;'. Wyi mxa$te I IAaAAAM'V I WVM . ; veimiH' xx nii iu:j. LANCASTER PA., TUESDAY, APE1L 15, 1884. Trlce Twe Cents. VIMTHINU, I Wiitineg Ttcr Thore is no economy in cheaply gotten up Clothing ; even if the cloth is right it is sure te glve out somehow in the making or trimming. Buy only the best the cheapest in the end. A, C. YATES & CO, Ledger Builling, Chestnut & Sixth Sts. PHILADELPHIA. 11AMUVAI. REMOVAL EXTRA ORDINARY. New Establishment, New Goods, S.S. RATH VON, Merchant Tailor and Draper. Uciipccllu ly InlerniH his patrons ami the pub. lle thut liu li is ttemnvi-d Iit-4 Merchant Tailor ing Establishment Irem Ne. 101, where It lien been located ler ever thirty years, te 131 North Queen St., (HOWELL'S 11UILD1NO), Wlieru he has Just opened with u fresh am seasonable linn et fabrics, ter men amt heys' wear, which will he made promptly te eritur In any style, und satisfaction e.4Miinttt. Thiinktiil ter pint favors, his ellerts shall Ih te merit the continued conflilenco et the nub ile. S. S. RATHVON. Prncticnl Tailor. in'-Mlmd H ekiiiiaut. SPRING OPENING T- H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment. I nui new prepared te show te the trade an liuhertmuiit et WoeIoim ter thi Spring nml Hummer Ti tide which ter lleiiuty. Quality and Quantity surpasses all my tonuer utrerts te pease my customers. Nene but the very host Forelgn and Amert, can fubilcs ter Dress and ltuslncss HiiUh ; a completo line of thu l.utcst Shades et Spring Overceating. The very best et workmanship and prices Ien or than any Heuse In the city ter the mime quality or goods H. GEKHAET, TAILOR, Ne. 6 East King Street. '1ANS.1l AN Si llltO. EXTRA PUSH. That Is what makes our NEW BPUINO B'lOCK LAKUKU, IJEl'l'EU AND UHEAPKU than It ever was bolnre. Bee the wondertul low prlces In SUITS, SPRING OVEBCOaTS -AND- Beys' Clothing. Men's HutU at $3.00, 1 1.00,1 1.60, 13.00, 13.00,(8.00, 110.00, up te ;i8.oe. BOYS' AND OHILDRBNS' CLOTHING OUH GUKAT SPECIALTY. Heys' HulU at 11.23, $2.50, IS.00, JU.50, $1.00, $8.00, $0.00, up te $10.00. Uhtldren'sBuiU at $1.33, $1.75, VM, tiW), $3.00, $1.00, up te $0.50. ' TO TUK I.ADIK&! II you wish te buy Heys' orUhlldreiiH' Hultu leek at our laruu stock, olefin! made Btylcs, werkmanslilp, quality and low priers, t'huy cannot be upproaeuoil iinywliureln this city. I. Gansman & Bre,, TUB KAB1II0NAUI.K MKItGII.YNT TAX 1.0K3 AND CI.0TU1K113. N'08. 60.08 NUHT1I QUEEN B1UEET, Ulght en the Bonthwest Cerner 01 Orange Btreet, LAN0A8TKU, PA. Net connectod with any ether OJeOilnst llouse lu the cltv. rfJUXl. iiriuieur KXUKtTieN TUB 111S 11' fle YV ClKarln tlm city. IIAUXMAW'S YELLOW PrO.SX CIQAH BTOUK. ULOTIlltUI. 1 .UllMSIIlMI OOI.IM rm EASTER. Loweh Seurfu, Olub Heube Tlen, Luteat Qtyle Cellars. Tne Reyul Bhlrt, Rhela btone Studi, llillltiintiu Diamonds nt ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST KINO HVltKKT, IHOPK St WIN I l..H, TIIK LQAD1NO MERCHANT TAILORS. I laving the finest selection of rancy suitings, rantaloen Pat terns, Plaids and Cheviots ever shown in Lancaster, we hereby extend an invitation te our friends te call and inspect our elegant stock. We have secured the services of Mr. Nicholas De La Soren Seren skey, a first-class cutter. Geed fits guaranteed. Alse full line of fine Furnishing Goods. GROPF & WINTERS, 23 North Queen St., nprMvil LANCABTKU, PA gA.. 1NU . IIAUSJ1AN. FINE TAILORS, HAVE REMOVED TO Ne. 121 North Queen St., And Will 1)0 pleased thelr Elegant stock et te huve you examine SUITINGS, Etc., -KOU- SPBINQ AND SUMMER WEAR. nmy9-lvdTu.Tli.ta f VK1W a 11AT1IFDM. WINTER STILL LIVES. March, the first month of Spring, has been horeund Is new entuied upon the minutes et tl no km it bygone. April hut been usheieit In, and with It cehl unit uucnmtortubte Heather, a a reiulmlur. It would scein. that winter still lives, and tint Spring, wtlhnll Itsglud tidings, U jet laggard anil yet a thing of the tutu re, all proiuenl' Ions et the weulhcr.wliiO te the contrary notwithstanding, Spring will surely come, however, and with It brim: the mllil weittlier which will necessl. tate a change of raiment the laying aside of the Overcoat unit Iteavy Garmeuts ler these lighter unit mere comfortable. Anticipating the wants of our patrons, we have had inude up enu of the