,!Y LANOABTtiK DAILY INTKiiUttEKOEK, MtlDAY, MAUOH 21, 1884. KhIie 'rrtriir OlmlnaW. I'Vllrt, n Oerntati, In rhnrcrd by J'Jmnl Minikin with obtaining liy fnlse pretctiMi $8 in money from Muokle'n ilnnuliicr. 'I'Ije facts nppcar te be Unit Fells was In levn with Mi Mitokle, and wanted Id tuiirry her, and hh Is very com moil with lineif, tilul tefuithcr his suit by preseutlnti Iht with ilngn nnd otlier Jewi'tiy. The Indy ni'rctitrtl Mm jMftN lint drulliitd te ueccpr Hut Diver. Te net upturn with hir, Fells bernmcd money f i ein Iht, telling het lie would promptly lepay It Ah be did no, keep his word be was naked for tlie money, whereupon be told Mlsa Mitokle be would lelut tithe money an neon nn she relumed him bis owelry. Tlilsshe declined te de, nml her father bteught Milt for fulfil pretense. TIiIm ultcruoeri I be ciimi wim heard bofuie Alderman Ford Ferd hoy, and In ilefanlt of ball Fells was Hent te Jail for it hearing en Monday. 'IIikjt Melen Trunk. Heme mentliH nce ii trunk, which be longed te n lady who came fiein Karris hurgtn Marietla by rati, was Melnn from the platform of tbe station nt Hid Inlter place. It ivtuiiieil clnthini', valuable lewelry, ote. Tbe railroad olllrers have been busy fiincn tbe larceny trvlng te as certain who were tbe IblevOH. YcBterdny they arrested Finnk Montgomery and Henry A. Spanglrr, of Marietta. One of them eenh"sed that be steln tbe trunk and cat i iril It In tbe ritcrsldc, whero both of tliriu bnilie it te pieces with nn nxe and carried oil tbe contents. Beat eh of tbe iiumi'h houses was made and considerable of the htnlfii propeity wan recovered. Tbe men wme taken befere yipiire'Frnnk, of Cnlumht.i, who committed them te prison, where they new nre. llHllnmil lliillilhiir. Mantle Im Pentine). Werk en tbe Alanbeim Si Cornwall railroad Ih prnciffifdiiir. t tin ttnek being lalil te tbe cut above White Oak mills, a rttstauen or about lour miles. The llntt car lead of Heur from White Oak panned ever the read en Tlmrfday afternoon, ceiuilkiiird te It. Mellurney Si Ce , Phila delphia. We undcihtand that Mr. Orubb baH nlne made airnnvrmeutx te Bhip pig lien from the White Oak station. in iiiiirriiiie llniirii. Tlie Democratic mi'inbusef the I.iuuih ter school beuid will meet in caucus in the high school building Monday evt nlug at 3 o'clock, te sell et a miitlitlate te llll the vaoaney in the bend oeoislined by the death of l'eter Mot'etioiny. Uy a resolution recently adopted by the beard, vac moles are te he tilled by the members bolenaiug te the same political party with which the member vanning tbe vacaicv vas cot -ncctcd. Kfll llultli Mult", About 0 o'clock kiKtevpiiini', Humphrey Tracer, an old man living at Ne 312 North Mulbeny street, made a tnittep at tl'e head of the stairs at his irsiilenee and fell te tbe bottom, breaking bis iidie and hp rain iiit; Ii'.i hack se b.nlli as te ronder him helplchH. Arrangements nre making te (tend lilm t.t the hospital, tin bt lug peer and without il e means te provide for himself. Making llniid lltilfeinir Mjore Si IUthveu have been doing con siderable work in tbe way of making uniforms, and have just received contracts for furnihhing tbe Columbia Oonleuvillo and Strusbnrg binds with tuiiu. Iln tin Krftulvvtl In Kiin. .lehii A. UieHtand, ectp, has resolved te become a candidate fur the Republican nomination te Congress ; and au announce ment te that effect will probably be pub. UbIuhI thin oveuiiic;. TiiIhiIe .Irtnrry .luAlIce, Olllcer V.uulergrift, of 1 5urliiiren, New Joisey. arrived in this city lift idqht for Cipt. JciiLh, the swindler lln left with his piit-et.'cr at U:10 this mini. in,;. Oierreiil atnlt'ii. Last niijlit Conductor dehn Uoyle, of the Laucaster arc'immndatien, had bis overcoat stolen from the train between Philadelphia and this city. r lifieitnift ueniH'tMiiju. Toe Iminirer priiitiug and publihhiug liens't en North Queen strcut was eonricot eenricot eonricet 0 1 w ith the tfk'iilienu oxchauge le d ly. Aruiieinut leirr. In argument court the (pmrter sessions list was reached yestmday, but nothing of impoitauce was transacted, .tlnyer'n uniirt. This morning the mayor had 11 ve eiscs : f)iir vagrants ai I a drunk, a' I of whom weie dlecharjjid. AliirK 'iIihii All .VHrrlUf liii-nt. Slenvrs.hli iwlulilije .V (Jletlllur's 'iu'heh ijuarttrlu no eriltnury ailverlisln imbilu.i t Ien. Tliern itre many iih.iim nl lntercHtini; ivmllnigpiTliilly pinpiii'il ler It, willed will utiuiti! Instruct nml Inlenwt ou or nil In every liensulinltl where ll (fies. Tlie ipilnt: Ihhiic, pint pulillilitil, U patllPulaily neitli iilUiiUuii. .Tlie lit) iiinnil I' xcurrlnn xa the I'liritla l'n itt JlfJilH. Itiiyitietid and Wlillcemli, thu w ell known uxeiiiiiien inniriipirti, wlio?e trinscon trinscen tlneutal tours 1 1 in 1 u tf the past Ihrieytius liaveheceinn very popular, liiivaaintiiRutt two Kiaml exciirblnns from riilhulnlplil i le Iho l'acllle i-eiist for tlie present sprln ( One party will Ie.ie 'I liursdav, April 17, ami he alfuut M) days In a iiir.il round et pleasure travel llirt-ugh tin) Western states, Colerado, New .Mexico, Arlze-ia, Callfeiula (hull) south ern and centiulj, Nevada, Utuli, Wyoming, tile Tim second pally will leave Thursday, May l.und lie iilnent iMiiMt. The r.'iltt) will he the siiiue mi lu the (list excursion ns fares fun 1'iuiieWce, from whluti point Ilium will he a nnin 1 tluteur llireuu li thu l'uclile Neith- tvesl ; this part of tliu tup lueliuilni; Oiuen, Wnshlnt'ten 'lenltery, I'mini Hound, Vaticou Vaticeu vrr Inland, Ii'alie, Jteutaii'i, etc , 1 1 .salt l.ake City. Auiiinn the side trips i lutt may te taken In connection wlUl lliusu loins are visits te Iho lojcmlte Valley ami 11U Trues, le Alaska amttollie lillowsteno National I'ark. Cir euliiisKtvliig lull ilitallH et there urand ex. cursleus may he ehliilneil el II. K. Shirlds, HI Heutlt Ninth siriet, under lentluei.tnl