Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 15, 1884, Image 2

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    .. 3.
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lancastet Jnfrllignuct.
rrnndnlfnt AilTcrtlslng.
r The Philadelphia newspaiiera seem te
have a large Interest In the white ele.
pjnl. Their unsophisticated renders
-will learn, after they have npent their
half dollars te see the elephant, that
they have been defrauded by u con
spiracy between the newspapers and the
menagerie people. Advertising Is a
newspapcr-'H business ; but It Is net Its
business te wilfully lend itself te the
delusion of its readers. It is net credit
able te a newspaper te put paid adver
tisements among Its reading matter
without something te indlcate that the
matter Is paid for. It la a gross abuse
by a Journal of He privileges and oppor
tunities te print hi news what Is In fact
an advertluemf d, and le solicit, a credit
for it te which it la net. entitled, le day
all the Philadelphia nowspapets publish
In their news columns and In their news
type what purports te boa description of
a ropertei'u effort te test the genuineness
of the color of one or the white elephants.
It Is, however, an advertlsement.theugh
without the marks of one.
If the advertising devlces of the white
elephant owners are successful in draw
ing visitors te the show we will have
fresh reason te reflect what feels we
mortals be. Hew silly It Is that the differ
ence in the shade of color of an elephant,
a variation from the tnual dun color te
a dirty wlilte or pink hue, should have
the power te arouse the curiosity of any
humau being te see it, unles3 it
may be the naturalist who is
specially luteiested in physiological le
search. Hew it can possibly interest ntiy
ordinary person seems Incomprehensible.
And yet we knew that it does. The
disousslen In the newspapershas aroused
public attention and (ersuaded iieeple
that there is something new In the ele
phant line which they want te see. Of
course, Ills felly ami no wise person hsis
such a feeling. If anyone .letects it iu
himself it is conclusive evidence that lie
is Billy, (ulte probably the great ma
jority of people find such an emotion in
their breasts ; we all knew that the
most of us are net wise. It is a fact
upeu which the free advertiser fattens.
The He'll a Saint V etild He.
M'lift Innrtr.r i mitii llft I Vt A. mnrd lw
finds out, The New lint announces this
bit of consolation, which It takes te
itself amid the tribulations of defeat
" We bave learned some suggestive
lessens in this contest, int the least
valuable of which Is the discovery of
Jf&M&MS&WiMSSHtidrm aud
wje ure net." Our esteemed, but
often ridiculous, contemporary has
beu n long time making its dis
cjvery, and we have reason te dis
trust the sincerity of its announcement
Hud it been really anxious te find out
who are friends of political reform and
who are net, it need net have waited
until this late day te divorce itself from
the political prostitutes with whom it
has been se long shamelessly associating.
Tne first signal victory wje by candi
dates wmm It espoused wai accem.
plished by as base m.'ans and for the
benefit of as bad men as the degraded
Republican politics of this county
had yet developed. A few years
later it wai found consertiug with its
opponents of that year nud treating with
tenderest consideration the men whom
it had shortly before denounced as the
vilest of political corruptieuisls, aud
who had net in the meantime proved
themselves in any degree " friends of
political reform."
Three years age whatever of victory
its associates achieved was by methods
which marked these who rejerted te
them as anything but frientU of
political reform ; nud iu all its
exporience we can see no reason why
the New Era should have waited until
the hour of its supreme defeat te dis
cover and cast off from its fellowship
such as " seemed te care mere .loeut the
auccess of their candidates for county
treasurer than the fr fudge or
Congress," nud wi jre con
cerned te kuew where the ceuiPy treai
urer would deposit the public funds
than In the elevatlju of the bdtieu or
the dignity of our comjrenlon il repre
Having Blioutedhesanuai evei the trl
umphsef McMellen, SSensenlg, Jehnsen
nud Mentier In turn, the Nue Em must
have eierienced a violent change of
stomach Indeed, tint It cauu t digest
the return? of 1881, nor make merry
with Lew Hartmau In Ills alee at elect
ing "Honest Pup Grider," and with
Hill Shirk in his joy at ringing his Heg
Ringers into the county beards.
Light Wanted.
The Harrisburg Teleyrupt says that
woare wrong in assuming ttmt the iu
crease of the duly en wool will add toils
Trice. If ae, why does the wool grower
want tbu Increased duty V Docs the
Tilc;riifi desire im te understand that
the wool grower desires te promote
lower prices for his product V It se, will
it please say be specifically, iw we de net
feel llke assuming that it asks
this of our understanding. We
have net ourselves as yet made
the aciiuaintauce of uuv pre
ducer who is anxious te seoure lower
prices for what he has te sell unless he
can at the Bame time decrease its cost.
Lew prices for wool would be agreeablc
te the wool grower no doubt, as securing
an increased consumption and demand
for wool, provided the cost of producing
the wool was lowered iu equal or greater
proportion, but hardly otherwise. If the
ykUgwph can tell us of a class of
Arcadian wool growers, se Innocently
devoted te the promotion of the geed or
Bhlvering humanity, as te be solicitous
te Bell wool regardless of cost and pre.
fit, we shall be very glad te hear of them.
Aa we de net understand hew the in
crease of the wool duty is going te lower
the cost of the wool te the grower, we
shall as at present advised atlck te our
opinion that he does net desire the iu
creased duty for the purpose of enabling
him te soil his wool at a lower price.
Hut' It may very well be, as the Tele
graph states, that since 1807, when the
tariff wes put en wool, there has been an
average decline in price of six cents per .
pound, That cuts away the Telegraph's .
position that the wool industry requites j
protection. The price of Iren has de j
clincd likewlse,netwlthslandlng the pre .
tectlve duty. Ilemn competition has
brought down the price, just s
home competition has brought down
the prlce of wool. Hut, bije
the Teltanwh, the duty en wool
stimulated the employment or udillttunai
capital In wool growing, and do de
creased the price. Hut hew could the
duty have this effect upon capital, under
a declining price of wool ? Dues the 7W
qraph really think that capital was in
vited Inte wool by its falling price 'i Tlie
Telegraph seems te intimate very heter
odox and bewildering ideas n3 te human
. I.
NVmv that It has been determined who
Is tb KepnMl.-an tnmluee for a ten
jphp' trm en the bench, the I.uu ,nti i
f-inniy i-Hir -should lake nel f ib
fact that in the 1 phrata church u tl'
suitors ure denied their rights by a dead
lock between the judges who compose
that court. Hecavne they differ them
can be no decree, and If then" mint
Judges are te continue en the bench and
neither give way ihe dead lock will con
tinue for seven or eight mete
Judge l'.itteiseu, we believe, bus 30 fui
acceded te the suggestion of the supreme
court, as te have offered te call in an
outside Judge te decide the iaaue Judge
Livingston, having been deaf thin far
te the higher court, may pteflt by the
hint tie has recelved trem the people.
Wr were pie pared te fee the .Vn fan
try te creep thieugh n very small hole,
but scarcely expected such a liidtcieiia
effort as this .
