v1, I "-v,;, r ,r Tt ,. LANCASTER! DAll INTELLIGENCE!, SAIITRDAY. APJ.1L 12, 1881. r'J,; se K y ra? IA" I & i? ' ;' I;: f I .' I in fcancasier JnteiUgencrx. SATURDAY ITVEKINO, APRIL, 13, 1804. A Corrupt Campaign The Lincastcr Inquirer loams from a gentleman, formerly of this county, who has been spending a few days liore watching the political canvass for He publican nominations, that the condition of "our local politics Is rapidly growing worse Instead of better ;" "that the use of money is as prevalent as ever, and that many men of respectability and the owners of considerable property, are net above accepting money for political ser vices at the primaries ; "that staid and reputable farmers, members of the church and owning their bread acres, were la .Lancaster city within the past west asking money of candidates te assist them at the primaries te-day I " The law punishing all frauds or at tempts at frauds, or any attempt te purchase or control votes at the prima rles, is a decided failure. The recently enacted salary bill it was thought would exert an impart int influence in purify ing our local politics ; but this hope of its friends doei neb seem likely te be realized." Our own reports aud observations con firm all1 this in a remarkable degree. We have geed reason te believe that the use of money for the bribing of voters has never been mere common than in the campaign just closing ; nor is It cenQned te any particular faction nor te the in terest of any special set et politicians. When thellttle b033cs from the country go from oQlce te oflice en Barbary Coast inquiring where they can get meney.and when the big bewes of the city put themselves up nt auction and change their minds and their cand Idatei as late as Thursday night, because they are paid a higher price, things have come te about as bed n plight as they can be. We have shown that this business of buying and selling votes has spread from the primaries te the general elections, until the whole body politic has been corrupted, and at a city election In Lan c later, ouethlrd of the voters take money for tl-eir votes. We have de manded that this system shall be cut up by the roots, and that nn organization of men of nil parties, including the practical politicians, who are us much disgusted with it as anybody, be formed te put an end te it. buch n movement has only been postponed until after the primaries. When they are ever, the necessity for it will be all the mere np parent ; let it be promptly improved. The bar'l and the bummer must go. Net Free Whisky. Tueie is a great deal of misrepre sentation or misunderstanding In the cry that an abolition of the internal revenue system of taxation means free whisky. Nothing et the sort. The ob jectien is net te the subject of taxation, but te the method of it. Whisky is a very proper subject of taxation, but the tax should be local net federal ; it should be en the sale of It, net en the manufac ture ; it should he laid en whisky as a bsverage net as a product. The internal revenue system is inquisitorial and op press! ve in its methods ; it tends te en gender frauds and persecutions ; It Is inequitable, being 10 per cent, en some of its objects and 400 per cent, en ethers; it is unfair, the spirits consumed in this country being subject te It and that which the foreigner uses being exempt; it is senseless In that the two fifths of the whole productieu of spirits used for me dicinal purposes aud the mechanical arts is subject te the same tax ns the remaining three fifths ttint Is drunk; it tends te monopoly in that It cencen trates the manufacture lu the hands of thefewnud crushes out nil the small eperate rs. Let there beun adequate tax laid en thesale of whisky everywhere, te be regulated by local necessities. If whisky drinking creates public expense, let the whisky licenses pav it where the tralllc created it. The reveuue tux paid te the government new, it paid directly te the states and municipalities, lu the shape of licenses or tax en sales would greatly lighten their burdens. Such a tux pro portioned te the sales, would be eqult able nnd popular. The 80 cents a gallon en whisky, new collected by the govern ment, is the euly thing that stands In the way of it. Let that be rem ived and give the state a chance at it. Te-day's Nominations. The Republicans of Lancaster county te day decide who shall represent them nnd us in the important elllces, te be filled this autumn ; the most Important being the congressional representative and the Judge. We have net interfered in the contest, save te chronicle its various phases, We have net done se because the responsibility of the election was net upon ub. We propose te oppose the ticket when nominated, and especially canuet be reconciled te either the congressman or the iudae who will be aelected te-day, whoever he mav be. We canuet accept the congressman because it is a political oilice which can not be filled te our satisfaction by any ene but a Democrat. Mr. Smith has made as geed a representative for his constituents as auy Republican la the county could be, aad there is no reason en the part of his party associates for changing their representative, unless there be i reason In his long continu ance ia Ids place. Ter the party and publie interest that is rather a reason for again cheesing him ; but eflices have come.te be regarded as prizes and per eenal rewards ; uud If the party in this county views the congressional seat In this light they may see a reason for changing their representative. If they de Mr Hiestand will make as fit a sue sue cesser as they have. And as te the judgeship we have said nothing, eeelng that we cannot support either candidate for election, netbecauee they are both Republicans, but because we consider neither te be fit for the place he seeks. The one has demonstra ted ibis, aud the ether will demonstrate