largest anil tlnest selections et Ul.OTIIl.su KOIt MKN, HOYS AND CHIL DltKN, shown by cny house In this section of the state. All the handsome styles prevalent, mude 1.. a thorough, systematlamanuer, Irem best known makes ei Textile Fabrics, and war runted equal te the best se!d by anyone anywhere utltke figures. KINK WOOLENS, ter Custom Tailoring; handi-nine and attrac tive Novelties, te meet ttie requirements et a Kashlnnable'lrade. Ne assortment llkuettrs. Ne pi lews mere ronsenahlu. MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LAN0A8TEU CLOTHIEUS, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET. LAN0A8TEU. PA. Tl 1H81I A IlllOTlIKK. OUR All-Weel Suits te Order -reit-TWELVE DOLLARS, aie the Or.'atest IlurKatu ever ertured In any community. Theyaiea pure all-wool, plain or fancy mlxcu Oasstmore I e.lnlit dltterent patterns ; uell tiliumeil ; oed IH imranteucl 10--NEW STYLES--10 -or euu- CELEBRATED FIPfEEN DOLLAR SD1T, MADE TO ORDER. CAM. AND SKK TUK FINK MNEOr Fine Corkscrew and Whipcord Worsteds, IN ALL.T11KNKW 81IAUK8. Hirsh & Brether's PKNNIlALliCI.OTIUNli IIOU8K, Neb. 2 and 4 North Queen Streot. IiANOASTKIt, PA. UltUVKHIJtti. k T ISUUHK'd. FOR EASTER. Just recolved Choice Ilananes, Sweet Ja. mulca OraiiKes, Sweet Mountain Messina Orutmes, O e Mountain aiesuna erunucs, l,uuiens very cheap, lOe, donen. Our Easter Specialty. Kine Embossed Cunts of Hoses and Flowers Klveu will! COKlTKK and Tt A. -TltY OUK- RI0 I1LENDED COFfiEE, The llostaeCoireoln I.ancater. Alse Cetlce at Ke., We. and 13c. A Jeb let el Peaches, S ft for 25e.t BTJKSK'S, NO, 17 EAST KING STREET. wing & Bnan, MKMVA1.. A VKIl'D HAHIAl'AKILl.A. THINK OF 1IN0W! Altheuuli much Is snlil nlinut tlie Import ance of a bloed-purllylnK medicine, It may be possible that the Hubloet has never seriously olHlmed your attention. Think of U new I Almest every person has some form of screl. uleus potion lutent In his veins. When this develops In Bcroluleus Henn, Ulcer or K mo tions, or In the lerm et Itlieumatlsin, or Or Or Kanle Diseases, tliu sutrarlnK that ensues Is terrible. Hence the Kiutlttide or tliesu who discover, as llieunnils yearly de, tlmt Ayer'a Sarsaparilla will thoieURhly ermltcatu this evil from the ysieui. As well erpect Ilfe without air as health without pure bleed. CluatiHO the bloeil with Ayer's barsaparllta. rnnrAnsu nv lr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., Lewell) Mans Held by all DrtiVKlita. $1, six bntl'iH for V. a9-ISlyil A Y Kll'8 HAU8APAItll,l,A AND AYKIt'8 ' Peeterut tnr miln fit f.,nehri,nM J. Ctieny DtugMlete, Ne, 07 and Vsj North (Jueen 8U. Lancaster, Pa, 4 OKKAT MUUUKH3. HOP PLATER. lids porous plaster Is famous ler Its quick nd heart v action In eurltii I. nine Hack. Ilbeu matlsm, Hclatlcu, Crick In the Hack, Mdeuml lllp, NeurulKla.thlir Joints and Muscles, hote Chest, Kidney Troubles anil all pains or aches either local or deep-seated. It seethes, HtronRthens ami Stimulates thu parts. Thu virtues et hops combined with uutus-clean uud reaily te apply. Superior te liniments, lotions and salves. Price, 'St rents or 5 ler $l.eu. Held by driiKKlslfl anil country steres. Malted en receipt et prices. Hep Vlutter Com pany, Proprietors, llojten, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. -Tiin host family r Htemaclt and I.Iver I'll! ill! made - lluwley's s. 23c. Pleusitil lu action unit easy te take. neraHydiw (I) s A .11 A It IT AN NKItVlMK The only known spncllle for Kplleptlc Kits. irAl80 ter Spasms and KhIIIiik Sickness. Nervous Weakness It Instantly relieves anil cures. Cleanses bleed and quickens sluggish cltculntlen. Neutralizes Kerms etillseaseaud saves stekni ss. Cures ugly blotches uud stub A SKEPTIC SAID bem bleed sores. Kllmlnates Ilells,Cnrbuucles nnd Scalds. -l'i'nimiiently an I promptly cures tiuralysls. Yes, It Is n cliurmlnu unit heal Hi I ill Aperient. Kills Scrofula anil Kind's Fvll, twin bretlieis. chanires bad breath te goetl, removing thu cautse. Heuts bilious tun. SAMARITAN NERVINE ilonclesaiidmakesclearcemplexlon. Kqua, wl by none lu thu t ellrlum et lever. A cLarmltiK lesnlvenlHiid a matchless laxative H drives Hick lleailuchullke tliewluil. 