LANCASTER OAIL.Y INTBLUQByOlfll SZLT'ORPAY APltlX 26, 1884, COLUMBIA NEWS. KKOill.Ali OOlUtr.HI'ONIIKHUfc. Ueinphilnl Ueiicf rnlUB 11m ftmtice ul Mark ft lluiiri niit ADeul ilia Klver 'I own. Ceiiuull Htlll refuses te )iit tlie tlme of epuiiliiK Jliu tnitiltet bunk te wheie It, was ilnrliii' nut winter Tlin country people ile net iittend market in ns larRe numbern :ih they did bofetc, beiuute they tire ob eb llnil te itim ut tee early nn hour te net hete. Thtu-e icfllillnu; ut liny difltunoe from town me Kept nway iilUMintlicr for tlin same reason. Merchant complain that catly market InjiircN their business, ns the fiirtneiH letiirn home liiimetlhtly iilwr iniwket that limy may de i in" eay u work, limtend of purchasing their poeds Id Columbia en market flays they K te Lancaster te buy. nml that much mutiny lit lust te Celumhliii ftiwii Neti". H. 11. Kllne, of Klliimilli. received 17, 5 anil 4c per pound for a let of lenr tob.ieco tecuntly hdIiI by lilm. Ocncrnl 1'. l"ey Oeddntd, Inspoetor rtoneriilof the N. 0. of tliW Htate, will oetuliiut lb" iurpretlen of (Je. U next mniith. . ... Jeseph Dennelly ha.l his rli;litnje badly bumuil nt Bt. Chin leu luriiiice ostetiliiy, ii het spsrk ImvliiK lluwn Inte the eye ilur inn eiutlni! operation. The orew or Uoatesviim ioeui ireiKi",.r. Jehn Sm ir eenduulnr, ami orew Ne. 'J, both of the l U. H., h.ive been provided with new i-iiboeM'H. Nothing' mere Ib heiird about ruiinlufj a "out oil" around Columbia, retfardliiK the erection of mnre works of the 1'euiiBylvaiita untie.ul ceinptuy ut thin plur-e. Su peer In the prospect of the iipuuiiiK of the Shawnee furimce that many of the moil enai;cil te work there hnve become tlrrtl waiting for irmimptleii of operations and have roue eIh-wIii'IC or prccurrd ether sittmtlcin. t.'Ollllr-ll'Oll lllllf. Ocero Heek la making a new town dheetery. Columbia b.isn ball clubs nre net taking any notion in the formation of a county association. HusIiivfh brisk ut the coal wharves el the It. and C railroad. Clunr f.cteiy of IVnce & Haruls will close, during part of next week te take inventory of stock Ktiluhts of the MyBtle Chain contemplate n fair. IVntisylvaulii Castle, 'u. 7(1. A. t. iv. or .l .' meet ui niht. Gun. pest 0. A. K. enter enter talnment well iitti'tnlrd last nljht. Ne smoking hereafter in the Pennsylvania railroad reuud linuse. Columbia baud serenades Its lady I rienda Tuesday und Wednesday evenings. .Shad lUliing huai liens id plek'uiK up. Htreels and alleys leek bright mul clean Siinpielmiiuu lodtfe loom Is upon for iiispeetluu te uigh. partitel tlin ilect nnutl eorner el Mulberry Blinit unit Iho llnriltliiirn tiirniilke, en to morrow (Buiuliiy) allorneon at S o'clock, in ti. meiit nt l.fiiicniitar cmeUiry. KeObkiiaii-Iii Hit- idly, en tlieWi'' 'JJ.';' Mmy. nilliil et tliu lutoTlieniM McU:eliftii, iiljuil Jfl )eurii. i, ' The nilatlvei unit lriiinlel UierBiiiliyBre rt)vcllnlly InvlUi.l te iitum.l the ',;rBl Iren lier lute ro.UUince, Ne. 110 Nrtl'Ml- iu.rrynticuMiMtiniiiiymerniiii2Vj.". ntaiauLMI. MBrV'A Ollliruil ni lliiti..; It itnr aevva, . B OWEltH II II HUT, 26 cSc'2S 'NORTH QUKEN STREET. lli.'h mnn nt Ht. Mary'n eiiiiruu Iniprinnnt iitHt, Mnry'hemiiturv. jVKIf Altrr.HVlHKKtr.NTK ANTMI-A Biroet m I li III. re VV tlnnieit cook at Ne. .KII EXI'K- 31 Nettll Mum It IIIAn KiI A W mul lioumiwerk Apiiivnl IIOIMI llllll. KMt (IKlS- AimKTll DUKKRTIIKKT. Cl,r.AHMAArA tm.l.KK DIUAHM ViH ftrnnid. (liinriintiM'il le Ik 0'ieir Mlliir. nt IIAIITMAN'H VKI.I.I1VV KltUNT OIIIAIt HTOIIK. LiOUll KIUlUTNKTOUT C -AT- W. II. IIKIUIII.KIt'.S McllltANN IIUUHK, Tills (SATlMUIAVjevcnlllK ici'.iilliiTieN in imimiiK.H, I'neiirllioeks, Fncn I'nwilnrH.ati. Uiimnlioi.SAe. It Ri liii-el I'ewilnr Me. 41 tb. KUKVS IIKIM) HTOIIK, niV2M '1 Kiuit OrmiKO Htlimt, NOW 18 Til K XIVJE TO M AKB YOUll'l'UUOII A8K8 I V KMTHIjO NKW ANtt NEW AND BL7ilQANT PLOlIUUI CII010K I IjAUOK VAIUETY Or D11E83 UOOUS JUST NEW AND ELEO-ANT PLAID ALL WOOL DHaB3 1 New imd Bleasnt AU Weel Oaehtnore Boen. OUOWe pnaaes in ah wool Ottomans. Oholeo Bhades In Albtttrw- OletlS? Oholeo BhivdOB In Nun's VelllnBa. Oholeo Bhadea In A 11 wil OaubmureB. Oholeo Bhadea tn BodTehmoroa T Bryant Lines In Drofle Geode In Lew Prloee horn lOe te 26e. We nover have offed iv Piner Aaeortment of low prioed Dresa Gowla than we de te-dAy. We effer the beat All Weel Uloek OMhnuwAB ut 46e. 60e, 05e, and 81 per yard. We olTer the beat Silk Warp Henrietta Olethe at $1.00, 51.25 $1.40 and $1.05. NBWSHAWLBI NEW SKIUTB I BVBBYTECINO NBW NOW OPEN AT BOWERS & HURST'S. SECOND EDITION. BATUBDAYHVMNINQ, APmij 20, IUIM, FOREIGN BUDGET. AN EXTKNsIVK VlUK IN LONDON I1IKVI' J Cemh' IKM'V HHUI Mlilf, HUT TrtKKTIlr. i ml mul Hill iliniiiMt be Clgur In tlie city, IIAIITMAN'H YKM.OW KIIO.NT (JIUAIl HTOIIK. NOy. 26 & 28 NORTH Q.DEE.N STREET. TOIINh.UIVI.KK. LANCASTER, PA. rillll! I.AHI1KSI iNiiMIHrUOIlll'I.KIK 1 et Kurliri', C'iihuIiie mul I'nkiir winiH Irnin tc per pnrk up. IIAUT.M AN H VKI.I.OW rilONT DINAH HIDUK rim 1 VrilllUiT M'll.l. MTANIIS THAT tlm Ih'hI .'ie riuiir in tlin eltv l at HAHTMAN'S YHI.I.IIW KitONT uKJAIt HTOIIK. IIKIAIIH Htli H IIOelii I'KIl HIIN- I llMN I iril up, nl IIAItrilAN 8 VKI.I.OW rilONTOIOAK Hill UK. GKHDINK III. II Hllil'K l.dNnl'.UllUliT t'liinn, '.' lord.' , 1 ler V.'.c . lit HAUIMAN'S 1 KI.I.OW FKJNT UlOMt KrilllK iptIM HI'IIIII.AK MIIMTIII.Y MKHTllm 1 of tin. I'lilen llnllilliiKmi'l I'Oim Aniinclu- llllll. Will III' Ill-Ill lit W A. WIlHOM'SUlllCl', Memlnviivi'iilnx nl 7S o'clock Nmnlnntlen or efllctirH. iilii of ineni-y nl o'clock ll a. II. IIAl.l,, Hcc'y. II OL'SKIvKI- I'KllH, 1 AKh NUriUN. t I'llNI IUKK will IioheIiI puiltlviily AT UUHl', te cIem.i t.unliic'i, nt . iil!l-llllil WKST KINU STItKKT riKu. r. HATUVON SPRING SUITINGS! We are showing all the Newest Things in Spring Suitings, Pantings, &c. Our Cutter is pronounced one of the best in the city. Vv e guarantee a fit in every case and employ only first-class workmen and use none but the best trimmings. Full line of Gents' Fur nishing Goods and Neckwear. We are the only house in this city that carries a full line e( all ...MtiienrWeirli. Mnrm-Lqen & Ce.'s Black Silk Ties (persons who once use these Ties never use aiiy ether). Call and examine our stock before buying. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., One-Price Dry Goods and Merchant Tailoring Heuse, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ThA Kcjplln Unettlen te be OnnilderM liy the l'owem-lnillcatlnntef Keieliilluii In ttietmath ulMpnlu Londen April 20. Tlie cxtuunlve premises or William Wkltely Rijnrrnl (loftier lu jjoeiIh of evcry ilrfiorljitlen In Wostbeurno Orove are new (8 a. in.) burn Ine. Lateu Oue bulldltiff w,ih (limtroved aud four ettierb Injured. Lass, 230,000. The Kgyptlm Qmntiim. Paum, April 20. The Repubtiqtte Fran cade siiys that nt the proponed coufcruiice of the pewum oenoeruluK Egypt, the wuolel'ijypMau iiucstloe, net Hiiuply tlie UnauelM Hltu.Uleu, will be de f.ietUBtib. mitted te the arbitration of the powers, llevetutlnn In Hpuln. SIadiuI), Spain, April 20. The gnvcin ment claims te hnve received iuither Informatleu of a lovelutlouary mevement In the provlnceit aud sovetul elllncrn and elviliann nt Darcolenn. the eunter of the ngitntlen In the south, have been arreftcd A Wr UerrenpiMKlent'ii I'reitloninect. Duiii.n, April 20. The Uaxhj Krpm of thin elty nays that Mr. Jatneu O'Kully, M. P., who went te the Beudau ns tlm oerrtm poudent of the Londen Diily Ntm niter the death of Kduiutid . O'Donevim, haa been taken into ountedy by the 1'yptian authorities SiiHploleuu doeuiuontB wero found iu bin pouii'Sileti, ntueiii; them lot let tcra from Irish men te the Mahdi. 13MllccimiDii,M5J7t Imlla Monjlleef, linoen-BmokOil ntioiiMent. fief iilt ile, Ttf wi), 1 OlliUHUU IIUHin. 1J.HUIIMU I URIKIOII IIO. tai.'i. .... . 71 elty reflnmt. OWODUi loesa i pritnn etnim s 701I8 7J NKW AltyKltTtHliBtKSTti. "IJI.I'.NTV Til urr IMITATK, HUT MINK TO rqiiHl lh5c. IluVHiui (Jlaurn at IIAItTMAN'S YKKMIW JTUONT CIHAK aruiir.. I.Mtfnll V I'M'". 1 1 llllll IhriiMii irnin iii.r.t. nml Truiilfil .Mniilit Jy 1 1 et nl it. Mr. Uerr, n yeunit man living near S.ilunsa, whlle MtmnptliH' te break n pair nl uienn iiiiiIch en Wfilucmlay, Hint with n vi'ry HiuleiiH arcident. Tlu britlle bit of the naiidle niiih' br'.l:e uud Mr. Herr, net buini: nblu ti oeutrol him, wan thrown elT and tianipli'd upon. 11W lei; was frae tured and hip aud arm du.I0c.1tcd. riiKtrrrt I,nuiir. The oleetrio I imp nt P.iplir nud Kilbett Htreetn was reported out at 'J o'clock ; the ene nt .lamra und LI1110 at 20 tnluutfii p.wt two j mid thnne nt Vine and Church, und r'niinntiu.a anil PrillCO at 0 Five unbijliwi lampi wero it-puittd out. Hnlet ul HIucm. .Jacob B. LeitR, breker. 