7 I k'"- v. LANOA8TKR DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, WEDNESDAY, APML 9, 1884. ,i.- COLUMBIA NEWS. .M)U Ui:lul-AK UUltltKHrONDttNUh. IliulRCit ii r Nima ltsms ul Vnrjltig Intrreit lliiriniKli HcliOeU ludigliiui Kktrr Ihlmiiflit mid Uiinllriitnlliili Mertice, A I) pur cetit quarterly divldetid ns deel.ued yosleitluy by tlie BdMiueltiuidi telling tnlll company, " ATheumud Wrlnkh'ii" will lie playful liure during tlie latter pat L of thin nieiith, Harry Watsen, Columbia's lavoiite aem edy, will appear lu It. Tlie funeral of tlie late Jeshua Ii. Htrause, te-morrow nftei nueit, will be attended by Clilquesnlungn tribe of Hed Muii, in addi tion te tlie 0 A. It. pUMt. A new Htrcet crossing has been luld ever rJevuiilli street, tit Chestnut. At tlie Kitme p'ltce iv new gutter Iihh been laid en tbe east side of (Jlietluut Htteet. The deuble eniml beat, C. -K Dlgtfs, Nes. 1 (intl U, olearrd yesterday nt tlie It. & U. coal what von, laden with aeal. The ptespects nre geed for ti btiHy poaseu at Micro ivharvis. An nlteiiiptnt blind fishing nill be inade hore iie.xt vki it. Odier liitnU of llnb nre hcoemliig ipilte plentil'iil. (loergu Woaver hut night caught "50 hammer-head llnb. Persons who huve been using tlie rlver shoie prepnty of tlie It. k 0. company, ns n dumping plnoe for nshes mid otlier loftme, ) .iV" been netllkd te oeaco doing SO. IVi-suukI uml hoi In! .Mr. Samuel Giove 1h ceiillncd te his limiKe by a severe Indisposition. M.M N.illte ll.url of 1 1.vri l.ibnr, In tlie gum of Miss Aiinie Itiimer. Hiwnty thit'e poisons attended n fare mdl party which wits given at tlie rosl resl rosl ilenuoof Air. (Jliiisllan Keel, en Fient stteet, last night, Tlie gentleman, with hi family lomeios te tliill.tle, N Y., next Tuesday, Siirltly Netos. A nicotine of Orien ledge el () Id Fellows, will be held te night.. An organ fur use In Orien ledgo of Odd Fellows is te be pureh med by Huh iieaiuty. Tlie Yerk ledgo of Manus will rtoelvo a fniteriml isited fiem it nnniber of Colum bia Masens te night,. Ilia Itiirniitjii Mcliiidlit. The plans for tlie inputted new school house will be open f,.f the inspection of rmilrnctuiN urxt .Monday tit Wm. 11. Ulven's nfllne. List evening the niperintfiidiug com cem com thitteo of the school heard held u meeting in the ollleo et Win II. Given, vn , te m.ike uiraugemchts for tlie lilvli solieol coniiiienociiu'iit exercises, whieli niu te be hi Id remu time in May. tlrlifclein nil In r. Te nioirew oveul.ig the I'm hbteiiaiis wtil i;lve lliilr entertainment, it being held in the lecture lemii of the church. Vecal uml instrumental musie and select loadings and recitations will Cm in the prelamine. Alter it ih concluded lulrcshmeuts will be t-ervtd froe te all. At last niuht's omilrmatlej Horvicei in v;t. Paul's I". K chinch, bix p ii Hunt were cemtlrmcd 'I he notviees, which wete eoudueted by the lit. H-jv. AI. A. Te WoKe Howe, lii.ihnp of tlie (liocese et con tr.il lVniiHjIvuida, were i xtrtinely beauti ful and imprrssne. (iUKAT H.MIM SKIUMI. Mil lljlit 'I'll lite lit iiiii hit" ! llinlrl KriiJ.ll Uniupitiilr itriru'ril. Thore was rt lnmvy fall of rnin marly nil last ulhi, and about half pant hix o'clock this morning snow bcan te fall and con tinned nil duy up te the time ira go te prexH, liaMiiL' nttaiucd u depth of iibetit 8 inciter. Tlie heavy fall of hiiew has dene great damage te the telegrapli wlnM. Tbime of tlw) tulephoue company arc ilewn at dilfer out point:! in the city. Mr. Reese, tlie inauager, HtateH that it it imp miible for t liern te de ketvice lit preHeiit, and he sijh Mut all subscriberH hlieuld cut out thuir iiiBtrtimeutH te night for feir of ncoldeiit fiem the wiich coming in ceii'aut with thoHe of the bleotrie light. Fer fear of aecidentfi the cl'Ctle lights will net be run te-night All ever the city the wires of the teleraph and telo tele telo pheno compautex, and tire nl.irtiiH, are lying aereRH thuhe of the oleetrio light. The ireii in the employ of the light com pany him buy at work removing tl.0 vtirr-i hicli interfcie with them, but it U tin. light that the repairs cannot be made in tune. All of the Ptuiusylvnnia railroad com tmiiy'i wins, llfteen lu number, nre down, and wc lentil from Mr. lUrtly, operator in the ten or .it tlie dejiet, that he oaunet te ccive or nei.d diHpatcUcrt further east than C'oncKteg-i in futthur west than Dillervllle. It is nnpnrhible te tell hew uiuuli damage Iiiah been done. TIiuh far thore Uu been but liltle detontieu of pasBenger tiains. ThewutH of the Western Union, ever thirty In number, nre down except one. A report comes tu from Alouutvillethat wudt of that plnee a long line of telegrajih pole h have been lireken by the weight of enew that carried down the wircR. The ten vriies of the Auiericaii H.ijiid nre also all down but ene. The acseclated prcfH Ulcgrapha that "the whfH could hardly be niore tiufiivur tiufiivur able than they are this morning " Tlu-re wan no communication couth of Haiti nieie, The quantity of hiiew th.it formed meuuil the wircn nlim.t pasecn belief beiug in many places an thick a.i a man's arm, the wtteb loeklui; bke immense eablcs. There luive been many heavy f .i 1 ' of hiiew from the reefs el building lu this eity, and many poisons have made narrow escape from biing criisheil beueatli the descending tn.UH0, but we have heard of no teileus ncoideutH, in Tin: i.ew'Kii i;mj. Kecetit Ocenrrenee In llie Mnuttietii Hcrlluu frinii tbe Oxluril t'rs " The firm or II. M. Wilsen it Sen, store keepers at Cherry IIIII, hna been mtcoeodcil by Wilsen Bres, it Ce. The Boheols directors of Fulton town bhip intend te build n new school boost) ut Pleasant Orove. They mlvottise for proposals. Aire. Alorey