4 "'', Vv" "'"," '".' ' .. I -h --' LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!!, TUESDAY, APJRIL 8, 1884. 1 '. r.S5. si J' ilOLUMUlA NEWS. .Oil HKUuiiAlt UUICItKHl'ONDMUIS. Recant llccnrrenceiln ttialtlvar Town Iho ntuttuitfjr lUeuril Nmtie l.nte He Hgleu Nutcn. A Wrlghtsvllle man named Atile breke unu of Ills legs yosteulay by falling ever n railroad Hack. Tlie Columbia and Washington turnplke In new having made upon it the repalra ae long nml badly needed. Yesterday Jehn Yonlcer purchased from Ooergo llcln, of Yerk county, two ateers vrlileh weighed together 2,880 pounds. Large uumbern of rnltH pass thin plaoe dally, but tbe bad condition of tbe Columbia shutoe In Mill a Roureo of dnn K". reniiKylvanla canal navigation opetni to morrow. Thin will neon be followed by tlie opining of tbe oeal business nt tbe II. & 0. coal whnrves in this plaoe. A fellow who wai drunk and disorderly en Wnluut Hlicet yestenlay was (itrcsteil by Oilicnr Gilbert. Thin morning be was ncnt te jail for six days by 'Bqulre Pat Pat ten, Tlie Yerk county delegation te tbe Doinnerullo ntatn convention, tun lu mini ber, left fe. Allcntewn thin morning via Columbia. On or about tlie 21th of Company C.'h seventh anniversary will be oelobrntcd by a bampiet, an ban been done ever aince its organization Te-night tbe following organizations will mtet : Putnam Circle. U. U. (U. P.) C. A.; Corinthian Iteyal Arch Chapter, A P. and A. M.; Chlqucsaluuga Trlbe nl Hcd Men and Iho Columbia band. I'triutial. MIks Mnzte Ileyd in visiting Ilarrlsburg. Cel. Samuel ahoeh and Mr. William P. Messier nte conllned te their rcspcotive lienu h by serious illecaa, Albirt Klines Ii.ik been appointed citlcf engineer of tbe Columbia tire company, and Jehn Moliride his assistant. Jehu Leckanl will toprcent the company nt the atate volunteer llrcmeu'n convention te be held in Yerk, lu Seplotnber. AiiiUKiiiauia. The "Uaaker'B Uaughter" drown small but tippri'cUtive audience te the epara heuse last evening. Tite porfertnauoo was n geed mil', but was cut in consequence of such a allm attoudatice. The unxt enter tainment in the opera heuse will bu tbe Lightn e' Londen, en Priday oveulng. The Death Uncerd. The father of I).ivi J Celeman wan din covered dead in bad at bin heuse in I'll II dolphin, yesterday mottling. Tlie funeral services of the late Jae b Strauss will be held at the Hethcl o'.iuieli of Owl en Priday nt 2 o'clock, p. in Ocn Velh Pest, O. A. It., will nttend in a body, k canoed havlti; been a member el that aoelcty. Ycateiday Mr. Jehu Dcwitt, accd 83 yearn, died nt hia heuse in Newtown et drepjy. Ilia funeral will be held te in or row at 2 o'clock from the United Brethren chinch nt Newtown. Deceased hiva a wife85jearn of age. They hail been married 01 jears. llellgleu Netr. TheHt. Hev. M. A. DoWelfo Howe, bitbep of the dloceso of central Pennsyl vaul.i, will oenduot coiillrmatieu services nt St. Paul's P. E church thin cveuinp, bemtiniiig nt 7:30 o'clock. The Sunday school itSHiciaiien of St Jehu'n Lutheran chureh recently elected the following tillers: Preaidcut, Hev. Samuel Yiugliiig ; Kiiperintondeut, P. P. I). Miller ; nfslstaiit, II. Zrger; sccre tary, 0. A. Detz ; assistant, II. A Hen nett ; tteaiurer, Win. Herr ; llbrnriae, Ororge Tille ; asslstaut, I. C. Oitt ; libraiy officers, T. Simpsen. C.C Oreir, II Heng ctituglernud .Ine. Williams i.n Tin: Fait seumwusr. Dr. Helfjrat Hurt, Wrltrn nil Mirritnct III I'liul Krclun, Per the that 100 mllca in southwet Missouri en thu Ireu meunttn route, the land is monotonous nud apparently pet r with iron ero ami lead, .ii.d with aome iron and lead works. The i rxt 100 miles were level nud very wet with a large growth of timler and boiiie bitumiueui e.il. Tee rest of MUseurl en this tuutu was slightly rolling and in ero suited for farming There Iho inruieia vioieputtiugtho ground in erdei for planting cotton. Peach and npple trees were in bloom. Ou cntctlm.' Texas at Tex.it kaua ihe lauds wcre better for farming, ihe corn and potatoes wete prewlug nicely nud thu farmeta preparing the gieitid for planting cotton. The laud near Dallus was the best that I taw ou my travels this far West of Ft. Werth. The count!) wks aomewbnt telling and aaudy with plenty of prairie dega near the rail -read (or u distance of HO miles cast of Cel orade City the pralriu dogs ami the sheep and cattle have kept the grnss very short. On enterlug Texea en the Texas Paoille railroad thire waa plenty of flue timber of laiue aize, with taw mills aud lumber plentiful. Further west 00 milea from Dallas thcre was very little timber. C de rade City has a population of 3,000 per aemi. Oak street is fair y represented ou the cut In the eiiaulardestriuutrd in the vieitity of Hart, Pa. Tlie court heuse ia nt thu cud of the street. The city has two national tuiuks and the alreets are drifting with band. The land near Colerado City is net buitable for farming. This pirt of Texas (Mttehell ceuuty) does net cemu up te cxpoctntiena. m m urn AIIU IIQZZ.tl(l) l'UIMT.1 A MOUAI., KappInK l.aDcmler Cetinly ler l'cruilttliii: III Frceiluui, Verlc Tribune. The story cornea te us that the terror of our neighbors in Lancaster county, Abe Huzzard, haa returned te his familiar, haunts. The pcople of Lancaster county claim te be elvllizud te qutte an extent Yet a few weeks age, they get-up a fracas in Columbia which they called a riot until Ciueiunatl robbed them of tbe uaine. Tttis roan Huzzard has for years bceu the leader of lawless gang of luffiaua aud petty