'-T!.nfflr -J r ''Af.- rv ) LANCASTER DALLY IMTELL1GENCEH, SATURDAY, APHIL 10, 1884. '1 i lfc ' ti rwih t : lr IN t ill,- r& 1 I Lrt i j & u In lancautpv ntellfacncct. DATUBOAV B"VKNINO, APRIu t9, 1804. After (he Contention. Although most of tlie Republican delegates went home from llarrisburg, after their state convention had nd jeurned the ether day, a majority of that body seetus te have lingered be hind In the person of Mr. Quay ; nud te an alert correspondent of the Pittsburg Dispatch, who tarried, tee, he has un bosomed himself with characteristic frankness. It seems that even the one out-and out Blaine man, who was ad mltted into the delegation-at-large, was counted in, after methods that are net regarded aa unusual in ltepubllcan con ventions. Te these who closely watched the cauut, it is net surprising te be in formed that Mllliken, the anti Ulalue delegate, set up te beat Jenes, was counted out and Lee counted In ; but it puts Senater Lee in the position of being compelled te vindicate his right te the seat he is reported te have been elected te. lie is far tee honorable and reputa ble a man te held a place te which his title is net above suspicion. He will net likely rest unlet under such an iiu putatien. Mr. Quay further gives out the im pression that an actual large majority of the Pennsylvania delegation Is ugalust Blaine, aud it must be admitted that he has very reasonable greuutls for his belief. As many as 17 are counted as ready at any tlme te ouppert Arthur, and 30 are estimated te be already c m vlnccd that 11 nine's nomination i3 net the best thing for their party. With the example of McMaues belting his Grant instructions in 1SS0 aud Blaine's friends approving, it will lw easy for him te lead an anti Bluiiiu insurrection this year, us his inclinations lie that way. But the most significant development since the Republican state convention is the disclosure that Quay and Blaine's friends including Blaine's own son aud his cousin, J ml no Kwing, of Fuyette ceuntyhad a conference in Philadel phia net long age, at which Quay wrote out ami sent te Blaine a direct offer, that if Quay were permitted te go as a delegate at large he would consent that, after the Pennsylvania delegates had voted their individual or local preferen ces, the delegation should cist Its entire sixty votes for whichever of Blaine and Arthur needed them only te secure his nomination. The fact that Blaine con sidered and declined this preposition, shows net only his own active partici pation In his canvass -which his friends have attempted te denj but it shows likewise his lack of confidence in the strength of his following Tin; one thing certain about the Penn sylvania delegation te tlie Republican state convention in Chicago is that none of its members Is for Wharten Barker's candidate, Senater Ben Harrison. In lact, Mr. Barkers Influence seems te have entirely disappeared from his party. in tiia state convention of the " off year " 1SS3 he was a conspicuous ligure and his idea of surplus distribution was put Inte the platform, albeit Mr. Quay and hi3 Stalwart coadjutors admitted that it was only inserted te reconcile the "cranks" and " lujjnshlueri " This 3 ear it ii conspicuous only for the utter ubsence of It. Mr. Barker thus explains it : The resolution concerning the use of the national burplus, pending the payment of Ibenatieual debt, docs net reappear, for the rr shed, we prosume, that the sub sub jeet Ih net yet under discussion. That tlie HUpporteftho poliey eutlined latt year in rauen ureaier, new, among tlie Uepubll cansnf Penusylvaui.i. than it was then is entirely certain ; while it is absurd te presume that the frlunds of Mr. Illaiue, making u large majority of the convention, would think ill of a measure which he has se e:truestly aud conspicuously advanced. This statement is hardly ingenuous; for lhu subject is at least "under discussion" as much new as it was a yeai age. That tlie convention thought 111 of the meas ure "which Blaine had se earnestly and conspicuously " advocated is very mani fest from the utter lack of any mention of It whatever ; and this is only another proof that tlie convention was net sin cerely for Ulalue. By the way, did the Indiana convention, which sen- Barker's candidate at tlie head of its delegation, enderse the Blnlne-Barker ''surplus dts tributien scheme ?" We lelieve no'. Gov. St. Jehn, of Kansas, tlie well known prohibition advocate, liaviug challei'ged the report of the inspectors of the Eastern penitentiary being him self anxious te refer neatly nil crimes te intoxicating think tlie prison manage ment vindicated their statistics by most careful Investigation. A gentleman who whs In direction of the religious instrustlen of the Institution, aud had unrestricted access te and confidential relations with the prisoners, questioned them closely as te the crime causes. He round that the professional burglars and cracksmen-genernlly the most danger euh aud desperate of criminals -were, without exceptlon.tetalabbtaliiers, keep ing for themselves and requiring among their assseciutes clear heads and steady bauds. Of these whose offenses Involved home dilllculties, in VI per cent, of the whole large number, domestic infelicity was the cause and net the effect of drunkenness. These facts and figures de net furnish auy argument against temperance iu the usuef liquor or ether Indulgences, but they de indicate that the extreme se-called temperance people, like most extremists, darken counsel by words without knowledge. Cusiiicalh mid laymen, believers and doubters, will read with interest, en tlie first page of today's Intklmciknckh, the translation of the " Teachlngs of the Apostles," one of tlie most remarkable aud ancient of Christian documents recovered by recent reseat ch, and which the church in America lias lieen ahead of the English church in circulating. Hanking iu age and importance second only te tlie New Testaineut,as a manual of church polity, it merits wide popular