? 'i V " i .: ;n" er d : VehmiK XX-Nu 17.' Hi. LANCASTER FA., TUESDAY, MAKOII 25, 1884. Price Twe Cetite, MSnteliiixetxM TW. "lr "H,A.i'JVi ' ' BWfi, .rw tll.OTlllHti. from Factory te Salesroom we carefully watch overy detail, honce we are able te preBent for your approval the finest stock of Readymade Spring Clothing in the city. A. C. YATES & CO, LKHUKIl HUILIHNO, OOH. OaL19TNOT Si aiXTU STB., PIIILADKLI'HIA. Til YK1M KATIirOM. Spring Woolens reit CUSTOM TAILORING. Kmlirni'ltiK nil llm l.uttwlniiil Meit Attractive Novelties In MHTINOtt. VKhl'INUH uml TltOUS Kill NUM. Ireill Ioeiiih or widely cole cele bruted Kurupeau uml American Manulactur ere. Ttin aiMirtment thin .MprliiK Is larger limn uuy we Imvu hi'ictofero nIiewii, und Imil miicIi h rhumctur iw will uiiulihi us Id Hatlsfacterlly cutur te uviiry tiult1, plain or meit lushleuublu. 810 SUITINGS. Or tlilri chisnl WOOI.KN3 e perhaps liavu a larger variety than tlmlel uuy two stores In tliu cty combined. Ileiiutlfiil I'rttleniK, ex ctdleut In quality, unit admired hy nil who seu them. n havit twelve dlirerent iIcsIkiih, Irem which neught net te bedlillculllumuku selections. 812 SUITINGS. SeinethtiiK honest, neat uml cheap. Cenie nit m them. slianurnU rut unit imuta In uuy style de sired, and imrlcct II Im Kimriiiitix il -LATfc:3T KAblUON 1'I.ATKS ter lliiec tlen. MYERS & RATHFON, LKADlNO LANCAHTKU CLOTHIKI13, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET. LANCAHTKU. I'A 1J.U KUIIAUT. GREAT REDUCTION -IN FINE CLOTHING -AT- H, Gerhart's, Ne. 6 East King Street In order te luilucun heavy Bleck et KINK WOOLK.NH uml te iimWe room ler Ihu Hprlui; Impottulleu, 1 will make up te enlur all heuvy.wulKhtSUllINUSundOVKIlCOA'llNU Fer the Next 30 Days at a Re duction of 25 te 30 Per Ofc or First Cost of Get ting Thern Up. 1 Imvu a I de n Large AH-tortment el medium. wulKht WOOLKNS ter tliu euily HprlriK tnnli, which will be made up boleio tliu Hpilng tradu huUi In ul mi equal reduction, te hive uiupleyiuuiit te my hands during dull seusen TIIK AMOVE RKDUVTION JS HUH C A till OSLr. N. II. My sample curds et -Sprint' Importa tion uru new ready and any el my customers desirous el securing choice styles can Ue te new. H.GERHART. pANSMArlS IIHII. 1884 SPRING 1884 UOOIITIMK.S AUKCOMI.SU. The time haa come and we ure new iciuly. OneKliinjisd ul the bargains ollureit tu our lurye ami tittiuctlve NEW SPRING STOCK -or- Ready-made Clothing ! AMU U00D3 IN TUB I'IKCK, will convlnce you thai an era of peace and nreripurlty has iluwnud ler you, anil our low prlcuii will actually but you trciiibllnK with itullKht. . . Loek ut our samp'e pieces, marked In plain tluurcy, tn our niirttiwiMt show window, tilled with the choicest nlecoKeods which wu n.akc te order at the tollewlmr low price i Butts te enlur at Hi 00, II.OO, H5.0U, jlue, iltf ui, r.1) ui, iii ou, ts mi 1'anU te enlur ut f J SO, H.fO, .S0, $.1.00, ICO), 17.00, I8CU unU te te. Uiiiulj.mnile Hiilbi ler Itnnul $3.00, KW, I7.W, 9iM. 110.1)1', U 00 up te tlU 00. ltuuily-iiuiile HulU ler lleyaul M.M, $1.00, $,je i.l, 111 Ul, 17.00 lip te ?10 (Kl. (jlilliInnraBultB at 11.73, K.O), li.v, 13.00, fl.te ut tn fii-VI Whether yen wish te puicliase or net, pleuse cull, Butpettil ami co. ler ycutueir whuthcr nny ethur Clethluu or Mercluint Tailoring llouaecuiiapproacti you with an low prices anil large ubaertmcnU I. Sansman & Bre., TUB KASIIIONAIH.K MKIM'HANT TAL LOlia ANO Cl.OTIlll.U3. NC9. 00.08 N0UT1I QUEEN 8TIIKET It(Ut en Uie "oaibweat Cerner el Orange atreut, LANOAaiKlt, I'A. n Notcennoctwl wlthjany oUier'.CleUUng IIouse In the cliv. "XTAliA AMI HAVANA tMOAlU.UUAKAN JL tel clear tiller, rer or., ut UAllTilAX'8 YKI.I.UW 1'UONTCIuAH BTOUK. VI,U1IIIHU,VNItMltHKAH, V. - - liJIMSL. . pr.meVAI. REMOVAL EXTRAORDINARY. New Establishment, New Goods, S.S. RATH VON, Merchant Tailor uml Draiier. Itiupet'llinly liilermn hli putrensiiiul lht pub lic that hn lint Itiimevi'il hit Murchuiit Tailor Tailer lux KHtalilUliini'iit liein Mi. 101, whuru It Iium bucu lecaluit lorevor thirty yi'ins, te 131 North Queen St., (IIOWKI.18 1IUII.D1NU), Whurn Im bill