wrv- j? 'M ' t-.?' m e? AT f it-. '.r "V 4 (.!' h t f,' I i s tM ii LANCASTER DAUiY INTEJLLlIGENCEK MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1884. Lancaster f ntrllfgenm:. MONDAY BVENlNOi AfKlh 31. 1884. 1IRATIK. tn lit elil Moravian ground Many a modest stene la found, Over little Kinves low resting, Lore and hepe and lattli attesting, With thlslcgend graven thcre Iftli assurance and hall prayer Statu. Tiny forma, all still at blrtli, Mere ara trusted te ttie earth, Asa inotlier fondly cnrliig Fer Ibe trouure alie Is bearing, And the bul let of J.ote Is strong, They shall quicken with the song litatut I They have faith, who placa thesu atones, That the futher ne'er disowns K'en I lie slightest work wlere llngnra The Impression et Ills fingers, And that Christ has lender eure 01 the buds they treasure where They carve Jlraiut. When the final trump shall sound O'er the old Moravian ground, And Us blast, nod's will deciucl'ig, Selves th mystery el being, Then for these (and reu and me) May the gracious summons be- Aicake'....Arlte '....lleatui Exigent II MnntUiti. nxvicAV. ATeurlU's Wager. A Swedish tourist Is reported te have arrived at Warsaw in fulfilment et a waeer made with two Englishmen, the conditions of which are that during this year, from Uie flrst of last January, he shall visit all the cities of Eurepe whleh are, or have bon at any time, capitals, and numbering, according te hid reckon ing, 100. He has visited all the eapitals of (lermany (twenty six) ami from War saw he will no en te St. Petersburg, and thence te Moscow, Villne and KiefT. If he succeeds he is te receive 5,000 and his travellng cxpensc3. But it is stated that altheuch he has as yet visited only ouo euo oue fourth of tha whele number of cities he has undertaken te visit, he complains of extreme fatigue. m-m Tne Lute Otmileslteade. Loulavllle Courlei Journal. Personally Charles lteade was, when he wanted te be, a most amiable and genial man. ijuite six loot tan, wuu a iuu robust form and a line, manly face, his outer man was at ouce Impresslve and handsome. He was one of the host whist players in England, ami, like all really geed whist players, did net quarrel with his partner. It was a wish of his te visit America. "I want te eat nanvaa back and terrapin," be ence said, 'and drink a mint julep, but 1 am afraid of the water " Of all his heroines (and what writer of fiction ever drew fairer ...mr. e ),u faenrttn as well she miaht be, was Margaret llrandt, the mother et Erasmus and the Klery of the greatest of .Is novels, "The Cleister and the Hearth." P1UIVK TIIIH Ktllt VtlUIWICLI'.-UNK great truth told In two lines. Ilpnseit's Cspeine 1'orens l'lattcrs are better than all ethers. M cents. CKIN UUKK. ltemlheSprittffftelit Republican A GENEROUS ACT. that Will be Appreciated by 4tll Who Dare ler Their Uempleslun and Skin. It U net generally known that the norveu, sjstcm has a wonderlul Influence ever the skin, but this Is a fart known te medical men who have given much el thelr time te the study el diseases el the skin. Ne one can have a clear and lair complexion unmixed with blotches or pimples who is very nervous. Wliotevor tends te a beautiful condition of the nervous system always