w is oinitientlv respivl.ibl' fi a pd strtan
maVh. inauy uetatileiwrs misIv iu' present
and the portion or the uui un : r. m-hitu
for ladies It, ilding .1 tu ie v npany
than is
t)f the lourteee st.uters I. u 'iryget
te tlm length of his tclher in i e I. huh.
when he had made but L:' - and
ene half miles, tv-veral .if t'.e e s may
as wi II h ive retired at the ru. n " '. ler
.Hum I) the ratio had resolve.! u it into
a slnu'gle b!teen s or. .if the e ust le,
sen'U men The Indian, .i ai Y.f I. hets-,
was compelled te seek h.s tent eail), nud,
although he rail in g.M I st I? dining the
evening, was tee t.u b!nu,l te Iy e mger
eus C.impati.i, Burrill ai..! l'u nnpseu
inwht well de the '.K'k'iig em fe: th lest
of tlie race.'iiud Sullivan i- n ' ''Uer the
datigireus nun lie ha, ,ui pnvi 'in . eea
slens, shown himscif t' he.
The race, h iweiei. in un i1 b.! a
most intoresting eih, as t:m l.a.l'is.ire
net oerdeiug thciusflves, hut Uetpng
well ttigether, et'deutly letiiug i hie.ik
down. Day led for ,t lengtirai Monday,
but eventually relitiii iished Ins plue tJ
Ibiwell, and then gave wi ;! Ki'iera d ;
still the latest imi e.t.tti n fiem K u'l.iml
is by ue means done w.tli. Heit) s the
Mirpnse of theriees) tar nnd is.t : :ght
he loekml in hotter shipe thau au) ei.e en
the track.
At eighteen beu-s fr .u "'i" s' in the
positions of the uienwie a fe'l.ias :
Uowell. 107 miles ; r'i ;eril 1, te 7 , Miy,
100 ; llertv. 100 , N tremae, ' . K son,
91 ; Vint, IU ; "audio'. '.'.' , l'h uupsen,
73 ; Niti Eg Ebow, 71 : ; Ba.n 1. 71 ;
Sullivan, 7 ; Camp in, ''.'
Sneilly after 11 o'el ck t'ii l.ii.ri .is
tenished erery oue by ru..u"ig
miles at a very swift iae" H" t' e I te
make HO ni'les m ttv.ut-i ir h mrs, b it
Aiding that boeou.d U"t reieli the di sir. tl
distance, he gave up, .tl tl h exiruple .vis
followed by his rulveisirun, tlia". lae
tra.'k bad it very desertnl a; ;".i' m'.
Tue scere of each tn.i.i it 'V u I .! tlm
llist twenty-four be.irs ' im-Iu..!") wis:
Itewell, U"i : Fil2,'eraH K'' . OiJ, '.- ,
Hertv, U ) ; N iremae. i ) ; Pan h . 1-' I ;
Vint, 1 13 ; Elsen, 11.) ; Tinnpsn'. J ,
Burnll, Oil; Nitaw-Eg K ew, lO , ?u e
van 7- ; Campiua, 71. The total in in'
of rest taken hy each in id is 1! in .
hours ;I5 minutes 13 ee , N r tue,
J'i. 2 in ; Indian, Sa. " n . I'l-e'j.t. In
-iO , Day, 2 i 2"ji. ,j ; Hertv, .n. 1 Is ,
Klvin. 2i. 3im. 33i; -u.livi... pi i )
Us ; Hewell, Ui. 10m. Hi , t i-m... i 7:i
57iu ; Fitzgerald. J i. Jm ; Vint, ij. 1" u ,
Th iruppoe, 4i. 13i.
rnc Mlirrlrtul l.Xte I t. ' 1'i-t '
1'ievl lerce Jeurrml.