JiimI iipi'iiitil with alrnili and Hiianouahle Jinn el MIiiIch, ler mull uml beya' wuar, whliih will he iiiaile promptly te order In uuy Btyln. ami HiitlHlactlen UHHiired, Thankliil MrpiHl lnverri. hlxiiirerUiHliull Im te uiurll the uuulliiiiuil cenlliluiiLU el the pub lic. S. S. RATHVON. Piactkal Tailor. utl I mil NK,V blOHf.. NEW GOODS. LATKST Hl'VI,KH AMI I'ATTKUNa UI. llhUTKIIOMTliK NEW YORK MARKETS. Greff&Winters, W 11.1. ON MONDAY NEXT upi:n tu a in nhw breim at NO. 23 NORTH QUEEN ST. Tim vnry lut'Mt Htylci el uai tnenlM, such as CAHMIMKItK.s, HriTINUH. l'ANTAI.OON INUri, Ac, will bit en nxlilbltien. Ilavlnuni'cuniil the fervlcnn et MIC. NICII OI.AHI.A DAbOllllKNUKKK. luU) et I'lilla ilulplilu, im uiittrr, we atu ptunaruil te KiirniiHH uvurythliiK In the way of KlltliiR unit Hiylr. In connection with thuabevn wl.l ulwuya be leunii u tlrHl-clanit line et Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wunni tun BetniiKeiiiH In I.ancaNter ler thn ATTOMATIO lAlJM'I.Ka 8II111T, which In cIumi'iIuh the be t te tliu miirkiit. IXiu't full te atteml Hi" ur.iml epunliiK, JIONIIAV MOItNl.NU -NKT. GROW & WINTERS, NO. 23 NORTH QUEEN ST., LA.NUAHTKU. I'A. mtt-lwil rittAU, JtV. !'. MUIIAUM. JOMN FURNACES and RANGES OK AM. K1NUH REPAIRED. Call ami xcothe Nuw linptuveil WUOUUI1T IliON COI.DCASt'i Radiating Portable Furnace, The Choapebl uml MarkuU liunl rUUNAOK In the MANUKACTUHKl) EAUI.US1VKI.Y UY Jehn P. Schaum, 24 Seuth Queen Btroet, ll'll..lVll I.ANOAUTKU. I'A. UAlililAUJta, AV. l ?1MK UAltUIAUK UUIMIKKS. THE STANDARD Carriage 'Werk OK liANU.VbTKK COUNTY. EDGERLY & CO., Fine Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, IN HKAUOKCKNTItAI. MAUICKr UOUaES 1.ANCABTKU, I'A. We make overy dtyle lliiKnyand Currlnxe ilcHlnxl, All work flnldhixl In tliu meat com. lurtubleuml elcKunt btyle. We ue only tliu tn'st Heli'cKxl mulurlul, anil uuipley only the bt inuchanlex Fer utility or work our priciw atu thuchuapeMt In the slate, Wu buy ler ciwh nnil Hull en tlie meat rcjuonuble terms, (jlvn im a call. All work warranted. KKt'AIItlNO I'ltOMVTLYA'lTKNnKIITO. (Inn sotel workmen especially cmplnymt ter that nurpeM), uJMMJtw HUt) Kb AN It HTATlOHKUt T)I.ANK HOOltti ANliar.lTIOWKKY. MB BAER'S SOUS, 15 and 17 North Queen St, Blank Beeks k Stationery, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Helland's Geld Pens, Jllauk Uectls, Mortgages, Etc, -AT THE- SIGN OF THE BOOK. IHKinVAi.. A VKU'aUIIKKItV I'KUTtlUAI.. Aier'8 Cherry rccleral. COLDS .. .. ". Orrvllle, Ohie, Hcpl. le, iMi. 2. 7. IIiivIiik been BiibJuctUiu bronchial urriicllen, wllh lruiiuintL'elilH, lern numborel yearn, 1 horeby eiuliry that Ayer'nOlnirry Pun Pun tetululvi'H me prompt rtillnf, anil H the iiiemI elluctlvu rumuily 1 imvu evor trlml. " Jamkh A. Hamilton. " Killtorel Tin Uretcent." COIflHH "Ml.Ullwi'l,Olile, .IiiiiHie.ltiNi UUUUUO, 1. 1 )mv 1W)(, Ay,)r.a (.irry i.. lnrl IhlnnprliiK fnra Hevnni teiiKli ami Innu tnnible with KiMMlciruct, anil I inn ploafed te loceinmoml lltoanyeno Hlmltarly ubucteil " llAUVKV lUtldllMAN. " Proprietor Ulobe llole'. rnKrAiueiiiir Dr. J. C Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Held by all DriiKKl'ta. iiit-!Uil.Vw A YKIl'H bAKSAl'VlltM.A AND AYKIt'8 I'ncteriil ter fuiln fit (?ftrlinitti. JY Churry Oruif Hitini. Ne. 37 una 139 North Queen HL. .uuoiiHler, ra. H Ol' IXASTKIl. SHARP PAINS. Crick, SpniliiK. Wronehoi, KliuumatUin, NuuralHlu. HcliitliMi, I'leurliy TuIiih. atltch In theHlilu, llackachu, Hwellim JeIiiIm, llcatl IIh IIh IIh ouse, Hern MiiHCkw, l'uln III the Chest, uml all lialiiH uml iicIiuh ulth tr local or iliup-Mouteil me Initnnlly rullnveil and Hpendtly cuiud by tliu well-known Vei Mailer. Coinpeuuiloil, u It In, et the lmidlclnal vlitnes el iruHh llepi. Uuiun. Ilalnamn nnil Kxtractn, It In Imletxl the belt puln-klllliiLC, htlni ulatltiu, Moetlilnx uml HtrfiiKtluuiliiK l'or l'er l'or euu I'liiMliir evor inuilii. Hep Vtnttert ure nelilbyall ilruitKlxlH ami ceuutiy eUiri'H. il'i cunlH or rtve ler $1.00. Mulled en ruculpt el prlce. 