'THw w"v"j r "f y wifcamnwtHi . , ' ? t ,1 .-I LANCASTER DABLY INTBJLLIGENCEK FBIDAY, AP1UL18, 1884. I' U" . .-4 . !r r ria lea1 1 ? I'd it f'? I IM S R ! M I ti fcancastet fntrllfgrnrer. miDAY KVKNINO, Al'RIL, 10. BQ4, whch " 1AH IVKIIK TOUHU AND JTAIIl, DO tint sing that song again, Fer It tills my heart with pain ( 1 am bending te ttie bliut. Anil It lolls me of I be put, Of the year et long age, When my day were young and lair, And my lieartw Unlit as air When ene feeling nlleil tlie breast, And ene lruage gave It rust, In the long, long age. DO net sing that song again, Tdre' a teir In Its retrain ( It brings iiiniy back tbe tlme When my manhood foil lis prluie ; When tliocemrndos, ilear and true, Clesor, wanner louder grew, In tbe hour of Irlendshlp's proof, When the talie enes steed aloof, Andtholrlrlendshlpwasbut show, In the long, long ng Donet sing that song again, I bavollved my yearj In vain, And my hair Is thin and gray, And I'm palng lust away ; On the dark and downward sire mi !, I'm a wreck of Idle dreams, And It puts me en tlie rack At the weary looking back, At the ebb and nt the flew, In tit) long, long age. DO net sing that gong again, It distracts my weary brain j Ah I Iej well, alas ' I knew ltHUuiotermo te go. And te icuve te yonnger oyes Tbe mild mystery of the sklen. And tins uiUhty world I tread. And the grander age ahead. There's a mist upon the rlvur, Anllhure'ab ftknossen the Mime: And In dreams I pass Mrevcr, While sad music waits me o'er. -II F. McPernteU. mbihvai HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. TUIIACCO AHtt ViitAHH. KtvMOVAI.. ..,... A OIH KNDKH ha removed Ills TO. IIACCO AM) CIUAll STOHK Irem Ne. Win Ne ltf VVKSl' K1M hTUKKT, wbore he will liave mom room and greater lacllllle for car car nlniren hi InereHidng bulnei. A large Ste, k el all the 1IKST HIIANDS of 'tobaccos, Cigar iiiul ( miffs constantly en baud. Call at tbe IlKD, Will IK AND lll.l'K rilfl.NT. NO III V KM" lit.NU 31'. A. OlILKNDKIt. innr.ll luiil I I I.. HIKIUIAN A III, TOBA00O. TOBA00O. 1 nrgi'st aserttncnt of Fine Qradea OhewltiR niid SmekltiK We wer etlct iM, at STEHMAN'S NEW STORE, 116 North Qtioen Streot. n ur Hoeim, tr. u AUK.H A llllOTMKIl. EARLY SPRING CLOTHING. WU HAVB NOW IN STOUT, ENGLISH Plain COEK SOKHTW SUITINGS. Celers and Fancy Mixed Suitings. fit a rtchrim u v i it it. JANlMNI K AN AIII.I.MINViV.I i Cam run mt litii.,tv, ' " K It, It i.l'il"v." '"''"'ii (!'. It. Depot ),m 7, n mi lem:YWM7m.,,,,,,),llft,,",,,, Cars rim HiiiiiIhv, incept en The kidneys act as pitrlflen el tim Meed, and nhen their (unctiens are lntert.'red with through weakness, they need toning. They become healthfully active by the ne;et lliw letter's 9temach Hitler. hen innt.ig short of rollef Irem ether source. Tht superb ttmn latlng tonic alee prevents and arnnts tev, r and ague, constipation, liver complaint, .l pepsin, rheumatism and ether ailment. I e It with regularity. Ker lie bv all Drnat'lsts and Dialers gi nor- any. Hi lrndeiHlAw COWHIKtNO A ailDOB. DH.,1, M. KAUl.KV, IIAVlMiMt'lllKI) the dllleretit systoiusei Medicul 1'rnctlcn. had uceefs te the h spltalsel I'hlPi lelpbta during three courseiof lecture, and familiar Ireil blmelt wltn the latet Imprevemenu and discoveries In Surgery and Mivtern riier apeutlci, etfers lit proleislenol er let te tbe oitlzensel Lnnciustet and vlelnlly. efflee ltb Dr. II eagley. NO 111 .NOIllll I'ltlNtK STUKKT. iiIM' TiirreiUA Cern Remover. A. Iiswrei Hriitnl Arnault en a weiircr of the rail ne. Ths oewUldlns of Jude Htebard Heed, by Jobu I. Cornellsen and wbat will oemo e( it i tbe absorbitiRtepio lu Mount Rterllnir. Kv. Corncilseu says be tried several times te eee Haid ea tbe street for tbe purtese of oewbldlnj? blm, and, net flndlDR him alene in eitber instanee, bided bis time until Judge Held uususpicieusly, and at bis euumy's