Life iu an apartment ,s Tat! t'
at, I'll oue je m comes te r il tt.nt
it his its tliawhaehs. Ii tbe ftrr.iyevir
th way wi I sudtlenly develop nu u:. u
tpieiable fondness for fried . ; if, ever
ht ad, theie is au ambitious eung wernau
who jearns after a sk'll 'hat of
JeSM-lly, and'Ut.s scales .it t!i- p i m
seven hours each day , if tl.e jtn4er has
an attack of laziness and ieli:es te bring
you coil and 0'jd, enept at his own con cen con
vemeuce ; if you return from the ttie.itre
at 11 e'cl ok at nght and liil "i i' Id has
forgotten that you were out, at d locked ,md
den b'e locked aud barricaded the front dee- i
All these things nroauueying and .no daily
exp"neuc;d by the theusanils el d fuller
in Hits In case of tl.-e w.ll, the beuses
are gener.tllv guir.iutced te be llrcprejf,
but it is recorded of oe conscentous
landlord who was irymgte n-ntthe eighth
story au te in bis Iv.tHl. tint upon being
asted anxiously, " hat would bjoeir.o of
us in case of a Ure ' he replie 1 gravely,
"That, madam, would d-pend ei the bf
jeu have led."
lWlt Hejiiltj Ceil)
Heyalty is a giave tax en the pnri-e m"
t'ie people of England, iueeu Victeria's
fimilyaone gets ESD 77J annually, aud
n me jnslderable amount ii tne
euutry's rovenue liuds its w iy into
the pockets of the nnstecr.iey. Twenty
eight dukes and their relatives have
held 1,013 elEccs in the Lis' thirty
two years, aud for i-erviees , reinlered
have denletcd the oxehequ'r te the of
iJ70,000. The families . f thirty three
tn.iri'iises have held 1 212 eiU'm it that
time, drawing in all i ,ii,j uVj ; while
two hundred earls bate iu the a,itne
period gobbled up, personally or through
their relatives, ",90 eltlcie.., nnd pocketed
the snug sum of ts,l3l,2i'2 , making a
tnluliiu.257,2l3. with the l.imilies el Hints and barons still te be Leard from.
In uddlteu te this the pieeu has granteil
pensieus which iii te the present time
ajiuiiutte 710,010.
lieAitinz Itiillruml Uee,l,t,
The gross receipts of the I'lidnlelphia
k Heading railroad for March were
42,lMj,114: the cxnenfcs. ineludmt rn
tals and inUrest, $1, -170,(100, and the net
u.iiniiiKs ; i io.eij, an lUOie.lHO 01 ?2;,IJ.J2
us compared with tbe same month
last year. The receipts of the coal
nnd iron company for tbe in inth were
cull, iu.j, nnd tlie oxpenses lueluiin
.crest M, 020,00.";, being a less of lU2i)t)
as compared witba prellt of ill. Tit f,,'r the
corresponding month list jnr, j;x.
I'resideut Ge'wen says tbat there has been
no falling oil" in the earnings of that read
except that due te the long suspension of
mining during the present llscal year. He
thinks the earnings iu the latter put of
this year will fully make up the 1mm i ami
will largely exceed tbose el Uit year.
t-titlsilc nl lliiiiitKrHllun.
The ubiuf of the bureau uf ftitntm re
ports that during the month of M.ueh
t'loie arrived In the oust mis districts of
Baltimore, Bosten, Detroit, Huren, Mln
neseta, New Yeik, Passauiaipiuddy
Philadelphia aud I'laucisce 15 '.
0.14 passengers, of whom !5Vi'J7
were imniigrautu, 1,-PK) citi.ens of
thu Uniti'd States returned front abroad
aud 2 0e7 aliens net iutuuding le remain in
tbe U lilted States. Tbe total number of Im
migrants arrived in thu above named cus
toms districts during the month of Mareb
1831, nud the niue mouths ended tl esame'
as compared with tbe same period of the'
previous year, Is n fellsws : Match Iks I
38.507 ; 1HS3. 38,7.10. Nile iniuths im
1101,825 ; 18311, :ie9,2H " '
Itlulit fir ICitllreikit Truvelnrs,
A bill has been introduced In the
Iluube, "by request," which previdus
that " It shall be unlawful te oilleet fare
en any oenvoyanco throughout the United
atiiteii, when passengerH nre unablu te se
euro uscat."
Tlie Mulhuillat Ueucrul Uontcrenue,
Tlm gonerul oenforouoa of the M E
church, wbleh meets in I'hlladelphln
Ihursdaj next, will le au Interesting nud
Important ohureh council. It will ba oum eum oum
pesed of 00 annual conferences, ropiesont
In 25,000 traveling and le.ul priaohe g
nml evor 1,800,000 oenimuuioints.
... ,,,..