Piimarily, Mr. Smith ewes bis defeat
te his vete ter thi Fitz-Jehu Perter
rnhef bill As is well known, the New Km
differed with him en the propriety of ttiat
Bw-UT spring brings in tier tram base
ball fiends and anoieut Italian nobles who
grind the barrel ergau.
Danny SitirKnti will tike imuii pas
me iu lieldiug trie inquest upon the
grenter part of the Senseuig cotnbiuatien.
Teeiif. will be ue anti Camereu belters
in the iron clad Republican delegation
from this county in the neit Logislaltne.
Ir Sheriff Totnliseu waetsaa able bodied
ler"ty " "" Mr. Jae. Heli.ngcr
He can put iu 50 days a month and never
gets tued.
The primary election luiium hub -
that the fnend f "Caruoren wero nut un
.'HlUi.fui that there would be au electiuu
for United States setiater by the ue.u
I'Kiimr new that a bi immigration
exodus basset iu toward the I uited States
from Canada, the Louden Thunderer "
will attribute the result te the baleful
intluoces of the dynamiters.
Mveiis, hiving been reneminated, may
new have time te explain why he m.ide
Peter Wltmer collocter of state aud county
Ux in Warwick wheu J. Aohey u n the
lowest bidder. The people out tint way
want te knew, you knew.
The yic fCru z.-aleusly suppeitcd At lee,
Smith, Landls, Baldwin, Weitb, Gieider
aud Clarkmn, Suiffei aud Wolf and tbi-v
were all beaten. Grider, Hnrkholder and
Ljw Hartmau aloue seem te have hal
enough individual streui'.tli te Biinueits
advocaey of their
A FOHMIUAULKboein iu Uutlur'n lUteiust
is said te be organizing amine the Green
back aud auti monopoly elub-t, tiadtft
unleiiH, Knights of Laber assemblies and
malcontents in both the old parties. It ih
a very wintry day when rare old Hun a
net swashing around in the politie. 1
DKDIc ATION nr THE IStHAN miwe or seni.s.
Sweet! en the itnlilt-M or vnur KiikCdIi mimi
1 Uy till-, null) itriMiili m Imllan Mem;
FrnKntnt ler inn iM-caiiKit t ! sci'iit limy liu,
IlU'lllicr til ilie iiiciuniy el e.r nutliluU
l'ei eIIimih sctmllMt ami ler you In lliavuu,
Tiki i ilit milt taila tli-iti llu in wiiai.
bave tint ihuy mran wlmt iimkts all i. ui
That lie who mini,' tliein, l.iyrthl,
tliere: f.'duir
EvreitiH et dairy preduuU as well ,ia of
hoof and perk products show ipute a fall
ing off for the past year. Oui oxperts of
dairy prudueta for the olevon inenthH
which euded March ill, amounted In value
te 412.093,072, against 15,20I,(J1J .luring
the corresponding period of the preceding
year, wbile our experts of beef and imrk
products for the live uientlis which ended
Mareli III, worn valued at llg.OidOuO
against ?;(8, 121,00'J during tliocerronpoiul
ing ieried of last year.
Kx-Seiiikiauv Ev.Mtii is reported
oe hick ei maiaria in new verk.
Weinu,. the man milliner of Pans, ih
raade sick by the odor of vielets. Viulcta
wero the Napoleouio tlower.
Mil. Handam. has received a letter from
ex Soeator William A. Wallace pledging
his hearty support at Chicago.
Jmeii Pah, Wi:h.m:u, who was a
drummer boy at the battle of Waterloo
died in Worccster, Mass., auud 81 years.
a.78GllAJiT' tbe,'Kh only 2:,, has made
whieh his father's
iulluonce secured for
Jehn C. I'f.iiiiv, ex state senator of New
erk, and lately appointed chief justice of
Wyoming territory, was striken with
paralysis in Hroeklyn aud is Ih a critical
GamiiktiVs statue wm ,i,;i.l :..
Paris Monday ami the occasion ,.,,,i
ene of slKtial demonstration of the blub
favor In whieh the deceased steed with tlie
Pioueh poepln.
AtuasrA Kvans Wilsen isdoseiibed by
a foniale friend, who udmires her and her
novels, as auburn haired, blue eyed, taste
fully dressed, medium sv.ed, and, alas,
" middle aged."
Mn Fnei iiK'shealth Isfliiffering from
worry oxperloncod iu oenoludlng the Oar.
yle memorials. When tlie proofs nre
Inlahed he will visit Amorlea and Austra
lla, dollvering lectures in the prluelpal
Aueustub Buiki.i. left $200,000 and a
.?e cluntlty of railroad stoek te his
widow, e 100,000 oaeh te his two brothers
and $100,000 oaeh te two nophewsaud two
uloeos. Other relatlvea roeolvo Biualler
Jknnik Junu observoj : Thore uover
was a time when the dress oeuntod for se
llttle in the ostiraate of oharaetors as new.
It Is getting te be pretty well undewtoed
that a woman who U celebrated for her
clothe is known for nothing elie."
Th Nir.-i1 A'irnrUiien Hill Vrn tn
Scunte-A IIIk llmetniuent IHiu rr-
tury 1'iuinxeU,
lu the I' nttcd States Senate Monday Mr.
lugalls, of Kansas, occupied the e'lalr hav.
lug been designated by the prrfldunt of
the iM-ate te act lu the nb.vuoe or the
latter. Mr. Hear, front the ju Hclary
uoiiituittee, reported favorably au eiiglnal
bill te establlslt a court el appeals, lie
Bald it was Intended te take tlie plaee of
several bills introduced for a similar pur
peso. Bills were introduced by Mr. Miller,
of New Yerk, te auiend ilie act te
prevent the importation of adulter
ated and sputieus teas , by Mr,
Sherman autherising the piesiileiit t up
point aud retne Jehn C. Fnuniiit an a
major general iu tlie army ; and bj Mr.
Slater, te forfeit tlie nod laud grant
of the Northern Pacific rallteid company.
Dm naval iipprupnatieu bill una UMiitned
pint the ,m5tiilmtit inp.irl tliP
.finii mmiittw, appiiippUtmc j..' ",
oeo I ., (he (ii,) ttuotien n netr . tenera,
n l AIOHii ly - p-ta, j, . p(,, , ;1cral
etbri uiienlruLHitsneie then .mrt'ed te and
the bill was pa.s?d. I) te of tbe amend
ments appreptlate.s jeDO.OOO fet the
(3'inpleti in of Iho ordnance outfit et the
Uirce .Heel eruisets aud the dispatch beat
new ciiusli listing. Anether apjiropnates
JJ 000,000 fui oentluutng mirk en tlm
deulilu turieted meult rs Auithrio Auithrie
iiuiies tbe Ncciet.iries of n u aud navy,
with the asi-t.iuce of tbe nun feuudry
beaid (whieb itrevnoe, te tt'pirt te
(Juiiici en ilie first day of it.s next
hessien a pljii ami estimate f.ii tlie
prepaiatieu and purchase of a plaut
let a kuii facteiy te complete gnus
of from 5 iuclie.ii te 10 inches cilibie, aud
le .ly whiuhii sucli work can be best
and niiMt i oiiiuiiie.illy done by ueieru
tueiit nLejis 'it ptivate ejntract, or pvrtly
by each, an i in what annual instalment
the aj prepnati'ius can be most economic
ally made. Tlie oreruUry et the nay is
also reiutrfld t j submit at tli miue titut)
a plin aud es;un.itt of cost of construc
tion efau nimed vessel of S,.'oe tens die
placameut. Tue p;efii."j apireprt.ilii.n
bill was rep irted, plae d en the calendar
aud ordered pnu.i.l The S ma'e then ei dei, the b.iuktuptey
In the lliiup.
