. Tyl fittf LAN0A8TEK AJAILV INTELLIGENCE!, rtHOBSPAY APRIL 24, 1864. ' t -. h COLUMBIA NKWS. KMIui.Alt tlOUKKMI'UNIII'.MCK I'Mn AlDUK III" Bliiili-liiiiitiiilleillH or liilnrru in nml .riiuiiil dm llnriitiKh Plvlit-il up y I tin lntmllKrncir Iteimrtrr. The moieh.u.U still frut evor tlm Injury biinn (kine them liy the ciiiiik man wlm ih Kelliiift mil fpietiilii nml clenks en the installment plan Fur liH articles liu io ie culvcs twioe in much ih tliey HID Sold .it the It'tfltlmutu pliuej of business it In i nnk injustice te iiur iiiorehauts te allow hiiuIi operations UK UlChU k '"" '" "'" town. Tliey may hem tlirutilieub tlie ear, let business be dull or brisk, mill yet ti. jmii net) U ulle.vud te oeiiiu linre mid iiijitie their business without doing any Ked te the town, liu s'luuld lu " moved en." A Mulsmica A hated, A. (le.ul detf wusiomevod fiein llriiuui's coal banln vcsterilay by the HiipervlHur el the IViiusylvaul.i ciiinl. The ulilef bur lesii of town wni llrst iietillcd el the priiHoneo of the dead unliniil in the li.uln nml asked te h.ive it leiiteecd. Mr. Iltiober councilman lieni the Second wind, consul, ted the law relating te the bui ouch's 0:110 of the canal mid found that the oleiihtliiuts of the basin ie'IimI with the canal coin pany. The Mipcrvmet of thu company was therefore nrdeicd te lotnevu the body, which he did. Mem it Kvnntt. A. larire iiuty was held hist evuniiitr at the residence of Mrs. Isine I'eruw.ilt, by the nii)inlirii of Kivuside Heme Ne. -7, It. U. (II. V ) (J. A. Tluire were ptusunt Mlxty seven persons, ladles and irniitlemeti. Tlie ull.ilr was 11 very pleasant uiu mid was continued until utter miiluitfht. Cel. W. Newton lluiolieur and (l.uih (l.uih ler, of Westen, M., in vlnttin Mr. J. A Bl.ule, IiIh brother in lnw, Mr. Untitle) Hupplcu's uhidviioe en Lo cust street wiih the eceuu el a very plcas iiut sociable last evening. Mt8. Leu Muiphy, of Fuolield, N. J., lit the truest of Minn Fuuiiie I'ieree W111. It. (Iiveu, Chi , In the proud fathur of an hulrcHH. I'ublle Imturtnliiinriils. The cot)Krei;atioii (T the Second street Lutheran church held itu tlitrd sonl.tble l.ict oveiiinc; after iraer m utlnx had eiileil. It was a veiy plc.ismt .ill.tlr. I'm object, like these prcedliu it, nan te t;ive tliu members of the uuureh an eppm tuuity te bocetiio belter iiciju.iiiittnl. James .Ionian and partner wen the prUe 111 wnlkitij; at the oeucoi t held by Mt. ion A. M. C church, last evening. Toe outer laiuincut wan attended by a f m sl.ed audleuce. Tonight will l.e held in th ) armory what will probably he 0110 of the most pleasant evcuts el the Heasuu S'. I'.iiiI'h 1'. V., chuiuh reception and sociable. Osceola tribe of Hed Men will held a meeting In liu wigwam thtH evening. The invitations fei Ce. C 'u hitniiut have been issued. Ilulldlni; liii.retuin itln. The residence of Mr. II. II. Ileise in liuvitii; extensive imprevunchts made en its interior. In addition tepartH of it beiiiK reineilclLil it m bciiii; lepaiutcd threiiKh. The woedwoik m all leing painted and grained te imitate black walnut, It will be a handiemu rohideuoo when it 0 tnus from the liatnlx of the urtieaiiH. Mr. A. .IcK-nl'rt htoie 111 the epeia heuse has been ueuiii'Lted by an uiuli with the room feriuuily iieuupiud by Fe.tir'n keii tlemcu'H luruitihiuK oedtt ntue, both of whieh roeuiH will new oeiintiiu'if JeniierB bazaar. I'eriliij; tliu llll. A fancy card Ut.i has heliiicd olio of our boekitollerit that an a;'iil will call en him iu May with xaiupli-H et Cluibtman cardH. That dL.iler m diaibiliMH .1 man of euteipriHO ami mauaitiH tu mirkul Inn goedii early, but thru he Mi.u. I lumember that he in " riiHhiu" the s.- is n. .-lulling ChiiBtmaa cards 111 May 1 hardly toaseu able. Kuuiiil the 'I wu Shad aie net abundant an yit, but home line upceimcun are te be ceeii. Tlie best neil at from il te il.'iO per pair. A Might acoldeut te a northbound en Kine el the Krederick railroad dotnined tiaii t en that read thin morning. Till-trees aie beginning te ubew their l(..leji. A II. -.HUM) III K Kl-Vll tlie 1 I KlrrkrMti Te Uu III veil liy l.ille in rtuclety. A beautiful hiIIc Hag ban bjuuordeiod by the Liederkrau. hociety from llerHtm.iuti IJre.s. .fc Ce., or Philadelphia. The II ig, which is te be of blue nilk,llve by hit loot, bears en the obvmse a laurel wreath, en circling au 0en nnmie book renting en a Ijre, with the iiiHcrlp'.ieu (in Our man) " Te the Hoeioty by Its lady frieuds." The roverno hIiew.s an eik wreath, half oeii, .with the words within, " LiedeikraiiK, LiucaHtcr, I'a., ergani.