bratitlrie the coiiipiexloniind removed reughnci and dry ness et the skin. Some skin diseases are net attended by vllble signs en the surlacw, but an Intolerable Itching that renders llle miser able. We copy Iho following (learning and Inter esting compliment Irem the Tribune which says: "Dr. C. W. Ilenseu's New llemedy, BkinCurk,' In received by the public with great confidence, and It l regarded as a very generous act en thu doctor' pirt te make known and prepare for general tise his valua ble and tavorlte prescription for the treut treut ment of nervous and skin dtieae, after lm lng devoted almost his entire llle te the study and treatment el nervous and skin diseases. In which he took great delight. He m for a number et years physician In charge of the Man-laml mnrmarr en Dermatology, and an thing irem hi hands Is at once accepted as authority and valuable. The remedy Is fully the arllcle te attack the disease, oein inier nallv through the bleed, and externally, through thenborbents, and Is ihoeuly rel bi ble and rational mode et irtntmeni. mce preparations are only put up for general -e alter having been uswd by the doctor In Ms private prnctlce, ler years, withe gicalcst suc ceed and they lutiy merit the coutldenco et all c asses of sutlerers Irem skiu diseases." This I for sale by all druggist. Twe belt e. Internal and external tn at incut. In one pack age. Den t be persuaded te take any ether. It costs oue dollar. Oil, MV IIKAlll u-iiv will voc scrrxRT Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, ucrvoiiKiiess, paralysis, d anepsia, eleepk nw, and brain diseases, peslllvely cured by Dr. Bensen's Cellery and Chamoiulle 1111. They contain no opium, fiutnlne or ether harmful drug 'old by druggists. l'rlce. 10 cent per box, two boxei ter II. six bexe- ler li.V), bv mall pestagu tree lr.C. neiiauii. lumiiiutr, 'n . .... C. N Ciltleinien, New lerk, t wholesale agent for these remedies. mil MN.S.tw VLUTiuim. ifvim isii im uueuji run EASTER. Loweb Scarfs, Olub Heube Ties, Latest Style Oelltirti. The Heyul Hhlrt, Rhelu Stone Stude, llillltantas Ulaiueudsat ERISMAN'S, Ne 17 WEST KINO SVKKKT, 1 tiurr A W1MTKKH, THE LBAD1NQ MERCHANT TAILORS. Having the finest selection of Fancy Siiitfngs, Pantaleon Pat terns, Plaids and Cheviots ever shown in Lancaster, we hereby extend an invitation te our iriends te call and inspect our elegant stock. We have secured the services of Mr. Nicholas De La Soren Seren skey, a first-class cutter. Geed fits guaranteed. Alse full line of fine Furnishing Goods. GROFF & WINTERS, 23 North Queen St., aprMrd l.ANCASTElt, I'A II t libit A tlMUVHr-.lt. or u stock or Children's Scheel -AND- Youths' Suits HKNStN'." SHIN OUHK 111 K !l,i: AT Cochran's Drug i?terc. Ne. 37 and 1.9 North Queen Street, Lancaster, l'a. Letter from J. Malwdm Smith. Clerk el iluchttltr euilj.New erk.lur Mue Year. WlllTB 1'LAI.ns, N. Y., May 7, Ib3 l have ler many years been troubled at times with muscular rheuiuatUm and plcu plcu relle pains, and hive always leund Allcecks l'oreus Plasters te be quick and cfllcleutlu aUeMlng rvllef. In December last 1 had an attack of Pneu monia, which left oue el my lungs In a weak and extremely sensltlve condition, accom panied at times with