4ifCentiilns no drastrlc cuthartle or opiates. Ketteves the brain or morbid tuuclus. Piemplly cures ltheumatlsm by rnutlnx It. Itesteres Ufe-xlv. Ini; propel ties te thu bleed. Is KUarantcuil te euro all nervous dlierdurs, Af-ltelluble when all opiates fall. Mutreshcs thu mind and In. vlKOrates the body. Cures djspopslaerraoney ruluuduil. NEVER FAILS. Discuses of the bleed own It a conqueror. Kndnrscd lu writing by ever lllty tlieusand leadliiK citizens, cleruyuien and physicians In U. H. anil Kurepu. JVKorsale by all leading ilruxKlsts. $1..V). The Dr. S. A. Itlchmeuil Medical Ce., Preps., St. Jeseph, Me. (1) Chailes N. C'rlttonlen, AKent.New Yerk City. ulS-lvoedAw G AIN IIKAL.T1I AM) HAl'l'lNKM.-S. HOW t DO A3 OTIIKHS I1AVK DONK. AUK YOUR KIDNKYS DIOUDKIIKD t "Kldnoy.Wert brought me from my urave, hh It were, utter 1 hail been Klveu up by U bust doctors lu Detroit," M, W. Dkvkiuux, Mechanic, Ionia, Mich, AUK YOUIt NKItVKS WEAK t Kldnoy.Wert cured me ttein nervous weak ness, Ac., alter I had net expected te live." Mrs. M. M. 11. (ioedwin, Kd. ChrUtUin Monitor Cleveland, Ohie. HAVKYOU IMtlUllT'SDlSKASK? " Kidney-Wert cuteil me when my water was Just like chalk and then like bleed." r rank Wilsen, Peubedy, Mass. SUKKKH1NO KltOM DIA1IKTKST " Kldnev-Wortlsthemostsuccossluliuniedy I have ever used, (lives almost Immediate re- llet." Dr. Phillip C. llallnu, Menlctuu, VI. HAVK YOU I.I VKU COMPLAINT? " Kldnoy.Wert cured me of Chronic I. Iver Dlsouses after 1 prayed te die." Henry Wurd, late Cel. U'Jth Nut. Uuard, N. Y. IS YOUIl HACK LAMK AND ACHING T ' KldnevWert (1 bottle) cured me when I was se lame I had te roll out of bed." C. M. TulmuKO, Mllwuu.ice, Wis. IIAVK YOU KIDNKY DISKASK t ' Kidney. Wert made me sound In liver and kidneys utter years of uusuccusitul doctoring. Its worth $10 a box." ham'l I ledges, llllums- town, West Vu. AUK YOU CONSTIPATED T " Kidney Wert causes easy uvacuatlen and cured mealier lOyouisusenl ether medicine." Nelsen Kulielilld, St. Albans, Vu HAVE YOU .MALARIA t "Kldnoy.Wert lias done butler than any ether leuiedy I tiave ever used In my piuc- n.. ,1 III. I, I? 11. .!. U.1.(ttt llnl v. AUK YOU IIIMOUBT " Kidney-Wert lias done me mero tioeil tlian any ether remedy 1 have ever taken." Mrs. J. T. Uulleway, Klk Flat, Oreijen. AUK YOU TOUMKNTKD WITH PII.K9 T " Kldnoy.Wert permanently cured me et bleudltiK piles. Dr. W. C. Kline recommended It te me." Oee. 11. llerat, Cashier M. Hank, Myerstown, Pa. AUK YOU UHKUMATISM HACKED T " Kldnoy.Wert cured mu alter 1 was K'ven up te die by physicians nnd 1 nail suirored 30 years." Klhrldge Malcomb, West Huth, Mu. LADIES, AUK YOU BUKKKUINO ? " Kidney-Wert cured mu el peculiar treu. blcs ul suveral years slundluK. Many trlends useandpralsu lu" Mrs. 11. Lumercaux, lslu La Motte, Vt. It you would Ilanlsh Disease uud Uuin lleallh Uiko KIDNEY-WORT, THE 1ILOOI) CLKANHElt. docS-eod&w K1D.N1 inn' KY-WIMIT FOIl SAI.K AT UIIUII. 's liruir stoic, no 13 ami M'j norm Uueeti btreut, Laucustur, Pu. UMAX,. B. 11. MAIlTltl Wholesale and lletall Doiiler In all klmla et LUMUKU AND COAL. 9-renli Ne. 20 North Water and Prince st roots above Loinen Lancaster. nU-lyd 1 .UaiOAllUNKUH U JKr-Kr.KlKS. GOAL DEALkriS. OFFIOKSs. Ne. ' Nenni (juuun STitmtT, awe NO. UA NOKTII 1'IUNUS STHKKT. YAHD3. N0KTJ Piuncu Stiibbt, nsaii Khad- 1NII IlKl'OT. LANOAflTEU, 1'A. angl5-tld pOAL. M. V. B. COllO MIO HUUTU WATUU HT Lanfaster, fa,, Wholesalo and UetaU Uoelora In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Teleplieula Uxeliaiifc Yard and OfflCO NO. 8J0NOUTH WATKIl BTKEET. IUb29-lva THE LEAF. TIIK I. OCA I. AMU UTIIKU MAltltElS. Ilnynri Still In the Held In The Uautily mid l.arue Ouantltics Delivered in ihe City The Market In New Yurlt and riilladelpiiU, Tlicre have been a few sulea of old tobacco during the week nt tirlvate ratiH, the liirt-cst nale reported buitifr 100 oekch of tnediuin leaf, HeldctH of old tobacco nrelltm In their dematidH, thore beluga ptevaletit belief that the stock in hand Is iiotmiilleletit te meet the wacts of tnauti tnauti tnauti faotnreiH and Hhippers ; and this view niipcarB te be held by ihe leading New "ierk dealcru, n number of wliem woie home days npe Ititorvlewud by a rcprrneut rcprrneut ative of the Tobacco Leaf. We oeiideuiso below the replies of iietnu of thorn : N. Inoheubruoh says thore is very little old tobacco remaining in