Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 09, 1884, Image 2

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    Wffurt jinir-wttMfmn
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lancastct Jntdlfgcncct.
rcNRSjlraiila'A Cnndlilate ana the TarlfT.
The Allentown convention is reputed
te be very harmonious, tliere being 11
practically unanimous sentiment among
the delegate In favor of the selection of
Mr. Kandall ns tite candidate of the
Pennsylvania Democracy for the presi
dential nomination. Mr. Handall is
present, mid must feel a very deep grntl grntl
ficatlen at this expression of confidence
and high appreciation from the Demec
racy of his atate. It is an expression
which he lms well deserved in his long
career in the public; and what
ever may be the result of it at the
national convention it is a triumph
richly repaying the labor and eacritlces
that have secured it. We are In sym
pathy with the feeling whlcli has wen
for Mr. Italidnil this 7?nuTu at Allen
t.e -
He has been an intelligent,
earnest and upright representative of the
Jople and has earned their high reward.
The chnncu of Mr. Randall's nemlna
tlen by the national convention would
be much better, but for the tariff agitn
tlen which is new unsettling the party
and taking its attention from the mere
important issues upon which the presl
dential battle should be fought. Penn
sylvania has the reputation of being de
voted te n high protective tariff, and
stands se apart from many of her sister
Democratic states as te cause them te
leek upon her as a black sheep in the
Heck. And the devotion te wool shown
by the late vete of her representatives in
Uengresa in favoref the increase of duly
upon it, will net, In our opinion, tend te
remove this feeling nud permit her can
didate for president te receive the vote
in the national convention which his
distinguished merit nnd services would
etherwise Invite for him. The support
given by Mr. Handall nnd his Democratic
colleagues from Pennsylvania te the
Ohie preposition te increase the wool
duty, while it may invite te him the
vote of that state, will drive from him
mere votes than It will give him. The
vote was net in accord with the general
current of public sentiment ever the
country, as we read it, for that does net
call for an incraisa of duties even where
it does net demand a decrease. We
have regarded Mr. Handall as
holding te the conservative opinion
that the tariff should net new again Ih
tinkered, se seen after its late readjust
ment ; and this we still thluk te be his
general view ; the exception te it which
he has made in response te the Ohie de
mand for a higher duty en wool was a
concession which we de net believe
Wits politic or wise.
Pennsylvania, while standing firm in
her demand for the retention of such
rates of duty as are really needed by her
Industries', should net exhibit herself as
demanding what she can de without;
nnd her political influence with her
uhter states will be furthered by her
showing as much unselfishness as she
cm manifest while doing the banst
jtntice te heitelf.
In the present situation of her trade
nnd manufactures all she can fairly ask
is that the tariff shall be let alone ; and
she ought net te ask fur outside inter
cats what she does net demand for her
own. Tf it is right te oppose the Morri
son bill ns an unnecessary revision of the
tariff, it was wrong te support the Cen
veree preposition te raise the duty en
wool. The votes of Pennsylvania Dem
ecratic representative cast for It seem
te us te have lacked in consistency and
geed policy.
Hell Interest Everything.
These who advocate untaxed, mi
conditional and absolute free trade be
tween our nation and ethers defend their
position upon the ground that our in
terests demand It. They de net claim
it as a matter of justice te tt e people of
ether nations. We lay protective re
strictiens against free immigration and
naturalization, which they de net com
plain of. We will net allow anyene but
a native e the country te be eligible te
Its chief magistracy ; and with that they
are centeut. They think it go d for the
country te expel the Chinese t require a
five years' residence of foreigners pre
paratory te citizenship, and te bar for
eigners from the the presldmc) ; Justus
we think it a geed for the te liar
foreign iron from it. We want 1 1 use
ournative material for our presidents and
pig iron ; as it is, the supply of both is
far In excess of the demand. It may be
that It would be wise, since this is se, te
let in the supply of the whole world, en
the theory that it cau't be werse than it
Is, nnd may be better. But the point we
are making is that in each case it is the
balance of self interest that is called in
te decide it. If it would be better for
us, nnd worse for the foreigners te take
afeielgn president, we would all be for
taklug liltn ; just as we would all
b3 for taking foreign Iren, If we
thought It was te our Interest. Prem
which we deduce the conclusion
that the free trade statesman Is net en
titled te take en the air of peculiar
sanctity which he is went te assume and
te charge upon his protectionist adver
sary a selfishness, of which he is equally
guilty. It is the old and familiar exhi
bition of the Phntlsee that we see In
the white robed iree traders passing by
with tilted nose, the protectionist who
deea net claim his motives te be dis
interested any mere than he claims
purity for the soiled garments of his
Tint Western Union tulegruph com
pany has just borrowed a million dellaru
from the Equitable Life Insurauce com cem
pany, by negotiating a million dollars of
bends of an lesue that was authorized
away back In 187-1, and of which, accord,
lug te the last report, Icbs than four
millions had been issued. It eeeuiH that
tlie whole of the remainder, or 2 000,000
lias been issued within this year slnce
tlie million just borrowed is mild by the
KquiUible company te be the last of the
leans. The Western Union authorities
decline te fay what they needed the
money for, and nre net pleased at the
publication of the fuct that theyhave
had te borrow it. They ought net te
need te borrow if they are making the
great profit they claim.
Fjtrjn. DeuanAss says "Jehn A.
Legan is the llrnt cholce ofthecoloied
people." Tills is passing strange. In
18o3Jehn introduced ami urged tells
Glial passage in the Illinois Leglslntute
a bill that prohibited the importation
into that state of free negrees under
heavy penalty. 1'red must have
speaking ironically.
Gmustenk Is btlll the champion legis legis
I.UWe slugger.
Auther givosthe dinners nnd lllalne
get the delegates.
WilKiin id Utiole Jehn Cessna .m J hut
high water pants ?
TiiKiir, are a geed many sports
men just new lying iu wait with leaded
gimt biding the time when It will become
ncees.-nry te blaze away at Illaltie' record.
Ik the tariff of 30 per cent, upon works
of art imported into the luited States is
net abolished by Congress a retail Uery
meuBurc, w 111 undoubtedly become a law.
Oscar Wilde should take watuiug.
G.utnr.t.D beuueed Merntt out of iu
New Yerk collectorshlp at Maine's behest
te ninke room for Robertsen ; tue litter
will new go te Chicago as a lllalne dele
Kate. Great is civil sorvice roferra !
A scenes of Iceland in visiting the
town te day, ami is playing havej with
telegraph wires, base ball profpcels and
pretty much ever thing else except
the set up being tlxed up by the local
.Mether, l cinnet mind my h- -.