7e; flutter Ve., l'roprlutem and Mini ufucturern. IIohIeii, Slum). HOP PLASTER. .r Coaled Ieukuc. bail breutli, sour Htom Htem achuml liver dlsciiHii cured by lluwluy'natom lluwluy'natem aelianil I, I vermis i!Sctn. nev2ilyilAw('J) 1HIY UUVItH. 1WKW Ml'ltlNIi UOOIK). Grand Opening! ffAH, SHA1 & CO,, lluvu deceived HUty Cuses uml Hales of NEW SPRING GOODS Within the piiMt iuk at Ilie lewtwt priced ever known In the history or tliu Dry OeimIs bunlnes.1. NEWSl'lNU DltKSS UOOD". OITOMAN anil l'IN CIIKCK SU1TINUH. MKLANOKS, DKIIKUK9, AKMUKKS. ItuACK AND COl.OItKII CAS1I51KIIEH. NKW COLOlWln l)IIKSSIliKS. NKWai'ltlNUHOlIKIlY ANDUI.OVKS. CAMiiitiuiimiawisa kmhueidkkikh, KUUIIINUa, COM. Alia uml LACKS. NKW CAI.ICOK.3und I'KltUALKS. WAHIIINU UINUIIAMS nnil CHKVIOTa. auiitriNu I'UiNTanuii camiihics. TAI1I.K I.1NKN8, NAI'KINS unilTOWEI.a. aiiEKTiNeannii 1'it.i.ew Muai.iNa. LACK CUUTAINS uml I'll.LOW SHAMS. reiuilar Goods at Popular Trices -AT TUB- NEW YORK STORE, N0S. 8 As 10 EAST KING ST., LANUA8TKII, I'A. N K.T IIOOu Til I UK UOIIHT ItOUSIS EAMESTOCK'S. !l .Oii0 worth et Itl.ACIi, COI.OIIKI). hTIUI'K uml OHKCKaiLKH. JuHt landed liem mi nn nn pertel'H auction huIe In Nuw Yeik. llrewn, Nuvy 1.1 ue. Myrtle Olive, Uuruut, and liiouxeailkM, only 37Kc. Navy lllue. llrewn. Myrtle union, lltonze uml Uuruut 8llkH,.V)c, Wc, ,Je, and $1 oe. Stripe Hllku, illlleient combination, lic.MKj ()C uml 7.1c. Check Hllku, black anil uhlUiunil whlteuml black, 30e uml iJc, ulieap. Illuck Silk ut k!.iw, 73c, 87Kc, ll.ui, 1.12K. 11.23, 1 1.10, 1.73 uml uoe. TIIK IIKST HII.KS AT I'KICKH WK HAVE KVKIl OKKKltKU. OUlt BLACK SILKS Alll.O0untl41.WX ure baiulles at thu Hike, uml worthy the curly attention el thone In wuuu ir On uml alter March 17, our Hleru w 111 be opeu In the evuuiiiK till lurtlicr notice. E. E. Eahnesteck, LANCASTKlt, I'A. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. JtlAVHINKltY. IMMSOLVKII 1'AKTMKKAIIII' 11AVINU XX unit netmununtlv clesml the Chestnut fclreet Ireu Works, l ileulre te Inlenn inyeld patrons unit tee public Kenerally, tlmt I am Bttll In the bnstneHH, being located In the l'enn Iren Company's Verk, North l'ltim slifet, where I ma making Iren uml Ilrusa Cuatlnun 01 every iluUrlptlen, uml will be pleased te serve all who may laver me with their patron UKU. Kreui lOyeuruiixiHirlence In tliubiislnesa nn't uslnir the bent inuuurial amtompleytiiif thu beat mechanic)!, I am null tiled I can guar guar guar auloe entire satlslactlen. Ciudlmci madu rrem a mlxture et Iren uml 8Uel which ure mnre re liable ter BtrunKtli anil durability than the beat cast Iren known, V teeth roil plnleim, rellH and relllnu mill work a nieclalty. La.it- 1iik8 made et very oett Iren, uml brusa cuot cuet Iuks et every description. I nave all the pat ters of the well ami tuverubly iiiiewn Mowrer Cern ami Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved. Alse en band, mills completely lined up or In paru, te replace old ones which bave been In use ler yean, KuatanLeetnu thorn te gtve Utactlen. ftmrH-emiJ li.C. MeCUI.LKY. "lllAY'H til'KUlriU MI4UIUIHIS. TUB VJT Oreat KiiKllsh liomedy. An unrolling cure ter lmpeumcy, una all UUeases that lollew less el Memery, Universal I.ajal. tude, l'ftln tn the liackr, Dimness el Vision, 1'romature Old Age, and many ether dlAuasea that loud te insanity or Cen. uintitien and a l'remature uruvu. ull nor. Ucufurs In our pamplet. hlch we destrote Bend Irce by mull te every enu. Thu apeclrlc u iwilclneli sold bv ull drui'KUU at tl per nuck. uuu, or six packauj ter 13, or will bu sent tree by mall ou thu receipt el tlie money, by ml ml drejslnit thu uiient, " fl.l?COCHUAN. UruirifHt. Nes. 137 and 2i North Queen street, Lancas ter, 1'a. On ncoennt et countertelts, we have adept ed the Yellow Wrapper 1 theenly Ronnlne, TIIK UUAY MKLUC1NKCO., yUAw liun-aJe, N, Y. A TOBACCO "BOOM," TIIK 'H3 UHOl IN UllKAT DK51ANII. Iliiyef en tlia Wur I'atti Through Alnd hiiiI UhIu Heavy Uellveilea t uiu City VHrelieuae-Our l.eial Market. Tlie Ieiik tloferruil but oenllduutly pre tlieteil " boom " in '83 liauciuter oeuuty tobaeoo Iidh arrived. A few wceltH 110 1110 niriiiern uempiuineii 01 1110 iioulerH, in