hetel, I'lillaiielptua. ,td AiniiKOiiieiits. IuMty Diunplji. YMi luiiieiis cleu nan. I Ills troupe will be In the opera house this evuiilm;. The Cincinnati Knuutrcr ny "lie kept the people In aste.nlv ivnr et huiKliter. The inujerlty el the nicks aie new, and ' llumply " ii3 new preented by lids party will be tetiiula treat te both old and eunn, Diirini,' the evunini; a number of spteUllies wote Intreilucetl, all el Ilium clever, nml sev eral el litem above the uvernuo-netubly the Tlfsels, and Wallace, Um man bird, whose ivhlstlluj ImiUtlniis et Um fuutlieied sonc senc slers wui't) weudurCil. The 1'anlalenn of Jas. It. Adams was a tiptop luipetsouiitleu." " Karl." " The play of ' Karl," by Charles A. (iardner ami emupany al the uraud opera heusu last nl,;lit wiu greut'id Willi a i;oei house. Tlie plee Ittelf, while layluu no clulins le lntileacv el plot or billlluncyet dlalnuii. Is n simple pretty little tide, charm lnnly and liituiiMllujly told, (iaulner Is nn excullent Duteli cemeiil.in." tprtngilelil, Ohie, Ulebe. Tills play will lie produced lu IhUclly te-morrow uvcnlmr. Iisparlclcs with lun. afKVl.l, HOllUKfi. Don't bu I'uliit.lie.trlttl II en are In treublu leek up. held en, :lve Uiu blues iroed by, ll you atu In pain, Imvea lameness, have an uche efauv kind, ke te the driiKj lit uml ask lilm for Themas' Kclcctne Oil. It will de you uoeil eviry lime. Forsale by II. II. Ceelirun, ilniBKlat, W7 unit 131 North Ouccu street. Cetmj.M'8 Liquid Jlecf Tonic. As atonleln elcrnr ii itebUUy uml wtakuess, caunet te euri'ttel. mlMwlee'htw J top J'laitert are clean, sweet anil plenslnt leiiite. Kitwtli Heps cninljlneit with Ilnleams anil (Jnins. Moie iffnvdiful Until any ether porous plnslers. i"i els, Itl.HIItrl'.ll PIMMI IIKATII. I'lm fellow InKslnliitiieiitnl William .J.l.'einth In, of Meulin villi', Mnxs., Ui rmimrkiililn Unit wn lit it iiiiisk for II tin nttetillun el our read ers. Iln says t "In tliu fall el IM7HI was taken Willi II Vlntl'lll IllKtellMK el (lie llllll't, fellOWIHl li ii - vi'ir iDiiKli. 1 mxiii ln'Kaii le Iimii my ii)im'Hi' nml Hush. I was te weak nl ene Hint) Dial I reiilil nntleiive inv 'ied. In tlie huiii. Hi"!' in IKJ7 I wiisiutuillttiillellntt.'lty lle'iplliil. While i lift tt Urn tloclers sulil I had a hole In my let! Iiiiui ii' lilif um n Imll-ilellur, I oxpend tut iiii'i a hiinitieil cteiiuiH in itoi'tersiiuil ined trim's. I was ke tnr iieim al one tliini a report wi nl around tlml I was iIimhI. I ifuvu up hepn lint n Irli'inl told Imi el l)U. WM. MAI.I.'H IIAIHAM Kdll'l'lth I.UNdfl. I latiKlie at my ti lends, (IiIiiIiIiik my ewi liieumhle.liiit I icntii lir Ittn teniillily Uiein, wlitin te my stir prlsen d Knitlllcatten, I cemmencrd tefisil liellnr My hnitt, etii'n dei,il, Iii'kiiii te itivlvn, umlte lay 1 fuel In butter spirits than I have thepivit tlirt'ti yuars. " I wrlliitlilsliepliu' yen wl'l pnlillsli It, se that I'Vfry oniuillllrlel with U'ltiasud l.uniiH will he tin liK'f.l le Ulif )U, WM. IIAM.'H IIAIHAM H)IITIII' l.t'NllH.niiilliocenvlnced ll.it (.ONSIIMI'I'IKN CAM UK (JIHtKI). I li.ivi- Inhitii two iieiiti"' uml enn pexltlvely say tliat It tins ilenn nn1 moie uoed tlmn all tlie etlii'r uititltftiiiifl I ln.ve lukeii sluce my sick lings. My eolith him utmost unttrnly dlsup pt'iirt'd and 1 sleill snmi hmihlutOKOte work,' i.ti.i l.t ll it ( (Mtlimn. i.n Net Hi UniMiiiHtrixit litmry- tKriiiinn nulve. 1'lin Ileal .SiiImj In tint tveild ler enls.hriilHtis nerns, nh'iirs, mill iiii'iim, tnttnr, eliiipitil liniiits, clilllilaltis, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions, fiticldns ami pltiipliu. Tint salve Is KUiuiiiiteitd le i;lvt pin feci satisfaction In evi'ry eiiftter meiiny 1'niiiniltnl, llu Hiiro you Ktlt IlKHIlT's C'AIIHOLKJ MAI.VK, IIS llll OlllOrS UIH hut Imitations and counterfeits. I'rlee '25 emits. fel d In l.aiieattur at Cechriiu's Uiiik tttnt. 117 Nerlh Oni'eii .si iftiL invi !', tir.n llu. treNKii-()ii Miirnli :e. issi. en heard lieat, huti't'ii ( liii'liimill and l.uiitivl hi.euhtswny te New .Mi-Alre, II i)i iiiiui It. Stener, of Alle. Blit'iiy City, Til. Kniiuirtl It em his p limits' leiiltmccim Men. il.iv nltiTiinnn at '1 u'cloek. Iii2.il .Iei'Iian In this city, en f .um Insl., Kllii', diniKlili'r of Kllziheth II., nml I tit) lulu Jeli'iM .Ionian, In lhii'.lltli yuaret ln;r iigti. I'll in in I fiem tint rt'slitunce of htir uv lliur, Ne. fiJI Nerlh Diikustri'ut, en Sutiiiilny morn, mi; at ln.S o'clerk. Iln) itilatlvcs and frliiiilg arn it'ript'ctltilly Itivltftl te nttttnd. '."t MiuAi'rim -In Kiul Karl townehlp. en the l li lust . .Mrs. I). L. Mlintinir, In Mm MA your of li r aiiti. '1 Ii" rt'hitlifs uml 'limits of the itrceaHfil lilt' Irnpi I'tllllly llivltl "I le (Ittl)llll tllll fllllvllll, liein tht'ieslitt'iirii of Adam Hrlsl, lllmi I! ill, en HatiiHlay next nl in o'clock. Internitiiiliil I hrMlcliiiK'ti, f.f.tftick lewiiHhlp. tu'JUttl hilBArp-ln llilsrliv.nii theiuttiliist., Ilenry eht'iilt, In tlit 711 li ymir nl his ui;u The nilatlvt's ami trimids n the family ate rt'itpt'ftlully Invlttxl te nltcint tlie fiuitirul, ft tun lilsltln ifsl Iimiimi, .Ne M'l Seutn IJ iupii strrrt, en ."nn.liv iiftiriioen ul 3.15 o'clock. tiittriiit'iit at l.aiir.nti-r ct'intilt'ry. ii .W.l Mil' till I In Kit US Vn. IT.V ei"l M l.tll.ll ftltllll CON.IKlill. cm ( lijiira, II fin .'."e , at IIAUrM.V.Vrt 1. 1. LOW Kll JSTCIU K MUIIK Ijiiil.ii) H.ii.i;.-ti.N nie.Mi.iv, niAituii .ii.el Ilenn I old Kiirnliuie. vie. ute.nl Ne. 2n Nerlli Jlai y streuu lit I o'cieuk p. in. mil-'.'t Hale le lemint net) .I.STIMI'l'I.K. SI Alt I I'. I) A III'., ill. Hill. I. AIIKVD. 