solieltation, visited CornciUen'b law i ffloe te see a paper relat ing in sums w.y te lipid's oindidaey for appollatejudj;e. After euterin Cernell- son gave him a printed petition for tbe re- bearlmr of a ewe whieb bad just been decided iu tbe supreme oeurt, in wbieh Cornellsen was pUtutUT. Before Hiid had tlme te QnUti perusmi it Cotneilson aceuscd blm of iutlueueing tbe decision, and said be wis resmusible for its render- ing, and for tbe anuntdversien which it contained against him. Upen bis denun. elation Cornellsen, with a small hickory cane, commeneed leatinK Held, ami after striking hint a number of times drew out a cowhide from bis coat and cowhided him from bis ofllce, dewu the steps te some distauoe en l.in street. Corueilseu says Judj;e Heud allowed a personal dislike te iutluence his judgment in deuidin tbe oaie in question. .Iudt;e Held pronounces tbe assault wanton, uu uu uu proveked and lirutal. and says the obnoxious doeisloD was reudered when he was nbsent from Fraukferd by JuiWe Hiebards, and that be knew nethluiz abuut it until Biima time alterwards tie was net CornelHeu's attorney at all and had no part in the suit. IIe say Cornellsen tjokadvantase of him, and struck blm without any warning;, ami n.iya he will leave it te a fair rniuded public te charae torize the assault as it deserves. The most etrectlve preparation ter the re moval of Cern, llunteus, Marts, etc, ever placeil betore the public Warranted te eradicate imnpleiel) ind within a short time the juet ob-lumte corn, hard or "oft, ithnut pam IT IS A rOITlvaH.'RH SOLD AT B TOEHOLD'S DRUG BTORfc), Ne. 101 WKSTOBANUEbTIlEET, cerner or Charlette dl-ll 1'ellce I'lng. large and geed lletatler re ceive un t. i gant l lock with lach ber. I.lttie Neck, "aw Leg. "btle llurlv Htler (try U) Ibampigne Flaver Chewing Tobiece, at Stoh Steh nmu's .New store, ilii North tjueen strtet. OIQARS. OIQARS. Our line et retail goods give entire satUfic satUfic tlen 1 be erdtet U ehangtil, and they say e get t'e bet two ter fte te i-e iiplecv at Meb man's New Mere. lli North iliuMi street. liiilierted lu Wl, Dotnestle Havana, ninl llet t) nilltv "red and Havana In tlie city, at STKII MAN'S Twe "teres. Itetallers ie freight, delay and mene by buMnggoe.il e uls at STKinlAN'S, jeu will lncre.ie your trade tur geivls are a 1 A 1 reltlvi'l tbe large-it ste.'k of l tgar at 1 n and J'l North guein strett (the old stand.) In the city. Ileiure aii'i eill. wecm suit you In price. Leng I'xperli'iite In leal and manufacturing enable u te r-ie Pice goeil we donet heltate te rn iiniieuit. H, L. STEHMAN & CO. iuar31 l)d VAJ'KU UAJIUlnttB, f. PHAUKS w. ritv. Frem ErkeuH, BolielUor, niler uuil otber Oolebnvtotl ForelKU MiunifttoUirera, tojrethor with u very liirnu uud full tuiaortmeiit of the beat Atuorlean OuiwlnioreH mid Suitlnge, from loweHt te lhiofltqunlttleH. We nre new proprtred tomnke up te erder uny or the itbove, ind mutrimtoe BatlBfuotleu hb te trlmmlupre, lit, iiuiiUty una prlce. Business Suits, Dress Suits, Beys' Suits, Spring Overcoats. Our OlethluK atoek la completo nnd nil of homemnuufaoturo, rromeitrorully eoleotod weeds, and mnde by cempetent trtltere. nnd woKtrnnteo It te kIve arttlBfnotleu. Prloea ua low na the lewest. i, .i, n i dally en nbevu tlme J AM.Kt ItAtldtOAD '1IMK-1'AIH,K, HOtmiWAIlll, Traliia leave Lebanon dally (eieunt Bun day) nt ii.su a. in , iifJ. mid 7 a p. in. ArrUii ut Cornwall nt 0 te u, m . u 37 n m and 7 in p. 111 1 iitliiiiiiwiigii nt 7 VI 11. 111!. l: anil SAiii. in (eiimetliig with the I'niinsy. Miula iiilliead fur points Kiuttiuid Went. minTiiWAiin. Trains lenMiCoiiu'Ytigeiit 7 juii. mSulOaiia B.Jftp in. ' """" ArrUn at Cornwall nt m H a. in., I: mm 1113 P in. 1 at Lebanon ntS..Mn. 111., IJUiuid va it ,ilV,ce,.,."l'cU".tf "l ''''anon with I'hllndelpli a A Utadliigiatlread ler points Kast and Went, and the l.ebaniiti A Trenient braueli ler Jehne. town. l'lnegioveaiiilTroiinmt. TI111 il.iu a. in, iriiin win mop only nt Coin wall. Cnlobienk uud llellatrn HAGER Ne. 25 WEST KING STREET, & v: ---3.