severe pain. Tlie appli cation et ene plaster lelleved the pain In a bheit time, and 1 have worn ene almost con s'anlly since, as a protection te the weakened lung. I have ued Allcock's Pereus Pla-iters for inyetil and tamlly ler ever twenty-five years, always with sput'dy bonellclal results, and I doiietl edtate te recommend thorn for their mild couuter-lrrllant tinl tits, ami for their elllclenny In rollevln Horeiies el lueluniis andpalnselarhcu mstlcand uouralgle char ac'er. J. MALCOLM SMITH. JJosure le obtain " AlicecR's " I'oreus 1'las ,ers, as all ctlicu me "oitlilets lmltatlenj. In Inflammation et the lung (pneumonia) and Intl .mmatlonel the air pas-ages (brun ehlttl Dav s He te and Cuttle Powder Is a IH'cltlc. Keep our stable inndurately ann and well ventilated 1'ilce twenty five cents per packagu of one pound Tmiu fun Depamt On It. " Ker ireern l(H)tlmclK) uii'l Neuralgia et the head I uhciI Tliemai' kcleclrie Oil. 'Hits Is certainly the bent thing leerknew ler re IIhI nt pain el any kind. The lwue is never without It," Mr. A M. Frank. 77 V. 'luniwr Bt., lluifale. N. i. Ker sale by II. II. Cochran dtui'i'M, 137 and 139 North Qui-.ii! street. N new ready ler our lniH-ctlen. W e Invite you all te call and ee the ban home line el CLOTHING e iwve uiaile up for the little folks. We h. e all the Latest styles of Goods at PRICESSEC0NDT0N0NE. We call your attention te a HaraHi we have Jii-it opened, It te a MAN'S kihxI. substantial ilUSlN fcSS JjI'I r for t SO. We can -fit ou an All wool black, blue or brown -ceuK-sCKKW SUIT. In sack or Cutaway Style, ler $10 Ten Dollars. $10 NEW LINE Or GENTV FURNUH1NQ GOODS! JLT IN. All the Latea'Myles In NKCKWK.VIt, HOSl Kin . (.Oi.LAKS, Cl r I S, Ac. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS The kidneys net as purllluis el the bleed, and nhen their functions are liiterl.Ted with through neakneiid, Ihey need toning. They become healthfully active by the uieel lles tetter's Stomach Hitters, when tailing short of relief from ether seurces. This superb stimu lating tonic alxe prevents and arrusu fever and ague, constipation, liver complaint, dys pepsia, rheumatism and ether ailments. Use It with regularity. Ker 'ale by all DruggUts and Dealers goner gener lly. ul luiileeil.tw 1 jt. i a uar..ui uiibin, .J American Ait. I'liotegriiphH, Kngravlngs, vie., can beex riutslliily colored with with ll old Art Colen made limn Dlumiind liyes. Kull illrettleiis ter this btautHul url work, with a hamlxouie eolereil lublm t photo sunt te anj ndtlrei-M ler Wcents. WbLLSA UlCIIAKliMI.V A LO . llurltngten. VI. De Yeu Itcliuve It, That in this town there are scores el persons passing our store overy day whoe lives aru made intsurablu by Indigestion, Dyspeiwla. Spur mid ilLstn-iuiil Stomach, I.Ker Lein, plaint, CoiiKllpatlen. when ler 75c. wowlllsell them Shllnh's VltalUer, guaranteed te cute them. Behl by ll. it. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 and LP North Queen streeL lob7-eel2 The ltrmrrectieii el i,imrii Was a inlrnculeus operation. Ne one thinks el ruining the OeaJ these limes, theagh hoiiie dcsperutelyrlesii te death's uoer have U-en templelely rosterud by UurJeck flood Mitten tpKenuInu and tHstlng health, rer sale by II u. Cochran drugutei, 137 uml 153 North Queen MJUtiti AMJt fi TA TIONK Ui TLAK IIOIMtS AND SrAT10Kt. JOII BAER'S SOHSj 16 and 17 North Queen St, Blank Beeks & Stationery, VRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, WUITINU 1TLUI1)3 AND INKB, CATMtllll. IIKAD.VLHK, COLD IN 1IKVD, llOsKLOLD, DbAKNKsS, II A rKVLU. OfA rotltlve Cure. ELY'S CREAM BALM. KLl'S cltK.VM HALM when (ippllt-l by the ItnL'itr llllfl flu. nn.lrll. will I.., nt.rirliu.l etlectnatly cleanelng ihe head et uttarihal virus, causing healthy seerutleus. It ulluvs Intlaiumatlen, protects the membrunu et the nas.il passages from Ireili relils, completely heals the Mires and restores the senaes et tastu ami smell NOT A LIQUID Oil SM.TK. A few applications relieve. A thetvwjh treatment trill cure, Agleeahle In use. feiiil ter circular te cents by drugtetD. i)ceuts by mall, registered. HL BROTHERS, mHxlAw DrutrgUtH, Owego, N. i. tIKir ADVKItTJ.'ittMrNTn. 11 AltKH A IIK1T1IKH. BPBING OPENING. . NEW DRESS GOODS. Seft Weel French Tricetines, Taffeta Velours, Panama Checks, Ottomans, Cashmere Plaids, Cashmere Amaon, Drap D'ltalian ami 46-inch Cashmeres, in the new designs and colors. Dress Goods from is'i te 37' jc. per yard in large assortment. Cotten Wash Goods, Satines, Madras Ginghams, Tnrqueis, Seersucker and Chintzes. 1 cm i'i" w.. :....:... ...w...:..l .,tt..,(!m. -. ... ..:n. ... 1. m 1. -- .-. . ..... OlllVO lit: limit: aiJWV.uu iiii.iiiiuii iu viui anix siucN. JJIUCK UTOS v.iiatll bllKS IrOIlt OC. te mere, Jersey cloth and Batiste cloth. Alse, a full line of Black French Cashmeres, of direct in portatien from one el the best manufacturers, 40 te 46 inches wide, in Jet and Blue Black, in a die qualities, from 40c. te $1.25 per yard. Courtland's Crepes, Black Thibet Shawls. l7, !...., iivtlMllt'ttlAM VCIIlllv; u.iwiiiiiiuiuii HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, LANOATER PA TitAVKLrWH ) VI UK. AZUPJ! KU.A.? " M ' ''1CHVI I.I.K H It Xi Lara run iu lollewx .'I!V.". 1'''i,''Hir (T. It. Dciet),nt 7. an. HiUimiav' .'" ' ."m., 8: ' " "' MrV it 11 Bumhlvr"1 y '1 nl,evu l,,l, UJICenl en ALLKY UAILItOAD '11MK.TAIILK. ROUTMWAlin, .1....1 !, S .l.0ttV0 ''Ohnnen dally (etcept Hun lay ) at e.a b. m., wa and 7iil p. m. ' ,A.'yVV ul Cornwall at .IU a. in.. 12S7 p in JiJ ).."'. .'"' "l C"iuwnge at 7.W a. lii! i,aj ...... m ...... ...... win,, ,.11 K n,u imi p0ll.m., Miulu mlliead foipelnti Kant and IVuat. neilTIIWAHU, U2I.,V,,.", 'l,"l''l'1ewaKOftt7i30a. m.,ll;:waiiA O ml p til. At rlve al Cornwall at H Hit in., 4:ln and e 11 p. 111.; at Lebanon al8..leu. m., t Heiunl na '., 111., eeniieulliig at Lebanon Kith I'lillmtelnliln A Hi ailing rulltead for pelula Kait and Went and the Lehaiien A Tieinent braiielilorJehin'. town, I'lnegtuveand Tieinent. 'Uie ti..k) a. m. tialn Mill plopeuly att'eru wall Celetnimk and llellalre ClOLUnilllA A J OKI Ixi 111 1. HOAD T1MK lAI'l f TniliiH new run inguUrlv en t eiu:n m Vert Dopeull llullteud en uie (oIIewH'k Uibe 1 r"P. I STAJTlelJS t BeiiTiiwAnK' IV WKHM A tlUILYr, tuui .xra- kji . jr 1 - NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. S. UITI.EH. liisli & Brether's I'hSN IIALLLLOT11INU HOUSE, Nes. 2 and 4 North Queen Street. LVNCASlElt, I'A. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! Opening in Every Department. Opening in Every Department. Opening in Every Department. TO-DAY ! TO-DAY ! All marked very Lew. All marked very Lew. BOWERS & HURST. LANCASTER, PA. 1 Kll. r. IIATUVO.N 188J SPEDSTG-1884 CARPETS ! "CARPETS ! JOHN S. GIYLER & CO. have the best assortment of new and choice natterns of lWlv Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, All-wool Three-ply and All-wool Extra Super Carpets, in this city, and only in reliable makes, at the very lowest cash prices for the best quality goods. Alse lull line of Heme-made Rag Carpets. Clean Carpet Rags taken in exchange for car pets. Call and see our goods. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., 0.S PltlCK Dlir GOODS AND 0ARPET HOUSE. NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JOUK IMIUTIIWAIIO, r. m." ff.M 0:3A 11.41 7.W 7:0ft 7tti 7-11 7:-3 7:37 7:41 7..V) tt.Wl A.M. A.M. 10 3A 10.re I0.S7 11)15 . Ur .... U:?4 ll7 lt'-Ti ll:' ll.s: ll:M UOA 7:10 US0 7:i7 P.M 12' 7.37 li 40 H.-On IS.U .'J) ... ..Columbia.... ..aitliliiKleii,.. ... Cnvawell ... . Hale llarlKir... .Shenk'R erry.. .... .l'eiiuea ..... .Yorkliirnace.. Tiieiunn Mct'all'H Ferry ,. KlteVi Kddy .. .KWilniOriiek, ,1'eaeh llottem. .. Conevliii'o... Octerarn .... ...l'ert llemrtlt.. ... I'orryvllle.... A.M 8'JU ew HM 7:45 7:ie V.y 7:31 7: 7.a 7:10 7l 6.ft7 (l:ll 6:K BU r.M. r.M b-M' A 31) .... :u ... A:I7 .... 6:U .... 6W .... veil am 4.M .... 4:4.1 4:.ti 4::) 7.M 4:11 7:30 I OS 7ffll 3M 7.17 3:11 7ir l)i:ACIl lleriU.1l ItAII.UAV. On and alter MONOAY, JAN. tralitu will run at lellnns : T11A1N8 UOINll KA8T. LHAVK. llerHey'a Klileni Kiilleu Heme.. Whltu Heck.... AlllllVK. Oxlerd l'hlladelphla. Ne.l A.M. 7dn 7i7 7 in K.IU 8 I.'. !(. Ne..1 r.M 1 12 1 M 3.-1 17, Ui Hut. enl w ILL1A.MSON FOSlKlt. V UTOHIA Cera Remover. The most orfectlve prepaiatlen ler thoiii theiii thoiii meval of Ceritii. lluulenu, Warts, etc., eer placed belore the public. Warranted te er.idlcnte cemplulely sud within a gliiirttluiu the iniMt obdurate cerim. hanl e. veft, without pain. IT If) A I'OJlTlVa CCRB. BOLD AT BcIOETOLD'a DRUG BTORB, Ne. 401 WKSTOllANOKSTllKKT, coiner el Charlette. dl-lvd ITKAUtJUAUTUlfj I'OlUilt, COME AM) KA.VM1NE CKlTleALLV THE MAKE AND SHAPES Ot OL It SPRING SUITS FOR 11US AT l'ltlCES IIANUING KHOM fej.00 IO S1O.00 AND Leng Pant Suits FO.I UOb, bJ.'25TO HI3.00. All-roel Business Suits VOlt MEN, SH.0OTO WI0 0O. HuteiirHI'hCIAI. ALL-WOOL HAUK CAS BlMLItEaL'l r U ultheiilaueiiual Ier13 00. FULL DHKSS HUI'IS. tarelully made and handsomely trlmmeti, Hilltuhle ler all rULL intE-iS OCCASIONS at inlets ene third les than custom rates. CAHi'Jira, .te. J. H. MAHTIN A UO. AT Tllli SIGN OF THE BOOK. t'ilUTiniUAI'ltti' J. K. UOTK. There has been aueh a demand for LAHUE I'lIOTOUUAPHH th.it 1 wJ CAMKItA 110X te meet the uemnud. We can new make you a I'HOTOaa mall an the ninallest locket will held up te a Mnch jace, te at tun 18x22 irruuie. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 100 North Queen Streot. Iuue2.ua H INDIAN MEDIOliNES, KA-TON-KA AVD MO1JO0 INDIAN OIL -AT- LOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO. U KAHT KINU HTIIEET, LANCASTER, PA. DU,..J' ?.V. 1KKV, IIAVInOMTUOIhU tllU llltlerellt HValiilmim M,ll,...i ..':. '!'