UliiucHO llii)!0) thut it witH " all co loek-eo iviid no buy.ue." Tlie dealem hud noeurod the county in all dlroulleuH, inailu .. nole of the ilaecH wbero,(eoxl tobnceo wan te be hud, but niOHt of thorn refrained from buying, 011 the (iteuud that the leaf w.ih net up te thulr standard of oxcellunco. A few of thein, however, wero iiuletly buy lufl nil thu roeiI koemIh they ueuld keL ut low IlKUreH. The heavy doliverien of loot Saturday woek opened thu uyen of the 11011 bUTini! packers, and lust week tliuv nil rushed out Inte the country, visited the fantm they hud previously noted down, aud Holdem left until they had made u puroheiio. Ah u oeuiicipjeucu, there were imineiiRO deliveries; nt many of the city wareheusea lust Saturday, Kevcral of the paekntH having received Irem 50,000 te 100,000 peuudB each. On Monday also the reoelptu wero heavy, a very conaider.t bio part of them beiug unleaded at ware hetiROH whose ewihth olaiiued that they weru net buying auy 1 The trade iu general mid clar tuatiu liieturiug in particular, will be pleased te learn that the leaf received at the ware ware Iieuhch Ih turning out Hplendidly. Creps whieh were rogurded a only heoend rate while ill the hiiiida of the grower tire Bald te be coloring and Hweatlnj; admirably Hinoe they fell into the liautlauf the dealer, while thu burning ijuallty la everything that could be desired. 'Twaa ever thus the man who haH Honietliing te heII hook oxeollonoo in it whieh he cannot seu If he haH it te buy. Thore in still Eome oem plaint made that hcceiiiIh and llllern are net up te the mark, thu treublu having boeti caused by putting among thorn meuldy tobacco, whieh caused thorn te ret. It would be impoBtiible te pi hit a tithe of the sales that have been made. The following nre keiiiu of them, and they will answer n te the ruling pricea : Te Jaoeb Shirk, JameH McOoniKey, of Drtimore, Held 11 acres at 15, r, 3 ; llarvey Hlfck, of Urumere, 'J acres at 15, 1, 11 ; I'hil. Hea, Drumure, a acres, 10, 1, a, Jae. Hwarr, Drtimore, -1, acres, 13, 10, 1, 2 ; Samuul Wittner, Coleraiue, it acres, 11, 5, 3 ; Thes. Bmitli, Hdeii, 1 aores, at private terms ; Isaae Montgomery, Eden. (i aoteH, at private terms, besides these Mr. Hhirk has bought u number of crepa iu the southern part of the county. Te BkileH & Frey, Uoergo Evans, of Drumere, sold 1 aere, at 14, 4, 2 ; J. P. McCommeu, Celerain, 2 acres, 14, 4, 2 ; Henry Swinchart, Providence, 1 ncre, 12, 3, 2 ; Harry Aucatnp, Providenco, 1 aere, 11, 3, 2 ; O. M. Hess, Eden, 1 aere, 10, 1,2 ; Itebt. J. BarncH, Drumere, 2 nores, at private terms ; Cyrus Charles, Drumere, 4 acres, at private terms. The two latter crops are said te be umeug thu lluust grown this season iu the Lewer End. Te It. II. Urubaker, Henry Eburly, of Providenco, sold 1 aero ut 12, I, 2 ; Jehn lionhelUor, Providence, 2 acre-j, at 12, 4, 2 ; Miles Dewnes, Drumere, 3 acres, ut 14, 7, 0, 4, 2 ; Dauiel Kiuehart, Drumere, 2 acres, ut 12, 4, 2 ; Jehn llerr, Drumure, 1 aere, 11, 4, 2; A. Keckel, Drumere, 2 acres, 12, 1, 2 ; Uenj. Fergusen, Pusey ville, 1 aero, at 12, 1, 2 ; Jehn Soiple, Muck, 1 acre, at I), 4, 2 ; Dauiel Haver Haver Htiek, Eileu, 1 aert'H, ut 12, 5, 4, 2 ; Chi Is -tinu Petorsheim, of Upiicr Leaeoek, 2 acres, at 1 1, 5, 2 ; J. 11. Leiter, of Upper Loacek, 1 acres, at 11, 5, 4, 2 Jehn Hildebraud, New Providence, iu iu ceived en Saturday evor hundred caheh of new tobacco. Among ids purchases wero, Daniul llinear, Celerain, 4 acres, ut 13, 5, 2 ; Dauiel Lei;.wi, Coleraiu, 1 aere, at 10, 4, 2 ; James MeCulleugh, Celerain, 2 acres, at 12, 5, 2. Laabenbacli Bres , have bought from Isaae Greff, Drumere, 2 acres ut 8, 4, 2. Soldemrldgo & Hess, of Farmorsville, have lieught from Jehn M. Weaver, of West Kirl, J aero at 25c, leiind ; Huiiry 8. Stauller, Vcst Earl, 1 aere at 2U, 1 1, 0, 3, seme evor 21 inches in length ; A. 11, llcss, of Ephrata township, J aero ut 18e. round ; Jehn liuekwalter, of Manheim township, 1 aero at 20, (J, 3 ; M. M. Sei Sei bel, West Eirl, 1 aero at 18e. round ; Jaoeb Metzler, West Earl, 2 aoies at 25, 8, 3 ; Jeseph