it, in all probability, it he is given a chance. It will be our pleasure te ndvocate the election of the Demo cratic candidate, who will be a geed man worthy of the place and of the people's votes ; which, of course, he will net, nev ertheless, get In sufficient number te seat him ; but that is their fault and net ours. Itcrenue Reform. Mr. Morrison says that the vote en the Converse bill showed a majority of the Heuse in favor of levcnue reform ; and se it did ; and theie is u larger majority for It than the vete showed, If we are right In our belief that the l'ennsylva nia representatives, who voted for the fVinvrrsn preposition, are men et sense and true representatives of their constituents lu the Dem ocratic party et Penniisylviuil.i, who want rovenue reform of the right kind. But the Converse vete showed as clearly that Mr. Morriseu'd bill does net furnish the right kind, lu the view of the majority of the Heuse, ns It did that the right kind would be approved ' since Mr. Eaten and ethers who voted with Mr. Morrison ngalust increasing the duty en wool, will net vete for his horizontal Indiscriminate twenty per cent, or no per cent, scheme of red tic tien. Mr. Morrison is a man of sense, an 1 be one who can understand a plain lndi catien. As he wants revenue reform, aud knows his own scheme will net carry, lie should be ready te abandon it for what will carry, namely, an enlarged free list ; only this and little mere. Govkrneks Headly and Jacksen, Democratic executives of Ohie and West Virginia, respectively, two states which the Republicans will make desperate efforts te carry in October, telegraph te the New Yerk U'erW that in their Judg meut the tariff issue is net the only one nor the main one for the Democrats te make the me3t advantageous presidential campaign. They agree, tee, that the platform of the national convention should be substantially like that adopted at Alleutewn. RESUMUM. Hail, ! gcntle spring. " I am the Resurrection and the Life." Semk of the candidates te-d.iy veil be se dead te morrow that the Easter resurree- tleu lessen will be lest upeu thorn. Keifeh had quite a let of legislative mud rubbed mte him yosterday in the summary disposition by the IIouse of bis charges against Uoynten. CBOCCt. A tfeUten flower-slur, set In snow, I'll it plerceit threuiihtlark nnd cel, I te say. "a lu co 1 am here, ileuhl out He rcu. j ml keep with the Kaster-Uay." Entitle A. Itraildeck Competent authorities estimate that at Ieast (100,000 will be spent for church doeorations ou Sunday in New Yerk, the Catholics and Episcopalians being tlie largest purchasers. As the Democrats pest the books of the late eleotiena iu Indiana they II ml that they have iuoreisod their majority of two years age, whieh win 17,000 ; that tliey have oarried oeuntles hitherto Republican, aud eosured control of me.it of tue uloutien machinery of the state. Wheat seems te ba mess buoyantly rampant iu the west thiit year, la Michi gan it is lopertcd as soveu per ceut. hotter thou last year ; and iu the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, Cihferula,it promUes te be 00 per cent. grealur than last year if the grain escapes the het winds of May aud June. Tun pungeut pen of Libouehero is direeted against the absurd spectacle pre sen ted by the beauties, " bluo-nescd, naked and ashamed," who congregate at the Queen's drawing room aad wbute jourcey thither iu the most perilous or weather and tbe scantest raiment is at t uded alike with danger te health aud infraction of the laws of decency. TBI WAT Or TUB WORLD. The hands of ttie Kliijr are eon anil lair Thuy uuver knew labor's stain, The hands et the rebutir redly wuar The ideixly brand et Cain. Hut ttie hands et themunuru hsrdnint scnriert Willi tliu bcurs et tell unit pain. The slaves of Pllute have washed Ids hiimls At whttu at a king's may be Uurabb.is with wrlns unlettered atnuils, Fer tnu world bu made hliu true Hut thy paling tell worn by nails are tern, U Christ, en (Jul vary 1 - Jamn Jeffrey In the Reche InaeptndenU EliTKO, New banished our sadness, WUh ti-iuts lull et KlHdnusj, u welcome the Lord's J uullee. 'Tls precious, the story, Hew lle lil. i UisKiery, Our Saviour anil llretliur te be. JIiU Jesus Immortal Huh iii.-Btd the dark portal, And Ugh tuned with suuablue Ui gloom. We rule our glad voices, M naluru rejolcov rejelcov rejolcev Thocrtullo has commuted tbe tomb. Leuak Is net only a bitter nigger hater and au unreasoning partisan, but he also laeks the attributes of a gimtlem.au. Last eveniug in Washington a camp ilre reunion of the Oraud Army of the Potomac was held where it might be oxpeetod that personal hatreds would for the tlme be laid aside or absorbed iu the joys of con vivial fellowship. Se any one with cenl- letnauly lustincts would have thought, but "Ulaek Jack" net being ondewod with these priceless attributes considered differ, eutly. He could net make a speech at this convivial gathering without mingling iu it uncomplimentary ullusleiiB te Flu Jehn Perter. His oenduot throughout this whole Perter affair exhibits him as a man of microscopically small oalllire. HASTKn UOUHIHU, 1 sen Iho sculp) ured altar shine With starry orewns et tiojile bloom. Through dusky aisles a breath illvluu Frem hidden censer st-ams te iUe And lloitnleltto I'anullse, While silently, en bended knees, Worship adoring devotee Alter the Leuten gloom. I hcur the organ's thunder peals, Ami new the Joyous anthem rings i The heavenly sole gently steals from that bewildering harmony, And, like a silver melody, Frem vaulted rent and bluzsned walls A swe t, celesllul echo tails While this (air herald sings. (1ert grant that all who wateh te clay Ili'sldes 11 Vr sepulohres el ions lasy tlnd the great stene rolled away May bee at lust, with vision clear, The shining angel standing neur, And through the dimly lighted soul Again may ley's evangel roll The glory et the crera I Julie A. Thuitr. PnoFKSsen Ukoueb V, Fisiibii, of Yale college, has been invited te reoeivo the honorary dogreo of doctor of dlvlnty at the npproaeliing terecntbnary commemoration et the university of Edlnburg, A WOMAN MISEB I'llUND Slt!IMKIIKt 1.1 HtSIt ltO.tlR. ttmnti.We-Mnry of m Onrn HrnniWul Wnmtn Her Karl l.iive, tlliniipulntiiieiit nmt I. Hie Mnrrlege, Pive years age Miss Celia Huh, who had been noted for nearly thirty years as n reclue and was. the ewurr of an estate va'm d at soveral thousand dollars, situ uted u.'