St v Anger aclie, my lips are ilty .
O, U you lelt tliu pain I teel I
HutO. whoever lult iu I
Se Iniwer could 1 ileabt litm true,
All etner men m ly ue dt-cel ;
He always sum my uyes ner- tlue.
Anil often swer.i my llpi we.e eet."
Istniier seems te have everything h's
own way in letitis)lr.iuia ; net te, how
ever In the Empire state te the uerth. Tlie
Evening RU, of New Yerk, the most of the afternoon papers, comes
out boldly nud gives notice that if Ulaine
is nominated it will belt the ticket and
support the Oouiecratio candidate. Twe
ceuuts In the indictment charge him with
prostituting the pptakersbip te forward
Llitlu Heck and Fert Smith railroad
schemes ; the third with suspicious
Northern Tactile railroad transactions ;
the fourth with breaking his word regard
iug the MtUlgan letter; the tlftli with
sensational, unsound and unsafe adininis
tratieu et ll.e office of becretary of state,
and the sixth with packing the convcutieu
1 and erganiznug literary bureaus. IIv al.
means let Hlame be nemluatcd.
Ex MiMVTBKlIrNT' funeral t ok p'
in Wanhiugten Tuesday.
Ex-Myok Kine proiees te write a
book, RiriuR his observations of the way
in which Philadelphia is governe 1.
Dahwin has demonstrated that iieep'u
are right-legged as well as rnjht haurted.
The feet en which a perseu hops te a
" hop, step ami jump " is considered the
dexter feet.
Mm. OTTnNnenpp.n's vri'l beqiaths
Heme $jO,000 te charitable purpe's ivnd
the remainder of her property te her hus
band and children. Tau estate is valued
at 53,000,000.
Mus Emily FaiTiircLL cavs : What
was oempetenco iu the I ivs of our cr.m I
fathers is new regarded as scanty pittance,
the luxuries of the puentx. ire the necs
sarics el tbe children."
PitiNCK Bism.UICk'h anuuil revanu-s
amount te about eie.000. Wheu driving
en his estates he occupies hliuHelt with
forestry, and his fnvenlu w.,llc is in the
oak weeds when ids favorite tlew. r, the
heather, is in bloom.
LinnAiiiAN Dei.aset'h brother, N tn
&. ueianey, who was hunt: receut'v in
Tombstone, Arlr. ua, ler complicity in the
Bmbee minders, it is claimed was the vt.j
tiui of a conspiriey by plotters te whom
be reinsert te soil his iniueral claim.
Mits. Damen Y. Knmnr. having se far
failed te irim admission te the I'mladel
phiacuinm-ju picas courts te practice law,
has applied at Media for admission te the
Deliwirecjunty bar. The judges thore
have th matter under consideration.
Jinei; William Ilr.Lrr.NSTEiN died en
Monday at DuratiRe Mexico. Ha was ro re
ccutly circuit judjie at Dayton, Ohie, but
at the time of Ids death he was oiiRa'ed iu
silver mining. He was at one time a well
known operator of the Schuylkill co I
Hurrlble Iroutmer.t el uiilici,
Tlie attention of the police authorities
in Wilmington, Del , has been diiealrd te
a "ai-e of fiendish eruelty. Ivezlah Wes
ley, a colored woman, who for hoiiie time
past has been in extremely indigent cir
cuinstanees, li m been in the habit of
leaving her little daughter te the oare jif
neighbors nnd frienda and in Suptembnr
last the child was taken te live with a
negress named Mary Ellen Smith.
During her entire stay with the
latter the girl has led a very
uuhappy life an I Iiuh frequently b.sen
subjected te horrible tortures. On several
occasions she had bceu disiebed by her
heartless guardian and held ovirahet
stove and ouce a knife was thrust into her
mouth, cutting her tengue severely. Her
body new presents a herrible appearauce.
Ou her back are large hercs ana the
skin uf the contiguous parts is iu a statu
of decomposition. Tier cars appear as if
they would seen drop off. The perpetra
ter of these cruelties was sentenced by
Judge Cummins te pay a line of 4100, and
iu default of payment was taken te jail.
Iu dflfense of her nrmdnnt. thn ntru.
stated that she inflicted the injuries be
cause the child wan disobedient.
Fer snme time many lenHents of Dav
onpert, Iowa, have been miuBing articles
of wearing npparel and household use in
the most mysterious manner, nud the
polleo proved unable te enpe with the
case. Piually suspioleu, through a mini-
her of small circumstances, fell upon tire
who ei a promineut iniuister or the gospel,
nud the polleo visited her house, where all
the missing nrtloles wero found. Owing
te the iulltiouce of her friends, however,
no arrest was made. It is elaimcd te be
a genuine case of kleptomania, the woman
using her wole me as a luinlster's wlfe te
go about peopIe'B houses at will ami earry
things away.
"Tim I'ublla no Damned."
Mrs. Clark, wlfe of Dr. Clark, or Erle,
obtalued a vlrdlet against the Lake Bhere
railroad for injuries eiihtnined by belug
oirried beyond her stutleu nnd being put
pfT at a dangerous place. Tuesday morn mern
ing qulte a sensational (oature was added
te the case by the oempauy meviug for a
uew trial en the ground that Vauderhilt
had been maligned and that the Jury wero
influenced by counsel's address, in whleh
It was stated that the dofeiidant company
had, through its largest utoekholdor, steed
up the company's regard for the poeplo In
his famous uttoraeeo, "Thopubllebo dam.
nnd." Tltlln rrrniifnil
....W .M...VM
A llirut emml nl rrnuil ici I Uriuecrai
I'r.aciil tit Its UnltifMlletit fuicriit
of It Actum,
A. staff correspondent of the Phdidol Phdidel
phta Timtt wiites as fellows concerning
the Democratic convention new iu session
lu .Vhntewu : There are no bosses nud
no leughs at the Alleiitewn convention.
Ttiis fact has given the Immense crowds
present a quiet and solemn appearance,
net wholly common te state conx'Utte'is
The notable event of Monday morning was
the arrival of Kindall He went at ouce te
Colonel Sewdeu's house, anil has been
receiving large delegations of friends all
the afternoon. Harrity, who catue late
Monday night, has much Increased his
neimlarity ns he has mingled with the
delegates. Colonel Dill is ever from
Union county, mid, with ex Senater Allen,
of Lycoming, ih the guest of Judge
Albright. One of the early iucldeuts el
the morning was the declination of Frank
tin it. Oettcu. de telegraphed that fact
te Senater Cew, The result as that the
Irlends of Coxe immediately settled denn
te wnik for him nud It was net an hetu
before cvetj body was eon ceding that Coxe
would be one of the delegates at lave.
