-- 14;'.' (Etye ymite: t ! -1 Si " "V '$ $7 i$ Velutin XX Ne 1H8, tll.OVIIINO, A blcger Bhew thau all the Whlte Elephants ia the Mam moth Clothing Stock of A. 0. Yatea & Ce. Ne Humbug, no deeceptien, We refund the meney en all goods net entirely satisfactory. A. C. YATES & CO, LKDOKIt IIUILD1NU, COR. CHESTNUT & SIXTH STS., l'lllLADKLI'lllA. 1r.MUVAi. REMOVAL EXTRAORDINARY. New Establishment, New Goods, S. S. RATH VON, Merchant Tailor ami limner. Itcspcctlu ly Informs lili patron nml tint pub He that li 1 1 ii Iteiimvid lili Merchant Tnllor Tnller liiK Katalillsliiiiiuit tt-em Ne. 101, where H has beau located ler ever thirty yours, te 131 North Queen St., (HOWELL'S UUILDINU), Whom he tiua Jiint opuneil wltli u fresh uml seasonable Hint el rubric), ler uitm uml boys' wear, which will be muilu promptly te order In any style. Hint mitlsliictl.m assured. Thankful fur pint favors, hlseir.irm shall tu te uiurlt tliu LOiilluiiuil confidence et tliu pub lic S. S. RATHVON. rruclicnl Tailor. 11122 1 met II OKKI1AUT. SPRING OPENING -AT- H. GERHART'S Tailoring KHtublishineut. I uiii new prepared loshew te tlie trade uu ursortineiil et Woolens ler thu spring uml SuminorTinde which ter llcuuty, (juullly uml Quantity surpasses nil my lermur otTerts te V'case my customers. Noun but tlm very best foreign nml Amerl can fubilcs ler Dress uml IIiihIiicss KuUh i u complete line of the l.ulesl Shades el Spring Overceating. The very best t weikmamdilp ami prices lewur tliuu any llutue In thu city for tliu sumo (limllty of bimiiIj H. GEBHABT, TAlLOlt, Ne. 6 East King Street. rtANMaiAri a into. EXTRA PUSH. That In what makes our NEW SPlttNO STOCK LAHUKU, HKTIKIIAND CHKAPKU than 11 ever wuh buleru, Hee thu wemlurlul low prices lit -AND- Beys' Clothing. Men' BtllU at .60, $l.00,l.50,J.C0t H.00,3.00. 1U.0U, uptOjfl8.W. iii, BOYS' AND CHILDRENS' CLOTHING OUH UUEAT bPKCIALTY. Heys' Suits Ut M.25, I50, IS.OO, W.S0, t.uO. i!w'lup0te w w.u ut 1,35' ,U3' ,iM' ,i6"' ,3-' TO THK LADIES ! It you wish te buy Heys' or Children' Suits, leek ut our lurire Hteuk elegant made styles, werkmuiiship, riuuiity und low prices, i'liuy cannot be appiouched unywliure In this city. " L. Gansman & Bre,, TUB PABiIlONAHLK MBUOICANT TAI LOI13 AND OLOTIUKllfl. N09. 00.68 NOItTU QUEO BlULhT, Utght en the Southwest Cernur el OreiiKe Btreet, LANCA8TKU, PA. Net conneclod with any otner Clothing nouseln thecltv, WIl'tlOOT nXClSt'TION TUB llHIv Be Clinirtn thaelty. JIAUTMAN B YKI.I.OW YIXOHV CIUAU bl'OHK. TOMUCH A fill VIUAltH. I tr.mtiVAi,. IV A. OIILKNDKU lift I ..Miiiv.nl hH TO. llACCO AND OIOAU bTOHK Irem No.Wte Ne. 1UWK8TK1NO HTIIKKT, wliuri, he will liiivnnieiiiKMiiti uud greater Incllltlcs for cur cur ryliigeu hi, Increasing business, A Imgosleokol ull ilm HK8T IIUANDSef lebiicciM, (JlKurn nut atitiih censliuitly en linn. I, Cull ut thu in, ,!,'Wj W.1.'.1.1'1 ANI) "I'1" riK'NT, nw, u ur.ni huh ui. A, UI . OIILKNllK.lt. iniiril-linil II. Ij. HTlCllntA A Vil. '1OBA00O. TOBACCO. l.iilUi.at u!tirliiiuiit et i'lne Qfudea Ohewltitf and HmeklriB Wuoveroilciu.l.nl STEHMAN'S NEW STORE, 110 North Quoeu Streot, I'ollce I'Iiik, lnrii mid uenil. Iti.liilluriiie. oelvii uii hltttitiit olenk with inch her. l.utle Ni-clc, Hnw I .ok, whim llurlv flllurltryli) (.hii'iii.iijiiu rhiver ( liuwnK Tolwcce, Kiatuh 11111114 Nuw bleru, Hi! North Queen ntfcet. eiOAna. eiQAna. ii,V.'.,r IJ.','0 ' "Ojnll K'mhIh Klvn i.ntlre Hntlsriic I "h. llie viinlictlNrlimiKcil. uml tluiyHiiywe Kt tle hint two ler 6e torcutili.ceutbtcli. mini's NuwHieru, lle North yuiuii mri'iiu n.!iVVI!.r. n Jluv V".l)eiin.tli' lluviiiin. nml jHtHl Ullllllt V Httl mill llniMiti.i in !... ..i.. ... BTKIISIAN'H Tw Ht.,r.,V. '" ",lJ,'ul UijIuIIlth nav.i fri.lnliiH. ilnl.iy nu.1 money by iuylnKKOO.1 kimmIh lit HTKHMAN'.I, en will liiPruitHii your ttiulii Our koeiIh nru ji'I a 1. . ....J.';. '""""KITIU'IOJIC III I-IKUIH Ut no tlin 'ft ' lJl"'" sit uut, (tliu eluntiuul,) In llu sum nml cull, wucnti suit you In prlce. l.enir uxpnrluiicu In lout unit iniiiiiitnutiirltiir imubliM in. te pro.liice koe.Is wu ilonet husltutu te ruceiuiiiuiiil. H, L. STEHMAN & CO. nmr31ly.I VA.VKU HANUlnun, 4C, IUAtiKH w. rnv. rlFTV Vfil.K.rt Of Dade Window Shades, In kU uml ui.vuii twit lunKtlm. Hpeclul blues muilu le enliT. The .IceUiiH me vury huii.l huiiiu nml miHlirnle In pilce. PLAIN SHADING lly thu Jiir.l In (hit New Celers. WMe uoeils for lurii wlmlews uml Hiere miuiltH, le In., ii i'iVSiV .'".