MMMMMJMaWli -t I .' 1' LANCAST1CK DAILY 1NTJSJLL1UKMCBK THURSDAY,' AP1UL. 24, 1884. ft' '4 " . IV , '? . r IV I . I hft V f Lancaster fufcllfgnircr. TU0I13DAY JtVBNINO, APIlIIi 24, IUU4. P" VAVttH HANOlnufi, . ' ameu w. rnv. TUB WIT WBArON, Ir. lulling 'I nlka About llli Alalll-IUrrcl IIUII. Thin liitorWeir with the Inventor of the great moilnre death tloaler la taken from the Cleveland Jltrald : "Je 1801 I wad living nt Imllanapellii. Til ii war lial broken out, mid the country u nit oteitomont. My uouhe wiib within a few bleakfl or the depot, ntid I wax eften ironeiit thcre whuu voIuntcerH wero de. parting Ter the flilil, mid nine when their dead bodies wero nt Union (diippcd back home in bexen for burial. One siirprlne te me that the nuinbur of meu killed by rdckneM mid iIIhoase wan niore than these killed by ball oruetunl battle. " One day I remember niiioteon corpses nore lauded at the depet ; threo had been killed In battle. The thought then struck in e if ft gun could be Itiventud that would de the work or ft hundred men, mid would require but n few men te operato it, that the horrern of war would be greatly dl dl minished, nud nu eud would oemo much eoetior of every struggle. Slore men oeuld stay at home, mid lives would be saved. The thought took stieu held of me that I coiniueiioixl te work en it at ence. The result was the G.ttling gun. "My flrHt gtiiiH were made in Ciuelnuati, and they would llre from 150 te i)50 shots per minute. I hed six of thorn manufaa tured in 1803, when the foundry wm burned by inoeudiaricfl I suppose rebel -"mpathlzers nod the guim were de " ' Next I had thirteen guns made Btreyi- w thu type foundry in Clo ut what is x KOtlt , , , elnnatl, and the. -of Cincinnati te nor, a wealthy moreUa... "overnmoia Washlugten te powiade the ..overnrnoi t te Introdueo them He took then! w tlmore, wbere he left twolve, and went with the ethers te Washington. ' The chief of the ordnauce department at the tlme was an old fogy He received him coldly, told him he had no faith in his gun, and that he believed tltut-leck mm kcU wero, en the whole, the bout weapons for warfaie. In short, he would have uethlug mere te de with him. My part nor thou left Waahiugten nud returned te Ualtlmore. lien Uutler was there with his troepi. He had heard of the ruuh, anil he asked te see thorn weik. As been as he had dene se he said he would buy them ou his own responsibility, mid did te, giving his voucher ler IS, 000 for thorn. My pirtner had this cashed, but at this tlruothere was u gieat fall In ierk, mid 50,000 hogs w hich no Had packed iu cm euro, with the expectation of a rise, had te he sold. "Iu a word, the break in the market ruinedhim, and mymouey went with him. 8e, ler the tlritt twenty guns I had made at a great cost te myself, 1 received noth ing. Cen Uutler took the guus he had bought with him te the battle of Voters burg and ilrtd tiem himself upon the rebels. TLey created greit consternation aud (slaughter, mid the nes of thorn weut nil ever the wetld N jw they are used bv nil the leading j, ive-ninenta of Euie.n) aid alseiu AU aud Africa. They enabled the tioniquer Austria iu 1S70, theuah the Austriaus had the larger roreos, ami they Bliortenod the war by Gei many aud France se that it practically lasted but a few days. "The Oatling guns are uew male in Hartferd, in this country, and in Europe at Noweastlo en the Tyne. I sell only te goverumoutfi and the United SUUm uses many of my guns. Tliey uew Uke put In all wars and you have seeu the reports of the work tltey have dene iu' Eypt." "Hew (ar will the Uatliu gnu t-eud a I all?" " Frem two t threa indet. Tlie tuw Inproveuionts, which will enable it te be Hied i.ite the mr, are such that the ball, when it falls te the earth, acquirer from the ferce of gravity such a when it reaches tin ground it will pass through u iilauk two indies thick. 