10M te day at private Hale, CO hluircrt Quirryville rail road Btecl: nt 2 ; 20 nharert B-mtnrn mar kcr, DO ; 13 bIuicb r.irmsra' National baukui 113. Tfli")lniie ;iuiifctl!'i UnUBmau & BuriiB, 10 Wei-t OratiKO Htreet, anil Majiiuercherhall. North l'llnce Htreet, are new connected with the tele phone oxebauire. AVumnii'ii I'niUllnii Tiinirrniii' I'nlei-. The Weman'K CIitlMluii 'leuiiioiaiice Union praei lueutliuU.iiiurrew (Sumlayjiiltoriieon will he tialil In tlie WhL Millien M. K. clui)Cl at 3:1.1 o'rleck anil ulll be l.'.l by tlie i.nter, Itev. w I'ewtnt. (Hi rueiilay at ao'cleok, the I'nlen mil iniH-t at UJ North I'llnceetreet te cnin.i)ii. nrniicici "' '" the h-cture by Uie V Hal 11, en May I. Ilurltinleinny l)niiiiny'll'tirttil lii.ihr.trr llrrr. Tli( ijilnlll "I thH b'l'T Hmkt lnr liHiilt. It -i conv(le'l by III" but lui'nrjnni'1 uxi erlH te tin the tnut eml I'urtit malt boverano bn-w-"il In tlm -tnnn. I'litreinnni ri'iuustutl te bii that they ebt iln lartolemau't Uee)ie ters evurv Initie liibulluil, hii.I net ceiilimntl It with ullier noei.l.xl UochesU'i' beer Mr. Uee. A Kiehl. l l.aucuter U 0I01111 iiutlior iiutlier Ielm) tn sell our be ir n' wlielunilu In I.aiicaxii'r county, beih In ken ami bettlta, II.VIITIIUI.US1.VV HIIKWINO CO. iil.Std (it lleehepl'ir. N V. - .iiniM.iiienu. H'r(nJlM.-in Tii'mlny iiveuin Mr. ami Mh. Ilnrry WBtien, wltli tlliilr cemeily c n pany will iiiohenl the nuir musical couieily entltleil " l,0i0 Wilnklie," In Kulton ej.fra lioiibe. Mr. Wnuen 1 tee well-known te nuuil awoiilel iriili Ile m ter ycarH efthu linn 01 VVnlRen l'.UU. mul In ceiiHiilmeil the fun fun nlent tiiitcl' cemn ban In the builnnss SV 111. r. Cwnell. the Irmh cemi-ilUu, I a miunbur 01 he company uii'l porsenaten Itnurr ttteetnty. Hrt.viAi. norm Kit. RKlrtOVAIDI.AHICK'H 1 KA HTHHK from 31 Went Kln te 36 namu Htretit op Oslte aim.. Jiei irnniiiiiu.i ehkij, . ,-v. in UK". ...'.. Ill till) E Oslte Blilii. Jiei irnniiiiiu.i niini ,puroMilteiiBronly 7e. illn bii'ir mr'ae. Ileul Tem anil Colle' city. Ilottem prlce-i. l HA, IIK.KItllX, M'.VV I'lll'A- ltran. I'iih, Sfiu'h. Anpiiraifim. cmIiiiI. CiiriiinberK. Hoilbeoti. fifHli Ciiiuinury lliittur. liuvlleilCrulH, llilm, An., nt ell a- W. KCKKUT'S Dally Market. Ne. I'W I'iihI KliiKBtreut. u- WANIKII A Klt'NII MAN WAN1S A hIIiiii'I mi I" ilrlvn a Im-itiirni vaen, ntli'ii te liiirHi-n. or aiiythlnu luat hn ran make. uiefulut. (ioeil releruncii will bi-irlien. Apn.y 1 cnSKnnTliKKT. iuif. Kl lllll. Alt mONTIII.V "KKtlMI I nl thn Aiiii-i lean MitaiiHiiict'lliiliillnKuiiil I.ebii AH'ncla'len will be hi-blat thuHoIlcllei's urioe. .(! Sinit'i HukH ati.i t, '.II MUNIIAV KvenliiK next, April 43. ut7o'cle.;lt Meney te lean. JOHN 11. KKI1M, It Hcretary. TIUIII.IOMAI.i'. iirilHIWHi- ON MONDAY 1 AI'IMI. W ll will be neli! at l Leifan's Hule Stiible, Murkiitmreni. roarel McUijii" llouiie. Lancanl' r l'a . tiinty bea.l or WKST EltN HUlliKS. Ain"ii iliiiin are some heavy iMtneil loiMlerx nmt iilcmlrlverH. A creillt of cm Oiiyn will be Riven, "ale te AniiilililllHII ut I ,t'l-lllf.k 11. 111. ",'. w" DAN1KI. I.UUAN. ti'iia" tiKMiinm or rilK lanuamtkii ' City hilioel llimr.1 will ment In Tilmintal ConvimlleiloiiTUKSIlAY KVKNI.NU, lhn6tn tUvel MAV.iitT .0 o'clock ler the purpiwii el olectlnK-rt fcupetlntcnilcnt el tlm I'liblle Si-hoeH et Ihli. city te Herv.i until tliu tliat. Menilay In June, ene tlinii-uiul elitlit hunilieii anileUhti -i von, mul te tx gafary t said enlelif. '0-N I.K KlHjDOi;, uprll.ll.!.. 1'ioslilent ilSI.IIAl.L.. 1UUNS1UK8 (iltOUNHb. IRONSIDES VS. PH1LADHLPHIA.. (Nutlenul I.ctigi.e.) MDMJA Y, M'ltlL , Wi KlSE MIWUH43DI1TASO TmIim lonve I It. It. Depot ter Kreiillitii at rtr you want sa-ii iciihieni weiirn II (10 D?r yuul nt Uie anil 15e. no te Mwarr h. oureiuiiiian iiibnniire ireInK lively. Heiini Inns uni'leachwl lierinmi halt he-, te tmlrs ler Via. Our uhbleacheil l'al in nacic niiiri, u.iuiu ll noteicol any In the market. aiiM Ne. 50 North yueeii 8t. SK.l.KO PKIM'OHAI.! I'D I- TI1K UOI. UOI. UOI. loctlen et slaUi anil county taxc ler IS? 1 In the Kuitmul vut kuiiIheI l.ancmtur city, wHlberocelveilatths olllce et the ceuiity nniMtnlKlonerH until 12 o'clock, neon, MUN- UAY, Al'lUliVB, ibsi Kttiy AjirtsuTiHitaieitTa, - r -fTT- I'UINO tHIIMIK, 12 o'clock, neon. Ily eruer 01 T1IK IIOAltl). alG-lOUl Attenf KitAWK (iIUkbt, Clerk LM'KOIAJe-AI YOU 1'ANS lY OIIK flMK O TallerlnK KsbiblUhment ilnn't fall Ie leek In the show wlniiew j the leailtiiK SprlniE Btylta areexhlbllwl thercln : then walk Itiijnil oxumtne our ontlre Bleck. Nene te wiunl 11 In tt,.. iiuiiiImiiiiii.1v well iniule anil perluct flltliiK Kiirmenls ; at , iiioilHrale