-I. '? J'' ,l",l "i '" w"1"- "fO It'll " ;I'AN1) In Kciu, Luminal, HuiT.Uruuii uud Whlte. WOOII AMU TIN Hl'Ul.NO KOI.LKH8 r.0J"ili!ei!!'.lA,",.w,,1,l0Wf'' NIUKI.K OltNA. MKNTS.tntlNUKM. TAS8KL9. ,tu. We Uke uiouHiiieM unit put up Hhu.lua of uvury ilwcrln ilwcrln Hen in tlrsl-chinH munner. NKW rAl'TlillNbOK WALL PAPER I-OK bl'lUNU. (HUH lii Kmboiieil, Celer uml I'lulii. llei. Ucih, Kili'M-d, CellIiiK Ili'i'OrulleiiH, Ac liACKtUUT.INb, t'OI.KS), Ac. PHlRES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUEEN 8T LANCASTKll. PA. VAHI'KI'a. 1TAIIL.IMII!SI 1H.10. CARPETS -AT- Philip Schmii, Sen & Ge's 100 SOUTH WATER STHEET, LANUA8TKK, PA. Wuhuve u lull supply Ol ItAU AND KILL INtl CAItl'KTrt. We only use tliu beat el yurns. It you want u k'. sorvlceable Carput, lileiifti reiiiu uml iixumlnu our stock boleiu purcliaNliiK uIhiiwIiiuu, iu ii will Mill iis cheap in the rhtuiprMt. CO me ami sen fnryouinelf ami biiconvlnce.l.iiM weulwujs have thu tupula tupula tlen el making jlrst-clutis turpebi. CUSTOM KAU UAUPKTS A SI'KCIAI.TY COVKIU.KTS. COUNTKItl'ANKS, ULAN- KKT3, CAItl'KT CHAIN, STOCK. 1NU VAUN.Ae. DyuliiB Done In all its branches ut short no tice. COAL I COAL I Ol ihe beat quality, expressly ler family use. THY A HAMl'I.KTON. KEMKM1IKUT11E OLD bTAND. nil LIP SCHUM, SON & CO'H. Ne. lW SOUTH WATKlt BTBKKT, 9-tnil I.ANC.VSTEIf, PA. TIN W AUK, 0. riUlKUltKAT IIAUUA1M hTUKK, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTKll, PA., JOHN P. SCIIAUH, Proprietor. MOItE MK1) A T.S A AT) I'll Kill UitH 1'UA A AXYOTHKlt IIUVHK1N AM KHIVA. BOOCOl'l'KllKKTTLKS, ull sUe, nil prices Kvery description of 1IOUSK t'UKMBIUNU UOOD3. Kvery description et UAH AND COAL OIL Kl XTUUKI?. Kvery dosRilptleu of DOUIILK-SOLDKHKD T1NWAUK. Every doserlptlon et J.AMl'8, WOUT1I IIUYINU. Ami u imiltllmle et nrtlcles ueeded by ull ulii4ut's of tlm community. 4rlluyliiK uml mumilucturlni; In wholesulu iuautltles, we uiu picpnred te kIve our jin Irons thu beuetlt of monies thus saved or III Ull l). -SnecUl munitien paid te UOUNTUY TRADE. JOM P. SCIAUM, 24 Seuth Quoeu Streot, leb'SMYd LANCA8TKU. PA. JUAVlllMXnX. ,.1 .III U A VI. 'SO U1SSOL.VUII I'AHTMKUtilllP and pctmanently closed the Chestnut ttroet Iren Works, 1 ilealru te Intnrm my old putrens and the publle Bonerully, thut I am still lit the business, being lecuUid In the Penn Iren Company's Works, North Plum stieet, whoieIamiuuklnK Iren and llniss Cestlnus otevorydourlptlou, nnd wilt be ploused te ui tii an tyiiu may mvurine witu tneir patron uke. rrem 40 yours oxperlonco in thubuslueH uud ualnK the best muterlal andomnleylnit thu best meeliunles, 1 am satlilled I cuu l'iiui' untce entire satlstactlen, CastliiKS muilu Irem u mixture et Iren and steel which nre mero ro re ro Ituble for Btvunglh 'and durahlllty than the best cast Iren kuewn, V teeth toil pinions rolls nnd relllUK mill work a specialty. Cast ings nui.le el very sett Iren, uml tmna cast lugsolevory ilorerlptlon. I have ull the put ters uf the well and tuverubly known Mowier Cern and Cob Cniiuer, roflttel and Improve!, Alse en hand, mills completely ntusd up or In parts, te replace old ones which huvobevn In use ter yeuvu, guaranteeing thorn te give lsfacllen. Ruall-OWJ U. C. MuCULliKY. JHKIUVAIm 4 VKIfuTlKKHVPKU'rUUAI.. PHI HQ ...""rvlllo.Ohle, Hcpl. 10, 18S2. jyUUO " llnvlng tiKiin subjw t le a tiron tiren niilnl nllnctien, with ireuiient enl.l., ler n iiumlier or years, I Imreby cerlliy Hint Atihi'm tniiiinr rscrenALgivisiiHi prompt rollei uml Is the most ifTictlve trinedy 1 huvti ever trleil. Iankh A. Hamilton, Kdlter of The Vrttetnt." rniTflH "Mt.Ollea.1, O..June!i, mi. uUUUllu. " I have used Aykk'h 1,'iiBHiir rKcreiiALttili spring lern snvme e.iiiunmt Inns; trniibln with geed uireal, nnd I urn pleusiHl le toeoiiiuiend It le nny ene slmllnrly IliructOll, llAUVKV llAUIIIIMAlf, Proprietor et Ulebu lletul." niBrAnmi ur Dr. 0. AYER & Ce , Lewell, Mas. Held by nil Drugglstn. ulUW 4YKII-8 8AKSAPAItll,I,A AND AYKIt'S Churry I'ccteml ler 1.11I0 nt Coehrun's Ig Store, Ne. .37 ami 13U North Ouoen SU, Lnncuster, Pu. A OllKAT HVOVKita. HOP PLATER. This porous plaster Is famous for It iiulek uml hourly action In curing I.uiiie Hack, llhou llheu mutlHii , Sctutlcu, t'rlek In thu llnck, tsl.lemid lllp, Neunilgiu. Burr Joints and lluscles, Mera tV . ' wuiiuumm mi euilll UI UtllUU olther leuil or (loep-neittcit. It Boetlieri. nnunKHMma uuu mimuJUUJH 11)0 pHrU. Till) virtiuet hops cemhtiKMl with ftiitui-chHU iiiiil rt'iuly le apply. Hupurler te lthlmuiiti, tl.m. Held by druggists ami country stores. Mailed en receipt il priens. JlenJ'liuter Clim jtany, I'roprluters, llosten, limn, A GREAT SUCCESS. "Tlie best lumlly pill madii-llnwley's Steumch uml I.Iver Pills. 