'I'll if at a distance of threo thousand y.tid from the place of llring '' " Will it sheet accurately '!" " Vei. IV J e in aim the guu at a plank nailed te nMipert koveral theus.iud yards away, and bj moving the guu rapidly uleui: while llrmg wj eau out a line through the bjard as though it wero Mwed lliilletH et different a Una are used in dlirdumt guns. Ne two bulletH leave the uiiu at tlie same tlme, but when jeu C'liisldur that twelve huudred nheiri can Le tired in ,i minute you will bje hew rapidly and regularly it works." Letter from J. Blulieliu Hiullti, Clerk ul WtuOicmrr Umint), New nrU fur Mine learn. Wiiitk I lains, .V. V , May T, Is'3. I have ter mmiy yours bia-u treniili-ii et tlmudultli muscular iliuuiuiitinin ,iinl plun lutle pains, ami li.ive uluy lemul Alkuck's l'oreuj Phisters te bu quick ami elllcleiit In allenlln lellef. In DL'eeiiiber lint I Ii id an .Utickef Pniu uienln, which led one et my luns In a wi-nk ami eUrcimly M'tmltlve toinllllen, sccoin sccein (Uiileil nt Itmeu with uuveiu pniu. 1 lie nppll nppll nppll mtloiiel ene plustur it'lluvuil tin p.iln In u cliert time, ami t Imve worn enu iIiiumi reu s'untly since, luupiolcLtlen te tliu Hiukened lllllX. 1 liuve uietl Allceek's Pereus I'lniturs for inyuell uuit imnlly ler ever twent ilve jtvini, ill ways w Itli Hpyeily bttuutlclul n-xiiiu. nml I ile net hesltute te ri commend incm for thulr mlldcoiiiiler-lrrltnnt quid, tlen. mid (or their elllcluncy lu relieving nerncDi et tlie lungs anil pulnset ii rheu mallj and iiuuriilule ihar ac or. J. MALCOLM SMITH. IIobiue loelitaln " AlUeck's " Pereus Plus tura, us all uthiii mu wonlilnte Imliutlent. " llu leeks iiUBally ut Ids ilsnks , won't , ileim : BUnds with tils lius wldu Hiiiut, and straddle as liu walks." "IntUiiiiiiHtluii et tint kidneys. Uive him tll'i usual dote or Day's llnrs' mid CiiilKi Pewdiir, mid join home wlil te well Inn Ien itujs." Tlie New Tricycle. This iiiiiclilne Is piopulleil liy Htnaiu, nud will eur y I v, e piople tw unly miles lu tin hour, It UuaPt. It Is I'lltnuu lui entlen but diH's UOt Cnillllllll Willi HuritnrL- Htt.i.,1 1nt Willi Ii u III ....(...I. ii... I. .....1 1. 1 ..I . . . ' iiea'tn PHARES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUHBN BT. LANCAHTKIt. PA. Ve itte butter pmpnreil than vwi l wni' you Our stock et WALL PAPMIS Is litrunr thin luwidolero. our fnice nl inner ImngiT Rrrnter, weiln work promptly mnl lu nrstciuss ninnniir nml our prlces uie lewi-r. H e Oi'Rlii nt tlie lewiwl nriid.1 of piumt Imni; Inns iiiudn, mid go rlf-ht tlireufi the lluu te Ihn Kliiest Kmliesnid (lilts. Unn, Twe mnl TIute Iliind und fidllni; Ih'ioriulens In ISti'sunl Hcxb'iis. IIMII) WINDUIV SIIAPKS hiivci lu'couie very popular, und wy hale u very liindxiinc line te i'lict from In six mid miveii Icel lengths. H r wdoeul et certain iiiiuiIumsIii shndltiK, but our clock Iish bien replenished nml ii nre ready te supply all colors M.'in-iiri-h of wIihUiits tiikeu und shadivs pin up e! nil kinds. lAi K Ct'ltTAINS, I1KI) SPT", 1-AMItllK-(Jt'lNsnml POI.Ks irem s)u up. It Is miner rnrly te talk about WIKK WIS UOWMItKKNH, but noun tee oeii It It n wlsep'nti te Ipive thorn nttc-d lu our win dows belore the nil's nil up jour i-einc He aroieady te take orders In plain and uu.l uu.l senpe lu all sUee. t'ome aud ecu ui FRY'S. NO. 57 NORTH QUEEN STREE1'. 'pint mm. Kit n, ,tw, ffr BEST STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS. M minimal luui nit kitq in Klink lie ly. lewlui phmIs Portuble KiiKllies nil W hwls mid lll. htatlenery KiikIuivi nnd Miillentry Hellers. Portuble Pellers. 1'ortableSnw Mills. lJirue nn '. Small Peili r Kivd Puuips , pump nud henters cetnblmsl Purk, cork uml Cob Mills Pulleys, tfiiutiluK und iieailu;. Cellar Heaters. CnMineilrs titled up. Meiim Heating n fH'clidly. Iren and llrass CivitliiKs iron Tanks ter WutiTiind nil I.lKhtaud Heavy Shift lien Neik Sttiiiiu and Water PIjh'S. lulvesnnd Klltliitfs. Iliilldau stleer Power el liellerii. hitliiiiittis itlien ler inncliliiery llppalrt promptly iindcmelully nttun imi te Jehn Best & Sen, (l'UnrillKl'OU- ) AMV8KMKXVH :re ,. 'Y-rv-rvr r. .OHKl'AlKIII MHOtV. IT IS HERE I NKir AJHKIiriNRMIfNir,, 11 AH Ml A. IIHOTIIblt spring; opening. Xe. 33 Fast Fulton St., IllH lid LANCASTKIl, PA. fliUt I!1UX. VT UllAHll.l.'S, KUIif. AM Vlf.. Ilet Illce. 