",M mkai. irh thiumimi r
lt,p lien-LUs rk it,. ,.,,.. ,, , v
ami HiLii..tMlri imnlsutir!!,
ram!,0e1r,i',.!VU,,ph,ft UMye.l their last
game or the season yesterday, when tbev
ptan7.,u,,0e:1 l?,t,UV Ir0ns,,,i"' '" "
t.iniHiiK 10 te 8 In fav()r f tlu) ,ilU
vi.m? WaT ? ,,'"'i,, niV,,0,,ce I'toseut. Tbe
v si Ing elub bad undergone u mber of
ehitiiges slnoe their g.tme with tbe r,uii
H ' .iI,i0lh .(,,:,1l,J, lbiyrd loe,oly Iu tbe
Meli., although their batting was heavy.
S.iveral of the Kiln did geed work with
he willow, while Oldlbtld and MeTannny
led for tbe home team The former suc
ceeded In making ., tlri, blls ,U llt a
oritleal time and in.nle home, without
stepping en nu error of tbe seoeiid baso base
iiiiiu. Twe ether runs were brought in,
nnd tbe game was no doubt wen by this
lit .Meruuutiy also get lu n three
nagger. Some of the home ream had ugly
errors iu the Held, wbore tlu-lr work was
lit as Koetl as iisinl. There was lilttle
lirilliant playing iu the game. The soero
was as fellows :
iressUim ah n InreAi
Hamilton, ,ti ft 3 i iV I
.Meraiiiiiuy, e I ft .1 s .. i, ,,
Hmisl.1,,11 a l J lit
Parson., it & n n n n
HUgllls.'ill 4 e i i s i
ttiuisiiis, ir ai i n ,, :
Hrecne, ss 4 I 1 0 I b
1 y'e. P 1 0 (i -j u i
'ro,e i ie ie 27 iii ii
riiiL.ecirutA ah n u re a. ii
Knltilit. p i e e -l u i
V1",",;'l,, 1 i 4li
alien. it s .' u e I ft e j e e
Mulster, ss ft -i j e -J I
Dsnleis, it, s 0 j s e
Chlittlultl cl ft j -i e 1
'iluistuail.l f ft e I 0 10
Ueniitiue, c 4 : i j 4
'total 41 7 u I; 17 "ft
IVMMIK. 1 2 ,1 4 5 S 7 S 0
Ir!nsltle,s 1 .1 0 0 e l 0 0 ii-lrt
l'lillu lelphli t 0 0 i 0 '.' 2 1 0- s
Knrned runs Itmls, 3; Ironsides. T Three
basi int., ui, 1111, 1, .tlel'miiAiir, Culilll Hinl
CIiaIIImIiI. Twe lia.e nit., Jlrlster. Diulel.
Cbnlilel'l (Miustiuiit. I.t-tien Irons! Us
l I'liilii.le'plu.i s.
I'mplre, llradler.
llmu, 1 Ij.
l.uiicHtttr lirrest. llarrl.liarc.
About 100 persons witueeHed the game
betneen the Ittieister nuil Htirisburg
clubs at Mctlrann's park. The oentost was
verv per aud it lasted for two hours and a
half. 1 he spectators were tired of the
game long beiore its ceuclus en and tiey
were glad when it eanie te nu end. Tne
visitors were somewhat stronger than
upon their previous visit te this city. They
huve secured it new pitcher named Smith,
and the Ltuc.tster boys found it far mere
dillleult te bit Inte than any of tbe ethers
wlu hive eee up ed tbe holes for tbe elub.
Knodell caught well behind the bat.
Nearly every ether member of the nine
wis credited with errors in the Held, some
of which were frightful,
.Mist of the men in the Held threw
btdly. anil in ene Inning Bradley after
stepping a het ball from Parker's
ba: threw it high above tbe
first baseman's bead. The result was
tbat Parker run tbe whole way around aud
also brought in II y land Errors of this
nature constantly occurred with the
visitors and tbe Helding seems te lie their
weak point. At the bit they did geed
work, excelling tbe home team. The Ian
caster e'ub played an excellent came In
tbe lit 1.1 having but few errors. Hyland,
who usually plays a Hue game at seceud,
seemed te be in bvl luck yesterday, anil
his pl.tyiug was ue: geed. At the bit
Smith lsad, having au excellent record. The
score fellows :
LixcASTirt. a n. r 1b r e. a a.
li'itteni. c ft e i it a ii
Hlltkllil 'JO 2 0 S .1 3
l'nrkur, ss ,s l e j u
Hoilune, 30 S 0 n l ii
Smith, e I ft 3 s l e e
IVnItt, 1 ! I 1 3 10 0
Shannen lb 4 0 O U e e
ttulzeli p -1 0 0 0 11 0
illcuar.Uun, r t t u e e e
Total 37 0 8 .'7 'J) 3
UiRit!ncKs t i r in. r.e a. r.