2Vj. Pleasant In action nnd easy te Inke. nev'JO-lyilAw () N KVKK KAIUi. SAMARITAN NERVINE. "YOU CLAIM TOO MUCH for SamaiiitAk NsnviMK,"snysnNkeptla "Hewcnti ene med icine be uspoellla ter Kl'lLKl'SY, DYHPKP. 81 A. ALCOHOLISM, OPIUM KATINO. UHKUMATISM.HPKitMATOItltIl.i:,erSKM. INAL WKAKNK8S uml fifty ether com plaints t" Wu claim It h tiieeiflc, simply, lie causu the virus el all discuses arises from the bloe.1 its Nervine, It. 'solvent. Alterative, uml Laxutlvu proportion meet all the cendl. tlens heieln refene.1 te. It's known world widens THE GREAT Nerve Conqueror. I Wiulets and composes the pattent net by the Introduction ernptulusnnd ilnutlecuthartlus, but by the restoration or activity te the .tern, ach and nervous system, whereby the brain Is relieved or morbid fancies, which ure cre ute.I by the causes above rolerrcd te. Te clergymen, Lawyers, Literary Men, Mer chants, Hunkers, Ladles, uud nil these whose sedentary employment causes nervous pros trillion, liregulnrltiuser tliu bleed, stomach, bowels or kl.lue)s, or who required iiervu tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Samaiutam Nuiivimj ia Invuluitblu. Thousands proclaim It the most wen.lerlul Invlgernnt that ever Hiistiilne.l the sinking Hystem. 1.W. Held by ull Druggists. Thu DU. 8. A. 1UCIIMON1) MKD. CO., Ptoprlelors, St. Jeseph, Me. til AS. S. t'UITTKNTON, Agent, New Yerk City. a3ll)oed&w (i.) T'IMMI'.V-WUltr, THK 8UIIK tUKK FOU Kldney Dlsoneoo, LlvorOemplttlnta, Constipation, Pllea and Bleed Dlfloaeea. VlirMCTAXX KSDOItHlS IT UKAltTlLY. " Kidney-Wert Is the most successful rom rem rom e.ly 1 ever used." Dr. P. c. llulleu, Menk ten, VU ' lildney-Wett Isulwuys lollable." Dr. It. N, Clurk 8e. Heie, Vt. " Kidney-Wert has cuied my wlte utter two ycuiStttiuVilug." Dr. C. M. Suiiiuierlln. bun Hill, (ia. IN THOUSANDS OP CASTAS It has riired whero nil else had failed. It Is mild, but cmoient, CKUTAIN IN ITS AC TION, but harmless In nil cases. 4S" It cleanses the llloe.l uml sttungtheiis and gives m.w llle te nil tholmiieitautorgmis of the body. The natmal uelliiu el tliu Kid. neys Is tostered. The Liver Is cleaned el all disease, and tue llewels uiiive ficely uml lieulthfully. In this way thu worst dheattua are eradicated irem the system. Price $1 liquid or dry. Sold by Druggists. Dry can be sent by mall. WELLS. 1UC1IA11DS0X & CO., HUKLINUTON, VT. KIDNEY-WORT. dl200d&w (2) K1DNKY-WUUT KOK S A 1.11 AT UOUH. tan's Drugstore. Ne 137 and 139 North Uucen Streot, Lnncuster, Pa. Ijilkh! " . " AN AKK8IS gives Instant rullel, nnd Is an lulalllblocure ler P1LKS. 1'rlce, 11.00 at druggists, or sent prupald by mall. Sample trce. Address, "AWAKKSIS" Makers, lfex :il. New Yerk. nprMyM.W.y.iw w KAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS, Of the Human lledy onlarged, dovelopod, stiongthened," etc., Is (in Interesting adver tisement long run in our paper. In reply te Inquiries we will say that thore Is no evidence et humbug about tills. On the contrary the advertisers ure very highly Indersed, Inter ested iierseus may get sealed circulars giving all partlculuiH by uddrnising Emu Mkdicai. Ce,, lluirale, H. v. Teledo JCvenlng lite. ul-lydMWAKAw "VTAItSlU HOLCH. WEAK NERVOUS MEN Whose nobility, uxhuuste.l powers, premn turn decay and lullure te porlerm Ule's duties piepeily, ure caused by excesses, orreisot youth, etc., will 11 nd n purlect uml lasting res toration tot ebust health uml vigorous man hood 111 THK MAKSl'ON HULUS. Noltller stomach drugging nor Instruments. This treatment et .nervous Debility uud Physical Decay is uiiltermly suceusstul because based en period diagnosis, new and direct methods ar.d ubioliite thoroughness. Full information and Treaties rree. Address Censilium; Phy sician el MAllS'lON UKMKDY CO , Hi W. Hlh St., New Yerk. uprl-lyM.W.KAw 30 DAYS' T1UAL, l)lt. DYK'8 VOLTAIC BELT. Kloutrte ApplliiiCQi ure tout en SO Days' trial. TO MEN ONLY, YOUNO Oil OLD, Who nre Bartering trout Nervous liability Lest Vitality, Luck el Nervo t'orce uml Viger W listing Weaknesses, uud allthose Dlsousesof aporseuul uaturu resulting Irem abuses and ethor causes. Spceily rellet uml cemplutu res toration et Health, VlKOruu.l Manhood guar anteed. 