thieves who mnke life unsafe and property uncer tain in a large part of the county. And new he has returned again te the acone of hia former exploits and announces that he ia prepariug a tiew programtne and will seen resume his fnvurlte occupation, A fewel uia associates lmve Ueeu oaptured ; but Huzzaid scorns te feel pretty safe, nud nppiueutly has no dread of the reward ell'eted for his capture being atiillaleut te cauEe him mueu nunoyauce. The uxibtoneo of the Huzzard gnug is a disgrace net only te Lancaster county but te tlie atate. Thu proper way of dealing with audi characters wbote only object is plunder and who nre inclined te step at nothing, ia te make them feel the full welght of the law. The authorities aheuld apare no cxpouse te oapture this gaug. The iulluonce et their cxample la dan gerous. If such organizations nre poBslble in LanctBtcr county no part of the atate is accuru against tltciu, and the danger et such cxample la very great. We bope our neighbors will take oil'eetivo moasurea te nut the rulSuna where they can de no harm, He Much Vut IKinoeiatla AUmtaUtralliin llauiibui't; 1'utrlet. During tbe six years, ilve months and twenty-eue days of Mayer MnoUenlglo'H flflminlkf rntlMii In r.-itin-iutni nllv lin llll posed of 0,'JO'J police casea, and nil the fees nrUIug from them went direetly lute the city trensury, Instead of lute the puchcta of tlie mayor. He much for Domectatlo administration of jmtieu. Huhhed nlllluB. Te-day Perepaugh'a agents llnlBbcd bill. Ing the city nnd the ear left for Handing nt 3 o'cleok, UAND3UU1C T1CST1MOK1AI.. Tim l'rejenullen (a be Mud In lullltnure by l.niicsitcr Knights Templsr, Thin nftomeon, a oemmlttoo of Lanean. ter oemmnndry, Ne. 10, Knlghta Templar, consisting of Ooergo 11. Wolehnns, Dana Oraham, J. IJ. Kevlnskl, W. O. Marshall, Oaear lloheln. Ooergo A. Mnrsball, II. P. Irvln, Ames Mannban, .Teel L. Eaby, Gee. W. Drewn, Samuel 11. Bailsman, Themas II. Cochran and L. C. Eaby left for Daltl Daltl Daltl inore te prosent Monumental oemmnndory with a testimonial lu the sbape of n aerlcs of resolutions, whleh wero rceently passed by Liueaster oemmandory. They have been handsomely engraved en whlte drawing card, by M. L. Dlofendorfor, of Philadelphia, and it in a beautiful apoel men of pennmanMilp. The resolutions nre onterod in a beautiful frame and they nre as ioiiewh : Aivlumef Ismcaiter Cemmamttru, Ftbruarv Whkhkah, On the 25th day of Oatober, 1883. Monumental oemmandory, He. 8, M. K. T., of Ualtlmore, Md., prcsented te Laneaster oemmandorv Ne. 111. M. K. T.. Lancaster, Pa., an elegnnt libation norvlce in commemoration or Itn visit te Lancas ter during the nnnual oenohvo of the grand oemmnndery of Pennsylvania, May 110th, illst, 1833, thnrofero llttelted, That Lancaster oemmandory fully appreciates and cordially rcclprecatca the fraternal footings that prompted the visit nod presentation nud willoverohorish the warmest recollections of the ceurtcalra Itn members have received from the Sir Knlghta of Maryland nud espcslally from tbelr frntern of Monumeutal oammandery. RtteUtd, That a copy of the resolutions be Miltuldy engrossed and framed nrd sent te Monumental cninmandcry. Kr.ti'iiAt.nT Oiiam Lttr, Km. Cem. Jer.i. Pcett Eary, Onnorallsslme. Ciias Aij.kn Fendersmitii, Capt. Gen. Hugh S. Gaiia, Itecerder. ltMnball Nfttn. MeTumat.y nud Iligglnnnfthe Ironsides arrived in town this morning. A pioked ulne defeated the Ilarrlsburg at the latter place yosterday by the soero of 13 te 0. 8.voitJ!er, formerly of the Ironsides, played third baie en tlie picked ulne, He had two two bnggersnff Cum. minga, tlie breg pitcher of the club. Yesterday afternoon the Lancaster club played a piactlce game with the College ulne en tlie greuiula of the latter, defeat ing thorn by the scere of 12 te 4. Weitzell nud IIoiTerd was the battery of the pre fesfllenala and worked well tegether. The aollege elub had McCoy, of the Lauoaster, in the box, and he wan hit very hard. Pyle nud Oldlleld, of the Irennldea, played lu the field with the College nine. Quite a crowd vltneseil the game. The following games cre played rlso rlse rlso where yestetday : Plitladelphia : Athletic 0. Philadelphia 8 ; Ivoysteno 21, Poley 0 ; Trenten : Philadelphia " Itcds " 1, TrontenO; Haltmore : BufTale 1. Haiti-tne-e 0 ; Richmond : Detroit 0, Virgin!,; 3 ; New Yerk : Cleveland 7, Metropolitan 0. NiaOIIIUIUIIIXtll MKW.1, t-.Triit Nrur nd ,cruai Hie Utiuety I. Inc. Hwaithmoie cellege has a mitmpi opi epi opi ilemie that has precipitated the regular Hanter vacation A mammoth meeting of inluers nud laborers was held nt Naullcoke en Monday for ergauiz'iig a miner's union ; it is be lieved that the result will be that nt leist Ilvo hundred mm will beceme Knights of Laber. In PotUtewu, and living within a cirole of three (U irtdrs of a mile, thore are eight people Ilvo men aud threu women wIiobe united ages feet up te 710 ycan, or au average of uearly 87 ycara, Alexauder P. Luaby, librarian of the Maryland Institute, of Baltimore, was found Met-day afternoon in room ISO, of the Hlugham house, wbieh he bad taken tbe night befere, dead, with a felf inflicted bulla wound through bin beart. Denlli el l.litle Ike " Hniltn. Isaac Smith, oeloiod, the well known harbor, eiul last eMUiiug, nt his home, ou Neith street, of gastritis, after nn illness of about two weeks. Deceased waa 48 years e'd, and the only non of the late Ljdia Smith, Thaddeus Slevens' heuse keeper, who dletl but a short tlme nge. He was known by almost, every