Itercius.ll I e e e ii
l.'uswull, c l I 0 oiei
llniiiev, lb ft I 1 ft
K no It'll e ft 2 3 3 0 1
IJiillev, r t ft 1 110 1 5 1 0 e ft I
Karrel, Jb I i) 0 111
Minim, p I 8 e 3 1
lUrtn, lb I 1 'J 13 0 i)
Total 10 7 li 21 1ft 10
imxies 12 34S8"sg
Uinca-ter 3 1 I a 0 1 1 0 x 9
UurrtstiiUK u 1 'J " e 4 e 0 0 7
Karnel runs, ll.irrlsburK, 2 Three bae
hits, Lancaster, 1 (tuilthj; Hiirrlsliurif 2
( it-cclus mid Kne.lfli , struck out, (.uncus
tcr. 1 i llurrlitbur, 7. Ilisu en bulls, Lancas
ter, 3 ; llarrlsburir, I liases for being hit with
ball, Lancaster. 1 : Ilnrrlsliur, I. Lett en
biset, l.iinux-tter. s, Harris jurjf. Wild
pitches. tVezell, 3 : amUli, J,
Umpire, l't-iiKe.
Unuiei KUsuhere.
Philadelphia : Philadelpbia 12, Ath
le'ic 0 ; Hartville : Hattville 14, Ariel 4 ;
Bosten : (ten innings) Bosteu 4, Metropo
litan 3 ; Trenten : Trenten 4, Detroit 7
Cincinnati : Cincinnati Union 5, Chicace
Uuieu 8 ; Pittsburg : Cloveland 10, Alle
gheny 0 ; Washington, D. C: Washing,
ten 0, Virginia 3 ; Baltlmcre : National
Union 5, Baltimere Union 8 ; Bal
timore : New Yerk 0 ; Baltimere 8 ;
Indianapolis : .Indianapolis 4, Chicago 8 ;
Choster : Allentown 7, Uhester 0 ; Wil
mington : Wilmington 18; Semersl.
The Aetives defeated thoCbambersburg
in Heading yesterday by tbe scere of 13
te 5, The iermer scored eight runs in the
tlrst inning, oarned six. At St. Leuis :
St. LoulsUuieus 8 ; Altoeua 1. Teledo :
Teledo, 0, Minn enpelis 3.
notes el the (inula.
This afternoon, a nine composed of
boarders at the Urape hotel nre playing n
piehcd uine en tbe collego grounds.
The Lancaster club opeus the champion
season in Chester en Friday. The same
day the Ironsides play thelr soeond game
with tbe SoinerH here and go te Yerlt en
Neither of the home elubs is playing
te day. The Lanoaster will meet Spence's
Monumeutal team of Baltimere te morrow.
The uine includes Ilatiua, Hittonheuso aud
Speuce of lastyoai'aEastenHiind Irenside-:
Johnny Muiice of the Somers nud "Doe."
LiudiH of Heading.
On Thursday last tbe Llttlestesrn elub
visited Mount Saint Mary's college, Era
mittsburg, Mil., and wero dofeated by tbe
oellogo team by tbe score of 18 te 0.
Kelly aud MeUnrthy wero the battery of
the college uine and Waring nnd Zeoher
ler tbe visitors. Tlie latter played beblud
the bat without an error.
Umpire Win. McLean, during tbe Ath
letic. Philadelphia game at Heoreatlon park,
Philadelphia, yesterday, bcoame be angry
at the jeering of the orewd that he hurled
a base ball bat In the midst of his rovllers.
Fortunately no Injury was doue. The
orewd boearao very angry and dennnded
MaLcau'n nrrest wbleh was made at the
oleso of the game.