'e, c and 0c. or i I s, Ov dt list bweet Cern, e auart . WeUurn Heller Heur 7.V ; Choice Heur. iVic ; Kpp's t out in, JOc. drltsl Peaches. sc yj a, : p.iner's llincelnte ic : Pest Lultces, 'lie, Jlf. IV nud I'c-trejdi re.wtiil mid, running mill by steam pr ala fieili ureiiml. I ' liil 'AllAUl' KANCVfLOUU. 'L Oil oil a trl il and be that II It .u he i latins, tint ISKSl' IN TIIK UUIILII II ns .iwarded llui hlhi-st medal Hi Hie hixsltli'ii. Lliiilnniitl h.wdbllliwi and Ohie State I-air. The liciiiilue Tayler's Faucy FJeur UetiilUnt 5ientiper Pound Suk. rOll SVl.h. IU ALL LEAIHSO UllOCEIW. M. V. STKIUEUWALT A: SONS, 'i;. uiits ter I.auc ii-ler. lm MliI IN t II K NK.W WOULD W oil eil itiMlul nmlSACHKH S1AMKSK White Elephant, Kxtll' HlMl llHll), WltllOUl VK1IH I'lllli'l' 111 t lie el all. FOREPAUGH SHOW UliUli will iiiliUdt In all its viul entirety st LANCASTER, SATL1M)AY, AWUIj 2li, lSbi. (in the UreuuiU, iV.IH Of AOKTll QrKKX sr Half ii million dollars ip,inl ler new tentuies lldi eiieu. tint tlme neeii hcie tliewieit tnmpe id M iMKU'Kfci iiu Meers Stil' nil's Own Children of the Desert A full Ai lb llandet MuMcl ins. , rf Uaaitiir of u IUUelephantsi 1,000 WILD BEASTS 3-K1NQ CIRCUS Museiiui el M irvels, Ke'U iu lllppe- dieuic. Half mile Itacc Track, Willi Mut and (.inly 310,000 Sluil English Hai'e Horses I Keuiaii Itaiiis. Liberty Itaces. Hurdle llm", liiiuliii; and lliiu nliiK ICiices. KVKRY RAOB A REAL ONE. Mnt tl'iit neii In the Ven Werd nillittie lll.MHONAKhi IIAUMKU.1. KAMA ilAMK, Ulliim tiilll'ralldl l Ulll.itVe lien ( ointrlcters, Pythons. Anaceud is and Adders are understood and liiiileltly eU-jed b these hiiuianliy hattd i. pMlii The s cred, sUiy Symbol of Main, the Wendcitul WHITE ELEPHANT, Aluuoxpuine et thiiunniU u)viiii tlieunind.i of de Inr, nud jciinul patient and iinuMiilt tint; tlert. 1 lie I le i and deilre le secure thli, tne lillfcA I'EVl' AN l (lltANUKiT .OOl.Ol.l CAI. Acyl Islflii.S OK 111 K NK MOULD, erli.-lii.iled tint wlih me, tu lai back n "Ti. and Irein that lime te tin preient iiiintuiil and llreltMi ell. iris lui e been put forth te se cure ler in v suu ltil.1 wenderlul Wclty or Kusleru l-anil- I The eipen the dts.ippelnlmeiils, tiie.inil culllei the ttikn encountered 111 the Ien,; md wearisome elfeils te el'Uil:. the HOU " .M .M lleI.OK 111 DDHlsllC lll.LlKK.ure m.llterj eftnep.iL n no ti.i rewarded, my efforts and tils PALLID PACHDKItM nr P.U.A.N LANDS, rilh I KLfcSTIAL WIIITK fcLS Pll VNT. The HmUe et Ueyalty . '1 he sym bollillen el Hetty In Heathen llnmei. the Apu et u,e llu It. id .t is lu be ai. en a', e. cry i xulbltliiu et tlie Great ForepaughShewl The lirentiit I adv I'.l.lers In tlie World sKMHlA Ali I .I. lieui ipaln. DKA LS", trein Londen Hebeid I aie t I'O PKKItl.LiS PhltKOi:MKIl-b). Htmviixi- uml. Trained lien. Timers Hyenas. It'itiy Lauieli, Wen lei fill Micnd lultle et Persia. Mere II no Anliunls than all the ihewi in AinerU'-ii. Handsoiue Women. Wild Men Three Arenas eiuul te any FOUIt OKKAT CIKCUS HINtiS r,00l) Opera (.'hairs en the (irainl Staml Pr fcr.I.Ks-i.uid PJKT1C STHEET PA1J.V1JK Kvery toreneou of Ktlilldttnn Uny, ln'twis n '.Viand lu Adii l.ileii, .' centri : children under ' year. i'ctM Kxhildtlen Alterneiii and hvcnliiK at the uu il hour, Arenlc Lti.ius. Preuienadel unci rtsoncheur beluieieuimunc lntf. by tlie Ihrei- ireat bnnd Lew ll.ites anil hiiurHleu trains en all U Ulreads teice the iiriat slum. Ker thecsjiectal iiLCOiiimelullnn el Unties and Children, and all lie desire te aield thu erew dun reu inline the ticket miik'eh en tlie .ihew ground, tUketn wtllboeusulu diirlin li u intlie day til- exhibition Is here a HLRSH & BRO.'S Pcnn Clothing Heuso. ADAM FOREPAUGH, hi: 1 ,.": i!.:. n.t:iw Sole Proprietors. NE-AT DRESS GOODS. Seft Weel l'niKli Tricetlnrs, T.tllct.i Vt'letirs, Panama Checks, Ottomans, Caslimm Plaids, Cashnurc Amaon, 1 rap D'ltalian ami .je-inth Casltnu'tes, in the m-w ilejsii;ns anil colors Drvss C.oeds from 1 2 . te .;; ' , c. n-r y.iril in larr assortment. Cotten Wash Goods, Satim-s, Madras Ginghams, Tnrqueis, Si-ersiickcr and Cluntcs. ' SILKS invitf s)i-cia1 atti-ntien te our silk stock. Hlack Gres Grain Silks from esc