1VTKNII TO UEKI' AIIKAI) In 'I iu., Cnlltt's. Miiuis anil Hplces. My Me Cifaiii Kte I unt'.xt.'i'lliid In I. .iiciitUr. Try It lliwi Mr Tuns In Amt-rlca. WlilltntiO iik'ur In tlie cltv. Ilusl liruiinlalt'd bui;ar, T'.e. I Us l,llil llr.iwn lei-ili;. CI.AHKr'.'d Tfc ai'OIIK, ninill-ly.l Ne 31 Went KlnK Slrett. riilir. Nl', Vi I)HK 14 SUN T " llKACIIt.4 I.ANCASI'Klt AT 9.M A. M. On thu tiny nl pnhllcatlen. eiir ntiivsitcHtcr will Hiippiy it pieinptly en enlcr. or wu will bend ll In mnlliit .Virtniti a month. Atlt'tess I IV. hNel.ANI), I'lililUhrr-TllKycs." in?) niml Nuw erk city. fWIOl'.MI Mllll-.t" AUCTION Al MS KAST hl.l U .STItllhT. Tilt) lurtfuMeck tt lle'Jtt anil Hhnus of uvury hIzdhiuI ntvle, will lit) keI I nt mictien coin cein nifiittni; en MONDAY KVKS'IM), .MAIICII J I, uml te luittliiiie nltftit uttur tiltfht until all Is HOlll. Salt) te cntiiiiiiMice lit 7 o'clock p. in. I) II. UlAUI.hS.t '. II. SiiriiEirr Anct. mit-'Jt IOIl HAI.K Vuluivble Olfcy Bulldina Leta. Sltimle en Iho nertht'iisl corner or North I IniiMiti'l .Juinm streets. These lets will make ek'K.'iut liull'lltii; hIic, ImiIiii; bllutitel In ll hett liiipieilii imrt el the illy, ter luitlier liitoriniitlen cull en AI.I.KN A. IIKISIt SCO., Keul bxtate Axents, Ne. Ins Kast Kln btreel, Lancaster, I'u. JulylMiltlAe.iwI'Utl RflMIIVtl.. A OIII.KNDKU tins reinnveil Ills TO. U Alie AMI ( UiAK 8TOUK liein No.Wte Ne 19 VVKSI'KINO hTKKfT, wliuie he will luvu uinii) loom and creator lacllttlus ter car. riimreii his liiL'iC'UNlln' lunlni'tn. A IIIIK" SlOtlK Ol llll lllll lir.1l IMia.-tllOI Tobuces, llxtirs i n.l bnutTs cnnsluutly en ll mil. I till ut the ItKI), Will IK AND III.UB ritONT, NO. Ill WfsT KIMi el'. A. OIlliKNUKlt. niar;l 1 in 1 1 Nirn,i: te Tin: Mticainii.nK.tts or tlie Mnnneuher Hall Asochitleu ihe Hear.) of Dlrecteis of tlie Miunnuicher Hall Aniicialleii IliivlDK U'Helved, with lei'enM)iit of the stoekhelileiri, te lucieasn the cunltiil Keck el the corporation tuiiii tjo.eeo te tjiyie, the Inerennu te lie imiilt) livthe lsstie et 4C0 sliurusel uteik ul tlie par valuu of f.'.r.ei) each, the HlockiieWets et thu sutd coiperutlon me ht'iehy neillleti tluil u uiietliiK et the Mock Meck holders will lie held ler the purpose et con cen sI'lerlm.'Kiieh Increase el capital at the etllce et the torpeiiitloii en North Ptliice stitet, en the mil day et May, ISs, m s o'cleeu p. in. Jlh.NIU (Jl'.RIIAHT, 1'reslduiit. I.A.NtA8TEn, Pa Mneh'.M, ISH, ui21-Ftuiy30 IlOSITlVf I'lllll.ll) hAl.K OF A I.AHOK l.lVKhYSTOCKen te morrow HATUIL 1) ) utterutieu, MaieliJ'J, IsSI. Thu under sluueit will sell at public huIu, at Ne, ll Mar- k't sireet, itmr t I pojteince, anil next le KilK'irly , Ce.'s oeuch shop, the IoIIewIuk Tea Iiej.iI of Driving and Werk Horses, one line (if i y I'eny, 7 l.eultier Tep IliiUKles, Car rliiKCH, I'hiriens, Market Whkeiis, single mid Deuble hleliths, i Omul nigsct, I Fiirnlturu Wukeii, HSt'is Initie Harness, :i Sets Deuble Harness, Hells, rly Nuls, Halter", Sirups, Hi lilies, Saddle , Millars ami el'iur artlcits tee nuiueteus te menllen, N. II AU this stesk will positively he sold, us the undersigned Is geliiK Inte ether bust ness. sale te commence at 1 o'clock, sharp. Terms maile known en day et Nile. A ciedlt will be Klveii J. C. HOUUH'ION. H. iliths.t Sen, Auclleneurs. mil-It illllll.U! MAI.r.-O.N H tl'OHII.lY hVKN I NO. MA HUH ::. 1-1. will be sold at nub ile eule ul the lltv Hetel, en Nerlli Ouccu stieet, Lancaster, Pa., the valuiblii pieptitty, known us " 11 j lUeitj'i , MeCully A Ce. s Foundry ami Machine shop," uml ground bo be bo iedkIiik thereto, situated en tlie southwest eet nor el est Chestnut and Market streets, Lancaster, l'n. l'l.u two-story illicit Slated MACHINK SHOP, fronts ;I7H leet en Chest nut stieet, uml extends seuthwaiil Ol) feci, has nn extension or SSOxJI 8 feet. In widchtsa lliiak Stuck ll feut sipiutuiitbisu ami 1.1 teet or morn In lielijht, ami nn iinnux le.rixlj. m lent, cuntaliilnu two ImUew and twenty lioi'jo liei'jo lioi'je power enylnu. The one and a halt stnrv brick slatett Fotiu. dry Irenis SO lout en Ihc.tlnut street, and ex tends 80 te'it southward nleiiK Mmkut street, uml husncoiueven Iflxll luel ntluchcd. Tne cess peel en premises hus koeiI sewemiiu con. iioctfen with Mai ket street sewer. Thu ier. seunl piepurty en the premises Is resurveii. As tliu let has u irontuije et l'..U feet en Chestnut atre'it, and exleuds seuthwntil 12s 0 tttet te cemetery let, lids allenls a most ex. celleut nite ler elthtr iniiiiuliictuiliii; pur poses or ler t'diaece wiucheuses. The prep, oily Is tu koeiI condition nnd cuu be viewed ut uny time by calling un any of theiimlerslnneil. bale le commence at 7.joe'clook, wliuu terms and conditions will ha muitu known by IIAUSMAN A IIUHNb, or HAIlllKllUKlt, McOllI.I.KY ft CO .1 wen dUMOARBll, AltcL lilll.ll.lD.'H.iJU ATl'.Oll'l.l'.tVlnSl'ltl'.UIIKIt.I.ATK.IIr XU I.n illllCastercltV.llCO'll. l.litletMteulunuiiiliirv en said estate liavlnn heeu Krantetl te the tin iterslKnetl, all puiseus Inuehtcil thereto ate rcqitenitii in make iniineiiiate payment, anil these having culms eriluinauds uuiilnat thu 11030 Having eiuims or iieinauits uifiilnat thu nine, will presuut them without delay ler moment le the umlerslaued, resldluir In Ud city. i.VMuKIj Bl'UKuilKii, saiui'i se mil mi-uiue.iw iJiecuter. NKW AltVr.HTlHKMBM'.tlt, F, INN A lIltKNKHAN. FLINN & BRBNBMAN llave lecetved from a New Yertt bankrupt sloek tlie following jroedi which they are eileilnK at unheard el Lew I'ricea : tlniDOZ. llltOOMH.atlln Wnrlli VDe. I0DDOZ. IIUCKKTH, at 130 Werth 20e, 00 IIOZ. DI8II l'ANfl, at !ISe Werth ;iJe. Kin DO., COAIillODH.nt Me Werth 33e. J DO. liAMI'8,nt2le Werth 81c. Sel DO.. HOKUM llltUHIIKK.nl 5a , Werth loe. jeDOZ.80UUil IIIIUSIIKS.at 10c Werth tee. Bnby OarrlngOB.Voleolpodoe, Exprcea WuKenannd HofrlgeratorH. FLINN & BKENEMAN'S UltltAT JIUUSK rUHNlHIHNU bTOKK, NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENW'A. ax runr.t tf .'IlLTON lll'KIIA IIOU.4K, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1SS4. Gee. H. Adams' -OWN HUMPTY And Star Specialty Troupe! UNDhltTllB S1ANAOKMKNTOK MR. ADAM FOFEPAUGH. Alse 1'iopileter el FOltKl'AUOII'd C1IICU3 