ene na " Liitle Ike." Hesidcs being a geed har bor, he was nn excellent banjo player nud vthi&thr. Per a number of years past he had a hsibcr shop ou Seuth Queen atroet, mar Vina. The l'.)llcmiien, ilMll, Last evening the retired pollen efticcrs held ther ball in Mrounerehnr hall nud Micro was n very large attendance. Tlie promo, undo took place at 10 o'clock nud waa led by ex Ofller liewmd. The music wan furnished by the City baud nnd Tnyler'h erchestia Among thofe present wcre Majer Hesenmillcr nnd ex-Mayer 5Iae (l.jnil) aud (Hllcets from neighboring towns. Kverytliiug passed oil' very pleas cutly nud all enjoyed thiunsclvea heartily. " l'Hllencr " by llumn Tnleut The Lancaster opera company which was FOMicccpsful in singing "Pinafore," will preduce the epera of " Patience " in thu opera heuse en the 17th aud 18th. Tlie company ia very stremr nnd they hnve been rehearsing for mouths past. The costumes nte elegant. Hctz & Richards hae photographed tbe inembtrs of the company In costume. After the presenta tion of the epera here the company will sln,r it it Ilarrlsburg I'rccnte.l With u IllDle. Ge). W. Olillds, of tlie Public Ltdgcr, Philadelphia, has presented Admiral Heyuelds pest, G. A. H , of this city, with a very handseme large Hible, which ar rived tills morning. It bears this inscrip tion : " Piefented Admiral Reynolds' Peat 403, G. A. It , by Geerge W.Childa " It will be fetui.illy pieacntcd te the Pest at Its meetiug Wednesday eveulnj. rui.enil ul el te run M, Hielnmsn, The iuucral of Ocoige M. Stemmau took place this merniug nud it waa very largely attended. The pall bearers woie II. K. Slay maker, Chats. II. lleiiiitnh, Themas llaumgardncr, Jehu linger, Jehn T. Mae- Gonlgle and D. G. Kshlemau. Huv, Max Hark preached the funeral sermon, aud the intermeut waa made at the Lauoaster oenutcry. Lucked tip ler it lleirlng. Cenrad Ileiney was looked up last evening by Ofilcer Musaketnuas ou the oharge of assault aud battery upon hia father aud drunken and disorderly een duct. Alderrnnu Harr oummltted him ter a hearing. Horses Hlilppad, This meinlng Fiss & Derr, Bhlpped a ear lead of horees te New Yerk City. New Aluile Stere Win. 1). Messor lias opened a new inusle store at Ne, 2 atevnns house, corner et West King and I'rnice streets, lloljagent ter the Masen A Hamlin eruaus, the Decker A Ilre. piano and llnlnes' pianos, and has a very lull line or small Instruments, sheet inusle unit evcrythliur nerlatnlnii ten Urst-class musical depet. I'ret. Messer Is hlmsell a line musician, nnd has had much oxperlence lu handling musleal liiitrumenla, which etmbles htm te select thu host and guarantee SHt'sfnctlen te all who myy ruver him with their putrenngc. Attiuifiinents. 27ie JmitrcCompnnv.-Lcen A Cuslunan's minstrel inustiueradera appeir Hits evcnlng ut Fulton opera house, Their preg rainmu In en the comie epura order, anew departure, and Is exceedingly funny. Their popular satlrect "fiara Uurnum'a Dilemma" la very taking, and the burlesque en the latest dru mutla success, " 111 Fed-Dera," Introduces the X Sollzer Jiollet, Darkles la the Moonlight, tlie Clielr Blngnr, our Coleroa Wattera. the Oottego lteya, tlie Ma(juertlers, Oak Walk, Uraml Mnrch et Nllver Knliilits, etc Tlie company ti sulci te boa strong ene, and draws large nmllonec every wliore. ni'KVlAI, NUT1VKH. Sprains, I.nmencts, l'atns nnit Btllctics, Weak Hack or JHicase et the aplne wilt be tin meilliitely rollnvett en application et a Hep J'tatttr evnr the atTeoteJ pnrt. It's ponetrft penetrft ponetrft tlve pewer It wonilerfnl, Warranted te Le tlie best iniule. Why inner with Malaiu.W Miiiery man. lern Oure I'll la nie Inn llllile, nover mil te ciintlietneat ohst-nate cases ( purely vore-tablc,-!3 cents. M.WAKAw Oiimr, (lenlte MprluR, nml lirlnu nmltirla, dyspepsla, bllleusnMS, terpliltty et liver and a train nt Idndreil rnnla illca. Fortunately Kldnny-Wert Is nt hand. It nmy be had or tlie nearcst druggMt nud will purity the eyatntn, correet ttie stomaeli and bowels, sUmnlate tlie liver nnd kidneys te healthy notion, remove nil poisonous liu liu mers and mnsej ou teri like a new man. As n spring inoitlelno, Ionic and bleed 1'uiKler It has no equal. rer l-nmu liseic, mnu or uiicat, use 8H1 8H1 l.eri'8 I'OIIOUH Pi.AHTKlt. 1'rlce, 'is cent cont cent Seld by It. It. Cochran, lS7ivnd t!3 North yuceu s'reet. I.nncnster. 'ulilleeill' A l)rnciUt story. Mr. IianeC. Uhnpmnn, lrun(lt, Newhurrr. N. V writes : " I have ter tlie past ten years sold snveinl gross of tilt WILLIAM HAM.'S IIAI.3AM KOItTIIKl.UN3. 1 can sayefit what I cannot any et nnv otlier modlelno. I have never bad a custe nor spnnk et It but te imilte Us virtues lu the lilulictt rnaniicr. 