te $2.50. Black Rhadrma and Rhadimcrc Irem $1.25 te $3.00. Iixtra (itiatity colored Silks 7 te $1.00. Summer Silks neat 1 hecks and stripes. e 11 11 Tjt.i rtn, pu'h mi int. I A MIAMI Kit AMI M I I.I.I. IIMV I I.I I'. J Lam run as IoIIehm Lenm Lnmuiler (P. II. l'epel),ut 7. II nn. . n. iu , mid -.', , II utul ,ki 11. in , enept en tutuiiluy. when the Inst cm leuviHiit ti-kiii. in Leiive MllleiHVllle (lewiii eud), at A, d, nun 10 n in., uml I,. I, AitmUp. in. Cms mu dully en iibevn tlinii tuiepl en Hlilidiiv. ' 1IIKMVAI J VAI.I.Kt MLALK L,VVl)bc nave always u stock-large lines efHlaek Goods, which were ,mr chased direct from the importers, mclndmg silk warp Henriettas, Hiarit, Otteman cloth, lhadi mere, Jersey cloth and Batiste cloth. Alse, a full line of Black French Cashmeres, of direct im portation from one el the best manufacturers. .e te .6 inches wide, in Jet and Blue Black in all the qualities, from .ec. te 1.25 per yard. Courtland's Crepes, Black Thibet Shawls. We invite examination. 1.. i.i'iiiami.n .v iiii.r.iiiiiie UA1LI.OAI) TIMK TAIILI.. NeinruwAiii'. Trains leaie Lebmieu dully (enept hun day) at l .i a 111 , und 7 p. in. Aillle nt I 01 nu nil 11 1 I. Ill 11 in. Ii. 17 11 In I nud 7 HI P. in ; ut ( oni'iie ul 7. Ma in., I : nun K .si 11 ill , eeiilieeiitii' w nu llm I'eiins) Minlii nil 1 1 1. ml rm points hunt and Went. MeiiriiwAiiu. Tinlus lenie 1'oiiti'iun.eni 7 .via. 111., n-.iiiaii( d.fip. 111. Aiilmut Ceiunnllnt H 15 1 111., IIS mid u 1 1 p. m. 1 nt Lebmieu at . ki 11. in , I .kiuii.l ii-U p 111 . ceiiiucllim ill Lebmieu Willi Philadelphia A III ndlin: inllrend lei pelnlx Last and Uml, uml the Lebanon A Tleinelit lumii Ii te: Jeluu low ti, rinej-ieve mid T letneiii. The li.llil it in, I111I11 will slop iinl nl Coin Willi. Colebieok mnl llelhtlie HAGER Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, -fOtl M. UlVLKIi. & BROTHER, LANCASTER. PA. CVM.UMlllf IK l-lllll TIMh A X no a 11 Irnlm in-" 1 nu .ivilarii Pert II isw.i UnllKiud Uluut i" 1 - 1 1 M.l. I ' " l el . 1 . Mm Inllewli 14 KOUTIIWAUn. I STATION!. I LU. r. KATIIVO M 188tl.8PKING-18S-l, CARPETS ! CARPETS ! JOHN S. G1VLKR S: CO. have the best assortment of new and choice patterns of Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, All-wool Three-ply and All-wool Kxtra Super Carpets, in this city, ana enty in rename nuiKes, at tne very lowest cusn prices ler tne best quality goods. Alse lull line el Heme-made Rag Carpets. Clean Carpet Rags taken iii exchange pets. Call and sre our 'oeds. tnge for car- r. m n.-ai .4i 7i0 7W 7:1. 7:17 7ra 7J7 7:1 7JW f: A.M. A M I0.,tt .... lU.fsi . . ID:!.? ... 11: llsuu ll.'JI .... U: .... 11:; ll:.w Il .... U :.--'. U-Oft 7:111 Hai 7. r. m U III M,(l iu.aa 8..M ....C'eltiiiibtM.... W iiKlitlixteti . .. (Jnwviel ... Hille Maitxii .Hhiuik's Kiuiy. .. ,reiien erl r iirniiin. ....Tuciuau .McCall's Keiry . rile's Kddy .. .HshtmtClcek, Peach llolteiu. .. (Jone lii(e... Orternm ... ...l'eit Ueiswlt. . .. Periyvlllu... HOIirllWAIl!' r. m A.M I- M k an ft:.M)i hoi cv.ri. s ej 5 ;n , 7 it- r. 17 7 III Mi Mli: f (if 7.M M. 7.- Rim 7 V I M 7-ltl I I.I 7.l. -.M I H7 l.:l fl.ll til ti ' I Hfi I irji KVN 1 311 7f 7:W 7: 717 1)i:a Cll lllll-IOM KAII.MAt. On nud alliir MIISIMI, JAN. 17, Ie8 tluluawllli islolletin- TKAI.SH UOINll KAST. JOHN S. G1VLER & CO., LUA M. DeiseyV Kliliini Kulteii Heuse. Milte Heck... AlllllVK. Oilerd Phllndulphla Ne.l A.M. 7Hl ;n 7 10 n hi H IA lir.' Ne 3 i Ul : m 1 3 iii sat. only N0.6 f m. Hal 'MO U..U TUAl.Nnl.Ol.NU hl lie: Hi D.W OXE Plill'h' Dili' UOOPtt A XD CAIIPET IIOUE. LANCASTER, PA. NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, neui:iti .b iiuu.-"T. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. NOW IS lllr. llilh in SI IKK lellil'l lti.ll -hS I K LIlMIIIVl, NK.W ANII CHOIth I OPKNh l. INCH. lUMi I.AItOh AUIKT Ol HUKSS (,OOH1 .ll'MT l.KIIAl. A(Ht'J-.. llrtlKKlnl til carry the Invalid alum,' the toad te te beat nil. Ker mile by II. 11. feehrau. t. 1.17 nml 13U Ninth Om-en ulueu ' I.MTAlr, llr (JAII1AKI.NK K KK..Ni:ii, ij latu 01 i.uncaster city, la., dtnaited Letters tcstauiuntnry en said rntati) liaMni been nmtel te the uiii'crh;ncl, all tHitsoiie Indebted therute are riueniel te make Immediate, piyuuint, and tho'e I11M114 claims or di m iiuts aalusl the f.itue. will pre- fi'iit them w Itheul delay Ter sell elm nt te the undersigned, resldlim lu Utuuisler City. Pa. M SAN Mr. IIAUNhs. hxetutrl.1. (no. A. Lam;, Alt'y. inl-iitde.iw CAltl'KTH. Ainerlcttu Art, Photei'mpim, hnenivliiKs. cte.. can 1hiit '. .'VV y "'! will' wdVi ilmih At CoieT: iiiiiin. ireiu iiiuiiKind l)yu. fiill dliecilinia ler this buiiillnil nn win' k, will! ii laii.lS ,, epleied photo nenl'10 ni y u.l Vi t01 10 cenu. KLLS A UlCil AltD.SON A e . "iminnteii. Vt. li 1. u llcliuvti it. That lu this town there 1110 m-eres et peiHens peastUM our Hteiu every day whose it,.g IU miulu uiliMirubln by Indigestion, lyi.eii,lu Heur und illstreiwetl Hteiuach. Llui- Couil Philnt, (Jousilpiitlen. when ler 75. we will mill them BIiIIeIi'h Vllullritr, Kiiiminleed te euro I """ ."I'lbyH. ll.Ueehi-mi. ilniKKl"!, Nej. 137 und Ninth Uiieeu vtiiMiL liilil -eVli Mmt la It Ouuil for' 1'SIAI'r.OK HfcMlV.I. lOL'M), j Uinctslerclty, deed Letters etadmluls tiallen eusuld estnte lia.ln been Kninted 10 tint iiuderslttued, .ill pel -ens liuiclitid then te me ri''iueti-d te tiuikii Immediate payment, and thoje liiivlni; cl.ilmi erdi-mauds ni;aliint the came, will pit-scut t lit-1 1 1 wltneul delay ler hcttleuieiil te tlie uuileialxnid. lcsldtlit; lu Luncastiii- city alert-Haid hllAN il. OU.NO, Aduiliilstriltrll. (. N. i-uiiil, Alt'y. B.M-otilenw 1.'S1A1K Or IIKO. .1I.iTKIMI.V,LatI. J Lancaster, dcu-iiH-d. Letters teslmneii. Inry en said estntp hnvliiB been uranti'd te tlm undundnncd, nil persons Indebted thereto ute reiUL-sted te iniike Immcdtate payineiit, and these lmvliiK claims or diimands UKalnst the Maine, win prc-ent li:em witlieut delay for vetllemunl le the uhiluisli'iicil, residing In thu city of Lancaster. OhOKliKSTKINilAN, OtOUUK M.ntANKLIN. aprli-etdeaw Kiecuten AHSIONKtl MTA1K OK WATMN II. Miller nud Wile, el I ancaster City, .an cnslm ceuir)-. Hulnen II Miller mid wile i.r l.ancjister City. hiMnu'liy dctd et leluniuty unnlKnment. dateil Al'ltlL 1. Isai, nsslKned and transferred all thu estate uml i-llectn or siilit Wiitsnn 11 Miller te the uiiuersluned let tlm beiuitlt et thu creditors el the raid W ntsen 11 Mlllei, he tlirirteie lvs notice te all iiui iiui (tens Indebted te sld asilKner, te make pin inent lelhu underitlKneil wltlieul dulny, and these li.ivlnu tliiliua te present them te CHaULKs M. HOWKLL. AphIkmcii, 13'.i Neitn (Jucen ntreet, Luniiuter Cliy. npr&-otdenw jii.suj'i.i.Ayiwu. Lctuslell you whin Dr. Tlieimu' helectrie Oil la Ken.1 ler. II Is death te 1 he mutism mid ueuiiiIkU. Il will euro 11 burn, I .1 or d und scii unity bue I ler tprH 1" J-,,r a by llU'g" """H,Ut' '" "" " ett MAviiTtfiTur, ' HAV1NU IMSbOI.VKll 1'AHTAKlU.llll anil potmaueuily olesetl the Uliustnut fcttoetlron Works. UtVialre te Inieriu n,y ld pntrens nml the publle KeiiumlliWIiiitliiin atlll lu tliu bUalnons.beliiKowitSl Intl i l'J u, Iren Cempiiny'H Werk." Nerm IMiim biieul wtiorelniuumklnif Iren nml line Cuatlnin OloTei-vdostrlpllou uml will be pleased Te eervu nil who nmy mver me with milr putien uke. Freune yeura oxperlence lu tliu liuslncaa tuni ualnir tliu buat11murl.1l mnl euipleyliiK the beat ineclmnUa, 1 mu witidleil 1 emi niiar niiar niiar unUioeutlrontlamctlou. UiuttliiKH lundn irem a ta xture el Iren nml nteel which ure niore re liabie for BtrunKtli utul iluniiilllty than thu beat caat Iren known. V leetli roll pltilena. roll anil relllnt' nun work a aitei-hilty. c'iut-1 luf-a madu el very nett Iren, uml bnwa uiat Inga el overy doaeriptlon. 