-id July 1, 1me,' mil botweon the two Ilia; words an eagle with outiipread wiugit The lettering will be doue 111 shaded g ld, the wieatliH, book nnd nagle in iiatural colerd, aud the lyre in heavy geld thread A haiidxome, obenizud, polished aud jointed Ht.ilV will be made for the tl ig, aud the llrrit ocean en for ita uie will be the Heading festival, iu July. The dcidgn ler the Hag wan furuinhed by Martin Huttig, the well known fretce painter. The laditu of tlie h iciety nre raising the fundri for iU pureluHO and it will be delivered ah mt the tteeuil week in July. A I.Hwyer AVrltei 11 u Opera, Cel. II. Kyd DeuglaB, of llagorstewn, who in vrell known in thin elty, lias wiitten an opera eiitithd "The Levely Althea," which was produced In the Hagordtewn academy of iiiubIe laat everling te a large and deligbtcd audioueo. The plot in laid in auclcut Nineveh threo thousand yearn age. It Is founded upon au old legend that the daughter Is the ohattel of the father, mid could be Beld for dinobedlenoo at public auction. It represent!! the theory, true thou aa new, that the courhe of true leve dees net run smooth, but in this cami, with the aid of the gedden " Inhtar," it worked its way through the plot ami the two aatn te happy oeiiMi munitien. Governer llamil ten's daughter, Miss Julia, played admi rably the leading rele. At thouleaoof the porfeimauco AIcssrH. Douglass and F. J, llaltn, the author nnd composer, wero loudly called for, aud tliey upinired In fiouteftho eurtaln, when Oel. D.mglaHH made a brief npeecu of tbauka, A TKltHIlll.13 ACC1UEIST. A Mftti Killed by a rrematnre Kxptoilen. Yosteidny aftomeou about t o'elook a tcrrible accident oceurrod en the farm of 11. F. Kinzer, at the Berrol Horne, Karl tewuahip. Ames Sohlemridgo and Hebert Howe wero engaged at bhtbtiug and wero ramming the hele with pewder when thore was a preuuturu oxplesiot, The iron rammer whieh tliey had been UBlng struelc Holdemridgo 011 the forehead, talcing the whele top of his head oil and killing him iiiBtautly. Howe had ene wrist bioken 11 ml an oye badly injured by Hying rock. It Is uupposed that the fuse tere and the hammering 011 the rammer oauaed the pewder te Igulte. He was a Hen of Ianae Beldomridge, an, and rcslded near Bonel Ilorse. He was 2i years of no nod married. KannliiK Vull imuded. The strlke at It. Bllokendorfor's foundry did net step work at tUatestnbllnUment. TUe places of the thlrtoen ntrlklDg mould meuld meuld era wero partly illled yonterday, and te. day and te-morrow the full cemplement of tueu will be put en, I nrge four rU, The funeral of Mrs. Llz.le Itorahey, wlfe of Milten Herahey, of Laneaater , tow iihIiIii. took nlaoe vcHterday frenihla1 ti'Hliletice en the Wiibank read, nnd wan very laigely ntlended Iteva. Bleiu mid HLenldo.el the Heferim-d eliuieli, nml Hev. Hlienk.el the Meuunnint oliiireh.oouductvd the reliulKiiM eervlei'H. The Interment took place at tint Moiiueulto burying giinn.d near MHIernvllle. The Inte Isaae 1'ewl wan burled thin morning fiem the family lenlileneii 011 Wiilniit ntient. The ft'i vicrH wero held at tlie Meiiunniti) meeting Iioiihe, oermir of I'l.iHt (!li Ktimt aii'l Hlim in 111 ; they occu pied two lieiirn mil wern wuil iitteudcd. A large oeitego follewul the hiaife te tlie Interment (piiuud at Millluger'n mcetinii llOUHK. (Iiiiirn lur tlie nctioeU Te day ten I iriie teirentrlal glebes are bilng placed in the hroemlaiy and higher ptiuniry hoheoN, te enable the '.eauliern te 111010 readily lmp;irt te their pupils 11 knowledge of geography. Tim globen nre very perfect and urn handn'imely meit'ited, ejntiitiiiug limb x mitid mapnel all the principal points 011 the earth's -111 lacu. Tliey were dintiihutcd among the follow fellow follew liii; Mmeln: (I'm iMeh in the Seuth Mill berry ntreet, Wi M C'li'Ntiiiit Ptiect, Mauer ntieet, JaiiPH Htrei ;, New ntreet, Lemen aticut, Ann strut, Meuth Duke street, l'rluce Htiict, ami Hecklaud ntreet schools. Ilritlli nt 11 ftlliiltlrr Yenteiilii? Hev. J J. Feunetiaeker. a lie formed clergyinun, of Lmdeii, .Murcer eeiiuty, I'a., illi'd at bin lenideiice I here. Mr. I'uiiucii.icker w i n miii in lnw of Air. Andrew Mediums of thus city. 1 Ie was 11 giadual) el Fiankliu and Maiahall oel lege, and had chage of the Itcimeraburg college, Clarien county, I'a,, for about alx jeam. He leaves a wtfe and llvn children, ami Ills remiitiiH mil liu Ineuglit for inter, incut te tins ciiv, win no he removed te western I'euusylv.in' 1 ubeut tlltcau yearn age. He was au esliin ible man mid faith fill pastor, and wan well known in college and church circlm of Liucaster. A siinilU'n .lury. liefoie Alderman Spuirier thin meiiiiug, wan heard the suit of Win. I'atten agaiuht .1. S and Hubert MoMieh.iol, of Littln Ilrltaiu teiMii-hip. 'I he nuit was te detcr mme the jiessi m-i.'H of a piece of real entate claimed by defcinlai tn and sold by th" nheritrte pi mitiil. Tlioeisowns tried by a nheriirs jury oenmntiti,; of T. F. Mc Mc Klbgett, Fiank Orient, Harry Strelmi, Henry bhubt it, .-ii'imel L. ICaiilfmiiu and Jacob Albrulil l'uejuiy after hearing testimony iv'jadgfil the possession of the property te Mr. I'atten, and asnented the diimagi-H at $1UU and oebts. '1 tin iirrf-t l.niini'. The oleetru lamp at Middh) aid (Jims thin street was out hint night ftem !) e'el ck , tliete at Duke and Chestnut horn hall past 1 and Vine and Prince fiein 'J. Net miy of tlie elect liu lamps woie out all night. Seven et the gusoliiie lamps wero reported out. ftljrr'4 Olirt, The major had fU vaginutn ainl one drunken man t 1 attend te thin meiuiug. The latter was .uailn te pay the cost and the ethers wi re iliccliaiged with the usual leprimaud te 1 et ceme back again. l'.iiiiiiii'iiitit of A tui.t urn fli tln,c. Tlie reculir muuthly meeting et the Dilution linn been postponed from Satur day, April ail, te Sit unlay, May II, by order el the picaideut At the ri'iplLSt of members. r or. 11111,11 s tirrMt t Iriuf feri.iiu' n 1 ulessil Ircus Mill lie In I mi. ev-ler next r-nt unlay. Tils eui It Is repie eenle.l In lout ni'iui,ile iliiifs, nml Is Inilldput 11 lily tlm iuiiiii el nil mi'iile exeellemii. Willi lew exetiptli'im tlm eutlin uieiit eeiiipmi) of rlilerj, yniuii-ilM umt spei lnlNts ale nil lu.w te the people el tlm L' ill t t Mut, us urn all tlmlr ii'Hel ami iliveistlli 1! tuts. 