r-X tttelen& a ' Se '" V4 Velumit XX-Ne 182, LANCASTER, I'A., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1884. J'rtcti Twe Cent i. vunii wu. Our stock of Spring Olethlng ia new ready for your inspection. It comprises such u, variety of styles that we will surely be able te suit you. PriceB very low. A. C. YATES & CO., LKIHJKIl IIUILDINO, OOR. OH03TNOT & SIXTH 818., PHILADKl.t'HIA. VI VKIW J) ltATIIKON. READY-MADE CLOTHING keusien, heys, childukn. manufactured Irem rsrelully nleeted WOOL K.S8. In nil tlie leading PKKTTY blYl.KS. KXCKLLKNT KITTING, WKI.I. S1AOK, WKI.I. Tltl.M.MKl). ami rnarked at Hgures thnt bear Invar ihln comparison villi tlie low. est given by nnv Klrat Ciuts Clothing Heuso In the city. All woolens delected with n vlew nl giving tli hint i (insUile results ns te permanency nt colors. All goods thoroughly spengud,tn thu end tlmt there will be no shrinkage In lengths und widths of rnrmnnt nttcr manurnctuie. Our make of CI.OTHINO always stands thu tcsl a te durability, nml maintains lliu Mi ipe ami color In ullklndset wciilliHr.ralnnrshtnt A trial le all thnt I, neccsiary te convince tun mnslskoptteor lu superiority ever most nil ether makes. Our $10 and $12 Suits tire marvels of ehcapnn-s, which nn clothing liuycr, contemplating the purchase et Spring Itufmnnt. Hheuia tall te sue. Thu wonder li hew (.lellilng se geed can he made terse llttlu money, from I he atsertmeul wn Imvn It Id net iMillcult te ninke satisfactory selection. Step in una see wli t von think et them rrudu tuspicltully tellctled MYERS & RATHFON, LKADlNO LANOASTKIt CLOTH1KU3, NO 12 HA8T KINQ STREET LANOASTKIt. PA. rTIHMI St lltiOTIIKIt. WE HAVE OUH STUCK UP SPRING CLOTHING NOW HEADY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. Tlin uoeilrt we ellrr te you aroallef OUU K. nru WKLL MAlls. OWN MANUKACTUItK, a ru Wl. l.l.TIUMMKI). or GOOD. HON KMT StA- TKIllAI. ami nt lirlceB which NONE CAN KU.UAI. KG It OHKAP.NKSS. Wu eall cipeclal attention te our large stock et Children's, Beys' aiid Youths' Suits. Onrllnoef SHOUT PANTSUirs. ter Chll ilren, ninun Irem sizes I te 11, anil from one ilelliiruniitllty cenu up. LONG PANl'sUlTS, for Scheel SiiltH, Irem two dollars und twenty-five cents up. HOYS' SUITS, from the best te tlie crenpest, iitull prices. YOUTHS' SUITS, nil quallllea, ler all urns, at our own pilces. UKNTS' FURNISHING GOODS, OK ALL DHSClllPTlONS. ALWAYS ATTI1K I.OWKST PKICK3. Trunks Vdllflea, Shawl Straps, Ete. 7-CALL AT'M HIRSH & BROTHER, 1'KNN HALL CLOTHING 1I0U8K, Noe 2 and 4 North Qucen Btroet. G ANHMANA 1IRU. EXTRA PUSH. That Is what inakm our NKW Hl'HlNU STOCK LAKUKU, IIKTlK.lt AND CIlKAl'KK than It ever was bnlore. Hee the wendiirlul low prices In tl -AND- 3073' Clothing. Slen'j Bulla nt M.W, il.uO.fl.EO.tS.OO, in.00,$8.00, IIO.IKI, lip te 118.00. BOYS' AND OHILDRBNS' OLOTHINQ OUU UUKATfll'KUIALTV. Heys' Hulls at ti.'ii, $18D, 18 (X), f3.50, 1.00, 13 00. 10.00, up te 110.00. Chlldruri'sHults at 11.33, II.7J, IJ.W, $X50, $3,00, 11.00, uple0.W. TO TIIK LAD1K&! It you wish te buy Heys' or dilutions' Suits leek nt our nirgu stock, uleuaut luade styles, workmanship, quality nml low prices. I'hey cannot bu approached uiiywherain this city. L. &ansmaii & Bre,, TIIK KABIUONADLK USU0Q.VNT TAI 1,011 i AND 0LOT1UKU9, ,0J. UUsOS N0HTII QUEEN STREET, utcUt en tbe southwest Cerner et Orange B etreut, LAKOASTBB, l'A. i- Net conneetud wltU any ethor Clothing ueusg le the cy, vi.eriiinu. -IKMOVAI. REMOVAL EXTRAORDINARY. New Establishment, New Goods, S.S. RATH VON, Merchant Tailor nml Draper. llcaptctlii ly Inlerms his patrons and the pub. He that hn h is Itotnevul hi, .Merchant Tuller. Ing Establishment Irem M). lOl.wliote II has bcen leruti'il lorevur thirty yinrs, te 131 North Queen St., (IIOWKLL'S IIUILDINO), Wliore he ling Just opened with a Iresh und seasonable linn el fabric, ter inun und beyn wuir, wliteli will he inuda promptly le erncr In liny Htyli. and mitU ruction imxtiti'd. Tlmiiklul for pint fiiven. hUuirerta nliall he te merit tlin oenlluiiod conOdencu et tlie pub lic. S. S( RATHVON. Prnclicnl Tailor. urlMtml u. UKUIIAHT. SPRING OPENING -AT- H. GERHART'S Tailoring KHtahlislinienl. I am new prepnred loaliew te tlie trade an ansortmem et WiKilnnn ler tlie Spring nud Mummer Tiade which for lleauty, Qiullty nnt Ounntlty surpasses nil my'toruier cirortate i emu my cuatemvn, Noun but inn very best Kerulmi nnd Amerl can lub lies for linn nnd Iluslni'as Suits ; u complute line of thu 1 ntcat Slindcx et MprliiR Overceating. Thoverybest nl werkmnnsilp nn-l pilces lower llinii tiny IInu;u In thu Pity for thu s unu quality of ((oeds H. GEEHAKT, TAlLOll, Ne. 6 Bast King Street. 