nrlcea. A. II iiuibneii;.in. 37 North urn-mi fi ' J. B. MARTIN & CO. Carpets, Wall Papers and Inflow Sbafles. LAEGKST LINE TO SELECT FK0M. WINDOW HIIADK8 lent OH Slj.nUiig, Heat SprliiK Fixtures, Mndti anil Hung In tlie Uett Manner, with Ornament, 75 C'euld. NEW LINES OP WALL PAPERS EVERY DAY. NEW LINES OP CARPETS. Wn rrlviil vestenlav. II AND50MB VK1.VKT OAltl'KTS. 11.19. HANDSOME UltUSSELS OAltl'bTS, J1.1U. HANDSUMKTAl'hSTKY CAltrKTS.eOe. AlA. NEW, ALL ItELIAHLE GOODS. ALL Bl'LENDU) VATCEltNB. If In nei'il of anything In our line, ploavecall. Ilomember, we have the Larcest Kerco i el Meclmulcs anU the Beat v erkmeii. A IIOKItttll.K DKr.ll, Ctill- lirlcvB. Oppodlle the I'ojtefllce. nrilCmilll -1.1I1K JC IIKUIITOLD'H. w IVOIIKINOSlr-.N'rt wait, Oil ID lliwl iverKinu i aii.B, overalls, Jackets, bek CealM. VjerkliiKlilriii. . & a i A B-.. ff iiiliiiii eml llfinlli' ui-i.iiiitiui nni wi nil. aipii. uivviitmi iaiih vji Underwear. Ile. lery unit Notion. All cheap ler cuah. Bave tlme anil iiioney uy chiiiiik. ll&lfcl lir.vniwiaii Ne. W North Ouwn Htrtiet. V. H.-llullillin: Lets ler wile. Ileui-ert ler gale or rent 1'Myil J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King anil t'rince Streets. Lancaster, Pa. B AKOAIMI 11 RI'UIMI ULOl'lllNU. It 1 15. .1 00, 3 11 p i. un. i en TUKUAY. APRIL. 20, 1804. MR. and MRS. HARRY WATSON'S Comedy Company, I the imiiuiKemtnt el 1, f. IlrHMAN, prct-eiitliiK the exuouieiy luiiiiy comeily 1000-WElILES-l tnileubt" Uy Uie funnlCBt et ail funny com ...ii. .- ii -entliiual rear el lauKhler trem Iho rlte te the f II et the curtain. HARRY WATSON U, wllhoutileiibt, tlie luniileat Dutehiiian In the wei bl. ADMUMION 71 mul .11 CENTS. llf-.8U.UVrD SfcA'lS 75 Puiiu lei Milunt (tpeiu llouseUnico. a? mm & SUTTON NO. Mert'liimt Tailors nml Cletlilers, 24 OBNTRE SQUARlfl, LANOAbTKIl. I'A. p.. INN .V IIKEMSMAM. THE- Ci RIDGEWAY iKlll.lll UIUMI 8 AiiKOLUTBLV tlm bout 1'oreiM I'liiBtei ever liiade. The Hup I'Uulrr U tomiieic il of Is n nh Hep, llaUmiiii ainl OiiiiiH Wiiak Hack, SI. Ie Ache. bere MicNt.iiu.l all piln am opieilllv cureil by 11 uhe. Apply en. Only .1 could, alany ilrut; Mete. I.uniis convulseu by oeiiKh can be aoeth' d with llal.'B llenny el lleieliniinil ami Tar. 1'IWe'ii Toelhaeli'i Diuni euro In ene mlnute. a'il-lwilneilitw I' UBUO a A h E STYLISH, STANDAH1) SPRING SUITINGS. SHIRTS SPECIALLY SBLBOTBD. ALL UltADES GENTS' GOODS. NEAT, NOI11IY NBOKVEAR l'rlcei te jiltae all permuH. 13 THE BEST REFRIGERATOR IN THE MARKET. 200 BABY CARRIAGES, AT LOW PRICES. Flinxi & Breneman, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa, 1 AMIAtiTKK HTKAM ' CARPET CLEANING WORKS. A Metbrr In f niten Cut. Itnr 'I we ill-en's Tlmmtii nml lltr Owu. Easten, Pa., Apr'l i!(J TIiIh tnerr.liiB Mr. Amelia Ilarnet wire of D.tviil Uarnet, of Phllipsburp, N. J., looked the deer or her hoiise, threw lier heu Willie, ned two yearB ami nix months, en the lied aud out his threat with n She then Bolzed her ilve mentliH old child aud treated It in the Bame brutal way. Slie then irave an alarm aud as the neighbors ruahed in drew tlie razor across lier own threat and threw herself ou the bud Viebitle her cull drcn. Willie, the elder boy died, in ten min utcB, The younger child aud the mother are both mortally wounded. Mrs. Baruet is new acting lu Buch a violent manner that bIx nieu nre required te held her. The Unmet family oarne here from t'ltts burjf, Pa., several months ae, but sinoe thou the father has been uuable te obtain employment. a in 1 1) ii tv kki;. Juilce lliarcr'H .Imlirinriit in t'nvnr et Lawyer 'itiry Puiladrlpiiia April 20. Prci-lleut Jud)!e TUayer,er the court of common pleas te-day dellvered tlie tlnal jiuigtnuiii te mai oeurt In the suit brought by the city ajjaluat Henry O. Terry aud ethera for the recovery of 50,000. Mr. Terry is a law law yer wne undertook te uegotlate the purchase for the city of tlie ICIniZBteu aud Oxford turiiiuke at a prioe uet te exceed $70,000. Ile also made a compact with the Htock Hteck Htock heldorH of the turuplke company that all tue proceeds el tlie naiu ever $20,000 alieuld be left te him u.i bin fce. The elty thoreupou lu Btltutcd eijulty jiroeoedlugH te recover $50,000 frcm Mr. Terry. The court new rules finally that the city miiBt pay the $50,000 bonus aud that the lawjerlsou lawjerlseu titled te bis big fce. llullreml UiiiiiihiiIk Mued. PiTTsnune, Pa., April 20. Twe suits have been brought in the United States crimiual court in thin