.; " the h.-HnltuUel IMi la'lelnli Li e lUc... e, iulilAr ana" In. R.rT, TVti uHlwt OTIOB-fATlKNTwiHIllNUlOCON. DR. LA GRANGE. Or W& Kll.nm.TKTe. i. ' Itro tequeVled te "kTve at hSSl I'iV. li- netieu , r te their Inteaded vIMt tSTiVevSSS dUapmilniment and lesa of time. l'reVu"t Dr. La UranKe'a new work en Nervous nu. cases and Allied Dliorilen. bent frtV Tbypniu Wcenu. Addreaaaitubeve. ml.jmil PKOtfKSSIOWAL, flAftO jnOVt-H. .i, ifffif ftn.a '"niUiire iiieyml at short ife. Hf5,-2lZ5i.-X? .'."ttU 0U, Oyer l.oeo pianos mevea in threo years. fe 7:-lia Ke. J4 A', tiuecii Bt Isntister. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, Dealers lu Ueililnif, Habi, Caps. Kurnlaldnir UoeilH, Ituhber Clothing, beets, bhecs, Truuks, Vallnea. iravclliiK Ilags, Etc Neb. 02-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTIt, I'A. uuucEitixa. -t f rmrr-rrr.j-i rm,, T HUIWK'S. A1 FeH'h Ocfornre Tomnteos. GAVB ni-KOitrii) ubuiumti, -tub Oreat KnKiish Uemtxiy. An unfallinu euro ler lmiKiioney, and all Dlseas eTtruVi tude. Pain in the liack. Dimncsa of Vta'en, I'rematuru Old ae, ind marfv iiSSfiVi" a,,a a 1''i""ture Urnve; Full pa" Ueufars In our pamplet, which we doslreto Bend trim by ni ul te evnn ene. Thn htJJmii Modlcliiel.BM by lVlruirSl"?; at 11 AS atfe, or six packaes ter. or will be sSnVfn e SreulVe.r'"1 ' l"U M tsIthoU:Yinnt0wCi!1unl,rrel,J1' we have adopt adept tho Venew noen,,yilno! v"w Hutlala n HAUTuX'N'S YELLOW KIlONTCiaAU 8'ieni:. Every can Kuaniiiteed and sold ut 10c a can. Feil's Octoraro Cern IsHtenell'a EvorKreon Snuar corn very line Kery can uuuruiitetd und told lOeacan. or Boyer'H String Beana, Ilea Cue. Red Seal Marrowfat Peau, l.'c a Can. F 1 X E T A H L E V E A V U E S. l.w,V.0arVeausatpie?ml KrUS" Unm,ua A"P' BTJRSEl'S, NO. 17 BABT KING STREl?!?. JUUriltUlNH. flWYLOU' ITAw'evVl.UUur"5" "i Uh en n trial and be convinced that it u M n0 claims, tim 1IE8T IN THE WOULD. It wm Awarded the hluhest medal ut n... Tayler's Fancy Fleur ltelatts at 05 cunts per 23 Pound Hack KOIl SALE IIY ALL LKADINU OllOOEUH. M, F. STEIGERWALT & SONS, nole AkuiiU ler Lnucester, n7.im J. B. MARTIN & CO. Applique Curtains, Swiss " Lace " E1TJ1ER Y.V JATTKIi.ti H II f Til A YAltD AZD AT ALL VRIUK8. Lambrequins. .V LA K J'ATTSHXH UJK MA Mi TO ORDER. Curtain Poles .V WALXCT, ASH, JIRANS AXD .7O.V1' IS DirFEHEST LKSOTHS. ... A l"l ""0,of tw tflikn, Terrlei. Turceinatm. SerKee, Ilnmlcs, Crotenneo. Deuble racud Canten ri&nueN, ate, ter curuin. Drapery and Kuinlturu Ceverlnifs. r erkmeii experienced lu curtain hanKlnx and draiilni; turnlshed. J.B. MARTIN & CO. IIOILKUH, JtU. riuir. BEST STEAM ENGINE AND Cemer Wes King ;unl t'rince Streets. buiUK'H UAltl'KT HALL. Luncnster, l'a. r. - r-arr.xrs.zj: BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! -AT- SHIEK'S OABPET HALL. Seiling 01T te Cleso Uualncss. Everything 3Inst Positirely ha Selil. iimVi't'i AvnKrUJO,f?Xfi?,,,lJ,53.5L8'.TA.VE8TIlYf nml Alt aralM of INOUAIN CAHl'BTB, HUUB, IJLANKK13, COVKHLKTa and OIL CLOTH. t3T ALL ATA SAOmFJOE.