1)AHIAI.N UI.OTIHNO STOKK, Ne. 21 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTKIl, I'A. Burger & Sutten IPKOPJUATUIia.) ONE PBIOB TO ALL, AND THAT The Ivewfst Price in tlie City. SPRING SUITS most ta.w ui SPRING OVERCOATS, J3.00, 17 tO, 110.00-WAUIlANTKn. NOT ONK. HUT Several Cutters, te Suit Various Taste3. A N I SI St K N S K 8TO0 K OK READY-MADE CLOTHING. MADK HY OUU OWN WOUKS1KN AND KVKllV AHTICLK WAItltANTKI). flrf-iole AkeiiIh ler thd DAYTON SI1I11T liaiidsemt'st, beat fitting, best wcnrlng nnd lowe.tprlcoa. & Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. M-lyd pi llUVfll WlNTKllS. A PINE WINDOW. Te-day we have en exhi bition in our store window the finest display of Fancy Suitings and Gents' Furnishing Goods in the city. While pass ing along your attention will be attracted by the novelties in the window. If you step inside we can show you everything in our line and after leaving you will say te your friends that Greff & Winters lead in styles this Spring. We de net necessarily charge iancy prices for fancy styles. We are equally pre pared te meet the wants of all in need of a Fine Dress or Business Suit, We take pleas ure in announcing te the ladies of this city, that our cutter, Mr. Nicholas De La Serrenskey, will give special attention te the cut ting, fitting and making of ladies garments of every description. mse lucung riauus gotten up in the Latest Styles and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. GROPF & WIHTERS, NO. 23 NORTH QUEEN ST., LAMCAHTKK, l'A. tnM-lWd BURGER SUTTON 31 1'.tl 'IV AL. piJTIUUHA 1(I'.91KDIH. NOW IS TIIK TISIK TO OUUK SKIN HUMORS. IT In nl till aenien, when tlie bleed und rnltnlleii nre leaded with liiinurltleH. thnt pet , thnt DIX nuurlnu II union". Iltnnlllutlinr KruplleiiR, lteliliiR Tortiiies, Hull. Uliuuin or Kczemn, I'MirlusIs, Tetter, ItliiKWerni, llAby lliuuen, bcrutula, f cioluleus betes, Auceases and Din chnrliiK Wounds, nnd evctv Bpeclen of Itch Iiik. Mealy and I'lmply Dlacnaex of thu Skin and fieilp nre mntlfpeeillly and icoiiemtcully cured by lliu Cuticuiia iikhbmim. " ITi8lL FAOT." Itundredsnf Icttetilu ourpe-KCMglon, copies ei which inuy bu lind by ruluin mull, are our authority for the iincrtlen Hint Skin, Hcnlp nnd llloed llunierp, whnther Hcrnluleus, In lintllciler Coiitaideu., may NOW be perma nently cured by ctiTieuitA Kkkelyhnt, tlin new llloed I'tirlflml, Dtuietle and Aperient, Inter, nallr, und CimeunA nnd ctrricxnA Her, the k'rciu skin cures and beuiiUllem, oxternnlly, In onedialf tlie limn and nt ene hull the ex pense et any ether season. QUEATE8T ON EARTH. CtrrictiitA lUMKbtKs nre the KreaUMt inndl clnui en inrlli. Hud the worst emu etHnll Kliuum In this country. Sly mother hud It twenty yeurH, und In liiet died Irem It, 1 be llove (.unuuitA we J Id linvoxnved mv Ilia Sly arm'), breast and head wure covered rer tlireu ycurs, which nothing relluvcd or en red until I used the Cuticvra Kkselvknt Inturnnlly and CnncuKA and CtrrieunA Seap externnlly. J. W. A DASIS, Newurk, O. GREAT BLOOD MEDIOINfcS. Tlie half luu net been told ns te the (treat curnllve powers of tbe Ccticdra Uemkeies. 1 linvu paid hundreds of dollars for medicines te euro diseases et thu bleed nnd skin, and never teund anjthlun yet te equal the Ccti- CURA ItCMKDtKS. fneVlDHMCM, B. I. CIIAS. A. WILI.IASI". OURE IN EVERY CASE. Your Ctrriccnx llEVKOiKi eutsell all ether medicines I keep for skin disease-. Sly cus tomers and patients say that tbey linvu f.llected n euro in every Inslunce, where ether roineu les havu fulled. II. W. IHIOCICWAY, SI. I). Khankum Kalis, N. II. Sold by nlldriiKRlsls Krlee- CtrrirunA, tee : KKSOLVKNT, II t HUP, VSC. l'OTTKR DRUU AND CltlCUIUAl. Ce., Ilosten, Sluts Send lur "Hew f uure Hum lintnifs." BEAUTY Ker Keuuh, ohupped and l'lmples. Skin lllemlshus and Infantlle Hu mers, use CUTiccnA eat, n real llenut llui, fl' UK OUTICUK Ur.St III lis l'ult MAI.h. tore. 137 and 139 JL nt Ceclira 's Druif fctore, 137 Nerm guteu street. Luncuster, l'u. CATARRH! Sanferd's Radical Cure. Head O lds, Unlnry DldCharKes trem tin Nose and Kye-i. Itlnmin; N'elsei in tlie Ilea1, Nervous lleiduchu und Kevur Instantly ro re lluved. Cheklnu' mucua dUle Ised, inonibrntie cleansed and heuled, breath nwcctuuuil, smell tnstu and beiiTliiK restored nnd ruvaucs chcok chcek cd. Ueuith. Ilienchltla. Drepplnk'S Inte the 1 lire at, I'elns In thu Chest. Dyi"ticpsln Wast liirf et Strt'UKtli and Klcili, l.esi of Sleep, etc.. cured. One