attention aud through the columns of the secular press will reach thousands of rea-Jers who might otherwise net ceme J into Imeiviedge of this curious work-. Editor Geist, from his perch in tlie gallery at llarrisburg the ether day, was moved te admiration at Quay's master ful management of the situation, In which he plucked tlie nettle safety from the flower of danger. But tt was the blundering tactics of Il.iynu and the weakness of Stewart in udvecitlug wrong measures and methods which first gave Quay his opportunity and enabled him te score a victory where the almost entire certainty of defeat had at tlrst made him willing te accept almost an compromise. Mil. Gitow, having proved himself very useful te the Stalwart bosses at the state convention, will be their favorite for the presidency of the national con vention. He will be serviceable. Tn dyuamiteis whom the Kurotem j niruils deem no terrlble tire taking a lit tle vacation in blowing thing up in Cub.i. The great credit aoeorded New Jersey for arboriculture, seems te have b.'eu nut altogether deserved. Friday was ap pointed ns tree planting day in the stit, and scarcely auy attention wa pil I te it. In supplanting the Republican health officer. ami lazaretto physician at l'htl.i l'htl.i delphia with better efUcials aud unquilitled Democrats, Oovernor Pattiseu has only dene what might have been done long age But it is uever tee late te de geed. It Is someMh.it curious that Henri Wattersen, hlmself a "wlnte elephant," should be at all tunes soized with n desire te paint thing red. If Hecri were sind sind sind pipored, white-washed au! sttitleil, I e would be an interesting aldltnu te any museum of curiosities. the ruiievriH or nrr In Cliureli mill In Sttte It I rule or tu ruled In courtship hiiiI umrilnH It l.i tool or l tooled , In lngtc nn 1 law It is nli k or be nicked . In gambling met trmlu 111 trick or be trtcke I . In treaty uml nur It l Usui or be b,itrn . In tlie strttguly ler Hie It lii-iit or bu cittca. Dn Wm. Siuvkii, oueof thoelle-t p'iy siciaus of Allogheuy oeuuty, h.tvia,; dis covered a way te euro certain (h.se.isti-. in incredibly short time, mule philanthropic announcement of the name through new piper advertisement. Fer this humane proceeding he has beeu promptly ill-l from the county tneJic.il society and the otiqnett-i of the profession is aitu nobly vindicated. In his quiet and elTectivi personal mvt 8 tigatieus of the institutions of the state th1) governor discovers that the Mercer Bjldiers' orphans school is carelessly and negligently couducted. Very likely. It is run as a mere money unking cujeern. The contractor, ex Seuater Wright, is also proprietor of two or three ethor establish meuts of the came sort. He eiiducs tha school at Mt. Jey, this oeuuty, aud we have roisen te beliove it- management is full of ruuniug sores. The g iverner would de well te skip down au 1 leek ever the premises, bofero th )se iu charge get a ohanea te whitewash the bare plic-s and putty shut the cracks. It was only a few days age th it the up palling information was given out tram Bosten that for sumo time btelc there wis no ozeno in the atm iipliore of thitcul tared city. But uek a deepar depth of dcnieraliza'inu has baeu reached. It lus becu reveiled by elliji.il tnvestig.itieu that a ery small part of the milk cold in Bosteu is goumue. I'. is fur th most put skimmed, extended witli water, roc ilereil with caramel, and is often treated with boraeic acul, that it nny be kept iu the rtualers posussieu longer ill m it wen' 1 lie possible if it was m rs tiitunl coo lit, m. Tlie big orep of pugilists and biseb.illists, for which this New England villain has been famed, will doubtless suatje its du.t from their feet new, that the milk Mijiply is proven impure, aud "cuhhin" will have an umlispiited leigu. iJK.sueu Bi.iiuen Randall ; "lb-is the Btreugest Democrat iu the country te day." Peru Li.ii pronounces Free Maaenry thi innpiriug element iu all the ttecret asjecu tiens of Italy. Govuiineii IIeidia, of Ohie.Hill iluhver the commencement oration bofero theJYale law hchoel this year. Uu. PavNiisS. Winsii.N.ef Moutgeiu.i county, has beeu appointed lazaretto phy sieinii, by Governer I'attlsen. Swaim, the chief or the Garfield chums, is said te have seoured lun pl.ice through a mortgige he had upon Garlleld'b houne Mull. Cm'KI. in'ald te have received into the Catholie church, Mrs. lIammrn'ey and Mrs. O'Denuell, prominent society ladies in that city. Ukadluhiii is opposed te siei.ilism en the ground that if it should bjoime a rul ing power it would necessitate a physical uuu luenuu ruvoiuiieu. GI..NEH.M. Guiiuen' has caused an Aialne test te be conspicuously (inscribed oier hm threne iu the palace of Khartoum, a trans latieu of which is, "Ged Utiles Over the Hearts of Men." IlKitn Fciitii, the great European oxpeuontof the uiodern Wagneriau school of singers, made his first appoarance in this country at the I'hilharmonle rehears.il In New Yerk, en Friday, and was cor dially received. HbMKNVi speaks "English as she is i?reki0'" lleceully at a social gathering nt Washington, after rouderlng ene piece en the progratnme, he said te a ludy who was congratulating him: ' Ven bet I dene get dat plece played up like a brhk, and don't you forget it." CeMiiti:sj.iiN Wiin k having made a savage attack ou the spoaker the ether duy a moiuber dornauded that the werdi bu taken down as unpaillamentary. "Tue Chair," said Mr. Carlisle, "desires that the words shall net he taken down, and that no notion should be taken of them," A Uuliireil OlerKrnmn IneUimni, Iu the Afriean M. E. Zleu oenfcrotico nt Newburgh, N. Y Friday, llev. T. O. Harper offered, his roslguitlen as a minis ter el the denomination. He gave as a reason that he "did net like this coun try," which, he itaitl, "was frce only in theery." He speke of "the casta spirit aud ostracism of colored men." " He was called here from his native oeuutry, British Guinea, te beoemo a professor in the Ooutenary college