1 huvu ull the nut. tern uf tlie well anil tuyenibly known Alewmr Cern and Cob Cruaher, re fit ted uml Improved AUe en luunl, uiUla completoJy ilttesl up or In purls, te roplneo old onea whleli liuve boeu In uBOloryeara.Muarautoolutf thorn te uive fcjlACUOIl. ftUSJi-Oiad U. 0. HeQVLLXY, K ISTAlll.lSlir.O 1830. NEW AND KLB3ANT PL-HTSl NEW AND ELEGANT PLAID ALL WOOL BEaEd I i-ew und Elegant All Weel Onahtuore Bo,rea Oboleo Shadea In All Weel Otteumns. Oholce Shnriea In Albatross Cleths. Oholce Shudea In Nun'H VellinBa. Oholue Shadea In All Weel OtiBhniorea Oholei fhtulej In Bedy Caahmorea. Ele.ijant Llnea In Dreea Geeda in Lew Prloea from lOe te 25c. We nover have ofl'erod a Flner Aaaortment of low prlced Dreaa Geeda than we de te-day. We olTer the beat All Weel Black Oftshmorea at 15e. 50c, 05e, and SI per yard. We olTer the beat aillc Warn Honrletta Oletha at 31.00, 81.25 81.40 and 81 65. NEW SHAWLS I NEW SKIRTS ' EVERYTHING NEW NOW OPEN AT BOWERS & HURST'S Ne 'J Ne 1 A.M. V.M 9U'i I (.' II 10 7ln II 17 7 m IJIM nil. 1: U (U-. iiu c a Men. only Neil A M. I.HAVK. l'lilladiilpltla Oxlenl Whlle Itoek Kill ten lloucie Kideni AlllllVK. HereJ's .M1..-1111UI e. 1, trains will ship enl hikuiisi 1 laliKieiiiiii tat HeiKei'i. ullliln lllllllitu A foil It. It. Tllllusleuleth. diiet,llMKiilticlniiil nshliiirteu in. nin nl 7 ".'l ' ' -"P.M.. mid an lienl .' 17 I' M. and s p. si 1 i,.Ket Iiemi all itittlmii te I'liii.i, delHlla and ll.iUlniele tin nle l.y the e-idm Vir. J. A Al.h.XA.MlKIt Siii.t ttlh N II tilO I. ia I. II when l)KIOOl I.Vl N I n. X MCIIKOUI.K On It lll.IH'AO Ml". , Alnl -f r hli-lni iiiMn.iiiir.iili.,iJsi, irsitis e 1 the I'm ti,y V'i. lUillitxiil win uirln nt mid l.m. th' I.iiu--.. nn, 1 pi,!' .,1 ,1 hiii. lupaiuini in' v.- 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. VIAITIUXI. . L'lKMsniMiuiMins reu EASTER. Loweh Scarfa, Club Hetise Tlt-H, Latest Style Cellara. The Royal Shirt, Rheln Stone Studa, lillllhuil as Ulamendi at ERISMAN'S, Ne. I" WEST KINO SrilKKT, liitY uevim. J."- 5IAHTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN & CO. s MlAl.tNU IIAtS.UA.. CARPETS -AT- Philip Selium, Seu ifc Ge's 100 SOUTH WATER STUEET, LANCASl'KK, PA. IS eh.-e a lull supply el l:,(j AM) KILL 1NU LAilPhl'.s. u only imu the host el yurns. II you want a Heed, bervlceahlu Cnrpet, pleiue aud exuiiiliie our stock before purcluulUK elMiwheiu, in e will ull us cheap as the elienpeNt. (.eiiui und sie ler J euri-i-lf and lieceiiMiued, as wualwavs have the rupuu rupuu Hen 01 mukini; rlrul-cluss Ciirjiuu. CT'Sl'OM KAU CAItl'KTS A SI'KUALTV CONhllLKTS. UOl'NTKUPANKS, I1LA.N- KKT. tAlll'hT CHAIN, bTOCK l.NU 1 AKN, Au. Ueiiu tu all Us branches tit short no Hyelni; lice. COAL! COAL I Ol the best (jnallly, expressly ler family use. THY A SAMPLKTO.V. HKMKMIJEKTHK OI.U ST.t.Ml. PHI UP SCJIU3I, SON - CO'H. Ne. IWSsOUTH WATKIl STUKKT, I'J Und I.ANLAHTKII, PA. " W"f'N. ' A"TlBK Ol.r-AHMAVAMA "l.? . ,."ur LUuru ler 4 tenls, I (iujwiiite 11 I Ihem te de surti. ' . llAUTMAN'ti KI.I.OW KIIO.NT tlUAIl bTOUK. ifltWt"KU,y N(J IU sUlf'll PHIN( K aiui.r.1. uuim iliuriun&isu Ainu khiaik J. AUENT. HENRY SHUBERT, AUCTlONKKlt ANI IlKAL KbT.WK AUKNT, 01 North Duke St.f LanoaBter, Pa. Kverytlilnir pertulnlnir te my li-mineM will rotelvemy poibenaluttoiitlon. Terma reiueu uble, 01u ineacall. iuili-tm GllAYn ni'diirie rnr.iuullSB. tiik .r-V0"; K"li" Homedy. An uiifullliiK fniinJ ri,,l",' mia ul1 'iene tluit ieW 1 ??.'. tx!'w'Vl UulviirHiU 1.IUWI. .." l'..n ,n Ul0 "lW!l. HlinneH et e.'h ."r"...1 ruma.t.ure . 01, AKO. and innny ether disease that leud te linmnlty or LlTu- een'iViVi"!.'""1 tt ''" U rnv. "?u II par Ueular In our iminplet, which we ileslru te iV"i'. tfl,,1tV mini ui overy one. Thu Up octfie aresrii'iie,,1""1 ' u, "ji'Vmt: n.i0?imci'in,tu.0,u?ounlerfolta "oliave adept. VA" JJuUttlO, Jv, T, 1IUUKU AMU HTATIONXUl I I.A.IK IIOOKi AM) HTATIO.MKIO. JOM BAER'S SONS, 16 and 17 North Queen St, Blank Beeks & Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, WIUTlNli KLUIUS ANUlNhB, mm & Bailsman, MOURNING GOODS AUK A SPECIALTY IN 1HK Dress Goods Department. AND K IIAVK A rtLL LINK ASH VAI11K1I sTOCh or Bluck Henriettas, Black Nun's Veiling, Black Satin Soliets, Black Ottomans. Black Oashmeres, Black Albatross, Black Brocades. K 11 w unit Mnll Kxprust. l'hlladelplda Kipriwi ruut LI110 Hnriisbuiit K'"vs Yerk Accommodation urrH.-s . . Lnncjuder Acietrc lat.011 nrrtvi. Columbia Accetuwcsi Jen I... rrrsliirlclt AfyeiiiinihinttMi nrrlves l.e'k Huve.i Lapikhs Sunday Mnll Johnstown E.pnt Day Kxprefts lliirrtsburi; Aceoiiiinixliulen A M . n f x M .'s S;V 1UI r. x. I?M J I.1 0 ii- t.: 1 7S-e-Ji II . 