'I liern 1 118 ulse In en mlili'il te the Uieul hmepanuli Miew, tin tin- II 1st t line, 11 initKiillloent.ie npl ' e nml lilsteili ally uieiiiale, (.lerluii, Kenmii. 1'iirlsliiii nml I iikHsIi leppuilinine. I lie lime, l.ili'iils iniii;liM nml uxieitunce el 11 lairfu leien et 1 U-lily siilurletl niuln Iiivii lieen ec(iiih'l iimltr iIIimci Inn, iIiiiIHl; Hi" isst eui. nml thousands upon theiisaiitlii 1. 1' ilullais live lix.m exiiumliil tu lintli l.uiei1" nml a met in In menrlii tliu ntiMt skillful (.harlot iI.Ikk, nun rMeis. train ers unit Jeekeju, male, fuunilu nml uenlle, umlastml el iil)ipolteine hums unit thoi thei thoi eiiKtiliii'il luiinliih'. inctiii; nml tieiunj; stock lms lieen piireliimeil It 1111 tie ninst neteit bii-uilliik stnliliH, anil tiirlimin, lielhlnthls eeiintiy ami In Kurope. nml at uvuiy exhibi tien et the (jiimt Ketcpauirh Mliew, njien 11 full iillil ehitieirttelv eenstriii'teil hull mile rare leuisi), llii'le will I 11 exhibited tliu best leutilies el the KlerlmiH uliurlel riicua of the Ulymplau aie. nml thn Itntimn Kra, tu com licet Ien Willi the races of ineilein tlnii s. In nil eeiiutlliri, net only by hoices, but by elu plinnts, eaiueln, mnnUejs, mules anil ether unlinal-i 'I he inauiiuetu ineu-Leuisu umt great ntenns wUl be caneplutt by 11 stupeiuleiM spie nl el e.uivas. There uiu i"i eliphiilltslu the tnemtKeilu. Aiiiuseniriils. I'rinei ii I1I11. '-Of this spli lellil (peril which Mill lie piesenteit In I-niten eintm house to.ineiron evuiiln, the New eik I'ett snjs "l'hu clietus Is wt 11 Irulneit unit et ex cellent vocal quality, 11ml nil the ensemble putts went well, cemblnliiK the liesliuess et 11 lli-t nlulit with tliu polish iiHiiiilly only at tallied utter ninny reputlllens. Tliu teimery it imigultlLeiit, esprit illy Iu tliu pielnguu unit seeeml act, ami the eesliiines net only ellec tlu, but tusteltil, iiibllng unpectil charm et color te bevcial et tlie sulking tiibleuux, Ker nil these thlntrs the ' l'lliieess lila ' is weitli seulnn." x etc vim. AOfe.s. Abrelitblv Urn best t'oreus PI inter ever miulu. 'I hu Hep J'ltiiter U coinpescil of ftesti Heps, llulsuins nml Uiims Wuik lluck.Stile Aeliu. Wero (;liusl,uml all pilns inn rpeeillly cureil by Us use. Apply one. Only 5 cent, ut 1111 y (1 1 UK store. rer Uimu OS.CU, BPle or cnuu, use HI1J LUII'd l'OKUUH l'liASl'KK. Price, !H cont cent cont selil uy II. ll.uecliran, 157 ami U) North CJuueu ittuut, Lancaster. 'ublleeilO"" A l'llltsniit Aekmnvltiiluiiieiit, " lliit sour stemaeli nml iiilsuriblu npputlt( ler ineiitlH. nml uriiw thin every tiny. 1 ueil Jhinterk Itloed HMeri Mltb tint most lmuvel oils le-mlls, feel splunill I." Mis, ,leie.h Jehnsen, I'ltlcliui,; Pa. ter thile by lt.lt. Ueeliran, ilrugtst, iV flint IS'J Nntlli tluuun atruet. I.UNO-i eenvillsutt by ceilKh call be soot hi il wltli limit's Meney et lloiulieuiiil nml Tar. l'lku'a Toetlmchu Dreps cuiolneno mlipitc, ii.l-lwiloe.lilw tun chills, fever, ukue, uml Muiikuess, Col Cel den's Liquid Meet Ionic, t'elitcn'a; take no ether. Ut DrilKtflnl. ull-lwitoediVw 11. M. Dlitrlut Attorney niieuks. Cel. II. Wultum, U. U. Ills tl let Attorney, Kuimas City, Me , uutherUun the lollewliiK ntutcmciit ; " Hwrnxritun Xcrvtne cured my nlcce et spiiBUiu." (Jut ut iiruircltts. it M. uMwitueiLtw liruwn's iiiiueeiiniii ruuueea. U the ui.st ottuctlve l'ntn Destroyer In tlie weild. Will iniMt surely inilclien the bleed whether titlteu Internally or applied oiler eiler nnlly, uml tlioreby mere ccrUituly RKLIKVK I'MN, whether ctuonte or ucute, than tiny ether piiln ulluvtuter, uiul it in witirunted ilou ileu ilou bie the dtiunijtli than uny ether ulinllur piepiv r.l'en, It en i pnln In tlm Hide, lluck or llewuls, Ueru I'lueat, HheumutUin. Toetliacho, and ALL ACIIr.y, umt Is The llrent Kellevrr el l'tilii. "ItKOWN'SIIOUaiillOLDl'ANAOKA" should be In every family. A teaspoentul el the I'uiiuccii lit u tumbler et het wutur sweet nnud, It; prutDiredJ, lukeu ut bedtline, will UllKAK III' A COLD. 2XceaU i;ijon.le. innvl-T.Tn.Kaw Tlie Hep Waiter Hl cuie Haet Actie, untl uU i tlier palus luttantly. Si cts, only at drug. Hit's llrlar Mfiii.'ten. 1 imve usiiit llurdeck JllepJ lliUtra with xruit lieiintlt ler Imllk-t-stleii n?ul oonatlpa eonatlpa oenatlpa tlouol thn liewcln." 0 I. hnslini, llHlnllten, (Jut Ker sain by II. II. Cecliinn, .'ni)Kt"t. 1.17 find lS'J North Oiieen utreel. linnirMUOe., Insuiun-11 lj io;eod tlilii( wlinthur nppllu.t te life or property Ne lesn ublesslnrt tsimj' thing Hint liimiren geed luialth. Kidney-Wert (loes tills. It l iiuturu'n Kient ruinedy. It In 11 mild but ollleleiiteatlnirtlo, and acting ut tlie same tlme en tlie l.lver, Kidneys nml JtrtfCls. It tollevus nil tliuie organs nnd eimblis llirm toperlorm llielr duties perfuctly. It tins won wen (luilul power, ten ndvt I imiiiii t medicine In llilttuim slutrs, but nothing help Ml inn till 1 get Kly'n (Jreiiiu lliilin. Iu lour days I could hear us well 11s ever. 1 urn cuied of catarrh ns well. It In tlm bent medtuliie ever Usui. (Jurrett Will-rle-", llnsllmrs, New Yerk. I'rem II. K. I.leisn )r, A. M., Iteil Hunk, N. .1. 