'The grandest discovery or thu Nine Nine Nine toenth centnry. Bondateaco ur Illustrated l'artphlet iroe. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., rprnyrtaiwrw imaiwhall, uieu. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, AP1UL 21, 1884. A JOCKEY AT HOME. HOW A TllltKniAN I.IVICb OHHILY, Jlie Kinid.iinem.s til it I'.tllntis Onlllng iHiiirs niel.HiiKhlln'.'lalk About Uurr.F, llldrs nml Uunrsrs, Froderlok Arolier, Etiglnt.d'H favotlte jockey, has been the nitbject of countless nrtleluH In tun Hritlsu prcKR. We have In America a jockey as heuist an Archer, tw bold nnd Bwlft te kcI.ii overy cliauce in n rnce, and ene wliose lenj; lints el vIoterlcH in the hiHt few henseiiH tnnltn tip n bril liant record. America's, tueiit HUCecfAfiil and popular Jeckey nierlts nttontieti ud npiilausn ns well as Kiigltuil's oliampieu tidur. Tames' MeLnuKliliti, in tlie well known blue nnd red of the b.ik.icIeiih nnd fortuento Dwyer Ilrothers, has rlildan hoiiie of the beat horses that America ever saw te triumph nfter triumph, lle Is qulet and modest In aplte of all the admlr admlr ntleit heaped upon htm, and u New Yerk Iribune reporter, who called te sen him at lila hatidsoine four story hotise Iu Broek Ijn the ether day, kIvch an iutoiestlug sketch el the uiau, his home mid his career : Tlie reporter was rcceived by a yettUK uud eharmiiur lady te whesu skirts a he.-iu tiful, fair haired, blue oyed three year old Mlrl was cIIiirIiii,' iu nn ciTeotleuato but somewhat einbarrassiiif; fashion. Fer whenever the lady moved the child, who was stariuu with all lier uilht, and smil. let; aud laughing at tbe utruuger, was Liken unawares, uud foil head foremost against her mether, or burled her little nese lnthe rich Axmluster carjiet. Boen Junica McLaughliu uutercd, and his up up up pcarauoe was Burprlsiug. lle was mero youthful iu his own drawing room than iu the Baddle. With bread shoulders aud n generally athlotle leek, he seemed In npite of his mustaohe te bu about eighteen. "Ne," he said, "lam twenty thtee. I was twonty-three last li'JJ of February, for I was bem en Washington's birthday. I inuriii'tl when I was eightoen, aud have new three ohildren, a boy four years old who is out Homewhero playing iu the street, the Ilttle girl who lua goue up stairs with her mether, and another little girl who 1b quite small, but who makes a deal of noiseHomotimt'B." The reporter complimented him upon his he ti se, which was as handsome iuside as its exterior premised. The two draw ing rooms ou the ground lloer have a total length of sixty three feet, and are fitted with mahogany walnscetings nnd doers richly carver;. Iu different parts of the rooms were immensu mirrors set iu mahogany frames. The carpet was really of romarkable beauty. Bome ene iu thu McLaughlin household had geed taste te have chesen that carpet, whieu must have cost a pretty sum. " That's a fast," Bald Mr. McLaughlin, " it did cost a pretty biiim We have just becu in here n week, aud have only begun te ftiruiBU thu place. I bought thu house out acd out and paid ferit oxaetly tweuty tlve thousand dollars cash down, and 1 d.i think," aud he glanced nreuud with a leek of iutense happuu'sp, "that my family are going te have n nice home." " What Is that handsome ploeo of pl.tte iu the window '." asked the reporter. " That went with Travers stakes in '81. I weu that for the I)wrnr Brethers with lliudoe and they gave It te me. I wen the same race next year en Charley IJ. for Mr. Uuruhatu, and I wen It again last year with llarues for the Dwyer Urotheis, aud they gnve that year's ploeo of plate te Mr. Itowe." " Aud have you some thoughts of wiu niug another piece of jilate this year tee V" " Oh, 1 can't say about tLat. I bheuld Iilte te well enough. ISut it's same glory te have weu threo years running an hew." btmlyliii: tee litipnnillen el uersen. " Mr. MeLvughlin," said the ropertor, you are hoyeud a doubt thu favotite joekcy et this country, and your catter last year was somethlug wouderfiil. Your winning the two trophies olieied by Thu Speilsman' forthujeokoy who wen most races, only emphasized the fact which every man interested iu the turf bad roeoguized that you wete the most suc cessful rider of Hat races ou this eminent. New, te what de you asmbe your nue-eei-n?" " Well, I'm learntng nil the tune. I leve horses, and study their disposition!. Horses vary very much. New, there's Kiuuey, oue of the gamebt hersea I oer rede, but if 1 touch him with the whip he swerves right