betllu Uadlcnl Cure, one Ilex Catarrhal Eelvunt and ene Dr. Sanferd's Inhaler, In on en packiiKU, of all ilruirKlsls ter II. ark vor BAnnreiiD'a Uauical Curb, n pure dlstlllntl h. of Witch Harel. Am, t'lnu. Cu. Kir, ilnrtijeld ClOVer IHessOIIM, lie. I'OTTUB DnOO 1D CHBM IOAL CO., UOStOD. SANIIFOKII'S l DIO II.UUItitl'OICMAt.l at fnclirun's Drutf 'tore. Ne 1J7 unit 13'J .North queen street. l.ncatur. l'u. Pain is the Cry of a Suffering Nerve. Cellins' Voltaic Klectrlc l'lmter lnstntl. alfu 'In the Nervous System and liiinlhes pain A porlert Klectrie Itittery combined with u ramus Vliister "or 'a centn. It nnnlhll.ite paln, vlUitlzei weik and worn out put , elreiiKtticn tired .muscles, pievunts iIIsu.im, nnd does mere In enu-nall the tlme than unj ether plastiT In tlin world. Seli everywhere uprt-lyilW S.Aw QIPO. Mr. reiiUn I'UHir.ii, THOSE WOMEN FOLK. Hew liaru-Itfaded Men I'ttlmntn Same Tilings Which They De Net Umltr.Uud. Anybody who has led 11 domestic life knows hew common such IhlnRsns the backache end pains In lliu client, nre uinenR the wemen who de t' e werlc. Oiten-and perhaps Runerally the distresses aroberno without much com plaint. The women get about and the 111a 111a clitnery erihn house gees en. lleyeud Hit, theso cearse trained animals whom New K.iik land wemen call "the men folk," seldom leek. 80 Ien us their wives or duuxhters nre net tic tually In bed, under thu doctor's enre, thu nv eruge thtik-alclnnud husband and father ulvca thu subject no attention. At thu snmu llire the peer household dnidt'es-whe doscrve a better fate- 01 ' around, bioem or utensl's In hand, npstnlis, dnwn9tnlrsnnd nuteld ere, deliiK thnt woman's work, which ' Is in ver done." I.ckch et loved w Ives iiul fulr Kills losses whose suddenness and unexpectedness usUmtsh these woeden-patud husbands and iuthcis-fall, BccmliiKly out of a cleir shy and form ihe 1ek1c-.i1 stquul tothOBtery et neKlect. New, you men who stand at thu heads 01 ten thousand such homes, allow us te drop a word In your teceptlve enrs. If these women el yours nre worth h.ivlnu they nre weith Buvlnir. Tlmt back-achu-that pal 1 In the chist I What uie they but Indlealtoiiset sonic orgunle trouble el thu klunuvs, the heait, 1 r the lungs t Knd It at once by the application et Hh.NSON'eCAl'CINK IMllOUH 1'LAsTKIt. It wilt noetho that nervous dUtrea?, drive iiwiiv tlmt nalu, banish Hint dull, weary lien l ache. Klve new strenulh te the body und Iresh hope te the heart. Nnetlur plaslers 1II de this. The Huimen 1'Iastur, however, is net madu te sell-but te heal. It Is a rnmedy which never yet broke ltaprotnlee-nnd nevcr will. YeurdniKglst has It. Hut lotero paying your M cents nnd puttluH the plaster In your pocket, leek ler the word CAl'CINK cut In middle. Keubury & Johnaten, l'lmrtnaceutlcnl Chun lsts, New Yeilt. wlS.lmdWASAw 1)1 1.1:. " ANAKE8I8" kIves inslnnt relief, nnd Is uu intalllble euro ler l'l LKS. I'rlce, II 00 at UriiKKlsts, or tout prepaid by mall. Sumplu free, Addiesa, " AnAKKSIS " Slukers. Ilex 2110, New Yerk. aprMySI.W.KAw 30 D.W'H' TttlAI., lilt, DYB'rt VOLTAIC BELT Ulcctrle Applliiucei uru tent oil 30 Days' trial, TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OU OLD, Who aie Bullerlnt; trem Nervous Debility Lest Vitality, Lack el isorve Kerco und Vler, Wabtliitf Weaknesses, and all theso Dlsoutesof a poisenul nature lesultlnt; Irem abuses and ethtr cnusei. Bpeedy rellel und coinplete ret ret tmntleii et Health, Viger and Manhood uuur- auteed, The randest discovery or the Nlne teentli century, Hend at ence ler Illustrated raitphlet true. AdOrcuj, VOLTAIC BELT CO., , prMyUMWKfcw SIA1UHIALL, MIOII, ALL ABOUT DIAMONDS. WIIKUK TIIK IIIUI.LIAN rS COM P. FKOSI. Heur tlie Htetic AM Msile ftlarxetnblc HHTereut Tints or llliiiuiniis Tt. Othtr Colored stone. Nfcw YorlcTribune. Most of the (llntneixlii found In the trade cotne from the Cape mlncn .it the coulheru end or Afrlea. 