.ir Williamsburg, Md , married a school teaoher named Murphy. The old woman was thou about sixty yeirs of age ami .uurpuy was oreaitcu with uavliik married her for her meney. After living together tbrce months Murphy suddeulj disappeared nnd was uet scen again until several days age and then euly ler n short tlme. Thursday afteruoeu Miss Hush, as sue was called siuce her husband left her, was found iu a thicket mmdercd. Her threat was cut from ear te ear and her skull had been beaten iu with au axe. Her liouse is iu the ceutru of a deuse clump et weeds, almost iuacces.sable te pedestrians, nud she has been the sole in habitant of it since girlhood, oxectpt dur iug the brlel period of her married life She very seldom left her seIudcd place and worked tliu farm liercelf. It was net uuusual te seu her plowing, nud ns she drew ull her meney from b.auk years age It was gouerally accepted that she was very rich She was never known te spend a oeut of nMiiey, subsisting wholly upon com bread and baoeu the product of her farm, lu the neighborhood ehe was reenrded as a witch and it was certain that she had concealed about her pl.ice all the in mey which bad ometo her from her parents aleug with the farm. The preoifle amount of this mouey canuet new be ascertained, as the murderer, who it is suspected was Murphy, ransaekfd the building from top te bottom, tearing epeu bureaus, trunks aud ether recoptaeloit lu search of volu velu ables. Murphy, the missim; husband, was a remarkably ue-vl natured man, as nil remember, nnd this fact leads many te doubt his guilt. While teaching soheol he proved te be thoroughly educated, but was undoubtedly remarkably lazy. When he learned of Miss Hugh's wealth he com menced te piy h r ntteutieus aud famish ed the uolghbers quite a sensation by tnarryiug the old lidy, dopite her sixty years. Net long after the marriaRe Murphy resigned his position ns school teacher and commenced te lead a life of tdleuess. This enraged the hard working woman, who Insisted that he should work beside her in the Held. He declined, and after several weeks squ bbliug, duriug which Murphy discovered that he could uet hepe te get any of his wife's money, he disappeared. Frem the time her husband disap eare.l the old woman, if possible, became . vnn mere austere iu her life. She ueer em ployed help of any kind, mewim; aud stacking her grain, whieh she bad previous ly planted and cultivated. Nearly nil the produee of her plac she sold, and as she n aver bought au.vthiug it latterly became a mystery as te hew she could sustain life. Forty years age bIie must have had 50,000 and ehe probably doubled this during the potied named, hue never kept a bank account aud the m ny was undoubtedly concealed about the hsu-'e prier te the muruer. State's Attorney liuury came te tbe place aud took eh irge of the elfec'D, but a rigorous search failed te give auv clue t the murder. Tl'e murder was discovered by a laborer ou an adjoining farm, who, iu passing through the weeds yesterday aftornoen ueticed that Mrs. Hush was net working in the Held. Suspecting that alie was very ill, as she had uover before been known te be idle, he went te tbe hetiba and saw tha it had beeu rubbsd. The neighbors found tbe body alter au hour's hcarch. "C'elia Hush," said an old lady of the town, "was a beautiful girl 4e years age, when she was about SO years of age Sbe was educated in a private school at Wll miugten, Del , uud bhe was engaged te n man named Merloy when she cime home after graduating. Merley was a small, delicate man, ugly as sin, but evidently a goutleman. C'elia was crazy ever him aud wheti he jilted her ene day for a soheol mute, a Wilratuten girl who was vUituig her, she boeanio virtually insane. Iu fact, I think Bhe did lese her reasen through grUf, as she was delirious for mero than three weeks, with typhoid favor just alter Merley lelt her. 'When una married Murphy llve years age, I thiuk she was crazy, as she several tiuiHR asked me if I did uet think hit look ed like her girlhood's lever. Auy way, from the time Merloy proved false she became misanthropic, and wheu her pa rents died suddenly of smallnji three months l.iter, she shut herself up from tbe world and commenced leading the life whieh haa made her famous hereabouts terse many yaars."Murpliy's whereabouts are unknown. riVK uitm suiuidks. lll.l inslrr, I,wynr, rtiluen Kevper uud Kurunr tSmt Their Lives. Shortly after neon Friday Jeseph Agate, of Youkers, a guest at Harle'M hotel, New Yerk, committed suicide by sheeting, lle leaves preperty valued nt 11,000,000, ehiclly iu the city and Yonkers. IIh leaves ene son, Froderlek V. Agate, who Is a graduate of the Columbia law school. The suicl le was caused through fear of lusanity as the result of sleeplessness. Shortly alter seven o'clock Friday oveuing Osslan Terburgu, a rising young attorney, of Pittsburtr, was feuud lying ou the tloer iu his room, dyiug. He was un able te spiak, but a lotter addressed te his rather told the story. He committed sui cide by swallowing prussie add. The note assigned no reasen for the net nnd his friends are at a lets te understand his motives, ns his future prospects were of the brightest, He had a large praotice and was quite wealthy. Ills father is a promlneut physician. The deceased was thlrty-oue years of age and unmarried. Sitting