H. Uurkholder, 1J acres at 20a. round ; Jehn Hpalcher, 01 Earl, 2 acres r.t 20, 0, 3 ; J.omen Wolf, el W. Earl, 3 acren, at 18,8, 0, ami !1 ; Jehn Hlcker, W. Earl, aere, ut 10, 0, 2 ; Jehn K. Hallord, W. E.irl, 1 aero, at 22, 0, 3 ; Jeb. Urubaker. of Earl, 3 aetes, at 18, 8, 5, 2; wrappers 21 inches und ever ; Israel Wcaver, of W. Earl, 2 acres, at 20, 8, 0, 2 ; Uesa Swigart, of W. E.irl, 2 acres ut 25 coats reuud ; Jehn Kaehcl, of Ephrata township, 1 acres, at 20, 0, 2 ; Jae. 8. liucher, of Earl, 2 acres, at 20, 0, 3 ; Jehn Uurkholder, W. Earl, 1 aere ut 11,0, 3; Christian ObciholUer, of W. Earl, 21 acres, at 18, 8, 5, 2; David Weaver, of W. Earl, 2 acres at 10, 0, 4, 2 ; Chair. E. SoldemrlilLO. of Leacock town ship, 3 aores, at 10 eetits round ; Jacob Uewman, or W. Eatl, 2 acres at 20, 0, 0, 3 ; Christian Weaver, of E. E.irl, acres at 20, 8. 0, 2 ; Uenj. Buokwalter, of Earl township, 1 aere at 22, 8, 0, 3. Iu West Calu, Chester county, Pa., Teller lires. have bought from James McCewau, at 10. 8, 3, 2 ; William Kissel, at 18, 8, 3, 2; William Uoed, 2 aores, at 20, 8, 3, 2 ; Jehn Martin, 2 aores, ut 20, 8, a, a A lltn (I !...! 1 n.. nft 8,3, , ..IUVI1, VI, UWO, UUIU, V W, David Itoekafollow. a acres, nt 22, i 8,3, 2 : J. II. Clark. H acres, at 21, 8, 3, I Jehn DoIIaveu haa bought iu Salisbury township from MeManamy & Ure. 4 acres at 10, 4, 2 ; Win. Altheuse, 1 acres nt 15, 4, 2 ; lieiiry Graham, j el au aere ut 15, 4, 2 ; Henry Eslileman 2 acres at 15, 4, 2 ; Abram Eahleman 1 acru at 15, 4, 2 ; Uenj. Kshlemau 2 acres at 13, 4, 2 ; Geerge Graham 2 aeres at 23, 10, I, 2 ; Themas McGowan 1 aere at 17, 1, 2 ; Heward Miller I of uu aere, private terms ; Then. It. Hunt, of an acre, private terms. In Salisbury township he has bought from Thes. Gault, 3 of au aero, at 13, 4, 2 , Ames 8, Itce), i of au acre, at 13, 1, Jacob lweicr, 1 acres, at 0, t, '. SnetU. 11 acres, at HI. 0. 1, iMi -1lliJ !- ri,iiu Spots, 1 aero, at 13, 0, 1, 2 ; Joint Spotts, wu.. , 1 aero, at 10, 4, 4, 2. Iu I.irl township : W. W. KinHer, 2 acres, at 1 1, 4, 2 ; Jaoeb II. Myers, 1 aere, at 1 1, 4, 2 ; Nathaniel Murr, 1 acres, nt 14, 7, 4, 2 ; A. G, Sutten, 2 acres, at 10, 4, 2 ; .Martin Iloevor, lj acres, at 13, 4, 4, 2 ; Levi Mollinger, 0 aores, at 0, 4, 2 5 Isaae H. Kachel, 1 aeres, at 11, 4, 2; Daulel Fliekinger, 1 acres, at 1.', -i, ; Jehn uussiager, acres, at id. 4. 4, 2 ; Wm. Wallace, 1 aere, at 12, 0, 4, 2 ; Samuel lirubakcr, 1 aero, at 14, 4. 8. Tobacco Trade In Heading. News. During the pest week considerable leaf tobacco haa been rccolved in Heading most of thu ciep of '81 and '82. Tobacco men hesitate about handling the '83 crop, uecuusu iv in auucicu nuu wuat is no nil aa top ret. They are holding off te see wlipthrr this ret will Rnrcail. If It A,M.a the '83 orep will be practically uboIes. Price, for earlier orepa range all the way irem 0 ccuib te xv ceutr, anu m seme curcm 23 centB for finer grades. J. 8. Wisler received twouty-llve cases of '82 orep en H.iturday, and Creupe & Ce., are replen ishing their waroheuso with the eame orep. The greatest demand ia for domestic Havana seed, an ozeolleiit tobaeoo, but higher hi price. It will be mero exten sively gi own iu Lancaster oeuuty this year. Urenoiser & Ce., Seventh and Penn, get their tobacco In bulk aud pack unci pro pre pat 0 it themselves. Tlie New Yerk Market. Tobacco Leut. The much desired and reasonably ox ex ox ceted boom has net yet oemmoucod 011 the seed leaf market, but ita coming Is, nevertheless, iuovltable, and that speedily, With settled wcather, whieh will reed set iu, und an end of dlBuulotude here and olsuwhere Iu thu aigur factories, thore must spring up an active demand for ser viceable cigar leaf te meet the wants of our cigar manufacturers, if from no ether pjarter, as their requirements are likely te be larger than ever this summer. Cen. sidering thu situation, prices are moderate and a better tinie than the present for buying will net be prnseutcd during the remainlug months of 1831. Spanish Havana Allots have been dealt in te the extent of 500 bales, at from 80a. te $1 25 SumatraThe inquiry for the woek has been au animated 0110, but the sales wero limited te 300 bales, owing te the scarcity of suitable stock. It is new almost Im possible te procure flne lets, except at jobbing pi ices. Advices from Amsterdam dated March 3, say : "Fine dark Stima tras ure very scarce, and iu goetl demand. The nuw orep will be very inferior iu quality anil of very light colere." We' hear of n number of orders being placed duriug the wcek for future delivery. What llainmerittlu ay. U. H. Tobacco Journal. The interest iu the '83 tobaccos en the part of jobbers and manufacturers is growing. Iucemiug s.nnples are inspec ted with absorbing cngorness, aud te our knowledge soveral offers for paeklngs of Havana secd have been made. Pennsyl vania having raised but a few huudred cases of Havana seed, the growth of that stute has virtually no bearing ou Havaua S'.'eil tobaccos. The three ether states, Wisconsin, Nuw Yerk and Connecticut ae Jar exhibit excellent Havana secd stoek, en which, apparently, packers will make seme money. In the estimation of the trade the '83 native soed tobaccos occupy at prosent the following position : 1. New Yurk stute. 2. Pennsylvania. 3. Wiscon sin. 4. Connecticut. 5. Ohie. The '83 Connecticut seconds, samples of which we saw this woek, nte evidently far better than U10H0 of the '82 crop ; and ene Bale of 200 eases, at 12 oents. is rotierted. The sales that wero made will hardly aggro aggre aggro gate 800 cases, comprising various crops aud realizing last week's prices. Sumatra Sold lazily also ; hardly 150 bales changed hands; prices, $1.15 te $1.80, Havana Wus quiet. Sales 450 bales at 8- te $1 35 (Jan.' itrpert. Following are the sales of seed leaf tobacco reperted by J . S. Oans' Seu & Ce. , tobacco brokers, Ne. 131 Water street, New Yerk, for the woek endiug Mar. 21, 18SJ : 500 cases 1881 Pennsylvania, G(tf)llJe.; 250 cases 1882 Pennsylvania, 5(jn25e.; 132 cases 1882 Wisconsin Havaua soed, 20(d) 32Jc; 100 caseH 1882 New England, 8($j xre.; 100 cases i&ss Uhle, yiae. ietai, 1,082 cases. I'lillalclpbla SIurKCt. Seed Leaf I'peu inquiry among our cigar leaf dealers it is seen learned that it is net dllicult te sell stoek if you have the goods needed. The trouble is, the partio partie ttlar material required is tiet here, nor eau it be found, especially Havana wrappers. As the next best our manufacturers nte taking a held quite lively of '82 Pennsyl vania at an advanced figure. Lew grade leaf la scarce aud very mueh needed, if found, Stoeks generally are higher. The '81 Pennsylvania ia oemiug te the front boldly, after due oxperimout and investigation by manufacturers. It ia being bought at advanced prices. Sumatra was purubuscd this week very largely. Havaua lluda ready sale, if quality is bhewn, ut full quotations. Ail liiuiiceut AIuu Unused. Four years age two oelo'rod men wero arrested iu Hall county, Ga., charged with nssaultitig a white woman. They weru tried and found guilty. One was hanged and tlie ether was tout te the chain gang for life. Siucu then enough evidence has been found te satisfy the community whero the crime wus committed that thu convicted men were innocent. As the man new iu thu chain gang was a citizen of Jacksen county placed thu matter be. feru thu last graud jury, aud after uu investigation they decided te request the grand jury of Hall county te ask thu governor for the negre's pardon. There is no) doubt that he will bu treed. Thu Jaokbeu county authorities are also believed te bu in possession of facts which will lead te the conviction of the real criminal, who has been living all these years within u fuw miles of the scene where the assault was committ ed and the convicted negre hanged. Tlie unfortunate negre who was hanged died protesting his iuuocuuce, but thu circum stantial evidence against him was se strong that his story wna discredited. Thu tuau new in the chain gang haa also always protested his iuuoaeuuo. Keran nppctUur, nothing I butter than cub Imku or tlie lepHOl turnip; but ler a stubborn ceuuh or cold, don't leriti't, the bust Ul 