I.ecutlUB HrltlKB.
Te-day our ceuuty commissioners left
this oily, for Ooleraln township, via
CJuarryvllle, for the purpese el loe.itlng a
bridge which It is proposed te build naiesa
the west branch of the Ooteraro creek, at
old Black Heek furnace, In that township,
en a read recently ojeued, leading from
Quarryville te Kirkwoe.l.
Ileuie Heming.
A corps of paliitew, varnislinra, oalel
miners and soruhberH nre at work rouevut
lng the Htatlen house, which was sndly In
need or a geed oTerhnnllng from top te
'"" Vi,v"Ktti'"s" ""' '
Thrlr lllll I'ussss KsimMhu splrrt Ominill but
i iiiiiimtii in uiniiimiii,
The bill of tbe CeustinieiH' gas oeiupany
of Heading, in which or pailes nre
Inteiesti'd, was utnuiiiieusly passed by
select council of tint city laHt evening,
The Heading I'lmei sty thai Mr. llniz
iiiiinn, who bad jirevieusiy oppestitl the
bill pieseiitetl n loiter wbleli lie ireeived
fiem .Mr. B.iiiiiigiinliier, of Lineii'iter,
stilting that the new gas eeuipiut is net a
speculative eeiieern, ami would eitiv out
the project iu geed faith, ai-l plieotle
HtreetH lu Hi st class elder after tlm pipes
bud been laid The witter claimed
nt least $75,000 lmd been saved In sis
jeais te Uie eiliz.niR or l.tu.MNter by the
new pioeessof making gas in Hint eity aid
tbe red need rates.
Mi. Helzuiiiiin sild that his opposition
had bemi based en the bellal Hut it was n
speculative coneern, but being personally
acquainted with Mr 11 uimgarduer, who
Is a gentleman of wimP.1i, lie bad faith in
bis statements.
Capt. F. P Heller said tbat bis prinnipil
objection te thn bill was that tlieduleri nee
in cost ei gis would Im only nl,,., eents
per 1,000 cubic reet. He would, tbeiofeio,
vote for tbe bill, nnd he hoped for ehe.iper
and better gas.
Mr. Lawrence said that be was iu laver
of any oempany which proposes te come le
Heading nnd disburse n large hum of
money. would l,e put
utilised in Heading, and employment would
be given te a Inigo number of citizens.
A vote was then taken en the bill nud
It teceivid the vote of eveiy member.
In c mimeu council the letter of Mr.
lUtiiiigntilnti, of Line.iMer, te A. A.
lleizmanii, of Headii g, was read. The
bill was then referred te the piliceeom piliceeem piliceeom
inlttee by a tvte e 21 te 21.
A r I II t. I'll. Ml Hill ",.
tt Iim.. tin. rcn.UV Mei Unci,
llulbaeli's M.irtet I'liecttiry.
Aii examitiatbiii of tbe voiiebum paid for
meit shows tlm' iu most iusLiueus the
e.tltle weie bull i, wbleh are show it le have
been bought at priees riviglng from 5 te
i cents it p mud, en loot A gltii'unt
tbe Phil iilnlphi.i eittln inuket lepirt of
this tueiuiiig (April 21) gives .iiiotiiliei.s
its folio tvs : I',tra beeleattln, Ti. 7j emits;
geed, rtj t,r,j rents , iiieilmiu, ejl.f
cents; common, ."mi' nenis. ihe
butcher who sl.iugliteTis tee bulls for tlie
peer beuse - paul $100 n year and the
eflal, ami the president of the beard of
peer directors is .1 dm lius, of Li'il., n
dealer iu live st ok. It is otivieits te any
oue in st otitt.igeou-.pri's have been
panl for this hall b-nf by tbe directors,
according te their own she'viug.
