f&R 'mMm:v;;rvy'" ?7 .' fjrM ' ' , ... " .' ttteUxgetiSef- W()ZWM& q .' voiiini':,xx...Ne lei. LANCASTER PA., 8ATUKDAY, APRIL 12, 1884. Price Twe Cent. Tf?Wt"fi(i ?vy v" w , r. UI.UTMlHt. SPRING 1884. In Men'u and Youths' Suite -we have Bome neat imported things, very doeirable and cheap. Our Over Oeats for Spring are "fully up" for style and nmke, and " fully down" for price. A. 0. YATES & CO., LEDUEIt run ldi.ne, OOR. OHH9TNUT & SIXTH STH., PHILADELPHIA. IlKMUVAl, REMOVAL EXTRAORDINARY. New Establishment, New Goods, S.S. RATH VON, Mcrclmnt Tailor and Draper. Itiwprctlu It Informs his patrons and ttin pub He Hint lit! hi Unmoved lilt Mtucliant Tailor I UK Establishment Irem Ne. 101, wliore Unas been located ler evor thirty years, te 131 North Queen St., (HOWELL'S I1UILDINO), Where hu liiu Just epened with a tresli anil Buosenablo linn et fabrics, ler tuen anil boy' wear, whleh will be made promptly te order In any style, mill satisfaction assured. Tlmnktul fnrpsat favors, his effort ntinll be te merit thu continual oenfldonco et the pub He. S. S. RATHVON. Practical Tailor. mZJ-lmd H.u ISKHAUr. SPRING OPENING -AT- H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment. 1 am new prepared te allow te tliu trade an lufinrtmenl et Woolen ter ttie Hprlng anil Bummer Tiniln wlileli ter Heauty, quality and quantity surpasses nil uiy leruur otTerts te p.ease my customers. Nene but tlm Tery boil Foreign ami Amerl. cun fain Irs ler Dreas anil UualncM Sulla ; a completo Una e( tliu Latest bhades et Spring Ovoreoullng. Thu very bout el workmanship ami pi Icen lower than tiny llou.e In tbe city for thu same quality of kxhI H. GBEHAET, TAILOR, Ne. 6 East King Street. G ANBMAN A UltU. EXTRA PUSH. That I what make our NKW BI'IllNU STUCK LAKUEU, liter TKU AND CHEAPER than It ever whh boteru. Bee the wenitiirlul low prleea In -AND- Beys' Clothing. Men's Butts at M.60, 1 1.00, C80, 13,00, ffl.00, f 8.00, I1U.0U, UIltOlB.W, BOYS' AND OHILDRENS' OLOTHINQ UUK UUKATBl'KCIALTY. ff Beys' flutta at 2.23, iiw, 11.00, 3.80, .), 16 00. W.00. upteIOJJl). ' if i . UhllUren'abutU at I.S3, 11.73, 11.00, irn, j.oe, ti.00, up tetO.M. T9. ?iHK L,AP,.E8 !. " y wlstite buy Boyi orChliarens' uulu leek at our large stock, elegant inaile styles, workmanship, enaltty ami low prlees. they annel bu approusUeil unywtiure in this city. L. Sansman & Bre,, T1IK rABUIONAULB MEU0HANT TAI LOUS AND OliOIUIKUS, Nes. CC.08 N0RXU UDEKN BTItUbT, Ulgbt en the Bonthweat Cerner el Orange Street, LANCAOTKU, I'A. Net connected wltU any ether Oletlilng Ueuse In the city. ll'HUUT KlXUKfTIUN THIS UKtIY Oe Cigar In the ultv. AIITMAN'B TKLLUW T 9tT 0IQAU aAvn.i Vt.OTlltfiU fCKSTFMW ? UUVV A W1NTKIIH, THE LEAD1NO MERCHANT TAILORS. Having the finest selection of Fancy Suitfngs, Pantaleon Pat terns, Plaids and Cheviots ever shown in Lancaster, we hereby extend an invitation te our Iriends te call and inspect our elegant stock. We have secured the services of Mr. Nicholas De La Soren Seren skey, a first-class cutter. Geed fits guaranteed. Alse full line of fine Furnishing Goods. GROPP & WINTERS, 23 Nertb Queen St.. npiMyd LANCASTER, PA s MALINU HAUSUIAM. FINE TAIL0I.8, II A VK IlKM 0 VKD TO Ne. 121 North Queen St., Anil will be pleased te have you examlne their Elegant Btockel SUITINGS, Etc., -for- SPRINO AND SUMMER WBAR, luaytMvdTa.ThAS M YKIW ItATIirilM WINTER STILL LIVES. March, the tl rat month of Spring, haa been here and Is new entered upon thu tnlnutea el tltne aa a bygone. April haa been ushmed In, anil with It celli nnil uucemtnrtahls weather, a n reminder. It weuht seem, that win ter at 111 lives, and that Spring, with all Ha glad tidings, 1 yet laggard anil yeta thlnit of the future, allpromenl'lon of the weather-wise te the contrary notwithstanding. Spring will aurely remn, howevor. anil with It bring the mlhl weather which will uocetsl uecetsl tatuncbangunf raltmnt-thu laying ii'tile of thu Overcoat and Heavy Uarmeuts ler these HKhternnil morn cemfortable. AntlclpatlnK the wants of our patrons, we have I' ml maile uponeoftho largest anil finest selection el CLOTHING KOIt MEN, HOY AND CHIL DREN, ehewii Ity eny house ill this auction of thontate. All the hautWemu stylus prevalent, made t. a thorough, syatituiatlemaniiiir, Irem best known make nt Toxtlle fabrics, anil watranted equal te thu best sold by anyone anywhnroatltketlKuroa. FINK WOOLKNB. ter Custom Tailering: hantUotneaml attrac tive Moveltlcs, te meet the requirements et a Fashlnuable Trade. Ne assortment llfcoeurs. Ne ptlcei mere roaaenablo. MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCASTER ULOTIIIEUB, NO. 12 HAST KING STREI1T. LANCASTER. I'A. 81,000,000 .'V IM I'll'Al. ItKI-KKMKMT nne.tstur at The Tailor's Guild. Te-ilay wu opeu the laigeat Invoiced! the law at uovultte te de leuml In the Kuropean market from the popular uud celebrated house, A. OltIUKl'31 It UK VIVIKNNE PAElH.alsO a very select line el samjdes from the popular EllKlUh TAll.Olt, elO., II. IUJUTON, 103 8TltA.NO. LONDON, V. U We Invite a genural lutpoetlnn