A number of bills were introduced
under the call of states, among them the
following : Hy Mr. Jenes, of Alibami, u
reorganize tbe supreme btich of the
United Slates. Hy Mr. Duueati, of Kin
tucky, te previde for au mcoine tax of
ihree percent, en all incomes ever Ji e ie
five per cent en all ever 10,00e, and i - .
IH-r cent, ou all ever i?l00,000. II, M-.
King, of Louisiana, te place ou tb" !.
list "all aiu implements ; all
machinery used in the ruauufacture of
aiicultural products , oettou ties , llvu
uels, blaukets, h its of wool, knit oe Is
aud all geJs million kuittiug lrame,
b.Umerals, woellen aud worsted yams "it
all inamifauures of every discriptieu,
composed wholly ei iu part of worsted.
the bair el the apicca goetls or othei
auirnal (except men as are composed iu
part of wool), valut-d at net exceeding .50
cents per pound." Hy Mr. Dersheimor,
of New Verk. authorizing the tetiremeut
of Jihii C Fremont with the rank of
major gcueral. Hy Mr. Fellctt, of hi.),
for the issue el geld aud teller certi
ticates ou the deposit of geld coin or
bullion or silver com. Hy Mr. Poland,
of Vermont, te facilitate the disposi
tion of cases iu the supreme court
of the l" uited .s ati-s. Hy Mr. MoCerd, of
Iowa, for tlie apieintmeut of a commis
sion of 7'i inuiuber-t (two of (Intercut par
ties te be seli'O'ed trem cti i si lie) te
propeho te the htveriil states tlie prepnetj
of the Legislatures of two thirds of t.'u
stilus calling a couvcutieu, te meet en
July I, lVr, for the purpose uf preHs.iu;
amendments te the c institution. The dn
trict aipropnatieu bill was reported,
eidervd te be printed and recommitted.
Nine of the thirteen Democratic mem
bers of the Olne delegation in L'oiii!res
met Men Jay evuiiiu.; : i c infer in regard
te their action ou the Morrison tariff bill
It was brought out in the conference that
llve of these present would vete te take
up the bill, aud that two of absentees
would vete the some wav. The Deme
cratic members of the l'euuslvauia dele
gatien will tinet te c insider their cetinw
ou the bill.
lit IIM. I'llir. IJAMl'
1 ir i .1 nue i, Linn 1 lie I r I.Um in i tutc u
.si I III).
An cxplosieu of lire damp, which ni
stantly kulud James I'aiuter and James
Stovenseii, occurred Wednesday morning
at the mine et Jehn A. Weed A. Nui, at
Kli.abuth, eighteen miles from Pittsburg.
The men, after entering the mine, ha 1
just toached the Mint where they wero te
weik when the oipleiion occurred, the tire
damp igniting from their lamps.
William Knit wis i00 yards from the
explosion and wai severely iniured by
uemg violently thrown down. Wuikmau
Simmeus, who was half a mile away, was
struck en the he id hy a dying pick and
siihtaiued a severe injury. Several hours
elapsed boiero the bodies of Stevenson and
Painter could be recovertd. The explo
sion occurred ene mile from the extrauce.
Three trapdoors, te c induct the air cur
rents, were blown te atoms aud had te be
replaced. The atmosphere was stilling
from the afterdamp, and a number of the
workmen weie overeomu and had te be
carried out te the open air.
ltebert Steveuaen, a brother of ene of
the Killed, i an iu after the explosion te
within a low yards of Its koeuo and called
his brother. Hore the bliek damp inst
him, rolling along iu a cloud anil losom lesom losem
bliug a smoky strainer. His light was
extinguished In a minute and he fell in
the drain. He orawled out by a side ou
trance, a distance of r,oe yards, kenptng
his mouth c!ose te the water. He
insisted ou going baek with the
Bearching party and was se drow
sy that he had te be shaken fio fie fio
ijuently te provent his falling into the
deathly deep. William MoMasters, pit
boss was anieiiL' thn lirst. in nnter ti,,. ..-
nledcd part : he fell Inte a f.ilnt nml win
OIllv riiseiniil In limn In ui,.n l.f..
Miners n mile from the oxplesiou had their
lights blown out, and in soma Instances
shovels, buckets, it j., wero carried out of
tuuu 1UUIJ1S,
liOVS nlavlllir In tlm llllnn nr.. u..,,.!..,,..!
te have left the trap deer epsn, which
allowed the oellootiou of the fatal gas.
A I131UI Tl.l the KitiU.lr8 w nti Amer.
icmi I'rnUuct.
Cel. M.llimilln . nf I.. I.i
ou the dynamlte attempts, says that the
agent used was llgiilu dynamite, a sub
stance iiude iu Amorlea, the iiuiuifaitura
of ythlch is net licensed In Kuglat.d.
t urther proof of Its American maku, l,0
asserts, la found u,e fact that slates el
the material have been dlsotivered. the
paper wrappings of which wero marked
AtUi Powder Company." He says
that the decks used in the infernal ma.
e lines wero also of Amorleau make, ami
that the pistols wero of a type oemmon in
Iho report Bhews that llgnln dyinmlte
was a oempouent of the Infernal machine
imported into Malta from Havarlam 1881
that it was the ngeut of the explosions In
Pessil park, Glasgow, and et the ofileo of
the Louden 7'imts iu 1893, and that it was
a component of the maohlne found in
Liverpool In April, 1893, and of the eart
ridges feuud In the Prlmroae Hill tunuel
in January last. The whole report teudi
te Bhpw that the weapon of tb dynamiters
Is llgtiin dynamite, made iu America.
Iu discussing the recent nrrests of bus
peeled ilyiiamlteis the Londen l'tmtt y .