of New Jersoy, but owing te his color his services were dispensed with. He would cuter the Protestant Epiaoepal oliureh, recplve ordlcatien nud return te British Gulnea." Bishop Moere, the jireslding officer, said "they nil knew that many et thet e statoments wero true ; colored gon gen tlemcn wero net rightly treated in the Dlltll. UOt belnir nlleivixl flnnanl nnnnmnin. datleus in the ears." The resignation was aoeeptcd, OVER THE STATE. iiei.u iii.uie.Nu lttiiiin-.iis uArruitKii. A Srrtitnt (ilrl Holts llrr .sillrri-A n I 1 1 ii in ttiectiu;lklll t'errlbltt llrO illtiK AiclilPiil. Deteellvea Bend and Donaghy, of Phila delpht.i, elK-c'.ed an Important cipture of two thleies en Friday hi that city, wlile'i may pieb.ibty lead te the detection of etbm peipotraters of similar robberies. aV few weeks age a jeuug German git I, giving the name of M iggie Sohreodor, iind up. parently about 'ii years of nge, applied for employment ns a domestic Iu the house of Fiateis l.JUg, Ne. Sit North Bread street Tlie gul was attentive te her duties and neu the confidence ul her employers. Ou ThurMlay morning the girl disappeared, and shortly afterward Mrs. I,eng discov er. 'd that s?i,000 worth of jewelry nud diamonds and Jl 40 in cauli had been stelen. The misiiiig fervant was immediately sus pected of the crime. Detectives Bend and Donaghy were placed en the case, and by 3 o'clock Fridiy afternoon tlie olfeers sue eeeded iu arresting the thieves. Tliey traced tti tul te N'l. tli North Sixth street, where it was learned that she and a m in nam d Charley Walla? ha 1 engage ed rooms a few weeks age. The girl's real uame was found te be Auuie Hetler. The ellL'i-rs imtered the lieuse, and ascending te the see unl ll ter found Wallace iu the bath room, lle coolly received the detect ives nud nctly acjempauied them into his rooms, l'he girl beeam-i greatly frightened when tdie saw tlu elllcers. A so.ireh of th.' premises resulted in the discovery et the plunder. The jewelry wis fiiuud iu the bottom of a trunk covered with r.ii;s, mid the diamonds were hiddeu away tu a tobacco box. Of the latter there was a laige ciem btudJed with twenty three hteue--, ene ring with nine large steues, anil two otUers with hveii tirilli.iut teiics each, aud several pairs of diamond earrings. All the diamonds and jewelry were leiiud and ''J in cash. Wallace said that he hid ue,l a portion of the missing J0 te pay etn. eul ilebts Tuis rem irk irk nbie statement was followed by au tidiuia tidiuia kIeh that the girl obtained employment at Mr. Leng';, for thu -ele purpose el robbing the house. A e l.luii In I lie Schuylkill The Philadelphia ll rd nqierts that a sea lien has been tuen iu the Schuylkill ilier nt Nurnstewii by ii number of per sous during the piet-eut ueek, aad au etlert in te be made te cipture the tttrauge lisiter by 1).-. W. T. ijlemiuer, the drug gist, vhe deej a great deal of amateur tkhiug iu the river. He taul that there could be no doubt of the fact that a genu ine boa luu had iii.nle its home in the il-". p water between the Bridgeport bridge n e the d i in. "I saw it plainly enough en 'd in day," slid he, "aud hail a geed vitw . f it for nt least fifteen minutes. I waa li-lnig below the dam, at Simpsen's mills, when i observed a suili school of tlsh dashing like mad, i. ear the surface of the water, ab mt 1 jO teet from where I steed. Seme of the liih would j'imp out of the water aud I wondered w'iit oeuld have caused biich u cemuiuti'iu After w.itchiug for a long timu mi pati.-i ) was rewardeil. I saw something rise i.i the turface el the I water, which at liiit I t'Hik te be a leg In a minute, however. I leuud that the object was alive, aud was after the tish ; iu short, that it was a sea lien engaged in a ohaae .titer its morning meal, lus back, about live feet of which 1 cjuM distinctly see, was black. The animal several tunes turned ever en its sidj, exposing us belly, which was light iu color. Fer lifteeu tniuutes I watched the lien c itching the tish, at the ou i of which tune it sank into the water our uf tnght, but the continued wild llight of the tish conviued me thit it wa- s;ill 'ii the uiighboiheid. It is be liovedtLatiheau.iu.il must be ene that ess a pud seme years age from theid ical gardens iu Philadelphia. Muni uruvtrra Iu aesti.iii. The wool growers' ceuveutiinm Pitts burg, Friday adopted a series of resolutions setting feith that by the tanll act of 13S3, the million w,.eI growers of the L'uited Static have been corflpellcd te conipete with the wool produced by cheap labor of semi civiliiud oeuntries ; that the present Congress has assumed the responsibility of perpjtuauug the wrong ; that no words cau be teund stieng eueugh te express their disapprobitieti of the Morrison bill ; iliclaring that they will rusurt te the ballet box for a remedy for their wreues ; pledir. ing themselves net te kcowiegly support for public ofilce any tnau who votes againi-t tue restoration et tue wool tarilt of latlf, aud demanding that Congress take imme diat cogui.ince el their pet.ti.ms. Tue convention nljourned sine die, after the adoption of that resolution. found rluatlni: In it Curml. The body of a man was found lleatiug in the Delaware caual at uoeu, Friday, a mile below K.isten. Frem papers feuud in his pocket he is supposed te be Edward Hudsen, of Ne. HO Eleventh streat, Broek lyu All the letters were auswers te ap pl.calieus for work as a decorator. One was from A. D. Coeke, au Easten furni ture dealer, who fays he could give him no employment ; auethei was from G. II. Squires, of the biuger manufacturing com pany, Elizabethport, in which the wrlter iuferma him he had no work aud adds that most of the work is given te boys aud en their wages a man could net llve. Hodseu was well drossed. He was about fifty ytars old ami it Is thought he committed eulelile through disappointment iu obtain ing work. knocking .Accident ut h W milling. Thu festivities attendiug the wedding of Geerge Bacou aud Miss Eva Estes, of