In recant te sa'anes, the superintendent
gets $1,1)00 a year I ?.M0 a year mom than
either Mr. Cox or Mr Spuiner get) bitnl
anil lodging for btmselt, e .insisting of wife,
three elnl li-n, ee k fid inusery in ml. The
steward draws cOUO er iiuuum, besides
$150 paid linn ler "extia s.irvie.s" last
year, and lieartt ainl lodging for a family
of lour I'll englurer at the poerhoiise is
pibl $120 a year, ai.d cenlines his Ubets
exclusively te thtt institution, and the
baker $430. .1 iniea Mcliuire, an inmate,
who attends te thirteen furnaces at the
hospital, is in receipt of ue wages, nud it
was with a gru.lgu the dircoters nlliAed
bun a paltry roaemponse for bis Horv.e-is
list year. But be is only an "uuni'e"
U.IL'tll'Ol' I'lMllillM'iClS
Vliiitl Dl'i'n.lil in nt liiieri.liin: -nils -in,
liauliti.'etls iiis en IiihI,
In the caseefSirah St.tuten vs. Fied
orlek Carsen, judgment was enured in
favor of the plaintilt fur $7."0.
In the suits of Jehn II. Moere. E
Bucher, administrator, ami Jacob C
Pf.ibler vs Eiihraiin Cenklin,,
aud Jehn B. Edilauitn, a luunistra' ir.aiei
H. M. North, garnishees, attachments te
satisfy judgments, the attachments w re
withdrawn and the eases in irked sett'ed
A. J. Dunltp vs. David II Potts. Tins
is au action te roeer Itfti .'i0, with inter
est from February 1st, lai. The plain
tiff n side of the rase is as follews: Iu
February, lSl, p'aiutil! was a I iw stu
dent in this city, nud defendant was hiip-r-intendent
of tbe Western Union telegraph
O 111 co ; ene day Potts stated te Diinlup
that he bad reliable inform itieu that Haad
ing railroad stock was worth morn ttrm
quotations showed, nud that It would ine;
be asked Duulap te advance bun the
meney te purchase llfty slnr-s of the
stock. After seme talk ever th"
matter Duulap agreed te the preposition,
and the stock was purchased through J
B. Leui, broker. Tbe stoek tit once
began te rise but seen took a tumble ; aud
it was finally sold sit a less el $402 50,
which amount is claimed, with interest,
makiug in nil $5V) Ml On trial.
L'urreut lliuliiesa.
Emma Graham, who was iu jtll for
OJits, was discharged under the insolveut
William Cbillas, of this elty.was granted
a lioense te peddle.
A sjVIiukn iiKarn.
Twe urimly fnr'iiirrs llnlil fir panic In.
ijuents (Ivtr tlm Duki Mm,,
Bernard Connelly, ai'ctl 7t years, died
6uddeuly at the house uf Christian Fisher,
in Salisbury township, yesterday morning.
Ue ri tired ou Sunday night at 10 o'clock,
apparently in geed health. In tbe morn
ing a member of the family went upstairs
te call him te breakfast. The deer
was found aj ir, and he was lyiug dead
upon the llier. Squire Slaymaker, deputy
oeronor, Impaiinolled a jury een
slsting of Dauiel F. Steltzluss, Jehn
Borkley. I M. Seinlers, C. C. Lapp,
Jehn E. Plank and Henry Nowhensur.
The vordiet was death from heart disease.
Connelly was bem in Ireland, but bad
lived in Salisbury for seme years, making
his home with Mr. Fisher, where bis death
occurred. Ue was a peddler, and had
seme relatives lu Pniladelphia.
Last evening 'Squire- Houdersen nbe
held an inquest en the dead man. It np
pcarH that be and Slaymaker woredoputius
of the oeronor fermerly but Slaymaker has
been given authority te held an luqnest
whoneTor he thought it neosessary. The
oeronor will rcesgui.a the ene held by
A H'Minil l'eiltleu.
tvllKoabme Union Leaner.
Tbe position of the Philadelphia Recerd,
onderscd by the Lincaster Intkli.iukn
ckii, that whisky Hheuld be taxed en ltn
sale nud the proceeds paid Inte the tieatmry
of tbe eity or oeunty vvherein sold, is ns
sound ns a dollar. This was the priuoiple
of the Jenkins bill of the last legislative
session, which this journal advocated
earnestly and persistently, and whieh thu
Democratic IIoueo of Hepreseiitutiveii
passed. It failed iu the Senate, solely be.
cause the Republicans, both , In state and
nation, uniformly soek te maintain taxes
at the highest flgures the people can be
made te pay, with a view te the prellt tbe
party and the party favorites boeiuo from
handling tbe surplus.
Aimlhrr IlirilllIKO UellltllWI t.