1 11 K Is u bettiu et Dr. lliill's Ceuyh Hyrtip. illcked out. Hew inuny people tlieie are who ure struif UlliiK te rlsii In this world thut ute kicked down uml out by envious rlvuli. Themat' h'clectrie UU never " kicked out" Its patrons. It U true blue Ker threat utrectieiiB, asthma und catarrh It Is 11 curtain und rapid euro, I or huIe by II. 11. Cecli run, druutflu, 137 uml U'J North U.U0UU street. A Htaitllni; tiltcevtry. Wm. Jehnsen, et Huren. Uu k . writes Mi. thut hit wllu had been troubled with acute Hreuchltls ler many years, und that ull rmiio rmiie iIIim tiled ipivu ue puriuaniuit rellul, until hu piecured a bottle et Dr. A'ltiy't New Discov ery ler Consumption, Ceuijlisuuit Colds, which bail a musical eilect, and produced u nerma, nent eure. It Is Kuuranleed te cure all Ills cuxes et Threat, I,uns. or ilreuchlal Tubes. Trial Hollies Kree ul C. A. I.eeher's Drun uiore. l.uriiu tilius, ll.ee. m2l We UliHlleeica the World. When we say we believe, we have evtdonce te prove thut Hhlleh's consumption Cure Is decidedly the beat Limit Medicine made. In us much us It will cure a common or Chronic CuiiKlilnene-halt the time and relieve Asth ma, urunchitis, wnoepinit ceuuh. Croup show morecawH or Consumption cured than ullethera. It will cure where they lall, It Is pleasant te take, harmless te thu yeunuust child and wuKuarunleu what we nay. 1'rlce, 10c, WW. and ll.ne. If your I.uiiks are sere. Client or Hack lame. into bhlleli'a Pereus Plus. ter. Held by II. 11. Cochran, dvuKKlst, Nes. 137 and Vti North Uneuu street. Iub7-eed ) Uiicklea' Arnicn Halve, The Ihxtt Halve In thu world ler Cuts, IlruUea. norm, Ulcers, Halt Uheum, Kuvur sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, cerns.auu an sum erupiiens, ami pesuiveiy Suui'Wh '.'ilricct JSXi redded." 'liJuTani , nreu. ii u kuut lactlen or money tier box. Ker sale ey C. A. Leehcr, A Uadgereus Unite,: KeeiiKATHR, June 1, $i. "Ten Yours uge I wus ultuekeil Willi the mest Inunmi and deathly pains In my back and Kidney: " Kxtundlng te the end el my teos mid te my brain I " Whloliiniiile 1110 delirious t " Krem auuy. ' It took three men le held 1110 en my bud nt ftlmrufj "Thu Docter trtuil In vain le relieve me. I Hut te no purpose. " Morphine mid eplatu-i "Hud no effect I " Alter two months I wiu Klven up le die, " Wlien my wlfe heard a neighbor lull what Hep Hitters had done for her, slie ut ouce get und rhve me seme. The lirsl do-te caned my brulu und seemed te go hunting through my system ter the pain. " Tlie second dose uiiMOd me se much Unit I slept two hours, something 1 had net done for two mouths, llofero I had used live bot tles, I was well nnd at work, us hard us uuy man could, ter ever three weeks 1 but 1 wnrkud tee hard for my streiiKtb, und tak ing a hard cold, I wiu taken with the most acute und painful llieumatlini ull thieugh my system thai wiw uvur known. I called thu doctors fltfuln, unit alter soveral weeks, they left muu cripple 011 crutches ler Hie, us they said. I met u frluud und told him my case, und he said Hep Hitters had cured Jilm mid would euro me. I poehed nt him, but he wus se earnest 1 wus Induced 10 iihu thorn again In less than tour wei ks 1 threw away tny crutches and went te work lightly und kept 011 using the bitters ler live weeks, until I be came us well ou uny man 1 1 Tint,', und have been se ler six years since. It ulse cured my wile, who hud been se ter yeurs ; uml has kept her uml my children, well uml heuity wllh Ireai two lolhreo bottles per year, 'there Is no niud te be sick utulllt these billets ure used. J. J. llKiut, Kx-Supurvlser. 'Thut peer Invalid wiru I alslerl "Motherl " Or Datighter I " Can be made the plutuie of heulth I " With a tew hollies el Hep Hitters I " mil ue" let thtm tuffer V UlKTllTlhtSftW .Seme Htrenir Alluded W0111011 Can rrirulate their husbands amnzlnKly last, should they nut de their duty. Jlunteck Jltoeit Mltert aru a geed loKtilaleror the circulation, Tliuv aru inclusively a bleed tonic, and eengit- quuntly strike a the root et many suileus all. 11111111H. r or sail) uy ii, it. ueuuruu, iiriiKisisi. 