Haines of Fulton township, bad n rcvore pnrnlytie stroke while nt Kirk Urewn's, near 1'cacli llottem, n few days nge. Alfred V. Terrill lias ror.ievod from Lancaster county te the faim iu l'enn township, dies or county, he reoently purchased from f, II, Lofevor, near Jon Jen Jon nervlllo. Jeseph Gray, of Fulton township, had oue of h!n tibH broken ene day last wit': by falling from n trce he was trimming ul tbe rosldeuoB of Henry Oarter. Elwood Townsend, of Smyrna, near Christiana, had two of Ills flngers out off by a circular saw nt hU father'u mill, ene day last week. James A. Atulrews' tmblle sale of West West ern herscH nt Oxford, en Aleuday, was well attended. Fourteeu head sold from (100 te 203. The goueral average was $100. Thcre wero seme very Hue horses iu the let. The boiled buzz trd passed ever Oxford lest week. The ring of the bell wns plainly heard by n workman en a farm of J. AI. C. Diokey, who was somewhat alarmed nt hearlng such a neisn high up iu the air. Fer a time, it Ih said, he was uudeolded which way te tun, as tlie thought the " call " wasBpoelally direeted te him possessed his mind. The buzzaul wns seen und its bell heard lu different sections of this neighborhood las', tnimmer. A new Luuiileril, Froderiek Waltz, Inte of the AIeQraun houee has Inken'possesslen of the Hallway Iioube, nt the Inst end of the Pennsylvania R. It. depet, ftslttely oecunloil by L. 0. Wltraer, 1'ATIKNUK. I Tlis Ut nl It I.eml I'rrtfiiitnlten. Gilbert & Bulllvaii'ft popular npfrn i "Patloneo" will bn glvnn In Tulteu opern lioune en the t7tb nml 18th lunt, by a, oare ' lully nelcetctl company of Lancaster nrtlstH, who have hud rejwatert rehearflaM I for poveral weekrt past. Tliemi who have had an opportunity of he irlng thein nre loud lu their nemmeiiilni Ien or the oem pany, both nit noters nntl inuielaim. Tlie eiera will be put en the stnge In the most attmotlve style. Tlie mwtunieM, me entirely new, ami iiiinniied ny the well 1(110 ii oestiuner van itern Following Is the east of I'hiladel phU Tlin OikHt. Arehibald (Iiehv nor, (an Idyllle peet,) Dan Beiihunig ; Reginald Hiintliorne, (a Ik'slily pei)t)II. 9, tiliult. ; ColennI C'alver. ly, Jehn .1. Hinaling ; I, lout., the Dukoef Duiihtable, Finnk AleLaln ; Aliijer Murgatreyil, Wllll.nn Hall ; Air. llun llun llun thorne'fl Bolleltor, II. Lntliur Wilhg ; The Liuly Junn, AUkm Aluioe Hull ; The Lady Angela, AIIbh Kdlth .TohiiHten ; The I.ady Haphlr, Miss llattle K. Miley ; The Lady Mia, AIIkh I la Iluber, and I'alliince (,i milkmaid), Alls. NullloJeliDHton Camp hell. ' (JhoitiHef efllui'iH or tlie Until dragoon KU.uiIh : Fiank H Hall, Hlmer K. Hay. ler, Heward Hays, (loe. Aokerman, II. 1. Sponeer, Heward Shenk, IMwIti Albrluht, Harry H.ildwln, C'Imh, HeitBliu, Chan. Ilollmeier, H.irry D.ivelcr nnil Frank Huchler. Chettm of rnptiireuB maidens : AIIkach Leu AI liter, Be K. Mender, Hcssie Calder, KnimiiHIuirliu, Ida O.tnljs, Alame Hagen, Annle Haumaii, Ada Iluber, Fluroiice Sliultz and Aim. Llilie F. Ilnrttnyer. TIipie will be ii lull ereliustra under t!ie lead or Prof. Wittl, of lleading. The chait ler the sale of reiierved seats will open tomorrow meinlng nt 10 o'elook. Ne extra charue for toierved seats. iKtiri..i: oeiiiTr.sifs. The Mill el the l.aiirit.lrr Kuleliti te Itnli I iniirit. As meiitieiiiil in the Imki.i.kiesckii, TiieKilny, ii cemmittin of Lancaster com. matidury, Nj- LI, KiiightM Templar, left thisuity for Hnltlmoie, taking with them n handsomely cngKHKcrt and framed series of resolutions for proMentatlou te Memunental commamtery, Ne. i A part of the octnmittee have Miturntd, bringing with thorn n bountiful pillow of cholce tlewuiH, presented te them by Aleuunieu tal uemuiander. In the centre of the pillow in crimson Immertelles is the tern plnr cress, and ion suuii-cliole above it In purpln immertelles the wetds, "Woleomo, Ne HI " The pillow Is en iixhihitieu in the wiudew of the drug stote of II. H. Cochran, North Queen stieel. The committeeHay that en their arrival In Haltimore at (! p. m., Tuesday eveuiug, they wero met n. the Union dep'it by u delegation of Monument, il ceinmandery and escorted te Masonic) hall. Dr. Geerge 11 Weleham, of Ne lit in n briuf speech, prcseuttd the frauud rpsohitiens te Alen emental oeuimandeiy. They were accepted by Eminent ('emmauder Clark, who afterwards preenled te the delegation the Meral pillow noticed above, Kminent Cem uiauder Juel H. K.iby, of this city, iiiakluir the speech of nccoptauue. A sumptuous bampiet was then partaken of, the festlv ItiiH continuing until 11 o'clock, at which hour a portion of thocemtnitteu Itilt Haiti Haiti mero for home. The ether members will return this evening. This uiermui; thu ller.il pillow was phe tegraphed by llote. tllll 1 ll,HV Drlitli ut JIT Ka Nnlirr Alts Eva Ncher dleil of drepty lait even lug at her res-dei co, Ne. :ilO West James street, aged el) yi ars. Mrs. Neher wns the widow el Jaeeb Nehcr who for jcars kept a saloon in C'ontre ipiure. After his death, Alts. Nehur continued the buhiucss until the bin. ding was demeliuhed te make room for I). V. Lechor's new building. Hhe then kept successively the "Uulted fitates hoteT'ou Hetith Queen rtreetnud the "Ceiner" siloeu in rear of tlie central markets, retiring te private llfe about two jrarH age. Mrs. Neher wns an enterprising nnct pejuilar buslnesi woman ; she was generous nud chatitable te n ilei;iec, beinc ever ready te saerillcu her own comforts te minister te the neees. sit lis of ethers, especially the sick and iu diiteiit. h-lie leave.t two dattuhturs, granildauliter.sevctal bmthcrs and sisters and a host of fnetuls te mom n her death. Her funeral will take ptace en Saturday. Illir C'nlnrtin nigrum ,11tt(ir. Plilliulelplila 'llmef. The new mayor of Lancaster has np np peiutid Abram Alaxwell. n colored man, te the. position (it market master. Alaxwell Is said te be mero that: ordinarily intelli gent and morally uiiobjeotlomtblo, but hoiue of the fanners, who "don't want te be hosted by a niggir," threaten te with draw from the markets controlled by the city. The same farmers weu'tl probably nor, objeet te "bossing n nigger" If the "nijiger" was engaged iu preparing their pn duee for the market ; noither would they be likely te object te Hitting en the same teat with him while en the way te mailcet, but that n "nigger" should have the power under the law te seize their short welght butter or "bobbed," veal is sometiiing that even the enlight eued Lauo.ister eiuuty farmer oauuet oentomplato with the least degree of patience. Feul I'Uy utiargHd ' Samuel Allen, Charles Loe, Jehn Yeung, Geergo Ivirk nud Peter Weeds, nil colored appeared bofero Aldernuiti Ferdney, Tuesday, and made nllidavlt that they believed "foul play had bconperpetrated" with regatd te thu sudden death of Uaae Smith colored whose (loath took place Monday niitht. aud that n pest mortem examination ought te be bold. The matter wan reiericd te Corener Shiffur, who called upon Dr. F. S. Aluaser, the attend, iug pbysieiau, who convinced the oeronor that thore wan no foundation for the suspicion, death having resulted from cnstritls, brought en by long continued dissipation, The coroner (ioallued te mnke n pest metteni. Lclilerhranc lliinecrt nnil Hpclable. The liaucaster Lelderkranz will glve a grand Kanter concert nud soclable nt their hall en Monday evening, April 1-1 Ah it is the llrst of the Kaster week festivities and its management have an onvlable reputation forgetting up onjeyablo socials, an abundant success may be predicted (or tbe entertainment next Meuday oveulng. Hale of Ktial Katatp. Luveu It. Rete, uudortaker, has purchas ed the property new occupied by him at the corner of Seuth Qiioen aud Vine strccs, from the t'btate of Philips Fitzpat Fitzpat riek for $ 1,000. lu Town Charles Whitney, an old time circus man, who 1ms been a regular visitor te this eity for mero than 20 years past. Is stepping nt Sheber's hotel. He is net en gaged with any show at proseut. Komerul. The American Kapld tolegrapli company have luneved their ollleo from Hewers' building, Ceutre square, te the Examiner building, North Queen stioet. Chueu lsicutur. A spejlal dlspateh from Alloutewn this morning Bt.ites that II, M. North, esq,, of Columbia, has been agreed upon as oleetor from ITvioaster county, Aiiiiieinnti, A HuecenJul vlai." Clnlre and tlie forgo forge Muster" liy tlie nmlnmit mnetliiiiil star, Mis Miiude (InuiKer, mid her oxcellunt support. Tlie siimiiceuipiiny unit piny will lie presented fit Knlten opera home next Ttiesilny evenlnifi April lftlli. Till return visit in nt tlie tirtimit reijnesl of a large nuinlier el citizens. HhIe el sfiuls hi-Blni Krlilny n, tn., April llth. Popular prices. it I'ttVIAI, NOTlUICtl, Hpnilns, t.iiuiniiCHS, 1'hIiis nnil Hiltclies, Weak Hack or 1)1 1111001 tint spine will be tin uimlliiUdy relleveil en application 01 n Hep J'lmlrr ever tlie nnvclnil part. It's poiwtrn peiwtrn poiwtrn tlve power Ii wonderful. Wiirruiited te he tlie best miulf. VhynutlDr with Mai.amat Kinerj'n Minn ilnrii euro rill nre Inlaillljle, nnver fall te cue tlie most oliitiimte cueHj purely voke-tnblc-Xft cents. M.WAKAw tlenir, dentin Hptlnc, mid hrliut lnaliirln, ilyspepslu, hlltnusness, terplillly et liver anil a train et kindred inula itlis. Fortunately ICIilnny-Wert I nt liaml. Itmsy be had of tint niviniit driitftst mid wlllpnrlly th sysliiiu, correct the stomach mid bowels, s Imiilute tlie ltvnr Mtid kldnnys te heii'tliy iio'leii, reuiove nil poisonous hu mors unit tnnke ou ted like n new innu. As n sprlnir uiiiillclne, tonic mid bleed Purl tier It has no (ipml. A lirngglnl'i story. Mr. IraneU. Clmpnifti), ilruirglst, Newbtinr, N. V wrllnt 1 " I linvn ler tlie P'ist ten year sold snviiml res of 1)11 W IM.I A 11 IIAI.I.'B IIAI.SAMKOItTIIKI.UN09. I can sayeMt wliutl cannot say et any ether medicine. 1 huve never liti.il 11 ciisle.niir speak el It but te praise Its virtues In the liluheit nmnner. I liuve receiiimuniled It lu a iirunt many cases el Whooping C'eunh, with tlie luippteat eltects. 1 have u nod It In tny own inmlly ler many year In luct, alway have a betllu lu the inn llclnerlnsul ready ter tun " ul-M,W,rAw The Klery of mini Is hi wtrenuth. It you are weukunud down thretili uxousslve study, or by uarly ludlHuretlenH, Allen's Drain Feed will permanently reilore all lint vlKer. and MtreiiKthenatl the muscles el llruln mullledy. tl ; II ler V At driiKKlsts, or by mull lrem J. It. Allen, 315 first Ave., Nuw Verk eltv. M.WAKAw Allen' llllleus 1'liyslQlsa purely vouutiible lliutd leinedy ler llcuduclie, lllllousties mid Uoiinllpiilleii. Kaslly luketi, ucllni? promptly, rtilleWtnr 'inlckly, Mcts. AUull itrucntts. ll.W'.Mw A Valr urrer. The Voltaic llult Ce, Marshall, Mich., offer te send llr. Dye's Veltnl lleltund Appliances en trial, ler thirty days, te inun, young or old, mulcted with tieivmu debility, lest vlUi'lly, uml kludrud tinublet bee advertisement In till paper. . M.W.K.tw An l.plliulliin. Ne one in mIIcIiiii will euro overylhlnK, but ItU un liicontestltile tact thnt Themat' Kelee trie Oil will mini a sprain, a brulse, a blte, or an iiclie, and U also an aetlveaml pronounced euro ler iieiinil.la anil rheumatism, Ker eule by II. 11. Ueeliiuii.ilriiKKlst, 1J7 and I3 North Uurun street I'elMlilnj; the ivrnni; Knn. Many limn dully pollstitlielrbents tthonevor Klve a thought te the condition or their hair, incept te liarmw It casually with