iu a eliair lu his bed room at 1127 Itaoe stroet, Philadelphia, Harry Hepwerth, the proprietor of the saloeu, was found Friday merniug by his wife dead. There was bleed en his night clothes aud a live barroled Celt's revolver lay ou the fleer beside his chair. One bullet was missing aud that was In his brain, Hepwerth had been drinking for yearsand was frequently subject te at tacks of delirious tremeus During the last weck he has beeu se drunk and moody that his wife hai foareJ his self destruction nnd hidden his rovelvor in various places. Yesterday morning the oeuplo went te bed at 1 o'elook. The woman get up at 0 and feuud that her husband had shot hlmself. Thursday evening the dead body of Oliver Dletz, a young nnd wealthy miller of Newberry township, Yetk county, was feuud (bating abeve the dam of his mill, uear his roaldenoo. Dletz was but roeoutly a rcsldent of Bprlug Qardeu township and purohased the mill preperty aud moved his family te It but a short tlme nge. He left his bad at four o'elook Woduesday metnlng, without informing his wife as te where he was going, though his early leaving and nbsoueo was uet oeusldorod unusual until later iu the day, when soareh was made for hlra, There Is every indlea tleu that he oemmittod sululde. His wife Is almost dlstraoted nud can assign no oause for the aet. He was the father of four small children. A Weman Hums Herself tu Deuth. Mrs Usury, the wife of a former living shtceu miles south of Sholbyvllle, 111., haa met with n torrible death, A few mornings age she had a quarrel with her husband, ami determined ou frighteulug him when lie oame lu te supper. She emptied the coutents of the oeal oil eau ever her clothes, and thou proceed, cd te de the same with the lamps, throwing each ene out of the window as she emptied it. lly this means she became thoroughly saturated with oil, and her young chtl iren, frinht frinht cned, called in ene of the neighb us, who stnyed uutll her husbvi I onie home lle pad ue attention te her ou enteriug the toetn, se she dellb;ately walked up te the steve aud Ignited her dress, rt'ae was immediately euvelnpcd in llnnm, and, rushlig out of the deer, threw herself into a dlteh oless by Hr hush fid uuetnp'.ed te tesctin her from her feariul position, but oeuld net succeed lu te.uuu; oil her oletlics until it was tee late She lingered iu grea agony until sh died em Wednes day morning. TiiuiKiiV iiri! ru nmirvriiiN. A Ss.l I) mioitle MkMMuu In ft Yt Known Scrmit m t-uuiiijr Last Sunday evjauig Mrs Uiitlotte Sweet, seventy sx jouseld, living with Uer seu iu-law, rhe. r. lluut, a wealthy merchutt, wll me restdenej Is ou W .tilling ten nvcuue, In the aristecrntlu quarter el Scrauten, fill from the poreh aud died iu about thtr;y mtuutes. it is asserted that her grandson, Janus B, lluut, wlu has been dissipated for s nue time past, pushed her from the poreh. Corener D.eu began an Inquest into the cau Fiiilay aftotneon. Mrs. Fuller, a ueighbir e' the Huats, testified that ou Sunday eveuiug she heard cries for help coming from Mr. Hunt's residence She went te the home and feuud that Mrs. Se..t wts badly hurt. Mr.', lluut was. greatly oxcited. nud asser ted that the e'd lad) V Injury was due te young Hunt's iliSMpa'ien, thre wing up her bauds aud oxelaimiug, 'Uj'h killed her; he's killed her." Dr Ueyd teslilled that Mrn. Hunt told htm tha1-just hofero the oJiurrenei her son was trylug te ge: out of thelmm, aud was struliu with his father. Tbi yeuug mau tlatlly get away and started ler the street, meeting his grandmother ou the perch. Iu a m mi ut she was feuud at the feet of the steps. Dr. S'.eward testl tlcd that yeuug Hunt, win was lutoxlei ted, otr.ered the etlbe e' Piasid?nt Judg.-) Hau Hey while tha wtness au 1 the julge wcre seated there, and said he had lo co me inv lived in trouble, aud re quested the jitdg.i t reoemmand blm te a geed crimiual lawyer. The judo answered i en Id de uetblug for h in, and Hu it th-u mvln the same request for the doctor. The an' herl ties have b.-eu informed th at deceased, who had considerable intluonce ever her grand son tried te prevent him from leaving the house af.cr he had tern away from his fathT, aud that he evaded her by pushing her from the poreh. He spent the night at the resideuee of itev. Dr. Lgm, ptstoref the First Presbyterian church, lu her will Mrs Sweet devised young Hunt 1,000. Tha parties ate highly coanectcd and the case has caused niueli oemmo'ion. It is net supposed th it young Hunt intended te harm his grandmother. llilef Stale Happenings. Norristown is organizing a military com pauy. Jehn Maen was fatally crushed between cars, at Gorden, Sv'huylki I ceuuty, en Friday. The steel works eampany at Sttolten Is receiving au order for 1 1,000 rails from up tbe Hudsen river. Stauley hTuauss, of Risten, aged 15 years, foil from a freight train en which he was riding te Alloatewn en Tuurs lay and was fatally Injured. Uarrisburg is having built a steam reul roller, the wheels of which weigh four tens each, it is ou the style of a tractieu oegino el 30 horse power Uy an explosion of gas en Friday at Ne 3 Colliery, at the Lehigb Valley coal com pany, at Shenandoah, Thenn Welsh, was killed aud Martiu Urenuan sevurely burned. Oraue blossoms bloemod ever a happy wedding pair Friday in Palmyra township, Waynoejuuty. Tue oeuplo were Sylvan Owen, who is en the shady side of 7'J, and Catharine Nash, aged 31 years. The bridge company at Norristown will appeal te tliu supreme court for a reversal et Judge lleylu's order appointing a jury te view and assess damages in th) matter of tbe potltieu te make the bridge froe. A chatter has been granted te the State Line railroad empany. Tue liue will be twenty six miles leug and will run through Fayotte oeunty. The capital 1b $200,000 ami the diroetors are all trem Pittsburg. The iteading Xacs publishes the fellow leg as au advertisement : ' 'Tbe dramatic sensation of the season premises te be Abe Uuzzard ; or. the Welsh Mountain Outlaws, at the Academy April 19 and 10. It will be given by permission of the llu zzard family Priees 00 and 25 cents." Friday morning at 10 o'clock while eight men were employed in Hlalr's briek yard digging sand from the hillslde at the head of 41th street, Pittsburg, the bank caved in, burying Samuel Iteslin, aged 21, and Wm Slieared, aged 10, under soveral tens of earth. Beth were dead when dis covered. a -si our or tub uka. Uhlpnrreukeit Sailors Knttrtileeu uj raclfle Itlsuder. Letters have been received fremCaptalu Morrison, of the ship Rainier, whieh was Inst in the Pad lle oecan January 3, near UJaal Island, one of the Marshall group. When the vossel went among the broakers the natives oame elf iu beats and took the captain and crew ashore.somo fifteen miles from the point of the wreck. There are fifty inhabitants en tbe island, governed by a king. The natives wcre very kind te the shipwrecked crew, and did everything for their comfort. Some of them can speak English, whieh they have learned from the trnders whoeomo te the Island, The Islaud Is threo mlles long, aud is two hundred aud lifty miles from the nearest mainland. The noarest land iu the Phllllpine Islands. On the fourth day after their arrival Captain Morrison sent the second ofilecr and four seamun iu a beat te see if they could obtain assistance by running across a ship or steamer. The beat was sighted by the Urltiah bark Cataline and taken te Saigon, where the uews was immedi ately tolegraphod. The lotter which was recelved was sect lu this beat. At the tlme the lotter was written everybody was in geed bealtb. Mrs. Humphreys, of Hath, who had beeu ou beard, was well. The crew of the Hilnler oeuslstod of 27 men. The sails have beeu taken from the ship aud formed into touts, lu whieh the parties live. Captain Morrison Is being royally entertained by the king of the islaud. Old Soldiers Around a Oeuip rire. A speelal camp fire et the department of the Potemao of the Grand Army of the Republic was held iu Washington Friday night te oemtuomorato the operations against Viaksburg. General Jeseph It. Hawley presided. Upen the platform were General Grant, President Arthur, Soerotary Lluoeln, Geuerals Legan, Van Vliet, Haum, Deubleday, Dudley, and Hasen, Representative MoKiuley nnd Judge Lawroueo. General Grant, walking with the aid of a crutch, entered the hall at the head of the invited guests, uud was greeted with the wildest applause, " the assemblage rising and sending forth ehcer after oheer, nud continuing the ovatleu until the general had taken his plaoe en the platform." AddroweH wero made by Comrade Alexander, the department commander ; Goneral Hawley, General Legau, General Grant, General Haum and Majer MoKiuley. Lettors wero read from General Sherman, Postmaster Genera Gresham aud General Death, TUB FIRST GAME. lueNsim-s veusus wit.uiMmiM. A .Spirited Diluted In Which (tin lleiitu T.rtlil liir it.ell Smell oreillt Other lUneUall Nl, The Wiluiuigteu nlne played thelr first gatnu of the season with the Ironsides, of , thUeity, yentmday. Thore were nt least 1 1 000 persons present. The grounds wcre lu i xe.llent condition, belugas dry as iu summer. The home team put ou the fol fel I levsiug hiue : Dan Casev, pitoher ; Uuslek, i catcher ; Se)der, lb : Ilistlan, 'Jb ; Say, : lib , Hutu, ss , Lyneli, 1 f ; Damns Casey, e f, and the "enly1' Nelan, r f. The Itou I sides plaeJ the uiue lu the same positions i as has beeu uettd twfoie with i'yle and Old. Ilulil as me naitory.Tiie latter worked very well tegether and showed that they euly need practice. Tite whole nlne did well considering the fact that tliey had never beeu en a ball Quid together before. The Wilmington had 8 base hits nud Ironsides -I Oldtleld, MeTamauy, Donald, Hlgglns aud Hamilton led at the bat Iligglus at second and Jehn Oreen nt left played very well, but all acquitted thomselvos credit ably. Iu the fifth tuning F, 1. Oteeu was be tween 2 I and 3d when Say gut the ball, which isas passed from one te another for sonie time Although six men had Oreen between bases he successfully eluded nil aud made his third, where he was left. Carey, the pitcher of the Wilmlugtens, is left h inded and speedy, but the Lancaster bays were gettiug ou him nt tbe latter put el tbe game Ssy played a miserable came n' third for the Wilmiugtens. Ou the whole tbe Ironsides management are highly pleased witti the men for the showing they made against the club which expects te win the (letiuuut of the Easturu league. Following is tbe soeto of the game by timings. 1 J s 4 s I 7 s 9 Wilmington 0 3 0 10 4 0 O-S Irons! les 0 0 0 0 U 1 1 0 0-2 K ti us named Wilmington J. l!.ise hits NMImlngtm Si Irouslees 4 Krror-Wll-lulugteu 2, Ironsides 7. Dames Kltewbsre Philadelphia : Philadelphia 3, Uay City 1 ; Athlotte 8, Amherst 4 : Keystone 22. Woelaud2; Hartville 11, Uridesburg 10; Harrisburg : Regulars 3. Keserves 2 : Hal tltueru : Providence 5, lialtimore 2 ; Tren Tren eon : Cleveland 15, Tronteu 4 ; Riohmenil : Virginias 11, Philadelphia Reds 2; New Yerk : Yales 0. New Yerk 10 ; Allentown : AHoetowu 11, L'sfayotte 3 ; Washington : Washington 0, Detroit 0. Mttes et the Dlmueril The salary list of the 100 players new under contruet for the oeraimr soaseu amounts te ucarly $1,000,000. Rig Jake Geedman made oue of the threo base hits off Kuight iu the Philadel phia liay Uity game yesterday. The game between the Clevelaud and Alleutewa ou Thursday at Allentewn re sumed : Cieveltud, 10 ; Allentown, 0. The Dauntless, of Meuut Jey, nre agitating the subject of a county associa tion ; they will play the Christiaua elub at an early date. President Elliet, of Harvard college, en base ball : "I call it ene of the worst games, although I knew it is called the American national game." The contemplated game between the Philadelphia "Reds" and the Lancaster club at McGrabu's park did uet take plaoe this afteruoeu, owing te the bad condition of the ground at the latter place. Trains will leave ou Monday nnd Tues day ou the Pennsylvania railroad, en which days the Ironsides play the Allen town's, for the Ironsides grounds at 2:30 p. ru. (the regular train), 2:43, 3.00 and 3:15. 