Tin. iulfctr.rtt-l.r.
The whole day through the drift el dis
cussieus has net materially changed. It
has been n most unanimously omeded
that Wallace, Dainty, aud Coxe
will be four e' the six dele.: ites at I irge.
Fer the ether two places there Ins heeu
a very act no but in no sense acrimonious
tight Thern is Cellins; of S nnerset, has
getie wed up te the front. Ic is beyond
question th.w !' his the large-it inJividtiU
following of any of the candidates. His
election is as probable as any of the uuoer
taiuties Meters, el Harrisburg. lias also
turned up with a geed deal of strength
nud stands up in front, C mgressuiau
ltojle aud Ceiik-u'ss nan Elliett are among
ethers within easy range of the lightning,
while Colonel row den lias a strong body
of supporters, ijeudi-n, however, has
bceu put te snme disadvantage by the fact
of Coxe's candid icy It is net probable
that two delcgiU's wnl be taken I nun the
Lebigh Valley. Here and there ether
names are uieuti .ied, tint tut with suffi
cient force te malie them serious com
petiters in the list.
There h is bei'u some queer talk about
the state nd mm ist rat ten te day. It ii
sta'ed that Governer l'attisen would like
te be made lOielega'u-ni-large. If this be
net se Jehn Martin, win is Ctupl ived in
Seoretary stengcr's elUce, is doing the
administration great injustice by ussum
ing te labor here in its behalf. Ther Mr
net a dozen administration men in iu.
convention. Eviti Loleuel Harr, of I' -burg,
who some time age seonied a x .ii
te be known a nn administration man,
has precipitately dropped that notion as a
means of savlug himself. He will be
elected a deleg ite simply as a represeut i i
tive of the wesvr i part of the state. It
was absurdly aul te-night that
the lulm'.nistrati a would bature meru
ing indicita us trefereueu for dclj
gates, but ueb! ha I te b
ueve theyaru. Wnl. am L Se tt teems te
hav dropped comp e'ely out. He had net
made his appearance here at a late hour
and ha.s no earthly show te lw chosen n
drlcgate b the oenveutuu. It is new said
his own congressional district is against
him by a vote of six te live.
S)tne of the district dnlcgatieus at the it
meetings have brought out tiewciudidates
for delegate-at Urge. Among theue is
ex Congressman Aticena, of Keadu-g, who
will be stait.d with the support of the
Berks delegttiea. delegation took
a notion te pus some resolutions. Whslj
theyexpichs e.ii'iJrinuj in Itiuda'.l it is
declared te be the seuse of the li.-rks del
egatien that Tilden aud Hendricks should
he nominated, theieby rebuking the fraud
of lbi'l and furnishing a plain aud honest
p'atferm for lH Among ethers who
are new namtd for delegates is Heb:. E
Menaghau, of Chester, an 1 there h i.s been
some talk of Gse. A Jeuks, of Jedersen.
These Ute entries, however, llnd the field
pretty well crowded.
ItHIHlllir. I'll. Ill JU
The platform will ciutain a presenta
tion of Kandall'g name for the presidency;
Kendall, hewtver, has nover oxpressed
htiuself in fa6ref au instructed delega
tion. He took a characteristically muuly
pesitum en that point. A delegation el
his euthutiastie but ret wholly discreet
menus cnpiudtd that it would be advis.
abte net only te instruct the delegatun,
but t4 apply the unit rule. '1 hey called
upon Mr. Itaudall nnd preseuted their
opiuiei s lhe ex speaker told thorn
plainly he had a record ou that point.
He was against instructions and could uet
give his consent te any movement in that
direction. It is cot likely, under the
circumstances, that any veice will be
raised In convention against the resolution
et luJorbetijent.
It Is astonishing hew httle intercst Is
taken Iu the choice of electors. A few
names hnve been mentioned, but only In.
eidcutally. Among these are Chatles It.
Huukalew. of Columbia ; Oeorge A.
Jrnks. of Jeitersju ; Edward A. iiigler, of
Clearlluld ; Rebert E. Menagban, of
Chester, and Hiehard Vaux, Audiew Neb.
uigerand William H. Daltou, of Fhiladol Fhiladel
plua The selection of electers will some
what diqmud upon the delegates at large,
who will be tlmt cuoneii. Comparatively
few of the districts havose far ropertcd
tliur electers. Fer congressman at large
nearly all the talk was for Ueu Davis,
of Doylestown. Tuesday night, howevor,
attention nas been turned toward li. J.
MeGiauu, of Liucastcr. Gen. Davis says
hi) doesn't want the nomination and thinks
Ehiett bheulil be nominated. Iu all preb.
ability the nomination will go either te
McCiraun or Davis nud probably elther
would accept.
Timid will be no objection te ex.
Ceugrcssinau Speer for permanent chair
rnau ei the convention. It is agreed by
all te be a iittiug soleetiou. The ene
talked of for temperary chairman
is J K Uegert, of Wilkesbare. Here and
thcre mentien has been made of ethers.
Ex Senater Wallace has been sent for and
will be here in the morning,
The couveutlou will meet at ten o'clock
Wednesday morning aud will extend late
into the diy, with go m! chances for a
night bcsbieu. The crowd U immense.
Net only are Domeorats present from
everywhere iu the state, but Lehigh
county is pouring in its untorrilled.
Alloutevwi hccins te aiae up te the occa
sion. UK liAll Nil V-A1TII IN HANK)
Hut Kit HI 00,000 lu 111 Heme te Teiniit
Malts Iruiu llurslari,
Isaae Stoelo, nnoged farmer living near
I'etreha, l'a, made $100,00 from oil that
was found en his farm a few years age
Having ue faith lu banks it has been hiH
persistuut oustera te koep from 480,000 te
1 100,000 In bank notes Rtowed nway in
dlll'erent plaees about his hoime. Five or
nix. ycam uge uu uau eiuu.uuu looked up lu
a number of boxes. One day he was exam
ining ids treasure anil found It damp
mildewed aud meuldy. Iloteok the notes
from the boxes aud spread thorn out hi a
Held te dry lu the sun. This became noised
about the neighborhood nnd people, lloekod
from all directions te sce the novel spee.
taole of a fortune soatterod about. Fer two
days tlie nioney was thus oxnesod,
guatded by the old farmer, his " wlm
dauchter, and hired man. It was thou
returned te its hiding plaees In the heuse,
Three nights afterward Btoelo weke up
and found tluee men In his room. They
were all inasked. They Bolzed the old
man and his wlfe nud bound nnd gagged
thorn. While seuehu'g for menej about
the heuse they were frightened by the up
pearauce of Steele's l.tied man, who had
been abscut lu I'otreM i. I'm' reM.ers iii,
having seoiired t O00 This o-riiMie..
falbil te Induce Steele te tins' his nien.-v
out uf his hou-e. One light i" Apul. .