- BROTHER, LANCASTER', PA. jea N S. lUVl.KU. "1K. K. KA1IIVON 18SdSFEIISrG--1884. OENTLKMKN : WB SOLICIT A CALL TO KXAMINE OUIl NKW LINK OF G It'l.DMIIIA A J JIOAI)' I'tUtT IIKI'UHIT 1'IMK 'I A HI b 1 im,ViW !VKV ' V." ' WrlV en I ii, 1 elimn.iu -- --. f.-.we.h aniltllVl IUUU I ItMt en tbe fellow ing JMIUTIIWAIIftJ UTATUlNH. I II KADUCAIITKKS roil Ttlfc INDIAN MEDIULNES, KA-TON'KA AVD MODOC INDIAN OIL -AT- LOCHBR'S Drug Stere, SO. H KA.T MMi 5-THKtT E LASC.V"-ltH.r . L S UUKAM HALM. nn trYLhs or Dade Window Shades, lu sit and "e en teet lengths Special tlie uia.ln te i-rdir Ttu desl-ius are ery haud haud eiue and lueilerate In price PLAIN SHADING lly the yard In the New Co.erj Wide geed for larae windows and Mere snadeJ. w In.. 4S In., II in . 'J in . and Ti tn wide. M.OICI1 HO 1 LAND In Lcru, cardinal, llutr, Ureen and W bite. WOOD ANDTIS dl'HIMI KOLLKltS Korall kind et window. NICK LE OK N V Mh.NT!.KlllNiiKt. TAssKLS. Ac Uetake uieaiire and put up shadea of every ci-li lp tlen in rlrnl cbv manner. NEW rATTEUNOK WALL PAPER CATAliltll, HEADACIIE. COLD IN 1IKAD, HUSK COLD, 1JLAI t,?3 II Al IblbU, f l'oltlve Cuie. ELY'S CREAM BALM. EL'S LllKASi HALM wben api .It I by the linger into the nostril, win b. userbtd. ellucttt'illy cleansing ihe bead d lataithal virus, camlng bt'Altliy bucrutleu;. It allay Inflammation, protects the membrane et the naial ii-tnatcs from Iresh cold, cemnleteli heads the teres and restore! tbe serin's 01 Uiste und smell NOT A LUJL 11 OK SNU t t A lew application rtlteve. A thoteugh trttitmtnt u-itl cure. Agreeable te ue. ?en 1 ter circular, te cetild by druggUt. wwie by mall, registered. EL" BROTHERS, ISVcedAw Druggists, owege, N. . IUU sl'Kl.NO Ol)i lu Embesed. lolerand 1 am P r, t ill ze. Celling ivconitlens, Ac. LACK Ll l".TAINs.:i'OLKS, Ac. Uer STJITINGrS AND GENTS' FUMISHIM GOODS. NEW LINE OF NECKWEAR, &c. In ourMerohnnt Tnllerlus Dopnrtmeut we hnve ene of the host outtera In the elty, empley euly llrHt-elnea werkmen, nud gunrnntoe antlafaotleu In oveiy pnrtleulnr. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., OA'A PlilCK DRY GOODS, l Alil'h'T, AND MERCHAX1 TAU.OltlXU HOUSE. r. h B.3?i 7lW 7ift 7.-0.1 7:1 7:17 7:i1 7:41 7..V) 8.W 1:IS B: JL.M iur. in w 1D.S7 11:1.1 lira) 11-24 ll7 lL.fi 11..W U.: ll:'l I2ur 12 ai r. m U It) MM 7 10 7.27 737 8,1 j .... Columbia ... Wiubllighui . ...Cliixwull ... Hafli lliirlier Hbiink'a ferry. . . .l'lxi uea .erk Ktirunce.. ....Tuenimii...., McCall'n ferry . Klle'i Kddy ., .KUIilngCliek, .1'e.ich lloltetii. . Conevlngo ., Oiternia ... ...1'erl I.'imxwH. .. lVirytllle... nuhTiiwAHn r.M n M, O.TJ .... 5 3.1 ... V17 .... All .... MW Sim Alie M fjf) 4:11 A.M. a.-ai OJ iir.' 7 r. 7 4U 7.SI! 7 11 7- T.a 7-10 71m I! .17 0.1 1 ti j; j B.i IU1 3M 3 II 7fe 7X0 7ra 7 17 7 Li pi.ACII IIOl iuai itAII.HAl. On nnd alter MONDAY, tniln n til rim a lolleu lllll.NS (lOI.SU EAST i.nwK. Dei-nejV Kbleni Kiiltmi lloinie.. NMilte Iteek ... AKIIIVK. Otterd I'blladulphla... IAN. 17, Its .lat.enly LANCASTER, PA. PHARES W. FRY, 67 NORTH QUBRN ax LANCAsTEl'.. PA. A llealtblul HlureilL. Uei'u Uhoek, .v. .1., April A 1SA Yeu adtlsei lacing Allceck'a I'oreu plastera In iljepcjisla.en tbe pit el the stomach ; In ugue cake. en tbe upluen : lu torpid liver, ever that organ, but 1 really think jeu sneuld recommend tint ene or two Plasters te put ever t!:e kllneys. They Htlmulatu, etrengtbeii und act as powerful nturetlca, thus casting out many poiineu3uctilsnndallK. lhavehiul fu or and ague. All remedies 1 10 )k pnxluced lltlte or no ellect until I put un Allcock's I'or I'er I'or eua l'lantur ev.r each kidney; their action biliiginore than doubled, ibe malaria was quickly wuBbeil aay. 1 have also had pevc ral attack et rlieumatbuii uud in oef geut.and by npplylng tbe plaster ever the local pain and ale ever the kidneys, 1 again found our plasters wenduifully elllcacleus. 