'Iuose tnineH iiumuer four or live, the largest heliw the Klmbnrley, coverlu 18 nercB Fer the lust ten years they have yielded latfcly, many lare bIeiicii Imvliif,' bceti taken out, tueui'li tlitHe, with the exception of the Perter KliedcB stene, nre net of jiroper tletiately ke0(' quality. The Perter Rhodes diamond (named after itn owner, au EiiKllshrr.iin) welghs about 100 car.itH In the retitfh, and In highly vnlucd. It Is said that the owuer oueo refuted an offer of JC30,000 for a half interest in the Btenc. Latterly he has been oiTeriiiu; it for 50,000. This Is the diamond which Mm. Maokey,of Paris, was said te have thought of buy Ini; last year. Hut meat of the Cape diamonds of large size (and they get thum as lilirli as U00 carats) nre only worth out eut tliiK into smaller steticn. It is estimated that eaeli week's oarge of leugh di.imeuds sent te Loudeu roprejontrt a value of JCSO.OOO. As te ethor beutecs of biipply. Iodia ue longer outers into trade ceusid cratleti. A new mlne was disoeveiod last year In Drazil called Cauualrerce, but its yield Is small as yet. The Drazillan du meuds are usually feuud in the sandy beds of rivers, while the Cape diamonds nre dug out nt n depth of from 300 te 500 feet. They are usually feuud imbedded thore In a kind of soft, soapy muek, culled ' blue earth.' 801110 nre almost teund, but most have eight sides. In weight they ruu, in the average, from two te ten carats, comparatively few stones abeve ten carats being feuud. This is in the reuuh ; cutting reduces them about ene half. The ten carat stones, thus rodueed by cutting te five, avorage nbeut $750 oaeh in value. This carat weight is oue peculiar te dla. meuds, rubles, opals and sapphires. It takes evor seven caratr. te tnake ene ponuyweight In Trey weight, lleiv Mjuueuds are Cut. Most of the stones sent te Londen from the Cape nre re-Bhippcd te Amsterdam and Antwerp, the great cutting places. Cutting Is dotie also in this country, though only within the last few yeais. There cau't ba evor threodezoa cutters in the whele country. On this pjiut it is te bj noted, however, that the demand here for line cutting has about revolutionized the btjle of euttlug abroad. As te any principles Iu cuttiug, tuere is the general rule that ene third of the stoue should be abeve the girdle and two-thirds below it. This proportion is sometlmes BacriQccd in order te avoid imporicctlens in n stene such as blnek spots and feathers (and at leant ene. hall of the stones nre mere or less imperfect), Again, the size and shape of the stone in the rough will letormlne w.iother it shall have n Mngle 'ur, or the full cut, or the rese cut. The many liltls pianos or sides te a cut diamond nre technically called facets. New, n single cut dhmend has elghtcen Meets, and a full out ttoae Lai llfty eight 'acsts, distributed abeve and below the tiirdle in the proportion b lere men tinned. A small stene U likely, of ceurse, 10 have only the sir gle cut of elghtcen sides. A full cut diamond Is called also n btilliai t, though this term is inoeircctly applied, sometimes te Parisian or paBte ' diamonds. The third, or rese cut, is lven te stones tee fcmall aud thin for ither of the ethor cuts. It Is peculiar In 'Iiih, that the stene is flat en tlie bottom and faceted en top. It often takes a hetisand 1 f the rese cut tteiiea te inake a at at weight. They are tibeful, however, .11 tilling iu corners, ote. Apirt ftem the onsiileratiena noted the cutter is guided iy his own discretion nnd Uhte. The old saying, about ' diamond cuttiug diamond ' is literally true with them. The workman dimply rubs oue rough diamond agaius: the ethor. Pellehlug Is uecrssaiy after ward, nnd Is dotie by holding the cut stoue down ngnlust a whcel rcvelilug at nn ex Temely rapid rate. Of course, in ex wnining the wheel from tlme te time they must leek out for Haws, or the diamond will be caught en botne rough pelut and be smashed in less than the traditional jiffy. As te the tlme taken te cut aud polish, oue cutter will de work enough te keep a half dezen pollshers busy, nud n geed polisher will polish about tweuty catats a week. Thuiu is every nnagluable tint, but the principal trade colors nre the Etnudawl white, the bluish tint, the yellow nnd the brown. The white, while most valuable, is net nlways the most btilhaut. The bluish tint is much sought alter new Yellow is the most oeramon of the four. Apparently thore in n growing ttste for fancy colors iu diamonds a dark brown, bright yellow, or canary, as it is called, aud ether until! nl colors. Yes, artilleiat coloring has been dene by thu use i.f aniline. A yellow stene dipped iu this te oeIvcl a bluish tint, but this oernoh oft' by exposure te the nir or by tue. There was great oxeltomont about tue matter insi year, both hore nnd in Eiuope. Otlirr Cellared Menrs Of thoether cjlercd stetKrt, tubiej and pearls are new the most fiuhiepabli'. The llneet rubles ceme from Ceylon und Siam. They am mom cxpenslve than riiaiueuds of the same s'ze, owing te their (carclty. The htnudnid color for n tuby is pigoeu bleed, but thore nre very few perfect specimens. Penrls nre white, muck, gray and brouze. A geed many et the colored