1831, nbmt mul..mht. three masked
men broke into S-ee'ti' house iwalu
Mr. Steele was kueeked unoii-eioiis U
a blew from one of the lobbers.
who dreve the hired inn mt" ' bdr.).u
at the point of a pistol. Heth :eele and
his dan 'hter were m overeou ', out n t .
b?fere tlie masks had been tern from t'ie .
f ices of two of the men, wha pieve.1 te U
Jim J files and Wdliaai M u'deu il I, e I
known icsideiit.s of the neighbeih ed
I'lioiieisj mi bat Meele n mis., uun
the struggle niotised a neigtibeimg family,
aud the robbers tl d. I'm tliu.i w vs net
nvMirinrpd. James and 'lac l
mil. t. were
arr stivl nex' d iy, an l'r' ,L,I
it.-. iirinn fur lhe rar
Ml j 3.1 te
l!i-.,pv unit .iimmscd Ilia Steele W
put his wealth in n pliee et naietr after
lhe seoen. I warning he hil i--eeivI. but
he had stubbornly relimvl te d i no. Only
a few days age :i neighbor who cillest at
tl.e house leiiud S;etl. si'tuig in the
Kite'ien while the ll or, table and etiaiis
were ceverl with bank notes, which the
old farmer was ouee in re druig. 1 here
wre $15 WO in tin Lu. An oil iqoriter
from the lower country br. ughl the news
ou Sittirdny that Steele's heutn hid
been visited by masked burglars ou l tin s
day uight, nud they had succeed d in gel
ting awav with ?i.H) below they wcie
forced te'ily from the h mise by the neigh
bors. They bound the family ns iisuil,
nud ise.ikvI detj'O'i.m It is said that
Steele has at last decided te put his money
wheie it will be sate
imiMirii M' imi.uAiJj.
Ill llltOUB-4
et lei6 el
The Teries are a soero and sue let of
politicians, being inexpressibly e' tgriiud
eier the reusiug inipnty et 10 votes
which Mr. GlidsUvie eb'aiueil ter his
fraiiohtse b II. Tnej are m kkiug desperate
but hepelefrs attemp's te itduee lhe moral
eilect el the Liberal vie'eiy and break the
force of their ewu fall by al'egiug all .-eris
of corrupt deals and uuhely alliauees en
the part of the geverum 'ut. Tue cry of
the Conservatives is that tht'ie his baen
another "Kiluniuham tn-ity ' nud that
Gladstoue has sold out te I'arnejl The
profess te expl nn ihe 'nd ote of the
l'arnollites en the geven mei.t's side by
alleging the existcuee of an iiudcrbauded
compact which is togive the U.'me Hulers
sundry neb spoils of oiHce i'i returti for
their nul nt this critical iuuc'u.p.
One of the Tery newipeis gees se far
as te assert llmt the government has made
au agreement with the I'arnellitcs te se
nudity the toitheomng county goteru
meut bill, w Inch is the oeiid of the se
Oillcd reform ineasiiresei 'he government,
as te unable the Heme I'.ulers tocjeot fiem
most of the pest of honor a-id pretlt in
Ireland their present Lealiut heldeis aud
till their placed with rampant Natieualis's.
With this a'armieg et.itemeut asnuxr.
the editor proceeds with a d.atnbe agaiust
tiladatotie, who, he siys, te gain a purelj
partisan victory, aud a cjutiu.ui ee
of power for Liberalism, has stoepod t-j an
alhauce with a parcel of blataut detna
gegues whose vary bria'.h is disleya'ty and
whose openly avowed object is revolatteu
The L berals, en the ether h in I, ,v. j
jubilant ever their v.i-.eiy, th-cxijitet
which i a ae.iree efasl "imuinaut uvea te
themselves. They new cxpicss a centl
denee that the size of the majjnty in the
commons w.ll I'if.iu'd ite t!u liiusoef
Lords and impel the poers te reconsider
their informal aroement te rt-joet the
bill, lst they may, by opposing a reform
se obviously demanded by lhe progre-uive
spirit of thn age, proveko an appeal te the
people, the re-mlt of winch may ba fa'al
te tbe very exH'.etue of here lit iry legisla
tion, Al TU1. l'lalUL'3 fUl.NT.
A fluid llltui'ind ltulitiery In -t. Iiel. ou
Au extraordinary beUl nnd stmcessful
diamond robbery was accomplished by
three young men Monday night iu an es
tablishment kept by a M'hi Flera Marks,
ou North Eleventh street, St. Liuis. Miss
Marks' story of the all ur is te the effect
that the robbery wasa-joemplished by three
men, el whoje ereual charaeturntics
she n.iu'd mt give a very accuiate dcscrlp
Hen. MliD said that ene of the robbers
came into the heuse abiut midnight
and haw a companion of hers. He
remaned only a little time, went away
ana rettirucu aueut two e clock with two
friends. As seen as the party had gotten
into the parlor ene of the men drew n
revolver and, pointing it at Miss Marks,
told her te take oil the diamonds she
wero. She thought he was jj'ting at tirst,
but the ethers nlse pulled revelveis nud a
heoeu.l demand in a sterner maimer was
made. The two ethers threatened the
ethor girls. When the girls found Hint
the robbers were iu earnest they gave up
their jewels aud what cash they had. The
robbers then bound them and taking thorn
te the basement made their escape. The seen as they could free themselves
ran out nnd gave the alarm. Ne ofllier
came, however, for half an hour and lhe
robbers escaped. JAll three were described
as yeuug aud boyish looking. Oae wero
a falsa moustaeho. Tney hjeursd three
diamond cluster rings, two pairs of dia
mond ear rings, diamond bracelets, briast
pins, geld neoklace and ring, of a total
value of ever 3,000.
WRLI. It.NIJWM TUltiraiArt MUllllKUhl).
A Colored lluy IlllU Kciheit II. J.ilimen lu
Rebert II. Jehntuu, the well known
turfman, was found Monday evening,
lying en his baek uuder tlie grand stand
at the Leuisville fair grounds. Under his
scat was a soft felt hat soaked in bbed.
On the left slde of his head behind the ear
was a hele almost as large as a silver half
dollar. He never iccovered speech, and
died in the night.