uinl criti cism. We purpme havlni; en momeramlutn at all tlmosevfrythlnif nuw ami styllah In the market as seen us they are bretiKht out. Any porHen wIhIiIiik te liare thelr meaaurts taken lieru anil aenl evor te Londen or i'arls tera ault or anystylu Kiirmeiit, cun tloae. Woare prepurail te till the onler tieui aclcctlena inaile ametig our tainple. Any onlera we put up hore will be warranteil supnrler te any of the leading heuses In the traile ler style, lit and Quality el malarial at Kreatly ruduoed price. Our lacllttlei for Kuttluif goods DIltRCT stvea ttie lntortneillato or Jobber poreeutage. Wu also lmnille thu largest Una of Amorlean proluetlons, representing tbe stocks of flvoet the largest and bet New Vnrkamt three of the most prominent l'btluilelphla liouse In the wholesale cloth tnule. Everything partalu Ing te first-class tailoring ean ha Haitian). All are cordially Invited te call anil ozatnlne nur Immense linn of novelties. HutUtactten guaranteed In every particular ItCkpcetrully, Ae J. K. SMALING. Over I.oehur A Sen's Hanking Ileuin, URNTIHSUQUARB LANUABT&R, tnarlD-lyWAi VAitt'Jcm, lbTAllblMIIKU 1HSO, J CARPETS -AT- Philip Schum, Sen & Ge's 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, LANOASTKlt, I'A. We have a full supply et HAO AND K1L,!.. INU OAltl1 ll'KTH. We only use tliu best of Yarns if you want a geed, servloeablo Carpet, ploase cemu anil oxamlne our stock boferu purchasing elsewhere, as v e will soil as cheap as thu cheapest, Come anil see ler yourself ami boeonvlncod, as we always have thu reputa tion el making first-class C'arpcta. CUSTOM HAO OATirKTS ABPKCIALTY COYEHMCTH. COUNTKIll'ANKS, ULAN' UKTB.OAltl'KT CHAIN, BTUOK.. 1NUYAUN.A0. Dyeing Dene In nil Its branchus at short no tion. COAL I COAL I Ol the best quality, expressly ter family use. TIITASAMI'LKTON. UKUKM1JKHT11K OLD STAND. fhilip ciiusi, son & cm Ifn. 1WHOUTU W ATE It STltKUT, lOJmd LANOASTKlt, IA. f I Ml IS NKW YOHK (( SUN" IIBACUKS LANCAbTKU AT 9.20 A, M. On the day et publication. Your newsdealer wtllaiiDiifv It tireuintly ou order, or wu win &enn il ev mnu ni ou uenui a immuu Auereaa -"..:." - .r- ..---. . .z "- I I. W.KNGLAND, l'ubllBlier"THaeiI" wU-auid Smalnig & Bailsman, MKIUVAL. pUlIUUKA HKMKUIM, NOW 18 TI1K T1MK TO CUHB SKIN HUMORS. It lit fit tltla HCiwen, wlien the blenl niul pnr- AntlHtlnil lirn ltllllajl will. l....,...ltUd lliul Ilia - a .-"- ""tint mill I II III II I UlCli llw 'ie- tlgurlrg llutnerg, Humiliating Krupllena, Itching TnrturcH, Halt Itheutn or Kcieina, JVerlaals, Tettor. IHngwerti!. Haby lluui'irs, ouieiiim, poiiiiuieua cores, Abceases ami im charging Weumla, nmleveiv apecles et llch Ing, reaiyanil I'lmply lllaeasei of the Skin ami reilp ate inoatapecillly ami economically ci red by thu Cuticuka Usxsdiis. IT IS A PAOT. irt,..i...i. .i. - ,.. . . ," ,Lnieiii iiurpeHPeHsiiiu. cupiea el which may be hail by return mull, urn our Mill Itrirllt. In .(.a ...... .m.li.... .,... i.... uMnl. inn illleuU lliiiuera, whulher Bcrolnleua, In hurlteil or Contauleu., may NOW be nerma- ".?""' c"""l by C'DTIOtlnA ItKSOLTCnT, tlm tinw Jlloeif iMirifiisi. Iilutotle iiinl Aper out. tutor, nallv, and Cirrteun uml lutieuka Bexr, the great skin cures uml boautttlers, oxternally, In one-half the tline and at one halt the ex. ponse el any olhuraeason. QRBATKST ON HAHTH. Cdticvra HnifRbtat are thu greatest medi cines en earth. Hail the werat cae etSalt llheittn In this country. My mother had It twenty years, and In tact dled Irem It. 1 bo be bo llevu ueticvhA. would havu saved my llle. My aruw, brensl ittut head were covered for three years, which nothing relieved or cured until 1 uaixlthoUiiTlet'HA. ltxei.TNT Internally and tuneCBi and Cutioera Uehv exterually. J. W.ADAMS, Newark, O. GREAT BLOOD MBDIOINEB. The half has net been told aa te the great euratlvii powers of the Cuticera Hbmreikh. I have paid hundreds or dollars for medicines te euro diseases nt the bleed and skin, anil never found un thing yet te cnual tlie CtTt- UURA UBMKniBH. 1'lieviDiacH, It. I. CI! AS. A. WILLIAMS. CURE IN EVERY OASE. Tour Ctrncetu Kiuumsa outsell nil ntlier ineillcltivs I ktep for skin disease. My cus tomers and patients say that they have f Ilccted a euro In every Instance, wheru ether rutnoelcH havu fulled. 11. W. MIOCKWAY, M. D. Khasxlin Kalis, N. II. Held by all druggists Price t CotIcera. te&t UiaeLvasT, Hi 6eap, S5e. l'erixa duuii Ann CnameAL Ce., ltosten, Mais. Hen il for "Hew t'junrn Skill Duraaes." "RTJ! A TTTf r"er lteugh, uhnpped anil -'Ci.U J- X Oreasy Bkln. Illackheiuls, l'lmples, bkln lllemlshes and infantlln Hu mors, use LtrrteckA ber, a leal lleuuffler. rl'MK CtJTHJUH Itr.MlCDIKM FOK HALK X at Cochran's Drug fttore, 137 and 139 North Queen strcet, Lancaster, l'a. CATARRH! Sanferd's Radical Cure. Head Colds, Watery Discharge.! Irani the Nose and ICyei. Kinging Noises in the Heal, nvrveua iie.iuaciie ami cover insiauuy ro re ro ltuved. Choking mucus dtsle Iged, imtiubrnne cleansed and healed, breath swoetcned, umi II, tasle ami hearing ro.teri.il and