1 liuve tecenimended It In a ureal many caien et Whooping Cetiah, with the happiest ellects. I have used It In my own Mmlly ler many years t lu (act, alwtiye have n hotlle In the me tlclnn eloset ready ter uie." at-SI.W.r.tw An ISipliuiatimi, Ne ene msillclnn will euro uverythtng. but ttls nn tncnntestlble tact ttint The mat' Kclea trio Oil will nuie a sprain, nbrclsit, nbltu, or nn uclie, nud Is also an nettvennit preiinnnced corn ler lii'iirnli la and rl eumntlitu. Knr sale by It. II. Cochran, UruuKUt, 137 unit 13fl North Quen stisMit trlml KeTircd unit 'iimti sjur.t. "Was troubled for u yenr wltli torpid llver nnd Imllestle -, nnd niter trMng tiverythlnir luniultiHliUt usud Jl unlock lllneit Hitters The first bottle revived inn and tint Mteentl cureil me tnnrat. j. c. ivuiiainDOu, itcicnesicr, n. Y. Krr into tiy II. II. Cochran druKiUt, H7 nnd I.T.i Neri h tlucnn wlrret. .inn in Aecuru iidnltli, I seems stmnire that nnv ene will suiter Irem the man' ilcrungcmuntn breiiKht en by nn Inipure ediiilltlnnel the bleed, when SCO VII.I.'H3AltSAl'AltIl.I.AANI)STlLt,tNGIA, erlll.OOD AND I.IVKIl SYllUl1 will restore peiteet benltb te Iho physical orgiinl7.atlen. It h ImliMM untrenytlieiiliiK syrup, pleasnnt te iiiVii. iml has proven ltaell te be tlie best IlI.OOIl I'tTIlIKIKi: ever dtscnvurnd, cltoet clteet ually e-irlnj? Serolnle, Hyphlltlc disenleis, WeskmiHS et tlie Kidneys, Krynlpelas, Mala ria i alt unrvetu disrlcra and debility, btl. leuscntiipliiliiLsnnd all ilbenses linllcntlinr tin tmpuru condition et the llloed, l.lrcr, KM iieyii, Stemaeh, Hkln, etc. It corrects ludl Kestlen. A slnghi bottle will piove te you Its meriti us a health lunewer, ter It ACTS 1.1KK ACIIAItM, rspcclallv when the cetnplniutls el nn exIiniiMlvn nature, havlniru tendency te lessen the uiiturtd vler nt the brain and nor vnus system. urtKH'S l'AIH I'ANACKA cures a p.du In men nnd beiut. Ker use externally and lntr nnlly KKIHIOUMO riUVDKUS euro all dUuasus rhefM.1, ciitllii, heep, lms, xiiiltry and all !.tve block A t'OsITlVECUIlB. luaj"il-S for sale at II. IJ. Cochran's dnur sumi 137 Menti Uiimm street I'ullil.lni: tlir Wrung Km), Msny men dsl'y po'.ls'ithtlrtieots who never ntvea tbeiiKhl te tlie condition or their hair, except te banew It casuully wltn brush aud comb, or submit It te tlie pa nil) kIiik attention et thu nveraae barber. Ulialliappeus t Why this : Frem iieRlect, tnentnl unxiuty. ernny el n score et cutis a, tlie hnlr turns pnuu.iturfly erayund lielns te fait out. I'm-Uer's llntr llilnnm wlllut ene Htep the latter prncest mid D-steru thu erlKlual colei. An clegnnt diisrltiK, free iteui grease. ivriciTic, nervous people, out el certs, Celdun's I.lijuld llut'I Tonic will euro. Ask Jet VelJfn's Of dri.KKlJts. n7-lwdoeiliCw ntntnrs I stmiiftiii fttetnerA Aroyeu dlilnrOcd nt ullil and brekun el your ran t7 a stcrc child suffering ami crying wttl. the excruciation pain ercuttliiK tceth? II ae, ke at once and gel n tnittlenl MHS. WIN SLOWS BUOTII1NO SYUlil'. 11 will re.llove tlie peer little Hiitlorer tmmedlutely !pul upon It ; thore ts no mlst.iK- utieut It. Then- It net a inetliur en eurth who naa ever used It, who will net loll you at once that It will regulute the bowels and rIve veal te tlie mother, and rellet and health te Iho child, op eratlnK Ukn tiuujic. It lsporlectly sate te use In nil caavs,aiiil plensiint te the ta.it c, and 1 ttiu prescription or one of the oMem and beit oinnle physlclanj tn tin-I'ntteil staim Sel everywhere. 25 coin-' a bottle. 'iiuvl-M W.S&w nt nrr- ItrATItH. Kkllemracm. lu l'nllndelpula, April (), 1831, Mrs. Kllza Kellenluiiiu, uldew et tlui latti Duvul Kellenliaum, et thlactty, In t.ietiMvetr of her nge. Kunernl en Wednesday morning en Iho nr rival or the 0:11 iruln tiem riilladelplili le jirocced te thu chapel at the LancaiUr couie tery.wheiefer Icesulllbu held. Intertuent In Luncnter cemetery. u7-2l Itcri-KNMvica.-ln lliln city, April 7, IM1..I II. HoUenmyor, In the ailli year et his age. The lelntlve' and liicmlset the famllyniu rcapectlully Invited tn attend Iho luuentl ou ThurHiliiy morning at a o'clock Irem hN late roahlei.ce l.nncasler County lloute, Ne. 117 Kas Itlni? street Kunerat servient nt LotiKenecki'i'd church, Strnsbura turnplke, at 11 o'e eck. Inteiiuunlut Leiigenecker'i. -t (MiT.i -April 7th, lb8l, in this city, leaac Dinlili, tu the ISili eur or ht.s age. The rehaivui and frlemU et tlie family nte ri.peclfully Invited te attend the luuural Mem his Inte lestilence, Ne Hi7 Nei stteet, en Wulucsday ninrnlnt: nt 'A o'clock. In terment ut St. Mai y'd ceuietery. I'UhlTlUSh. I?itlt UllUNTV UOM.MISalUNf.K. KLI It A I'TON, el Upper l.caceek tnwiishtp, j-.Sutjuct te tte dechlnn el thu Deme era lc convention imd.Vw iiih t)etiTY u.3nmsie.vi;it, (1 KO. f. 1IOON tt, or SudBbury township. 4SubJect te the tioclslenof tti ) Dfinecratlc ceiuuy convention lublii-dAtv ,MK COUNTY UOailllsHIONKlt. .IOIIN I). IIaKIIAH.eI Christiana, Sidsbuiy tewnuhlp. 'ir bublcct te the decision erntlu county convention. el tlie 11(11110. IS-dAw IOIt OlIU TV CJO.M3ltsSIO.NKlt. HKNUY V. HAIITMAN (Lima Humer), or Kast Liuupeter tewunhlp. 9-HubJecl te the doclllen et the Demo crat la County Conveutton. uiG-dA w IJUH COUMI Y OOMiUISStONKK, IIOIIDLUY B. l'A'irKltSON, el Little Hi!, lata township. 4SrStlhecl. le lliudecljlen (it the Detneeiut.c ceuuty convention. tl3-tll,tw Mtsn AUVi-uriiikiazKtt rn. V em't irutiur.Y tiiei IiADlBd' PAIR OP TUB CITY CORNET BAND, OF LANCASTER, tobeJield at N'i.W MJJVNF.RUIIOlt HALL. NOIll 11 1'RINCK ST It Mil'. In. tend et the hall en the third llocrel the New I'ostrdllce llulld Inif, in leriuerly nnuennceil, cmniuuncliiKen Huturduv Eveulnif. April it), and eudluir en HJturdii Kvenliu May It) The Object Te nls luuils ler tlie puroheio et New Unllxims and Instruments Keep coupon et ticket, tn It secure jeu a cliantu en a llandotne lle ! itoem Suit. All perjein holding tickets ter the third lloerot the Nuw t'oatefllco llulltlliur can tue them nlMtwnuoiehor hull. 1,0,10,12 NEW ADVJUlTlnBJUnNTJt. IMNN B ItllKNRnaN. CHILDRENS' CARRIAGES, EXPRESS WAGONS, REFRIGERATORS. LAItGr; 8TO01C AND LOW PIUOES. 