l.utiKlilntf." GEO. H. ADAMS, the AND 1MB TltUUI'K OK PANTOMIUK AND 81'KCtAI.TV HTAItS Tim l.lvlnir MHrleiititles. The Wonderful Cut'. " Cats who Danee." " Cats who Hinc." TIIK risiors.eimuuulno Kuropeati Novelty. ill r, ai a u ii is Kim, IIKIINAUDO HltOH. MISH ItOMAlOOItlt. I.allellu Jalvlolle. TIIK l'ONYSKNKUA. A Till UK OK ieux INDIANS, headsd by the Chlel "Wftlla.Walla." TIIK MAN ilIUD.lliu wonder of thu World, sulentlsts pronounce lilm unuxpldlniiblu. I.KSI.IK 11 IK IS. KUN1IIK . WAI,I,AOK. MISH II TTIK OllO Kit. Tenlna Welby. TIIK. UK All-" Liilla lloehk." I'ltOK. OKO. D. II tllNAUDO'd itllltary Ilrais Hand and Orchestia. OKt). II ADAMS, the Clown. .f.8. It. ADAM), thn I'niilnlnen. Audahoittel riiiiteuilinu ami Specialty Stars, who will uppeur in the entirely new version, entitled ; HUMPTY DUMPTY AMONQ THB INDIANS. NK.WTIUCH3' NKW SOKNKIIYI NKW WAltDIIOIIB 1 l'HICKS, 7f5. fill nnd as (JKNTS. I IlKSKItVKD HEATS, - 70 iKNTS. AiTSi'iiU new en tule at Hie Operu Heuse Ofllce. UAllllY W. SUMUN, General Ayeut. .Villi Alt' KtiTlHKitKXTlt fl r.MJlNI' HAVANA ll.l.r.lt.S CIIIAK for S f.etitit. lit HAIlTMAN'ri VKI.I.OW KIIONT ClUAlt SI'OIIK. I )KlUVAI..-1IIK urriiiK or iiau.m- ll irirdntir's A .mierius, coal tlculers, tins been remevnl le nilOSldlt Ne. IM NOKTII O.UKKN hT. UK.SIUVAI.. Theolllceef tlie l.uncss'er Osslltjlit and Kuel Cempaiiv has been teuievcd te Ne. ire NOIITII QL'KHN Si IlKfT. m20-3tll lirtiiini'r r.ci;i'THN iiik in.ir ne V Cbrnr le tlierlty. IIAIITMAW'S YKI.I.OW KKONTCIO All BTOKK. fl'IIK I.4KIIKSI' A.Nll IW.Hf MrtllJIC UK 1 Kuchre, Casslneanil l'eker cauls IreuiSc per pnek up, IIAIITMAN'S YKI.I.OW KIIONT CIOAK 8TOUK. HUTTer, iiutteki", llUTTO, Come and einmlnoeurendltiss vartely et Fancy Dress llutteus, which we ure selling atnuflpnccs.ut tswAltlfS. M North (Jueen street. Open every nvenlnittlll S o'clock. JlODimiU ir IIIIHKIt HOUSK. Cerner Chestnut nnd North Ouren St. ItKKUItNISHKD Til 10UHII0UT. Will enun under new uinuuKctuenl April 1. Appllcallens ler rooms can let addressed le MllS 11. M CHIC AU Kit, inarW,?: Ne. I3J Seuth Duke St. 1 IIirtHAI.M WII.I. UK HKUr.lVK.II AT J tliii Jlnyer's Olllce until Tuesday Blnrch ."", iwi, at 4 p in.. terusmucli Hani I'tuCeal, Ne. I fl7.it. us may be reunited at the Water Works limn April 1 te Oeloeer I, lesi, tiie coal te bu thoreuirlily scruaneil and of the bent quality ; otherwise It will be eeul buck nt thoexptntoor the parly lurnlshlnK If. JOIINT. JUCUONIOI.K, uiH-'itil Maver. lT'XtJUIlSlOWS, RAYMOND'S Vacation Excursions. All Tiavullng Expenses Included. In addition te the Colennlo ami Ciillternlu K.xcurstoiisef April i7,u pirly will leave I'litl adelp laTHUHsDAY, MAY I, for A GRAND TOUR OF 72 DAYS TlireilKh lOLOUADO. NKW MEXICO, Altt .ON A and 0 A Ll FO UN I A (ever tun same reute irn Mr as San Krnnclsc ); thence threiiKli the I'lcturesfiuu Ut'b'Ieu el THE PACIFIC MHtTHWKST. This part et the nip Including Orogeu, Wnshlngten Torrltery, Pu- et Sound, Vancouver iBlaud, Idaho und Mentana, with visits te Asteria, Portland, Salem und Dallas City, Oregon j new Tacnuia and heat tie. WiuhliiKten Territory : Vlelerla, the Cnpl tul of llilllsh Columbia : the Wllhimette VuU ley ; a steamer voyue uii the neble Columbia lllvur, etc. Tlie party 10 return ever uiu Neitneru raclite and Utah and Northern Hallreads, vlslttnu Salt Lake Clly. In Utah. Incldenliil Trip te the Yesemlte Valley and theillK Tiees ; SlduTrlps.lt dcstied, te Alabku and the ellowsteuo Nutlenal l'ark. Semi or cull ler Descriptive Ircular. II. F. 8II1KLDS, Ul Keuth Ninth St. (under Continental Hetel), l'hllailelphla. 'Jl-lit W ILLIAMSON .t FOSTtlt. NEW SPRING Kilt aid Short Paul Suits run vniLiuihN. TheJUVKNll.B OI.OTII1NU thli Mprlngls InterestliiK 1 uveiy particular, l'rlces me inederaleiind thnStylesaieritllcully ehauueil. TlteUIIILDItKN'.') KUraUITnain worn with the Tunic inaduel the samu pattern ceeds as the Skirls. The ene prtce Kilts nre very pretty und very cheap. Beys' Shirt Waists In I'.I.UK or OHAY FI, VNNUI,, DAItU and MUllI'l'F.ltOA.M-J.UAI.KJO, OHKVIOI'. Abe WIUTK MUSI, IN with I.lneu cellars nml Culls (or Dress, l'rlce lrem '.'Uc. te ii: Beys' Scheel Suits In thu New Hprlng patterns nnulii etyllth In u of ul colors that will net show s'aln or dunt Wu Btart them tu at IS." anil keep rlht kIeiik up te 10 or 12 dollars. Spring; Overcoats for Gentlemen. The variety Is larger than ever bulore ; the patterns et material used ure very neat; thu trimmings aiu In every respect fully up te thu highest slanduid et excellence, and every var ment H positively a Fit. TIIK UllKAl'KST UI'IIIKIl I IVKIEfTII A'l Wfi line,, I. nnn lii. tl RA and lu point et workmanship it is parallel with the nuer ones. Drep In ami see them and you wtll acknnwletlKO that our spring Over coats are oxcclleiit In every particular, WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, Nea, 32-00 BA.ST KINO 6TREHT fcaZWA'jTKK, I'A. inmanih. NKW - DUMPTY AND MKNAUKiurc. xii re 111 no Harm In Clown. Cats who LhuuIi." " Cals wlmTdiir.e 'The only I.IvIiik Mnu lllnl." Klrt appearance In this country. .VA'I AUV KUrtHUM KN1H. WftMBI) AT THIS OKKIOK, A IDI'V Oil he WKKKI.V INTKI.LIOKNCEII OF AllY 11, IteJ. FKIIUO. tf UK.SIuVAl, I IIAIK IlKHOVKII TIIK Whelesale Notion llnslness lrem Ne G hatt Kliiu slreet te Hi ami 3.1 .Seuth yut'Oii stieet. oppeslto tlie t-eunlnlu Inn iimiT-tfit JULIUS l.OKII. 1uih.mj sAi.f. en mursiiAV, makuii il, ls-1, at the .Merrlinuc Heiimu, l.anois l.aneis Itr, C. Ulllluiiiau.proprlttier, 4U Head or CAN ADA AND WKSTKIIN llOUSKS. Hale te oeninienio at l o'clock p. m., when tin ins will lit in hi le known hy UhOllUK UIlOiSMAN. .lOUN ItKRMAIS it fOX, AUOtg. Illll-'it H1 HS11 llnUTIIKU. -FOIt- 1884. New Shapes. Nevel Styles. Lewest Prices. Hirsli & Brether, I'KNN HALL CI.OTlllNU 1I0USK, Neb. 2 anil 4 North Queen Streot. LANCASTEIt, I'A. KHTAniilSHKI) 1S5 1. T"AVTO HIIIKT. Why is This a Geed Day ? Ilccause It U the date en hlcli THE DAYTON SHIRT, THE 11KST IN TIIK WOIIM), IS Ah;,OfJNCi:i) HY Burger & Sutten, Merchant Tailors aud Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, liANCASTKIl, I'A. Perfect in Fit, Unsurpassed for Quality, Superior in Workmanship. -SUCH If- THE DAYTON SHIRT, FOR WHICH win & r CLOTH I K IIS, At Ne. 24 Oontre Square, Are Sole Agent for Luiicuster County. 