ruvauus check ud. Cough. Ilienchltls, Droppings Inte the Threat, Talus In the Clust, liyrvepsla. Wait lug el strength and flesh, Loes of sleep, etc,, cu.ed. Onobettlo Itaillcal Cure, ene Hex Catarrhal Solvent and ene Dr. Sanferd's Inhaler, In one package, of all drugglxtd for tl. Ark for BAKDri'iuVft ItADtCAL Cuna, a pure distillation of Witch Hazel, Am. Tine, Ca. Fir, Marigold, Clever IIIoi-eiiib. tie. I'errun Dncu au Cuku ieal Ce., ltosten. SANIIKOKD'H IIAlmld.uUKr.I'llitnai.h at Cochran's Drug Ntore, Ne 137 anil l'J9 Nertli CJueen utreuU Lmicasler. l'a. Pain is thu Cry of a SuffariDg Nerve. Cellins' Voltaic Kleetile I'laster Insbuitly atructH the Nervous Hyxtemaml lianUluw lmln. A ported Klectrle Ilattury combined with a t'orein riaater ler 'il ciiuta. It unnlhllutes patn. vlUillzei weak and worn out parts, atreugtheiis lln-d Imuscles, provents dlseane, ami iliK'S mere In oue-lialt the time than irnj ether planter In the world. Sel t uvurywiiure. aprt-lydW.B.Aw c 1Al'UtNK 1'UltUa fLAS't'llf, TDOSE WOMEN FOLK. liuw iiaru-llraileil Men fillinate Bene Thluga Wlilcli They Ue Nut Uiitfrrttaml. Anybody who has led u domestic lift knows hew common such IhlngHnfi the backache ami pains In the chest, are among thu women w he de thu wet k. Otteri-and perhaps generally the distresses are borne without much com plaint, The women get about and thu ma chinery or the house gees en. lleyend this, these coarse trained animals whom New Kug laud women eall "thu men folk," seldom leek. Be long as their wives or dauglituisaru net ac tually In bed, under the doctor's care, the av erage thlek-sklnnud husband and tathur gives thu subject no attention. At thu sumo lime the peer household drudges-who doaerve a better fate-creep around, broom or utenslis In hand, upstairs, dewnstalrsand outeldrors, doing that woman a work, which ' Is nt vor done," Lesses et loved Ivea and fair girls losses whose suddenness and unexpectedness astonish these woedun.palcd husbands anil latburs-fall, seemingly out of a olear sky and form the logical sequel te thu story et neglect. New, you men who stand at the heads et ten thousand such homes, allow us todreu a word In your rucoptlve cars. If thesu wemen et yeura are worth having, they are worth saving. That Imclc-nche-that pain lit the chest I What are they but Indications of eome organle treuble et the kidneys, the heart, or the lungs T Kml It at ence by the application et HKNSON'3 CAl'OlNK l'OUOUH I'LAMTKU. It will soetho that nervous distress, drive away that pain, banish that dull, weary head, ache, glve new strength, te the body and ireah hope te the heart. Ne ether plesturs will de this. The Heneen I'laster, however, U net liiude te soil-but te heal. It U a remedy which nevur yet breke Its promlse-and never will. Your druggist lias It. Hut Lofero paying your M con t and putting thu plaster In your pocket, leek ter the word OAl'CINU out in middle. Hu&bury A Johnsten, Pharmaceutical Chetn Uts, New Yerk. mlft-lmdWASJtw EL 7 EADUC AHTKUS VUlt THIS INDIAN MEDICINES, KA-TON.KA AND MODOU INDIAN OIL -AT LOOHER'S Drug Stere, NO. 9 BAST KING BTUKKT, LANCAHTKIt.l'A. TOTIOK. I'ATlUNTtt WIBU1NU TO UUN DR. LA GRANGE, or 15 KuniRT Sthbit, 1'niLADiLrniA, I'A., are requested te glve ut leant two dua notlce pi ter te their Intomled visit te prevent disappointment and less of tlme. Dr. I. a Oranue'a new work en Nervous Dla. eases ami Allien inseiuera. Dent iree uy Des u 6Ucntn, Address ud above, ml- su mil IJttNN OlOAHSfllUJl 01,00 l'JSU II UN X dreit up, at HAUTMAN'B YKLLOW FUONX01QAH eTOUIC, RELIGION NO GHOST. TIIK UtlmlTOHTt.K'tH IIOUTIIIMK Ul' UN-KNUWAIII.K. Wlial Mr. Carljle Once Hld New Keeallcd by WIihI Mr hpanurr Tells el the Unknuwabln. Cldcage InUr-Ocean Ne doubt, If tollRlen is of aiy import ation. It in nil Important, ntnl vqtinlly se for all. littt Hlitiuld riillgleu tliu CIhIh tliin religion run! all ether of tliu werldV Krcat rulilena sttililenly rnnlsh out of the faltli of inaukind It It net nt all likely that Mr. Herbert Speticer would be feittnl ameiii; the chief ineuruerH Ills nrtleln In a rcentit number of the Iflnttetnth Century ou "RoIIrIeii : a Rotrespcot mid a I'reH pcet " wan oltaraetorlstlo. Hut the tenn el it wrb net pattleuhrly cheerful. The genesln of rullgieu he trnuud back te llin prltnitive belief in KliestH. The upthut el it all, vfheu the philosophers and KclentiatH have dotte with it, Is te In1, Itn tss:ty8 te hIiew, sheer "agnosticism." Thin rather discouraging vlew of the case, howevcr, Ih rather helped out, It must he ad mitted, by thu ImpefshiK into of o.ipltul e.ipltul Ized initials. "Se tee," ha nays, with per haps it touch of what' he himself has eallrd the " atitl thuolugleil bhis," " no te must die out the belicf that n power pro pre sent in iuutimerable worlds throughout lullnlte spaoe, and who during millions of years of earth's earllcRt (uintoueo noeded no honoring by Its inhabitants, should be seired by a craving for praise ; and having created mankind, Hheuki be angry with them If he did net porpetuaily