brush nml comb, or submit It te the iih ml) zing attention et thuuveniKii b 11 her. what happens T Why this 1 rem neglect, mental anxiety, eriuiy et a scorn et caiiiis, the hair turn prematurely viiiymnl IiukIiim te fall out. rarker's I I'll r lUlwim will ut (inee step the lutter proems nml leiderii tint original colei. An elegant diis'lng, dee lrem gteate. PYM'irrie. nervous people, Celdun's l.liiitil ileif 'lonle or CeMen't Of druggists. " out et torts," will euro. Ak 117-lwdeedA'W Muiners I Aiutiiersi Blnttier Are you dlsturlieil at night and broken, el your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T 11 se, go at once and gut a bottluelMUS. WIN Sl.OW'UhOUTIIlNU HI UUP. 11 will rolleve the peer little eiilteier Iniiiictlately lepuud upon It; there ts no mistake about It. Themis until mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at (men that It will regulate the bewnls and give rust te the mother, uml relief and health te the child, op erating like magtc. It Hpurlitetly B'lfe te use In all C!ist.i,uinl pln.Lsaiil te thu ta.Me, and Is the pruicilpllim nl enn of thu eldest and best iimale physicians In the United Htutm. delo every whero. a coins a bottle. umyl-M.W.SAw A llln fur Uliange el Idle. We are lu receipt el a letter from J. Itamliy, Ki-rj., of I'leial, Ark., In which the writer says: .Vjmarttun Xervlne uurei lemale decline, and doting thu change el lite It Is a specific." Suggestive Incls, truly l.f0. uS Iwiloeilftw l-lrt Krurnd ami limn iinr.1. "Win troubled ler u year with torpid liver and IndUestle'i, unit alter trying everything linu'ilnahlu imud Jlurituek Meed Jtillert. The flrtt bottle rdVlved me and tlie tecenii cured mt entirely J. 8. Wllltami-en. Ueehesler, N. Y. Fer sain by II. II. Cochran druggist, l')7 and KM Ninth Queen street. VKATIIH, Hetpknmvkii. In this city, April 7. 1861, J II. Ileirenmyer, In the tilth year et his age. Tlie lelattvm and lnondet the faintly sru respectfully Invited te attend the fuueial en Thursday morning at 'J o'clock from hi Inte resldence, Lancaster County Heuse, Ne. 117 Kust King street. Kunural services ut I.engunucker's church, Strashuru turnpike, at ll'o'eleck. Interment at t.onguiuicker's. -t Nkiibr. lu thl city, en the 8th Inst , Kva, relict el the Inte Jiioet) Neher and diuigliter nl thu lain Aiutiew and llarUara Ulummeii, in thu leth year of her age. Diiu netlcu of lunrral horeatlor. liisrieuv-In this city, en llie -8ih InsU, Catherine K , tellet m thu Inte Jehn A, Ken nedy, In thu SM year et bur age. Thu lelatlvea aud frleiuls el the family am roapectfully Invited te attend the luuural lrem her late residence. Ne, 101 Went I.emen street, en Friday attorneon ul 'i o'clock. In. torment at Lancaster cemetery. 1 -"'' ' ' ' ' " XKIr AUrr.HTlHt.atKNrti. lirANTKlf. A NTIlUr llltl 10 OK 17 i'alntlnir at V veins old te learn Carriage riiii.ir inir.iiau.iin uurriane rnctery. nes. UO and US Kast Kinit street, l.aneasler, l'a. ltd ...... r.. ......... ..... .. . "... -. -vtei iek i iikkkiiy uivr.N that aiiK 1 nrm of Gee. M. btelnumn A Ce. was dis solved ou the 5th lust, by thu death of Gee. St. Biniuiiian. All persons Indebted te the said llrm will please m 1U0 pay mum te the tinderblKiied, sur vivors, tertliwith, and thesu havlnir elalms due iiKiiliist tllu Hi tu will present thorn for set tlement. HEO. H PIIANKMN, UKOltUK HTK1NMAN. The business of the llrm wilt be continued as hoietoloru, under the mini i llrmnamoei Uoe. -M.Utelninan A Ce., by tlie undeisltfiied, who luel deeply Kralelul te the piitillu for their I'xtenslve pairemiKe, ami hope, by a continuance et thuir former methods and policy et husluesi, and by nil let attention te the wants of i heir customers, te retain luelr contldeiuo and geed-will. (,h.O. M. Kit AN KM. V. ll!).W,Sw.Vv OKOItUK 81'KINMAN. W 11 K.N I AltVKIlTlsH CI. KAH HAVANA Killer Clifiirs ler 5 cents, 1 1,'us.ianUe them tn he sueli, HAIITMAN'S YEI.l.OW KItONT LlUAIt HTOItK. T)KAlNAM'rt Olf ONIII.ICACIIe.il MUSLIN iu heavy as Annleten A. only C'ic, mi r vur tarn, new BcersucKcrs in te per yarn New WhI te Uoe Is lu plain, striped and checks, and a new let el l.acu Cans for children. ATSWAHU'S, Ne. Id North queen Htreet. 1TATK or M.iZAiiUTit niatei,t.Arfs "j el I.anrasterclty, l'a., dee'd. betters et administration en said estatu having been fninted te the undursluned, nil persons ndebteil thereto are reiiuisted te make Immedlate payment, and these ImvliiK claims or demands ituatnst the lame, will present tliem without delay ler settlement te the un derslifiied, resldtiiK lu l.aneasler city, post pest post eftlco Lancaster eity, l'a. UKNHY I..HIMON, Adiulnlsirater. Cuas. Dknuib, Atl'y. inW-UtdW AUCTION KKIl AN II UKAt Kdl'AlK AUENT. HENRY SHUBERT, AUOTIONKKK AND UEAli K8TATK AliKNT, 61 North Duke St., Lanoaster, Fa. Everything pertaining te my business will receive my peiseual attention. Terms reason able. Ulvomeaeull. lanl'2-tfd frittr AertsitTiHKatiiNTn, T . MAUTIM CO. " CARPETS! I.OWMl THAN KVEIl. Carpets Never Before Sold se Li0rv. HODV HHUStKI.S. Q 1'atlnins, S Kinme i m TAi'jcHTitv imuH8Ki.,ve I'lit-eriH. Ktt":::...::....:::;.::, .tI! inubain eahpkVs. yJV;::?:!.:::::::::- fn HTAiu " ....;...;....................'.'.'.'.'. '.10 All Htamlnnl Goeils and Wright New PnKernH, Net ItemiiitntH. WALL PAPBES. Wia. IIIr.... Itediiced te2c. 160. IlliANKS Uodiiced te IDC. Vn employ the Inmost inrcu et Pnper Mangers and Upholsters In this city, as well as the t weiUtnen. All work ileum promptly and guaranteed. (tKNUlNKAUKUItAUAItrkTHtVkrKI'KKenlylUO. A botter ene at $2.Q() wlille we are be Introducing It. Hweeptrs reialnl at low coil J. B. MARTIN & CO. Cerner West King nnd Prince 81 roots. Lancasler. 