pearls ceme horn Panama. Mack pcnils are rare, nnd after nil are net jet black, but a sort et ciueky Inte. The llneM whltu pcnils ceme from Australia. We have pink pearls nlse. The bent opals ceme from Iluugniy, but opals sell rather poeily new, though a trllle better iu popular favor than n few jears nge. The Empress Eugoule Iu her tlme did mueu te dibonur dibenur dibonur age the sale of the opal, ns bhe btibieribad te tlie superstition that it Is the "Mether of Sorrows." The Ceutral Amoiic.uiepal is nfl'cetcd by beat, se that If it has n scam it will be llkely te split. As te the sapphire, tnnre reasonable prices prevail uew, due te the dircevciy et a uew mine iu Ceylon, The color of the stoue found thore Is llghter thnn that at Hurmah, but It ia mero brilliant. Then) nte imitations of sapphires and emeralds, and the French imitate pcails aUe in a compo sition that almost defies detee'nm by the untrained oye. Ah te the trade la general, within the last thirteen years it has increased eight fold. In 1870 uet mero than oue million dellais' wetth of prcolens lUenea vwre iru ported. Last your, according te the cus tom heuse nuthorltles, el,ilit inilhoudel lars worth was imported, the bulk being of diamonds. Withiu ten yeais, also, the number of Importing huiiBts 1ms luereased In fdone from ene half dozen te nearly fifty. ThO' tariff favors the biuiuess, us thore Is no duty en the stone In the rough, nnd only ten per ecnt. en the out stone, A 111(1 MAN. Over 1:1 jilt rnet Around the Wnltt Lewls Oornelius was the largest man in Amoriea, belng considerably bigger than tlie famous Daniil Limbcrt. P, T, Bnr- num ence offered Mr. Cernellus n large salary te travel with his olreus, hut the olter wen rofused. At oue tlme Mr. Cor nellus was an offlcer of the county of Pike and his dimensions nre rcoerdod in the protheuotnry's ollleo In Milferd, that county, ns fellows : "Lewls Cernellus ; born 1701. Ilelght, 0 feet ; olrcumfcrenco below wulst, 8 feet 2 Inehca ; olreumferenco nbove wnlst, 0 feet 2J lnehcs ; elrcumfer' ence of turn abeve olnew, 2 feet 2 Inohes ; clrcnmforenco of nrm below elbow, 1 feet u) ineucH ; ciroumieiotico 01 wrist, 1 loot !) inches; clrcunifeiouce of thigh, 4 feet 2 Inches ; olrcumfcrenco of calf of leg, 2 feet Inehca ; clrcnmforenco of nnkle, 1 feet 7 luches; weight, without clothing, 015$ pounds." This Is nu authentic record of the great man's size He w.ib proprietor of the Sawklll heuse nt Milfeid, nnd nil the doers iu the lewer part of the heuse nre made of deuble width. Ue was uet weighed until after his death, whleh oecuircd iu 1850, and us he had bcen sick soreral weeks the physlelaus thought he had lest llfty pounds of his welght, nnd that Iu geed health he would have tipped the scales nt 700 pounds. Ills wlfe wain small woman and nover weighed mere than nlnety elght pounds Iu her life They had a number of childreu and nil the girls wero small nnd dollcate while thu boys wero large. Three of the sous weighed 81C pounds, nu avorage of 272 pounds each, Jehn Corne Cerno Cerne llus, the yunger seu, died last fall und weighed 310 pounds, having gained llesb In later years. A Htery of VM!ilOKtnu' HireiiRtti, Lord Coletldge Is dellghtiug his English frieuds with stories of his Americau visit, and nmeug them with this: He was at Mount Vernen with Mr. Evarts and, talk ing nbeut Washlmrteu, said : "I have heard that he was a very streug man phy slcially, and thnt s'nnding en the lawn here, he oeuld threw a dollar right across the river ou te the ethor bank." Mr. Evarts paused a inemeut te tnoasure the breadth of the river with his oye. It Bccmcd rather a "tnll" Btery, but it was net for him te bollttle the fnther of the country in the eyes of a foreignor. "Don't you bollevo It ?" nsked Lord Coleridgo. "Yes," Mr. Evarts replied, "I think it's very likely te be ttue, Yeu knew n (hilar would go farther in thesa dayj than it docs new." 1 he Japanese still bclleve that the ltrst ma was net Adam, but Hu81utr. It may be se The II rat leiHiImut'i household retnudv ever nllured te 11 suirurlnir public was Dr. Hull's Cough syrup, a sure euro ler coughs and colds. A WlKIS'rt TltOUULK. Ker n number et years my wlte lias been troubled with chronic rheumatism, tt being In Heme portion et her be ly constantly (except perhaps In the very wannest weather In Hum mer) Last Christmas ehe contracted n very severe cold, aud a diseased condition et the kldneys became mnnHe9t,whlcIi subjected ner te excessive sulTerlng, as the symptoms el gravel bocame mero prominent, her urliie belutf colored, accompanied by a heavy brick, dust sellinent. Alter trying eevcru rcmedles without icllef, I piecurcd te.