1 wim se neiletHly tumbled with catarrh II seiletisly iiireclcd my voice, uue liot'leol Kly'n Cieam llutiii did tlm work. My volce fully iusleiuil.-li K. I.lupsuer. ii'-l-Twdned.Vw MAItltl.HIICn. Ukksk -.Maiitis Wednesday. Am II 2.1, tssl. by llnv. HylvnmiH lliill, lit his residence. Mr, lluonte Keen uml illis Clara Martin, both 01 LaiiiMster. It UK AT II H. l!uMiKii.--lti this city, en the '2.1 1 lust., Jehn William, son el Unite N. mill Mngglu lluiiilur, need '! 1110 iths umt lift days. Tlm ml. lives uml friends el the liimlly me ruspi ctfnlly Invited tealleml thefuniirat Irem IhererildeiKu et Ills parents. Ne 4tt North Mury stieet, en Kiiilny ufteriioeii at 2 o'clock. Intt'i inuut In I iiucuntur cemetery. 21 rKtiMirACKim In Londen, Mercer county, Pit , en tliu 'Aid Inst , Itev. ' ' l'uiiunpiiuker. Nollcuef funeral limentter. 112I-II1I ANTKI-AMir4lllN '1 DO WANII- V lug or heue uluauiiig. Apply at this olllce. It AKl'.W OK Til K Ol.ll HTIIUH UONN KtlTl cut ( lk-ur, II for :c , at ilAltl'MAN'S VKLLOW KHDNT Old Vlt HTOIIK U'rKl MUTWO VOUMI I.AIIIIH. T travel Ith show for stieet proeesslea. AitiliesH Ull AS. MeltAIC, whom nil Interview can be had, Addiojste l.niicustur postelllce. Hit 1ll. U II. llltlV.. ) I'lllrtll IAN ANDOtjUI.IHI'. Iln Unmoved Ie Ne 1) WK-U' OIl.VNUh. V Kyiiiind K'ir iieated. (Ilassesudlusteit. "u perlei niMcbiilusefi lismt unit loonier. leildyilTh 11 OUSI' Kf.l'.l'Kl.M. IAKI, MlllUb. fUKNIllflii: tU be sold positively AT t ll"ST, te elesii bnnlnesii, ill ul'i-iltlit .Mi WKVl' KINU STUKhT MTKVr.NH HOIJHK O ailAVl.Ntl ANI HAIIl lll'.KhllNU a.iiiiiun. Ooed JeuriiiiVM en 'lie' nileiw -rtine in etllui tlfeiin. II. WAMNK.lt, Il ll.l I 11 II II 1(11 ssl nvtr(ii' Miiiuuiir I)lt(l'lisl(r( 11. I'lAMI mOVK.lt. riunesinid FuriiHiire ineveil nt short no lice, outers by mult selletUid. Over l.wtf iilanes moved in threu yi urs. AltlJ. K KKl VOKIIL, fetil-tfd Mi. 3:i 1 S. Uiieen St., Lancaster. ri'lTll I.AItHK tVAI.IsHT NtOHK UOUN 1 iuih for mini niiiv beseen Intliostero room lately occupied by Mr H. M l.'nihven. Ne 101 Neilli Queen street : ti.tist be leimived seen. Apply te (J. II I.KFKVItK. ul'-lfil Olllce -Ne. 1.17 Knst King St. XV YOU WANT HASH KIM'IONS WOliril M ie p-r yuid ut i!e uml l.'ie, im te ttwnrr's UurOllinnaii Utbbeimiiru uelim lively. Heniu. less 1111' leached (ienium hull hese, te pairs for 2,'iu Our nhbleaelied 1'al lit Hack hhlrt. eifuul It net excel any In the m.uliet. HWAIlll'8. Ne. fO North yueen ht. R" KmOVAl. di.akici-.'m 'IKix nieiir. frein .11 West KIiik te 3s sainn stieut op lieslteside. Itest (Irniiuluteit Hui.l" 7S'e pur ft, ptliu W lilteaiiKUl en I J 7c, 4 Bs llithl brenn siiKar for 2Je. Ilest Teas uml Colleen lu tliu city. Ilotteiii jirlces. u'if fllllK NEW VOItlt H SUN " ItKAgilha LA NCA3Tf.lt AVVM A. M. On the day el publication. (J. It. HA Kit will Hupp!) It promptly en unlet or mu 1U semi It lit niiillut S" cents a month. Adt'iess I W. hNt.LANI), I'ubllshel "Tiiifl'N." m'JI-.liint New )erkClt C-OIUOMU AMAl, OVIAKKII II A J ( hrenle (omlltlen el liupeilluieiit te liaxiil ruspliatleii with uiore et less mucous (Its charge by phaiynx or nertills. Ill-uiiicset tliu Ke. Kur uml '1 hiest ulse, Cancers, 1 unieis, sl.ln uml Clirenlu I)lse.i:en ucce-sl, Uy tieaieil liy l)lt. II. i. M. A. LONUAKK.lt. Ofll -p Ne 1 1 Kast W alntil street, Liineiisier. Uoiisiillulleii lice. u'JI-lld.tw yiUTOHlA Cem Remover. The most clfectlve preparation for thoio theio thoie mniiil el teins. lluitleus, Waits, etc, ever liluuid tieloie the public. Win runted te eradieiite (Oinphdely "ind within ushett tlmii the most ebduiutu nuns. hunt ei soil, 'Mtiieiii pain. IT I A t'OsiriVKUUIIK. HOLD AT BcOHTOLD'a DRUG STORK, Ne. 401 WKSTOIIANUKHTIIKKT, cot net of (.Imrlelle. dl-lvd 1 7AH3IKIISANU lllJll.llllltHl LOOK TO OUit tNTKRKHT AND Buy Cyprus Shingles. We mi) In !( elpt of NINETY TIIOL'SAMl 11 unit 7 by 21 Inch .North Lnrellnu Lypius Shluifled, which wuc.in eell utn price u lltllu ever the price et u regular Sawed Shtnifle, tin si les lictiiK much uiotudurable-liisllni; tluuu limes us Ieiik. Any ene MiintlDK shlnulus will de well te cull uml seu sample or the hole pile, uml buy theseshlnu-'cs In tirelereuce te the e minion sawed uhliiKle-. IlIhSK 311lN(il,K.4 AUK SPLIT AND SAW Kl). Cull en or udnie-s, A V. KUHSKI., 0 tllce Ne 21 Kast MiiK Mleet, Luncasti.!'. iipiJI-lMilAlmw N K.XT HOOK Til TIIK UOUHT IIOUHI". FAHNESTOCK'S I1KADQUAIITKHS KOR Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, LAUUK STOCK NOW Ol'KN IN t Plain, Braided, Embroidered and Pleated, ALL BIZE8, 1ILAUI AND COLORS. Ofh-steck of ttcse Pepiilnr Wnlbts U larne, ttttracth u mid clump. R. E. Falinesteck LANCABTKU,!'. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. MttW AUrxRTlHEMKNTB. ,M,lrsN & MUKMKtnaN. - "RIDGEWAY" 13 BEST REFRIGERATOR IN THE MARKET 200 BABY CARRIAGES, AT LOW PRICES. Flinxi & Breneman, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREEJT, - - Lancaster, Pa, NiCW AlirEUTlHKMKNTn WANTKil A IIOOll IIONf.MT HOV, 1J or in yenm old. te work In 11 clothing, stoic. Mutt bu well recommended. It II1IUII ftllltOTIIKIl. r'IIIKi.ATl(TiMl'A'Nll IIK.iST MrilUKUp X Kuclire, c'lisstne uml l'ekur curds ftem ft pnr pnek up. IIAIITMAN'8 YKI.I.OW KUONT CIUAll HTOIIK. G tr.lSLllNI'. HAVANA ril.UKUH UltiAIt 1 nir. - cuius, ui lIAItTMAN'H l'l'.LLOW KHONT C10AK HTOIIK. Rr.iMeVAi.. CLAIIKK.'HTKA A.NII UUKPKK TOKIS removed le NO. M WKST Kl Nil HTltKKT. Ilest Tens. CefTeun, Suciirn, ile , lu tlie city. SI'KOIAIAH YOU l'rW HY OlJIl KINK Tailoring Kgtiibllslmiunt don't lull te leek lu tlie show window ; the leading Sprint; Mlylis urn exhibited thetfilu : then walk In anil exatnliie our entlie stock. Nouetoeiiunl It In the city. IlHjidsemely trlmtned well made and lierleeL tlttlii),-Kannents ii'siired nt modiuate prices. A. II. HOSKNHTK1N, S7 North guien Ht. UppoMte tlie l'lKltOftlCO. 