200 dez. Breems at 20c, -worth 30e. FLIISTN & BEENEMAN, 152 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANOASTER, PENN'A. ai tr Auritttrnn.tKifrn. WANKU-A UOIIK, AND Ulltl, nr 1(1 or H yours old te de Keneral home, work. Apply at this ontce. ns--Jt WANT!', I A OOOU (llltl, TO lit) TT 1(11 Itehcn werlt. Apply at J. CUl'LANDM IlKbTAUIl NT, It North iJjuceu htt eel. AfAltA ANI HAVANA OMIAIf.OUA KAN L teed clear filler, for ec, nt , II AIITMA.N'S Yhl.l.tlW tltONT CIUAll HTOItK. 1,'Ult IIK.Nl'. V Twe Itoetrn, Nes. Sand 10 Kast Klnu St., en second fleer, ever New Yerk eti re. Apply te KS.7,0 WATT, SHAN I) A CO OTKVRhS HOUHI'. O HIIAVINU AND HAUL DKKWNO HAI.OUN. Ooed Jeuinavmnn and prices miuu m en ei Atiloens. (I WAONKIl, llVlVtld Mil-ii. . i. AT OUAItll.l.'S, lltIK AMI VINK. Ilcst Itlce, Cc. 8c and Oc, or J fti 2c; dried weet Cern, Se u quart t Western Heller He'ir 73c t Cholce flour hSa Kpp'n Cocea, We : dried reaches, Sc V ft 1 Maker's ( lioe-'la'e 2001 Rest Celli eh, tUc, COc, l5e and K'e-lresh reatted and, running mill by steam pe cr, always fiesli ground. IDljee-l SI'fUIAI.-AH YlU I'rtSH HV Uiik HMi Tatteilme Kstnbllsliinentd' n't f-tllte look leek in the show window ; the leading HprliiR Utyl s nte i xhlbllud therein t then walk In nml e i itn l no our entire stock. None tecinnl litn thuelty ItHiidaeiniiiy trimmed weil tnude nnd perlect filling gatments a suied at tuodi-rate pricc. A. II HO-i:.SSlKIN, 37 North Queen Bt. Opposite tUe l'oileftlce. tn.'l Cmllt 'I'll K NKW YUIIK (( SUN j) ltKACIIES I.ANCASTKIt AT 0::0 A, M. On the day et publication. Your newsdealer will supply It promptly en order or wu will lend It In luiillnt 60 cents a month. Ali''Osn I W.KMjLAND, rubllaher-Tlllt-CN," iu21-3ind New Yerk City OI'FUIAL, Til lOIIACOO I'AUKI'.IIS iiNII O Worklntjmen cenerally All aru rtsneetfuilv Invited te call and tee thu best Working runts. Jack t-rnnd Shtitaln the mnrket Made uTIer thu most nppievcd patterns and finish and warranted net te rip. Alie Undeiwcur, Ileiliirv, Ulovei ami otlier taplu guedi. Ail cheip te suit thu present times. 1'Ic.tse call and oxainlne bolure you buy. HKNUY IILCIITOLI), Ne. .I.' North Ouci'ti Stnet. J- Men et thu 111 .snicking' ti lyd lUl.1tN Ul'UllA IlllUiK. Thursday and Friday Evenlngs, Al'llll. 17 A 18, 18JI. I.ANCASTKIt OI'KIIA C'JMI'ANY IN PAT1KNGK. eihart ler sale el KoservedSentsepou 'I hurs' day MernliiK, April iu. at S o'clock. Heeorved Bents lOc. te all parts et the house. nS-2t r'.iHrnit. Thelluckt uud largest collection et RAST8R UARDS AND NOVELTIES Uvrr brought te Lnucieter tn the wny of Bannore, Panels, UaHter Lily, Hand-Palnted Ef?go, Swan's Down Baoketo, fce. CAM, AND sau. Feri Dersmith, IIOOKSKLLKU, STATIONKU AND AT lltCAl.tllt, EAST KINO STREET, 05.8,10.12 LANOA8TKII, l'A. S mil'l' .V WIN I llltS, THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS. Having the finest selection of Fancy Suitings, Pantaleon Pat terns, Plaids and Cheviots ever shown in Lancaster, we hereby extend an invitation te our friends te call and inspect our elegant stock. We have secured the services of Mr. Nicholas De La Soren Seren skey, a first-class cutter. Geed fits guaranteed. Alse full line of fine Furnishing Goods, GROFF & WINTERS, 23 North Queen St.. nptS.lvd LANCASI Elt, l'A. 1171 1.1.1 AM son resii-.K. Easter Holiday Suits -FOR- CliUdrcn, lieyn ami Youths. OURNF.WHI'RINO STOCK lOiuprises the hirKeatuiui iineslusBeriuieut ei i.iu iijimi FASHION 111 Ohllar.m'B Kilts, Short and Lenjr Pant Sulls for Beys -AND- Outaway Ceat Eulte for Youths That fit equal te any suit uunte te order, trlmnied In iisiipurlnrHtyloued tl.e I'RlCl.s RANUKFORCIULDRKN'ShILT tmin ilW le il (0. Beya' Short Pant Sulta, fi.ei te fie.cn. Beys Lena Pant Suits, W.50 te 10.W. Youth's Cutaway Oeat r-ults, 112.00 te $2)0.1. and Our Special Man'ts Suit Fer 13 m 18 UNRH AI.I.fcD Williamson & Fester, PKALMtS IN OLOrlINO, JWOTH, Hlier.i, TJtUXKH, VAJjISEH, MATS, VAl'Saml QtiNr' FURN1SU1NO UUODS. Noe. 32-30 EA9T KINO bTP.BBT, LANCASI'KR. I'A. Dll. U. It. IIIIOllN. 1'HYdlUlAN ANDOCULIHT. lias Removed te Ne. 2) WKUreRANUK BT Kyenud far iieated. UlamesadlunUid. bu liener npcetuelus en liHiidutnl loonier, lc2l-lydl'll NEW ADyitllTlHKatENTH A NU1K.LV HUltMHll KUMKCOND-VltlKV lnrnttnn rnnlrnl. In. JX. Krent Itnem le let. location central. quire at Ne.iliJ NOItTU UUKK 8T. a3 fll I fUH. HAI.K OU lll'.NT. A number el Hue dwelling In the north ern part el the city, with modern conveni ence, Ac. ALLKN A. IlKlttt Ce.. . . .'.'.'" '-state and In-unincii Auenis, 'twdlt i. 101 Kast KlnxHI.r 4 I'i'.VV OKTIIKOLI1.1TOUKUONNKUTI II All I cut uiRnrx, ii lorv.Te, ar MAN f, I I IWl .IU . Ul 'H YKLLOW KK'JNT UtO lt niuiir. WIIK.N I AllVKHTIiM VI.KAIt HAVANA Killer Cluars ler 6 cents, I uuiianlce thein tobesunh, IIAIITMAN'3 YKLLOW FltONT cIOAIt nre it k. Rt:.Mevai.. . CLAUKK'STEA AND COKFKB TOItE remeved te Ntl 8.9 WKST KINO ATHKKT. Ilcst Tem. Coirees, Suuar. ite . In the city. fi'iti: I Kl I.-YltUhll' AN'ii iiKHr Mill ic in. Kuebre. L'asitiie nnd I'nhir rnntu irmn an per pack up. 11A11TMAN'8 YKLLOW FRONT CI AK BTOHR. RliRINANTS OK DNIII.ItAlJilr.e niUNI.IN a In-avy as Appleteu a, only 6Uc. per yard. Nuw Sccrsucki-n at 7opcrvare. New W hite Oee is lu p alii, striped nnd checks, and a new let et l.ace Cups rer eidlOrru. ATPWAltlt'8, Ne. :,0 North yucen Street I-UVHIEM) iTIUK. ' A semi annual dividend or 1J pore nt. en the cnidtnt stock et the i.uucaster A Fruit vllle turnplke toad cempinv, has been de clined en April '2. 