tell Him hew great He Is." Rut that Micro is an luflnite and eternat energy Mr. Spencer admits ; and thu nfllrniatleu of religion, according te him, Is that man Is " ever in the prcnonce " of It. The apotheosis of religion, then, is Jmt I'. Nevr the Nintteenlh Century for March has an artiole ou the samn thome by Mr. Frederie Harriseu, but it is eutitled "The Qhest of Religion." Mr. II.trriBen Is ene of the brightest minds in England. He Ih ene of the leading peeitivlsts of that country. It ban been asserted that if thore wcre ue Qed,- man would invent ene. At any rate, M. Cemte, near a generation age invcuted u roligieu,tho roligieti of htimaut ty. And Mr. Harrison 1b Ue prephet. Hut heis in earliest about it. Fer hiutself, he does uet want te be fooled by a ghost, The oemluif religion of uzuostieism. he suspects, is ue religion at all ; it Is tnorely the ghost of rollgien. In spite of capital letters and the use of theological tertus as old as Isaiah or Athanittius, he declares Mr. Spencer's energy has no analogy with Qed. It Is eternal, infinite, and iueoni iueeni iueoni prebeusible ; but still it is net He, but Ir. It rctnaius alwaya energy, foreo, netbiug anthropomorphic, or that can possibly put it into relations with the humnn heart in any way. Neither goodness nor wisdom no justtoe nor oenscioiunrss nor will nor life can be ascribed even by analogy te this foreo. " Fer my part," Rays Mr. Uanlseu, "I prefer Mr. Spencer's old term, the unknewable ; though I have always thought it mero philosophical net te assert of the unknewu that it is uu kuowable. And, indeed, I would rather net use the capitul lotter, but stick liter ally te our ovideuce ami say frankly the 'anknewn.' Thus viewed the attempt, se te speak, te put a llttle unction into the uuknewablu is h.trdly worth the philose phleal inaccuracy It lnvolve.'i." Whatever the substitute the peMtivist's rollgien et htimauity has te eiler in pl.ioe of the religion of Christ, it docs recognize, as n fact te be made seme neeeunt of, that man has a heart lis well iik sheer iutollcet. Mr. Harriseu re fuses te be comforted by a ghost. Moreover he vigorously relusea te be imposed upon by capital letter. The unknowable has mannged te get itsell spelt with a capital U ; but Mr. Crlyle, who tilled thirty volumes with his mono logue in priuse of siloine, taught us te spoil tliu everlasting no with capitals also. " Te make a roligieti out of the uuknewa bio is far mero extravagant than te make it out of the equator. We kuew seme thing of the equator, and we all hosltu'.e as was ence said, te speak diarrspoetftiliy of the equator, lint In the hour of palu, dancer or tleatlt eau any n think of the unknowable, or Hud any consolation tuore A mother, for Instance, wrung with agony for the less of her child, or the wi(e crush ed by the death of the father of her ehU dreu, or the helplcss ami oppressed, the peer, and tbe neudy meu, women, and children, in sorrow, dmbt uml want, longing for somethlng te comfort them and te guide thorn something te bulieve in, te bope for, te leve and te worship they oemo te our philosopher, says Mr. narrlsen, and they Bay, your men of soieuco have routed our priests and hnve sllonced our old toaehors. What rollgleus faith de they glve us in its pl.ioe 'I Aud the philosopher tepllcs (his full heart bleeding for thorn) and tac, " Thiulc of the uuknowable I" Mr. Spoueor, with tbe aid of oveltitioti ism, in seme way may irasen it out te his own satisfaction that the human heart will be content with the worship of au It. Mr Prederle Htrrisen thinks neither the Intellect nor the heatt of mau eau evor rest oeuteut with any ngnostte " ghost of rollgleu." At ttny rate, the matter is wetth thinking of. HKKK AND TtlKltli. In tbe toclel and Itcltleus Wurld InthoatUeof I'ennsjlrania thore are, accetdlng te statistics OJiuiiiled by the state Sabbath school sstoclatieu, 8,117 Buuday soheols, with 031,735 toauhers, elllcers and sohelars. When Pore Hyaciuthe married, the late l'ope Pius IX., who was fend of an inne oentjost, oxelalmod: "Well, well, thou I have no need te punish him ; he has Ukon his punishment iu his own bauds." "De birds think T" asks a writer in epsuing a ourrent artiole. If they de. we would llke te kuew whataeauary bird thinks of the woman who stands up iu a ehalrnnil "talks baby" through the brass wires of the cages. It is said that tdaecs can be found in New Yerk where what are oalled gouulue oil painting, Q feet by 3, are painted iu twenty minutes. They Hud ready sale, aud are made exclusively for the Atuorle.ni market. "Madam, you have destroyed 55 worth of morchaudlse l" angrily remarked a tlude te a lady, as alie soated horself In a a'uair In whleh he had dopeiltod a new Derby hat. "Serves you right." She roplled, slowly rising from the ruin ; "you had no business te buy a $5 hat for a GO ceut lieau." It Is annouueed that the treuble which eaused tbe Rev. llaoen te reslgn the paB. torate or the Dwlght I'lsce oengrogatloual ohureb, New Haven, Coun,, was that