Wattsbury, near Erie, Thursday night, were broken up by a shocking accident. Shortly after the ceremeny a number of euthusiastie young men tlraggcd the town ciuneu opposite the house for the purpose of ilnug a salve iu honor of the bride. At the first diHcbarge the pioce exploded, tearing oil' the arm of William Cooper and blinding aud otherwlse terribly iujuring Geergo Weed and Jehn Hewland. Twe brothers named Jeucs were also injured. '1 tin Hiiiitllpitx iu aliMiunilDith. A iiicetiug of oitieus of Shenandoah was held Friday for the purpose of adept ing measures te stay the smallpox opidem le. A committee was appointed te net with a similar committed appointed by council, the two te form a beard of health. At this moetiug the chief burgess was de. nouneul for imbecility and nogleot of elllce, and steps will bu immediately taken te impjach him. All the pliysi clans iu town wcre prosent and made suggestion!!. Subsequently special minting of council was held aud important buslucsB was transacted, minting te the appointment of uurses, watchmen and the appointment of a beard of health. Every thing possible will be dene te provent the spread of the disease,. llllih Witter tu New KiigUmt, The heavy rain storms and warm woather siuoe Tuesday have Hwelled the streams all ever New England, und the situation is mere oritleal than It was n week or tnore age, when overybody wns thor oughly frightened. Frem Uangeu, Calais and ether points iu Mjiue, specials are com. ing iu showing nn alarming state of allalrs. At Banger the water Ih nlne feet evor the dam at the wiier werkH nud Ih still rising. Twe mills wero swept away at Orone, a few miles distant. Part of the dam has been destroyed nn I a tremendous number of legH have goue. Railroad trains are forbidden te oress the brldge at Still water, and brldgosareovorywhororoportod os having geno or as being very shaky, The Union river at Ellswerth is n raging torrent, and altogether the situation is very oritleal. HIIOOMNl! HIS NUUUKSMMM. UIVAI-. A HOs'tfil .Htilter IVIui (milt-mint IIU ltK Vnill t-lx Mrcke Alter tlie Slmrlnae. .lehn Dlokereou and Jehn 1'rcssly were suitors for the hand of one of the most lovely belles of Chilton Ciunt., Ala., but the lady showed u decided preference for Pressly, Diakernu eemeali'd his oha eha grin nud continued his suit with out intermission Sn weeks age Mr. I'lrs.-ly nml his Inly love were married nnd ene of the most ellusive well wishers of thiiuetipli' wan Dickerseu, who moneH) . d the Inide's attention almost te the exclusion of the new in ule husband. Wluu u finv dais iifterwanl the couple were establislusl m a charming mral hmne, Diekersen made liiiiiself quite iicighberli, and all thought of resentiiie.it ever the re jection of his suit was eeiiipli'trly fo.get ten. Still It was claimed by tin se who knew the man's eh.iiaeter that he was harboring his revenge fei a c liiu'iiicnt opportunity, TbuiBilay .1 ihn Diekersen, with his brother Geerge, borrowed 1'iessly's gun te gi limiting. On icturuing in theeven ing they met l'res-1) slaudiug at his ften' gate, who asked the hunters if they had seen anything te sheet at ,1 din Dicker son replied : " Ne, d you, but I see something new," and, leveling Insulin, he fired. The bul'et pased through Pressly 's heart, who fill where he stixil, and died Immedi itely. Diekersen mule his escape, and has net since been heaid from, llis brother Geergo was arrested as an accessory te the killing, and is new centhud iu jail liiWllllihli in a VOMa A Well IttievTii lUtirru '! Uslril 1 llir Ullaut it Kitbbl. Dallas Texas, was set all ngeg Friday by a society ncindal. At about S- o'clei'k the wife of Uabbi 11. Scliuli f the Hebrew synagogue cow hided B lliischbeig, a well known Hebrew, formerly of New Yerk city and new a leadi ig empleye of the big dry goods heuse of Sanger Bies, of Dallas. The castigation occurred iu front of the Merchants' Exchange iu the pte sonce of about ten men The e.iuse of the cluistisement was the put llirsehberg took against Habbi hul in the notorious church scandal of two cats.ige, in which H.ibbl Sehul was accused of having had scandalous lelalieus with u woman of Dal las uamcsl Flera Pratt, but was ncquittid by thosyuagegue luvestigatleu. Mrs. Schu! acknowledged the c iwhnlii'g aud said she was net done yet. the only regretted that bIie was held by bystanders after having administered four blows. She said that llirsehberg was the original ae cuser and the constant persecutor of her husband, and he had mm ed the peace aud happiui sn of hersell aud ctnldrcu ; that llirsehberg should net live iu D.illis if she could prevent it, and thit she had attempted several times bef ire te cowhide Htrschberg but her husb ind had prevented her nud burned one cowhide. Itibbi Schul was formerly of Cincinnati. He has lived in Dallas several years, and is ptebably thu best kn il Hebiew div iue in the euth. I'.lLStlU III I'UltMl A uuiik (.Irrk'a sulclUe llir.iiiili lirtii.lu l.ees. The search for ihetlmves concerned in the robbery of Uen. Gee. 11. Ferd's jew el ry store, Ne v Haveu, Conn , of some 2,- UO'J worth of diamonds anil jewelry, eul uiinated Friday morning in the suicide of ene et the j euug clerks, Charles Spiuld nig, a nattve et s.int)'. bpiuldiug was a handnome man, mid was engaged te a be.iutilul young lady, the wird of a wealthy family ou Chapel street. He had lest heavily at poker lately, and stelo diamonds aud juAelry te liquidate his debts of honor. He had a frieml, W W. Cresby, el Hutferd, a bookkeeper for Geerge W. M. Heed, who is under arres; for complicity in ene of his thefts. Spa old tug was arrested for a similar chartte in Clucago.iye.tr age On Wednesday W. A. Dart, another of Ferd's clerks, who also gambled at j eker, was arrested for steal ing from his employer. He confessed te the theft of geld watches. This frightened Spaulding, who lied, but was caught iu New Yerk last night ami brought te New Haven, where in the Seldeu heuse Friday morning he shot himself tive times with