11124 fluid It J AMC IIAI.L,. LANCASTER v. C1IAM1MON ATHLKTICS. OuKltlDAY, APRIL 2.1. lluttury ter Ath letics, I'ewen nml MiitliiiwH. llatleiy ter Lan caster, llollerd uml WulUel. The Athletics wen tliu cliui plenshli of the Aiueilciin Atssoclatlen ami will fly their pen nant. it Jt'ST l'UUI.IMIIKII, MKW KDITIOK QY " HKV11KTH Un'RAl.i:i)tn with valuable Inhumation on.Yfrieiijiiml .11 lied ittierrftri, lllu-tinted with cases. AUDRKBSKI) TO (KN l LKMKN ONLY. Ily a physh lanel ,.n veurs'oxpeneneo, (iiuther et "Secial bvlls or tliu Present Day," "I'reinu turn Decuy," etc ) Hunt, peit (tee, pilce, 50e. Aildruss, DR. LA QRANQB, Plil KitiiKitTHTiimrr, Pint aCibli'IUa, I'a. nil-.'lind I i;aievai. II WINU RKMOVKIl MY PLANING MILL -TO Nos.lllte 117 N. Slulhcrry Kl., And tiieruusud my facilities ter wmk, Inui new prepared te de nil kludnet work In my Hue ut shorten notice. uia-Sind Wm. Wehlsen. J. K. CALDWCLL A UU. J. E. Caldwell &Ce. Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, Pearls, Oat's Eyes, Artistic nml Elegunt Jowellltig In Kxcluslve Deslgne. 902 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, INV ITATION. Custom Department, L. GANSMAN & BRO. K.Vl'KND THEIR INVITATION Te their tunny customers nml the public lit uuiiiiral, ler uu inspection el their liutfu ami varied Hptlnt; Bleck et goods tn the piece, which we muke te your own order lu any ulylu, ut thu following low prices i All-wool Butt ter business Pi en -hotter 1HI " cusslmcrii I ' " Hllk-mixed rusHlini'ru . . . HI uu " -best IndlKebliiu cloth.... 17 HI " woruludceikbciuw (hluck or liluu) 18 00 All-wool bult luiicy eeikHciew '.0(0 " KtiKlUliceikticruw 2J LO " Krene!) worsted (25 W unit i 00 Uemcmlier we pay our own pcriemil attention tOHulllliKUD well uscuttttiKi It thuruteiu en. allies uu te umlei'Mull thu closest nnd most crlticiil heuse in tlie city. OUR GREAT SPECIALTY, Pants te Order. All woelPnnts utHfiu, ii w, (I e, Mi, .v, W.U0, $11 W, $7.00, up te $3,00. Plciuie take a vlew In passim,' out ahew Windows, Fit, btylunnd Diiiui.le We kiiian 6hll guaranteed, L.6-ansman&Bre. The r'ABIUONAIILK MKRriIANTTAlL08 AND OLOTHIblW, Ne. 66-68 NORTH IjOEEN STREET, litht en tliu Southwest Cerner et Ornn i Blrcut, LANCA8TKU, PA. - Net connecteit with any ether Oleililna Heuso In tlie city. TI1K - THE fW Ati rjCUriMBJUENIH. inu.ul' U"AI",1WAUAN IIARTMAN'S YKLmw KRONT C1UAR ttTOltK. UKAiKe ruoresALH nut tiik uiu,. h? .iJ10'.1 '" ,!,,lt,, Bn" county luxes rer ls4. In tlie Knet anil west wurds or I.iincsst! r city will he received at tliu onice et the con lily eeint.ib.s "net until 12 o'clock, neon, S DAY, APRIL '29, 1BS1. llyorderef Attest- KitAEqliliMr,cinrkT"K "mleui L'OIl tut: HKABON f " Dalmatian Insect Powder, .fr.rUl."?,r!'.!"!l'v'kt,n,10f Kl1". niankem, Car Vwe ,'i . L".u,..r w.oelonH from thu mvufciw el Melh8 umt ethor Insocte, und PlunUi from tlie (leHlrtuHlet, et tlie Kly nml Weriii. Nuw crop fal" la' ,Uir" ,'0Wlluru,, J""1 reculved and ler (.'HAS. A. IIKI.MITHII H Urn,. Hint,, JiJUWil Ne IOKiwlKliitrui't A V II una K 'a. Feil's Odorare 'J'omntecH. Hyery can Ktiarniiteud and oeld nt We a can, or 11.10 per Dezen, Pell's Octoraro Cern tt HUtlVlill' P!uiel,r..M Uii.m.. - - -.. -..(..nn,,,,, 1M,Ku, -i II. VI I V II 11(3. 1'M.iy enn Kutiruntueil uml telil loeticiiu.ur ) I III 1 ill I ili..tt " -. isj IIV'UIH Boyer'H String Ueaua, 12c ti Can. Red Seal Murrewfut Peae, Kc u Can. F J iV E TAU L K PEAUU E S. Alse I'lol'eucho nml Kreali Cauitud Apptus liiitiarteiriHutl2c BUESK'S, NO. 17 HAST KING 8TREJET. NKH AHVt.llTltiKMt:!. lY''T rOUUKTTUK LADIES' FAIR eir TUB CITY CORNET BAND ok Lancaster, tebu held nt NEW M.CNNKRCIIOR HALL. NOR'I II I'RINOKSTRkKT. liii..nil A, n,r.i.V en tlie iliinl fleer of thu Nuw Postelllcu llutid. iiiK, u-. luniiuriy nnuetincuil, ceuimeilcliii; en Butiirduy Kveninir, April 2U, and undlui; ou Kiitlir.lmr tiniiili.,. It.. in " lllU Ulllt'Ct Til tilImm fimili) tnr tlm iitfsilinm of Nev Unlfnrms una limruments. Kuup coitpnaef tlcket, iw jt securei jeu u cliuticu " ' iiniiueiiuiu imireuui auiu Ail llt'lHOUS linllllllU1 tlftTMtu (fir fli.i t lilr.t fleer or the New L'oitemcu UulMlng cuti use lu' - u"iiiiuivnur iiiiu, aiJ tld L'ULION Ol'KKA 1IOUHK. U'edncstliiY autl Tfiurhtliiy, April 2 X24. SHOOK AND COLLIKR'8 KiLl'fiiri I.ltrhtu MM iin.lnn -.... .. - - - ,""'" ,w miii swifiiiiuiiy, .11. i. ln Ui-e U anna' pewurlul suecUiculur Mole Drain u, LIGHTS 0X0ND0N, Under the uusplceset Messrs. Sheek un.l Cel Iiur. proprluteiHot thu Union SiiuuroTheutie. New eik. with all thu erlKlnul hceneiy, uiu chaiilcul cllecte, etc., used ut the theatre. The Greatest of Modern Dramas. ADMISSION 75 50 nnd M I'PNTS RLSKRVKD SBAT3.......:....1V...:75 Ker huIe nt Opura Hettsu Ofllcu. alU'St PULTOH OI'KKA HOUSK. aiLHKRl'AND SULLIVAN Oiieiu