away. WUeicas, if I spur him, he answers if he can, If hu oauuet, I don't go ou punishing him, hceause t'mt would de ue geed. I must le.uu the jxjlittH ei my noraeK, tneir Ilttle wayp, and what they can de. MIbs Woodferd I never whip nor spur, becaupe it isn't noeassary. I knew that she will de all hlie eau without it. I gave her the whip once," aud he aid this with evldeut regret. " but I uever have siuce, The fact is, 1 de net punish half ns in u eh ns I used te. 1 talked it ever with Mr. Itowe, nnd he convinced me that the geed horses wero net improved by punishment, but quite the contrary. They sort of feel the injitstioe of it iu thnir henrta, and it vexes them, aud they tun less freely. New 1 just give a touch of the spur te call en them I e de their beat, aud geed eneB answer nil they eau. Of oeurso thore nre bome homes se Uzy that they have te be punished from start te tlnlsb, nnd I don't apare that kind. Weie you at that extra day dewu at the Branch wheti Eele beat Ivlnuey ?" The ropettor nodded absent. " New that was a case in point. I gave Kiuuey the spur, and wheu he did net auswer 1 knew it was bcoaui-e he couldn't, and I didn't oeutiuuo te punish him." " That was a tough finish, wasn't it '."' " Yes, that was the haulest linlsh 1 ever rede." " Hut hew was it that Kinney beat 15 de en the Saturday previous !" "Well, I might mi03f, you knew, al though I didn't sce it. Kile get up te Kinney's hips at the bend of the stretch, aud that was the laatlaawef him. Hut Eele is a hard liorse te rtde, aud tales a deal of riding, and I might guess that Donehuo, his loekov. was tried out." " Hut you never get oxuausted at the ilnlBh I" Ne, I am always strong at the finish. Yeu bee, I neither ohew, smeke nor drink, nnd I leve my home and my business. Iu the wlnter when I don't ride I occupy myself with driving. I have two fant tretters, both tosingle harness, aud I drlve about for hours overy llue day, aud often wheu it is ne1; particularly line. And I walk a geed deal. When thu winter Is ever I ntn net iu bad conditie J, aud I huve no very hard work te de te get iute rau lug trim. This wlnter my heaviest weight wasn't evor UU pounds l am oxeroisiug the horses overy day, aud that will bring me down te 120 pounds by the lit of May. I have te get dewu te 105, be I shall have te work oil" only twvntyoue i e.inds. Te de that I need net plijbie myself, in f.iut 1 uover did aud uevcr will take physie. This is wb-U I de. By that tlina the weather is quite war"1, nnd vte gallop the UorBes from -1 te 8 u'o'eck, By half-past 8 I shall have flalsb'-d my galloping nnd have broakfasted. I shall put en four buIU of sweatera evor my erdluaty olethcs, and walk from the oeurso te the bridge and back again. I always eat neiir lulling feed that gives ma strength, roast tupat and sir'eln steaks, without any veg etables and no eake nor pie, nor ioe ereams, nor anything of thtt sort. I live pretty tntieh then at I always de, but I eat mero, aud particularly mero nourishing feed. Aud as I don't drink nt any tlme, nor smeke nor ohew. I don't glve up any thing when I'm training. The exorclse makes me feel as bright as n dollar, and I atn nover hotter nor healthier than when I'm training. This makes me think that I shall always be able te ride detru te my present welght." " And you ate fend of walklug ?" "Very fend. I go nt a brisk pace, and iu fact I think my gait is botter thau four miles an hour from etart te finish. Jockeys nnd durum. "Which of the joekoys .de you think your most mangoreiiB feo, when yeu'r mounted for a big race I" "Well, Hay ward. Fer an all round rider short distances and long, and any kind of heracs, there Is ue rider be geed in America as Hay ward. U.uboe and Foakea ceme next." "And which Is your favorlte oeurso?" "Saratoga, perhaps. Hut Monmouth park aud ShccpBhead Hay are ulce and safe oeursos. I ha von' t Boen any of the maps of the Impreved oeurso at Sheepshead, but poeplo tell me It Is te be wonderfully fast and perfectly sale." "Apparently you don't oensldor Jeremo park perfectly safu ?" "I de net ludecd. Thore Is always oeu siderublodnnger for the iuslde herse of beiug cressed nt the bluff, jestled against the ratls nnd thrown down. Then if a hersu is ou the iuslde aud a Ilttle behind, he gels uut elL And wheu thore are two or three Iu front aud a buuch behlud, it makes quite an awkward mlxture. Hut as tbe only way te impreve it would be te put the elub house else where. I suppose it