his own revolver through the left lung. He died at 10 o'clock, after asking and receiving his employer's forgiveness. - i'lijilcnl uml .lieu la I -treiictn. "-.t'l r riitictci OcMeir. Sema men luve a pjwerful phy sic il nature and a weak intellectual nature. Seme have a small and froble physical nature, aud a powerful iutelleetu.il niture. While some have a large and powerful physical nature and a powerful intellect, ethers have a small and feeble physical na ture nud fcoble mtellect. Diuiel Web ster was a large and powerful mm physio physie ally. Alexander II. Stephens was a very small anil fecble nun physically. Beth were intellectual giants. When a student in the Theological seminary our president was a body of divinity weighing :i20 peuuds. The pastor of the l'rcsbyterian church woighed l'JO pounds. It was quite a spectacle te spe the two together iu the pulpit, for intellectually they were directly revursed. The theological president hail large iutellect and learning, but was a pigmy intellectually by the sule of the pister, who was a pigmy ph)sically by the side of the president. FKATUUKaOF TUB BiTE IJKE33. "Give us the old ticket," says the Yerk Age. The Bloeuisburg Celumbuin declatcs the Mornseu tariil bdl ciuuet by any nieaus becomea law. The West Chcster IU publican calls Tem Bayue "a cenceited conglomeration of brains without judgment." The Sunbury Ntiu, preiiets that Hies taud " will make a splendid congress man ;" the Marietta 'Iwie awirts a contrary view of the prospect. Aoeordlng te the Kxamaxtr, Jeffersen " abeve all ethers of his day was ignorant of the first principles of political econ omy ;" it is almost suporllueus te statu that this information is exclusively the property of the Examiner. The Marietta llt'jwter thinks the Cimor Cimer Cimor ens have certainly eiptured Liuoaster county, with oue congressman, two sena tors, six representatives te the Legislatuie, six delegatus te the state convention, and two delegates te the national convention. - . Will Werry It llevru, l'lilladulplilii Times. "I don't like eirn ; I nover did like corn," said the vouerable Hoesior dame, " but when It Ih made Inte whisky 1 can always worry a little of It tlewu " "I don't like Blaine ; I nover did like Blaine." said Field Marshal Quay, " but when Ulaiueism can be utilised te make a machlne convention, I can always worry a llttloefitdown." HW.nOO Stelen nuil Hecevered, Jenn G. Telferd, a passenger en the Iren Meuutaiu read from Pine Bluff, Ark., ou route te Ireland, was robbetl of $l7,e00 while ou a train near Poplar Bluff, Me,, Thursday by C. M. Denuett. The robber was arrcbte.t uu the train aud the tnoney recovered, Helilier'j lleiinlun, The survlvng momhers of the O'Jth I'eniu sylvaniit voluutcer Infantry will held their animal reunion and banquet en Saturday the lOlh of May at the hotel of Capt. Abe Bnttley of New Helland, en whleh oeoaslon thore will be prosent oemrados from New Yerk, New Jerspy nnd Pennsylvania. The Lancaster members will meet at Wall's Oreen Tree hotel, West King street, en Batuduy next te make preliminary arrange tnents, ATTKMPTK I) BURGLARY. IWll TMII.VIH tll.UII A SVAllUIMAtf. Ilir l.'iiiwl r IVntnli rr(iry I ItltiO I. nil Mlil li lliirKlir", Win, niu ruliril in tin lr riirptna. Bitweeti two and three o'clock this morning, as Win. T. Mullen, watchman nl the Liucasier watch faoteiy vvas link tug his usual teund of the building, and while ascending n short lllght of steps lead Ing t cm the basement te the engine, and tieilei 10 mis, lie noticed that a gas jet iisii illy In pt burning near the gage of the engine was out This ur iiimiI his simple ienstli.it something was wrong, unit he drew Ins levolver and advanced. By the Out) lyh! tluewu by the lire of the botleis he saw the tlgure of a man iu the belh r room. The watchman called te the In tiudei te halt and receiving no reply Hied at linn The intruder uttered n cry of pain ami said ".My Ged, I'm lilt 1" At the suiie Instant the watch me l ro.vel n violent blew en the temple from a club iu theliMidi of another burglar, nud was knocked down the steps into the biue meiit, and for atiiiie rendered unconscious. When he teeevered aud made an examlua nor of the premises the burglars had tied, makiug their exit from the deer nt the east end of the boiler heuse. There w.w u st re nn of bleed from the point at which the man was standing when seen t.y the natchiuiu, te thu deer by which he lelt the building, but no bleed st.ne.s wero seen outside for which cir cumstance it is supposed thu burglar was wounded iu the hind, and teil: memste pieveut the bleed from (lowing after he lelt the building. The tracks uf a cir rlage that had been ditveu up te tlie stable iu the rear of the factory ami turned shortly around, were distinctly visible this morning, aud from this circumstance it is suppestd thu burglats lisited the factory iu a carriage with the view of car r) ing 11 a large number of finished watch movements which hail beeu purchased by a New Yerk heusj aud which wero te have been shipped te day. It Is thought the burglars aic porseus who wero nware of this (net, aud acquainted wlihthepremi os. But even If they had ktlle 1 or over evor over powored the watchman, they would have had hard work te secure the watches, an they were locked up in burglar proof sifes. Thus far there is no clue te the burglars. Tue watc'iinau is net seriously hurt. (II IMllN HAT. Lukck IM'I'ikcI el In Court I tilt aieruliic. Phis morning court met at 1C o'clock for the delivery of opinions, and the transac tion of current busiuess. ,'ndge Livingston delivered opinions in the following cites : I. iron Nolde, William Madlen nud .Jacob S paugler, vs. A. T. Madlen Jeseph.) 