Jehnsen went te a F.aloen in the neigh
borhood of the fair grounds in the morn
ing, when he was assaulted by n negre
boy with n brick, rceeivmg a blew behind
the ear which fractured his skull. The
young murdorer'a grievance was that
JohuBeu had refused te pay him for hol.1 hel.1
ing ids herse. Johusen, nfter receiving
the blew, dreve ever te the grand stand,
and, becoming faint, sat down en ene of
the scats, whero he was found afterwards.
He was a trotting dilver and owuer, and
seme years uge was well known en nil the
circuit. He was a brether of Miss Rachel
Jehnsen, the popular actress, who is new
Mrs. Uarney McCauley. In 1831 he was
ruled off the track at Cincinnati iu connec
tion with sumo auspioieus porfurmaiice of
tlie herse Dark la, which he dreve.
llosten Journal.
into .Matrimony.
A young man in Portland, Me., is naid
te have beeu enstiarcd into matrimony by
a dovleo which' has the eliarm of novelty.
One of his young lady friends, who lias
alwnys shown an especial fondness for
him, nuked pjint blank In the onurue of a
roceut Sunday eveulng tete a-tcte : "Who
are you gelug te marry." "Yeu' he said,
jokingly. ''Really ?" ''Yes." "Shake
hands en it," the business like maldeii
domanded. The young man did se, think
Ing it the most amuslug iuoldeut he had
ever hoiiie a part in. The yeuug lady,
howevor, told her father that she nud Mr.
wero engaged, nud the young man was
immediately waited upon bythe intorestod
parent and has doeldod te marry the girl
rather than atand n throatenod suit for
broaeh of premise.
... ... au. U. ......... ..
i n. lilt.-. iimiiii i m, mi:nriN(l I
ll.,rii.n t: III" ItiTlnil llnnli n( ln lt I te .
I,,,, m. 9UiilMr-M,it Aejiiuii,.
nmiit el tun lliiiij.
Pn-t.'nt, AfttMMn l'reubvtcry met
a'ter loess. Dr. Siewmt. eiiainn iu of
the e -inmittee te bilug lu a report en the
overt un sent down by tlie Inst geneial
as ptnl'lv, .n'., "The revlsed book of ills
eipime." pi s.-iited his report. He read n
length) i tew of the overture, Muting
,-i-tii-iiil ami special exceptions te it. The
iiembeisei presbytery marked the oeep
i em ei the printed copies befere them,
while the) wero read aloud by Dr. Mitch
,11 Tjh book oentalim 118 sections,
many prepping radical chauges. The
ehaltniiu of the prcsbyterlal oemmltteo
tcoeiiimei'de I tbnt the bek be rejected ns
a whole, nud that the general assembly be
eeriuiei tes'uii uowute tne irosbyterica
fro n tune te time such part us may be
deemed nt e s-ary for their net en.
Au anuiiitid discussion followed, par
teipitrd iu by m my of the member,
when It was lesalved tint the overturn be
auiweie.1 in the negative, and the genmal
aei'inbly b-' overtured te hend (lean
ameiidinents te tlie existing book, for
tlu-ir adoption, with reasons for tlie
eh h Re.
Oi motion prosbytery resolved te tnl;e
n trees at tifteeu mluutus bofero 8, te
visit the soldier's orphans school.
After the transaction of some routiue
busiiiiss, recess was taken until 7 J p. in.,
wheu popular meeting was held.
The presbytery went In n bady te the
seldit'i'.s erph iiis school and wete conduct
td through the large building by the
superintendent. All were greatly pleased
with the arrmgements throughout for the
comfort of the scholars and the evident
paius tjUmi te provide libjrally for their
wints. Li tlie large school room, the
echeUus wrru assembled nnd Haug with
tn.uked harmony several very beautiful
songs. On in itatleu of thn superiutcn '
dea, II. v Dr. Mitchell address id the
After it-Oi s, pro.stiytery met and a large
c.mgregitieu was in attend me. The
IH'pulnr meeting arranged for, was pro pre
sided ever by ltev. G. L. Smith, of Yerk.
The sei vices c minioueed with singing of a
" ve'uuinrv " by a well ergatuz-id oheir.
l'raer was offered by Hev. L. Thompson.
The pu-siliug ofllcer, after scriptural
rt'a.l.ugs, lu'.iedueed with a few appro appre appro
pria'e rem irks, the subject, " I'he
ckuicYs du'y te tutu church goers and
hew t secure their attcudauce." The
discussion wis pirticipitel in by Ilevs.
Springer, Tnompsen, (jay lord, Mitchell,
ivewart, anil ethers, nud was listened te
with unwavering attention until the dis dis
cusMeu closed at 9 o'clock. It was resolved
that wheu the presbytery adjourned, itle
te iin-et at M inettii ou June 'it'll nt .1
e'e' -'k p m. It3V. .Mr. Moutgemorv. of
'he I'liiladeii'lra M. h. conference, beiug
present was muted te nit as n oorrospoud eorrospoud oerrospoud
.g member. Fresbytery adjourned te
-.utt't We luesday morning at SJ o'clock.
W'tdiMf liy Merniny Presbytery met nt
J o'clock, aud was opened with prayer
b) the moderator. The minutes of the
preceding day wero read, corrected and ap
proved. A plau ler the reduction of the
n nuber of delegates te the assembly, as
pri'iared by Dr. J. Ferd Sutten, of Phila
delpbia, was piesented, but presbytery
res i ved ih it no action be taken. The
c immittre t audit the treasurer's account
reported they llnd the sarae correct, with
a bal ince in the treasury of t'-0. 13.
The ee in in i tt co en scssieual records re
pmed approval of tbe minutes el the fol fel fol
lewiui.' churches : Chestnut L'svel.Chauce
ford, Ei-lhue, Lancaster, Mount Jey,
Marietta, Slake Ridge. Christ Chapel,
Middle Octoraro, Cedar Grove,Ceutervllle,
Columbia, Leacock, Hopewcll.
Exceptions were made te the following :
S'ra-buig, Sit. Nebo, Wrightsville, Cal
vary church, Yerk, Stowarutewn, Deue
The standing committce nn h iine mis
sieu.s reported, sjieclally recommending n
new missionary enterprise In Yerk ; also,
commending that of the Lancaster me.
ruurial mission. In addition Wrightsville,
straaburg and Mt. Nebo wero rooommoud reoommoud roeommoud
ed for aid, Mr. Gaylerd was authorized te
held afternoon services at Strasburg until
the uext meeting of prosbytery. The fol fel
low ng supplies were appointed for Mt.