the country. Nut near no much us ptople think thore is. The new crop of WlROeuHin will tint oxeccd 15,000 canon, nud of that euly 5,000 o.vea will cotne te this market. About onu enu tlilrd of that crop i taken by ene tuantt fiicturitif linn tu thin city. Tltore is noed 1832 tobacco lu the tnarket, and as koeii an thu orar.e for Havana Houd has (Hed out it will be readily bought. Mr. Satn'l Spiiigam : I think that from 12,000 te 15,000 casert of 1831 I'eunsylva uiu remain unsold. Tlicre ure from 1,000 te 1,500 cases of 1880 Pennsylvania lu dealers' hands. I have net figured it out, but I Bheuld think that net mere than 10,000 eaHcs of old tobacej of all kinds nud growths remain iu the posecFsieu of dealers. i O. Falk : The stock of 13S2 Conuooti Cenuooti Conueoti cut I cstimate te be about 5,000 cases, ai:d the Hteck of 1881 IVnnhylvauia 8,000 c-bcs. The utoek of nil tobacco held hore nnd in the country, I think, will net aggregate 40,000 eascH. Of ceurse I don't iuolude the new crop. Mr. Julius Uuuzl : I est '.mi te the 1891 Pennsylvania new iu llrst hands nt 10,000 cases. The stock of 1832 of ull kinds cannot exceed 20,000 casus, The entite stoelc of old tobacco, I think, U 30,000, possibly iJ5,000. ctses. Mr. Laudmau : I think there is much Icsh 1331 Pennsylvania iu llrst hands than is gauerally thought. A great deal of this tobacco has beeti sold privately, for the reason that the seller did net wish te have it known what he get for it, aul the buyer did net want his customers te knew that he was using it, ou account of the prejudice agaiLst lf Similar views are cspressed by a lare number of ether larae iloalers, aud they concur in the opinion that business will seen open briskly at advanced prices The scarcity of old tobaccos is no doubt the inspiring cause of the rapidity with which the '83 crop is being bought up. Net less than tnrce fourths of the orep iu thin county has been taken, and the buyers nre still lu the field takin-r nil that is olTercd at fair prices. Hundreds of wagon leads .... ,,..wva. ..uU,..v..uu. "----" jnere, tuts time tulvocateu ler the impor imper ?".&&' W,S.l"n. "? I f . Kvarts,whose eminent knewl- lu this city. Net less than a thousand men und boys are constantly employed in nssettiug and packing the tobaeoo and it li probable that the pay rolls of the packers aggregate weekly ever $10,000,and the work of packing will occupy this army of men for several weeks longer. Iu the ticore of packiug Iioupes eoattercd through out, business is equally nctive, at.d will continue he until the outire crop has been bought and packed. iiclew we print a few sales as samples of the prices being paid for new tobacco. Mr. Hetisel has bought fiem E. K. Stcaey, of Hart, 1 acres at 0, 2, 2 ; from Jeseph Kmbree If nercs at 12, 0, 0, -1, 2 ; from Jeseph Irwin 1 acres at 12, 1, 3, 2, aud 1 ncre at 5, U, 2 ; from Hebert Ken 1 at 10, 4, 2 ; Mr. Bhuberth bought from B. Fritz 1 aero at 14, 4, 1, 2, Mr. A. Armer, of West Uradferd, Ches ter ceuuty, dolivered a few days age te Kendig tc Seu, of this eity, a live note crop, which yielded 13,212 pounds and whleh was sold at 20J, 8, 5, 3. .Mr. Aimer was formerly from Lancaster county and is ene of the most successful of tobacco plauters. He sold his '82 crop at 25 ceuts through. This year he intends te plant Havana Heed exclusively. Martin cv Frit?, received their ilrst in- Htalment of '83 tobacco ou Friday. It consisted of ene ten, prices net given. Oreve & Cellins, of K.ist, has bought the following Ieta : Win. Masen, 2 a -res at 12, 3, 2 ; Heury Uostlek, 1 acre at 12, 3, 2; Qcorge Haldcman, Hist Den egal, 2J acres at 12, (I, 2 ; David Ureve, ;i nercs at li, J, l ; i. Shields, 1J acres at 10, 3, 2 ; M. Neither Neither ger & Ue., bought thu following : Jehn Maun, Maner, 5 aerus at 10, 5, 4, 2 ; Jehn Kline. Earl. 3 acres at 17, 4, 2 ; T. Brad ley, Wist Homptleld, 4 aores at 15, 5, 2 ; Jehn S. Sheafer, Earl, 3 aercs at 13, 4, 3,2. Oscar Scotteu, Littl.) Iititaiu, has sold 1 aero at 18, 5, 3 ; Gje. Buskin, Little B.i taiti, 2 acres, at 15, ,', J; Miller Patter eon, Little Britain, 1 aero, at 13, 1, 2 ; all te Harrison Shirk, who also bought a very large quantity from ethers. Unas. Hhubertli beiieht in liart, irum Jehn Furgson, 1 ncre at 1 1, 