city by Maitha Pler and IJ. F. Livening against the New Yerk, Lackawnuna & western railway, for damages in the Hums of $25,000 and $20,000 ropeetlvely. Martha Pier was injured by a tiain geiiiR through n bridge near Salaraauca, New Yerk. Liveaing had his npiunl cord dipiceil in u oelllslon whlle eu route te New Yerl: city from Moadville, Pa. HtiMlke. . Ijinf firm t biitcluira.RMMi ltllltf.r llllll rt.dl iLmllHlni . I.VMU.M..H. MV.B ?7.tWjflrnU. IMt-Mef II O. A N. y, (le,ia onienriib,a:3i WMtern extras, Uiisuer ile kikiiI te oheloo, 150170. ItellB 7 ft fld. Hou1Kern."lioRml ,0Wflr, KXttM' lU0, j-hm-H i ytejuly t ehnlee Kraile n ncnrce New etls tullcinAm, ISfllBftei Wegmrn ercttin. V.Ti "V'' " Oe l l'a. ntt gkluw, 60Me l de fullBkliiiB, irth, SjieiKc. - whiBkv at ! Mew Yerk Market. Nhw Tea, April Mrinur-Mate anil West, em vnry tcailv lint qulitt Huporllne Hlate. V OQiM 8HI Kutra'ile. 13 tttas W t (;helcn ile, tl mtC5 uu rmiey no, n) ii (id M Ueiiml 1 1 "op oiue. U sni)t 001 ehnlcu. fl Mad (Ni Hupurrlnn Wmtetn, tl f0j;I.K) coinmen te peil intra ile, muhJ .iii aim en de. t.t Ctlll Mi chelcu Whlle Wheat, ile, IO 23Q0 M. Beutlmrn stonily ami tin. olinnKe.l t common te talr extra, a tu ( iroeii te cholce Je. l M(tn 50. Wheat uusottleil iitnl Invetlili npentiiK UO lWe lower i ulrerwnr1 reoevorBU fnim On l( no ami In .loine canim aitvaueeil Atrllle t ilelnu.i Ne a Keil, MV.$t 09iOl lOXet .lune, fl IIMtl I3t .lnlv!t07Kttl WW I AUR.,11 WQ 1078it.llW4: Cern HU,ae nfuiiert ftlterwarilB rccovetod and aitvuiicnd ktJMei Mlxml Wontern spot at Titf'tHe: i tiitiinMllj;fffl')H0 i.tx kflj'n hotter, Incliulluir Ne. 1 Mny, .1T,.ni:,ir .lune, 8SiOJSie Btute, eai7e ) WuHtern, 87017c. Live hluck Mnrkir. tltliiAiie Iln,;- Uccelnt-i, 18,000 Iieml ihlp mi nix no e ivail i tnai'ket trenK. aetlvc ami otaleo hlKheri reuxu paeklnir, A lOJft iS liaukln; ami Hliliilnif, tSSUCi.) J llltllt, fHOQ nVliHVHH.Hrxl (Intile Hei'iilplM. 7,W0 head shlpments 3,000 li cat 1 1 market dull ami KliJISe lower, eiccpt lorcuniceBieurB t uxperiKrauei. u wpni Kernl te cholre Bhlpplnir, (3 70JJU 10) com cem com uien te medium, i liiniCO. bheep lU'Celpla, 1 0.0 head t Bhlpmnnta 1,M) heiult mat ki-t ucllvn anil n rm ; Infi.rler te lair. f3 "Iffl 75 : inedlnm te geed, (3Q5 W olieloo te intra, 15 7.10.0 Mj Kaut I.tiiEBTY-Ualtln nnthlne dnliiK t ll UirniiKliceiiiUiiinimtH i rocelpu, l,'i05 ueailj ahlpmenH, MM bold. 1 1 "Hi act I v; rfoeluto, 1, TOO head t nhtpmiMitu, l.ti-.eiin'.uli l'lilliululpUliw, HI ISfit! ; Yurkurs, 5 Jilffl U). Hheen acllve ami prlees uncliiiRml t re cclpls, 2,100 head ; shipments, 1,80 J tiead. ntoeK nurBnta. CjneiHllniia by Heed, ilcOranu in Ce , Itanfc eib, jjiutaiiicr, in. 11 A. K. t' C A I. c....... ......... .... Michigan Uentral New Yerk C'entrnl 1133i New .lorMey Central 70 Ullld UIMlinil... ..... Del. I,ae!c. A Western.... 118 Onnver A Uie Ornnde.... Uli Rrle... ..............' lM ItaiiKiiB A, Texaii l',v Lake Hliore 0V GlllcitKOA N. vv., com.... HJi "Vi N. N., Ont. A weslern. M.l'aul AOtnuha I'acinc Mall Iloetiester A nusUurnt!.. Ht. l'aul Tnxas l'acllle Union Pacific Wabash Common Wabash I'rorerrct! Weflt'ni Union Toleirraph I.oulsvllleA Nimlivllle... N. Y., Clit. A QUI. I.nhlKh Valley I.i.niitli NavlKatlen remiBylvuiila iieaniui;.... l'.T. A llullale Nerthnrn l'acllle Cem... Nnrtliern I'aclUe l'rel... llOBtnnvlllu I'hMadelphta A Krle Nortnern ceulrnl lIuderKrnuiid Ciuiium Reullii.rn ii Oil.... ............ ..-...... "t roetJlivBra-tfonitor. 31 I'M? l 67 0 6"i" 47 'Jl b-lC UK 12 k. Il3jft 7X livl i :p i 8 x Oil 82 15 07K Oli i 7i4 OI5i w l'hllaiieliilil. U'letntlnnsliy Associated rrOEB. bteckH (lrmer. 1'lltlsilelnhln A Krle It. It 18 lUtadliiK Itallrmid Wi I'miniyminla Kallreivl eVii f ...lilirh Vullitv lliillriiml ............. C9Va UulliMt Companies of New. I oraey .'