wilt nover be improved, Jeckeys and tralners Ilke Jeremo pard, howevor because the track is se geed, nnd gets iu condition se quickly after a rainy spoil. The oeurso is of the right width, aud it wouldn't im prove mutters ut the bluff te widen It there." Mr. McLiuzhlln hore went into the ethor re m and caute back with a pair of antique spins, mounted neatly ou small crimson plush plaques, te which they were attached by neat bows of blue rib. beu. "I think." said he, "a geed deal of these spurs. Yeu soe thu uamd en them, Iludd. lle was nn old tlme jeckey who used te ride at races lu Virgiuia and ether Southern states. They wero added te the Centennlal stakes at Nashvllle in '81 te be given te the jockey of the whining herse. I weu it with Urntnble, aud Mr. Franklin presented them te me ou the oeurso after the raoe was deoided." They wero of old style, indeed, and had an arraugement for the strap similar te that of the Continental cavalry a hundred years age. The rowels wero small, but MuLaughllu said they wcre larger thau mono Ubed uy modern jeckeys. The only psln we can safely iniike light of Is the wlnilow-puiie, but the pain that racks our iramu uud tears our luiius Is amatter of serious consequence. Te alleviate the hitter uud ellectu permanent euro, Dr. Hulls Cough ayi up is reiien en uy uu sensible people. A WOMAN'S AVVnlll. Mis N. II, Small, the wlle et the popular deputy sheriff uml msesser et Tnpihum, Me., writes us en May 15, IS'3: "That she had been sevuiely allllc'ud dining several years with kldney and liver Jlseut-e, accompanied with soveie pains and backuche. Having tried many se-cullsd cures, uud medicines, mid doc tor's ptuscrlptleus, without receiving any buinili, uud while booking ler n cure, alie uo ue tied the luhuitlsument of Hunt's Ileinedy ami decided te try IL Having Leught a bottle ut Mr. Joimsun'ddrugsleru.couiuicncod using It with such llalturlng resu'ts that she contin ued tin oho, unit after using only live bottles the lmpiovuiiieiil In her health Is se marked that she wUhus nil who uiu utlllctud lu Ilke manner te knew et tills most valuable uud lollable iiicdlclue; nml she most cheeilully recommends Iluiil's Remedy te nil, uml espe cially le females who me Doubled with the complaints peculiar te the sex." A rAAIILY ULUSSInO. Under ditto of May 10, last, we huve rcceived tlie lollewliiB Information I tern Mr. Lorenze Lembard, et IS Ctmrlrs streit, Peitlnnd, Me. .Mr Lembard says: " Ker seyeial years past 1 have been tumbled with uoveio backuche uud pains in tlie side, and when I would lle down 1 could net rust well, us It sotmed im possible ter me te get Inte tin easy position t uml my uclies uml pains Increased constantly te such im extent that I became convinced that 1 had u disease et the kidneys fastened te me, and nrter having used doctors' prescrip tions uud many of thu eo-citlled cures without getting liny bunellt, 1 was persuaded by a near nolgheor, Mr. Jenes, le try Hunt's Uo Ue uiedy, ns himself uud wlle had been greutly beuetlted by Its uses, nml many ethers et our acuuatnt'inct's speke et Its limits In the hlghist teiuis. 1 declde.l te try It, unit pur chased u butllu ut Ntchet's drug etoreuudus seen us I hud tutteii a few doses et It the puins lu ui v buck wcre lelloveil, and after taking three bottles my sldcache uud hime back- ure cured, and I can truly lestlfy that Hunt's Ho He Ho medy Is uu artlcle of great merit, unit will de ull Hint Is claimed for It, uml 1 knew or many ether people In l'erlland who litu u found a ciuu In Hunt's ltemedy after ull ethers lulled te de any geed, and 1 recommend It teall who have kidney or liver disease, hoping that this may be the means et relieving souie sullorer who does uut knew el the mortis et Hunt's Keiuudy." a21-lwdM,Wir.tw A Yelllug ltuby Is something te be avoided. Ilables with colds babies with cieup, babies with scalds, burns, bMes, aelifs, sprains, or pains ure bound te be. ceinu noisy tenants of the household. Dr. 7iemru' Jicteetrla Oft will euro all these com plaints. Fer sale by 11. II. Coehruu, drug gist, 137 aud 139 North Quoeu street. We UtiHiieuge tue World. When we suy we bollevo, we huve evidence te prove that Shlleh's consumption ture Is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, In us much us It will euro u common or Chronic Cough lu one-hull thu tlme uud rellevu Asth mi, llrouehttls, Whooping Cough, Croup, uml show mero cases of Consumption cured than ullotheis. It will ciiruwliuiu they lull, It Is pleasant te take, harmless te the youngest child uud we guarantee what we say. Prlce, loc, Ma und l,oe. If your Lungs ure sero. Chest or Hack lame, use Shlleh's Pereus Plus ter. Sold by 11. II. Cochran, druggist. New. 137 uud W North Utioeu street. fob7-ed l ii. im -. .. lluelcleii'a Aruicu halve. The Hcst Salve lu the world ter Cuts, llrulses, Herns, Ulcers, Suit ltuuuru, Fever bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns.uud ull skin eruptions, und positively euros Piles or no pay required. It li guar anteed te glve purlect satisfaction or money retunded. Pi ice, i5 cents per box. Fer sale by O. A. Lectu r. 