'Iho fair for the round trip will be iu cents. PUHSONALi. He.N. Jeiia P. Rui. of Minneapolis, is visiting relatives iu this ceuuty. William II. Va.NDEitniLT gave (1,000 for a box at Henry E. Abbey's bencflt. Haiti gives (5 000 for auether box. SusATdt Reck wilts his cellar with perspiratieu iu making a specch mero quiekly than any ethor man In Congress. W. II. ScitANTON.ef Oxford, N. J., has prcsentcd te the elty of Soruuteu 100 elm trees, te be plaeed in float of the new court heus3. C. E. Baku nnd J. W. G. Hershcy, both of Litltz, entered as students of the Colo Celo Cole mau imtteual business college, Newark.N. J., this week. Du. Jehn U. Dr.Avicii, fermeily et the Ltuck, this county, domuustrater of anat omy In the university of Pennsylvania, was, at the last meeting of his elass, pre sented with a completo case of surgical lustruments. Eitrinieu William, it In reported en geed authority, has entered into a state of pronounced detage. He has boeamo abnor mally suspicious of every person surround ing him aud constantly exhibits a childish oagerness te be bofero the publie iu Imperial statu aud te perferm royal duties This mania renders him almost Intractable te the attending physieiaus. The focueoutas Victims. Sixteeu bedies were reoevorod from the Pocohontas mlne, In Virginia, en Thurs day am' Friday, but euly six of them oeuld be Identified. Several of the dead men had picks iu thelr handB, and ene of thorn olasped n dinner buoket ; se it is prebable that thelr death was almost In stantaneous. FEATUREb OB" THK COUNTY PRE33. The Lanoaster Inquirer prcdlets Con gressman Smith's overwhelming defeat. The iirw Era expeets te see a wayward crop raised from Farmer Iliestand's wild eats. The Mt. Jey Herald thinks a confldenco man is hard up when he tackles au editor. The Ephrata Review asks when treachery and bessiam will cease ? At the sound of the rosurreetion trump. Te the mind of the New Helland Clarien It rcqulres no profennd scholar te oecupy the editorial tripod and dash off sentimen tal gush and balderdash about the Cincin nati riots. New that the Lanoaster oeunty judges and constables are rcgulated the Columbia Spy wants a crusade " against the cigar cigar ette, the empty pistol, and the grog shop," m i NKAULY LUST IN THIS MUl'. The Narrow Escape et Twe Karmers Frent it Uuaamlre. A quagmire in Choiter oeunty, en the read from Willowdale te Centroville, was recently the scene of thrilling ineldenr, in whieh soveral lives wero ondangered, In moving seme hoiuehold goods, Themas Straham ventured with his heavily laden team into the treacherous soetiou of the read, and stuek fast. Jehu Rakestraw, a neighbor, with a yeke of exen, sucoeodod iu pulling the team, whieh was every roluute sinking dcoper and deeper, from Its dangerous position. Scarcely had this been accomplished when auother team ventured into the quaginlre, aud was ex traeted with difficulty by Mr, Rakestraw'u oxen. The geed Samaritan was about te return home with his exhausted beasts, when a man in a light oarriage drove Inte the quagmlre, the ulnglotrce of the vehicle was breken in the nttempts of his herse te pull out.The driver jumped out te assist tbe herse, when he at oneo sank Inte the mud and begau te disappear. Again the faithful exen were brought iute sorviees, and with great dlllleulty euoeoeded iu pulling the almost exhausted vletlm out of the quIekBand. One of his beets was dragged from his feet in the straggle for life. Mr. Rakestraw hlraBelr oseapod narrowly with a whele skin, having get into the mud, and euly succoedod after a dosperate struggle In getting out. He lest his rubbers in the quagmire. I The Ule.liig in tnu l.i tii Mensun, Te-day, Hely Saturday, the hist day of Leut, commemorates sivelally the tlme I between the Sivleur's death and tesurrre tleu. In the Catholic ehuiuh the bussing of the New Kiu the Pasvlial Caudle and the Uely water font nte Its most marked incidents. The prophecies iortelling Chtlst'H death nud lenu reel Ien are rent), the altars are decorated anew, the peni tential purple is rum ived from the altars nud tliu caudles nte lighted, ihe ma-s Indicates the change that Is le take plnoe in the moitew with the Sivleur's resurrec tion, nud the sombreuo.ss that has marked the services during Passion week iu gloat part dlsipps'.ars. Fur the tlrst tlme during the week the ohiuies are heard and the organ peals forth joyously nt the " Gleria tu rkoelsls Dee." The services at the Catholic ami ether churches were te day well attended. Cunllritmlleu Mertloe. Christ Evangelic il Litlheran church, West King street, was tilled with an up picci itive nudiotice Friday evunliu. The service, ns became the day, was verv Im pressive, 1 be particular oceasiou, no ever, being the coullrmatieti of it uumber of persons, who had born under 'distinct ions for a lime, with n vlew te ohurelt mombership. After preaching an appro priate sermon the pastor, Rev E L Reed, received eleven persons Inte the full com munleu of the church. Matter ntuule at the Sliiratlan llhiire i. The Easter music In Moravian church will be particularly line. Resides tbe early morning liturgy at 0 a. m,, nud the Bastes litany at 10$ a. in., the choir at the latter servlee will render, with full orthestral acoempanlmont, " And Uehnltl there was n Grett Eirthquakc," by Abr Rittur, the well known old Moravian com peser, nud "Christ our Passover," by Millard, lu the evening tnu Sunday school will render a beautiful Eister ser vlce ontltled " Easter Angels," mainly musical. At