- her 11 bottle of Hunt's Uemcdy, which shu commenced tuklng.nnd boleru three days hnd passed she becamu much butter, falie continued using the uiodlclne until shu hud used six bottles, und new tui-ls entirely cured et both rheumatism und kidney complaint She believes her prtnent excellent health due I solely le the use or Hunt's Itemedy. I William c. cleavilanh. Norwich, Cenk., Slay b, 1SSJ. I UltATIKllMI 1CK!U1.1'9. I Under dale nl Sluy 11, Mr. K. A. Thomsen, tne well known t,recer and prevision dealer, 1 et 7S lirecn hticct. New llavun, Conn., w rites as fellows ; " -uveitil weeks since I was taken ! very 111 with hldm y disorders, und 1111 txanil- 1 nation et u y urlne showed 11 very dtseascil condition of my klduejs, 111 d I hud also s mp mms of a illse.i-ed Btute of mv liver. The puss lug el my uil'ie was accompanied with sevore 1 pall s in thu small of my bid; und loins, fel lowed by a burning ponsallen, and after li'iv. lnu steed nwhlle In the vessel, the urinushen- cd nvery heavy dejieslt et u Pediment simi lar te ground lulckdu-t, und, In snort, I i found that I was In such a dUeased condition as te require uiunuiltatu mudlcul treatment, nnd us I was anxious te obtain the best und most speedy reimdy, I looked and Inquired carclulty, und became satlsllcd that Hunt's Kumtdy was nn article et exce.leut meilt, und thuiMfeie I concluded te give tt a trial, and commenced taking It, mid bjtore I hud taken ene bettle, I found such u great Im provement tha. I decided te continue Its use, and by taking only two bottles tin icsiilt has bcuu most griitllylng In giving me restmed lieallh, "1 havu ordered u supply of Hunt's Itemedy ter my stere und shall here liter havu It ler sale, us I consider tt 1111 excellent article ter diseases et the liver and kldm-yg." ni31.1wdSI,WAKAw The .11 an tVtiti litllis Mncb. We want te say 11 word te you who make 11 living with your leugue. 1 ou certainly mud hae 11 clear, strong voice le engagu your lis teners. Or. V'ieiwm' hcleclria Oil ler sole ilue.it, colds, und hotftencss Is unoxcellud. Use ami iidmliu. Ker sale by II. II. Coelirau, druggist, 137 and 13'J Neitb Oueen street. .. . " - . A iirnut lilieuverjr. Mi. Wm. t'hemus, el Nuwten, In. says : "Sly wile has been teileusly allected wllhu ceiuh ler twonty-llve years, and this spring mero overoly than ever buf.irn. She h id ubed many lemudles without rellel, and being uiXid te tiy Dr. King's New Discovery, did se, with unfit -iiitltyiiiG tt suits. The tlrst bettle uilleved her very much, and the second bettle liUB absolutely euicd her the has net hud an geed health for thlitv years." 'lilul bottles free ut (J. A, Lecher's druk store. I. urge fllr.it, H 00. ' Iflre Ulin Out," TI1I3 Is a common rumark when roughs ami reudjs lnHull puhlte decency ey their un un scenily wiij-h. Djspepsla h a horrid biire. Klie it out ulili Murdoch llloeil Jllttcri 011 can dolt. Ker sale by 11. il. Cochran, druggist, 137 and l'i'i North Uueen street. 1 Willi l-.vnrybedr te Knew. Hev. Ueorge II. Thayur an old citizen et this vicinity known te every ene ns a meat Inlluenlhil citizen und christian minister el the M. K. church, Just, this moment stepped In our stele te say, " 1 wish uvorybedy te knew that 1 consider that both mytielt aud wtfe ewe our lives le Bhlleh's Consumption Cure." It Is having a iruinondeusmilu evor our counters and Is giving purtuct sullutuctlnn In all cases el Lung Dlseases, such us nothing else has dene. DU8. SIATCHHTTSKUANCK. llouimeM. liul., Muy in, '7S. Sold bv 11.11. Cochran, druggist. Nes. 137 and I l.W North (lucunstroet. Lancaster, tublluedl llurklun's Arnica hHlvn The Hest Sulve In the world ler Cuts, ItruUea, Seres, Ulcers, salt llheuin, Kevur serus, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, CeriiB,and all skin erupttnns, nnd positively cures Plle-i or ue puy icnuired. It 1 guur. nutctul toglve porlect sutlsiutlen or money reluudud. Price, J ceuU pur box, Ker sale by C. A. I.echi r. II r.AHUUAUTKItS I'Olt TUB INDIAN MEDICINES, ItA-TON-KA AND MODOU INDIAN OIL -AT- LOCHBR'S Drug Stere, NO. 0 KA3T KING STUEKT, I LANCASTKIl, PA, in Kit m Ah. h KIt'U 1'ILLH. A CLEAR HEAD. "Onoyeirnno I was Inducodtetry Atbti's riLtiinsn remedy for Indication, Constipa tion nnd HuMlnuhe, Irem which I hnd Ieiir beeil (1 1rraL htlltnrnr I ntiimnnpnlnrr ttrltll fL (leso el nve pIllH, 1 leund their action easy, und obtained prompt roller In centlnulnn their use, n. aliiRln I'll! taken alter dinner, dallj', has been nil the modlitne I have re quired, Aran's I'tLtn have kept my system reKUtur and tny head cli'iir, nnd boneflted me mero than all the medicines ever before trleili Kvery person similarly iittllctcd should knew their yulue. IGJStiite street. Chlciiue. JuneO, I8?t ., SI.V. Watsek." Fer nil dlscasca el thu stomach nnd bowela, try ATxn'fl 1'ilm. rnsrAnieu nr Dr. J, 0. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass, sold by nil Druge,HU. n2.8Aw AY BR'S BAIflAl'AUII.LA AND AYKIl'8 Cherry Pectoral for nale ut Ceehrnn's Drui: Htnre. Ne. i.17 and 133 North (Moen at., Lancaster, l'u. " A.11K HACK. HOP PLASTER. This porous nlaster Is nbsnliitnlv the bet ever made, remblnlnir the virtues et hops vriiii i-uins, uaisams nun extrncts. Its power Is i wonderful In curing diseases whero ethor blasters Btlnnlv relieve. Crlf.k In thn llurk und Neck, l'aln In the Hldn or Limbs, Htlll Joints nnd Sluscles, Kidney Troubles, llheu ......inn., ..uilli.lKm, OIJ1U lllUSk, .lllUUfclllllTS III tlin lll'lirlnttil f.ltrf.t- nml nil nnln. ni-nnlina tt any r.nrt cured instantly by the lien natter. -..w -v....u...s ... ,u., ,. ,. ,. - i u. ,,vn . ,. riTyu rrice, 10 cents, or nve ler Stalled ou recelnt ofnrlce. Sold bv all tl.ie. nil drut?- Klstsand ceuntrv storm, lien Vlarler Cem- lany, l'roptleters, lloslen, Slass. LAME BAOK. 4a-Ker rnnsllniLtlnn. Inss nt nnnntlfn nnt diseases of the bowels take llnwley's Stemacli una i.ivcr rills. 25 corns. d.'O lydcSw(3) T"IOHi:V-WOKT. DOIih WONDKHKUL CUHE3 OK KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER COMPLAINTS. Hccnusoltnctsen tlie Lit UK. IIOWKL8 and KIUNKYi nt tlie 8AB1K TISIK. Ilecuusu It cleanses thUMVstem et thn nnlsnn eus humors thnt develeps In Kldney and UrI nary Diseases, lllllleusness. .Jaundice. Cen-tl pi'tien, riles, or In llhmiinatlsni, Neurulgla, Nervous Disorders und all Kemale Complaints. aufser.iu proof of tiiiu. It Will SurolvCure CONSTIPATION. PILKB and UHKintATISSl by causlnir KIIKK ACTION at till tne organs und functions thereby OLiEANSINO THE BLOOD. ltcs toting the norms! power te threw oil U1UC11SO. THOUSANDS OK CASKS Ot the worst forms of theso lerrible diseases have been quickly relluved, and In 11 short tlme PKHKKCTLY CUUKD. I'rlce, II. Liquid or Dry, Sold by druggists. Dry can be Kent by mull. WKI.1.9, ItlCHAHD -ON A CO., llurllngten, Vt. Hend stjinp ter Dairy Almanuc for 1S8I. KIDNEY-WORT. (IccAcedAw (3) TT'IIINKY-WOUT I'Olt SjAI.K AT UOU IV Jim's Drug htore. Ne Ia7 nnd 1!9 North (Jut en btreet, Lancaster, l'u. riMiK mi ikk ixuiiinti 0 Alls r: iik ik- X dlnary N sil Catarrh Is sudilun exp sure tecnld when thn bmlv Is overheated, or expo sine le undue iicat iiflei It Ins become (hllitil. I)l(us he! the ICVK. KAIt, TIIIIO T also CANCKItS, 1UMOU-, SKIS and CIlKOMU DIsKASKS Hiiccessluilv treated by Dll. II D. and SI. A. LONdAKKIt. Olllee-n Husi Walnut streut, Lunriislur. 1'n. Consultation tree. ni31 Sld&w TilTKI K.-IMTIKMN WISHIMJ TO CON" DR. LA GRANGE, Of lCT) KlLBUI-.TSTllKnT, I'lIILADKLVIIIA, I'A., are request) il le give ut lein-t two days notice p ler le their tutunded visit te prevent dlfttippelntmeiit and osset lline Dr. 1.11 Uiaiige's new work en Neiveus Ills Ills eiu'S and Alliul Dlsiudeis. Sent tree by pest. 5 ) cents. A1I1I1 ess us above. ml-Smil .- AfJUt HaJtOinii.1, ih, pn.titr.H tv. ruv. HKl'Y STYLUS OK Dade Window Shades, In six nud seven leal lengths. Hpeclal blzes made te elder. The dcblgus uru very liaud liaud Heme und moderate In price. PLAIN SHADING lly the yard In the New Co'ers. Wlde goods forluiL'e windows and htore riiudei. 40 In., 4.1 In., SI In., iJ in., and "i In. wide. nCOl'CH HOLLAND In Kciii.Curilliiul.lluiT.Urcen nnd White. WOOD AND TIN SPUING ROLLUHS Ker nil kinds el windows. NICKI.K OKKA Mn.NTS. KUINOKS, TASSK.LS, Ac. Wu tke nicisiues nnd put up shades el every iloi-eilp Hen in llrst class 11 uuiiur. NbW I'ATTUI'.NSOK WALL PAPER I OH Ht'lSlNU. (Jllt'i In Lmbntheil, Celer nml Plnln. ders, Ki leres. Celling Decorations, Ae. l.ACKCUIlTAlNS, POLhH, Ac Iler- PHARES W. FRY, Wl HORTH QUUBrs' LANOA&T'hlt, PA. iiT. OI.AHH A.yJl UViiKNHnjiUL H tl.II r. 31 A UT I IS (lUKlflNSWAREI QUEBNSWARB 1 AT CHINA HALL. China, Glass, Quoensware. TIIK LAIIOK3T A33011TMUNT. ALL GOODS KX5,V;J'IU1?" IK NOTSATIE- IlouiuUrepeis leek te your Interest, amine our s.eek befere purchasing. Ex- High & Martin, 15 EAST KING STREET, LANOASTK.il. FA, ArUWUKTIIKIIkllHTOUKUONHIiiUl out Cigars, 11 for 'Ue.. nt IIAIITMAN-S YKLI.OVVKUONTCIOAU 8TOI115. hath Ann etpn. ?UU SALE -AT- Ullz's Only Hat stera The