11. K. TIIOMAK. Iloware of linltitlens. " Allceik' " Is thu euly genuine Pereus Plaster. Keep Your Ileises Healthy. Ker heavcs.dtv temper leunder, and worms Ufi' D y's llore ana Cattle Powder. It clear tbu bleed, liu liu liu proveaiilKeellen und gives new iltu uud en ergy te the dispirit d aiilnial Price twenty five ceutd per packuge et one pound, lull weight. C1.UT1IIJM. -. miMj. ithi'ju'.-ji ' y iriLl.lASISO.N X KOsrt-.K. VAItl'KT.t. NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, llOH'KKS A IIL'ICir, 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. NEW GOODS COMIN'U IN BVEUY DAY. SPECIAL IiAHQAINS IN Black Silks and Black Cashmeres. ALL GOODS SOLD AT LOWEST CASH IMUCES. An ELEGANT EASTER OARD glven te overypurohaaor of Q dellara'a worth of geede. The Unrds nre very handaome. SPECIAL: Justin. THE LANGOTT ! Re-inferced in Back and Frent, former price $i.oe, new 75c BOWERS & NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. K M'.MH.ISlll.D 1830. CARPETS -AT- ou U111 Dfpcud Ou It, "KorBeveiu toethacboand .Neuialglanl tlie head I used U'hemui' helectric O.l. 'I IiIh Ii certainly the bml iblng lever knew ter it it Ilulet paluet uny kind Tbe lioii-eH never without It," Mr. A M. Krank. ,77 i upper tit., lluirale N. l. r'ur ale by II. II. Cecliran druggldt, 137 and S Nenli Uuihhi sir.-eL American Art, Photographs, hngruvliigB, -tc , inn beex nuUltel count d with wubl.iild ArtCulera made liein Dlttiiieud 1)ch. full direction JerthUbeaiilllul uu wm k, with a lianilnemii colored lublm t photo win te any uddiess ter 10 CenU. WE1.I.S A UICII AUDMON A CO . llurllngten. Vt, w YOUR CRITICISM! Y. r.UNK-TI.Y SOLICIT, Upen tins II VS'D-tuMh K1CT-4 AMI tll)lU l'ASMiinsint HOIS We have, taken great (lire In or eeb'dlnn ut t li.-i-u geed thin teaiten and new uniiH your ludgmunt. Leng Paut Suits ler Beys, Intl'enuw blMHS'O sm.M et U hlpeiril, ami hancy Mliliirc. Wu are aiixleiii for Hie oppertunliy te til jour Idejix. Winn that U dune It Ii un eas matter te (ltje'ir boy, und the exteptlenully LOW l'lllLhS arc -are le MTUUUl'UtlkE. SPRING OVERCOATS, In Light or Dark color Bilk b!it lining und lacing They nie superior In Ut, Sink" and Qtiuliy of Slater! n. but tbe prlce aie V Kin LOrt. SDITS FOR GENTLEMEN! 1 h it nre sure te meet tbe approval of all h1w ueu them, l'hey ur- a ne ir perlettlnn a it H possible te gut and the Priced ure uct piabli te all. OUR SPECIAL SUIT la an Unrivalled Al.L-WOOt, c.VSilMKHh SCIT K.ill HIII.OO. but we hae all vtiml Sulta inraienH price, wnien wu iiuli be pb ued te show ou II jeu wt i laer us lib a mil Philip Schiini, Sen Jc Ge's lOL'TH WATEH STHEET, 150 LANCAsTKlLl'A HIRT ! Tiie best Shirt in the market. HURST. LANCASTER, PA. Ne.l, Ne 3 Nil,) A.M. i v M r.M. 7 10 1 n n 7 37 '.'i: UK) 7 10 -i M u ie 10 8 il DM H IS 4 (i: H i'J I-03 7i u w Bar. Mini, only Ne.!! Ne I .Se.tl a m r H AM. c CVV 4 IS 111" 7 III MS 1 1 371 7 1(1 f. IJ 1J0" Cl'i 111)5 ll'SJ 8 IP 1.15 l.M! S.-tt 031 ulll lop only w lieu LIIWK. I'hlladelplila oxleid Ulilte lleek Kulton lleue Kiderii A II III VK. Dornef't Ne. & uuil Ne. n tmlim Kiguaieil. Iniliw renneetat Deim'I' MltliCe. luinlil. A Pert Dimwit It. It. l iim have the depot. Iliivul Iin land u-bliigtin lurnur, ut i . SI and .1 Mi P. l , nnd urrhe -it J .17 I' M- and 1 P. M. 