the minister's sermeas wero tee iutolleotttal for his hearers. They could net uuderstand what he was talking about, especially ladies and children, Mrs. T. M. Whcoler, of New Yetk, re eelved the $1,000 prize offered for the handsomest design in wall paper. It Is known ns the "bee pattern," mid ro re ro piesents golden winged bees in a wealth of olever blossoms, The teoeud prlze was wen by Miss Clark. Her design is n ueld Ashing net en a light ground, with a dado seashells of seaweeds situ a iricze ei riii.r i ..i . t.l.,n.ni. n. , .i i This Is quite a triumph of the ladlcB, aa qulte a number of meu artists wero In competition. Chautioey Dopewsays: ' "The sooner A peer doctor, lawyer or otergyman rcoeg. nlzed that his genitis Is for morehandlso or types, the skilled trades or noeounts, the better for himself, the profession and the world. I have secured positions for two lawyers ene as a brakeman, and the ether ns a freight clerk and both are advancing with earnest strldes and con 11. doutautieipations toward the prcs'dniey of the read." A New Orleans brlde lias Introduced the fashion of wearlng long whlte gloves In stead of kid. They are are osneelally no- oeptahlo, It Is deelarcd, in het weather. The leek prottler, fit botter, and aromueh easier te get en or off : besides they are net no worm and handshaking docs net soil thorn se readily. This bride wero a pair of llue Ivery whlte Parisian silk reaching far abeve the elbow, and em brolderod from the wrist in a. running de sign of erange blossoms. The efloet was very pretty. uen, Legan's Trouble ni a Church Member, "Yeu have heard hew Legan joined our ehurch by telegraph when he was a eandi datn for the Senate the first tlme, haven't you ?" said a promlueut Methodist te the )'un oerrospondout in the corridor of tbe Grand Pacifle hotel, Chicago, the ether day. "Rut very few poeplo knew that he canto very near being oxpelled from the ohurelt a few years nge for swearing. Reth General and Mrs. Legau are members of Trinity church, you knew, and Crafts was the pastor then. He It was who went te Rroeklyn and turoed Presbyterian. I understand he is preaehlng te oeugregatlou of that denomination In New Yerk new. One of Crafts' elass leaders was,and still is, a leading salesman in Keith's stere, aud about 1879 he pro pre pared eharges aceuslng Legan of tbe habitual use of profane language and ether oeuduot uuboceming a Christian. The charges wero presented te Crafts, and he was going te lay thorn befere the ehurch, when Arthur Edwards, found it out. Edwards, you knew Is editor of the Western Oirittian Advocate, aud eue of the shrowdest men in Chloage. It was ou the ove of a political campaign, and Edwards, who is considerablo of a politician, saw that it would net only iu iu jure Legan but datnage the Ropublieau party, and bring thu ehurch into disgraoe for allowing the sanctuary te be polluted wtu political niuaoeic8. urafts was (lead i set te present the eharges, for he had long kuewii ei ijegans preianity, uut Kdwards get held of the documents under a pre tunce of correcting seme Informalities iu them, uud made It convenient te be out of town the day the meeting was held. Se the charges wero uet prosented and bofero the next meeting Edwards bad smoothed matters ever se that the oase was no vor tried." Nothing Is ever lest by belng plcaantand figierahlK, which accounts ter tun iwmarkablu mloet thxgreil national rnmuily, Dr. Hull's t;eugti Hyrim.usitu. pleasant, and siiccrsslul em it ler coughs undeelili. l'rlce only S3 ceuts 11 UOllIU In the Hep Vlatcr are untied tresli Heps, uums una lialsnuis, and IU power Is wonder ful In curing JUctc Ache, Hpralng, llrulsvs, ricuralght, ram in the hide or torencss any here Thousands ttstltv te this. A Hieillle for Clinngn of Life. We are In receipt et a letter from J. T tlamby, rnj , of Fleml. Ark., In whleh ihu wrltur says : XdinttrUnn AVrvfna euros loinale ileelliin, ami during the changu el life It Is a specific." Buggestlvu mets, truly II.W. fiHlwdoedAw I'riiin IIOHth'a Doer. St. M. Dovureaux, et Ien In, Mich., was a sight te beheld. He says r I had no action of tun Kidneys Hint sutrored terribly. My lugs worn as big as my bony and my body as big as a barrel. Thu best doctors gave me up. Fi nally I tried Ktduoy-Wert. In lour or live days a change cime, In eight or ten days 1 wns ou my leet.aud new 1 am completely cured. It was curtalnly a miracle." All druggists keep Kidney-Wert, which Is put up both In liquid and dry lerm. An Explanation. Ne miti in 'dlnlmi will mirn nvervLhlni. tint It Is an InconUstlble tact that ThenMi' liclee- ina (it win e.uu u sprain, a uruinu, a due, or au ache, and Is also au actlveand pronounced euro ter neuralgia and rneuiuatUiu. Yov sale by 11. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 uml ISO Ninth Uuuen street. t'ell.lilug tliu wrong Kim, .Many men dally polish their hoots whonever glve a tuoiightte the condition or their hair, incept te hanew It casually with brush ami comb, or submit It te thu iiaral) ring attention , et thu averugu b'irher. What happens T Why i this: Krem nrgleut. mental anxfety. or any et a score ei causes, me uair turns preiuaturciy flay and begins te fall nut. I'arkur's Hair llilsam will at eneii step the latter process and resteru the eilglnal colet. An elegant uiiH.