11 Z'rfassaud Tim ithy Koul, Keul, mncher, exceptions te taxation of protho pretho prothe uotary's bill el cjsts. Overruled appeal dismissct and laxatieu sustained. G jttleib Spatb, vs. 11 II. ilerr, mle for new trial dicharged. Dauiel BlotU'iiberger vs. Geergeauua Bletteuberger ltule te show cause why the prayer of petitioner fur allmouysheuld uet be allow, d. Libellaut directed te pay lespeud.iut HOC te defray expenses of her defense iu this case Themas J. Davis vs the county of Lin. caster, cam) stated. Iu this case the uettrt delivcied a lengthy opinion. It will be re numbered that plaintiff claimed fees for casus tried by him at the last Jauu.iry court, which had been returned before the expiration of his term. Mr. Eberly, the preseut district attorney, claimed the Ices ter the county, becailbe the cases wete dispe-cd of iu his term, aud the new law making his oihce salaried, he had te ae c nut fur the fees te the county. I he court decided that en January 7, Davis' coutiejtiou with the utllce ceased, and he was no longer untitled te auy fees or emoluments el the ollice. Judgment vvas entered fur the defense. W. K. Ujuder vs. Jehn Uyer, garuishce of Jehn D. Bair. ltulu te show cause why judgment should uet be entered for want of aullbieut bill of particulars. Rule dis cbargtd. Maty Aekfrmai vs, Joel L. Lightuer, oxecuter et the will of Jaeib H.irtman. Case staled. Judgment (or plaintiff" for $.i 3:i. In tlie uases of the Djlawarn Itivur & Liueastci 1a1lre.ul company vs. Jeseph Weaver, Jacob Hertz.. cr, Jehn Z. Hertz ler, J hii llurtzler, Geerge W. Simpsen aud Jeseph Overhelz-T, rules te show cause why the above appeal nbeuld uet be Htiickeii oil', the into was discharged aud defeudauts ordered te perfect their ap peals 111 iHteeu days ur they will be quashed David Uaker, dcceised's t-state. Ex Ex ceptieus te auditor's report. All excep tiens but ene dismissed and repert recom mended te auditor for correction. Silas Omohuudre, deceased's estate. Kulu te show cause why moneys of estate uuder control of the orphans court of Lancaster county should nut be transferred te the chancery court of the city of Rich mond, Va. Itule discharged. Is.iae Biir, deceased, ostate. Exceptions te auditor's report. Second aud third dismissed aud tlrst sustained, with these corrections, report confirmed Earl township read, itule te show cause why reatl in New Helland should net be confirmed width of 10 feet Itule made absolute. Commonwealth is. Matthias Belter und Felb Pike. Itule te show cause why se much of the tlndiiig of the grand jury as imposed costs upon M, B, I less, the prose cutor, should net he set aside. Itule dis charged. Shipped strcet was orderod te be opened from hast King te Church street. Judge Patterson said he had some opinions remaining yet, but he has had no time te attend te them as the mombersef the bar wero well aware that certain ovents had transpired lately ever whleh he had no control, but was obliged te paitleL pate in. Uurreut nusluen. Adam Engle, of Manhelm, was granted a soldier's license te peddle. SallloThempson, wlfoef HobertThomp. heu, of Bart, was given the beuellt of the act of '7J entitling a married woman te hcrseparute earnings. Heury A. Yeung, uu insolvent debtor of this city, was discharged. The following licenses wero transferred : Franklin Brua, Strasburg, te B. O. Myers ; J, D. Warfel, Maulielm, te lthesa Fay ; Hamuel StttiilTer, East Earl, te Franklin Htnuffer ; Itoubeu Shirk, Millport, te Samuel Helmnn ; Christian Groetzlngcr, Sdventh Ward, te Jehn Gunzsnliouser ; Jehn Hides, Sixth ward, todesoph Pluoker; A. P. Fulmcr, second ward, te Philip Rhodes. Hilled an tlie Knllreitd. A commonly drossed, medium sized man, with sandy whiskets aud apparently a Germau, was struek by onglne Ne. 001, attached te a stoek train east, near Porno Perno Porne roy station, 011 the Pennsylvania railroad yesterday uftoiueou, aud he severely lu. jured that he died while being conveyed te Coatesvllle. Thore was netliliig en him te indioiite his uame or roeideuoo. He had iu his pesscssluu a butcher luiife und n ploce of tobacco and flfteen ceuts, He is supposed te have been a tramp, Au inquest wns held, nud the body turned ever for burial te the Chester oeuuty authorities, Only One Klectrle MrIH Out. Thore was a wonderful Improvement In the stroet lamp last night euly oue of the eleotrle lights being reported out all night, aud two burning poorly , aud only two of the gauollne lamps reported out. MASK HA I.I, 1 1, tuns by llie lliimn lllnln Tensillar Until ftliir ItrHlru. Yesterday afternoon Ihn lliillule league club played a gnme with the Iiiunistnr iiinii en the grounds of thu latter at the p.uk. Tlie weather was coil, b.tt the ground was in geed e 1 1 litleu and ttiore was it fair audieuoe prosent. l'he g.une ' was a very ..no exhibition and the lu-avy unpe Iretii lie. tig de.eatcil 1 lie visitors presented Srad and Myeis as tlu-ir biltery. Thu ferui-w iiilohed ou the Housten e'lib, of Chester, last season, ami a number of the liiuc.is- ter team had often batted him belore. lioU'erd nud SVu.. 'II wote tlie home bit ter) unl did geed work The ether uioiii uieiii uioiii tieiHeftlio club played in the same posi tions ns in previous games. Tlie batting of the clubs wis almost equal, thu visitors having six hits, while thu Iieiim club Hcciirulthe H.uiie number with n total of seven. A greit tiumb"r of long liltii vvoie made Ii) the Bisens, but m .st weie llns and easily captured by the home loam, who who kept busy. Dan llreiithcis, the champion battel of Iho league, sent a very long ball te eeutre Held in the early pirt of the game, but It was taken. Liter he attempted te take two bases en iiimther, but wits thrown mt ut second. Ofthe home team Hylatid secured a two bagger, but was lett. Parker letlniig tlie side at the time by striking out The tlist run made bv tlie visitors was iu the fourth lulling, whim O'ltomke made a hit and stelo te second, coining home ou the batting of Wlttte and Uiohardsen. They secured the ether run iu the llflh lumiig. lillie reached lltst after a hit, stelo second and third, and se ired cu a passed ball. The strangers played well iu thu Held, and sue credited with ene error, while the home team hid a half dozen, most of whieli ojeurrotatcrittc.il points in the gnme. Hi. laud did net pi ly well at thud b.iii', and thuiu was bad throwing te tlrst by ethur ineiiib as el thu club. The score, in full, fellows . LlMi 8TH A tl B III IO A K W iltlt.lt I il I A 1 0 Mylaii'l .'li I u a ft 1 0 1'iiiker, s s 4 11 11 0 .1 0 llllllllllil, 31) .1 0 U 0 1 lliillni'l, r .1 0 110 1 I. Miillli, e t i 11 I 3 11 11 ivutie, t .1 0 0 n 0 1 W euel.p S n 1 1 3 1 Ulcluviilsun 1 f .... 