4, Kendig has also bjiiirht largely ; Mr. hu is oredlted with having bought sixteen crops in ene day, among them are B. Fergus u, 2 aores at 13, 4, 2 ; nnd Jas. Beruaul nt 11, 4, 2, both m Coleraine. Mr. Musser Is operating aieund Liberty Hquare, aud has purchased very freely. The new paokers at Btrasburg a:e biiHy and have bought from S. Nlssly, lu Drumore, 7 nercs at IS, H, I, 3. Hildebraud, at New Provideuoe, has bought from Harry Shirk, Drumere, 4 acres at 13, 9, 4 2 ; Emery Birr, 2aerrs at 8. Mr. Loeb has bought from A. Kauffman, Drumere, 2 acres at 11, 4, 2. Jae. Shirk has bought of J. H. Gilbert, 4 nercs, In Edeu, private, and B. Bioaehor, Drumere, 3 aores ut 1 1, 0. 1, 2. Qoe. Heiss from A. lJsbenih.vle, Dru mero, 2 aores at 8, 4, 2 ; Lnke lidbert, 3 aores at 8, 4, 2 ; Niek Wells, 2 aores at 10, l. . It. II. Hrubaker, from White Swift, two aores in Little. BriUiu. at 11, 1, 1,2 ; Frank Saett, Celerain, threo aores at 10. 0, 4, 2 ; Frank Haversiick, Drumere, tve acres at 10, 4, 2. Sklles & Frey have bought the flue crop of B, Huber at Drumere Contre, of two nores, en private terms ; Wm. Boyec, Drumere, two acres ut 10, 4, 2 j Jas. Haruer, Ooleraiti, two aores at 0, 3, 2. Qreft'ifc Musselmau have bought of Jei. IletB. In Edeu, two nercs at 18, 0, 1, 2. The '81 Creps, Farmera nre busy at work preparing for the orep of '81. Most of thorn havu plaut- oil their secd, and many have young nlanta noentai; out from their gl.wn or canvasa oevorcil beds. As a rule all the planters have soeurod Havaua teed and will grew at leaat a part of thelr crop of that variety. Some will use Havana need for thelr ontire planting, but perhaps a majority will oentinuo te use houie of the favorlte varleties of seed leaf, and In this we think they are noting wisuly. Havana seed Is no doubt u geed thing, nnd we have rnpontedly urged farmers te give It n fair trial j but soed leaf Is also a geed thing ; has made fortunes for thousands of growets, aud should net be hastily dis cs rded. By the way, wlille no many farmera aie about trying the experiment of growing Havana boeu, wouldn't it be well for sorae of thorn te sccure n little Sumatra seed and glve It a trial also. Thore may be millions lu it. NKW VDIIK MAItltHT. Seed l.ea', ntitiintra and ltavnnn, Fur Ins tne Wentc Kiidlnic Ssturdsy, April Vt, 10 H, in. Tobacco Journal. in 183!) tobaccos our tnarket was ex. ceedlug lively, Havana seed changing hands te the extent of ubeut 1,000 eases. Thore were seme rumors of n Hale of a packing of about 000 eases of '83 Wlsoen sin, te an uptown manufacturer, but the alleged seller complains the repert un. founded for the present at least leaving the inforCneo that the sain has net been Intirely consummated. The Bales effocted comprise nil the Havana seed crops, oxcept that of Pennsylvania. One sale of 300 casuA of '83 Housatenio Havana seed, te n jobbing linn, Is said te have realized 27 cents. It is uu nbsolute impossibility te glve nuy dclluite prices in nny of theso tranpaotieriH. The endeaver is te establiah a inatket tiuotatien for any of the '83 crops, ntid, theiofere, the report about prices obtained must be taken with seme caution. Judginc from the popular drilt, the Havana seed of Connecticut stands at the head of the list of the tobaccos in the market te day, being quoted as high us 30 cents for ruuuinir lets. Helders of '83 Wisconsin and state Havana seed allepe quotations of 24 te 27 cents. All we can de is te llnd out what holders nsk aud what the offers were that wero made ; what they sold for Is oonjeo eonjeo oenjeo turo. It should bu put at between the naked nud the offered Ugurcs. Therofero, a quotation for '83 Wisconsin and '83 Htate Havana secd at 21 te 27 cents is the only flgute te be quoted with seme degrce of certainty. When theso new tobaccos have become mero spread iu the market, real, undoubted quotations may be printed. Everybody in the trade has settled down te the tact that it will be very diflicult te Hell ntiytuiug of the '83 crops, eutside of ttie Havana need crops, Ter teme time te come, or nt very reasonable prices only. Therofero, theso who have bought '83 native seed teba :ces at high figures will have what Is called a "line time" iu con cen Humma'ing proiltable sales. Thee3 who were