1. I.M.1NN IIIIKNKllAN. CHILDRENS' CARRIAGES, EXPRESS WAGONS, REFRIGERATORS. LA.HOE 8TOCIC AND LOW PKIOES. 200 dez. Breems at 20c, verth 30e. FLIJSTN & BEENEMAN, 15Z NORTH QUEEN STREET, "ii('JT uiTkanime WUUIU. LANCASTER Steam Carpet Cleaning Works. PRIJBS REDUCED TO 3 OENT3 PER YARD. The only Hyittein by which Carpet can bn thoroughly cln med. froe lrem dust and moth, aud without Injury te the Kliiiit (Jarpetn Curpeti cle.intil and leturned en appointed time without reKurd te weather. Itlve It a trial. Office of Works :--Cor. Duke and OhurchSts., WITH l.ANCASTKH OIKiAN KACTOKY, COX'S UUIMllNU. Ail If ADnSUTIHtcaWXTU ltrilNlKII-A (II Kl. 14 ok is i-;aiis op I V age te assist In hotel kitchen. Annlvat City Hetel, North Queen Htieut. 11 F UK HAI.K OK IIKNT. A niiuiber et line dwulllni; tu the north ern part et the city, with modern convent- OIICUH, AC. ,ll,l,r,SA Ul'.lltl ,t co , Keal ICstttle nud lunurancu Awutx, a5-lwdll Ne. 10S Kiwt Kins t- YAltA AMI IIAVAM V UIOAUS,lUAKAN teed clear lllliir, forec at IIAUTMAN'3 YKI.I.UW fc'KONT CHiAll HTOItK. 170 It KENl'. Twoltnems, Ne Hand 10 Kint ltln St., en second fleer, ever New Yerk store. Apply te 0.1,7,9 WATT, Pll AND ft CO Arr.w orTiimiuiHre tu cennkuti cut Clirarn, 1 1 for ile,. at IIAKTMA.N'S Yi:i.l.OW KltUNTClti Vlt hTOHK. RII.MOV!,. CI.-UK1C'8TKA AND COKKKE HTOItK removed te NO S3 WKST KINO STIIKKT. Ile.t Tea. C'erleiw, buuars, de , In thu (ltv. I-llVIIIKIMII .1HTIUK, ' A Buinl annual dividend of 1 percent, en the capital Hteek et the I.aucaitur ft Knilt vllle turnpike read cempinv, has been de clmed en April i, 1-HI. pnyable en demand at the Knlten National Hunk, I unrulier, I'a II. CAKl'KS I'KIt, n22tilWA8ftir Secretary and treasurer. SPI'UIAI.-AH Villi I'ANS IIY OIIK l'K Tatlortier Ir.iabllhmenl don't fall te loe'r In the hIiew window; the leading Hprlni; btyl' H iticxuiuileil llieieiii ; then walK in anil examine our entire Bleck. .Nene te equal tt In thu city. lIiindiKimely trimmed well made and perfect tllltni; ifiiriurnts a-iired at liiod-rule nrlCCl. A. 11. ItOeKNII-KlN, 37 North Queen St. Opposite the PoitelTlce. 111:4 Uuidlt rnAYIAHf FANCY rUIUll, rtKST IN TUB WOULD We will net weary you with stattttlcs tell Ins hew A. A. T .&.YLOR Makes hU Colebratod llrand of Tayler's Fancy Fleur, Or hew much he makes dally ; noither will e premium te uivci an opinion a te un quality, ltt Important ter you te Unit It out. Whether lit utienu' and whltet Wlinllur tt will 'ivn you annoyance and treub'n In bakliixT Whether tlie color and taste et the 1 1 rend I superior te all olheis? The only ei. BtOlu way te arrive ut the truth I te ute Tayler's Fancy Fleur Tnuraelt you will then knew why It I called IIKBT IN ilir. WOULD I M. F. Stoigerwult & Sens, Hele AKentii ler l.iuiciiHter. Pa Fer sale by tllu lenillnc uiecurB. u7-liuil yOUN llAKU'rtaONrt. EASTER BANNERETS, CARDS AND NOVELTIES, Devotional iSoeks AT TUB HOOItaTOltK OK" JOHN BAER'S SONS, 15 and 17 North Queeu St., KNIKUTAINMEN IH. Iftll.TUN tll'KHA MOUsK. Thureday and Friday Evenlnae, Al'ltU, n A u,wi. liANOASTKU OPKU.V COMPANY IN TATIKNCE. Chart for sale et Unserved Seals open 'I burs day Mnruluif, April le. at S e clock. Huteivud Heats tea te all parts el thu house. aS-'it "I 0'T VUUUET THIS LADIE3' FAIR or TUB CITY CORNET BAND, OK I,ANOA8TKIt, te be held at NEW M.BVNKItOIIOIt HAM.. NOllTll I'UINOK HTIlhKT, Insloadel the hall en the third llocret the New I'ostefllco llulld lutf. as formerly anneiiiieed, roiuiuenclng en Saturday Evening. Api II le, and ending en Haturday EvuiiIiik May 10 The Object-Te rnliH lunds ler tlie ptirolieso et New Unlterms and Instruments. Keep coupon et ticket, us It secuies you a eliaucu enu Handseuui liudKoem Hull. All persons linlillng tickets ter tlie third fleer et thu New I'oiteltlco lliilldlinr can uu thorn at Mwnneroher bull. iaH.O.le.l'i LANCASTER, PENN'A. a k it id At.. A U.Uil HAlfDAl'AUII.l.A. THINK OF IT NOW ! Allheiuih much I said about the Import ance e! a bloed-ptirltytiiK medlclne, It limy he po-Hlble that thu subject nil never orleiialy claimed your attontfen. Think of it new ! Almest every pomen ha snmelormel sciot sciet sciot uleiw poUen latent in his veins. When this develop In Scietiilnus Sere. Ulceri or Kiup Kiup liens, or In the term et Uheuinatlm, or Or Kaule DUeiues, thu suirurlUK that ennues lj tenlblu. Hence the Kralltudu of these who discover, us tlieusiuits yearly de, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla will thoreuglily cradlcate thl evll from the ytt'ein. A well nxpect llle without air as health without pure bleed. Cloanse thu bleed with Ayci's Saimiparllla. 1'nKi-AiiKD nv Dr, J. C. Arer k Ce., Leucll, Mass Sold by all DniCBljta Jl, six bottte for 1. a0-151yil ,4 Y Klt'S S)AIIHA1,KIM,A AND AYKIl'S V Cherry I'ecternl ter muii at Cochran's 1II1 SIOH-, Ne. 37 and IX) North Queen at.. Lancaster, fa, 4 llltBAT HU0Cr.M3. 1 HOP PLATER. 1 hU porous plaster ts (anions ter Its quick ami hearty actl m lu curliiK I-uiiie IlaeK, lllieu matUiii. Sciatica, Click lu the Hack, Htleand Hip, Neuralgia. Hllir Joints and Muscles, hore Chest. Kidney Troubles and all nalim eracliet ellliur leeal or deup-seatud. It seethes, HtretigMiens mid Hllmuliites the parts. The virtues nt hops combined with gums-clean and ready te apply, huperier te Iliiluumts, lotions and salves, l'rlcu, '13 cents or Ii ler tl Ul. bold by drugulsts and country stores. Mulled en leculptel prices. Hep 1'laiter Com pany, I'loprleteis, ltosteu, Mass. A GREAT SUCCESS. -The best family pill madn-Hawley's Stomach ami Liver I'llls. Vc. I'leusant lu action and eay te take. nevSrlydAw (I) N,,T IUK. l'ATIKM'U WIUHIMU TO CON- DR. LA GRANGE, Or Kill FIMIEUT STIIBCr, 1'llILADBLrllIA, I'A., me reitiusted te lve at leil two days netlcu pi ler te their Intended visit te prevent disappointment ami less of time. Dr. I.ii OrmiKe's new work en Nervous Dis eases and Allied Dlsordeis. Sunt froe by pint, lUcuntH. Addrossasabevo. uil-Suid rilKN l'IKHT HKKN 11V TIIK l'KAU- VV lltlener, Cluonle Nasal Ca'arrh has ei ten existed a numbtr of months or a number et j ears sometimes comprising utmost the en tire llle et the patient. Diseases et the EYE, KAlt, TUItOlT also L'ANUKItS, TUMOKS. 