3 (i n 1 0 I) Total 30 n 0 '.'I 0 5 in rrvie. e'ltniiikti, if t 1 1 : 0 0 Willi,., ), 1 0 11 1 1 1 IticlmrOsen, .'l I 0 0 A A 11 llruulliers.il) I e 'i tt n 11 Mvit, c .3 11 1 0 i 11 l.lliti', u I S I 1 1) 0 11 ("ellltn, sb 3 I e 2 u I.K-Kliir, r( 8 11 0 n 0 nerail, p 3 e u u u n Total 31 J V 10 I Issisus. 1 3 4 0 0 T s 11 Ijinniiter 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 n-e lluUtle 0001 1 0 1) e -l summahv. U011I1I0 lt)s Seni'l, Itleh trilnen uu I llrtmtlii-rs , It tiianUnn anC Itrnuiiiurs. l'e la.'e mt - llv ami. htrne mil liuaisler 7, lltillal '.' WHO plirn. VVnlzeil I. l.-jlt uu base Ijineiisttr i, IliitfaleS I'llllt, Of Kltllld-tll. .Vim I inplie (Jtilv In. Hie Iruutlilrs Mt Ireiitun. 11. 0 Ironsides club was badly defeated nt Trenten by the Easteru league club of that place. The cause ler the defeat Is that ltradly, oue of the Helders, was put in the box ami was batted all ever the Geld. The score by innings was : I i .1 I 1 il 7 11 Iren-Mrs II I i 1 11 11 11 1- lrcnlenA i os : 0 l 1 i uttier (l,nis I Mt'.ril'iy. Philadelphia: " U.-ii" 10. Actives of Heading 'J, (ten inning) , Keystone 7, Bosten Union if ; Brooklyn : New Yerk S, Brooklyn 0; I'lttsburg : Allegheny Vi Detroit 7 ; New Yerk: Bosteu i,, Metro Metre Metro iielitan 0 , Cinciuuati : C.uciiiuati I'meii U, Altoeua Union '.' ; W.K'aingteu : Baltituein 10, Natieual H ; llarrisburg : Providence e, llarrisburg 'i ; Biltimore: Clevulnid ID, Biltimore 1 ; It. chin in I, Ya : Virgin: i, Washington 1 Tue Ironsides aie playing the second game in Trenten le day nud go te Beading en Monday. The Liucastir 0 nb went te llirrialmig te day, aud tli-y play the Philadelphia Beds here ou Monday. Wvmucritile (jluli hi .iillli r-tllli. line of the suggestive fiietts of the p ilul cal world is the rapid spread of Democratic principles among thoughtful and eduoi'.e 1 young meu. Tins is pirtieuhirly nbierv able at preseut in th Millorsvtlte Nermal bchoel, where the number of Democrutle students is probably proportionately larger than ever before. A few days, age these students held a meeting and ergatiued a society kuewu as " The Jcllurseniati Club," and the following eflicers were choteu : Prosi Presi Prosi dent, Jehn S. Niles, of Wayue county ; vice president, E. B. Burnett, of .Maryland, secretary, A Breithaupt,uf Carben county; treasurer, C. E Nelsen, of Maryland. Steps wero also taken toward the epeuing of .1 reading room. The requisite funds were at once subscribed, and several prominent journals luve already been sub scribed for. The club has enrolled about seventy members, many of whom will help te swell thu Democratic, army iu November. Mfcenil lVruentMleii ul '1'uttniioe " Thu second premutatien of "P.itieucu" by the Lancaster opera company was glven iu Fulton epera house last evening te a geed sized audience. (uite a mateilil gam in smoetliucss was noticeable in last evening's performance, due te increased confidence among all tak ing part. The most captious oritie oeuld find little te cavil at iu the maimer lu whleh this pretty epera of Gilburt ami 8ul.iv.1u was placed ou thu stagu last evening. The soles, duets, tries and che ruses wero all well taken, aud the noting doveluped thoroughly the rich veiu of humor running through the pioce. The same company will present the opera iu llarrisburg ou Minday ovening and iu Columbia ou the night following. Vdimritl of n Hnlclit. The funeral of Isaac Iv. Geist, n member of thoOrderof Knights of Pythias, took nlace at ltohrerstowu en Thursday morn ing nt 10 o'clock and was attended by twenty two moiuberH of the ledgo nt Mount Jey, of which deceased was n mom mem mom ber, The iutormeut was made iu the Lutheran burial ground about a mile and half north of ltohrerstown. Deceased was well known aud highly rospectod, waae'J years of nge nud unmarried. Hail Ueiulliliin til Hit, ttireels. The street commltteo made an ofllelal itiBpoctlen of the btroets yesterday nnd found them te be in a " horrible " condi tion, aud they say it will be utterly imposslble te put thorn iu even tolerable oendition with the mlserably small appro priation placed at the committee's dis dis pes.il. The Bewcrs wero found te he iu ronseuably geed condition. , A ritierlira .Jury. Last August William Patteu bought at sheriff's sale a property iu Little Britain tewnahlp, selzed and taken lu execution as the property of James A MoMlehael. MoMlehaol rofuses te vacate the premises, Butten has brought suit and Alderman Spurrier has issued a wilt for a sheriffs jury of six te try the case bofero him ou Thursday next nt 10 o'cleok. llrierllun, Geergo Cenner, en oemplalut his wlfe, was bufore Alderman MoCenomy last night te answer for desertion. The parties haVe been married euly about a year and Geerge refuses te llve with or support the wemau, He was held iu ball for trial. (JOI.UMIUA NKWS. 0l IIKUui.flH ('litlirHI'ONIIKtslif. fcmutii Alnni; llie Hii.iiinliiiim-ltnini, Inif, m H, ,,,, ,t a atniMt Hie Ituienuli I'leliBU Ui liy tlin liilnllltouerr t'liruiinn ie,,iT'!'