'I lekettt Ir all otatleiiH tu I'blbi. drlpbla and ilaltlinuu let mile by tlie eondut eendut eondut ter. I. A. AI.KAANDKlt. Sup't lI'MUll lil'HMIiV K.lll llllAli - I CIIKDUI.K-Ilri iii.l t!'l .SLNi .NOV KSlllKIt, l.lvB. l":H un in,, 1, i.v v.i. ilailnv,,i vrtn jinlat an I lo.e tbe l.ai.1 vt. and I'htiii ! ,m i ..hNa- n i EiflTWAUD. ce.tx. VAHI'BTH, XO. B. ii. MAllTI wnolee-ue and ltetali Dealer In iii klndj of LUM1IKU AND COAL. -funl Ne. 43) North Wnteranu rrtnrr streetd abeve Lemen Lanaut!r e 4.iv' J."" 31AKT1M A CO. DRESS GOODS! Mall Kiprert.., , riilladnlpbla Kxprv-.a Taat Line , llurrl.iburg Kxpv Yerk ActommuduJeu urrlvra ... l.ancjuter Aciome lavien urrlv. Columbia AcceuiiuOii .Inn rnderlek Aeenimnrnlallen nrrlviv. LiKk ll.uen Kxprenii Sunday Mall Johnstown Kipruia Day Kxprecu Ilarrlsbiirg Accomiuedhilon Le , Ar Lanll'M a. it. M 1 im J-iS tn u t-M i.te H.I e.x ." ... a ... j- 'l ( UM .... 12 .V 3 IS r.u. 1 ii i r. Z-'X M m t:a 0 N U it Hanover Acroiiuneilatlon wust, connecting at Lancniter Willi Magiuti hxpree ut 0-4A, will run through te Hauover dally, except Sumbiy Fretlerlck Acc i modatien, wvgt.ceiriectlng at Lanciisler with Knst Ltnu, win!, ut l a wlfl rnn through te K-ie'erlt k. I.vr. Can WlnTWARD ILe, il'hl till 13 Uehavea full supply et UAU AND riLL t.N"l CAItPhTn. He only use the best Of arn. K ou int a geed, Mervlcoable Carpel, please trine and examine our stock before pircba.'lng elsen beiu, in e will sell a ctieup as Ui' ebeupesC Come and see ler yeurxelf and betenvlneinl, us wunlwnys nave the reputa tion et making rtrat-claui Carpets Cl -TOSI K(j CAKI'KTS ASPKCIAL'IV CJNfc.llI.hTS. UOf NTKlll'ANKS 11LAS- ShlNCAItl'KT CHAIN, faTOCK- 1NO AU.N, Ac. Dyeing Done lu all IU branches at short tie tlie. COAL! COAL! At'sitiAiui.NKiw n jnrrunr.1). COAL DEALLriS. OyFICES. Ne. 7 NertTJI QlJMllW STRUHT, A!D Ne. V.I NenTH l'rurttii btrkbt. V All US North Primi-b STnsirr, ksar Ukad- ihe llBrer. LANCA3TKU. PA. auglS-ttd pOAL. 11. V. 13. COHO 83U H OUT 11 MATKlt HT LutKuter, Wholeualo and ltetali Dealers tn LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Kxchanget Yard and Oftlce Ne. saeNOUTU WATKIl STIIUKT. felrMvd 1, ut thu Let 'lua'lty, lupremly ler famll u. TltV ASAMPLKTON. UtMKMllEUTIlh OLD eTA.ND. IMUMP SCUUM, SON k CD'S. Ne. lyiilOUTIl WATKIl bTUKKT, ii 1m I LANCASTKIl, PA. Uu ou llolieve It. That In this town tberu are score el persons passing our utore every day whoe lives are made mlsorable by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Heur and dldtnwii ri Htemach. Liver Com plaint. Constipation, when ler ,Sc. w e will sell them Hhlleh's ltullzer, guaranteed te cuie theiu. Held by II. It.C'echmn, druggist, Nei. U7 und UJ North Ouueti street. (nh7-eeii2 The lleiurrettiun el i.ajarus Wakatnlraculoiiseperutlon. Ne ene UiIiiKh et raising the dead tliese tlines, though some dcsperalely elesn te death'H deer Have been cempletely roslerod by llurileek Jlloeii JUttert te genuine and lasting healib. Ker sale by 11. bti ml " llri,BK,,, ,37 untl lJa rtli yueen P,:anlt,ulp,ht,W,"OJ, 1,00 Jt'K" lll,w- HillTMA'N'B YKLLOW KllONTClUAll flUlK NEW veitu " " SUN " 11KAC1IE8 LANCASTKIl AT 0 30 A. SI. On theiluy et publlcutleii. Your newsdealer will supply it promptly ou eulur. or wu will tend It b) mall at 50 ( untn u mouth. Aik'russ ..LW.hNOLAND, l'ublisher"TiiB-JtJN," J? i'"lL New Verkclty (tMCx.i.uJIE,jUBB"B""a ii K,M.1!,er Mratega Water en Draught. ajumtt iBNl,i,pf,prtolef 01 ttlu "rape Hetel 3iund3t North Oueen street, us lomedeloil tun i barroom, erected ilrstclais llolrlgeralers and has new ou diaught C'harleV (Viu.s'a ciii. ebnited Philadelphia LAUK I liKKU ler which he Is sole agent In thlselty. Alse ma u. ATOUA WATKIl Irem the liimeus Kxeelsler bprlngs, 8aralOKfti N, v A ,u u,' ,f c "'"' thu puieu Wlues and Ltiiuera en sale. . m'.V-lind Williamson & Fester. DKALKHS IN Ct.UTJlI.U,rATS. CAM, OKSra' I fit A'lmiisa aoenu, jiueth ana hiwks, TKV.KS, 'AJ4iHhli. rilAVKLIXH 1IAUS, RCUllRUVLOrUIA'U.Jie. Neb. 32-38 BAST KINO STREET, LANCAai'KIl, PA. J.K i'ltOTUUUAI'IIH. 1MITK. E VKHV Vlll'KIl WhLUOSIr.. liiiuuiui no iiuuiican or liomecrat, te call and see the best Winking rants. Overalls Working Shirts nnd JaekJtH. iimd" 1 