mostcemploto nssnrimint of flprlnic styles Stiff and Helt Hats ever offercd In this city nnd ut prices that will astonish the most careful buver. We have taken great care In selecting these goods, net only In reaurd te style, but In quality also 1 nnd as we buy ler cesh and soil ler cash only, we Bunranlea te rIve you as Reed nn nrttcle " It net better " than can be betifiht nnywhore ler the money. The YOUSIAN'S Htlir Hat this sonsen Is a bcnuty.nml ler quality, style and durabil ity cannot be surpisae.1. The II ft O AD W A Y Slllt Hat Is a very sensible style this season, having n lull brim and becoming almost any ene. Cleth HatJ nre the prln clpnl feature for boys nnd we have ft lull usertmcnt, A lull line et llght-welght BOKT nnd l'OCKKT IIAT8, and In taet everything thnt can be found In a first class Hat Htore, nt 144 North Queen Street, (OUNDAKKlt'3 OLD STAND,) A few doers nbove the Kranklln Heme, LANCASTKIl, PA. mar27 lydAw UlUI.T'7. Ul.ll HVANL'. OltKAT KKPUOriOXIN Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladlea' 3eal Racquea and Dalmatuii Ladloe' Pur-Iilned Olreulnra, Ucnts' nml Ladles' Seal Caps nt Cost, SIT.K UiiHHELLAS. A Large Assortment of OLIVKi at COit. THKJLA IIOKST STOCK AND AHSOllTMKNX OKKASIUONAULU Winter Hats, Cans, Furs, tt Evoreftorod te ihe public, nt the I.OWKST I'UICKS. Wholcsnleund ltetall. Uuy ter rash only nnd sell cheaper than any ether Hat Stere in the cits. HOL1S AOKNT KOItTHB Knox Silk & Derby Hat. Thu ONLY Hat Slanulactery In Lancasttr. Ilejh' Caps Irem 10c. up. Man's Capset all kinds irreallv leduced in price. impairing neatly aud promptly dene. Old Silk Hats made asuieunuie. JOHN SIDES, Successor te 8IIULT7, A HUO. d2-Mfd VAUPKTlt, Es I'.iTAlll.lSHKI) 1830. CARPETS -AT- Philip Selium, Sen 4 Ge's 150 SOUTH WATER STREET, LANCASTKIl, PA. Wohnven full supply of HAG AND KILL INU OAICPKT.S. We only use the best of yarnB. Ir you want a geed, serviceable Curpet, please rcme and exiimlne our stock botero piiichasliig olMiwheiu us e wtll sell as cneup as the cheuptst, Cemn und s'u ferynuisclf nnd lie convinced, us wealwuys have the reputa tion et inuktng Ursl-eluss Carpets. CUSTOSI IIAU OAHPrtTS A8PECIALTV CeVKIlI.KTS. COUTKICP NK, ULAN- ItfclS.CAIll'hTI'IlAlN, hTOCK- l.". I AUN.Aa Dvelug Done In all Its branches at short no tice. COAL I COAL I Ot the host quality, expresily for fumlly use. TltY A8ASIPI.KTON. ItKMKSIHKKTHl OLD STAND. PHILIP SC1IU3I, SON k CO'H. Ne. 150 SOUTH W ATE II BTItKET, I93md LANCASTKIl, PA. JltltilLAL INMTMVMJtNTb. WlM H)A 3 IVHITft Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SPF.CIAIi TEN DAYS SAM'S. NOW 1S.THK TISIK TO HU V PIANOS AND ORGANS AT SLAUOHTKltlNO PltlLES. OnoGecxl Socend-IIand Piane .V).00 One hlegunt Second-Hund Organ 4V00 Ouu Klegunt New Organ, 12-step Couplers and Sub llass U.00 Wilcox a White organs from 73.0O te 1130.00 " Kuube," MePhall, Grovenatolu & Fuller, Koyateno, and Veee & Sens i-lnues, All Marked Down te Bettem Prices. Almest given away. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Waroroems, NO 152 EAST KINO STREET, 11, H. LUCKKNUACH, AiienL fnbl7-Ud aJAVIllNXllY. IAV1.MI in-eiii.Vr.D I'AHi'nMwiur IX and lietiuanenlly clesed the Chestnut street Iren Works. I ifoslte te Inform my old patrons und thu public guncrallv, that 1 am still Iu the business, being located In the Putin Iren Company's SVerks, North Plum snout, wheru 1 inn making Iren und 1 1 rasa Cealings it every de trlptlen, and wtll be pleased te servu all who may taver me with thulr patron age. Krom40yearsexperleiicoln thobuslnesa ind using the best maturlal and employing the best mechanics, I am sall'tlud 1 can guar guar guar inUNieullrosaltstuctlen. Custlngs uuwe rrem a inUture et Iren und steel which are mere re liable for strength and durability than the .et cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, oils und roiling mill work a specialty, tast ings made et very selt Iren, and brass cast ings et uvery iluncrlplleu. I liave all thu pat ois ul the well und lavembly known Mowrer ern and Cob Crusher, renttwl ana Improve Mae en hnud, mills completely tlttud upej In parts, te roplace old onus which huvelwnln two ler years. KuaiunUH'lng Ihem te give (Sl.inllnn, mr-nm i.KV. Sii-.t,l,i. iimiiwi r.m ' Worklngmeu generally. -.u.ndsne All uru rtspuctfully luvltcl '"H??,JJ ,i,V. ii.Vst ivnrkintf I'ani. Jacki t nd Bliiris ib 1. iiirLut Mal ifler tlie WOKapprevja ?aS e & .&sa aS7S "y IlKNUY UKCnTOliD. Ne, J North umn Bj'Ja r Sign el the III stocking. iS-.y "T .. Mkfl k n ta umi st J i -41 i 1 i el -ll 4 1 i' 1