1J7 nnd 1?J North Uueun slreut. II ATU ANU UAfa. II ATS, OAl'a,;AiO. SMIz's Oily M Stere. JUBTKKOKlVKUOUIlHl'UINUSlLKIIATa. 111 r. BROADWAY Is the hat adopted by the llreadwuy llulter's Association and Is always the leading und most popular hat In ull the cities. A geed style ler anyone. ThuKKDOItA Is still selling wen umi win uu weru uu aprnif- All sues 111 stock ull thu time. TDK- FEDOEA. 4-CAHH.'uO 144 North Queen Street. (UUNDAKKil'a OLD BTAND.) I.ANCAHTKU, I'A. - A few Winter Cupd ut Hair Price. mur-7 lydAw S" Wf. Ul-ll HI A NO. UllKAT REDUCTION IN Hats, Caps, Furs, Latllea' 8011I Bucques and Delinuus, Ladlea' Fur-Llned Oireulars, Gcula' and LadlcH' Seal Cups ut Cost, au.K UUUKKl.LAH. A l.argu Assortmuutei UI.OVKH atCesl. THK.I.AKOKST STOCK AM) A8HOIITMKNT OK KAhHIONAlIbK Winter Hats, Caps, Furs, &c. Kvorellorod te the public, at the I.OWK8T I'KICKH. Wholusuleuml Hetull. II uy ler cash only and suit cheaper iiiun uny einer inn oieru In the city, 80LKAUKNTKOUTHK Knox Silk & Derby Hat. The ONLY Hut Manufactory In I.uuc-uster. Heys' Cups Irem loe. up. Mini's Caps el ull kinds K really red need In price. ItupaliiiiK neallyuml promptly done. Old Silk lints made ushlonuble. JOHN SIDES, d'mid faiicccssorteHllUIl'. A into. fllUTUUUAI'ilH, J." ItOTK. . There bus been such u demand (or l.AUUK l'llOTOUUAl'IIH tliut 1 wili compelleil Ul et u VKUY l.AKOK CAMKUA IIOX te meet the ilemand. We cuu new make you a PHOTO aa small m the smallest locket will held up te u Mnch luce, te Ut (uu VtiTi Krume. J. E. ROTE Ne. 106 North Queen Btroet. lunn'Mld Sl'KUlAI. TO 'KIIIAUUO IMUKKIM ailll Worklwjmen Koiierully. All are respectdiily Invited te call und see the best Working Pauls, JuckuU und Hhlrts In the marliet. Mmlu after the mostiipprevtid putterus and nnlsh and wurrunlwl net te lip. Alse Underwear, lloilery, Olevus und ethur staple ifoedH. Ail cheap te suit thu present times. Please cull aud examine belore you Uur' IIENItY IIKCHTOLI), Ne. ii North Outuiii atriet. r Bltfn et thu HIi; UUicklnir. 12-lyd T riCAIIUUAKTKIlS VUU TUB INDIAN MEDICINES, KAVrUlMtA AND MOUOO INUIAN OIL -AT- LOOHER'S Drug Stere, MO. 9 KA8T KINO H1HKKT, LAJ(CASXJ:it,VA( VLOTlllHU. 1 in miwinm.nmsBr tfOU C110I0KJ FURNISHING GOODS. ; ae re- BEISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST MNG SrREET, Kumumber the nnmber nnd street. OMALINU A IIAUBMAM. FINE TAILOIIS, II A VIC HE MOVED TO Ne. 121 North Queen St. And will be pleased le have you oxemtno their Kluiruiil Bleck el SUITINGS, Etc., -KOIt SPniNQ AND HUMMER WEAR, inuyj-lydTil.TllAS II Illbll & HKOTUKlt. -roil- 1884. New Shapes. NoyeI Styles. Lewest Prices. Hirsh. & Brether, I'KNN il.VI.I.CI.OTHINU HOUSE, Net). 3 und 4 North Queen Streot. i.ANCABTKK, I'A. ESTAHLISIIED 1851, T"VAYTO UII1UT. Why is This a Geed Day ? Ilccnusu II is the date en which THE DAYTON SHIRT, THU 1JK8T IN TIIK WOULD. IS ANNOUNUKD HI Burger & Sutten, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCAbTKU, I'A. Perfect iu Fit, Unsurpassed for Quality, Superior ia Workmanship. SUCH IE TAB DAYTON SHIRT, you which I & CLOTHIERS, At Ne. 24 Oontre Square. Are Sole Agcuta Ter Lancaster County. itiya MUHIUAV 1NHTUVUHCNIH, -liriLIJOX A WiUTB Wilcox & White Organ Ce. SPECIAL TEN DAYS SALES. HOW 19.TIIK TIMK TO UUY PJM0S AND ORGANS AT HLAUOHTKIUNU l'UICKH. OneOmxl Hecend-IUnd I'lane SM.OO Onu Kleuaut Micend-iland Orunn ti.10 Onu KleKant Nuw OrKun, )2-8tep Couplers uml Hub.ltOHH 55.00 Wilcox A WhlU) Orguna irem 173.00 te I1W.W " Knabe," MePhall, Qrovenatoln te Fuller, Koyeteno, and Veae fc Bena IJlanea, AH Marked Down te Ilottem Prices. Almest Ulyeu uwuy. WILCOX & WHITE Parler Organ Warcroems, NO 153 EAST KINO STREET, II. II. LUCJCKNIIACU, AifenU leblT-UU VTOTIOl-ATIK WMIHHU TO CO. DB. LA QltANGH, et icaKH.i"rTltr l'liitABirireu, Vx ru iciue.t4Ml te Klve at leant two ilaya notice prier W tlielr Intended TUlt te i Wnt iilsapiietninient and leeii el time. r. La orange's new wcrk ou Xenreu Ul cac and AllltnIDUertlera. Beat Irea by pert, je mbM, AdUiCMMnVeye. mlnA mw k Bansman SPRING CLOTHING BUMR SUTTON j j H, ip. I .VI 11 : ji i