v t hi! FALLKlLLSIANUrAClUltlNUCOMl'ANY. Kvery pair wirrautcd net te rip. AUei, inii line el Ladles', dent's and ' Misses f si and Nntinus uonerally cheaper than ever, loaleorrent le" tt"u Baml 'orsule. Jleusea IMP1 l Ne.crSi'Ket. fllUK HVMlTOMa (IK UllHUMU (JUKI. X nrothesooffrciiuont ormeroorltsscon. tliiueus obatruellou el the nasal passage" with iv tuore or less secretion discharged irein lliti i psmukes posierlorly us well as anteriority. Diseases el the Kye. Kar and Thteu-u se Canoew. Tuniere, akin ami Chronle Ulscwei' ueccsluIly Ueattxl by "" WIS. JI. I. & M. A. LONOAKKlt omce-Ne. IS Kast Walnut struct, Lanca.ter. Consultation free. ul7-3tdw There has been such a demand for LA.UUK I'HOTOUItAPIH that I wui CAMKA 11?.' ft VKUV '"Ut,'K camkiia I10X te meet thu uemand. Wn cun new inake you a PlIOTOus small u thu smalliist lei ketw til bold up te a -Inch lace, te fit Ian laxtiii fiuinu. J. E. ROTE, Ne 100 North Queen Streot. luiwwd TIAHAUX, SO. TIIK OlIK.ll IIAKOAIN STOHK, NO. 24 SOUTH QUEEN ST., L.VNCAbTKIl, PA., .JOHN I. SC1IAUM, Proiirlelor. MUJi K It EH A I.S A .n fit K Ml VMti Til A . A.Y OTllhH ItOlttUl.S AMKHICA. .lOOC'H'PKKKKrTLKa, allUe, all prices Keiy dmcilntten of IIOL'SK FUKNISIIINO GOODS. Emtj ti scilptlen el UAN AND COAL OIL VI XTUIIKH. fcerj deseilptleu of DOU1ILK M0LDK11KD TINWAIIK. Ltry description et LAMPS, WOIU II IIUVI.NO. Ami a multitude nt articles neuled by all cuisisef the community. -llui tug and manutactiirlng In wholesaln luuntlllee, n ure prepired te give our pa trons the bunullt of monies thus saved or made. 4rf-.SpeLl.il utteulleu paid te COCNTIIY TKADK. JOHU P. SCIAUM, NOTIUK, Having sold my intlrt- Interest In the coal business te Henry Smich, I asg thu con tlnuanc et the same liberal putronage fur my successor. PHILIP t.INDKH. Having pnrthxfel tbe coal yard lately owned by Philip Olnder, Cor. Andrew and 8euth Water Sts 1 am prepared te lurnlsh the very beet kinds el Ocal for Family TJbe, which I will deliver, carefully weighed and screened, te any part et the city at tbe lowest market rates. Urdurs by mall or telephone filled promptly. Orders left at Ne. 4 '5 Seuth Qmc.ii street will receive prompt attention. HENRY SMEYOH. nprll-lind Otteman Dress Goods, Black Cashmeres, Spring Suitings, Summer Silks, Black Silks, Satines, AND ALL TUE LATEST NeVELTIEB. Jerseys. Wu tiave the largest stock of Lidlts' priies raugiug rreui si..a up. " Mather" Kid Gloves, and Uhtldreu's Jerseys lu the (lly, at Ot which e are the Hole Agents, are made et the Hest Quality Hid, ami aie the Most Popular (Jlevu Wern. Kiiwj Kx preas Way raMonger Matt Train, Ne. 1, via. Mt. Jey Mall Train, Ne 'i,vluCeluuiblu,leuves Ilbignru KpriMs Hanover Aceotumeiatl'iu leaveii.,. Tast Linn rroderlclt AcceminiHluiIrm ieavivt . Ilarrlsburg Actointneluilon Lancitater Accommodation leaves... Columbia Accomutxlatlen Ilarrlsburg Kxprues Wuntdru Kxpreas Pacific Kzprues i u. t .it (A) 7:00 7 40 11-1(1 !. . .'Ill 1 1 ft-4 H' u.j A.H 0 f 8.XJ 1.W 9-41 r.M 1:J& 1 15 Mi 7-40 11 14 1..1B I1KUU1 UI1BI LJ IUIUIIIUIIA nun lurK, Jit Line, west, en ttunilny, when flaggel stepat Downlnitewn,CMitiHVllle. Parrns. 1, Mount Jey, l'.llzubulhtevwi and Mt ' 'h . llarrtsburg Kipress, wbleii leaves Lnneuster nt 7 te p m pas direct ronncttleriH (without cuanguercani) i) loiumein ami lerx. rajii i.ine, wtilsteri burg. town. Uay Kxpreaa, Kast l.tne, Nuws Kiiinms, Mall Train, Ne. 1, Western Kxpressand l'nclilc Kx. prens run dallv. Tbe tlinu here given Is Kaitem lime, or that etthuiMh meridian, w like Is 1 inliuiie un 1 J seconds taster than that lienilebun uml J. B- MARTIN 8c CO. Cemer West Kinir unil t'rince StrectH. Limcaster, L'ii. gu. KK'H CAld'KT HALL. L OA I. 31 All. A UK A .N 11 K.ll l'..N'J S. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! MUHIVAL l.y HTUV31KXTH. 24 Seuth Iiltt7 IVd Queen Streot, LANCA8TK1C PA 1(111 JHiUKM AMI) HTATJUtfJSJtM N IIAlCll'HaONH. EASTER 11 MAOlllNlCUY. T fmnii ii i imi rn iiMMm-ij - lj AV1NO IMMHOLVKI I'AUTMK.UisllIl' and netiiianeiitlv rlnmul flu, i 'ti..utti,,f ir.. : . ... :---". ,-.."---...... ... ciruui iron worKg.iiiusire te inierin my old patrons und the public gouerully, that 1 am still In the buslneas, being lecntud In the Puun Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, where I am making Iren and Hums Castings et every duitrlptleii, and will be pleasud.te eorve all who may favor me with thelr patron. age. Frem 40 yeurs experience In the business and using the bust material and employing the best mechanics, 1 am sail died 1 can guur guur antee entire Batlstactlnn. Castings inaiin from a irilxtuiu et Iren unit steel which nre mere re liable for strength nnd durability than the best cutt Iren known, V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a Bpeclalty. Cast ings made et very sett Iren, und brass cast ings el every description. I have all thu put put ters ar the well and layerably known Mewrer Cern and Cob Crusher, retltted and Improved. Alse en hand, mills completely lined upei in parts, te replace old onea which have becn lu usa ler years, guaiantoelng thorn te ulve Istuctlen. " atiuH-Otuil ll.e. McCJULLKY. BANNERETS, CARDS AN 13 NOVELTIES, Devotional iSoeks AT TIIK HOOKSTOHK Or JOM BAER'S SONS, 16 nnd 17 North Queen St, 1)KOfKhSIONl, PIANO mOVKK. Pianos and Furniture moved at short no. tlcn. Ordets by mall solicited, ever 1 oeo planes moved In three years. AUll V. ItKlNOKIIL. lebMIU Ne. S.t) N. Queen bt,, Liiucas ter, tiriLUOX A W1IITB Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. NOW 1S.T1IK 1IMK TO IIUY PIANOS AiD ORGANS AT UL.AUUIITKUl.Na PltlCKH OneOoeil SoceniMland Piane vi.uu One Klegant HcceiuMlund organ 4MXj One Klegant New Organ, ri-step Couplers and Hub-lliuM ,,, tA.U) Wilcox White Organs Irem 173 j) te 11.VJ.W Knabe," MePhall, Qrovenatoln & Fuller, Koyeteno, and Vose Jz Bena tlanea, -AT- SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. Selllni; Off te Cleso Iluslnefls. Everjtlilng Must Positively lie Sold. A Kull I.lnnel I10DY IlltUHSKLH, TAPKHTItY, and All Grade ( or INU11A1N CAllPhTS, IIUUH, IILANKKTH, COVKltLKTd and OIL CLOTH. WT ALL AT A BAOIUFlOK.-rS-l tdr Prompt attention gHen te the Slanuracture et Hag Carpets te order. -AT SHIM'S CAEPET HALL OOR, W. KINO AND WATER ST3 feb'J3 2indaw All Marked Down te Ilottem Prl.e. given away. Almest WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warererms, NO 152 EAST KING STHEET, febl7-Ud II. II. LUCK K.N IIACII, Agenl. tlbNUINK HAVANA ril.l.KIO UIUA11 r nr Stents, at IIAIlTMAN'HjVKLLOW KIIONT CKJAIl GKAV'fi tit'isuine biTviijCink." tills Great Kngllsh Itumuly. An unfailing cure ter linpeuincy, and all Dlsoase that fellow less of Memery. Uul vernal i.ujuiI. tiKle, Pain In the llack. Dimness of Vision, Promuture Old Age, and many ether (lUousea that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Urnve. full par. Ucufara In our pamplet, which we ilnslinte sund troe by in all te nvery ene. Tim npetlnc Me.clni)li sold by all drugglsta at II per pack pack age, or six packagea lerl.), ur will be sent iron by mall en the receipt el the money, by ad dressing the agent, fl. II. COCIIIIAN, Druggist. Ne. 1S7 and J3U Nerlli quien street, Lancas. ter, Pa. On account of counterfeits, we have rwtepu ed the Yellow Wrapper l tlmenly genuine. Ilia. UIIAI MKIIIUiriK uu J LANOASTBR, PA fPIIK I.ANOAKTKK CARPET CLEANING WORKS. UAItl'KTd CLKANKI) ON I'HOMIHKD TIMK, without regftr 1 te woather. (Jet jour Curpets cleaned with thebTKAM C'LKANKll It you want thutii returned Free from Duet, Free from Meth, On Premised Time, Brightened Celers, Ne iDJury te Oarpete. PRIOBS, 3 DENTS PER YARD. CALLKI) roil AND DKL1VKIIKD rilKK. Oil Ice WITH LANCAUTKlt OltUAN FACTO It