h'uart enough te buy cheap stock only and pack it decently, certainly are safe en their investments nud will Boeuor or later reap a profit. In old tobaccos thiugs wero rather dull, '".".cr" is a diligent search for '80 aud '81 Pennsylvania, at le"" flpnres ; but the re. suit is p'jer ene. '82 Pennsylvania oarae up mero animatedly this woek, several hundred eases of really line stoek tailing nt 22 ceutH. tiome few lets of medium '82 Pennsylvania feuud buyers at 10 te 18 ceutH. Next week, as will be seen from our 8poei.il Washington correspondence, the Samatra question will loom up ouce odge of law aud definition of questions of law imvy probably induce Secretary Fol Fel ger te reverse his last order and allow Sumatra te ceme lute this country at a duty of 35 cents. Such au oveut will change the face of the market consider ably. ' The sales of the week were : Hous.iteuic Crep '83, 300 eases Havana heed, p. t., (reported at 27 ceuts.) Wisceusin Crep 'S3, 400 cases Havana Bccd, p. r (ropertod at 21 te 27 cents.) New Yerk State Crep '83, 350 cases Havana seed, p. t., (reported at 24 te 27 cents.) Peunsylvauia Crep '82, 250 eases flue, 22 cents. Ciep 'b2, 250 cases medium, at 1G te 13 cents. Creps '80 aud '81, 300 oaies, 9 te 15 rents. Ohio-Crep '82, 200 cases, at 7 te 11 ceittf. Sumatra Market moderatoly uotive. Sales 175 bales, at $1,15 te $1.80. I Iavnna Market very aetive. Sales 000 bales, at 85 cents te $1.35. Ohus' Weekly Kepert Following nte the sales of soed leaf tobacco reported by J.S. Oaus'Sen & Ce., tobacco brokers. Ne. 131 Water stroet. New Yerk, for the week enditig April 1 1, 1831 : 100 eases 1883 New Euclaud, Havana seed, 20(dj271e.; 200 cases 1883 Wisconsin Havana sued pt ; 500 eases 1832 Wisconsin Havana 8ied.25ffi)55e.; 200 eases 1882 Penu- slvaui,i, 105i20c; 100 eases 1831 Pennsy'. vania, 9j.; 100 eases Sundries 520c. Total, 1,500 cases. tlie l'tilladclplil AlnrKct. Seed leaf Handlers of cigar leaf, whlle admitting that trade is net brisk, yet wheu the woek'rt business is summed up uud compared with last year, au encouraging iuurcitie is at ence uoticed. Want of sal able line wi uppers nud A Ne 1 seconds has much te de with the apparent dullness. Prices are Htcady and favor holders. The 82 Pennsylvania is passing out of the marktt very fast, whlle '81 still shows a Htcady demand. Lew grade goods are i becoming hoarce aud very difficulty te ob- i tain. Sumatra Market at present is quiet. A solution of what the duty is te be well reg ulate tbe business (illicitly. Havana llnds purchases if quality is shown. Tobacco Metes. One of the latest cheats Is tobacco paper. The Htuff is sueh au oxaet imitation of the natural tobacco leaf aud is se well flavored that it takes a magnifying glass te dotect the dcbcoptien. Cigars made of this tobaeco paper iiave a geed flavor, burn well, and held their white ash firmly. E. Loeb, of Philadelphia, has organized a baseball elub and will play thorn for the championship of that eity and New Yerk. Here are the players : (., LolTerts, 1st b ; J, Hoyueldf, 2d b ; Sheetz, 1 f ; Moero, 3d b ; Busheu, s s ; Mlutzer, p j Cropple, r f ; Carney, e ; Beisor, e f. The alleged Hale or 1,500 cases of '81 Pennsylvania by M. II. Levin, of Water street, New Yerk, li still bolugextonsivoly disciifbed in thu trude. Iu an interview with Mr. Levin, had by a reporter of the ('. S. Tobacco Journal, Mr. Leviu said : " If anybody wants te knew whother I sold 1,500 cases of '81 Pennsylvania or net, let him ceme hore himself and I'll tell him all about it provided he wauts te buy seme aud has the mouey te pay for it ' Our tanners will rejoice te learn that tl has at last been d-ctded that hues de net lnuie giupes, that neglected colds de unspeakable inlury, and that no hotter lemedy can bu sc ented Hum Dr. Hull's Ceuxh Syiup, iiuckleii's Aruicn bulvj, The lb t Sulvu In the world ter Cnts, llrutses, bernj, Ulcers, U Ut Ithuutu, Fever teres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Ull uuins.aiiii uu sain eruptions, unit positively cuiui riles or no puy ie(uired. It li guar Piles or no anteed (ogtve purteet sutlslactleu or money lutuuitiHi. Prien, a coins per box. ForsiUe bye. A. Lectin. a (loud Tiling, " 1 HOinetlmis wlli I could take held of the sale et