'Uruui It OiiLj' The above la uu old saw as s&vuge as It Ii toneless. Youem't "grunt out" dyspepsia, nor llvur complaint, nor norveusuocs It they ouce get u geed held. They don't remove theinsulves In that way. The taking u few ihHO-iet Jlurdeek Jlloed Ilttttrila better than "grunting It out." What wu cuu cum let's net endure, for sale by 11. II. Coehruu, druggist, IS1 uud U'J North Ouoen street. A Hturtllui; Ulicevery, Uf .. 1.T..1 fnl..n.. .. II. ..... II.. 1. . ...!.. utt. ii ui wuiiiiBi.il, ui uuii'ii, nun., ni.iu. that Ids wifu hud been troubled Willi iit'iite llienehllls ler many yours, uud that all reme dies tiled uiivu no neriuniieut rollei. until he procuted a bettle et Dr. Klny't New Discov ery ter Consumption, t'nughsand Colds, whlcli had a muglcul timet, and produced u puriiiu. nent eiiie. It U guiuuiiteed te euiuull Dis eases et Threat. Luiu:h. or ilronehliil Tubus. i Trial Ilelllua rree ut U, A. Loehvi's Drug Stere. Large sues, f i.tw, ni':i V1MT111HU. ItrANAMAKtStt & into WW. Spring Prices On many articles of clething1 will be very low and Oak Hall will repeat the pas experience en an enlarged scale that of giving retail buyers the benefit el geed bargains en great lets of goods. Wanamaklu & Crown. Oar Hall, 8. K. t'orner Sixth and Market, al7tld PHILADKLI'IUA. M VKIU a KAXUVOH. All-Weel Suits, $10. AlMVoel Suits, $12. Tlinse nre our great speclultlrs lu MKN'H KKADY-MADK CLOTH1NO. ltelluble goods, new patterns, handsome styles, excellent lilting, well made, trimmed and lined, quulltyuiul prlce conslderod.wo knowet no llnoer goods cqunlllng tlieui sold In this city. Confi dent !n tlie belief thut trnde mutually sutlslactery will lesiilt thuiofieiii, we Invite comparison with tliu best thut like figures will buy elsowhero. Moaaured Suits, Moeourod Sulta, Moaaured Sulte, $12 - 815 - 818 te $00 The largest and host assortment et Foreign ami Demestic Woeluns shown tiy nny Clothing Heuse In thu city. Kverythlng requisite te plouse dlversu Uistcs-mstuolle or extremely pluln. Step In und get our prices ; Then ue It ycu can de butter elsowhero That test often makes us trndd. Orf-1'erfect fits gunrnuleed In every Inst.iiice, whether tlie form hu symmet rical orethorwlse, olje tli"Ie3s bu ours. MYERS & RATHFON, LKAD1NU LANCASTKll CLOTU1EU8, NO. 12 HAST KING STREET. LANC'ASTKU, PA. CM llflfl Cll u l'IT.1. Hr.lltl.SF.NT tblsUUUjUUU edln Lancaster ut The Tailor's Guild. Te-day we open the largest Involve el the latest novelties te be found lu the European market from the popular und celebrated house, A. OKIUKl3l UUK VIVIKNNE PAUIS.albO u very select line et samples from thu popular English TAILOU, etc.. 11. lilMPTON, 103 8T11AND. LONDON, W.C. We Invite a general Inspection and criti cism. Wu purpose having en memorandum at ull times everything new und stylish In the market as seen us they am brought out. Any person wishing te linve their measures taken heru uml sent evor te Louden or I'urlslera suit or any style garment, cuu de se". We ure piep.ued te till the order from selections mnde among our sample. Any orders we put up here will bu warranted superior te any el the leading houses In the trude for style fit and finality of mate rial at greatly r dnced price?. Our facilities for gettlng goods DIItlCCT saves the Intermediate or Jobbers percentage. We also handle the largest line uf American productions, representing tlie Mecks of flvu of the largestaud host New Yerk und uruoefllio most prominent Philadelphia houses lu the wholesule cloth trade. Kvery thing pel tattl ing te Urst-class tailoring can ba nad hore. All are cordially Invited If, cull uud examine our Immense line of novelties. utis!u?lleu guuiuntoed In every puttfeulur Uespcctfully, &c J. K. SMALING. Over Lechor & Sen's Hanking Heuse, CKNTUKSyUAKt: LANCASTKll. uiurlll-lyWAS riMlK