-iiig, iiuu iiuui greasu. Sleinnra I Mathers I ftlellirre Are you iltsturhed at night and breken el your rust by a sick child sullurlng and crying with the excrucbulug pain or cutting teeth 7 It se, go at ence and gut a bolllent M UB. WIN SLOWS BOOTIUNO 8YUU1. It will rollevo the peer llttle sutlerer lmtnodtately depend upon It ; thore Is no mlstuke about tt. Thore Is uet a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regulatu the bowels and give rust te the mother, and reltet and health te the child, op erating llke magic. It Is perfectly sale te use In all casus, aud pleasant te thu taste, and la thu prescription of euu of the eldest and host uuiale physicians In thu United Slates. Beld every where, 'is corns a bottle, tnavl-M.W.SAw liiKiklnn'a Arnica Halve. The Hest Salve In the world ter Cuts, Itrulnes. Beres, Ulcers, Belt ltheum, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures I'lles or no pay required. It 1 1 guar anteed te glve perlect satisfaction or money reiunded. l'rlce, 'ifi cents per box. Fer sale by O. A. Lectiir. A Uoert Thing. " I sometimes wlh I could take held of the saloet 7'AeniOf' holestrie Oil ler I tell you It Is u grand thing, and 1 am conscientious In stylug 1 oeultl no a geed work." ltev. U. P. Ciuue, Curry, l'a. Ktlcctrle OH cured this gentleman of quinsy of many years standing. Fer Hiile by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and IK) North Quehii BUeeL A wulking Skeleton. Mr. K. tqirlnger, et Mechanlcsburg, Pa., writes: " 1 was allllcled with lung tuver and ubcess ou lungs, uud reduced te a walking Mkvleien uet a iree uouieei ur mug's new Discovery ter Consumption, which did me se much geed that 1 bought a dollar bottle. Alter using three bottles, teuiid myself ence mero a mun, completely restered te health, with a hourly appetite, and u gain In nosh ei 4H pounds." Ciilf at U. A. Leener's Drug Btete und getu Iree betllu et tht certain cure ter all Lung Diseases. Large bottles, 11,10, (8) l WltU Everybody te Knew, Ilov. Uearge It. Thayer, an old cltlzen el this vicinity known te every ene us a most Intluentlul citizen und christian minister et thu M. K, ehurch, Just this moment sleppud tn our atom te say, ,l I wlah overybody te knew that 1 consider that both in y sol I and wife own our lives te Bhlleh's Consumption Cure." It Is having a tremendous sale evur our couuteis and Is giving perluct satisfaction in all casrs et Lung Diseases, such as nothing else lias done. DUB. MATCHICTT X r'KANOK. llocnneH, Iiul.. May IS, '7a. Beld by 11. It. Cochran, dJUggUt, UJ North UuuoiiHtrnet, Uiucastur, t, Nes. 137 and lOUIIOCIlt f.very Persen te be a Iteal ttucerta In this llle must have u specialty! that Is, must eonceutruto the abilities et body and luluil en aeinu one pursuit. Jlunluck JIloeU I Hitter t have their sneel&llv as a oemnleto unit I rudlclciiruet dyspepsia, uud llver und kid- I uuy uuuuuuub. r or emu uy 11. u, buvuniu. I druggist, 137 and 13U North Queen street. ' Vital Urstlenl I Ask the meBt eminent phystelan Or any school what 1 the beat thing In the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves und curing all forms of nervous complaints, giving natural, childlike refresh I tig slrep always? And they will tell you unhesitatingly " Beuie form of Heps I" enArrca r. Ask any or all el thotneit eminent puytt. cUni t What Is the best and only remedy that can be relled en te eure all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs ; such aa lirlght's disease, ittabotes, retention or Inability te re tain urine, and all the dlseasca and f.tnenls pecullar te Women " " And they will tell you explicitly und em phatlcally " Iluchu " Ask the same physicians " What is the most rellable and surest euro lerall Ilver dlsoaseq or dyspepsia; constipa tion, Indigestion, biliousness, innlatlal tover, ague, etc ," and they will tell you t Mandrakel or Dandelion !" llence, whan these remedies aru combined with ethers equally valuable. And compounded Inte Hep tlltterv, such a wonderful and mysterious cmratlve power Is dovelopod whleh Is se varied In Its operations that no disease or ill heilth can possibly eiljt or resist Its power, and yet tt Is Harmless ter the most frail woman, weakesl invalid or smallest child te use, aurTinu: " l'atlents " Almest dead or nearly dying " Fer yeas, and given np by physicians et lirlght's and ether kidney dlieaies. liver com plaints, severs oeughi called consumption, have been cured. Women geno naaily cm ay I Frem agony et neurulgla, nervousness, wakefulness and various dlieaiei peculUr te wemen. People drawn out of shape Irem excrucia ting pangs of Uhnutnatlsm. Iu inflammatory and chronic, or BUfterlng from scrofula I Erysipelas i Palt rbeum, bleed poisoning, dyspepsia, in