St. .rallies KpWcepal Ohiutiti Thore will be nu early colebratlon of the communion at S a. in. Festival soivice nt 10:30. with the following programme and ohildteu's festival servlee, together with carols uud aldrcss by the rtoter, at 5 p. m. : Or aud processional by tuu ; Veuite, Mar nlngten ; Te Deum, Kuaulf ; Jubilate, Oanks : hymn, " The Strife is O'er ;" lvyrie, lteay , Gleria Tibl, Rj.ay ; Crede, Reay ; hymn, " Angels Rell the Reek Away;" offertory, "They Have Takeu Away My Lord," Stabler ; Sauetus, Reay; Gleria iu Etcelsls, Reay. Tbe large mr pliced choir has been nugtneuted by the following gentlemen: Messrs II Schlaueh, K bteigerwalt U. Yatter and W. Uor Uer wart. Ttltttll (IK till 1.1ft'..' Hie funics that I ml lu the Sclrlde el ouitlne Uuiirur, Kt Frauk Courey, the dlsoevery of whose dead body iu his home about 2 miles fieni Lititc, Thursdiy merulng, has becu al ready noted turu out te have been a de tcrmlned suicide from poison lle left behind him the following letter nddressed te his daughter Mary, iu which he delib erately unfolded his Intention te kill him self ' 1 paid old Mrs. Shrluer 2 for fifty bundles of corufedder en Mure'u 31st, se that I still have thirty flve bundles te get. Sell the tobacco, Mary, for what it will fetch and bury me and keep the rest. Sell my guns and all you de uet need and keep the meney. Get Abe Carpenter's boys te finish strippiug the tobacco. I um tired of this ll'e, Mary, and I am uew about my last. " Your papa, " F. CONtlOT. "Gued bye, Mary. I took the fatal dose April 2d, at oue half pest three tu the afternoon." The deceased was about 50 years old and was at oue time a ward justice lu Celum bia. His defeat for re-election weighed heavily en him, and he h.vt never beeu very prosperous since. He was also da feated in bhr candidacy for alderman of the 4th ward about six years age. It is sup posed that he took his life iu despair ever his cheerless prospects. THU STKKKT LI (HITS The Ola Story Hue. I'lilrtl or (he Klectile Lumps Mut uurtilng, Following is the report of the puhcu ro re ro lative te the street lamps : Electrio Lamps Orange and Water, Andrew and Prince, Frederick and Duke, Lomen nud Lime, Chestnut and Sblppen, Duke and Greeu, Lew nud Frolberg, Ami aud Rockland, Mary and James, Charlette and James, Mulberry and James, Mary and Walnut, Mulberry and Walnut, North Quoeu aud Waluut, North Queen and Lemen, out all uight ; East King aud Duke, East King aud Lime, Fredoriek ami Lime, Chestnut aud Lime, Chestnut aud Franklin, Duke uud Vine, peer all night ; Orange and Ann, from 0 ; Rockland and Locust, Lime aud Chureh, from 10 ; Lew nnd Rockland, Laurel nud Mauer, from 12 : Chriatiau and Grant, Woodward and Strawberry, for threo hours ; Reaver belew Concstega, from 0 te 1 ; Chestnut and Charlette, from 1J ; Chestnut aud Pine, from 2 ; Pine uud Orauge, from 3. Gasollue lamns Church betweeu Lime and Froiberg, North and Lime, Froment ami Leve Lane, all night ; Reaver and Sey mour, from 12. Total -i. tuu 10 li ok iruuun. They Appear la Their New Uniform. The elty pollee ferce appeared this morning lu their new uniforms. Tbe treusers, oeats and vests are of the color and pattern hereto fere Inuso.butthe hatjis new, being the same kind that is worn by the New Yerk metropolitan police. It is known as the " Knox " hat, is blaek, stiff felt with round crown ; the rim drops all around ; tnstead of the baud thore Is n geld etrd around the hat, with acorns at each end of ihe oerd ; there is a wreath lu front with a tlgure designat ing the number of the ollleor. The unl form of the captain of pelice is similar te that of the men oxeept that the word " Chief " is en the front of his hat Instead of the tlgure whieh designates the number of the men. The new hats are very light aud comfertablo and nre regarded as a great improvement ever theso horetoforo worn. They wero furnished by 8herllT" Sides, The uniforms wcre made by ti. S. Rathven, Greff & Winters, Rurger its Sut Sut eon and Myers & Rathfeu. A Freight Wreck. About 0:45 this morning there was a nretty bad wreeic of freight ears ou the Pennsylvania railroad, a short distance east of Rohrorstewn, Sixteeu cars wero thrown from the track aud seme of thorn badly injured. The read was blocked up for some tlme, and thore was a detention of trains. The noeidont was caused by a breken axle. Ne ene was hurt. Mayer's (Jearr. The mayor had ten cases bofero his oeurt this morning. Threo of thorn wero drunken and disorderly, of whom two wero discharged en payment of costs, and ene was committed for 80 days, One uufor uufer uufor tunate was sent te the work liouse for 30 days, aud six ledgors wero discharged. Bale of Htoeks, Jacob D, Leug, breker, sold te-day at privute Bale, $3,000 Reading nnd Columbia it, R. 5 p;r cent. bends at 103 aud lnter est ; $500 Columbia borough 4 per cent. bends at par, and interest ; 1500 Lanoaster school 6 per cent, bend, at 103 and in ternet ; v16 shares Litltz turoplke at 75, IUM.V flAlllUDAV. rOIJJMBIA iNKW.s. ,uh K'iiui.am jtiiiir.-i'iiMrM'K, AlnMlns et tha llernugli Dminill Appilut meut nt htHnuiiic Ciimiidtters A Hey Aliiiimt UlllMl. Uoreugh council met last evening, all the members baliig present. Tbe reduced salary of Mr. .janier, opera hnuau tuauager, nus placed ngalu nt llui old flgure Mr. Plahler ptifented un otdiuance against corner leallug. Action was du feried until the next monthly uiceting, us renulred bv law i. . .