Y, Cox's Building, Cerner Church and Duke Streets. ij jsi.rnsn OHM I., I'l.tlUlltNU AN It UAH VlTTIttU. AKNOI.D, I'llAW lluliule, N. V, .1 PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, OIL FIXTURES, TIN ROOFING, SLATE ROOFING, Steam Fitters' Supplies, Patent Celd Case Heaters, tarFineit Werk, Beit Workmen. Letwe your Orders at JOHN L. ARNOLD'S, Ned. 11, 13, 15 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA . HOUIIS KOllCLOilNO TIIK. MAILS lly llitllrimil New eek tiiiiuieii mail, fi.00 and 7 Je a, in., U.Jup in.,5uu p. in. und JiXJu. in. Wat SIail, e'lst, 7 ') a. in Duwmmituwm, Leuuian Plaee und Cup, Cl." p. in. PlIILAIlSLrillA TIIIUIUUII uail. MO am1 7 a. in., H na. in.. Hi'), him and 'i0u. in. I'lTTHUl'llO AWD HEW, U U) 11. IU,, 110 anil .0 13 p. III. ll.vnnisnriuiMAtL, oeuamlOuUn 111 , 1 -', MX), 7,11 and lu 15 ii in. WAV mail, west, C emul Oin. iu. Ualtimiiiih and Wasiiimitun, Ma Phtladel. plilu, ft.uu p. in. IIALTIMUIIIS AM) WlKUIItOTUN, 1.1 erk, 1 SO p. in. ilALTIMOIlE ANII WAhUl.NUTOM, la HattUbUIg, 10: Up. ill. Hum in llAM. ( hrlstlaiia, Parknaburg, Ceileavlllu and Duwiilngtewii at l.'.l'lp m, CeLUHiiiAiit Uieii. in 1 Hi and Sim p. in. Yeiik ami Iuiik uay, l.tuand IU II p in. MjimimiN Cestiial, '.'CO u. in,. I i) and 10 n p. in. IlKADlMI, Via ItEAPl.MI AMI lOLI'MUlA II. 11 , 7 Ml u. in. and I.' .Op. in IUadine, via Philadelphia, R. Uiiud 11 en p 111 IIkaiiinii way, via Juiietliiii I. Illl., Jlan helin, Kuat lleiuptlelil uud Kphralu, i 15 p. in. Quaiiiiymllb, Carmurge, New l'ie l.li'uee, Went Willow, Martinsville, ltetten and l.luui Valley, 0: ir. a. in. and n (mi p 111. Nkw Helland, Churohtewti, (ireenh'tiik llUiu Hull, Uoedvlllo, lleurtewu and Hpilug Urove, by way et Domilngtewu, at ti 15 p. in. and ll.oe p in, Havu IIaiiuek, via Celuinbl.i, h 50 a. in. and & 10 p. in. lly HtHgn-Hluckwatet and 8utu Harbei, dully, at l.uep in. Te Mllluravlllu, 8nnd 11 30 n, in. nnd I p. in Illnkluv'M llrldge, Lenceeh, lluiuvllle, New Helland, 2.10 p. in. Willow Htuet. Hmllhvllle. lluck. Cheatiiut Level Ureen, I'otera' Cnelf. Pleasant Urove, Iteck Hprlngn, Kalrineuntniul UowlaudavlUe, tld dally, at7:C0u in. LanuU' Vi 'allev. Oiei'en. West Karl, rami nrnville. NetUvllle, lllukletewn, 'luiie Hill, ilartinilale, dally, at 'J Je p. m. Ureenlnnd, fortuity, Lampeter and Wheat laud Mllld temruHhuig, dally at I p. in. New Duiivllle, conealega, Muitlcvllle. Cole inanvllle, Mount Nuhe, ltuirllnsvllle, He themlaaud Liberty fciiuui), dull), al -. .0 p. in. On Uiinday evunlug, iiiulla eimt uud next rles ut 1U.U0 p, in. vhi:n eit.n Vim eiilivkkv. Arilvlng bv Alall Knsteni mall, O.JO a. in.. 10.00 a. in., 3 10 nnd i..W p in. Kaatern way mall, I0()ii in, Weitern mall, 0.30 uud lo.eo u. iu2.ueaiid ' lteaillng, Via Iteadln and Columbia, 2.3J P. ui. Western way mall, S se a in. Heading way mall. 10.3m i ii. hi. Uuairyvlllollraneh.bilia. in. aniH.COp.ui. Arriving by Htage from Salu Iluiher aud Slaekwater, ate.eua in., dully. Kr eui Mil onvllle. 7 and 0 u. m and n. in. Frem New Helland, iito.se a. m., dalfy. Frem llelnndavlliu. Mil., at 4 0 p. in. Heading way mall, at 10 JOa.iu .dully. Frem Biriudiiirg. at U W a. in., dally. Hern ItawlliiMvlile, at II (On, m, treiu 'lerrelllll.at lucua. in, DKI.IVKKIKrtllY UAKKIKKM. Thore are three mall dullveilei by Letter Carrleraeaehday, and en thulr return trips they take up thu mail mutter deposited In the letter boxes. Acolleellen la made Iteuiall the boxes en Sunday alter 4 no p. in. Fer tbe first delivery the cntrlera Iwavu the ollleeat7:00 a in. i second dolivery ut 10.00 u. in. third delivery ut 3.00 p, in. '.SUNDAY POSrOFFICH iteuite, On Sunday thu pnstolllce la open Irem April 1st te Octebei Int. treui a te e u, in., and Irem u te 7 p. in. t irimi October 1st te April 1st, lreu) 0 te 10 u. m., and Irein 0 te 7 p. in. ,,V(ti' ti'4f.ja.iirt i.-mw-.-.--.-