digestion, und In tact almost all dlsonses frail Nature Is heir te Have been cured by Hep flitters, proetot which Cun ba found In every neighborhood In thu known world. aprlO-TuTlntSAw mauivAL, A VKK'3 flAUSAl'AUlLLA. THINK OP IT NOW ! Although much Is said about the Impert ance of u bloed.purltylng medicine, It may bu possible that the subject has nnvnr seriously claimed your attontfen. Think of it new I Aimeai every person uasaoiuuiuriiiei uenn uenn uleus poison latent In his veins. When this develops In Bcrotuleus Seros, Ulcers or Erup tions, or In the tenn et Itheumatlsin, or Or Or ganeo Diseases, the suffering that enaucs It terrible. Hence the gmtltude of thesu who discover, as thousands yearly de, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla will thoroughly cradlcate this evil from the sysiem. As well oxpcet llfe without air as health without pure bliKxt, Cleanau thu bleed with Ayer's Barsaparllle. rnarAnau ay Dr. J. C. Aycr & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Beld by all Druggists. 1 1, six bottles for S3. u9-151yd AYKH'3 BAllSAl'AltlLLA AND AYBIfS Cherry Pectoral ter cale at Cochran's Drug Blere. Ne. .37 and 139 North Queen BL. Lancaster, l'a. A OKEAT HUUUKH3. HOP PLATER. This porous plaster is famous for Its quick and hearty action In curing Lame Hack, llhou llheu matlsin, Sciatica, Crick In tlie Hack, bide and lllp, Neuralgia, SUIT Joints and Muscles, Bera Chest, Kidney Troubles and nil pains eraches either local or deep-seateil. It seethes, Strengthens and Stimulates the parts, 'lhe virtues et hops combined with guma clean anil reaiiy ie appiy. oupvrier iu iiiuiuuiiis, lotions and salves. Price, 23 centa or S ter ll.eu. Sold by druggists anil country store. Mailed en receipt et prices. Hep J'latter Oont Oent pany. Proprietors, Jlosteu, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. -The beat famll y pill mado-llawley's f'Uls. I'ic. l'leusant In Stomach and Liver action and easy te take. nevw-lydiw 0) Hut their medicines remain with us, and can be found tn iivery drug stere In the city, and people who nre using their medicines can be supplied atthus.imu prlcesas wero established by the Indiana. Ka-Ten-Ka Operates with energy upon the bowels, liver, kidneys, and poresot the tdttn, thusexpi lllng, by means of tliese organs, the dlsease-gerina, or cause of vcrotuleua, lnhorlted, and centa, gleus humors and disease which lleatlnthe bleed, perspiration and urlne. In forty min utes uttur taking the first dose It may be de tected by chemical analysis In the bleed, per spiration and urlne, where It acta upon dla. eased ormerbtd Impurities anddeatreyalhcm, alter whtclt they pass harmlessly from the system, llonce Its great power evor diseases which derlve no benefit Irem all ether forms et truatment, Aru bleed purifier und spring medicine It surpasses all ethor compounds. It acts gently yet freely upon the bowels, over coming constipation, dyspepsia, sick hoad head achu lurred tongue, biliousness, torpidity of tliu llvur. high colored or thlokuned urlne. In a very few doses. It excites the upellte, In creases the flesh, hardens the muscles, und solidifies the bones, it It a tnetliurs tonicity renulailug aud strengthening thu materla! functions. It nurifles tlie leina a system of ulcerative weaknesses and debilitating hum ors. It expels the tlrst symptoms of heredi tary humors and diseases fit children and youth. It Is wondertul In nervous debility, emaciation und dropsy. It oxpels the cause et rheumatism and gout unit Invariably cures. Theie aru no forms or dtsease upon whleh thu medicine does net act laverably by reason et Its purllylng action en the great fluids el the system, l'rlce f 1 par bottle, six bettles ler 3. Indian Cough Syrup Is certalnly the beat remedy et Its kind evor Introduced, and all people who are suffering with coughs, colds and lung troubles theu.d net delay Its use. Prtce te ceuta per bottle, Medoc Indian Oil Will never be torgeltou by the- e who saw Ilia wnndettul cures performed In publle by tlie Indian medlclne tuen. The Iudlauabulluvell te be the Ureal Spirit's medicine. It rallavvt all pain Instantly. Ask your drugglstler MODOO INDIAN OIL. Take no ether, It la the best, l'rlce 25 centa per bottle ( nvu bottles ter tl. All koep tt. KA-TON-KA, Modoe Indian OH and Indian Cough Byrup ter sulu (whelesalu and retail) at Cochran's Drug Blere, Ne, 187 aud 139 Neith Uueun Utreut, Lancaster, Pa. Giia"H Hi'Kuiriu BiiuivirtB. Tiia Ureat English llemeily. An unfailing cure ter lmpotency, and all Diseases that foUew less et Memery, Universal Lessl. tude. Pain In the llack, Dimness el Vision, Proraature Old Age, and many ether dlAeaaes that lead te Insanity or ceu. sumptien and a Prcmature Urove. Full par ttuulars In our pamplet, which we desire te aend Iree by in ull te every ene. The Bpecinc Uedtctne W sold by all druggists i at II iwr nacte nacte age. or six puekagus torts, or will be sent tree by mall ou the receipt et the meney.by ad dressing the 0(10IIBAKt UrnBKllti Nes. 187 and 1st) North