Nebo until thn next meeting of presby-t-ry
: April 27, Hev. T. M. Crawford ;
May 11, Rev. .S lvetieacy , May 25, Uer,
G. W. Ely ; June 1, Rev. T. M. Craw,
ford ; Juue 13. RjV. J. Y. Mitchell, D.
D ; June 2'J, Rev. Rebert Gamble ; Ju
13, Rev. W li. IJrewn : July 27, Rev.
M Crawford ; Aug. 10, R-v. T. Thomp
seu ; Aug. 21, Rev. T. M. Crawford ; Sept.
7, Rev. W. 11. IJrewn.
Rev. T. M. Crawford was continued as
stated supply of Pine Grove for the next
six mouths. The ehtirch at Christiana had
leave te supply their ewu pulpit, and if the
way be clear te utiite with the church at
Atglcn in a call fur a pastor.
Rev. A. T. Fex was appointed te preach
iu th Stewartstown church, April 20, aud
It mutually agreeable te him and tlie con
gregation that he coutlnue te supply that
pulpit for six months.
The churches of Slatevllle and Slate Slate Slato
ridge wero directed te take steps for the
building of a chapel and ergauizlng Sab
bath school at Delta.
llollevtiu church had lcave t supply
tlmir own pulpit.
Uav. P. J. Timlew was appointed mod
erator of Ilellevue, G. W. Ely moderator
of Marietta, T. M. Crawford moderator of
Mt. Nebo.
Messrs. R. P. Cobb and Julius A.
Hereld, of Princeton theological seminary,
wero further examined ou theology, ehurch
history, church government aud saora saera saora
ments ami Hebrew.
The comrnlttce appointed te cxainiue
their written parts ei trial, ropertcd their
approval. The repsrt was aoeoptod and
The candidates Cobb and Hareld
preached their trial sermens, after which
the prosbytery voted unanimously te sus
tain all the parts or trial, and the young
men were regular'y liceused te proaeh the
These young men nre raombers of the
Lancaster Presbyterian church, and they
will preach In that pulpit uext Sabbath
Mr. Cobb in the morning aud Mr. lloreld
in the evening.
The committee i temperance reported
the tollewing resolutions, whleh wero
adopted :
1. That we rolterato and orephaslzo our
belief in the prepiiety and nceesalty of
total abstiuoneo for the Individual, and of
prohibition for the state.
2. That as publle sentiment mast bi
aroused and ns the meulding ei publle
soiitlraeiit Is part of the proaehor's work,
we appoint the secend Sunday iu Juue cr
seme ethor Sabbath ns a (lay when ve
shall preach ou seme phare of this quos ques quos
tleu. S, That we will, as far as practicable,
orgnuize the aliildrcn of our Sunday
schools into bands or chsses for iustrue
lien, ami union of effort, aud that we will
oeoperato with nil proper oudeavor te
oindlcnte this nbuse and crime
Tlie prosbytery accepted tlie invitation te
held their fall meeting nt Mlddle Oatorare.
Uaai.eii artnai !.. 41..... (til nlt rit(f
Recess was then taken until ene o'clock.
final Ailjeiiriiineut.
The standing rule oeucerulng the fall
meeting of prosbytery, wns suspouded and
Monday evening, Sept. 20, nt 7:30 o'clock,
was tlxcd ns the time.
The thanks of preBbytery wero voted te
the pastor, trustees and mombers of the
chfireh, also frleiids In the oemmunlty,
for their generous hospitality,
The presbytery adjourned with prayer,
singing and doxology, te meet at Marietta
June 24.
The moellngs of prosbytery from the
very beginning were nxoeodiugjy Inteiost Inteiest
big, 'i'he nttoiidaiiee of se upuy poeplo
showed that tin community tinned fully
in una urerei. au was pe.tueliil nud i
hnriiieidiiiiM Ti i tb uikti te I he, people of
Mount Jey wtie Invrly, for it wns i vident
that t'leiCHiilenlshnil wniin In arts for their
vlslterM The elulreli nt M unit Jey has i
outlived the nglttUleu or a you- ei two
age, nud gives eWtlouce of the beginning
of n new nnd better state of things. A
naw paisoniige ban just been llnlshed en
the chinch grounds, Inte which lhe pastor
turned but n week uge. It Is uet only 1
beiiitlfut but oempleto In nil of its ap. I
pelutiiieiits. Hre. Gniuble, the jmster, !
deseivr.s. ntid nlreadv IeiMh. ilm .tiiumi ..i
nil In the community, being recegn red as
a lallhful nnd earnest Christian minister.
UUV.S IIDXr.i, unriTt-r.ii.
Au Klrtut Iliiittilrli. lu tllmrir. nt rwu
rnrnidr l.iienlruii
The I'hlladelphla I'm contains te d iy
the following notice of thn o.implelo
refitting of Guy's hotel, by the new
pioprietors, fenuer La-ieistri ins, both of
whom nre well nud r.iv nably Uuewu in
thiBcity :
Guv's hotel, nt tlu corner of Sivimth
nnd Cliestuui stroets, wlnc'i has reaeiuly
passed into the hands of Mr.T. Wallaoe
Rnllly mill Mr. V. W Powers, late of the
Glrard liouse, has bun thoieuhly re
tltted. Heside the outslde iniprove
tneiits, whleh, with the elcotrle lights
iiiane no Krt-at uiiauce tin tlie comer
at night, a great deal has breu dene
inside. The main entiance is te be en
Chestnut street. On the second lloer ate
the oflleo nnd dining looms, al
relltted iu most luxurious siyle. Heside
thogenetal dining lemu for gontlennn,
there nre several urivate e-mi, ineludiiu
one for ladies, The restaur uit proper, en
the Soventh sreet side, has beta hand
somely decorated. A iiiaguiliueut
chaudelier, together with lJrush
electric lights, will alt ml il'miuna
tlen. The marble ll ier Is artially
covered with nlegtnt rugs. The sloetiiug
nMinis nnd iiIers Inve lueii uewlyftu
nishcil aud nil tint e uivnuiouces et hotel
lile intnxbiced. I'lm heuse will be run ou
the European pi in, nud with the genmal
view of rurtiisbiiig these privileges r :i
quiet and pnv.ite hotel nud the results of
the ouisine which made the old time
"Guy's" be faieiably known.
The enterprising young proprietors hive
the best wishes of their many friends in
this city tint success may crown their on en on
dcavers I.KWN A.M Uli.illJlA.N.
A riiim Shiiir in . aiiihII Amllsnce.
The nudioneo which gathered in the
opera heuse te gee the entertainment giveu
by Leen A Ciishmau's oemody minstrel
oeuipany .ast evening was uet very large.