-Sl Prompt attentien glven le the Manufacture el ling Carpeta te order. AT SHIRK'S CAEPET HALL, OOR. W. KING AND WATEIt STS., - - LANCASTER, PA fob!3 2uidaw riMIB I.ANOAHTKU CARPET CLEANING WORKS. CAltl'KTa CLKANED ON I'ltOM IHEI) TIMK, without reifard ta weather. Clet your CurpeU cleauutl with theBTEAM CLEANEU li you want thorn returned Pree from Du6t, Free from Meth, On Premised Time, Brightened dolers, Ne Injury te Carpets. PRICES, 3 GENTS PER YARD. CALLKl) roil AND DKL1VKKED FitEh. OfllCO i WITH LANOABTKK OUUAK rACTOUY, Cox's Building, Cerner Church and Duke Streets. BOILER WORKS. We manufacture nd keep In stock the (ol (el (ol lenliiK koels l'ei table KnKlncAen Wheels and Hllln. Htattenery KukIius ami Ktutleuery HellerH. 1'ortiible llelleni. 1'orUibleUaw Mills. Lartce an 1 Small Heller Keed I'umps ; pumi ami heaters combined Hark, Cerk and Cob Mills. Pulleys, ShattlnK and UearlnK. llouse Cellar Heaters. (Jroamerlrs tltletl up. Hteam Heating a eprclalty. Iren and llrass CtutltiK. Iren Tanks ler Water and Oil. LlKhtand llmivy Ml lent Iren Weik. Hteiim and Water l'lpes. Valves and KlttliiKK. llulld any Style or Power et Hellers. hstlmates clvun for machinery. Hepalrs promptly nndcuretully uttended le JelmBest & Sen (I'UOl'ltlKTOUS.) Ne. 333 Fast Fulton St., JanlMrd LANCA8TKH, PA. VOAJj. B. u. HAUTin Wholeealo and Uetall DeiUer in el. Ktmu ei LUMHEU AND COAL. raxd : Ne. 420 North Wateraud rinc stroets abOTolAimen Lnnouiter. nlvi' IJAUMOAHONEltM JllKrKltlf a. COAL DEALJB.KS. OirriCES. Ne. 71 North (Jeksw Htbikt, awd Ne. Wt North 1'iuwea Htrukt. YAUD3, North 1'iiinem Btrkut, nitAn Kuad- ihu "juror. LANOAHTKU. I'A. auglMld pOAX. M. V. B. COHO flOff XUUTll WATKU T Lttnnuitr, i-e., Wholesalti and lletull Doalers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection Wltb the Telephonic Ktchange. Vant and OfDoe Ne. 831 MOKTJI WATKU BTUKET. febd-lvd "SlLLi VLVaUUNU Atflt UAH riTTlAU. "JOHN U AUNULU, PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Oase Heaters. rarFinest Werk, Beit Workmen. Leave your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Neb. 11, 13, 15 HAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. NOTIUK. HavliiK sold my riillre Interest In the coal bnBlncss te Henry Hiueych, 1 ask the con tlnusnea et thu same liberal putronaue for inv successor. HavInK purchised the coal yard lately ownedby I'hlllp Ulnder, Cor. Andrew and Seuth Water Sts., 1 am prepared te lurnlah the very best kinds el Ocal for Family Uee, which I will dollver, caretuily wolghednnd screoned, te any part el thu city at the lowest market rates. Orders by mull or telephone rilleil promptly. Orders left at Ne. fIBHeutli (Juetnstrtet will receive prompt attention. HENRY SMBYOH. uprll-lmd lVKItK VOTKIt WHLt'UMK. Whether Itopnhlleau or Dnmocial.te eall and see thu best Werkluir I'auts.Ovenills, Werklnif Willi U) and Juoketn. made by thu KALLIULLMANUFACTUIllNU COMPANY, Every pair warranted net te rip. Alse u lull line el Ladles', Hunt's anil Misses H040 and Notions uenerally cheaper than ever. -ilulhllnif stene and sand lorsale. Hemes ler saloer ruut. IIENUY 11ECHTOLI), fi-lyd Ne. 01 North Ouixiu Btieet. THAlNSHOINtl WI-lsT t m 72: only Ne.B f.M. H 13 UK) V 1U Ne.'J A.M. 11 Ul 1137 lilK l.S Ne.l 4 13 7 10 7 10 Hl. 8 18 Moti. only Ne.11 A.M. B 10 Ml lilift C13 0 11 LKVVU. l'hlladelphla 0tenl Whlte ItiM-k Kullen lleiive Liilnni AIIRIVS. I)l)n.i.v4 I 1 . 