queen sueet, Lancas ter, Pa. On account et countfirfella, wehaveadopt wehaveadept wehaveadopt eil the Yellow Wrappert theenly genuine, TUB OUAT MEDICINhTcO., ydtw HuUale,N. Y. -yiuTOHiA Cern Remover. The most eirocllve preparation ler the re moval of Cerns, Jluutens, Watte, etc, evor placed before tliu publle. Wurruiitud tn eradicate completely and within a short time the most ebdurule corns, hard or selt, without pain. it it A resmra euaa. sold at BSOHtOLD'S DRUG STORE. Ne. iOl WESTOIIANOEBTIIEKT, corner el Charlette. dl-lyd rptiK Mians Have ( ttATB Ana CAM. F UU NALR -AT- Slip's Oily Hat Sten The most completo aaaertment et Sprint; ttylet Stiff and Belt Halt ever eflerext la this city and at prtcat that will attenlth the meat carafnl buyer. We have taken great care In telcctlng thrte feeds, set only in regard te ttyle, but In quality also and as we bny tat caah and aelt for cash entu, we) guarantee te gtva you at geed an article " It net batter " than can be bought any where for the meney. Tha VOUMAN'3 stiff Hat this season fa a beauty, and for quality, ttyle and durablb Ity cannot be turpasted. Tbe BROAD WAK Bilk Hat is a very sensible style this tcflten, having a full brim and becoming; almost any ene. Cleth Hata are the prin cipal featuni forbeyaand wa have a full assortment. A fait line et light-weight 80 TT and 1'OCKKT HATS, and in taeb everything that ean be found in a first first clett Hat Stere, at 144 North Queen Street (UUNDARHU'3 OLD STAND,) A few doers above the Franklin Bente, LANCABTKU, PA, marniydAw OHUI.T'A ULU Ml AND. QRKAT UKDUCTIOK IN Hats, Caps, Purs, Ladlee' Seal 8noques and Delmatus, Ladles' Fur-Lined Olreulra, Dents' and Ladlei' Heal Gaps at Ceif, BILK UUHRBI.LA8. A Large Astertment et Q LOVES at Cott. THU LAItGEST STOCK AND AS80HTMKNT OrrASUIONAULK Winter flats, Gaps, Firs, k. Kveroflerod te the publle. at the LOWK8T PKIOK8. Wholesale and lletalL Buy ter cash only and tell oheaper than any ether Hat Stere in tna city. SOLE AGKNTrea TIIK Knox Silk & Derby Hat. ThaONLT Hat Manntactery In Laneanter. lleya' Cnpa trem 10c. up. Men's Capt el all klnitt greatlv railuccsl L lit Jirlee. ltepalrlng IdBUkllaumade neatly and promptly done, aaiuensuie. JOHN SIDES, dM-tld Successor te 8IIULTZ A nitO. TOBAOCO AHV VIOAMB. A. OftLENDKIl has romevud bit TO lt ACCO AND CIUAU BTOHE from NO.'StO Ne. IU WE9TKINU BTItKhT, where he Will have mere room and greater facilities for car rying ou his increasing butlnesa. A large stock et all the 11KBT DRANDB of Tobaccos, Cigars uud Bnuffs constantly en hand. Call at the UKD. Will IE AND BLUB FttONT, NO.19 WKBTKINU BT. A. OnLENDKU. marlt-lmd YITIIULKSALK ANDKISTAIL, " Tobacco and Cjgars STEHMAN'S NEW STORE, US NOltTII OUEKN 8TKEET ( Boeond deer iraiuw m raiiaiiu iieuie;. Police. Little Neck. Saw Leir. mvnlt Cream are the best chewtng biands In the market, manufactured et selected aterk. Itaney Plant and liett Out are large pings for the prlce. ., Hcst smoking we ever effered: Derby and Fruits and 'lowers. Miners' Prlde for amok amek tng and chewtng. Cnewers proneunco our Gelden Thread Flne Cut the best that can be made. All Cigars retailed from 1 for Se te lOe apiece are manufactured by ourselves. That they aru long ttller, geed workmanship and excellent quality, all admit. Hex trade a specialty: always one te two million en hand te aulnct from, ranging In price trem to.ee per hundred down. Cheap cigars bought In large quantities, and ean always furnish you goods at bargains Our 11.(0 and tl.60 per hundred cigars are certalnly a ptIbu te purchasers. As heretofore, will always have a full line el Plug and Smoking 'lobacce and Cigars at the OLD STAND. Eitabllahed 18Tt. Nes. 252 & 264 North Queen St. (FlrttBlere above Jteyitone Heme.) II. L: STHMAN & CO. matSMyd TLNWAUB, V. rilUBOUEAT UAHQA1N bTOKB, NO. 24 SOUTH 0UEEN ST., LANOASTKU, PA., JOHN P. 8CUAUM, Proprietor. UORB JJKDATA AND PRHUlUita TITAN ANTOTHKH UOVSB IN AMEHWA. S0O COPPER KETTLES, allllBCt, all prices Every descilptlen of HOUSE FUBMBIima GOODS. Every description et . UAB AND COAL OIL F1XTUUH3. Every description of DOUULE-SOLDEBED TIKT7AUK. Every description et LAHPS, WOUTU IlUIINO. And a mnltltude et articles needed by. all classea of the community. f Huylng and manutaeturlng tn wholesale quantities, we are prepared te gire our pa trons the benefit of monies thus saved or made. a-3peeuU attention paid te UOUHTKY TllADE. JOHI P. SCMUM, 24 Beutli feb77-lTd Queen Street, LANOABTBS. PA. VUUTVUMAl'HB. J. H. ltOTK. There haa been tueh a demand for LAUOR PllOTOUltAPUS that 1 was compelled te get a VE11Y LAKOE CAMERA HOX te meet the aemand. We can new make you a PHOTO m small aa the smallest locket will bold np te a fi-lneh face, te fit an ltxxi Frame. J. E. ROTE, Ne. 106 North Queen Street. luaeS-Udl -. -lltAI'K UUTKU-kAUBK lJMS f G xItler S.tega Water easrit. aSsfNe'tthnSfrM and has new en draught Uiartea tiwi ej. ateua WATKUlrem Uie lameat JtxceJaler uulDirs. Saratoga. N.Y. A tell ataertmeat el fi fiiuBs Wine. and lte,ue J",, wTl M I 4 t s $