"The oxpeolntlou Is strong that thuse
arrests will lead te impeitaut dlsolenues,
which will threw light upon the leectil
ex plosiens. We bisllove ene ei two
itllermers will be orelnoed who will leveal
the hendipmtiir-el tlteiMinpnaay whethei
lu France or Ameriei. We are asuied
that the Freuch police will prevent out
ragis We line, new ever, im snob asur
ance from Amorlea. We de n t tnlnwe
th it tli Amorleau julien would e iiinive
at the Bending of internal in.iehims aoiess
the Atlai.tie, but an np'U oiuside is
pre irhed iu Aiuei lea against Kiglaud ami
liluds aie oi'lejtoJ tlurefore, an I tha
things which hivrf benn tliro.i'eiunl hive
been denu Tite facts .no w idl known te
the Atnorieri i ilie I'liey em ait II w
if they ih i se. Kui in the u tern -per
of the Ami i icau pveln we sheul 1 net
li ipe for tntieli frii them "
lll'l 111 Ml IJ llf Plf IVl),
I'ue i) ivy iti'p.utmeiit his Ii-hi.i let tiu d
teaiattimir pnv.i!el a' St ' m's N
F. lhat tbe Greely party In' '""1 ""' "sd
fiein a iiivssef ll uting Im n" r,i --"w
a whaling riSoviei. I'm "U -i i' ''' ' '
en the subject, the Umtei Sm' i-'tisul
at S.. J ihn'H sayi tint the rf(nr: l n it
believed thore. He ad Is, h i.vove -, that
he will promptly alu.s- the depiit'inn' '!
whatever lul'ermati'Mi in i be received ou
the subject. Ni ulvic w'ntcvoref any
Gieely tcscue bad bven ucened in llatt
tax. IIIIAMI'.U '111 Ul-.Alll
It 1 1 1 tile F.l'UII in m sttn iter lit tlie 1 1 .'
ul m Sluli
News has just loaehod Austin, l'c , of
two terrible ei mien emmiti,Ml at a plaoe
ealli'd Lyens, about 1'.' miles from Austin,
In Fajelte comity. At a late hour ou
Saturday night a Inn I) negre enteied the
house et Mrs. Mo.ue, an 1 erdried tint she a supper for liim. l'tie p ir worn m
though I'righteiieil at the presiii'e of su.-h
an iinwplcome visitor, and the (tout being
late, iefued te comply with the nogte's
demand, wht'ieupeu i.e iMib -r.t dy pie
eccded te the weed sh'-il, aud taking there
from an axe lelurned an 1 brutally niitr
dered the helpless widow lie thou Md
Friends of the familj arriving lern after
waid, and the alum beiug given, a posse
of one Im ml rd meu set out en tlie tiail of
the nmnlerer and he was eiptuted
lie was iuai.hed biek ti the soeue of
his cnrue and, aitei being identified by
the ohiidre'i who witnessed the inurdei,
was taken te a neighb inu.; au I
Oideied te piejMre ler death, treeing
that he had no chance for mercy he con cen con
fefs'd his guilt, whereupon a lire was at
once kindled, aud the unfortunate mur
derer was ra ide te op ale ln.s orune by ene
a Li It mere horrible that of being roasted
te death Ne arrests hav- beeti m ide, aud
it is net likely that tluise who de ill nut
this shocking i.nributieu will be held
amenable te I i-v.
lutinl) liniHiircrs ttml Tux en l.enu.
In the oivse of the I ommenwealth vs.
Jue. S. iiiiilith, an ex-treasurer of Luz'rue
county, for tax ou leaus for the years 1K70
0 l. an oinuien has been tiled giving
ju Igmeut in favor of the defendant The
court heU's that the c muty audit-as autl
uet the auditor general and state treasurer
are the proper parties te settle and ail list
the acc'Hiiits el a county treasurer fertius
tax ; and as the account of (iriftlth, then
troa-uuer of Lu.orne ceuuty, has been
settled and aljusteil by the county audi
ters and net apiale! fiuni by the state, it
was The npiuieti is considered
an important ea as heio'eforo the audi
tor geueia! and state traa.surer have been
settling the ace junts uf county treasmers
for t ix mi leans. The amount involved
was H.'S'JJ.
The Hi'.nlii'g 7 a i.i aux oils that the
uatien il bankiu,'. law be cinc'i'd at the
present sas-ieu el Cengrcts.
The l.ttljtr th.tilis that after hie m.-uiiis
'I c lugrt'Fis' foelwig ue uime time
sheul 1 be wasted ou the Morrison bill.
The I)olestewn lnwerit willtiud uone
te agree with it that the Demecratic statu
c nveutien madu a mistake in naming
its editet for ceugrLssmaii at large.
I'uless Mr. liliuie cm ome tit .mil
clear his mnehed record, says the Pitt-s-burg
l.t lift r, Hep., it would be well fur
lum te step down and out. beferu be finds
hiniM-lf I ml out at the Chicago corveti-
t Mil
l.t (in. lllit. U te All'lrrs ttin i.i.u iirtcr
At a ; oe int meeting of the J- Corsen
club of ibis city, it was ies"lved l-j insti
tute u series of "club nights"' te prometo
the ebj cts for which the avsociatiea was
formed ; and the tirs' of these was appoint
ed for next Thurs lay eveuiug ; W. '.
Heusi'l, J. M. Iliitherfetd, Gee. Steinrnau,
Jehn A L'oyle aud It. M. Kuillj wero
appointed a oemmitteo te arr .' j .'or the
sinie. Ou this occasion au .'' ' "Iho
inade befere the elub u nuu. v. F.
Hlaelr, of Yerk, lieuteuaut governor of
PetiUSilvanh, presidect of the Jellersm
association, of Yerk aud founder of
the systmu et Jeffersen clubs which lias
extended ever the whele country. Mr.
Black's subject will be Themas .Jeffersen
and the meaning aud purposes of the
lellerseu associations. Among the invited
guests of the evening will be Gen. W. W.
It. Davis of DjylcKtewn, DetnectaHc
nominee for congressman at large ; W, F.
Harrity, of Philadelphia, euu of the dele
gates at large te the Domeoratio national
convention ; Senater Jes. P. Kennedy aud
ethers. Kach member of the club is unti
tled te the l'rivlloge of inviting one guest
te the club nights. Tickets for members
and guests can be had upon application te
auy uue of the committee, at the club
rooms, or at the Imi:i.i.ii.lm lu olhce,
Tlie annual meeting of the Juffersuii
Democratic association of erk, was held
last night, at which Lieutenant Govorner
lll.ick was ru-oleetod president miaul
meusly. Mr. Black, after the election,
delivered an oleqaeut address, in which
he referred te the work accomplished by
the Yerk association. K. I), Zoigler fid
lowed in a short address, alter whieh II,
II. MoCbiue, the orator apieinted for the
evening, delivered a 1 ng address en tlie
subject of Hontimeutal Democracy. Tite
Yerk association is iu a nourishing condi
tion. nillKUTOKS ICI.KUTKI).
Hy ttie lriiilrrr l'liitlne Uinnimny nml tbe
IVeitern nisrktl Uuiiipuuy,
At a mciitliig of the stockholders of the
Imjuirer printing aud publishing heuse,
yosterday, the following illrcctei-H were
elected : J P. Wiokersham, J. P. Mo Me
Caskoy, II. C. Hrubaker, Dr. Win. Comp Cemp Comp
ten, C. A. Ileiuithh, Walter M. Franklin
and D, II. Landls. A fiemi-annual divi
dend of 2J per cent, was declared. The
beard will meet te urgauixe ou next Fri
day. At a meeting of the stockholders of the
Western inatket company, held Monday
afternoon, the following named dirocterH
were ulected for Mie ensuing year : Jehn
C, Hager, Jaoeb Landls, Andrew Hru Hru
baeor. Frank Pfelll'er, C. S, Krisman, P,
V. Fry, Jehn LorenU, Jenaa Mumma,
i.iu.iiiiiui uaiiiiiuaii, j. ii. uamuer, r , r,
Cehe, J. F. Soner, M. F. Htoigerwalt,
Klin Over by h Heller.