The state ilepirtmcnt bns ohartered the
Clay aud Hinkletewii tuinplku oempany
of Lancaster oeunty j capital, $00,000.
The directors are Andruw Baker, F. W.
Hull, of Ephrata ; Hlehard A. Malone, J.
L. Stoluraetz nnd It J. Malone, of Lau.
The Mtrert Lumps,
Threo eleotrie lamps were ropertcd last
night: Oraet nnd Market, out front 2
o'cleok ; Priuen and Andrew, from 10:30 ;
Chestnut and Duke, from l te 10. 1 we
gaBollue lamps were ropertcd out ene nli
ulght and ene from 1 o'clock.
Ill it ltt:i).i,An
tillHI'.sil'tlNIIKrSt f.
a I ii'nii nl lliillrniitl Mnti - reiMtllnl lei,.
ineliil l.trll. A i ft (nt Imi Ml, ml
tun Mni-tl nlrl llrmltitls.
Nulrs .iriiiinil lnwii,
In iilteiiipllug te be, ml nu east honed
P. 11. H, passenger tinln nt Locust stiert
last evening, u L'tueaHtm man was thrown
tolhetiiiek with vlulunee, almost
Hireling death under tbe ear wheels
Jacob llahn, u Fiedrtlek lailreail brake
man, had bis lelt hand mashed yenteiday
iifteintien while ceuiiliug e.iis lit btemi's
Ne 2 siding, near llellai!.
Mr Mm lay, thu P. It. H liclu't iigent,
h is an old fashioned elenk lu Ins illlje,
wbleb was iiiude in 1751
The irueliN of u eir nttaehed te west
bound C.I) eeal Irnlglit, P. H H , was
pulletl from under it ut W ill's station this
morning nt 5.110 o'clock, causing t'i!
wreokli'gel tlie eir. Il tb tracks weie
blocked for a U'ltisidcnihle time.
A broken brake tigging detaiuud thn
Petitisy Ivuila pa-s nger train due
hern tit 2-20 p. in., half an hour yesteulay
lu the east ynids.
Bertha, the 12 year old diugbteref
Jacob L'pp, who died en Saturday of uou ueu uou
sumptien, nt bur home lu Wrigbtsvillu,
was buried jeiiteul.iy afternoon.
The Mtsncs Annie Hiibiiisnu and Annie
Dirliiigten, el Wilmington, IM , nre lin
ing entertained by Miss Fannie Pierce.
Mist Sallte Lish, of H lading, Is the
guest el her sister, Mrs. Jeseph Det.
Numerous guests ler tbe llreuemiu llreuemiu
Pietve wiibling nre arriving lieiu dally.
The event will be n brillinn one.
llntiiirs. niutn rs
The maudatu against ebstrttutiu,;
the pavements with luxes au I li.irtes
tins geno forth from tbe chief buigess'
The Keuly sttive works b ive ulesed for ,t
short time te allow au ncieiltit et stock te
be I n ken.
Hi liner's new e ial yard oflleo is lltiMiiul.
Il Is one of the hinds inns', ellljjs iu
Business iu the piper bangers' hue is
unusually brisk.
Thu Columbia National bank yanls are
being sedded.
Tbe largest number of shad e night this
season were seiued last night.
tleinimnj' I '. Itmiirell in.
Ths inspection nt Company C list
evening was attend. d by ueitrly all the
member of tbe corps Next Tbmtiduy
cvemtig the company will be inspeeied by
the Inspector general of tlie utate. Alter
drill tbe company adjourned te Waneu's,
wheie ;t grand htuuet, iu eelebratieu of
thu seventh anniversary of the company,
was held. The all in a very pleasant
oue throughout and enj ))"! hy all.
UrunU Him lilnuiiKrty.
Beb Mrtiwii, cel iretl, was cuverely in
Juietl last night en tbe " Hill " while
tlghtiug with Jim Weeds, uuether young
oeloied man. was stiuek above
the left eye with a stone, thu weumt
thou given almost leading te fatal onus !
Numbers of driiukuu men prenuuiidet
en Locust street at a late buur of la it
night. Ne: n few bail te rest their we try
legs en deer steps, where tiny went te
I'ubl.c Air.ilis.
On Thursday a II o'ele.'k a iiieetlug of
the Hebef assuci itien will he held at Mis
Hetlsecker'H resilience, en North Ul. stieet.