Seiisen el 1MH. Positively Unilted Ie ONE N1UII1' ONLY, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL, 25th. Under the auspices et Mn, Jehn STIVTSON. who has Hcouied tlie Kxclutlva Amrrlcitii Itlitht threuitli R D'OYLY CARTK, esq., et the envoy Thoutre, Louden, te Gilbert &; Sullivan's Latest Opera, A Runpeutttil Operntic Porverslen of Tenny. son's Princess, untitled Princess Ida, Cr, OASTLE ADAMANT. lllustrnlliiK thu Idea that "Man li Nuttiiu's bole Mlstiike." PrcucHentcil wllti the ORI01NAL ORCIIKSTRATION. Magnificent Realistic Enibollish Enibellish Enibollish menls, Uenntiinl Costumes. TheStBKO lliiBlness und Aiipolntmentn In Is Kntltuty, us AnuiiKud by thu Auther nnd Composer, uml CAST OF RARE EXCELLENCE, GRAND CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA. ADMIBSION BOe . 7fle. nnd Ml 00. Rh'bKRVKD BKATS W1.00. New au Biilu ut Opura Heme ofllce. ii21-st FOlt HALK. 1)UHLIu HflLB OM TIIUIiSIIa'Y, Al'ltll. 21, ut Ne. .127 North Cherry slieet, el HoiiHeheld and Kitchen Furniture, ceiisIsIIhk et Muds nml lliiddliiK. Cuipuls, Leiuiku, Hleves, Clmlrs. Suwlmr Machine, Aa, !-aln te commence ut 'J o'clock, p. in. Terms iiuidu known uy W. K. ItU'lTON, Ailuiliilstiutei. Jehn WoeiMtuii, A lift. u2i-'2Ul LSAI.I1 IN 1'lllLAIIKl.l'lllA. TUK1DA, WKDNESDAV ft THURSDAY, APitlLKHU uml 80th, mul MAY 1st, AT Messr3 T. Birch's Sens Art Gallery, NO. 1110 CHESTNUT STREET, A very large unit valuuhlu censtgnmunt, di rect liem luipeiter, of Elegant Turkish tuid Persinn Cariiets, OrtillBlzeH. Alse Huverul hundred TURKISH HUU3, comprising all sires nml kinds. Hale peremptory. Cutitletfucs mulled en applica tion te UUCtlOllCUlH. THUS. HIROH'HSONS. Ne. 11 10 Chest uut Utieut. Plilluilulphl.i. apr.'1-lDt HTUVHH. poeit, wtiiri!.Ai co --BANKERS,-- 45 WALL STREET, New Yerk. Ilrekers und Dealers tn Railway und all ether Securities. RAILWAY INVESTMENTS a specialty, In the uelcctlen and ubtiiuntn of which their Ieiik connection with " Peen M ahuai. or Railiieam " Klvus thorn special ad. vantuKOs. Correspondence Invited and In. Qultles tinswured Deposit accounts roceivuil and Interest allewedi uil90ruee4 SECOND EDITION. TnUHBDAY ICVBNINa, AliUIi24, UIdT iserr c-.- - .' jnramr j OUIO KEPUULICANS. ATlUKK'lNAniKUltyTIIISUOIsVKNTION. Tne Itlalue Caucus rintlci en n Uomprenilca Ticket A I'lstrerin el tlie Usunl l'reiiilHiiry Tener uuil C'litidcin- utli)ii el the Uemecmcy. Cm'a bland, Ohie, April 21 The IHuiiie cauctiH rcasKcmblcd liefoie the convention thin mertiini; nml voted te buii liert u coiiipremiuo ticket for dolecntcs at large, oeiiHlHtiiiKuf two utreug Blalne meu utiu i we Duermau men. The Ohie Uonvriitlue, The Ohie Hepubllcan state convention was called te ordernt 7:41 this morning. The oemmlttco en pormaueut ornatilzatlen ropertcd tlie name of Wm. MoICtnley, Jr., of Btark county, for permauent proutiletit and he was oleetcd. The following order of bushiest) wax thou adopted : The nomination of candidates for Kocretury of state, supreme judge, a nioniber of the beard of public works and delegatca at lare. Nomluatietm were made for fccretnry of atate, and ene ballet taken without u obelco. J. J. Oglcvcs, of Prank liu county, led the ballet. Wlille the vetcH wero being counted tlie committee en resolutions reported the platform. Tlm rimlertn The platform as ropertcd favors the pre tcotlen of American labor ngaiuut foreign competition ; condemns tbe Deme cratie doetriuo of tariir for rev ciiue only ; rcoemmomlH restriotieu of the wool tarill of 18(57, and aborts that tlie Republican party lias nlwayn aided labor, giving ft home imltititry ami HUpplyiugthe publie Irce schools for the education of children of all elastics. Thcse resolutions wero adopted, but were afterwards reconsidered, as the reso lution bearing ou internal revenue was net suitable. The'l Icktl Neiiiltiiitml, A hcceiuI ballet for secretary of stit0 resulted in no choice. Ou tlie third ballet J. 8. HobitiKen, of Hardin county. waH selcuttd and his nomination made tiuani- metiH. Nominations wero thou made for judge el supreme ceurtanl Wm. W. John John Jehn eon, tbe present chief justice, wits oluetod. 0. A. Fiiukitiger, of l)o(laiice, was nom inated for member of the beard of publie works. Fer delogiUe at large te the Chi cage convention Jude J. 1$. Ferakor tva? elected by acclamation. it v U1UI.IC. Thu l.eiuliin " I lines " en Technical Udu- CHtlnii le AiuerlOK Other illutiers. Londen, April 2 The Time, after noticing reports from America upon tech nical education there, hays : " The friends of technical education iu Uuglaud will read with unmitigated etivy the accounts of the development of in dustrlal education In America. Tlie Eng lish are only jURt beginning te rcaltze the vast importance of orgauized technical instruction. Th6 Americans are far ahead of us in institutions (or giving tlieir neus ami daughters that prao'ie.u tiaitiing which tits them for industrial piuauits." Knslnnil's QuHtnmrj . The Pall .Unll Gazette declares tL.it thore wax a " marked ditleronce of opinion among the members of the ministry about fcgypt at yosterday's caumut, The nouti neuti nouti ell of the eabiuet saciilleia Herber." The same paper bays " Kngland must asstttne the government of Egypt. If tliey rolievo Berber tliey postpone the evil day. Ou the decision of the cabinet today fateful issues haug." Troops te lie bout te Upper l.'cypt Caire, Egypt, April 21. At :i eablnut oeiinoil, bold this morning, the khedive prcBiding, it was icsolved that an immo imme diatu dispateh of tioeps te Upper Egypt is imperative and the priiue minister was directed te submit the resolution te the liritish government. Usual WRfer WIpliiK Out MiKriicu lu China Siiamiiiai, China, Ainil 21 It is rti mered that Pritice Kuiig, who was recent ly degraded from the ohief control of the grand council of the Empue, has oem- tnitteu htilclile. Deuili el it I'niiimis Uhiiridiisa. 