Ames 11. Charles, son of Ames Chailes,
of East Hempileld township, was rolling
with two homes and u roller, ou Monday,
when he accidentally get evor .balanced
mid foil down iu fretit of the roller whieh
passed ever his ontire body, brulalug Ida
head and nlmeat tearing his thumb from
td hand. The wound was droned by Dr.
Livingston, of Mountvllle,
Till'. Mil. t.111 Ol'K.ia !! I.AMJASTt.U
11 I.i Ilie I urst UllllM tixtfi tlniiioe-1 h"
Iren lit fi'iiie lllit 1 li tut lern Ihii
I itni-itstcr llsillj llriiteii.
Aii audience of about 700 people wit
iii'Med the first game of the Liuoaster
elub at McGraun's park josteiday attei attei attei
tioeu. Their epHiuents wete the Provl Prevl Provl
ileuoo, one of ihe ctrongest loague clubs,
nml enisidriiiig the laet. that It was the
Hist legulai game that the Liuoaster team
wan engaged in they did perhaps well
0'ieiu-h. I'he coero was 17 le a.
Pr iMilonee "en the less aud teak tlie
Held and n'liiul the home team iu one,
two, thti'e ouler. l'hey then pounded the
lull lei ' i iitir. In alt. lining whieh lesult
they wero assisted by orreia tut fie part
of tMt Litioiistei. In this liming ilelliiud
ntade a beaii'iful itinniu oi'e'i of a foul
In the s'v ni'l inning Parker lilt past
thud ind was I'leiigla 'ii by Helland's
Ciim'.Ihve l iff.) bases te left oetilro
'1 hen uioatse's Tcre retired In short
ordet. lu the s-oeud hilf of this luiiltig
Provld'ince made four ruus by heavy bat
ting and errors, Peake making an easy
muff at fit st. Waitt signalized himself by
a great running loiilbeuud eateh In this
Lancaster undo nue mere inn in the
third lulling, Kidlenl muffing Parker's Hy
iu right Held, thus letting in Waitt, who
had bt'i'ii giinu Hist en ltadbutii's bad
tlnen, and st'e mil en a pissed ball. The
MsitiuK iu tlie I ittei hall et this inning
p led ii)i live mere num. Helland's bad
ei rei ou thud let Hi Irviu, nml Parker's
inexcusable oirei ou a grouuder, tegethei
with WeUel's e ei threw te the home
plate let iu two iiiote men. Iu tins liming
.McCoy also mile a bad mult iu oeutte
Nothing notewnttliy inaikml Iho fourth
iniiiug eoept H land's geed lly catch In
left emtie. Iu this iniiiug, Kichardseii
went te right Meld with a bad linger au 1
Wei'elJuight tbe remainder of the game.
Twe morn iuu were added te the Provi
dence scorn tins inning.
In tlie illth inuiug Want went le bae
en ImIN, I en livui's fumble of a
het gieiiii'ler ai.d Sinitli a'se get his first.
Parker in me a base hit te right field that
brought Want in. Fer the first time the
visi'eis this inning diew a blank.
But ene nui was rcered the balance of
the game, ami that was by Pruvldeuce In
the boieiiih tiiiiiug. Wheii two were out
iu the sixth inning Parker fumbled a
greiiudei. II) laud put tbe whole side out
ami was applau led. lu the eighth Inning
Patter thiew ever tlm first baseman's
head, but the i r or was net costly as the
side were letircd without footing.
I'he game was well iimpiicd by .Mr.
(idllgan, of the Piovideuce and the ciewd
naiy tunes applauded (luting the centet
wheu a plaei'n work c.ille I for ep.-cial
Helow is given the etll;iai aiUJ.a of ilie
x t - w
gaiie .
ni"! ll'IM K
nines, it
hurii'll, JU ... .
i rat, lb
ItiKllnirii, irl ...
Ht'tinv. -ll
turiell, 1 1
tin Hurl r I p....
W.illl. I 1
iiylaiul. il .. ..
-uultli, p
I'aikur, v
ilellsiu, an ..
Illvliniilaeii c rl
I'nlk, 11
tl, it t
JUtey, t'
IS )'. te
!7 lh
i use
10 Ih
i : 3 i s ; ? ii
rrvvl.lriict- I 6 J ll ll I ii a -IT
Luikii-Ui 0 I I 0 1 0 0 0 ll 3
burtirii Uuiis I'revliluiiev, I, l.uiicii.slir, I
liiiiiMn iliys I'rovlilencii. I t LuucHstiir, I.
I'eh,isi hllx llellitml. 1 Inei'-h no lilt
lllnns itn I I'uriHll. atruek mil l're IiIdiick,
I , Irfnciiter. 7 en Im U I'rovl.lenci ,
I; l.sni-nsti'r. i I.utl ou liunes I'revtili'in ,
- l.miuuUi ; Will ritilie.4 I'm, lili'iie ,
s. l.iin iistei.J I'nssn I balls I'mvlilnncn 2,
I. tiicaster, I. t'lme et faille i hours, I in
1 tllllsll IIKs IU1 tlll'tU'S.
lliry lli'lrnl tl:e AlleutiiMii el tlm I.iislern
I.dmke te J.
Yesterday afternoon tbe Ironsides play
ed their first game iu this oily with the
Allentown club, of the Ktrtcru league.
There was a geed sized audlonce picsciil
and the grounds, although slightly damp,
were iu excellent condition. The Pouii Peuii
slvauia railroad ran trains d lectly te the
grounds, stepping ou the siding in fretit of
t'je ticket elllce, ami it was ceitaiuly a
very convenient way of reaching the
grounds. Excursion tickets are usued se
that these who use the tram going out
cau return iu the same way,
The game was c tiled shortly after 3
o'clock by Derby, of the Jreisldcs elub,
wLe acte I as um;"- :? t tstisfaotieu of
both clubs, Fer i.-iY -re trim Pyle aud
Dldileld were the ' did offcetivo
work. Ward ,fi ayed in the
sime osltienn for tbe visitors. At the out
set the Ironsides began hitting bard and
with the aid of several errors ei the
visitors secured three runs. The Allon Allen
towns tied this score by making threo
nini in the leurth iutiiug en a bad threw
of Deuild te llrst, and an orre.- of E.
Greene at short. The Bcore ieniained tie
le tbu seventh inning, wheu the Ironsides
hit very hard, and secured four runs Ne
uiore wero inade during the game.