All members of tbe ass ic. mm aien quest
ed te be pieseut,
Tue Vigilant steamer will be thrown
out el service ler aheut two weeks by
repairs being ru.i le te it. L; nanl Suillli
will de the work.
Chiquesitluug.t tritle of Bed Men and
Putnam oirelo, B. U. (II. F ) C. A. will
meet iu their respective ledge looms this
iijreucn Hi ui.
The following Irgb school pupilu grailu -ate
this year : Aunle Wright, Elsie
Moner, S.tllie Conw iy, Amy Auns, Eiug
Mitlliu ami Biuuer Kaall'nian.
Harry Watsen, the pi mei of Hut -li nu -porsenatoi,
will be hore te moriew witba
prime e unpauy.
Thieves have bfen robbing the library of
Saleme Prihby terian etiapul. Over 200
books have be en recently stolen.
llmlvrkrniir iul ulr,
The Lanoatter Liederkranz gave it very
pleasant and largely attended sociable last
evenini', in their bib, rear of Ituapp's,
East King stieet. There was n short
conceit of nud instrumental miisie,
under tbe lead of Prof. F. W. Haas, ilur
lug whieh, by rt quest, several of the aber
uses nud orchestral pieces given nt former
seciables were finely rendered. Toe much
credit cannot be given te Jacob Oiesh's
eicbcstra, which assisted nt tbe oeucurt
and furnished the music for the daneiug
which followed and whieh was kept up
until about 2 o'clock. Mr. C. W. Ejkert
furnished the nf -eshinenti, wliub gave
universal satisfaotieu.
Iteil tlcl ei; tlie llrtle nl liteiril
The Plul.idelpbi.i and Hadiig i.iilieal
oempa'.y has untitled the Imlleia "l the
Heading and Columbia b mils, which at
present bear 7 per cent. Interest, that these
securities will liernalter beir euly 5 jier
oent. interest. An inquiry nt the eIIIj"
of tlioe.inpuiy in Pliilatelph'a, eliutLil
the information that nil holders of these
bends who are willing te accept 5 per
oent. will reoeivo the fuce value of thelr
bend A prominent banking house In
Philadelphia has agreed te take the whole
lean, which amounts te $;i.'0,000, nud it ill
place it at 0 per cent.
Ituiiuwhy en .Ntirlli (Jnru Mlrett
About 5 o'elook yesterday nftorneon
Ebas Barr left a horse hitched te a covered
wagon, staudlug in fieut of the posteflico
whlle he went Inside. The animal ntouce
htiutcd en the run up North Queen street,
and coming nt contact with a heavy
wagon had two wheels breken from the
vehiale te whieh he wns hitched, lie was
eauglit at the Pennsylvania passenger
depot befere auy further datiuge was
City llaml I'alr.
The fair for tbe boueflt of the Oity band,
being held iu Mieuuorehor hall, wns again
well attended Inst night, nud everything
passed eir very pleasautly. The military
company was present aud gave a line ex
hibition drill. Te night the Geed Will
bnnd will attend the fair nnd furnish
music A due silver oister will be chanced
elf from the " Eveulng Call" table.
Itet'intfil Iriuii T'es.
Dr. Jereme Keoley, of Bart, loturued
from bis visit te Texas en Sunday oveuing
the 27th Inst. He nppenrs well pleased
with the location of bis laud, and tbe state
in general. His land is tn Floyd oeunty,
about 11 milcH from the Friends' settle,
luent lu Cresby oeunty. He thinks the
section lu which bis laud is loeatod In
mero adapted te stock ralslug than farm.
tlie Lauilltvtlle OiiiniMiieMIri;.
On Friday tbe beard of oentrol of tbe
beard of M. E, ohureh will held a meeting
en the Landlsvllle oampnieeting ground, for
the purpose of appointing the several
oemnilitoos necessary te mnke arrnngo arrnnge arrnngo
meuts for nnd conduct the services nt the
oampmeetlng which will oemmocco en the
third Tuesday of July.
fciiln ul llurset
Ramnel IIcss & Sen. nuctlnncers. sold at
publie nale yesterday, for Daniel Legan,
' ut his E.ile and exchange ntables, this eity,
21 bead of Ohie hersea at au ayerage pi a e
1 of $214 per bend.