11 lyu JiSH UTAISMf.h in. lUl.TON Ul'KltA HOUSK. Saturday Bvenlng, Mareh 22. BKUOND ANNUAL TOUIl Ot the funniest Uerinati Dialect t'einedlan In the World, OHAS. A. GARDNER, Who will appear In Ids grand clinractorlzatleiis of a Uermun lieiu Uranklnit-ou.lhe- Main, in his Comedy Uiuina et appear in his grand character Uermun lieiu franklnit-eu J id n, in his Comedy Uiuina el KARL. N T7 -K T I T T ) TllKl'KDDI.KU. Speclally supported hy the brightest Httle Houbrette en the Ameileuit Stune, MISS PATTI ROSA. Our Unrivaled Oicliestra and Uulformed Mllltury Urns Hand, together with UKN.O. 11. DKUKii.lt, the smallest Man In the World -l'epulur riicutel Adinhjslen, lteservcd ecatsat opera Aetmc Olllce. 1ui9.1t mm CLOTHING BUM SUTTON SECOND EDITION. FMDAY"HVENINOrMAR0H2iri0U4. LATEST NEWS, VAltlOUD MTTKHH lY 1'KLI.OHAfll, Heme riestirs from WsitMiiKten-ltj.iluj'a I'rncesttlnns In the Henstn Tim I'epUti ItiTrMlestlim, Wabhinoten, Mareh 21. The Copiah eeimty invoHtli;atleii wancentlnucil te day. CennrcHsninn IJarkndate tcstllled in reK.inl te tliu nssortlen that he made n spoech te the olrcters, mlvlsliiK them " te carry Copiah cetiuty by nhetRUti If necessary." Iln denied thoehargo lu tete, saying tlie history of Copiah county had been clmrao clmrae tetl.cd by levn el law and erder, and In the last election thore was nothing Inoon Ineon Inoen alstont with that record. The killing of MntthnwH wan the result of a personal fcuil and, ns thn case Ih new befere the courts thorn, Mr, Barksdale declined te cxpreps nn opinion en the stibjoet. In UtiiiRrcs. In tlioSnnate Hear called up his bill In ernaslnir the salaries of United States district JikIreb te (5,000, nnd Morgan re Binned hid remarks in opposition thoreto. Tlie llouse. Ill the IIouse no attempt wan made thin morning te call up the bended extension bill, and nt 12:30 the IIouse went into commltteo of the whole en the private calendar. A Wrrck en Iho U. & I'. D, Hullrentl. Pout Dki'eait, Mil., March 21. Six freight earn and tender of onglne 215 of a freight train north en the Columbia Si rnrt Deposit railroad wero thrown off the track whlle crossing a switch at Ooterato jutiotlen, four miles north of I'ert Deposit thin morning, tearing up the track ler UlrU yards, no serious uarn- agn wan dene te the earn nor te the ci'i'lue which ran along en the ties. Tbroe brakesman wero in tlie cabonne who narrowly escaped. Ne ene was iujurcd. Ne trains have geno through between Pert Deposit and Columbia te day.PusBCii gem nre being transferred nt the wreck. The wrecking train in olearlng tip the wreck, which will be completed by to te night. Alariiilm; Adiilierattcn el reed, Ai.ii.vnv, '. Y March 21. The Senate comtniltre en public health, which has been investicating the adulteration of feed, reported te day. It has discoverod an alarming whelesale ndultcratleu of feed. Of butter by tallow, oil, bone oil and lard oil in, almost every town and city in the slate and in an amount equalling half tliu production of the natural article. Out of thirty samples et butter purchased, only ten wero genuine The committee alce found that nut of OO'J.OOO quarts of milk furnished New Yerk dally in 1832, fully 200,000 quarts woie water or skim mill;. rertltn Dots, The Londen Lanctt, a medical journal, ndvisen Gladstone te aocept a peerage. At Paris the Ft oueu government is ile- baiing the Chincse indemnity question. Tlie lowest ilgure " propestd la ene hun drcd and fifty million francs. MonsiguerOoddartl,tbo spiritual adviser et ex-Empress Eugenie, whlle tiding in Louden te mcet that lady this morning, was thrown from his herse ami eovcrely injured. War A menu the Itleiilimics, PiiiLADKLi'iiiA, Mareh 21. Suit waB oemineuced yesterday in the United States circuit court here by tlie American Hell Telephone company and IJell Telopheno company, of Philadelphia, against the Iiuxter Overland Telopheno cempnuy, Geerge W. Mcnrs, Mernn II. Alburger and ethers, The complaint is based en the tolephnno patents of Hell. Defendants nre charged with infringing en tbe Iiell patents. An injunction is asked for aud damages claimed. l'Htitl AMnult. PiTTsni'iiu, March 21. Last night, Themas Littlealsly, and bin para mour, Maria McChasty, fatally assaulted Mrs. Littlcaitdy with a chair aud poker. Until wero arrested. The Lit tlcaislys live in a shanty Jbeat en the Moneugahola river. Mis. L. had been out aud upon her icturn found her place usurped by Maria. Her suggestion that the Htrauge wemati be put out led te the assault. Toe Unban Kmlgrnuts. Nkw Yeuk, Mareb 21. Tbe 21 Cubans, who reached Bosten en Wctlnesday by the bilg Bcrenmer, ami who were wrongfully represented te be outlaws, whom the Spauleh government wanted te cct rid of, arrived in this elty this morning by the steamer L'rovldetico.of thu Fall Ulvcr line. It is said they will depait for San Demlu Ke tomorrow. , Held 1'ilieuers lCitcipe. N.Hiivn,i,K, Tcuii., Mareh 21, Last nii;!it while the jailer at Eriu was Riving supper te the prisoners, ene of them held him while two fellow prisoners escaped, The man who held the jailer then threw him te thn tluer nnd escaped also. One of the ceeaped prisoners has been recaptured. I'uliunetl lltr IliuiUinil, Quehkc, March 21. The wife el Wel lington Ward, keeper of a bearding hutise at Capelton, near Bhorbreok, bai- been arrested en a charge of inurdering her huBbanu by administeriug poiten. The Week's Iluttuea l'uiliirej, Nkw Yeuk, Mareh 21, The business failures for the fust seven