The Iiousides fdiewed wonderful im
provement in playing, and it is certain
that all they need i practtea te maku a
very line club. At tbe bat they woie
strong, MuTamany leading with threo
singles, while OJilfiuld get in oue of tils
two baggers. Although the visitors have
a geed club, they will have te Improve it
very greatly If they want te held a plaoe
in the Eastern luagtie aa they must (face
very strong clubs befere the soaseu Is ever,
They play carelessly iu the Held and are
net Hiiflleienlly strong at the bat te com
I e te with the clubs of their association,
Dehlman, the mauager aud captain of
the nine, is a veteran ball player aud
ha been connected with many line clubs,
se that he is likely te bring this niue up
before the soaieu ulosea. Lang was short
step of the Anthracites last season aud
Alcott also played with that team.
The score of the game is given . us fol fel
lows :
Hamilton, lb A 1
MtTnmtnauy, c I.... A !
Donald, aii a l
llrmlluy, r I I I
lllgKliii.'-b I e
I. limine, 1 r I e
OliIlleM.c I e
K. lllllllllU.SS 1 1
l'yle, p 4 I
111 I'D, A. K.
1 nut
3 A II -
0 II 1 I
1 10 0
0 -i 1 1
1 .1 I II
1 ,',10
1 1 A 3
I) 0 5 1)
Total jq 7
AU.ltNTOWN A 11. II.
MuDeiniHLJIi I n
(iillllgllll, I I i 0
I.llllg, k s I 0
IKiliiiimn, lb 4 I
Wuiil, p I l
lieulil, c I 1
linvtiiiiy, e I I e
Henri, i- t .1 ii
Melir, '.'! J u
S 27 18
III 1- II, A K.
0 (I 'I II
1 1 II I)
1 Oil
0 i 0 0
0 e a a
i I 'J e
1 : i n
0 II e II
1 4 & 4
Total -n 3 -J7 17 h
IMNINUS. I i 3 I A ll 7 8 U
iremiite a e e u e e 4 e 0-7
Allentown 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 u-3
Deuble pbtys-Ureen uml Hamilton. Melir
ami Ilelilinmt, Twe Imse lilts-Uhltleld.
Htruck out Iroimlilea, 1. I'aiseil bells Uenlit,
J Huse Oil IlllllS-llUllllltOII, '1 1 Ullllllllll, 'i
Wlni pitch-l'yle, 1. Umplre-Oerby. Ulmo Ulme
tlllier (liitiia Yeilenlny.
Philadelphia : Philadelphia 17, Athletic
0 ; Koysteuo 19. Darby r ; Somersot 13,
Hartvllle 6 ; Mauayunk 10, Wet Phlla Phlla
delphU 5 : Continental 8, Bemmer 1 ;
New Yerk, Motrepolltan 9, New Verk 7 ;
Hroeklyn : Hroeklyn 10 ; Cleveland -l
Haltnnote : Haltlmore, 10 ; Detroit, 11 ;
Springfield, Mass., : Audi 1 't. !' ; Spring.
Held, 0; Wilmington, IM, Wlimlnp'en,
i ; Hay, lltohuiet'd, Vi : Vlrgtetn,
0 j Hurtale,
till till' ill lllllllll I Ixlll
The t'.iplnil City I im l-a.l 1 iu'. .1 1 .011
urgaiilr.xl lu llamsbui ,
Jehn Aletster. feinnilv el il e A'Uu 1 nil
Kine titui-kliigs, lias been eng ,;;il lv ilie
Philadelphia elub.
L. P. Cri-ekbauiii, who was im tt'Mtir.i:
en tilal bv the Aelivfr. h s bin m
Ilemn, as he did net give Mttistao'ie'i.
The Cli'veliud elub ariived in town tin
afternoon ami aie stepping at the ili.ip .
They will play in IIiiiilRluirg te 111 innw.
The Wllmli pt ui elub, wldeh Is tlie best
iu the i: ,Mf u li,i;iui, will play the lion lien
siiles '11 this eity te m.'tiew. Tltey 11 in a
stnitr iiM-i thrmighimt neil the mr
pi onuses i be be veiv IntoiesM ng,
t'ht PluluUlpiin SiUny J ff, nhlih
Is Iho lirst lits.i bill pape.- IMil'lished 111
this rnu.itty has Just unteitd upon Its
feceml year. I I10 eliculatcs in t veiy
Slatr'ti Mm friti-! and i's s-ii-oest" has lienn
(n arioeutit e( the rain Mi- gam" Hi -twoen
the Allentown nml li'i suteianl
Cleveland nml fnnenter did net tdVu place
te day. The AMoiitewn iilub rent home
at neon ami the Luie.isti elub will play
tli cm tin re te morrow,
I Xilli: lltlliSI.H,
Ilie ill) I, ears Ms Al.inn liiiur,
The FrioeilAliip eiigii.ti hciise, wldi-b
was bought some wreks age bj Jehn L
Aiiudd fei a tin simp, prlce $J .Mill, was
seen alt.'i wards sold by hliu te A. II.
fiiaeller ler JJ.OuO, te be u id by the new
purehaser as hipier warobeuso
The IiiisUh's el the ll'H.k ami
Lnlder eeitipiny, et tlm old vel niteer llre
di pattmeiit, sold at private sale ou Mon
day ei'inug te Jehn L. Arneld, llitu
hook and laddet lmtise, en Neith D'lke
sticet, above t'lnsttiiil, for $:t 51m. The
cempauy bad elUind te sod the piopeity
te the en j at tbe same figtiie, fir IU' 1150
of truck A, nf tlm paid llre ilep.utmtiit,
butlhoeitj oeiuicils iIclIiiiiiI te buy. Mi.
Aiiietd into ids te rifivi'it the tnii') boiire
into a tm shop, and has given tins eity
iiotice te vacate the pn unsis lie tnve
he will net put the department te any
sei inns ,1111103, ince, but maintains thittbe
llriiiit'ii are only teua'its at will, ui.J sub
jeet te dispossession at auy tune ; sevetal
leading tneiutiLis of councils iigr-e with
him, whiloellieis tbiuk the city can stay
111 ler a ar.
This by Mm Kmpiie te Mr Aim I I
does net n-ulinln Iho peim 1 al pr ipiaty ul
the eemimtiy, which wll be jut up at
auction heieafUT. ll cIia: carry with it,
howtvti.the big alaiiii bell and signal
tower. IMA 113.1l liy the eify tire .I'irni lu
this mew el the cisu thue is a no. I di tl
of pepulai ilis.sat(aeti'ii that tbe en il d
net buy the prepit ai tbe piee .' v. I.ieh
a pilvate 1 iiicliaser h.i-i uew-
It, In .il.e iiniiiimr tint iuic!iim et tt.e
Shi lll'l heuse was dallied with unlil as
much was paid for it us and ii'i'
together neil Id have be-en bought ler eng
in. illy.
.sinre Unl.eMirrl 1'iiiiK-itj Stint
Henry Sliubert, auctioneer and t'.l es
tate agiut, void at public sale yestetda. -'.
the L-Mipaid hotel the property 1 1 -1 i . mg
te tlm rst ite et Ilmiry Ken-art, diec'. . I
situated Ne. ltJNeiih Dake mini ,. I
S. Brtueiiiau for $1 OUJ
1 ive ri.t nisi 11 riu.iii i.
li Jeyitbln Ctin t-irtis iui v.n I ,i,'. liy ire
Llrileruruut Mini M.n.nitittlitir.