The show was excellent, and was (Iestv
Ing of nn immense crowd. The perform
auce given by this cempmy cembiuis
miiMtrel, ejmedy, variety and burlesque.
"Sarah Itanium's Dilemma" is an oxe.-td
iugly amus-ng cmueiIv. In the
cast the eul) La m, the world's gnutest
female imperi miter, appaared as .SUruA,
aud many in the audionej were led te
boheve that he really was a woman, se
perfect was Ins dreving nnd veice. Leoa
w. mipiiertcd by Eugene. his eulv rival
who oemjHitetl laitly with lum, Frank
Cunhman the old favorite personated Cel
Subb, oelorod inn-iager, te porfeetluu.
The ethor ehari"ters wete iu the huinLi of
liuojde fully oaeablo of tiklng oire or
During the production of the piece, nil
moreus aetii of minstrelsy nud variety
weie introduced. Frank Cushuiiu gave
his wendirful aged uogre impcrhoiiatien
ami was reeallcd azaui and again. L-en's
act, " I'he Giy Dudette," was received
with great favor. Adams and Casey
proved that they were uet only great must
Clans but remarkably geed voe Units ami
actors. The ballet, led by Eugene and
Leen, was very ludicrous. Messrs. Hoo Heo Hoe
loy, Thompseu, Hegcn Brethers, Caey
ami Cehen were seiu tu a line 1114 and
dance, aud they oencluded the show with
the " Match or the Silver Knights."
Every net iu the entertainment was llrst
class. The costumes aru bran new nud
very prtty, and the show cerUiuly staits
out with brilliaut prospects.
ll.itcliull ililnii
Harr lloyte has been n)pointed tern
perary captain of the Actives of Hold Held
ing. l'lift blonde and bruuotte clubs of lad 101
are net yet tired of walking aud they will
go out from Philadelphia again.
The suits of the AU00111 b mob ill players
will be made of grauite cloth, teal brown,
nud will e-jst $Jj each. They will wear
brown hats.
The players of the Semmers club nre ns
fellows : Clark, s s ; Leuy, r f ; lllakily,
p ; Speakmau, lb ; Chambers, 0 f ; Dun
egnii, lib ; Welsh, 2b ; Grear, 0 ; Cleclaud,
1 f.
The Ilarrisburg managers beuima
frightened at the bid shewiug nnde by
their club en Monday In a practice game.
Ycsterday they signed Weidel, a Philadel
phla pitehcr.
Iu the Philadelphia Sjinmers game
Hlnkely, who was pitcher for the Athletics
list year, played with the Simmers. Tne
professionals could uet hit him, but made
their runs en errors.
Owing te the heavy fall of snow the
game which was te have takuu place be
tween the Ilarrisburg and Ironsides te
morrow will, of oeurse, have te bj post
poned, Last eveuiug Williams, Donald, Hatuil
ten aud Derby, who have beeu ongaged by
the Ironsides elub, arrived iu town from
their homes in Massachusetts. They re
port that the woather has been thore for
seme time ns it is here te day.
The Ironsides ure booked te p'ay in
Wilmington, Del., ou Friday and Sattir
day, ami the Laucasters are down for a
game with the Philadelphia Reds en Sit
urday. Frem present indications uoue of
these games will take place.
Games played yosterday rosulted as fol fel
lows : At Piilladelphla, Philadelphia
League M, Summers 11 ; at Norfolk, Va.,
Nationals, of Washington 21, Portsmouth
1 j at Rlohmend, Detroit 7. Virginia 1 ;
at New Yerk, Metropolitan 1, Oleveland 3.
A numboref ethor games were stepped by
the rain.
McLaughlin, the third basemau of tlie
new Ilarrisburg elub, has dliappilnted
the managen1 of that team by his Inferior
playing. The Telegraph says that after
the proiessionals wero boaten by the
picked nine ou Monday the steak foil con
siderably, but the poeplo ure anxieii3 that
their elub shall have a lair suew te 10
deem thcuuolves.
Kaiter hi Tilult Ulutreli.
At the Easter festival next Sunday
ovenlug iu Triulty Lutheran ohtireh at
quarter past six o'cleok, the school will
occupy the ontlre central portion of the
greuud lloer. whilst the oeugrogatlon will
occupy the three galleries up stairs aud the
slde pewa down stairs, This festival will
be 0110 of the most delightful that Trinity
Sunday school has ever held, ami stirely
this is saying net a little, The pulpit will
be adorned prefusely with exquisite llowers
nnd the hymns nre surpassingly jubilant
and moledioiis, The ehurch will doubtless
be well lllled with interested listeners,
bllctit Bire tins Morning.
Thbi forenoon about 11 o'elook a flight
Ure occurred at the heuse of Frederick
hTuhtis en Derwart strcet, near Mauer.
The family had clothes hanging ever the
steve te dry and the line breke. Thore
was no damnge doue te tlie building, but
the oletboB wero consumed. The alarm
was struck from box 23, West Kfug and
Oniuinhla nvouue. Tliu tire department
I was out but their services wero net nccded
HmneiM Time Arit rlni.lli; Atieind tun
e n luj tlie tiliAiiuin el Hi.. S'Hinii.
tliilna Hiiniv i'i luipra.
There was n terrible wrest In'; 1101 mg
Dm Repiibhean Iiesspr en Meed iy te llx
up their slatiiH pieiiaiiitiiry te the "ear
nival of fiiiud," wliuili will commnnen en
Sitttrday next nnd iiontluue during Sun
day nnd Mendity. lint lhe bosses worked
with iiulilliueut Hiiecess, no far ns Is
known te the eutside imblie. Tlie "1111
chillis" (then are sr-vntul of theni) don't
work smoothly. Tin Km iiiachlne
under protensn of giving eutv.i'.M fir
Allen, Liudis, Greider, Itiirkliuldnr an 1
the ethers el its mMi,lin one uiastur
passion by which all ethers nre h .vail nve 1
up namely, a dcteimluntlen te defeat
Hieitaud for Congress, nnd tl Is willing t
saoilllce overythiug olse te g 101 lliat n 1 1
iiiu aimuicr maouineis wei , ncc ctrtit. m
The Sjnsetilg in ichine webbl -s n geed deal Jk
uib ueiiiiiiuus vrue i- tei-iiniu ' ir. 1 110
Mnutzi'r iniiehuie lemaius he. til 1 te Li vi
Tbe Ilattinan mnehiuu works for Under
and llaitmmi, makinf cyerythlnj; else of
seoeiidmy iiiieilanee. Eiohef thn inaohlne
hisses li willing te trade Willi nuy party
that em no ire votes Ter his pat eandldate,
and nil makn selniuu preniisi-H te contend,
leg asplinuts for olllees that they huvn net
the si ghtest Intention te fuluil. There
nre ns et uncemplete short tieliet, the
AVw Kt a aud Seuuenlg ombluatieu being
the nearest complete.