days number 170 for the Uuited States, 1117 for Canada ; a total of 21U ever 210 latt week. YVKATIIICH InlUUATIO.Na. WA8iiiNOTON,Marali21. Forthe.Mlddln Atlautie Htntcs, geuerally fair weather, proeediug by light rains en the New Jer soy const, light rise in tomperature, varia ble wlpils mostly from north te east, aud slightly warmer; fair wo.Uber is Indi cated ter Atlantie coast for Saturday, follewod en Saturday ulgbt by local inius in the Mlddle HtateB. Judge field's Opinions. N. .sun Mr. Jiistioe Field, of the United Slates Htipietne court is a Democrat who has for many years had exceptional facilities for forming Just opiuieus of public affairs aud public men. Set a Httle apart from the confusion and quarrels of politics by virtue of the great olllce which he fills with be much distinction, und yet led by taste, and perhap.i by ambition, te take a (looped interest In pol itics than most judges de, ha Is able te study the passing phases aud the perma nent obaraetoristlos of political parties with singular advantage Tbe opinions of sueb a man ate always interesting and vniua'Me. In a recent Interview with a correspond, out of the Portland 1'tcit Judge Field displays his wented geed se use and sagae ity of poreoption. It might be well for the Domecratlo party If tlie inajeilty in the IIouse of Representatives would pouder his observations : "This Congress ought te bovoryoaro bevoryoaro boveryoaro fill hew it conducts Itsulf en the free ttade polley. It should go slew en the tariff rolerin question, l'rebably tbe tarill need reforming in some bcdbe. There are lu equfdlties perhaps te be remeved, but I don't think the people of this country will favor or consent te a sweeping tariff reduction or a general free trade poliey. There are 000,000 voteis Intoreated in keeping the manufacturing Indiifltrlen of this oeuntry in sueU n condi tion that they can cam a uomfettablo living through thorn. We have no com. morelal marine, and the poeplo of thin country nre depondent upon otlier oonn eonn oenn trlcn for nothing. We can niautifnottire here everything that we need, and I fear that n policy or a platform which would leek te large tariff reductions would be fatal te our party or te any party." The Deg unit tlie Tin Dan, The threat el Ilenry WnttorRen le read everybody but himself out of the Donie. cratie party, reminds the Sun of this story : " A Tin Can ence succeeded In nctllnir Itself attached, by several frank and Ingenious boys, te the tall of a line deg. The Deg started for Chicago. The Tin Can Btarted tee. They fareil along togethor, net without considerable discomfort and approhenslon en the part of the head of the proeosslon. The Tin Can, bolngempty made much nolse an it rattled ever the rtibbte ; and at last the Deg, slightly turning his head, remarked lu a mildly remonstrating voice : ' It striken me you are n geed deal of a nitlsance en nn oxpeditlon of this sort.' Whereupon the Tin Can roddenod almost te thejcoler of the tomatoes it had fortnerly centained, and retorted with Bome heat, ' Tlie Boenor the break cemen the better. I here by read you out of the animal kingdom." ' VlrRlnl I'resrnts thn One Orent lusiiit. At a meeting of the Domecratlo state central cnmmittce it wan resolved te call a convention at Richmond, en May 11. The following resolution wan adopted. " JUtelvtd, That the Domecratlo fitate committee have observed with urave con cern division throateulng the Democratic party of the country upon the tariff, and leel at liberty te express their opinion Individually that the agltatieu of thin question at thin period In unwise nnd should be discouraged, and that all Demo crats should subordinate all dllTerences In concentration upon the ene great issue of reform cf the government and Itn restora tion te purity nnd constitutional principles. HI'HVIAl. NIITIVKX. Hew iilMind te wlieeze Willi a ceuuli which Hale's Heney et Horeheundaml Tar will cure. 1'lke's Toothache Drepi euro In one iiiluutu. tu 7 lwdeed&w Hear linn. " Jcel new. I win iillllcteil with nick limit. ueiiii uml Kuner.il tlehtllty. lint llurtlerk lllnetl jnucri urouttuiaiieiiian imineiii.iiu Itiipievn. muni In inv Kuneral henlth. I couslder them the hint f mill v medicine In tlie market." Adelpli l.alit r., Iliitlale, N. Y. Fer ali) liy II. II. I'eclirau, dni;iUt, l'J7aiitl 13"i North Uueen street, Dtin't von De It Don't suiter nnyJenKcr with the pains and aches of ICheiimallsin, which make lift) a bur den te you, llellef, speedy nml permanent can he procured nt thu nearest tlru -toie.ln the lerm et Kidney-Wert. Klbrhltfe Malcolm et U est Hath, Maine, says: ' 1 waseoinpletely I restrated with lttieuiiiallsui ami Kldney Ireuhles and was net expected te if cover The llrst time of K'dnoy-Wert helpnl me. blx iledui put me en my teet. It has new entirely cured me and I have had no t roil Die since." Memers I aietlicirst nietliera Are you disturbed at nlrfht nml hrelteu el your rest hy a sick child sutrerlni: and crying with the excruciating pain or cuIUiik teeth T If se, ke at ence and (,'et a hottleol Mils. WIN SLOWS SOOTH1NU 8YUU1". It will rolleve the peer little sulterer lmmellately lepend upon It ; there Li no m Wtuke about It. Thure Is neta mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you nt ence that It will regulate thu UeweU aud give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, op erating like mairlc. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, nnd Is the prescription of ene of the eldest nnd best omale physicians In Iho Untied Slate. Held everywhere. Mcems a butUe. mavl-M.W.SAw Aly Wife's Nervous Allectliui. "We had cuascd te hepe that my wlle's norv nerv norv ens (itrecllen eullhu cured," writes Itev. J. A. Kdle, of Heaver, I'a. "Many physicians failed te de her Reed, hut Samaritan Scrvtne has cured her." At dru'irlxis. mlS-IwdeedAw l.tiuk out ler Yiiur llrail. Ne mailer what partfi It may finally ntlect, catarrh always starts In the head, and duIeuks te the head. There Is no mystery about the erlKln el this dlietul disease It begins In a neglected cold. One et the kind thatls "sura te be better lu a lew days." Thousands et victims knew hew It U by sad expetlence. Kly's Cream Halm cures colds lu the head and catarrh In all Its slaves. Net a snull nor a lhiuld. Applied with the 11 nuer te the nes trlls. ml-2wdied.tw iinw te Hoeuro neatth. t seems stnincu that unv 0110 will sutler from tlie ninny doninKeinonts breiiKlit en hy an Impure condition et tlie bleed, when SCO VIIil.'SSAHSAl'Altll.I.AANDSTII.I.INOIA, or lll.OOD AND MVKU SVHUI' will restore perleet heidth te thu physical organization. It Islnduutl astreiiKlheulni; syrup, pleasant te lake, and has proven Itself le he Iho host iil.OOD I'UIllKIKll ever discovered, ellcet uatly curing Hcreluln, Syphlllle disorders, Weiikness el the Kidneys, Krysipelas, Mala ria; all nervous disorders und debility, bil bil eons complaints and all diseases Indicating au Impure condition et the mood, Idver, Kid neys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects Indl t;esttnn. A ednule bottle will ptove te you Its meilts us a health renewer, ler It ACTS I.1ICK ACHAtl&l.tispeclallv when thu cemplalntls el an exhaustive naiure, having 11 tendency te lesben the natural vlKorel thu brain and nor veus system, .1 K Kll'S 1'AIN l'AN At K A cures n palu in man nnd beast. Fer use oxtet 1111U7 und lntur nally. IlKDIIORSK I'OWDKllh cute all dlHuases f horse, cattle, sheep, Iieks, poultry and all UvoSteck. A reslTIVKCUHh;. may.'l-a Forsale at 11. H. Cochran's ilruc store 137 North Queen sireet. nei'AiirNKiiHiur, ii j Kancastbii. Feb. 7..1u-il We, Iho ui.-leislKnetl, liave mil. red Inte a co-partnership, te date treiu Fehruury I, IMI, ler the leruiel ene juar, ter the tiauiactleii el thu Freight ami HaulliiK IiiisIiiu-h us the " C. A. Illuier Line," htirrlmnru se eslenii'ed hy our clllzuns, ami ter widen wu solicit a uenttiiuaueu of the sumo at the old place et business, llauliburn iiyonue. oppenlto Mul. hurry street. D. I'. U. W . Ill 1 N hit. 17,s,Uxlwdt)eu . -p.tiiitKit'ri Tome. Put a Braud en Him. " Women are u ntuescury evil," he said, bringing down Ids Hut hard en the counter te otuphnidze the heuilless reuiurlc. It was In the vlltage sletu at West Milten, bmatoge county, and the speaker wus the central llgnru of agieup et biichelle philosophers. He was homily, slovenly and sixty. "There's where 1 dltler lrem you altogether," said Mr. (Jeorge T. Urahaiu, of the sumo place. " women nre mostly what men make 'em. IV lieu husbands urn brutes wives will tall Inte hiihuilsslen or make home het ter the men ; and they're un natural in either chaiactcr. l.ove tliem.and especially be geed te them when they're sick, and you'll have no trouble. Tiiere's my own wire, new. She's sintered a geed dud with dyspepsia, nervous prostration and ether all meets that took the bloom oil her cliuexs and the spring out el her uteps. Well, she taw un advertisement!)! l'ARitmid Teniu, and thought It would hujust the thing ter her case, (lonlle (lenlle men, 1 sent live miles niter a liollle. Bhe leek It, 1 bunt again alter mere He several tlmus. Trouble 7 why. It you could see hew much geed 11 has dene her you would nay that women nru the greatest et Ged's blessings, and 1'AHKUii's Tetauts thu next " This nreiurullnu. which hus been known ns Pahkku'h Uinueii Tonic, will henaller bu called simply 1'aukkii'h Tenie. This change has been rendered ueceisaty by substitutes Imposed upon their eusteuiurs by unprln clplutl dealers under the namu of ginger 1 ami as ginger la really an unliiipeilunt llaveilng Inuruuleut, we drop thu lulslcudluir word. There Imie change, however, tu tiie prepara tion ltselt. and nil bottles remaining In thu hands et detiieis, wrapped under the luunoet "l'ARKKIl'8 lilNOKIl T'ONIO," COlltlllU HlO gelllllllO mudtelnu It the tdnuture et lttscex ft Ce, Is at tliu bottom et euUldu wrapper. MAKKtttH. l'hllAtlpti!M ntrki. 1'mt.ADBtrnrA. Mar. It. riem- pjlet tmt slcnily t Bupnrflnn Stale, 710J H Kttrn denifiwiiA, raniiiy, ii mus en Ohie a ,,liVl"J,"n,lSr' W Minn, oxtre. clear, ..:.J0?A0,,Ue"t.m,,lt' W I I wlnterpat; out, MftilTM siirliiK tle.M 13H0 75, ityoileurdiiH aiMOO. wheat eleadyt Ne. x Western Kmt, ll I niiJen !.'"H( Ne. a io,97Het Ne. I renu'a neti, 91 If Cern dull nml weik i yellow. ri7)aVk)i sail Kteatner mued nnd UJet Ne. il tnlxttt Htul yellow, &7tMKe. Oats tin l nnd distort Ne. a : Wlitte, llei Ne. .1 de, 4.10 Ne 2 inlietl.MnuWe. t niniiii'KM huh vnnnur nini nuviui hi. a t, ' . v.. ' '"'euiwir IDVSC Mn-slleef. IJIflilBO. IkmXct Hiuekutl Hums, llkoiSei plckletl 00, nisinue. Iwird siendv'l cltv re fined nt insira nacen hiiiokeii Biiflniiiers, HUet suit de, loie 1 loose butchers, 1U(190 1 ptluie steam, Iluller ' scarce and wanted f Creatnerv extra, 37H.V01 firsts. 3l(llt II. 0. A N. Y. extra and firsts, nominal 1 Wuilern extra, ilfi 2.1a 1 itOKOOd te choice, 17(1200. iiuiisitt utciiK). Kirirs firmer, timlorneod 'demand t l'cnna'a and Western extrai, aaVi'. tiheesellrm with fair demand t N. Y. full cream, HWfilAc: Wintern tle, 13UOI3HI Western lair te (reed, llftl3fei l'n. rnrt skims, 7UfJNKet tle full skims, weak, ca7e uiriresii 1 oiu.aicie. reireieum nun ; reiineu. vkqukc. Whisky at 11 30 Kbit Yerk fttameu. Nxw Yen, March 21. Fleur State ami Western dull and in havers' favor Southern steady. iviiivii ",jtKe lower, nun ami neavy 1 trnue mainly IneDtl'iiis t Ne. 1 White nominal Ne. t lied. Anrll. f I 04U1 00 1 Mnv. tl lO'.lfSI W t June, il lt!QI Uii I march, It OVA. bid, 11 01 u-jKeii. lern y,ny,ii lower and ntederalely actlve 1 Mixed Western, biiel fjOOtl'ii de future. Dili fJMKc. tins KiC;n tower ami aetive t Ne. a April, lOftllke: Muv. lOKIlet .lime. WUttllc: auie. 41(fl7e: WeHlurn. uaicc. 