The LiedurkraiiK society gave a vn y
pletsant oeucuit n wM at 113 ball Ij'-t
nvuuiug which was lirgcly attended
Gresh's orehestia ien.ii'ic.' tbe b.-tt kiud
of tuui-ie for belh ti i-u.nit and the
ball. Iho latter w. Ue ' up until a ' ie
hour, ion. ry i,juu'r men; ug leth rode
pait until .1 stit fell of tbi Tf-pd linf'Mti
pleasuin hd hi... e uiiu. .,,.!. l'ti.'. 11 an.',
the VM.1I known leadet if ihe nuuicry,
arranged tt.e musical pregramme O'n! In
new composition, " Siu'ei s Ci net iti"" '
was veiy well mceivetl. F ' i He
concert pregramme.
Ovi'itiiit-, " l.uliunl.en " I. He. nun.
Ul" dl-sll-A.
I.Ii-Imj I'ii W-ilzer K nt-rHer.
I.IBl'KBKKASi: l:i Ukt'iiMlKA.
W all Un Hie K11I110 " l.kln litis
Ulu intsriiA.
hininurx O.nsn li.W'.H' .
Iti'tm'liiliii 11 lliiis II, l'R 1,
.Me'llv; - plBtil illiin Senus '. K. L. WIl n.
I. leli Ih liiiitlliliiml 1 u unti".
I IKl'tl.lillAXi
Kiisier -Muii-h Utii U'
(Jin ,irsniA
Aul tint Al 1 11 I Mlltnci-r.
h'n.mlung : im Tai z tlir iiijh stj, J 1,111,;'
Ausp 10 lie un lli' li.imnn 1. II i' unl
Mr. A lieinler
.llirniii rclier r.etcrtHluiiifiul.
List livening the Easier concert aud
suoiable of the LaBoaMei.iLntiuerehor was
held lu their hall, .uid thore was a trotiieu-
deu crowd prcreur. The concert was held
before tlie dancing neijaM ami the leatures
of it were the cscrlleut soles el .Mrs. Carl
Jilatz nud choruses of the society. Tue
pregramme was as fellows :
On tifstfi laj ler's.
Alischlml lilt iter Tiisuniwiimeii ..
Sole-To Ulltfllleil llepii Ails lull.
MMU M. Mah.
I.i Ise KliiKt Unci
SIclit llui. thu' illcll uiir Alii
sepninn i-oie-Mvk .M, JUr
Stiinilelieii Wmnwiiri'i
TrubeAusun Aus t letiliut.
Mim M. JUTs
Mulitlgall Iiiluul.
Orelies ter Tayler's.
This soclety baa giewu wondeilully in
the past two year, nud new has (W aollve
iiiomberB, 10 male and M fomale voices,
and almost TOO passive incnibcm. The
aociety will take pait iu the great neugi
fest te be held iu Heading.
1UK hrilKKT I.AMl'S.
in liiiprevciiiBiit lii tlie I Ictlrlu Mellis.
The polieo report the following Btrcet
lamps te have beeu 1.1 bad feim last
night :
F.leotrie Lamps The following woie
out all night : Cemer Chestnut and
Priuce, Plum and Orauge, Lime and
Ficderick, Ann and Hookland, l-'reiburie
and Lew, Greeu nud Duke, St Jo-eph and
Love Lauce, The following were very
....,. nil ..!,lit A itti mul (lr.tlltrn. f.tmn
jiuui nil iiiiiv . " .-..-..p.-, .---.
ami CheHtuut, Shlppuu and Chestuut,
Fraukllu and Chestnut. The lamp nt
Water and Orange was out frcin 10 te a,
the one lit Ltme and Orange fiem 11:J0,
mid the ene at Franklin nutl F.ast King
from 113 o'clock. Total, 11
The gaseline lampH at Chestnut aud
Arch alley, the last en Seuth Ojicen Btroet
aud 0110 between Lew and Locust weioeut
all night. Total, 11.
lliitt Items
About lit Inchen of anew full mi P. - 10th
FarmerB ure busy icpairutg fences and
making ready te de fact work when the
tnrdy Biirlug geta areuud. Thore U very
llttle plowing doue yet.
The prlmaiy en BaturdaY was the most
exuiting oue bold iu Hart, for some time,
and the full vete was nut, Tlie exciting
contests were apparently botween the can
didates for judge and Congress. Sume
olleits were inade te save Johnnie L-tudlfi
credit iu Hart, but Ida stoek would uet go
up with Mylln'it. A goodly BraaUeilii.'C of
Domeoratii weie iu tlie village te bte the
The llrcm Ainu,
Fempaugh's acoeud patty el advertisers
have been busy bIiicq ycatordey morning
lithographing nud rnbllllug thu tewu for
the shew'ii appoarance here.
riif liiiAi.H mmv a ,!, 1 iMii'i.iar.n
Tlm meiksiiIj WMtrlil, llitenii's I r eisirrr
neliirni Miiilt.irs Husten r
011 liiliitktliin ,'tr i.i ulin.inre.
It wai il-vnn o'elook last night whnii
the bn.ud of letuinjuilg.s, or lather their
oleiks, t'liuiiting the tetmus of the Itopub Itepub Itopub
beiinprlinarv olretlon,nd)iitinipd mil then
ihe tetnlh bail net yel b'eu footed up A
iew who wire Interested in the inliinr
eilers still 111 doubt Ilugetrd te licit nud
te limine 011 tlm tesult, but they eiuld uet
ns vrtiuu te an os tot certalnty the pilse-i
lasK0'.nrs. litis lliirnllig the fnetln r lip
was rustimed and the totals will be found
iitvt'ii hnl in ; Hji u itilluoes aie iiiailied
wi'li an .
MiniTll'iKM, I.UV .It IMlli
Wid mi A A 1 toil, Pit) 7U70
t).ivid Y. Pn' temen, oily Sil'.IO
"JiilniA HieNtaiid, eity Oil?
A llnr Smith, eity i7f7
ittir si'.NATn -teuTUPiis nistiin 1
Henry H. KuttK, Cenemu.,n '
Jeb 1 M Lntidli, Slatinr ' R '
Auit II. Jljliu, W. Latiiiotei . Ml 1
riTT nmiuiOT.
Gnorge Hiub.ikur, eity OKI
"A T. Davis. M. I), eity UHM'
ierittmiM iu run 1.
A t . Haul win, Salbbury )ii
Win. II. rire.iius, Druiiieru 11375
Milten Hiiidieliaugb, Halt 3803
Hiiam Potipleri, 1'iovideiico .'370
MiiiiiiKitv nis nui r.
I). II. K. Hleiigh,'b'tb'in bei . 3 w7
'II n. Huilc, Denegal 37ll'.