1MM, piyable en demand ut tlie Fulton National jlunfr, l.nncatter, l'a. II. CAItl'KNTKIt, til 2tdWAS w Bccretary and Treasurer. WIIKM Fllf)T MI.KN III' TIIK l'KAC l'KAC l'KAC tltloner. Chronic Na'al Catarrh hasetten existed a number or mouths or a number et jear, sometimes comprising almost the en tire life et the patient. Dboasesot tbe KYJU. KAR, THIIOAT also (JANCKI13, TUMORS, SKIN and CHRONIC DiaUAJESuccc8slullv Heated by DRS. II. I), and M. A. LOMUAKKR. Ontce II Kust Walnut street, Lnncnstar. I'a. Consultation tree. n7 3tdAw rPAYI.OK FAMYFLOUK. ' I1K3T IN TIIK WORLD. We will net weary you with statlttle tell lnj hew A. A. T6.YLOR Makes hlJ Celebratcd Ilrnnd of Tayler's Fancy Fleur, Or hew much he inukes dully ; nclther will we nri'Bume te kIve an opinion iu te Its quality. It H linnertimt ter you te tlnd It out. Whulber llld stienc and whiter Whether tt will sive you anuoyance nnd trouble lu baking T Whether the color nnd taite et tbe llread t superior te all ethers? The only rii st' le way le arrtve at tlie truth Is te use Taylor'e Fancy Fleur Yeurielt yen will then knew why It U called 1IK3TIN lllIC WORLD I M. F. Steigerwalt & Sens, Sole AKents ler l.ancaster, l'a Fer sale by thu loadlni-Mrecers. ii7-ltnd J. K. UAT.HWKI.I. ft CO, J. E. Caldwell &Ce., Sole Aaenta la Anierlea for the Col Cel Col ebmtoel EKEniREN WATOH, Univeraally oetioadod te be the beat high grade Watch In oxleteuco. A Bplendld aeB'jrtinent in all the varieties of Ohroaesrrapha, O.ilon O.ilen dare, Ropeaters and Plain Timers. Purohasers contemplating the ko ke ko leotlon of a Flne Watch nheuld in in in voatitrate the merits of thle Sttperb Timokeopor. Iuqulrlea by mall will roeoivo prompt and careful attontlen 902 CHESTNUT STREET. I'lHLADF.Ll'lllA. mil) rui.nis ei I'.tvA iuiU')i:. Tueaday Evenintr, April 8. . NEW IDEA IN MIN8THEL3Y 1 LEON & ODSHMAN'S Miustrel Gemedy Ce. Thu Kun, tlie M lining, tlie Jokes, tlie Dunclnu, tlui Tumblluu am allcouiblned lu the comedy tutlie et Sara Barnum'a Dilemna, Aiid tlie Otiiiii'dnj ou iliu latest dramatic auc ccas, ILL FED -DORA. Intinductni; thu X SelUer llatlet, Darkles In tlie .MoenliKlit, 'I he Choir Slnuer. Our Colored IViilletH, thei iillcrfe Heys, Ti u Masiiu imlf rs, CaUe Walk, Grand March of Silver Knights, etc. I'iIcch ns usual, Reseived Seals at Opera lloeau eniee. us-3t A UAIIKMY UV fllUStt). l'lllLADKLl'lUA. Wagner Grand Concerts. MONDAY, i LVfcNlNOS, (a APRIL'S. fill 1.20. MONDAY i. u r.nirt A Y 12 TUKSDAY At'TKRNOON, APRIL S3. MATKRNA, roprane. W1NKKLMAS n, . Tener. Wiuner Stnaerj. BOA 111 A. llasse. Olllllf TIKB MI.3SON. Under tlie MiMtcal direction et TIIEODOUK THOMAH. O rand Orchestru et ICO Musicians Cliertu Irem New YerU, llrneUlyu uud l'hlhi' dilplila Cheral Societies. TIOKKT OKKICK-Ne. 1119 OIIKST.NUT BTItKKT. Huloet Heaeu Tickets ( t'lanitler.i. bio), 11200, 110(0. MIX), will clo-uen WLD- ' NKSDAY. Al'Hll.y, Sale nl tlekttu Ter slngle ' concerts will benlu ou I'UKSDAY. APRIL 13, l ut 0 a. in, hlnirlu Tlekuts Recurved beat- I l 10, 1100, I2.W, IJ00, uccerdlnir tn location. l'erjenu le-lillni; nut et I'hlladetpnia may I (ecuieneats ler any concert by applying by i letter or telegram te MRS. tr, D.OILLKSI'IB, Mauuger, ! e3A7 Ne, 'ii) Seuth 21st ttroel. SECOND EDITION TUESDAY KVI3NIHO, APBIIi O, 10tJ4 POLITICAL. YJ'.HTKKDAl'rt KLKOTIONM IN OHIO. Nearly All tee Older titles de Democratic iVlth lined IM)erlllM Itrpubllenn Delegates In This fctsta. Cincinnati. O.. April 8. Further re turns of tbe municipal elections In this etate yesterday nre given nn lollews : At Cincinnati 157 out of 01 vetint? plaoes In the elty Itulicate the cntlre Domeorntlo ticket elected, except the clerk of police oeurt.Jby majorities from 400 te 800. At (Jleveland the Iteptiblleau avornge majority Is 3,100. They elect 21 oeunoll men ami Democrats 7; oeunollB new a tle ; but two scate will be contested by the Democrats. At Dayton the Indications are that the ontlre Democratic ticket Is olretcd by majorities from 200 te 800. Botterton (DenO Isrlceted mayor. At Teleda remits nre about equally di vided, thetieh n'ptibllcaus show Kains. At Hamilton the ontlre Demoeratlo tlekct In elected. At Wnpakencta the Hepublicaus elect the mayor. At Youngstown the ontlre Republican tleket Is elected for the first tlme iu many years. Mnntgnmety Itfpub'.lcnns for Maine. NeitittsTOWN P.,, April 8. The Ite publican convention of Montgomery oeuntjj nominated J. Hnle, Jenltiun nn the national delegate He wns instructed for lilalne almost unanimously. Unupl'ln H iiiibllciiiis ler lllm Ive, Harrisuure. Pa , April 8 The He publican convention of Dauphin county met te-day nnd elected Prances Jerdan nnd Abrntn Fertcnbatmh as delcgatcs. They are obliged by resolution te sign an agreement te support Dlalnc. A Ht Vlrjli 1 1 IlrpiiOltcin llcktt. Point Pleasant, W. Va., April 8. The Hepubltc.iu mass convention here las nlelit (lee'areil in favor of lilalne and Lincoln as candidates for president and vlce president. OAIIL15 FLrtSIIKd, Mw Irani Kurnpn Tld Alternnen Deudnnttil, A riot ban taken place at Kiddermins ter, England, directed against the employ ment of fomale labor. Tlie Irish bishops will cenvene in Heme in September. The purposes or the gathering nre represented te bn similar te theso of the convention of American bishops lu 1833 The Londen Standard publishes a dis patch from Madrid, Spain, whleh nnserts that much displeaFurn is felt by the Span lards toward America for allowing Qeu. Aguere te leave Key West. One of tlie assassins of Cel. Sudeikin, at St. Petersbarc, Hussla, has been arrested at Mocew A dispatch has been received from Oen. komayefT, governor of tbe trans Caspian, dated Arlcabad. Mar eh 20, which says : " Mataudets from Kechutebanltnla surprised