...1'JIh Kortheru I'acllle. ...i -IK Northern l'acltle l'roterrol 7ii Northern Central Itatlread UH I.iinlKh Nuvluatlen Ceinpiuy "ii Nonlatewu Uallrnad H'S Control TransporUitlen Cempaiiy 3H 1'lttabV, Tltiuvllle A UutlalnU. H Ml LUUeiicliuvlklU U&llreiul 1H CAlll'ET.'JCI.KANKI)TI101U)U(illl.1,trcelruiii Hint and without. ici;ur I l ncalher. Meth, and dellveied pieiuptly Kea chills,, nmie, nml wealincsi, fob dim's l.lijilt lli-et Tonic. Velden'i; Kike no ether. Ol Drut;iltH. aU-lwdoed.vw I). M. lil.trlut Attiirnry npuuk. Cel. II. iViilter, U. H. Illstilct Attorney, KansJH CI y, Me. autherlzi'S the IoIIewIhk BUileiiienls " tfitnuirffaii .Vrilne ouied my iilue el bp.iiuw." (JulalilruKKt''ts tl M. Insurance. InBiiianre Isure.iiI tlilux whether applle 1 te Uie or prepiirty. Ne Ihsh ii bleilii( Is any thliiK that Insures oed liealth, Kidney-Wert iloejthls. It U nut urn's reat remedy. It Is a mild but villelniit cathartic, mid iietlnu utthe Bainotlmeontho I.Iver, Kidneys und llowela, It relieves all thoae organs and eiiabas llicui tn)iortenii their duties perfectly, ll has t-n-derlul power, tee advt. lias (lonllilenes. " In oue cise personally known te mu the Micccm et Jlurtteck Jlloeit Jllttert was alment Ircn-illlile. One lady described thorn as worth Aundrnfi otlellart. I tineeir have the Kriutcsl cnntlileiice In them." K. H. Horiiteh, ilnirfRlst, Ituiliven, ent. for niile liy ll. Jl. Coeliran, druKKlat. Ui ami UU North Quueu street. l'ell.tilLii the ivreiiK Und. Many moil dally iiolishlhelrbeots whonevir irlve a theiiKlit te tlie condition or their Imlr, except le harrow It eaiually with brush and comb, or submit It te tlie puralyiliiK ,lti"yen iiitliuaveruKiituiber. What hanpuiiRT Why this i Krem neglect, mental auxfety, or any et tiBCoreotcaiiHis.tliulialr turns ineinaturely vmyuiul beKtiis le fall out. I'arkei's Hair IHlsam will at oiieo step tlm latmr process and icstore the erlulual eolei. Mi elegant ilris-liiK, fieu Irum Kiease. " " lilSATUH. ONK HUNDRED FINE VEHICLES llulltby NOltHKCIv SII1.K1. at. ineir iac- lery, corner et lluke and Vine hlmels, Lunea-iter, l'a , On MONDAY, MAY 5th, 1884, CeiiBlstliiB of Tep anilNo-Tep IIubkIch. Kiiiii liy tanliiKert, Tweand Keur I'iishuiikit I'lini I'lini iens. Market Wauens, lleckaways, Ae. ; also, lei el i Ine hoceiul-haud work. faloceii-moiicoHatlio'cliok, m, when at. temlaiieu will be ul von and , tenn J i niaile knew u (,.. NUK1II.V.U x jiii.r.i. II. V. Itewit, Auctioneer. NOTK Wu will dispose et en this day ihroe uradesofeiirworlt A, It. C. Uraue A H our lineal, iiml me built or the finest material the market can iitreru, and are exoelled by none In Duriiiniiiy. r iniiii, .xu. um.iu .. . c......... te A. only Imvlni; Inlerler trlmuiliiKfl. Uriide C, sumo as II. the Koneial lliiisli ami '" 01 job net belim i nne. All this w"r'VTl i uuaraiiicL'ii iui u j,.. j :.-'-'- v. . M 11. Kr, and all work sold en tills occasion Is of our own iniiiiilacliiiu. Wu ihe no I'atent or raelory-made WIkhiIh, but all made by Mr. Jacob Mlley, ene et the linn. Oiiroblecl Oiireblecl Oiiroblecl eii clt Habw and Small I'reUts." Our nrst sale convinced ihe public that tlm w"m nH.'.nn built ter special ale. We will si ll coiillnue .:.."...'.... ,1..,. i. uiiMiiiin urn- WeiiIh." VO 111111(11 "III ii ut. u '"' "."., ., w ul0 3twAaMd NUHIIKCIC A M1I.KV. Burger & Sutten Ne. ill Cenlre uuurn, I.AVCABTKll, l'A. fldyd We have put la a new Englne nnd new lmve botter faollltleB for deles the Weik PROMPTLY Give im a trial and wu ft el ure von will be pleased with Hie work, Lancaster Steam Carpet Cleauiiig Wei'ks, Cerner of Church and Duke Streets. WITAVAAABfi?.0B- llult mul nut Alnuulacluririi. PiTTBDUiie, Pa., April 20. The belt aud nut luauulactureis of the United States have formed a peel for the purpose of rebtrictlug produetiou mid establishing profitable Beiling rates.. A meeting will I be held here about May 1st te tuvihO the rates aud d.BeeuutB, aud te limit tlie time fixed for the puel agreement. . i Bouttncea te be llftucail. Sandwich, Ont., April 20. Lulte Phlppr, ehurged with sheeting hln wife en a ferryboat en the 1-lth of Inst August, was feuud guilty of wilful murdar te day, aud sinteiiccd te be hanged en the 11'Ai of June. new inn. (Jueijitl'.ns by Associated 1're. Mteck.i weak, Slenoy easy at Se. New lerk Central Hi Krle Wl Adams Kxnrt.ii li Michigan Central llallretul Michigan Kmuhcrn Uallread. 93;$ Illinois Central Itatlread l'.'S Cloveland A Pltt-Durcli Uallrnad HI , ClileuueA Kocic Island Uallread HBi l'lttxlmru-h A Kert Wayne Uallread 128W Western Union TeleurapU Company...., tf Teledo A Wabash , 0V New .Jersey Centnil if Vew Verlr Ontnrle WnsUirn tyi lifltlJIAL, TtO VJVBH, MCW Alirr.HTlHltStt.lflH. )i .Mill M,I,K N EXT OOOll TO THK OOUIIT HOIIHK TwobeIboI Yaulcce lliunesi as ke" 1 us new ; nlsoiieiio and iwe norse waKen, iieuriy new. imiulie ut upniKK NO. 112 SOUTH riUNCEHT. J." CALI11VKLI. St CO, I yT am vaasieyTH. FOIIUKI' TUB LADIES' FAIR Tne I'utt" ami lllaliie. New Yentt, April 20. The Keening PjiJ prints u dtfdiihe of .lames U. Hlalue, tMlaybyWru. Walter Phelps. It uIbe replies oditerltilly te Mr. Phelps, virtually repeating Us aojusatiens ngniust lllaiue. vailere el a California Dliiii. San Fhancisce, Cul., April 2(1. Ilecht & Uarelay, oeiumihslon itierehiiutH, failed yoBterday. Liabiliticfl $200,000 ; nominal naaetH, 1G0,000. 