1,1 rn Htoek Murnet, C1110A00 IIekb Itcct:lpt 850) head t ship. munis noee head uurket brisk antl ehI ; Kriutcs stieiiKert rntigu packing, 10 iBnO 75 1 puckliiK nml shlpplut;, WBVtfJ w light, 15 85 tJO 70 t skips, lifts 7.1. fjattle itecelpts 11,700 head ; shlpinents, 2..VX) tle. t market active and lOe ItlKliert experts, M 3K0ti 75; koeiI te choice Blilnpliijr $3 709 1IJ1; ceuimtm te medium, lla.Miet grasi Texnus, II 'i5f5; cern-ted Texans, uae, Hheep llecelpts, l.uee head shipments, 1.W0 de; market steady ami firmer; Inferior te lair, uM t niedlum te koeiI, II2JQ3 ; clioice vi exiru, j.nju, Kast I.rnitKTT Uatlledull ; netlilns receipt, bix) head; shlpiiicnn, OiH heml nir delnir ! k iiumi. . 'I It... .a ul ....... I..tu t ,U l.nn.l . a .. I h.h h ... l,2l.1heiid; I'lilladelphiaj, $7 10370; YerUera, 111 2.jR(l 70 Hlieeptluil; nethlnir doing head; ehipmuuts, (m) head. receipts, H:e htecK.marKets. Quotations hy Uoed, McUrann A Ce , Hank ers, Luncastcr, i'a. 11 A. v. 12 H. 3 p.m. OiUaltl. U.,...l,f,..M... .... Michigan Central......... New Yerk Central mi New Jersey Cent 1 id 8SK Ohie Central Del. I. licit. A Western.... r,)i Denver A Hte Oriuide.... 'M Krle 2 1 Jli Kansas ft Texus '1IU t.alte ulieiii UKJl OhliriKes, N. W., com.... 110'4 rt'ii is .nx. vnK eiVi lrj. n. n., inn. Jt, western t.... 5t.I'aulAOmahu, 31J4 mi iilK 7fl)S l'acincMall Sl llechester A l'lltBhurgh If W3 si. i-nui Texas l'acllle Union l'acttlc li ...... ...... ...... 21?; 7r.!S W4 21 wabash common Wabush 1'rolerred Wuat'rn Union Teleuniph LoulsvllleA Nashvllle... N. V Chi. A SUlt LehlRh Valley I.elih'h Navigation l'ennsylvnnla llenjllnj; l'.T. A llullale Northern l'aelflc Cem... Northern 1'acllle I'ref... Hustonvllle.... l'hllailelphla A Krlu Nertnurn Central Underground Canada Soutuern OH I'oeplo'sl'nssonKor 19 ail 20i 7i 23 9-15 IH 2l4 5lli iieU 100 rntladetphlH. Quotations by A'socl&ted i'reas, Stocks strentr. l'hllailelphhi A Krlu II. It ................... 18 iieiuiuiK luiiireun..... i'eiinsylvanla Ilalliead I .ehluh Vallev llallread ................ .. -J u-iu UM ............ 104 1 W J United Companies or New Jersey Northern l'acllle. "l ui iiieui x ueiuu xtuiuiiu'i....... .......... t"b Northern Central llallread 01 Liinlirh Navltratien Company 47& Norrlstewn llallread ...110 central Transporuuien company, l'lltshy, Tltusvllle A llullale it. It !( 7 l.utie aciiuviKiii uuirnaii New VOTK. Quotations by AsocIated l'ress. Slecks llrm. Meney easy nt 1HQ2C. New Yerk Central ink Krle llallread 23 Adams Kxpress .,120 Michigan Central llallread ( Michigan Southern ltullnud IKK Illinois Central llallread 13l Cleveland A 1'lttshurKh llallread ISS ChleiiKO A Heck Island llallread lllf I'lttshurKh A Fert Wayne llallread 13.1 Western union Telesruprt Company..... IZ'.t Teledo ft Wabash ,. I0)J New Jersey Central hSX New Yerk Ontario ft Western 10 Lecal HtoeRs ana oenai ltoiertcd by J. li. Leng. l'ar Uincaiter Olty 0 rcr.cent 18S5... 100' " 1890... 100 " 1995... 100 " 5 per ct.le t or 30 yoero. . 100 " A per ct. Scheel Lean.... 100 " 4 " In 1 0120 yours., loe " 4 " iu5oriyears..loo " J . " InlOorUOveani. 100 Last cele ira lit llu 1(X).M 1112 100 100 103', 103 r-ei 112.75 US 112 14P.20 115 151 151,25 189. sue 184.20 IV. 161.25 77,Zy 131 115 110 Marthelm borengh lean 100 Jtl HTOCKlt. First National Dink $100 Farmets National Hank Fulton National llanlc , loe Lancaster Ceuntv National Ilnntr.. CO Columbia National Hunk 100 Christiana National Hank luO Kphrata National Hank lue First Nutlenal Hank, Columbia 100 FlrBtNatlenal Hank, Slrusbiirif..,. 100 First National Hunk Marietta 100 First National Hank, Mount Jey.. 100 I.ltltz National Hunk 100 Manhel.u National Hank 100 Union National Vault, Mount Jey. 60 New Helland Natleiuil Hunk 100 Han National think ine Quarryvtllu National Hank , 100 TunsnttuBTecir. Itli Bnrlrur A Heaver VulleV ...t 29 (10 llildgupnrt ftlloresheo , 13 a IB 74.(5 IS 10 10 47 4S.03 21 00 SI GJ M 73 10S.25 lid 44 34 Kl 23-i tl 43 40,"5 SO 1U) 23 -I 2C5.26. 210 6 10 1 21 60 CO M lift 111 100 ma 100.3 Columbia A; Chestnut UIH 2Q ','eluinbia A wiibiungien tu Columbia ft Hlg Spring 25 Columbia ft Marietta 25 Maylewnft Kllzubethtewn 25 Lancaster ft Kphrata 23 Lancaster A Willow Street 25 Straauurg & Millport 2b Marietta ft Maytnwn Marietta ft Mount Jev 25 Lana, Kitiabetht'n ftMtdillet'n ion Lancaster ft Frnltvlllu. W Lancaster ft I.ltltz 2.5 Lancaster ft WUll.imjtewn......... 23 Lancaster ft Maner te Lanciulerft Maunuhn 25 Lancaster ft Marietta.. . ........... 23 Lancaster it New Jleiiiiuu 100 Lancaster ft bnjoneh.mniu 300 MiixmixAnsecs stocks. Quarryvtllu U. It t50 Mlllersvilli) Street Car 60 Inquirer l'rlnlliitf Company 60 (jas Light nnd Fuel Ceinpiiny 25 stuvena IIouse f Heuils) loe Columbia Ujis company 25 Columbia Water Company Susriuehanna Iren Company....... leu Mailottallellowwate 100 Btuvuns IIouse , 60 Sicily island................. de Kast llrandy wlne ft Wuyueub'tf.... W ttllllursvllln Nermal bclioel... Northern Market 60 Eastern Market 60 Western Market 60 MJSl'KbUAnuUUB nun Quarryvllle it. ll., due liW).... Heading ft Columbia 11. lt,,6's Lancaster Uea Light and Fue MI8CKtllHUOCB BOnDA. ,UO s 100 uel Ce.. due In lerVO viura 100 Lancaster Una Light and Fuel Ceu, due 1HM) 100 Mauhelin Horeuch llends 1aT.lTK Ol' D. 1. MJUIIKH, T J?. It laucaster elty, deeeeicd. Lelje" Jf"? inentary en said estate hivliiln Bran ed te the umlorslgnetl. all i10?" ,HV?. t.1 thereto tire retiiiMletl te make twWdtlAtepay.. nieiit, niiil titue lmvlmr clslm or demands ftgj,ltuit the sttiue. wilt presen. thorn without ilelay for letUeiiient 10 the undcrslgnetl, -gltHiuf in I-ffM . ,.oei!KB, KOliKUT K. LOUUKU, B. If. ItBTJfeiM, Kxcouters ' Attorney. tebJll WTh . "i'iinni. H!lZUxil ttl20He i Timethy dull at It rerjl K FlaxHcutl nrm ntll 70, Previsions stitatlv, Islr rleiniinili Metis .--"w'-"! ". V fj ' t' i" 31 .d 1 $ .i ..' i us 3 ri '4 2 i 1 1 ? I Kl . t