HUSH UUMl'INllSs l'OIt TllOSM Elegant Spring Suitings AT- Burger & Sutten's Ne. -'1 Cciilre Siiuare, LANOASTKlt, PA. "In tlinoef poaceproparo for war," Is geed irdvlce le overy man. Iu chilly times leek out ular. And buy Spring Clothing It you can. A geed many have evidently been acting en this latter udvlee, It the sales at BURGER & SUTTON'S ure te be taken as un Indication, Call ut ouee, select your goods, get veur measuie tukuu 11 you don't leel Ilke buying at once, at least get our prlcu list mid compire It with the price lists et ether first-class establishments. Merchant Tailors uud Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANOAbTKU, PA. Illyd VAUUIAUJSU, AV. rfltii: UAH1UAOH IIU1LIIKHS. THE STANDARD Carriage 'Werk OF LANCASTKll COUNTY. EDGBRLY & 00., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET BTREBT, IN UEAllOFGKNTllAr, HAllKKT HOU8KS LA-NCASTKU,PA. We muke every style llnggynnd Carlarge dt'slred. AH weiKllnUiuidln tlm most eoiii eeiii tnriuhla and elegant stylfi, We use only the belt tioleetod inuiuiiul.uiid employ only the host mechanics, her, quality ur work ear prices lire the cheapen In tltcJlstate. dVe buy ter eusii umi ueu uu.iug most reusuunuiu tertus. Ulve usueall. All work warranted. ltEl'AlltlNtl PltOMVTLY ATTKNDKD TO. One sol el workmen cspeclally ciunlojeil ler that miroese. uit-tfil.tw BURGER k SUTTON Price Twe Ccata vur uumtH, D HKHS (lOOUH, WTT, SHAKO & CO., Nes. 8 & 10 E. King St Kvery day bring something new. Kxtra. ordinary vuliie In ltlaek and Colored DRESS GOODS At II 00 a Yard, Kecent Prloe, l 25. Anether lnvolce et 8UMMKU81LK8at J7Je, B0eiind7Sc. Htlll openlng new Spring anil Summer DKKS3UOODS. Speelal montlen-UKMNANTS of DUEB3 SILKS, iJ per cent under usual prices. 3.1 Inch PIN CIIKCIC SUITINGS, new colon. 37Heayurd. ft-l ALL-WOOLSl'IUNO BUITINOB. 37Wea yard A C1IOICB LINE OF LADIES' JERSEYS In ull the popular styles at vary Lew Prices NEW YORK STORE, NOS. 8 & 10 EAST KING ST., LANCASTKll, PA. N KXT DOOll TO TUB UOUKT UUUSB FAHNESTOGK'S HKADQUAllTKllS FOU Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, Jersey Waists, LAUUK BTOUK NOWOPBNIN Plain, Braided, Embroidered and Pleated. ALL SIZES, 11LACK AND COLOU8. Our stock of these Popular Watits 1) large, attractive uud cheap. E. E. Fahnestock, LANCASTKll, PA. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. HATH AMU VAl'S. 7Ult SALK -AT- SMIz's Guly Hat Stere The most completo assortment of Spring styles blltr and Seft Hats ever offerod In this city uud at prices that will ustenlsli thu most curelul buyer. We have taken giuat care In selecting these goods, net only in regard te style, but lu quality also ; and us we buy ler cash ana soil ler cash only, we guarantoe te glve you as geed un urtlcle " II net hotter " than can be bought any where ler the meney. Tlie YOUMAN'3 SUIT Hat this season Is a, beauty, and ter riuuiity, style and durabil ity cannot be surpassed. The BROAD WAY Silk: lint Is a verv sensible style this boasen, having a lull brim aud bocemlng almost any one. Cleth Hats are the prin cipal touture for boys and we have a lull assortment. A lull llue et light-weight SOFT and POCKET HATS, and In lact everything thut can bu feuud In a first class Hat Store, at 144 North Queen Street. (QUNDAKKll'S OLD STAND,) A few doers above the JfrauUIn nouse, LANCASTER, PA.1 mar27 lydAw CUULT'Z OLD STAND. UKEAT ltKDUOTION W Hats, Caps, Furs, LadieB' Seal Rncques and Delmana, Ladlea' Fur-Lined Olreulars, Ueuts' uud Lmlles' Seal Caps at Cost, BILK UMBRELLAS. A Large Assortment et GLOVES at Cost. THK LAUUEST STOCK AND A830UTM1UIX OF PASUIONAllLK Mbr Hats, Cans, Fers, &c Ever ettered te the publle, at the LOWK3T PU1CKS. Wholesule and UeUUl. Buy tee cesh only uml sell cheaper than uny ether Hat Store lu the city. SOLE AQENT FOU THK Knox Silk & Derby Hat. TheONLT Hat Manufactory In Lancaster. Heys Caps Irem lOe. up. Men's Capaet all kinds greatly reiliiced In prlce. Kepalrlnir neatly und promptly doue. OldSUklUCsauula nalUonable. JOHN SIDES, dtt-tfa BuceeMer ta BHUtTZ Jk BKO. (t Kifililer .s.twte. Water ou DrsugbU Henry Hal wfpwwtoier 01 the Owpe Uutel. ijiinifarNertti OuVn streeL has reuieitete( ami has noir an UrauHUt Chariet Class's col cel col eLrolaa a'Jiliatlalpbla LAUKll UKKK for widen be I J sole anent In thUclty. AUo.SAR AUe.SAR ATOUA WATKll irem the larueus Kicoltler Springs, Saratoga, N. Y. A tull assert mentet the purest Wine and Liquors en sale. iaJ,-Bd n 'i -"! M cl 111