'Ihel'cuple Aitmilinru. Many pi-epl-. are astonish' il when they ills co. or the wide ctioulatlen of llieram' IMee- trio Oil. 'Ihenils haidlya ilniK houseln tlm run nt rv t hut. does net lna this leniedv unen Its shelves. Tlie public h ive found It a hee I llilnu and slick te it. Fer nilii bv II. It. tecli. ran, druifKlKt, 1.17 aud l.VJ North Queen street. CITY CORNET BAND Hieu ITlAllTIM. FANCY GOODS FAMESTOCK'S Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, I'ialn. liraliled, Kmbrolderod, I'leited and lluHiled. All slies, lllack and Colored. l.aiKO and attractive slockel this popular wiilBt .new nn exhthltleu and for sale nt KAHNKb TOCK'B. next deer te court house. OP LaNCABTKU, te be held at NKW M .r.NNEItCHOIl II AM,, NOlt'l 11 1'lllNCK BTltKKT. Instead of the hall en the third Meer of the New I'lutoMce llullib lllulun lu ArU'iOH. Pikkmx, ArUena, April 20. 20. publiean oeuvoiition yesterday IJlaine delegates te Chicago. -The He-appointed -AT- Kew Line el -AL80- I.Ul'lN'e Maku 111 no, Medium anil Jet Illack llAietuwu April 2.1, 1MI, In thli city. Harry )'.., third beii et ll. und Klleu Ham Ham eond, In tlie ltlli year of Ills a lie. The iclullvei and friends et tlie lamlty, and nlae iliu uieiuberd or Ht. Luku's Itofermcd 8uuiiay-6oheol aud et Miss Uewney's Janes itreet school, are icspoetfuliv Invited tout tend the luueral from the roitilence et the CHINA HALL. THK I.A.KUEBT LINK IN KAN0Y UOOUB IN DoeorAloi OhlrtP, Dlsque Ware, Bohemian alfiBawarr; OKCUUATKU Tea, Dinner & Toilet Sets. r Bxauilne Our StoeU bolore purebasliiB. Higli & Martin, 15 K.VST KINU STREET, LANOASTKU, PA. CASHMERES. Fiem Lewest te lllyhcat Cost. ALSO LUPIN'3 CKLEUUATKO MAKK Black Cashuiere Shawls i D0U1ILK AND BlNULE. y 1'rlce-IJ.V), 13 60, l.V, 15.50. t0.30, JS 00, lO.ue,, WW, tu.oe and lie.w. E. E. Ealmesteck, liANCABTBU, PA. Next Boer te the Court Heuse. J. E. Caldwell &Ce., Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, Brenze3, Porcelains, Clocks. Imported Fancy Goods. Mall orders nnd Inquiries roeelvo prompt nttontlen. WISA'lllHK IMUlUATlONa. WAauiilOTON, April 21). Fer the Mltldln inir, iw Mrinerly nnnounceil. comiiienoliiK ou aiuhime hhimjb, juir iiuu U,C,..,.,K ., siituiilay KvunliiK, April iW, und uiidlue en uortliWDBterly wiudn, hoeoiuiiiK vatluole, aaiuniay r.venuiK, may in. Bl l!llt OliaUKO 111 lOtlipcr IllIlO. I no Oldcet Te raise funda lnr the purchoae """ """" i of New Uniforms nml lnalrunientH. Keep " "" Tlie ruuiie nciiuuia in iiu.iua. Thore nre 5!;,5i8 Bohel.ira iu the publle Boheols of UoBten, this beIuK a Blight In In In oreaso ever the number Inst year. Hut thore ia a nuxiked decreaBO In the number of youtiKeat pupllB, thoBeof 0 jearaud under having dliuinlslicd Vi per cent., thoae of 0 ycara .T per cent., aud iIiobe of 7 yearu ever 3 per cent. llruwu'n noiiiieliulU i',tiiiicn. Is the most oilecilvo 1'aln Uoatreyor In the world. Will most surely Quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied exter nally, and thereby inore certainly I1KL1EVK l'AIN, whotner ctironle or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and It is warranted dou ble the atrenatu than any ether similar prepa ration. Ituurcs palu lu the Klde, Hack or Jlowels, Hore Thteat, llhenmatUin, Tuolhaeho, and AM, ACIU8, and It) The Orent ltellever el I'Hlu. "HIlOWN'a IIOUSKIIOLU I'ANAOKA" Bhuuld he in overy family. A teaspoeulul et the l'amieeii lu a tin-bier et het wuter sweet preferrndj.' lakeii at bedtime, will IlltKAK Ul A COLU. akcentii nJbetUu. inavl-T.Th.F4w rvr l.ume imeir-, bhie or Cheat, uee biu biu l.ell'S 1'OltOUd i'LASTEIt. l'rlc, ceut ceut Seld by II. l'.Cecluuu,137uuiinw North Quoeu B'reet, l.aneanlMr. toblleoiiu I beuKht uiodlelne In thltteeti etatts, but nothing helped uie till 1 et Ely's Cream Halm. In tour dayu I could hear an well ua ever. 1 am oured of catarrli as well. It IB the beit modlclne orer uicd. Uarrett id id rle. IIiHtliiKii, New Yerk, Kreiu II. K. I.ti'inngr, A. SL, Hed Hink, N. .1. 1 wi h me Borleiiily troubled with catarrh It Hiiilenily Blti-eiiwl my voice. One tiottle of Kly'B in i ii liulm did the work. Jly volce Ib Inily ioteruil.