TlteuHis' helrelrie Oil ter 1 lull you It Uagruud thing, and I mil conscientious In stylng 1 could de a geed work," Itev. E. F. CrutiH, Cerry, Pa. Eclcctrle Oil cured this gentleman el itilusy et ninny years standing, r or Hale by 11.11, Cuchian, iliuggUl. Ml und uv Nena Qucuu aucut, Vital Querulous 1 1 Ask the most omlnent physlelan or any school, what !s the best thlnjr In ttie world ler quieting and nllaylnR all Irritation of the norves and curlnu all forms el nervous complaints, giving natural, ohlldtlke rofreih Idk sleep always! And they will tell you unheslmtlngly " Heme form of Heps I" OHAFTKn t. Ask any or all el the most omlnent physi cians " What Is the beit and only romedy that can be rolled en te euro all diseases of the kidneys and urinary erirans sueh as Urlirht's disease, dlabote?, retention or Inability te re tain urine, and ull the diseases and ailments peculiar te Women " " And they will tell you explicitly and em plmtlcally "lluehn" Ask the same physicians " What Is the most rollable and surest euro ter nil liver dlsoasei or dyspepalat constipa tion, Indigestion, biliousness, malailal lever, ague, etc.," and they will tell you : Mandrakel or Dandelion !" Ilonce, when tlicse rotnedlos nre combined with ethers equally valuable. And compounded Inte Hep Hilten, sucli a wondertul and mystorlenscBtattvo power Is developed which Is se varied In Its operations that no disease or 111 heilth can possibly exlst or resist Its pewer, nnd vet It Is HarmleM ter the most trnll woman, weakest Invalid or smallest child te use. ciiArTKnii; " PatlenU " Almest dead or nearly dying" for yea. s, and glven np by physicians et Hrlght's and ether kidney dlsoases, liver com plaints, sovero coughs called consumption, have been cured. Women geno nearly crazy t Krem agony et neuralgia, norveusnoss, wakefulness and various dteeasui peculUr te wouien. People drawn out of shape liem excrucia ting pangs of ltlieuinatUm. In Inaammutery and chronic, or sullerlng from scretula I Kryslpelas I Bait rheum, bleed poisoning, dyspepsia, In digestion, nud In tact almost all diseases frail Natnrels heir te llnve been cured by Hep Hitters, proet et which Can he letind lu every neighborhood In the known world. uprle-TuThft3Jtw A Iteinnrkable Kicnpe. Mrs. Mary A. Dalley, of Tunkhannock, Pa. was aflllctud ler six years with Asthma nnd Hrnnchltls, during which time the best physi cians could glve no relief. Her Ufa was do de spati oil el, until In lastOctnber she procured u Hettlo et Dr King's New Discovery, when Immediate idle! was felt, and by continuing Its use ler a short time she was completely cured, gaining In llcsu 5-') &s. In a luw months. Kree Trial Ilottleset this certatn euro et all Threat and Lung Diseases at C. A. Lechor's Drug Stere. Large Uettlcs ll.fO. 1 Wish Kveryuedy te Knew. Hev. Oeorge II. Thayer. an old cltlzen et thts vicinity known te every ene as a most influential citizen and christian minister nt the M. E. church, lust tills moment stepped In our store te say, " I wish overybody te knew thut 1 consider thnt both inyselt aud wife ewo our lives te Shlleh's Consumption Cure." It Is having a tremendous sale evur our counters and Is giving period satisfaction In all ceses et Lung Diseases, such as nothing else has done. DUS. MATCHETTftKHANUK. Hounnen. liid., May IS, '78. Sold by 11. It. Cochran, iljugglst.Nes. 137 and 13!) North Uucen street- Lancaater. Iebl4eeU Kverj l'erten te be a Rent Success In this llte must have a specialty; that Is, must concentrate the abilities el body and mind en seme ene pursuit, lturdeck Hloeti JlttterM have their specialty as a completo und radical euro et dyspepsia, and liver and kid ney ullcctlens. Fer eule by II. 11. Cecluuu, druggist, 137 and 13U North Queen street. VLOTHiyU. zj-ai hi . ii mmum m li 17UOHTK.KN lNUMKS Or SNOW ON It APUlL 9, Is certainly remarkable; but NOT NEAULY SO HKMAUKAHLK AB- THE PRICES -AT- Burger & Sutten's NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Where hotter clothing can be had ler the money than can possibly be bought at ESTAHL1SHMENTS NOT DKALINU FOU CASH. THE 1IEST LINKOIT PAmLeramres TO II E FOUND OUTSIDE OF TIIK NEW YOHK MAHKET. NOVELTIES IN NECKWEAR. NOVELTIES IN Gents' Furnishing Goods. & Ne. 21 Cenlre Fqaave, LANCAhTEH. PA. IMyd