8K1.N and UlillONIU D1UKASKS successlullv treated by DltH. II. II. mid M. A. LONOAKKIl. OIIIce-13 Kast Walnut street, Lancaster, l'a. Consultation Ireu. a7 3tdAw Ult HALK. 'I'OHAUUO I'tlK IIALU, 1 I have tobacco of tlie crops et lasi, Mf,l aud ISM ter sale. Other geed crops In thu lui mudlatu iieluhborhe d. JOHN J. VKNNKIil,, mil 3wil Kirk's Mills, I.ancastur Ce,, l'a. I'HUMTKKS' HAI.K. 11V OHIIKtt III'' TIIK I Orphans' Court et Lancaster county will be sold en Monday, April It, IHSI, at the Leop Leep ard Hetel, Kast King Htteet, the following de scribed rial e.itaW et lleniy llttgart, de ceased : ah that two story llriek Duelling Heuse, with two-story brick back biilldlm; aud ether improvements HJ Nertli Duke street. I'lie let Is '11 lent, moie or lusi. front, by XiO feet deep. The ptwnerty Is eligibly located, and is In every mspect a most ilesfrable ene. The yard contains irulttreus and Kiape vines lu abund ance The iioube contains ti rooms, two water closets with sewer connections, liath room, hvil rant in the vard mid water lu thu kitchen. 1'artlus ileslrliiK te vlew tlie prumlsvs will pleiisu call upon J . ti. Ilrunemau, Ne. 'IS Meuth lluku street. Possession ran be civeu Imme diately alter the confirmation et the sale If the purchuser desires. Hale will couunence at 7H p. m,, wlien con ditions will bu made known by the under- SlKUOd. ADAM 11K1MAUT. J. a. IIIIENEMAN, Trustees te sell. mWBlS.M.W.r lIXMIlTEBlinillT, Auctioneer. ritlin I.AUOI'.Sl ANll IIKHT STOCK UIT L Euelire, Cusslne unit l'eker curds from Se per pnek up. HAUTMAN'S YELLOW rilONT ClOAH bTOHE. Sl'KUIAI, TO TOIJACOO l'ACUEKS aBU Weiklnguieii generally. All are respeetruily invited te call and sce thu best Working rants, Jackets and Bhlits in the market. Made after the most approved patterns nnd llnlsli and warranted net te rip. Alse Underwear, Hoslery, Uloves and otlier staple goods. All cheap tn suit tlie present times, l'lcasu cull mut oiamlue beloie you Uy' HKNflT ItKCIlTOLD, Ne. bl North Outiiui Hlreet. 44-Blgu et tlie llle mocking. IMjd flKAI'K IIOTKL L.AOKK '.1IKISH ANll T Excelsior biruteKa Water en Draught. Henry ituhter, proprietor el the drape Hetel, Ui anil 31 Nertli gueeu street, has riuiiedeleil tlie burroem, erected llrstclass Itulrigeratnrs and bus new ou ilrmiiflil Charles Class's eel ehnited I'lilliulelphhi LAUEIl It K Kit Mr which hels sole agouti u thtsclty. Aiso.UAU Aise.UAU ATOUA WATEIl lrem the famous Excelsior bprlugs, barmeKii, N. Y. A lull assortment et tlie puiest Wines and Llrjueis en sale. uiS7-3md SECOND EDITION. WEDNESDAY HVKN'O, APUIIiO, 10U4, t-t - a'y'r-i -' n, - --r --" . tv THE CONVENTION. IIAUMONV AN1I KNTHUSlASnl IN 11' The Ueiiventlnn Culled 10 OiiKr by the Ulmlrnum It. nilteu eperr l'erma uent Oliatriiian a Oenrriiu De votion te Itaiiilnll Tlie I'lnttiirm. Ai.i.nNTOWN, Ph., April 0. Tlie nnew beKiin te fall hore rapidly thin morning, anil In a short time had coverod the Rtrcote laden the toleprnph vrircn and made the ffaikiiiK uisaRrocaDieior tue many visitors and Democratic dolegatcn in attendauoe hore. The biiew wan falling bofero the oenvontlou aiwemblcd, but It did net detor a great orewd from wending Ite way te the opera liouse, the gallery of which bulldiuK was tilled with oager epcetatnra long bofero ten o'clock, the hour of the oenvontlou te aBPomble. Utialrinan llensel Call te Onler. A very few mlnutcn after ten o'elook Chairman Ileiifiel took hla neat and called the oenvoutlon te erder. He v. Dr. 8. O, "Wagner opencd the proceedings with prayer. The roll was oalled and the ceuteflts answered as fellows : II. D. Furst against Goe. Hiller, In the First district of Dauphin ; Alex. W. Loder, Dr. Jas. Shull and Joretno A. Fe then man nKalni-t .Ine. H. Bterin, M. F. CoelbaiiRuand O G. Kunkle in Moureo ; Wm. I). ICotidriek nud James O'Connor nualust Jehn 11. Head aud David MaeGulUti in the Teuth district of Philadelphia ; Jehn J. Macardle, The. Merris aud L'hilip Mo Me Cullough against TIieh. Hearden, Thes. J. .Htnnicic and .lenn lieugrey in tue fc if if if toetith district of Philadelphia ; Jeru. F. Kane acaitiAt James Bhauihuey iu the Twenty ninth district of Philadelphia ; and Jas. 11 Dugau and Pred Krapp against Niohelas Orator and M. J. Sweeny in the Second district of Sehuylklll. Thu groatest iuterest centred upon the contest iu tun Tenth Philadelphia dlstrUt, and as tue names of the contestants werp called they wero in turn loudly applauded by thuir friends. Temporary Uintirmtn Hpeer. It. Milten ,Spccr was then elected tem porary ehalrmau by ncolamatlen, amidst much npplatue. Ou taking the chair Mr. Spccr thanked the convention ler the honor conferred upon him, ami delivered a short addrcsH. " The last Domeoratio prehidcut," he f-ald, " who wai inaugur ated, though net the last who was elected, was a Penusylvanian, and I hepa te soe another Pennsylvania nominated nud oleot eleot oleet cd. Applause A man has been nam el here who has been in service for 25 years ; and is te day poorer than wheu he ontervd it. If he be doelarcd the clioice of this convention for president, let him go net only with your votes but with your hearts." When Mr. Spcer closed thore was tremendous upplause and shouts for " Haudall I Randall !" came from every corner. The