3 11 '1 1 CI i-.t in Hanover Acton. ino.!aUen west cmtiis.-tii-j at Uinciuler wlOi Mu-ruru Eiimmi at Mil! will run IhreiiKl. te Hanover dally, ii-.iiii auiulny. rreilericu .cnn r.o.h.iien, w.', ..1. nt UinaiaKir wltn t ni l.luu, wiui, ..1 J run threiiih te - u-rie-:. "iUn e, will ivmrwiim. NewsXiprem Way Passenger Mu.ll Tmiu, Ne. I, via. Alu.ley Mull Train, Ne. 2,vlaColuuibUi1n:iive8 IMlafpiru Ki press llanevur Actoiiiiue-lrl'. u leuvmj... riut Line rrclnrtck Accomiilixlalleu Icaiveyi.. HntTtaburx Accommodation LancJisler Accoiiuinxhillen luuej Columbia ArcemircdnUnn Ilarrtabuiv hxprend Wostern htprivM Pncltle Kxpre-n t:.e. Ar. "fUlilLiin A M I ( 7!tJ V'i'i 11 lu 1 w. 2.11 Vi' r. " it 1 II 3- A.U 0 H . V I Jf. 1 15 I. If. 7 7 40 II lf 1. J, FINE 'I'AILOKS, II A V E HEM 0 V ED TO Ne. 121 North Queen St., And will lie pleased thulr Kli-taul block el te have you exumlna SUITINGS, Etc., -rOH-SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. Wur-lVdTu.ThA3 13. H. MA11T1M B T TUB SIGN OF THE BOOK. riKAUIJUAIlTKU') roll TIIK INDIAN MED1U1M, KA-TON KA AND MODUO INDIAN 011. -AT- LOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO. a KAUT JllNU BTIIEKT, LANOASTJJH,l'A, Wholeaalo and llelall DuiUer In uli klmle et LUMUKil AND COAL. rani : Ne. 4 North Wnteraad t'nnte strixild ttlxive Lomen UincjwUir. nJ-lvd AlIMUAHUNKtM AI JKKf r.lll K.i. COAL DEALEHS. OrKlCKS. NO. 21 NORTH guKIIII 8TRKHT, AUD -Ne.JWl North 1'iiimcu bTimrrr, YAIID9. Nebtii Pbikch bTKKirr. kkab Ujiad mu Dm-eT. LANUAiSTKlt, PA. ntiKlO-tM jneAi.. M. V. J3. COIIO S50 HUUTH WATKUHT., iMncatirr, Ml,, Wholuuile anil Itutull DeaJnrn In LUMBER AND GOAL. Uoenectlon With the Tnlephenla Kiclutiiice. Yiirtl nnu Offlce Ne. lO) NORTH WAT It HTKKKT. InliW-Ivit Certuuld's Black Crepes. Black Dress Silks. BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS, in Square or Leng. BLACK HOSIERY, for Ladies and Children J. B- MARTIN & CO. Cerner Wes King anil irince Streets. Lancjistcr, hi. VAlimiH, XV. HarrlabiirK Kxpiiws, nii-h n uen l.unnuiler at 7 I" p in., has direct uuimx-Uetm (without cliiuiKoerairs) t j Columbia rind Yerk. TUMI Line, wiut, en nundny, wlii-i llfiKidd Will nleriut De wnlntrtiiw 11, Ceuti-4 vllle, 1'li kw. burK, Mount Jey, KlUnbethUiwn mid mid. 11. . town. Day Kxprejs, Pnst Line, News hxiiress. Mull Truln, Ne. 1, Western Kx preen and Pu Itlc Ki press run datlv. Tlie II 1110 here (,-lven Ii AVurrii linie.ttr that et tlie "Mil mei Idliui. w like Is 1 milium and J second laater than that herolelore ne.l L UAL 31 All, riM'-l. LlUIItti'H U.tltl'KT MALI. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! -AT NOT I UK. llavliiK Held my 1 ullie Interest In thu coal business te Henry Htunych, 1 usK the con tlniiKiiO) et thu sumo llbeiul iialienucu ler my successor. PHILIP (JINDKIl. mil chased eh nud by Put lluvlni; eeul yard lutely thu Hip Ulnilur, Cor. Andrew and Seutli Water Sts., I am piepnted te luriilsli tlie very bestkludsel Geal for Family Uae, which I will tleltver, curelully wulKhed und screened, te any part el thu city nt the lowest market rates. Orders by mull or telephone tilled promptly. Orders loll nt Ne. HSSeutli (jueen stu-et will iccelvu prompt uttuiilleu. HENnY SMEYCH, nprlMind lVKHY VOTKIl WRLUUSIK, Whether Hepubllcun or Diunni-iul, le cull nnd sts) the best Werklnu Punts. Overalls, vtnrklnir Bhlrts nnd Jackets, umde by thu KAI.I.IU 1.1, MANUKACTUItlSU COMPANY Kvery pair warranted net te rip. Alse u lull line el Ladles', Hunt's nnd Misses llesn nnd Notions uenurully cheaper tliuu ever. 4-Huidlnir slenu und sand lorsule. Hemes ler sale or rent, IMyd Ne. i: North Ouwm Uirtet, SHIEK'S OAEPET HALL. Seiling Oir te Cleso IIubIiicss. Kverythlng Must rositively lie Sold. A full Llnuet IIODY llltUHSKI.8, TAPKSTIlY, unit All Uradei of INllltAlN CAItPhld. ItUUb, lILANKKTa.COVKlll.KTaandOIL CLOTH. f3T ALL AT A SAOIIIFIOE.