.'r' t .m XiCZA Xi lii'Piiilrr. tenlay. Thu woman, who Is about fit) Vlltt eat n nf nge, Is Mippeicil te have wandered away from hi'i home lu Yerk, where shu is believed te leslde. Vui1111tr was intoxicated at the lime. Tlie deed w is committed iu Burnet's lumber yaiil, and wan wituesseil by (V iitimber of ehildii 11. ) 111 err Sti tick was untitled, and when he attempted te in rest thu offender nas assaulted by him. Tlie p ihcetimii nt last tendered linn p i'.rles with 11 blew fium.i heavy nanu Welni'-r was taken bofero 'Sq lire Fi.mk au I thou allowed te ilepirt umiiel '"lid. The deed was an 1111 Lie en 1 oue, 00:11 uiitti'd lu a public pl.ice in lu. ad d.iyllgnt and merits swift piiiilshm-nt The law must indeed be weak iu Oeltimbia te allow the perpetrator of uu h an act te go unpunished. Atltiui'luil I1-4I11 Wrst-u An attempt was made le wreck the Frederick loe il height train, northbound, last evening about 8..riO o'clock, between Ewing station ami Wrlghtst Hie, en thu Frederick railroad. A fence lull laid norets the trades was used ler the pur pose. The tram was moving slowly at the time ami wus enslly stepped by the eiigluier when he discovered tlie situation, Suspicion docs uet yet lest upuu any pel seu. itureiigii Nutrr. Ne successor te the late J. W Michael has )et been appointed. (."Maries Allg litis opened a new tigar store en Seuth HI', street. Pay day of the It. A. 0. i.iilread next Monday, Last evening a ple.uant siirpuse puly was held at Mr. Abrahui llueinuli's, en Commurce street. Net se llliieh 1 latliig is itone it tlm Third and L cust streets turn -is as vvas lately die case. " Patience " opera will be pnseuted in thu opera house en next Tuesday evening. Twe bundled und tlfty new luniks have been added te the library of Cookman's M. E. chapel Sunday school. A 1100 herse has linen purchased by (' Het Irem Christian It liter, of the neigh borheodof Meuiitville. Au elevator is te be placed lu the old tobacco warehouse opposite thu P. It it depot. A. C. Weleli.uis, of I, me tslcr, has the contract for building it A " stag " party left this pl.ie j yostetd iy ou a raft for .1 trip dnwn the Suhque hanti.i . A number of 1. It. It engines are uew beiug overhauled and lr paired ul the oetnpauy's shops h. 10 Market was largi I) attended this morn lug. Shad brought fteiu bO cents te $1 .iO cents a pair. A large number of rafts passed tins pia 10 te-day. The number was I t-ge when c -in pared with the number which has bum pissing daily, this coaseu. The llremen's fair drew it large crowd together last evening. Te night, this being Satitday, thu halt will doubtless be thronged. The new eflicers of Cjrene cmnniiidry, Knights Templars, was m-talled last night by Past Eminent Commander J. A. Slade Yesterday, at his home in Littles'ewn, Md. Isaac Hlteshue, biether of the late Wm. Hlteshue, of thu place, died f-em general debility. The Knights f Pythias, of M.tucttvire rej doing ever the niceess of their late ball. They can rejoice, for it was ue ele gant aft.ur iu all respects. Trie workmen employed by J te di Bruit uer te gravel the yard of tlm Fi.th stun t school heuse have completed thu vveik, and it is will dene. List ovening a h.indsonie silver drink ing pitcher was presented by thu Columbia band te tlie Celumb'i 11 1 ee.npany fan te be chanced oil. lted signal lights are ne.v pit . d by builders at ul llio.-e pi tees wlieie they have building material lying ou thu streets. The new chief burgess, Air Erwin, has made this compulseiy. Bight, tee. A councilman states tli.it council will request Judge Livingston te annul the commission of the Thud waul constable If he does net p.'if-irm his dunes bultei. The llev. Dr. T. T. Everett, Giveruer Paulsen's private socie tary, will delivei the address at the high school commence ment en the evening of May U0t.li. He will be Mr. Wm, Givun's guest while iu Cel unibia. Ihn Fitrtnris All nil lljril Celiiiiilila bpy. The L uieastcr county delegation te thu state convention all get 011 beard thu pee pie's tram te Harrisbtirg iu geed tune. The honest farmer and rural voter, who wero te llguie se prominently iu the late primary contest wero all en beaid Far mers Leng and .Musselmaii and Spurrier aud Schreyer of the Seuthum district vvoie crowded into the eabiu te see that the track was clear. Farmer JC tufftnaii, Ce bio nud Yocum had the regulation sup ply of haynued along, while Farmer Hiest.iud'rt conspicuous presence served te remind Farmer ItoebueU of thu lltruld'n thistles aud pokebenios under the daisies. Other farmers like Frldy, Bhell, Stehmnu, Gather, KaulTman, Gclst, Witmer, Mylln and Liudls were ou h tud te sen that the train didu't ruu off the track. In short, it was a promiscuous agricultural delegation, which oeuld easily and ut uuv time have dismissed the cares aud proplexitienof con voutien proceedings, and organized .1 far mer's club with Farmer Clair, of Middle town, as au advisory member. But the farmers ncqtiltted themselves nobly, and abtinduit harvests will be gaiucied. Wmeli l'rcsuiilutleii. At 3 o'cleok thisnftomeon the empleyes of I). Levy it Sens, prescutcd their fore man, Israel K. Geist, with a beau tiful geld cased watch from the ostab estab lishiucnt of A. Bheads, 11s a tokeu of their appreciation of ills many Itiuiliicssrs te thorn. The presentation speech wes made by Mr. A. it. Leamau. und lecelvcd 011 behair of Mr. Gelst, by Mr. E. O. ltlt ltlt ltlt tonheiifo After the prcseutatleu the paity regaled at Waoker's. llnraes Miupiii FIsh tt Deorr shipped te New Yerk, this morning, 51 head el draught nnd driving herses. Heury Welll shipped form his stable en North Queen street, ene ear lead et draft horses te the New Yerk market to day. bnmtic'lIilevliiB. List ovening a aneak thlef entpred the rosldence of Peter 8 Geedman, -let) Seuth Queen street, and stelo the skirt aud ovor evor over aklrt of a black oleth dress, In the poekot of which wes a portmentoau containing d-15 The be ly of the dress whleh was banging alongside the skirt was uet taken. HiueKn Heme JleUtieU. On Thursday night the smeke house of J. Musslemau, near Mlllersvllle, was brokeu Inte by thieves, who stele eight hams and live ploees of dried becf. H is believed that the htoleu pioperty was brought tothiseity. VlntreeU vtltli Adultery. Carollue Thompson and Henry Hewlaml, colored, wuiu nrtested nud taken bef 01 n Alderman Squrrier yosterday 011 charge of adultery. Rowland en te red bull for n hearlug en Monday next, nud iu default of Mrs, Thorupben was oeimnttted te nuswer. ji!.JIil'Jyi'Mtfarf'i"1u'''i'trtii'rnr,iiii miri' - UMJ sUVH vt.tt r