1 il e ... V. 1 .V. I C .Ml 11)1 rl). A anil Si) fl truliiM ..111 u..,.. ....1.. ..1 slKimjed. Imliiteennectiit lmeys lth(o lth(e lunibU A Pert DeiMMlt ll. II. Trains leae th.i depot, ilre.id Hlleetaiid WiuIiIiikIeii iiM-nuivat 7.KJ A. M.undS-Jul'.M., and arrive it i 17 I' M and 1'. M. 'I IckeU Irem all atiitlent te I'Ml.v drlphla and Ualtlmeie for sale by tlieuiuduc ter. '. A. ALKAAMIKIt. Hup'L i)SNNhtl,VANlA I1A1I.MIAII-.SAW n..v.i.ri!'.!''J!.l"'K-0n ,",,, ft"r fit Ml A NO LMIIKIl, 1MIW3. trains en thu I'eennyt yaiila llallread will arrtve at ami luwe the Ln-ic-mtei amt l'hthu' Iphlaoepeuas lellcwi,: I li VI i.r jl.fcn'l' 1 RASTWAkl) Mall Kipnvis , Philadelphia Kiihtsi Tast Line UarrtsburK Exp'ees Yerk Accommodation anlvs ... Lancaster Accoide laten urilvea. Columbia AcceiciiiOi den Frederick A(emiiiOilallnn arrlvea.. Leck Haven r.jprunn I l:T. 6:ST. S.l WW r.M, 1I-M Hi i-Ji 5:1p et, Tllfi 4 .". 11 40 8.1b r.M. b IJ B.-Oh V.J Sunday Mall Johnstown Kxpress Day KxpreiM Uarrlsburi; Accommelatlnn Hanover Accommodation west, ceiinuctliii at Lnneiister with Nhutivra Kiprwas at U. will run through te Hanover dally, oicepf Sunday. rnslerlck Acain.inOiltit Ien, uiiat, connecting at Ijinaister lth fast Ltne, wiut, at 1 A, will ran through te t -ederlch. WmrwAKii. IJirXJA'!. I-UUL4U1 ) Mews Kxprutu Way PasenKer Hall Truln, Ne. I, via. ML Jey Mell Train, Ne. ii,vla Coin inbta,leuves KL'iKuni Express tlAUOVur AcconniKMlullen leaves.... ra.it Line rrudcrtck AccouimedaMou Kvivus HarrlsburK Acceiniiuxlatlini Lancaster Acoeinmotallou lunvi'd Columbia Arce in trotlalteu HarrlsburK Express.... Western hxpress I'ncine Kxpretin 1A.M. ii)i 7:0u V:i6 11.10 .... r w. 2:14 4:4 5. in 0-1' 11 3 I A.M 8..H :& 9-J0 0.43 ).U) r.M I PIS MO 2..JIJ 7uM 7 40 II Is IIS HarrlsberK Express, wnleh leaves Luncasler at 7.10 p. m., hAS direct connectteus (without chanue of cum) te Columbia and Yerk. fast Line, wool, en Huuilay, when dnsoeo wlllstonatDewuln;towii,iJoutesvllle, Purses, burg, Mount Jey, Kllznbethtewn and Ml lle. town. Day Express, Vast Line, Nuws Express, .Mall Train, Ne. 1, Western Expreus and l'acltlc Ex prss run dallv. Tim tlmu here (jlven Is Ktiitern time, or that el tint 70th meridian, wlilee Is 1 mlnuteaiidU hiteihIh tanter than that lierelntore lived MtlHIVAl. nin I'UVMr.N It.. w 1L.UOA A WMITn Wilcox it White Organ Ce. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW 1H.T1IE TUIE TO lim PIMOS AiND ORGANS AT 8LAUUHTEUINU l'llICES. Oue Ooel BoceiuMland Piane ivi.ue One Eleiruut Hrcend-lland Orun 40.1O One Elegant Nuw OiKau, 12-Utep Couplers and SublliMK M.00 Wilcox X Whlte Organs tiein (70.txi te tioe.to "Knabe," MePhall, Orovenstoln & Fuller. Koysteno, aud V020 & Bena Pianos, AH Mntked Dewu te llottem l'rties. Almont U'lveu uway. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warcrerms, NO 152 EAST KING STHKET, II. II, LUCUENilAUH, AL'ent. feDIMM ejAHH an it yujucttaHAHji. TriUll MAHTIlt. -AT- CHINA HALL. We have en band a lull line of WHITE QUAMTE WAIIK, UECOUATED WAUK, KHQMSn 1'IUN.TED WAUE, -1N- DINNEn, TEA eiia TOILET SETS. AT We Biiaronteo our ware. Goods ex chuuged It net sattslaotery.) High & lartin, 15 EAST KING .STREET, IiAHOASXJSB, FA. a