-X&l Prompt attention Klven te the Manutuctnroel llui; Carpets te elder. -AT- SHIRK'S CAEPET HALL OOR. W. KING AND WATEK ST8 febri iindiiw ) LANOASTBR, PA 'I'HK I.A.NOAbtr.ll CARPET CLEANING WORKS. OAHPKTrtCLKANKDON IMIOMIHKI TIMK, without reKurd 13 wuuther. (let your Curpets cleaned with IhuHTKAM CLKANKll Ii veu wunl Ilium leturnud Free irem Dust, Free from Meth, On Premised Time, Brightened Celers, Ne Injury te Oarpete. PRICES, 3 OENTB PER YARD. CALLKD roll AND DKLIVKKKD KKKK. Olllce i WITH I.AN0A8TKK OIKIAN yAOTOUY, Cox's Building1, Cerner Church and Duke Streets. uim i. - XI AHNOLD. VLUatlUNU AND UAH JflTTINII. m ajx J PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, HTFinest Werk, Best Workmen. Leavo your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Nes. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HOIKS KORCLOhlNO TIIK MAILS ly llHllrimd New iuvic tiihuuiiu mn fi.ue und 7 JU u, in., ii.i p. in., 5 1 p. in. and .'4Ja. tu. Way Mail, eiut," ;en. m Hen mmiteh.s, i.cauiau Plaiuiiud Oup, Ij 1.i p. in. PlIILADELrUIATIIKIllUIII MAIL fp Ml and i Kill in.,:nn. in., 1J..IU, 6.1.1 and 'Juiu. in. PlTTHUl HO AN0 M WT, 'J (JO U. III., IM lllld IU 15 P. III. II AUIUBIIUIUI MAIL, hlHj lllld 'J l)ll. Ill , I il, Ii l), 7;n mid 10.43 p. IU. Wav mail, west, 0. i il and 9 no a. in. llALTiueim amu Wamiiimitum, via Phlludel jililu. a.iai ji. in. llALTlMOIUS ANU WaMIIMITUM, l.lOlk, I JU p. in. llALTIMUUB AND WAKIIISUTOH, VIII llliri IslllllK. 10 I'i p. tu. llim inIIanii. Chrlntlanu, Paikenhuri;, CeateHVllle und Den iiIiikIewii nt li Ml p. in. (.'(iLi'MiiiA at U ki ii. m. I ) and .1 ini p in. VeiiK ami yen wav, I'Juuiid 10 I'i p. in Mpiitiibun ckmiial, u.00 u. iu.. 1 .1) and 10 l.'i p. m. ItKAIllMI, Via ItUAIllMI ANII I'liLI'MIIIA It. It., 7.IOU. in. und 12 10 p. in ItHADimi, via Philadelphia. .r;it) and IKiOpm IlKAMMI WAY, Vlll JllllCtl I. ItlU, "llil.Il- helui, Kant lliiuiplleld und Kphtata, J IA p. in, QUAKlirviLLK, Caimiirite, New Pievldenei), Went Willow, MurtliiHvllle, lletleu nnd I. line Valley, U 15 a. in. uml 5 00 p. in. Nuw Helland, Churehtewn, (in enlmnlc, lllne Hall, Uoedvllle, lleartewn nud HpiIhk drove, by wuyel U.15 p.m. uml 1 1. ") p. in. Haiti: Haiuier, via Cnluiuhlii, Mu. in. uml 5:10 p. in, ly MtHRe-Blackivuter uml bule Ilia her, dally, ut I.UOp, in. Te Mllluravllle, Hand II :in a, in. uml 1 1. in Illiikluv'x llrldue. Lea took, Iliuevllle, New Helland, 'J.30 p. in. Willow Htreut. Sinltlivllle, llnuk, L'hestuul Level, Ureen, Pntiira' Cieek, 1'leiuaiil drove, Iteck HprliiKH, Knlriiieiint und Kewluudavlllu, Md dully, ut 7:10 n. in. Liinnla' valley, Oregon, Went Kail, Kiirui (irnville. NellHvflle, lllnklutemi, Toire IIUI, Slartlndiile, dully, ut '1 J'l p 111. Ureenhiml, t'eitlllly, Lu1nputerul.1l Miuut laud MIIIh te Utrushuii, dally ul I p. 111. Nuw Danville, CenestOKU, Murtlevlllu, Cole Cele uianvlllu, .Mount Nehe, Uiivr!lnvllle, lie thi'Mdu und Liberty Hiiuru, dully, ul '.';yi p. m. Ou Hundiiy uvuuIiik, uiulln eiul und wtit ClUH Ul 10.UD p. III. tvi:i.N (ipkn 1 011 Arilvlnic by fllull KiwUirn mall, u.W n. m . 10 00 11. in., 3.C0 nnd n-ai ji. 111. Kuuturn way niull, lu.ieii in. Western mail, (J.JO and 10.00 11. in., '.'.no uml 7.00 p. in. Ileiullni;, via licadlu uml Columbia, 2.3 J P. in. Western wuy mall, S.'M n. in, HeuitliiR way mall. lOiJeu. 111. (juiii'ryvllluUrnncli,8.ISn. m. nnd 1:00 p. re t Arrlvlui; by HtHge Krein Bulu Harber nml Hluekwutur, ut U.en 11. in., dully. Kieiu Mlllenvlllu, 7 und u. in and I p. in. Krein New Helland, ut O.JOu. in., dulfyi Frem HolaniUvllie, Mil., ut 1 01 p. in. Ueudliitt way mull, ut 10 M n. in , dully, Krein HtrunhnrB. ut U;J0 n. 111., dully. Krem lluwllnxvtlle, ut 11:00 h. ui, Kieui Terra IIUI, at lO.Ce a. in. DKI.IVKUIKH IIV UA11HI1UI.1. Thnre uie thrce mnll dullverlen by Letter C'urrleru eneli duy, uml ou their return trlpi tliey tuku up the mull uiutlur ilcpestled In the letter bexen. A collection la made Irem ull the bexen ou Hundiiy ulter 4 no p. in. Ker the rtrst dellvery the currlers lenve tlie olllce ut 7:00 n. m. 1 uecend delivery at 10:00 u. in. 1 third delivery ut J.11O p, 111, ,SUNIAY POSTOKI'ICK HOUll", On Btindny the postenico Is open Irem April 1st te Octebet iBtT irem 8 te u u. in., and Irem 0 te 7 p. in. i I nun October iBt te April Ut, irem 9 te le h. 111., and Irem U te 7 p. in.