I liniliutlrUl Ikhie
An Impeitnnt rumor en ll.u bir Ceist
Monday was that thore hud linen a gnat
boom stat ted for Atlee, nud th it Pattei
son wan sure te be snewed undei. It was
said that a promtueut eittzeu fie-n tlie
lower end iiBierted that nine tenths iiftlm
Republican vete of Celcraiu and Littl
Urltalu townships will go fur Atlee, bv
reason of Patterson's u'aud en thn 1 eii
quostlen. This Is doubtless an .-Mravi
gatit piedictlutl. but the nirf. malum' 11
is said te be in a position te knew whereof
he spraks. The contemplation of .1 t. i
years' disagreement en the ben li b tween
Livingston nnd Patterson is helping
Atlee in inine quarters. Whuihei
or net Atlee is as streu,' ns his
supporters claim, the latter nre m'ihwiii
great norve in betting en their fivent..
A prominent young lawyer en Uarb.uv
Coast, whose chu-k is nil 1 iht fe, a
goodly amount, en Monday night effr-d
te het in suras from iii te 41,000. m Att. n
He found seme t.ikers. The P.ittrri m
forces, hewcTr, maintain that this is a
simpln exhbilien for elbet, nnd die! .te
that it does net disturb thtnr eq-iani'ii t
or coulldence. Several even bis 1 im.- ;
from $23 te $100 have be-n taken ou n,e
judicial issue.
Lrclilallve Writiila.
The Hiestand men claim that lit be..m
1 1 his favor gees ou with inereavng out 1
and hets wure elletetl ( mil taken) that lu
would beat Smith 2 UuO vetu.s. All tl
indications point te 11 very clo.'-e light n
Congress aud judieiary, aud few of t' .11 stagers are willing te iu4c tl. n
reputatijius by making prt'dictie'i.i
Jehn "'II Laudis is still eui.ildut et
belting M;lin, nud he makes tbe neud
beast that during the entire campaign he
has net spent a single dollar aerrup'ly in-r
told a lie. If this be se M5I111 1. 1 .1
doeided advantage for the
both money ami taffy.
Uiiji lequi e
The light for asr.em'ily ih much mixed,
and it is difficult te tell who's who.
Tim County (inters.
Fer sheriff tlie AVu and Setir.cnig .ve
ostensibly for TomlinseM, while the ethir
macbiuca nre settling down en Sides.
Fer register I. vi is said te have tr.i led
off Sellenbergcr iu seme districts and
taken Geerge S Geycr, and in e-lu-rs
Chris Stencr. Either ei these moves will
help Stencr and probably ensure his tl -e
Fer clerk of quarter serious the deubli -leaded
broadside in the lixuminer against
Setley is calculate!, te reuse the drooping
luqics of the ether s Mier candidate Danny
Fer orphans court it 1 asserted th it thn
Ktamxntr crowd will put Lvi S. Under
en the short ticket instead of Mait Keller,
but Keller's friends deny it, aud say the
lame soldler will win.
Peter Hnnamnu had quite n boom Men
day for coroner, thcre being much kjiii
pathy manifested for him ou account el
bis unpaired health, ll.s (neuds miy they
cau put jiut him through easily ; but
Danny Shiff'er smiles placidly nt d smokes
his nover endiug cigar ns though tl 1 10 w .
no danger.
A rnw reliitrr.
Theso who claim te kuew, sny that Levi
is undoubtedly for Atlcu iu the judicial
Judge Patterson is circulating a piper
mldreeml te the election otUceni 01 the
county, te havn them count judge, Con Cen Con
gie'9 and kheriff' first. The candid it s f -i
fin office alluded te are signing it
Christ. Stencr, it is pa'd, will h iv.t te
repair his feuci s in ins own tow est. ip,
l'equea, wherea fautien is eppuMi g hnu
broause he interfered iu the tewi. -tup
election last February and the
defeat of an ambitious aspirant fortehuel
Al. Smith and llurLlielder aie iq-i illv
oenlldtnt of being elected pnsen l.i.-p.r
Smith appears te have nil the ' bent
workers " in the city wards enlist, d In his
behalf, but Hurkhoider Is making au
active campaign in the country. The re
suit is in doubt and will remain in deuti'
until the votes shall have been bxtd by
the return tinkers and ballet box h-ulfers.
Dlstriet Attorney Eberlycalhd 011S n
scnig a day or two age, lu deep d .-.tresj
nnd nppoaled te Luvl te support Putteisuu
He said in his iihiial slew and deliberatu
way : " Levi, 1 will go for any body ynu
want, nud will go niiywhore you say, if
you will only go for Patterson ; because it
Atlee is elected I will be in hell for two
j ears."
Some slgnillcatice Is given te the fac'
that Editor Gelst of the Ntw Km visited
Sides' saloon Xhe ethor day, nnd snme of
the wlse ones say he went thore for n
dicker. The prebabillry is he only wanted
a "nip," or te wait the arrival of the
train. This morning Bides Heeded the
market with circulars, showing up the
corruption et the sherlff's olllce. and
asserting that the hostility of the officials
of that ollleo te him is becnuse he would
net pledge himself te continue the preseut
doputleB In oate of his election. He says
he will earry the elty and a majority of the
oeunty districts nud will ha olected,
though Columbia and the Earls will give
him a blaek oye. Mcutzer and his friends
glve him a wrm Biippert.
Tlie City Lights uelng Heller,
Following Is the polleo lopertod of the
eltv lights that failed te burn last night :
Eloctrle lamps East King nnd Shlppen,
New and Lttne, Marshall and Chestnut,
Jehn and Loeust, Frelberg, nnd Locust,
Froibergnnd Lew, Rockland aud Lew,
Green and Christian, Strawberry, and
Woodward, Ann and Rockland, out all
night j West King and Ceutre Square,
peer for two hours; Llme and Oiauge,
peer from H o'elook: Lomen aud Llme,
out from 8 o'elook ; Chestnut aud Prince,
out from 0 o'elook. Total 1-1.
Twe gasollne lamps were ropertod as
beitig out.
Majer's Ueurt.
Mayer llosenmlller had eight eases te
dispene of this merulng six bums aud
two drunks, 0110 of the latter belug a
woman nnmed Kate Wilsen. She wai
oemmltted for G days being t.he ilrst
offender that the uew mayor has bent te
- tJt r it 11