our dotacliment en tbe 14th lust., but they wero repulsed with Iecs by our rllle vollevc One of our soldiers was killed. We afterwarda occupied Keehutchaukaln nnd Installed a district administration, ompleyitig Mervll te build a fort." IIII.I..MAN HlNOIll). Tim Vlfe Aliirdcrrr ii enm Ilia Ileninljulttly. Easten, Pa , April 8. Jehu Dillmau was hanged here at 11:10 this mernlntr for tbe murder or tils wlfe Dillmau slept well last night and nte a hearty break fast this inr.rnlug. Religious services wero held In the cell by ministers of the Uermau Evaugelical nnd Hofermeil chiirchci. He marched te the scaffold with a nteady step and was unmoved almost te the last. He began te cry aftci the benediction, hut after the black cap was drawn ever his foce remained motion Itf. until the drop fell. Thore was only n few slight quiverings of the body and in twelve rriii.ii'eH he was pronounced dcntl Iintlu WIl "tirrindi'inii. Jacksen vn.r.n, Ills., April 8 David We I If, who killed Constable Coats lit Glasgow last no-.!), was surrendered by his f.ithir aud brother yeatcrday, for the rnwaid et $1,000 til'cicd for him This cum will be spent in defending him. He was bieught hi n us Iho jail at Qlas gew Is net safe from lyneuciH. Fer fiirthci safety Well h-i.ibien taken te jail at Sjirlngflcld. i KiiUiiiuire rlrm Sunpend. Ualtimeiir, April 8 T. Itebcrt Jerklt a & Seu's, proviideiiF, went te prnteat lasi night, nnd their suspension was announced te day. Ne assictumeut has been inade,atiO there will bii a ina-tltw of the creditors en Mendny next. Speculation lu perk Is said te have caused their etnbaria'ameut. Knternd Hull. Philadelphia, April 8 Gustav Am berg, of New Yeilr, for whom a warraut was IsKued last week, at tlie Instance of Jehn A. MeCaull, en charges of fotgery, perjury and ciunpiraey appeared bofero a magistrate this morning au I entered bail iu $1,500 for his appear.meu en Saturday. Wnijet llmluced. UIL U1TY, l'a., April a. TUO DOW piojident el the IJulVale, New Yerk A Pittsburg railroad Inn cut the wn.esef pas'enger brakuiuen fur the Kiver division te ij 10 pt r month, and en the Pittbburg dlviuieti irem litre te UulLilote $1S. Ili-rttl at lluit, Murtln Murlf. Wilkksdariu:, Pa., Apiil8. C Maitiu Steele, uged 00, minister te Moscow in 1870 died tuddenly at his oeuntry iosl iesl duncu in Wyoming this morning of pucti pucti nietna ceinplicatc-d with ether dUeaaes. (llillereii lliiriKin lu llnutl. Detroit, Mieli., April 8. Pire at Dead LaUe, .Manlstte oeiinty, Sattuday, burned eigtit binldiiigs, V H Hepkius' two elilhlreti, a,ed 3 and 5 yeara lespeotlvely, perUhed. L.es, 0,000. It'ut mien. aniiRNSiii'iiei, P.v , April 8. This mom. lug Mumiyhville rlct cates who continued uutil May. Judge Ilnnter icfused te trj the eaBes bccaune he has leiti subveunacd as witness for the dofence. V, It. 11. I'rei e.iy llurned. Elizahbtii N. J , April 8. The sand nud reuud houses et the I'eiiuuvlvaiiia ratlreatid company at Wnverly, wcie burned thin tiiertiiug. Less, $20,000. An AKrecui.u. .tuiuU Hrllttrd, Bosten, SIubs., April 8. Striking nail mailers at Wareham hnve agreed and will return te work en Wednesday nt reduced rates. Mix lnulieaei .-iutwiu Wlscemln. Ciiicaoe April 8 A special Irem Juno June Juno tleu City, WlH,,H.iya snow has been fallii g horediiritu the past 21 hours aud Is new 0 Inohej deep iu thu level. A Huoemilul Htrlke. Nuw Yerk, April 8. The Htiike of iieu e palnteiH his gocerally been Huoccia Hueccia ftil here te-day, WKArlir.lt IKIHUATIONM Washinoten, April 8 -Per the Mlddh Atlantic statPK local intim, partly cloud) weather, variahle winds shifting te west erly and southwesterly, hllght ehnuges in temperature, fulling followed in southeru portions by tlalug barometer. , JKAMKMla. IJ l'lillitiliiini llea'itHMLi?V, A."t" "-'ten't dell and v. "... '.ll 1 0,;, -w. iftu!i,?Jlr,n.or.,,nnre djmandt Ne. I v Rye scarce at 70Q7,?.. ' mii, 87fl White. Hi ti- 7fl37kO) Seetls tilnviir . .. l. .. ., O.lllHlllil, jr,, -- ,-- ...... . ... . - -.-.. wi. uiiaiif,. Tlinetlty rrevMnus cm ,.,,,1 ii.,i , , Lanl steady t city reftned at 10 Ml left, hutoiiers, 8Sie t prlme stem w ' ' ' Rutter dull nnd raiyi tlraici.rv nttm, SlffSlai n C. NVr eiirT Se rtMts. tortsiet Watcrn extrss. a3et de geed tn ehnlcn. 170200. ' Rolls at Ottilia. Kkks pleiittrtil and lower) Estrnt, S'4Q elincsn tte.ttly but qult full creams, 14Q I5ej UVstern fair te heixI, 0J2e l'a. part skims, 0tJ7e de fall ski o8e, VhMlry at II 2ti ' New Turk Msrkmt New Verk. April 8 rienr State tn-1 Westnrii harnly steady, with a lUht tmrt. Iuki flnperrlnn State, fi 0091 ftt Klr In, U SM3 40 1 t'nolce de. M ISflfl (0 r Kaney de, in lOrtrtMt Round llnnp Ohie. W) fMO-it choice I0)(SO)i BiiiMjrnne Wenletn, t'0ia ! common te beimI oxtmde, II 3 ti J (Ml che en de. M MQa W)t oheln.. "Vhlln Wheat de. in Mfjn M. Hetlthsrn nulst ana weak t comme'i te fair extra, 13 Mrt a t goea le choice. -te. flSOnfl'iV ' wiK-HtslUoliUher, rariable and lrrssu ar trade t lens actlve.'t Ne. 2 lu-d, Stay. 9 i 9JXe Jnn-, wunieit July, n crWlOiH? Ill AUg.,OV,(H0IX ' Cem unsuttted : nhade stronger) Mixed WiHtern spot. 43.fi7et n tiituni, iJitllOn. -.11" yKe IdKlier. Including Ne. 1 Msy. v,rn"3nl"il.'c3;'lW35UO, .?,'U0' 4084,X Btem raitcKeu. Quotations by itoed, McOrann A Ce , Bank irs, l.ancaster, I'a. 11 A. K. UK. 3r. M. 0.0. A l.C. Mlclihran Central... ... I.Q sew lern (.'antral Jen Jersey Ceritli tile Central lei. LacU. A Western.... lenrer Itle Oiande... Ktie. ......... ....... ... . 