committees en resolutions, creden tials and organization wero then appointed and the convention adjourned until 12 o'elook. Mneer l'criiiaimiit Ulialrmau, Immediately after the adjournment for the recess the committee en organization oenvoucd nnd decided en H. -Milten Speer for permanent president, and named ene senatorial dulogate from each district as vice president and half a dozen Locrotar Lecrotar Locretar ics. run 1'L.Afi'eu.ii. The ICesolbtleni Aileptml by tlie Ciimeiilluii Special Dlipatcli te thu Intelliuemjuii. Ai.lkntewn, Pa., April 0 The repolu repelu repolu tietm committce adopted the following : 1. The Democratic party of Peunsylva uia in statu convent leu met, declares its unalterable determination tu maintain theso principles of goverumuut ordained by the foderal constitution and their trtie interpretation which the founders of the party settled aud made known, ami de nounces the late nttempts by the agents of the foderal government te overturn these principles by judicial legislation aud executive usurpation. 2. We are against centralisatien, monopoly, extravngatt expenditure, sub sidies and a debasement of the civil scrvioe te partisan spoliation. 3. We boliuve that the eloetoral fraud m" 1870 77, by which Samuel J. Tllden aud Thes. A lleudrleks were cheated out of thu e 111 ee of prcsideut a ' vice pieslleut, te which they were lalilj elected, was the most deadly blew ever aimed at our ays temofrepres utative government, aud the duty of driving from power the inun nud party who made that fraud triumphaut, lu the most sacred obligation ever imputed upon the consciences of freemen. 4. We favor n tariff for rovenue limited te the necessities of the government economically ndmiuistcred and se ad justed iu its application as te pro pre vent unequal burdens and ouoour euoour oueour ago productive industries at home and afford just compensation te labor, but uet tu oreato and luster monopolies ; aud te this end we favor the abolition of tlie in ternal rovenue system of taxes, and such adjustment of the existiug tariff duties us will be consistent with these principles. fi. Kvery legitimate etlert of labor te better Its condition, advance its rewards and proteot Us rights, cemmauds sympa thy and support of thu Domeoratio party. Thu importation uuder coutraet of foreign pauper lauer is un evll wuien suuuhi uj romedied by judicious legislation. 0 We favor the enforcemeut of the con stitution of Peuusylvnnla in its overy arti cle and section, and especially demand the regulation by law iu accordance thorewitu of the corporations of the state, tlie equalization of thu tax laws, the ap propriatleu of publle money te publie uses only, nn heuest management of the state treasury and rigid onlerooinent of the laws governing it. 7. The relusal of the Republican mom. bers of the Legislature te ngroe te a just apportionment et the state was a llagraut violatieu of the constitution, for unworthy partisan purposes. We denouuee their oeurso ; wu npptove tlie determination of the Domeoratio governor, ropresenta tlvrs and senators te Insist upon an honest and lair apportionment, and we commend the present Democratic state aduiiutstra aduiiutstra tieu for its maintenance of tlie constitu tion, its enforcement of thu law and its honest nud capable dUcharge of publie duties. Inilerilng Handall. litteUed, That SamM J. ltamlall is the oheloo of the Democrats of Pennsylvania as the eaudidate of the party for presi dent. Itv long faithful publie ser vices he has Illustrated unfaltering devotion te high political prlueiplu aud fealty te the Domeoratio party. Ills honesty aud houer, his oapaelty and oeur age, his faithful labors and signal abilities have merited and wen for him conildeuao nnd support of the poeplo of the United States. W. U. II. All (or Haudall. AM.TCNTOWN, April 9, As the third resolution was read the oenvontlou breke into oheers. The plauks relating te tariff, labor nud state administration, woie applauded, but thu most hearty e beers were given and rr pentad egalu and ngniu when the last resolution relerriug te Han dall was read, The platform as read was adopted and loud erics made for Haudall. A motion te appoint a oemmltteo te call upon that gontlemau aud invite him te appear bofero the oenvontlou was quickly made and cs qulekly adopted and pending the absonce of this coraruttteo the time wm oensumed In a gentral bus and talk by members of the oenvontlou, Hamuli Hpcaur, Yhen Mr. Randall npnonred the an lmK)sstble for him te bn licartl .in8Ti U,' .Whort 'llet Wl restored Mr. ltamlall said: "1 am hoie prosetit In obcdleneo te your re- qucBt nnd I dcslre te acUnowledge y tJ.v .a,ml lau"K obllmtlen te you, the representatives of mero than four hundred thousand Domeorats el this great and glorious commonwealth, and te thank you ler the high honor which you have today unanimously bostewod upon me. I. de net attribute this aotlen In nnnln. groe te my personal raerlts ; ou tbe con. trnry, I rocegnizo nnd reallze it m an approval of the resolttte nnd aggressive oeurso which I have pursued In Congress lu ad vocaey and dofenso of theso cardinal prin ciples advocated by Jeffersen, Jaoksen, Polk and Huehanau. As it has been with me lu the pist, hu it will be te the end ; aud new I thank you ene and all, nud beg that eaeh of you will convey back te your constituents the assuratice that in the future they will And no faltering, no falling by the wayslde in dofenso of their rights." Great applause. " Attlitru" IiniiilgrftnU. Hew lCnclaud luiieea Upen Our Uevfra inent. Posten, April 0. The steamshlp Gre cian from Glasgow arrived hore this mom ing bringing 230 immigrants Bald te have been shipped from the workheuso