V G llejd, I'eiiii 3101
P I). Ceuiltinv, Rbcnbetlit'ii Inn . MIS
D. W. U raj bill," P.. Hoinpllelil 1,'lt
Kphruiin S. Hoever, Manhmiu I;lll3
(' I, Unusvxliei, Manbutm Ij-'U
Ii'burt K niprr. r.phr.i'n 'si3
Jobnen Miller, Warwiett 2-15S
Dun! U. Stein-r, Ml. Jey Lur l.UU
G.i. W. !.! 1. cit lilt
Jehn Sdes city 3UI
"Ji . W. TemliiiHiin, M. 111 lif . .. lilJnr
'Jn' 11 D. Sttiles, oily 1 MJ 1.1
iii.uisi Kit 01- w na s
K m k Hrewn, Fulton d7.' S, Gevor, Wai aii it 5'i'iS
ll. F. OretT, city luu,
J A Sll. iibercei, l'. Ia-uek UHIO
''. P. litencr, IVftij te 1 7SJ5
in siv u.ti' mil.
"Jehn M Onder, Wit'-: pile "1 ..17
S:epUen Grinaiuger, Kipbe ;.'i
n.F.ttK of uriiirnn hKinNs.
Jehn D Cluiteu, city 11007
Daniel L Potts, ftras' 0 bi r ; in
C.ipt. Abraiu 8ut'(.y, Knl D-lll
ci.cni; or 'uiriivvV mrnr,
il. V. H. IColle. ci-y Ht:
Lvi L. Kroidei, U Imiiim:!'- i.'.
t'lllHON KKFI'KIl.
I . r U. Ltubaker, ihsb.iry ... sl
D. K. Hurkheldei. city "'H'l
IiT.i .Muinniaw, ManbeiT Il"l
Gee. AI. Muiib, eiti '"'
.l- b Uti, CoilOJtega 10nS
U !i, Hphrnta 3H:i
f Jl.C'vtiver. Kphrata HIS
Jehn Uiugrleh, Kaw. HcmillrM 57,
Ja,-ib llieeiiawalt. city UVt
II. Jl. ilayer, P. Hemplleld IHS'.i
Hurry Mas. r, V. Liuipv'i r 'RI7
.-?ainuel M. Mem, eity 7lil'i
A J. W'ntakei, C.e.uaijj eilO
A1' 11 Werth, iji.leratne UilH
I'ltlfO.N SPECTUllS.
Henry Sh thert, eitv z'i'M
J din G. Weaver. Pruiid"i.c '.114 7
"Jehn .eilers, ir . L'pper L'jaoeck . . U'DPl
mui:i'ie..s ii-,- 1 itK i-emi
Jnli'i O. Hiir, l'. Loiceek 701:5
"v'eurud, eity 77k7
Allan A. Heir, oily "iil.t'i
Inae Itanck, imllv'-. Kist Lnup !- 736s
Jacob M. Stufier, W. Uoinp'ie! 1 ... .l-jll
tUlNTY AlUII mils.
Philip S. Husb, SaUbar. 7lt.
Jeseph Clarkreu, eity .n'b'i
l'-ij. II. Greldcr, Mt Jey b ir dell
S J. HeudcMeu. Sd ,bu 31; It
C'uistinu II. Nissley, Kast D. 10 ,-il him;
J 311103 Pe'.tn, ei'y IH'J
I'eter Heu.iman, eity s "tiM
Daniul A. Shltfer, eity 7DH i
lltvLl C.A ITW 10 NvlION'AI. lSrMlnN
.l-'ines C'ellicis, ('elernii 33U'i
IF. A. DUe HeriLir, city "iPil
'I.imkS Hait-naii, cdy ''.''
I-hiiS Noltle :ilul
ll. L llebibeld Manutta MWs
Jacob S. eh ik. I'.. Liiiiis te :fiHi
1 Jacob Well, W. KitI IV.
1)1 I.KO.VI 1. 1.) l Wr. I'iINN IiN 11(11.
vNorthei n Senatorial District )
M.-. P. .1, Heebtick, Waiwiek 73(il
(Nertheru A-mnbly District )
C. Ceblo, Mount Jey itiirt)
Vasbliigtiiii L llemhny, Haphi.... :W.3
"Jacob W. Landls, Ephrata 4131
J. S. L'lller, U. Loueoclr 830
Linr.TtisK. Heiut, Mnulieim 33.10
A. (i. Soyfert, Ciuruarveu 3iW.5
Pivid S'ver, ( annaiveii 3i5'J
"J W. Yoeuoi. Columbia J'ii'l
(City "';''
Dana Graham, 0113 1 '
A. Iv. Spurrier, eity 1V17
(doutbern Sonatenal DiBtrict.)
'Hirry A. Sohreyor, citv "J7
(Sontbem Aufcembly Distiict.)
J '.un K., Leaceck -: -
"Hsnj. F. Mueselman, btrasburg 3.i'' i
Hury II. Myers, Milleisville 3010
Jehn I. I .en ., Drumoie J03"i
lt"iii.iti s.
WIIAl lU.I.I'l-.ll IO HUM 1)11 1 III.
ill, unit .Sut neon fm LuiiiiiH
New Krr,
Ha'ik of these was anotber fejlmg, tint
Mr. Smith had uet been trim te h'u fri-uds
In the ""nie of supporting them v. hen they
wero lighting his onernles. De looked
upon bouaters t'lnhmau and Jlyliti as bis
li.ends, wb-:-.i it wai nn opeu soerot that
tliiy were nealuut him, aud they
wero two prinulpil factors in his defeat
enSiturday. The filendn of KuuiViuan
aud LandU hid feii'dit Mr. Smith's bat
t! n nud heP :d wl't iilm vietnry, but when
tl'eir fneMln tnw that the uilluence he
oeilltl wi"ld was wlthliuid, or allowed te
benefit thotewho wiiu llghti'igte criith
reform and routeio the power et thu mi mi
ehlue, they naturally giew iudilloreut.
roil 1 r.n;it j.isus ituuiiuti.
Inrplrril liy th wawleU lleliirns -Sinlili
r,-l, lllnit lint 1411
CeiiKri'ssman llkattna's 1C 1.1ml mi
Auother lesnen ha been taught 0. it.un
aspiring peliticiaiiB, that It U nevcr well te
wear a deuble face. Ne ene can salely
bear gifts In ene baud and a dagger iiwthe
ether. Pair te the face nnd f itee behind
the back, generally meets with Us tutu
reward. Every man Bheuld bave au honest
ohelcoaul act accordingly, but he who
smiles In your face, te net the villain
when out of sight, should meet with both
cuutempt Mid condemnation.
tlujur'u (inurl.
The mayor this mernln? ilibuhaigtd
three vagrants, rant 0110 ether te tlie
work heuse for HO days ; cotjimltte I oue
slek te jail for five days, und held ene easu
of disorderly oauduel for fuither censld
riEle ni lluisrs.
Samuel Hess & Sen, auotieiieors, sold nt
public n!t jesterday ler Daniel Legan, nt
iiia aale nnd oxclmnge BtablcB, 18 head 1 f
Ohie Iiemcb at an avcrage prlce of i?338
per head ; the hlghebt oue Beld brought
At the same time and place, for Harney
Kelly, 4 head of horses were sold ler $771.