4 nfUM A 'IVrtw Lake Shere tllileaueA ff. Wceui.... V. N.,Ont. Western.... il.l'anl AOtuar.a 'actne Mall iuk lnu mx Vi 18 20v 12l Hi? 21 ml zn .w lift MX SJJ 51 Rochester A riitsburirh. 14 it. Paul "... 80 14 f0 ml 7 t ait? It)'. 1X SOVf Tit latf cex a ' 2) lf-lt) si2 I'l'IlU I'lielllO.. ii I3f W. ) ITnlen I'ttctne Vnbtin L'mntnen ....... 'Vh'msIi rrelerred Vcst'rn (In ten Tolecranb entuii!.. x Vninvllle.. .V. V.. Llll A St. L .. . Lehigh Valley si'4 (!) C3!i C9fi ,.v..,.i ..aviHuuuu ., .... i unu ...lllm.... ........ bUU Healing "6 13 10 ta. 27 48 V. T. A lluttale. 8'i Vertheru 1'aclllc Cem. Northern I'actilc t'ref. Uosienvlllo vhlladelpnta A Krln.... 22 Ki'A Nertnern Central UnderRieitrid 0i C0i Canada Southern... oil reoem' rnajenirnr $i OlVi Bew tens yuotaiteni by Associated Preas. ateefcs stren?. Menoy cesy at lUQic Sew Yera ceniiTu nw fcrle Railroad i) -diims Itsiirnsi mi" Ulrltltran Centrnl Rullread row Mlchluan Seatliern Itallrend ei? Itiltinls Centrisl Rallreml ish Ctovelmni a I'littdiiirKii Rallreml ill ChlctureA lieci: IiIhuiI Railroad I19W I'llttiliurnii & Keu Wnyne Railroad l.sii Vestrn Union Itle 'r.inh f.'emrnnr cm? roit.le A Wabash...:.. .... . !........... 1?H New ,Iirw)y Central..... S7 nwerr Ontario Wofltern 0 1'tlUieiphla. neta tenshy AssecUtcd t'reis. atecteH steady. I'Mludetphtn A KrteR.lt n in..diii IliiUieiid 17 CunnMylvunta Railroad eeVi i. rilyh Valluy Raiitrad mC 'nltud Ce:np:ititu3 or Nov.lcrse id .wi.Kt.i inuniu..., ,... z-z' erthurn l'aellla PrufnrrH 1. ........... ..... .. ... 8'4 ... n ... 48 .. liiK '"til innni-rn ueRirai Kinread... .eulstl) avI'Mtleii Company niriiiuini tn-.reail , uiitnil Tr.im.iii'tAtti)n Oe'iipauy I'lltetiV, i''linHIU! A DutlriP) IS. I; lltif-piinvlkl'1 l.'ired I. atoeu Mumet. Cnioieo-llo eculpt. 10,000 head r ship nenis 4.500 In mnrkntHliigirlsnand nt moms nti ive lewer: reuj icklnir. wj 40lt5 D1: pickiiik aim Piiipnie , iu oejo 43 1 llsht. e.ntile KueelptH O.Oud head i shipments, I PM le.j uiurket brisk and tlrmt nxperts. CI 20 yM COiKend te chelcn Hhlpplng. M 7''ll5t comtiien te tneiluiu, $1 5ss 00 1 corn-led Texans Mb 7V siuwp-.itclpts,4;oe head i shipments. 2.C03 tinadi insrhet linn and actlve? tnroiler te lair, tlflt73t medium te (reed, $)0(J3 73i u .nlcuieexira.fi E0a0 21. Kai-t LtneaTr-Catt'e In fdlr demand nnd prices a sliatn hlirlier than last k's open held rcCclpti'' -'1'7 luiai' ! shipment!, I,78i Heks low : rece'tita 4 171 heatl i iilnmnnts. " ''cad ; I'litladelplilas, $1 BOfJOO) j Yorkers, -iicep active and Uoliljher than "iturtav's clnslni;i rocelpts, 7u0 headt irtiment, tOO ftillndr'ptnu uattle aiaruet Memday, Anill 7 The arrivals et llva slecn at thu dllterunt stock yanU were : Ker tlm weeu-2,4')0 beeves. 7,000 sheep, B.(00 Iioke. Previous woek-2,00 buovei, 8,t00 illoep,310U ll.i. Reel Cuttle wero In lljjht supily, and prices wero flimur, iilthnuith but a few salea nere made ler inote than 7c. Wu quote us lollewa : Kxtm. 77Wc : Oned, dUmyie x Medium. 5ati0'4e; Common, 5(j5e. Country Vm Cows wero In UcunnU at 8XQ 5ke. Mllehcewa wero slew at 33V5. Veal calvi-s were talrly active at 5fJ7Ke. Sheep and Lumbswcrutn lRtht tupply and prlu s udvauei'd 4e en all grade j. Wn quete iih fellows ! Kxtra, WMai Ooed, fijJBXet Medium, 6&a Dei Cotnmen. IK'te; LntntM, 588e HeiM-Wcuterii stnek wasin 'all supply and prlce-t In syinpathy with thu Woudtieilued 'se. country rteuic was dull and const lenbly lower. We quet" vnstein at 0310c Country at sanvc, uocenllnit te quillty. SALES Or liKKVBS AT WOST FJIILADnLrillA TAHPS. Anions tliusaUsat the West I'hlla lelphla Yards er- lleclk'ur lluyncfl, CO t.ancaitci county anil Western. 0fJ7Ke. Jehn McAi'tlle, 200 Limcinter county, bUR7He. linnlel Murphy. 73 i.aiicasterceuuty and Wet- eru,6XO(J,e. K s. MeFlillu, loe nunc later co.. 0)Q7Vfe. II. V. MuKlllfii.tS WCHlern. (l4R7lie i). biuytii A nre., 100 Western A Lun cuter co.. en 7 We Hippie A liro.,uienanirvc ws.ascaxc. V. A.) i.nrtntv.8Wesi:Va.8)vH7e. Owen huiltll 7ri Wotern, 657.ij. a. Bclumhent A Ce.. l Western and Pa. 0Ki7Xe. "ctiamburrf & f nut, 1C8 I'enn'u and Western, Levi LeweiiHteln, 00 Western and I'cnn'a 0KU711O. Sel. Lewcn'Hutn.iH ceutiry cows, 4XOre 43 west ru no, OHtlc. Isaac Adle -, SO Western, nit7u. ll.Ututn, r.. 49 I'enna.Oiejjja. M. Uliiiuu 211 weiturn uud liincaster county, M. Levi, 83 i,enu1ii,0tO7t4e. iiaciniitiii A Levl. ISO Western, OXOiJie. JumcsOiemsuu Se Luncaster ee., iHQKe. s. i. Herbert, 17 Western. 7O7l0. IbeOsthetm, 10 Western, OitCUe. J, Y. I.atta, CJ Chester en , CiittOc L. Hern, 41 Vi usturn and l,Mina.,6S0ic Dennls Smyth, 30 l'a.. 0XQ7e. DRESSBO MSATS. City Dressed Hoeves wero actlve and prlce closed firm at umoXe, with sales et oemmo cows us low as Da. ADATTOIR S1LK3. Hedgor Maynes, 00 head, 84i(ilOUe. I). B. DeilKler. t-0 head, 9X'S10Ke. L. MeCandles8 Ce., 144 head, OHQ10ie. .1. K. Lowiten.MlitNil.UMU10Vo. II. (1. Hickman, (0 head, 7Htrloe. Jehn It. Ward, 07 head. 7Xll'Sa 7Xll'Sa Dressnd Htiecp wero actlve at OifHa Lambs at I0Q12X0. SALKS tAST WISH. Jes. II. Mcrillln A Ce., 341 hea I, !lle. Jcs.il. Metrillln & Ce., te bend Umbs, ' l2Xe. . N OTtutne aniuiiiiiiLtiiMirt TUB KARMKRH' WKSTKKM MA UK S.U' UUH J" .'.'. :....... ,,r.n;..r titteiiui adept Uy-I.sws. UUUll R. V ULTOM. mfcwAlMSiw bccrtry, A inctitlniret thotiieckholders et mil ,?t; pauy w il t5.. I., d In the Dlue en. Roeinof the Netv Murkotlleu.B.ooM NIM) MA .LI I iui en. M nie liuum el a and a o'clock ItriiltNiu DI- .rJ -. ".' Si "M Ki .f 'i na " ? M i i1' I ft K m yl s 1 ft , " A I 3. it. !.. r ' " J ,"j .!..