- ... It, .1, M MUM Wat appointed cleric attendant and Mcsmh, Krelder and Traey opera house stage oatpeuteis. Complaint having been onteto I against Ernest Wit ters, bill pester, for neglect of duty, the opera liouse manager was limtruuled by council te soeuro the service of au tllbleut bill pester for agent of shows. Tbe tax tate of 183 i was established at 5 mills en the dollar for geiieial purposes, nud 1 mill for a sinking fund President Patten appointed the fellow lug Btandiiig cemmittees: Finance, Messrs. Tllle, Pfahler aud Jehn Wosternian. Preperty. Messrs. Shttnnn, Utiaher uud Henry Wtsterman, Highways, Messrs. Perrettet, Shunian and Henry Wester man. Market, Messrs. Tilte, lMwuri'H nnd Henry Weatermun. Flie, Messrs. Pfahler, Jehn Wcstermau and Shumati. Law nud Oidlnuiiees, Messrs, Edwards, Jehn Wosterman and Perrettet. Gas and Water, Messrs. Pfahler, Tille and Uuoher. Sanitary and Pellee, Messrs. Ilucher, Per Per tettet and Ed wauls. Coutielt thou ordered the paymsut of a uumber of bills aud adjourned. Near te Heath Harry ShacllVr, P. R. R, messenger boy lu the Wrst yard dispatcher's etllce, fell whlle tunning nlongside of a freight train en Thursday, his head striking the rail road track. His hat was ground te pieces by the ears, but he esetped Auether ineh ferwatd nud his skull wjuld have been crushed. Aruiitul limn Seventy ene members of Gen. Welsh pest, G. A. It., nud 51 Chiquesalnnga Red Men nttonded the funeral of the late Jeshua E. Strouse, yesterday aftornoen. Yesterday aftornoen a " scrub " game of baseball was played in the Shawueu Holds. Miflhu Giltuore hud his left oye closed by being struck by the ball. The two Gable boys were again arrested yesterday for stealing, this time their spoil having beeu iron beleuglug te tliu R. aud C. railroad company. Their youth was the cause of their aaiu being ills charged. New offleors et the Agassiz assoei.viou have beeu elected. They are : President, Rsuy. Ames ; vlce prendeut, Wlltiu'i Rlghtcr ; Recording seerntary, Gnrtrude Uaehmau ; treasurer, Kills Detwiler. Four new players will seen be provided with uniforms by the band, aud they will then turu out with that musical ergauir.i tleu. At the cerner of Fourth aud Mai or streets is a broken gaslight, whieh should be repnired at once. It has net beeu lit for seme time. Geed Friday paused elf quietly here, as de all ether holidays. It was generally observed by a closing of busiuess plauus lu the afteruoeu. The uews of 'Squire Coorey's suioide w.vs rcoeirel here with much regret. He was a justice of the peaoe of Columbia for a number of years, uud he had many friends lu town. Numerous Columbians attended the funeral of Jehn W. Michael at Liucaster this afternoon. Uomleuieit Nt tea. Early closing of stores for summer al ready agitated. Market largely alien led. Cigar factory opened by Frank Stoeker. Irouville band fair opened Inst uight aus picieusly." Lights e h union ' gave nu oxcellout performance te a fair s 7. nl an an dieuce last evening. Wm Hiteshue's illness has beuomesorinus The Columbia tire company's fair opens en Tmsday, rsii iritiAL, rt'iN'i. Features et the Uleeliig l)Miiipdli:ii Just us the Intcllieenckii predicted leug age, Dr. P. J. Roebuck is for Smith this time, with a hepe of clipping Inte his shoes next term. He said yesterday te several promlneut politicians : "I am for Smith nnd Patterson this time, and for Roebuck and nobody else, two years honeo." Jehn W. Montzeralso, who was claimed by Hiestand, has finally tlopped ever te Smith. As seen as Sensunlg came out flat footed for Hiestand, Moutzer would naturally tnke the ether side, especially when the "bar'l" was en tap, and be had a chance of holding the spigot. Last eveulug the JVrt JSra started a lively boom for Albert U. Werth of Cole rain, for county commissioner, telling its readers te take their cholce of ether can didates for flommissieuer but te be ture te vete for Werth. Werth's frieuds me wondering why the Era was se late in discovering his excellence, nud suggest that the long deferred prnisu is only se inuuh tally te keep tbe Werth men solid for Smith. Three rmi rials At half past ene o'elook this afteruoeu three heancs wero standing In front of Frederick Rrimmer's livery stable eue te oenvoy te their last resting place the remains of Jehn W.Miehaul, a second theso of Mrs. Eva Noher, and third theso of Mrs. Chatharine Kaue, all of whose fuuerala wero nnuouticed te taku place at 2 o'aleak. The remains of Mr. Michael wero brought from Columbia, nttouded by a large num ber of frlends nnd taken te the rcsidoLeo of his motker, North Duke street, wcre religious sorviees were had, oenduoted by Rev. Dr. Mitchell, after which the inter ment wns made in Lancaster oemetory, the funeral being largely attended. Mrs. Neher's funeral was also largely atteuded. The lutorment wns made iu Woedwnrd Hill cemetery. Mrs. ICane was buried with Catholic rites iu St Mary's comstery. Te be Sent te Lancaster. Karl Sehulman, who was nrrested In Ilagerstewr, Md , seme days age en complaint of Julius Loeb, of this city, who charges him with having obtained goods by fulne protenso, aud who received a writ of habens corpus from the llagers llagers tewn court te test the validity of the arrest, was this morning remanded by the oeurt te the custody of the sheriff of Lancaster county. Rut n telegram has beeu recolved iu this elty te day, stating that a second writ of habeas corpus has been issued en the ground that the pro ceedings in the case were irregular. The oase is uet unllke that of Jehn 1), Dennis, heard by our oeurt some months age. The htreet Committee. The strcet oemmlttoo of councils met for organization last ovenlug. Wm. Rlddle of the Sixth ward was chosen chairman and Alderman J. K. Uarr olerlr. The oemmlttoo orderod the approaches te the James stioetbildgo te be oimpleted, nil the Bewor lulets tobeopenod, and "ohuek" holes In the street te be tilled. The oom eom oem mlttoo have but llttle meney with whieh te de stroet work, nnd oemplant ia made of the mleerably scant npproerlatlon ($7,. 003) plaeed at their disposal 'for the euiu. lug j ear. Mronnercher Ueuceit sun Huelahle, The Miounerohor concert and eoelablo at the hall of the society en North Pilnce stroet Monday evening premisos te be as suoeessful as all similar undertakings by this organization hare beeu lu the past,