1'auis, April 21. Maria T.iglionler, the famous dancer, died at Marseilles, France, te day. uiuc.vr iiii.ko.e suiiKJiic, dnlin v. Ayers'eiter rer Idmds anil Lands IIosten, Mass, April 21. Jehn W. Ayeishas oll'ercd the state of MubhacIiii. setts J 1,000,000 for tbe Tiey & Qrooii Qreoii Qroeii tluld railroad, the lloesao tunnel, the Southern Vermont, the Uosten & lloesao tunnel railway, of Vermont, aud two bundled acres of tlie Seuth lio.s lie.s lio.s teu Hats. It is stated that the accept ance of the abeve will result iu the build, ing of a streug aud ellcotive railroad sys. tern tinder one and tlie same mauagomeut aud a ISosteu system oxtending from lies lios ten te Buffalo, aud very probably te Chi oage, there te meet the railroads controlled by ISosteu capitalists, which by two sepa rate lines reach the Facitle ocean, the City of Mexico aud the several wosteru territe rics. Duller ou tlie Lnher Oucitlun. UurKALO, N. T., April 21. The Iotter from Uuueral Hutler, read at the labor mass meeting here list night, duals only with the subjeet of strikes. He says, "a strike never should occur, ns the iutercsts of labor ami capital lie in the same diroe Hen." Ile advecates anueals te arbitra tieu, mid hopes that a law will soeu be passed, Instituting seme tribunal tu whieh these controversies eati be justly aud equit ably settled. Ueuurena. Wasiiinoien, I). C, April 21. In the Heuso, Mr. Maybtiry, (Mich,), from the judieiury committee, ropertcd adversely ou the woman's miil'iage constitutional amendment. The Heuso then went into oemmittoo of the whele te consider tbe Souate iimcni'mcnti en tlie naval appro priation bill. A Tnunery llnrned. Cincinnati.O., April 21. The Amorleau Oak leathur tannery waa burned this morn lug oxeoptlug tlie japanning works. There were $450,000 hides iu the factory. Less, $100,000 ; iiiHitrauoe, '.100,000. Four bun. dred persons nre tbrewu out of employ ment. Alaae uu Aasiiiuiiieiit, I'OUTSMOUTH, O, April 21. William Ilarty, proprietor of the Harty Steel Spring works, has made au asslgurneiit. Asfcete, (15,0)0 ; liabilities, $13,000. WEATIIKK JMIMUATIONH. Washinoten, April 21. Fer the Mlddln Atlautie states, elearlug and fair woather, slight eUangcs in tomperatuto, light varlable winds. ICulshts et t-ytiiiu Ofrleers Kleeted, The Supreme Ledgo of the World of tlie Knights of Pythias, iu hoshIeu at New Orleans, Wed en cud uy oleetod the following ofllcers : Suprome Cliauoellor, Jehn Van Volkenburg, Fert Madisen, Iowa ; Su Su Su proeo Vioe Chancellor, Heward Deiiflass, Ohie , Supreme Prelate, Or. Jehn tt. King, Toreuto, Out.; Supreme Keeper of (coerd and Seal, Judge It. E. Cowen, Missouri ; Supreme Mastor-nt-Aerms, Oaorge 11. Shaw, Wisconsin ; Suprome luner Ouard, O, b". Bragg, Maine ; Suprome Outer Guard, Jehn W. Thompson, Washington, D. C; Cast Supreme Cliauoellor, Jehn I). Linteu, Jobustewu, l'cuua. IMrf .... W"t ,M Mnnltlpslllle Wnl, i'lillaila. Recerd. l'lilhdelphla needs Just stieh nil nddltlen te her Unauelal roseurcos as might ba ob. tallied from the adoption or n high Hcotise lY' ev'd u- M 8U0U lw should pre. vlde, that the Ux oelleoted should go Inte of the state. The high lloeiue system new ,Wj Oli oage U oxpeetod te add oue and a half million dollars te the yearly rovm..te f that elty. Sueh an addition te Philadelphia'.; .balance in bank would be a big lift toward better water, botter strcet pivumeriU and hotter aanlutlen, oxpenslvo uoeessitlos whieh must be nrorided and must be paid for. MAUtimn. rtitldelpniamrBt. Piili.AuiLriirA. April !lriniir nmtket stead vt Htipurflne Hlntc. tl MB.1t Extra dofleea.ir.0t Pn. faintly. $1 ftnfjt 73 1 Ohie A Indiana family, f.l00i575i Mlnn.axtra. si 60 fl.i! stralsht, VHia 7r winter patents, fiine 0M: spring de I oeaow. ityu ileiiratl.1 se. Wheat higher ; fair deniuml t Ne. t Went em Red. 11(1; Se. 3 de, te ; Ne. 1 Pu. Red, $1 lOfll 20. Cern i. car co nnd hlKheri salt yellow, fllff OJSc t de tnixed, Oietfl.'e ( Ne. 3 mixed and yellew, f.'Jf(j)e. Oata(iulet mid ntendy t Ne. 1 Wlilte. Ile : Ne. .1 de lie ; rejected de, 40OUe Ne. 2 mixed "OHulc. Ryedttll at 70372c, Seeds-Clever dull at OOlOe i Timethy nominal ill II 10 ; Flaxseed uulut but Arm ut II (Oral 72. Provlsleiisdiillbitt stuadyt Mess Perh, 1325 j Riv 1 1 lams. 120 5i fl 27 s Intilii Mei-s lleuf, '2J. Iluceii Hiiioked Hheuldcra, 8et salt de, Vi fiVAf : Smoked Ilatus, 13KaiKej pickled de, 12f 1 2Ke. Lurif dull ( city reftnext, BViOOX t loeso uiitoluini.sUfisXe t prltne sUmm 60a 0.1 liiiUuriltillundeiulurt Creuinery extrn, 50(1 fa '2-J ; tlrsts. '27.".)0 il O. N. Y. de.fcltt .'Set de ntst, '2i2it Wojiern extras, 22e; de (reed te cholce, 173200, Rolls 7Hc. Kks dull and weak t Extras, 15O15K0. Cheese Nteudy but quiet t Nuw Yerlr lull cuiuniR, ISdlSKe; Western