at Swlnoferd, Ireland. The oustem authorities huve beeu warned te lnvostlgate the mat ter. They ascertained that they were as sisted enilgrants aud net paupers, aud had from 45 te $10, aoeordlog te the size of each family, given thorn by the agent of the Tuko fund, en -the ether side. It is net olear that they nre dcsirable Bottlers for this ooun eoun oeun try. Thcse poeplo elalm that they have oemo te this country lu erder toenablo them te gain n llvollheod ; they Intend te beceme citizens of the United States as seen as the laws permit. Most of them are te go far west aud have already made arrangomeutH te that end, That they will be allowed te laud thore is no doubt, as each of thorn comes fully up te the requlromeuts of the lmigratien law. A Welcome lllicliartcr. Ottawa, Out., April 0. Stephen Dunn, of Armiul.i, N. Y., who has been iu prison here two years en a charge of murdering a member of Cole's elrcus, was discharged yosterday, the ovideuce against him net being sutlleieut te held him. Hcrlnui tmllrand Wrtak, DenidN, April 0. A railway collision occurred te-day at IUaek Reek ou the Kingstown Hue, a few miles south of Dublin, between a loeomotlvo and a passonger train. Thirty-llve persons weie Injured. Ne HiupenMeii. Piiir.Dni.riHA April 0. Oftloeis of the Philadelphia nud Heading eual aud iron company say that uonrrauuemunt has jet beau made for a suspension of mines this mouth. A Hank "liuited." Vkhbaili.ks, Ohie, April 9. The Ex change bank oleaod its doers yosterday. Liabilities $60,000. l.uvr Jer the Lyuchers, New Luxinoten, 0., April 0. Wm. Ueatuly has beeu couvletod of manslaugh ter for the lynohlngef Hlehard Illokey. UAUHAtn. FhllaUelpiiiB mnrKet. I'liit-ADBLruiA. April 9 flour dull and un changed t Ktiperflue State. i 60ffi'2 73 ; Extra letJ-J.1fM.1it IM. family, tl Mtti 75 ; Ohie A liidlsmi family, .loej'i5i Minn. extra. W 75 U at; paieiiin, (.. Jtyuileuriittl 103.1 M. win heat nrm. f.ilnlemanili Ne. 2 Western llr-d. vuxe no, a no, tusct ; no. i ra. neil, f l ine Oern steady ; Steamer, MX03le ; sail yellow, Met de nixed, aaxa; no. 3 mixed and yellow, 533SIC Oats Hrniuri lalrly actlve; Ne. 1 White. HHc: Ne. 2 de. 4UXu; Ne. 3 de 390 ro re lucled. Wlnto,:nM.uje Ne. 2 mixed, 4Je. ltye scarce ut 7la7Je. HuoiU-Clevur weak at UfJOKet Timethy dull nt l 40 1 Elaxsoed llrm uttl 7J. Previsions dull and sti-ailv : Mens I'ei-k, H7 7JClSOO i llei 1 Hums.tJ7Q17 SO: Inula Mr ib lloel. $Jlii'JI 0 llacen Smolted Slnulders, Se: salt de. 7li 07K,. smoked Hums, lltJllei pickled de, lJJiirilSc. Lard dull! city rellued at te -Vl loose butchers, SQS)e ; pllmu steam ii 87G9 l'utter dull aud Htvady; Cruainnry extra, a.'fflllei It 0. A N. t. extra, Het Ilrsts, S0ii31c Wostern extras, 'JJe de Keed toclielco. 17U'J0c. Holts atOIGc. Eggs active, but lower; Extras, 17X9 ISO. uhoese steady but quiet ; full creams, 14a 13e ; Western lair te mied, 10!; 2u ; l'a, part klins, ttt'a ; de full skiing, SQUe, Whisky ul 11 0 Hew Yerk OlarReu. Nhw Yenic, April 9. lflnur State and Western dull and heavy, but prices un changed,'; Hiiporttne bUite, 1 U)Q3 2.1 ; Extra de, M l.lft.'l Hit Cholce de, $J liRD 00; Kunoyile, te lOfMSO; Hound Heep Ohie, $.1 'JO (Itei! choice, ttOifiUO); Superflne Western, IJ 102(3 'JS; common te iroed extra de, 12Hi) :tiu): clie en de, 11 ftlQO cot cholce WblUi Wheat de, W 2)ft0 fie. Heuthurn quletand weak; common tn fair extra, 13 25Q123; geed te cholce de. tt Seite 23. Wheat jfifllKelilgliur, but very loverlsli ; medenita Hpuculatlve trading ; Ne. 2 Ited, May. (HXHBJXe: June, fUUQ10IJt July, tl OPMfelOJK. Cern a blnide belter but qulet ; Mixed woil weil ern spot, iSOMXe; de luture. MKQSie. Outs 'iQHe lilif hur. including Ne, 2 May, 3l;Qe; Jiinu, 33X033)(e; 8tato,3JrJUe! Wns turn. 33 U tic. I.lve Mtuck ninrlcer. Ciuo.eo-llngs ltecclpts, 10,000 bead slilp iiieutH I.ujii hi'iut i market steady ; reugn nacklii.'. ti tntti Mi packing and ship lilnif, tl tUuO I IlKht, ti 30015 Ui skips, i.! 90(15 21; market olesod woaker. C'attle itocelpts 3,fc00 head ; shlpments, 2 109 de.: market brisk and lej hlgtieri experts, tl 2.1QU 63 j geed te cholce sulpnlmc, ti 7.1 (trt 10 ; cnuimen te medium, ti 4jQl 70 1 cern-ted Texmis tlftO ft). Hlieep Kecetpts, 1.509 head; shlpments, 3.500) bead market stea y ami unohanged ; In In In fotlerto latr, ii 753 73 medium te geed, t5 00Q5 75 1 choice te extra, ti verja se; East I.iukiitv Cattle aettve and Arm at un un un obaiiKed prices t reculpu, HO head ; ship llieuts, 1,639 tiuid. Hogs slew s receipts, 1,130 head ; shlpmnnts, 3 791 head ; I'Ulludelpliias, (0 0iJ9 SO ; Yorkers, t5 73O0C0. Uheup actlve unit nrm at unclmnfted prices ; receipts, l.Uuu head; shlpments, 000 held. fiioeK maruetr. (JuotatlenB by lleed, McOrann A Ce., Bank era, Lancaster, l'a. 11 A. K. 13 W. Sr.N. O. O. A I. O. .....-... ...... -... .-.. .,.. Michluan Central 97 07H .... New Verk Central UtJi IUM .... New Jersey Central Ohie Central Del. Lack. Wtstern.... UVA IV. .... Denver & Ute Urande..,. 18)2 W.i .... Erie 21K 12 Kansas A Texas........ s Lake Shere WK 9Si Ulilcage A N. W com,... lis UU .... N.NOnt. A Western.... 31 81 .... ht. Paul ft Omaha l'acinaMaii si'-r mw .... ltoctiestera 1'lttsbtirgU.. ml Wi Bt, Paul MK bs4 .... Texas l'aclllc Wi Wi Union Pacific Tiyi HU Wabash Common ) Wabash I'roferrol i f Weat'rn Union Toteirraph 69i W Loulavllle ft Nashville N. V.. Ohl. ft St. U .- f l.ehlKh Valley Lehigh Navluatleu " ' l'ennsylvanla y 2?, '.'... Heading fLv fciif', .... V. T. llulfale If .&? " Northern I'aclflo-Cem... -1 t " "" Nertburn l'acine-l'ixif. Hoaienvlllo " "' I'hlladelphla A Erie Northern Centra! ' Underground. ;. il '" CanauS Beutneru M S en t "u " i'oeplo'sPaiwenuer-" h " J9-i fi ' H ' Ji l 5 11