-M. r. Liepuner. cnupnii of ticket, an It boeutcb you achauce en a iiaiiiiBeine iieiiremn mm. All pcraeim holding tleRnU ter the third Heur et the New l'o-ilulllce lliilldlni: can ueu Ilium ut Mwinnercher hull. a'ii Ifd OKUUNll MAY MUSICAL FESTIVAL ! WILLIIB 1IKL1) AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIO, Phil'a. FIVE EVENIN08-MAY 0, 7. fl.OandlO. TllKEE AFTEltNOUNH-MAV 7, U and 10. The Chorus will number. (100 MIX IIUMIUKU VOIUKU. UUO The Orclitttnv 100 ONI! IIUNUHEU l'lJltrOUMKlta. 100 Wnlcli teuellier with tlie lollewlnn most, eminent mid brilliant Holelstf, will present an Kiiflouibleot Unaurpnaaed Excellence : Mine, hlelka Oorster, Mme Funch-Madl, Slme .. i .! ill,,. t IImk.IIh A If llnvllnif ITUUt'lll, AllPB n j liuuiiiu. ana a. it sinwiiiKi t tt,,.a If Ailnnin 1m IMina A Ifnnrr Mr w ,1 UUif niinuin) s viuw tuiwi., - hSMwdoedAw M lionniBen, Mr Max Helnrleh, Mr Ularonce I Hay, Mr ItarUcl Josetty, Mme II Hnneklrk, Mr Clma 11 Jurvli, Meiib MiibIii, Mr It Heiinlir, Musical I)lrocter-y W UU.P11UIST und CHAR ilSUHMlTZ. Ulnitle tickets, lncluilln lleserved Bents, JJ 60, 00 and tl se, aceurdliiR te location, UENEIIA1, AllM183lON fi.00 AMflllTHEATKE M Ticket ofTice at UUTTON A CO. llti Chest nut struct, where subscription tlekals can be obtained en and alter Meilduy, April 'i. Hale nl lni'lu ilekuts couiinencoa Anrll 28111. - - -j- - . . . . . ... .. . . ... Iiiirlnu the may aiusicai resuvai. may am 'te l'.'th tlie Pennsylvania rnlliead will place en sale sxeursieu tiekeis ie runaucipnia aim rit"r"' nW1MnU,,8 10 In the (Iritt)i of a Hurlateu Hand. Mobile (Ala.) llolster. Bluee the burning of the Everlnijlmin the only part of the human body thut haa been found in tue bkuioieii ei u nauu KraspinK a bale or cotteu. Uutweeu tue bones of the llugurH aud the oettou wero several silver dollars. Over a Thousand Dekh. The ontrleH for the oemltiK honeh bIiew of doss at Jladiseu Square U.irdeu, evr Yerk, nre olescd. Tlie numbur of entrlen, oxeIubIvo of puppies, is 1,173. Iho num ber last yenr was 070. nioiners l Mothers I Btutucrs Am you dlsturlicd at night and broken et your rest by u sick child buITerltiK nnd erylnit with the uzcruclalliiK palu of cutting teeth t II se, Keat ence and Kuta botUentMllS. WIN si.ow'HSeoTiUNU aruui'. li win roiievo thu peer llttle BUttorer lnuneUatly depend upon It ; thore is ue mistake about It. Thore la net a niother en nartn who haa ever used It, who will net tell you M ence tuat it win roKUlate the bowels and tve rust te the mother, aud relief and health te the child, op erating like magic ltiaporlectlysafo te use Inallcasva.andplcasint te the taste, and the prescription of ene ei uie oiuuemuu uOTV . . . .. 1.. .hnllnllAiMRtAtAII. fiflM omaie puysiumiu ' " ..,-,- overywlioro. 23 cents a bettle. innvl-M W 8.w Sold MAUliMltt. VOlAVlUAtj. nteiiT- WANTKI)-tH 0,000 ON EIHHT nun nn i. turn, wnrlll SIS (OO. ' ... ."!? " " ""--.,'-.-.' .,,, T-.M Appiyill 11. ,v. r ,, w, tVi-l uABdJtwtl Ne. 87 East King Htreet. . I ritl.ll I.AI1IIIC WALNUT HTOIIK UllUN 902 CHESTNUT STREET. .Lw-jKvrAillirara North yueen stteet i must be lemeve i seen. Annlvlr, 0. II. LKrEVUtS, IHILADJJU'mA. ttlT-Ua Olllce -Ke. 1J7 East KIek 8t r tillsdeipiim emtKin. l'HiLADBLViirA, April M-rieur lield Arm, i . Mint , Hniier liieStute. il Wttit Extra doueaSW)t l'a. family. l Will 71 1 Ohie A lmllantt tiuuHy, WHSrtaWi Minn uxtiu. $1 W fl5 is t BtratKhi, 5 ft5 R7t winter patents, 5i)afl75: BprlnndeW75. li vu nnnriit 11 60. Wheat linn and lalily sotlve i Ne. 2 West, ern Hed. II Uttt.Ne. 3 de, Oie i Ne. 1 l'a. Cern ec'arce uud In poed demand i Bull yel low, i!J0 ! de mixed, Uiu ) Ne. a mixed and vollew. COifiile, ' iinii. itiiv butnulotiNe.SWhllo. Udllke t Ne. 3 de IJtJUXe rejected de, lUtJUHe s Ne. I mixed S'Je. l(yauuiiHiiuu(e. ,, Heeds-Clover dull at OiJIOe i Tlmnthy nominal at II 0 1 Flaxseed qulut but tlrni at 11 70O1 Tl. f lovlsiens arm but quiet i Mess l'erk, 111 0 rlllt UOUNTV 0OMM1H3IONKU. ELI HATTON, of Upper Leaceck township. j-8uivlect te le dceUlea et the Deme, oriule convention lmdAw" 7lirJOUTY, a EO. 8. 1100NE, of Sadsbury township. THubJect te the docUlenof the Uninocretle ceuuty convention. Ieui8-uaw F 701t UOUNTV (UOMMISSIONKlt. ".JOHN 1). cUrlBtlanft, 6aiuibury JLVnidBflt te the (loelsleu et the Heme. cnitle ceuuty convention. flWAW HKNHY V. HAIlTMAN(W"o;llurner),of East Lampeter tewnjbip. , douie- crane l,euhu ih."- fjTouceuwrv coMUtiaiowK ceMUtiaiowK coMUtiaiewK l,nu,..,KV8. ItV-rTEllSON, Ot LltUO IJrl. umee't'u! the decision et the V.fl'"6 oeuuty eonveutlen. iirUdAw M N ;