ereiunery cxtviis. SSI (let Pa. part nUIiiih, aaoKei de full skims, fresh. IQfle. WhljUv ut II ft) mew Yerk Market. Nmw Yerk, April!!. Klour-SUite and West em stronger, moderately tiotlve t Htipcrflne stute, ; Mfj.i at Extra de, 3 2utf:i 60 i Choice de, .1 OifiO 00 j Taney de, tn 10 an Wlj Round Heep Ohie. $3 Mffl 00 r cholce. M 0alJ 0)j Supuiflne Wcstein, I2(0U37S; common te geed oxlrude, Wit) 300; che CO il( II OifiU 80; choice White Whoutde.fonftOfto. Southern firm nnd un changed ; common te fair extra, fj SOII SU : Keed le choice .te. II I0O1 75. Whuut SffllMa hlKlier and fevurlsti, nml somewl at excited with an notlve trnde lu optiens: Ne. '2 Red, Muy. $1 OIOI lOJJ'et June, II ((iliQlM: ,)ulv. It ((IVittleJHl Aug., II 05(,l W,i j Hcpt . II WAS 1 01JC. Cern UQu hlchnr, uu t luja nctlve ; Mixed Wuduru snot ut fi.1ili.3a : de future, mx.fi 03Xr. ' ' ' oils nuj;c uetiur. liiciuumi; no. x may, fWKftWie: June, 37030; Htate, 10170 ; Wustern, SOQlOc. lilve Hteck market, Ciitoieo lleiia Receipts. lO.oeo hetul : shin- munta. 3,700 hend ; murlcet brisk and r.fJU'c hlL'hur: reuxu pucklnir, vi K)iJ5 73: nncklni; amlahlplni;, fisoame; light ut $5 SOUS 75; SKips.Vlifl. Cattle KocelptB, SOOO head ; shtpmnntn 3.000 head : market strem; nnd uctlve and lOQlSa higher; oxpert, 1 lefiil 70 ; jfoed te cholce shipping, t" 'Xj'd' "0 ; common te medium, l ie35;71. DlKep RecelplH, t OM liead : Hhlpmentn 1,0 head; mat kut steady mid linn ; lufuilorle fair, IIQS; lnedlitm tOOOd,iS2J5 SO; cholce te extrn, IS Ujge. Kast LinistiTV Ciittleditll; prlme, $a25f!C0 Inlr te Keed, ISSOfJO; common, ti'.; receipts, 1,(0.) hend; shipments, 41 held. ItngsHlew; Phllutlelphius,t.V.i03G10- Yorkers, IS .tefts no; receipts, 1,3M) head ; shliimenta, l,0.Yihead. Sheep in fair demand; prime wool, IfifJS 21 ; cllppul, $10.1-21; tdr lOKoed wool, HS.1ISS73; ellpjied, HU I se : untnmeii, 'H togs : clipped, $l.l se ; lainlii, MSiae se i receipts, 1,000 head ; shipmuuls, 2,100 head. btoek morttetB. (JuotntleiiH by Reed, McUranu Ce , ors, Luucasiur, Pu. 11 A.M. 1'2 M. w. C v I. C....... ......... .... .... Michigan Central New Yerk Cuntral 11.1J; MX New Jersey Control 8J S2? Ohie Ceulnil Hul. Lack. Wostern.... 118'4 US Henvur 4 Rte Uiunde.... H II Krle isj ux ICiviiSiia A Tuxus.... 10 111 Lulie Shere 'M 'JWi (llitcngeA N. IV., com.... 113 HI N. N.. OnLA Western Hank 3 p. M. 85 MX 82! 14 18 lU'A 00 40 bin 05)2 n 22 S-1IJ OK 20V4 40K ht. Paul .t Omaha 'Mi 3t I'uctnc Mall Hy, WC Rochester Pltlatmnrh.. Wi 'J.'i at. Paul 8li 8lJ.i Tuxas Piicltlc l."ii Wi Union I'aclfle cr.'i Wuhasli Common X nueusii i-iuiurruu in Wust'rn Union Tuluurnpli 01J4 S Louisville ft Nashville . laJi 4e: N. V Chi. A SLL.., LuIiIkU Valley Lehlith Navigation., Vii 03 Pennsylvania m GO RuadliiK tlX '-'2 11-10 P.T. X llullale an OJi Northern Pncltle Cem... 20 '0)i Northern Pacitte Prut... iQX WA llestenvlllu Philadelphia A Kile Northern Central Uuderifretind Canada fleuthuin ID 43 OU UJX 03 lVenlu'i Piuwunt'ur 4'JVi !?2 nniadclpniii. (luotutlenshy Aeeoelatod Prese. a locks weak. Philadelphia A Erle R. It RuudltiK Ralliead Piiutisylvanln Railroad , Luhlfrh Valley Railroad United Coeipunlesof Nuw Jersey. . Netlhern Pad He... Northern Pnclllu Piufuriul . Netthurii Central Railroad IS 2i 00 00'4 102U ..... -x'A tnx 2(1 V,i 11IX ..... 3S Hi ..... vl LunlKh Navigation Company noirisiewn uanie:'. i Central Truusportutleit Company.. PltUib'if, Tltusvllle A llullale II. IL. Llttle Hchu vlklll lli.ll read Mm or. Quotations by Associated Prejs. Htecks lower. Jteiiey e.isy at IXQic Nuw Yerk Cuntral MX Krle Rullreud 18j Adams Kxprnss 1U1 . MlehlKan Central Railroad Kl Michigan Southern Railroad ti'l Illinois Central Railroad 12S Cleveland A PlttsburKll Railroad HO Chicago A Reck Island Railroad... 119 PttbdMirKh A Fert IVayne Railroad ISO Western Union Toleirraph Company.,.,, tbi TelndnA Wnliush Ovi NuwJ-ih.i I in I ml ., 62 Vi Nuw 1 .muirfeA Wustem 8I VUhlTlVAL. POll CUUNTV COMSUSMIONliU. ELI IIATTON, of Upper Lcnceclt township, d-SuhJucl te loe decUleu et the Deme, cnilla convention lmdAw iTTk ueukty ceasiwaiONKit, (1K0.8.1IOON IS, of Salisbury township. A48uliject te the decision of the Democratic county convention. flubis d.t w .OltCOCNTV cosiatisaieNKir. JOHN 1), HAURAlt.ef Ohrlstluna, Salisbury township. 9ir sublect te the decision et trio Deme, cratie county convention, WslAw F OlIUUUA'l'I UOMJllaSlONKK. iikniiv K. HARTMAN (Llme JllurnorLer Kast Luuiiioter township. rf-snl)JecL te tbe ductilen et the Demo Deme crutiu county Conventlon. md-ilAw LMIK CtlUMlV COMStlSaiONKH. IIORDLKY8. PATTERSON, et Llttle llrl tutu township, i S-Subiect te the decision et the Domecratlc county convention. 115-UJAw EMTAT1-. UC niAKV 1!, OA1I1.U, I.ATK OV of Liiucustur city, ducoused. I.etturs et administration en said estate having been utunted te thu uiidurslirned, all persons In debted thereto ate requested te muke Imme diate payment, und theso having claims or demands ut'iiliist the eattie, will present Uieui without delay ler settlement te thu under. vlKiiud, residing lu LaneiuUir "y,Ne.aa aeii.t, (tuoei. st.eet. ''"Ai.t. J. H. II. Waenbr, Att'y. aiiwuieaim VlSTATK OK HhNKV . "J""' '! Vi el Lancaster. (k'ccaeL Leners eAb,,C.w EeVeta inuTu the city of Liinc&ster. WM. Z.HENKR, Exoeutors. h, EuuxuEii, Attorney. ms-fluw s.l m M n