ULAHH Alflt QMSKNHWA11A. MCZ3SZZ H Kill a MAUT1M. CHINA HALL. CHINA, GLASS, -AND- Queensvare fflgh & lar tin, 15 EAST KINO STREET, LANC1A8TKU. PA. CiKAvn ui'KUiiriu Btii.eiwir!.. tjim T Great English Uomedy. An unfailing eure ter impetency, und all Diseases that fellow less et Momery, Unlversal LbjwI LbjwI tude. Pain In the Hack, Dimness et Vision. ITOUlUlUru UIU iK, i' uimiy ether diseases that lead te insanity or Cen. sumptien and a Promature Grave. Full par. oculars In our pampiut, wmeu we ueaireu) end free by in all te every one. The Bpoclfle ModlclneU sold by ull druggists at tl per pack pack age. or six packages forts, or will be sent tree by mail en the receipt et the money, by ud. dressing thu agent, u B A. U.'COCHUAN, Druggist, Nes. 1S7 and IS) North Queen stroet, Lancas ter, Pa.. On account et counterrolui, we have adopt ed the Yellow Wrapper i thoenlygonulue. ; THE UUAIT MEDICINE CO.. BURGER SUTTON 1yusu!Tuuurni; --" ffATT, SHA1 & CO,, Nes. 8 & 10 E. King St. New Opening NewlSprlng HOSIERY AND GLOVES- BPKCIAL ITKM3 THIS VTI5BK t LADIES BRILLIANT.LiaLB HOSM, soe a pair. TWKNTT 3TTLK3 IN LADIES' REGULAR MADB HOSB, 23e a pair, worth 83c. CIIILDUKN'.S KIlKNCIt UII1UON 1103 K In all the Popular Celers. NEW HPItINU SHADF.S IN KID ULOVK3. An KlugantS'liuttouUlevo, all oelori, tee a pair. KLEUANT M03QUF.TAIUB Q LOVES,, nil colors, 3e a pair. OUU ONH DOLLAR KID OLOVK U the best lu the market. Fifty Dor.en I.18LK TIIltKAl)OLOVM3,03ea pair, worth S7K Five Hundre I New Patterns, Cambrle, Naln- soek and SYls KMUIlelDKItlKS at Prices LOwcr than ever. A NENV LINE or JKU3EY3 at Lew Prices. NEW YORK STORE, NOS. 8 &;i0 EAST KING ST., LANCABTKU, pa. "M'EXT DUOlt TU TIIK OOUHT 11UU3B Shawls. Shawls. Bhawls have always been a spcelalty with us, aud our stock or; VVeiuiii,Tcr9nttraettvoaattheprMonttitno. FUKNCH, bCOTCH, UEUMAN AND AMKUIOAN SHAWLS Frem "3c. te ta.OO, te suit tasle et all. the purse snd AIbe lull stock Lupin's make et Black Cashmere Shawls. SINGLE AND UOU1ILE. These Shawls are far superior In welght and color te any ether make Imported. PltlUK? tZIO. 3.50. JI.50, 13 M, t.30, VM, 1$.S, 10.00, 112.00, fti.W ami lio.eo. R. E. Pahnesteck, LANCASTEU, 1A. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. IIATH AMU VA.PB. J?UK 3ALK -AT- H'i Only Hat Stere Tlie most completo assortment of Spring styles Stiff and Belt Hats ever offered In this city and at prlces that will astonish the most careful buyur. We have takeu great care In seloetlug these goods, net only In regard te style, but In quality also ; and us we buy ter cash and soil ler cash only, we guarantee te glve you as geed an article "It net better " than can be bought any whero ter the money. Tbe YOUMAN'S Stiff Hat thts seasen is a beauty, and ler quality, style and durabil ity cannot be surpassed. The 11UOAD WAX SHU Hat Is a very sonslble style thU sousen, having a lull brim and becoming almost any ene. Cleth IlaU are the prin cipal feature ter boys und we hjive a lull assortment. A lull line et ltgbt-welght SOFT and POCKET HATS, and In fact everything thut can be found lu u flrst cluss Hat Stere, at. 144 North dueen Street. (GUNDAKKU'3 OLD BTAND.) A few doers above the Franklin llouse, LANCABTKU, PA.' w&rZl lydAw OuULT'Z OLW STAND. GUEAT UKDU0T1ON IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladlea' Seal Saoquea and Delmans, Ladiea' Fur-Llned Oireulars, Ucuta' uud Lmlies' Heal Caps at Coit, SX(.K VitURSLLAS. A Large Assortment et GLOVK3 at Cost. THE LA KG EST STOCK AN DABBOUTUENT OF FAHIUONAHLB Witt Hals, Cans, Pars, &c. Ever ettered te the public, at the LOWJCST PUIOESi Wholeauleand Iletull. lluy ter cash only and tell cheaper than any ether Hat Sterw lu tlie city. BOLE AGENT FOU THE Knox Silk & Derby Hat. The ONLY Hat Manufactory In Lancaster. Heys' Cups fiem loe. up. Men's Caps el all kinds greatly reduced In prlcj. Iteiialrlng neaUy and promptly done. Old Silk UaUmada ashlenublw. JOHN SIDES, dsz-tia Successor te mvvxit nw. OTIOE.-l'ATieNTll WIHUIMU TO CON. DR. LA QRANOB, .. Siii'l te tive at least two daj nellw i?rle IheirTnteudeil vUltte prevsut disappointment and less of lime. iir.iJGraiiKe "ew work en Nerveut CU easei ind Allied Disorders. Bent fro ,uy pejt, W corns. Address as abOYO. iuwu FAHNESTOCK'S ?